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Ted Bundy Essay
Crafting an essay on the subject of Ted Bundy is undoubtedly a challenging endeavor. The
intricacies surrounding his life, criminal activities, and the profound impact he had on the field
of criminology require careful and sensitive handling. Delving into Bundy's psychology,
understanding the motivations behind his heinous acts, and exploring the societal implications of
his crimes demand extensive research and a deep understanding of forensic psychology.
Moreover, presenting the information in a coherent and engaging manner while maintaining an
objective tone is no small feat. Balancing the portrayal of Bundy as a criminal and delving into
the human aspects of his personality without sensationalism is a delicate tightrope to walk.
The task also involves navigating the ethical considerations associated with discussing such a
sensitive and disturbing topic. The need to handle the subject matter with respect for the victims
and their families adds an additional layer of complexity to the writing process.
In addition to the intellectual challenges, there's an emotional toll that comes with immersing
oneself in the details of Bundy's life and crimes. The gravity of the topic requires a writer to
approach it with empathy and mindfulness, considering the potential psychological impact on
both the writer and the audience.
In conclusion, writing an essay on the topic of Ted Bundy demands a combination of thorough
research, emotional resilience, and a keen awareness of the ethical dimensions involved. It is not
a task for the faint-hearted, and those who embark on this journey must tread carefully to
produce a piece that is informative, respectful, and thought-provoking.
For assistance with essays on various topics, including those of a sensitive nature, you may
explore the services offered by They can provide support and guidance to
make the writing process more manageable.
Ted Bundy Essay Ted Bundy Essay
Cuban American Family Of Six Children
Chavez who born in March 31, 1927 in Yuma, Arizona, in a Mexican American
family of six children, had always a huge sense of connection with the land and the
people who work hard of build the life by farming the land. His family owned a
grocery store and a ranch, but their land was lost during the Great Depression of
1930s, which was the longest, deepest, and most widespread depression of the 20th
century. During that time his family s home was taken away after his father had
agreed to clear eighty acres of land in exchange for the deed to the house, an
agreement which was subsequently broken. Later, when Chavez s father attempted to
purchase the house, he could not pay the interest on the loan and the house was sold
back to... Show more content on ...
Later, he would say, The love for justice that is in us is not only the best part of our
being but it is also the most true to our nature. Then my story with Caser Chavez
starts from here, and I think it would be very useful if I start to describe the
historical path of Modern Mexican American movement in order to make a sense of
Chavez legacy. From different historical resource we learned that the origins of
Mexican Americans in the United States today go back to the days of the Spanish who
first came to Mexico and then expanded north into the Southern United States,
especially into the Southwest. While The Mexican Revolution in 1810 drove the
Spanish out of Mexico and Mexican territory, the Mexican War from 1846 to 1848
ended Mexican control of the Southwest, and this is what explains the process of
forming another American minority that so called Mexican Americans, and like any
other minority of that era, they suffered losing power, land, and wealth. To stand
against inequality, injustice, and discrimination, we, as Mexican Americans, formed
different organizations that to take a collective actions in order to achieve our
goals of equality, justice, and civil rights. For example the Confederacion de
Uniones de Obreros Mexicanos (CUOM) was formed in 1927 in Los Angeles. It
proved to be the first really stable organization among Mexican workers. They
organized three thousand workers into twenty locals, and in 1928 they struck in the
Imperial Valley.
Punishment In The Middle Ages Essay
The fall of the Roman Empire marked the Middle Ages from 500ce to 1500ce which
brought with it new ideas and systems. As medieval society developed, changes and
consistencies occurred in law and order. In particular, continuity and change occurred
in punishments, trial procedures, and court systems.
Punishments in the Middle Ages were harsh and horrific, with change occurring as
heads of state and laws changed. In the Middle Ages, punishments were used as a
deterrent to gain peasants obedience. Types of punishments included torture,
mutilation, and public humiliation. When the Normans invaded England in the 11th
century, (Norman Conquest of England, 2017) many changes were made to
punishments. William the Conqueror used the death penalty ... Show more content on ...
