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An assignment for

EC51001 Applied Business and Marketing

             Submitted To
        Dr. Andrzej Kwiatkowski

          University of Dundee

               Submitted On
              26 March, 2012


         Swapnil Mali    120004897
Content             Page No

1.0 Introduction       1

1.1 Survey name        1

1.2 Objectives         1

1.3 Aim                1

1.4 Key Findings       1

1.5 Methodology        1

2.0 Analysis part      2

3.0 Comparison         6

4.0 Conclusion         6

 References            7

 Appendix Tables       7
1.0 Introduction
1.1 Survey name- Chicken                  Survey.

1.2 Objectives- The objective of this survey was to characterize consumers of chicken.

1.3 Aim- Aim is to find out what factors discriminate between those who buy chicken at the
                     who do not.

1.4 Key Findings- This survey did help to understand the buying behaviour of customers. Those
whose expenditure on chicken in week is more, whose age is more, and who feel that chicken at
                                                            hop. But who have more trust on

1.5 Methodology- This survey was done by asking various questions to customers at supermarket
                                                                           pping, income, family,
etc. Then this data has been analysed by SPSS and statistic model is generated. Prediction is done
on the basis of this statistical model.

EC51001 Applied Business and Marketing Research                                            Page 1
2.0 Analysis part

On the basis of the result in tables by SPSS, logistic regression analysis has been carried out,
which elaborated in detail below.

        Case Processing Summary

                    Unweighted Casesa                                N         Percent
                    Selected Cases Included in                           420       84.0
                                   Missing Cases                          80       16.0
                                        Total                          500        100.0
                    Unselected Cases                                      0           .0
                    Total                                              500        100.0
                    a. If weight is in effect, see classification table for the total
                    number of cases.

The table above shows that there are few missing cases. But most of the data (84%) is been
covered under analysis. It is a good model for the analysis. By default, the tool logistic
regression in SPSS performs a listwise deletion of missing data, which means if there is missing
value for any variable in the model; the entire case will be excluded from the analysis.
        Dependent Variable Encoding

                                     Value             Internal Value
                                     no                             0
                                     yes                            1

This shows the internal value representation for the dependent variable. Those who not buy at

        Block 0: Beginning Block
           o Classification Tablea,b

                                                              Butcher         Percentage
                    Observed                               no         yes      Correct
          Step 0    Butcher no                               277          0          100.0
                              yes                            143          0              .0
                    Overall Percentage                                                     66.0

EC51001 Applied Business and Marketing Research                                                   Page 2
a. Constant is included in the model.
          b. The cut value is .500

Step 0: No predictors and just the intercept at this stage.
It is recognising                                                             100 % which is ideal but
in the case of         it is not doing the same. 66% of the total dependent variables were correctly
predicted in the given model (277/ 420 = 0.66). So any random calculation for most frequent
category for all cases will yield the same correct present i.e. 66 %.

              o Variables in the Equation

                                 B         S.E.       Wald          df          Sig.      Exp(B)
     Step 0      Constant        -.661       .103     41.228             1        .000       .516

In the null model B is the coefficient for the constant. In this table significant value indicates that
null hypothesis can be neglected (as value less than 0.05). Exp(B) is nothing but the odds ratio
which can be can calculated as 43/277.

        Block 1: Method = Enter
           o Omnibus Tests of Model Coefficients

                                            Chi-square        df         Sig.
                        Step 1    Step          71.655             4       .000
                                  Block         71.655             4       .000
                                  Model         71.655             4       .000
This help in deciding the significance of the independent variables in the model. As significant
values are less than 0.05 we can say that all predictors are statistically significant.
              o Model Summary

                                    -2 Log      Cox & Snell R Nagelkerke R
                       Step       likelihood         Square         Square
                       1              467.079               .157          .217
                       a. Estimation terminated at iteration number 5 because
                       parameter estimates changed by less than .001.

