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Textual Analysis Essay
Writing a Textual Analysis Essay can be quite challenging, requiring a combination of analytical
skills, critical thinking, and effective communication. The process involves delving deep into a
given text, dissecting its various elements, and uncovering layers of meaning that may not be
immediately apparent.
One of the difficulties lies in striking the right balance between summarizing the text and
providing a thoughtful analysis. It's not just about paraphrasing or regurgitating information but
rather about offering a unique perspective, backed by evidence from the text. This task demands
a keen eye for detail and an ability to connect different parts of the text to construct a coherent
Furthermore, a successful Textual Analysis Essay requires a solid understanding of literary
devices, rhetorical strategies, and the broader context in which the text is situated. Unraveling
the nuances of language, tone, and symbolism adds another layer of complexity to the writing
process. Crafting a compelling thesis statement that encapsulates the main argument and guides
the analysis is yet another challenge.
Organization and structure play a crucial role in conveying the analysis effectively. Arranging
ideas logically and ensuring a smooth flow of thoughts is essential for readers to follow the
essay's argument coherently. Balancing conciseness with depth is also a delicate task, as the
essay must explore the text thoroughly without becoming overly verbose.
Moreover, the difficulty intensifies when trying to maintain objectivity while expressing
subjective opinions. This requires finesse in navigating the fine line between personal
interpretation and evidence-based analysis. Developing a critical voice and supporting it with
relevant examples from the text demands both skill and practice.
In conclusion, writing a Textual Analysis Essay demands a multifaceted approach, combining
literary acumen, analytical prowess, and effective communication. It is a task that challenges
writers to go beyond surface-level understanding, requiring a deep dive into the intricacies of a
given text. While the difficulty may vary depending on the text chosen, the overall process
remains a formidable task for many students and writers.
For assistance with similar essays and more, you can explore
Textual Analysis EssayTextual Analysis Essay
How Nuclear Power Plants Creates Electricity
A nuclear power plant creates electricity by splitting uranium atoms in a reactor. The
heat from splitting the atoms heats water, and turns it into steam. The steam turns a
steam turbine, which turns a copper coil and magnet generator. This creates
electricity. The electricity is then put through a transformer (to change the voltage),
and is put on transmission lines. In a nuclear power plant, nothing burns. The water
stays in a cooling tower, ready to be used for steam. The uranium comes in pellets,
which are put into tubes. The tubes are put into bundles, and put in the reactor.
Splitting the atoms is called fission. There are 2 ways to heat the water, the Boiling
Water Reactor and the Pressurized Water
The Plague Of Fast Food Restaurants
Dru Olson
English 1A Sec V18
27 October 2015
Plague to Society Plague; as defined by is a widespread affliction,
calamity, disease or evil. Fast food has become this plague for America,
outgrowing and overrunning the United States since the opening of Ray Kroc s
first McDonalds restaurant in 1955. According to Leslie Patton, reporter for
Bloomberg Business, by 1983 6,000 McDonalds franchises covered the U.S. and for
the next two decades the restaurant has opened about 360 outlets in the U.S. every
year. (Patton, Have We Reached Peak Burger? ) This fast and steady growth has
encouraged rivals like Burger King and Wendy s to do the same; oversaturating
communities with corporate giants. The takeover of fast food franchises has had a
direct relation to our health epidemic among American citizens, the decline in quality
of life and the abuse of employees, and even livestock associated with such
franchises. The abundance of fast food restaurants in communities, especially those
of lower income, influence consumer dietary choices and intensifies obesity among
adolescents and adults. Obesity is a major health concern in the United States; the
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports that more than one third of
American adults are obese, and that obesity related conditions such as heart disease,
stroke and type 2 diabetes are the leading cause of preventable death. A study by the
Retail Food Environment Index, shows that the number of unhealthy
Marketing and Online Social Networks
Situation Synopsis: Competitors have developed different approaches to attract
consumers in the online dating market; some of which have been copying eHarmony
s product features and using alternative strategies to attract singles.
Company s Current Strategy: eHarmony uses a focused differentiation strategy. It
focuses on singles seeking a serious relationship and long term compatibility. It
distinguished itself from other sites by using a unique matching algorithm. They have
also invested substantial resources into marketing and R D.
Problem Statement: eHarmony has opened the door to their competition by declining
potential customers as a way to ensure quality control. eHarmony s CEO must decide
how to react to imitations ... Show more content on ...
1.2.5 Key Success Factors (See Appendix A) 1.2.6 Strategic Groups Map (See
Appendix B for Strategic Groups Map)
Cost to join and barriers to join an online personal site are the two dimensions which
are relevant to a firms performance within this industry. eHarmony possesses the
highest membership fees in the industry along with particularly high barriers to join.
Even their direct competitors; Match and Yahoo! Personals differ from eHarmony in
that they have much lower barriers to join as well as lower sign up fees. Most of
their indirect competitors are free and have little to no barriers to join. 1.2.7 Strategic
Issues in the Industry Industry was plagued by people misrepresenting themselves
and putting false personal information Users are concerned about the privacy of their
information Level of customer dissatisfaction remains high
1.2.8 Opportunities Threats
This industry will continue to rise in popularity due to increasing usage of computer
technology. Due to it being a more affordable means of match making, people will
generally turn to online personals as opposed to other offline services. Convenience
also plays a factor. Increasing their market share, catering to more market segments.
(Niche markets).
Threats: Online personals sites with more resources pose a threat to those lacking
resources. Security issues linked with sharing information
Ideology And Ideology
1.In this essay I will be discussing the difference between world views and
ideologies and I will also elaborate between the South African motto and the different
worldviews. I will then explain the influence of this motto for myself as a student
teacher and citizen of South Africa. Knowledge production is a highly political and
politicized practice (Morrell, 2014).
2.A worldview is a philosophy of life or concept of the world: a Christian world view
revolves around the battle of good and evil (University, 1884). A person s worldview
can be affected by many factors in life it can be affected by their inherited
characteristics, by their life situations and their background experiences, by their
values in life, by their attitudes and lastly their habits that they developed ... Show
more content on ...
3.What is the difference between world view and ideology ? These two terms have
a slightly difference nuances in their meaning and in their connotation. Both these
terms have a close meaning. A way to distinguish between the two meanings is to
take note that ideology is more proactive. The ideology will dictate what your
actions or policies are where a worldview is more of a perspective or an explanation
of the way that things are, for example a common worldview is that all humans life is
4.Diverse people unite is our South African Motto. We strive to get all the different
races to be valued the same and to have the same opportunities. We strive to get
racism out of the way so that we can live in peace. In other countries they don t
have a problem with racism. One worldview that everyone in South Africa differs
about is Christianity. Not all the different cultures have the same beliefs, some belief
in other gods and some believe in Jesus Christ. We as South African citizens have to
accept the fact that not all people have the same views and then move
Sammy The Squirrel Research Paper
Sammy the squirrel and Tom the bird, were out on this snowy day when they
began their hunt for food. They were the best of friends, they actually lived in a
very warm place together as winter came. The day was Friday and it was only day
out of the week that it was even bearable to go outside. So, Sammy the squirrel and
Tom the bird went on a hunt for foodto eat while they could. Also, today was the
National Championship chess game against 2 very competitive teams. One team
was Sammy the Squirrel and Tom the bird ,and another team was Leo the bear and
Daisy the deer. In the morning Sammy and Tom began looking for food so they
could be full and a lot of energy for the big game. Sammy, Tom, Leo, and Daisy were
all very good friends ,but when
Strategy Management
Confirming Pages
Strategic Management
Georgia Institute of Technology
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McGraw Hill/Irwin, a business unit of The McGraw Hill Companies, Inc., 1221
Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY, 10020. Copyright 2013 by The McGraw
Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America. No
part of this publication may be reproduced or distributed in any form or by any
means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without the prior written consent of
The McGraw Hill Companies, Inc., including, but not limited to, in any network or
other electronic ... Show more content on ...
He regularly translates his research findings for practitioner audiences in articles in
Forbes, MIT Sloan Management Review, The Wall Street Journal, and elsewhere. He
has received several recognitions for his research, including the Sloan Industry
Studies Best Paper Award, the Academy of Management Newman Award, the
Strategic Management Society Conference Best Paper Prize, the DRUID Conference
Best Paper Award, and the Israel Strategy Conference Best Paper Prize, and he is the
inaugural recipient of the Byars Faculty Excellence Award. Frank has extensive
teaching experience at a number of institutions and programs, including Georgia
Tech, Georgetown University, Michigan State University, and the University of
Washington. He has received multiple teaching awards at the undergraduate and
MBA levels. Frank holds a PhD degree in strategic management from the University
of Washington, an MBA from the Marriott School of Management at Brigham Young
University, and an MA in economics from the University of Duisburg, Germany. He
was a visiting professor at the University of St. Gallen, Switzerland, and an Erasmus
Scholar at Sheffield Hallam University, UK. Professor Rothaermel is a member of the
Academy of Management, the Industry Studies Association (Founding Member), and
the Strategic Management Society.
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The vision for this book is to provide students with core concepts,
65 Successful Harvard Business School Application Essays...
SUCCESSFUL 65 ECSNS A IYI O N S SE O D ED T With Analysis by the Staff of
The Harbus, the Harvard Business School Newspaper ST. MARTIN S GRIFFIN
ESSAYS, SECOND EDITION. Copyright 2009 byThe Harbus News Corporation.
All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America. For information, address
St. Martin s Press, 175 Fifth Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10010.
Library of Congress Data 65 successful Harvard Business
School application essays : with analysis by the staff of... Show more content on ...
setback or failUre Chris Withers Eugenia Gibbons John Richard Craig Ellis Irfhan
Rawji Thomson Nguy Anonymous Jordan Burton 150 152 154 157 159 161 163
165 Vii. ethical issUes Anonymous PaulYeh Rye Barcott Anonymous Adam Heltzer
Anonymous Anonymous 171 174 177 180 183 186 189 Viii. other QUestion
Nathan Dutzmann Anonymous David Zhang John Schmit 197 200 203 206 vii
Contents Jaime Arreola Anonymous Ally Ip Anonymous Anonymous Cabin Kim
209 212 215 218 220 222 viii ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The motivation to create the
second edition of 65 Successful Harvard Business School Application Essays came
from a recent rise in business school applications. With an abundance of qualified
candidates to choose from, admissions officers can be more selective, making
admission to top schools even more challenging for applicants. The Harbus, the
Harvard Business School weekly student newspaper, recognizes that applicants
require up to date materials and inspiration to match the current environment. While
this book includes the latest application essays, which are updated regularly by the
ad... missions committee, it retains several essaysfrom the first edition of the book
because of their uniqueness as well as to reflect typical question topics that may
reappear in future admissions applications. It is worth noting that this book is created
by The Harbus News
Cardinal Richelieu Response To Poor Dbq Essay
Life in Europe during the 1500 s and 1600 s was full of reformation, wars of
religion, and exploration of new places and ideas. The poor were greatly affected
during this time. They were part of the church reformation when Martin Luther
separated from Catholic Christendom and created his own church. In religious wars,
like the Thirty Years War, the poor were usually the people fighting which had a
tremendous impact on their lives and families. With the growth of exploration, the
poor moved around which affected their community. The attitudes and responses
towards the poor in Europe between 1450 and 1700 included that they were
undeserving and lazy; they needed help, should be put to work, and should be given
Many people had an attitude ... Show more content on ...
When Cardinal Richelieu was serving as a royal councilor he said that the poor who
able to work should be employed on public works (Doc. 2). Essentially, he is
saying that the poor that are able bodied should work in the community. The poor
shouldn t just be left sitting on the streets begging, they should be working to earn
their nourishment, if they are permitted to do so. A town council in Rouen, France
has very similar ideas to that of Richelieu. They say that beggars unwilling to work
should be kicked out, but those who can t find a job should be put to work in the
city (Doc. 4). Furthermore, they are conveying the fact that the poor should be
working in order to create a better thriving community. There are plenty of
opportunities for work in the city, so those unwilling to work should be exiled. In a
painting by Rembrandt van Rijn, it shows a family with all their belongings
collecting money from a man in his house (Doc. 5). His painting is showing how
poor should be given alms. He creates sympathy for the poor by having children and
the family carrying all their belongings in the picture. The response shown by this
painting is that you need to give help to the poor. These examples show that the
responses towards the poor were to make them work or to assist
The Influence Of Tv Shows In The 1940 s
Let Me Entertain You
Television has entertained us since the 1940 s. Drama, comedy, cartoons are as much
a part of our lives now as they were in the 1940 s. Television in the past stopped at
midnight with the singing of The National Anthem and a test pattern that showed
until the next morning. Television now is available twenty four hours a day. In the
beginning, there were only three channels and now we have access to over 1,200
channels. Television shows in the 1940 s included The Lone Ranger; Hopalong
Cassidy; Candid Camera; The Ed Sullivan Show; Cavalcade of Stars; Texaco Star
Theater; Howdy Doody; Kukla, Fran and Ollie; Kraft Television Theater and Ted
Mack Amateur Hour. Candid Camera was a hidden camera/practical joke show
that had hysterical jokes that made everyone laugh. The Ed Sullivan Show,
Cavalcade of Stars, Kraft Television Theater and Texaco Star Theater brought stars
into our homes. Peggy Lee, Irving Berlin, Count Basie, Carol Burnett, Red Skelton,
Jackie Gleason, and Milton Berle just to name a few. Howdy Doody and Kukla,
Fran and Ollie were the first television shows that were aimed at children. Television
shows in the 1950 s included Sgt Bilko, Leave It ... Show more content on ...
Dexter was a drama that centers on Dexter Morgan, who is a blood spatter pattern
analyst for the Miami Metro Police Department. Dexter also led a secret life as a
serial killer hunting down criminals that have slipped through the cracks of the
judicial system. House was a medical drama about a drug addicted, unconventional
medical genesis that leads a group of doctors at a hospital in New Jersey. Lost was
a drama series that follows the survivors of a commercial airline jet that crashed on
mysterious tropical island somewhere in the South Pacific Ocean. 24 was a drama
series that follows the life of a Counter Terrorist Unit Agent named Jack
My Experience As A Counselor At Outdoor Odyssey
For the duration of a summer, I spent my time living and working on a remote
mountaintop in Pennsylvania. As a Counselor at Outdoor Odyssey Leadership
Academy, I had the responsibility of mentoring youth through personal growth
and development. We took pride in being a different kind of summer camp. At
Outdoor Odyssey, participants mental and physical comfort zones would be
pushed. The common rhetoric was that we did not sit around painting rocks and
singing Kumbaya like all other summer camps. Such mentalities were driven into
us by the Director of Operations during our two week intensive staff boot camp.
For a majority of the twenty counselors, this was their first experience as a mentor.
With this role, I was going into my eighth year in such a capacity. Knowing this
gap of experience would lead to different viewpoints, I looked at opportunities to
gain influence within the group. The Director of Operations traded a hierarchical
chain of counselor command for a flat organizational model; thus, there would not
be an opportunity for positional influence. I decided to repeat the process that had
worked well for me in the past. I would not announce my expertise or use that to
dominate conversations. Rather, I would give advice to fellow counselors when they
asked for it and take charge when it was needed.... Show more content on ...
Campers often found themselves with nothing to do, because the counselors had not
prepared the day s agenda. Each week, counselors wanted to be best friends with the
campers instead of challenging them. A few first year counselors gained influence by
making friends and being agreeable with everyone. This likeable group encouraged
counselors to take it easy for their vacation on the mountaintop. Counselors then
continued to grow closer together and more supportive of such a
Dental Hygienist Experience Essay
It would be early on Saturday morning in which I roll out of bed to prepare for my
internship at Dr. Henkel s place, Horsham Dental Elements. Dr. Henkel acquired the
dental center in 1990 after moving the suburbs in Horsham. Many patients would
come to this dental clinic, sitting in the waiting lounge as they wait for their name to
be announced. Each patient would be directed to the assigned room from the dental
specialist (Dr. Henkel Interview).
During the procedures for dental hygiene the dental hygienist would often comment
on the patient and their overall health of their teeth. Gums look much less swollen. I
barely see any plaque? Other times they remark, Are you flossing more regularly?
Once the polishing and cleaning was complete the dental hygienist would then
mention Wait here, he will be here in just a moment.
Who was coming? It was the inspector, Dr. Henkel. The man was as round as a
globe. He would dress in his usual green collared shirt, as he waddled down the
hallway with his thudding gait. Immediately, once entering the room, he would greet
his patients with his warm welcoming smile. In addition, he would sit in his swivel
chair, cover his mouth with his surgical mask and then put his dental glasses to
carefully examine the x ray screens. In other words, he was now ready to get ... Show
more content on ...
Henkel was influenced from extraordinary people in his opinion who have taught
him the importance in pursuing excellence. A microbiology professor from the
Philippines who Dr. Henkel described very small in stature, for instance, she would
give her entire lecture series over an entire semester without ever looking at a note.
Another role model was Dr. Benjamin Leone, a clinical instructor at the University of
Detroit who was the toughest instructor he had in dental school. Dr. Henkel described
Getting an A from him was next to impossible. But he taught us more, made us do our
work to the highest standard, than most others (Dr. Henkel
Comparing The Outrigger System And Braced Frame
2.2 Braced Frame and Shear Walled Frame System
Rigid frame systems are not efficient for buildings taller than 30 stories, because
lateral defection due to the bending of columns causes the drift to be too large. On
the other hand, steel bracing or shear walls with or without rigid frame (brace
systems and shear wall systems), increases the total rigidity of the building and the
resulting system is named as braced frame or shear walled frame system. These
systems are stiffer when compared to the rigid frame system, and can be used for
buildings over 30 stories, but mostly applicable for buildings about 50 stories in
height. However, there are examples for these systems reaching over 100 storey ...
