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               EIGHTH EDITION

               HENRY D. FOTH
                 Michigan State University

               JOHN WILEY & SONS
New York   • Chichester • Brisbane • Toronto • Singapore
Cover Photo
Soil profile developed from glacio-fluvial sand in a balsam fir-black spruce
forest in the Laurentian Highlands of Quebec, Canada. The soil is classified as
a Spodosol (Orthod) in the United States and as a Humo-Ferric Podzol in

Copyright © 1943, 1951
by Charles Ernest Millar and Lloyd M. Turk

Copyright © 1958, 1965, 1972, 1978, 1984, 1990, by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

All rights reserved. Published simultaneously in Canada.

Reproduction or translation of any part of
this work beyond that permitted by Sections
107 and 108 of the 1976 United States Copyright
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Library of Congress Cataloging In Publication Data:
Foth, H. D.
     Fundamentals of soil science / Henry D. Foth.-8th ed.
        p. cm.
     I ncludes bibliographical references.
     ISBN 0-471-52279-1
     1. Soil science. I. Title.
  S591.F68 1990

Printed in the United States of America


Printed and bound by the Arcata Graphics Company

The eighth edition is a major revision in which             and water flow is discussed as a function of the
there has been careful revision of the topics               hydraulic gradient and conductivity. Darcy's Law
covered as well as changes in the depth of cover-           is used in Chapter 6, "Soil Water Management,"
age. Many new figures and tables are included.              i n regard to water movement in infiltration, drain-
Summary statements are given at the ends of the             age, and irrigation. Chapter 6 also covers dis-
more difficult sections within chapters, and a              posal of sewage effluent in soils and prescription
summary appears at the end of each chapter.                 athletic turf (PAT) as an example of precision
Many nonagricultural examples are included to               control of the water, air, and salt relationships in
emphasize the importance of soil properties when            soils used for plant growth. "Soil Erosion," Chap-
soils are used in engineering and urban settings.           ter 7, has been slightly reorganized with greater
The topics relating to environmental quality are            emphasis on water and wind erosion processes.
found throughout the book to add interest to many                Chapters 8 and 9, "Soil Ecology" and "Soil Or-
chapters. Several examples of computer applica-             ganic Matter," are complimentary chapters relat-
tion are included.                                          i ng to the biological aspects of soils. The kinds
    The original Chapter 1, "Concepts of Soil," was         and nature of soil organisms and nutrient cycling
split into two chapters. Each chapter emphasizes            remain as the central themes of Chapter 8. An
an important concept of soil-soil as a medium               expanded section on the rhizosphere has been
for plant growth and soil as a natural body. Topics         i ncluded. The distinctions between labile and sta-
covered in Chapter 1 include the factors affecting          ble organic matter and the interaction of organic
plant growth, root growth and distribution, nutri-          matter with the minerals (especially clays) are
ent availability (including the roles of root inter-        central themes of Chapter 9. Also, the concept of
ception, mass flow and diffusion), and soil fertil-         cation exchange capacity is minimally developed
i ty and productivity. The importance of soils as a         i n the coverage of the nature of soil organic matter
source of nutrients and water is stressed in Chap-          i n Chapter 9.
ter 1 and elsewhere throughout the book. Chapter                 Chapter 10, "Soil Mineralogy," and Chapter 11,
2 covers the basic soil formation processes of              "Soil Chemistry", are complimentary chapters re-
humification of organic matter, mineral weather-             l ating to the mineralogical and chemical proper-
i ng, leaching, and translocation of colloids. The          ties of soils. The evolution theme included in
i mportant theme is soil as a three-dimensional             Chapter 2 is used to develop the concept of
body that is dynamic and ever-changing. The con-            changing mineralogical and chemical properties
cepts developed in the first two chapters are used          with time. Soils are characterized as being mini-
repeatedly throughout the book.                             mally, moderately, and intensively weathered,
    The next five chapters relate to soil physical          and these distinctions are used in discussions of
properties and water. The material on tillage and            soil pH, liming, soil fertility and fertilizer use, soil
traffic was expanded to reflect the increasing ef-           genesis, and land use.
fect of tillage and traffic on soils and plant growth            Chapters 12 through 15 are concerned with the
and is considered in Chapter 4. The nature of soil           general area of soil fertility and fertilizer use.
water is presented as a continuum of soil water              Chapters 12 and 13 cover the macronutrients and
potentials in Chapter 5. Darcy's law is developed            micronutrients plus toxic elements, respectively.

vi                                                PREFACE

Chapters 14 and 15 cover the nature of fertilizers     taxonomy is covered in Chapter 17. This allows a
and the evaluation of soil fertility and the use of    consideration of soil classification after soil
fertilizers, respectively. Greater stress has been     properties have been covered. This arrangement
placed on mass flow and diffusion in regard to         also makes the book more desirable for use in
nutrient uptake. The interaction of water and soil     two-year agricultural technology programs and
fertility is developed, and there is expanded cov-     overseas, in countries where Soil Taxonomy is not
erage of soil fertility evaluation and the methods     used.
used to formulate fertilizer recommendations.              The final chapter, "Land and the World Food
Recognition is made of the increasing frequency        Supply," includes a section on the world grain
of high soil test results and the implications for     trade and examines the importance of nonagro-
fertilizer use and environmental quality. Greater      nomic factors in the food-population problem.
coverage is given to animal manure as both a               Both English and metric units are used in the
source of nutrients and a source of energy. Infor-     measurement of crop yields, and for some other
mation on land application of sewage sludge and        parameters. Using both kinds of units should sat-
on sustainable agriculture has been added.             isfy both United States and foreign readers.
Throughout these four chapters there is a greater          Special thanks to Mary Foth for the artwork and
emphasis on the importance of soil fertility and       to my late son-in-law, Nate Rufe, for photographic
fertilizers and on the environmental aspects of        contributions. Over the years, many colleagues
growing crops.                                         have responded to my queries to expand my
   The next four chapters (Chapters 16, 17, 18, and    knowledge and understanding. Others have pro-
19) relate to the areas of soil genesis, soil taxon-   vided photographs. The reviewers also have pro-
omy, soil geography and land use, and soil survey      vided an invaluable service. To these persons, I
and land use interpretations. In this edition, the      am grateful.
subjects of soil taxonomy (classification) and of           Finally, this book is a STORY about soil. The
soil survey and land use interpretations have re-       story reflects my love of the soil and my devotion
ceived increased coverage in two small chapters.        to promoting the learning and understanding of
The emphasis in the soil geography and land use         soils for more than 40 years. I hope that all who
chapter is at the suborder level. References to         read this book will find it interesting as well as
l ower categories are few. Color photographs of         i nformative.
soil profiles are shown in Color Plates 5 and 6. No                                         Henry D. Foth
reference to Soil Taxonomy (USDA) is made until         East Lansing, Michigan


CHAPTER 1                                             CHAPTER 3
SOIL AS A MEDIUM FOR                                  SOIL PHYSICAL PROPERTIES 22
                                                      SOIL TEXTURE       22
FACTORS OF PLANT GROWTH 1                             The Soil Separates     22
                                                      Particle Size Analysis    24
Support for Plants    1
                                                      Soil Textural Classes     25
Essential Nutrient Elements   2
                                                      Determining Texture by the Field Method        25
Water Requirement of Plants     3
                                                      Influence of Coarse Fregments on
Oxygen Requirement of Plants      4
                                                      Class Names      26
Freedom from Inhibitory Factors     5
                                                      Texture and the Use of Soils   26
                                                      SOIL STRUCTURE        27
Development of Roots in Soils    5
                                                      I mportance of Structure  28
Extensiveness of Roots in Soils   7
                                                      Genesis and Types of Structure      28
Extent of Root and Soil Contact    8
                                                      Grade and Class     29
Roles of Root Interception, Mass Flow,
and Diffusion    8                                     Managing Soil Structure   29

                                                      Soil Consistence Terms   31

                                                      DENSITY AND WEIGHT RELATIONSHIPS               32
                                                      Particle Density and Bulk Density    32
                                                      Weight of a Furrow-Slice of Soil  33
                                                      Soil Weight on a Hectare Basis    34
CHAPTER 2                                             SOIL PORE SPACE AND POROSITY          34
SOIL AS A NATURAL BODY 11                             Determination of Porosity    34
                                                      Effects of Texture and Structure on Porosity        35
THE PARENT MATERIAL OF SOIL      12                   Porosity and Soil Aeration    35
Bedrock Weathering and Formation of
Parent Material  12                                   SOIL COLOR      36
Sediment Parent Materials 13                          Determination of Soil Color    37
                                                      Factors Affecting Soil Color   37
SOIL FORMATION      13                                Significance of Soil Color   37
Soil-Forming Processes    14
Formation of A and C Ho zons
                                   14                 SOIL TEMPERATURE        38
Formation of B Horizons    14                         Heat Balance of Soils    38
  The Bt Horizon    15                                Location and Temperature      39
  The Bhs Horizon     17                              Control of Soil Temperature    39
                                                      Permafrost     40
Formation of E Horizons     17
Formation of 0 Horizons     18
                                                      CHAPTER 4
SOILS AS NATURAL BODIES         18                    TILLAGE AND TRAFFIC 42
The Soil-Forming Factors     18
Soil Bodies as Parts of Landscapes    19              EFFECTS OF TILLAGE ON SOILS AND
How Scientists Study Soils as Natural Bodies   19     PLANT GROWTH      42
I mportance of Concept of Soil as Natural Body   20   Management of Crop Residues  42

X                                              DETAILED CONTENTS

                                                              CHAPTER 6
                                                              SOIL WATER MANAGEMENT 73
    Tillage and Weed Control      43
    Effects of Tillage on Structure and Porosity   43
    Surface Soil Crusts    44
    Minimum and Zero Tillage Concepts 44                      WATER CONSERVATION            73
    Tilth and Tillage    45                                   Modifying the Infiltration Rate    73
                                                              Summer Fallowing 75
    TRAFFIC AND SOIL COMPACTION            46                 Saline Seep Due to Fallowing      76
    Compaction Layers 46                                      Effect of Fertilizers on Water Use Efficiency    77
    Effects of Wheel Traffic on Soils and Crops    47
    Effects of Recreational Traffic 47                        SOIL DRAINAGE       78
    Effects of Logging Traffic on Soils and                   Water Table Depth Versus Air and Water Content
    Tree Growth 48                                            of Soil   79
    Controlled Traffic    49                                  Benefits of Drainage 80
                                                              Surface Drainage     80
    FLOODING AND PUDDLING OF SOIL 50                          Subsurface Drainage     80
    Effects of Flooding 50                                    Drainage in Soil of Container-Grown Plants  81
    Effects of Puddling 50
    Oxygen Relationships in Flooded Soils 51                  I RRIGATION      82
                                                              Water Sources       82
                                                              I mportant Properties of Irrigated Soils   82

                                                              Water Application Methods 83
                                                                 Flood Irrigation     83

                                                                 Furrow Irrigation 83
                                                                 Sprinkler Irrigation    83
    SOIL WATER ENERGY CONTINUUM             54                   Subsurface Irrigation      85
                                                                 Drip Irrigation    85
    Adhesion Water      55
    Cohesion Water      55                                    Rate and Timing of Irrigation 85
    Gravitational Water    56                                 Water Quality 86
    Summary Statements      56                                  Total Salt Concentration   86
                                                                Sodium Adsorption Ratio     86
    ENERGY AND PRESSURE RELATIONSHIPS            57             Boron Concentration 87
    Pressure Relationships in Saturated Soil   57               Bicarbonate Concentration     87
    Pressure Relationships in Unsaturated Soil    58
                                                              Salt Accumulation and Plant Response       89
    THE SOIL WATER POTENTIAL        59                        Salinity Control and Leaching Requirement     89
    The Gravitational Potential  59                           Effect of Irrigation on River Water Quality 93
    The Matric Potential   59                                 Nature and Management of Saline and
    The Osmotic Potential     60                              Sodic Soils     93
    Measurement and Expression of                               Saline Soils      93
    Water Potentials    60                                      Sodic Soils      93
                                                                Saline-Sodic Soils     94
    SOIL WATER MOVEMENT         61
    Water Movement in Saturated Soil   62                     WASTEWATER DISPOSAL          94
    Water Movement in Unsaturated Soil    63                  Disposal of Septic Tank Effluent 94
    Water Movement in Stratified Soil  63                     Land Disposal of Municipal Wastewater       96
    Water Vapor Movement 66
                                                              PRESCRIPTION ATHLETIC TURF           97
    Available Water-Supplying Power of Soils 66

                                                              CHAPTER 7
    Water Uptake from Soils by Roots     67

                                                              SOIL EROSION 100
    Diurnal Pattern of Water Uptake    68
    Pattern of Water Removal from Soil    69
    Soil Water Potential Versus Plant Growth 69
    Role of Water Uptake for Nutrient Uptake 71               WATER EROSION       100
                                                              Predicting Erosion Rates on Agricultural Land         100
    SOIL WATER REGIME         71                              R = The Rainfall Factor 101
DETAILED CONTENTS                                               XI

    K = The Soil Erodibility Factor   102                     Mycorrhiza 126
    LS = The Slope Length and Slope                           Nitrogen Fixation   127
    Gradient Factors 103
    C = The Cropping-Management Factor 104                    SOIL ORGANISMS AND ENVIRONMENTAL
    P = The Erosion Control Practice Factor    105            QUALITY 128
                                                              Pesticide Degradation   128
    Application of the Soil-Loss Equation   106
    The Soil Loss Tolerance Value     107                     Oil and Natural Gas Decontamination 128
    Water Erosion on Urban Lands      108                     EARTH MOVING BY SOIL ANIMALS            130
    Water Erosion Costs      109                              Earthworm Activity 130
                                                              Ants and Termites  130
    WIND EROSION       110
    Types of Wind Erosion                                     Rodents   131
    Wind Erosion Equation     111
    Factors Affecting Wind Erosion 111
    Deep Plowing for Wind Erosion Control     113
                                                              CHAPTER 9
    Wind Erosion Control on Organic Soils     113

                                                              SOIL ORGANIC MATTER 133

                                                              THE ORGANIC MATTER IN ECOSYSTEMS              133

    SOIL ECOLOGY 115                                          DECOMPOSITION AND ACCUMULATION              133
                                                              Decomposition of Plant Residues      134

                                                              Stable Soil Organic Matter
    THE ECOSYSTEM    115                                      Labile Soil Organic Matter    134
    Producers  115                                                                          135
    Consumers and Decomposers        116                      Decomposition Rates       136
                                                              Properties of Stable Soil Organic Matter 136
    MICROBIAL DECOMPOSERS          116                        Protection of Organic Matter by Clay    137
    General Features of Decomposers     116
    Bacteria    117                                           ORGANIC SOILS      139
    Fungi    117                                              Organic Soil Materials Defined    139
    Actinomycetes      118                                    Formation of Organic Soils    139
    Vertical Distribution of Decomposers in                   Properties and Use    140
    the Soil   119                                            Archaeological Interest 140

    SOIL ANIMALS     119                                      THE EQUILIBRIUM CONCEPT          141
    Worms    120                                              A Case Example       141
      Earthworms     120                                      Effects of Cultivation    142
      Nematodes     121                                       Maintenance of Organic Matter in
    Arthropods     121                                        Cultivated Fields     143
      Springtails    121                                      Effects of Green Manure      144
      Mites    122                                            HORTICULTURAL USE OF ORGANIC MATTER                 144
      Millipedes and Centipedes     122                       Horticultural Peats 145
      White Grubs      122                                    Composts      145
    Interdependence of Microbes and Animals
    i n Decomposition   123
                                                              CHAPTER 10
    Nutrient Cycling Processes    123

                                                              SOIL MINERALOGY 148
    A Case Study of Nutrient Cycling    124
    Effect of Crop Harvesting on Nutrient Cycling    124
    I NTERACTIONS   125                                       THE EARTH'S CRUST      148
    The Rhizosphere  125                                      Chemical Composition of the Earth's Crust  148
    Disease   126                                             Mineralogical Composition of Rocks     149

COMPOSITION      149                                      Lime Requirement 179
Weathering Processes    150                                 Lime Requirement of Intensively
Summary Statement     150                                   Weathered Soils    180
Weathering Rate and Crystal Structure  151                  Lime Requirement of Minimally and Moderately
Mineralogical Composition Versus Soil Age 153               Weathered Soils    180
Summary Statement     155                                 The Liming Equation and Soil Buffering  181
SOIL CLAY MINERALS      155                               Some Considerations in Lime Use     182
Mica and Vermiculite    156                               Management of Calcareous Soils 182
Smectites    158                                          Soil Acidulation  183
Kaolinite   159                                           EFFECTS OF FLOODING ON CHEMICAL
Allophane and Halloysite    160                           PROPERTIES 183
Oxidic Clays    160                                       Dominant Oxidation and Reduction Reactions       183
Summary Statement     161                                 Effect on Soil pH 184

                                                          CHAPTER 12
                                                          PLANT-SOIL MACRONUTRIENT
Layer Silicate System
Oxidic System      162
Oxide-Coated Layer Silicate System 162                    RELATIONS 186
                                                          DEFICIENCY SYMPTOMS        186
                                                          NITROGEN        186
                                                          The Soil Nitrogen Cycle     187
                                                          Dinitrogen Fixation     187
CHEMICAL COMPOSITION OF SOILS            164                 Symbiotic Legume Fixation     187
                                                             Nonlegume Symbiotic Fixation      192
                                                             Nonsymbiotic Nitrogen Fixation     192
ION EXCHANGE       165
                                                             Summary Statement       192
Nature of Cation Exchange    165
Cation Exchange Capacity of Soils   166
Cation Exchange Capacity Versus Soil pH   167             Mineralization     192
Kinds and Amounts of Exchangeable Cations     168         Nitrification    193
                                                          I mmobilization     194
                                                             Carbon-Nitrogen Relationships     195
Exchangeable Cations as a Source of Plant
Nutrients   169
Anion Exchange     169                                    Denitrification    195
SOIL pH    170                                            Human Intrusion in the Nitrogen Cycle 196
Determination of Soil pH     170                          Summary Statement on Nitrogen Cycle       197
Sources of Alkalinity 170                                 Plant Nitrogen Relations     197
  Carbonate Hydrolysis     170                            PHOSPHORUS        197
  Mineral Weathering     171                              Soil Phosphorus Cycle    198
Sources of Acidity   171                                  Effect of pH on Phosphorus Availability   199
Development and Properties of Acid Soils       171        Changes in Soil Phosphorus Over Time      199
  Role of Aluminum      172                               Plant Uptake of Soil Phosphorus    200
  Moderately Versus Intensively                           Plant Phosphorus Relations    201
  Weathered Soils     173
  Role of Strong Acids     174
                                                          POTASSIUM      202
                                                          Soil Potassium Cycle    202
  Acid Rain Effects    174
                                                            Summary Statement      203
Soil Buffer Capacity   174
                                                          Plant Uptake of Soil Potassium   204
Summary Statement      176
                                                          Plant Potassium Relations    205
SIGNIFICANCE OF SOIL pH        176                        CALCIUM AND MAGNESIUM        205
Nutrient Availability and pH    177                       Plant Calcium and Magnesium Relations      206
Effect of pH on Soil Organisms     178
                                                          Soil Magnesium and Grass Tetany 206
Toxicities in Acid Soils   178
pH Preferences of Plants     178                          SULFUR     207
                                                  DETAILED CONTENTS

    CHAPTER 13                                              APPLICATION AND USE OF FERTILIZERS              237
                                                            Time of Application     238

                                                            Methods of Fertilizer Placement 238
                                                            Salinity and Acidity Effects 240
    IRON AND MANGANESE 210                                  ANIMAL MANURES 241
    Plant "Strategies" for Iron Uptake   211                Manure Composition and Nutrient Value           241
                                                            Nitrogen Volatilization Loss from Manure        242
    COPPER AND ZINC      212
    Plant Copper and Zinc Relations      213                Manure as a Source of Energy     243

