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Improve Your Java Code, Functional-Style - Now!

So who is this guy, anyway?
   John Fer
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f(x,y) = x + y



List<String> names
    = Arrays.asList("Aristotle", "Plato", "Socrates", "Pythagoras");

List<String> filteredNames = names
       .filter(name -> name.startsWith("P"))
       .into(new ArrayList<String>());

assertThat(filteredNames, contains("Plato", "Pythagoras"));
["Aristotle", "Plato", "Socrates", "Pythagoras"]

  names.filter(name -> name.startsWith("P"))
       .into(new ArrayList<String>());

             ["Plato", "Pythagoras"]
public class Pet {
    private String name;
    private Species species;

    Pet(String name, Species species) {...}

    public String getName() {...}
    public Species getSpecies() {...}

    public boolean equals(Object o) {...}

    public int hashCode() {...}

    enum Species {
        Pet called(String name) { return new Pet(name, this); }
          public class Pet {
List<Pet>     private String name;
           pets = Arrays.asList(Cat.called("Ginger"),
              private Species species;
             Pet(String name, Species species) {...}
              public String getName() {...}
List<Pet>     public Species getSpecies()-> a.getSpecies() == Dog)
           sortedDogs = pets.filter(a {...}
                           .sorted((a, b) -> a.getName().compareTo(b.getName()))
                           .into(new ArrayList<Pet>());
             public boolean equals(Object o) {...}
assertThat(sortedDogs, contains(Dog.called("Rover"),
             @Override          Dog.called("Spot")));
             public int hashCode() {...}

             enum Species {
                 Pet called(String name) { return new Pet(name, this); }
          [Ginger, Spot, Fluffy, Rover]

pets.filter(a -> a.getSpecies() == Dog)
    .sorted((a, b) -> a.getName().compareTo(b.getName()))
    .into(new ArrayList<Pet>());

                     [Rover, Spot]
          [Ginger, Spot, Fluffy, Rover]

pets.filter(a -> a.getSpecies() == Dog)
    .map(e -> { return e.getName(); })
    .sorted((a, b) -> a.compareTo(b))
    .into(new ArrayList<Pet>());

                  ["Rover", "Spot"]
                    [Ginger, Spot, Fluffy, Rover]

Predicate<Pet> carnivores = (pet) -> (pet.getSpecies() == Dog || pet.getSpecies() == Cat);

List<Pet> carnivorousPets = pets.filter(carnivores).into(new ArrayList<Pet>());

                   ["Ginger", "Spot", "Rover"]
                  [Ginger, Spot, Fluffy, Rover]

pets.filter((pet) -> (pet.getSpecies() == Dog || pet.getSpecies() == Cat))
    .into(new ArrayList<Pet>());

                 ["Ginger", "Spot", "Rover"]
public class VetStay {
    private Pet pet;
    private Date startOfStay;
    private String diagnosis;

    public VetStay(Pet pet, Date startOfStay, String diagnosis) { = pet;
        this.startOfStay = startOfStay;
        this.diagnosis = diagnosis;

   List<VetStay> vetStays = -> {
                                       return new VetStay(pet, new Date(), "sore paw");})
                                .into(new ArrayList<VetStay>());

List<Pet> pets = Arrays.asList(Cat.called("Ginger"),

assert pets.anyMatch(pet -> pet.getSpecies() == Dog)

Google Guava


                                      Creating an immutable list

List<String> colors = ImmutableList.of("red", "green", "blue");

    Set<String> colors = ImmutableSet. of("red", "green", "blue");
    Set<String> myColors = ImmutableSet.copyOf(colors);

                                  Creating an immutable copy

“Null sucks.”
                                          - Doug Lea

“I call it my billion-dollar mistake.”
                                     - Sir Tony Hoare
                        What does a null return value mean?

interface ClientService {
    Client findByName(String name);

 No matching client found (but we were expecting one)?

     No matching client found (but we’re cool with that)?

