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BDD, ATDD, Page Objects
          The Road to Sustainable Web Testing

John Ferguson Smart
So who is this guy, anyway?
   John Fer
            guson S
                    mar t
Java Power Tools Bootcamp at Skills Matter
                          bDr iver
mave     Seleniu        Hudson

                           January 24-28 2011
Don’t let your web tests end up like this!
The Three Ways of Automated Web Testing



Page Objects
Record-replay automated tests

      Promise           Reality
Record-replay automated tests
Script-based automated tests

Selenium RC



                     Canoe Webtest

Script-based automated tests

Selenium RC



                     Canoe Webtest

What we’d like to have...
      Don’t Repeat Yourself
What we’d like to have...

   Reusable building blocks
What we’d like to have...

A communication tool
Introducing Page Objects



  Speak your language
Page Objects

          are reusable components
Page Objects

          hide unnecessary details
Page Objects

               are low maintenance
Page Objects

        speak everybody’s language
Page Objects in action

            An example
Page Objects in action
The old way - Selenium RC
 selenium = new DefaultSelenium("localhost", 4444, "*firefox", "");"");

 selenium.type("q", "cats");"BtnG");

 assertThat(selenium.isTextPresent("cats"), is(true));
Page Objects in action
The new way - Using Page Objects
 WebDriver driver = new FirefoxDriver();
 GoogleSearchPage page = new GoogleSearchPage(driver);;

 assertThat(page.getTitle(), containsString("cats") );

Page Objects in action
The new way - Using Page Objects
 WebDriver driver = new FirefoxDriver();
 GoogleSearchPage page = new GoogleSearchPage(driver);;

 assertThat(page.getTitle(), containsString("cats") );


                                                     searchFor( query : String )
Page Objects in action
The new way - another example

                    WebDriver driver = new FirefoxDriver();
                    GoogleSearchPage page = new GoogleSearchPage(driver);
    Hides HTML
          details   page.typeIntoSearchBox("cats");
                    List<String> suggestions = page.getSuggestions();
                    assertThat(suggestions, hasItem("cats and dogs"));
       terms        page.close();
From Pages Objects to BDD

Taking expressive tests
to the next level
BDD in action
WebDriver driver = new FirefoxDriver();
GoogleSearchPage page = new GoogleSearchPage(driver);
List<String> suggestions = page.getSuggestions();

assertThat(suggestions, hasItem("cats and dogs"));


But would your testers
      understand this?
BDD in action                                                         Much more

using "google-search"

scenario "Searching for 'cats' on Google", {

 when "the user types 'cats' in the search box", {


 onTheWebPage.typeIntoSearchBox "cats"


 then "the drop-down suggestions should include 'cats and dogs'"


 theWebPage.suggestions.shouldHave "cats and dogs"


                        Still uses Page Objects
                                under the hood
                                                         How about this?
BDD in action

                More readable
So how does it work?
                   Easyb Plugin
using "google-search"

scenario "Searching for 'cats' on Google",{

 when "the user types 'cats' in the search box", {


 onTheWebPage.typeIntoSearchBox "cats"


 then "the drop-down suggestions should include 'cats and dogs'"


 theWebPage.suggestions.shouldHave "cats and dogs"

                                                                          Page Objects

                                                                      Page Navigation
Automated Acceptance Tests

      Where are your goal posts?
Automated Acceptance Tests

   Unit tests are for   Acceptance tests are
      developers          for everyone else
Automated Acceptance Tests

   Unit tests are for   Acceptance tests are
      developers          for everyone else
Automated Acceptance Tests