    BORON      214                                          LAND APPLICATION OF SEWAGE SLUDGE                244
                                                            Sludge as a Nutrient Source 244
    CHLORINE      214                                       Heavy Metal Contamination   245
    MOLYBDENUM       214                                    FERTILIZER USE AND ENVIRONMENTAL
    Plant and Animal Molybdenum Relations        215        QUALITY      246
                                                            Phosphate Pollution    246
    COBALT      216                                         Nitrate Pollution  246
    SELENIUM      217                                       Nitrate Toxicity 247

    POTENTIALLY TOXIC ELEMENTS                              SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE         247

                                                            CHAPTER 16

                                                            SOIL GENESIS 250

    CHAPTER 14                                              ROLE OF TIME IN SOIL GENESIS    250
    FERTILIZERS         221                                 Case Study of Soil Genesis 250
                                                            Time and Soil Development Sequences         252
    FERTILIZER TERMINOLOGY 221                              ROLE OF PARENT MATERIAL IN SOIL GENESIS       253
    Grade and Ratio      221                                Consolidated Rock as a Source of
    General Nature of Fertilizer Laws 222                   Parent Material   253
    Types of Fertilizers   222                              Soil Formation from Limestone Weathering   253
    FERTILIZER MATERIALS     222                            Sediments as a Source of Parent Material 254
    Nitrogen Materials 222                                    Gulf and Atlantic Coastal Plains  255
    Phosphorus Materials 224                                  Central Lowlands 256
    Potassium Materials 226                                   Interior Plains 258
    Micronutrient Materials 228                               Basin and Range Region      258
                                                              Volcanic Ash Sediments      258
    MIXED FERTILIZERS        228
                                                            Effect of Parent Material Properties on
    Granular Fertilizers    228
                                                            Soil Genesis     258
    Bulk Blended Fertilizers 229
                                                            Stratified Parent Materials   259
    Fluid Fertilizers   229
                                                            Parent Material of Organic Soils    260
                                                             ROLE OF CLIMATE IN SOIL GENESIS          260
                                                             Precipitation Effects 260

    CHAPTER 15
                                                             Temperature Effects   262
                                                             Climate Change and Soil Properties       263
                                                             ROLE OF ORGANISMS IN SOIL GENESIS          263
                                                             Trees Versus Grass and Organic
                                                             Matter Content    263
    SOIL FERTILITY EVALUATION     232                        Vegetation Effects on Leaching and Eluviation         264
    Plant Deficiency Symptoms 232                            Role of Animals in Soil Genesis   265
    Plant Tissue Tests  232
    Soil Tests   233                                         ROLE OF TOPOGRAPHY IN SOIL GENESIS              265
    Computerized Fertilizer Recommendations        235       Effect of Slope 265
xiv                                            DETAILED CONTENTS

    Effects of Water Tables and Drainage   266               ANDISOLS     294
    Topography, Parent Material, and                         Genesis and Properties       294
    Time Interactions    267                                 Suborders   294
    Uniqueness of Soils Developed in Alluvial
                                                             ARIDISOLS     294
    Parent Material   267
                                                             Genesis and Properties  295
    HUMAN BEINGS AS A SOIL-FORMING FACTOR            269     Aridisol Suborders 295
                                                             Land Use on Aridisols  296

    CHAPTER 17                                               ENTISOLS    297
                                                             Aquents   297
                                                             Fluvents 297
    DIAGNOSTIC SURFACE HORIZONS       271                    Psamments    298
    Mollic Horizon 271                                       Orthents 298
    Umbric and Ochric Horizons    272                        HISTOSOLS 299
    Histic Horizon 272                                       Histosol Suborders   299
    Melanic Horizon    272                                   Land Use on Histosols 300
    Anthropic and Plaggen Horizons 273
                                                             INCEPTISOLS    300
    DIAGNOSTIC SUBSURFACE HORIZONS           273             Aquepts   300
    Cambic Horizon 273                                       Ochrepts   301
    Argillic and Natric Horizons   274                       Umbrepts   301
    Kandic Horizon      274
    Spodic Horizon      275                                  MOLLISOLS     302
    Albic Horizon 275                                        Aquolls 302
    Oxic Horizon 275                                         Borolls 303
    Calcic, Gypsic, and Salic Horizons   275                 Ustolls and Udolls     303
    Subordinate Distinctions of Horizons   276               Xerolls   304

    SOIL MOISTURE REGIMES 276                                OXISOLS 304
    Aquic Moisture Regime    276                             Oxisol Suborders 306
    Udic and Perudic Moisture Regime       276               Land Use on Udox Soils 306
    Ustic Moisture Regime   277                              Land Use on Ustox Soils   307
    Aridic Moisture Regime   277                             Extremely Weathered Oxisols   307
    Xeric Moisture Regime 278                                Plinthite or Laterite 308

    SOIL TEMPERATURE REGIMES         279                     SPODOSOLS     308
                                                             Spodosol Suborders     308
    CATEGORIES OF SOIL TAXONOMY 279                          Spodosol Properties and Land Use       309
    Soil Order 279
    Suborder and Great Group 282                              ULTISOLS      311
    Subgroup, Family, and Series 283                          Ultisol Suborders     311
                                                              Properties of Ultisols    311
    AN EXAMPLE OF CLASSIFICATION:                             Land Use on Ultisols      312
                                                             VERTISOLS 312
    THE PEDON      284                                       Vertisol Suborders 313
                                                             Vertisol Genesis 313
    CHAPTER 18
                                                             Vertisol Properties  314

                                                             Land Use on Vertisols 315

                                                              CHAPTER 19
                                                              SOIL SURVEYS AND LAND-USE
    ALFISOLS    285

                                                              I NTERPRETATIONS 318
    Aqualfs   285
    Boralfs 286
    Udalfs   286
    Ustalfs 293                                               MAKING A SOIL SURVEY            318
    Xeralfs  293                                              Making a Soil Map 318
DETAILED CONTENTS                                 XV

Writing the Soil Survey Report 320                     FUTURE OUTLOOK 332
Using the Soil Survey Report 321                       Beyond Technology 333
                                                       The World Grain Trade    333
LAND-USE PLANNING 322                                  Population Control and Politics   334
Examples of Interpretative Land-Use Maps    322

                                                       APPENDIX I
Land Capability Class Maps 323
Computers and Soil Survey Interpretations   323
                                                       SOIL TEXTURE BY THE
                                                       FIELD METHOD 337

CHAPTER 20                                             APPENDIX II
LAND AND THE WORLD                                     TYPES AND CLASSES OF
FOOD SUPPLY 326                                        SOIL STRUCTURE 339

                                                       APPENDIX III
Development of Agriculture    326
The Industrial Revolution   326
Recent Trends in Food Production 327                   PREFIXES AND THEIR CONNOTATIONS
                                                       FOR NAMES OF GREAT GROUPS IN THE
Recent Trends in Per Capita Cropland 328

                                                       U.S. SOIL CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM
Summary Statement      329

                                                       GLOSSARY 342
World's Potential Arable Land    329

                                                       I NDEX 353
Limitations of World Soil Resources  332
Summary Statement      332

             SOIL AS A MEDIUM FOR
                PLANT GROWTH

SOIL. Can you think of a substance that has had           serve as channels for the movement of air and
more meaning for humanity? The close bond that            water. Pore spaces are used as runways for small
ancient civilizations had with the soil was ex-           animals and are avenues for the extension and
pressed by the writer of Genesis in these words:          growth of roots. Roots anchored in soil suppport
And the Lord God formed Man of dust from the
                                                          plants and roots absorb water and nutrients. For
                                                          good plant growth, the root-soil environment
                                                          should be free of inhibitory factors. The three
There has been, and is, a reverence for the ground        essential things that plants absorb from the soil
or soil. Someone has said that "the fabric of hu-         and use are: (1) water that is mainly evaporated
man life is woven on earthen looms; everywhere it         from plant leaves, (2) nutrients for nutrition, and
smells of clay." Even today, most of the world's          (3) oxygen for root respiration.
people are tillers of the soil and use simple tools
to produce their food and fiber. Thus, the concept
of soil as a medium of plant growth was born in           Support for Plants
antiquity and remains as one of the most impor-           One of the most obvious functions of soil is to
tant concepts of soil today (see Figure 1.1).             provide support for plants. Roots anchored in soil
                                                          enable growing plants to remain upright. Plants
                                                          grown by hydroponics (in liquid nutrient culture)
                                                          are commonly supported on a wire framework.
                                                          Plants growing in water are supported by the
The soil can be viewed as a mixture of mineral            buoyancy of the water. Some very sandy soils that
and organic particles of varying size and composi-        are droughty and infertile provide plants with little
tion in regard to plant growth. The particles oc-         else than support. Such soils, however, produce
cupy about 50 percent of the soil's volume. The           high-yielding crops when fertilized and frequently
remaining soil volume, about 50 percent, is pore          irrigated. There are soils in which the impenetra-
space, composed of pores of varying shapes and            ble nature of the subsoil, or the presence of water-
sizes. The pore spaces contain air and water and          saturated soil close to the soil surface, cause shal-

z                                  SOIL AS A MEDIUM FOR PLANT GROWTH

                                                                             FIGURE 1.1     Wheat harvest
                                                                             near the India-Nepal border.
                                                                             About one half of the world's
                                                                             people are farmers who are
                                                                             closely tied to the land and
                                                                             make their living producing
                                                                             crops with simple tools.

l ow rooting. Shallow-rooted trees are easily blown
over by wind, resulting in windthrow.
                                                      some plants. Plants deficient in an essential ele-
                                                      ment tend to exhibit symptoms that are unique for
                                                      that element, as shown in Figure 1.2.

Essential Nutrient Elements
                                                        More than 40 other elements have been found

                                                      FIGURE 1.2
Plants need certain essential nutrient elements to                   Manganese deficiency symptoms on
complete their life cycle. No other element can       kidney beans. The youngest, or upper leaves, have
completely substitute for these elements. At least    light-green or yellow-colored intervein areas and
 16 elements are currently considered essential for   dark-green veins.
the growth of most vascular plants. Carbon, hy-
drogen, and oxygen are combined in photosyn-
thetic reactions and are obtained from air and
water. These three elements compose 90 percent
or more of the dry matter of plants. The remaining
13 elements are obtained largely from the soil.
Nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), potassium (K), cal-
cium Ca), magnesium (Mg), and sulfur (S) are
required in relatively large amounts and are re-
ferred to as the macronutrients. Elements re-
quired in considerably smaller amount are called
the micronutrients. They include boron (B),
chlorine (Cl), copper (Cu), iron (Fe), manganese
(Mn), molybdenum (Mo), and zinc (Zn). Cobalt
(Co) is a micronutrient that is needed by only
FACTORS OF PLANT GROWTH                                           3

 i n plants. Some plants accumulate elements that         Cations are positively charged ions such as Ca t
 are not essential but increase growth or quality.        and K + and anions are negatively charged ions
 The absorption of sodium (Na) by celery is an            such as NO3- (nitrate) and H 2 PO4 - (phosphate).
 example, and results in an improvement of flavor.        The amount of cations absorbed by a plant is
 Sodium can also be a substitute for part of the          about chemically equal to the amount of anions
 potassium requirement of some plants, if po-             absorbed. Excess uptake of cations, however, re-
 tassium is in low supply. Silicon (Si) uptake may        sults in excretion of H+ and excess uptake of
 i ncrease stem strength, disease resistance, and         anions results in excretion of OH - or HCO 3 - to
 growth in grasses.                                       maintain electrical neutrality in roots and soil.
     Most of the nutrients in soils exist in the miner-   The essential elements that are commonly ab-
 als and organic matter. Minerals are inorganic           sorbed from soils by roots, together with their
 substances occurring naturally in the earth. They        chemical symbols and the uptake forms, are listed
 have a consistent and distinctive set of physical        i n Table 1.1.
 properties and a chemical composition that can               I n nature, plants accommodate themselves to
 be expressed by a formula. Quartz, a mineral             the supply of available nutrients. Seldom or rarely
 composed of SiO2, is the principal constituent of        is a soil capable of supplying enough of the essen-
 ordinary sand. Calcite (CaCO 3) i s the primary          tial nutrients to produce high crop yields for any
 mineral in limestone and chalk and is abundant is        reasonable period of time after natural or virgin
 many soils. Orthclase-feldspar (KAISi 3 O8 ) is a        l ands are converted to cropland. Thus, the use of
very common soil mineral, which contains po-              animal manures and other amendments to in-
 tassium. Many other minerals exist in soils be-          crease soil fertility (increase the amount of nutri-
cause soils are derived from rocks or materials           ent ions) are ancient soil management practices.
containing a wide variety of minerals. Weathering
 of minerals brings about their decomposition and
the production of ions that are released into the
soil water. Since silicon is not an essential ele-        Water Requirement of Plants
ment, the weathering of quartz does not supply an         A few hundred to a few thousand grams of water
essential nutrient, plants do not depend on these         are required to produce 1 gram of dry plant mate-
minerals for their oxygen. The weathering of cal-         rial. Approximately one percent of this water be-
cite supplies calcium, as Ca t+ , and the weather-        comes an integral part of the plant. The remainder
i ng of orthoclase releases potassium as K+.              of the water is lost through transpiration, the loss
    The organic matter in soils consists of the re-       of water by evaporation from leaves. Atmospheric
cent remains of plants, microbes, and animals             conditions, such as relative humidity and temper-
and the resistant organic compounds resulting             ature, play a major role in determining how
from the rotting or decomposition processes. De-          quickly water is transpired.
composition of soil organic matter releases es-              The growth of most economic crops will be
sential nutrient ions into the soil water where the       curtailed when a shortage of water occurs, even
i ons are available for another cycle of plant            though it may be temporary. Therefore, the soil's
growth.                                                   ability to hold water over time against gravity is
    Available elements or nutrients are those nutri-      i mportant unless rainfall or irrigation is adequate.
ent ions or compounds that plants and microor-            Conversely, when soils become water saturated,
ganisms can absorb and utilize in their growth.           the water excludes air from the pore spaces and
Nutrients are generally absorbed by roots as              creates an oxygen deficiency. The need for the
cations and anions from the water in soils, or the        removal of excess water from soils is related to the
soil solution. The ions are electrically charged.          need for oxygen.
4                                   SOIL AS A MEDIUM FOR PLANT GROWTH

              Chemical Symbols and Common Forms       Oxygen Requirement of Plants
of the Essential Elements Absorbed by Plant Roots
                                                      Roots have openings that permit gas exchange.
from Soils                                            Oxygen from the atmosphere diffuses into the soil
                                                      and is used by root cells for respiration. The car-
                                                      bon dioxide produced by the respiration of roots,
                                                      and microbes, diffuses through the soil pore
                                                      space and exits into the atmosphere. Respiration
                                                      releases energy that plant cells need for synthesis
                                                      and translocation of the organic compounds
                                                      needed for growth. Frequently, the concentration
                                                      of nutrient ions in the soil solution is less than that
                                                      i n roots cells. As a consequence, respiration
                                                      energy is also used for the active accumulation of
                                                      nutrient ions against a concentration gradient.
                                                         Some plants, such as water lilies and rice, can
                                                      grow in water-saturated soil because they have
                                                      morphological structures that permit the diffusion
                                                      of atmospheric oxygen down to the roots. Suc-
                                                      cessful production of most plants in water culture
                                                      requires aeration of the solution. Aerobic micro-
                                                      organisms require molecular oxygen (O 2) and use
                                                      oxygen from the soil atmosphere to decompose
FIGURE 1.3 The soil in which these tomato plants      organic matter and convert unavailable nutrients
were growing was saturated with water. The stopper    i n organic matter into ionic forms that plants can
at the bottom of the left container was immediately   reuse (nutrient cycling).
removed, and excess water quickly drained away.
                                                         Great differences exist between plants in their
The soil in the right container remained water
                                                      ability to tolerate low oxygen levels in soils. Sensi-
saturated and the plant became severely wilted
within 24 hours because of an oxygen deficiency.

                                                      FIGURE 1.4 Soil salinity (soluble salt) has seriously
                                                      affected the growth of sugar beets in the foreground
                                                      of this irrigated field.
PLANT ROOTS AND SOIL RELATIONS                                        5

tive plants may be wilted and/or killed as a result      etc.) in the shoot via photosynthesis and translo-
of saturating the soil with water for a few hours, as    cation of food downward for root growth, and
shown in Figure 1.3. The wilting is believed to          (2) the absorption of water and nutrients by roots
result from a decrease in the permeability of the        and the upward translocation of water and nutri-
roots to water, which is a result of a disturbance of    ents to the shoot for growth.
metabolic processes due to an oxygen deficiency.            After a root emerges from the seed, the root tip
                                                         elongates by the division and elongation of cells
                                                         i n the meristematic region of the root cap. After
Freedom from Inhibitory Factors                          the root cap invades the soil, it continues to elon-
Abundant plant growth requires a soil environ-           gate and permeate the soil by the continued divi-
ment that is free of inhibitory factors such as toxic    sion and elongation of cells. The passage of the
substances, disease organisms, impenetrable              root tip through the soil leaves behind sections of
layers, extremes in temperature and acidity or           root that mature and become "permanent" resi-
basicity, or an excessive salt content, as shown in      dents of the soil.
Figure 1.4.                                                  As the plant continues to grow and roots elon-
                                                         gate throughout the topsoil, root extension into
                                                         the subsoil is likely to occur. The subsoil environ-
                                                         ment will be different in terms of the supply of
                                                         water, nutrients, oxygen, and in other growth fac-
Plants utilize the plant growth factors in the soil by   tors. This causes roots at different locations in the
way of the roots. The density and distribution of        soil (topsoil versus subsoil) to perform different
roots affect the amount of nutrients and water that      functions or the same functions to varying de-
roots extract from soils. Perennials, such as oak         grees. For example, most of the nitrogen will
and alfalfa, do not reestablish a completely new         probably be absorbed by roots from the topsoil
root system each year, which gives them a distinct        because most of the organic matter is concen-
advantage over annuals such as cotton or wheat.           trated there, and nitrate-nitrogen becomes avail-
Root growth is also influenced by the soil environ-       able by the decomposition of organic matter. By
ment; consequently, root distribution and density         contrast, in soils with acid topsoils and alkaline
are a function of both the kind of plant and the          subsoils, deeply penetrating roots encounter a
nature of the root environment.                           great abundance of calcium in the subsoil. Under
                                                          these conditions, roots in an alkaline subsoil may
                                                          absorb more calcium than roots in an acid top-
Development of Roots in Soils                             soil. The topsoil frequently becomes depleted of
A seed is a dormant plant. When placed in moist,          water in dry periods, whereas an abundance of
warm soil, the seed absorbs water by osmosis and          water still exists in the subsoil. This results in a
swells. Enzymes activate, and food reserves in the        relatively greater dependence on the subsoil for
endosperm move to the embryo to be used in                water and nutrients. Subsequent rains that rewet
germination. As food reserves are exhausted,              the topsoil cause a shift to greater dependence on
green leaves develop and photosynthesis begins.           the topsoil for water and nutrients. Thus, the man-
The plant now is totally dependent on the sun for         ner in which plants grow is complex and changes
energy and on the soil and atmosphere for nutri-          continually throughout the growing season. In
ents and water. In a sense, this is a critical period     this regard, the plant may be defined as an inte-
i n the life of a plant because the root system is       grator of a complex and ever changing set of
small. Continued development of the plant re-            environmental conditions.
quires: (1) the production of food (carbohydrates,          The root systems of some common agricultural

