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Scott Miao 2012/7/5

   Course Credit
   Hands-on
       Install tm-puppet
   Client API: The basics
   Hands-on
       Write your own CRUD codes~
   Client API: Advanced Feature
   All refers to
Hbase: The Definitive Guide -
General Notes (1/2)
   Any mutate data operations are atomic
    on a per-row basis

   Create HTable instances only once for
    each thread
     HTable is not thread-safe
     Can use HTablePool
   Familiar with the API docs

General Notes (2/2)
   Configuration
     Load hbase-default & hbase-site.xml in
     Set properties in hadoop CLI
     Set properties in Java code
     Set in Java code > hadoop CLI > hbase-
      site.xml > hbase-default.xml

Client API: The basics
 Put
 Get
 Delete
 Batch operations
 Row Locks
 Scan

 Source code:

Put method - Single Put
   ch03/client.PutExample

   Notice the timestamp
     ts will set by HBase if user not provide
     ts determines version in HBase (default is 3)
     ts may confuse the HBase versioning if
     Client‟s timezone is not identical

Put method - KeyValue
   The low level data bytes in Client APIs
     <row-key>/<family>:<qualifier>/<version>/<type>/<value-

     Put.add(KeyValue kv);
     Map<byte[], List<KeyValue>> Put.getFamilyMap();

Put method –
Client-side write buffer (1/3)
 collects put operations so that they are
  sent in one RPC call to the server(s)
 ch03/client.PutWriteBufferExample
  sample code
     long getWriteBufferSize()
     void setWriteBufferSize(long
     Default is 2 MB bytes
     Configuration property
      ○ hbase.client.write.buffer

Put method –
Client-side write buffer (2/3)
   Round-trip time
     Is the time it takes for a client to send a
      request and the server to send a response
      over the network
     Not include the Data-Transfer Time
      ○ Data size is a factor
     On average, 1ms on a LAN
      ○ 1000 round-trips per second
   Usecase
     Small data size but many requests to send

Put method –
Client-side write buffer (3/3)

Put method – List of Puts

 ch03/client.PutListExample
 ch03/client. PutListErrorExample2

Put method –
Atomic compare-and-set
   A check before put

   ch03/client.CheckAndPutExample

   Can not cross the row

Get method – Single Gets

 client.GetExample
 Result Class
     Contains all the matching cells

Get method – List of Gets
 client.GetListExample
 client. GetListErrorExample
 client.GetRowOrBeforeExample
     Find the specified rowKey
     Previous row if not found
     Null if no any found

Delete method – Single Deletes
   client.DeleteExample

Delete method – List of Deletes
 client.DeleteListExample
 client.DeleteListErrorExample

Delete method –
Atomic compare-and-delete

   client.CheckAndDeleteExample

Batch Operations
   client.BatchExample
     No client-side buffer, just like Put operations

Row Locks (1/3)
   Two types of lock
     Server side lock
      ○ Servers will create a lock implicitly on your
        behalf, just for the duration of the call
     Client side lock
      ○ Clients can also acquire explicit locks and use
        them across multiple operations on the same
      ○ RowLock Class

   client.RowLockExample

Row Locks (2/3)
   Avoid using row locks whenever

   Do Gets require a Lock ?
     No, while a mutation is in progress, all
     reading clients will be seeing the previous
     state of all columns

Row Locks (3/3)
   When to release RowLock ?
     Current lock has been released
     The lease on the lock has expired
      ○ Configuration Property on the server side
         Default is 1 min.
      ○ org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver.LeaseExce

Scans (1/3)
   A technique akin to cursors in database
     which make use of the underlying
     sequential, sorted storage layout HBase is

   Narrowing the scan‟s scope is playing
    into the strengths of HBase
     Since data is stored in column families, you
     will not read the unrelated families storage
     files at all

Scans (2/3)
   Scan(byte[] startRow, byte[] stopRow)
     [startRow, stopRow)
 Scan addFamily(byte [] family)
 Scan addColumn(byte[] family, byte[]
 Scan setTimeRange(long minStamp,
  long maxStamp) throws IOException
 Scan setTimeStamp(long timestamp)
 Scan setMaxVersions()
 Scan setMaxVersions(int maxVersions)
 Scan setFilter(Filter filter)
Scans (3/3)
   ch03/client.ScanExample