       Something went wrong?
                         Sometimes we might not return a client

        interface ClientService {
            Optional<Client> findByName(String name);

                     This forces us to cater for this case in our code

Optional<Client> clientOptional = clientService.findByName("Smith");
if (clientOptional.isPresent()) {
    Client client = clientOptional.get();
} else {
    // No client was found

                      A person may not have a favorite color
  class Person {
      Optional<Color> getFavoriteColor();

Color colorToUse = person.getFavoriteColor().or(Blue)

                                      If not, use Blue
                        What does a null return value mean?

interface ClientService {
    Client findByName(String name);

 No matching client found (but we were expecting one)?

     No matching client found (but we’re cool with that)?

       Something went wrong?
                         Sometimes we might not return a client

        interface ClientService {
            Optional<Client> findByName(String name);

                     This forces us to cater for this case in our code

Optional<Client> clientOptional = clientService.findByName("Smith");
if (clientOptional.isPresent()) {
    Client client = clientOptional.get();
} else {
    // No client was found

                      A person may not have a favorite color
  class Person {
      Optional<Color> getFavoriteColor();

Color colorToUse = person.getFavoriteColor().or(Blue)

                                      If not, use Blue
– DSL for manipulating collections in a functional style
– Replace loops with more concise and readable code
LambdaJ support many high level
collection-related functions

 filter                 aggregate


extract                      group

import static ch.lambdaj.Lambda.filter;
import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.startsWith;
List<String> names
    = Arrays.asList("Aristotle", "Plato", "Socrates", "Pythagoras");

List<String> filteredNames = filter(startsWith("P"), names);

assertThat(filteredNames, contains("Plato", "Pythagoras"));


["Aristotle", "Plato", "Socrates", "Pythagoras"]

        filter(startsWith("P"), names)

            ["Plato", "Pythagoras"]
List<String> filteredNames = new ArrayList<>();
for(String name : names) {
    if (name.startsWith("P")) {
                                            Old-style Java

  names.filter(name -> name.startsWith("P"))
       .into(new ArrayList<String>());
                                        Java 8

         filter(startsWith("P"), names)
                                    Lambda J

List<Pet> pets = Arrays.asList(Cat.called("Ginger"),

List<Pet> sortedDogs = filter(having(on(Pet.class).getSpecies(),
                                     is(Dog)), pets);

assertThat(sortedDogs, contains(Dog.called("Rover"), Dog.called("Spot")));
             [Ginger, Spot, Fluffy, Rover]

filter(having(on(Pet.class).getSpecies(), is(Dog)), pets);

                      [Rover, Spot]
      [Ginger, Spot, Fluffy, Rover]

sort(sortedDogs, on(Pet.class).getName());

      [Fluffy, Ginger, Rover, Spot]
                [Ginger, Spot, Fluffy, Rover]

List<Pet> filteredDogs = filter(having(on(Pet.class).getSpecies(), is(Dog)), pets);
List<Pet> sortedDogs = sort(filteredDogs, on(Pet.class).getName());

                              [Rover, Spot]
          [Ginger, Spot, Fluffy, Rover]

pets.filter(a -> a.getSpecies() == Dog)
    .map(e -> { return e.getName(); })
    .sorted((a, b) -> a.compareTo(b))
    .into(new ArrayList<Pet>());
                                          Extracting with Java 8

                  ["Rover", "Spot"]
                 [Ginger, Spot, Fluffy, Rover]

List<Pet> dogs = filter(having(on(Pet.class).getSpecies(), is(Dog)), pets);
List<String> dogNames = extract(dogs, on(Pet.class).getName());
List<String> sortedDogNames = sort(dogNames,on(String.class));

                                                     Extracting with

                         ["Rover", "Spot"]
            [Ginger, Spot, Fluffy, Rover]
List<Pet> filteredDogs = new ArrayList();
for(Pet pet : pets) {
    if (pet.getSpecies() == Dog) {
Collections.sort(filteredDogs, new Comparator<Pet>() {
    public int compare(Pet pet, Pet pet1) {
        return pet.getName().compareTo(pet1.getName());

                                     Extracting with old-style
                    ["Rover", "Spot"]          Java
                 [Ginger, Spot, Fluffy, Rover]

List<Pet> dogs = filter(having(on(Pet.class).getSpecies(), is(Dog)), pets);
List<String> dogNames = extract(dogs, on(Pet.class).getName());
List<String> sortedDogNames = sort(dogNames,on(String.class));

