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Civil Rights Overview
Understandings and questions
Questions/UnderstandingsWhat were the long term causes of the Civil Rights Movement?
How did the greater global context influence the movement?
How can the movement be said to be strikingly different from 1945-
65 and 1965-1989?
Ministers and Militants: How do Martin Luther King and Malcolm X
represent the ―two trains‖ of the civil rights movement?
How do Malcolm and King represent the complexity of approaches
and understandings of civil rights in the United States?
Was the civil rights movement inspired, led and pushed forward by
great men or by grassroots?
Historiography: How have perspectives on the Civil Rights
Movements changed over time from the 1960s to the 1990s?
Martin Luther King, Jr., waving
to the crowd at the Lincoln
Memorial during the March
on Washington, D.C. (1963).
Civil Rights—basic overview
Activism, new legislation, and
the Supreme Court advance
equal rights for African
Americans. (1945-65) But
disagreements among civil
rights groups lead to a violent
period for the civil rights
movement. (1965-89)
Pre-Civil Rights Movement
Long Term Causes and Influences I
Dallas Bus Station
Texas sign
Jim Crow Laws
Jim Crow Laws
Jim Crow Laws
Jim Crow Laws
The Two Trains?
W.E.B. DuBois and Booker T. Washington
Two African Americans, Two
Diverse Backgrounds
Booker T. Washington W.E.B. DuBois
Born a slave in southwestern Virginia, 1858
Believed in vocational education for blacks
Founded Tuskegee Institute in Alabama
Believed in gradual equality
Accused of being an ―Uncle Tom‖
Received much white support
Wrote Up From Slavery (1901)
Booker T.
I think I have learned
that the best way to lift
one's self up is to help
someone else.
Booker T.
Outlined his views on race
relations in a speech at the
Cotton States and International
Exposition in Atlanta – ―Atlanta
Felt that black people should
work to gain economic security
before equal rights
Believed black people will
―earn‖ equality
Booker T.
Developed programs for
job training and
vocational skills at
Tuskegee Institute
Asked whites to give job
opportunities to black
Was popular with white
leaders in the North and
Booker T.
Was unpopular with
many black leaders
Associated with leaders
of the Urban League
which emphasized jobs
and training for blacks
My experience is that people who call
themselves "The Intellectuals" understand
theories, but they do not understand things. I
have long been convinced that, if these men
could have gone into the South and taken up
and become interested in some practical
work which would have brought them in
touch with people and things, the whole
world would have looked very different to
them. Bad as conditions might have seemed
at first, when they saw that actual progress
was being made, they would have taken a
Well educated-First African American to receive
Ph.D. from Harvard
Born in 1868 in Great Barrington, Massachusetts
Wanted immediate equality between
blacks and whites
Wanted classical higher education for blacks
Wrote The Souls of Black Folk (1903)
The Niagara Movement – led to NAACP
W.E.B. DuBois
The problem of the
twentieth century is the
problem of the color
W.E.B. DuBois
Views given in The Souls
of Black Folks and The
Strongly opposed Booker
T. Washington’s tolerance
of segregation
Demanded immediate
equality for blacks
W.E.B. DuBois
Felt talented black
students should get a
classical education
Felt it was wrong to
expect citizens to ―earn
their rights‖
Founded the NAACP
along with other black
and white leaders
After the Egyptian and Indian, the Greek and Roman,
the Teuton and Mongolian, the Negro is a sort of
seventh son, born with a veil, and gifted with second-
sight in this American world, — a world which yields him
no true self-consciousness, but only lets him see
himself through the revelation of the other world. It is a
peculiar sensation, this double-consciousness, this
sense of always looking at one's self through the eyes
of others, of measuring one's soul by the tape of a world
that looks on in amused contempt and pity. One ever
feels his twoness, — an American, a Negro; two warring
souls, two thoughts, two unreconciled strivings; two
warring ideals in one dark body, whose dogged strength
alone keeps it from being torn asunder. The history of
the American Negro is the history of this strife, — this
longing to attain self-conscious manhood, to merge his
The ideological divide between Washington and
Dubois is often seen as foreshadowing for..
Washington v. DuBois
In your own words, summarize the strategies
employed by Washington and DuBois.
Specifically list the Pros and Cons of both
Who would you support? Who represents your
style of reform/resistance? Should African
Americans, or other disenfranchised groups
agitate for equality?
Pre-Civil Rights Movement
Long Term Causes and Influences II
19th Century Abolitionists
Frederick Douglas was the editor of an
abolitionist newspaper.
Harriet Tubman
Helped slaves escape via the Underground
John Brown
He and his sons
killed 5 slave
masters in Kansas.