EC51001 Applied Business and Marketing Research                                                 Page 3
Variation in the dependent variable changes only by 15.7 % due to independent variuables.
Nagelkerke R value is 0.217 which shows variance observed is equal to 21.7% between the
predictors and the prediction.
               o Hosmer and Lemeshow Test

                             Step    Chi-square      df         Sig.
                             1             3.030          8       .932
The difference between observed and expected values should be the minimum. The H-L
goodness-of-                                                                         -
Significant value (more than 0.05) shows that there is very less or no difference between observed
and expected values.
               o Classification Tablea

                                                         Butcher         Percentage
                   Observed                           no         yes      Correct
          Step 1 Butcher no                             243          34          87.7
                               yes                       89          54          37.8
                   Overall Percentage                                                    70.7
          a. The cut value is .500

This table is about the prediction of model. This is a good model with overall 70.7% correctly
predicted variables.
               o Variables in the Equation

                                 B       S.E.       Wald         df        Sig.           Exp(B)
    Step 1       q5               .085     .028      8.975            1      .003           1.088
                 q51              .022     .007      8.988            1      .003           1.022
                 q21d             .441     .077     32.888            1      .000           1.554
               q43b             -.269       .074      13.327          1       .000              .764
               Constant        -3.169       .615      26.539          1       .000              .042
    a. Variable(s) entered on step 1: q5, q51, q21d, q43b.

With the B values we can form logistic regression equation.
Log(p/1-p)= -3.169 + 0.085 x q5 + 0.022 x q51 + 0.441 x q21d + (-0.269) x q43b

EC51001 Applied Business and Marketing Research                                                   Page 4
Supermarkets                        - 0.236

                     From the butcher                                             0.554

                                    Age           0.022

               In a typical week how
               much do you spend on                0.088

                                           0    0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6

                     Fig. 1: Exp(B) values against different independent variables
        If score      expenditure on chicken in a standard week
        of                                           increases by 0.088 %.
        If score      age of the respondent                                                  buying chicken at
                           increases by 0.022 %
                       whether a respondent agrees (on a seven-point ranking scale) that butchers
        sell safe chicken
        increases by 0.554 %
        I             trust (on a seven-point ranking scale) towards supermarkets
        unit probability of                                                               236 %

         Classification plot

                Step number: 1
         Observed Groups and Predicted Probabilities
      16 +                                                                                                     +
          I                                                                                                    I
          I                                                                                                    I
F         I           y                    y                                                                  I
R     12 +            n                    y                                                                   +
E         I           n      y          y n             y                                                     I
Q         I        y n       y           y n            y y y                                                  I
U         I        y n y yn            nyy ny y         y y yy                                                I
E      8 +      n nyyn yy nn     y     nyy ny y       y n y yy                                                 +
N         I     n nnnny nynnn    y    ynnn ny y    yy y n yy yy                                               I
C         I    nn nnnnnynnnnnyy n y ynnn nn nyy yyy yyn yy yy                                                  I
Y         I   nnn nnnnnynnnnnnyyn nnnnnnynnynynyyyyyyyn yn yn yy y       y     y                              I
        4 +   nnnynnnnnnnnnnnnnnyn nnnnnnynnynnnnynyynyn yn nn yn n y yy       y n                             +
          I   nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnyynnnnnnnnnynnnnynnynynynnynn yn nyyy yy   y y n                             I
          I n nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnynnnnynnnnynnyyn nyyn yyyy y y yn y y                        I
          I nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnynnnnnnnnnnnnyynnnnnn ynny n nynnn yyn y y       y    y      I
Predicted ---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+----------
  Prob:     0     .1        .2        .3        .4        .5        .6        .7        .8        .9         1
  Group: nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
       Predicted Probability is of Membership for yes
       The Cut Value is .50

EC51001 Applied Business and Marketing Research                                                           Page 5
On X axis probabilities are scaled from 0 to 1. Y axis shows the frequency of occurrence. This
plot is widely spread so predictions are not sharp. But it clearly indicates that more frequencies are
there towards the lower probability values.