                                                     Extracting with

                         ["Rover", "Spot"]

List<VetStay> vetStays = -> {
         return new VetStay(pet, new Date(), "sore paw");})
                             .into(new ArrayList<VetStay>());

                                                                Converting with Java 8

   convert(pets, toVetStay());

      private Converter<Pet, VetStay> toVetStay() {
          return new Converter<Pet, VetStay>() {
              public VetStay convert(Pet pet) {
                  return new VetStay(pet, new Date(), "sore paw");
                                                        Converting with LambdaJ
       [Ginger, Spot, Fluffy, Rover]

Group<Pet> petsBySpecies = group(pets,

List<Pet> dogs = petsBySpecies.find(Dog);

    [[Spot, Rover], [Ginger], [Fluffy]]

List<List<Pet>> petsBySpecies = ...

List<Pet> allPets = flatten(petsBySpecies);

        [Spot, Rover, Ginger, Fluffy]
         [Spot, Rover, Ginger, Fluffy]

exists(pets, having(on(Pet.class).getSpecies(), is(Cat)))


Predicate<Pet> carnivores = (pet) -> (pet.getSpecies() == Dog || pet.getSpecies() == Cat);

List<Pet> carnivorousPets = pets.filter(carnivores).into(new ArrayList<Pet>());

                                                                                  Java 8

Matcher<Pet> carnivore = new Predicate<Pet>() {
    public boolean apply(Pet pet) {
        return (pet.getSpecies() == Dog || pet.getSpecies() == Cat);

List<Pet> carnivores = filter(carnivore, pets);

List<Pet> pets = Arrays.asList(Cat.called("Ginger"),

int ageOfOldestPet = maxFrom(pets).getAge();
int ageOfYoungestPet = minFrom(pets).getAge();
int totalPetAges = sumFrom(pets).getAge();
  SUCCESS TestOutcome	
              SUCCESS        TestOutcome	

                  SUCCESS TestOutcome	
               SUCCESS TestOutcome	
                           SUCCESS        TestOutcome	

filter(having(on(TestOutcome.class).getResult(), is(SUCCESS)), outcomes);

                               SUCCESS TestOutcome	
              SUCCESS TestOutcome	
                          SUCCESS        TestOutcome	

                    filter(withResult(SUCCESS)), outcomes);

private Matcher<?> withResult(TestResult expectedResult) {
    return having(on(TestOutcome.class).getResult(), is(expectedResult));

                              SUCCESS TestOutcome	
           SUCCESS TestOutcome	
                       SUCCESS        TestOutcome	

filter(anyOf(withResult(SUCCESS), withResult(PENDING)), outcomes);

  SUCCESS TestOutcome	
                      SUCCESS           TestOutcome	


                                            Tag 1
             TagProvider1                     Tag

               TagProvider2                   Tag

flatten(extract(TagProviders, on(TagProvider.class).getTags()));

                              Tag 1

“Excessive use of Guava's functional programming idioms can
lead to verbose, confusing, unreadable, and inefficient code.”
                                              - the Guava team

                                Can also be true of LambdaJ

                          RULE 1

Use a functional style when it makes the intent more readable

sort(extract(filter(having(on(Pet.class).getSpecies(), is(Dog)), pets),
  on(Pet.class).getName()), on(String.class));

List<Pet> dogs = filter(having(on(Pet.class).getSpecies(), is(Dog)), pets);
List<String> dogNames = extract(dogs, on(Pet.class).getName());
List<String> sortedDogNames = sort(dogNames, on(String.class));

              RULE 2

   One-liners are not always better

        new Converter<Pet, VetStay>() {
                    public VetStay convert(Pet pet) {
                        return new VetStay(pet, new Date(), "sore paw");

convert(pets, toVetStay());
private Converter<Pet, VetStay> toVetStay() {
    return new Converter<Pet, VetStay>() {
        public VetStay convert(Pet pet) {
            return new VetStay(pet, new Date(), "sore paw");