Tried to incite a
slave revolt
Date is key: just
before the…
Two Centuries of Struggle
Conceptions of Equality
Equal opportunity: same chances
Equal results: same rewards
Early American Views of Equality
The Constitution and Inequality
Equality is not in the original Constitution.
First mention of equality in the 14th Amendment:
―…equal protection of the laws‖
Race, the Constitution, and
Public Policy
The Era of Slavery
Dred Scott v. Sandford (1857)
Slaves had no rights.
Invalidated Missouri Compromise
The Civil War
The Thirteenth Amendment
Ratified after Union won the Civil War
Outlawed slavery
• 13th Amendment:
• Abolished Slavery (1865)
• 14th Amendment:
• Civil Rights Amendment, citizenship, and
equal protection under the law (1868)
• 15thAmendment:
• African-American men given the right to
vote (1870).
* Originated in 1865 in Mississippi and South
* City ordinances prohibiting blacks from
being equal. Not allowed to…
* Carry weapons, testify against whites,
marry whites, serve on juries, start
businesses, travel w/out permits, rent
or lease farmland.
• 1) Literacy Test: Reading and writing
• 2) Poll Tax: Pay $ to vote.
• 3) Grandfather Clause: You could vote
IF your Father or Grandfather had
been eligible to vote before Jan.1, 1867
• What was the goal of these
Would you have been able to
The Alabama Literacy Test
Which body of Congress can try impeachments of the
At what time of day on January 20th does the term of the
President end?
If the president does not sign a bill, how many days is he
allowed in which to return it to Congress for
If a bill is passed by Congress and the President refuses to
sign it and does not send it back to Congress in session
within the specified period of time, is the bill defeated or
does it become law?
If the United States wishes to purchase land for an arsenal
and have exclusive legislative authority over it, consent is
required from whom?
Which officer of the United States government is designated
as President of the Senate?
When is the president not allowed to exercise his power to
Why is the power to grant patents given to Congress?
What is a tribunal?
Race, the Constitution, and
Public Policy
The Era of Reconstruction and Resegregation
Jim Crow or segregational laws
Relegated African Americans to separate
Plessy v. Ferguson (1896)
Upheld the constitutionality of ―equal but
separate accommodations‖
Jim Crow
Jim Crow was NOT the
name of an actual
In 1832 Jim Crow
became the stage
name of a performance
making fun of the
stereotypical black
Race, the Constitution, and
Public Policy
The Era of Civil Rights
Brown v. Board of Education (1954)
Overturned Plessy
School segregation inherently
Integrate schools ―with all deliberate
Busing of students solution for two kinds of
de jure, ―by law‖
de facto, ―in reality‖
Thurgood Marshall
NAACP fought in the
Thurgood Marshall was
hired by the NAACP to
argue in the Supreme Court
against school segregation.
He won.
He was later the 1st Black
Supreme Court Justice.
Civil Rights
Taking on Segregation
The Triumphs of a Crusade
Challenges and Changes in the Movement
Section 1
Taking on Segregation
Activism and a series of Supreme Court decisions
advance equal rights for African Americans in the
1950s and 1960s.
The Segregation System
Plessy v. Ferguson
• Civil Rights Act of 1875 act outlawed segregation
• In 1883, all-white Supreme Court declares Act
• 1896 Plessy v. Ferguson ruling: separate but equal
• Many states pass Jim Crow laws separating the races
• Facilities for blacks always inferior to those for whites
Taking on Segregation1
Continued . . .
Segregation Continues into the 20th Century
• After Civil War, African Americans go north to escape
• North: housing in all-black areas, whites resent
job competition
continued The Segregation System
A Developing Civil Rights Movement
• WW II creates job opportunities for African
• Need for fighting men makes armed forces end
discriminatory policies
• FDR ends government, war industries discrimination
• Returning black veterans fight for civil rights at home
Challenging Segregation in Court
The NAACP Legal Strategy
• Professor Charles Hamilton Houston leads NAACP
legal campaign
• Focuses on most glaring inequalities of segregated
public education
• Places team of law students under Thurgood Marshall
- win 29 out of 32 cases argued before Supreme Court
Brown v. Board of Education
• Marshall’s greatest victory is Brown v. Board of
Education of Topeka
• In 1954 case, Court unanimously strikes down
school segregation
Reaction to the Brown Decision
Resistance to School Desegregation
• Within 1 year, over 500 school districts
• Some districts, state officials, pro-white groups
actively resist
• Court hands Brown II, orders desegregation at
―all deliberate speed‖
• Eisenhower refuses to enforce compliance;
considers it impossible
Continued . . .
