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SULIT                                                                                      4551
2½ jam

                      DAN SEKOLAH KLUSTER

                                TINGKATAN EMPAT

                                         Kertas 1
                               Satu jam lima belas minit

  1. Kertas soalan ini adalah dalam Bahasa Inggeris.
  2. Calon dikehendaki membaca maklumat di bawah


           1.    This question paper consists of 50 questions.
           2.    Answer all questions.
           3.    Answer each question by blackening the correct space on the answer
           4.    Blacken only one space for each question.
           5.    If you wish to change your answer, erase the blackened mark that you
                 have made. Then blacken the space for the new answer.
           6.    The diagrams in the questions provided are not drawn to scale unless
           7.    You may use a non-programmable scientific calculator.

                  Kertas soalan ini mengandungi 26 halaman bercetak.

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4551                                                                                      SULIT
                          SMS MUZAFFAR SYAH , MELAKA
SULIT                                     MOZ@C
                                            2                                          4551

                                     Answer all questions

1.     The following information refers to an organelle of a plant cell.

               A membranous sac which occupies a large part of a mature plant cell.
               Contains water, stored food, salt and waste materials.

       Which of the labelled parts, A, B, C and D is the organelle?

                                    A              B          C


2.     The diagram shows an organelle of a cell.

       Which process only occurs in this organelle?

       A       Osmosis
       B       Diffusion
       C       Respiration
       D       Photosynthesis

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3.     The diagram shows a type of animal tissue.

       What is the tissue?

       A    Epithelial tissue
       B    Connective tissue
       C    Smooth muscle tissue
       D    Skeletal muscle tissue

4.     The diagram shows the process of feeding by Amoeba sp.

     Which organelle is not involved in the process shown in the diagram ?

       A    Lysosome
       B    Food vacuole
       C    Pseudopodia
       D    Contractile vacuole

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5.     The table shows the characteristics of a plant tissue X.

                          Consists of companion cells
                          Contains sieve tubes

     Which of the processes is related to the tissue X?

      A    Absorption
      B    Reproduction
      C    Transpiration
      D    Translocation

6. The diagram shows the structure of a plasma membrane.


     The proteins labelled X and Y are

                              X                                     Y
       A    Pore protein                          Pore protein
       B    Carrier protein                       Carrier protein
       C    Carrier protein                       Pore protein
       D    Pore protein                          Carrier protein

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7.       The diagram shows a sodium-potassium pump.

         What process involves in the mechanism?

      A      Osmosis
      B      Diffusion
      C      Plasmolysis
      D      Active transport

8. The information refers to a condition of a red blood cell after being immersed in a

                               The cell shrinks
                               The plasma membrane crinkles up

     What process experienced by the red blood cell?

     A     Crenation
     B     Haemolysis
     C     Plasmolysis
     D     Deplasmolysis

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9. Which process does not use energy released by respiration?

   A       Passage of nerve impulses
   B       Active transport of glucose into the villi
   C       Formation of gametes in the gonads
   D       Diffusion of oxygen across the alveolar surface

10. Which process takes place in a root hair cell when oxygen is not available?

   A Active transport and osmosis
   B Active transport and diffusion
   C Active transport
   D Diffusion

11 . Onion cells have been placed in four solution of different concentration.
    Which cells is immersed in hypotonic solution.

       A                                         C

       B                                         D

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12. The graph shows the changes of the length of the potato slices in different

              Length of potato                               A
              slices /cm


                                                          Time / min

   Which curves labelled A, B, C and D shows the changes of the length of the slices
   which were placed in distilled water?

13. Which of the following shows the structure of a polysaccharide?

   A                                        B

   C                                        D

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14.    How many basic units are required to form the DNA molecule as shown in the
      diagram .

      A.   3
      B.   6
      C.   9
      D.   18

15. The diagram shows an action of an enzyme and a sucrose.


       What are P, Q and R?

                    P                    Q                    R
       A          Lactase         Glucose             Lactose
       B          Sucrase         Glucose             Fructose
       C          Sucrase         Lactose             Fructose
       D          Lactase        Galactose            Lactose

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16. The diagram shows one of the structures of a protein.

   Which compound is made up of this structure?

   A. Enzymes
   B. Hormones
   C. Antibodies
   D. Haemoglobins

17. Which graph represents the effect of pH on the rate of reaction of pepsin.

   A.                                          B.
           Rate of                                  Rate of
           reaction                                 reaction

                      0      7       14   pH                       0   7    14    pH

   C.                                          D.
          Rate of                                   Rate of
          reaction                                  reaction

                      0      7        14 pH                    0       7     14   pH

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18. The figure shows a cell cycle of an organism.



        Which of the following is the correct sequence of process X?

        A. Telophase       Anaphase         Metaphase     Prophase
        B. Anaphase        Metaphase        Prophase      Telophase
        C. Prophase        Metaphase        Anaphase      Telophase
        D. Prophase        Anaphase         Metaphase     Telophase

19. The number of chromosomes in a skin cell of a cat has a diploid number of
        chromosomes 24.
        What is the chromosomal number in its gametes?

  i.                      12
  ii.                     24
 iii.                     36
 iv.                      48

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20.    The diagram shows a cell of an organism.

      What is the stage of cell division shown by the diagram.

      A. Prophase I
      B. Prophase II
      B. Metaphase I
      D. Metaphase II

21.    The diagram shows several stages in mitosis.


      What is the behaviour of chromosome in stage Y.

      A. Chromosomes condense and thicken
      B. Chromosomes arrange themselves at the equatorial plane
      C. Homologous chromosomes pair together and cross-over occurs
      D. Homologous chromosomes separate and move the opposite poles.

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22. Which of the followings shows a stage in meiosis?

   A.                                      B.

   C.                                      D.

23. Which is an autotrophic organism?

   A. Parasites
   B. Holophytes
   C. Saprophytes
   D. Chemosynthetic organism

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24. The information shows the characteristic of a compound.

                o Provides protection to organs against physical injuries
                o Provides energy for physical activities
                o Insulates body against heat loss
                o Forms sex hormones

   Which compound has the characteristics?

   A.   Carbohydrate
   B.   Protein
   C.   Water
   D.   Lipid

25. The diagram shows a longitudinal section of a human villus.


   Which of these compounds can be found in S?

   A. Vitamin A
   B. Vitamin D
   C. Amino Acids
   D. Tiny droplets of lipids

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26. Which of the following is correct about the light and dark reaction

                         Light reaction                          Dark reaction

    A.      Occurs in stroma                        Occurs in grana

    B.      ATP and hydrogen are used               ATP and hydrogen are produced

    C.      No reduction of carbon dioxide          There is reduction of carbon dioxide

    D.      No oxygen is produced                   Oxygen is produced

27. The diagram shows the graph of the rate of photosynthesis against light intensity.

       Rate of
●                                                    ●   Y                0∙06 % CO2

                                                     ●   X                0∙02 % CO2

                                                                    Light intensity

       The rate of photosyntehsis increases from X to Y. Which limiting factor has been

       A.   Light intensity
       B. Carbon dioxide concentration
       C. Temperature
       D. Water

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                              SMS MUZAFFAR SYAH , MELAKA
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28. When 0.4 g of groundnut is completely burnt, the temperature of 20 ml of water
       rises up from 30°C to 70°C. ( Secific heat capacity of water is 4.2 Jg °C )
    What is the energy value of the groundnut?

       A 1.4 kJg−¹
       B   3.4 kJg−¹
       C. 8.4 kJg−¹
       D. 76.2 kJg−¹

29. A food sample is tested to determine its contents.
       The table below shows the results obtained.

                                Food test                                    Result

    Benedict’s solution is added and the mixture is boiled          Brick red precipitate
    Iodine solution is added                                        Brownish yellow colour

    Millon’s reagent is added and is heated in a water bath         Red precipitate

    What are the food classes found in the food sample?

    A      Starch and protein
    B      Lipids and protein
    C      Only reducing sugar
    D      Protein and reducing sugars

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30. Organ P is a part of the human digestive system.

                                                                Organ P

    When a baby drinks milk, what would happen to the milk protein in organ P?

   A.    Protein is digested by pepsin into amino acids
   B.    Polypeptides is digested by trypsin into dipeptide
   C.    Caseinogen is coagulated into casein by rennin
   D.    Caseinogen is coagulated into casein by hydrochloric acid

31. The diagram
    shows a
    structure of
    an organism.

   Which organism has this structure?.

   A    Frog
   B    Fish
   C    Crocodile
   D    Grasshopper

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32. The diagram shows the structure of alveoli .


   What process occurs between an alveolus and structure P during gaseous

   A.    Osmosis
   B.    Simple diffusion
   C.    Active transport
   D.    Facilitated diffusion

33. Which structure involves in the gaseous exchange in Ameoba sp?.

   A.    Cytoplasma
   B.    Food Vacuole
   C.    Contractile vacuole
   D.    Plasma membrane

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34. The equation shows the process that takes place in yeast.

                 Glucose                     S + Energy + Carbon dioxide

   What is S?.

   A. Water
   B. Ethanol
   C. Oxygen
   D. Lactic acid

35. The figure shows a model of a rib cage



   Which of the following is represented by P, Q and R?

                    P                           Q                       R

    A            Sternum                       Rib              Intercostal muscle

    B      Intercostal muscle                Sternum                   Rib

    C            Sternum               Intercostal muscle              Rib

    D       Intercostal muscle                 Rib                  Sternum

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36. The diagram shows a human respiratory system.


      What happen to structure R during exhalation?.

      A. Relaxes and becomes flatten
      B. Contracts and becomes flatten
      C. Relaxes and becomes dome shape
      D. Contracts and becomes dome shape

37.    The information shows the results of an experiment to determine the oxygen
       content in exhaled air using J-tube.

            Length of exhaled air column               = 10.0 cm

            Length of exhaled air column after
            treatment with potassium hydroxide         =   9.6 cm

            Length oh of exhaled air column after
            treatment with potassium pyrogallol        =   8.5 cm

       The percentage of oxygen content in the exhaled air is

       A.    4.0 %
       B. 11.0 %
       C. 16.0 %
       D. 21.0 %

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38.    The diagram shows gaseous exchange in human lungs.


       capillary                                            Alveolus



       Which of the following is true about blood vessels R, S and T?

                         R                       S                       T

       A   Contains blood with         Allows oxygen to         Contains blood with
            high concentration of      diffuse into the         high concentration
           oxygen                      alveolus                 of carbon dioxide

       B   Contains blood with         Allows carbon dioxide    Contains blood with
            High concentration of      to diffuse into the      high concentration
           oxygen                      alveolus                 of carbon dioxide

       C   Contains blood with high    Allows carbon dioxide    Contains blood with
           concentration of carbon     to diffuse into the      high concentration
           dioxide                     capillary                of oxygen
       D   Contains blood with high    Allows oxygen to         Contains blood with
           concentration of carbon     diffuse into the         high concentration
           dioxide                     capillary                of oxygen

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39.      The diagram shows a food web and the pyramid of number in an ecosystem.





       Which of the following is K?
       A. Snake
       B. Bees
       C. Eagle
       D. Green plant

40. The diagram shows the changes in size of the populations of two organism in a
       palm oil plantation. The organism are interdependent in a food chain.

          of animal                            Rats

                                                                       Time / year
      What is the interaction between organism X and organism Y.

      A. Mutualism
      B. Parasitism
      C. Prey – predator
      D. Commensalism
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41. The diagram shows an interaction between two species.



  Which of the following describe the effect of the interaction between species P and Q?

              Species P             Species Q
  A            Benefit               Benefit
  B             Harm                  Harm
  C          Not affected             Harm
  D            Benefit             No affected

42.    An officer in the Forrestry Depatment wants to determine the distribution of
       Cengal Trees in Belum National Park.
       Which is the most suitable method to be used ?

       A. Direct Counting
       B. Quadrat 1m X 1m
       C. Quadrat 10m X 10 m
       D. Capture, mark, release and recapture

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43.    Figure (a) shows the profile of a mangrove swamp while figure (b) shows three
       types of root of the trees that are found in the mangrove swamp.