               RULE 3

Write your own domain-specific matchers

private Matcher<?> withResult(TestResult expectedResult) {
    return having(on(TestOutcome.class).getResult(), is(expectedResult));

   filter(withResult(SUCCESS)), outcomes);

     select(not(withResult(SUCCESS))), outcomes);

       select(anyOf(withResult(SKIPPED), withResult(IGNORED)), outcomes);
Thank You


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Functional programming in java

  • 1. Improve Your Java Code, Functional-Style - Now! John  Ferguson  Smart  h2p:// Twi2er:  wakaleo
  • 2. So who is this guy, anyway? Consulta nt Trainer Mentor Author Speaker Coder John Fer guson S mar t
  • 3. f(x,y) = x + y Func:onal  Programming  is  the  new  black
  • 9. Func:onal  Programming  in  Java Coming  to  a  JVM  near  you  the  summer  of  2013
  • 10. Java  8  supports  Lambda  Expressions List<String> names = Arrays.asList("Aristotle", "Plato", "Socrates", "Pythagoras"); List<String> filteredNames = names        .filter(name -> name.startsWith("P"))        .into(new ArrayList<String>()); assertThat(filteredNames, contains("Plato", "Pythagoras"));
  • 11. Java  8  supports  Lambda  Expressions ["Aristotle", "Plato", "Socrates", "Pythagoras"] names.filter(name -> name.startsWith("P"))      .into(new ArrayList<String>()); ["Plato", "Pythagoras"]
  • 12. Java  8  supports  Lambda  Expressions public class Pet {     private String name;     private Species species;     Pet(String name, Species species) {...}     public String getName() {...}     public Species getSpecies() {...}     @Override     public boolean equals(Object o) {...}     @Override     public int hashCode() {...}     enum Species {         Cat,         Dog,         GuineaPig;         Pet called(String name) { return new Pet(name, this); }     } }
  • 13. Java  8  supports  Lambda  Expressions public class Pet { List<Pet>     private String name; pets = Arrays.asList(Cat.called("Ginger"),     private Species species;                                Dog.called("Spot"),                                GuineaPig.called("Fluffy"),     Pet(String name, Species species) {...}                                Dog.called("Rover"));     public String getName() {...} List<Pet>     public Species getSpecies()-> a.getSpecies() == Dog) sortedDogs = pets.filter(a {...}                            .sorted((a, b) -> a.getName().compareTo(b.getName()))                            .into(new ArrayList<Pet>());     @Override     public boolean equals(Object o) {...} assertThat(sortedDogs, contains(Dog.called("Rover"),              @Override Dog.called("Spot")));     public int hashCode() {...}     enum Species {         Cat,         Dog,         GuineaPig;         Pet called(String name) { return new Pet(name, this); }     } }
  • 14. Java  8  supports  Lambda  Expressions [Ginger, Spot, Fluffy, Rover] pets.filter(a -> a.getSpecies() == Dog)     .sorted((a, b) -> a.getName().compareTo(b.getName()))     .into(new ArrayList<Pet>()); [Rover, Spot]
  • 15. Java  8  supports  Lambda  Expressions [Ginger, Spot, Fluffy, Rover] pets.filter(a -> a.getSpecies() == Dog) .map(e -> { return e.getName(); }) .sorted((a, b) -> a.compareTo(b))     .into(new ArrayList<Pet>()); ["Rover", "Spot"]
  • 16. Java  8  supports  Lambda  Expressions [Ginger, Spot, Fluffy, Rover] Predicate<Pet> carnivores = (pet) -> (pet.getSpecies() == Dog || pet.getSpecies() == Cat); List<Pet> carnivorousPets = pets.filter(carnivores).into(new ArrayList<Pet>()); ["Ginger", "Spot", "Rover"]
  • 17. Java  8  supports  Lambda  Expressions [Ginger, Spot, Fluffy, Rover] pets.filter((pet) -> (pet.getSpecies() == Dog || pet.getSpecies() == Cat))     .into(new ArrayList<Pet>()); ["Ginger", "Spot", "Rover"]