In the Early Middle Ages, only Trial by Ordeal was used. This trial was based on
the belief that God would save the Innocent and punish the guilty and had horrific
methods, such as placing an arm in boiling water or holding an iron bar. (Tol
Zagora 2014, p. 63) With the Norman Conquest in 1066, William the Conqueror
introduced trial by combat (Rickards, 2012). Trial by combat was used for the
nobles, where the accused would fight the accuser. William the Conqueror believed
that God would protect the Innocent when the parties fought. The guilty would ve
then be punished severely (Easton Saldais 2011, pp. 330, 331). With the creation of
the Magna Carta in 1215 (Trueman, 2016) there were many changes to the Trial
Procedures. The Magna Carta abolished Trial by Ordeal and replaced it with Trial by
Jury, which involved a jury hearing a case and deciding the guilt or innocence of
the accused. Many people didn t trust trial by jury, which led to a law being created
in 1275 stating that if a criminal didn t choose trial by jury then they were tortured
(Addison, et al. 2011). Therefore, evidence shows changes in power and laws
transformed trial
El Profeta Joel
El profeta Joel hace parte en la cultura hebrea y cristiana como uno de los doce
profetas ya que su mensaje es corto a comparaciГіn con otros escritos profГ©ticos
como es el libro de IsaГas o JeremГas. Por esa razГіn hace parte de los escritos
llamados los doce profetas , ya que en la antigГјedad los escritos se hacГan en rollos
de papiro o en pergamino que conformaban los manuscritos.
Para evitar el hacer muchos rollos con mensajes pequeГ±os, los escribas realizaron
una colecciГіn de escritos y los compilaron en un solo rollo donde existen doce
escritos en el cual se encuentra el Profeta Joel.
En ese rollo encontramos a Oseas¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬, Joel,
Amos, AbdГas, JonГЎs, Miqueas, NahГєm, Habacuc, SofonГas, Hageo, ZacarГas y
MalaquГas. (1)
Dando una breve introducciГіn al tema de los Profetas llamados Posteriores,
entraremos a ver en profundidad el libro del Profeta Joel.
Hay diversos estudios que hasta la fecha no han precisado la Г©poca concreta o al
menos aproximada del profeta Joel.
En el libro Los doce Profetas Menores lo coloca en el siglo VIII entre los profetas
Oseas y Amos, al igual que nos dice que hay poca informaciГіn del autor pero es
interesante la forma de profetizar. (2) y esta es la rama mГЎs trabajada por los
eruditos bГblicos.
Aunque hay personas que lo datan en el siglo IX ya que los imperios de Asiria y
Babilonia no aparecen en los escritos del profeta y por eso se da a entender que fue
en la Г©poca del sumo sacerdote Joiada y
Best Bassinets
Introduction To The Best Bassinet For Newborn If you ve just had a child and
you re looking for a bassinet for them, you can probably see just how many
different options there are available to you. With every bassinet available, you ll
see a wide variety of options in features such as toys, vibrations, sound effects and
so much more. You ll also have to choose if you want a portable bassinet or one that
is permanent. Lastly, there s the option of choosing between other important aspects
of a bassinet such as the bedding and the canopy. Below, you ll find some of the top
things that you should consider when going to purchase a bassinet. Following that,
you ll find five reviews of some of the best bassinets offered. Take your time to read
through... Show more content on ...
If you re looking to buy a bassinet that not only protects your baby in any situation
but also provides them with a comfortable place to lay, this bassinet is the one for
you. It is capable of holding up to 25 pounds so it s perfect to grow with your child.
The frame and build of the Dream On Me Karley Bassinet is extremely lightweight
and versatile which means it s the perfect choice to move around with you
wherever you need it to go. It can easily be folded up and moved from room to
room. If you want to take it outside, this bassinet has a double canopy feature,
which allows you to expand both canopies to meet at the middle, where they can
then be zipped together to ensure that no bugs or anything else bothers your baby.