Automated Acceptance Tests


Automated Acceptance Tests
tags ["acceptance", "sprint-1"]                            Implement these in
scenario "An empty grid should produce an empty grid",{
                                                                Sprint 1
	 when "the user chooses to start a new game", {
	 	 newGamePage = homePage.clickOnNewGameLink()
	 then "the user is invited to enter the initial state of the universe", {
	 	 newGamePage.text.shouldHave "Please seed your universe"	 	 	 	

scenario "The user can seed the universe with an initial grid",{
	 given "the user is on the new grid page", {
	 	 newGridPage = homePage.clickOnNewGameLink()
	 when "that the user clicks on Go without picking any cells", {
        gridDisplayPage = newGridPage.clickOnGoButton()
	 then "the application will display an empty universe", {
	 	 String[][] anEmptyGrid = [[".", ".", "."],
	 	                              [".", ".", "."],
	 	 	 	 	                        [".", ".", "."]]
	 	 gridDisplayPage.displayedGrid.shouldBe anEmptyGrid
And now for
the case studies
Case Study

   Government online form processing
Architecture - fitting it all together

      Acceptance tests

              Easyb Plugin

            Page Objects

                     tests      JUnit

        Web Application
The application
                  Perl and Java

                    Lots of forms

                       Ugly colours
What the tester uses
using "ecert"                                      Custom easyb plugin
tags "TC02"
                                                              Plugin handles
before "we are connected to the UAT environment", {
	 given "we are connected to the UAT environment", {'uat').withUser('a_tester')
}                                                            Business-level tests
scenario "The user opens the 'New Export Certificate' page and selects a country",{
	 when "the user clicks on the 'New Export Certificate' menu", {
	 and "the user chooses USA and clicks on 'Show Data Entry'", {
	 	 onTheWebPage.selectDeclarationFormFor 'United States'	  	
	 then "we should be on the US Export Certification Preparation page", {
	 	 theWebPage.asText.shouldHave "Export Certificate Preparation"	 	
	 	 theWebPage.asText.shouldHave "Declarations for United States"	 	
	 and "the 'Raise New Blank Export Certificate' is default and selected", {
More nice screens
What the tester uses
scenario "The user fills in the Export Certificate Submission Form",{
	 when "we fill in the export certificate details", {
	 	 theWebPage.with {
	 	       certificateNumber = '123456'
	 	 	 consignor = 'LANEXCO1'
	 	 	 importerID = '123'                                 Groovy shortcuts
	 	 	 importerName = 'ImportsRUs'
	 	 	 importerRepresentative = 'local guy'
	 	 	 officialInformation = 'very important'
	 	 	 transportMode = 'AIR'
	 	 	 carrierName = 'AirNZ'                               Business-level tests
	 	 	 productItem(1).description = 'Product data'
	 	 	 productItem(1).harmonizedSystemCode = '020110'
	 	 	 productItem(1).with {
	 	 	 	 process(1).with {
	 	 	 	 	 type = 'Freezing'
	 	 	 	 	 processingStartDate = '01/01/2010'                      Handling
	 	 	 	 	 processingEndDate = '02/01/2010'                      nested forms
	 	 	 	 	 appliedBy = 'some dude'	      	 	
What the Page Objects look like
public class ECertNavigationPanel extends AuthenticatedWebPage {

	       @FindBy(linkText="XML Submit")
	       WebElement xmlSubmit;
	                                                           WebDriver annotations
	       @FindBy(linkText="New Export Certificate")
	       WebElement newExportCertificate;

	       public ECertNavigationPanel(WebDriver driver) {
	       public WebElement getXmlSubmit() {...}

	       public WebElement getNewExportCertificate() {...}

    	   public ECertSubmitXmlPage clickOnXmlSubmit() {...}
	       public ExportCertificatePreparationPage clickOnNewExportCertificate() {...}	
Case Study

      Class Report
   An online reporting
      tool for lawyers
Architecture - fitting it all together