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As an innovative and efficient structural system, the outrigger system comprises a
central core, including either braced frames or shear walls, with horizontal outrigger
trusses or girders connecting the core to the external columns. Furthermore, in most
cases, the external columns are interconnected by exterior belt girder. If the building
is subjected to the horizontal loading, the rotation of the core is prevented by the
column restrained outriggers. The outriggers and belt girder should be at least one
and often two stories deep to realize adequate stiffness. Thus, they are generally
positioned at plant levels to reduce the obstruction they create.
Depending upon the number of levels of outriggers and their stiffness, the perimeter
columns of an outrigger structure perform a composite behavior with the core. When
compared to single storey outrigger structures, multi storey outriggers have better
lateral resistance, and thus efficiency in the structural behavior. However, each extra
outrigger storey enhances the lateral stiffness, but by a smaller amount than the
Comparing Doerr s Obsession With Birds
Both Anthony Doerr s All the Light We Cannot See and Emily Dickinson s Hope
is the the thing with feathers make use of bird imagery. Doerr s novel follows the
parallel lives of a blind French girl and a young German boy, as their lives
intertwine as World War Two unfolds around them. Frederick, a character in All the
Light We Cannot See, exhibits an obsession with birds, which reflects his desire for
freedom. His desire is never satisfied, as his character meets a restricting, dismal
future. The speaker in Hope is the the thing with feathers describes the birds
attributes, which are parallel to that of hope. Doerr and Dickinson both utilize birds
as symbols, but each for dissimilar concepts. Doerr idealizes birds as the ultimate
representation... Show more content on ...
Hope is the thing with feathers describes birds and their songs as the ultimate
source of hope, imperturbable in the face of adversity. [S]ore must be the storm
/ That could abash the little Bird , meaning it can withstand any situation of any
difficulty level ( Hope 6 7). For the speaker, [they ve] heard [the bird] in the chillest
land... / Yet, never, in Extremity / It asked a crumb of [them] ( Hope 8, 10 11).
Birds are always a trustworthy, altruistic producer of dreams and aspirations,
through thick and thin. They provide hope out of selflessness. Hope is always
present, but needs to be wholeheartedly accepted by those who need it. Another
purpose that birds serve in relation to hope, is constantly being present within
people. Birds [perch] in the soul... / And never [stop] at all ( Hope 1,4). They are
constant providers of unlimited optimism, existing inside all beings. Birds resting in
the soul and never asking of anything, symbolizes hope being a part of people. Birds
singing through extreme weather represents hope being prevalent during any
African American Civil War And The Period Of
After the Civil War and the period of Reconstruction there were many political, social
and economic changes which continued to affect the society. The role of African
Americans in society changed after the abolishment of slavery. This new freedom and
opportunities were not much greater than before when slavery existed. Despite
reconstruction efforts, African Americans faced discrimination. Society as a whole
was altered extensively at this time.
After the civil war, political changes affected African Americanlives significantly.
African Americans were freed of slavery by the 13th amendment and the 14th
amendment guaranteed their citizenship, Everyone born or naturalized in the US
were granted citizenship and were equal under the law (Doc 1). After about 250
years of slavery, African Americans were finally free of slavery (Johnson, 2000).
Though they were free, they had nowhere to go and no money to spend, They were
sent away empty handed, without money, without friends, and without a foot of land
to stand upon (Doc 2). Former owners used their power to place limitations on
emancipation. The former slaves had to end up working for their former masters and
borrowing land/money from them. As many people disagreed with the decision of the
13th amendment, many hate groups started to appear. Most commonly known group
was the KKK founded Tennessee, 1865 ( Ku Klux Klan, n.d.). They took it upon
themselves to hurt African Americans in various ways, People have been driven
Romeo And Juliet Film Techniques
Baz Luhrmann, on completing the, red curtain trilogy has earned much success,
which can be traced from Luhrmann s evolution of cinematic techniques as well as
philosophy of cinema. This essay will examine Luhrmann s use of postmodern film
techniques, by analyzing the, red curtain trilogy . From Strictly Ballroom s,
flattening of affect as Scott s rigid false perception of winning the San Pacific
Ballroom dance completion. To Romeo + Juliets multi voiced narratives. Climaxing to
The Great Gatsby s intertextuality of the book to the current movie. All of these
techniques and much more discusses, develops Luhrmann s filmof philosophy, to
Strictly Ballroom, a life lived in fear is a life half lived , to Romeo + Juliet s
endearment of love and finally The Great Gatsby s social commentary on society,
capitalism and history.
In Strictly Ballroom, Baz Luhrmann has done a phenomenal job of utilizing the
conventional philosophy of cinema ... Show more content on ...
The Elizabethan play is re imagined as a modern action, love film, Bricolage.
Luhrmann s Romeo + Juliet takes aspects of the original Romeo and Juliet, pastiche,
and includes them in scenes such as the prologue, taking the original artifice and
adapting its relevance to today. The techniques of metafiction are also found, as
Mercutio in Luhrmann s film is a black bisexual male. There is also techniques of,
flattening of effect where violence detaches the families members from emotional
lives. Baz Luhrmann s Romeo and Juliet s multi voiced narrative, setting his movie in
a country and culture unfamiliar to himself contra to Strictly Ballroom, Luhrmann
implementing Shakespearian prose in place of modern communication within his
film and filming Romeo + Juliet in a much larger area, with more diverse areas for
scenes, indicates the development of Luhrmann becoming a more courageous and
Research Paper On Dodo Bird
The Mysterious Dodo
Picture yourself running through the woods as quickly as your legs can move you,
with a heap of emotions running through your brain. You feel betrayed, offended,
helpless, terrified. You had never been an aggressive animal. You were friendly, you
didn t eat animals, and it s not like you had the abilities to overpower anything if you
did eat them. This may aid your imagination of what the dodo bird went through
while being hunted down by the Portuguese. The dodo bird may seem like a tedious
animal; However, the bird, it s misconception, and how it became extinct are
intriguing in a way that you may find odd.
The dodo bird is not an extremely famous bird, like the beautiful parrot, or the
perfectly pink flamingo. Many people aren t educated on what the bird was
genuinely like, or even what the bird is. The dodo is a flightless bird from an
island in the Indian Ocean called Mauritius. It is part of the Raphidae family(Dodo
1), which consists of pigeons and doves. The dodo clings to the forest in Mauritius
and has been extinct since the 17th century(Extinct Bird 1), eating only nuts, fruits,
or seeds it found on the ground(Viral Stats). The dodo bird has a comical
appearance, that one could only imagine. It s unique visuals were small useless
wings, thick yellow legs, and a tuft of feathers high on its rear end (Dodo 2). These
odd characteristics made it easy for people to deride the dodo bird. In terms of size,
the dodo was larger than a turkey, it
Defiance in Minorities of United States
The spoils of hegemony spread through the American landscape in those ebullient
years following World War II. The perks of empire building abroad translated into an
uninterrupted period of economic growth and labor reforms that re calibrated the
national consciousness and allowed, for the first time, the emergence of a middle
class with sufficient autonomy and self awareness to exert political influence and
correct the power imbalance that had characterized the first decades of the 20th
century. This social Renaissance, however, had been distributed unevenly along racial
lines, and no government of the time sought to redress the disparity between white
economic advancement and the stagnant conditions imposed on social minorities,
ossified as they were by decades of systematic subjugation before society and before
the law. Discontent seethed beneath black communities, who felt increasingly
isolated and persecuted by the same social institutions who had demanded so high a
sacrifice during the second World War, a sacrifice summoned and re visited by the
looming threat of a war with Vietnam. The landmark Brown vs. Board of Education
was seen by many as a hollow victory, given the lethargic response of the Eisenhower
administration to enforce the legislation, particularly in the Southern states where
racial tensions, unaddressed by the larger cultural zeitgeist, had metamorphosed into
open hostility and palpable contempt. An American president would not align himself
with the
Penn State Scandal Research Paper
Penn State Scandal
Trevor Fredericks
Southern New Hampshire University Abstract
On June 22, 2012 Gerald Arthur Jerry Sandusky was convicted of sexually abusing
10 boys, and was found guilty on 45 out of 48 counts. The sexual assault occurs
between the years of 1994 and 2006, while Sandusky is employed by Pennsylvania
State University, working with the Second Mile foundation, and retired. On May
3rd, 1998 Jerry Sandusky is reported to the University Police by a mother of a
victim (victim 6 in the police report) for showering with her son in the football locker
room. From May 4th 1998 forward, Penn State athletic director Tim Curley, Penn
State Vice President for finance and business Gary Schultz, Penn State President
Graham Spanier, ... Show more content on ...
(2011). Police Criminal Complaint. Retrieved from http:/
/ criminal complaint.pdf
Connor, T. (2012, June 30). Paterno convinced Penn State to keep quiet about
Sandusky: emails NY Daily News. Retrieved December 20, 2014, from http:/
/ paterno influenced penn state officials
quiet jerry sandusky emails reveal article 1.1105285
Drape, J. (2012, June 12). Penn State s Sandusky Convicted of Sexually Abusing
Boys Retrieved from
/ncaafootball/jerry sandusky convicted of sexually abusing boys.html?_r=0
Freeh Sporking Sullivan, LLP. (2012). Report of the Special Investigative Counsel
Regarding the Actions of The Pennsylvania State University Related to the Child
Sexual Abuse Committed by Gerald A. Sandusky. Retrieved from http:/
Greenberg, C. (2011, October 15). Jerry Sandusky Interview: Bob Costas Asks
Sandusky About Penn State Abuse Scandal (VIDEO). Retrieved from
Analysis Of Plato s Apology On The Man Of Save The Day,...
The Man to Save the Day, but not Himself
An Analysis of Plato s Apology
Socrates, painted as a humble man who never had any of his own writings, and often
speculated to be illiterate, is considered one of the major partisans of Western
philosophy. Western philosophy is the philosophical thought of the western world.
This idea proves to be quite accurate when considering Plato s Apology, the apology
of Socrates which is not really considered an apology but a defense. In the ancient
Greek era, the word apology meant to defend one s actions and explain why they
were done, rather than apology and take ownership of the actions done. In Plato s
account of Socrates apology, Socrates appears to be an innocent old man who is
full of unrecognized wisdom, a man who is victimized by the society, the court,
and the politicians of that time. This victimization stems from the insecurities of
the attackers. Socrates was an advocate of tending to the needs of the soul, above
all else, and this idea was despised by the people who criticized him because the
idea itself convicted them, caused them to appear as wrong. Socrates actions, in
which he sat in the center of Athens speaking to the youth and cross examining the
arrogant, and these ideas which he displayed to the public are what initially got him
into the mess of being on trial. Socrates is eventually sentenced to death, and in this
happening is considered a martyr, similar to Jesus Christ. As the ideas above portray,
Socrates was a
Greek Women In Euripides s The Trojan Women
Euripides s tragedy play The Trojan Women took place in the now destroyed and
mutilated city of Troy, after the mythological Trojan War and the historical
Peloponnesian War. This play was the last of a trilogy that Euripides wrote
concerning the events of the leading up to Trojan War, the war itself, and the
aftermath . The two leading Greek city states at the time, Athens and Sparta, are
the ones who are involved in the almost three decades of conflict, leaving the
Greek sphere in pieces and cities destroyed and Athens was left bankrupt, exhausted
of all resources, and demoralized from losing much of everything . The main causes
of this war began with the Spartans fear of Athens growing power and prosperity to
build bigger and better naval ships, and the construction of massive buildings and the
construction of the Long Wall that outlined their territories . The Trojan Women
focused on the captured women of Athens s point of view of the aftermath of the
war and how they portrayed the Spartan soldiers as barbarians instead of heroic
beings like they are in The Odysseyor The Iliad. Throughout Euripides s The Trojan
Women, he came across a circumstance that occurred in order to make his main
points in the play about the horrors of war, Greek s relationships with the Greek
Gods, and the role of women in Greek society. The circumstance that Euripides
encountered was the ability to combine multiple literary works and format some of
the characters, events, and topics into
Impact of Global Marketing Environment and Strategies
COMPANY...................................................2 1.1) SITUATION
ANALYSIS..........................................................................2 2) MACRO
ENVIRONMENT EXTERNAL ANALYSIS.........................3 2.1)
PESTEL.....................................................................................................3 3) MICRO
FORCES.............................................................................6 4) MARKET
SEGMENTATION..................................................................10 5) INTERNAL
AUDIT...................................................................................13 5.1) RESOURCES...
Show more content on ...
The company also continued to growth strong in multi channel business; sales up
85.9%. and the Gross transaction value was up to 8.4%. the like for like sales up was
0.3%. The Gross margin was also up 70bps and the headline profit before tax and
exceptional ahead of market expectation were at ВЈ123.6 million, up by 18.6%. So
Debenhams had a steady growth in market(Debenhams, 2010) 2) MACRO
Impact on the industry| Implications| Employment| In this recession time it is hard
for the business to survive| Job seekers may find it hard to get a job| Taxes| Changes
in the Taxes| Due to increase tax, the company had to increase the product price| E
commerce| The Company provides online shopping, customer services and gives
order online| Better chance for increase global business and customer satisfaction|
Terrorism| Increase in number of terrorism and gang war in the country| Affects the
market growth and the economy of the company | Conclusion: The political factor
plays an important role in the success of the company. Political factor are external
issues which affect the growth of the company. Factors like the new government
taxing and terrorism will surely affect the development of the company. Economical:
Factors| Impact on the industry| Implications| Oil Price | Increase in import and
export rate| It causes increase in the product price|
Ivy League Schools
Ivy League schools are prestigious institutions that accept only the top students in
America, and they challenge their students in all classes. These institutes represent
the best education and produce some of the most successful people in America. It
is an honor to be accepted to any Ivy League, but attending does not come cheap.
With huge tuition costs, coursework, stress, and pressure, some wonder if it is
worth the work. As someone who has worked in admission at Yale, Deresiewicz
knows what is required to go to an Ivy Leagueschool. He states, So extreme are the
admission standards now that kids who manage to get into elite colleges have, by
definition, never experienced anything but success. The prospect of not being
successful terrifies them, not merely practical, but existential (Deresiewicz203).
What Deresiewicz means is the minority of kids who get selected are all similar in
the fact that they are normally successful in everything they do. The thought of
failing in their Ivy League school terrifies them so much that it almost breaks them.
The decision to go to an Ivy League school instead of a four year universitymay not
be worth the cost, provide students with superior education, or help improve the life
of a student. In the text of the liberal magazine The New Republic, Deresiewicz
talks about his experience of working in the admissions office at Yale and reveals
some of the requirements in order for a candidate to be considered. Deresiewicz
described the
The New Company Green Way 2 Go
The new company Green Way 2 Go, which I am employed with wants to hire a new
secretary for our Human Resources department that specializes in distributing and
manufacturing of agricultural products. Our company s headquarters is based in
Atlanta, Georgia which is located in the South Atlantic Census Division (United
States CensusBureau, 2013). The location was chosen based on strategic formation
for the company because agricultureis the oldest and largest industry in the entire state
(Georgia Farm Bureau, 2014). The company is not only limited to manufacturing
products like fertilizers and other products needed for agricultural purposes, the
company also offers other technical assistance by providing farmers with other
resources as needed, such as extension officers. As the Human Resource Director at
this newly founded company, I will select and recruit personnel from several
occupations to include; engineers, sales and marketing professionals, accountants,
agricultural scientist, field technician and others that I might see as a perfect fit for
our mission here. First order of business is to hire a secretary for the HR department
in ensuring that the company has the capability in order to hire competent individuals
for other positions within the company.
Aside from determining the minimum qualifications required of the applicants, it will
also be necessary for the company to develop an attractive benefit and compensation
package along with the desired position.
Driving Through Sawmill Towns poem analysis Essay
Driving Through Sawmill Towns by Les Murray
In the high cool country, having come from the clouds, down a tilting road Into a
distant valley,
You drive without haste. Your windscreen parts the forest,
Swaying and glancing, and jammed midday brilliance
Crouches in clearings...
Then you come across them,
The sawmill towns, bare hamlets built of boards
With perhaps a store,
Perhaps a bridge beyond
And a little sidelong creek alive with pebbles.
This first stanza ... Show more content on ...
This first stanza from the poem, explains the journey of a man driving through a
sawmill town and his observations. Murray describes his journey through a small
sawmill town in New South Wales whilst using strong, vivid imagery and emotive
As evident by the title of this poem, imagery is a strong technique used in this poem
as the author describes with great detail his journey through a sawmill town. This
technique is used most in the following phrases: ...down a tilting road, into a distant
valley. And The sawmill towns, bare hamlets built of boards with perhaps a store .
This has the effect of creating an image in the reader s mind and making the poem
even more real.
There is also figurative language used in phrases such as Having come from the
clouds and tilting road . This adds to the effect of imagery and emphasis on the
journey to the sawmill town. It also helps to make the stanza more interesting to the
Driving Through Sawmill Towns by Les Murray
In the high cool country, having come from the clouds, down a tilting road Into a
distant valley,
You drive without haste. Your windscreen parts the forest,
Swaying and glancing, and jammed midday brilliance
The Realist Theory Of International Relations
When Arab spring started to influence various countries in Middle East and North
Africa with domino effect in 2010, Libya was one of these countries. There were
uprisings in the regions because of the bad economic conditions, lack of the
democracy, human rights, and people s demand for democracy of the cruel dictators.