continued Reaction to the Brown Decision
Crisis in Little Rock
• Since 1948, Arkansas integrating state university,
private groups--resisting
• Gov. Orval Faubus has National Guard turn away
black students
• Elizabeth Eckford faces abusive crowd when she
tries to enter school
• Eisenhower has 101st Airborne Division supervise
school attendance
• African-American students harassed by whites at
school all year
• 1957 Civil Rights Act—federal government power
over schools, voting
The Montgomery Bus Boycott
Boycotting Segregation
• 1955 NAACP officer Rosa Parks arrested for not
giving up seat on bus
• Montgomery Improvement Association formed,
organizes bus boycott
• Elect 26-year-old Baptist pastor Martin Luther
King, Jr. leader
Walking for Justice
• African Americans file lawsuit, boycott buses,
use carpools, walk
• Get support from black community, outside groups,
sympathetic whites
• 1956, Supreme Court outlaws bus segregation
Martin Luther King and the SCLC
Changing the World with Soul Force
• King calls his brand of nonviolent resistance
―soul force‖
- civil disobedience, massive demonstrations
• King remains nonviolent in face of violence after
Brown decision
From the Grassroots Up
• King, others found Southern Christian
Leadership Conference (SCLC)
• By 1960, African-American students think pace
of change too slow
• Join Student Nonviolent Coordinating
Committee (SNCC)
The Movement Spreads
Demonstrating for Freedom
• SNCC adopts nonviolence, but calls for more
confrontational strategy
• Influenced by Congress of Racial Equality (CORE)
to use sit-ins:
- refuse to leave segregated lunch counter until
• First sit-in at Greensboro, NC Woolworth’s shown
nationwide on TV
• In spite of abuse, arrests, movement grows,
spreads to North
• Late 1960, lunch counters desegregated in 48
cities in 11 states
Sit ins
This was in Greensboro, North
Support of MLK and leaders, but organized
by college students…
Sit-in Tactics
Dress in you Sunday best.
Be respectful to employees and
Do not resist arrest.
Do not fight back.
Remember, journalists are
Students were ready to take
your place if you had a class to
Not only were there
sit-ins. .
Swim ins (beaches,
Kneel ins (churches)
Drive ins (at motels)
Study-ins (universities)
Section 2
The Triumphs of
a Crusade
Civil rights activists break through racial barriers.
Their activism prompts landmark legislation.
Riding for Freedom
CORE’s Freedom Rides
• 1961, CORE tests Court decision banning
interstate bus segregation
• Freedom riders—blacks, whites sit, use station
facilities together
• Riders brutally beaten by Alabama mobs; one bus
The Triumphs of a Crusade2
Continued . . .
New Volunteers
• Bus companies refuse to continue carrying
CORE freedom riders
• SNCC volunteers replace CORE riders; are
violently stopped
• Robert Kennedy pressures bus company to
continue transporting riders
continued Riding for Freedom
Arrival of Federal Marshals
• Alabama officials don’t give promised protection;
mob attacks riders
• Newspapers throughout nation denounce beatings
• JFK sends 400 U.S. marshals to protect riders
• Attorney general, Interstate Commerce
Commission act:
- ban segregation in all interstate travel facilities
Standing Firm
Integrating Ole Miss
• 1962, federal court rules James Meredith may
enroll at U of MS
• Governor Ross Barnett refuses to let Meredith
• JFK orders federal marshals to escort Meredith
to registrar’s office
• Barnett makes radio appeal; thousands of white
demonstrators riot
• Federal officials accompany Meredith to
classes, protect his parents
Continued . . .
continued Standing Firm
Heading into Birmingham
• April 1963, SCLC demonstrate to desegregate
• King arrested, writes ―Letter from Birmingham Jail‖
• TV news show police attacking child marchers—
fire hoses, dogs, clubs
• Continued protests, economic boycott, bad press
end segregation
Kennedy Takes a Stand
• June, JFK sends troops to force Gov. Wallace to
desegregate U of AL
Marching to Washington
The Dream of Equality
• August 1963, over 250,000 people converge
on Washington
• Speakers demand immediate passage of civil
rights bill
• King gives ―I Have a Dream‖ speech
More Violence
• September, 4 Birmingham girls killed when
bomb thrown into church
• LBJ signs Civil Rights Act of 1964
- prohibits discrimination because of race,
religion, gender
Fighting for Voting Rights
Freedom Summer
• Freedom Summer—CORE, SNCC project to
register blacks to vote in MS
• Volunteers beaten, killed; businesses, homes,
churches burned
A New Political Party
• Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party formed to
get seat in MS party
• Fannie Lou Hamer—voice of MFDP at National
Convention—wins support
• LBJ fears losing Southern white vote, pressures
leaders to compromise
• MFDP and SNCC supporters feel betrayed
Continued . . .
continued Fighting for Voting Rights
The Selma Campaign
• 1965, voting rights demonstrator killed in Selma, AL
• King leads 600 protest marchers; TV shows police
violently stop them
• Second march, with federal protection, swells to
25,000 people
Voting Rights Act of 1965
• Congress finally passes Voting Rights Act of 1965
• Stops literacy tests, allows federal officials to enroll
• Increases black voter enrollment
Action and civil courage,
came to
Mississippi to
register Blacks
to vote.
