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     Medical Terminology for Healthcare Professionals
                        HSC 1531
           Florida State College of Jacksonville
            Professor: Michael Whitchurch, MHS
The Lymphatic and Immune Systems at a

 Functions of the Lymphatic System
   Network   of vessels that picks up excess
    tissue fluid, cleanses it, and returns it to
    circulatory system
   Picks up fats absorbed by digestive system

 Functions of Immune System
   Fights   disease and infections
The Lymphatic and Immune Systems at
a Glance
 Organs of the Lymphatic System
   Lymph   nodes
   Lymphatic vessels
   Thymus gland
   Spleen
   Tonsils
Lymphatic & Immune Combining Forms

 adenoid/o  lymphaden/o
   adenoids        lymph   node
 immun/o         lymphangi/o
   protection      lymph   vessel
 lymph/o
   lymph
Lymphatic & Immune Combining Forms

 path/o       tonsill/o
   disease      tonsils

 splen/o      tox/o
   spleen       poison

 thym/o
   thymus
Lymphatic & ImmuneSuffixes

 –globulin
     protein
Anatomy and Physiology

 Network of:
   Lymphatic  vessels
   Lymph nodes
   Spleen
   Thymus gland
   Tonsils

 Perform diverse functions
Lymphatic System Animation
Anatomy and Physiology – Lymphatic

First, removes excess tissue fluid
     Collects excess tissue fluid throughout
     Purifies it as it passes through system
     Returns it to circulatory system
   Lymph = fluid within lymphatic
Lymphatic vessels (green) pick up excess tissue fluid, purify it in
      lymph nodes, and return it to the circulatory system.
Anatomy and Physiology – Lymphatic
Second, lymph vessels around the small
 intestine assist with fat absorption
   Picks up absorbed fats
   Delivers to circulatory system
   These lymph vessels are called

Anatomy and Physiology – Lymphatic
Third, lymphatic and immune systems work
     Form a group of cells, tissues, organs, &
     Body’s primary defense against pathogens
          Including foreign invaders and own cells that have
           become diseased
Lymphatic Vessels

 Network of vessels throughout
 One-way pipes conducting lymph
  from tissues toward thoracic
 Low pressure system
    Uses valves to prevent backflow
Photomicrograph of lymphatic vessel with valve clearly visible.
           (Michael Abbey/Photo Researchers, Inc.)
Lymphatic Vessels

 Begin as very small   lymph
  capillaries in tissues
 Capillaries merge into larger   lymph
 Finally drain into one of two large
  lymphatic ducts in thoracic
Figure 6.9 – Location of lymph vessels, lymphatic ducts, and areas of
                      lymph node concentrations.
Lymph Nodes
 Also called

 lymph glands
     Composed of lymphatic
     Located along route of
       lymphatic vessels
Structure of a lymph node.
Lymph Nodes
 House   lymphocytes and antibodies
     Remove pathogens and cell debris from
      lymph as it passes through
     Trap and destroy cells from cancerous

  Antibodies are produced by specialized B
    Cells after stimulation by an antigen and
    act against the antigen in an immune

Any substance foreign to
  the body that evokes an
  immune response either
  alone or after forming a
  complex with a larger
  molecule (as a protein)
  and that is capable of
  binding with a product (as
  an atibody or T cell) of
  the immune response.

 phagocytosis: 1 antibodies, 2 antigen, 3 macrophage, 4 antibody-coated antigen, 5 receptors for antibody, 6 phagocytic vacuole
Sites for Lymph Nodes
Name          Location   Drains fluid from:
Sites for Lymph Nodes
Name          Location   Drains fluid from:
Axillary      Armpits    Arms
Cervical      Neck       Head and neck
Inguinal      Groin      Legs and pelvis
Mediastinal   Chest      Within chest cavity
Location of lymph vessels, lymphatic ducts, and areas of lymph node
 Collections of lymphatic tissue located on
  each side of throat
 There are three sets of tonsils
   Palatine tonsils
   Pharyngeal tonsils (adenoids)
   Lingual tonsils
 All contain a large number of
      Act as filters
      Prevent invasion of pathogens
       through digestive or respiratory

 Not required for life and can safely
  be removed if they become a
  continuous site of infection