The demands or discomforts were same in Libya, but process of the Muammar al
Gaddafis regime s end was different from others as it was intervened by coalition
states and NATO. Libya s intervene was carried out by the 1973 numbered resolution
of United Nations Security Council in March, 2011. The reasons of the intervention
were expanding democracy in the region, ending Gaddafi s violence through civilians
and changing the regime. However, unlike other interventions in international area, it
was quick and sudden. Therefore it was obvious that other than providing good life
conditions to Libyan people, there were also other purposes of the coalition states
through Libya s rich resources.
Realism theory
On the realist theory of International Relations, the basic assumption of this theory is
that states in their foreign affairs, must pursue power, and ensure that they act
rationally with the most appropriate step that will be taken to perpetuate the life of
the state in a hostile and threatening environment. A key principle of realist theory is
that of survival and it could be argued that in the domestic politics governments create
and enforce laws to
A Wedding Speech By The Maid Of Honor And The Best
Friendship is one of the most important thing in this world. Friends are the people
who support the decisions you make, encourage you to pursue your dreams, and
love you despite your flaws. The loyalty and devotion between two friends are
usually shown through real life interactions. However, written words can also
show how much two friends care for each other. Wedding speeches and text
messages seemingly have no connections to one another; but through purpose,
audience, and conventions such as tone, diction, and grammar choices we see that
the two genres reveal how close two friends are. Furthermore, we see how the
purpose and audience change the content of the two genres and how the audience
change the tone and diction of the writing. In almost every wedding, a wedding
speech is given by the maid of honor and the best man. These speeches are used to
thank the parents for arranging the wedding and the guests for coming. The main
purpose of the speech, however, is to wish the newly married couple all the
happiness and luck with their marriage. While wishing the couple a happy
marriage, the speaker includes anecdotes about the newlyweds, showing how strong
the relationship between the bride or groom and the speaker. In Jenna Haas s
speech to Jillian Douwsma, she recounts a story about how Jillian s groom, Seth,
picked up an item that had fallen out of a girl s backpack. He did not know that the
item was a tampon and the two girl laughed about it. Anecdotes such as this
Premarital Counseling Essay
What is Premarital Counseling?
Premarital Counseling is defined as a type of therapy that helps couples prepare for
marriage and it is often provided by a licensed therapist. Therapist is known as a
marriage or family therapist. There are also the options of seeking counseling
through your religious institution if that works better for you and your future spouse
(Mayo Clinic Staff, 2013) .
How to prepare for Premarital Counseling?
When embarking on any new venture in your life you need to follow steps that lead
up to that instant, so below is a checklist that you and your future spouse should
follow in order to secure that you ve chosen the right individual help in this big step.
Before you and your spouse chose ... Show more content on ...
Doing so will strengthen you and your spouse s relationship prior to marriage and
perhaps get some things in check first. Premarital counseling also teaches
communication and conflict resolution techniques. This will help to increase the
level of marital satisfaction. It is also found/suggested that greater communication
skills reduce the risk of divorce. The counseling should also bring up discussions
that are vital to a couple s relationship. Whatever these things are they should be
hatched out before so there are no surprises in the relationship. These issues may be
minor or major depending on what s discussed. This may be a time to sort out like
gender roles, expectations, and finances most importantly. Premarital counseling is
basically making you aware of strengths and growth areas therefore insuring a happy
and long future together as one (Stebbins, 2011; Duncan, Childs Larson, 2010).
Types of Premarital Counseling
As stated earlier there are various approaches to premarital preparation simply
because there are some many different types of people to connect to the different
approaches offered (Duncan, Childs Larson, 2010). Furthermore there has been no
significant evidence that says that any one approach is more effective than others
(Duncan, Childs Larson, 2010). So based on information found
Euthanasia And The Current Legal Position Of Euthanasia
The term euthanasia is derived from Greek, and means Good death. It is a broad
term for mercy killing, which is a plea to euthanasia. It represents a serious socio
legal debate. People do not always die well. Some afflictions cause people to suffer
extreme physical pain in their last days, and euthanasia may seem a compassionate
way to end the pain. The case of Karen Ann Quinlan set a precedent for patient s right
to refuse unwanted medical treatment. However, the credit of bringing euthanasia to
the public goes to Jack Kevorkian.
The objective of this project work is to address the burning debate on legalizing
euthanasia in India and establishing the current legal position of euthanasia in India
through judicial decisions.
i.Historical background
From the days of Holocaust to the days of Aruna Shangbaug the issue of euthanasia
has been a burning issue. It was practiced in Ancient Greece and Rome and was
supported by the Socrates and Plato. Euthanasia was more acceptable under
Protestantism and during the Age of Enlightenment. Among the Nazis it was based
on the policy, Life unworthy of life needs to be destroyed as their burdensome
existence hampers the growth and development of national economy.
Ancient Indian philosophy also justifies the idea of willing death. As per the Hindu
mythology, Lord Rama took Jal Samadhi in Sarayu river, Lord Buddha and Mahavira
also attained similar death. Mahatama Gandhi too supported the idea of
Figurative Language In Richard Cory By Edward
The narrative poem Richard Cory written in 1897 by Edward Arlington Robinson.
Depicts the fascinating life of a play boy protagonist who has a perfect lifestyle and
has everything that one could ever imagine, yet despite him being a out most perfect
individual at the end of the story he commits suicide. The poet was influenced with
the interpretation towards how many individuals in this world can assume that those
who are greater always seem to have an outstanding life. As a young boy Robinson
wrote to his dear friend at the ageof six, questioning why he was born introducing a
great element to his poems because at a very young age his life was tremendously
bleak. Throughout the story the poet utilizes various methods of figurative language
such as irony, point of view, and metaphors to introduce such elements of how life
can be so great but despite it being great others can assume that you re happy but no
one really knows what you re enduring. In this paragraph the poet demonstrates the
emotions that the residentsfeel when they re around the protagonist. Robinson implies
third person point of view as we thought that he was everything. To make us wish that
we were in his place. allowing the readers to comprehend that the protagonist was
more than just a typical normal resident in their neighborhood. Also conveying that
those who surrounded him were below their noble class that to them he was seen as
Clean favored, imperially slim. informing the readers that he was seen as royalty.
Despite the residents admiring his presence, he was always filled with a fluorescent
personality. The poet introduces this element he fluttered pulses when he says, Good
morning allowing the readers to understand that not just his physique was out
standing but the way he had proper manners to say Goodmorning to those that
surrounded him. The poet allows the comprehension that the protagonist has always
been an outstanding individual.
Although the author describes the emotions that the residents have towards him they
still envy him in the way that they describe him more then what would be expected.
Robinson utilizes metaphors richer than a king to allow the readers to comprehend
that the protagonist was very
Persuasive Essay On Scottish Independence
Scottish Independence Good or Bad Scotland is at a turning point. The 300 year
old Union is some say no longer fit for purpose. Some say it was never designed for
the 21st century world and it is well past it s sell by date and is holding Scotland
back. The Scottish people voted to move forward, with a new, more Scottish
approach from an SNP government. But many oppose these views saying that
Scotland needs the rest of the UK and that the economic and social problems caused
by independence would be catastrophic to the relationships between Scotland and the
rest of the UK. In any case the government has published a white paper setting out a
vision of independence and responsibility in the modern world. But is this idea
beneficial to our country?
Foreclosure Crisis Essay
In the gleeful times of 2005, my parents decided, like so many others, that it was
time to upgrade. They sold our smaller home on the other side of town, which had
appreciated nicely, and bought a 3700 square foot behemoth in a town with
already exorbitant property taxes. My younger brother and I were thrilled to finally
have a basement, our own rooms, and even a concrete basketball court in our
backyard! All eight year old me knew was that things were going to be a whole lot
more comfortable from there, and my optimistic parents seemed to think the same.
The year is 2017, and my parents have only just now reached the equity levels in the
house that they started with over a decade ago, nearly one hundred fifty mortgage
payments later.... Show more content on ...
Millennials, in ever increasing numbers, are focusing on living now. They are
choosing to move into urban areas in particular. As a predominantly liberal group,
and with large cities tending to lean left, this is partially due to political forces.
The majority, however, is due to lifestyle conveniences that come with a city:
multiple options for transportation and not needing to own a car, proximity to
cultural events and nightlife, and, especially with the decline of the suburbs as
retail simultaneously sinks, a more positive future economic outlook. They more
readily take the loss in living space for these benefits than their previous
generations did. At the same time, a growing number of millennials are facing
burdensome student loan debt. Rather than come out of college with pristine back
end ratios primed for a hefty mortgage, they are handcuffed by the debt that they
have amassed in their early twenties. As the Pew Research Center has noted, 37
percent of people under the age of thirty have student loan debt. They contribute to
the $1.3 trillion in student debt, leverage that could presumably be used for a
mortgage or some other useful credit if it were not locked up already. Millennials
are trying to increase their earning power by going to school so that they have the
opportunity to advance economically, but it is simultaneously holding many of them
back via years of extra debt debt that is notably not going to a
Minnesota s Glaciers
The Wisconsin Glaciation of Minnesota
A glacier is a large body of ice that moves slowly across land and are formed by
there being a higher snow gain rather than a snow melt. Glaciers move by a small
amount of ice melting and the glacier sliding. Glaciers can help and destroy the
landscape in front of them but they can also shape the land into something
amazing. Glaciers were once present in Minnesota thousands of years ago and
played a massive role on the landscape we live on today, and as they melted they
left behind large amounts of water and formations. The glaciation is very confusing
to those who don t know about glaciers so here is some background information.
The last glacial advance started about 75,000 years ago and the last ... Show more
content on ...
Outwash and till are similar but different at the same time and this is why they are
both deposited by glaciers, but the way they are deposited is what makes them
different. Till is simply the sediment left by the ice, outwash is deposited by the
running water coming off of the melting glacier. Because water can sort sediment,
and ice cannot, that is why the till is unsorted. Sorting just means when the rocks
are sorted by size, bigger pieces together on the bottom, smaller pieces together on
top. Glaciers are constructive and deconstructive they are deconstructive because
they tear up land and the glacier does not stop for anything but it is easy to avoid.
Glaciers erode the land and create landforms such as kames, eskers, and drumlins
those terms will be explained a little bit later. Glaciers create valleys by shearing
away the mountainside and moving it away. Some of the landforms that glaciers
produce are drumlins, terminal moraine, outwash plain, and an erratic. Drumlins
are elongated, teardrop shaped hills of rock, sand, and gravel that formed under
moving glacier ice. A terminal moraine is where the glacier reaches its max and
starts receding making a deposit of till. An outwash plain is a flat area made by
meltwater carrying outwash from the leading edge of the glacier. An erratic is a rock
or boulder carried from a place where the Rock is common to an area where the rock
is not
Power Of Artificial Intelligence
The power of Artificial Intelligence (AI) is growing at an alarmingly dangerous rate
and has the potential to take over the world if we do not come together as a whole
and put regulations on the usage of it. Artificial Intelligence is defined as The
capability of a machine to imitate intelligent human behavior (Merriam Webster).
As we know Artificial intelligence now, it is fairly simple for the uses that we
have for it, such as SIRI on Apple devices, AI controlled video game opponents,
and Google s search algorithms predicting what you are going to type into its
search bar. That is only the beginning of Artificial Intelligence s many capabilities.
Global militaries are researching and developing technology for war that uses AI,
car manufacturers are teaching AI how to drive cars by itself, IBM uses its AI
creation Watson to help businesses make decisions and grow, and thousands of
other major companies and powerful nations are using it in many unique ways. It
contains many different unique parts, but the main uses are: Learning, Reasoning,
Perception, Reasoning, Problem solving, and using Natural Language (Copeland
2017). We need to regulate or eliminate the use of AI in war around the globe,
stabilize the economy after implementation of AI, and reduce or eliminate the
inequality caused by it. AI controlled killing machines used in warfare, sounds
cool, right? They might sound like quite the sight to see, but what happens when
they become smart enough and decide to turn against the people who created them
and are using them for their own gain? How do we stop them? That is one question
that many people have, but none seemed to know the answer. What are the ethics
behind using robots to kill people? For example, is it not just as bad as a
government that has chemical weapons, that uses them against people that do not?
None of the government s forces are harmed, yet thousands of people are harmed
and killed from the weapons, and it only takes one fighter jet and pilot to drop the
bomb. It is the same with the AI controlled robots, they could be deployed halfway
across the world, yet be controlled by someone on the complete other side of earth,
without any threat of danger or harm. We need regulations like
The Fundamental Rights Of The Indian Constitution
INTRODUCTION The fundamental rights were preserved in Part III of the Indian
Constitution. It guarantees the following rights and freedoms. 1. Right to equality; 2.
Right to freedom; 3. Protection in respect of ,conviction for offences; 4. Protection of
life and personal liberty; 5. Right to education; 6. Protection against arrest and
detention in certain cases; 7. Right against exploitation; 8. Right to freedom of
religion; 9. Cultural and education rights; 10. Right to constitutional remedies. The
terms fundamental rights have not been defined in the Constitution. Article 12
imposes duty on the state to protect citizens for enjoying the Fundamental Rights.
Each article has a distinct, important and valuable fundamental right empowering the
citizens. These rights primarily aimed at assuring political freedom to the citizens by
protecting them against excessive State action. They are given a pride of place in the
Constitution by the Drafting Committee. Directive Principles were enumerated in
Part IV of the Constitution. Due to the judicial enforceability of FR and its nature
being negative obligation of the state, many a times there has been a contrast between
part III and part IV i.e. between fundamental rights and directive principles, despite
being a part of the same constitution. The Fundamental Rights are enforceable.
Whereas the directives are non В¬justifiable and are more in the nature of positive
affirmations of the state. However in recent time, some of the
Essay On Ablooproteinemia
Abetalipoproteinemia (ABL) is a rare inherited disorder affecting fat metabolism.
Abnormal fat metabolism prevents the body from completely absorbing dietary fats,
cholesterol, and fat soluble vitamins. Without treatment, people affected by this
disorder can experience progressive neurological deterioration, muscle weakness,
difficulty walking, and blood abnormalities in which the red blood cells deform
resulting in low levels of circulating red blood cells (anemia). Dietary fats and
vitamins are essential for proper growth and development of various body systems.
Consequently, degeneration of the retina of the eyes may also occur in affected
people. This can potentially result in loss of vision, a condition known as retinitis
This disorder is inherited as an autosomal recessive trait and is caused by mutations in
the microsomal triglyceride transfer protein (MTTP) gene. Beta lipoprotein that work
to carry fats and cholesterol in the blood is missing due to the MTTP gene mutations.
The MTTP gene provides instructions for making microsomal triglyceride transfer
protein, which is essential for creating beta lipoproteins. The mutations in this gene
lead to abnormally short microsomal triglyceride transfer protein, causing the
nutritional and neurological problems. ABL is also called Bassen Kornzweig
syndrome because Dr. Bassen and Dr.... Show more content on ...
This signifies that individuals with ABL inherited two abnormal alleles from the
same trait from each parent. Those that receive one normal allele and one allele for
the disease are considered carriers for ABL. They usually do not show symptoms
of ABL, however their offspring can inherit the disorder. Two carrier parents have
25% chance of having affected child indicating they both passed their defective
gene to their child. Two carrier parents have 50% chance of having a carrier child and
25% of chance of having a normal
The Keurig Green Mountain Coffee Company
The Keurig Green Mountain Coffee Company focuses on the consumer and
improving their coffee experience. Keurig has a variety of products including
brewing systems and the beverages that are brewed in these systems. In my argument,
I will be focusing mainly on the brewing systems alone. Keurig Company has recently
began expanding their business in international markets. I will be evaluating Brazilas
a possible country for growth. I will then discuss the potential success and failures of
the Keurig product entering the Brazilian market. This will be followed by an
argument on whether Keurig should or should not pursue expanding into Brazil.
Keurig is a subsidiary of Green Mountain Coffee Roasters Company. The Green
Mountain Coffee Roasters Company provides organic, fair trade, gourmet coffee.
When adding Keurig to the Green Mountain Coffee Company it became an industry
leader in specialty coffee, coffee makers, teas, and multiple other beverage types.
Supporting this, in 2014, Keurig sold $4.7 billion worth of product, totaling $596
million in net income. As a company, they emphasize the importance of social
responsibility. They claim that with the use of K Cups, 85% of the waste from
coffee is diverted from landfills. The company and its employees have volunteered 57
thousand total hours in community service. (Keurig Green Mountain, 2015) Between
products and employees, Keurig is successfully reflecting their socially responsible
image. The Keurig products that I will
The Appalachian Mountain Culture In James Still s River
The Appalachian mountain range is known for its vibrant music, coal mines, and
food, and Appalachian literature is full of mountain culture and history. James Still s
River of Earth centers around the life of an Appalachian family struggling between
an independent life as farmers, and the uncertain promise of prosperity offered by
coal mining camps. On the other hand, Gurney Norman s Divine Rights Trip takes
place in the 1960s chronicling the life of a hippie who travels across the country and,
eventually, back to the mountains. In the novels, the mother is the caretaker of her
son, the protagonist, and Estelle begins as D.R. s caretaker; the elements of fiction
and the sense of place contribute to these two females and an understanding of the
main characters. The main characterof River of Earth is a young boy whose name is
never revealed to the reader. Since the story is told from the main character s point
of view, the reader sees how the narrator changes through his own eyes. For instance,
the narrator s sense of identity leads to his change. In the novel, the reader observes
how the narrator identifies with his mother s way of life rather than his fathers. His
observations of their familydynamics lead to his decision to become a horse doctor.
