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Lei municipal 05-1993_de_05_de_agosto_de_1993

Lei municipal 054-1995_de_27_de_outubro_de_1995

  • 1. PPEFEITURr.':' j'·IUNTCTP::,:,!.DE CARAVFLr.':'S ORCAMENTO PARA O EXERCICIO DE 1996 --_._------~----_._------~--_._--~--- r=L. 01 Lfd f'I() .. ;:;'-1, df: ')'7 ele ()I.1'l::ubr'o d•..: 1995 .. E~,:~t:'lriliJi::, r<f:".;f:'i.t:a. e fI)(d d De~':;p•..:~':;adCI j'·íUl'dc'Íl)'Io (ll':': C::n";:iv,~::1a~':~,par'a () f.::>Ü:':I"c'Íc"1C)df: 1""196, dI.H:(H" -r Zd a. d,ber''l::ul''o:l,df: CI''(:d1 t:r,)~:~::')up1. ÜIflf.:':I.'t'I::dl"e~:~e a, I"f:a,1. i Zi1C;;'i,()de Op~::('i:I.C()f:~':~de Cr'üdItc) l'>c)I." a,nt:f:c'Íp,J,';:;;:Ü)dD Rf.:,:".;e'It:;Je d::i ()utl",'i~'::, 1,)r'ov'Iden(.';'Ia,~':;fIn;'a,~':;, de ,'1c(}t"(,lo C()UI d LeI f'lCI.. 4.:::';20, (k: 17 de rflal"CO df: 1964" O PREFEITO HUNTCTPAL. rn:.: CAf<'AVELAS, ESTADO DA BAHHI. Fa,co ~':';d,l)er' d, C•.:UfI;:l,I";1j"íunlc;lp;:d df.:':c;r'f:ta e eu ~:;;:i,nc;'i(H'I()a. ~':~etjf.1'Int:f: LeI: AI',t:-IgC) 10. F-Ic,:a. 'apr'c,..".'adc) o Or'C;Dlflf:nt:o d,:) HUl'dc;lpIo, df: C;'l.(','i Vi:':1 a,:':;, E~:'~t:;'1dclda r~""l.hId. l'>d,r'a () e>u::r'c,:lc-1() flnancfdr'o de 199f:" dl~:~cr'-rIl1'Ín;:i,d()~':;pf:lo~:; i'l,ne>(o~':~Int:egr'i'l,nt:e::: d,:::~:~I::d.LeI qUl':': e~:~tlrfld, iJ Rflcelt:;,i, el'il R$'71.780.000,OO (Set:ent:;:i. e hun; li'1Ilh(k'::::~. :':~et:ec;et'rr::(.'l:':>e ()'lt:f:nt:a, mIl r'eaJ~:,~) f: B Oe:':pf:~':~af:lH Igual la,lur'. " ,..,,' {~,I::t'~~(:~, ?(): , {~.. R::::CI,:i,l~;~~, ..~':>e~~:;:~,,~:'i:':,:l.1 i. ~:"i.::~':i,..'~Il:;(,~,:;'i,nl~e i:: 1',I':e(,;,:lda:::dO",(,J~:::, 'I~1"I t:IJtÜ:: ,,, ::~I:Pr'~,lik: t'r~::o:::') dl:,~,'~:,Jn~'k~~':'t;ol..;:;,::~ I..r',:Hl~:~ret'ldd.~:;dI.) (;;0.1.::1'[1(/ F~::u,::r';:d, c F~:~I"dUL;:,,1 L UuLI';:;,~:; I r,)td ..e,::~ UL t :::fld.:~":,, ,I,;" 1UI Ill.:. dü lt:egL;,l,:i.C,:"o l'r gf;:'~nt:~:~ t~ (1,1::':'; r:·:~~·:f.)f;':'~c;·ff "Í (';;:~(;()(~f'> C;() i'lt';'; t:a. nt:f~f:·;. (~()::':'> (1 Ud,(j f'()f:'; a. n(:~)«()~':~d. f:~f:'>td. 1...