 Located in LUQ of

 Consists of lymphatic
  tissue that is highly
  infiltrated with blood
    Vessels spread out into
     slow moving blood
 Phagocytic macrophages line blood sinuses
  to remove pathogens (WBC)
 Because blood is moving through slowly,
  macrophages have time to identify
  pathogens and worn out RBCs
 Filters out and destroys old red blood cells,
  recycling the iron
 Not an essential organ for life and may be
  removed due to injury or disease
Thymus Gland
 Located in upper portion of
 Secretes hormone,   thymosin
      Changes lymphocytes to
       T lymphocytes
       (simply called T cells a
       speicalized type of WBC)
 Active in unborn child and
  throughout childhood until
  adolescence, when it begins to
  shrink in size
Thymus Gland
 Essential for proper
  development of immune
 Assists body with immune
  function and development of
 Important role in the immune
Lymphatic System Exercise

 Click here to review the lymphatic system in a labeling activity.

                           Back to Directory
 Body’s ability to defend itself against
      Bacteria, viruses, fungi, protozoans, toxins,
       cancerous tumors
 Two forms
    Naturalimmunity
    Acquired immunity
Natural Immunity
 Also called   innate immunity
 Not specific to a particular disease
 Doesn’t require prior exposure to pathogen
 Example:
    Macrophage
      WBCs that ingest any pathogen encountered
Figure 6.14 – Enhanced photomicrograph showing a macrophage (purple) attacking bacillus Escherichia coli
Acquired Immunity
 Body’s response to a specific pathogen
 May be either:
   Passive acquired immunity
   Active acquired immunity
Acquired Immunity
 Passive acquired immunity
      Results when a person receives protective
       substances produced by another human or animal
      Examples: maternal antibodies, antitoxin
 Active acquired immunity
    Develops following direct exposure to pathogen
    Stimulates immune response – series of mechanisms
     designed to neutralize pathogen
    Immunizations or vaccinations are special
     types of active acquired immunity
Immune Response
 Disease-causing agents called      antigens stimulate
  immune response
 Two distinct and different processes
      Humoral immunity
       (also called antibody-mediated immunity)
         Production of B cells
      Cellular immunity
       (also called cell-mediated immunity)
         Production of T cells and NK cells
Humoral Immunity (Immune response)

 Involves production of   B lymphocytes
     Also called B cells
     Respond to antigens by producing a
      protective protein, an antibody
     Antibodies combine with antigen to form …..
     antigen-antibody complex
   Targets pathogen for phagocytosis

     Prevents infectious agent from damaging
      healthy cells
Cellular Immunity (Immune response)

 Involves production of T cells and …..
       natural killer cells (NK)
 These defense cells are …..
     Physically attack and destroy pathogenic cells
Standard Precautions
 There are a large number of pathogens in a hospital
      Nosocomial infection
        Acquired in the hospital
      Cross infection
        Pathogen acquired from another person
      Reinfection
        Becomes infected again with same pathogen
      Self-inoculation
        Pathogen from one part of patient’s body spreads
        to another part of body
Summary of
Standard Precaution Guidelines
i   Wash hands before putting on and after
    removing gloves and before and after working
    with patient or equipment.
e   Wear gloves when in contact with any body fluid,
    mucous membrane, or non-intact skin or if you
    have chapped hands, a rash, or open sores.
d   Wear non-permeable gown or apron during
    procedures that are likely to expose you to any
    body fluid, mucous membrane, or non-intact skin.
Summary of
Standard Precaution Guidelines
i   Wear mask and protective eyewear or a face
    shield when patients are coughing or if body fluid
    droplets or splashes are likely.

e   Wear face mask and eyewear that seal close to
    the face during procedures that cause body
    tissues to be vaporized.

B   Remove for proper cleaning any shared
    equipment that has come into contact with body
    fluids, mucous membrane, or non-intact skin.
Word Building with
    adenoid/o & immun/o

–ectomy   adenoidectomy

–itis     adenoiditis

–logist   immunologist
Word Building with
       adenoid/o & immun/o
                           surgical removal of
–ectomy   adenoidectomy
–itis     adenoiditis      inflammation of adenoids

–logist   immunologist    immunity specialist
Word Building with
angi/o –oma   lymphangioma

–oma          lymphoma

–tic          lymphatic
Word Building with
aden/o                          surgical removal of
–ectomy                         lymph gland
              lymphadenopathy   lymph gland disease
              lymphangiogram    record of lymph vessel
angi/o –oma   lymphangioma      lymph vessel tumor