                                                       FIGURE 1.6     Four stages for the development of the
                                                       shoots and roots of corn (Zea maize). Stage one
                                                        (left) shows dominant downward and diagonal root
                                                       growth, stage two shows "filling" of the upper soil
                                                       layer with roots, stage three shows rapid elongation
                                                       of stem and deep root growth, and stage four (right)
                                                       shows development of the ears (grain) and brace
                                                       root growth.
FIGURE 1.5      The tap root systems of two-week old
soybean plants. Note the many fine roots branching
off the tap roots and ramifying soil. (Scale on the    systems and shoots during the growing season
right is in inches.)                                   revealed a synchronization between root and
                                                       shoot growth. Four major stages of development
crops were sampled by using a metal frame to           were found. Corn has a fibrous root system, and
collect a 10-centimeter-thick slab of soil from the    early root growth is mainly by development of
wall of a pit. The soil slab was cut into small        roots from the lower stem in a downward and
blocks and the roots were separated from the soil      diagonal direction away from the base of the plant
using a stream of running water. Soybean plants        (stage one of Figure 1.6). The second stage of root
were found to have a tap root that grows directly      growth occurs when most of the leaves are de-
downward after germination, as shown in Figure         veloping and lateral roots appear and "fill" or
1.5. The tap roots of the young soybean plants are     space themselves uniformily in the upper 30 to 40
several times longer than the tops or shoots. Lat-     centimeters of soil. Stage three is characterized by
eral roots develop along the tap roots and space       rapid elongation of the stem and extension of
themselves uniformily throughout the soil occu-        roots to depths of 1 to 2 meters in the soil. Finally,
pied by roots. At maturity, soybean taproots will      during stage four, there is the production of the
extend about 1 meter deep in permeable soils           ear or the grain. Then, brace roots develop from
with roots well distributed throughout the topsoil     the lower nodes of the stem to provide anchorage
and subsoil. Alfalfa plants also have tap roots that   of the plant so that they are not blown over by the
commonly penetrate 2 to 3 meters deep; some            wind. Brace roots branch profusely upon entering
have been known to reach a depth of 7 meters.          the soil and also function for water and nutrient
  Periodic sampling of corn (Zea maize) root           uptake.
PLANT ROOTS AND SOIL RELATIONS                                        7

                                                           There is considerable uniformity in the lateral
                                                         distribution of roots in the root zone of many
                                                         crops (see Figure 1.7). This is explained on the
                                                         basis of two factors. First, there is a random distri-
                                                         bution of pore spaces that are large enough for
                                                         root extension, because of soil cracks, channels
                                                         formed by earthworms, or channels left from pre-
                                                         vious root growth. Second, as roots elongate
                                                         through soil, they remove water and nutrients,
                                                         which makes soil adjacent to roots a less favor-
                                                         able environment for future root growth. Then,
                                                         roots grow preferentially in areas of the soil de-
                                                         void of roots and where the supply of water and
                                                         nutrients is more favorable for root growth. This
                                                         results in a fairly uniform distribution of roots
                                                         throughout the root zone unless there is some
                                                         barrier to root extension or roots encounter an
                                                         unfavorable environment.
                                                            Most plant roots do not invade soil that is dry,
                                                         nutrient deficient, extremely acid, or water satu-
                                                         rated and lacking oxygen. The preferential devel-
                                                         opment of yellow birch roots in loam soil, com-
                                                         pared with sand soil, because of a more favorable

                                                         FIGURE 1.8 Development of the root system of a
                                                         yellow birch seedling in sand and loam soil. Both
                                                         soils had adequate supplies of water and oxygen,
                                                         but, the loam soil was much more fertile. (After
                                                         Redmond, 1954.)

FIGURE 1.7 Roots of mature oat plants grown in
rows 7 inches (18 cm) apart. The roots made up 13
percent of the total plant weight. Note the uniform,
lateral, distribution of roots between 3 and 24 inches
(8 and 60 cm). Scale along the left is in inches.

Extensiveness of Roots in Soil
Roots at plant maturity comprise about 10 percent
of the entire mass of cereal plants, such as corn,
wheat, and oats. The oat roots shown in Figure 1.7
weighed 1,767 pounds per acre (1,979 kg/ha) and
made up 13 percent of the total plant weight. For
trees, there is a relatively greater mass of roots as
compared with tops, commonly in the range of 15
to 25 percent of the entire tree.

combination of nutrients and water, is shown in              Roles of Root Interception, Mass Flow,
Figure 1.8.                                                  and Diffusion
                                                             Water and nutrients are absorbed at sites located

Extent of Root and Soil Contact
                                                             on or at the surface of roots. Elongating roots
                                                             directly encounter or intercept water and nutrient
A rye plant was grown in 1 cubic foot of soil for 4          ions, which appear at root surfaces in position for
months at the University of Iowa by Dittmer (this            absorption. This is root interception and accounts
study is listed amoung the references at the end of          for about 1 percent or less of the nutrients ab-
the chapter). The root system was carefully re-              sorbed. The amount intercepted is in proportion
moved from the soil by using a stream of running             to the very limited amount of direct root and soil
water, and the roots were counted and measured               contact.
for size and length. The plant was found to have                Continued absorption of water adjacent to the
hundreds of kilometers (or miles) of roots. Based            root creates a lower water content in the soil near
on an assumed value for the surface area of the              the root surface than in the soil a short distance
soil, it was calculated that 1 percent or less of the        away. This difference in the water content be-
soil surface was in direct contact with roots.               tween the two points creates a water content gra-
Through much of the soil in the root zone, the               dient, which causes water to move slowly in the
distance between roots is approximately 1 cen-               direction of the root. Any nutrient ions in the water
timeter. Thus, it is necessary for water and nutri-          are carried along by flow of the water to root
ent ions to move a short distance to root surfaces           surfaces where the water and nutrients are both in
for the effective absorption of the water and nutri-         position for absorption. Such movement of nutri-
ents. The limited mobility of water and most of the          ents is called mass flow.
nutrients in moist and well-aerated soil means                  The greater the concentration of a nutrient in
that only the soil that is invaded by roots can              the soil solution, the greater is the quantity of the
contribute significantly to the growth of plants.            nutrient moved to roots by mass flow. The range

                 TABLE 1.2   Relation Between Concentration of Ions in the Soil Solution and
                 Concentration within the Corn Plant

                 Adapted from S. A. Barber, "A Diffusion and Mass Flow Concept of Soil
                 Nutrient Availability, "Soil Sci., 93:39-49, 1962.
                 Used by permission of the author and The Williams and Wilkins Co., Baltimore.
                 a Dry weight basis.
SOIL FERTILITY AND SOIL PRODUCTIVITY                                   9

of concentration for some nutrients in soil water is      nutrient also depends on the amount needed. Cal-
given in Table 1.2. The calcium concentration             cium is rarely deficient for plant growth, partially
(Table 1.2) ranges from 8 to 450 parts per million        because plants' needs are low. As a consequence,
 (ppm). For a concentration of only 8 ppm in soil         these needs are usually amply satisfied by the
water, and 2,200 ppm of calcium in the plant, the         movement of calcium to roots by mass flow. The
plant would have to absorb 275 (2,200/8) times            same is generally true for magnesium and sulfur.
more water than the plant's dry weight to move the        The concentration of nitrogen in the soil solution
calcium needed to the roots via mass flow. Stated         tends to be higher than that for calcium, but be-
i n another way, if the transpiration ratio is 275        cause of the high plant demand for nitrogen,
 (grams of water absorbed divided by grams of             about 20 percent of the nitrogen that plants ab-
plant growth) and the concentration of calcium in         sorb is moved to root surfaces by diffusion. Diffu-
the soil solution is 8 ppm, enough calcium will be        sion is the most important means by which phos-
moved to root surfaces to supply the plant need.          phorus and potassium are transported to root
 Because 8 ppm is a very low calcium concentra-           surfaces, because of the combined effects of con-
tion in soil solutions, and transpiration ratios are      centration in the soil solution and plant demands.
 usually greater than 275, mass flow generally               Mass flow can move a large amount of nutrients
 moves more calcium to root surfaces than plants          rapidly, whereas diffusion moves a small amount
 need. In fact, calcium frequently accumulates            of nutrients very slowly. Mass flow and diffusion
 along root surfaces because the amount moved to          have a limited ability to move phosphorus and
 the roots is greater than the amount of calcium          potassium to roots in order to satisfy the needs of
 that roots absorb.                                       crops, and this limitation partly explains why a
     Other nutrients that tend to have a relatively       l arge amount of phosphorus and potassium is
 l arge concentration in the soil solution, relative to   added to soils in fertilizers. Conversely, the large
 the concentration in the plant, are nitrogen, mag-       amounts of calcium and magnesium that are
 nesium, and sulfur (see Table 1.2). This means           moved to root surfaces, relative to crop plant
 that mass flow moves large amount of these nutri-        needs, account for the small amount of calcium
 ents to roots relative to plant needs.                   and magnesium that is added to soils in fertilizers.
     Generally, mass flow moves only a small
 amount of the phosphorus to plant roots. The
 phosphorus concentration in the soil solution is         Summary Statement
 usually very low. For a soil solution concentration      The available nutrients and available water are the
 of 0.03 ppm and 2,000 ppm plant concentration,           nutrients and water that roots can absorb. The
 the transpiration ratio would need to be more than       absorption of nutrients and water by roots is de-
 60,000. This illustration and others that could be       pendent on the surface area-density (cm 2 /cm 3 ) of
 drawn from the data in Table 1.2, indicate that          roots. Mathematically:
 some other mechanism is needed to account for
 the movement of some nutrients to root surfaces.            uptake = availability x surface area-density
 This mechanism or process is known as diffusion.
    Diffusion is the movement of nutrients in soil

                                                          SOIL FERTILITY AND
 water that results from a concentration gradient.
                                                          SOIL PRODUCTIVITY
 Diffusion of ions occurs whether or not water is

                                                          Soil fertility is defined as the ability of a soil to
 moving. When an insufficient amount of nutrients
 is moved to the root surface via mass flow, diffu-
 sion plays an important role. Whether or not             supply essential elements for plant growth with-
 plants will be supplied a sufficient amount of a         out a toxic concentration of any element. Soil
10                                 SOIL AS A MEDIUM FOR PLANT GROWTH

fertility refers to only one aspect of plant growth-    and distribution of roots in soils, and (3) the
the adequacy, toxicity, and balance of plant nutri-     movement of nutrients, water, and air to root sur-
ents. An assessment of soil fertility can be made       faces for absorption. Soils are productive in terms
with a series of chemical tests.                        of their ability to produce plants.
    Soil productivity is the soil's capacity to pro-        The concept of soil as a medium for plant
duce a certain yield of crops or other plants with      growth views the soil as a material of fairly uni-
optimum management. For example, the produc-            form composition. This is entirely satisfactory
tivity of a soil for cotton production is commonly      when plants are grown in containers that contain
expressed as kilos, or bales of cotton per acre, or     a soil mix. Plants found in fields and forests,
hectare, when using an optimum management               however, are growing in soils that are not uniform.
system. The optimum managment system spec-              Differences in the properties between topsoil and
i fies such factors as planting date, fertilization,    subsoil layers affect water and nutrient absorp-
irrigation schedule, tillage, cropping sequence,        tion. It is natural for soils in fields and forests to be
and pest control. Soil scientists determine soil        composed of horizontal layers that have different
productivity ratings of soils for various crops by      properties, so it is also important that agricultur-
measuring yields (including tree growth or timber       i sts and foresters consider soils as natural bodies.
production) over a period of time for those pro-        This concept is also useful for persons involved in
duction uses that are currently relevant. Included      the building of engineering structures, solving en-
i n the measurement of soil productivity are the        vironment problems such as nitrate pollution of
i nfluence of weather and the nature and aspect of      groundwater, and using the soil for waste dis-
slope, which greatly affects water runoff and ero-      posal. The soil as a natural body is considered in
sion. Thus, soil productivity is an expression of all   the next chapter.
the factors, soil and nonsoil, that influence crop
    For a soil to produce high yields, it must be
fertile for the crops grown. It does not follow,
however, that a fertile soil will produce high          Barber, S. A. 1962. "A Diffusion and Mass Flow Concept
yields. High yields or high soil productivity de-         of Soil Nutrient Availability." Soil Sci. 93:39-49.
pends on optimum managment systems. Many                Dittmer, H. J. 1937. "A Quantitative Study of the Roots
fertile soils exist in arid regions but, within man-      and Root Hairs of a Winter Rye Plant." Am. Jour. Bot.
agement systems that do not include irrigation,           24:417-420.
                                                        Foth, H. D. 1962. "Root and Top Growth of Corn."
these soils are unproductive for corn or rice.
                                                          Agron. Jour. 54:49-52.
                                                        Foth, H. D., L. S. Robertson, and H. M. Brown. 1964.
                                                          "Effect of Row Spacing Distance on Oat Perfor-
                                                          mance." Agron. Jour. 56:70-73.
SUMMARY                                                 Foth, H. D. and B. G. Ellis. 1988. Soil Fertility. John
                                                          Wiley, New York.
The concept of soil as a medium for plant growth
                                                        Redmond, D. R. 1954. "Variations in Development of
i s an ancient concept and dates back to at least         Yellow Birch Roots in Two Soil Types." Forestry
the beginning of agriculture. The concept empha-          Chronicle. 30:401-406.
sizes the soil's role in the growth of plants. Impor-   Simonson, R. W. 1968. "Concept of Soil." Adv . in Agron.
tant aspects of the soil as a medium for plant            20:1-47. Academic Press, New York.
growth are: (1) the role of the soil in supplying       Wadleigh, C. H. 1957. "Growth of Plants," in Soil, USDA
plants with growth factors, (2) the development           Yearbook of Agriculture. Washington, D.C.


One day a colleague asked me why the alfalfa                 clay content than the two upper layers. The roots
plants on some research plots were growing so                penetrated this layer with no difficulty, however.
poorly. A pit was dug in the field and a vertical            Below layer three, the alfalfa tap root encountered
section of the soil was sampled by using a metal             a layer (layer four) that was impenetrable (too
frame. The sample of soil that was collected was 5           compact), with the root growing above it in a
centimeters thick, 15 centimeters wide, and 75               l ateral direction. From these observations it was
centimeters long. The soil was glued to a board              concluded that the alfalfa grew poorly because
and a vacuum cleaner was used to remove loose                the soil material below a depth of 58 centimeters:
soil debris and expose the natural soil layers and            (1) created a barrier to deep root penetration,
roots. Careful inspection revealed four soil layers          which resulted in a less than normal supply of
as shown in Figure 2.1.                                      water for plant growth during the summer, and
    The upper layer, 9 inches (22 cm) thick, is the           (2) created a water-saturated zone above the third
plow layer. It has a dark color and an organic               l ayer that was deficient in oxygen during wet pe-
matter content larger than any of the other layers.          riods in the spring. The fact that the soil occurred
Layer two, at the depth of 9 to 14 inches (22 to             naturally in a field raises such questions as: What
35 cm) differs from layer one by having a light-gray         kinds of layers do soils have naturally? How do the
color and a lower organic matter content. Both                l ayers form? What are their properties? How do
l ayers are porous and permeable for the move-               these layers affect how soils are used? The an-
ment of air and water and the elongation of roots.           swers to these questions require an understand-
I n layer three, at a depth of 14 to 23 inches (35 to         i ng that landscapes consist of three-dimensional
58 cm) many of the soil particles were arranged              bodies composed of unique horizontal layers.
i nto blocklike aggregrates. When moist soil from            These naturally occurring bodies are soils. A rec-
l ayer three was pressed between the fingers, more            ognition of the kinds of soil layers and their
stickiness was observed than in layers one and                properties is required in order to use soils effec-
two, which meant that layer three had a greater               tively for many different purposes.

12                                       SOIL AS A NATURAL BODY

                                                      First is the formation of a parent material from
                                                      which the soil evolves and, second, the evolution
                                                      of soil layers, as shown in Figure 2.1. Approxi-
                                                      mately 99 percent of the world's soils develop in
                                                      mineral parent material that was or is derived
                                                      from the weathering of bedrock, and the rest de-
                                                      velop in organic materials derived from plant
                                                      growth and consisting of muck or peat.

                                                      Bedrock Weathering and Formation of
                                                      Parent Material
                                                      Bedrock is not considered soil parent material
                                                      because soil layers do not form in it. Rather, the
                                                      unconsolidated debris produced from the weath-
                                                      ering of bedrock is soil parent material. When
                                                      bedrock occurs at or near the land surface, the
                                                      weathering of bedrock and the formation of par-
                                                      ent material may occur simultaneously with the
                                                      evolution of soil layers. This is shown in Figure
                                                      2.2, where a single soil horizon, the topsoil layer,
                                                      overlies the R layer, or bedrock. The topsoil layer
                                                      i s about 12 inches (30 cm) thick and has evolved
                                                      slowly at a rate controlled by the rate of rock
                                                      weathering. The formation of a centimeter of soil
                                                      i n hundreds of years is accurate for this example
                                                      of soil formation.
                                                          Rates of parent material formation from the di-
                                                      rect weathering of bedrock are highly variable. A
                                                      weakly cemented sandstone in a humid environ-
                                                      ment might disintegrate at the rate of a centimeter
                                                      i n 10 years and leave 1 centimeter of soil. Con-

                                                      FIGURE 2.2     Rock weathering and the formation of
                                                      the topsoil layer are occurring simultaneously. Scale
                                                      is in feet.

FIGURE 2.1    This alfalfa taproot grew vertically
downward through the upper three layers. At a depth
of 23 inches (58 cm), the taproot encountered an
impenetrable layer (layer 4) and grew in a lateral
direction above the layer.

Soil formation, or the development of soils that
are natural bodies, includes two broad processes.
SOIL FORMATION                                                13

versely, quartzite (metamorphosed sandstone)          thick alluvial sediments occur in the valley. Very
nearby might weather so slowly that any weath-        thick glacial deposits occur on the tree-covered
ered material might be removed by water or wind       lateral moraine that is adjacent to the valley floor
erosion. Soluble materials are removed during         along the left side. An intermediate thickness of
li mestone weathering, leaving a residue of insolu-   parent material occurs where trees are growing
ble materials. Estimates indicate that it takes       below the bare mountaintops and above the thick
 100,000 years to form a foot of residue from the     alluvial and moraine sediments. Most of the
weathering of limestone in a humid region. Where      world's soils have formed in sediments consisting
soils are underlain at shallow depths by bedrock,     of material that was produced by the weathering
 l oss of the soil by erosion produces serious con-   of bedrock at one place and was transported and
 sequences for the future management of the land.     deposited at another location. In thick sediments
                                                      or parent materials, the formation of soil layers is

Sediment Parent Materials
                                                      not limited by the rate of rock weathering, and
                                                      several soil layers may form simultaneously.
Weathering and erosion are two companion and
opposing processes. Much of the material lost
from a soil by erosion is transported downslope       SOIL FORMATION
and deposited onto existing soils or is added to
some sediment at a lower elevation in the land-       Soil layers are approximately parallel to the land
scape. This may include alluvial sediments along      surface and several layers may evolve simulta-
streams and rivers or marine sediments along          neously over a period of time. The layers in a soil
ocean shorelines. Glaciation produced extensive       are genetically related; however, the layers differ
sediments in the northern part of the northern        from each other in their physical, chemical, and
hemisphere.                                           biological properties. In soil terminology, the lay-
   Four constrasting parent material-soil environ-    ers are called horizons. Because soils as natural
ments are shown in Figure 2.3. Bare rock is ex-       bodies are characterized by genetically developed
posed on the steep slopes near the mountaintops.      horizons, soil formation consists of the evolution
Here, any weathered material is lost by erosion       of soil horizons. A vertical exposure of a soil con-
and no parent material or soil accumulates. Very      sisting of the horizons is a soil profile.

