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Sophie Dobber

d i s s e rtat i o n s u m m a ry:
c o - c r e at i o n w i t h o n l i n e
c o m m u n i t i e s : a s t r at e g i c
experience design toolkit
for global brands
d e ta i l s


Sophie Dobber
MA Design Strategy and Innovation
Brunel University, London
School of Engineering and Design
Super vised by Dr Sharon Baurley
September 2013
summary index


experience design toolkit
key references

the fi na l outcome







Tw o em erg ing trends:

c o - c re at io n

e x pe rie nc e
de sign


dissertation summar y







dissertation summar y


“Co-creation is an
active, creative and social
collaborative process between
producers and users to
generate value for customers”
(Sloane, 2011)

c o - c re at io n


...customer co-creation communities
...innovation + marketing

web 2.0







“Experience design
encompasses th e design
of interactions with the
brand that engages
customers in a personal
way” ( Pine & Gilmore, 1998)

focus shifted from
product design towards
experience design

e x pe rie nc e
de sign


dissertation summar y





research problem

Lack of academic research
key question:

How to strategically design user
experience systems for co-creation
communities of global brands?



dissertation summar y






To create an experience design toolkit for
the strategic development of co-creation

Strategists within a corporate organization
or external co-creation agencies

Strategies and systems



dissertation summar y






dissertation summar y

methodology framework

- Case st u dy bas ed
- 5 resea rch tools

explore & define

rese arc h
proble m

the topic


secondary research

1 .Literature re vie w
2 .Case stu die s

develop & deliver

primary research

3 . Co mmu n it y o bs e r va t io n s
4 . Us e r In s ig h t s e s s io n s
5 . Ex pe r t in t e r vie ws

analy s e &
d i s cus s

d ev elop
toolki t





1 Literature review

Key literature: refere n c e se c t i o n


dissertation summar y






Case studies

12 cas e s tudies
Identify strategies and e x p l o re t h e sy st e m s
Assemble data in temp l at e s
S ources: journal artic l e s, b o o k s, b l o g s,
Yout ube, Google ima g e an d o t h e r w e b si t e s


dissertation summar y






dissertation summar y

case studies
audi virtual lab
mein burger





va o
3 Ob lserom mutnii ti e sn s
o n on in e c

15 obs er vations
Id entify strategies and e x p l o re t h e sy st e m s
Insi g hts into us er beh av i o r


dissertation summar y






dissertation summar y

case studies
n i k e ID
heineken ideas






User in sig h t s

12 sess ions (+/- 45 m i n u t e s)
P ot ential users of car b r an d c o m m u n i t i e s
2 communities
Insi ghts into the us er p e rc e p t i o n
S er vice design techn i q u e s


dissertation summar y






dissertation summar y

b m w c o - c r e at i o n l a b






E x p ert i n t e r v ie ws


dissertation summar y

robin Go

S o c ia l p s
y c h o lo g is
B ru n e l U n
iv e rs it y
P ro fe s s o r


5 i n-depth inter views
F ace-to-face
Jeanelle Ramadam	
Dig ital me rch and isin g
Nik e
Glo bal bra nd

Maarten Zin

In no va tio n sp ec
ia lis t
S un id ee 	
In no va tio n ag en

Felix David Koch

Dir ect or
Pro mis e Co mm uni spa ce	
Co -cr eat ion con sul tan cy


L u c y H a n d ly 	

Com mun ity man ager
Prom ise Com mun ispa ce	
Co- crea tion con sulta ncy






dissertation summar y

insights into:
nike plus
the promise







dissertation summar y

s t r at e g y

the design toolkit








dissertation summar y







ta r g e t




p l at f o r m

1 . s t r at e g y d e v e l o p m e n t

2. experience system



i n n o vat i o n




ta r g e t

p r i vat e
p l at f o r m s

p l at f o r m s




dissertation summar y



i n n o vat i o n
insights for




ta r g e t

p r i vat e
p l at f o r m s


and insights

users &


the crowd


p l at f o r m s




dissertation summar y







dissertation summar y



i n n o vat i o n

ta r g e t

p r i vat e
p l at f o r m s




i n n o vat i o n

- P rom i s e Com m uni s pace
- A udi vi rtual l ab



idea contest

- Hei neken i deas Brewery
- BM W co-creati on l ab

and insights

users &



- Ni ke pl us
- Ford s oci al


the crowd


crowdsourcing or
m a s s c o s t u m i z at i o n

- Ni ke ID
- M cD onal s ‘ m ei n burger’