–oma          lymphoma          lymphatic tumor

–tic          lymphatic         pertaining to lymph
Word Building with path/o & splen/o

 –genic    pathogenic
 –logy     pathology

 –ectomy   splenectomy

 –megaly   splenomegaly
Word Building with path/o & splen/o

 –genic    pathogenic     disease producing
 –logy     pathology      study of disease

 –ectomy   splenectomy    surgical removal of spleen

 –megaly   splenomegaly   enlarged spleen
Word Building with thym/o

–ectomy   thymectomy

–oma      thymoma
Word Building with thym/o

–ectomy   thymectomy   surgical removal of thymus

–oma      thymoma      thymus tumor
Word Building with tonsill/o

–ar       tonsillar

–ectomy   tonsillectomy

–itis     tonsillitis
Word Building with tonsill/o

–ar       tonsillar       pertaining to tonsils

–ectomy   tonsillectomy   surgical removal of tonsils

–itis     tonsillitis     inflammation of tonsils
Lymphatic & Immune Vocabulary
allergen     antigen causing an allergic reaction
             physician who specializes in testing for and
             treating allergies
allergy      hypersensitivity to a common substance
             disease resulting from immune system
autoimmune   attacking its own body as is if a pathogen;
disease      examples include rheumatoid arthritis and
             systemic lupus erythematosus
Lymphatic & Immune

                         appearance of wheals as part of
                         allergic reaction
                         virus that causes AIDS; known
immunodeficiency virus
                         as a retrovirus
                         immune system that does not
immunocompromised        function properly; also called
                         immunodeficiency disorder
                         antibodies; assist in protecting
                         the body
Color enhanced scanning electron micrograph of HIV virus (red) infecting T-helper cells (green).
                  (NIBSC/Science Photo Library/Photo Researchers, Inc.)
Lymphatic & Immune

                branch of medicine concerned with
                treating immune system disorders
                tissues’ response to injury; redness, pain,
                swelling, and feeling hot to touch
                excessive tissue fluid due to blocked
                lymphatic flow
opportunistic   infection appearing in
infection       immunocompromised person
urticaria       severe itching associated with hives
Figure 6.16 – Inflammation as illustrated by cellulitis of the arm. Note
   that the area is red and swollen. It is also painful and hot to touch.
Inflammation Video

   Click here to view a video on the topic of inflammation.
Allergic Reactions
Allergic Reactions
               life-threatening condition from severe
anaphylactic   allergic reaction; circulatory and
shock          respiratory problems occur; also called
Anaphylaxis Animation

   Click here to view an animation on anaphylaxis.
Lymphatic System Pathology (6)
                inflammation and obstruction of lymph
elephantiasis   vessels; results in enlarged tissues due to
Hodgkin’s       cancer of the lymphatic cells found in
disease (HD)    concentration in lymph nodes
                inflammation of lymph nodes; commonly
                called swollen glands
Late-stage Hodgkin’s disease with tumor eroding skin above
                  cancerous lymph node.
Lymphatic System Pathology

mononucleosis acute viral infection with large
(mono)        number of atypical lymphocytes
Lymphatic System Pathology
mononucleosis   acute viral infection with large
(mono)          number of atypical lymphocytes
                cancer of the lymphatic tissues other
                than Hodgkin’s lymphoma
Immune System Pathology (7)
acquired           defect in cell-mediated immunity;
immunodeficiency   result of final stages of HIV
syndrome (AIDS)    infection
                   early stage of AIDS; mild
                   symptoms; weight loss, fatigue,
complex (ARC)
                   complication of bone marrow
graft vs. host     transplant; immune cells from
disease (GVHD)     donor marrow attack recipient’s
AIDS Video

    Click here to view a video on AIDS and HIV.
Immune System Pathology
Kaposi’s sarcoma    skin cancer seen in AIDS patients;
(KS)                brownish-purple skin lesions
                    common in AIDS patients; an
carinii pneumonia
                    opportunistic infection
                    autoimmune disease; forms fibrous
                    lesions in multiple organs of body
severe combined
                    genetic disorder; born without a
                    functioning immune system
syndrome (SCIDS)
Clinical Laboratory Tests
enzyme-linked   blood test for an antibody to AIDS
immunosorbent   virus; positive test means person has
assay (ELISA)   been exposed to virus
Western blot    used as a backup to ELISA test for HIV
Diagnostic Imaging
lymphangiography   X-ray taken after injection of dye
Additional Diagnostic
Monospot       test for mononucleosis
               allergy testing in which body is exposed to
scratch test
               allergens through light scratch in skin