                                                                            FIGURE 2.3      Four distinct soil-
                                                                            forming environments are
                                                                            depicted in this landscape in
                                                                            the Rocky Mountains, United
                                                                            States. On the highest and
                                                                            steepest slopes, rock is
                                                                            exposed because any
                                                                            weathered material is removed
                                                                            by erosion as fast as it forms.
                                                                            Thick alluvial sediments occur
                                                                            on the valley floor and on the
                                                                            forested lateral moraine
                                                                            adjacent to the valley floor
                                                                            along the left side. Glacial
                                                                            deposits of varying thickness
                                                                            overlying rock occur on the
                                                                            forested mountain slopes at
                                                                            intermediate elevations.
14                                       SOIL AS A NATURAL BODY

 Soil-Forming Processes                                animals feeding on the organic debris eventually
Horizonation (the formation of soil horizons) re-      die and thus contribute to the formation of hu-
sults from the differential gains, losses, transfor-   mus. Humus has a black or dark-brown color,
mations, and translocations that occur over time       which greatly affects the color of A horizons. In
within various parts of a vertical section of the      areas in which there is abundant plant growth,
parent material. Examples of the major kinds           only a few decades are required for a surface layer
of changes that occur to produce horizons are:         to acquire a dark color, due to the humification
(1) addition of organic matter from plant growth,      and accumulation of organic matter, forming an A
mainly to the topsoil; (2) transformation repre-       horizon.
sented by the weathering of rocks and minerals            The uppermost horizons shown in Figures 2.1
and the decomposition of organic matter; (3) loss      and 2.2 are A horizons. The A horizon in Figure 2.1
of soluble components by water moving down-            was converted into a plow layer by frequent plow-
ward through soil carrying out soluble salts; and,     i ng and tillage. Such A horizons are called Ap
(4) translocation represented by the movement of       horizons, the p indicating plowing or other distur-
suspended mineral and organic particles from the       bance of the surface layer by cultivation, pastur-
topsoil to the subsoil.                                i ng, or similar uses. For practical purposes, the
                                                       topsoil in agricultural fields and gardens is synon-

Formation of A and C Horizons
                                                       ymous with Ap horizon.
                                                          At this stage in soil evolution, it is likely that the
Many events, such as the deposition of volcanic        upper part of the underlying parent material has
ash, formation of spoil banks during railroad con-     been slightly altered. This slightly altered upper
struction, melting of glaciers and formation of        part of the parent material is the C horizon. The
glacial sediments, or catastrophic flooding and        soil at this stage of evolution has two horizons-
formation of sediments have been dated quite           the A horizon and the underlying C horizon. Such
accurately. By studying soils of varying age, soil     soils are AC soils; the evolution of an AC soil is
scientists have reconstructed the kinds and the        illustrated in Figure 2.4.
sequence of changes that occurred to produce
   Glacial sediments produced by continental and       Formation of B Horizons
alpine glaciation are widespread in the northern       The subsoil in an AC soil consists of the C horizon
hemisphere, and the approximate dates of the           and, perhaps, the upper part of the parent mate-
formation of glacial parent materials are known.       rial. Under favorable conditions, this subsoil layer
After sediments have been produced near a
retreating ice front, the temperature may become
favorable for the invasion of plants. Their growth     FIGURE  2.4 Sequential evolution of some soil
results in the addition of organic matter, espe-       horizons in a sediment parent material.
cially the addition of organic matter at or near the
soil surface. Animals, bacteria, and fungi feed on
the organic materials produced by the plants, re-
sulting in the loss of much carbon as carbon
dioxide. During digestion or decomposition of
fresh organic matter, however, a residual organic
fraction is produced that is resistant to further
alteration and accumulates in the soil. The resis-
tant organic matter is called humus and the
process is humification. The microorganisms and
SOIL FORMATION                                                  15

                                                         The Bt Horizon Soil parent materials frequently
                                                         contain calcium carbonate (CaCO 3), or lime, and
                                                         are alkaline. In the case of glacial parent materi-
                                                         als, lime was incorporated into the ice when gla-
                                                         ciers overrode limestone rocks. The subsequent
                                                         melting of the ice left a sediment that contains
                                                         li mestone particles. In humid regions, the lime
                                                         dissolves in percolating water and is removed
                                                         from the soil, a process called leaching. Leaching
                                                         effects are progressive from the surface down-
                                                         ward. The surface soil first becomes acid, and
                                                         subsequently leaching produces an acid subsoil.
                                                            An acid soil environment greatly stimulates
                                                         mineral weathering or the dissolution of minerals
                                                         with the formation of many ions. The reaction of
                                                         orthoclase feldspar (KAISiO 3 ) with water and H+
FIGURE 2.5     A soil scientist observing soil           is as follows:
properties near the boundary between the A and B
                                                          2 KAISiO3 + 9H 2 O + 2H +
horizons in a soil with A, B, and C horizons. As roots
grow downward, or as water percolates downward,
they encounter a different environment in the A, B,
and C horizons. (Photograph USDA.)                                       = H 4AI 2 Si 2 0 9   + 2K+ + 4H 4 Si04
                                                                              (kaolinite)               (silicic acid)

eventually develops a distinctive color and some             The weathering reaction illustrates three impor-
other properties that distinguish it from the A hori-     tant results of mineral weathering. First, clay parti-
zon and underlying parent material, commonly at           cles (fine-sized mineral particles) are formed-in
a depth of about 60 to 75 centimeters. This altered       the example, kaolinite. In effect, soils are "clay
subsoil zone becomes a B horizon and develops             factories. Second, ions are released into the soil
as a layer sandwiched between the A and a new             solution, including nutrient ions such as K + .
deeper C horizon. At this point in soil evolution,        Third, other compounds (silicic acid) of varying
i nsufficient time has elapsed for the B horizon to       solubility are formed and are subject to leaching
have been significantly enriched with fine-sized          and removal from the soil.
(colloidal) particles, which have been translo-              Clay formation results mainly from chemical
cated downward from the A horizon by percolat-            weathering. Time estimates for the formation of 1
i ng water. Such a weakly developed B horizon is          percent clay inn rock parent material range from
given the symbol w (as in Bw), to indicate its            500 to 10,000 years. Some weathered rocks with
weakly developed character. A Bw horizon can be           small areas in which minerals are being con-
distinguished from A and C horizons primarily by          verted into clay are shown in Figure 2.6.
color, arrangement of soil particles, and an inter-          Many soil parent materials commonly contain
mediate content of organic matter. A soil with A,         some clay. Some of this clay, together with clay
B, and C horizons is shown in Figure 2.5.                 produced by weathering during soil formation,
    During the early phases of soil evolution, the        tends to be slowly translocated downward from
soil formation processes progressively transform          the A horizon to the B horizon by percolating
parent material into soil, and the soil increases in      water. When a significant increase in the clay
thickness. The evolution of a thin AC soil into a         content of a Bw horizon occurs due to clay trans-
thick ABwC soil is illustrated in Figure 2.4.             l ocation, a Bw horizon becomes a Bt horizon.
16                                          SOIL AS A NATURAL BODY

                                                         cles are believed to disperse when dry soil is
                                                         wetted at the end of a dry season and the clay
                                                         particles migrate downward in percolating water
                                                         during the wet season. When the downward per-
                                                         colating water encounters dry soil, water is with-
                                                         drawn into the surrounding dry soil, resulting in
                                                         the deposition of clay on the walls of pore spaces.
                                                         Repeated cycles of wetting and drying build up
                                                         layers of oriented clay particles, which are called
                                                         clay skins.
                                                             Many studies of clay illuviation have been
                                                         made. The studies provide evidence that thou-

                                                         sands of years are needed to produce a significant
               Weathering releases mineral grains in     i ncrease in the content of clay in B horizons. An
rocks and results in the formation of very fine-sized
particles of clay, in this case, kaolinite.              example is the study of soils on the alluvial
                                                         floodplain and adjacent alluvial fans in the Cen-
                                                         tral Valley of California. Here, increasing eleva-
Thin layers or films of clay can usually be ob-          tion of land surfaces is associated with increasing
served along cracks and in pore spaces with a            age. The soils studied varied in age from 1,000 to
10-power hand lens. The process of accumulation          more than 100,000 years.
of soil material into a horizon by movement out of          The results of the study are presented in Figure
some other horizon is illuviation. The t (as in Bt)      2.7. The Hanford soil developed on the floodplain
refers to an illuvial accumulation of clay. The Bt       is 1,000 years old; it shows no obvious evidence of
horizon may be encountered when digging holes            illuviation of clay. The 10,000-year-old Greenfield
for posts or trenching for laying underground            soil has about 1.4 times more clay in the subsoil
pipes.                                                   (Bt horizon) than in the A horizon. Snelling soils
  Alternating periods of wetting and drying seem         are 100,000 years old and contain 2.5 times more
necessary for clay translocation. Some clay parti-       clay in the Bt horizon than in the A horizon. The