insights for



p l at f o r m s






ta r g e t


ea y
cr or




dissertation summar y







dissertation summar y

p l at f o r m

v i r tu a l s pace in w h ich t h e
sto ry t akes place


th e a ct ivit ies available
w i th i n t h e co mmu n it y. F or
e xa m p le: a co n t es t , on lin e
po l l or a s h arin g co n t en t







th e h u man t ou ch wit h t h e
even t


p l at f o r m







dissertation summar y


project based

- t empo rary stor y
- even t aft e r ev ent
- BMW co-creation lab
- Audi virtua l lab

p l at f o r m

circular system

- o n g o in g stor y
- s everal events at the
s ame t ime
- Nike plus,
- Ford social

t h e p l at f o r m


vir tu a l spa c e






dissertation summar y





the events
should capture
parts of the
overall story















dissertation summar y

the heterogeneous user base requires
a n i n t e r a c t i o n s y s t e m t h at a l l o w s
them to have personalized experiences







dissertation summar y


personalized experience:
type of


level of
pa rt i c i pat i o n

e d u c a tiv e
e x p er ie n c e



en t e r t a in in g
ex p e r ien ce



provide opportunities for different
t y p e o f i n t e r a c t i o n s at t h e s a m e t i m e






r e c o m m e n d at i o n s

T h i s research res ulted in a d e si g n t o o l k i t fo r st rat e g i st s w h o
a r e i nvol ved in the devel o p m e n t p r o c e ss o f c o - c re at i o n
c o m m uni t i es . They can u se t h i s t o o l k i t as a su p p o rt i v e
i n st rument for the s trategic d e v e l o p m e n t o f u se r e x p e r i e n ce
s y st ems f o r co-creation com m u n i t i e s o f g l o b al b ran d s.
N ot e: t he des ign toolkit is a t h e o re t i c al e x p e r i m e n t . T h e re fo re ,
i t need s t o be tested and ad j u st e d w h e r e n e c e ssar y b e fo re
f u l l y i mp l ementing it in the d e v e l o p m e n t p r o c e ss.


dissertation summar y







dissertation summar y

key references

A c ad emi c bo oks

J ou r n a l a rt i c l e s

Ches b rou gh , H . ( 2 0 0 4 ). Op e n I n n o v a t i o n : T h e ne w I me r a t iv e
fo r C reat in g an d P ro f i t i n g F o r m Te c h n o l o g y. H a r v a rd B usine ss
School P res s .

Adje i, M., Noble , C., & Noble, S . (2012). Enhanci ng
re la t ionship w it h c ust ome r s through onl i ne brand com m uni ti es .
MI T Sloa n ma na ge me nt re v iew , 53 (4), 21-24.

Pine , J . , & G im ore , J . (1 9 9 9 ). T h e e x p e r i e n c e e c onomy.
Harv erd b u s in e s s sc h o o l p re ss .

Fulle r, J., & Ma t z le r, K . ( 2007). V i rtual product experi ece and
c ust ome r pa r t ic ipa t ion - a c hance for cus tom er-centred, real l y
ne w produc t s. Te c hnov a t ion , 27, 378-387.

Prahalad , C . , & K r i s h n a n , M . (2 0 0 8 ). T h e n e w a ge of
in n ov a tion ; d r ivin g c o -c re a t e d v a l u e t h ro u g h globa l ne t w or k s.
Ms Gr a w H ill.

Na mbisa n, S., & Na mbisa n, P. (2008). How to profi t from a
be t t e r v ir t ua l c ust ome r e nv ironm ent. 49 (3), 52-61.

Prahalad , C . , & R a m a swa my, V. (2 0 0 0 ). Co -o pt ing c ust ome r
com p et e n c e . H ar v a rd b u s i n e s s re v i e w , 7 9 -8 7.

Pr a ha la d, C., & R a ma sw a my, V. (2000). Co-opti ng cus tom er
c ompe t e nc e . Ha r v a rd busines s revi ew , 79-87.

Prahalad , C . , & R a m a swa my, V. (2 0 0 4 a .). T h e fut ure of
com p et ition . H B S P re ss.

Pr a ha la d, C., R a ma sw a my, V., & a. (2004b. ). Co-creati on
e x pe r ie nc e : t he ne x t pr a c t ic e i n val ue creati on. Jour nal of
I nt e r a c t iv e Ma r ke t ing .