These volunteers risked arrest, violence an
The Fight
This man spent
5 days in jail for
―carrying a
Sign says
"Your work is just
beginning. If you go back
home and sit down and
take what these white men
in Mississippi are doing to
us. ...if you take it and don't
do something about it.
Voter Registration
If Blacks
registered to
vote, the local
banks could
call the loan on
their farm.
Thousands marched to the Courthouse in Montgomery to protest
rough treatment given voting rights demonstrators. The Alabama
Capitol is in the background. March 18,1965
jailed for
Bloody Sunday
In Selma,
Selma to Montgomery,
Tending the wounded
Marchers cross bridge
Many were arrested.
Police set up a rope barricade.
Marchers stayed there for
We're gonna
stand here
'till it falls,
‘Till it falls,
‘Till it falls,
We're gonna
stand here
'till it falls
In Selma,
The Supreme Court ruled that
protesters had 1st Amendment right to
Sacrifice for
Crime Scene
This woman
was killed by
the KKK while
on her way to
join voter
activists in
Selma to Montgomery Part
Part 2
Section 3
Challenges and Changes
in the Movement
Disagreements among civil rights groups and the
rise of black nationalism create a violent period in
the fight for civil rights.
African Americans Seek Greater Equality
Northern Segregation
• De facto segregation exists by practice, custom;
problem in North
• De jure segregation is segregation required by law
• WW II black migration to Northern cities results in
―white flight‖
• 1960s, most urban blacks live in slums; landlords
ignore ordinances
• Black unemployment twice as high as white
• Many blacks angry at treatment received from white
police officers
Challenges and Changes
in the Movement
Continued . . .
continued African Americans Seek Greater Equality
Urban Violence Erupts
• Mid-1960s, numerous clashes between white
authority, black civilians
- many result in riots
• Many whites baffled by African-American rage
• Blacks want, need equal opportunity in jobs,
housing, education
• Money for War on Poverty, Great Society
redirected to Vietnam War
African-American Solidarity
• Nation of Islam, Black Muslims, advocate
blacks separate from whites
- believe whites source of black problems
• Malcolm X—controversial Muslim leader,
speaker; gets much publicity
• Frightens whites, moderate blacks; resented by
other Black Muslims
New Leaders Voice Discontent
Continued . . .
Ballots or Bullets?
• Pilgrimage to Mecca changes Malcolm X’s
attitude toward whites
• Splits with Black Muslims; is killed in 1965 while
giving speech
continued New Leaders Voice Discontent
Black Power
• CORE, SNCC become more militant; SCLC
pursues traditional tactics
• Stokely Carmichael, head of SNCC, calls for
Black Power:
- African Americans control own lives,
communities, without whites
Black Panthers
• Black Panthers fight police brutality, want black
• Preach ideas of Mao Zedong; have violent
confrontations with police
• Provide social services in ghettos, win popular
1968—A Turning Point in Civil Rights
King’s Death
• King objects to Black Power movement,
preaching of violence
• Seems to sense own death in Memphis speech
to striking workers
• Is shot, dies the following day, April 4, 1968
Reactions to King’s Death
• King’s death leads to worst urban rioting in U.S.
- over 100 cities affected
• Robert Kennedy assassinated two months later
Legacy of the Civil Rights Movement
Causes of Violence
• Kerner Commission names racism as main
cause of urban violence
Civil Rights Gains
• Civil Rights Act of 1968 prohibits discrimination
in housing
• More black students finish high school, college;
get better jobs
• Greater pride in racial identity leads to Black
Studies programs
• More African-American participation in movies,
• Increased voter registration results in more black
elected officials
Continued . . .
continued Legacy of the Civil Rights Movement
Unfinished Work
• Forced busing, higher taxes, militancy, riots
reduce white support
• White flight reverses much progress toward
school integration
• Unemployment, poverty higher than for whites
• Affirmative action—extra effort to hire, enroll
discriminated groups
• 1960s, colleges, companies doing government
business adopt policy
• Late 1970s, some criticize policy as reverse

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Civil Rights Overview: IB History of the Americas

  • 2. Essential Questions/UnderstandingsWhat were the long term causes of the Civil Rights Movement? How did the greater global context influence the movement? How can the movement be said to be strikingly different from 1945- 65 and 1965-1989? Ministers and Militants: How do Martin Luther King and Malcolm X represent the ―two trains‖ of the civil rights movement? How do Malcolm and King represent the complexity of approaches and understandings of civil rights in the United States? Was the civil rights movement inspired, led and pushed forward by great men or by grassroots? Historiography: How have perspectives on the Civil Rights Movements changed over time from the 1960s to the 1990s?