       Integration tests

             Page Objects

         Web Application
The application
                  RUI Application

                     Lots of AJAX
What the tests look like
@Mixin (SeleniumTest)
class ReportViewerTests extends AbstractSeleniumBaseTest
    ViewerPage viewerPage
                                                              Setting up the
    public void setUp() {
                                                               Page Object
         viewerPage = new ViewerPage(selenium, contextPath)

	   public void testClickingGLReportsIconShouldDisplaySubFolders() {
	       viewerPage.clickFolderOpenIcon("GL Reports")
	       assertTrue viewerPage.folderPresent("Accounts")                Testing the app
	       assertTrue viewerPage.folderPresent("Test Reports")

    public void testClickingOnASubFolderShouldDisplayReports() {
	   	   viewerPage.clickFolderOpenIcon("GL Reports")
	   	   assertTrue viewerPage.folderPresent("Test Reports")
	       viewerPage.clickFolder "Test Reports"
	   	   assertTrue viewerPage.reportRowPresent("Test Reports","Aged Debtors By Client")
	   	   assertTrue viewerPage.reportRowPresent("Test Reports","Chart")
What the Page Objects look like
class ViewerPage   extends AbstractPageObject{

  public ViewerPage(def selenium, def contextPath) {           Business-friendly
    super(selenium, contextPath)
  }                                                                methods
  public void clickFolder(String folderName) {...}

  public void clickFolderOpenIcon(String folderId) {...}	

  public boolean   folderPresent(String folderName){...}

  public boolean reportRowPresent(String folder,String rowName){...}

  public boolean reportParameterPresent(String reportName,String parameterName){...}

  public boolean reportRowTextPresent(String folder,String reportName,String text){...}
Case Study

Financial software
The application
                  Looks a bit like
                    this one...
                    (but more complex)

                          (and top secret)


                               Again, lots of AJAX
Page Components
                                                              Reusable component
class RadioButton {
    WebElement button
    WebElement buttonContainer;
    def buttonId
    def driver

    void clickButton() {

    void shouldBeEnabled() {
        assert !isDisabled();

    void shouldBeDisabled() {
        assert isDisabled();
    }                                                       Horrible nasty GWT code
    private boolean isDisabled() {
        return buttonContainer.getAttribute("class").contains("x-item-disabled");

    private void initButton()
        if (button==null) {
            button=driver.findElement(By.xpath("//input[contains(@value, ${buttonId}-input)]"));
Page Components
 public void userShouldBecomeOwnerOfCurrentWorkItem() {
     page.workItemTree.selectEntryCalled("Stuff to do")
     page.assignButton.shouldBeEnabled();                    Click on a button
     page.saveButton.shouldBePresent();               Custom asserts

       scenario "No work items should initially appear on the screen",{
           when "the user opens the page", {
           and "the Item Tree 'Show all' check box should not be ticked", {
               assert page.itemTree.showAll.isNotChecked()
           and "the Item Tree should contain no work items", {
               assert page.itemTree.isEmpty()
       }                                                  BDD-style tests
Page Components
class Grid {
                                            A Grid (table) component
    def driver
    def gridId

    def getAt(int i) {                               It looks like an array
        def gridRows = getGridRows()
        return gridRows[i]

    def size() {
        def gridRows = getGridRows()
        return gridRows.size()

    def shouldHaveARowWith(def map) {
        def gridRows = getGridRows()

        def matchingRowFound = true

        for(entry in map) {
            def gridRow = gridRows.find { row ->
                row[entry.key] == entry.value

               matchingRowFound = gridRow != null

        return matchingRowFound
Page Components
 void theSummaryItemChangesToReflectTreeChoice() {
     page.itemTree.selectEntryCalled("Stuff to do")       This is not an array
     assert page.itemSummaryGrid.size() == 1

     def highlightedItemSummaryRow = page.itemSummaryGrid[0]
     assert highlightedItemSummaryRow.customerName == "ACME Inc"
ATDD, BDD and Page Objects
Clean, precise, well-designed

                 Powerful, robust, low-maintenance

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BDD, ATDD, Page Objects: The Road to Sustainable Web Testing