Prand elli, E. , Sa wh n e y, M ., & Ve ro n a , G. (2 0 0 8) . Colla bor a t ing
w ith C u s tom er s to I n n o v a t e . E d wa rd E l g a r P ublishing, I nc .
Slo an e, P. ( 2011) . A g u i d e t o o p e n i n n o v a t i o n a nd
cro w d s ou rcin g. K o g a n P a g e .
Stick d or n , M . , & S c h n e i d e r, J . (2 0 1 0 ). T h i s i s Se r v ic e De sign
Th in k in g. B IS P u b l i s h e r s .
Ramas w am y, V. , & Go u i l l a r t , F. (2 0 1 0 ). T h e p o w e r of c ocrea tion . F ree Pre ss.
vo n H ip p e l, E. ( 20 0 5 ). D e mo c r a t i z i n g I n n o v a t ion. MI T Pre ss,
Camb r id ge , M A

Sa nde r s, E ., & St a ppe r s, P. ( 2008). Co-creati on and the new
la ndsc a pe of de sign. CoDe si gn: Inter nati onal Jour nal of Coc re a t opn in De sign a nd t he A rts .
R a ma sw a my, V. ( 2008.b) . Co -Creati ng S trategy wi th
Ex pe r ie nc e Co- Cre a t ion . Managem ent S ynergi es .
R ose r, T., De fillippi, R ., & Sa m s on, A . (2013). Managi ng your
c o- c re a t ion mix : c o- c re a t ion ventures i n di s ti ncti ve context.
E urope a n B usine ss R e v ie w , 25 (1), 20-41.







dissertation summar y

key references

We b s i tes

Corpora t e re port s

I n sp i rati on al

MSLgroup. Pe ople ’s I nsight s A nnual Report, Now & Next:
Fut ure of Enga ge me nt , Co- c reati on com m uni ti es . M S L group.


w ww. d es ign c ou n c i l .o r g .u k
w ww. fr a n c is gou i l l a r t .c o m
w ww. in n ova tion m a n a g e me n t .se
w ww. p oet p a in te r.c o m
w ww. s e r vic e d e si g n t o o l s .o r g
w ww. va lu e - co- c re a t i o n .b l o g s p o t .n l

C o - creati on Communities

w ww. b m w grou p -c o c re a t i o n l a b .c o m
w ww. s oc ia l. ford .c o m 			
w ww. id eas b rew e r y.c o m		
htt p : / / n ik ep lu s . ni k e .c o m/p l u s 	
w ww. n ik e. c om / u s/e n _ u s/c /n i k e i d 	
w ww. m y s t a r b u ck s i d e a .c o m		

MSLgroup. ( 2012.a ) . He ine k en Ideas Brewery. [Onl i ne].
Av a ila ble a t : ht t p://blog.mslgroup. com / hei neken-i deas bre w e r y - pe ople s- insight s- v olum e-1-i s s ue-18/ (A cces s ed: 20
Se pt e mbe r 2013)

	(B M W) 	
(F o rd )
(He i n e ke n)
(Ni k e + )
(Ni k e I D )
(S t a r b uc ks)

MSLgroup. ( 2012.b) . Mc Donal d’s Mei n Burger. [Onl i ne].
Av a ila ble a t : ht t p://blog.mslgroup. com / m cdonal ds -m ei nbur ge r- pe ople s- insight s- v olum e-1-i s s ue-27/ (A cces s ed: 20
Se pt e mbe r 2013)
PWC. ( 2013) . Look ing a he a d dri vi ng co-creati on i n the auto
indust r y. PWC.
T h a n k y o u f o r y o u r i n t e r e s t.

I f y o u h av e a n y s u g g e s t i o n s o r
q u e s t i o n s p l e a s e c o n ta c t m e .