3.0 Comparison

 Logistic regression allows one to predict a discrete outcome such as group membership from a
set of variables that may be continuous, discrete, dichotomous, or a mix. The goal of the
discriminant function analysis is to predict group membership from a set of predictors. The
logistic regression is much more relaxed and flexible in its assumptions than the discriminant
analysis. Unlike the discriminant analysis, the logistic regression does not have the requirements
of the independent variables to be normally distributed, linearly related, nor equal variance
within each group.                       ell, 1996, p575).

A logistic regression and discriminant analysis produces nearly similar results. Both methods
calculate statistical significant coefficients similarly. Logistic regression estimated larger
coefficients overall. Either can be helpful in predicting the possibility of who buy chicken at the

Total 71.2% of original grouped cases correctly classified in discriminant analysis, while in
logistic analysis for all cases yield 70.07 % correctly. Whether a respondent agrees (on a seven-
point ranking scale) that butchers sell safe chicken is dominant factor in logistic regression as
well as in discriminant analysis.

Thought logistic analysis can predict model with slightly more value of probability than that of
logistic regression, both gives the same result. In both the cases probability of customer buy
                            reduces if there is higher value of trust towards supermarkets . Both
the analysis produces same results for other factors as well.

4.0 Conclusions

   i) Expenditure on chicken in a standard week            to higher value.
   ii) Age of the respondent
   shop           d to higher value.
   iii) Whether a respondent agrees (on a seven-point ranking scale) that butchers sell safe
   chicken                                                                                   d to
   higher value.
2) Customer
   i) Trust (on a seven-point ranking scale) towards supermarkets           to higher value.
3) Logistic regression and discriminant analyses were similar in the model analysis. In order to
decide which method should be used, we must consider the assumptions for the application of
each one.

EC51001 Applied Business and Marketing Research                                                Page 6
Tabachnick, B.G. and Fidell, L.S. , 1996 , Using Multivariate Statistics. NY: HarperCollins.


 /METHOD=ENTER q5 q51 q21d q43b
 /CRITERIA=PIN(0.05) POUT(0.10) ITERATE(20) CUT(0.5).

Logistic Regression
[DataSet3] C:UsersSMMaliDownloadsASSIGNMENT_II.sav
                    Case Processing Summary
 Unweighted Casesa                                N        Percent
 Selected Cases Included in                         420         84.0
                     Missing Cases                    80        16.0
                     Total                          500        100.0
 Unselected Cases                                      0           .0
 Total                                              500        100.0
 a. If weight is in effect, see classification table for the total
 number of cases.

    Dependent Variable
Value         Internal Value
No                         0
yes                        1

Block 0: Beginning Block
                              Classification Tablea,b
                                                   Butcher         Percentage
         Observed                               no         yes      Correct
Step 0 Butcher No                                 277          0          100.0
                     Yes                          143          0              .0
         Overall Percentage                                                66.0
a. Constant is included in the model.
b. The cut value is .500

                                 Variables in the Equation

EC51001 Applied Business and Marketing Research                                                Page 7
B         S.E.       Wald            df          Sig.     Exp(B)
Step 0   Constant        -.661       .103     41.228               1        .000      .516

                     Variables not in the Equation
                                          Score          df            Sig.
Step 0   Variables q5                       9.903              1         .002
                     q51                   10.968              1         .001
                     q21d                  37.676              1         .000
                     q43b                   9.718              1         .002
         Overall Statistics                65.001              4         .000

Block 1: Method = Enter
       Omnibus Tests of Model Coefficients
                 Chi-square    df          Sig.
Step 1   Step          71.655             4       .000
         Block         71.655             4       .000
         Model         71.655             4       .000

                   Model Summary
             -2 Log    Cox & Snell R Nagelkerke R
Step       likelihood      Square      Square
1              467.079a              .157          .217
a. Estimation terminated at iteration number 5 because
parameter estimates changed by less than .001.