However, after dealing with the colt s birth and the corn cob stuck in the cow s throat
the narrator is still squeamish towards that profession.
Along with his identity, the reader can get a sense of how the characters around
Family Themes In Huckleberry Finn
The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Theme: Family Mark Twain s The
Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is a classical novel that contains numerous themes
and ideas. Alongside the themes of freedom, race, rules, religion, and deceit lies
the most important theme throughout the entire story; family. Throughout the
novel, Huckleberry Finn battles with whether or not family supports and builds
you up or if it orders you around and tears down your ambitions. One quote that
perfectly describes this concept was spoken by Aishwarya Rai Bachan who stated
that, my family is my strength and my weakness. (Bachan 1). Family is a theme
that constantly emerges in Huckleberry Finn, one that is constantly getting re
defined: from the Shepherdson and Grangerford feud, to Huck living with Miss
Watson and Widow Douglas, to Huck discovering a father figure in Jim. The
Shepherdson and Grangerford feud altered Huck s perspective about the definition
of family. Huck s first interaction with the Grangerfords gives him the impression
that Widow Douglas assessment of the Col. and his family were correct. The
Grangerfords were kind, caring, wealthy and well respected. They are very
hospitable towards Huck. Despite owning hundreds of slaves and servants the
Grangerfords are practically a perfect family, especially for this time period.
However, when Buck talks about the feud it changes his perspective. Well, says
Buck, a feud is this way: A man has a quarrel with another man, and kills him; then
John Feinstein s Cover-Up
John Feinstein in his book, Cover Up, strongly posits the point that all people
should not just take what is given, but to do further investigation to find out the
truth behind all things in life. John Feinstein uses author s purpose widely in order
to get the reader to understand his overall them of the book. In this book the NFL
has come under some heat for drug testing and suspensions. Two young reporters,
age 14, choose to do their own investigation. Susan and Steve both decide to do
their part to expose the NFL and hold their feet to the fire about the massive scandal.
On page 89 the one of the characters are asking a reporter a series of questions about
suspensions and other things concerning the NFL. Now, the author s purpose in...
Show more content on ...
Without this vital element in the book the entirety of the book and its qualities
could not be held together no matter how good the author could write.
Foreshadowing, mystery, suspense, and even justice could not work in adhesion
without timing, fluency, and quality. I m kind of a magician. I wave my magic
needle on Sunday s and everyone plays. Eddie Brennan wouldn t have seen the last
two months without me. (92). The character Susan is still in her interview with her
boastful reporter. He says that many players take pain killing shots to get them
through the winter months. By doing this they are able to avoid checkups and
secure their place on the starting line. The player that he is referring to, Eddie
Brennan, used illegal painkiller cortisone shots to get through the months of
February and January on a bad knee. This would allow him to keep playing, stay on
the starting line up, and fastened his contract for longer thus making him more
money. This type of evidence is revealed in just the right timing for both the readers
and the characters and allow the plot to flow smoothly and continue on. If this
essential piece of evidence was exposed later then the characters may not have come
up with their arguments for their case when they expose the NFL in the
Gothic Architecture Style
Introduction The Gothic revival and Italianate are two architectural style which both
appear in Europe first and spread to south Australian during the early colonial and
Victorian era. The gothic revival style was point out by the emergence Gothic
Revival movement happened in England at 19th century, and then the popularity of
this kind of style rise rapidly. The basic theory of this style is associated with the
philosophical movements. It aimed to re awake the sense of high church and against
the religious nonconformist. In parallel, this kind of style spread to Europe,
Australia, south Africa and American. the popularity of it also grew rapidly in those
places. The Italianate style represent a kind of classical architecture, and it also grew
to become a popular style in 19th century. Britain is also the place where the
Italianate style get first developed in 1802 by John Nash. after that, the popularity of
it declined in British. However, the style turned to varies into different forms and
spread to northern Europe and British empire including Australia. The two kind of
styles of architecture both came from British and make effect on the establishment of
the buildings in south Australia. However, because of the own characters,
colonization and the local situation, the gothic revival made more effect on non
residential architecture in south Australia than the Italianate did during the early
colonial and Victorian. This essay will discuss the history of the colonization of
Research Paper On Mount Kilimanjaro
Mount Kilimanjaro Reaching the height of 19,341 feet, the tallest mountain on the
African continent and tallest free standing mountain in the world is Mount
Kilimanjaro. Within the mountain, there is almost every type of ecological system,
including rainforest, alpine desert, cultivated land, moorland, heath, and an arctic
summit. Due to the vast ecosystems on Mount Kilimanjaro, there is additionally
diverse vegetation and animal species. Furthermore, Mount Kilimanjaro is a
dormant volcano consisting of three volcanic cones: Shira, Kibo, and Mawenzi.
Finally, a fun fact is Pizza Hut set an official Guinness World Record by delivering
the highest altitude pizza to the top of Mount Kilimanjaro in May 2016.
Mount Kilimanjaro ... Show more content on ...
The Zambezi River reaches a length of 1,600 miles before it empties into the
Indian Ocean with an average discharge of 247,240 cubic feet per second.
Furthermore, the Zambezi River is split into three sections: the upper, middle, and
lower river. Victoria Falls the world s largest waterfall is considered the boundary
between the upper and middle Zambezi River. There are also two main dams built on
the Zambezi that harness enough energy to power most of Zambia, Zimbabwe, and
South Africa. Finally, the annual flood of the Zambezi River brings about a
ceremony called Kuomboka, (means to move out of water translated), which attracts
thousands of tourists every
Wizard Of Oz Analysis Essay
Wizard of Oz Analysis Scene: This scene in the film comes just after the house has
been picked up in the twister. Dorothy s house has been lifted up into the sky and
suddenly dropped back down to earth in the middle of the Land of Oz. In the scene
itself, Dorothy leaves her home to see that she is Not in Kansas anymore, and finds
the new and amazing world of the munchkin city in front of her. She also meets
Gwendela the good witch as her journey in Oz begins. Shot 1: Wide shot. View
behind Dorothy in black and white. Dorothy opens the door to the color world of Oz.
She steps out into Oz and stops. Straight on shot, camera moves into Oz first through
the door, followed by Dorothy appearing again in the foreground. Light... Show more
content on ...
Shot 6: Wide shot. Dorothy is in the center of the frame with Toto in her arms. Puts
Toto down as a mysterious glowing orb far in the distance slowly hovers down,
getting larger in size as it approaches. Dorothy backs up out of the frame as the orb
takes up the entire shot. Gwendela the good witch appears instantly. Straight on
shot, no camera movement. Music is more haunting, eerie, and mysterious to
represent the orb floating down. Shot 7: Close up. Dorothy scared, nervous, and
confused by this person. Tight head shot. Straight on camera shot, no movement.
Music still constant. Shot 8: Wide shot. Good witch Gwendela walks toward
Dorothy to talk to her. From right to left she goes toward Dorothy. Camera is
straight on, and then follows Gwendela to Dorothy, then makes a close up on the
two of them for a close, but not too tight two shot. No sound heard at all other than
their dialogue. Conclusion: I thought that what was most interesting about the
scene was how the director introduced us the viewer to the world of Oz. This is a
very important scene in the movie because it is the first time we are seeing this
magical place. It is important that we as the viewer find it to be just as amazing
and awe inspiring as Dorothy does when she walks into it for the first time. We are
supposed to identify with Dorothy here as she walks out of her home and into
Munchkin city to see this new world she has fallen
Environmental Benefits Of Green Roofs
There are several ecological and environmental benefits of green roofs which have
consequentially brought in increasing interests in this technology. A green roof, as a
carpeting of plants on the roof of buildings, offers many benefits in addition to
enhancing its aesthetic value. Primarily, green roofs have the ability to delay the
storm runoff peak occurrence, thus reducing the peak flow rate and mitigating flood
risks. Another benefit is its thermal insulation potential that reduces the urban heat
island effect. They also help with pollution abatement, carbon sequestration,
biodiversity conservation, and general improvement of life quality in urban
ecosystems (Xiaosheng et al. 2014).
Green roofs generally consist of a rather simple layering covering the rooftop,
including a waterproof layer, a water retention layer and a drainage/filter layer topped
with substrate with different depths according to both maximum load capacity of the
roof and vegetation type to be grown (Nardini et al. 2012). However, while there has
not so much attention about the relative importance of vegetation structure and
composition in determining the ecosystem and technical functions of green roofs, in
the last years, a number of studies have reported significant impacts of vegetation
type on stormwater runoff management (VanWoert et al. 2005).
In this paper, I aim to review existing research literature and summarize the process
and importance of vegetation selection criteria for
President Trump Monologue
No, no, please, I am begging you, let him go. Do you not have a heart ?! I sob in
between every word I scream. My life is ending. The world is ending, and there is
nothing anyone can do. Today s date is July 3, 2021. President Trump has started
his second term as of today, today is also the day he announces that the world is
dying. I am truly sorry to publish this news to everyone. Unfortunately scientist has
proven that the earth is running out of air and pretty soon the deadly toxic air will
replace it all. Sounds like something out of a movie right ? But no it is true indeed,
we will locate a plan immediately, so please do not panic. Please stay inside and
rarely come out. We will be in touch. President Trump then signs off. The broadcast
is everywhere for the next couple days, on replay and replay. President Trumps
serious tone is glued to my mind like paint on a wall. He can t be serious. Ari, get
your head together. This has to be a national prank, there is no way the Earth can
run out of air! You earn all A s in science. It is impossible! , I start speaking to myself.
... Show more content on ...
now come on, wear long, thick clothing and put on your safety face mask, we have
to go stock up on food. oh no dad, has the toxic air poison you too? , I teasingly
gasp. C mon both my parents have gone totally crazy! There is no way in their
dang mind that they can be falling for this prank. , i roll my eyes. We arrive at the
front of walmart and we can see people running in and running out with huge bags
with food, all with face masks on. I spot one of best friend that i haven t seen since
the last day of school. I rush out the car and sprint to her. Omg can you believe this
Gaby ?! everyone is so gullible. Wasting their time to get food that we will never run
out off. Ha very funny.
Ways And Advantages And Disadvantages Of Third Party...
Abstract this paper introduces ways and advantages of third party logistics enterprise
servicing manufacturing enterprise, analyses supply chain of manufacturing
enterprise and further studies for the organization structure of third party logistics
enterprise servicing manufacturing enterprise, to seek to the enterprise organization
structure which has the best combination in third party logisticsenterprise with
manufacturing enterprise. Keywords: Third party logistics enterprise, Manufacturing
enterprise, Organization structure 1. Current Situation of Foreign Funds in China
Insurance Industry Following the rapid development of third party logistics
enterprises and industrial structure entering the mid term of industrialization in our
country,... Show more content on ...
3.3 Distributed Network Type Virtual Logistics Organization Structure Distributed
network type virtual logistics organization structure is shown in figure 3. From the
figure, we can see that managers take the logistics basic activities to external forces.
The organization core consists of cost control center and information center of the
alliance which conposes of third party logistics enterprise, carries out design,
organization, surveillance and control directed at logistics activities. Non assets
logistics service is better at enhancing profit ability and profit speed than assers
logistce service. Investigation and study going deep into manufcturing enterprise is in
favor of realizing the co operation with manufcturing enterprises from strategic level.
This kind of structure is mini scale, not hardware facilities, but have advanced
logistics management technology and information technology. It can help
manufcturing enterprises working out marketing plan, transportation plan, order plan,
production plan; even to carry out reforming enterprise
Outsourcing Of Aviation Maintenance Practices And The...
Outsourcing of Aviation Maintenance Practices and the Effects of Globalization
Matthew Wilkerson
Embry Riddle Aeronautical University Worldwide
May 16, 2016 Abstract
Within the aviation industry outsourced maintenance practices have become
increasingly more prevalent to maintain current assets. There is generally three
processes currently being utilized by the airline industry: outsourcing specific
maintenance needs, in house operations, and lastly, a hybrid approach, which entails
a combination of outsourcing and in house. How these are applied and to what extent
are driven by each company and their own unique needs. This paper compares and
contrasts the advantages and disadvantages of outsourcing maintenance practices as
well as the effects of globalization on the airline industry. Outsourcing of Aviation
Maintenance Practices and the Effects of Globalization
Outsourcing is defined as the process utilized when a company decides to subcontract
its business processes or functions to another company; therefore, instead of hiring
employees to perform a task, the company (outsourcer) enters into an outsourcing
arrangement with another firm to provide these services under contract for a certain
price and period (Motiwalla Thompson, 2012, p.268). This paper expands on the
notions of outsourcing and the effects it has had on the airline industry by briefly
discussing the advantages and disadvantages associated with outsourcing and the
effects of globalization on the
Wolff-Parkinson White Syndrome Essay
Wolff Parkinson White Syndrome Wolff Parkinson White syndrome is a heart
condition where there is an extra electrical pathway or circuit in the heart. The
condition can lead to episodes of rapid heart also known as tachycardia. Wolff
Parkinson White syndrome, also known as WPW, is present at birth. People of all
ages, even infants, can experience the symptoms related to WPW. Episodes of
tachycardiaoften occur when people are in their teens or early twenties. Most of the
time, a fast heartbeat are not life threatening, but serious heart problems can occur.
Treatments for Wolff Parkinson White syndrome can stop or prevent episodes of fast
heart beats. A catheter based procedure, known as ablation can permanently correct
the heart... Show more content on ...
Wolf Parkinson White syndrome is associated with some forms of congenital heart
disease, such as Ebstein s anomaly. (Mayo Clinic Staff). The heart is made up of
four chambers. The two upper chambers known as the atria, and the two lower
chambers known as the ventricles. The rhythm of your heart is controlled by the
sinus node. The sinus node is almost like a natural pacemaker which is located in
the atrium. The sinus node gives off electrical impulses that start every heartbeat.
Electrical impulses travel across the atria causing the atria muscles to contract and
pump blood in the ventricles. (Mayo Clinic Staff). The electrical impulses
eventually arrive at a cluster of cells known as the atrioventricular node or the AV
node. The AV node slows down the signal before sending it to the ventricles. By this
delay, it allows the ventricles to fill with blood causing the electrical impulses to
reach the muscles of the ventricles so they can contract and pump blood to the lungs
and the rest of the body. When a person has WPW syndrome an extra electrical
pathway connects the atria and the ventricles. This means that an electrical signal can
bypass the AV node. When the impulses use this alternative route through the heart,
the ventricles are activated to early. Looped electrical impulses and disorganized
electrical impulses are two major types of rhythm disturbances. A looped electrical
impulse is when electrical
Missing Property
This claim is in reference both missing property from baggage and a medical claim
on holiday Donald and I took to Europe last year starting on the 24th of September,
2017. We landed Paris on Delta Airlines and a then went on a Backroads cycling trip
in the Loire Valley.
We arrived in Paris on the 24th of September and went to our Hotel Aigle Noir at
Fountainbleu. When I started to unpack my bag is when I noticed my luggage had
been ransacked. I was missing my toiletry bag, clothes, and shoes.
I notified Delta and they told me to go and purchase my toiletry items and submit a
missing property claim form for review and reimbursement. Delta also told me I
must make all claims within 21 days of the start of my trip. I submitted all ... Show
more content on ...
Since we were in the countryside I did not go to the hospital until the next morning.
They told me that I needed 12 stitches but would not be able to stitch my knee since I
delayed coming to the hospital. The doctor told me that I had to hire a day nurse
every morning in each village to come and bandage my knee to avoid infection.
Delta did reimburse me 100% for I have been a Delta Medallion member for over
25 years and have never filed a claim with Delta. Allainz told I must go and purchase
my items and submit receipts to get reimbursed for my stolen clothes and shoes along
with my medical bills.
In January of this year, I submitted two claim types with Allainz online. I submitted
one type for Baggage/Personal Effect claim for my stolen items and my Delta
missing property claim number 4006118967, along with Medical Expenses. I
uploaded my receipts for a total of $715.66. Please note on my medical receipts
106.72 are billed in Euros not US$.
Below is a copy of our coverage and please note the claim email is in my email Allianz told me I was approved and that they would
send a check for my reimbursement and to this day we have not received any funds
History Writing Prompt Analysis
History Writing Prompt 2015 2016: Prompt 2 As the Revolutionary War faded in
Gunner s memory, another image filled his mind. The smell was one they
remembered from their adventures during the Revolutionary War. It was
gunpowder! Not another war , was all Gunner could think. As Gunner looked down,
he saw that they were dressed in a Union uniform.... Boom! A cannon whizzed past
my ear, nearly taking off my head! I looked around and saw death, from both sides,
but mainly I saw more fatalities in men dressed in Union uniforms. After retreating,
the general, whose name I found out to be Ulysses S. Grant, said that we had lost this
battle, the Battle of Bull Run. He said we were located in the state of Virginia, and
that we were to travel south, towards this state s capital, Richmond. For almost an
entire year, we regained our strength, tended... Show more content on
Republicans don t want slavery to spread, and southerners base their living off of
the work of slaves. Without them, they wouldn t have anyone to do the hard work
for them. For that reason, the southern states started to secede, he finished. Wow!
But how did that start the war? Gunner asked. Lincoln said that to try to secede
was very illegal. He even went further to say that he would hold the Union together
by force if he had to, so I guess that called for an army, and an army usually calls for
war, the soldier finished. Speaking of war, get up soldiers! Today we march to
Richmond to face our foes, General McClellan said. I have a good feeling we ll
crush those confederates! he rallied. Knock on wood, many soldiers thought.