  • 1. BDD, ATDD, Page Objects The Road to Sustainable Web Testing John Ferguson Smart
  • 2. So who is this guy, anyway? Consulta nt Trainer Mentor Author Speaker Coder John Fer guson S mar t
  • 3. Java Power Tools Bootcamp at Skills Matter ALL YOUR AGILE JAVA TOOLS TRAINING ARE BELONG TO US bDr iver m  2/We mave Seleniu Hudson n BDD JUnit TD D London January 24-28 2011
  • 4. Don’t let your web tests end up like this!
  • 5. The Three Ways of Automated Web Testing Record/Replay Scripting Page Objects
  • 8. Script-based automated tests Selenium RC HTMLUnit JWebUnit Canoe Webtest Watir
  • 9. Script-based automated tests Selenium RC HTMLUnit JWebUnit Canoe Webtest Watir
  • 10. What we’d like to have... D.R.Y Don’t Repeat Yourself
  • 11. What we’d like to have... Reusable building blocks
  • 12. What we’d like to have... A communication tool
  • 13. Introducing Page Objects Reusable Low maintenance Speak your language
  • 14. Page Objects are reusable components
  • 15. Page Objects hide unnecessary details
  • 16. Page Objects are low maintenance
  • 17. Page Objects speak everybody’s language
  • 18. Page Objects in action An example
  • 19. Page Objects in action The old way - Selenium RC selenium = new DefaultSelenium("localhost", 4444, "*firefox", "");""); selenium.waitForPageToLoad(5000); selenium.type("q", "cats");"BtnG"); selenium.waitForPageToLoad(5000); assertThat(selenium.isTextPresent("cats"), is(true));
  • 20. Page Objects in action The new way - Using Page Objects WebDriver driver = new FirefoxDriver(); GoogleSearchPage page = new GoogleSearchPage(driver);; page.searchFor("cats"); assertThat(page.getTitle(), containsString("cats") ); page.close();
  • 21. Page Objects in action The new way - Using Page Objects WebDriver driver = new FirefoxDriver(); GoogleSearchPage page = new GoogleSearchPage(driver);; page.searchFor("cats"); assertThat(page.getTitle(), containsString("cats") ); page.close(); GoogleSearchPage open() close() searchFor( query : String ) clickOnFeelingLucky() openAdvancedSearchOptions() ...
  • 22. Page Objects in action The new way - another example WebDriver driver = new FirefoxDriver(); GoogleSearchPage page = new GoogleSearchPage(driver); Hides HTML details page.typeIntoSearchBox("cats"); List<String> suggestions = page.getSuggestions(); Uses assertThat(suggestions, hasItem("cats and dogs")); business terms page.close();
  • 23. From Pages Objects to BDD Taking expressive tests to the next level
  • 24. BDD in action WebDriver driver = new FirefoxDriver(); GoogleSearchPage page = new GoogleSearchPage(driver); page.typeIntoSearchBox("cats"); List<String> suggestions = page.getSuggestions(); assertThat(suggestions, hasItem("cats and dogs")); page.close(); But would your testers understand this?
  • 25. BDD in action Much more readable using "google-search" scenario "Searching for 'cats' on Google", { when "the user types 'cats' in the search box", { onTheWebPage.typeIntoSearchBox "cats" } then "the drop-down suggestions should include 'cats and dogs'" theWebPage.suggestions.shouldHave "cats and dogs" } } Still uses Page Objects under the hood How about this?
  • 26. BDD in action More readable reporting
  • 27. So how does it work? Easyb Plugin using "google-search" scenario "Searching for 'cats' on Google",{ when "the user types 'cats' in the search box", { onTheWebPage.typeIntoSearchBox "cats" } then "the drop-down suggestions should include 'cats and dogs'" theWebPage.suggestions.shouldHave "cats and dogs" } } Page Objects Page Navigation
  • 28. Automated Acceptance Tests Where are your goal posts?
  • 29. Automated Acceptance Tests Unit tests are for Acceptance tests are developers for everyone else
  • 30. Automated Acceptance Tests Unit tests are for Acceptance tests are developers for everyone else