                                            Figure (a)

                                            Figure (b)

       Which of the mangrove root(s) can be found in P?

       A. X
       B. Y
       C. Z
       D. X and Y

44.    Penicillin was the first antibiotic found.
       What is the microorganism that produces penicillin?

       A. Virus
       B. Fungi
       C. Bacteria
       D. Protozoa

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45. The diagram shows the root of a leguminous plant.

       What is the role of the bacteria found in the root nodule of the plant in nitrogen

       A. Nitrogen fixation
       B. Decomposition
       C. Denitrification
       C. Nitrification

46.    The following information is related to a process occurs in an ecosystem

                             Phosphate runs off into lakes

                             Rapid growth of autotrophic organisms

       The process is

       A. colonization
       B. competition
       C. eutrophication
       D. phosphorilation

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47.    The diagram shows a human activity.

       Which is the effect of the activity ?

       A. Decrease in BOD level
       B. Increase the habitat of the fauna
       C. Decrease the temperature in north pole
       D. Increase the carbon dioxide level in the atmosphere

48.    What is the effect of dust and smog on leaves of plants ?

       A. Decrease the water transport
       B. Damages the chlorophyll in the leaf
       C. Decreases the amount of light received by the leaf
       D. Damages the mesophyll cells in leaf

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49.    Which of the following are non renewable resources?

       I         Iron ore
       II        Timber
       III       Petroleum
       IV        Tin ore

       A         I and III only
       B         II and IV only
       C         I, III and IV only
       D         I, II, III and IV

50.        Which diseases become worse when air pollution occurs?

           I     Ashma
           II    Skurvi
           III   Pellagra
           IV Bronchitis

           A. I and III
           B. I and IV
           C. II and III
           D. I, III and IV

                                        END OF THE QUESTIONS

4551                                                                SULIT
                                     SMS MUZAFFAR SYAH , MELAKA

SULIT              Nama ...................................................... Tingkatan ....................    4551
2½ jam

                       DAN SEKOLAH KLUSTER

                                      TINGKATAN EMPAT

                                                 Kertas 2
                                     Dua jam tiga puluh minit

1. Kertas soalan ini adalah dalam Bahasa Inggeris.
                                                                                Untuk Kegunaan Pemeriksa
2. Calon dikehendaki membaca maklumat di bawah.
                                                                             Bahagian      Soalan     Markah    Markah
 1. This question paper consists of two sections :                                            1         12
     Section A and Section B.
 2. Answer all questions in Section A. Write your                                             2         12
     answers for Section A clearly in the spaces provided
     in the question paper.                                                      A            3         12
 3. Answer any two questions from Section B. Write your
     answer for Section B on the lined paper in detail. You                                   4         12
     may use equations, diagrams, tables, graphs and
     other suitable methods to explain your answer.                                           5         12
 4. Show your working, it may help you to get marks.
 5. If you wish to cancel any answer, neatly cross out the                                    6         20
 6. The diagrams in the questions are not drawn to scale
                                                                                              7         20
     unless stated.
 7. The mark allocated for each question or part of
                                                                                              8         20
     question is shown in brackets.
 8. The time suggested to complete Section A is 90
     minutes, and Section B is 60 minutes.                                                    9         20
 9. You may use a non-programmable scientific calculator
 10. Hand in this question paper at the end of the
     examination.                                                                       Jumlah

                    Kertas soalan ini mengandungi 15 halaman bercetak.
4551                                                                                                 [Lihat sebelah

                              SMS MUZAFFAR SYAH , MELAKA
SULIT                                      MOZ@C
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                                         Section A                                        For
                                        [ 60 marks ]                                      Use
                                   Answer all questions

1.   Diagram 1 shows cell organisation in plant. Cells J undergo differentiation and
     specialisation to form several tissues in a leaf of a green plant.

       Cells J

                                              Cell Specialisation



       if a
       leaf                                                                 Xylem


                                        DIAGRAM 1

     (a)   Name tissue K and tissue L.
            K : ..………………………………………………………………………………                                          1(a)
            L: …………………………………………………………………………………
                                                                          [2 marks]
     (b)   State the function of cells K and M in a leaf.
            K : ..………………………………………………………………………………
            M: ……………...…………………………………………………………………
                                                                          [2 marks]

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   (c) (i) Explain the differentiation of cells J to form the xylem tissue.
           ……………………………………………………………………………………                                                1(c)(i)
                                                                              [2 marks]

         (ii) During the formation of the xylem tissue, the plant was unable to
           synthesise lignin.
           Explain the effect on the function of the leaf.
           ……………………………………………………………………………………                                                1(c)(ii)
                                                                              [2 marks]

   (d)     Based on diagram 1, state the meaning of cell specialization.
           ……………………………………………………………………………………                                                 1(d)
                                                                              [2 marks]

   (e)      Leaf is the main photosynthetic organ of a plant.
           Explain the adaptation of tissue L to enable the leaf to carry out its
           ……………………………………………………………………………………                                                 1(e)
                                                                              [3 marks]


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2.   Diagram 2.1 shows the synthesis and secretion of an enzyme in an animal cell.



                          Q                                     S

                                        DIAGRAM 2.1

     (a)   Name the parts labelled P and R.
           P : ..………………………………………………………………………………
           R: ……………...…………………………………………………………………                                           2(a)
                                                                            [2 marks]
     (b)   State the function of organelle S.
           ……………………………………………………………………………………                                               2(b)
                                                                             [1 mark]
     (c)   Explain the role of organelle Q in the synthesis of an enzyme.
           ……………………………………………………………………………………                                               2(c)
                                                                            [2 marks]

     Diagram 2.2 shows the structure of an enzyme and three substrates W, X and

                  Enzyme                        W           X          Y

                                      DIAGRAM 2.2

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   (d) (i) Based on Diagram 2.2, choose the correct substrate and complete the
            schematic diagram to show the mechanism of enzyme action on the


                                       Enzyme + Substrate

                                  Enzyme–Substrate complex


                                       Enzyme + Products
                                                                                [2 marks]

        (ii) State two characteristics of the enzyme, which are illustrated in (d)(i).
            1 : ..………………………………………………………………………………
            2: ……………...…………………………………………………………………                                             2(d)(ii)
                                                                                [2 marks]

   (e)      A child with high fever has body temperature of 41ºC.
            Explain the effect on the process of digestion in his digestive system.
                                                                                [3 marks]

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3.   Diagram 3 shows the phases in a cell division in cell X. The phases are not in
     the correct sequence.

        P                              Q                               R

        S                               T                              U

                                            DIAGRAM 3

     (a) (i) Name the type of cell division.
              ……………………………………………………………………………………                                           3(a)(i)
                                                                             [1 mark]
           (ii) State an organ where this cell division takes place.
              ……………………………………………………………………………………                                           3(a)(ii)
                                                                             [1 mark]

     (b)     State the number of chromosomes of cell X during phase P and phase U.
              P: …….………………………                         U: …….………………………
                                                                            [2 marks]
     (c) (i) State the name of each phase of the cell division in Table 1

                   Phase                        Name of the phase
                                            TABLE 1
                                                                            [3 marks]

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            (ii) State the phase that brings about variation in organism.
               Explain your answer.
               ……………………………………………………………………………………                                          3(c)(ii)
                                                                            [3 marks]
     (d))      Cell X is treated with a type of chemical that retards the function of
               Explain what will happen to the chromosomal behavior in stage P.
               ……………………………………………………………………………………                                          TOTAL
                                                                            [2 marks]

4.   Diagram 4 shows human digestive system.




                                           DIAGRAM 4
     (a) (i) Name organ Q.
               ……………………………………………………………………………………                                          4(a)(i)

                                                                             [1 mark]

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         (ii) Explain the process of food digestion in Q.
            ……………………………………………………………………………………                                            4(a)(ii)
                                                                           [3 marks]

   (b)      State two effects if the gastric glands in Q are unable to produce
            hydrochloric acid.

            1 : ..………………………………………………………………………………                                         4(b)
            2: ……………...…………………………………………………………………
                                                                           [2 marks]

   (c)      Explain one difference between the food that enters P and R.

                                                                           [2 marks]
       (d) (i) Explain the absorption of proteins in R.

            ……………………………………………………………………………………                                            4(d)(i)
                                                                           [2 marks]

        (ii) Explain the importance of food digestion which enables nutrients to be
            absorbed by the villi.

            ……………………………………………………………………………………                                            4(d)(ii)

                                                                           [2 marks]


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5.    Diagram 5 shows part of the nitrogen cycle.

                                      Nitrogen in the

            Fixation by         and animals
             nitrogen              waste
            bacteria in
             the root
            nodules of             Process X

                                  Ammonium              Absorption

                                   Nitrites NO2

                                  Compound Y

                                      DIAGRAM 5

     (a)     Name process X and compound Y.
             Process X: ………………………………………………………………………
             Compound Y: …………………………………………………………………..
                                                                     [2 marks]

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   (b) (i) Plants will convert compound Y into an organic compound.
            Name the organic compound.
            ……………………………………………………………………………………                                                5(b)(i)
                                                                                [1 mark]

         (ii) Describe the functions of the organic compound named in (b)(i) in plants.
            ……………………………………………………………………………………                                                5(b)(ii)
                                                                               [2 marks]

   (c) (i) Name the bacteria involve in the fixation of nitrogen in nodules of a
            leguminous plant.
                                                                                [1 mark]

         (ii) The microorganism name in d (i) interacts with the leguminous plant.
            Name and explain the type of relationship between the two species.
            ……………………………………………………………………………………                                                5(c)(ii)
                                                                               [2 marks]

   (d)     Relate the importance of nitrogen cycle in the growth of rabbits.
                                                                               [3 marks]

4551                        SMS MUZAFFAR SYAH , MELAKA                                     SULIT
SULIT                                       MOZ@C
                                              11                                           4551

                                            Section B
                                           [ 40 marks ]
                          Answer any two questions from this section.

6. (a) State two differences between passive transport and active transport.          [2 marks]

                  Red blood cells                                 Red blood cells
                  in 3% sodium                                    in 0.1% sodium
                  chloride solution                               chloride solution
                  after 30 minutes                                after 30 minutes

                                          DIAGRAM 6.1
         Diagram 6.1 shows a red blood cell immersed in different salt solutions.
         Explain what happen to the red blood cell after being immersed in 3% of sodium
         chloride solution and 0.1% of sodium chloride solution for half an hour.
                                                                                       [8 marks]

   (c) Diagram 6.2 shows the appearance of the plants cell which is immersed in different
         concentration of sucrose solution one after another.

 Plant cell in 17% of        Plant cell in 0.1%     Plant cell in 30% of    Plant cell in 0.1%
 sucrose solution            of sucrose solution    sucrose solution        of sucrose solution
 for 30 minutes              for 30 minutes         for 30 minutes          for 30 minutes

                                          DIAGRAM 6.2

         Based on Diagram 6.2, describe what happen to the cell in each concentration of
         sucrose solution.                                                            [10 marks]

4551                          SMS MUZAFFAR SYAH , MELAKA                                 SULIT
SULIT                                     MOZ@C
                                            12                                          4551

7. Diagram 7.1 shows a respiratory structure of an insect.

                                                               body cell

                                         DIAGRAM 7.1

   (a) (i) Explain the gases exchange between tracheol and body cell.               [4 marks]

        (ii) Chitin is a polysaccharide on the outer surface of structure P. Due to the change
           in the environment, the insect is unable to form the polysaccharide.
           Explain how the absence of chitin affects inhalation and the energy production.
                                                                                    [6 marks]

   (b) Diagram 7.2 shows the rate of oxygen intake before, during and after a vigorous
        exercise of an athlete.

             Oxygen intake

                                                          Time (min)
                               Vigorous exercise

                                          DIAGRAM 7.2

        (i) Based on the graph, compare the respiration before and during the vigorous

        (ii) Explain how the oxygen intake by the athlete returns to the normal level at the
           25th minute.
                                                                                   [10 marks]

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                                            13                                          4551

8. (a) Diagram 8.1 shows the daily menu of a pregnant woman.