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Co-creation with online communities: a strategic experience design toolkit for global brands

  • 1. Sophie Dobber d i s s e rtat i o n s u m m a ry: c o - c r e at i o n w i t h o n l i n e c o m m u n i t i e s : a s t r at e g i c experience design toolkit for global brands
  • 2. d e ta i l s - Sophie Dobber MA Design Strategy and Innovation Brunel University, London School of Engineering and Design Super vised by Dr Sharon Baurley September 2013
  • 3. summary index 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. introduction methodology experience design toolkit recommendations key references the fi na l outcome
  • 4. intro methodology toolkit recommendations references TOPI c Tw o em erg ing trends: c o - c re at io n e x pe rie nc e de sign dissertation summar y
  • 5. intro methodology toolkit recommendations references dissertation summar y defenition “Co-creation is an active, creative and social collaborative process between producers and users to generate value for customers” (Sloane, 2011) c o - c re at io n focus ...customer co-creation communities ...innovation + marketing trend web 2.0
  • 6. intro methodology toolkit recommendations references defenition “Experience design encompasses th e design of interactions with the brand that engages customers in a personal way” ( Pine & Gilmore, 1998) trend focus shifted from product design towards experience design e x pe rie nc e de sign dissertation summar y
  • 7. intro methodology toolkit recommendations references research problem Lack of academic research key question: How to strategically design user experience systems for co-creation communities of global brands? dissertation summar y
  • 8. intro methodology toolkit recommendations references Aim To create an experience design toolkit for the strategic development of co-creation communities. Beneficiaries Strategists within a corporate organization or external co-creation agencies Scope Strategies and systems dissertation summar y
  • 9. intro methodology toolkit recommendations references dissertation summar y methodology framework - Case st u dy bas ed - 5 resea rch tools explore & define identify rese arc h proble m scope the topic research conduct secondary research 1 .Literature re vie w 2 .Case stu die s develop & deliver conduct primary research 3 . Co mmu n it y o bs e r va t io n s 4 . Us e r In s ig h t s e s s io n s 5 . Ex pe r t in t e r vie ws analy s e & d i s cus s d ev elop toolki t
  • 10. methodology intro toolkit recommendations references 1 Literature review - Key literature: refere n c e se c t i o n dissertation summar y
  • 11. methodology intro 2 - toolkit recommendations references Case studies 12 cas e s tudies Identify strategies and e x p l o re t h e sy st e m s Assemble data in temp l at e s S ources: journal artic l e s, b o o k s, b l o g s, Yout ube, Google ima g e an d o t h e r w e b si t e s dissertation summar y
  • 13. methodology intro toolkit recommendations references va o 3 Ob lserom mutnii ti e sn s o n on in e c - 15 obs er vations Id entify strategies and e x p l o re t h e sy st e m s Insi g hts into us er beh av i o r dissertation summar y
  • 15. methodology intro 4 - toolkit recommendations references User in sig h t s sessions 12 sess ions (+/- 45 m i n u t e s) P ot ential users of car b r an d c o m m u n i t i e s 2 communities Insi ghts into the us er p e rc e p t i o n S er vice design techn i q u e s dissertation summar y
  • 17. methodology intro 5 - toolkit recommendations references E x p ert i n t e r v ie ws dissertation summar y robin Go o dwin S o c ia l p s y c h o lo g is t B ru n e l U n iv e rs it y P ro fe s s o r 5 i n-depth inter views F ace-to-face Jeanelle Ramadam Dig ital me rch and isin g Nik e Glo bal bra nd Maarten Zin k stok In no va tio n sp ec ia lis t S un id ee In no va tio n ag en cy Felix David Koch Dir ect or Pro mis e Co mm uni spa ce Co -cr eat ion con sul tan cy L u c y H a n d ly Com mun ity man ager Prom ise Com mun ispa ce Co- crea tion con sulta ncy
  • 19. intro methodology toolkit recommendations references dissertation summar y s t r at e g y development the design toolkit experience system