  • 3. Martin Luther King, Jr., waving to the crowd at the Lincoln Memorial during the March on Washington, D.C. (1963). Civil Rights—basic overview Activism, new legislation, and the Supreme Court advance equal rights for African Americans. (1945-65) But disagreements among civil rights groups lead to a violent period for the civil rights movement. (1965-89) NEXT
  • 4. Pre-Civil Rights Movement Long Term Causes and Influences I
  • 5.
  • 6.
  • 7.
  • 10.
  • 15.
  • 16. The Two Trains? W.E.B. DuBois and Booker T. Washington
  • 17.
  • 18.
  • 19.
  • 20.
  • 21. Two African Americans, Two Diverse Backgrounds Booker T. Washington W.E.B. DuBois
  • 22. Born a slave in southwestern Virginia, 1858 Believed in vocational education for blacks Founded Tuskegee Institute in Alabama Believed in gradual equality Accused of being an ―Uncle Tom‖ Received much white support Wrote Up From Slavery (1901) Booker T. Washington I think I have learned that the best way to lift one's self up is to help someone else.
  • 23. Booker T. Washington Outlined his views on race relations in a speech at the Cotton States and International Exposition in Atlanta – ―Atlanta Compromise‖ Felt that black people should work to gain economic security before equal rights Believed black people will ―earn‖ equality
  • 24. Booker T. Washington Developed programs for job training and vocational skills at Tuskegee Institute Asked whites to give job opportunities to black people Was popular with white leaders in the North and South
  • 25. Booker T. Washington Was unpopular with many black leaders Associated with leaders of the Urban League which emphasized jobs and training for blacks
  • 26. My experience is that people who call themselves "The Intellectuals" understand theories, but they do not understand things. I have long been convinced that, if these men could have gone into the South and taken up and become interested in some practical work which would have brought them in touch with people and things, the whole world would have looked very different to them. Bad as conditions might have seemed at first, when they saw that actual progress was being made, they would have taken a
  • 27. Well educated-First African American to receive Ph.D. from Harvard Born in 1868 in Great Barrington, Massachusetts Wanted immediate equality between blacks and whites Wanted classical higher education for blacks Wrote The Souls of Black Folk (1903) The Niagara Movement – led to NAACP W.E.B. DuBois The problem of the twentieth century is the problem of the color line.
  • 28. W.E.B. DuBois Views given in The Souls of Black Folks and The Crisis Strongly opposed Booker T. Washington’s tolerance of segregation Demanded immediate equality for blacks
  • 29. W.E.B. DuBois Felt talented black students should get a classical education Felt it was wrong to expect citizens to ―earn their rights‖ Founded the NAACP along with other black and white leaders
  • 30. After the Egyptian and Indian, the Greek and Roman, the Teuton and Mongolian, the Negro is a sort of seventh son, born with a veil, and gifted with second- sight in this American world, — a world which yields him no true self-consciousness, but only lets him see himself through the revelation of the other world. It is a peculiar sensation, this double-consciousness, this sense of always looking at one's self through the eyes of others, of measuring one's soul by the tape of a world that looks on in amused contempt and pity. One ever feels his twoness, — an American, a Negro; two warring souls, two thoughts, two unreconciled strivings; two warring ideals in one dark body, whose dogged strength alone keeps it from being torn asunder. The history of the American Negro is the history of this strife, — this longing to attain self-conscious manhood, to merge his
  • 31. The ideological divide between Washington and Dubois is often seen as foreshadowing for..
  • 32. Washington v. DuBois In your own words, summarize the strategies employed by Washington and DuBois. Specifically list the Pros and Cons of both strategies. Who would you support? Who represents your style of reform/resistance? Should African Americans, or other disenfranchised groups agitate for equality?
  • 33. Pre-Civil Rights Movement Long Term Causes and Influences II
  • 35. 19th Century Abolitionists Frederick Douglas was the editor of an abolitionist newspaper.
  • 36. Harriet Tubman Helped slaves escape via the Underground Railroad.