                                     A plate of fried rice
                                  A can of carbonated drink
                                          An apple

                            A bowl of chicken rice complete with a
                            piece of roasted drumstick and a bowl
                                       of chicken soup
                                    A plate of fried prawn
                               A glass of sweetened fruit juice

                                    A plate of fried noodle
                                    2 slices of cucumber
                                       A cup of coffee

                                     DIAGRAM 8.1

        Does the menu provide a balanced diet for the pregnant woman?
        Evaluate the nutrients content and the effects of consuming the foods. .
                                                                                   [10 marks]

4551                       SMS MUZAFFAR SYAH , MELAKA                                 SULIT
SULIT                                       MOZ@C
                                              14                                       4551

  (b) Diagram 8.2 shows a schematic diagram of the photosynthesis process.




                                          DIAGRAM 8.2
        Based on Diagram 8.2,
        (i) write the chemical equation of photosynthesis.
        (ii) define photosynthesis.
                                                                                   [4 marks]

  (c) Diagram 8.3 shows organisms in a pond ecosystem


        Hydrilla sp                                                            Elodea sp

                                           DIAGRAM 8.3

        Based on Diagram 8.3, describe how Hydrilla sp is able to obtain all the requirement
        for photosynthesis.
                                                                                   [6 marks]

4551                          SMS MUZAFFAR SYAH , MELAKA                              SULIT
SULIT                                        MOZ@C
                                               15                                              4551

9. (a)
            The use of fertiliser increases the amount of phosphate and nitrate in the soil.
            This enhances the growth of plants. There are two main types of fertilizers,
            which are organic and inorganic fertilisers. Farmers are advised to use organic
            fertilizers rather than the inorganic fertilizers. The organic fertilizers release the
            nutrients gradually into the soil and this will reduce the amount of nutrients
            entering the water system.

         Based on the statement, explain how the use of excessive inorganic fertilizers in a
         long period of time reduces the population of aquatic organisms.
                                                                                          [10 marks]

   (b) Diagram 9 shows a tree grown wildly in an agricultural area.

                   Bird`s nest



                                               DIAGRAM 9

         A farmer plans to cut down the tree to grow vegetables.
         Discuss the good and bad effects of this action on human and the ecosystem.
                                                                                          [10 marks]

                                  END OF QUESTION PAPER

4551                         SMS MUZAFFAR SYAH , MELAKA                                      SULIT

SULIT              Nama ...................................................... Tingkatan ....................    4551
2½ jam

                       DAN SEKOLAH KLUSTER

                                      TINGKATAN EMPAT

                                                 Kertas 3
                                     Satu jam tiga puluh minit

1. Kertas soalan ini adalah dalam Bahasa Inggeris.
2. Calon dikehendaki membaca maklumat di bawah.                                             Untuk Kegunaan
 1. This question paper consists of two questions. Answer all the
     questions.                                                                                   Markah
                                                                                     Soalan                     Markah
 2. Write your answers for Question 1 in the spaces provided in                                   penuh
     the question paper
 3. Write your answers for Question 2 on the lined pages at the
     end of the question paper in detail. You may use equations,
     diagrams, tables, graph and other suitable methods to explain
     your answer.                                                                       1           33
 4. Show your working, it may help you to get marks.
 5. If you wish to cancel any answer, neatly cross out the answer.
 6. The diagrams in the questions are not drawn to scale unless
 7. Marks allocated for each question or part question are shown
     in brackets
 8. The time suggested to complete Question 1 is 45 minutes
     and Question 2 is 45 minutes                                                       2           17
 9. You may use a non-programmable scientific calculator
 10. Hand in this question paper at the end of the examination.
 Marks awarded:
       Score                         Description
         3         Excellent: The best response
         2         Satisfactory: An average response                                        JUMLAH
         1         Week: An inaccurate response
         0         No response or wrong response

                     Kertas soalan ini mengandungi 6 halaman bercetak.
4551                                                                                                 [Lihat sebelah

                              SMS MUZAFFAR SYAH , MELAKA
SULIT                                        MOZ@C
                                               2                                           4551

                                      Answer all questions.

Question 1

Hydrogen peroxide is a chemical that bubbles when it reacts with a catalase enzyme.
Catalase enzyme is an antioxidant enzyme in living cells. Hydrogen peroxide is converted
into water and oxygen by the catalase enzyme

                                  2H2O2                   2H2O + O2

An experiment is carried out to investigate the effect of pH on catalase enzyme in potatoes.
Bubbling of gases is used to indicate that a reaction is occurring. The rate of reaction is
determined by measuring the volume of bubbles produced in a unit time. The experiment is
conducted as followed:

1.     Three measuring cylinders, P, Q and R are filled with 3.0 cm3 of hydrogen peroxide.
2.     6.0 cm3 of 0.1% hydrochloric acid is added to P, 6.0 cm3 of distilled water is added to Q
       and 6.0 cm3 of 0.1% sodium hydroxide is added to R.
3.     pH paper is used to measure the pH value of each tube.
4.     The potato is cut into three cubes, with the size of 1.0 cm3 each.
5.     One potato cube is added into each measuring cylinder.
6.     The volume of bubbles produced in each measuring cylinder is observed after
       5 minutes and recorded.
7.     The results are shown in Diagram 1.

           cm3     Volume                    cm3      Volume                   cm3    Volume
           25      of                        25       of                       25     of
                   bubbles                            bubbles                         bubbles
                   =                                  =                               =
           20                                20                                20

                   3.0 cm3                                                           3.0 cm3
           15      hydrogen                  15       3.0 cm                   15    hydrogen
                   peroxide                           hydrogen                       peroxide
                   +                                  peroxide                       +
                   6.0 cm3                            +                              6.0 cm3
           10                                10                                10
                   0.1%                               6.0 cm3                        0.1%
                   hydrochloric                       distilled                      sodium
                   acid                               water                          hydroxide
            5      +                          5       +                         5    +
                   1.0 cm3                            1.0 cm3                        1.0 cm3
                   potato                             potato                         potato

        P                                   Q                                 R
       pH 2                                pH 7                             pH 10
                                          DIAGRAM 1
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                             SMS MUZAFFAR SYAH , MELAKA
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(a)           List all materials and apparatus used in this experiment.                    For
                           Materials                            Apparatus                  Use


                                                                            [3 marks]

(b)           Record the volume of bubbles formed in each measuring cylinder after        1(b)
              5 minutes in Diagram 1.
                                                                         [3 marks]

(c)    (i)    State two observations made on Diagram 1.

              Observation 1



              Observation 2


                                                                            [3 marks]

       (ii)   State the inference for each observation made in (b) (i).

              Inference for observation 1



              Inference for observation 2



                                                                            [3 marks]

4551                                                                                    SULIT
                              SMS MUZAFFAR SYAH , MELAKA
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                                                   4                                         4551

(d)    (i)    Construct a table and record all the data collected in the experiment
              based on the following criteria:
                    pH value
                    Volume of bubbles formed
                    Rate of reaction (cm3 minute-1)


                                                                                [6 marks]

       (ii)   Explain the relationship between the test tube content and the volume of
              bubbles formed in Q.



                                                                                [3 marks]

(e)    (i)    State the variables and explain how the variables are operated.

                       Variables                  How the variables are operated
                  Manipulated variable

               ……………………………                   ………………………………………………

               ……………………………                   ………………………………………………

                  Responding variable

               ……………………………                   ………………………………………………

               ……………………………                   ………………………………………………

                     Fixed variables

               ……………………………                   ………………………………………………

               ……………………………                   ………………………………………………                              1(e)(i)

                                                                                [3 marks]

4551                                                                                        SULIT
                               SMS MUZAFFAR SYAH , MELAKA
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       (ii)   State the hypothesis of the experiment.


                                                                             [3 marks]

(f)           State the relationship between volume of bubbles formed and time in a

              medium of pH 7.



                                                                             [3 marks]

(g)           Based on the experiment, what is enzyme?




                                                                             [3 marks]

(h)           The experiment is repeated by using 2 potato cubes sized 0.5 cm3 each.
              Predict the observation in measuring cylinder R. Explain your answer.



                                                                             [3 marks]

4551                                                                                     SULIT
                              SMS MUZAFFAR SYAH , MELAKA
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                                              6                                   4551

Question 2

Acorbic acid, or vitamin C, is found in fruits and green vegetables. Ascorbic acid is a
reducing agent which decolourises the blue colour of DCPIP solution. The vitamin C in
solutions will deteriorate when exposed to oxygen.

Plan an experiment to determine the vitamin C content in orange, papaya and watermelon

Your experimental planning need to include the following aspects:

         Statement of identified problem
         Objective of study
         Variables
         Statement of hypothesis
         List of materials and apparatus
         Technique used
         Experimental procedures
         Presentation of data
         Conclusion

                                                                             [17 marks]

                                    END OF QUESTION PAPER

4551                                                                            SULIT
                               SMS MUZAFFAR SYAH , MELAKA
F4 BIOLOGY DIAGNOSTIC 2008              MOZ@C
                                          1                              MARKING SCHEME

SULIT                                                                               4551
1¼ jam

                      DAN SEKOLAH KLUSTER

                              TINGKATAN EMPAT

                     PERATURAN PEMARKAHAN
                               Kertas 1, 2 dan 3


            Peraturan pemarkahan ini mengandungi 21 halaman bercetak.

MARKING SCHEME          SMS MUZAFFAR SYAH , MELAKA                               4551
F4 BIOLOGY DIAGNOSTIC 2008                       MOZ@C
                                                   2                            MARKING SCHEME


No       Answer         No    Answer        No    Answer         No    Answer        No    Answer
1        D              11    A             21    B              31    D             41    D
2        D              12    A             22    C              32    B             42    C
3        A              13    C             23    D              33    D             43    B
4        D              14    B             24    D              34    B             44    B
5        D              15    B             25    C              35    C             45    A
6        C              16    D             26    C              36    C             46    C
7        D              17    A             27    B              37    B             47    D
8        A              18    C             28    C              38    D             48    C
9        D              19    A             29    D              39    B             49    C
10       D              20    A             30    C              40    C             50    B


Question 1
  No                                         Criteria                                          Marks
(a)          Able to name tissue K and tissue L.
              K: Upper epidermis (cells / tissue)                                         1
              L: Palisade mesophyll (cells / tissue)                                      1          2

(b)          Able to state the function of cells K and M in a leaf.
             Sample answer:
              K: Protect the inner tissues. // Allows light to penetrate.                 1
              M: Controls the size of stoma / transpiration / gaseous exchange            1
                   // Allows gaseous exchange through the stoma.                                      2

(c) (i)      Able to explain the differentiation of cells J to form the xylem tissue.
             Sample answer:
              Cells J join end to end, / the wall of cells J at the joints dissolved,     1
              to form a hollow tube / continuous tube (from root to leaves).              1
              The wall of xylem vessel is thickened by lignin.                  (Any 2)   1          2

      (ii)   Able to explain the effect on the function of the leaf when the plant
             unable to synthesise lignin during the formation of the xylem tissue.
             Sample answer:
               Xylem cannot be strengthened / cannot uphold leaf.                         1
               Less sunlight received / absorbed.                                         1
               Slow down the rate of photosynthesis / less glucose produced               1
             Or                                                              (Any 2)
               Xylem vessels collapsed.
               Less water supplied to leaves.
               Slow down the rate of photosynthesis / less glucose produced
                                                                                           1          2
                                                                              (Any 2)
(d)          Able to state the meaning of cell specialisation.
             Sample answer:
              Cells grow, change shape / differentiate.                                   1
              To carry out / perform specific function.                                   1          2

MARKING SCHEME                    SMS MUZAFFAR SYAH , MELAKA                                   4551
F4 BIOLOGY DIAGNOSTIC 2008                     MOZ@C
                                                 3                          MARKING SCHEME

(e)          Able to explain the adaptation of palisade mesophyll tissue to enable
             the leaf to carry out its function.
             Sample answer:
               Upright and closely packed.                                           1
               Contains large number of chloroplast.                                 1
               All cells receive maximum amount of sunlight.                         1
                // Absorb maximum amount of sunlight // energy.                              3