   Scans do not ship all the matching rows in
    one RPC to the client
     one call would use up too many resources, and
     take a long time
 ResultScanner wraps the Result instance for
  each row into an iterator functionality
 An iterator functionality
     Just like JDBC ResultSet

Scans – Caching (1/2)
 Deal with small data rows with huge data
  set size
 Table level
     void HTable.setScannerCaching(int
   Scan level
     void Scan.setCaching(int caching)
   In configuration file (hbase-site.xml)
     hbase.client.scanner.caching
     Will take effect depends on you put it on the
     client or server side
Scans – Caching (2/2)
   Need to find a sweet spot between
     A low number of RPCs
     The memory used on client and server side

 Using the same lease-based
  mechanisms with RowLock
 org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Scanne
  rTimeoutException: 65094ms passed
  since the last invocation, timeout is
  currently set to 60000
 ch03/client.ScanTimeoutExample

Scans – Batching
   Deal with very large rows
     Those do not fit into the memory of the client
     batching works on the column level
 void Scan.setBatch(int batch)
 For example, your row has 17 columns
  and you set the batch to 5…
     You‟ll get four Result instances, with 5, 5, 5,
      and 2

Scans – Caching & Batching
 ch03/client.ScanCacheBatchExample
 10 rows * 20 columns per row = 200 columns

Scans – Caching & Batching
   RPCs = (Rows * Cols per Row) / Min(Cols per
    Row, Batch Size) / Scanner Caching
      = (10 * 20) / Min(20, 20) / 5
      = 200 / 20 / 5
   2 + 1 or 2 requests for open/close Scanner
       = 3 or 4

Scans – Caching & Batching
 1 Table, 9 Rows, with some columns
 Caching set to 6, batch set to 3

Hands-On –
Write your own CRUD codes
   In hbase shell
     Create table
      ○ A Table „MY_SECOND_TABLE‟
      ○ With two column families „FAM_1‟, „FAM_2‟
   In java code
     Put
      ○ Two values
     Scan Table
     Delete
      ○ One value
     Get the last one value

Hands-On –
    Write your own CRUD codes
   Environment
     Let project_home = ${git_home}/hbase-
     mkdir ${project_home}
     cp –rf ${git_home}/hbase-training/002/projects/training-
      002 ${project_home}

   Write java codes in
     ${project_home}/src/main/java/client/

Hands-On –
Write your own CRUD codes
   Requirements
     After you completed your codes
     Run command in ${project_home}
      ○ Build the jar file
        mvn clean package
     ○ Run the jar file you built
        sh bin/ > output.txt
     ○ output.txt
        Ran successfully and output the Hbase data
        I will verify this file in git

   Commit and push your git
Client API: Advanced
 Filters
 Counters
 Coprocessors
 HTable Pool
 Connection Handling

   Get
     Direct access to data
   Scan
     Use start/end key
   Filters
     More limiting selectors to the query
     Applied on the server side
     Including
      ○ Column families, column
        qualifiers, timestamps or ranges, version
Filters – How Filters work

Filters –
   Various Filter
    impl.s for your

   You also can write
    your own impl.

Filters – Comparison Filters
They take the comparison operator and
comparator instance
     Class Name                             Description

RowFilter            It is used to filter based on the row key

FamilyFilter         It is used to filter based on the column family

QualifierFilter      It is used to filter based on the column qualifier

ValueFilter          It is used to filter based on column value

DependentColumnFil   It uses the timestamp of the reference column and
ter                  includes all other columns that have the same
                     timestamp                                            38
Filters –

Filters –
CompareFilter Comparators

Filters – CompareFilter

   ch04/filters.RowFilterExample

Filters – Dedicated Filters
   Mainly used in the Scan, they basically
   filter out entire rows
     Class Name                                  Description

SingleColumnValueFil   It is used to filter cells based on value
SingleColumnValueEx Opposite with SingleColumnValueFilter
PrefixFilter           All rows that match this prefix are returned to the client