     Hosmer and Lemeshow Test
Step  Chi-square    df       Sig.
1           3.030       8      .932

EC51001 Applied Business and Marketing Research                                              Page 8
Contingency Table for Hosmer and Lemeshow Test
                      Butcher = no         Butcher = yes
                  Observed Expected Observed Expected                   Total
Step 1    1              39     39.037         3       2.963                 42
          2              36     36.728         6       5.272                 42
          3              35     34.575         7       7.425                 42
          4              32     32.047        10       9.953                 42
          5              32     29.184        10      12.816                 42
          6              29     27.151        13      14.849                 42
          7              21     24.497        21      17.503                 42
          8              20     21.929        22      20.071                 42
          9               20      19.095           22      22.905           42
          10              13      12.756           29      29.244           42

                              Classification Tablea
                                                Butcher         Percentage
          Observed                           no         yes      Correct
Step 1    Butcher no                           243          34          87.7
                     yes                          89        54               37.8
         Overall Percentage                                                  70.7
a. The cut value is .500

                              Variables in the Equation
                          B        S.E.       Wald      df                Sig.      Exp(B)
Step 1     q5              .085      .028       8.975               1       .003      1.088
           q51             .022      .007       8.988               1       .003      1.022
           q21d            .441      .077     32.888                1       .000      1.554
           q43b             -.269       .074      13.327            1       .000       .764
           Constant        -3.169       .615      26.539            1       .000       .042
a. Variable(s) entered on step 1: q5, q51, q21d, q43b.

EC51001 Applied Business and Marketing Research                                               Page 9
Step number: 1

                       Observed Groups and Predicted Probabilities

      16 +
          I                                                                                                    I
          I                                                                                                    I
F         I           y                    y                                                                   I
R     12 +            n                    y                                                                   +
E         I           n      y           y n            y                                                      I
Q         I        y n       y           y n            y y y                                                  I
U         I        y n y yn            nyy ny y         y y yy                                                 I
E       8 +     n nyyn yy nn     y     nyy ny y       y n y yy                                                 +
N         I     n nnnny nynnn    y    ynnn ny y    yy y n yy yy                                                I
C         I    nn nnnnnynnnnnyy n y ynnn nn nyy yyy yyn yy yy                                                  I
Y         I   nnn nnnnnynnnnnnyyn nnnnnnynnynynyyyyyyyn yn yn yy y       y     y                               I
        4 +   nnnynnnnnnnnnnnnnnyn nnnnnnynnynnnnynyynyn yn nn yn n y yy       y n                             +
          I   nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnyynnnnnnnnnynnnnynnynynynnynn yn nyyy yy   y y n                             I
          I n nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnynnnnynnnnynnyyn nyyn yyyy y y yn y y                        I
          I nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnynnnnnnnnnnnnyynnnnnn ynny n nynnn yyn y y       y    y      I
Predicted ---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+----------
  Prob:     0     .1        .2        .3        .4        .5        .6        .7        .8        .9         1
  Group: nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

                   Predicted Probability is of Membership for yes
                   The Cut Value is .50
                   Symbols: n - no
                            y - yes
                   Each Symbol Represents 1 Case.

     EC51001 Applied Business and Marketing Research                                                          Page 10

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Consumer Buying Behaviour - Swapnil Mali