                                            TOTAL                                            13

Question 2
  No                                        Criteria                                  Marks
(a)          Able to name the parts labelled P and R.
             Answer :
              P: Golgi apparatus                                                     1
              R: vesicle // lysosomes                                                1      2

(b)          Able to state the function of mitochondrion.
             Sample answer :
              Site of (cellular) respiration // To produce ATP.                      1      1

(c)          Able to explain the role of nucleus in the synthesis of an enzyme.
             Sample answer :
              (Nucleus / DNA) carries genetic information (for protein synyhesis).   1
              Ribosome synthesis the protein.                                        1      2

(d) (i)      Able to complete the schematic diagram to show the mechanism of
             enzyme action.
             Sample answer :
               Suitable substances : Y                                               1
               Complete drawing                                                      1      2

      (ii)   Able to name two characteristic of enzyme based on answer (d)(i).
             Sample Answer:
              The reaction of enzyme are highly specific // One enzyme only for      1
               one substrate.
              Enzyme reactions are reversible.                                       1
              Enzymes are not destroyed in the reaction.                             1
                                                                         (Any 2)             2

MARKING SCHEME                  SMS MUZAFFAR SYAH , MELAKA                            4551
F4 BIOLOGY DIAGNOSTIC 2008                    MOZ@C
                                                4                            MARKING SCHEME

(e)          Able to explain the effect of temperature on the digestion in the
             Sample Answer:
              Reaction of enzyme decreases.                                            1
              The active sites change.                                                 1
              Enzymes could not bind with substrates.                                  1
              Digestion becomes slow.                                                  1
                                                                       (Any 3)                 3

                                            TOTAL                                              12

Question 3
  No                                         Criteria                                   Marks
(a) (i)      Able to name the type of cell division.
             Answer: meiosis                                                            1      1

      (ii)   Able to state an organ where meiosis takes place.
             Answer: Testis // Ovary                                                    1      1

(b)          State the number of chromosomes of cell X during phase P and
             phase U.                                                                   1
             Answer: P = 4; U = 2                                                       1      2

(c) (i)      Able to state the name of each phase of the cell division.
                            Phase          Name of the phase
                              P                Anaphase I
                              Q               Metaphase I
                              R                Telophase I
                              S               Anaphase II
                               T               Prophase I
                              U               Telophase II
                                   (6 correct=3m; 4-5 correct=2m; 2-3 correct=1m)       3      3

      (ii)   Able to state and explain the phase that brings about variation in
             Answer: Phase T                                                            1
               Crossing-over occurs.                                                   1
               Exchange of genetic material / segment of chromatid between             1
                members of homologous chromosomes.
               Daughter cells have different gene combination.        (Any 2)          1      3

(d)          Able to explain the chromosomal behavior in stage P when Cell X is
             treated with a type of chemical that retards the function of centrioles.
             Sample answer:
               The centrioles form spindle fibers to separate chromosomes              1
                (during anaphase).
               so the retarded centrioles will cause spindle fibres cannot be          1
               (As a result) the chromosomes do not line up at equator //              1
                metaphase cannot occur.                                       (Any 2)          2

                                            TOTAL                                              12

MARKING SCHEME                 SMS MUZAFFAR SYAH , MELAKA                               4551
F4 BIOLOGY DIAGNOSTIC 2008                     MOZ@C
                                                 5                             MARKING SCHEME

Question 4
  No                                         Criteria                                     Marks
(a) (i)      Able to name organ Q.
             Answer: Stomach                                                              1      1

      (ii)   Able to explain the process of food digestion in the stomach.
             Sample answer:
              The food digested in stomach is protein.                                   1
              Stomach secrete gastric juices contain pepsin.                             1
              Pepsin hydrolyses protein to polypeptide.                                  1      3

(b)          Able to state two effects if the gastric glands in the stomach are
             unable to produce hydrochloric acid.
             Sample answer:
               Bacteria in the food cannot be killed.                                    1
               Cannot provide acidic medium for enzyme reaction                          1
               Pepsin inactive, so proteins are unable to be hydrolysed.                 1
               Renin is inactive, so protein in milk cannot be coagulated                1
                // caseinogen unable to be transform into insoluble casein.
                                                                            (Any 2)              2

(c)          Able to explain one difference between the foods that enters P
             (oesophagus) and R (ileum).
             Sample answer:
               The food in R has less content of starch / protein / lipid (than in P).   1
                // The food in R has higher content of glucose / amino acid / fatty
                acid and glycerol (than in P).
               Starch is broken down / hydrolysed into maltose by amylase / into         1
                glucose by maltase / sucrase / lactase.
                // Protein is broken down / hydrolysed into polypeptides / peptones
                by pepsin / into peptides by trypsin / into amino acid by protease /
                erepsin. // Lipid is broken down / hydrolysed into fatty acids and
                glycerols by lipase.                                                             2

(d) (i)      Able to explain the absorption of proteins in the ileum.
             Sample answer:
              Amino acids are absorbed (by the villi).                                   1
              by facilitated diffusion into blood capillaries.                           1
               // The remaining amino acids is absorbed by active transport.                     2

      (ii)   Able to explain the importance of food digestion which enables
             nutrients to be absorbed by the villi.
             Sample answer:
               Complex food material is digested into simpler form. // Protein is        1
                hydrolysed / broken down into amino acids // Other examples.
               Simpler molecules / amino acids / other examples are able to pass         1
                through the plasma membrane of the villi.                                        2

                                             TOTAL                                               12

MARKING SCHEME                  SMS MUZAFFAR SYAH , MELAKA                                4551
F4 BIOLOGY DIAGNOSTIC 2008                    MOZ@C
                                                6                          MARKING SCHEME

Question 5
  No                                      Criteria                                    Marks
(a)          Able to name process X and compound Y.
              Process X : Decomposition / decaying                                   1
              Process Y : Nitrates                                                   1      2

(b) (i)      Able to Name the organic compound in plants.
             Answer: Amino acids / protein                                            1      1

      (ii)   Able to describe the functions of the amino acids / protein in plants.
             Sample answer:
              Growth / build new cells / tissue repairs in plants.                   1
              Forms nucleic acid / chlorophyll / photosynthetic and respiration      1
               enzyme / other examples.                                                      2

(c) (i)      Able to name the bacteria involved in the fixation of nitrogen in
             nodules of a leguminous plant.
             Answer: Rhizobium sp.                                                    1      1

      (ii)   Able to name and explain the relationship between Rhizobium sp.
             and the leguminous plant.
             Sample answer:
               Mutualism                                                             1
               Relationship / interaction between two spesies of organism which      1
                live closely together and give benefit to both.                              2

(d)          Able to relate the importance of nitrogen cycle in the growth of
             Sample answer:
               Provides nitrate / nitrogen (elements / compound)                     1
               Absorb by the plant to synthesise protein.                            1
               (When the rabbit eats the plant) the protein is transferred to the    1
                rabbit to be used for producing plasma membrane / enzyme /
                hormones / growth / build new cells / tissue repairs.                        3

                                           TOTAL                                             11

Question 6
  No                                       Criteria                                   Marks
(a)          Able to state two differences between passive transport and active
                            Passive transport           Active transport
                        Does not require energy      Require energy

                        Occurs down the              Occurs against the
                                                                                      1      2
                        concentration gradient       concentration gradient

MARKING SCHEME                 SMS MUZAFFAR SYAH , MELAKA                             4551
F4 BIOLOGY DIAGNOSTIC 2008             MOZ@C
                                         7                            MARKING SCHEME

(b)   Able to explain what happen to the red blood cell after being
      immersed in 3% of sodium chloride solution and 0.1% of sodium
      chloride solution for half an hour.
      Sample answer:

      Red blood cell in 3% of sodium chloride solution:
       3% sodium chloride solution is a hypertonic solution compare to          1
        the cell.
       Water diffuses out from the cell / red blood cell by osmosis.            1
       The cell becomes flaccid / shrunken.                                     1
       This is known as crenation.                                              1

      Red blood cell in 0.1% of sodium chloride solution:
       0.1% sodium chloride solution is a hypotonic solution compare to         1
        the cell.
       Water diffuses into the cell/ red blood cell by osmosis.                 1
       The cell becomes swollen and burst.                                      1
       This is known as haemolysis                                              1      8

(c)   Able to describe what happen to the cell in each concentration of
      sucrose solution.
      Sample answer:

      Plant cell in 17% of sucrose solution for 30 minutes:
       The plant cell maintain its shape size                                   1
       17% sucrose solution is isotonic to the concentration of the cell sap    1
        in the plant cell
       The rates of movement of water molecule in and out of the cell sap       1
        in the plant cell
       The size of the plant cell is maintained.                    (Any 3)     1

      Plant cell in 0.1% of sucrose solution for 30 minutes:
       0.1% sucrose solution is hypotonic to the concentration of cell sap      1
        of the plant cell
       As a result, water molecules diffuse into the cell by osmosis            1
       The vacuoles will expand, causing a pressure to be exerted on the        1
        cell wall
       The pressure causes the plant cell expands and become turgid.            1
                                                                      (Any 3)

      Plant cell in 30% of sucrose solution for 30 minutes:
       30% sucrose solution is hypertonic to the concentration of cell sap      1
        in the plant cell
       As a result, water molecules diffuse out of the plant cell by osmosis    1
       The vacuole becomes smaller, plasma membrane is pulled away              1
        from the cell wall
       The plant cell is plasmolysed and becomes flaccid.             (Any 3)   1

      Plant cell in 0.1% of sucrose solution for 30 minutes:
       0.1% sucrose solution is hypotonic to the concentration of cell sap      1
       As a result, water molecules diffuse in the plant cell by osmosis        1
       The cell undergoes deplasmolysis                                         1   Max
       The cell return to its normal condition.                     (Any 3)     1   10

                                     TOTAL                                              20

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F4 BIOLOGY DIAGNOSTIC 2008                   MOZ@C
                                               8                           MARKING SCHEME

Question 7
  No                                      Criteria                                  Marks
(a) (i)   Able to explain the exchange of gases between tracheole and body
          Sample answer:
            Partial pressure/concentration of oxygen in the tracheole is higher    1
             than partial pressure/concentration of oxygen in body cell .
            Oxygen diffuse from tracheole to body cell                             1
            Partial pressure/concentration of carbon dioxide in the body cell is   1
             higher than partial pressure/concentration of carbon dioxide in
             tracheole .
            Carbon dioxide diffuse from tracheole to body cell                     1      4

   (ii)   Able to explain how the absent of chitin affect the process of
          inhalation and energy production of the insect.
          Sample answer:
           The function of chitin is to prevent trachea from collapsing/sustain    1
            the air pressure
           During inhalation high pressure air moves into the trachea.             1
           The absent of chitin will cause the trachea / P to collapse / burst /   1
           Air with oxygen cannot reach tracheal.                                  1
           Body cell cannot get enough oxygen for cellular respiration             1
           The insect does not produce enough energy and respire                   1
           Less energy produced.                                       (Any 6)     1      6

 b (i)    Able to compare and explain the respiration before and during
          vigorous exercise.
          Sample answer:

               Before (A)     During (B)         Explanation (E)
           1   Aerobic        Anaerobic           Before - oxygen intake is
           .   Respiration    Respiration           low/the same as oxygen
                                                    required/enough oxygen
                                                    is supplied to the cell
                                                  During – oxygen required
                                                    is more than oxygen

           2   The            The muscles         Before – oxygen is
           .   muscles are    are in the state     sufficient
               in normal      of oxygen debt      During – oxygen is
               condition                           insufficient / oxygen
                                                   supplied is less than
                                                   oxygen supplied.