Scratch test; patient is exposed to allergens through light scratch in the skin.
                        B) Positive scratch test results.
         Inflammation indicates person is allergic to that substance.
   (James King-Holmes/Science Photo Library/Photo Researchers, Inc.)
Medical Procedures
                patient receives immunoglobulin
                injection or antibodies to treat a disease
vaccination     exposure to weakened pathogen to
                stimulate immune response; person
                will then be able to fight off pathogen if
                exposed to it in the future; also called
Surgical Procedures
                  surgical removal of a lymph node;
lymphadenectomy   done to test for malignancy or
Lymphatic and Immune
                  blocks histamine release   Zyrtec,
                  during allergic reaction   Benadryl
                  anti-inflammatory; used
corticosteroids   to treat autoimmune
                  blocks immune system;
immuno-                                      CellCept,
                  prevents rejection of
suppressants                                 Neoral
Lymphatic and Immune
                inhibits protease, enzyme
protease                                    Crixivan,
                needed for viruses to
inhibitor drugs                             Fortovase
                inhibits reverse
                transcriptase, enzyme       Epivir,
                needed for viruses to       Retrovir
inhibitor drugs
Lymphatic and Immune
AIDS    acquired immunodeficiency syndrome

ARC     AIDS-related complex

ELISA   enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay

GVHD    graft vs. host disease

HD      Hodgkin’s disease

HIV     human immunodeficiency virus
Lymphatic & Immune
Ig      immunoglobulin

KS      Kaposi’s sarcoma

mono    mononucleosis

NHL     non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma

NK      natural killer cells

PCP     Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia

SCIDS   severe combined immunodeficiency syndrome

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Lymphedema immune system_b

  • 1. LYMPHATIC AND IMMUNE SYSTEM Immunology Medical Terminology for Healthcare Professionals HSC 1531 Florida State College of Jacksonville Professor: Michael Whitchurch, MHS
  • 2. The Lymphatic and Immune Systems at a Glance  Functions of the Lymphatic System  Network of vessels that picks up excess tissue fluid, cleanses it, and returns it to circulatory system  Picks up fats absorbed by digestive system  Functions of Immune System  Fights disease and infections
  • 3. The Lymphatic and Immune Systems at a Glance  Organs of the Lymphatic System  Lymph nodes  Lymphatic vessels  Thymus gland  Spleen  Tonsils
  • 4.
  • 5. Lymphatic & Immune Combining Forms  adenoid/o  lymphaden/o  adenoids  lymph node  immun/o  lymphangi/o  protection  lymph vessel  lymph/o  lymph
  • 6. Lymphatic & Immune Combining Forms  path/o  tonsill/o  disease  tonsils  splen/o  tox/o  spleen  poison  thym/o  thymus
  • 7. Lymphatic & ImmuneSuffixes  –globulin  protein
  • 8. Anatomy and Physiology  Network of:  Lymphatic vessels  Lymph nodes  Spleen  Thymus gland  Tonsils  Perform diverse functions
  • 10. Anatomy and Physiology – Lymphatic System First, removes excess tissue fluid  Collects excess tissue fluid throughout body  Purifies it as it passes through system  Returns it to circulatory system  Lymph = fluid within lymphatic vessels
  • 11. Lymphatic vessels (green) pick up excess tissue fluid, purify it in lymph nodes, and return it to the circulatory system.
  • 12. Anatomy and Physiology – Lymphatic System Second, lymph vessels around the small intestine assist with fat absorption  Picks up absorbed fats  Delivers to circulatory system  These lymph vessels are called lacteals
  • 13. Anatomy and Physiology – Lymphatic System Third, lymphatic and immune systems work together  Form a group of cells, tissues, organs, & molecules  Body’s primary defense against pathogens  Including foreign invaders and own cells that have become diseased
  • 14. Lymphatic Vessels  Network of vessels throughout body  One-way pipes conducting lymph from tissues toward thoracic cavity  Low pressure system  Uses valves to prevent backflow
  • 15. Photomicrograph of lymphatic vessel with valve clearly visible. (Michael Abbey/Photo Researchers, Inc.)