PageFilter             It controls how many rows per page should be returned

KeyOnlyFilter          It access just the keys of each KeyValue, while omitting the
                       actual data
FirstKeyOnlyFilter     It access the key of first column in each row, and bypass the
                       rest                                                         42
Filters – Dedicated Filters

      Class Name                                  Description

InclusiveStopFilter      Change the Scan [startRow, stopRow) to [startRow, stopRow]

TimestampFilter          It returns only cells whose timestamp (version) is in the
                         specified list of timestamps (versions)
ColumnCountGetFilter     It returns first N columns on row only, for HBase test purpose

ColumnPaginationFilter   Similar to the PageFilter, this one can be used to page
                         through columns in a row
ColumnPrefixFilter       Analog to the PrefixFilter, which worked by filtering on row
                         key prefixes, this filter does the same for columns
RandomRowFilter          It including random rows into the result
Filters – Decorating Filters

   Class Name                              Description

SkipFilter         wraps a given filter and extends it to exclude an entire row,
                   when the wrapped filter hints for a KeyValue to be skipped

WhileMatchFilter   It aborts the entire scan once a piece of information is

Filters - FilterList
   In practice, you may want to have more
    than one filter being applied to reduce
    the data returned to your client

   Operators

Filters - FilterList
   ch04/filters.FilterListExample
     First scan filters is like

     Second scan filters is like

Filters – Custom Filters
   If there is no any Filters
    can help your needs
     You could make one by
      yourself !!

   Make a Filter Impl.
    extended from
     Filter
     FilterBase

Filters – Custom Filters
 ch04/filters.CustomFilter
 ch04/filters.CustomFilterExample

   Custom Filters Deployment (costly)
    1. Build jar file
    2. Put jar file on the every region server
    3. Append jar file path into $CLASSPATH in
    4. Restart all HBase daemons

Filters - Summary

Filters - Summary

   Many applications that collect statistics
     such as clicks or views in online advertising
     were used to collect the data in logfiles that
     would subsequently be analyzed

   The Counter is all you need !!

Counters - shell
   Create a table
     create 'counters', 'daily', 'weekly', 'monthly„

   Initial a counter
     incr 'counters', '20110101', 'daily:hits', 1
     Let‟s do it twice

   Get your counter
     get_counter 'counters', '20110101',
Counters - shell
   You can also fine-tune your counter
     incr 'counters', '20110101', 'daily:hits', 0
     incr 'counters', '20110101', 'daily:hits', -1

   Do not use put as incr, despite counter
    is also a value
     Data type issue, long V.S. String
   Use get_counter not get
     It is more human readable~

Counters - API
   Single Counters
     ch04/client.IncrementSingleExample

   Multiple Counters
     ch04/client.IncrementMultipleExample

   With the coprocessor feature in HBase,
    you can even move part of the
    computation to where the data lives

   As a small MapReduce framework,
    which can distribute the work across the
    entire cluster

   Two types
     Observer
      ○ Trigger-like
     Endpoint
      ○ Stored procedure-like
   Usecases
     Aggregate functions, sum(), avg()
     Integrity Checks, put some data and other data
      must exist
     Authentication, authorization and auditing
      ○ Based on Coprocessors from 0.92 HBase

Coprocessors –
Coprocessor Class
   Priorities defined in Coprocessor.Priority

Coprocessors –
Coprocessor Class
   State defined in Coprocessor.State

Coprossesor – Main

Coprossesor – Flow

Coprocessor – Loading from
   Add following description in hbase-site.xml

   Region, master, wal are different Observers
   The order of Class fully-qualified names in value, will
    determine the execution order
   And follow the Custom-Filter deployment way
   For every table and region
Coprocessor – Loading from
    table descriptor
   Use HTableDescriptor.setValue(String key, String value)
   Key spec.
     COPROCESSOR[$<number>]
     Ex.
       ○ COPROCESSOR$1
   Value spec.
     <jarFilePath>|<classFullyQualifiedName>|<priority>
     Ex.
       ○ “hdfs://localhost:8020/users/leon/test.jar|coprocessor.Test|SYSTEM”
     jarFilePath could be any protocol supported by Hadoop FileSystem Class