The union soldiers marched to Richmond and the battle began. The Union soldiers
quickly lost as General Lee began a series of attacks at Beaver Dam creek, which
caught them off guard. The next six days was a basic repeat of the day before, only
in a new location, with more casualties and more fatalities.
Two months later on Antietam

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Textual Analysis Essay

  • 1. Textual Analysis Essay Writing a Textual Analysis Essay can be quite challenging, requiring a combination of analytical skills, critical thinking, and effective communication. The process involves delving deep into a given text, dissecting its various elements, and uncovering layers of meaning that may not be immediately apparent. One of the difficulties lies in striking the right balance between summarizing the text and providing a thoughtful analysis. It's not just about paraphrasing or regurgitating information but rather about offering a unique perspective, backed by evidence from the text. This task demands a keen eye for detail and an ability to connect different parts of the text to construct a coherent interpretation. Furthermore, a successful Textual Analysis Essay requires a solid understanding of literary devices, rhetorical strategies, and the broader context in which the text is situated. Unraveling the nuances of language, tone, and symbolism adds another layer of complexity to the writing process. Crafting a compelling thesis statement that encapsulates the main argument and guides the analysis is yet another challenge. Organization and structure play a crucial role in conveying the analysis effectively. Arranging ideas logically and ensuring a smooth flow of thoughts is essential for readers to follow the essay's argument coherently. Balancing conciseness with depth is also a delicate task, as the essay must explore the text thoroughly without becoming overly verbose. Moreover, the difficulty intensifies when trying to maintain objectivity while expressing subjective opinions. This requires finesse in navigating the fine line between personal interpretation and evidence-based analysis. Developing a critical voice and supporting it with relevant examples from the text demands both skill and practice. In conclusion, writing a Textual Analysis Essay demands a multifaceted approach, combining literary acumen, analytical prowess, and effective communication. It is a task that challenges writers to go beyond surface-level understanding, requiring a deep dive into the intricacies of a given text. While the difficulty may vary depending on the text chosen, the overall process remains a formidable task for many students and writers. For assistance with similar essays and more, you can explore Textual Analysis EssayTextual Analysis Essay
  • 2. How Nuclear Power Plants Creates Electricity HOW DOES IT CREATE ELECTRICITY? A nuclear power plant creates electricity by splitting uranium atoms in a reactor. The heat from splitting the atoms heats water, and turns it into steam. The steam turns a steam turbine, which turns a copper coil and magnet generator. This creates electricity. The electricity is then put through a transformer (to change the voltage), and is put on transmission lines. In a nuclear power plant, nothing burns. The water stays in a cooling tower, ready to be used for steam. The uranium comes in pellets, which are put into tubes. The tubes are put into bundles, and put in the reactor. Splitting the atoms is called fission. There are 2 ways to heat the water, the Boiling Water Reactor and the Pressurized Water
  • 3. The Plague Of Fast Food Restaurants Dru Olson Marti English 1A Sec V18 27 October 2015 Plague to Society Plague; as defined by is a widespread affliction, calamity, disease or evil. Fast food has become this plague for America, outgrowing and overrunning the United States since the opening of Ray Kroc s first McDonalds restaurant in 1955. According to Leslie Patton, reporter for Bloomberg Business, by 1983 6,000 McDonalds franchises covered the U.S. and for the next two decades the restaurant has opened about 360 outlets in the U.S. every year. (Patton, Have We Reached Peak Burger? ) This fast and steady growth has encouraged rivals like Burger King and Wendy s to do the same; oversaturating communities with corporate giants. The takeover of fast food franchises has had a direct relation to our health epidemic among American citizens, the decline in quality of life and the abuse of employees, and even livestock associated with such franchises. The abundance of fast food restaurants in communities, especially those of lower income, influence consumer dietary choices and intensifies obesity among adolescents and adults. Obesity is a major health concern in the United States; the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports that more than one third of American adults are obese, and that obesity related conditions such as heart disease, stroke and type 2 diabetes are the leading cause of preventable death. A study by the Retail Food Environment Index, shows that the number of unhealthy
  • 4. Marketing and Online Social Networks INTRODUCTION Situation Synopsis: Competitors have developed different approaches to attract consumers in the online dating market; some of which have been copying eHarmony s product features and using alternative strategies to attract singles. Company s Current Strategy: eHarmony uses a focused differentiation strategy. It focuses on singles seeking a serious relationship and long term compatibility. It distinguished itself from other sites by using a unique matching algorithm. They have also invested substantial resources into marketing and R D. Problem Statement: eHarmony has opened the door to their competition by declining potential customers as a way to ensure quality control. eHarmony s CEO must decide how to react to imitations ... Show more content on ... 1.2.5 Key Success Factors (See Appendix A) 1.2.6 Strategic Groups Map (See Appendix B for Strategic Groups Map) Cost to join and barriers to join an online personal site are the two dimensions which are relevant to a firms performance within this industry. eHarmony possesses the highest membership fees in the industry along with particularly high barriers to join. Even their direct competitors; Match and Yahoo! Personals differ from eHarmony in that they have much lower barriers to join as well as lower sign up fees. Most of their indirect competitors are free and have little to no barriers to join. 1.2.7 Strategic Issues in the Industry Industry was plagued by people misrepresenting themselves and putting false personal information Users are concerned about the privacy of their information Level of customer dissatisfaction remains high 1.2.8 Opportunities Threats Opportunities: This industry will continue to rise in popularity due to increasing usage of computer technology. Due to it being a more affordable means of match making, people will generally turn to online personals as opposed to other offline services. Convenience also plays a factor. Increasing their market share, catering to more market segments. (Niche markets). Threats: Online personals sites with more resources pose a threat to those lacking resources. Security issues linked with sharing information
  • 5. Ideology And Ideology 1.In this essay I will be discussing the difference between world views and ideologies and I will also elaborate between the South African motto and the different worldviews. I will then explain the influence of this motto for myself as a student teacher and citizen of South Africa. Knowledge production is a highly political and politicized practice (Morrell, 2014). 2.A worldview is a philosophy of life or concept of the world: a Christian world view revolves around the battle of good and evil (University, 1884). A person s worldview can be affected by many factors in life it can be affected by their inherited characteristics, by their life situations and their background experiences, by their values in life, by their attitudes and lastly their habits that they developed ... Show more content on ... 3.What is the difference between world view and ideology ? These two terms have a slightly difference nuances in their meaning and in their connotation. Both these terms have a close meaning. A way to distinguish between the two meanings is to take note that ideology is more proactive. The ideology will dictate what your actions or policies are where a worldview is more of a perspective or an explanation of the way that things are, for example a common worldview is that all humans life is valuable. 4.Diverse people unite is our South African Motto. We strive to get all the different races to be valued the same and to have the same opportunities. We strive to get racism out of the way so that we can live in peace. In other countries they don t have a problem with racism. One worldview that everyone in South Africa differs about is Christianity. Not all the different cultures have the same beliefs, some belief in other gods and some believe in Jesus Christ. We as South African citizens have to accept the fact that not all people have the same views and then move
  • 6. Sammy The Squirrel Research Paper Sammy the squirrel and Tom the bird, were out on this snowy day when they began their hunt for food. They were the best of friends, they actually lived in a very warm place together as winter came. The day was Friday and it was only day out of the week that it was even bearable to go outside. So, Sammy the squirrel and Tom the bird went on a hunt for foodto eat while they could. Also, today was the National Championship chess game against 2 very competitive teams. One team was Sammy the Squirrel and Tom the bird ,and another team was Leo the bear and Daisy the deer. In the morning Sammy and Tom began looking for food so they could be full and a lot of energy for the big game. Sammy, Tom, Leo, and Daisy were all very good friends ,but when
  • 7. Strategy Management Confirming Pages Strategic Management CONCEPTS CASES FRANK T. ROTHAERMEL Georgia Institute of Technology rot12737_fm_i xlvi.indd iii 17/11/11 7:37 PM Confirming Pages STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT: CONCEPTS AND CASES Published by McGraw Hill/Irwin, a business unit of The McGraw Hill Companies, Inc., 1221 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY, 10020. Copyright 2013 by The McGraw Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America. No part of this publication may be reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without the prior written consent of The McGraw Hill Companies, Inc., including, but not limited to, in any network or other electronic ... Show more content on ... He regularly translates his research findings for practitioner audiences in articles in Forbes, MIT Sloan Management Review, The Wall Street Journal, and elsewhere. He has received several recognitions for his research, including the Sloan Industry Studies Best Paper Award, the Academy of Management Newman Award, the Strategic Management Society Conference Best Paper Prize, the DRUID Conference Best Paper Award, and the Israel Strategy Conference Best Paper Prize, and he is the inaugural recipient of the Byars Faculty Excellence Award. Frank has extensive teaching experience at a number of institutions and programs, including Georgia Tech, Georgetown University, Michigan State University, and the University of Washington. He has received multiple teaching awards at the undergraduate and MBA levels. Frank holds a PhD degree in strategic management from the University of Washington, an MBA from the Marriott School of Management at Brigham Young University, and an MA in economics from the University of Duisburg, Germany. He was a visiting professor at the University of St. Gallen, Switzerland, and an Erasmus Scholar at Sheffield Hallam University, UK. Professor Rothaermel is a member of the Academy of Management, the Industry Studies Association (Founding Member), and the Strategic Management Society. vi rot12737_fm_i xlvi.indd vi
  • 8. 17/11/11 7:37 PM Confirming Pages PREFACE The vision for this book is to provide students with core concepts,
  • 9. 65 Successful Harvard Business School Application Essays... BUSINESS SCHOOL HARVARD SUCCESSFUL 65 APPLICATION SECOND EDITION E S S AY S APPLICATION BUSINESS SCHOOL HARVARD SUCCESSFUL 65 ECSNS A IYI O N S SE O D ED T With Analysis by the Staff of The Harbus, the Harvard Business School Newspaper ST. MARTIN S GRIFFIN NEW YORK 65 SUCCESSFUL HARVARD BUSINESS SCHOOL APPLICATION ESSAYS, SECOND EDITION. Copyright 2009 byThe Harbus News Corporation. All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America. For information, address St. Martin s Press, 175 Fifth Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10010. Library of Congress Data 65 successful Harvard Business School application essays : with analysis by the staff of... Show more content on ... setback or failUre Chris Withers Eugenia Gibbons John Richard Craig Ellis Irfhan Rawji Thomson Nguy Anonymous Jordan Burton 150 152 154 157 159 161 163 165 Vii. ethical issUes Anonymous PaulYeh Rye Barcott Anonymous Adam Heltzer Anonymous Anonymous 171 174 177 180 183 186 189 Viii. other QUestion Nathan Dutzmann Anonymous David Zhang John Schmit 197 200 203 206 vii Contents Jaime Arreola Anonymous Ally Ip Anonymous Anonymous Cabin Kim 209 212 215 218 220 222 viii ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The motivation to create the second edition of 65 Successful Harvard Business School Application Essays came from a recent rise in business school applications. With an abundance of qualified candidates to choose from, admissions officers can be more selective, making admission to top schools even more challenging for applicants. The Harbus, the Harvard Business School weekly student newspaper, recognizes that applicants require up to date materials and inspiration to match the current environment. While this book includes the latest application essays, which are updated regularly by the ad... missions committee, it retains several essaysfrom the first edition of the book because of their uniqueness as well as to reflect typical question topics that may reappear in future admissions applications. It is worth noting that this book is created by The Harbus News
  • 10. Cardinal Richelieu Response To Poor Dbq Essay Life in Europe during the 1500 s and 1600 s was full of reformation, wars of religion, and exploration of new places and ideas. The poor were greatly affected during this time. They were part of the church reformation when Martin Luther separated from Catholic Christendom and created his own church. In religious wars, like the Thirty Years War, the poor were usually the people fighting which had a tremendous impact on their lives and families. With the growth of exploration, the poor moved around which affected their community. The attitudes and responses towards the poor in Europe between 1450 and 1700 included that they were undeserving and lazy; they needed help, should be put to work, and should be given help. Many people had an attitude ... Show more content on ... When Cardinal Richelieu was serving as a royal councilor he said that the poor who able to work should be employed on public works (Doc. 2). Essentially, he is saying that the poor that are able bodied should work in the community. The poor shouldn t just be left sitting on the streets begging, they should be working to earn their nourishment, if they are permitted to do so. A town council in Rouen, France has very similar ideas to that of Richelieu. They say that beggars unwilling to work should be kicked out, but those who can t find a job should be put to work in the city (Doc. 4). Furthermore, they are conveying the fact that the poor should be working in order to create a better thriving community. There are plenty of opportunities for work in the city, so those unwilling to work should be exiled. In a painting by Rembrandt van Rijn, it shows a family with all their belongings collecting money from a man in his house (Doc. 5). His painting is showing how poor should be given alms. He creates sympathy for the poor by having children and the family carrying all their belongings in the picture. The response shown by this painting is that you need to give help to the poor. These examples show that the responses towards the poor were to make them work or to assist
  • 11. The Influence Of Tv Shows In The 1940 s Let Me Entertain You Television has entertained us since the 1940 s. Drama, comedy, cartoons are as much a part of our lives now as they were in the 1940 s. Television in the past stopped at midnight with the singing of The National Anthem and a test pattern that showed until the next morning. Television now is available twenty four hours a day. In the beginning, there were only three channels and now we have access to over 1,200 channels. Television shows in the 1940 s included The Lone Ranger; Hopalong Cassidy; Candid Camera; The Ed Sullivan Show; Cavalcade of Stars; Texaco Star Theater; Howdy Doody; Kukla, Fran and Ollie; Kraft Television Theater and Ted Mack Amateur Hour. Candid Camera was a hidden camera/practical joke show that had hysterical jokes that made everyone laugh. The Ed Sullivan Show, Cavalcade of Stars, Kraft Television Theater and Texaco Star Theater brought stars into our homes. Peggy Lee, Irving Berlin, Count Basie, Carol Burnett, Red Skelton, Jackie Gleason, and Milton Berle just to name a few. Howdy Doody and Kukla, Fran and Ollie were the first television shows that were aimed at children. Television shows in the 1950 s included Sgt Bilko, Leave It ... Show more content on ... Dexter was a drama that centers on Dexter Morgan, who is a blood spatter pattern analyst for the Miami Metro Police Department. Dexter also led a secret life as a serial killer hunting down criminals that have slipped through the cracks of the judicial system. House was a medical drama about a drug addicted, unconventional medical genesis that leads a group of doctors at a hospital in New Jersey. Lost was a drama series that follows the survivors of a commercial airline jet that crashed on mysterious tropical island somewhere in the South Pacific Ocean. 24 was a drama series that follows the life of a Counter Terrorist Unit Agent named Jack
  • 12. My Experience As A Counselor At Outdoor Odyssey Leadership... For the duration of a summer, I spent my time living and working on a remote mountaintop in Pennsylvania. As a Counselor at Outdoor Odyssey Leadership Academy, I had the responsibility of mentoring youth through personal growth and development. We took pride in being a different kind of summer camp. At Outdoor Odyssey, participants mental and physical comfort zones would be pushed. The common rhetoric was that we did not sit around painting rocks and singing Kumbaya like all other summer camps. Such mentalities were driven into us by the Director of Operations during our two week intensive staff boot camp. For a majority of the twenty counselors, this was their first experience as a mentor. With this role, I was going into my eighth year in such a capacity. Knowing this gap of experience would lead to different viewpoints, I looked at opportunities to gain influence within the group. The Director of Operations traded a hierarchical chain of counselor command for a flat organizational model; thus, there would not be an opportunity for positional influence. I decided to repeat the process that had worked well for me in the past. I would not announce my expertise or use that to dominate conversations. Rather, I would give advice to fellow counselors when they asked for it and take charge when it was needed.... Show more content on ... Campers often found themselves with nothing to do, because the counselors had not prepared the day s agenda. Each week, counselors wanted to be best friends with the campers instead of challenging them. A few first year counselors gained influence by making friends and being agreeable with everyone. This likeable group encouraged counselors to take it easy for their vacation on the mountaintop. Counselors then continued to grow closer together and more supportive of such a
  • 13. Dental Hygienist Experience Essay It would be early on Saturday morning in which I roll out of bed to prepare for my internship at Dr. Henkel s place, Horsham Dental Elements. Dr. Henkel acquired the dental center in 1990 after moving the suburbs in Horsham. Many patients would come to this dental clinic, sitting in the waiting lounge as they wait for their name to be announced. Each patient would be directed to the assigned room from the dental specialist (Dr. Henkel Interview). During the procedures for dental hygiene the dental hygienist would often comment on the patient and their overall health of their teeth. Gums look much less swollen. I barely see any plaque? Other times they remark, Are you flossing more regularly? Once the polishing and cleaning was complete the dental hygienist would then mention Wait here, he will be here in just a moment. Who was coming? It was the inspector, Dr. Henkel. The man was as round as a globe. He would dress in his usual green collared shirt, as he waddled down the hallway with his thudding gait. Immediately, once entering the room, he would greet his patients with his warm welcoming smile. In addition, he would sit in his swivel chair, cover his mouth with his surgical mask and then put his dental glasses to carefully examine the x ray screens. In other words, he was now ready to get ... Show more content on ... Henkel was influenced from extraordinary people in his opinion who have taught him the importance in pursuing excellence. A microbiology professor from the Philippines who Dr. Henkel described very small in stature, for instance, she would give her entire lecture series over an entire semester without ever looking at a note. Another role model was Dr. Benjamin Leone, a clinical instructor at the University of Detroit who was the toughest instructor he had in dental school. Dr. Henkel described Getting an A from him was next to impossible. But he taught us more, made us do our work to the highest standard, than most others (Dr. Henkel
