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Patrick Huesler

More than
web apis with
a ruby dev’s POV
I’m an erlang

so don’t believe everything
           I say
this is not an
open telecom platform



with built in
because it is


erlang at
monthly active users

for Diamond Dash (03/10/2012)
daily active users

for Diamond Dash (03/10/2012)
backend traffic up to

 6,500 RPS
for Monster World
what does mean that for a

read/write ratio?

write heavy

is faster than no database
Let’s use

all the way
processes are

  in erlang

Web APIs
$:rebar create-app appid=aloha
how to manage

 like rubygems does?
$: rebar get-deps
$: rebar compile
$: rebar get-deps compile
1 % Compiler Options for rebar
   2 {erl_opts, [
   3     {src_dirs, ["src", "test"]},
   4     debug_info
   5 ]}.
   7 % Dependencies
   8 {deps, [
   9     {elli, ".*", {git, "git://", "HEAD"}},
  10     {etest, ".*", {git, "git://", "HEAD"}},
  11     {etest_http, ".*", {git, "git://",
  12 ]}.
  14 % Which files to cleanup when rebar clean is executed.
  15 {clean_files, ["ebin/*.beam"]}.

 shall we use?
1 elli:start_link([
2                      {callback, aloha_api},
3                      {port, 3000}
4                 ])
how do I do

1   Path = [<<"foo">>, <<"bar">>],
 2   HTTPMethod = "GET",
 3   Request = {HTTPMethod, Path},
 4   RouteDefinitions = [{{"GET",[<<"foo">>,<<"bar">>]},
                 {my_handler, my_method, []}}],
 5   case erl_route_url:match(Request, RouteDefinitions) of
 6        {error, notfound} ->
 7            io:format("path not found");
 8        {ok, Params, {M,F,_}} ->
 9            apply(M,F,Params)
10   end.
you’re doing it

1 handle(Req, _Args) ->
2     Path = elli_request:path(Req),
3     handle(Req#req.method, Path, Req).
5 handle('GET',[<<"foo">>, <<"bar"], Req) ->
6     {ok, [], <<"kekahi mau pipi">>};
8 handle(_, _, _Req) ->
9     {404, [], <<"wipe out!">>}.
does it support

1 Config = [
 2            {mods, [
 3                     {aloha_ware, []},
 4                     {mahalo_ware, []},
 5                   ]}
 6          ],
 8 elli:start_link([
 9                  {callback, aloha_api},
10                  {port, 3000},
11                  {callback_args, Config}
12              ]).
1 handle_event(request_complete, [
 2                                 Req,
 3                                 ResponseCode,
 4                                 ResponseHeaders,
 5                                 ResponseBody,
 6                                 Timings
 7                                ], Config) ->
 9     TimingKeys = [
10         accepted,
11         request_start,
12         heades_end,
13         body_end,
14         user_start,
15         user_end,
16         request_end
17     ],
18     ok;
1 handle_event(request_throw, [
 2                                  Req,
 3                                  Exception,Stack
 4                               ], _Config) ->
 5     ok;
 7 handle_event(request_exit, [
 8                                  Req,
 9                                  Exit,
10                                  Stack
11                            ], _Config) ->
12     ok;
14 handle_event(request_error, [
15                                  Req,
16                                  Error,
17                                  Stack
18                              ], _Config) ->
19     ok;
how about

$: erl -pa deps/*/ebin ebin n
   -config myconfig
1 [
                Config file
 2       {aloha, [
 3              {worker_port, 3333}
 4            ]
 5       },
 7      {lager, [
 8         {handlers, [
 9            {lager_console_backend, debug},
10            {lager_file_backend, [
11               {"log/debug.log", debug, 10485760, "$D0", 5},
12               {"log/error.log", error, 10485760, "$D0", 5},
13               {"log/console.log", info, 10485760, "$D0", 5}
14            ]}
15         ]}
16      ]}
17 ].
how about

1   error_logger:info_msg("alohan").
2   % prints alohanok
4   error_logger:warning_msg("freak set").
5   % prints freak set ahead nok
7   error_logger:error_msg("wipe outn").
8   % prints wipe outnok
=PROGRESS REPORT==== 8-Oct-2012::12:06:24 ===
          supervisor: {local,sasl_safe_sup}
             started: [{pid,<0.39.0>},