  • 16. Lymphatic Vessels  Begin as very small lymph capillaries in tissues  Capillaries merge into larger lymph vessels  Finally drain into one of two large lymphatic ducts in thoracic cavity
  • 17. Figure 6.9 – Location of lymph vessels, lymphatic ducts, and areas of lymph node concentrations.
  • 18. Lymph Nodes  Also called lymph glands  Composed of lymphatic tissue  Located along route of lymphatic vessels
  • 19. Structure of a lymph node.
  • 20. Lymph Nodes  House lymphocytes and antibodies  Remove pathogens and cell debris from lymph as it passes through  Trap and destroy cells from cancerous tumors Antibodies are produced by specialized B Cells after stimulation by an antigen and act against the antigen in an immune response.
  • 21. Antigen Any substance foreign to the body that evokes an immune response either alone or after forming a complex with a larger molecule (as a protein) and that is capable of binding with a product (as an atibody or T cell) of the immune response. phagocytosis: 1 antibodies, 2 antigen, 3 macrophage, 4 antibody-coated antigen, 5 receptors for antibody, 6 phagocytic vacuole
  • 22. Sites for Lymph Nodes Name Location Drains fluid from: Axillary Cervical Inguinal Mediastinal
  • 23. Sites for Lymph Nodes Name Location Drains fluid from: Axillary Armpits Arms Cervical Neck Head and neck Inguinal Groin Legs and pelvis Mediastinal Chest Within chest cavity
  • 24. Location of lymph vessels, lymphatic ducts, and areas of lymph node concentrations.
  • 25. Tonsils  Collections of lymphatic tissue located on each side of throat  There are three sets of tonsils  Palatine tonsils  Pharyngeal tonsils (adenoids)  Lingual tonsils
  • 26. Tonsils  All contain a large number of leukocytes  Act as filters  Prevent invasion of pathogens through digestive or respiratory systems  Not required for life and can safely be removed if they become a continuous site of infection
  • 27.
  • 28. Spleen  Located in LUQ of abdomen  Consists of lymphatic tissue that is highly infiltrated with blood vessels  Vessels spread out into slow moving blood sinuses
  • 29. Spleen  Phagocytic macrophages line blood sinuses to remove pathogens (WBC)  Because blood is moving through slowly, macrophages have time to identify pathogens and worn out RBCs  Filters out and destroys old red blood cells, recycling the iron  Not an essential organ for life and may be removed due to injury or disease
  • 30. Thymus Gland  Located in upper portion of mediastinum  Secretes hormone, thymosin  Changes lymphocytes to T lymphocytes (simply called T cells a speicalized type of WBC)  Active in unborn child and throughout childhood until adolescence, when it begins to shrink in size
  • 31. Thymus Gland  Essential for proper development of immune system  Assists body with immune function and development of antibodies  Important role in the immune response
  • 32. Lymphatic System Exercise Click here to review the lymphatic system in a labeling activity. Back to Directory
  • 33. Immunity  Body’s ability to defend itself against pathogens  Bacteria, viruses, fungi, protozoans, toxins, cancerous tumors  Two forms  Naturalimmunity  Acquired immunity
  • 34. Natural Immunity  Also called innate immunity  Not specific to a particular disease  Doesn’t require prior exposure to pathogen  Example:  Macrophage  WBCs that ingest any pathogen encountered
  • 35. Figure 6.14 – Enhanced photomicrograph showing a macrophage (purple) attacking bacillus Escherichia coli (yellow).
  • 36. Acquired Immunity  Body’s response to a specific pathogen  May be either:  Passive acquired immunity  Active acquired immunity
  • 37. Acquired Immunity  Passive acquired immunity  Results when a person receives protective substances produced by another human or animal  Examples: maternal antibodies, antitoxin  Active acquired immunity  Develops following direct exposure to pathogen  Stimulates immune response – series of mechanisms designed to neutralize pathogen  Immunizations or vaccinations are special types of active acquired immunity
  • 38. Immune Response  Disease-causing agents called antigens stimulate immune response  Two distinct and different processes  Humoral immunity (also called antibody-mediated immunity) Production of B cells  Cellular immunity (also called cell-mediated immunity) Production of T cells and NK cells
  • 39. Humoral Immunity (Immune response)  Involves production of B lymphocytes  Also called B cells  Respond to antigens by producing a protective protein, an antibody  Antibodies combine with antigen to form ….. antigen-antibody complex  Targets pathogen for phagocytosis  Prevents infectious agent from damaging healthy cells