  • 37. John Brown He and his sons killed 5 slave masters in Kansas. (1858) Tried to incite a slave revolt Date is key: just before the…
  • 38. Two Centuries of Struggle Conceptions of Equality Equal opportunity: same chances Equal results: same rewards Early American Views of Equality The Constitution and Inequality Equality is not in the original Constitution. First mention of equality in the 14th Amendment: ―…equal protection of the laws‖
  • 39. Race, the Constitution, and Public Policy The Era of Slavery Dred Scott v. Sandford (1857) Slaves had no rights. Invalidated Missouri Compromise The Civil War The Thirteenth Amendment Ratified after Union won the Civil War Outlawed slavery
  • 40. KEY AMENDMENTS • 13th Amendment: • Abolished Slavery (1865) • 14th Amendment: • Civil Rights Amendment, citizenship, and equal protection under the law (1868) • 15thAmendment: • African-American men given the right to vote (1870).
  • 41. BLACK CODES * Originated in 1865 in Mississippi and South Carolina. * City ordinances prohibiting blacks from being equal. Not allowed to… * Carry weapons, testify against whites, marry whites, serve on juries, start businesses, travel w/out permits, rent or lease farmland.
  • 42. VOTING RESTRICTIONS • 1) Literacy Test: Reading and writing test. • 2) Poll Tax: Pay $ to vote. • 3) Grandfather Clause: You could vote IF your Father or Grandfather had been eligible to vote before Jan.1, 1867 • What was the goal of these restrictions?
  • 43. Would you have been able to vote? The Alabama Literacy Test Which body of Congress can try impeachments of the President? At what time of day on January 20th does the term of the President end? If the president does not sign a bill, how many days is he allowed in which to return it to Congress for reconsideration? If a bill is passed by Congress and the President refuses to sign it and does not send it back to Congress in session within the specified period of time, is the bill defeated or does it become law? If the United States wishes to purchase land for an arsenal and have exclusive legislative authority over it, consent is required from whom? Which officer of the United States government is designated as President of the Senate? When is the president not allowed to exercise his power to pardon? Why is the power to grant patents given to Congress? What is a tribunal?
  • 44. Race, the Constitution, and Public Policy The Era of Reconstruction and Resegregation Jim Crow or segregational laws Relegated African Americans to separate facilities Plessy v. Ferguson (1896) Upheld the constitutionality of ―equal but separate accommodations‖
  • 45. Jim Crow Jim Crow was NOT the name of an actual person. In 1832 Jim Crow became the stage name of a performance making fun of the stereotypical black person.
  • 47. Race, the Constitution, and Public Policy The Era of Civil Rights Brown v. Board of Education (1954) Overturned Plessy School segregation inherently unconstitutional Integrate schools ―with all deliberate speed‖ Busing of students solution for two kinds of segregation: de jure, ―by law‖ de facto, ―in reality‖
  • 49. NAACP fought in the courts Thurgood Marshall was hired by the NAACP to argue in the Supreme Court against school segregation. He won. He was later the 1st Black Supreme Court Justice.
  • 51. NEXT Civil Rights SECTION 1 SECTION 2 SECTION 3 Taking on Segregation The Triumphs of a Crusade Challenges and Changes in the Movement
  • 52.
  • 53. Section 1 Taking on Segregation Activism and a series of Supreme Court decisions advance equal rights for African Americans in the 1950s and 1960s. NEXT
  • 54. The Segregation System Plessy v. Ferguson • Civil Rights Act of 1875 act outlawed segregation • In 1883, all-white Supreme Court declares Act unconstitutional • 1896 Plessy v. Ferguson ruling: separate but equal constitutional • Many states pass Jim Crow laws separating the races • Facilities for blacks always inferior to those for whites Taking on Segregation1 SECTION NEXT Continued . . .
  • 55. Segregation Continues into the 20th Century • After Civil War, African Americans go north to escape racism • North: housing in all-black areas, whites resent job competition 1 SECTION NEXT continued The Segregation System A Developing Civil Rights Movement • WW II creates job opportunities for African Americans • Need for fighting men makes armed forces end discriminatory policies • FDR ends government, war industries discrimination • Returning black veterans fight for civil rights at home
  • 56. Challenging Segregation in Court The NAACP Legal Strategy • Professor Charles Hamilton Houston leads NAACP legal campaign • Focuses on most glaring inequalities of segregated public education • Places team of law students under Thurgood Marshall - win 29 out of 32 cases argued before Supreme Court 1 SECTION NEXT Brown v. Board of Education • Marshall’s greatest victory is Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka • In 1954 case, Court unanimously strikes down school segregation
  • 57. Reaction to the Brown Decision Resistance to School Desegregation • Within 1 year, over 500 school districts desegregate • Some districts, state officials, pro-white groups actively resist • Court hands Brown II, orders desegregation at ―all deliberate speed‖ • Eisenhower refuses to enforce compliance; considers it impossible 1 SECTION NEXT Continued . . .