           3   Energy         Energy              Before – complete break
           .   produced is    produced is          down of glucose (produce
               more/38        less / 2 ATP         more energy)
               ATP                                During – incomplete break
                                                   down of glucose (produce
                                                   less energy)

MARKING SCHEME               SMS MUZAFFAR SYAH , MELAKA                             4551
Biologi f4 sbp akhir tahun 2008
Biologi f4 sbp akhir tahun 2008
Biologi f4 sbp akhir tahun 2008
Biologi f4 sbp akhir tahun 2008
Biologi f4 sbp akhir tahun 2008
Biologi f4 sbp akhir tahun 2008
Biologi f4 sbp akhir tahun 2008
Biologi f4 sbp akhir tahun 2008
Biologi f4 sbp akhir tahun 2008
Biologi f4 sbp akhir tahun 2008
Biologi f4 sbp akhir tahun 2008
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Biologi f4 sbp akhir tahun 2008

  • 1. SULIT MOZ@C 1 4551 SULIT 4551 4551 Biologi Oktober 2008 2½ jam BAHAGIAN PENGURUSAN SEKOLAH BERASRAMA PENUH DAN SEKOLAH KLUSTER KEMENTERIAN PELAJARAN MALAYSIA ________________________________________________________________ PEPERIKSAAN DIAGNOSTIK TAHUN 2008 TINGKATAN EMPAT BIOLOGI Kertas 1 Satu jam lima belas minit JANGAN BUKA KERTAS SOALAN INI SEHINGGA DIBERITAHU 1. Kertas soalan ini adalah dalam Bahasa Inggeris. 2. Calon dikehendaki membaca maklumat di bawah INFORMATION FOR CANDIDATES 1. This question paper consists of 50 questions. 2. Answer all questions. 3. Answer each question by blackening the correct space on the answer sheet. 4. Blacken only one space for each question. 5. If you wish to change your answer, erase the blackened mark that you have made. Then blacken the space for the new answer. 6. The diagrams in the questions provided are not drawn to scale unless stated. 7. You may use a non-programmable scientific calculator. Kertas soalan ini mengandungi 26 halaman bercetak. 4551 [Lihat sebelah 4551 SULIT SMS MUZAFFAR SYAH , MELAKA
  • 2. SULIT MOZ@C 2 4551 Answer all questions 1. The following information refers to an organelle of a plant cell.  A membranous sac which occupies a large part of a mature plant cell.  Contains water, stored food, salt and waste materials. Which of the labelled parts, A, B, C and D is the organelle? A B C D 2. The diagram shows an organelle of a cell. Which process only occurs in this organelle? A Osmosis B Diffusion C Respiration D Photosynthesis 4551 SULIT SMS MUZAFFAR SYAH , MELAKA
  • 3. SULIT MOZ@C 3 4551 3. The diagram shows a type of animal tissue. What is the tissue? A Epithelial tissue B Connective tissue C Smooth muscle tissue D Skeletal muscle tissue 4. The diagram shows the process of feeding by Amoeba sp. Which organelle is not involved in the process shown in the diagram ? A Lysosome B Food vacuole C Pseudopodia D Contractile vacuole 4551 SULIT SMS MUZAFFAR SYAH , MELAKA
  • 4. SULIT MOZ@C 4 4551 5. The table shows the characteristics of a plant tissue X.  Consists of companion cells  Contains sieve tubes Which of the processes is related to the tissue X? A Absorption B Reproduction C Transpiration D Translocation 6. The diagram shows the structure of a plasma membrane. X Y The proteins labelled X and Y are X Y A Pore protein Pore protein B Carrier protein Carrier protein C Carrier protein Pore protein D Pore protein Carrier protein 4551 SULIT SMS MUZAFFAR SYAH , MELAKA
  • 5. SULIT MOZ@C 5 4551 7. The diagram shows a sodium-potassium pump. What process involves in the mechanism? A Osmosis B Diffusion C Plasmolysis D Active transport 8. The information refers to a condition of a red blood cell after being immersed in a solution.  The cell shrinks  The plasma membrane crinkles up What process experienced by the red blood cell? A Crenation B Haemolysis C Plasmolysis D Deplasmolysis 4551 SULIT SMS MUZAFFAR SYAH , MELAKA
  • 6. SULIT MOZ@C 6 4551 9. Which process does not use energy released by respiration? A Passage of nerve impulses B Active transport of glucose into the villi C Formation of gametes in the gonads D Diffusion of oxygen across the alveolar surface 10. Which process takes place in a root hair cell when oxygen is not available? A Active transport and osmosis B Active transport and diffusion C Active transport D Diffusion 11 . Onion cells have been placed in four solution of different concentration. Which cells is immersed in hypotonic solution. A C B D 4551 SULIT SMS MUZAFFAR SYAH , MELAKA
  • 7. SULIT MOZ@C 7 4551 12. The graph shows the changes of the length of the potato slices in different solutions. Length of potato A slices /cm B C D Time / min Which curves labelled A, B, C and D shows the changes of the length of the slices which were placed in distilled water? 13. Which of the following shows the structure of a polysaccharide? A B C D 4551 SULIT SMS MUZAFFAR SYAH , MELAKA
  • 8. SULIT MOZ@C 8 4551 14. How many basic units are required to form the DNA molecule as shown in the diagram . A. 3 B. 6 C. 9 D. 18 15. The diagram shows an action of an enzyme and a sucrose. Q R P What are P, Q and R? P Q R A Lactase Glucose Lactose B Sucrase Glucose Fructose C Sucrase Lactose Fructose D Lactase Galactose Lactose 4551 SULIT SMS MUZAFFAR SYAH , MELAKA
  • 9. SULIT MOZ@C 9 4551 16. The diagram shows one of the structures of a protein. Which compound is made up of this structure? A. Enzymes B. Hormones C. Antibodies D. Haemoglobins 17. Which graph represents the effect of pH on the rate of reaction of pepsin. A. B. Rate of Rate of reaction reaction 0 7 14 pH 0 7 14 pH C. D. Rate of Rate of reaction reaction 0 7 14 pH 0 7 14 pH 4551 SULIT SMS MUZAFFAR SYAH , MELAKA
  • 10. SULIT MOZ@C 10 4551 18. The figure shows a cell cycle of an organism. Interphase X Which of the following is the correct sequence of process X? A. Telophase Anaphase Metaphase Prophase B. Anaphase Metaphase Prophase Telophase C. Prophase Metaphase Anaphase Telophase D. Prophase Anaphase Metaphase Telophase 19. The number of chromosomes in a skin cell of a cat has a diploid number of chromosomes 24. What is the chromosomal number in its gametes? i. 12 ii. 24 iii. 36 iv. 48 4551 SULIT SMS MUZAFFAR SYAH , MELAKA
  • 11. SULIT MOZ@C 11 4551 20. The diagram shows a cell of an organism. What is the stage of cell division shown by the diagram. A. Prophase I B. Prophase II B. Metaphase I D. Metaphase II 21. The diagram shows several stages in mitosis. Y What is the behaviour of chromosome in stage Y. A. Chromosomes condense and thicken B. Chromosomes arrange themselves at the equatorial plane C. Homologous chromosomes pair together and cross-over occurs D. Homologous chromosomes separate and move the opposite poles. 4551 SULIT SMS MUZAFFAR SYAH , MELAKA
  • 12. SULIT MOZ@C 12 4551 22. Which of the followings shows a stage in meiosis? A. B. C. D. 23. Which is an autotrophic organism? A. Parasites B. Holophytes C. Saprophytes D. Chemosynthetic organism 4551 SULIT SMS MUZAFFAR SYAH , MELAKA
  • 13. SULIT MOZ@C 13 4551 24. The information shows the characteristic of a compound. o Provides protection to organs against physical injuries o Provides energy for physical activities o Insulates body against heat loss o Forms sex hormones Which compound has the characteristics? A. Carbohydrate B. Protein C. Water D. Lipid 25. The diagram shows a longitudinal section of a human villus. S Which of these compounds can be found in S? A. Vitamin A B. Vitamin D C. Amino Acids D. Tiny droplets of lipids 4551 SULIT SMS MUZAFFAR SYAH , MELAKA
  • 14. SULIT MOZ@C 14 4551 26. Which of the following is correct about the light and dark reaction Light reaction Dark reaction A. Occurs in stroma Occurs in grana B. ATP and hydrogen are used ATP and hydrogen are produced C. No reduction of carbon dioxide There is reduction of carbon dioxide D. No oxygen is produced Oxygen is produced 27. The diagram shows the graph of the rate of photosynthesis against light intensity. Rate of photosynthesis ● ● Y 0∙06 % CO2 ● X 0∙02 % CO2 Light intensity The rate of photosyntehsis increases from X to Y. Which limiting factor has been overcomed? A. Light intensity B. Carbon dioxide concentration C. Temperature D. Water 4551 SULIT SMS MUZAFFAR SYAH , MELAKA
  • 15. SULIT MOZ@C 15 4551 28. When 0.4 g of groundnut is completely burnt, the temperature of 20 ml of water rises up from 30°C to 70°C. ( Secific heat capacity of water is 4.2 Jg °C ) What is the energy value of the groundnut? A 1.4 kJg−¹ B 3.4 kJg−¹ C. 8.4 kJg−¹ D. 76.2 kJg−¹ 29. A food sample is tested to determine its contents. The table below shows the results obtained. Food test Result Benedict’s solution is added and the mixture is boiled Brick red precipitate Iodine solution is added Brownish yellow colour Millon’s reagent is added and is heated in a water bath Red precipitate What are the food classes found in the food sample? A Starch and protein B Lipids and protein C Only reducing sugar D Protein and reducing sugars 4551 SULIT SMS MUZAFFAR SYAH , MELAKA
  • 16. SULIT MOZ@C 16 4551 30. Organ P is a part of the human digestive system. Organ P When a baby drinks milk, what would happen to the milk protein in organ P? A. Protein is digested by pepsin into amino acids B. Polypeptides is digested by trypsin into dipeptide C. Caseinogen is coagulated into casein by rennin D. Caseinogen is coagulated into casein by hydrochloric acid 31. The diagram shows a respiratory structure of an organism. Which organism has this structure?. A Frog B Fish C Crocodile D Grasshopper 4551 SULIT SMS MUZAFFAR SYAH , MELAKA
  • 17. SULIT MOZ@C 17 4551 32. The diagram shows the structure of alveoli . P What process occurs between an alveolus and structure P during gaseous exchange? A. Osmosis B. Simple diffusion C. Active transport D. Facilitated diffusion 33. Which structure involves in the gaseous exchange in Ameoba sp?. A. Cytoplasma B. Food Vacuole C. Contractile vacuole D. Plasma membrane 4551 SULIT SMS MUZAFFAR SYAH , MELAKA
  • 18. SULIT MOZ@C 18 4551 34. The equation shows the process that takes place in yeast. Glucose S + Energy + Carbon dioxide What is S?. A. Water B. Ethanol C. Oxygen D. Lactic acid 35. The figure shows a model of a rib cage Backbone R Which of the following is represented by P, Q and R? P Q R A Sternum Rib Intercostal muscle B Intercostal muscle Sternum Rib C Sternum Intercostal muscle Rib D Intercostal muscle Rib Sternum 4551 SULIT SMS MUZAFFAR SYAH , MELAKA
  • 19. SULIT MOZ@C 19 4551 36. The diagram shows a human respiratory system. R What happen to structure R during exhalation?. A. Relaxes and becomes flatten B. Contracts and becomes flatten C. Relaxes and becomes dome shape D. Contracts and becomes dome shape 37. The information shows the results of an experiment to determine the oxygen content in exhaled air using J-tube. Length of exhaled air column = 10.0 cm Length of exhaled air column after treatment with potassium hydroxide = 9.6 cm Length oh of exhaled air column after treatment with potassium pyrogallol = 8.5 cm The percentage of oxygen content in the exhaled air is A. 4.0 % B. 11.0 % C. 16.0 % D. 21.0 % 4551 SULIT SMS MUZAFFAR SYAH , MELAKA