   Ch04/coprocessor.LoadWithTableDescriptorExample
   Only for regions of specified table

Coprocessor - Observer
   callback functions (hooks) are executed
    when certain events occur
   Known as Triggers in DBMS

      Observer Type                      Description

RegionObserver        Observse events bound to the regions of a table

MasterObserver        Observe evens bound to administrative or DDL-type
                      operations (cluster-wide event)

WALObserver           Observe events bound to WAL log (Write-ahead log)
Coprocessor – Observer main

Coprocessor – RegionObserver
and Region Life Cycle

Coprocessor – RegionObserver
• Handling region life cycle events
• Handling client API events
• ch04/coprocessor.RegionObserverExample

Coprocessor – MasterObserver
• ch04/coprocessor.MasterObserverExample

Coprocessor - Endpoint
   User code can be deployed to the
    servers hosting the data to, for example,
    perform server-local computations

   Known as Stored procedures in DBMS

   Can be combined with observer
    implementations to directly interact with
    the server-side state

Coprocessor – Endpoint main
 •   ch04/coprocessor.RowCountProtocol
 •   ch04/coprocessor.RowCountEndpoint
 •   ch04/coprocessor.EndpointExample
 •   ch04/coprocessor.EndpointProxyExample

Coprocessor –
Single Region V.S. Range of regions

 Creating an HTable instance takes a few
  seconds to complete
 It is not be capable in highly contended
  environment with thousands of requests
  per second
 Keep one HTable instance for multiple
  uses, but it is not thread-safe

HTablePool – Sample code

Connection Handling
   Use the shared Connection as you can

Connection Handling –
Main Classes

Connection Handling –
 Share ZooKeeper connections
     initial lookup of where user table regions are
   Cache common resources
     Location is cached on the client side after first
      round-trips with ZooKeeper and other servers
     When a lookup fails
      ○ Ex. A region was split
      ○ A built-in retry mechanism to refresh the stale
        cache information
   Do not forget to release your shared Connection
     HTable.close()
     HTablePool.closeTablePool(…)