  • 58. continued Reaction to the Brown Decision Crisis in Little Rock • Since 1948, Arkansas integrating state university, private groups--resisting • Gov. Orval Faubus has National Guard turn away black students • Elizabeth Eckford faces abusive crowd when she tries to enter school • Eisenhower has 101st Airborne Division supervise school attendance • African-American students harassed by whites at school all year • 1957 Civil Rights Act—federal government power over schools, voting 1 SECTION NEXT
  • 59. The Montgomery Bus Boycott Boycotting Segregation • 1955 NAACP officer Rosa Parks arrested for not giving up seat on bus • Montgomery Improvement Association formed, organizes bus boycott • Elect 26-year-old Baptist pastor Martin Luther King, Jr. leader 1 SECTION NEXT Walking for Justice • African Americans file lawsuit, boycott buses, use carpools, walk • Get support from black community, outside groups, sympathetic whites • 1956, Supreme Court outlaws bus segregation
  • 60. Martin Luther King and the SCLC Changing the World with Soul Force • King calls his brand of nonviolent resistance ―soul force‖ - civil disobedience, massive demonstrations • King remains nonviolent in face of violence after Brown decision 1 SECTION NEXT From the Grassroots Up • King, others found Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) • By 1960, African-American students think pace of change too slow • Join Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC)
  • 61. The Movement Spreads Demonstrating for Freedom • SNCC adopts nonviolence, but calls for more confrontational strategy • Influenced by Congress of Racial Equality (CORE) to use sit-ins: - refuse to leave segregated lunch counter until served • First sit-in at Greensboro, NC Woolworth’s shown nationwide on TV • In spite of abuse, arrests, movement grows, spreads to North • Late 1960, lunch counters desegregated in 48 cities in 11 states 1 SECTION NEXT Image
  • 62. Sit ins This was in Greensboro, North
  • 63. Support of MLK and leaders, but organized by college students…
  • 64. Sit-in Tactics Dress in you Sunday best. Be respectful to employees and police. Do not resist arrest. Do not fight back. Remember, journalists are everywhere!
  • 65.
  • 66. Students were ready to take your place if you had a class to attend.
  • 67.
  • 68.
  • 69. Not only were there sit-ins. . Swim ins (beaches, pools) Kneel ins (churches) Drive ins (at motels) Study-ins (universities)
  • 70. Section 2 The Triumphs of a Crusade Civil rights activists break through racial barriers. Their activism prompts landmark legislation. NEXT
  • 71. Riding for Freedom CORE’s Freedom Rides • 1961, CORE tests Court decision banning interstate bus segregation • Freedom riders—blacks, whites sit, use station facilities together • Riders brutally beaten by Alabama mobs; one bus firebombed The Triumphs of a Crusade2 SECTION NEXT Continued . . . New Volunteers • Bus companies refuse to continue carrying CORE freedom riders • SNCC volunteers replace CORE riders; are violently stopped • Robert Kennedy pressures bus company to continue transporting riders
  • 72. continued Riding for Freedom Arrival of Federal Marshals • Alabama officials don’t give promised protection; mob attacks riders • Newspapers throughout nation denounce beatings • JFK sends 400 U.S. marshals to protect riders • Attorney general, Interstate Commerce Commission act: - ban segregation in all interstate travel facilities 2 SECTION NEXT
  • 73. Standing Firm Integrating Ole Miss • 1962, federal court rules James Meredith may enroll at U of MS • Governor Ross Barnett refuses to let Meredith register • JFK orders federal marshals to escort Meredith to registrar’s office • Barnett makes radio appeal; thousands of white demonstrators riot • Federal officials accompany Meredith to classes, protect his parents 2 SECTION NEXT Continued . . .
  • 74. continued Standing Firm Heading into Birmingham • April 1963, SCLC demonstrate to desegregate Birmingham • King arrested, writes ―Letter from Birmingham Jail‖ • TV news show police attacking child marchers— fire hoses, dogs, clubs • Continued protests, economic boycott, bad press end segregation 2 SECTION NEXT Kennedy Takes a Stand • June, JFK sends troops to force Gov. Wallace to desegregate U of AL Image
  • 75. Marching to Washington The Dream of Equality • August 1963, over 250,000 people converge on Washington • Speakers demand immediate passage of civil rights bill • King gives ―I Have a Dream‖ speech 2 SECTION NEXT More Violence • September, 4 Birmingham girls killed when bomb thrown into church • LBJ signs Civil Rights Act of 1964 - prohibits discrimination because of race, religion, gender
  • 76. Fighting for Voting Rights Freedom Summer • Freedom Summer—CORE, SNCC project to register blacks to vote in MS • Volunteers beaten, killed; businesses, homes, churches burned 2 SECTION NEXT A New Political Party • Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party formed to get seat in MS party • Fannie Lou Hamer—voice of MFDP at National Convention—wins support • LBJ fears losing Southern white vote, pressures leaders to compromise • MFDP and SNCC supporters feel betrayed Continued . . .