  • 31. Automated Acceptance Tests Passing acceptance tests Pending acceptance tests
  • 32. Automated Acceptance Tests Acceptance tests Pending acceptance tests
  • 33. Automated Acceptance Tests tags ["acceptance", "sprint-1"] Implement these in scenario "An empty grid should produce an empty grid",{ Sprint 1 when "the user chooses to start a new game", { newGamePage = homePage.clickOnNewGameLink() } then "the user is invited to enter the initial state of the universe", { newGamePage.text.shouldHave "Please seed your universe" } } scenario "The user can seed the universe with an initial grid",{ given "the user is on the new grid page", { newGridPage = homePage.clickOnNewGameLink() } when "that the user clicks on Go without picking any cells", { gridDisplayPage = newGridPage.clickOnGoButton() } then "the application will display an empty universe", { String[][] anEmptyGrid = [[".", ".", "."], [".", ".", "."], [".", ".", "."]] gridDisplayPage.displayedGrid.shouldBe anEmptyGrid } }
  • 34. And now for the case studies
  • 35. Case Study Government online form processing
  • 36. Architecture - fitting it all together Acceptance tests Easyb Plugin Page Objects Integration tests JUnit Web Application
  • 37. The application Perl and Java Lots of forms Ugly colours
  • 38. What the tester uses using "ecert" Custom easyb plugin tags "TC02" Plugin handles before "we are connected to the UAT environment", { authentication given "we are connected to the UAT environment", {'uat').withUser('a_tester') } } Business-level tests scenario "The user opens the 'New Export Certificate' page and selects a country",{ when "the user clicks on the 'New Export Certificate' menu", { onTheWebPage.navigationPanel.clickOnNewExportCertificate() } and "the user chooses USA and clicks on 'Show Data Entry'", { onTheWebPage.selectDeclarationFormFor 'United States' } then "we should be on the US Export Certification Preparation page", { theWebPage.asText.shouldHave "Export Certificate Preparation" theWebPage.asText.shouldHave "Declarations for United States" } and "the 'Raise New Blank Export Certificate' is default and selected", { theWebPage.raiseNewBlankCertificate.shouldBeSelected() } }
  • 40. What the tester uses ... scenario "The user fills in the Export Certificate Submission Form",{ when "we fill in the export certificate details", { theWebPage.with { certificateNumber = '123456' consignor = 'LANEXCO1' importerID = '123' Groovy shortcuts importerName = 'ImportsRUs' importerRepresentative = 'local guy' officialInformation = 'very important' transportMode = 'AIR' carrierName = 'AirNZ' Business-level tests productItem(1).description = 'Product data' productItem(1).harmonizedSystemCode = '020110' productItem(1).with { process(1).with { type = 'Freezing' processingStartDate = '01/01/2010' Handling processingEndDate = '02/01/2010' nested forms appliedBy = 'some dude' overrideSelected() } ...
  • 41. What the Page Objects look like public class ECertNavigationPanel extends AuthenticatedWebPage { @FindBy(linkText="XML Submit") WebElement xmlSubmit; WebDriver annotations @FindBy(linkText="New Export Certificate") WebElement newExportCertificate; public ECertNavigationPanel(WebDriver driver) { super(driver); } public WebElement getXmlSubmit() {...} public WebElement getNewExportCertificate() {...} public ECertSubmitXmlPage clickOnXmlSubmit() {...} public ExportCertificatePreparationPage clickOnNewExportCertificate() {...} }
  • 42. Case Study Class Report An online reporting tool for lawyers h"p://
  • 43. Architecture - fitting it all together Regression/ Integration tests Page Objects Web Application
  • 44. The application RUI Application Lots of AJAX !