With the breathable mesh sides on the bassinet, you ll never have to worry about air
flow to your baby. Lastly, the Dream On Me Karley Bassinet includes a convenient
and accessible storage area directly underneath the bassinet and it also features a
pretty and attractive design to provide you with a great looking bassinet. Pros
Lightweight design allows for easy
Four Colors Are Better Than More
In writing this paper I have found that I have merely scratched the surface on
several different aspects of the Four Color Problem (or the Four Color Theorem as
it is often referred to, as well.) However, as you will see, I briefly touched on
several key points such as the history of the problem and where it originated. After
doing some research I was able to find information on some of the most influential
men that put their hearts and minds into solving or proving the Four Colors
Theorem. Almost all of the formulas and theories given in the text I read were well
above my comprehension level, but I do highlight some of these without going
into much detail. There were several attempts at proving these theories for nearly a
century. However, it was not until 1976 when two mathematicians at the
University of Illinois, proved that using four colors when coloring in a map would
suffice. This is where the story begins. Have you ever looked at a map and
wondered why it is colored or why if the number of colors were significant? Did
you ever see the colors on a map as a mathematical conundrum? No? Neither did I
... until I learned about the Four Color Problem. So, what is this Four Color
Problem, you ask? The actual definition, so simply put, according to the writers at, is A theorem that if you try to color in a map, you only need
four colors to complete it so that no two areas touching it were the same color. This
paper will take you
How Did Popular Sovereignty Influence Our Government
In today s world, we are using more and more technology in our lives that was
thought to be impossible only 50 odd years ago. However, what has been the most
influential ideas that helped formed our government we know today have been
written on paper. One of the ideas from some of these documents is Popular
Sovereignty. Popular Sovereignty means people power, something we see a lot of in
our government. Popular Sovereignty is the most significant influence on the
development of our government because it is seen in many documents that also
influenced the development of our government, like the Magna Carta, The
Mayflower Compact, and the writings of John Locke. The Magna Carta was written
in 1215 and was revolutionary in its time, by stripping... Show more content on ...
The Mayflower Compact was all about Just and Equal laws that were placed in it
by its writers. These Just and Equal laws , were the bread and butter of this colony,
and were decided on by the people and were what they seemed fit. The people that
created the Mayflower Compact, used the idea of a Social Contract Theory ,
which is the idea that people are agreeing to be governed under their own laws,
which was talked about by many philosophers like John Locke did in his book The
two treatises of Government , but more on that later. The settlers who made the
Mayflower Compact were people who were kicked out of Britain and wanted
religious freedom, so they based their government around the idea of what God
would do . They tried to make their society as equal, and as fair as possible, having
no federal government, and giving all the power to the people. This is one of the
sources of citizen representation in government and was not the last because it
worked fairly well, and other civilizations use that system of government. The
Mayflower Compact was one of America s first governmental systems, and we can
still see its effects today. The idea of people agreeing to be governed under their
own rules, is something we see in our government today, because we get to vote on
laws and rules in our communities. We also have representatives in the federal and
state government, that will decide more political and maybe more important
decisions for the common good. The idea of a Social Contract Theory was not
made up in the Mayflower Compact. Thomas Hobbes studied the idea of a State of
nature and came up with the Social contract theory first, but then was studied later by
John Locke, a European philosopher whose work is still seen in effect
The Role Of Behaviorism And Cognitive Development
Behaviourism and Cognitive Constructivism are two prominent theories exploring
the ways in which people learn. However, they both take rather different approaches
to explain how learning occurs. The leading thinkers in Behaviourism are John
Watson and B.F. Skinner and here, their considerations will be compared to and
contrasted with, those of Jean Piaget, the pioneer of Cognitive Constructivism.
Behaviourism is based on the creation of associations between stimuli and responses
by the learner, through forms of conditioning. Piaget s Theory of Cognitive
Developmentcentres on the premise that people learn differently at different ages.
The Behaviourism model concludes that all knowledge is gained not through
biological influences, but from the learner s environment, through Classical and
Operant Conditioning. Watson believed that through Classical Conditioning, he could
teach anybody anything and that all people started out as blank slates, ready to be
programmed with information. The school of Classical Conditioning believes that
people will learn through repetition and association, for instance, rote learning, or the
association created between a teacher holding up their hand with a request for silence
from the students. Classical Conditioning also assumes that the learner is entirely
passive and that free will won t come into play. Operant Conditioning Theory
determines that learning will occur when actions are met with consequences of
reinforcement, either
The Unexamined Life Is Not Worth Living Essay
Socrates was considered by many to be the wisest man in ancient Greece. While he
was eventually condemned for his wisdom, his spoken words are still listened to
and followed today. When, during his trial, Socrates stated that, the unexamined life
is not worth living (Plato 45), people began to question his theory. They began to
wonder what Socrates meant with his statement, why he would feel that a life
would not be worth living. To them, life was above all else, and choosing to give up
life would be out of the picture. They did not understand how one would choose not
to live life just because he would be unable to examine it.