  • 20. SULIT MOZ@C 20 4551 38. The diagram shows gaseous exchange in human lungs. T Blood capillary Alveolus S R Which of the following is true about blood vessels R, S and T? R S T A Contains blood with Allows oxygen to Contains blood with high concentration of diffuse into the high concentration oxygen alveolus of carbon dioxide B Contains blood with Allows carbon dioxide Contains blood with High concentration of to diffuse into the high concentration oxygen alveolus of carbon dioxide C Contains blood with high Allows carbon dioxide Contains blood with concentration of carbon to diffuse into the high concentration dioxide capillary of oxygen D Contains blood with high Allows oxygen to Contains blood with concentration of carbon diffuse into the high concentration dioxide capillary of oxygen 4551 SULIT SMS MUZAFFAR SYAH , MELAKA
  • 21. SULIT MOZ@C 21 4551 39. The diagram shows a food web and the pyramid of number in an ecosystem. M L K J Which of the following is K? A. Snake B. Bees C. Eagle D. Green plant 40. The diagram shows the changes in size of the populations of two organism in a palm oil plantation. The organism are interdependent in a food chain. Population of animal Rats Owl Time / year What is the interaction between organism X and organism Y. A. Mutualism B. Parasitism C. Prey – predator D. Commensalism 4551 SULIT SMS MUZAFFAR SYAH , MELAKA
  • 22. SULIT MOZ@C 22 4551 41. The diagram shows an interaction between two species. P Q Which of the following describe the effect of the interaction between species P and Q? Species P Species Q A Benefit Benefit B Harm Harm C Not affected Harm D Benefit No affected 42. An officer in the Forrestry Depatment wants to determine the distribution of Cengal Trees in Belum National Park. Which is the most suitable method to be used ? A. Direct Counting B. Quadrat 1m X 1m C. Quadrat 10m X 10 m D. Capture, mark, release and recapture 4551 SULIT SMS MUZAFFAR SYAH , MELAKA
  • 23. SULIT MOZ@C 23 4551 43. Figure (a) shows the profile of a mangrove swamp while figure (b) shows three types of root of the trees that are found in the mangrove swamp. P Figure (a) Figure (b) Which of the mangrove root(s) can be found in P? A. X B. Y C. Z D. X and Y 44. Penicillin was the first antibiotic found. What is the microorganism that produces penicillin? A. Virus B. Fungi C. Bacteria D. Protozoa 4551 SULIT SMS MUZAFFAR SYAH , MELAKA
  • 24. SULIT MOZ@C 24 4551 45. The diagram shows the root of a leguminous plant. What is the role of the bacteria found in the root nodule of the plant in nitrogen cycle. A. Nitrogen fixation B. Decomposition C. Denitrification C. Nitrification 46. The following information is related to a process occurs in an ecosystem  Phosphate runs off into lakes  Rapid growth of autotrophic organisms The process is A. colonization B. competition C. eutrophication D. phosphorilation 4551 SULIT SMS MUZAFFAR SYAH , MELAKA
  • 25. SULIT MOZ@C 25 4551 47. The diagram shows a human activity. Which is the effect of the activity ? A. Decrease in BOD level B. Increase the habitat of the fauna C. Decrease the temperature in north pole D. Increase the carbon dioxide level in the atmosphere 48. What is the effect of dust and smog on leaves of plants ? A. Decrease the water transport B. Damages the chlorophyll in the leaf C. Decreases the amount of light received by the leaf D. Damages the mesophyll cells in leaf 4551 SULIT SMS MUZAFFAR SYAH , MELAKA
  • 26. SULIT MOZ@C 26 4551 49. Which of the following are non renewable resources? I Iron ore II Timber III Petroleum IV Tin ore A I and III only B II and IV only C I, III and IV only D I, II, III and IV 50. Which diseases become worse when air pollution occurs? I Ashma II Skurvi III Pellagra IV Bronchitis A. I and III B. I and IV C. II and III D. I, III and IV END OF THE QUESTIONS 4551 SULIT SMS MUZAFFAR SYAH , MELAKA
  • 27. MOZ@C SULIT Nama ...................................................... Tingkatan .................... 4551 4551 Biologi Oktober 2008 2½ jam BAHAGIAN PENGURUSAN SEKOLAH BERASRAMA PENUH DAN SEKOLAH KLUSTER KEMENTERIAN PELAJARAN MALAYSIA ________________________________________________________________ PEPERIKSAAN DIAGNOSTIK TAHUN 2008 TINGKATAN EMPAT BIOLOGI Kertas 2 Dua jam tiga puluh minit JANGAN BUKA KERTAS SOALAN INI SEHINGGA DIBERITAHU 1. Kertas soalan ini adalah dalam Bahasa Inggeris. Untuk Kegunaan Pemeriksa 2. Calon dikehendaki membaca maklumat di bawah. Bahagian Soalan Markah Markah Penuh INFORMATION FOR CANDIDATES 1. This question paper consists of two sections : 1 12 Section A and Section B. 2. Answer all questions in Section A. Write your 2 12 answers for Section A clearly in the spaces provided in the question paper. A 3 12 3. Answer any two questions from Section B. Write your answer for Section B on the lined paper in detail. You 4 12 may use equations, diagrams, tables, graphs and other suitable methods to explain your answer. 5 12 4. Show your working, it may help you to get marks. 5. If you wish to cancel any answer, neatly cross out the 6 20 answer. 6. The diagrams in the questions are not drawn to scale 7 20 unless stated. B 7. The mark allocated for each question or part of 8 20 question is shown in brackets. 8. The time suggested to complete Section A is 90 minutes, and Section B is 60 minutes. 9 20 9. You may use a non-programmable scientific calculator 10. Hand in this question paper at the end of the examination. Jumlah Kertas soalan ini mengandungi 15 halaman bercetak. 4551 [Lihat sebelah SMS MUZAFFAR SYAH , MELAKA
  • 28. SULIT MOZ@C 2 4551 Section A For Examiner’s [ 60 marks ] Use Answer all questions 1. Diagram 1 shows cell organisation in plant. Cells J undergo differentiation and specialisation to form several tissues in a leaf of a green plant. Cells J Cell Specialisation K L Cross- section if a leaf Xylem tissue M DIAGRAM 1 (a) Name tissue K and tissue L. K : ..……………………………………………………………………………… 1(a) L: ………………………………………………………………………………… [2 marks] (b) State the function of cells K and M in a leaf. K : ..……………………………………………………………………………… 1(b) M: ……………...………………………………………………………………… [2 marks] 4551 SMS MUZAFFAR SYAH , MELAKA SULIT
  • 29. SULIT MOZ@C 3 4551 (c) (i) Explain the differentiation of cells J to form the xylem tissue. …………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………… 1(c)(i) …………………………………………………………………………………… [2 marks] (ii) During the formation of the xylem tissue, the plant was unable to synthesise lignin. Explain the effect on the function of the leaf. …………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………… 1(c)(ii) [2 marks] (d) Based on diagram 1, state the meaning of cell specialization. …………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………… 1(d) [2 marks] (e) Leaf is the main photosynthetic organ of a plant. Explain the adaptation of tissue L to enable the leaf to carry out its function. …………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………… 1(e) [3 marks] TOTAL 4551 SMS MUZAFFAR SYAH , MELAKA SULIT
  • 30. SULIT MOZ@C 4 4551 2. Diagram 2.1 shows the synthesis and secretion of an enzyme in an animal cell. R P Q S DIAGRAM 2.1 (a) Name the parts labelled P and R. P : ..……………………………………………………………………………… R: ……………...………………………………………………………………… 2(a) [2 marks] (b) State the function of organelle S. …………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………… 2(b) [1 mark] (c) Explain the role of organelle Q in the synthesis of an enzyme. …………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………… 2(c) [2 marks] Diagram 2.2 shows the structure of an enzyme and three substrates W, X and Y. Enzyme W X Y DIAGRAM 2.2 4551 SMS MUZAFFAR SYAH , MELAKA SULIT
  • 31. SULIT MOZ@C 5 4551 (d) (i) Based on Diagram 2.2, choose the correct substrate and complete the schematic diagram to show the mechanism of enzyme action on the substrate. + Enzyme + Substrate Enzyme–Substrate complex + 2(d)(i) Enzyme + Products [2 marks] (ii) State two characteristics of the enzyme, which are illustrated in (d)(i). 1 : ..……………………………………………………………………………… 2: ……………...………………………………………………………………… 2(d)(ii) [2 marks] (e) A child with high fever has body temperature of 41ºC. Explain the effect on the process of digestion in his digestive system. 2(e) …………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………… TOTAL …………………………………………………………………………………… [3 marks] 4551 SMS MUZAFFAR SYAH , MELAKA SULIT
  • 32. SULIT MOZ@C 6 4551 3. Diagram 3 shows the phases in a cell division in cell X. The phases are not in the correct sequence. P Q R S T U DIAGRAM 3 (a) (i) Name the type of cell division. …………………………………………………………………………………… 3(a)(i) [1 mark] (ii) State an organ where this cell division takes place. …………………………………………………………………………………… 3(a)(ii) [1 mark] (b) State the number of chromosomes of cell X during phase P and phase U. 3(b) P: …….……………………… U: …….……………………… [2 marks] (c) (i) State the name of each phase of the cell division in Table 1 Phase Name of the phase P Q R S T U 3(c)(i) TABLE 1 [3 marks] 4551 SMS MUZAFFAR SYAH , MELAKA SULIT
  • 33. SULIT MOZ@C 7 4551 (ii) State the phase that brings about variation in organism. Explain your answer. …………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………… 3(c)(ii) …………………………………………………………………………………… [3 marks] (d)) Cell X is treated with a type of chemical that retards the function of centrioles. Explain what will happen to the chromosomal behavior in stage P. …………………………………………………………………………………… 3(d) …………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………… TOTAL [2 marks] 4. Diagram 4 shows human digestive system. P Q R DIAGRAM 4 (a) (i) Name organ Q. …………………………………………………………………………………… 4(a)(i) [1 mark] 4551 SMS MUZAFFAR SYAH , MELAKA SULIT
  • 34. SULIT MOZ@C 8 4551 (ii) Explain the process of food digestion in Q. …………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………… 4(a)(ii) …………………………………………………………………………………… [3 marks] (b) State two effects if the gastric glands in Q are unable to produce hydrochloric acid. 1 : ..……………………………………………………………………………… 4(b) 2: ……………...………………………………………………………………… [2 marks] (c) Explain one difference between the food that enters P and R. …………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………… 4(c) …………………………………………………………………………………… [2 marks] (d) (i) Explain the absorption of proteins in R. …………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………… 4(d)(i) …………………………………………………………………………………… [2 marks] (ii) Explain the importance of food digestion which enables nutrients to be absorbed by the villi. …………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………… 4(d)(ii) [2 marks] TOTAL 4551 SMS MUZAFFAR SYAH , MELAKA SULIT
  • 35. SULIT MOZ@C 9 4551 5. Diagram 5 shows part of the nitrogen cycle. Nitrogen in the atmosphere Dead organisms Fixation by and animals nitrogen waste fixing bacteria in the root nodules of Process X leguminous plants Ammonium Absorption Nitrites NO2 Compound Y DIAGRAM 5 (a) Name process X and compound Y. Process X: ……………………………………………………………………… 5(a) Compound Y: ………………………………………………………………….. [2 marks] 4551 SMS MUZAFFAR SYAH , MELAKA SULIT
  • 36. SULIT MOZ@C 10 4551 (b) (i) Plants will convert compound Y into an organic compound. Name the organic compound. …………………………………………………………………………………… 5(b)(i) [1 mark] (ii) Describe the functions of the organic compound named in (b)(i) in plants. …………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………… 5(b)(ii) [2 marks] (c) (i) Name the bacteria involve in the fixation of nitrogen in nodules of a leguminous plant. 5(c)(i) …………………………………………………………………………………… [1 mark] (ii) The microorganism name in d (i) interacts with the leguminous plant. Name and explain the type of relationship between the two species. …………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………… 5(c)(ii) …………………………………………………………………………………… [2 marks] (d) Relate the importance of nitrogen cycle in the growth of rabbits. …………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………… 5(d) …………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………… [3 marks] TOTAL 4551 SMS MUZAFFAR SYAH , MELAKA SULIT