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002 hbase clientapi

  • 2. Agenda  Course Credit  Hands-on  Install tm-puppet  Client API: The basics  Hands-on  Write your own CRUD codes~  Client API: Advanced Feature  All refers to Hbase: The Definitive Guide - Lars-George/dp/1449396100/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1339060175&sr=8-1 2
  • 3. General Notes (1/2)  Any mutate data operations are atomic on a per-row basis  Create HTable instances only once for each thread  HTable is not thread-safe  Can use HTablePool  Familiar with the API docs 3
  • 4. General Notes (2/2)  Configuration  Load hbase-default & hbase-site.xml in CLASSPATH  Set properties in hadoop CLI  Set properties in Java code  Set in Java code > hadoop CLI > hbase- site.xml > hbase-default.xml 4
  • 5. Client API: The basics  Put  Get  Delete  Batch operations  Row Locks  Scan Source code: 5
  • 6. Put method - Single Put  ch03/client.PutExample  Notice the timestamp  ts will set by HBase if user not provide  ts determines version in HBase (default is 3)  ts may confuse the HBase versioning if Client‟s timezone is not identical 6
  • 7. Put method - KeyValue  The low level data bytes in Client APIs  <row-key>/<family>:<qualifier>/<version>/<type>/<value- length>  Put.add(KeyValue kv);  Map<byte[], List<KeyValue>> Put.getFamilyMap(); 7
  • 8. Put method – Client-side write buffer (1/3)  collects put operations so that they are sent in one RPC call to the server(s)  ch03/client.PutWriteBufferExample sample code  long getWriteBufferSize()  void setWriteBufferSize(long writeBufferSize)  Default is 2 MB bytes  Configuration property ○ hbase.client.write.buffer 8
  • 9. Put method – Client-side write buffer (2/3)  Round-trip time  Is the time it takes for a client to send a request and the server to send a response over the network  Not include the Data-Transfer Time ○ Data size is a factor  On average, 1ms on a LAN ○ 1000 round-trips per second  Usecase  Small data size but many requests to send 9
  • 10. Put method – Client-side write buffer (3/3) 10
  • 11. Put method – List of Puts  ch03/client.PutListExample  ch03/client. PutListErrorExample2 11
  • 12. Put method – Atomic compare-and-set  A check before put  ch03/client.CheckAndPutExample  Can not cross the row 12
  • 13. Get method – Single Gets  client.GetExample  Result Class  Contains all the matching cells 13
  • 14. Get method – List of Gets  client.GetListExample  client. GetListErrorExample  client.GetRowOrBeforeExample  Find the specified rowKey  Previous row if not found  Null if no any found 14
  • 15. Delete method – Single Deletes  client.DeleteExample 15
  • 16. Delete method – List of Deletes  client.DeleteListExample  client.DeleteListErrorExample 16
  • 17. Delete method – Atomic compare-and-delete  client.CheckAndDeleteExample 17
  • 18. Batch Operations  client.BatchExample  No client-side buffer, just like Put operations 18
  • 19. Row Locks (1/3)  Two types of lock  Server side lock ○ Servers will create a lock implicitly on your behalf, just for the duration of the call  Client side lock ○ Clients can also acquire explicit locks and use them across multiple operations on the same row ○ RowLock Class  client.RowLockExample 19
  • 20. Row Locks (2/3)  Avoid using row locks whenever possible  Do Gets require a Lock ?  No, while a mutation is in progress, all reading clients will be seeing the previous state of all columns 20
  • 21. Row Locks (3/3)  When to release RowLock ?  Current lock has been released  The lease on the lock has expired ○ Configuration Property on the server side   Default is 1 min. ○ org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver.LeaseExce ption: 21
  • 22. Scans (1/3)  A technique akin to cursors in database systems  which make use of the underlying sequential, sorted storage layout HBase is providing  Narrowing the scan‟s scope is playing into the strengths of HBase  Since data is stored in column families, you will not read the unrelated families storage files at all 22
  • 23. Scans (2/3)  Scan(byte[] startRow, byte[] stopRow)  [startRow, stopRow)  Scan addFamily(byte [] family)  Scan addColumn(byte[] family, byte[] qualifier)  Scan setTimeRange(long minStamp, long maxStamp) throws IOException  Scan setTimeStamp(long timestamp)  Scan setMaxVersions()  Scan setMaxVersions(int maxVersions)  Scan setFilter(Filter filter) 23
  • 24. Scans (3/3)  ch03/client.ScanExample  Scans do not ship all the matching rows in one RPC to the client  one call would use up too many resources, and take a long time  ResultScanner wraps the Result instance for each row into an iterator functionality  An iterator functionality  Just like JDBC ResultSet 24
  • 25. Scans – Caching (1/2)  Deal with small data rows with huge data set size  Table level  void HTable.setScannerCaching(int scannerCaching)  Scan level  void Scan.setCaching(int caching)  In configuration file (hbase-site.xml)  hbase.client.scanner.caching  Will take effect depends on you put it on the client or server side 25