  • 20. intro methodology toolkit recommendations references dissertation summar y community type cr INTERACTION ea purpose te st or y ta r g e t audience event event event brand identity p l at f o r m 1 . s t r at e g y d e v e l o p m e n t 2. experience system
  • 21. intro methodology purpose i n n o vat i o n marketing toolkit recommendations ta r g e t audience p r i vat e p l at f o r m s public p l at f o r m s references dissertation summar y
  • 22. intro methodology purpose i n n o vat i o n insights for innovation innovative idea/concepts toolkit recommendations ta r g e t audience p r i vat e p l at f o r m s selected group lead users engagement and insights users & fans sales/brand development the crowd marketing public p l at f o r m s references dissertation summar y
  • 23. intro methodology toolkit recommendations references dissertation summar y community type purpose i n n o vat i o n ta r g e t audience p r i vat e p l at f o r m s examples selected group 1 i n n o vat i o n community - P rom i s e Com m uni s pace - A udi vi rtual l ab lead users 2 idea contest community - Hei neken i deas Brewery - BM W co-creati on l ab engagement and insights users & fans 3 engagement community - Ni ke pl us - Ford s oci al sales/brand development the crowd 4 crowdsourcing or m a s s c o s t u m i z at i o n community - Ni ke ID - M cD onal s ‘ m ei n burger’ insights for innovation innovative idea/concepts marketing public p l at f o r m s
  • 24. intro methodology toolkit recommendations references community type ta r g e t audience brand identity te ea y cr or st purpose dissertation summar y
  • 25. intro toolkit methodology recommendations references dissertation summar y p l at f o r m v i r tu a l s pace in w h ich t h e sto ry t akes place + EVENT s th e a ct ivit ies available w i th i n t h e co mmu n it y. F or e xa m p le: a co n t es t , on lin e po l l or a s h arin g co n t en t tool + INTERACTION event event event interaction th e h u man t ou ch wit h t h e even t = experience system p l at f o r m
  • 26. intro methodology toolkit recommendations references dissertation summar y types project based - t empo rary stor y - even t aft e r ev ent examples: - BMW co-creation lab - Audi virtua l lab p l at f o r m circular system - o n g o in g stor y - s everal events at the s ame t ime examples: - Nike plus, - Ford social t h e p l at f o r m = vir tu a l spa c e
  • 27. intro methodology toolkit references dissertation summar y st or y st the events should capture parts of the overall story recommendations or y event event event s or t y
  • 28. intro methodology toolkit recommendations references dissertation summar y the heterogeneous user base requires a n i n t e r a c t i o n s y s t e m t h at a l l o w s them to have personalized experiences
  • 29. intro toolkit methodology recommendations references dissertation summar y high personalized experience: type of interaction submitting content level of pa rt i c i pat i o n e d u c a tiv e e x p er ie n c e commenting voting en t e r t a in in g ex p e r ien ce Low reviewing provide opportunities for different t y p e o f i n t e r a c t i o n s at t h e s a m e t i m e
  • 30. intro methodology toolkit recommendations references r e c o m m e n d at i o n s T h i s research res ulted in a d e si g n t o o l k i t fo r st rat e g i st s w h o a r e i nvol ved in the devel o p m e n t p r o c e ss o f c o - c re at i o n c o m m uni t i es . They can u se t h i s t o o l k i t as a su p p o rt i v e i n st rument for the s trategic d e v e l o p m e n t o f u se r e x p e r i e n ce s y st ems f o r co-creation com m u n i t i e s o f g l o b al b ran d s. N ot e: t he des ign toolkit is a t h e o re t i c al e x p e r i m e n t . T h e re fo re , i t need s t o be tested and ad j u st e d w h e r e n e c e ssar y b e fo re f u l l y i mp l ementing it in the d e v e l o p m e n t p r o c e ss. dissertation summar y