  • 37. SULIT MOZ@C 11 4551 Section B [ 40 marks ] Answer any two questions from this section. 6. (a) State two differences between passive transport and active transport. [2 marks] (b) Red blood cells Red blood cells in 3% sodium in 0.1% sodium chloride solution chloride solution after 30 minutes after 30 minutes DIAGRAM 6.1 Diagram 6.1 shows a red blood cell immersed in different salt solutions. Explain what happen to the red blood cell after being immersed in 3% of sodium chloride solution and 0.1% of sodium chloride solution for half an hour. [8 marks] (c) Diagram 6.2 shows the appearance of the plants cell which is immersed in different concentration of sucrose solution one after another. Plant cell in 17% of Plant cell in 0.1% Plant cell in 30% of Plant cell in 0.1% sucrose solution of sucrose solution sucrose solution of sucrose solution for 30 minutes for 30 minutes for 30 minutes for 30 minutes DIAGRAM 6.2 Based on Diagram 6.2, describe what happen to the cell in each concentration of sucrose solution. [10 marks] 4551 SMS MUZAFFAR SYAH , MELAKA SULIT
  • 38. SULIT MOZ@C 12 4551 7. Diagram 7.1 shows a respiratory structure of an insect. P tracheol body cell DIAGRAM 7.1 (a) (i) Explain the gases exchange between tracheol and body cell. [4 marks] (ii) Chitin is a polysaccharide on the outer surface of structure P. Due to the change in the environment, the insect is unable to form the polysaccharide. Explain how the absence of chitin affects inhalation and the energy production. [6 marks] (b) Diagram 7.2 shows the rate of oxygen intake before, during and after a vigorous exercise of an athlete. Oxygen intake (litre/minute) Time (min) Vigorous exercise DIAGRAM 7.2 (i) Based on the graph, compare the respiration before and during the vigorous exercise. (ii) Explain how the oxygen intake by the athlete returns to the normal level at the 25th minute. [10 marks] 4551 SMS MUZAFFAR SYAH , MELAKA SULIT
  • 39. SULIT MOZ@C 13 4551 8. (a) Diagram 8.1 shows the daily menu of a pregnant woman. Breakfast A plate of fried rice A can of carbonated drink An apple Lunch A bowl of chicken rice complete with a piece of roasted drumstick and a bowl of chicken soup A plate of fried prawn A glass of sweetened fruit juice Dinner A plate of fried noodle 2 slices of cucumber A cup of coffee DIAGRAM 8.1 Does the menu provide a balanced diet for the pregnant woman? Evaluate the nutrients content and the effects of consuming the foods. . [10 marks] 4551 SMS MUZAFFAR SYAH , MELAKA SULIT
  • 40. SULIT MOZ@C 14 4551 (b) Diagram 8.2 shows a schematic diagram of the photosynthesis process. chlorophyll C6H12O6 CO2 O2 H2O DIAGRAM 8.2 Based on Diagram 8.2, (i) write the chemical equation of photosynthesis. (ii) define photosynthesis. [4 marks] (c) Diagram 8.3 shows organisms in a pond ecosystem lotus Hydrilla sp Elodea sp DIAGRAM 8.3 Based on Diagram 8.3, describe how Hydrilla sp is able to obtain all the requirement for photosynthesis. [6 marks] 4551 SMS MUZAFFAR SYAH , MELAKA SULIT
  • 41. SULIT MOZ@C 15 4551 9. (a) The use of fertiliser increases the amount of phosphate and nitrate in the soil. This enhances the growth of plants. There are two main types of fertilizers, which are organic and inorganic fertilisers. Farmers are advised to use organic fertilizers rather than the inorganic fertilizers. The organic fertilizers release the nutrients gradually into the soil and this will reduce the amount of nutrients entering the water system. Based on the statement, explain how the use of excessive inorganic fertilizers in a long period of time reduces the population of aquatic organisms. [10 marks] (b) Diagram 9 shows a tree grown wildly in an agricultural area. Bird`s nest Insects Roots Soil DIAGRAM 9 A farmer plans to cut down the tree to grow vegetables. Discuss the good and bad effects of this action on human and the ecosystem. [10 marks] END OF QUESTION PAPER 4551 SMS MUZAFFAR SYAH , MELAKA SULIT
  • 42. MOZ@C SULIT Nama ...................................................... Tingkatan .................... 4551 4551 Biologi Oktober 2008 2½ jam BAHAGIAN PENGURUSAN SEKOLAH BERASRAMA PENUH DAN SEKOLAH KLUSTER KEMENTERIAN PELAJARAN MALAYSIA ________________________________________________________________ PEPERIKSAAN DIAGNOSTIK TAHUN 2008 TINGKATAN EMPAT BIOLOGI Kertas 3 Satu jam tiga puluh minit JANGAN BUKA KERTAS SOALAN INI SEHINGGA DIBERITAHU 1. Kertas soalan ini adalah dalam Bahasa Inggeris. 2. Calon dikehendaki membaca maklumat di bawah. Untuk Kegunaan Pemeriksa INFORMATION FOR CANDIDATES 1. This question paper consists of two questions. Answer all the questions. Markah Soalan Markah 2. Write your answers for Question 1 in the spaces provided in penuh the question paper 3. Write your answers for Question 2 on the lined pages at the end of the question paper in detail. You may use equations, diagrams, tables, graph and other suitable methods to explain your answer. 1 33 4. Show your working, it may help you to get marks. 5. If you wish to cancel any answer, neatly cross out the answer. 6. The diagrams in the questions are not drawn to scale unless stated. 7. Marks allocated for each question or part question are shown in brackets 8. The time suggested to complete Question 1 is 45 minutes and Question 2 is 45 minutes 2 17 9. You may use a non-programmable scientific calculator 10. Hand in this question paper at the end of the examination. Marks awarded: Score Description 3 Excellent: The best response 2 Satisfactory: An average response JUMLAH 1 Week: An inaccurate response 0 No response or wrong response Kertas soalan ini mengandungi 6 halaman bercetak. 4551 [Lihat sebelah SMS MUZAFFAR SYAH , MELAKA
  • 43. SULIT MOZ@C 2 4551 Answer all questions. Question 1 Hydrogen peroxide is a chemical that bubbles when it reacts with a catalase enzyme. Catalase enzyme is an antioxidant enzyme in living cells. Hydrogen peroxide is converted into water and oxygen by the catalase enzyme 2H2O2 2H2O + O2 An experiment is carried out to investigate the effect of pH on catalase enzyme in potatoes. Bubbling of gases is used to indicate that a reaction is occurring. The rate of reaction is determined by measuring the volume of bubbles produced in a unit time. The experiment is conducted as followed: 1. Three measuring cylinders, P, Q and R are filled with 3.0 cm3 of hydrogen peroxide. 2. 6.0 cm3 of 0.1% hydrochloric acid is added to P, 6.0 cm3 of distilled water is added to Q and 6.0 cm3 of 0.1% sodium hydroxide is added to R. 3. pH paper is used to measure the pH value of each tube. 4. The potato is cut into three cubes, with the size of 1.0 cm3 each. 5. One potato cube is added into each measuring cylinder. 6. The volume of bubbles produced in each measuring cylinder is observed after 5 minutes and recorded. 7. The results are shown in Diagram 1. cm3 Volume cm3 Volume cm3 Volume 25 of 25 of 25 of bubbles bubbles bubbles = = = 20 20 20 3.0 cm3 3.0 cm3 3 15 hydrogen 15 3.0 cm 15 hydrogen peroxide hydrogen peroxide + peroxide + 6.0 cm3 + 6.0 cm3 10 10 10 0.1% 6.0 cm3 0.1% hydrochloric distilled sodium acid water hydroxide 5 + 5 + 5 + 1.0 cm3 1.0 cm3 1.0 cm3 potato potato potato P Q R pH 2 pH 7 pH 10 DIAGRAM 1 4551 SULIT SMS MUZAFFAR SYAH , MELAKA
  • 44. SULIT MOZ@C 3 4551 (a) List all materials and apparatus used in this experiment. For Examiner’s Materials Apparatus Use 1(a) [3 marks] (b) Record the volume of bubbles formed in each measuring cylinder after 1(b) 5 minutes in Diagram 1. [3 marks] (c) (i) State two observations made on Diagram 1. Observation 1 ………………………………………………………………………….………… ……………………………………………………………………………….…… Observation 2 ………………………………………………………………………………….… 1(c)(i) ……………………………………………………………………………………. [3 marks] (ii) State the inference for each observation made in (b) (i). Inference for observation 1 ………………………………………………………………………………….… ……………………………………………………………………………………. Inference for observation 2 ………………………………………………………………………………….… ……………………………………………………………………………………. [3 marks] 4551 SULIT SMS MUZAFFAR SYAH , MELAKA
  • 45. SULIT MOZ@C 4 4551 (d) (i) Construct a table and record all the data collected in the experiment based on the following criteria:  pH value  Volume of bubbles formed  Rate of reaction (cm3 minute-1) 1(d)(i) [6 marks] (ii) Explain the relationship between the test tube content and the volume of bubbles formed in Q. ………………………………………………………………………………….… ………………………………………………………………………………….… 1(d)(ii) ……………………………………………………………………………………. [3 marks] (e) (i) State the variables and explain how the variables are operated. Variables How the variables are operated Manipulated variable …………………………… ……………………………………………… …………………………… ……………………………………………… Responding variable …………………………… ……………………………………………… …………………………… ……………………………………………… Fixed variables …………………………… ……………………………………………… …………………………… ……………………………………………… 1(e)(i) [3 marks] 4551 SULIT SMS MUZAFFAR SYAH , MELAKA
  • 46. SULIT MOZ@C 5 4551 (ii) State the hypothesis of the experiment. ………………………………………………………………………………….… 1(e)(ii) ……………………………………………………………………………………. [3 marks] (f) State the relationship between volume of bubbles formed and time in a medium of pH 7. ………………………………………………………………………………….… ………………………………………………………………………………….… 1(f) ……………………………………………………………………………………. [3 marks] (g) Based on the experiment, what is enzyme? ...……………………………………………………………………………….… ………………………………………………………………………………….… ……………………………………………………………………………………. [3 marks] (h) The experiment is repeated by using 2 potato cubes sized 0.5 cm3 each. Predict the observation in measuring cylinder R. Explain your answer. ………………………………………………………………………………….… ………………………………………………………………………………….… 1(g) ……………………………………………………………………………………. [3 marks] 4551 SULIT SMS MUZAFFAR SYAH , MELAKA
  • 47. SULIT MOZ@C 6 4551 Question 2 Acorbic acid, or vitamin C, is found in fruits and green vegetables. Ascorbic acid is a reducing agent which decolourises the blue colour of DCPIP solution. The vitamin C in solutions will deteriorate when exposed to oxygen. Plan an experiment to determine the vitamin C content in orange, papaya and watermelon juices. Your experimental planning need to include the following aspects:  Statement of identified problem  Objective of study  Variables  Statement of hypothesis  List of materials and apparatus  Technique used  Experimental procedures  Presentation of data  Conclusion [17 marks] END OF QUESTION PAPER 4551 SULIT SMS MUZAFFAR SYAH , MELAKA
  • 49. F4 BIOLOGY DIAGNOSTIC 2008 MOZ@C 2 MARKING SCHEME PAPER 1 No Answer No Answer No Answer No Answer No Answer 1 D 11 A 21 B 31 D 41 D 2 D 12 A 22 C 32 B 42 C 3 A 13 C 23 D 33 D 43 B 4 D 14 B 24 D 34 B 44 B 5 D 15 B 25 C 35 C 45 A 6 C 16 D 26 C 36 C 46 C 7 D 17 A 27 B 37 B 47 D 8 A 18 C 28 C 38 D 48 C 9 D 19 A 29 D 39 B 49 C 10 D 20 A 30 C 40 C 50 B PAPER 2 Question 1 No Criteria Marks (a) Able to name tissue K and tissue L. Answer:  K: Upper epidermis (cells / tissue) 1  L: Palisade mesophyll (cells / tissue) 1 2 (b) Able to state the function of cells K and M in a leaf. Sample answer:  K: Protect the inner tissues. // Allows light to penetrate. 1  M: Controls the size of stoma / transpiration / gaseous exchange 1 // Allows gaseous exchange through the stoma. 2 (c) (i) Able to explain the differentiation of cells J to form the xylem tissue. Sample answer:  Cells J join end to end, / the wall of cells J at the joints dissolved, 1  to form a hollow tube / continuous tube (from root to leaves). 1  The wall of xylem vessel is thickened by lignin. (Any 2) 1 2 (ii) Able to explain the effect on the function of the leaf when the plant unable to synthesise lignin during the formation of the xylem tissue. Sample answer:  Xylem cannot be strengthened / cannot uphold leaf. 1  Less sunlight received / absorbed. 1  Slow down the rate of photosynthesis / less glucose produced 1 Or (Any 2)  Xylem vessels collapsed. 1  Less water supplied to leaves. 1  Slow down the rate of photosynthesis / less glucose produced 1 2 (Any 2) (d) Able to state the meaning of cell specialisation. Sample answer:  Cells grow, change shape / differentiate. 1  To carry out / perform specific function. 1 2 MARKING SCHEME SMS MUZAFFAR SYAH , MELAKA 4551