  • 26. Scans – Caching (2/2)  Need to find a sweet spot between  A low number of RPCs  The memory used on client and server side  Using the same lease-based mechanisms with RowLock  org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Scanne rTimeoutException: 65094ms passed since the last invocation, timeout is currently set to 60000  ch03/client.ScanTimeoutExample 26
  • 27. Scans – Batching  Deal with very large rows  Those do not fit into the memory of the client process  batching works on the column level  void Scan.setBatch(int batch)  For example, your row has 17 columns and you set the batch to 5…  You‟ll get four Result instances, with 5, 5, 5, and 2 27
  • 28. Scans – Caching & Batching (1/3)  ch03/client.ScanCacheBatchExample  10 rows * 20 columns per row = 200 columns 28
  • 29. Scans – Caching & Batching (2/3)  RPCs = (Rows * Cols per Row) / Min(Cols per Row, Batch Size) / Scanner Caching = (10 * 20) / Min(20, 20) / 5 = 200 / 20 / 5 =2  2 + 1 or 2 requests for open/close Scanner = 3 or 4 29
  • 30. Scans – Caching & Batching (3/3)  1 Table, 9 Rows, with some columns  Caching set to 6, batch set to 3 30
  • 31. Hands-On – Write your own CRUD codes (1/3)  In hbase shell  Create table ○ A Table „MY_SECOND_TABLE‟ ○ With two column families „FAM_1‟, „FAM_2‟  In java code  Put ○ Two values  Scan Table  Delete ○ One value  Get the last one value 31
  • 32. Hands-On – Write your own CRUD codes (2/3)  Environment  Let project_home = ${git_home}/hbase- training/002/hands-on/${your_name}  mkdir ${project_home}  cp –rf ${git_home}/hbase-training/002/projects/training- 002 ${project_home}  Write java codes in  ${project_home}/src/main/java/client/ 32
  • 33. Hands-On – Write your own CRUD codes (3/3)  Requirements  After you completed your codes  Run command in ${project_home} ○ Build the jar file  mvn clean package ○ Run the jar file you built  sh bin/ > output.txt ○ output.txt  Ran successfully and output the Hbase data  I will verify this file in git  Commit and push your git 33
  • 34. Client API: Advanced Features  Filters  Counters  Coprocessors  HTable Pool  Connection Handling 34
  • 35. Filters  Get  Direct access to data  Scan  Use start/end key  Filters  More limiting selectors to the query  Applied on the server side  Including ○ Column families, column qualifiers, timestamps or ranges, version number 35
  • 36. Filters – How Filters work 36
  • 37. Filters – Hierarchy  Various Filter impl.s for your needs  You also can write your own impl. 37
  • 38. Filters – Comparison Filters They take the comparison operator and comparator instance Class Name Description RowFilter It is used to filter based on the row key FamilyFilter It is used to filter based on the column family QualifierFilter It is used to filter based on the column qualifier ValueFilter It is used to filter based on column value DependentColumnFil It uses the timestamp of the reference column and ter includes all other columns that have the same timestamp 38
  • 41. Filters – CompareFilter example  ch04/filters.RowFilterExample 41
  • 42. Filters – Dedicated Filters Mainly used in the Scan, they basically filter out entire rows Class Name Description SingleColumnValueFil It is used to filter cells based on value ter SingleColumnValueEx Opposite with SingleColumnValueFilter cludeFilter PrefixFilter All rows that match this prefix are returned to the client PageFilter It controls how many rows per page should be returned KeyOnlyFilter It access just the keys of each KeyValue, while omitting the actual data FirstKeyOnlyFilter It access the key of first column in each row, and bypass the rest 42
  • 43. Filters – Dedicated Filters Class Name Description InclusiveStopFilter Change the Scan [startRow, stopRow) to [startRow, stopRow] TimestampFilter It returns only cells whose timestamp (version) is in the specified list of timestamps (versions) ColumnCountGetFilter It returns first N columns on row only, for HBase test purpose ColumnPaginationFilter Similar to the PageFilter, this one can be used to page through columns in a row ColumnPrefixFilter Analog to the PrefixFilter, which worked by filtering on row key prefixes, this filter does the same for columns RandomRowFilter It including random rows into the result 43
  • 44. Filters – Decorating Filters Class Name Description SkipFilter wraps a given filter and extends it to exclude an entire row, when the wrapped filter hints for a KeyValue to be skipped WhileMatchFilter It aborts the entire scan once a piece of information is filtered 44
  • 45. Filters - FilterList  In practice, you may want to have more than one filter being applied to reduce the data returned to your client application  Operators 45