Socrates felt that if he was unable to examine life, he would not be really ... Show
more content on ...
Socrates shocked everyone when he said he would choose death over anything
else. However, the answer to why he would do that lies in his statement. Socrates
knew that, had he choose to go into exile, he would be expected to stop living the
way that he was. He would no longer be able to teach others, let alone question and
examine his own life. For Socrates, this would be absurd. He believed the entire
point of living life was to examine. He felt obligated to live a life where he
questioned not only what was going on in his life but also the rights and wrongs that
happened. He would rather give up his life than not be able to question what was
Philosophy is about questioning life and the world one lives in. Without questioning
and wondering, life and philosophy would be worthless. An unexamined life would
lead to one that was without question and curiosity, something which Socrates could
not fathom. Without the curiosity that comes with examining life, philosophy would
fail to exist. According to Socrates, a great philosopher, life would not be worth
living without the addition of the philosophical thinking that helped to make our
lives more exciting and worthwhile. Socrates lived his life to question and to
wonder. The addition of philosophy made this possible. If examining ceased to exist,
so would the life of those who
Sunbeam Ethical Analysis
Table of Contents
Page No.
Executive Summary2
Restructures in Sunbeam3
Turnaround at Sunbeam5
Accounting Practices at Sunbeam Corporation5
Key Players in Sunbeam s Scandal6
Unethical Behaviours7
Ethical Analysis7 Stakeholder Theory7 Deontological Theory7 Shareholder Theory7
Utilitarianism Theory7
Executive Summary
This report is based on Sunbeam Corporation and Albert Dunlap, the CEO from
1996 till 1988. In July of 1996, Michael Price and Michael Steinhardt hired Dunlap
as the CEO and chairman of the board for Sunbeam Corporation. As the ... Show
more content on ...
They renamed it Sunbeam Oster Company. Later on, Kazarian was forced out of his
chairman position and out of the company. Sunbeam relocated to Florida and
purchased the consumer products units of De Vilbiss Health Care. In 1994 Sunbeam
Oster acquired Rubbermaid s out door furniture business. The company changed its
name back to Sunbeam Corporation in 1995. By 1996 Sunbeam had more than
12,000 stock units, 12,000 employees as well as 26 factories, 61 warehouse and six
headquarters. Despite this, the company s earning had significantly declined by 83%
and its stocks were 52% down. Therefore, Sunbeam needed help.
Restructures in Sunbeam
Prior to his appointment, Dunlap had acquired a reputation as one of the country s
toughest executives as well as nicknames like Chainsaw Al , Rambo in Pinstripes ,
and The Shredder because he eliminated thousands of jobs while restructuring
financially troubled companies. His reputation and business philosophy were
recognized throughout the world. Later in his career, Dunlap authored a book
outlining his strategy, entitled Mean Business, in which he highlights four simple
rules of business. They are as follows:
1. Get the right management team. As Dunlap assumes office, he retained only one
senior executive from Sunbeam s old management team. Dunlap first hire was Russ
Kersh, a former employee of Dunlap, as executive vice president of Finance Admin.
The new management team also
An Outstanding Educator
Through out my education, I have encountered many good teachers, but very few
outstanding educators. Of course an outstanding educator must be organized,
engaging, and educated, but these qualities are common in good teachers.
Outstanding educators have certain qualities that are unique to them.
An outstanding educator is passionate. Not about teaching, but about the subject they
are teaching. Their passion shows through in their work. These types of educators
capture the students attention when they are teaching. The teacher being excited to
pass on the knowledge gets the students engaged. Since the teacher is passionate the
cons of teaching don t show through in their work. Teachers can become run down
and overwhelmed; since an outstanding educator is passionate the positives ... Show
more content on ...
They genuinely care about their students and know what is going on in their lives.
Students can sense when someone doesn t truly care about them. An outstanding
educator must convince the students they are not faking it. These educators let the
students know they are listening. Unfortunately a teacher caring is all some students
have. Outstanding educators know how important their role in shaping these students
lives are.