  • 14. Comparing The Outrigger System And Braced Frame System 2.2 Braced Frame and Shear Walled Frame System Rigid frame systems are not efficient for buildings taller than 30 stories, because lateral defection due to the bending of columns causes the drift to be too large. On the other hand, steel bracing or shear walls with or without rigid frame (brace systems and shear wall systems), increases the total rigidity of the building and the resulting system is named as braced frame or shear walled frame system. These systems are stiffer when compared to the rigid frame system, and can be used for buildings over 30 stories, but mostly applicable for buildings about 50 stories in height. However, there are examples for these systems reaching over 100 storey ... Show more content on ... As an innovative and efficient structural system, the outrigger system comprises a central core, including either braced frames or shear walls, with horizontal outrigger trusses or girders connecting the core to the external columns. Furthermore, in most cases, the external columns are interconnected by exterior belt girder. If the building is subjected to the horizontal loading, the rotation of the core is prevented by the column restrained outriggers. The outriggers and belt girder should be at least one and often two stories deep to realize adequate stiffness. Thus, they are generally positioned at plant levels to reduce the obstruction they create. Depending upon the number of levels of outriggers and their stiffness, the perimeter columns of an outrigger structure perform a composite behavior with the core. When compared to single storey outrigger structures, multi storey outriggers have better lateral resistance, and thus efficiency in the structural behavior. However, each extra outrigger storey enhances the lateral stiffness, but by a smaller amount than the previous
  • 15. Comparing Doerr s Obsession With Birds Both Anthony Doerr s All the Light We Cannot See and Emily Dickinson s Hope is the the thing with feathers make use of bird imagery. Doerr s novel follows the parallel lives of a blind French girl and a young German boy, as their lives intertwine as World War Two unfolds around them. Frederick, a character in All the Light We Cannot See, exhibits an obsession with birds, which reflects his desire for freedom. His desire is never satisfied, as his character meets a restricting, dismal future. The speaker in Hope is the the thing with feathers describes the birds attributes, which are parallel to that of hope. Doerr and Dickinson both utilize birds as symbols, but each for dissimilar concepts. Doerr idealizes birds as the ultimate representation... Show more content on ... Hope is the thing with feathers describes birds and their songs as the ultimate source of hope, imperturbable in the face of adversity. [S]ore must be the storm / That could abash the little Bird , meaning it can withstand any situation of any difficulty level ( Hope 6 7). For the speaker, [they ve] heard [the bird] in the chillest land... / Yet, never, in Extremity / It asked a crumb of [them] ( Hope 8, 10 11). Birds are always a trustworthy, altruistic producer of dreams and aspirations, through thick and thin. They provide hope out of selflessness. Hope is always present, but needs to be wholeheartedly accepted by those who need it. Another purpose that birds serve in relation to hope, is constantly being present within people. Birds [perch] in the soul... / And never [stop] at all ( Hope 1,4). They are constant providers of unlimited optimism, existing inside all beings. Birds resting in the soul and never asking of anything, symbolizes hope being a part of people. Birds singing through extreme weather represents hope being prevalent during any
  • 16. African American Civil War And The Period Of Reconstruction After the Civil War and the period of Reconstruction there were many political, social and economic changes which continued to affect the society. The role of African Americans in society changed after the abolishment of slavery. This new freedom and opportunities were not much greater than before when slavery existed. Despite reconstruction efforts, African Americans faced discrimination. Society as a whole was altered extensively at this time. After the civil war, political changes affected African Americanlives significantly. African Americans were freed of slavery by the 13th amendment and the 14th amendment guaranteed their citizenship, Everyone born or naturalized in the US were granted citizenship and were equal under the law (Doc 1). After about 250 years of slavery, African Americans were finally free of slavery (Johnson, 2000). Though they were free, they had nowhere to go and no money to spend, They were sent away empty handed, without money, without friends, and without a foot of land to stand upon (Doc 2). Former owners used their power to place limitations on emancipation. The former slaves had to end up working for their former masters and borrowing land/money from them. As many people disagreed with the decision of the 13th amendment, many hate groups started to appear. Most commonly known group was the KKK founded Tennessee, 1865 ( Ku Klux Klan, n.d.). They took it upon themselves to hurt African Americans in various ways, People have been driven
  • 17. Romeo And Juliet Film Techniques Baz Luhrmann, on completing the, red curtain trilogy has earned much success, which can be traced from Luhrmann s evolution of cinematic techniques as well as philosophy of cinema. This essay will examine Luhrmann s use of postmodern film techniques, by analyzing the, red curtain trilogy . From Strictly Ballroom s, flattening of affect as Scott s rigid false perception of winning the San Pacific Ballroom dance completion. To Romeo + Juliets multi voiced narratives. Climaxing to The Great Gatsby s intertextuality of the book to the current movie. All of these techniques and much more discusses, develops Luhrmann s filmof philosophy, to Strictly Ballroom, a life lived in fear is a life half lived , to Romeo + Juliet s endearment of love and finally The Great Gatsby s social commentary on society, capitalism and history. In Strictly Ballroom, Baz Luhrmann has done a phenomenal job of utilizing the conventional philosophy of cinema ... Show more content on ... The Elizabethan play is re imagined as a modern action, love film, Bricolage. Luhrmann s Romeo + Juliet takes aspects of the original Romeo and Juliet, pastiche, and includes them in scenes such as the prologue, taking the original artifice and adapting its relevance to today. The techniques of metafiction are also found, as Mercutio in Luhrmann s film is a black bisexual male. There is also techniques of, flattening of effect where violence detaches the families members from emotional lives. Baz Luhrmann s Romeo and Juliet s multi voiced narrative, setting his movie in a country and culture unfamiliar to himself contra to Strictly Ballroom, Luhrmann implementing Shakespearian prose in place of modern communication within his film and filming Romeo + Juliet in a much larger area, with more diverse areas for scenes, indicates the development of Luhrmann becoming a more courageous and expressive
  • 18. Research Paper On Dodo Bird The Mysterious Dodo Picture yourself running through the woods as quickly as your legs can move you, with a heap of emotions running through your brain. You feel betrayed, offended, helpless, terrified. You had never been an aggressive animal. You were friendly, you didn t eat animals, and it s not like you had the abilities to overpower anything if you did eat them. This may aid your imagination of what the dodo bird went through while being hunted down by the Portuguese. The dodo bird may seem like a tedious animal; However, the bird, it s misconception, and how it became extinct are intriguing in a way that you may find odd. The dodo bird is not an extremely famous bird, like the beautiful parrot, or the perfectly pink flamingo. Many people aren t educated on what the bird was genuinely like, or even what the bird is. The dodo is a flightless bird from an island in the Indian Ocean called Mauritius. It is part of the Raphidae family(Dodo 1), which consists of pigeons and doves. The dodo clings to the forest in Mauritius and has been extinct since the 17th century(Extinct Bird 1), eating only nuts, fruits, or seeds it found on the ground(Viral Stats). The dodo bird has a comical appearance, that one could only imagine. It s unique visuals were small useless wings, thick yellow legs, and a tuft of feathers high on its rear end (Dodo 2). These odd characteristics made it easy for people to deride the dodo bird. In terms of size, the dodo was larger than a turkey, it
  • 19. Defiance in Minorities of United States The spoils of hegemony spread through the American landscape in those ebullient years following World War II. The perks of empire building abroad translated into an uninterrupted period of economic growth and labor reforms that re calibrated the national consciousness and allowed, for the first time, the emergence of a middle class with sufficient autonomy and self awareness to exert political influence and correct the power imbalance that had characterized the first decades of the 20th century. This social Renaissance, however, had been distributed unevenly along racial lines, and no government of the time sought to redress the disparity between white economic advancement and the stagnant conditions imposed on social minorities, ossified as they were by decades of systematic subjugation before society and before the law. Discontent seethed beneath black communities, who felt increasingly isolated and persecuted by the same social institutions who had demanded so high a sacrifice during the second World War, a sacrifice summoned and re visited by the looming threat of a war with Vietnam. The landmark Brown vs. Board of Education was seen by many as a hollow victory, given the lethargic response of the Eisenhower administration to enforce the legislation, particularly in the Southern states where racial tensions, unaddressed by the larger cultural zeitgeist, had metamorphosed into open hostility and palpable contempt. An American president would not align himself with the
  • 20. Penn State Scandal Research Paper Penn State Scandal Trevor Fredericks Southern New Hampshire University Abstract On June 22, 2012 Gerald Arthur Jerry Sandusky was convicted of sexually abusing 10 boys, and was found guilty on 45 out of 48 counts. The sexual assault occurs between the years of 1994 and 2006, while Sandusky is employed by Pennsylvania State University, working with the Second Mile foundation, and retired. On May 3rd, 1998 Jerry Sandusky is reported to the University Police by a mother of a victim (victim 6 in the police report) for showering with her son in the football locker room. From May 4th 1998 forward, Penn State athletic director Tim Curley, Penn State Vice President for finance and business Gary Schultz, Penn State President Graham Spanier, ... Show more content on ... (2011). Police Criminal Complaint. Retrieved from http:/ / criminal complaint.pdf Connor, T. (2012, June 30). Paterno convinced Penn State to keep quiet about Sandusky: emails NY Daily News. Retrieved December 20, 2014, from http:/ / paterno influenced penn state officials quiet jerry sandusky emails reveal article 1.1105285 Drape, J. (2012, June 12). Penn State s Sandusky Convicted of Sexually Abusing Boys Retrieved from /ncaafootball/jerry sandusky convicted of sexually abusing boys.html?_r=0 Freeh Sporking Sullivan, LLP. (2012). Report of the Special Investigative Counsel Regarding the Actions of The Pennsylvania State University Related to the Child Sexual Abuse Committed by Gerald A. Sandusky. Retrieved from http:/ / Greenberg, C. (2011, October 15). Jerry Sandusky Interview: Bob Costas Asks Sandusky About Penn State Abuse Scandal (VIDEO). Retrieved from
  • 21. Analysis Of Plato s Apology On The Man Of Save The Day,... The Man to Save the Day, but not Himself An Analysis of Plato s Apology Socrates, painted as a humble man who never had any of his own writings, and often speculated to be illiterate, is considered one of the major partisans of Western philosophy. Western philosophy is the philosophical thought of the western world. This idea proves to be quite accurate when considering Plato s Apology, the apology of Socrates which is not really considered an apology but a defense. In the ancient Greek era, the word apology meant to defend one s actions and explain why they were done, rather than apology and take ownership of the actions done. In Plato s account of Socrates apology, Socrates appears to be an innocent old man who is full of unrecognized wisdom, a man who is victimized by the society, the court, and the politicians of that time. This victimization stems from the insecurities of the attackers. Socrates was an advocate of tending to the needs of the soul, above all else, and this idea was despised by the people who criticized him because the idea itself convicted them, caused them to appear as wrong. Socrates actions, in which he sat in the center of Athens speaking to the youth and cross examining the arrogant, and these ideas which he displayed to the public are what initially got him into the mess of being on trial. Socrates is eventually sentenced to death, and in this happening is considered a martyr, similar to Jesus Christ. As the ideas above portray, Socrates was a
  • 22. Greek Women In Euripides s The Trojan Women Euripides s tragedy play The Trojan Women took place in the now destroyed and mutilated city of Troy, after the mythological Trojan War and the historical Peloponnesian War. This play was the last of a trilogy that Euripides wrote concerning the events of the leading up to Trojan War, the war itself, and the aftermath . The two leading Greek city states at the time, Athens and Sparta, are the ones who are involved in the almost three decades of conflict, leaving the Greek sphere in pieces and cities destroyed and Athens was left bankrupt, exhausted of all resources, and demoralized from losing much of everything . The main causes of this war began with the Spartans fear of Athens growing power and prosperity to build bigger and better naval ships, and the construction of massive buildings and the construction of the Long Wall that outlined their territories . The Trojan Women focused on the captured women of Athens s point of view of the aftermath of the war and how they portrayed the Spartan soldiers as barbarians instead of heroic beings like they are in The Odysseyor The Iliad. Throughout Euripides s The Trojan Women, he came across a circumstance that occurred in order to make his main points in the play about the horrors of war, Greek s relationships with the Greek Gods, and the role of women in Greek society. The circumstance that Euripides encountered was the ability to combine multiple literary works and format some of the characters, events, and topics into
  • 23. Impact of Global Marketing Environment and Strategies in... CONTENTS 1) BACKGROUND OF THE COMPANY...................................................2 1.1) SITUATION ANALYSIS..........................................................................2 2) MACRO ENVIRONMENT EXTERNAL ANALYSIS.........................3 2.1) PESTEL.....................................................................................................3 3) MICRO ENVIRONMENT EXTERNAL ENVIRONMENT................6 3.1) PORTER S 5 FORCES.............................................................................6 4) MARKET SEGMENTATION..................................................................10 5) INTERNAL AUDIT...................................................................................13 5.1) RESOURCES... Show more content on ... The company also continued to growth strong in multi channel business; sales up 85.9%. and the Gross transaction value was up to 8.4%. the like for like sales up was 0.3%. The Gross margin was also up 70bps and the headline profit before tax and exceptional ahead of market expectation were at ВЈ123.6 million, up by 18.6%. So Debenhams had a steady growth in market(Debenhams, 2010) 2) MACRO ENVIRONMENT EXTERNAL ANALYSIS 2.1) PESTEL: a) Political: Factors| Impact on the industry| Implications| Employment| In this recession time it is hard for the business to survive| Job seekers may find it hard to get a job| Taxes| Changes in the Taxes| Due to increase tax, the company had to increase the product price| E commerce| The Company provides online shopping, customer services and gives order online| Better chance for increase global business and customer satisfaction| Terrorism| Increase in number of terrorism and gang war in the country| Affects the market growth and the economy of the company | Conclusion: The political factor plays an important role in the success of the company. Political factor are external issues which affect the growth of the company. Factors like the new government taxing and terrorism will surely affect the development of the company. Economical: Factors| Impact on the industry| Implications| Oil Price | Increase in import and export rate| It causes increase in the product price|
  • 24. Ivy League Schools Ivy League schools are prestigious institutions that accept only the top students in America, and they challenge their students in all classes. These institutes represent the best education and produce some of the most successful people in America. It is an honor to be accepted to any Ivy League, but attending does not come cheap. With huge tuition costs, coursework, stress, and pressure, some wonder if it is worth the work. As someone who has worked in admission at Yale, Deresiewicz knows what is required to go to an Ivy Leagueschool. He states, So extreme are the admission standards now that kids who manage to get into elite colleges have, by definition, never experienced anything but success. The prospect of not being successful terrifies them, not merely practical, but existential (Deresiewicz203). What Deresiewicz means is the minority of kids who get selected are all similar in the fact that they are normally successful in everything they do. The thought of failing in their Ivy League school terrifies them so much that it almost breaks them. The decision to go to an Ivy League school instead of a four year universitymay not be worth the cost, provide students with superior education, or help improve the life of a student. In the text of the liberal magazine The New Republic, Deresiewicz talks about his experience of working in the admissions office at Yale and reveals some of the requirements in order for a candidate to be considered. Deresiewicz described the
  • 25. The New Company Green Way 2 Go The new company Green Way 2 Go, which I am employed with wants to hire a new secretary for our Human Resources department that specializes in distributing and manufacturing of agricultural products. Our company s headquarters is based in Atlanta, Georgia which is located in the South Atlantic Census Division (United States CensusBureau, 2013). The location was chosen based on strategic formation for the company because agricultureis the oldest and largest industry in the entire state (Georgia Farm Bureau, 2014). The company is not only limited to manufacturing products like fertilizers and other products needed for agricultural purposes, the company also offers other technical assistance by providing farmers with other resources as needed, such as extension officers. As the Human Resource Director at this newly founded company, I will select and recruit personnel from several occupations to include; engineers, sales and marketing professionals, accountants, agricultural scientist, field technician and others that I might see as a perfect fit for our mission here. First order of business is to hire a secretary for the HR department in ensuring that the company has the capability in order to hire competent individuals for other positions within the company. Aside from determining the minimum qualifications required of the applicants, it will also be necessary for the company to develop an attractive benefit and compensation package along with the desired position.