  • 31. intro methodology toolkit recommendations references dissertation summar y key references A c ad emi c bo oks J ou r n a l a rt i c l e s Ches b rou gh , H . ( 2 0 0 4 ). Op e n I n n o v a t i o n : T h e ne w I me r a t iv e fo r C reat in g an d P ro f i t i n g F o r m Te c h n o l o g y. H a r v a rd B usine ss School P res s . Adje i, M., Noble , C., & Noble, S . (2012). Enhanci ng re la t ionship w it h c ust ome r s through onl i ne brand com m uni ti es . MI T Sloa n ma na ge me nt re v iew , 53 (4), 21-24. Pine , J . , & G im ore , J . (1 9 9 9 ). T h e e x p e r i e n c e e c onomy. Harv erd b u s in e s s sc h o o l p re ss . Fulle r, J., & Ma t z le r, K . ( 2007). V i rtual product experi ece and c ust ome r pa r t ic ipa t ion - a c hance for cus tom er-centred, real l y ne w produc t s. Te c hnov a t ion , 27, 378-387. Prahalad , C . , & K r i s h n a n , M . (2 0 0 8 ). T h e n e w a ge of in n ov a tion ; d r ivin g c o -c re a t e d v a l u e t h ro u g h globa l ne t w or k s. Ms Gr a w H ill. Na mbisa n, S., & Na mbisa n, P. (2008). How to profi t from a be t t e r v ir t ua l c ust ome r e nv ironm ent. 49 (3), 52-61. Prahalad , C . , & R a m a swa my, V. (2 0 0 0 ). Co -o pt ing c ust ome r com p et e n c e . H ar v a rd b u s i n e s s re v i e w , 7 9 -8 7. Pr a ha la d, C., & R a ma sw a my, V. (2000). Co-opti ng cus tom er c ompe t e nc e . Ha r v a rd busines s revi ew , 79-87. Prahalad , C . , & R a m a swa my, V. (2 0 0 4 a .). T h e fut ure of com p et ition . H B S P re ss. Pr a ha la d, C., R a ma sw a my, V., & a. (2004b. ). Co-creati on e x pe r ie nc e : t he ne x t pr a c t ic e i n val ue creati on. Jour nal of I nt e r a c t iv e Ma r ke t ing . Prand elli, E. , Sa wh n e y, M ., & Ve ro n a , G. (2 0 0 8) . Colla bor a t ing w ith C u s tom er s to I n n o v a t e . E d wa rd E l g a r P ublishing, I nc . Slo an e, P. ( 2011) . A g u i d e t o o p e n i n n o v a t i o n a nd cro w d s ou rcin g. K o g a n P a g e . Stick d or n , M . , & S c h n e i d e r, J . (2 0 1 0 ). T h i s i s Se r v ic e De sign Th in k in g. B IS P u b l i s h e r s . Ramas w am y, V. , & Go u i l l a r t , F. (2 0 1 0 ). T h e p o w e r of c ocrea tion . F ree Pre ss. vo n H ip p e l, E. ( 20 0 5 ). D e mo c r a t i z i n g I n n o v a t ion. MI T Pre ss, Camb r id ge , M A Sa nde r s, E ., & St a ppe r s, P. ( 2008). Co-creati on and the new la ndsc a pe of de sign. CoDe si gn: Inter nati onal Jour nal of Coc re a t opn in De sign a nd t he A rts . R a ma sw a my, V. ( 2008.b) . Co -Creati ng S trategy wi th Ex pe r ie nc e Co- Cre a t ion . Managem ent S ynergi es . R ose r, T., De fillippi, R ., & Sa m s on, A . (2013). Managi ng your c o- c re a t ion mix : c o- c re a t ion ventures i n di s ti ncti ve context. E urope a n B usine ss R e v ie w , 25 (1), 20-41. .
  • 32. intro methodology toolkit recommendations references dissertation summar y key references We b s i tes Corpora t e re port s I n sp i rati on al MSLgroup. Pe ople ’s I nsight s A nnual Report, Now & Next: Fut ure of Enga ge me nt , Co- c reati on com m uni ti es . M S L group. - w ww. d es ign c ou n c i l .o r g .u k w ww. fr a n c is gou i l l a r t .c o m w ww. in n ova tion m a n a g e me n t .se w ww. p oet p a in te r.c o m w ww. s e r vic e d e si g n t o o l s .o r g w ww. va lu e - co- c re a t i o n .b l o g s p o t .n l C o - creati on Communities - w ww. b m w grou p -c o c re a t i o n l a b .c o m w ww. s oc ia l. ford .c o m w ww. id eas b rew e r y.c o m htt p : / / n ik ep lu s . ni k e .c o m/p l u s w ww. n ik e. c om / u s/e n _ u s/c /n i k e i d w ww. m y s t a r b u ck s i d e a .c o m MSLgroup. ( 2012.a ) . He ine k en Ideas Brewery. [Onl i ne]. Av a ila ble a t : ht t p://blog.mslgroup. com / hei neken-i deas bre w e r y - pe ople s- insight s- v olum e-1-i s s ue-18/ (A cces s ed: 20 Se pt e mbe r 2013) (B M W) (F o rd ) (He i n e ke n) (Ni k e + ) (Ni k e I D ) (S t a r b uc ks) MSLgroup. ( 2012.b) . Mc Donal d’s Mei n Burger. [Onl i ne]. Av a ila ble a t : ht t p://blog.mslgroup. com / m cdonal ds -m ei nbur ge r- pe ople s- insight s- v olum e-1-i s s ue-27/ (A cces s ed: 20 Se pt e mbe r 2013) PWC. ( 2013) . Look ing a he a d dri vi ng co-creati on i n the auto indust r y. PWC.
  • 33. T h a n k y o u f o r y o u r i n t e r e s t. I f y o u h av e a n y s u g g e s t i o n s o r q u e s t i o n s p l e a s e c o n ta c t m e .