=PROGRESS REPORT==== 8-Oct-2012::12:06:24 ===
          supervisor: {local,sasl_sup}
             started: [{pid,<0.37.0>},

how about
unix style?
1 [
                Config file
 2       {aloha, [
 3              {worker_port, 3333}
 4            ]
 5       },
 7      {lager, [
 8         {handlers, [
 9            {lager_console_backend, debug},
10            {lager_file_backend, [
11               {"log/debug.log", debug, 10485760, "$D0", 5},
12               {"log/error.log", error, 10485760, "$D0", 5},
13               {"log/console.log", info, 10485760, "$D0", 5}
14            ]}
15         ]}
16      ]}
17 ].
1 start(_StartType, _StartArgs) ->
 2     ok = application:start(compiler),
 3     ok = application:start(syntax_tools),
 4     ok = application:start(lager),
 6     % start mochiweb module reloader
 7     reloader:start(),
 9     elli:start_link([{callback, aloha_api}, {port, 3000}]),
10     aloha_sup:start_link().
1 dev_start(App) -> dev_start(App, temporary).
 3 dev_start(App, Type) ->
 4     case application:start(App, Type) of
 5          {error, {not_started, DepApp}} ->
 6              dev_start(DepApp),
 7              dev_start(App, Type);
 8          ok -> ok;
 9          {error, {already_started, App}} -> ok
10     end.
1   lager:debug("alohan").
2   % prints alohanok
4   lager:warning("freak set").
5   % prints freak set ahead nok
7   lager:error("wipe outn").
8   % prints wipe outnok
how about

the easy way
1   -module(aloha_utils_test).
 2   -compile(export_all).
 4   % Include etest's assertion macros.
 5   -include_lib("etest/include/etest.hrl").
 7   before_suite() ->
 8       %start up applications
 9       ok.
11   before_test() ->
12       %load fixtures
13       ok.
15   test_hello() ->
16       ?assert_equal("kekahi mau pipi", aloha_utils:hello()).
18   after_test() ->
19       % tear down fixtures
20       ok.
22   after_suite() ->
23       % stop applications
24       ok.
$: ./deps/etest/bin/etest-runner
How about

1   -module (aloha_api_test).
 2   -compile (export_all).
 4   % etest macros
 5   -include_lib ("etest/include/etest.hrl").
 6   % etest_http macros
 7   -include_lib ("etest_http/include/etest_http.hrl").
 9   before_suite() ->
10       application:start(aloha).
12   before_test() -> ok.
14   after_test() -> ok.
16   after_suite() ->
17       application:stop(aloha).
19   test_aloha() ->
20       Response = ?perform_get("http://localhost:3000/aloha"),
21       ?assert_status(200, Response),
22       ?assert_body("kekahi mau pipi", Response).
$: ./deps/etest/bin/etest-runner
how about

1 start(_StartType, _StartArgs) ->
 2     ok = application:start(compiler),
 3     ok = application:start(syntax_tools),
 4     ok = application:start(lager),
 6     % start mochiweb module reloader
 7     reloader:start(),
 9     elli:start_link([{callback, aloha_api}, {port, 3000}]),
10     aloha_sup:start_link().
beware of
how about

1 # # -*- encoding : utf-8 -*-
3 guard 'shell' do
4   watch(%r{^src/.+.erl$}) do |m|
5     puts `rebar compile`
6   end
7 end
how ab bout

deploying to
$: heroku create aloha-erl -s cedar
$: heroku config:add
web: erl -pa deps/*/ebin ebin
      -config priv/config/
      -s aloha_app
1 start(_StartType, _StartArgs) ->
 2     ok = application:start(compiler),
 3     ok = application:start(syntax_tools),
 4     ok = application:start(lager),
 5     reloader:start(),
 7     {ok, DefaultPort} = application:get_env(aloha, worker_port),
 8     Port = get_port(DefaultPort),
10     elli:start_link([{callback, aloha_api}, {port, Port}]),
11     aloha_sup:start_link().
13 get_port(Default) ->
14     Key = "PORT",
15     case os:getenv(Key) of
16          false -> Default;
17          Val -> list_to_integer(Val)
18     end.
$: foreman start
$: git push heroku master
-----> Heroku receiving push
-----> Fetching custom git buildpack... done
-----> Erlang app detected
-----> Installing Rebar from buildpack
-----> Building with Rebar
   ==> build_1us6u0b7p5agc (get-deps)
   Pulling etest from {git,"git://","HEAD"}
   Compiled src/aloha_api.erl
-----> Discovering process types
   Procfile declares types -> web
-----> Compiled slug size: 6.3MB
-----> Launching... done, v19 deployed to Heroku

 4bf3f39..198ba04 master -> master
that’s it folks

thanks to
• Andreas hasselberg
• Johannes Huning
• Erlang: The Movie - YouTube
• bomb:

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