  • 50. F4 BIOLOGY DIAGNOSTIC 2008 MOZ@C 3 MARKING SCHEME (e) Able to explain the adaptation of palisade mesophyll tissue to enable the leaf to carry out its function. Sample answer:  Upright and closely packed. 1  Contains large number of chloroplast. 1  All cells receive maximum amount of sunlight. 1 // Absorb maximum amount of sunlight // energy. 3 TOTAL 13 Question 2 No Criteria Marks (a) Able to name the parts labelled P and R. Answer :  P: Golgi apparatus 1  R: vesicle // lysosomes 1 2 (b) Able to state the function of mitochondrion. Sample answer :  Site of (cellular) respiration // To produce ATP. 1 1 (c) Able to explain the role of nucleus in the synthesis of an enzyme. Sample answer :  (Nucleus / DNA) carries genetic information (for protein synyhesis). 1  Ribosome synthesis the protein. 1 2 (d) (i) Able to complete the schematic diagram to show the mechanism of enzyme action. Sample answer :  Suitable substances : Y 1  Complete drawing 1 2 (ii) Able to name two characteristic of enzyme based on answer (d)(i). Sample Answer:  The reaction of enzyme are highly specific // One enzyme only for 1 one substrate.  Enzyme reactions are reversible. 1  Enzymes are not destroyed in the reaction. 1 (Any 2) 2 MARKING SCHEME SMS MUZAFFAR SYAH , MELAKA 4551
  • 51. F4 BIOLOGY DIAGNOSTIC 2008 MOZ@C 4 MARKING SCHEME (e) Able to explain the effect of temperature on the digestion in the mouth. Sample Answer:  Reaction of enzyme decreases. 1  The active sites change. 1  Enzymes could not bind with substrates. 1  Digestion becomes slow. 1 (Any 3) 3 TOTAL 12 Question 3 No Criteria Marks (a) (i) Able to name the type of cell division. Answer: meiosis 1 1 (ii) Able to state an organ where meiosis takes place. Answer: Testis // Ovary 1 1 (b) State the number of chromosomes of cell X during phase P and phase U. 1 Answer: P = 4; U = 2 1 2 (c) (i) Able to state the name of each phase of the cell division. Answer: Phase Name of the phase P Anaphase I Q Metaphase I R Telophase I S Anaphase II T Prophase I U Telophase II (6 correct=3m; 4-5 correct=2m; 2-3 correct=1m) 3 3 (ii) Able to state and explain the phase that brings about variation in organism. Answer: Phase T 1  Crossing-over occurs. 1  Exchange of genetic material / segment of chromatid between 1 members of homologous chromosomes.  Daughter cells have different gene combination. (Any 2) 1 3 (d) Able to explain the chromosomal behavior in stage P when Cell X is treated with a type of chemical that retards the function of centrioles. Sample answer:  The centrioles form spindle fibers to separate chromosomes 1 (during anaphase).  so the retarded centrioles will cause spindle fibres cannot be 1 formed.  (As a result) the chromosomes do not line up at equator // 1 metaphase cannot occur. (Any 2) 2 TOTAL 12 MARKING SCHEME SMS MUZAFFAR SYAH , MELAKA 4551
  • 52. F4 BIOLOGY DIAGNOSTIC 2008 MOZ@C 5 MARKING SCHEME Question 4 No Criteria Marks (a) (i) Able to name organ Q. Answer: Stomach 1 1 (ii) Able to explain the process of food digestion in the stomach. Sample answer:  The food digested in stomach is protein. 1  Stomach secrete gastric juices contain pepsin. 1  Pepsin hydrolyses protein to polypeptide. 1 3 (b) Able to state two effects if the gastric glands in the stomach are unable to produce hydrochloric acid. Sample answer:  Bacteria in the food cannot be killed. 1  Cannot provide acidic medium for enzyme reaction 1  Pepsin inactive, so proteins are unable to be hydrolysed. 1  Renin is inactive, so protein in milk cannot be coagulated 1 // caseinogen unable to be transform into insoluble casein. (Any 2) 2 (c) Able to explain one difference between the foods that enters P (oesophagus) and R (ileum). Sample answer:  The food in R has less content of starch / protein / lipid (than in P). 1 // The food in R has higher content of glucose / amino acid / fatty acid and glycerol (than in P).  Starch is broken down / hydrolysed into maltose by amylase / into 1 glucose by maltase / sucrase / lactase. // Protein is broken down / hydrolysed into polypeptides / peptones by pepsin / into peptides by trypsin / into amino acid by protease / erepsin. // Lipid is broken down / hydrolysed into fatty acids and glycerols by lipase. 2 (d) (i) Able to explain the absorption of proteins in the ileum. Sample answer:  Amino acids are absorbed (by the villi). 1  by facilitated diffusion into blood capillaries. 1 // The remaining amino acids is absorbed by active transport. 2 (ii) Able to explain the importance of food digestion which enables nutrients to be absorbed by the villi. Sample answer:  Complex food material is digested into simpler form. // Protein is 1 hydrolysed / broken down into amino acids // Other examples.  Simpler molecules / amino acids / other examples are able to pass 1 through the plasma membrane of the villi. 2 TOTAL 12 MARKING SCHEME SMS MUZAFFAR SYAH , MELAKA 4551
  • 53. F4 BIOLOGY DIAGNOSTIC 2008 MOZ@C 6 MARKING SCHEME Question 5 No Criteria Marks (a) Able to name process X and compound Y. Answer:  Process X : Decomposition / decaying 1  Process Y : Nitrates 1 2 (b) (i) Able to Name the organic compound in plants. Answer: Amino acids / protein 1 1 (ii) Able to describe the functions of the amino acids / protein in plants. Sample answer:  Growth / build new cells / tissue repairs in plants. 1  Forms nucleic acid / chlorophyll / photosynthetic and respiration 1 enzyme / other examples. 2 (c) (i) Able to name the bacteria involved in the fixation of nitrogen in nodules of a leguminous plant. Answer: Rhizobium sp. 1 1 (ii) Able to name and explain the relationship between Rhizobium sp. and the leguminous plant. Sample answer:  Mutualism 1  Relationship / interaction between two spesies of organism which 1 live closely together and give benefit to both. 2 (d) Able to relate the importance of nitrogen cycle in the growth of rabbits. Sample answer:  Provides nitrate / nitrogen (elements / compound) 1  Absorb by the plant to synthesise protein. 1  (When the rabbit eats the plant) the protein is transferred to the 1 rabbit to be used for producing plasma membrane / enzyme / hormones / growth / build new cells / tissue repairs. 3 TOTAL 11 Question 6 No Criteria Marks (a) Able to state two differences between passive transport and active transport. Answer: Passive transport Active transport 1 Does not require energy Require energy Occurs down the Occurs against the 1 2 concentration gradient concentration gradient MARKING SCHEME SMS MUZAFFAR SYAH , MELAKA 4551
  • 54. F4 BIOLOGY DIAGNOSTIC 2008 MOZ@C 7 MARKING SCHEME (b) Able to explain what happen to the red blood cell after being immersed in 3% of sodium chloride solution and 0.1% of sodium chloride solution for half an hour. Sample answer: Red blood cell in 3% of sodium chloride solution:  3% sodium chloride solution is a hypertonic solution compare to 1 the cell.  Water diffuses out from the cell / red blood cell by osmosis. 1  The cell becomes flaccid / shrunken. 1  This is known as crenation. 1 Red blood cell in 0.1% of sodium chloride solution:  0.1% sodium chloride solution is a hypotonic solution compare to 1 the cell.  Water diffuses into the cell/ red blood cell by osmosis. 1  The cell becomes swollen and burst. 1  This is known as haemolysis 1 8 (c) Able to describe what happen to the cell in each concentration of sucrose solution. Sample answer: Plant cell in 17% of sucrose solution for 30 minutes:  The plant cell maintain its shape size 1  17% sucrose solution is isotonic to the concentration of the cell sap 1 in the plant cell  The rates of movement of water molecule in and out of the cell sap 1 in the plant cell  The size of the plant cell is maintained. (Any 3) 1 Plant cell in 0.1% of sucrose solution for 30 minutes:  0.1% sucrose solution is hypotonic to the concentration of cell sap 1 of the plant cell  As a result, water molecules diffuse into the cell by osmosis 1  The vacuoles will expand, causing a pressure to be exerted on the 1 cell wall  The pressure causes the plant cell expands and become turgid. 1 (Any 3) Plant cell in 30% of sucrose solution for 30 minutes:  30% sucrose solution is hypertonic to the concentration of cell sap 1 in the plant cell  As a result, water molecules diffuse out of the plant cell by osmosis 1  The vacuole becomes smaller, plasma membrane is pulled away 1 from the cell wall  The plant cell is plasmolysed and becomes flaccid. (Any 3) 1 Plant cell in 0.1% of sucrose solution for 30 minutes:  0.1% sucrose solution is hypotonic to the concentration of cell sap 1  As a result, water molecules diffuse in the plant cell by osmosis 1  The cell undergoes deplasmolysis 1 Max  The cell return to its normal condition. (Any 3) 1 10 TOTAL 20 MARKING SCHEME SMS MUZAFFAR SYAH , MELAKA 4551
  • 55. F4 BIOLOGY DIAGNOSTIC 2008 MOZ@C 8 MARKING SCHEME Question 7 No Criteria Marks (a) (i) Able to explain the exchange of gases between tracheole and body cell. Sample answer:  Partial pressure/concentration of oxygen in the tracheole is higher 1 than partial pressure/concentration of oxygen in body cell .  Oxygen diffuse from tracheole to body cell 1  Partial pressure/concentration of carbon dioxide in the body cell is 1 higher than partial pressure/concentration of carbon dioxide in tracheole .  Carbon dioxide diffuse from tracheole to body cell 1 4 (ii) Able to explain how the absent of chitin affect the process of inhalation and energy production of the insect. Sample answer:  The function of chitin is to prevent trachea from collapsing/sustain 1 the air pressure  During inhalation high pressure air moves into the trachea. 1  The absent of chitin will cause the trachea / P to collapse / burst / 1 rupture.  Air with oxygen cannot reach tracheal. 1  Body cell cannot get enough oxygen for cellular respiration 1  The insect does not produce enough energy and respire 1 anaerobically.  Less energy produced. (Any 6) 1 6 b (i) Able to compare and explain the respiration before and during vigorous exercise. Sample answer: Before (A) During (B) Explanation (E) 1 Aerobic Anaerobic  Before - oxygen intake is . Respiration Respiration low/the same as oxygen required/enough oxygen is supplied to the cell  During – oxygen required is more than oxygen intake 2 The The muscles  Before – oxygen is . muscles are are in the state sufficient in normal of oxygen debt  During – oxygen is condition insufficient / oxygen supplied is less than oxygen supplied. 3 Energy Energy  Before – complete break . produced is produced is down of glucose (produce more/38 less / 2 ATP more energy) ATP  During – incomplete break down of glucose (produce less energy) MARKING SCHEME SMS MUZAFFAR SYAH , MELAKA 4551