~':~1:1 c;() nf () "'nl~':~ d. ~':';.~':'~gIj I nt:f'~ d -1~:;C(,I t'fl'j n,'i.C;80 ~ RECEITAS CORRENTES F<'ec;f: 'i t:a T (',I b u'l::a I' I a. R:;'::c;e 1 t:a, Pd '1::1" I ll:() fi -r a,l F(f:(·.;;'·:·~ J t:a.~·: Ag t".()~)~:.~(; ua. r·i i:~~':; F<f~C.:f:'i t:;:i~':'~(l~':~ S~':~t·,/ IC;()~':~ l'(,jJ f·t~'::.f f~r'f~nc,: -r a,:':~ C~(..,r' r'f~r', t:f~~':'; Oi.1tTiJf: F(i;:c;el t:i'i:':; Co("t"~::rd::f::f; RECEITAS DE CAPITAL, Opera.coes de Cr'edlto Aliet",ac~lo de Ber"rS Tr'a,n~':;ff:(":,~n(;Ia:',. de CapI '1::;::,1 TOTAL (~Ff~f~L. R$ 11_800_000,00 R$ 1..370.000,00 R$ 50..000.00 R$ 40 ..000.00 R$ 16.600.000,00 R$ 4.570_000,00 R$ 11.000.000,00 F<'$ 400.000,00 R$ 76.000.000,00 R$ 34 . .:'180"000,00 H$ 37.400.000.00 R$ 71,730.000,00
  • 2. ------------------------------------------------------l-----------=-~---~------------FL.O? i.) (. f~~':-=" ~-:'~ (jt:(~ eJnJ cia.~Jf~::·:·; ,'" ". ·t·· .•) o'i') "'"", l [).,':•.::.,.':"':..,, ,'.',':.".." ,..•..., " '1 '"j "'." "1 .:; :; 'f .,r"'''''' .í' '.' .." .",'1,·· ::.. :;"." 1 '1.,...•) ::.,"'lI .•. <.:oCo ~.)(. .. ~ ('~ .••. ~· .. >t.)::..·•.,;.c., .... ) ••... r I./.. I ••.~,..•..•• :.I.'.~..4t.~. fi,..•. s:. .•• Ih." t.~.J,...) <.~".II.J"'f (.)"') C1.rt,.), .... C,C) •.,) l..(~'! f~ ("~':>"~)(I:)~·:·;' ~)r·t:·~,./If;t:()~·:·; i'"H) {'!;i'l:ig() l()l (Ja. t..~·;~I..1....~-)2·f)/'f.),.!,! (~ niJ f()i"-fild. ~:1a. CJ t"(;,:11)'lt~rrLi:i (. '1d.~·:·);li c,:() rd':' () (, nlf~ (jI ~':'~(';(" I 11': -1nd.c;a.() aJ;;:i"I )(() :.:: (";() 1'1:':; t:,-} nt:e:':~ dI ::;1: r! l:;,u-JC,:l.() (id. d(~ UNIDADES ORCAMFNTARIAS S:f:'~(';r'f~t:.~ir'J a. (J.f~ ('{(;a.() S()(.: Ia.l s·:;:·~(·;r·~':'~t:d.r·_ra. (Jf~ ()t~r'a,::':~F·uL~l"i(;d.~·:·) ~~~f~(.:r';;':'~t:a.f" I t:1 ~-J{:'~ '1' ur'l ~':';fi I(J C,:UfI,::lra i·11.Jt'd (;1 po"; 1 Q~ll,it'le'I::e do pf"efei'l:;o :Sc~(.:r·f~t:..:1r·I ..:;;. (J~':'~A~Jrn-InI ~,:·~t:f'-i:~c;a.()(~ F)l a_n~':'~jj:::.n:f~nt:() S(~(;(·f-~·La,t'·Ia. l'..J~':~;.J ..::':·i. .Sf~C;r·(~t:;Jr" Ia. ~Ji:'~ R$ 69.129.000,00 R$ 2 ..6S 1 . O()()> 00 R$ 2v488_()OO~O() R$ 5.279.000,00 R$ 13.438.000,00 R$ 17.286.000,00 R$ 8_299_000~OO R$ 5.446.000.00 R$ 14 ..408 ..000,00 R$ 2.485.000,00 f~f~·.iu(;a,(;a.