  • 45. What the tests look like @Mixin (SeleniumTest) class ReportViewerTests extends AbstractSeleniumBaseTest { ViewerPage viewerPage Setting up the public void setUp() { super.setUp() Page Object TestFixtures.loadData() viewerPage = new ViewerPage(selenium, contextPath) viewerPage.openHomePage() } public void testClickingGLReportsIconShouldDisplaySubFolders() { viewerPage.clickFolderOpenIcon("GL Reports") assertTrue viewerPage.folderPresent("Accounts") Testing the app assertTrue viewerPage.folderPresent("Test Reports") } public void testClickingOnASubFolderShouldDisplayReports() { viewerPage.clickFolderOpenIcon("GL Reports") assertTrue viewerPage.folderPresent("Test Reports") viewerPage.clickFolder "Test Reports" assertTrue viewerPage.reportRowPresent("Test Reports","Aged Debtors By Client") assertTrue viewerPage.reportRowPresent("Test Reports","Chart") } ...
  • 46. What the Page Objects look like class ViewerPage extends AbstractPageObject{ public ViewerPage(def selenium, def contextPath) { Business-friendly super(selenium, contextPath) } methods public void clickFolder(String folderName) {...} public void clickFolderOpenIcon(String folderId) {...} public boolean folderPresent(String folderName){...} public boolean reportRowPresent(String folder,String rowName){...} public boolean reportParameterPresent(String reportName,String parameterName){...} public boolean reportRowTextPresent(String folder,String reportName,String text){...} ...
  • 48. The application Looks a bit like this one... (but more complex) (and top secret) (Shhhhhh!) Again, lots of AJAX !
  • 49. Page Components Reusable component class RadioButton { WebElement button WebElement buttonContainer; def buttonId def driver void clickButton() { initButton(); } void shouldBeEnabled() { assert !isDisabled(); } void shouldBeDisabled() { assert isDisabled(); } Horrible nasty GWT code private boolean isDisabled() { initButton() return buttonContainer.getAttribute("class").contains("x-item-disabled"); } private void initButton() { if (button==null) { buttonContainer=driver.findElement("gwt-debug-${buttonId}_BUTTON")); button=driver.findElement(By.xpath("//input[contains(@value, ${buttonId}-input)]")); } } }
  • 50. Page Components @Test public void userShouldBecomeOwnerOfCurrentWorkItem() { page.workItemTree.selectEntryCalled("Stuff to do") ... page.assignButton.shouldBeEnabled(); Click on a button page.assignButton.shouldBeHidden(); page.retryButton.shouldBeEnabled(); page.saveButton.shouldBeDisabled() page.saveButton.shouldBePresent(); Custom asserts } scenario "No work items should initially appear on the screen",{ when "the user opens the page", { } and "the Item Tree 'Show all' check box should not be ticked", { assert page.itemTree.showAll.isNotChecked() } and "the Item Tree should contain no work items", { assert page.itemTree.isEmpty() } } BDD-style tests
  • 51. Page Components class Grid { A Grid (table) component def driver def gridId def getAt(int i) { It looks like an array def gridRows = getGridRows() return gridRows[i] } def size() { def gridRows = getGridRows() return gridRows.size() } def shouldHaveARowWith(def map) { def gridRows = getGridRows() def matchingRowFound = true for(entry in map) { def gridRow = gridRows.find { row -> row[entry.key] == entry.value } matchingRowFound = gridRow != null } return matchingRowFound }
  • 52. Page Components @Test void theSummaryItemChangesToReflectTreeChoice() { page.itemTree.selectEntryCalled("Stuff to do") This is not an array assert page.itemSummaryGrid.size() == 1 def highlightedItemSummaryRow = page.itemSummaryGrid[0] assert highlightedItemSummaryRow.customerName == "ACME Inc" }
  • 53. ATDD, BDD and Page Objects Clean, precise, well-designed Powerful, robust, low-maintenance John  Ferguson  Smart Email: Web:  h"p:// Twi"er:  wakaleo