                                                                               FIGURE 2.7 Clay distribution
                                                                               as a function of time in soils
                                                                               developed from granitic parent
                                                                               materials in the Central Valley
                                                                               of California. The Hanford
                                                                               soil, only 1,000 years old,
                                                                               does not have a Bt horizon.
                                                                               The other three soils have Bt
                                                                               horizons. The Bt horizon of
                                                                               the San Joaquin is a claypan
                                                                               that inhibits roofs and the
                                                                               downward percolation of
                                                                               water. (After Arkley, 1964.)
[Scholar.geology physical geography-botany] fundamentals of soil science (henry foth.1990.8ed.380pp.e book)
[Scholar.geology physical geography-botany] fundamentals of soil science (henry foth.1990.8ed.380pp.e book)
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[Scholar.geology physical geography-botany] fundamentals of soil science (henry foth.1990.8ed.380pp.e book)
[Scholar.geology physical geography-botany] fundamentals of soil science (henry foth.1990.8ed.380pp.e book)
[Scholar.geology physical geography-botany] fundamentals of soil science (henry foth.1990.8ed.380pp.e book)
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[Scholar.geology physical geography-botany] fundamentals of soil science (henry foth.1990.8ed.380pp.e book)
[Scholar.geology physical geography-botany] fundamentals of soil science (henry foth.1990.8ed.380pp.e book)
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[Scholar.geology physical geography-botany] fundamentals of soil science (henry foth.1990.8ed.380pp.e book)
[Scholar.geology physical geography-botany] fundamentals of soil science (henry foth.1990.8ed.380pp.e book)
[Scholar.geology physical geography-botany] fundamentals of soil science (henry foth.1990.8ed.380pp.e book)
[Scholar.geology physical geography-botany] fundamentals of soil science (henry foth.1990.8ed.380pp.e book)
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[Scholar.geology physical geography-botany] fundamentals of soil science (henry foth.1990.8ed.380pp.e book)
[Scholar.geology physical geography-botany] fundamentals of soil science (henry foth.1990.8ed.380pp.e book)
[Scholar.geology physical geography-botany] fundamentals of soil science (henry foth.1990.8ed.380pp.e book)
[Scholar.geology physical geography-botany] fundamentals of soil science (henry foth.1990.8ed.380pp.e book)
[Scholar.geology physical geography-botany] fundamentals of soil science (henry foth.1990.8ed.380pp.e book)
[Scholar.geology physical geography-botany] fundamentals of soil science (henry foth.1990.8ed.380pp.e book)
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[Scholar.geology physical geography-botany] fundamentals of soil science (henry foth.1990.8ed.380pp.e book)
[Scholar.geology physical geography-botany] fundamentals of soil science (henry foth.1990.8ed.380pp.e book)
[Scholar.geology physical geography-botany] fundamentals of soil science (henry foth.1990.8ed.380pp.e book)
[Scholar.geology physical geography-botany] fundamentals of soil science (henry foth.1990.8ed.380pp.e book)
[Scholar.geology physical geography-botany] fundamentals of soil science (henry foth.1990.8ed.380pp.e book)
[Scholar.geology physical geography-botany] fundamentals of soil science (henry foth.1990.8ed.380pp.e book)
[Scholar.geology physical geography-botany] fundamentals of soil science (henry foth.1990.8ed.380pp.e book)
[Scholar.geology physical geography-botany] fundamentals of soil science (henry foth.1990.8ed.380pp.e book)
[Scholar.geology physical geography-botany] fundamentals of soil science (henry foth.1990.8ed.380pp.e book)
[Scholar.geology physical geography-botany] fundamentals of soil science (henry foth.1990.8ed.380pp.e book)
[Scholar.geology physical geography-botany] fundamentals of soil science (henry foth.1990.8ed.380pp.e book)
[Scholar.geology physical geography-botany] fundamentals of soil science (henry foth.1990.8ed.380pp.e book)
[Scholar.geology physical geography-botany] fundamentals of soil science (henry foth.1990.8ed.380pp.e book)
[Scholar.geology physical geography-botany] fundamentals of soil science (henry foth.1990.8ed.380pp.e book)
[Scholar.geology physical geography-botany] fundamentals of soil science (henry foth.1990.8ed.380pp.e book)
[Scholar.geology physical geography-botany] fundamentals of soil science (henry foth.1990.8ed.380pp.e book)
[Scholar.geology physical geography-botany] fundamentals of soil science (henry foth.1990.8ed.380pp.e book)
[Scholar.geology physical geography-botany] fundamentals of soil science (henry foth.1990.8ed.380pp.e book)
[Scholar.geology physical geography-botany] fundamentals of soil science (henry foth.1990.8ed.380pp.e book)
[Scholar.geology physical geography-botany] fundamentals of soil science (henry foth.1990.8ed.380pp.e book)
[Scholar.geology physical geography-botany] fundamentals of soil science (henry foth.1990.8ed.380pp.e book)
[Scholar.geology physical geography-botany] fundamentals of soil science (henry foth.1990.8ed.380pp.e book)
[Scholar.geology physical geography-botany] fundamentals of soil science (henry foth.1990.8ed.380pp.e book)
[Scholar.geology physical geography-botany] fundamentals of soil science (henry foth.1990.8ed.380pp.e book)
[Scholar.geology physical geography-botany] fundamentals of soil science (henry foth.1990.8ed.380pp.e book)
[Scholar.geology physical geography-botany] fundamentals of soil science (henry foth.1990.8ed.380pp.e book)
[Scholar.geology physical geography-botany] fundamentals of soil science (henry foth.1990.8ed.380pp.e book)
[Scholar.geology physical geography-botany] fundamentals of soil science (henry foth.1990.8ed.380pp.e book)
[Scholar.geology physical geography-botany] fundamentals of soil science (henry foth.1990.8ed.380pp.e book)
[Scholar.geology physical geography-botany] fundamentals of soil science (henry foth.1990.8ed.380pp.e book)
[Scholar.geology physical geography-botany] fundamentals of soil science (henry foth.1990.8ed.380pp.e book)
[Scholar.geology physical geography-botany] fundamentals of soil science (henry foth.1990.8ed.380pp.e book)
[Scholar.geology physical geography-botany] fundamentals of soil science (henry foth.1990.8ed.380pp.e book)
[Scholar.geology physical geography-botany] fundamentals of soil science (henry foth.1990.8ed.380pp.e book)
[Scholar.geology physical geography-botany] fundamentals of soil science (henry foth.1990.8ed.380pp.e book)
[Scholar.geology physical geography-botany] fundamentals of soil science (henry foth.1990.8ed.380pp.e book)
[Scholar.geology physical geography-botany] fundamentals of soil science (henry foth.1990.8ed.380pp.e book)
[Scholar.geology physical geography-botany] fundamentals of soil science (henry foth.1990.8ed.380pp.e book)
[Scholar.geology physical geography-botany] fundamentals of soil science (henry foth.1990.8ed.380pp.e book)
[Scholar.geology physical geography-botany] fundamentals of soil science (henry foth.1990.8ed.380pp.e book)
[Scholar.geology physical geography-botany] fundamentals of soil science (henry foth.1990.8ed.380pp.e book)
[Scholar.geology physical geography-botany] fundamentals of soil science (henry foth.1990.8ed.380pp.e book)
[Scholar.geology physical geography-botany] fundamentals of soil science (henry foth.1990.8ed.380pp.e book)
[Scholar.geology physical geography-botany] fundamentals of soil science (henry foth.1990.8ed.380pp.e book)
[Scholar.geology physical geography-botany] fundamentals of soil science (henry foth.1990.8ed.380pp.e book)
[Scholar.geology physical geography-botany] fundamentals of soil science (henry foth.1990.8ed.380pp.e book)
[Scholar.geology physical geography-botany] fundamentals of soil science (henry foth.1990.8ed.380pp.e book)
[Scholar.geology physical geography-botany] fundamentals of soil science (henry foth.1990.8ed.380pp.e book)
[Scholar.geology physical geography-botany] fundamentals of soil science (henry foth.1990.8ed.380pp.e book)
[Scholar.geology physical geography-botany] fundamentals of soil science (henry foth.1990.8ed.380pp.e book)
[Scholar.geology physical geography-botany] fundamentals of soil science (henry foth.1990.8ed.380pp.e book)
[Scholar.geology physical geography-botany] fundamentals of soil science (henry foth.1990.8ed.380pp.e book)
[Scholar.geology physical geography-botany] fundamentals of soil science (henry foth.1990.8ed.380pp.e book)
[Scholar.geology physical geography-botany] fundamentals of soil science (henry foth.1990.8ed.380pp.e book)
[Scholar.geology physical geography-botany] fundamentals of soil science (henry foth.1990.8ed.380pp.e book)
[Scholar.geology physical geography-botany] fundamentals of soil science (henry foth.1990.8ed.380pp.e book)
[Scholar.geology physical geography-botany] fundamentals of soil science (henry foth.1990.8ed.380pp.e book)
[Scholar.geology physical geography-botany] fundamentals of soil science (henry foth.1990.8ed.380pp.e book)
[Scholar.geology physical geography-botany] fundamentals of soil science (henry foth.1990.8ed.380pp.e book)
[Scholar.geology physical geography-botany] fundamentals of soil science (henry foth.1990.8ed.380pp.e book)
[Scholar.geology physical geography-botany] fundamentals of soil science (henry foth.1990.8ed.380pp.e book)
[Scholar.geology physical geography-botany] fundamentals of soil science (henry foth.1990.8ed.380pp.e book)
[Scholar.geology physical geography-botany] fundamentals of soil science (henry foth.1990.8ed.380pp.e book)
[Scholar.geology physical geography-botany] fundamentals of soil science (henry foth.1990.8ed.380pp.e book)
[Scholar.geology physical geography-botany] fundamentals of soil science (henry foth.1990.8ed.380pp.e book)
[Scholar.geology physical geography-botany] fundamentals of soil science (henry foth.1990.8ed.380pp.e book)
[Scholar.geology physical geography-botany] fundamentals of soil science (henry foth.1990.8ed.380pp.e book)
[Scholar.geology physical geography-botany] fundamentals of soil science (henry foth.1990.8ed.380pp.e book)
[Scholar.geology physical geography-botany] fundamentals of soil science (henry foth.1990.8ed.380pp.e book)
[Scholar.geology physical geography-botany] fundamentals of soil science (henry foth.1990.8ed.380pp.e book)
[Scholar.geology physical geography-botany] fundamentals of soil science (henry foth.1990.8ed.380pp.e book)
[Scholar.geology physical geography-botany] fundamentals of soil science (henry foth.1990.8ed.380pp.e book)
[Scholar.geology physical geography-botany] fundamentals of soil science (henry foth.1990.8ed.380pp.e book)
[Scholar.geology physical geography-botany] fundamentals of soil science (henry foth.1990.8ed.380pp.e book)
[Scholar.geology physical geography-botany] fundamentals of soil science (henry foth.1990.8ed.380pp.e book)
[Scholar.geology physical geography-botany] fundamentals of soil science (henry foth.1990.8ed.380pp.e book)
[Scholar.geology physical geography-botany] fundamentals of soil science (henry foth.1990.8ed.380pp.e book)
[Scholar.geology physical geography-botany] fundamentals of soil science (henry foth.1990.8ed.380pp.e book)
[Scholar.geology physical geography-botany] fundamentals of soil science (henry foth.1990.8ed.380pp.e book)
[Scholar.geology physical geography-botany] fundamentals of soil science (henry foth.1990.8ed.380pp.e book)
[Scholar.geology physical geography-botany] fundamentals of soil science (henry foth.1990.8ed.380pp.e book)
[Scholar.geology physical geography-botany] fundamentals of soil science (henry foth.1990.8ed.380pp.e book)
[Scholar.geology physical geography-botany] fundamentals of soil science (henry foth.1990.8ed.380pp.e book)
[Scholar.geology physical geography-botany] fundamentals of soil science (henry foth.1990.8ed.380pp.e book)
[Scholar.geology physical geography-botany] fundamentals of soil science (henry foth.1990.8ed.380pp.e book)
[Scholar.geology physical geography-botany] fundamentals of soil science (henry foth.1990.8ed.380pp.e book)
[Scholar.geology physical geography-botany] fundamentals of soil science (henry foth.1990.8ed.380pp.e book)
[Scholar.geology physical geography-botany] fundamentals of soil science (henry foth.1990.8ed.380pp.e book)
[Scholar.geology physical geography-botany] fundamentals of soil science (henry foth.1990.8ed.380pp.e book)
[Scholar.geology physical geography-botany] fundamentals of soil science (henry foth.1990.8ed.380pp.e book)
[Scholar.geology physical geography-botany] fundamentals of soil science (henry foth.1990.8ed.380pp.e book)
[Scholar.geology physical geography-botany] fundamentals of soil science (henry foth.1990.8ed.380pp.e book)
[Scholar.geology physical geography-botany] fundamentals of soil science (henry foth.1990.8ed.380pp.e book)
[Scholar.geology physical geography-botany] fundamentals of soil science (henry foth.1990.8ed.380pp.e book)
[Scholar.geology physical geography-botany] fundamentals of soil science (henry foth.1990.8ed.380pp.e book)
[Scholar.geology physical geography-botany] fundamentals of soil science (henry foth.1990.8ed.380pp.e book)
[Scholar.geology physical geography-botany] fundamentals of soil science (henry foth.1990.8ed.380pp.e book)
[Scholar.geology physical geography-botany] fundamentals of soil science (henry foth.1990.8ed.380pp.e book)
[Scholar.geology physical geography-botany] fundamentals of soil science (henry foth.1990.8ed.380pp.e book)
[Scholar.geology physical geography-botany] fundamentals of soil science (henry foth.1990.8ed.380pp.e book)
[Scholar.geology physical geography-botany] fundamentals of soil science (henry foth.1990.8ed.380pp.e book)
[Scholar.geology physical geography-botany] fundamentals of soil science (henry foth.1990.8ed.380pp.e book)
[Scholar.geology physical geography-botany] fundamentals of soil science (henry foth.1990.8ed.380pp.e book)
[Scholar.geology physical geography-botany] fundamentals of soil science (henry foth.1990.8ed.380pp.e book)
[Scholar.geology physical geography-botany] fundamentals of soil science (henry foth.1990.8ed.380pp.e book)
[Scholar.geology physical geography-botany] fundamentals of soil science (henry foth.1990.8ed.380pp.e book)
[Scholar.geology physical geography-botany] fundamentals of soil science (henry foth.1990.8ed.380pp.e book)
[Scholar.geology physical geography-botany] fundamentals of soil science (henry foth.1990.8ed.380pp.e book)
[Scholar.geology physical geography-botany] fundamentals of soil science (henry foth.1990.8ed.380pp.e book)
[Scholar.geology physical geography-botany] fundamentals of soil science (henry foth.1990.8ed.380pp.e book)
[Scholar.geology physical geography-botany] fundamentals of soil science (henry foth.1990.8ed.380pp.e book)
[Scholar.geology physical geography-botany] fundamentals of soil science (henry foth.1990.8ed.380pp.e book)
[Scholar.geology physical geography-botany] fundamentals of soil science (henry foth.1990.8ed.380pp.e book)
[Scholar.geology physical geography-botany] fundamentals of soil science (henry foth.1990.8ed.380pp.e book)
[Scholar.geology physical geography-botany] fundamentals of soil science (henry foth.1990.8ed.380pp.e book)
[Scholar.geology physical geography-botany] fundamentals of soil science (henry foth.1990.8ed.380pp.e book)
[Scholar.geology physical geography-botany] fundamentals of soil science (henry foth.1990.8ed.380pp.e book)
[Scholar.geology physical geography-botany] fundamentals of soil science (henry foth.1990.8ed.380pp.e book)
[Scholar.geology physical geography-botany] fundamentals of soil science (henry foth.1990.8ed.380pp.e book)
[Scholar.geology physical geography-botany] fundamentals of soil science (henry foth.1990.8ed.380pp.e book)
[Scholar.geology physical geography-botany] fundamentals of soil science (henry foth.1990.8ed.380pp.e book)
[Scholar.geology physical geography-botany] fundamentals of soil science (henry foth.1990.8ed.380pp.e book)
[Scholar.geology physical geography-botany] fundamentals of soil science (henry foth.1990.8ed.380pp.e book)
[Scholar.geology physical geography-botany] fundamentals of soil science (henry foth.1990.8ed.380pp.e book)
[Scholar.geology physical geography-botany] fundamentals of soil science (henry foth.1990.8ed.380pp.e book)
[Scholar.geology physical geography-botany] fundamentals of soil science (henry foth.1990.8ed.380pp.e book)
[Scholar.geology physical geography-botany] fundamentals of soil science (henry foth.1990.8ed.380pp.e book)
[Scholar.geology physical geography-botany] fundamentals of soil science (henry foth.1990.8ed.380pp.e book)
[Scholar.geology physical geography-botany] fundamentals of soil science (henry foth.1990.8ed.380pp.e book)
[Scholar.geology physical geography-botany] fundamentals of soil science (henry foth.1990.8ed.380pp.e book)
[Scholar.geology physical geography-botany] fundamentals of soil science (henry foth.1990.8ed.380pp.e book)
[Scholar.geology physical geography-botany] fundamentals of soil science (henry foth.1990.8ed.380pp.e book)
[Scholar.geology physical geography-botany] fundamentals of soil science (henry foth.1990.8ed.380pp.e book)
[Scholar.geology physical geography-botany] fundamentals of soil science (henry foth.1990.8ed.380pp.e book)
[Scholar.geology physical geography-botany] fundamentals of soil science (henry foth.1990.8ed.380pp.e book)
[Scholar.geology physical geography-botany] fundamentals of soil science (henry foth.1990.8ed.380pp.e book)
[Scholar.geology physical geography-botany] fundamentals of soil science (henry foth.1990.8ed.380pp.e book)
[Scholar.geology physical geography-botany] fundamentals of soil science (henry foth.1990.8ed.380pp.e book)
[Scholar.geology physical geography-botany] fundamentals of soil science (henry foth.1990.8ed.380pp.e book)
[Scholar.geology physical geography-botany] fundamentals of soil science (henry foth.1990.8ed.380pp.e book)
[Scholar.geology physical geography-botany] fundamentals of soil science (henry foth.1990.8ed.380pp.e book)
[Scholar.geology physical geography-botany] fundamentals of soil science (henry foth.1990.8ed.380pp.e book)
[Scholar.geology physical geography-botany] fundamentals of soil science (henry foth.1990.8ed.380pp.e book)
[Scholar.geology physical geography-botany] fundamentals of soil science (henry foth.1990.8ed.380pp.e book)
[Scholar.geology physical geography-botany] fundamentals of soil science (henry foth.1990.8ed.380pp.e book)
[Scholar.geology physical geography-botany] fundamentals of soil science (henry foth.1990.8ed.380pp.e book)
[Scholar.geology physical geography-botany] fundamentals of soil science (henry foth.1990.8ed.380pp.e book)
[Scholar.geology physical geography-botany] fundamentals of soil science (henry foth.1990.8ed.380pp.e book)
[Scholar.geology physical geography-botany] fundamentals of soil science (henry foth.1990.8ed.380pp.e book)
[Scholar.geology physical geography-botany] fundamentals of soil science (henry foth.1990.8ed.380pp.e book)
[Scholar.geology physical geography-botany] fundamentals of soil science (henry foth.1990.8ed.380pp.e book)
[Scholar.geology physical geography-botany] fundamentals of soil science (henry foth.1990.8ed.380pp.e book)
[Scholar.geology physical geography-botany] fundamentals of soil science (henry foth.1990.8ed.380pp.e book)
[Scholar.geology physical geography-botany] fundamentals of soil science (henry foth.1990.8ed.380pp.e book)
[Scholar.geology physical geography-botany] fundamentals of soil science (henry foth.1990.8ed.380pp.e book)
[Scholar.geology physical geography-botany] fundamentals of soil science (henry foth.1990.8ed.380pp.e book)
[Scholar.geology physical geography-botany] fundamentals of soil science (henry foth.1990.8ed.380pp.e book)
[Scholar.geology physical geography-botany] fundamentals of soil science (henry foth.1990.8ed.380pp.e book)
[Scholar.geology physical geography-botany] fundamentals of soil science (henry foth.1990.8ed.380pp.e book)
[Scholar.geology physical geography-botany] fundamentals of soil science (henry foth.1990.8ed.380pp.e book)
[Scholar.geology physical geography-botany] fundamentals of soil science (henry foth.1990.8ed.380pp.e book)
[Scholar.geology physical geography-botany] fundamentals of soil science (henry foth.1990.8ed.380pp.e book)
[Scholar.geology physical geography-botany] fundamentals of soil science (henry foth.1990.8ed.380pp.e book)
[Scholar.geology physical geography-botany] fundamentals of soil science (henry foth.1990.8ed.380pp.e book)
[Scholar.geology physical geography-botany] fundamentals of soil science (henry foth.1990.8ed.380pp.e book)
[Scholar.geology physical geography-botany] fundamentals of soil science (henry foth.1990.8ed.380pp.e book)
[Scholar.geology physical geography-botany] fundamentals of soil science (henry foth.1990.8ed.380pp.e book)
[Scholar.geology physical geography-botany] fundamentals of soil science (henry foth.1990.8ed.380pp.e book)
[Scholar.geology physical geography-botany] fundamentals of soil science (henry foth.1990.8ed.380pp.e book)
[Scholar.geology physical geography-botany] fundamentals of soil science (henry foth.1990.8ed.380pp.e book)
[Scholar.geology physical geography-botany] fundamentals of soil science (henry foth.1990.8ed.380pp.e book)
[Scholar.geology physical geography-botany] fundamentals of soil science (henry foth.1990.8ed.380pp.e book)
[Scholar.geology physical geography-botany] fundamentals of soil science (henry foth.1990.8ed.380pp.e book)
[Scholar.geology physical geography-botany] fundamentals of soil science (henry foth.1990.8ed.380pp.e book)
[Scholar.geology physical geography-botany] fundamentals of soil science (henry foth.1990.8ed.380pp.e book)
[Scholar.geology physical geography-botany] fundamentals of soil science (henry foth.1990.8ed.380pp.e book)
[Scholar.geology physical geography-botany] fundamentals of soil science (henry foth.1990.8ed.380pp.e book)
[Scholar.geology physical geography-botany] fundamentals of soil science (henry foth.1990.8ed.380pp.e book)
[Scholar.geology physical geography-botany] fundamentals of soil science (henry foth.1990.8ed.380pp.e book)
[Scholar.geology physical geography-botany] fundamentals of soil science (henry foth.1990.8ed.380pp.e book)
[Scholar.geology physical geography-botany] fundamentals of soil science (henry foth.1990.8ed.380pp.e book)
[Scholar.geology physical geography-botany] fundamentals of soil science (henry foth.1990.8ed.380pp.e book)
[Scholar.geology physical geography-botany] fundamentals of soil science (henry foth.1990.8ed.380pp.e book)
[Scholar.geology physical geography-botany] fundamentals of soil science (henry foth.1990.8ed.380pp.e book)
[Scholar.geology physical geography-botany] fundamentals of soil science (henry foth.1990.8ed.380pp.e book)
[Scholar.geology physical geography-botany] fundamentals of soil science (henry foth.1990.8ed.380pp.e book)
[Scholar.geology physical geography-botany] fundamentals of soil science (henry foth.1990.8ed.380pp.e book)
[Scholar.geology physical geography-botany] fundamentals of soil science (henry foth.1990.8ed.380pp.e book)
[Scholar.geology physical geography-botany] fundamentals of soil science (henry foth.1990.8ed.380pp.e book)
[Scholar.geology physical geography-botany] fundamentals of soil science (henry foth.1990.8ed.380pp.e book)
[Scholar.geology physical geography-botany] fundamentals of soil science (henry foth.1990.8ed.380pp.e book)
[Scholar.geology physical geography-botany] fundamentals of soil science (henry foth.1990.8ed.380pp.e book)
[Scholar.geology physical geography-botany] fundamentals of soil science (henry foth.1990.8ed.380pp.e book)
[Scholar.geology physical geography-botany] fundamentals of soil science (henry foth.1990.8ed.380pp.e book)
[Scholar.geology physical geography-botany] fundamentals of soil science (henry foth.1990.8ed.380pp.e book)
[Scholar.geology physical geography-botany] fundamentals of soil science (henry foth.1990.8ed.380pp.e book)
[Scholar.geology physical geography-botany] fundamentals of soil science (henry foth.1990.8ed.380pp.e book)
[Scholar.geology physical geography-botany] fundamentals of soil science (henry foth.1990.8ed.380pp.e book)
[Scholar.geology physical geography-botany] fundamentals of soil science (henry foth.1990.8ed.380pp.e book)
[Scholar.geology physical geography-botany] fundamentals of soil science (henry foth.1990.8ed.380pp.e book)
[Scholar.geology physical geography-botany] fundamentals of soil science (henry foth.1990.8ed.380pp.e book)
[Scholar.geology physical geography-botany] fundamentals of soil science (henry foth.1990.8ed.380pp.e book)
[Scholar.geology physical geography-botany] fundamentals of soil science (henry foth.1990.8ed.380pp.e book)
[Scholar.geology physical geography-botany] fundamentals of soil science (henry foth.1990.8ed.380pp.e book)
[Scholar.geology physical geography-botany] fundamentals of soil science (henry foth.1990.8ed.380pp.e book)
[Scholar.geology physical geography-botany] fundamentals of soil science (henry foth.1990.8ed.380pp.e book)
[Scholar.geology physical geography-botany] fundamentals of soil science (henry foth.1990.8ed.380pp.e book)
[Scholar.geology physical geography-botany] fundamentals of soil science (henry foth.1990.8ed.380pp.e book)
[Scholar.geology physical geography-botany] fundamentals of soil science (henry foth.1990.8ed.380pp.e book)
[Scholar.geology physical geography-botany] fundamentals of soil science (henry foth.1990.8ed.380pp.e book)
[Scholar.geology physical geography-botany] fundamentals of soil science (henry foth.1990.8ed.380pp.e book)
[Scholar.geology physical geography-botany] fundamentals of soil science (henry foth.1990.8ed.380pp.e book)
[Scholar.geology physical geography-botany] fundamentals of soil science (henry foth.1990.8ed.380pp.e book)
[Scholar.geology physical geography-botany] fundamentals of soil science (henry foth.1990.8ed.380pp.e book)
[Scholar.geology physical geography-botany] fundamentals of soil science (henry foth.1990.8ed.380pp.e book)
[Scholar.geology physical geography-botany] fundamentals of soil science (henry foth.1990.8ed.380pp.e book)
[Scholar.geology physical geography-botany] fundamentals of soil science (henry foth.1990.8ed.380pp.e book)
[Scholar.geology physical geography-botany] fundamentals of soil science (henry foth.1990.8ed.380pp.e book)
[Scholar.geology physical geography-botany] fundamentals of soil science (henry foth.1990.8ed.380pp.e book)
[Scholar.geology physical geography-botany] fundamentals of soil science (henry foth.1990.8ed.380pp.e book)
[Scholar.geology physical geography-botany] fundamentals of soil science (henry foth.1990.8ed.380pp.e book)
[Scholar.geology physical geography-botany] fundamentals of soil science (henry foth.1990.8ed.380pp.e book)
[Scholar.geology physical geography-botany] fundamentals of soil science (henry foth.1990.8ed.380pp.e book)
[Scholar.geology physical geography-botany] fundamentals of soil science (henry foth.1990.8ed.380pp.e book)
[Scholar.geology physical geography-botany] fundamentals of soil science (henry foth.1990.8ed.380pp.e book)

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[Scholar.geology physical geography-botany] fundamentals of soil science (henry foth.1990.8ed.380pp.e book)