(), C;u1 tur'l::t ;";:'~r)f';f·)~)r.)i't:c~~': ~~:i}u ch':'~ f:'~ i....h:·~I () (~rflt) 'i (~ t't'l:: ('~ l'J~':'~~~f~(';r-(~t:a.(''1 r,:. TOT(1. GF.F~{~1.. R$ 71.780.000,00 f.~t'·t:lg() ..:1·1.)_ F~-I(;;1 () r)~)(l~:'~r'F>(f:~c;ut:Il() a.ul:()f'·-Iza.cJ,;·) I:). ... ." 'I Ai·o, ""1 ". ('., ..•.:, ·····1·'..(· .::. <~Olj""l -"1" ":,,' .,...::•....•..".,'. "1)"'" .:... :, .," .-). ·•.··:·'··'··"'1 , ...:,". '..,,':.,':. ·"t··· ') ..••.:.. ,,·, ..,:, ... ·1 :)'•.,. '"1'1"":' .•.•.:•. , ('l(Y-" ('("'1":"'1'1 r',,,,,,,,,1." •• I·•.•;:,~l r ...•. 1 .~...! .. )~.> ~.~ t _111;,., '.d.J.' " ~.:' (.1- •.... ~.:.t._ . ":."dl •.._11 11"._r..~~._, .. )~.)f ••.• t~ )::s J.)..•••. _ t;J J.. 4 I .• ',.~ (.]'''_ .. ,J.~ .;. ,.~ •• ~ l-~" (;f~nt:(») (1;}~':';Rf~C;f~It:iJ.~·:~ r~i'"'f~'V'lf;t:a,~':';i·lf~:::·~t:I·1L(:'~'I:J ()~):~·:~(.l~·:·~c·;f~t·l~J()t:~.~·:·;' 1.Jln'it;a.c;()c~~·:·i. f~ (·~·:·~c;ut'·::·:·i.()~:~r.)r'f~/"if:·;t:()::·:·; t'1() a.r·t;1<....~() r.1?i;:* pi:~r·i1~~rrO:U.L > ItK;l:':;()~':; T, TI f: TIT, d ..,~ L(:"d Ff~(k~r'dl j···.!o.,r.L?i20/{,r.'L. b~) Rf~;11. -I ;!~:',:ir" ()~)f~('t:;.('.;()C~~·:~(J~':'~c:(. f~(.11 l:()::':') f)() r" ;:1t"t '1::(::c; 1 f)a,(';,':i() (1;1 F?(:·~c;(~·1t:i:~,~ ;:l·tf~ (; '1 nc;r.) ~)() (. C;f~nt:()) ~ja.~·:'i.r-r!(~(;f:"; -I tt:~:':';, p: j",(~V'i::':';t:a.~·:·:.t':f~~':';t:c:t !...f:'~-i:.-. ~)d. ~..a. () e~>(f:-~r'c;'1 (;'I r.) ~J(~:1. (?,SIt!:i ;$ Ai"!::lgo 50_, d~~ ResolLjc~lo ("10_ 62/'75 do Set'l~ldüFe(Jet"~lly () '1I rnI t:e n •.:,: f ()t··ma. (ji:~ ,t .. t.H) ?':);r. ("'/'1 nt:f~ d 1~:~p():':;"1::0 f~ no {)r·t:-I ~.J(1 !3() ... t~~,:·)t:a. 1..f:'~'1 a.:":~ d"i.:":;.p():":~·i(;o(:::·:; (;1Il c;()rYl::r·d(·lo" f:~r·lt:(·a.t··a. ~':'~fit /"! t~(.,r· i:~. t)':if'·t:l (. <.J;::'~ 10 (J~':~.Jt:lnf~·l(.() ~:J(~ 199r.:> , (·f~l()~di:;t(~a.~·:·; G(,~EIHI.:::TF DO PF~F:FTTTO l--íl.JNTCIPf:'lL DF Cf~F~(VFr..AS, _ .._-,_.~._-- P('ef e Jl::o