  • 46. Filters - FilterList  ch04/filters.FilterListExample  First scan filters is like  Second scan filters is like 46
  • 47. Filters – Custom Filters  If there is no any Filters can help your needs  You could make one by yourself !!  Make a Filter Impl. extended from  Filter  FilterBase 47
  • 48. Filters – Custom Filters  ch04/filters.CustomFilter  ch04/filters.CustomFilterExample  Custom Filters Deployment (costly) 1. Build jar file 2. Put jar file on the every region server 3. Append jar file path into $CLASSPATH in 4. Restart all HBase daemons 48
  • 51. Counters  Many applications that collect statistics  such as clicks or views in online advertising  were used to collect the data in logfiles that would subsequently be analyzed  The Counter is all you need !! 51
  • 52. Counters - shell  Create a table  create 'counters', 'daily', 'weekly', 'monthly„  Initial a counter  incr 'counters', '20110101', 'daily:hits', 1  Let‟s do it twice  Get your counter  get_counter 'counters', '20110101', 'daily:hits' 52
  • 53. Counters - shell  You can also fine-tune your counter  incr 'counters', '20110101', 'daily:hits', 0  incr 'counters', '20110101', 'daily:hits', -1  Do not use put as incr, despite counter is also a value  Data type issue, long V.S. String  Use get_counter not get  It is more human readable~ 53
  • 54. Counters - API  Single Counters  ch04/client.IncrementSingleExample  Multiple Counters  ch04/client.IncrementMultipleExample 54
  • 55. Coprocessors  With the coprocessor feature in HBase, you can even move part of the computation to where the data lives  As a small MapReduce framework, which can distribute the work across the entire cluster 55
  • 56. Coprocessors  Two types  Observer ○ Trigger-like  Endpoint ○ Stored procedure-like  Usecases  Aggregate functions, sum(), avg()  Integrity Checks, put some data and other data must exist  Authentication, authorization and auditing ○ Based on Coprocessors from 0.92 HBase 56
  • 57. Coprocessors – Coprocessor Class  Priorities defined in Coprocessor.Priority enumeration 57
  • 58. Coprocessors – Coprocessor Class  State defined in Coprocessor.State enumeration 58
  • 61. Coprocessor – Loading from Configuration  Add following description in hbase-site.xml  Region, master, wal are different Observers  The order of Class fully-qualified names in value, will determine the execution order  And follow the Custom-Filter deployment way  For every table and region 61
  • 62. Coprocessor – Loading from table descriptor  Use HTableDescriptor.setValue(String key, String value)  Key spec.  COPROCESSOR[$<number>]  Ex. ○ COPROCESSOR$1  Value spec.  <jarFilePath>|<classFullyQualifiedName>|<priority>  Ex. ○ “hdfs://localhost:8020/users/leon/test.jar|coprocessor.Test|SYSTEM”  jarFilePath could be any protocol supported by Hadoop FileSystem Class  Ch04/coprocessor.LoadWithTableDescriptorExample  Only for regions of specified table 62
  • 63. Coprocessor - Observer  callback functions (hooks) are executed when certain events occur  Known as Triggers in DBMS Observer Type Description RegionObserver Observse events bound to the regions of a table MasterObserver Observe evens bound to administrative or DDL-type operations (cluster-wide event) WALObserver Observe events bound to WAL log (Write-ahead log) processing 63
  • 64. Coprocessor – Observer main claases 64
  • 65. Coprocessor – RegionObserver and Region Life Cycle 65
  • 66. Coprocessor – RegionObserver Classes • Handling region life cycle events • Handling client API events • ch04/coprocessor.RegionObserverExample 66
  • 67. Coprocessor – MasterObserver Classes • ch04/coprocessor.MasterObserverExample 67
  • 68. Coprocessor - Endpoint  User code can be deployed to the servers hosting the data to, for example, perform server-local computations  Known as Stored procedures in DBMS  Can be combined with observer implementations to directly interact with the server-side state 68
  • 69. Coprocessor – Endpoint main Classes • ch04/coprocessor.RowCountProtocol • ch04/coprocessor.RowCountEndpoint • ch04/coprocessor.EndpointExample • ch04/coprocessor.EndpointProxyExample 69
  • 70. Coprocessor – Single Region V.S. Range of regions 70
  • 71. HTablePool  Creating an HTable instance takes a few seconds to complete  It is not be capable in highly contended environment with thousands of requests per second  Keep one HTable instance for multiple uses, but it is not thread-safe 71
  • 73. Connection Handling  Use the shared Connection as you can 73
  • 75. Connection Handling – Features  Share ZooKeeper connections  initial lookup of where user table regions are located  Cache common resources  Location is cached on the client side after first round-trips with ZooKeeper and other servers  When a lookup fails ○ Ex. A region was split ○ A built-in retry mechanism to refresh the stale cache information  Do not forget to release your shared Connection  HTable.close()  HTablePool.closeTablePool(…) 75