  • 40. Cellular Immunity (Immune response)  Involves production of T cells and ….. natural killer cells (NK)  These defense cells are ….. cytotoxic  Physically attack and destroy pathogenic cells
  • 41. Standard Precautions  There are a large number of pathogens in a hospital setting  Nosocomial infection Acquired in the hospital  Cross infection Pathogen acquired from another person  Reinfection Becomes infected again with same pathogen  Self-inoculation Pathogen from one part of patient’s body spreads to another part of body
  • 42. Summary of Standard Precaution Guidelines i Wash hands before putting on and after removing gloves and before and after working with patient or equipment. e Wear gloves when in contact with any body fluid, mucous membrane, or non-intact skin or if you have chapped hands, a rash, or open sores. d Wear non-permeable gown or apron during procedures that are likely to expose you to any body fluid, mucous membrane, or non-intact skin.
  • 43. Summary of Standard Precaution Guidelines i Wear mask and protective eyewear or a face shield when patients are coughing or if body fluid droplets or splashes are likely. e Wear face mask and eyewear that seal close to the face during procedures that cause body tissues to be vaporized. B Remove for proper cleaning any shared equipment that has come into contact with body fluids, mucous membrane, or non-intact skin.
  • 44. Word Building with adenoid/o & immun/o –ectomy adenoidectomy –itis adenoiditis –logist immunologist
  • 45. Word Building with adenoid/o & immun/o surgical removal of –ectomy adenoidectomy adenoids –itis adenoiditis inflammation of adenoids –logist immunologist immunity specialist
  • 46. Word Building with lymph/o aden/o lymphadenectomy –ectomy aden/o lymphadenopathy –pathy angi/o lymphangiogram –gram angi/o –oma lymphangioma –oma lymphoma –tic lymphatic
  • 47. Word Building with lymph/o aden/o surgical removal of lymphadenectomy –ectomy lymph gland aden/o lymphadenopathy lymph gland disease –pathy angi/o lymphangiogram record of lymph vessel –gram angi/o –oma lymphangioma lymph vessel tumor –oma lymphoma lymphatic tumor –tic lymphatic pertaining to lymph
  • 48. Word Building with path/o & splen/o –genic pathogenic –logy pathology –ectomy splenectomy –megaly splenomegaly
  • 49. Word Building with path/o & splen/o –genic pathogenic disease producing –logy pathology study of disease –ectomy splenectomy surgical removal of spleen –megaly splenomegaly enlarged spleen
  • 50.
  • 51. Word Building with thym/o –ectomy thymectomy –oma thymoma
  • 52. Word Building with thym/o –ectomy thymectomy surgical removal of thymus –oma thymoma thymus tumor
  • 53. Word Building with tonsill/o –ar tonsillar –ectomy tonsillectomy –itis tonsillitis
  • 54. Word Building with tonsill/o –ar tonsillar pertaining to tonsils –ectomy tonsillectomy surgical removal of tonsils –itis tonsillitis inflammation of tonsils
  • 55. Lymphatic & Immune Vocabulary (13) allergen antigen causing an allergic reaction physician who specializes in testing for and allergist treating allergies allergy hypersensitivity to a common substance disease resulting from immune system autoimmune attacking its own body as is if a pathogen; disease examples include rheumatoid arthritis and systemic lupus erythematosus
  • 56. Lymphatic & Immune Vocabulary appearance of wheals as part of hives allergic reaction human virus that causes AIDS; known immunodeficiency virus as a retrovirus (HIV) immune system that does not immunocompromised function properly; also called immunodeficiency disorder antibodies; assist in protecting immunoglobins the body
  • 57. Color enhanced scanning electron micrograph of HIV virus (red) infecting T-helper cells (green). (NIBSC/Science Photo Library/Photo Researchers, Inc.)
  • 58. Lymphatic & Immune Vocabulary branch of medicine concerned with immunology treating immune system disorders tissues’ response to injury; redness, pain, inflammation swelling, and feeling hot to touch excessive tissue fluid due to blocked lymphedema lymphatic flow opportunistic infection appearing in infection immunocompromised person urticaria severe itching associated with hives
  • 59. Figure 6.16 – Inflammation as illustrated by cellulitis of the arm. Note that the area is red and swollen. It is also painful and hot to touch.