  • 1.
  • 2.
  • 3.
  • 5. FUNDAMENTALS OF SOIL SCIENCE EIGHTH EDITION HENRY D. FOTH Michigan State University JOHN WILEY & SONS New York • Chichester • Brisbane • Toronto • Singapore
  • 6. Cover Photo Soil profile developed from glacio-fluvial sand in a balsam fir-black spruce forest in the Laurentian Highlands of Quebec, Canada. The soil is classified as a Spodosol (Orthod) in the United States and as a Humo-Ferric Podzol in Canada. Copyright © 1943, 1951 by Charles Ernest Millar and Lloyd M. Turk Copyright © 1958, 1965, 1972, 1978, 1984, 1990, by John Wiley & Sons, Inc. All rights reserved. Published simultaneously in Canada. Reproduction or translation of any part of this work beyond that permitted by Sections 107 and 108 of the 1976 United States Copyright Act without the permission of the copyright owner is unlawful. Requests for permission or further information should be addressed to the Permissions Department, John Wiley & Sons. Library of Congress Cataloging In Publication Data: Foth, H. D. Fundamentals of soil science / Henry D. Foth.-8th ed. p. cm. I ncludes bibliographical references. ISBN 0-471-52279-1 1. Soil science. I. Title. S591.F68 1990 631.4-dc20 90-33890 CIP Printed in the United States of America 1098765432 Printed and bound by the Arcata Graphics Company
  • 7. PREFACE The eighth edition is a major revision in which and water flow is discussed as a function of the there has been careful revision of the topics hydraulic gradient and conductivity. Darcy's Law covered as well as changes in the depth of cover- is used in Chapter 6, "Soil Water Management," age. Many new figures and tables are included. i n regard to water movement in infiltration, drain- Summary statements are given at the ends of the age, and irrigation. Chapter 6 also covers dis- more difficult sections within chapters, and a posal of sewage effluent in soils and prescription summary appears at the end of each chapter. athletic turf (PAT) as an example of precision Many nonagricultural examples are included to control of the water, air, and salt relationships in emphasize the importance of soil properties when soils used for plant growth. "Soil Erosion," Chap- soils are used in engineering and urban settings. ter 7, has been slightly reorganized with greater The topics relating to environmental quality are emphasis on water and wind erosion processes. found throughout the book to add interest to many Chapters 8 and 9, "Soil Ecology" and "Soil Or- chapters. Several examples of computer applica- ganic Matter," are complimentary chapters relat- tion are included. i ng to the biological aspects of soils. The kinds The original Chapter 1, "Concepts of Soil," was and nature of soil organisms and nutrient cycling split into two chapters. Each chapter emphasizes remain as the central themes of Chapter 8. An an important concept of soil-soil as a medium expanded section on the rhizosphere has been for plant growth and soil as a natural body. Topics i ncluded. The distinctions between labile and sta- covered in Chapter 1 include the factors affecting ble organic matter and the interaction of organic plant growth, root growth and distribution, nutri- matter with the minerals (especially clays) are ent availability (including the roles of root inter- central themes of Chapter 9. Also, the concept of ception, mass flow and diffusion), and soil fertil- cation exchange capacity is minimally developed i ty and productivity. The importance of soils as a i n the coverage of the nature of soil organic matter source of nutrients and water is stressed in Chap- i n Chapter 9. ter 1 and elsewhere throughout the book. Chapter Chapter 10, "Soil Mineralogy," and Chapter 11, 2 covers the basic soil formation processes of "Soil Chemistry", are complimentary chapters re- humification of organic matter, mineral weather- l ating to the mineralogical and chemical proper- i ng, leaching, and translocation of colloids. The ties of soils. The evolution theme included in i mportant theme is soil as a three-dimensional Chapter 2 is used to develop the concept of body that is dynamic and ever-changing. The con- changing mineralogical and chemical properties cepts developed in the first two chapters are used with time. Soils are characterized as being mini- repeatedly throughout the book. mally, moderately, and intensively weathered, The next five chapters relate to soil physical and these distinctions are used in discussions of properties and water. The material on tillage and soil pH, liming, soil fertility and fertilizer use, soil traffic was expanded to reflect the increasing ef- genesis, and land use. fect of tillage and traffic on soils and plant growth Chapters 12 through 15 are concerned with the and is considered in Chapter 4. The nature of soil general area of soil fertility and fertilizer use. water is presented as a continuum of soil water Chapters 12 and 13 cover the macronutrients and potentials in Chapter 5. Darcy's law is developed micronutrients plus toxic elements, respectively. V
  • 8. vi PREFACE Chapters 14 and 15 cover the nature of fertilizers taxonomy is covered in Chapter 17. This allows a and the evaluation of soil fertility and the use of consideration of soil classification after soil fertilizers, respectively. Greater stress has been properties have been covered. This arrangement placed on mass flow and diffusion in regard to also makes the book more desirable for use in nutrient uptake. The interaction of water and soil two-year agricultural technology programs and fertility is developed, and there is expanded cov- overseas, in countries where Soil Taxonomy is not erage of soil fertility evaluation and the methods used. used to formulate fertilizer recommendations. The final chapter, "Land and the World Food Recognition is made of the increasing frequency Supply," includes a section on the world grain of high soil test results and the implications for trade and examines the importance of nonagro- fertilizer use and environmental quality. Greater nomic factors in the food-population problem. coverage is given to animal manure as both a Both English and metric units are used in the source of nutrients and a source of energy. Infor- measurement of crop yields, and for some other mation on land application of sewage sludge and parameters. Using both kinds of units should sat- on sustainable agriculture has been added. isfy both United States and foreign readers. Throughout these four chapters there is a greater Special thanks to Mary Foth for the artwork and emphasis on the importance of soil fertility and to my late son-in-law, Nate Rufe, for photographic fertilizers and on the environmental aspects of contributions. Over the years, many colleagues growing crops. have responded to my queries to expand my The next four chapters (Chapters 16, 17, 18, and knowledge and understanding. Others have pro- 19) relate to the areas of soil genesis, soil taxon- vided photographs. The reviewers also have pro- omy, soil geography and land use, and soil survey vided an invaluable service. To these persons, I and land use interpretations. In this edition, the am grateful. subjects of soil taxonomy (classification) and of Finally, this book is a STORY about soil. The soil survey and land use interpretations have re- story reflects my love of the soil and my devotion ceived increased coverage in two small chapters. to promoting the learning and understanding of The emphasis in the soil geography and land use soils for more than 40 years. I hope that all who chapter is at the suborder level. References to read this book will find it interesting as well as l ower categories are few. Color photographs of i nformative. soil profiles are shown in Color Plates 5 and 6. No Henry D. Foth reference to Soil Taxonomy (USDA) is made until East Lansing, Michigan
  • 10. DETAILED CONTENTS CHAPTER 1 CHAPTER 3 SOIL AS A MEDIUM FOR SOIL PHYSICAL PROPERTIES 22 PLANT GROWTH 1 SOIL TEXTURE 22 FACTORS OF PLANT GROWTH 1 The Soil Separates 22 Particle Size Analysis 24 Support for Plants 1 Soil Textural Classes 25 Essential Nutrient Elements 2 Determining Texture by the Field Method 25 Water Requirement of Plants 3 Influence of Coarse Fregments on Oxygen Requirement of Plants 4 Class Names 26 Freedom from Inhibitory Factors 5 Texture and the Use of Soils 26 PLANT ROOTS AND SOIL RELATIONS 5 SOIL STRUCTURE 27 Development of Roots in Soils 5 I mportance of Structure 28 Extensiveness of Roots in Soils 7 Genesis and Types of Structure 28 Extent of Root and Soil Contact 8 Grade and Class 29 Roles of Root Interception, Mass Flow, and Diffusion 8 Managing Soil Structure 29 SOIL FERTILITY AND SOIL PRODUCTIVITY 9 SOIL CONSISTENCE 31 Soil Consistence Terms 31 DENSITY AND WEIGHT RELATIONSHIPS 32 Particle Density and Bulk Density 32 Weight of a Furrow-Slice of Soil 33 Soil Weight on a Hectare Basis 34 CHAPTER 2 SOIL PORE SPACE AND POROSITY 34 SOIL AS A NATURAL BODY 11 Determination of Porosity 34 Effects of Texture and Structure on Porosity 35 THE PARENT MATERIAL OF SOIL 12 Porosity and Soil Aeration 35 Bedrock Weathering and Formation of Parent Material 12 SOIL COLOR 36 Sediment Parent Materials 13 Determination of Soil Color 37 Factors Affecting Soil Color 37 SOIL FORMATION 13 Significance of Soil Color 37 Soil-Forming Processes 14 Formation of A and C Ho zons ri 14 SOIL TEMPERATURE 38 Formation of B Horizons 14 Heat Balance of Soils 38 The Bt Horizon 15 Location and Temperature 39 The Bhs Horizon 17 Control of Soil Temperature 39 Permafrost 40 Formation of E Horizons 17 Formation of 0 Horizons 18 CHAPTER 4 SOILS AS NATURAL BODIES 18 TILLAGE AND TRAFFIC 42 The Soil-Forming Factors 18 Soil Bodies as Parts of Landscapes 19 EFFECTS OF TILLAGE ON SOILS AND How Scientists Study Soils as Natural Bodies 19 PLANT GROWTH 42 I mportance of Concept of Soil as Natural Body 20 Management of Crop Residues 42 ix
  • 11. X DETAILED CONTENTS CHAPTER 6 SOIL WATER MANAGEMENT 73 Tillage and Weed Control 43 Effects of Tillage on Structure and Porosity 43 Surface Soil Crusts 44 Minimum and Zero Tillage Concepts 44 WATER CONSERVATION 73 Tilth and Tillage 45 Modifying the Infiltration Rate 73 Summer Fallowing 75 TRAFFIC AND SOIL COMPACTION 46 Saline Seep Due to Fallowing 76 Compaction Layers 46 Effect of Fertilizers on Water Use Efficiency 77 Effects of Wheel Traffic on Soils and Crops 47 Effects of Recreational Traffic 47 SOIL DRAINAGE 78 Effects of Logging Traffic on Soils and Water Table Depth Versus Air and Water Content Tree Growth 48 of Soil 79 Controlled Traffic 49 Benefits of Drainage 80 Surface Drainage 80 FLOODING AND PUDDLING OF SOIL 50 Subsurface Drainage 80 Effects of Flooding 50 Drainage in Soil of Container-Grown Plants 81 Effects of Puddling 50 Oxygen Relationships in Flooded Soils 51 I RRIGATION 82 Water Sources 82 I mportant Properties of Irrigated Soils 82 ,/ Water Application Methods 83 CHAPTER 5 Flood Irrigation 83 SOIL WATER 54 Furrow Irrigation 83 Sprinkler Irrigation 83 SOIL WATER ENERGY CONTINUUM 54 Subsurface Irrigation 85 Drip Irrigation 85 Adhesion Water 55 Cohesion Water 55 Rate and Timing of Irrigation 85 Gravitational Water 56 Water Quality 86 Summary Statements 56 Total Salt Concentration 86 Sodium Adsorption Ratio 86 ENERGY AND PRESSURE RELATIONSHIPS 57 Boron Concentration 87 Pressure Relationships in Saturated Soil 57 Bicarbonate Concentration 87 Pressure Relationships in Unsaturated Soil 58 Salt Accumulation and Plant Response 89 THE SOIL WATER POTENTIAL 59 Salinity Control and Leaching Requirement 89 The Gravitational Potential 59 Effect of Irrigation on River Water Quality 93 The Matric Potential 59 Nature and Management of Saline and The Osmotic Potential 60 Sodic Soils 93 Measurement and Expression of Saline Soils 93 Water Potentials 60 Sodic Soils 93 Saline-Sodic Soils 94 SOIL WATER MOVEMENT 61 Water Movement in Saturated Soil 62 WASTEWATER DISPOSAL 94 Water Movement in Unsaturated Soil 63 Disposal of Septic Tank Effluent 94 Water Movement in Stratified Soil 63 Land Disposal of Municipal Wastewater 96 Water Vapor Movement 66 PRESCRIPTION ATHLETIC TURF 97 PLANT AND SOIL WATER RELATIONS 66 Available Water-Supplying Power of Soils 66 CHAPTER 7 Water Uptake from Soils by Roots 67 SOIL EROSION 100 Diurnal Pattern of Water Uptake 68 Pattern of Water Removal from Soil 69 Soil Water Potential Versus Plant Growth 69 Role of Water Uptake for Nutrient Uptake 71 WATER EROSION 100 Predicting Erosion Rates on Agricultural Land 100 SOIL WATER REGIME 71 R = The Rainfall Factor 101
  • 12. DETAILED CONTENTS XI K = The Soil Erodibility Factor 102 Mycorrhiza 126 LS = The Slope Length and Slope Nitrogen Fixation 127 Gradient Factors 103 C = The Cropping-Management Factor 104 SOIL ORGANISMS AND ENVIRONMENTAL P = The Erosion Control Practice Factor 105 QUALITY 128 Pesticide Degradation 128 Application of the Soil-Loss Equation 106 The Soil Loss Tolerance Value 107 Oil and Natural Gas Decontamination 128 Water Erosion on Urban Lands 108 EARTH MOVING BY SOIL ANIMALS 130 Water Erosion Costs 109 Earthworm Activity 130 Ants and Termites 130 WIND EROSION 110 Types of Wind Erosion Rodents 131 110 Wind Erosion Equation 111 Factors Affecting Wind Erosion 111 Deep Plowing for Wind Erosion Control 113 CHAPTER 9 Wind Erosion Control on Organic Soils 113 SOIL ORGANIC MATTER 133 CHAPTER 8 THE ORGANIC MATTER IN ECOSYSTEMS 133 SOIL ECOLOGY 115 DECOMPOSITION AND ACCUMULATION 133 Decomposition of Plant Residues 134 Stable Soil Organic Matter THE ECOSYSTEM 115 Labile Soil Organic Matter 134 Producers 115 135 Consumers and Decomposers 116 Decomposition Rates 136 Properties of Stable Soil Organic Matter 136 MICROBIAL DECOMPOSERS 116 Protection of Organic Matter by Clay 137 General Features of Decomposers 116 Bacteria 117 ORGANIC SOILS 139 Fungi 117 Organic Soil Materials Defined 139 Actinomycetes 118 Formation of Organic Soils 139 Vertical Distribution of Decomposers in Properties and Use 140 the Soil 119 Archaeological Interest 140 SOIL ANIMALS 119 THE EQUILIBRIUM CONCEPT 141 Worms 120 A Case Example 141 Earthworms 120 Effects of Cultivation 142 Nematodes 121 Maintenance of Organic Matter in Arthropods 121 Cultivated Fields 143 Springtails 121 Effects of Green Manure 144 Mites 122 HORTICULTURAL USE OF ORGANIC MATTER 144 Millipedes and Centipedes 122 Horticultural Peats 145 White Grubs 122 Composts 145 Interdependence of Microbes and Animals i n Decomposition 123 NUTRIENT CYCLING 123 CHAPTER 10 Nutrient Cycling Processes 123 SOIL MINERALOGY 148 A Case Study of Nutrient Cycling 124 Effect of Crop Harvesting on Nutrient Cycling 124 SOIL MICROBE AND ORGANISM CHEMICAL AND MINERALOGICAL COMPOSITION OF I NTERACTIONS 125 THE EARTH'S CRUST 148 The Rhizosphere 125 Chemical Composition of the Earth's Crust 148 Disease 126 Mineralogical Composition of Rocks 149
  • 13. DETAILED CONTENTS WEATHERING AND SOIL MINERALOGICAL MANAGEMENT OF SOIL pH 178 COMPOSITION 149 Lime Requirement 179 Weathering Processes 150 Lime Requirement of Intensively Summary Statement 150 Weathered Soils 180 Weathering Rate and Crystal Structure 151 Lime Requirement of Minimally and Moderately Mineralogical Composition Versus Soil Age 153 Weathered Soils 180 Summary Statement 155 The Liming Equation and Soil Buffering 181 SOIL CLAY MINERALS 155 Some Considerations in Lime Use 182 Mica and Vermiculite 156 Management of Calcareous Soils 182 Smectites 158 Soil Acidulation 183 Kaolinite 159 EFFECTS OF FLOODING ON CHEMICAL Allophane and Halloysite 160 PROPERTIES 183 Oxidic Clays 160 Dominant Oxidation and Reduction Reactions 183 Summary Statement 161 Effect on Soil pH 184 CHAPTER 12 ION EXCHANGE SYSTEMS OF SOIL CLAYS 161 161 PLANT-SOIL MACRONUTRIENT Layer Silicate System Oxidic System 162 Oxide-Coated Layer Silicate System 162 RELATIONS 186 DEFICIENCY SYMPTOMS 186 CHAPTER 11 SOIL CHEMISTRY 164 NITROGEN 186 The Soil Nitrogen Cycle 187 Dinitrogen Fixation 187 CHEMICAL COMPOSITION OF SOILS 164 Symbiotic Legume Fixation 187 Nonlegume Symbiotic Fixation 192 Nonsymbiotic Nitrogen Fixation 192 ION EXCHANGE 165 Summary Statement 192 Nature of Cation Exchange 165 Cation Exchange Capacity of Soils 166 Cation Exchange Capacity Versus Soil pH 167 Mineralization 192 Kinds and Amounts of Exchangeable Cations 168 Nitrification 193 I mmobilization 194 Carbon-Nitrogen Relationships 195 Exchangeable Cations as a Source of Plant Nutrients 169 Anion Exchange 169 Denitrification 195 SOIL pH 170 Human Intrusion in the Nitrogen Cycle 196 Determination of Soil pH 170 Summary Statement on Nitrogen Cycle 197 Sources of Alkalinity 170 Plant Nitrogen Relations 197 Carbonate Hydrolysis 170 PHOSPHORUS 197 Mineral Weathering 171 Soil Phosphorus Cycle 198 Sources of Acidity 171 Effect of pH on Phosphorus Availability 199 Development and Properties of Acid Soils 171 Changes in Soil Phosphorus Over Time 199 Role of Aluminum 172 Plant Uptake of Soil Phosphorus 200 Moderately Versus Intensively Plant Phosphorus Relations 201 Weathered Soils 173 Role of Strong Acids 174 POTASSIUM 202 Soil Potassium Cycle 202 Acid Rain Effects 174 Summary Statement 203 Soil Buffer Capacity 174 Plant Uptake of Soil Potassium 204 Summary Statement 176 Plant Potassium Relations 205 SIGNIFICANCE OF SOIL pH 176 CALCIUM AND MAGNESIUM 205 Nutrient Availability and pH 177 Plant Calcium and Magnesium Relations 206 Effect of pH on Soil Organisms 178 Soil Magnesium and Grass Tetany 206 Toxicities in Acid Soils 178 pH Preferences of Plants 178 SULFUR 207
  • 14. xiii DETAILED CONTENTS CHAPTER 13 APPLICATION AND USE OF FERTILIZERS 237 MICRONUTRIENTS AND Time of Application 238 TOXIC ELEMENTS 210 Methods of Fertilizer Placement 238 Salinity and Acidity Effects 240 IRON AND MANGANESE 210 ANIMAL MANURES 241 Plant "Strategies" for Iron Uptake 211 Manure Composition and Nutrient Value 241 Nitrogen Volatilization Loss from Manure 242 COPPER AND ZINC 212 Plant Copper and Zinc Relations 213 Manure as a Source of Energy 243 BORON 214 LAND APPLICATION OF SEWAGE SLUDGE 244 Sludge as a Nutrient Source 244 CHLORINE 214 Heavy Metal Contamination 245 MOLYBDENUM 214 FERTILIZER USE AND ENVIRONMENTAL Plant and Animal Molybdenum Relations 215 QUALITY 246 Phosphate Pollution 246 COBALT 216 Nitrate Pollution 246 SELENIUM 217 Nitrate Toxicity 247 POTENTIALLY TOXIC ELEMENTS SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE 247 FROM POLLUTION 217 CHAPTER 16 RADIOACTIVE ELEMENTS 218 SOIL GENESIS 250 CHAPTER 14 ROLE OF TIME IN SOIL GENESIS 250 FERTILIZERS 221 Case Study of Soil Genesis 250 Time and Soil Development Sequences 252 FERTILIZER TERMINOLOGY 221 ROLE OF PARENT MATERIAL IN SOIL GENESIS 253 Grade and Ratio 221 Consolidated Rock as a Source of General Nature of Fertilizer Laws 222 Parent Material 253 Types of Fertilizers 222 Soil Formation from Limestone Weathering 253 FERTILIZER MATERIALS 222 Sediments as a Source of Parent Material 254 Nitrogen Materials 222 Gulf and Atlantic Coastal Plains 255 Phosphorus Materials 224 Central Lowlands 256 Potassium Materials 226 Interior Plains 258 Micronutrient Materials 228 Basin and Range Region 258 Volcanic Ash Sediments 258 MIXED FERTILIZERS 228 Effect of Parent Material Properties on Granular Fertilizers 228 Soil Genesis 258 Bulk Blended Fertilizers 229 Stratified Parent Materials 259 Fluid Fertilizers 229 Parent Material of Organic Soils 260 NATURAL FERTILIZER MATERIALS 230 ROLE OF CLIMATE IN SOIL GENESIS 260 Precipitation Effects 260 CHAPTER 15 Temperature Effects 262 Climate Change and Soil Properties 263 SOIL FERTILITY EVALUATION AND FERTILIZER USE 232 ROLE OF ORGANISMS IN SOIL GENESIS 263 Trees Versus Grass and Organic Matter Content 263 SOIL FERTILITY EVALUATION 232 Vegetation Effects on Leaching and Eluviation 264 Plant Deficiency Symptoms 232 Role of Animals in Soil Genesis 265 Plant Tissue Tests 232 Soil Tests 233 ROLE OF TOPOGRAPHY IN SOIL GENESIS 265 Computerized Fertilizer Recommendations 235 Effect of Slope 265
  • 15. xiv DETAILED CONTENTS Effects of Water Tables and Drainage 266 ANDISOLS 294 Topography, Parent Material, and Genesis and Properties 294 Time Interactions 267 Suborders 294 Uniqueness of Soils Developed in Alluvial ARIDISOLS 294 Parent Material 267 Genesis and Properties 295 HUMAN BEINGS AS A SOIL-FORMING FACTOR 269 Aridisol Suborders 295 Land Use on Aridisols 296 CHAPTER 17 ENTISOLS 297 SOIL TAXONOMY 271 Aquents 297 Fluvents 297 DIAGNOSTIC SURFACE HORIZONS 271 Psamments 298 Mollic Horizon 271 Orthents 298 Umbric and Ochric Horizons 272 HISTOSOLS 299 Histic Horizon 272 Histosol Suborders 299 Melanic Horizon 272 Land Use on Histosols 300 Anthropic and Plaggen Horizons 273 INCEPTISOLS 300 DIAGNOSTIC SUBSURFACE HORIZONS 273 Aquepts 300 Cambic Horizon 273 Ochrepts 301 Argillic and Natric Horizons 274 Umbrepts 301 Kandic Horizon 274 Spodic Horizon 275 MOLLISOLS 302 Albic Horizon 275 Aquolls 302 Oxic Horizon 275 Borolls 303 Calcic, Gypsic, and Salic Horizons 275 Ustolls and Udolls 303 Subordinate Distinctions of Horizons 276 Xerolls 304 SOIL MOISTURE REGIMES 276 OXISOLS 304 Aquic Moisture Regime 276 Oxisol Suborders 306 Udic and Perudic Moisture Regime 276 Land Use on Udox Soils 306 Ustic Moisture Regime 277 Land Use on Ustox Soils 307 Aridic Moisture Regime 277 Extremely Weathered Oxisols 307 Xeric Moisture Regime 278 Plinthite or Laterite 308 SOIL TEMPERATURE REGIMES 279 SPODOSOLS 308 Spodosol Suborders 308 CATEGORIES OF SOIL TAXONOMY 279 Spodosol Properties and Land Use 309 Soil Order 279 Suborder and Great Group 282 ULTISOLS 311 Subgroup, Family, and Series 283 Ultisol Suborders 311 Properties of Ultisols 311 AN EXAMPLE OF CLASSIFICATION: Land Use on Ultisols 312 THE ABAC SOILS 283 VERTISOLS 312 THE PEDON 284 Vertisol Suborders 313 Vertisol Genesis 313 CHAPTER 18 Vertisol Properties 314 SOIL GEOGRAPHY AND LAND USE 285 Land Use on Vertisols 315 CHAPTER 19 SOIL SURVEYS AND LAND-USE ALFISOLS 285 I NTERPRETATIONS 318 Aqualfs 285 Boralfs 286 Udalfs 286 Ustalfs 293 MAKING A SOIL SURVEY 318 Xeralfs 293 Making a Soil Map 318
  • 16. DETAILED CONTENTS XV Writing the Soil Survey Report 320 FUTURE OUTLOOK 332 Using the Soil Survey Report 321 Beyond Technology 333 The World Grain Trade 333 SOIL SURVEY INTERPRETATIONS AND LAND-USE PLANNING 322 Population Control and Politics 334 Examples of Interpretative Land-Use Maps 322 APPENDIX I Land Capability Class Maps 323 Computers and Soil Survey Interpretations 323 SOIL TEXTURE BY THE FIELD METHOD 337 SOIL SURVEYS AND AGROTECHNOLOGY TRANSFER 324 CHAPTER 20 APPENDIX II LAND AND THE WORLD TYPES AND CLASSES OF FOOD SUPPLY 326 SOIL STRUCTURE 339 POPULATION AND FOOD TRENDS 326 APPENDIX III Development of Agriculture 326 The Industrial Revolution 326 Recent Trends in Food Production 327 PREFIXES AND THEIR CONNOTATIONS FOR NAMES OF GREAT GROUPS IN THE Recent Trends in Per Capita Cropland 328 U.S. SOIL CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM Summary Statement 329 POTENTIALLY AVAILABLE LAND AND (SOIL TAXONOMY) 341 SOIL RESOURCES 329 GLOSSARY 342 World's Potential Arable Land 329 I NDEX 353 Limitations of World Soil Resources 332 Summary Statement 332