  • 18. Java  8  supports  Lambda  Expressions public class VetStay {     private Pet pet;     private Date startOfStay;     private String diagnosis;     public VetStay(Pet pet, Date startOfStay, String diagnosis) { = pet;         this.startOfStay = startOfStay;         this.diagnosis = diagnosis;     } } List<VetStay> vetStays = -> { return new VetStay(pet, new Date(), "sore paw");})                              .into(new ArrayList<VetStay>());
  • 19. Java  8  supports  Lambda  Expressions List<Pet> pets = Arrays.asList(Cat.called("Ginger"),         Dog.called("Spot"),         GuineaPig.called("Fluffy"),         Dog.called("Rover") ); assert pets.anyMatch(pet -> pet.getSpecies() == Dog)
  • 20. But  Func:onal  Programming  in  Java  today? Surely  this  is  madness!
  • 23. Immutable  Collec:ons Creating an immutable list List<String> colors = ImmutableList.of("red", "green", "blue"); Set<String> colors = ImmutableSet. of("red", "green", "blue"); Set<String> myColors = ImmutableSet.copyOf(colors); Creating an immutable copy
  • 24. No  more  returning  Null “Null sucks.” - Doug Lea “I call it my billion-dollar mistake.” - Sir Tony Hoare
  • 25. No  more  returning  Null What does a null return value mean? interface ClientService {     Client findByName(String name); } No matching client found (but we were expecting one)? No matching client found (but we’re cool with that)? Something went wrong?
  • 26. No  more  returning  Null Sometimes we might not return a client interface ClientService {     Optional<Client> findByName(String name); } This forces us to cater for this case in our code Optional<Client> clientOptional = clientService.findByName("Smith"); if (clientOptional.isPresent()) {     Client client = clientOptional.get(); } else {     // No client was found }
  • 27. No  more  returning  Null A person may not have a favorite color class Person {     Optional<Color> getFavoriteColor(); } Color colorToUse = person.getFavoriteColor().or(Blue) If not, use Blue
  • 28. And  lots  of  other  stuff...
  • 29. No  more  returning  Null What does a null return value mean? interface ClientService {     Client findByName(String name); } No matching client found (but we were expecting one)? No matching client found (but we’re cool with that)? Something went wrong?
  • 30. No  more  returning  Null Sometimes we might not return a client interface ClientService {     Optional<Client> findByName(String name); } This forces us to cater for this case in our code Optional<Client> clientOptional = clientService.findByName("Smith"); if (clientOptional.isPresent()) {     Client client = clientOptional.get(); } else {     // No client was found }
  • 31. No  more  returning  Null A person may not have a favorite color class Person {     Optional<Color> getFavoriteColor(); } Color colorToUse = person.getFavoriteColor().or(Blue) If not, use Blue
  • 32. lambdaj – DSL for manipulating collections in a functional style – Replace loops with more concise and readable code
  • 33. LambdaJ support many high level collection-related functions filter aggregate sort convert extract group
  • 34. Filtering  in  LambdaJ import static ch.lambdaj.Lambda.filter; import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.startsWith; . . . List<String> names = Arrays.asList("Aristotle", "Plato", "Socrates", "Pythagoras"); List<String> filteredNames = filter(startsWith("P"), names); assertThat(filteredNames, contains("Plato", "Pythagoras")); LambdaJ Hamcrest
  • 35. Filtering  in  LambdaJ ["Aristotle", "Plato", "Socrates", "Pythagoras"] filter(startsWith("P"), names) ["Plato", "Pythagoras"]