  • 1. An assignment for EC51001 Applied Business and Marketing Research Submitted To Dr. Andrzej Kwiatkowski University of Dundee Submitted On 26 March, 2012 By Swapnil Mali 120004897
  • 2. Content Page No 1.0 Introduction 1 1.1 Survey name 1 1.2 Objectives 1 1.3 Aim 1 1.4 Key Findings 1 1.5 Methodology 1 2.0 Analysis part 2 3.0 Comparison 6 4.0 Conclusion 6 References 7 Appendix Tables 7
  • 3. 1.0 Introduction 1.1 Survey name- Chicken Survey. 1.2 Objectives- The objective of this survey was to characterize consumers of chicken. 1.3 Aim- Aim is to find out what factors discriminate between those who buy chicken at the who do not. 1.4 Key Findings- This survey did help to understand the buying behaviour of customers. Those whose expenditure on chicken in week is more, whose age is more, and who feel that chicken at hop. But who have more trust on 1.5 Methodology- This survey was done by asking various questions to customers at supermarket pping, income, family, etc. Then this data has been analysed by SPSS and statistic model is generated. Prediction is done on the basis of this statistical model. EC51001 Applied Business and Marketing Research Page 1
  • 4. 2.0 Analysis part On the basis of the result in tables by SPSS, logistic regression analysis has been carried out, which elaborated in detail below. Case Processing Summary Unweighted Casesa N Percent Selected Cases Included in 420 84.0 Analysis Missing Cases 80 16.0 Total 500 100.0 Unselected Cases 0 .0 Total 500 100.0 a. If weight is in effect, see classification table for the total number of cases. The table above shows that there are few missing cases. But most of the data (84%) is been covered under analysis. It is a good model for the analysis. By default, the tool logistic regression in SPSS performs a listwise deletion of missing data, which means if there is missing value for any variable in the model; the entire case will be excluded from the analysis. Dependent Variable Encoding Original Value Internal Value no 0 yes 1 This shows the internal value representation for the dependent variable. Those who not buy at Block 0: Beginning Block o Classification Tablea,b Predicted Butcher Percentage Observed no yes Correct Step 0 Butcher no 277 0 100.0 yes 143 0 .0 Overall Percentage 66.0 EC51001 Applied Business and Marketing Research Page 2
  • 5. a. Constant is included in the model. b. The cut value is .500 Step 0: No predictors and just the intercept at this stage. It is recognising 100 % which is ideal but in the case of it is not doing the same. 66% of the total dependent variables were correctly predicted in the given model (277/ 420 = 0.66). So any random calculation for most frequent category for all cases will yield the same correct present i.e. 66 %. o Variables in the Equation B S.E. Wald df Sig. Exp(B) Step 0 Constant -.661 .103 41.228 1 .000 .516 In the null model B is the coefficient for the constant. In this table significant value indicates that null hypothesis can be neglected (as value less than 0.05). Exp(B) is nothing but the odds ratio which can be can calculated as 43/277. Block 1: Method = Enter o Omnibus Tests of Model Coefficients Chi-square df Sig. Step 1 Step 71.655 4 .000 Block 71.655 4 .000 Model 71.655 4 .000 This help in deciding the significance of the independent variables in the model. As significant values are less than 0.05 we can say that all predictors are statistically significant. o Model Summary -2 Log Cox & Snell R Nagelkerke R Step likelihood Square Square a 1 467.079 .157 .217 a. Estimation terminated at iteration number 5 because parameter estimates changed by less than .001. EC51001 Applied Business and Marketing Research Page 3