Lastly an outstanding educator educates the students not in the subject area they are
teaching, but they teach the students valuable lessons in life. These types of
educators have kids leaving the classroom not just knowing how to use the quadratic
formula, but how to be productive citizens of society. An outstanding educator shows
students what they can be after they leave school.
Being an outstanding educator is something all teachers strive to be, but very few
accomplish. There are many qualities of an outstanding educator, but being
passionate, caring, and teaching the students more than the lessons in the book are
very important. An outstanding educator is in the correct profession without a
St. George Island Bridge
Two piers of St. George Island Bridge which are different in the characteristics of
the structure, substructure, and in the classification of soil layers, are selected to
simulate the barge pier collision in LS DYNA. Figure 2(a) shows the elevation
view of the St. George Island Bridge in which the location of piers 1 and 3 in the
south side of the navigation channel, water level, and the sea bed elevation are
presented. Also, Figures 2(b) and (c) demonstrate the dimensions and the elevation of
the impact zone, water level, sea bed (mud line) level, and the soil layers related to
piers 1 and 3, respectively. The water level in the location of the Pier 1 is 2.74m
above the piles cap surface level and the sea bed level is at the same level of
Philip Randolph
The Labor Leader: A. Philip Randolph Asa Philip Randolph was a labor leader,
civil rights leader and social activist who fought for the rights of African American
laborers, including better wages and working conditions. A. Philip Randolph was
born April 15, 1889 in Crescent City, Florida. During World War I, Randolph tried
to unionize African American shipyard workers in Virginia, elevator operators in
New York City, and founded a political magazine designed to encourage African
American laborers to demand higher wages. In 1963, he was a principal organizer
of the March on Washington. He died in New York City in 1979. During A. Philip
Randolphadolescent years he and his family moved to Florida where he lived most of
his youth. He attended... Show more content on ...
In 1957, he organized a prayer pilgrimage to Washington, D.C. to draw attention to
civil rights issues in the South, and began organizing the first Youth March for
Integrated Schools. In 1963, Randolph was a principal organizer of the March on
Washington for Jobs and Freedom, during which he would speak to a crowd of
nearly 250,000 supporters. He shared the podium that day with Martin Luther King
Jr., who would deliver his famous I Have a Dream speech during the event. Randolph
and King were among the handful of civil rights leaders to meet with President John
F. Kennedy after the march.
The following year, for these and other civil rights efforts, Randolph was presented
with the Presidential Medal of Freedom by President Lyndon B. Johnson. Soon after,
he founded the
A. Philip Randolph Institute, an organization aimed at studying the causes of poverty.
In 1966, at a White House conference, he proposed a poverty elimination program
called the Freedom
Environmental Impacts Of Coal Mining
It has been long recognized that there are many environmental consequences by
extracting, using and disposing of coal. Due mainly to the nature of the coal
deposits which are typically full size, covering huge regions including more than one
seams extending over big vertical durations. Coal mining in all likelihood
consequences in an extra disturbance to the geologic conditions of an area than any
other form of mining(Ehlen, Haneberg Larson, 2005, p. 79). The two ways to mine
coal; surface mining and underground mining both extraction operations have their
own personal negative impact on the environment. Strip mining a type of surface
mining, is highly destructive scraping away at earths landscape to reach the coal
buried near the surface removing plants, trees and topsoil. Also, another type of
surface mining; mountaintop mining blasts off the tops of mountain s to reach coal
seams within, creating drastic changes in topography. Whereas, underground coal
extraction has its fair share of environmental impacts as well, such as subsidence and
underground coal fires. Mine subsidence and collapses have the potential to produce
major effects above ground, which are especially devastating in developed areas,
destroying roads and buildings. Craig, Vaughan Skinner (2011) found that there are
an estimated 300 underground coal fires still burning in the United States; in many
parts of the world, coal beds have been accidentally or spontaneously ignited (p.142).
Pseudo Myopi The Refractive Anomaly Of The Eye
Myopia is the refractive anomaly of the eye in which close objects appears clearly,
while objects far away appear blurry. With myopia, light comes to focus in front of
the retina instead of on the retina Myopia is the major refractive error having a
worldwide prevalence of 1.5 billion. Children with Myopia feel difficulties in viewing
blackboard in school; they avoid outdoor activities and get isolated from the peer
groups. Untreated myopia may lead to Macular degeneration, Glaucoma, Cataract,
Retinal detachment.