  • 36. Filtering  in  LambdaJ List<String> filteredNames = new ArrayList<>(); for(String name : names) {     if (name.startsWith("P")) {         filteredNames.add(name);     } } Old-style Java names.filter(name -> name.startsWith("P"))      .into(new ArrayList<String>()); Java 8 filter(startsWith("P"), names) Lambda J
  • 37. Filtering  in  LambdaJ List<Pet> pets = Arrays.asList(Cat.called("Ginger"),         Dog.called("Spot"),         GuineaPig.called("Fluffy"),          Dog.called("Rover")); List<Pet> sortedDogs = filter(having(on(Pet.class).getSpecies(), is(Dog)), pets); assertThat(sortedDogs, contains(Dog.called("Rover"), Dog.called("Spot")));
  • 38. Filtering  in  LambdaJ [Ginger, Spot, Fluffy, Rover] filter(having(on(Pet.class).getSpecies(), is(Dog)), pets); [Rover, Spot]
  • 39. Sor:ng  in  LambdaJ [Ginger, Spot, Fluffy, Rover] sort(sortedDogs, on(Pet.class).getName()); [Fluffy, Ginger, Rover, Spot]
  • 40. Filtering  and  Sor:ng  in  LambdaJ [Ginger, Spot, Fluffy, Rover] List<Pet> filteredDogs = filter(having(on(Pet.class).getSpecies(), is(Dog)), pets); List<Pet> sortedDogs = sort(filteredDogs, on(Pet.class).getName()); [Rover, Spot]
  • 41. Extrac:ng  in  LambdaJ [Ginger, Spot, Fluffy, Rover] pets.filter(a -> a.getSpecies() == Dog) .map(e -> { return e.getName(); }) .sorted((a, b) -> a.compareTo(b))     .into(new ArrayList<Pet>()); Extracting with Java 8 ["Rover", "Spot"]
  • 42. Extrac:ng  in  LambdaJ [Ginger, Spot, Fluffy, Rover] List<Pet> dogs = filter(having(on(Pet.class).getSpecies(), is(Dog)), pets); List<String> dogNames = extract(dogs, on(Pet.class).getName()); List<String> sortedDogNames = sort(dogNames,on(String.class)); Extracting with LambdaJ ["Rover", "Spot"]
  • 43. Extrac:ng  in  LambdaJ [Ginger, Spot, Fluffy, Rover] List<Pet> filteredDogs = new ArrayList(); for(Pet pet : pets) {     if (pet.getSpecies() == Dog) {         filteredDogs.add(pet);     } } Collections.sort(filteredDogs, new Comparator<Pet>() {     @Override     public int compare(Pet pet, Pet pet1) {         return pet.getName().compareTo(pet1.getName());     } }); Extracting with old-style ["Rover", "Spot"] Java
  • 44. Extrac:ng  in  LambdaJ [Ginger, Spot, Fluffy, Rover] List<Pet> dogs = filter(having(on(Pet.class).getSpecies(), is(Dog)), pets); List<String> dogNames = extract(dogs, on(Pet.class).getName()); List<String> sortedDogNames = sort(dogNames,on(String.class)); Extracting with LambdaJ ["Rover", "Spot"]
  • 45. Conver:ng  in  LambdaJ List<VetStay> vetStays = -> { return new VetStay(pet, new Date(), "sore paw");})                              .into(new ArrayList<VetStay>()); Converting with Java 8 convert(pets, toVetStay()); private Converter<Pet, VetStay> toVetStay() {     return new Converter<Pet, VetStay>() {         @Override         public VetStay convert(Pet pet) {             return new VetStay(pet, new Date(), "sore paw");         }     }; } Converting with LambdaJ
  • 46. Grouping  in  LambdaJ [Ginger, Spot, Fluffy, Rover] Group<Pet> petsBySpecies = group(pets, by(on(Pet.class).getSpecies())); List<Pet> dogs = petsBySpecies.find(Dog); [Spot,Rover]
  • 47. FlaOening  in  LambdaJ [[Spot, Rover], [Ginger], [Fluffy]] List<List<Pet>> petsBySpecies = ... List<Pet> allPets = flatten(petsBySpecies); [Spot, Rover, Ginger, Fluffy]
  • 48. Checking  existence  in  LambdaJ [Spot, Rover, Ginger, Fluffy] exists(pets, having(on(Pet.class).getSpecies(), is(Cat))) true
  • 49. Using  Predicates  in  LambdaJ Predicate<Pet> carnivores = (pet) -> (pet.getSpecies() == Dog || pet.getSpecies() == Cat); List<Pet> carnivorousPets = pets.filter(carnivores).into(new ArrayList<Pet>()); Java 8 Matcher<Pet> carnivore = new Predicate<Pet>() {     public boolean apply(Pet pet) {         return (pet.getSpecies() == Dog || pet.getSpecies() == Cat);     } }; List<Pet> carnivores = filter(carnivore, pets); LambdaJ