  • 17. CHAPTER 1 SOIL AS A MEDIUM FOR PLANT GROWTH SOIL. Can you think of a substance that has had serve as channels for the movement of air and more meaning for humanity? The close bond that water. Pore spaces are used as runways for small ancient civilizations had with the soil was ex- animals and are avenues for the extension and pressed by the writer of Genesis in these words: growth of roots. Roots anchored in soil suppport And the Lord God formed Man of dust from the plants and roots absorb water and nutrients. For ground. good plant growth, the root-soil environment should be free of inhibitory factors. The three There has been, and is, a reverence for the ground essential things that plants absorb from the soil or soil. Someone has said that "the fabric of hu- and use are: (1) water that is mainly evaporated man life is woven on earthen looms; everywhere it from plant leaves, (2) nutrients for nutrition, and smells of clay." Even today, most of the world's (3) oxygen for root respiration. people are tillers of the soil and use simple tools to produce their food and fiber. Thus, the concept of soil as a medium of plant growth was born in Support for Plants antiquity and remains as one of the most impor- One of the most obvious functions of soil is to tant concepts of soil today (see Figure 1.1). provide support for plants. Roots anchored in soil enable growing plants to remain upright. Plants grown by hydroponics (in liquid nutrient culture) FACTORS OF PLANT GROWTH are commonly supported on a wire framework. Plants growing in water are supported by the The soil can be viewed as a mixture of mineral buoyancy of the water. Some very sandy soils that and organic particles of varying size and composi- are droughty and infertile provide plants with little tion in regard to plant growth. The particles oc- else than support. Such soils, however, produce cupy about 50 percent of the soil's volume. The high-yielding crops when fertilized and frequently remaining soil volume, about 50 percent, is pore irrigated. There are soils in which the impenetra- space, composed of pores of varying shapes and ble nature of the subsoil, or the presence of water- sizes. The pore spaces contain air and water and saturated soil close to the soil surface, cause shal- 1
  • 18. z SOIL AS A MEDIUM FOR PLANT GROWTH FIGURE 1.1 Wheat harvest near the India-Nepal border. About one half of the world's people are farmers who are closely tied to the land and make their living producing crops with simple tools. l ow rooting. Shallow-rooted trees are easily blown over by wind, resulting in windthrow. some plants. Plants deficient in an essential ele- ment tend to exhibit symptoms that are unique for that element, as shown in Figure 1.2. Essential Nutrient Elements More than 40 other elements have been found FIGURE 1.2 Plants need certain essential nutrient elements to Manganese deficiency symptoms on complete their life cycle. No other element can kidney beans. The youngest, or upper leaves, have completely substitute for these elements. At least light-green or yellow-colored intervein areas and 16 elements are currently considered essential for dark-green veins. the growth of most vascular plants. Carbon, hy- drogen, and oxygen are combined in photosyn- thetic reactions and are obtained from air and water. These three elements compose 90 percent or more of the dry matter of plants. The remaining 13 elements are obtained largely from the soil. Nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), potassium (K), cal- cium Ca), magnesium (Mg), and sulfur (S) are required in relatively large amounts and are re- ferred to as the macronutrients. Elements re- quired in considerably smaller amount are called the micronutrients. They include boron (B), chlorine (Cl), copper (Cu), iron (Fe), manganese (Mn), molybdenum (Mo), and zinc (Zn). Cobalt (Co) is a micronutrient that is needed by only
  • 19. FACTORS OF PLANT GROWTH 3 i n plants. Some plants accumulate elements that Cations are positively charged ions such as Ca t are not essential but increase growth or quality. and K + and anions are negatively charged ions The absorption of sodium (Na) by celery is an such as NO3- (nitrate) and H 2 PO4 - (phosphate). example, and results in an improvement of flavor. The amount of cations absorbed by a plant is Sodium can also be a substitute for part of the about chemically equal to the amount of anions potassium requirement of some plants, if po- absorbed. Excess uptake of cations, however, re- tassium is in low supply. Silicon (Si) uptake may sults in excretion of H+ and excess uptake of i ncrease stem strength, disease resistance, and anions results in excretion of OH - or HCO 3 - to growth in grasses. maintain electrical neutrality in roots and soil. Most of the nutrients in soils exist in the miner- The essential elements that are commonly ab- als and organic matter. Minerals are inorganic sorbed from soils by roots, together with their substances occurring naturally in the earth. They chemical symbols and the uptake forms, are listed have a consistent and distinctive set of physical i n Table 1.1. properties and a chemical composition that can I n nature, plants accommodate themselves to be expressed by a formula. Quartz, a mineral the supply of available nutrients. Seldom or rarely composed of SiO2, is the principal constituent of is a soil capable of supplying enough of the essen- ordinary sand. Calcite (CaCO 3) i s the primary tial nutrients to produce high crop yields for any mineral in limestone and chalk and is abundant is reasonable period of time after natural or virgin many soils. Orthclase-feldspar (KAISi 3 O8 ) is a l ands are converted to cropland. Thus, the use of very common soil mineral, which contains po- animal manures and other amendments to in- tassium. Many other minerals exist in soils be- crease soil fertility (increase the amount of nutri- cause soils are derived from rocks or materials ent ions) are ancient soil management practices. containing a wide variety of minerals. Weathering of minerals brings about their decomposition and the production of ions that are released into the soil water. Since silicon is not an essential ele- Water Requirement of Plants ment, the weathering of quartz does not supply an A few hundred to a few thousand grams of water essential nutrient, plants do not depend on these are required to produce 1 gram of dry plant mate- minerals for their oxygen. The weathering of cal- rial. Approximately one percent of this water be- cite supplies calcium, as Ca t+ , and the weather- comes an integral part of the plant. The remainder i ng of orthoclase releases potassium as K+. of the water is lost through transpiration, the loss The organic matter in soils consists of the re- of water by evaporation from leaves. Atmospheric cent remains of plants, microbes, and animals conditions, such as relative humidity and temper- and the resistant organic compounds resulting ature, play a major role in determining how from the rotting or decomposition processes. De- quickly water is transpired. composition of soil organic matter releases es- The growth of most economic crops will be sential nutrient ions into the soil water where the curtailed when a shortage of water occurs, even i ons are available for another cycle of plant though it may be temporary. Therefore, the soil's growth. ability to hold water over time against gravity is Available elements or nutrients are those nutri- i mportant unless rainfall or irrigation is adequate. ent ions or compounds that plants and microor- Conversely, when soils become water saturated, ganisms can absorb and utilize in their growth. the water excludes air from the pore spaces and Nutrients are generally absorbed by roots as creates an oxygen deficiency. The need for the cations and anions from the water in soils, or the removal of excess water from soils is related to the soil solution. The ions are electrically charged. need for oxygen.
  • 20. 4 SOIL AS A MEDIUM FOR PLANT GROWTH Chemical Symbols and Common Forms Oxygen Requirement of Plants of the Essential Elements Absorbed by Plant Roots TABLE 1.1 Roots have openings that permit gas exchange. from Soils Oxygen from the atmosphere diffuses into the soil and is used by root cells for respiration. The car- bon dioxide produced by the respiration of roots, and microbes, diffuses through the soil pore space and exits into the atmosphere. Respiration releases energy that plant cells need for synthesis and translocation of the organic compounds needed for growth. Frequently, the concentration of nutrient ions in the soil solution is less than that i n roots cells. As a consequence, respiration energy is also used for the active accumulation of nutrient ions against a concentration gradient. Some plants, such as water lilies and rice, can grow in water-saturated soil because they have morphological structures that permit the diffusion of atmospheric oxygen down to the roots. Suc- cessful production of most plants in water culture requires aeration of the solution. Aerobic micro- organisms require molecular oxygen (O 2) and use oxygen from the soil atmosphere to decompose FIGURE 1.3 The soil in which these tomato plants organic matter and convert unavailable nutrients were growing was saturated with water. The stopper i n organic matter into ionic forms that plants can at the bottom of the left container was immediately reuse (nutrient cycling). removed, and excess water quickly drained away. Great differences exist between plants in their The soil in the right container remained water ability to tolerate low oxygen levels in soils. Sensi- saturated and the plant became severely wilted within 24 hours because of an oxygen deficiency. FIGURE 1.4 Soil salinity (soluble salt) has seriously affected the growth of sugar beets in the foreground of this irrigated field.
  • 21. PLANT ROOTS AND SOIL RELATIONS 5 tive plants may be wilted and/or killed as a result etc.) in the shoot via photosynthesis and translo- of saturating the soil with water for a few hours, as cation of food downward for root growth, and shown in Figure 1.3. The wilting is believed to (2) the absorption of water and nutrients by roots result from a decrease in the permeability of the and the upward translocation of water and nutri- roots to water, which is a result of a disturbance of ents to the shoot for growth. metabolic processes due to an oxygen deficiency. After a root emerges from the seed, the root tip elongates by the division and elongation of cells i n the meristematic region of the root cap. After Freedom from Inhibitory Factors the root cap invades the soil, it continues to elon- Abundant plant growth requires a soil environ- gate and permeate the soil by the continued divi- ment that is free of inhibitory factors such as toxic sion and elongation of cells. The passage of the substances, disease organisms, impenetrable root tip through the soil leaves behind sections of layers, extremes in temperature and acidity or root that mature and become "permanent" resi- basicity, or an excessive salt content, as shown in dents of the soil. Figure 1.4. As the plant continues to grow and roots elon- gate throughout the topsoil, root extension into the subsoil is likely to occur. The subsoil environ- PLANT ROOTS AND SOIL RELATIONS ment will be different in terms of the supply of water, nutrients, oxygen, and in other growth fac- Plants utilize the plant growth factors in the soil by tors. This causes roots at different locations in the way of the roots. The density and distribution of soil (topsoil versus subsoil) to perform different roots affect the amount of nutrients and water that functions or the same functions to varying de- roots extract from soils. Perennials, such as oak grees. For example, most of the nitrogen will and alfalfa, do not reestablish a completely new probably be absorbed by roots from the topsoil root system each year, which gives them a distinct because most of the organic matter is concen- advantage over annuals such as cotton or wheat. trated there, and nitrate-nitrogen becomes avail- Root growth is also influenced by the soil environ- able by the decomposition of organic matter. By ment; consequently, root distribution and density contrast, in soils with acid topsoils and alkaline are a function of both the kind of plant and the subsoils, deeply penetrating roots encounter a nature of the root environment. great abundance of calcium in the subsoil. Under these conditions, roots in an alkaline subsoil may absorb more calcium than roots in an acid top- Development of Roots in Soils soil. The topsoil frequently becomes depleted of A seed is a dormant plant. When placed in moist, water in dry periods, whereas an abundance of warm soil, the seed absorbs water by osmosis and water still exists in the subsoil. This results in a swells. Enzymes activate, and food reserves in the relatively greater dependence on the subsoil for endosperm move to the embryo to be used in water and nutrients. Subsequent rains that rewet germination. As food reserves are exhausted, the topsoil cause a shift to greater dependence on green leaves develop and photosynthesis begins. the topsoil for water and nutrients. Thus, the man- The plant now is totally dependent on the sun for ner in which plants grow is complex and changes energy and on the soil and atmosphere for nutri- continually throughout the growing season. In ents and water. In a sense, this is a critical period this regard, the plant may be defined as an inte- i n the life of a plant because the root system is grator of a complex and ever changing set of small. Continued development of the plant re- environmental conditions. quires: (1) the production of food (carbohydrates, The root systems of some common agricultural
  • 22. SOIL AS A MEDIUM FOR PLANT GROWTH FIGURE 1.6 Four stages for the development of the shoots and roots of corn (Zea maize). Stage one (left) shows dominant downward and diagonal root growth, stage two shows "filling" of the upper soil layer with roots, stage three shows rapid elongation of stem and deep root growth, and stage four (right) shows development of the ears (grain) and brace root growth. FIGURE 1.5 The tap root systems of two-week old soybean plants. Note the many fine roots branching off the tap roots and ramifying soil. (Scale on the systems and shoots during the growing season right is in inches.) revealed a synchronization between root and shoot growth. Four major stages of development crops were sampled by using a metal frame to were found. Corn has a fibrous root system, and collect a 10-centimeter-thick slab of soil from the early root growth is mainly by development of wall of a pit. The soil slab was cut into small roots from the lower stem in a downward and blocks and the roots were separated from the soil diagonal direction away from the base of the plant using a stream of running water. Soybean plants (stage one of Figure 1.6). The second stage of root were found to have a tap root that grows directly growth occurs when most of the leaves are de- downward after germination, as shown in Figure veloping and lateral roots appear and "fill" or 1.5. The tap roots of the young soybean plants are space themselves uniformily in the upper 30 to 40 several times longer than the tops or shoots. Lat- centimeters of soil. Stage three is characterized by eral roots develop along the tap roots and space rapid elongation of the stem and extension of themselves uniformily throughout the soil occu- roots to depths of 1 to 2 meters in the soil. Finally, pied by roots. At maturity, soybean taproots will during stage four, there is the production of the extend about 1 meter deep in permeable soils ear or the grain. Then, brace roots develop from with roots well distributed throughout the topsoil the lower nodes of the stem to provide anchorage and subsoil. Alfalfa plants also have tap roots that of the plant so that they are not blown over by the commonly penetrate 2 to 3 meters deep; some wind. Brace roots branch profusely upon entering have been known to reach a depth of 7 meters. the soil and also function for water and nutrient Periodic sampling of corn (Zea maize) root uptake.
  • 23. PLANT ROOTS AND SOIL RELATIONS 7 There is considerable uniformity in the lateral distribution of roots in the root zone of many crops (see Figure 1.7). This is explained on the basis of two factors. First, there is a random distri- bution of pore spaces that are large enough for root extension, because of soil cracks, channels formed by earthworms, or channels left from pre- vious root growth. Second, as roots elongate through soil, they remove water and nutrients, which makes soil adjacent to roots a less favor- able environment for future root growth. Then, roots grow preferentially in areas of the soil de- void of roots and where the supply of water and nutrients is more favorable for root growth. This results in a fairly uniform distribution of roots throughout the root zone unless there is some barrier to root extension or roots encounter an unfavorable environment. Most plant roots do not invade soil that is dry, nutrient deficient, extremely acid, or water satu- rated and lacking oxygen. The preferential devel- opment of yellow birch roots in loam soil, com- pared with sand soil, because of a more favorable FIGURE 1.8 Development of the root system of a yellow birch seedling in sand and loam soil. Both soils had adequate supplies of water and oxygen, but, the loam soil was much more fertile. (After Redmond, 1954.) FIGURE 1.7 Roots of mature oat plants grown in rows 7 inches (18 cm) apart. The roots made up 13 percent of the total plant weight. Note the uniform, lateral, distribution of roots between 3 and 24 inches (8 and 60 cm). Scale along the left is in inches. Extensiveness of Roots in Soil Roots at plant maturity comprise about 10 percent of the entire mass of cereal plants, such as corn, wheat, and oats. The oat roots shown in Figure 1.7 weighed 1,767 pounds per acre (1,979 kg/ha) and made up 13 percent of the total plant weight. For trees, there is a relatively greater mass of roots as compared with tops, commonly in the range of 15 to 25 percent of the entire tree.
  • 24. SOIL AS A MEDIUM FOR PLANT GROWTH combination of nutrients and water, is shown in Roles of Root Interception, Mass Flow, Figure 1.8. and Diffusion Water and nutrients are absorbed at sites located Extent of Root and Soil Contact on or at the surface of roots. Elongating roots directly encounter or intercept water and nutrient A rye plant was grown in 1 cubic foot of soil for 4 ions, which appear at root surfaces in position for months at the University of Iowa by Dittmer (this absorption. This is root interception and accounts study is listed amoung the references at the end of for about 1 percent or less of the nutrients ab- the chapter). The root system was carefully re- sorbed. The amount intercepted is in proportion moved from the soil by using a stream of running to the very limited amount of direct root and soil water, and the roots were counted and measured contact. for size and length. The plant was found to have Continued absorption of water adjacent to the hundreds of kilometers (or miles) of roots. Based root creates a lower water content in the soil near on an assumed value for the surface area of the the root surface than in the soil a short distance soil, it was calculated that 1 percent or less of the away. This difference in the water content be- soil surface was in direct contact with roots. tween the two points creates a water content gra- Through much of the soil in the root zone, the dient, which causes water to move slowly in the distance between roots is approximately 1 cen- direction of the root. Any nutrient ions in the water timeter. Thus, it is necessary for water and nutri- are carried along by flow of the water to root ent ions to move a short distance to root surfaces surfaces where the water and nutrients are both in for the effective absorption of the water and nutri- position for absorption. Such movement of nutri- ents. The limited mobility of water and most of the ents is called mass flow. nutrients in moist and well-aerated soil means The greater the concentration of a nutrient in that only the soil that is invaded by roots can the soil solution, the greater is the quantity of the contribute significantly to the growth of plants. nutrient moved to roots by mass flow. The range TABLE 1.2 Relation Between Concentration of Ions in the Soil Solution and Concentration within the Corn Plant Adapted from S. A. Barber, "A Diffusion and Mass Flow Concept of Soil Nutrient Availability, "Soil Sci., 93:39-49, 1962. Used by permission of the author and The Williams and Wilkins Co., Baltimore. a Dry weight basis.