  • 60. Inflammation Video Click here to view a video on the topic of inflammation.
  • 62. Allergic Reactions life-threatening condition from severe anaphylactic allergic reaction; circulatory and shock respiratory problems occur; also called anaphylaxis
  • 63. Anaphylaxis Animation Click here to view an animation on anaphylaxis.
  • 64. Lymphatic System Pathology (6) inflammation and obstruction of lymph elephantiasis vessels; results in enlarged tissues due to edema Hodgkin’s cancer of the lymphatic cells found in disease (HD) concentration in lymph nodes inflammation of lymph nodes; commonly lymphadenitis called swollen glands
  • 65. Late-stage Hodgkin’s disease with tumor eroding skin above cancerous lymph node.
  • 66. Lymphatic System Pathology mononucleosis acute viral infection with large (mono) number of atypical lymphocytes
  • 67. Lymphatic System Pathology mononucleosis acute viral infection with large (mono) number of atypical lymphocytes non-Hodgkin’s cancer of the lymphatic tissues other lymphoma than Hodgkin’s lymphoma (NHL)
  • 68. Immune System Pathology (7) acquired defect in cell-mediated immunity; immunodeficiency result of final stages of HIV syndrome (AIDS) infection early stage of AIDS; mild AIDS-related symptoms; weight loss, fatigue, complex (ARC) anorexia complication of bone marrow graft vs. host transplant; immune cells from disease (GVHD) donor marrow attack recipient’s body
  • 69. AIDS Video Click here to view a video on AIDS and HIV.
  • 70. Immune System Pathology Kaposi’s sarcoma skin cancer seen in AIDS patients; (KS) brownish-purple skin lesions Pneumocystis common in AIDS patients; an carinii pneumonia opportunistic infection (PCP) autoimmune disease; forms fibrous sarcoidosis lesions in multiple organs of body severe combined genetic disorder; born without a immunodeficiency functioning immune system syndrome (SCIDS)
  • 71. Clinical Laboratory Tests enzyme-linked blood test for an antibody to AIDS immunosorbent virus; positive test means person has assay (ELISA) been exposed to virus Western blot used as a backup to ELISA test for HIV
  • 72. Diagnostic Imaging lymphangiography X-ray taken after injection of dye
  • 73. Additional Diagnostic Procedures Monospot test for mononucleosis allergy testing in which body is exposed to scratch test allergens through light scratch in skin
  • 74. B A Scratch test; patient is exposed to allergens through light scratch in the skin. B) Positive scratch test results. Inflammation indicates person is allergic to that substance. (James King-Holmes/Science Photo Library/Photo Researchers, Inc.)
  • 75. Medical Procedures patient receives immunoglobulin immunotherapy injection or antibodies to treat a disease vaccination exposure to weakened pathogen to stimulate immune response; person will then be able to fight off pathogen if exposed to it in the future; also called immunization
  • 76. Surgical Procedures surgical removal of a lymph node; lymphadenectomy done to test for malignancy or metastasis
  • 77. Lymphatic and Immune Pharmacology blocks histamine release Zyrtec, antihistamine during allergic reaction Benadryl anti-inflammatory; used prednisone, corticosteroids to treat autoimmune Solu-Medrol diseases blocks immune system; immuno- CellCept, prevents rejection of suppressants Neoral transplant
  • 78. Lymphatic and Immune Pharmacology inhibits protease, enzyme protease Crixivan, needed for viruses to inhibitor drugs Fortovase reproduce inhibits reverse reverse transcriptase, enzyme Epivir, transcriptase needed for viruses to Retrovir inhibitor drugs reproduce
  • 79. Lymphatic and Immune Abbreviations AIDS acquired immunodeficiency syndrome ARC AIDS-related complex ELISA enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay GVHD graft vs. host disease HD Hodgkin’s disease HIV human immunodeficiency virus
  • 80. Lymphatic & Immune Abbreviations Ig immunoglobulin KS Kaposi’s sarcoma mono mononucleosis NHL non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma NK natural killer cells PCP Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia SCIDS severe combined immunodeficiency syndrome

Notas do Editor

  1. Why are we combining these systems into a single unit ? Blood and Lymph are both fluids have functions within the immune system. We will begin with a discussion of the different elements found in blood and the function of each as part of the immune response…. Next slide