  • 50. Using  Aggregates  in  LambdaJ List<Pet> pets = Arrays.asList(Cat.called("Ginger"),         Dog.called("Spot"),         GuineaPig.called("Fluffy"),         Dog.called("Rover") ); int ageOfOldestPet = maxFrom(pets).getAge(); int ageOfYoungestPet = minFrom(pets).getAge(); int totalPetAges = sumFrom(pets).getAge();
  • 51. Some  real-­‐world  examples TestOutcome  1 SUCCESS TestOutcome  2 SUCCESS TestOutcome  3 TestOutcome  4 FAILURE PENDING TestOutcome  1 SUCCESS TestOutcome  2 SUCCESS
  • 52. Some  real-­‐world  examples TestOutcome  1 SUCCESS TestOutcome  2 SUCCESS TestOutcome  3 TestOutcome  4 FAILURE PENDING filter(having(on(TestOutcome.class).getResult(), is(SUCCESS)), outcomes); TestOutcome  1 SUCCESS TestOutcome  2 SUCCESS
  • 53. Some  real-­‐world  examples TestOutcome  1 SUCCESS TestOutcome  2 SUCCESS TestOutcome  3 TestOutcome  4 FAILURE PENDING filter(withResult(SUCCESS)), outcomes); private Matcher<?> withResult(TestResult expectedResult) {     return having(on(TestOutcome.class).getResult(), is(expectedResult)); } TestOutcome  1 SUCCESS TestOutcome  2 SUCCESS
  • 54. Some  real-­‐world  examples TestOutcome  1 SUCCESS TestOutcome  2 SUCCESS TestOutcome  3 TestOutcome  4 FAILURE PENDING filter(anyOf(withResult(SUCCESS), withResult(PENDING)), outcomes); TestOutcome  1 SUCCESSTestOutcome  2 SUCCESSTestOutcome  4 PENDING
  • 55. Some  real-­‐world  examples TestOutcome  1 SUCCESS TestOutcome  2 SUCCESS TestOutcome  3 TestOutcome  4 FAILURE PENDING TestOutcome  2 Step  1 Step  2 Step  3 Step  4
  • 56. Some  real-­‐world  examples Tag Tag 1 TagProvider1 Tag TagProvider2 Tag Tag Tag Tag flatten(extract(TagProviders, on(TagProvider.class).getTags())); Tag Tag 1 Tag Tag Tag Tag Tag
  • 57. And  performance  in  all  that?
  • 58. Keeping  things  maintainable “Excessive use of Guava's functional programming idioms can lead to verbose, confusing, unreadable, and inefficient code.” - the Guava team Can also be true of LambdaJ
  • 59. Keeping  things  maintainable RULE 1 Use a functional style when it makes the intent more readable
  • 60. Keeping  things  maintainable sort(extract(filter(having(on(Pet.class).getSpecies(), is(Dog)), pets), on(Pet.class).getName()), on(String.class)); List<Pet> dogs = filter(having(on(Pet.class).getSpecies(), is(Dog)), pets); List<String> dogNames = extract(dogs, on(Pet.class).getName()); List<String> sortedDogNames = sort(dogNames, on(String.class));
  • 61. Keeping  things  maintainable RULE 2 One-liners are not always better
  • 62. Keeping  things  maintainable convert(pets,         new Converter<Pet, VetStay>() {                     @Override                     public VetStay convert(Pet pet) {                         return new VetStay(pet, new Date(), "sore paw");                     }         } ); convert(pets, toVetStay()); private Converter<Pet, VetStay> toVetStay() {     return new Converter<Pet, VetStay>() {         @Override         public VetStay convert(Pet pet) {             return new VetStay(pet, new Date(), "sore paw");         }     }; }
  • 63. Keeping  things  maintainable RULE 3 Write your own domain-specific matchers
  • 64. Keeping  things  maintainable private Matcher<?> withResult(TestResult expectedResult) {     return having(on(TestOutcome.class).getResult(), is(expectedResult)); } filter(withResult(SUCCESS)), outcomes); select(not(withResult(SUCCESS))), outcomes); select(anyOf(withResult(SKIPPED), withResult(IGNORED)), outcomes);
  • 65. Thank You John  Ferguson  Smart  h2p:// Twi2er:  wakaleo