  • 25. SOIL FERTILITY AND SOIL PRODUCTIVITY 9 of concentration for some nutrients in soil water is nutrient also depends on the amount needed. Cal- given in Table 1.2. The calcium concentration cium is rarely deficient for plant growth, partially (Table 1.2) ranges from 8 to 450 parts per million because plants' needs are low. As a consequence, (ppm). For a concentration of only 8 ppm in soil these needs are usually amply satisfied by the water, and 2,200 ppm of calcium in the plant, the movement of calcium to roots by mass flow. The plant would have to absorb 275 (2,200/8) times same is generally true for magnesium and sulfur. more water than the plant's dry weight to move the The concentration of nitrogen in the soil solution calcium needed to the roots via mass flow. Stated tends to be higher than that for calcium, but be- i n another way, if the transpiration ratio is 275 cause of the high plant demand for nitrogen, (grams of water absorbed divided by grams of about 20 percent of the nitrogen that plants ab- plant growth) and the concentration of calcium in sorb is moved to root surfaces by diffusion. Diffu- the soil solution is 8 ppm, enough calcium will be sion is the most important means by which phos- moved to root surfaces to supply the plant need. phorus and potassium are transported to root Because 8 ppm is a very low calcium concentra- surfaces, because of the combined effects of con- tion in soil solutions, and transpiration ratios are centration in the soil solution and plant demands. usually greater than 275, mass flow generally Mass flow can move a large amount of nutrients moves more calcium to root surfaces than plants rapidly, whereas diffusion moves a small amount need. In fact, calcium frequently accumulates of nutrients very slowly. Mass flow and diffusion along root surfaces because the amount moved to have a limited ability to move phosphorus and the roots is greater than the amount of calcium potassium to roots in order to satisfy the needs of that roots absorb. crops, and this limitation partly explains why a Other nutrients that tend to have a relatively l arge amount of phosphorus and potassium is l arge concentration in the soil solution, relative to added to soils in fertilizers. Conversely, the large the concentration in the plant, are nitrogen, mag- amounts of calcium and magnesium that are nesium, and sulfur (see Table 1.2). This means moved to root surfaces, relative to crop plant that mass flow moves large amount of these nutri- needs, account for the small amount of calcium ents to roots relative to plant needs. and magnesium that is added to soils in fertilizers. Generally, mass flow moves only a small amount of the phosphorus to plant roots. The phosphorus concentration in the soil solution is Summary Statement usually very low. For a soil solution concentration The available nutrients and available water are the of 0.03 ppm and 2,000 ppm plant concentration, nutrients and water that roots can absorb. The the transpiration ratio would need to be more than absorption of nutrients and water by roots is de- 60,000. This illustration and others that could be pendent on the surface area-density (cm 2 /cm 3 ) of drawn from the data in Table 1.2, indicate that roots. Mathematically: some other mechanism is needed to account for the movement of some nutrients to root surfaces. uptake = availability x surface area-density This mechanism or process is known as diffusion. Diffusion is the movement of nutrients in soil SOIL FERTILITY AND water that results from a concentration gradient. SOIL PRODUCTIVITY Diffusion of ions occurs whether or not water is Soil fertility is defined as the ability of a soil to moving. When an insufficient amount of nutrients is moved to the root surface via mass flow, diffu- sion plays an important role. Whether or not supply essential elements for plant growth with- plants will be supplied a sufficient amount of a out a toxic concentration of any element. Soil
  • 26. 10 SOIL AS A MEDIUM FOR PLANT GROWTH fertility refers to only one aspect of plant growth- and distribution of roots in soils, and (3) the the adequacy, toxicity, and balance of plant nutri- movement of nutrients, water, and air to root sur- ents. An assessment of soil fertility can be made faces for absorption. Soils are productive in terms with a series of chemical tests. of their ability to produce plants. Soil productivity is the soil's capacity to pro- The concept of soil as a medium for plant duce a certain yield of crops or other plants with growth views the soil as a material of fairly uni- optimum management. For example, the produc- form composition. This is entirely satisfactory tivity of a soil for cotton production is commonly when plants are grown in containers that contain expressed as kilos, or bales of cotton per acre, or a soil mix. Plants found in fields and forests, hectare, when using an optimum management however, are growing in soils that are not uniform. system. The optimum managment system spec- Differences in the properties between topsoil and i fies such factors as planting date, fertilization, subsoil layers affect water and nutrient absorp- irrigation schedule, tillage, cropping sequence, tion. It is natural for soils in fields and forests to be and pest control. Soil scientists determine soil composed of horizontal layers that have different productivity ratings of soils for various crops by properties, so it is also important that agricultur- measuring yields (including tree growth or timber i sts and foresters consider soils as natural bodies. production) over a period of time for those pro- This concept is also useful for persons involved in duction uses that are currently relevant. Included the building of engineering structures, solving en- i n the measurement of soil productivity are the vironment problems such as nitrate pollution of i nfluence of weather and the nature and aspect of groundwater, and using the soil for waste dis- slope, which greatly affects water runoff and ero- posal. The soil as a natural body is considered in sion. Thus, soil productivity is an expression of all the next chapter. the factors, soil and nonsoil, that influence crop yields. For a soil to produce high yields, it must be fertile for the crops grown. It does not follow, REFERENCES however, that a fertile soil will produce high Barber, S. A. 1962. "A Diffusion and Mass Flow Concept yields. High yields or high soil productivity de- of Soil Nutrient Availability." Soil Sci. 93:39-49. pends on optimum managment systems. Many Dittmer, H. J. 1937. "A Quantitative Study of the Roots fertile soils exist in arid regions but, within man- and Root Hairs of a Winter Rye Plant." Am. Jour. Bot. agement systems that do not include irrigation, 24:417-420. Foth, H. D. 1962. "Root and Top Growth of Corn." these soils are unproductive for corn or rice. Agron. Jour. 54:49-52. Foth, H. D., L. S. Robertson, and H. M. Brown. 1964. "Effect of Row Spacing Distance on Oat Perfor- mance." Agron. Jour. 56:70-73. SUMMARY Foth, H. D. and B. G. Ellis. 1988. Soil Fertility. John Wiley, New York. The concept of soil as a medium for plant growth Redmond, D. R. 1954. "Variations in Development of i s an ancient concept and dates back to at least Yellow Birch Roots in Two Soil Types." Forestry the beginning of agriculture. The concept empha- Chronicle. 30:401-406. sizes the soil's role in the growth of plants. Impor- Simonson, R. W. 1968. "Concept of Soil." Adv . in Agron. tant aspects of the soil as a medium for plant 20:1-47. Academic Press, New York. growth are: (1) the role of the soil in supplying Wadleigh, C. H. 1957. "Growth of Plants," in Soil, USDA plants with growth factors, (2) the development Yearbook of Agriculture. Washington, D.C.
  • 27. CHAPTER 2 SOIL AS A NATURAL BODY One day a colleague asked me why the alfalfa clay content than the two upper layers. The roots plants on some research plots were growing so penetrated this layer with no difficulty, however. poorly. A pit was dug in the field and a vertical Below layer three, the alfalfa tap root encountered section of the soil was sampled by using a metal a layer (layer four) that was impenetrable (too frame. The sample of soil that was collected was 5 compact), with the root growing above it in a centimeters thick, 15 centimeters wide, and 75 l ateral direction. From these observations it was centimeters long. The soil was glued to a board concluded that the alfalfa grew poorly because and a vacuum cleaner was used to remove loose the soil material below a depth of 58 centimeters: soil debris and expose the natural soil layers and (1) created a barrier to deep root penetration, roots. Careful inspection revealed four soil layers which resulted in a less than normal supply of as shown in Figure 2.1. water for plant growth during the summer, and The upper layer, 9 inches (22 cm) thick, is the (2) created a water-saturated zone above the third plow layer. It has a dark color and an organic l ayer that was deficient in oxygen during wet pe- matter content larger than any of the other layers. riods in the spring. The fact that the soil occurred Layer two, at the depth of 9 to 14 inches (22 to naturally in a field raises such questions as: What 35 cm) differs from layer one by having a light-gray kinds of layers do soils have naturally? How do the color and a lower organic matter content. Both l ayers form? What are their properties? How do l ayers are porous and permeable for the move- these layers affect how soils are used? The an- ment of air and water and the elongation of roots. swers to these questions require an understand- I n layer three, at a depth of 14 to 23 inches (35 to i ng that landscapes consist of three-dimensional 58 cm) many of the soil particles were arranged bodies composed of unique horizontal layers. i nto blocklike aggregrates. When moist soil from These naturally occurring bodies are soils. A rec- l ayer three was pressed between the fingers, more ognition of the kinds of soil layers and their stickiness was observed than in layers one and properties is required in order to use soils effec- two, which meant that layer three had a greater tively for many different purposes. 11
  • 28. 12 SOIL AS A NATURAL BODY First is the formation of a parent material from which the soil evolves and, second, the evolution of soil layers, as shown in Figure 2.1. Approxi- mately 99 percent of the world's soils develop in mineral parent material that was or is derived from the weathering of bedrock, and the rest de- velop in organic materials derived from plant growth and consisting of muck or peat. Bedrock Weathering and Formation of Parent Material Bedrock is not considered soil parent material because soil layers do not form in it. Rather, the unconsolidated debris produced from the weath- ering of bedrock is soil parent material. When bedrock occurs at or near the land surface, the weathering of bedrock and the formation of par- ent material may occur simultaneously with the evolution of soil layers. This is shown in Figure 2.2, where a single soil horizon, the topsoil layer, overlies the R layer, or bedrock. The topsoil layer i s about 12 inches (30 cm) thick and has evolved slowly at a rate controlled by the rate of rock weathering. The formation of a centimeter of soil i n hundreds of years is accurate for this example of soil formation. Rates of parent material formation from the di- rect weathering of bedrock are highly variable. A weakly cemented sandstone in a humid environ- ment might disintegrate at the rate of a centimeter i n 10 years and leave 1 centimeter of soil. Con- FIGURE 2.2 Rock weathering and the formation of the topsoil layer are occurring simultaneously. Scale is in feet. FIGURE 2.1 This alfalfa taproot grew vertically downward through the upper three layers. At a depth of 23 inches (58 cm), the taproot encountered an impenetrable layer (layer 4) and grew in a lateral direction above the layer. THE PARENT MATERIAL OF SOILS Soil formation, or the development of soils that are natural bodies, includes two broad processes.
  • 29. SOIL FORMATION 13 versely, quartzite (metamorphosed sandstone) thick alluvial sediments occur in the valley. Very nearby might weather so slowly that any weath- thick glacial deposits occur on the tree-covered ered material might be removed by water or wind lateral moraine that is adjacent to the valley floor erosion. Soluble materials are removed during along the left side. An intermediate thickness of li mestone weathering, leaving a residue of insolu- parent material occurs where trees are growing ble materials. Estimates indicate that it takes below the bare mountaintops and above the thick 100,000 years to form a foot of residue from the alluvial and moraine sediments. Most of the weathering of limestone in a humid region. Where world's soils have formed in sediments consisting soils are underlain at shallow depths by bedrock, of material that was produced by the weathering l oss of the soil by erosion produces serious con- of bedrock at one place and was transported and sequences for the future management of the land. deposited at another location. In thick sediments or parent materials, the formation of soil layers is Sediment Parent Materials not limited by the rate of rock weathering, and several soil layers may form simultaneously. Weathering and erosion are two companion and opposing processes. Much of the material lost from a soil by erosion is transported downslope SOIL FORMATION and deposited onto existing soils or is added to some sediment at a lower elevation in the land- Soil layers are approximately parallel to the land scape. This may include alluvial sediments along surface and several layers may evolve simulta- streams and rivers or marine sediments along neously over a period of time. The layers in a soil ocean shorelines. Glaciation produced extensive are genetically related; however, the layers differ sediments in the northern part of the northern from each other in their physical, chemical, and hemisphere. biological properties. In soil terminology, the lay- Four constrasting parent material-soil environ- ers are called horizons. Because soils as natural ments are shown in Figure 2.3. Bare rock is ex- bodies are characterized by genetically developed posed on the steep slopes near the mountaintops. horizons, soil formation consists of the evolution Here, any weathered material is lost by erosion of soil horizons. A vertical exposure of a soil con- and no parent material or soil accumulates. Very sisting of the horizons is a soil profile. FIGURE 2.3 Four distinct soil- forming environments are depicted in this landscape in the Rocky Mountains, United States. On the highest and steepest slopes, rock is exposed because any weathered material is removed by erosion as fast as it forms. Thick alluvial sediments occur on the valley floor and on the forested lateral moraine adjacent to the valley floor along the left side. Glacial deposits of varying thickness overlying rock occur on the forested mountain slopes at intermediate elevations.
  • 30. 14 SOIL AS A NATURAL BODY Soil-Forming Processes animals feeding on the organic debris eventually Horizonation (the formation of soil horizons) re- die and thus contribute to the formation of hu- sults from the differential gains, losses, transfor- mus. Humus has a black or dark-brown color, mations, and translocations that occur over time which greatly affects the color of A horizons. In within various parts of a vertical section of the areas in which there is abundant plant growth, parent material. Examples of the major kinds only a few decades are required for a surface layer of changes that occur to produce horizons are: to acquire a dark color, due to the humification (1) addition of organic matter from plant growth, and accumulation of organic matter, forming an A mainly to the topsoil; (2) transformation repre- horizon. sented by the weathering of rocks and minerals The uppermost horizons shown in Figures 2.1 and the decomposition of organic matter; (3) loss and 2.2 are A horizons. The A horizon in Figure 2.1 of soluble components by water moving down- was converted into a plow layer by frequent plow- ward through soil carrying out soluble salts; and, i ng and tillage. Such A horizons are called Ap (4) translocation represented by the movement of horizons, the p indicating plowing or other distur- suspended mineral and organic particles from the bance of the surface layer by cultivation, pastur- topsoil to the subsoil. i ng, or similar uses. For practical purposes, the topsoil in agricultural fields and gardens is synon- Formation of A and C Horizons ymous with Ap horizon. At this stage in soil evolution, it is likely that the Many events, such as the deposition of volcanic upper part of the underlying parent material has ash, formation of spoil banks during railroad con- been slightly altered. This slightly altered upper struction, melting of glaciers and formation of part of the parent material is the C horizon. The glacial sediments, or catastrophic flooding and soil at this stage of evolution has two horizons- formation of sediments have been dated quite the A horizon and the underlying C horizon. Such accurately. By studying soils of varying age, soil soils are AC soils; the evolution of an AC soil is scientists have reconstructed the kinds and the illustrated in Figure 2.4. sequence of changes that occurred to produce soils. Glacial sediments produced by continental and Formation of B Horizons alpine glaciation are widespread in the northern The subsoil in an AC soil consists of the C horizon hemisphere, and the approximate dates of the and, perhaps, the upper part of the parent mate- formation of glacial parent materials are known. rial. Under favorable conditions, this subsoil layer After sediments have been produced near a retreating ice front, the temperature may become favorable for the invasion of plants. Their growth FIGURE 2.4 Sequential evolution of some soil results in the addition of organic matter, espe- horizons in a sediment parent material. cially the addition of organic matter at or near the soil surface. Animals, bacteria, and fungi feed on the organic materials produced by the plants, re- sulting in the loss of much carbon as carbon dioxide. During digestion or decomposition of fresh organic matter, however, a residual organic fraction is produced that is resistant to further alteration and accumulates in the soil. The resis- tant organic matter is called humus and the process is humification. The microorganisms and
  • 31. SOIL FORMATION 15 The Bt Horizon Soil parent materials frequently contain calcium carbonate (CaCO 3), or lime, and are alkaline. In the case of glacial parent materi- als, lime was incorporated into the ice when gla- ciers overrode limestone rocks. The subsequent melting of the ice left a sediment that contains li mestone particles. In humid regions, the lime dissolves in percolating water and is removed from the soil, a process called leaching. Leaching effects are progressive from the surface down- ward. The surface soil first becomes acid, and subsequently leaching produces an acid subsoil. An acid soil environment greatly stimulates mineral weathering or the dissolution of minerals with the formation of many ions. The reaction of orthoclase feldspar (KAISiO 3 ) with water and H+ FIGURE 2.5 A soil scientist observing soil is as follows: properties near the boundary between the A and B 2 KAISiO3 + 9H 2 O + 2H + horizons in a soil with A, B, and C horizons. As roots (orthoclase) grow downward, or as water percolates downward, they encounter a different environment in the A, B, and C horizons. (Photograph USDA.) = H 4AI 2 Si 2 0 9 + 2K+ + 4H 4 Si04 (kaolinite) (silicic acid) eventually develops a distinctive color and some The weathering reaction illustrates three impor- other properties that distinguish it from the A hori- tant results of mineral weathering. First, clay parti- zon and underlying parent material, commonly at cles (fine-sized mineral particles) are formed-in a depth of about 60 to 75 centimeters. This altered the example, kaolinite. In effect, soils are "clay subsoil zone becomes a B horizon and develops factories. Second, ions are released into the soil as a layer sandwiched between the A and a new solution, including nutrient ions such as K + . deeper C horizon. At this point in soil evolution, Third, other compounds (silicic acid) of varying i nsufficient time has elapsed for the B horizon to solubility are formed and are subject to leaching have been significantly enriched with fine-sized and removal from the soil. (colloidal) particles, which have been translo- Clay formation results mainly from chemical cated downward from the A horizon by percolat- weathering. Time estimates for the formation of 1 i ng water. Such a weakly developed B horizon is percent clay inn rock parent material range from given the symbol w (as in Bw), to indicate its 500 to 10,000 years. Some weathered rocks with weakly developed character. A Bw horizon can be small areas in which minerals are being con- distinguished from A and C horizons primarily by verted into clay are shown in Figure 2.6. color, arrangement of soil particles, and an inter- Many soil parent materials commonly contain mediate content of organic matter. A soil with A, some clay. Some of this clay, together with clay B, and C horizons is shown in Figure 2.5. produced by weathering during soil formation, During the early phases of soil evolution, the tends to be slowly translocated downward from soil formation processes progressively transform the A horizon to the B horizon by percolating parent material into soil, and the soil increases in water. When a significant increase in the clay thickness. The evolution of a thin AC soil into a content of a Bw horizon occurs due to clay trans- thick ABwC soil is illustrated in Figure 2.4. l ocation, a Bw horizon becomes a Bt horizon.
  • 32. 16 SOIL AS A NATURAL BODY cles are believed to disperse when dry soil is wetted at the end of a dry season and the clay particles migrate downward in percolating water during the wet season. When the downward per- colating water encounters dry soil, water is with- drawn into the surrounding dry soil, resulting in the deposition of clay on the walls of pore spaces. Repeated cycles of wetting and drying build up layers of oriented clay particles, which are called clay skins. Many studies of clay illuviation have been made. The studies provide evidence that thou- FIGURE 2.6 sands of years are needed to produce a significant Weathering releases mineral grains in i ncrease in the content of clay in B horizons. An rocks and results in the formation of very fine-sized particles of clay, in this case, kaolinite. example is the study of soils on the alluvial floodplain and adjacent alluvial fans in the Cen- tral Valley of California. Here, increasing eleva- Thin layers or films of clay can usually be ob- tion of land surfaces is associated with increasing served along cracks and in pore spaces with a age. The soils studied varied in age from 1,000 to 10-power hand lens. The process of accumulation more than 100,000 years. of soil material into a horizon by movement out of The results of the study are presented in Figure some other horizon is illuviation. The t (as in Bt) 2.7. The Hanford soil developed on the floodplain refers to an illuvial accumulation of clay. The Bt is 1,000 years old; it shows no obvious evidence of horizon may be encountered when digging holes illuviation of clay. The 10,000-year-old Greenfield for posts or trenching for laying underground soil has about 1.4 times more clay in the subsoil pipes. (Bt horizon) than in the A horizon. Snelling soils Alternating periods of wetting and drying seem are 100,000 years old and contain 2.5 times more necessary for clay translocation. Some clay parti- clay in the Bt horizon than in the A horizon. The FIGURE 2.7 Clay distribution as a function of time in soils developed from granitic parent materials in the Central Valley of California. The Hanford soil, only 1,000 years old, does not have a Bt horizon. The other three soils have Bt horizons. The Bt horizon of the San Joaquin is a claypan that inhibits roofs and the downward percolation of water. (After Arkley, 1964.)