  • 77. continued Fighting for Voting Rights The Selma Campaign • 1965, voting rights demonstrator killed in Selma, AL • King leads 600 protest marchers; TV shows police violently stop them • Second march, with federal protection, swells to 25,000 people 2 SECTION NEXT Voting Rights Act of 1965 • Congress finally passes Voting Rights Act of 1965 • Stops literacy tests, allows federal officials to enroll voters • Increases black voter enrollment Chart
  • 78. Action and civil courage, 1963-65
  • 80. These volunteers risked arrest, violence an death
  • 81. The Fight This man spent 5 days in jail for ―carrying a placard.‖ Sign says ―Voter registration worker‖
  • 82. "Your work is just beginning. If you go back home and sit down and take what these white men in Mississippi are doing to us. ...if you take it and don't do something about it.
  • 83. Voter Registration If Blacks registered to vote, the local banks could call the loan on their farm.
  • 84. Thousands marched to the Courthouse in Montgomery to protest rough treatment given voting rights demonstrators. The Alabama Capitol is in the background. March 18,1965
  • 87.
  • 92. Police set up a rope barricade.
  • 94. We're gonna stand here 'till it falls, ‘Till it falls, ‘Till it falls, We're gonna stand here 'till it falls In Selma, Alabama.
  • 95. The Supreme Court ruled that protesters had 1st Amendment right to march.
  • 97. Crime Scene This woman was killed by the KKK while on her way to join voter activists in Mississippi
  • 100. NEXT Section 3 Challenges and Changes in the Movement Disagreements among civil rights groups and the rise of black nationalism create a violent period in the fight for civil rights.
  • 101. NEXT African Americans Seek Greater Equality Northern Segregation • De facto segregation exists by practice, custom; problem in North • De jure segregation is segregation required by law • WW II black migration to Northern cities results in ―white flight‖ • 1960s, most urban blacks live in slums; landlords ignore ordinances • Black unemployment twice as high as white • Many blacks angry at treatment received from white police officers Challenges and Changes in the Movement 3 SECTION Continued . . .
  • 102. NEXT continued African Americans Seek Greater Equality Urban Violence Erupts • Mid-1960s, numerous clashes between white authority, black civilians - many result in riots • Many whites baffled by African-American rage • Blacks want, need equal opportunity in jobs, housing, education • Money for War on Poverty, Great Society redirected to Vietnam War 3 SECTION
  • 103. NEXT 3 SECTION African-American Solidarity • Nation of Islam, Black Muslims, advocate blacks separate from whites - believe whites source of black problems • Malcolm X—controversial Muslim leader, speaker; gets much publicity • Frightens whites, moderate blacks; resented by other Black Muslims New Leaders Voice Discontent Continued . . . Ballots or Bullets? • Pilgrimage to Mecca changes Malcolm X’s attitude toward whites • Splits with Black Muslims; is killed in 1965 while giving speech Image
  • 104. NEXT continued New Leaders Voice Discontent Black Power • CORE, SNCC become more militant; SCLC pursues traditional tactics • Stokely Carmichael, head of SNCC, calls for Black Power: - African Americans control own lives, communities, without whites 3 SECTION Black Panthers • Black Panthers fight police brutality, want black self-sufficiency • Preach ideas of Mao Zedong; have violent confrontations with police • Provide social services in ghettos, win popular support
  • 105. NEXT 1968—A Turning Point in Civil Rights King’s Death • King objects to Black Power movement, preaching of violence • Seems to sense own death in Memphis speech to striking workers • Is shot, dies the following day, April 4, 1968 3 SECTION Reactions to King’s Death • King’s death leads to worst urban rioting in U.S. history - over 100 cities affected • Robert Kennedy assassinated two months later Image
  • 106. NEXT Legacy of the Civil Rights Movement Causes of Violence • Kerner Commission names racism as main cause of urban violence 3 SECTION Civil Rights Gains • Civil Rights Act of 1968 prohibits discrimination in housing • More black students finish high school, college; get better jobs • Greater pride in racial identity leads to Black Studies programs • More African-American participation in movies, television • Increased voter registration results in more black elected officials Continued . . . Chart
  • 107. NEXT continued Legacy of the Civil Rights Movement Unfinished Work • Forced busing, higher taxes, militancy, riots reduce white support • White flight reverses much progress toward school integration • Unemployment, poverty higher than for whites • Affirmative action—extra effort to hire, enroll discriminated groups • 1960s, colleges, companies doing government business adopt policy • Late 1970s, some criticize policy as reverse discrimination 3 SECTION