  • 26. Driving Through Sawmill Towns poem analysis Essay Driving Through Sawmill Towns by Les Murray In the high cool country, having come from the clouds, down a tilting road Into a distant valley, You drive without haste. Your windscreen parts the forest, Swaying and glancing, and jammed midday brilliance Crouches in clearings... Then you come across them, The sawmill towns, bare hamlets built of boards With perhaps a store, Perhaps a bridge beyond And a little sidelong creek alive with pebbles. This first stanza ... Show more content on ... This first stanza from the poem, explains the journey of a man driving through a sawmill town and his observations. Murray describes his journey through a small sawmill town in New South Wales whilst using strong, vivid imagery and emotive language. As evident by the title of this poem, imagery is a strong technique used in this poem as the author describes with great detail his journey through a sawmill town. This technique is used most in the following phrases: ...down a tilting road, into a distant valley. And The sawmill towns, bare hamlets built of boards with perhaps a store . This has the effect of creating an image in the reader s mind and making the poem even more real. There is also figurative language used in phrases such as Having come from the clouds and tilting road . This adds to the effect of imagery and emphasis on the journey to the sawmill town. It also helps to make the stanza more interesting to the reader. Driving Through Sawmill Towns by Les Murray In the high cool country, having come from the clouds, down a tilting road Into a distant valley, You drive without haste. Your windscreen parts the forest, Swaying and glancing, and jammed midday brilliance Crouches
  • 27. The Realist Theory Of International Relations When Arab spring started to influence various countries in Middle East and North Africa with domino effect in 2010, Libya was one of these countries. There were uprisings in the regions because of the bad economic conditions, lack of the democracy, human rights, and people s demand for democracy of the cruel dictators. The demands or discomforts were same in Libya, but process of the Muammar al Gaddafis regime s end was different from others as it was intervened by coalition states and NATO. Libya s intervene was carried out by the 1973 numbered resolution of United Nations Security Council in March, 2011. The reasons of the intervention were expanding democracy in the region, ending Gaddafi s violence through civilians and changing the regime. However, unlike other interventions in international area, it was quick and sudden. Therefore it was obvious that other than providing good life conditions to Libyan people, there were also other purposes of the coalition states through Libya s rich resources. Realism theory On the realist theory of International Relations, the basic assumption of this theory is that states in their foreign affairs, must pursue power, and ensure that they act rationally with the most appropriate step that will be taken to perpetuate the life of the state in a hostile and threatening environment. A key principle of realist theory is that of survival and it could be argued that in the domestic politics governments create and enforce laws to
  • 28. A Wedding Speech By The Maid Of Honor And The Best Man Friendship is one of the most important thing in this world. Friends are the people who support the decisions you make, encourage you to pursue your dreams, and love you despite your flaws. The loyalty and devotion between two friends are usually shown through real life interactions. However, written words can also show how much two friends care for each other. Wedding speeches and text messages seemingly have no connections to one another; but through purpose, audience, and conventions such as tone, diction, and grammar choices we see that the two genres reveal how close two friends are. Furthermore, we see how the purpose and audience change the content of the two genres and how the audience change the tone and diction of the writing. In almost every wedding, a wedding speech is given by the maid of honor and the best man. These speeches are used to thank the parents for arranging the wedding and the guests for coming. The main purpose of the speech, however, is to wish the newly married couple all the happiness and luck with their marriage. While wishing the couple a happy marriage, the speaker includes anecdotes about the newlyweds, showing how strong the relationship between the bride or groom and the speaker. In Jenna Haas s speech to Jillian Douwsma, she recounts a story about how Jillian s groom, Seth, picked up an item that had fallen out of a girl s backpack. He did not know that the item was a tampon and the two girl laughed about it. Anecdotes such as this
  • 29. Premarital Counseling Essay What is Premarital Counseling? Premarital Counseling is defined as a type of therapy that helps couples prepare for marriage and it is often provided by a licensed therapist. Therapist is known as a marriage or family therapist. There are also the options of seeking counseling through your religious institution if that works better for you and your future spouse (Mayo Clinic Staff, 2013) . How to prepare for Premarital Counseling? When embarking on any new venture in your life you need to follow steps that lead up to that instant, so below is a checklist that you and your future spouse should follow in order to secure that you ve chosen the right individual help in this big step. Before you and your spouse chose ... Show more content on ... Doing so will strengthen you and your spouse s relationship prior to marriage and perhaps get some things in check first. Premarital counseling also teaches communication and conflict resolution techniques. This will help to increase the level of marital satisfaction. It is also found/suggested that greater communication skills reduce the risk of divorce. The counseling should also bring up discussions that are vital to a couple s relationship. Whatever these things are they should be hatched out before so there are no surprises in the relationship. These issues may be minor or major depending on what s discussed. This may be a time to sort out like gender roles, expectations, and finances most importantly. Premarital counseling is basically making you aware of strengths and growth areas therefore insuring a happy and long future together as one (Stebbins, 2011; Duncan, Childs Larson, 2010). Types of Premarital Counseling As stated earlier there are various approaches to premarital preparation simply because there are some many different types of people to connect to the different approaches offered (Duncan, Childs Larson, 2010). Furthermore there has been no significant evidence that says that any one approach is more effective than others (Duncan, Childs Larson, 2010). So based on information found
  • 30. Euthanasia And The Current Legal Position Of Euthanasia 1.INTRODUCTION The term euthanasia is derived from Greek, and means Good death. It is a broad term for mercy killing, which is a plea to euthanasia. It represents a serious socio legal debate. People do not always die well. Some afflictions cause people to suffer extreme physical pain in their last days, and euthanasia may seem a compassionate way to end the pain. The case of Karen Ann Quinlan set a precedent for patient s right to refuse unwanted medical treatment. However, the credit of bringing euthanasia to the public goes to Jack Kevorkian. The objective of this project work is to address the burning debate on legalizing euthanasia in India and establishing the current legal position of euthanasia in India through judicial decisions. 2.THE CONCEPT i.Historical background From the days of Holocaust to the days of Aruna Shangbaug the issue of euthanasia has been a burning issue. It was practiced in Ancient Greece and Rome and was supported by the Socrates and Plato. Euthanasia was more acceptable under Protestantism and during the Age of Enlightenment. Among the Nazis it was based on the policy, Life unworthy of life needs to be destroyed as their burdensome existence hampers the growth and development of national economy. Ancient Indian philosophy also justifies the idea of willing death. As per the Hindu mythology, Lord Rama took Jal Samadhi in Sarayu river, Lord Buddha and Mahavira also attained similar death. Mahatama Gandhi too supported the idea of
  • 31. Figurative Language In Richard Cory By Edward Arlington... The narrative poem Richard Cory written in 1897 by Edward Arlington Robinson. Depicts the fascinating life of a play boy protagonist who has a perfect lifestyle and has everything that one could ever imagine, yet despite him being a out most perfect individual at the end of the story he commits suicide. The poet was influenced with the interpretation towards how many individuals in this world can assume that those who are greater always seem to have an outstanding life. As a young boy Robinson wrote to his dear friend at the ageof six, questioning why he was born introducing a great element to his poems because at a very young age his life was tremendously bleak. Throughout the story the poet utilizes various methods of figurative language such as irony, point of view, and metaphors to introduce such elements of how life can be so great but despite it being great others can assume that you re happy but no one really knows what you re enduring. In this paragraph the poet demonstrates the emotions that the residentsfeel when they re around the protagonist. Robinson implies third person point of view as we thought that he was everything. To make us wish that we were in his place. allowing the readers to comprehend that the protagonist was more than just a typical normal resident in their neighborhood. Also conveying that those who surrounded him were below their noble class that to them he was seen as Clean favored, imperially slim. informing the readers that he was seen as royalty. Despite the residents admiring his presence, he was always filled with a fluorescent personality. The poet introduces this element he fluttered pulses when he says, Good morning allowing the readers to understand that not just his physique was out standing but the way he had proper manners to say Goodmorning to those that surrounded him. The poet allows the comprehension that the protagonist has always been an outstanding individual. Although the author describes the emotions that the residents have towards him they still envy him in the way that they describe him more then what would be expected. Robinson utilizes metaphors richer than a king to allow the readers to comprehend that the protagonist was very
  • 32. Persuasive Essay On Scottish Independence Scottish Independence Good or Bad Scotland is at a turning point. The 300 year old Union is some say no longer fit for purpose. Some say it was never designed for the 21st century world and it is well past it s sell by date and is holding Scotland back. The Scottish people voted to move forward, with a new, more Scottish approach from an SNP government. But many oppose these views saying that Scotland needs the rest of the UK and that the economic and social problems caused by independence would be catastrophic to the relationships between Scotland and the rest of the UK. In any case the government has published a white paper setting out a vision of independence and responsibility in the modern world. But is this idea beneficial to our country?
  • 33. Foreclosure Crisis Essay In the gleeful times of 2005, my parents decided, like so many others, that it was time to upgrade. They sold our smaller home on the other side of town, which had appreciated nicely, and bought a 3700 square foot behemoth in a town with already exorbitant property taxes. My younger brother and I were thrilled to finally have a basement, our own rooms, and even a concrete basketball court in our backyard! All eight year old me knew was that things were going to be a whole lot more comfortable from there, and my optimistic parents seemed to think the same. The year is 2017, and my parents have only just now reached the equity levels in the house that they started with over a decade ago, nearly one hundred fifty mortgage payments later.... Show more content on ... Millennials, in ever increasing numbers, are focusing on living now. They are choosing to move into urban areas in particular. As a predominantly liberal group, and with large cities tending to lean left, this is partially due to political forces. The majority, however, is due to lifestyle conveniences that come with a city: multiple options for transportation and not needing to own a car, proximity to cultural events and nightlife, and, especially with the decline of the suburbs as retail simultaneously sinks, a more positive future economic outlook. They more readily take the loss in living space for these benefits than their previous generations did. At the same time, a growing number of millennials are facing burdensome student loan debt. Rather than come out of college with pristine back end ratios primed for a hefty mortgage, they are handcuffed by the debt that they have amassed in their early twenties. As the Pew Research Center has noted, 37 percent of people under the age of thirty have student loan debt. They contribute to the $1.3 trillion in student debt, leverage that could presumably be used for a mortgage or some other useful credit if it were not locked up already. Millennials are trying to increase their earning power by going to school so that they have the opportunity to advance economically, but it is simultaneously holding many of them back via years of extra debt debt that is notably not going to a
  • 34. Minnesota s Glaciers The Wisconsin Glaciation of Minnesota A glacier is a large body of ice that moves slowly across land and are formed by there being a higher snow gain rather than a snow melt. Glaciers move by a small amount of ice melting and the glacier sliding. Glaciers can help and destroy the landscape in front of them but they can also shape the land into something amazing. Glaciers were once present in Minnesota thousands of years ago and played a massive role on the landscape we live on today, and as they melted they left behind large amounts of water and formations. The glaciation is very confusing to those who don t know about glaciers so here is some background information. The last glacial advance started about 75,000 years ago and the last ... Show more content on ... Outwash and till are similar but different at the same time and this is why they are both deposited by glaciers, but the way they are deposited is what makes them different. Till is simply the sediment left by the ice, outwash is deposited by the running water coming off of the melting glacier. Because water can sort sediment, and ice cannot, that is why the till is unsorted. Sorting just means when the rocks are sorted by size, bigger pieces together on the bottom, smaller pieces together on top. Glaciers are constructive and deconstructive they are deconstructive because they tear up land and the glacier does not stop for anything but it is easy to avoid. Glaciers erode the land and create landforms such as kames, eskers, and drumlins those terms will be explained a little bit later. Glaciers create valleys by shearing away the mountainside and moving it away. Some of the landforms that glaciers produce are drumlins, terminal moraine, outwash plain, and an erratic. Drumlins are elongated, teardrop shaped hills of rock, sand, and gravel that formed under moving glacier ice. A terminal moraine is where the glacier reaches its max and starts receding making a deposit of till. An outwash plain is a flat area made by meltwater carrying outwash from the leading edge of the glacier. An erratic is a rock or boulder carried from a place where the Rock is common to an area where the rock is not
  • 35. Power Of Artificial Intelligence The power of Artificial Intelligence (AI) is growing at an alarmingly dangerous rate and has the potential to take over the world if we do not come together as a whole and put regulations on the usage of it. Artificial Intelligence is defined as The capability of a machine to imitate intelligent human behavior (Merriam Webster). As we know Artificial intelligence now, it is fairly simple for the uses that we have for it, such as SIRI on Apple devices, AI controlled video game opponents, and Google s search algorithms predicting what you are going to type into its search bar. That is only the beginning of Artificial Intelligence s many capabilities. Global militaries are researching and developing technology for war that uses AI, car manufacturers are teaching AI how to drive cars by itself, IBM uses its AI creation Watson to help businesses make decisions and grow, and thousands of other major companies and powerful nations are using it in many unique ways. It contains many different unique parts, but the main uses are: Learning, Reasoning, Perception, Reasoning, Problem solving, and using Natural Language (Copeland 2017). We need to regulate or eliminate the use of AI in war around the globe, stabilize the economy after implementation of AI, and reduce or eliminate the inequality caused by it. AI controlled killing machines used in warfare, sounds cool, right? They might sound like quite the sight to see, but what happens when they become smart enough and decide to turn against the people who created them and are using them for their own gain? How do we stop them? That is one question that many people have, but none seemed to know the answer. What are the ethics behind using robots to kill people? For example, is it not just as bad as a government that has chemical weapons, that uses them against people that do not? None of the government s forces are harmed, yet thousands of people are harmed and killed from the weapons, and it only takes one fighter jet and pilot to drop the bomb. It is the same with the AI controlled robots, they could be deployed halfway across the world, yet be controlled by someone on the complete other side of earth, without any threat of danger or harm. We need regulations like
  • 36. The Fundamental Rights Of The Indian Constitution INTRODUCTION The fundamental rights were preserved in Part III of the Indian Constitution. It guarantees the following rights and freedoms. 1. Right to equality; 2. Right to freedom; 3. Protection in respect of ,conviction for offences; 4. Protection of life and personal liberty; 5. Right to education; 6. Protection against arrest and detention in certain cases; 7. Right against exploitation; 8. Right to freedom of religion; 9. Cultural and education rights; 10. Right to constitutional remedies. The terms fundamental rights have not been defined in the Constitution. Article 12 imposes duty on the state to protect citizens for enjoying the Fundamental Rights. Each article has a distinct, important and valuable fundamental right empowering the citizens. These rights primarily aimed at assuring political freedom to the citizens by protecting them against excessive State action. They are given a pride of place in the Constitution by the Drafting Committee. Directive Principles were enumerated in Part IV of the Constitution. Due to the judicial enforceability of FR and its nature being negative obligation of the state, many a times there has been a contrast between part III and part IV i.e. between fundamental rights and directive principles, despite being a part of the same constitution. The Fundamental Rights are enforceable. Whereas the directives are non В¬justifiable and are more in the nature of positive affirmations of the state. However in recent time, some of the
  • 37. Essay On Ablooproteinemia Abetalipoproteinemia (ABL) is a rare inherited disorder affecting fat metabolism. Abnormal fat metabolism prevents the body from completely absorbing dietary fats, cholesterol, and fat soluble vitamins. Without treatment, people affected by this disorder can experience progressive neurological deterioration, muscle weakness, difficulty walking, and blood abnormalities in which the red blood cells deform resulting in low levels of circulating red blood cells (anemia). Dietary fats and vitamins are essential for proper growth and development of various body systems. Consequently, degeneration of the retina of the eyes may also occur in affected people. This can potentially result in loss of vision, a condition known as retinitis pigmentosa. This disorder is inherited as an autosomal recessive trait and is caused by mutations in the microsomal triglyceride transfer protein (MTTP) gene. Beta lipoprotein that work to carry fats and cholesterol in the blood is missing due to the MTTP gene mutations. The MTTP gene provides instructions for making microsomal triglyceride transfer protein, which is essential for creating beta lipoproteins. The mutations in this gene lead to abnormally short microsomal triglyceride transfer protein, causing the nutritional and neurological problems. ABL is also called Bassen Kornzweig syndrome because Dr. Bassen and Dr.... Show more content on ... This signifies that individuals with ABL inherited two abnormal alleles from the same trait from each parent. Those that receive one normal allele and one allele for the disease are considered carriers for ABL. They usually do not show symptoms of ABL, however their offspring can inherit the disorder. Two carrier parents have 25% chance of having affected child indicating they both passed their defective gene to their child. Two carrier parents have 50% chance of having a carrier child and 25% of chance of having a normal
  • 38. The Keurig Green Mountain Coffee Company The Keurig Green Mountain Coffee Company focuses on the consumer and improving their coffee experience. Keurig has a variety of products including brewing systems and the beverages that are brewed in these systems. In my argument, I will be focusing mainly on the brewing systems alone. Keurig Company has recently began expanding their business in international markets. I will be evaluating Brazilas a possible country for growth. I will then discuss the potential success and failures of the Keurig product entering the Brazilian market. This will be followed by an argument on whether Keurig should or should not pursue expanding into Brazil. Keurig is a subsidiary of Green Mountain Coffee Roasters Company. The Green Mountain Coffee Roasters Company provides organic, fair trade, gourmet coffee. When adding Keurig to the Green Mountain Coffee Company it became an industry leader in specialty coffee, coffee makers, teas, and multiple other beverage types. Supporting this, in 2014, Keurig sold $4.7 billion worth of product, totaling $596 million in net income. As a company, they emphasize the importance of social responsibility. They claim that with the use of K Cups, 85% of the waste from coffee is diverted from landfills. The company and its employees have volunteered 57 thousand total hours in community service. (Keurig Green Mountain, 2015) Between products and employees, Keurig is successfully reflecting their socially responsible image. The Keurig products that I will