  • 6. Variation in the dependent variable changes only by 15.7 % due to independent variuables. Nagelkerke R value is 0.217 which shows variance observed is equal to 21.7% between the predictors and the prediction. o Hosmer and Lemeshow Test Step Chi-square df Sig. 1 3.030 8 .932 The difference between observed and expected values should be the minimum. The H-L goodness-of- - Significant value (more than 0.05) shows that there is very less or no difference between observed and expected values. o Classification Tablea Predicted Butcher Percentage Observed no yes Correct Step 1 Butcher no 243 34 87.7 yes 89 54 37.8 Overall Percentage 70.7 a. The cut value is .500 This table is about the prediction of model. This is a good model with overall 70.7% correctly predicted variables. o Variables in the Equation B S.E. Wald df Sig. Exp(B) a Step 1 q5 .085 .028 8.975 1 .003 1.088 q51 .022 .007 8.988 1 .003 1.022 q21d .441 .077 32.888 1 .000 1.554 q43b -.269 .074 13.327 1 .000 .764 Constant -3.169 .615 26.539 1 .000 .042 a. Variable(s) entered on step 1: q5, q51, q21d, q43b. With the B values we can form logistic regression equation. Log(p/1-p)= -3.169 + 0.085 x q5 + 0.022 x q51 + 0.441 x q21d + (-0.269) x q43b EC51001 Applied Business and Marketing Research Page 4
  • 7. Supermarkets - 0.236 0.246 From the butcher 0.554 Series1 Age 0.022 In a typical week how much do you spend on 0.088 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 Fig. 1: Exp(B) values against different independent variables If score expenditure on chicken in a standard week of increases by 0.088 %. If score age of the respondent buying chicken at increases by 0.022 % whether a respondent agrees (on a seven-point ranking scale) that butchers sell safe chicken increases by 0.554 % I trust (on a seven-point ranking scale) towards supermarkets unit probability of 236 % Classification plot Step number: 1 Observed Groups and Predicted Probabilities 16 + + I I I I F I y y I R 12 + n y + E I n y y n y I Q I y n y y n y y y I U I y n y yn nyy ny y y y yy I E 8 + n nyyn yy nn y nyy ny y y n y yy + N I n nnnny nynnn y ynnn ny y yy y n yy yy I C I nn nnnnnynnnnnyy n y ynnn nn nyy yyy yyn yy yy I Y I nnn nnnnnynnnnnnyyn nnnnnnynnynynyyyyyyyn yn yn yy y y y I 4 + nnnynnnnnnnnnnnnnnyn nnnnnnynnynnnnynyynyn yn nn yn n y yy y n + I nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnyynnnnnnnnnynnnnynnynynynnynn yn nyyy yy y y n I I n nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnynnnnynnnnynnyyn nyyn yyyy y y yn y y I I nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnynnnnnnnnnnnnyynnnnnn ynny n nynnn yyn y y y y I Predicted ---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------- Prob: 0 .1 .2 .3 .4 .5 .6 .7 .8 .9 1 Group: nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy Predicted Probability is of Membership for yes The Cut Value is .50 EC51001 Applied Business and Marketing Research Page 5
  • 8. On X axis probabilities are scaled from 0 to 1. Y axis shows the frequency of occurrence. This plot is widely spread so predictions are not sharp. But it clearly indicates that more frequencies are there towards the lower probability values. 3.0 Comparison Logistic regression allows one to predict a discrete outcome such as group membership from a set of variables that may be continuous, discrete, dichotomous, or a mix. The goal of the discriminant function analysis is to predict group membership from a set of predictors. The logistic regression is much more relaxed and flexible in its assumptions than the discriminant analysis. Unlike the discriminant analysis, the logistic regression does not have the requirements of the independent variables to be normally distributed, linearly related, nor equal variance within each group. ell, 1996, p575). A logistic regression and discriminant analysis produces nearly similar results. Both methods calculate statistical significant coefficients similarly. Logistic regression estimated larger coefficients overall. Either can be helpful in predicting the possibility of who buy chicken at the . Total 71.2% of original grouped cases correctly classified in discriminant analysis, while in logistic analysis for all cases yield 70.07 % correctly. Whether a respondent agrees (on a seven- point ranking scale) that butchers sell safe chicken is dominant factor in logistic regression as well as in discriminant analysis. Thought logistic analysis can predict model with slightly more value of probability than that of logistic regression, both gives the same result. In both the cases probability of customer buy reduces if there is higher value of trust towards supermarkets . Both the analysis produces same results for other factors as well. 4.0 Conclusions i) Expenditure on chicken in a standard week to higher value. ii) Age of the respondent shop d to higher value. iii) Whether a respondent agrees (on a seven-point ranking scale) that butchers sell safe chicken d to higher value. 2) Customer i) Trust (on a seven-point ranking scale) towards supermarkets to higher value. 3) Logistic regression and discriminant analyses were similar in the model analysis. In order to decide which method should be used, we must consider the assumptions for the application of each one. EC51001 Applied Business and Marketing Research Page 6