  • 39. The Appalachian Mountain Culture In James Still s River Of... The Appalachian mountain range is known for its vibrant music, coal mines, and food, and Appalachian literature is full of mountain culture and history. James Still s River of Earth centers around the life of an Appalachian family struggling between an independent life as farmers, and the uncertain promise of prosperity offered by coal mining camps. On the other hand, Gurney Norman s Divine Rights Trip takes place in the 1960s chronicling the life of a hippie who travels across the country and, eventually, back to the mountains. In the novels, the mother is the caretaker of her son, the protagonist, and Estelle begins as D.R. s caretaker; the elements of fiction and the sense of place contribute to these two females and an understanding of the main characters. The main characterof River of Earth is a young boy whose name is never revealed to the reader. Since the story is told from the main character s point of view, the reader sees how the narrator changes through his own eyes. For instance, the narrator s sense of identity leads to his change. In the novel, the reader observes how the narrator identifies with his mother s way of life rather than his fathers. His observations of their familydynamics lead to his decision to become a horse doctor. However, after dealing with the colt s birth and the corn cob stuck in the cow s throat the narrator is still squeamish towards that profession. Along with his identity, the reader can get a sense of how the characters around
  • 40. Family Themes In Huckleberry Finn The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Theme: Family Mark Twain s The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is a classical novel that contains numerous themes and ideas. Alongside the themes of freedom, race, rules, religion, and deceit lies the most important theme throughout the entire story; family. Throughout the novel, Huckleberry Finn battles with whether or not family supports and builds you up or if it orders you around and tears down your ambitions. One quote that perfectly describes this concept was spoken by Aishwarya Rai Bachan who stated that, my family is my strength and my weakness. (Bachan 1). Family is a theme that constantly emerges in Huckleberry Finn, one that is constantly getting re defined: from the Shepherdson and Grangerford feud, to Huck living with Miss Watson and Widow Douglas, to Huck discovering a father figure in Jim. The Shepherdson and Grangerford feud altered Huck s perspective about the definition of family. Huck s first interaction with the Grangerfords gives him the impression that Widow Douglas assessment of the Col. and his family were correct. The Grangerfords were kind, caring, wealthy and well respected. They are very hospitable towards Huck. Despite owning hundreds of slaves and servants the Grangerfords are practically a perfect family, especially for this time period. However, when Buck talks about the feud it changes his perspective. Well, says Buck, a feud is this way: A man has a quarrel with another man, and kills him; then that
  • 41. John Feinstein s Cover-Up John Feinstein in his book, Cover Up, strongly posits the point that all people should not just take what is given, but to do further investigation to find out the truth behind all things in life. John Feinstein uses author s purpose widely in order to get the reader to understand his overall them of the book. In this book the NFL has come under some heat for drug testing and suspensions. Two young reporters, age 14, choose to do their own investigation. Susan and Steve both decide to do their part to expose the NFL and hold their feet to the fire about the massive scandal. On page 89 the one of the characters are asking a reporter a series of questions about suspensions and other things concerning the NFL. Now, the author s purpose in... Show more content on ... Without this vital element in the book the entirety of the book and its qualities could not be held together no matter how good the author could write. Foreshadowing, mystery, suspense, and even justice could not work in adhesion without timing, fluency, and quality. I m kind of a magician. I wave my magic needle on Sunday s and everyone plays. Eddie Brennan wouldn t have seen the last two months without me. (92). The character Susan is still in her interview with her boastful reporter. He says that many players take pain killing shots to get them through the winter months. By doing this they are able to avoid checkups and secure their place on the starting line. The player that he is referring to, Eddie Brennan, used illegal painkiller cortisone shots to get through the months of February and January on a bad knee. This would allow him to keep playing, stay on the starting line up, and fastened his contract for longer thus making him more money. This type of evidence is revealed in just the right timing for both the readers and the characters and allow the plot to flow smoothly and continue on. If this essential piece of evidence was exposed later then the characters may not have come up with their arguments for their case when they expose the NFL in the
  • 42. Gothic Architecture Style Introduction The Gothic revival and Italianate are two architectural style which both appear in Europe first and spread to south Australian during the early colonial and Victorian era. The gothic revival style was point out by the emergence Gothic Revival movement happened in England at 19th century, and then the popularity of this kind of style rise rapidly. The basic theory of this style is associated with the philosophical movements. It aimed to re awake the sense of high church and against the religious nonconformist. In parallel, this kind of style spread to Europe, Australia, south Africa and American. the popularity of it also grew rapidly in those places. The Italianate style represent a kind of classical architecture, and it also grew to become a popular style in 19th century. Britain is also the place where the Italianate style get first developed in 1802 by John Nash. after that, the popularity of it declined in British. However, the style turned to varies into different forms and spread to northern Europe and British empire including Australia. The two kind of styles of architecture both came from British and make effect on the establishment of the buildings in south Australia. However, because of the own characters, colonization and the local situation, the gothic revival made more effect on non residential architecture in south Australia than the Italianate did during the early colonial and Victorian. This essay will discuss the history of the colonization of
  • 43. Research Paper On Mount Kilimanjaro Africa Landforms Mount Kilimanjaro Reaching the height of 19,341 feet, the tallest mountain on the African continent and tallest free standing mountain in the world is Mount Kilimanjaro. Within the mountain, there is almost every type of ecological system, including rainforest, alpine desert, cultivated land, moorland, heath, and an arctic summit. Due to the vast ecosystems on Mount Kilimanjaro, there is additionally diverse vegetation and animal species. Furthermore, Mount Kilimanjaro is a dormant volcano consisting of three volcanic cones: Shira, Kibo, and Mawenzi. Finally, a fun fact is Pizza Hut set an official Guinness World Record by delivering the highest altitude pizza to the top of Mount Kilimanjaro in May 2016. Mount Kilimanjaro ... Show more content on ... The Zambezi River reaches a length of 1,600 miles before it empties into the Indian Ocean with an average discharge of 247,240 cubic feet per second. Furthermore, the Zambezi River is split into three sections: the upper, middle, and lower river. Victoria Falls the world s largest waterfall is considered the boundary between the upper and middle Zambezi River. There are also two main dams built on the Zambezi that harness enough energy to power most of Zambia, Zimbabwe, and South Africa. Finally, the annual flood of the Zambezi River brings about a ceremony called Kuomboka, (means to move out of water translated), which attracts thousands of tourists every
  • 44. Wizard Of Oz Analysis Essay Wizard of Oz Analysis Scene: This scene in the film comes just after the house has been picked up in the twister. Dorothy s house has been lifted up into the sky and suddenly dropped back down to earth in the middle of the Land of Oz. In the scene itself, Dorothy leaves her home to see that she is Not in Kansas anymore, and finds the new and amazing world of the munchkin city in front of her. She also meets Gwendela the good witch as her journey in Oz begins. Shot 1: Wide shot. View behind Dorothy in black and white. Dorothy opens the door to the color world of Oz. She steps out into Oz and stops. Straight on shot, camera moves into Oz first through the door, followed by Dorothy appearing again in the foreground. Light... Show more content on ... Shot 6: Wide shot. Dorothy is in the center of the frame with Toto in her arms. Puts Toto down as a mysterious glowing orb far in the distance slowly hovers down, getting larger in size as it approaches. Dorothy backs up out of the frame as the orb takes up the entire shot. Gwendela the good witch appears instantly. Straight on shot, no camera movement. Music is more haunting, eerie, and mysterious to represent the orb floating down. Shot 7: Close up. Dorothy scared, nervous, and confused by this person. Tight head shot. Straight on camera shot, no movement. Music still constant. Shot 8: Wide shot. Good witch Gwendela walks toward Dorothy to talk to her. From right to left she goes toward Dorothy. Camera is straight on, and then follows Gwendela to Dorothy, then makes a close up on the two of them for a close, but not too tight two shot. No sound heard at all other than their dialogue. Conclusion: I thought that what was most interesting about the scene was how the director introduced us the viewer to the world of Oz. This is a very important scene in the movie because it is the first time we are seeing this magical place. It is important that we as the viewer find it to be just as amazing and awe inspiring as Dorothy does when she walks into it for the first time. We are supposed to identify with Dorothy here as she walks out of her home and into Munchkin city to see this new world she has fallen
  • 45. Environmental Benefits Of Green Roofs Introduction There are several ecological and environmental benefits of green roofs which have consequentially brought in increasing interests in this technology. A green roof, as a carpeting of plants on the roof of buildings, offers many benefits in addition to enhancing its aesthetic value. Primarily, green roofs have the ability to delay the storm runoff peak occurrence, thus reducing the peak flow rate and mitigating flood risks. Another benefit is its thermal insulation potential that reduces the urban heat island effect. They also help with pollution abatement, carbon sequestration, biodiversity conservation, and general improvement of life quality in urban ecosystems (Xiaosheng et al. 2014). Green roofs generally consist of a rather simple layering covering the rooftop, including a waterproof layer, a water retention layer and a drainage/filter layer topped with substrate with different depths according to both maximum load capacity of the roof and vegetation type to be grown (Nardini et al. 2012). However, while there has not so much attention about the relative importance of vegetation structure and composition in determining the ecosystem and technical functions of green roofs, in the last years, a number of studies have reported significant impacts of vegetation type on stormwater runoff management (VanWoert et al. 2005). In this paper, I aim to review existing research literature and summarize the process and importance of vegetation selection criteria for
  • 46. President Trump Monologue No, no, please, I am begging you, let him go. Do you not have a heart ?! I sob in between every word I scream. My life is ending. The world is ending, and there is nothing anyone can do. Today s date is July 3, 2021. President Trump has started his second term as of today, today is also the day he announces that the world is dying. I am truly sorry to publish this news to everyone. Unfortunately scientist has proven that the earth is running out of air and pretty soon the deadly toxic air will replace it all. Sounds like something out of a movie right ? But no it is true indeed, we will locate a plan immediately, so please do not panic. Please stay inside and rarely come out. We will be in touch. President Trump then signs off. The broadcast is everywhere for the next couple days, on replay and replay. President Trumps serious tone is glued to my mind like paint on a wall. He can t be serious. Ari, get your head together. This has to be a national prank, there is no way the Earth can run out of air! You earn all A s in science. It is impossible! , I start speaking to myself. ... Show more content on ... now come on, wear long, thick clothing and put on your safety face mask, we have to go stock up on food. oh no dad, has the toxic air poison you too? , I teasingly gasp. C mon both my parents have gone totally crazy! There is no way in their dang mind that they can be falling for this prank. , i roll my eyes. We arrive at the front of walmart and we can see people running in and running out with huge bags with food, all with face masks on. I spot one of best friend that i haven t seen since the last day of school. I rush out the car and sprint to her. Omg can you believe this Gaby ?! everyone is so gullible. Wasting their time to get food that we will never run out off. Ha very funny.
  • 47. Ways And Advantages And Disadvantages Of Third Party... Abstract this paper introduces ways and advantages of third party logistics enterprise servicing manufacturing enterprise, analyses supply chain of manufacturing enterprise and further studies for the organization structure of third party logistics enterprise servicing manufacturing enterprise, to seek to the enterprise organization structure which has the best combination in third party logisticsenterprise with manufacturing enterprise. Keywords: Third party logistics enterprise, Manufacturing enterprise, Organization structure 1. Current Situation of Foreign Funds in China Insurance Industry Following the rapid development of third party logistics enterprises and industrial structure entering the mid term of industrialization in our country,... Show more content on ... 3.3 Distributed Network Type Virtual Logistics Organization Structure Distributed network type virtual logistics organization structure is shown in figure 3. From the figure, we can see that managers take the logistics basic activities to external forces. The organization core consists of cost control center and information center of the alliance which conposes of third party logistics enterprise, carries out design, organization, surveillance and control directed at logistics activities. Non assets logistics service is better at enhancing profit ability and profit speed than assers logistce service. Investigation and study going deep into manufcturing enterprise is in favor of realizing the co operation with manufcturing enterprises from strategic level. This kind of structure is mini scale, not hardware facilities, but have advanced logistics management technology and information technology. It can help manufcturing enterprises working out marketing plan, transportation plan, order plan, production plan; even to carry out reforming enterprise
  • 48. Outsourcing Of Aviation Maintenance Practices And The... Outsourcing of Aviation Maintenance Practices and the Effects of Globalization Matthew Wilkerson Embry Riddle Aeronautical University Worldwide May 16, 2016 Abstract Within the aviation industry outsourced maintenance practices have become increasingly more prevalent to maintain current assets. There is generally three processes currently being utilized by the airline industry: outsourcing specific maintenance needs, in house operations, and lastly, a hybrid approach, which entails a combination of outsourcing and in house. How these are applied and to what extent are driven by each company and their own unique needs. This paper compares and contrasts the advantages and disadvantages of outsourcing maintenance practices as well as the effects of globalization on the airline industry. Outsourcing of Aviation Maintenance Practices and the Effects of Globalization Outsourcing is defined as the process utilized when a company decides to subcontract its business processes or functions to another company; therefore, instead of hiring employees to perform a task, the company (outsourcer) enters into an outsourcing arrangement with another firm to provide these services under contract for a certain price and period (Motiwalla Thompson, 2012, p.268). This paper expands on the notions of outsourcing and the effects it has had on the airline industry by briefly discussing the advantages and disadvantages associated with outsourcing and the effects of globalization on the
  • 49. Wolff-Parkinson White Syndrome Essay Wolff Parkinson White Syndrome Wolff Parkinson White syndrome is a heart condition where there is an extra electrical pathway or circuit in the heart. The condition can lead to episodes of rapid heart also known as tachycardia. Wolff Parkinson White syndrome, also known as WPW, is present at birth. People of all ages, even infants, can experience the symptoms related to WPW. Episodes of tachycardiaoften occur when people are in their teens or early twenties. Most of the time, a fast heartbeat are not life threatening, but serious heart problems can occur. Treatments for Wolff Parkinson White syndrome can stop or prevent episodes of fast heart beats. A catheter based procedure, known as ablation can permanently correct the heart... Show more content on ... Wolf Parkinson White syndrome is associated with some forms of congenital heart disease, such as Ebstein s anomaly. (Mayo Clinic Staff). The heart is made up of four chambers. The two upper chambers known as the atria, and the two lower chambers known as the ventricles. The rhythm of your heart is controlled by the sinus node. The sinus node is almost like a natural pacemaker which is located in the atrium. The sinus node gives off electrical impulses that start every heartbeat. Electrical impulses travel across the atria causing the atria muscles to contract and pump blood in the ventricles. (Mayo Clinic Staff). The electrical impulses eventually arrive at a cluster of cells known as the atrioventricular node or the AV node. The AV node slows down the signal before sending it to the ventricles. By this delay, it allows the ventricles to fill with blood causing the electrical impulses to reach the muscles of the ventricles so they can contract and pump blood to the lungs and the rest of the body. When a person has WPW syndrome an extra electrical pathway connects the atria and the ventricles. This means that an electrical signal can bypass the AV node. When the impulses use this alternative route through the heart, the ventricles are activated to early. Looped electrical impulses and disorganized electrical impulses are two major types of rhythm disturbances. A looped electrical impulse is when electrical
  • 50. Missing Property Tim, This claim is in reference both missing property from baggage and a medical claim on holiday Donald and I took to Europe last year starting on the 24th of September, 2017. We landed Paris on Delta Airlines and a then went on a Backroads cycling trip in the Loire Valley. We arrived in Paris on the 24th of September and went to our Hotel Aigle Noir at Fountainbleu. When I started to unpack my bag is when I noticed my luggage had been ransacked. I was missing my toiletry bag, clothes, and shoes. I notified Delta and they told me to go and purchase my toiletry items and submit a missing property claim form for review and reimbursement. Delta also told me I must make all claims within 21 days of the start of my trip. I submitted all ... Show more content on ... Since we were in the countryside I did not go to the hospital until the next morning. They told me that I needed 12 stitches but would not be able to stitch my knee since I delayed coming to the hospital. The doctor told me that I had to hire a day nurse every morning in each village to come and bandage my knee to avoid infection. Delta did reimburse me 100% for I have been a Delta Medallion member for over 25 years and have never filed a claim with Delta. Allainz told I must go and purchase my items and submit receipts to get reimbursed for my stolen clothes and shoes along with my medical bills. In January of this year, I submitted two claim types with Allainz online. I submitted one type for Baggage/Personal Effect claim for my stolen items and my Delta missing property claim number 4006118967, along with Medical Expenses. I uploaded my receipts for a total of $715.66. Please note on my medical receipts 106.72 are billed in Euros not US$. Below is a copy of our coverage and please note the claim email is in my email Allianz told me I was approved and that they would send a check for my reimbursement and to this day we have not received any funds from
  • 51. History Writing Prompt Analysis History Writing Prompt 2015 2016: Prompt 2 As the Revolutionary War faded in Gunner s memory, another image filled his mind. The smell was one they remembered from their adventures during the Revolutionary War. It was gunpowder! Not another war , was all Gunner could think. As Gunner looked down, he saw that they were dressed in a Union uniform.... Boom! A cannon whizzed past my ear, nearly taking off my head! I looked around and saw death, from both sides, but mainly I saw more fatalities in men dressed in Union uniforms. After retreating, the general, whose name I found out to be Ulysses S. Grant, said that we had lost this battle, the Battle of Bull Run. He said we were located in the state of Virginia, and that we were to travel south, towards this state s capital, Richmond. For almost an entire year, we regained our strength, tended... Show more content on ... Republicans don t want slavery to spread, and southerners base their living off of the work of slaves. Without them, they wouldn t have anyone to do the hard work for them. For that reason, the southern states started to secede, he finished. Wow! But how did that start the war? Gunner asked. Lincoln said that to try to secede was very illegal. He even went further to say that he would hold the Union together by force if he had to, so I guess that called for an army, and an army usually calls for war, the soldier finished. Speaking of war, get up soldiers! Today we march to Richmond to face our foes, General McClellan said. I have a good feeling we ll crush those confederates! he rallied. Knock on wood, many soldiers thought. The union soldiers marched to Richmond and the battle began. The Union soldiers quickly lost as General Lee began a series of attacks at Beaver Dam creek, which caught them off guard. The next six days was a basic repeat of the day before, only in a new location, with more casualties and more fatalities. Two months later on Antietam