  • 9. References Tabachnick, B.G. and Fidell, L.S. , 1996 , Using Multivariate Statistics. NY: HarperCollins. Appendix LOGISTIC REGRESSION VARIABLES q8d /METHOD=ENTER q5 q51 q21d q43b /CLASSPLOT /PRINT=GOODFIT SUMMARY /CRITERIA=PIN(0.05) POUT(0.10) ITERATE(20) CUT(0.5). Logistic Regression [DataSet3] C:UsersSMMaliDownloadsASSIGNMENT_II.sav Case Processing Summary Unweighted Casesa N Percent Selected Cases Included in 420 84.0 Analysis Missing Cases 80 16.0 Total 500 100.0 Unselected Cases 0 .0 Total 500 100.0 a. If weight is in effect, see classification table for the total number of cases. Dependent Variable Encoding Original Value Internal Value No 0 yes 1 Block 0: Beginning Block Classification Tablea,b Predicted Butcher Percentage Observed no yes Correct Step 0 Butcher No 277 0 100.0 Yes 143 0 .0 Overall Percentage 66.0 a. Constant is included in the model. b. The cut value is .500 Variables in the Equation EC51001 Applied Business and Marketing Research Page 7
  • 10. B S.E. Wald df Sig. Exp(B) Step 0 Constant -.661 .103 41.228 1 .000 .516 Variables not in the Equation Score df Sig. Step 0 Variables q5 9.903 1 .002 q51 10.968 1 .001 q21d 37.676 1 .000 q43b 9.718 1 .002 Overall Statistics 65.001 4 .000 Block 1: Method = Enter Omnibus Tests of Model Coefficients Chi-square df Sig. Step 1 Step 71.655 4 .000 Block 71.655 4 .000 Model 71.655 4 .000 Model Summary -2 Log Cox & Snell R Nagelkerke R Step likelihood Square Square 1 467.079a .157 .217 a. Estimation terminated at iteration number 5 because parameter estimates changed by less than .001. Hosmer and Lemeshow Test Step Chi-square df Sig. 1 3.030 8 .932 EC51001 Applied Business and Marketing Research Page 8
  • 11. Contingency Table for Hosmer and Lemeshow Test Butcher = no Butcher = yes Observed Expected Observed Expected Total Step 1 1 39 39.037 3 2.963 42 2 36 36.728 6 5.272 42 3 35 34.575 7 7.425 42 4 32 32.047 10 9.953 42 5 32 29.184 10 12.816 42 6 29 27.151 13 14.849 42 7 21 24.497 21 17.503 42 8 20 21.929 22 20.071 42 9 20 19.095 22 22.905 42 10 13 12.756 29 29.244 42 Classification Tablea Predicted Butcher Percentage Observed no yes Correct Step 1 Butcher no 243 34 87.7 yes 89 54 37.8 Overall Percentage 70.7 a. The cut value is .500 Variables in the Equation B S.E. Wald df Sig. Exp(B) a Step 1 q5 .085 .028 8.975 1 .003 1.088 q51 .022 .007 8.988 1 .003 1.022 q21d .441 .077 32.888 1 .000 1.554 q43b -.269 .074 13.327 1 .000 .764 Constant -3.169 .615 26.539 1 .000 .042 a. Variable(s) entered on step 1: q5, q51, q21d, q43b. EC51001 Applied Business and Marketing Research Page 9
  • 12. Step number: 1 Observed Groups and Predicted Probabilities 16 + + I I I I F I y y I R 12 + n y + E I n y y n y I Q I y n y y n y y y I U I y n y yn nyy ny y y y yy I E 8 + n nyyn yy nn y nyy ny y y n y yy + N I n nnnny nynnn y ynnn ny y yy y n yy yy I C I nn nnnnnynnnnnyy n y ynnn nn nyy yyy yyn yy yy I Y I nnn nnnnnynnnnnnyyn nnnnnnynnynynyyyyyyyn yn yn yy y y y I 4 + nnnynnnnnnnnnnnnnnyn nnnnnnynnynnnnynyynyn yn nn yn n y yy y n + I nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnyynnnnnnnnnynnnnynnynynynnynn yn nyyy yy y y n I I n nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnynnnnynnnnynnyyn nyyn yyyy y y yn y y I I nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnynnnnnnnnnnnnyynnnnnn ynny n nynnn yyn y y y y I Predicted ---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------- Prob: 0 .1 .2 .3 .4 .5 .6 .7 .8 .9 1 Group: nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy Predicted Probability is of Membership for yes The Cut Value is .50 Symbols: n - no y - yes Each Symbol Represents 1 Case. EC51001 Applied Business and Marketing Research Page 10