Myopia occurs if the eyeball is too long or the cornea (the clear front cover of the eye
) is too curved. As a result, the light entering the eye isn t focused correctly, and
distant objects look blurred. Even though ... Show more content on ...
Because there is insufficient contrast for an adequate accommodative stimulus, the
eye assumes the intermediate dark focus accommodative position rather than focusing
for infinity.
3. Pseudo myopia
Pseudo myopia is the result of an increase in ocular refractive power due to
overstimulation of the eye s accommodative mechanism or ciliary spasm. The
condition is so named because the patient only appears to have myopia due to an
inappropriate accommodative response.
4. Degenerative Myopia
A high degree of myopia associated with degenerative changes in the posterior
segment of the eye is known as degenerative or pathological myopia. The
degenerative changes can result in abnormal visual function, such as a decrease in
best corrected visual acuity or changes in visual fields. Sequelae such as retinal
detachment and glaucoma are relatively common.
5. Induced Myopia
Induced or acquired myopia is the result of exposure to various pharmaceutical
agents, variation in blood sugar levels, nuclear sclerosis of the crystalline lens, or
other anomalous conditions. This myopia is often temporary and
The Freedom to the Choice of Abortion
We all live our lives as we please all in accordance to the law, but when it comes to
abortion people start to judge and try to regulate how others live and interfere in
their personal choices. We live in a country based on freedoms, and women have and
should continue to have the freedom to the choice of an abortion. A woman s right to
choose abortion is a fundamental right recognized by the US Supreme Court. The
courts also have a category of classes called the near suspect classes, which include
gender. Gender deserves protection from possible discrimination at the hands of the
majority. Women constitute a majority of American s and have been discriminated in
the past. The Landmark case Roe v. Wadewas decided and remains the law of the
land. Making laws against abortions don t stop abortions from happening; they just
make it less safe, which in many cases leads to death. Therefore idea of supporting
pro life is contradictory, this is why the nation should be pro choice. No child should
be brought into this world where they are not wanted or are not able to live a
normal life. Most people who are against abortion will never even become pregnant,
so they should not be making laws against it. Pregnancy is a private and personal
matter. Outlawing abortion is discriminatory and unfortunately abortions are being
transformed from a right to a privilege for most women.
Abortion represents a woman s right to choose whether or not to continue a
pregnancy, and this is a
The History and Future of the Internet Essay
The History and Future of the Internet
Many believe the internet was an over night sensation, that one day, someone
invented the internet and it spread in popularity faster than Tickle Me Elmo or the
Macarena. Although the internet did have a surge of commercial popularity, with the
invention of Mosaic and later with e commerce, it was created many years ago with
the development of military networking technologies. Also, the internet, unlike many
pop culture fads of the nineties, will continue to see a growth in popularity and
usefulness as a form of media throughout the information age. Sure, the internet
became overambitious to the point where many internet start up companies lost their
businesses in the recession of the past few ... Show more content on ...
Mosaic, created by Marc Andreessen, is described as the killer application for the
internet. Because it was the first program to provide a slick multimedia graphical
user interface, people had a reason to logon and download their free version of this
monumental application. Mosaic soon turned into Netscape Navigator and the rest is
history (
Through the internet was original used to support the development of the military
many years ago, it became a commercial commodity in the nineties and into the new
millennium. The internet grew and grew as an explosion of people logging on and
creating their own personal website. Companies could advertise their products,
people could freely send emails; there was no limit or bounds to its never ending
content. Competition between internet providers increased the speed of the internet
from dial up to DSL/Cable to Ethernet. However, despite an enormous increase in
availability and internet traffic in the early years of the new millennium, a decrease
in consumer confidence saw to the death of many start up companies. It was hard to
keep up with the expansion of the internet during its turbulent growth in the late
nineties. Many companies that started a retail or service business made a lot of
money in a short amount of time and then lost it all. This volatile market saw the
quick decline in the consumers loyalty in internet
Harriet Martineau s Accomplishments
Harriet Martineau
Harriet Martineau is known as the First Woman Sociologist and author that
overcame many obstacles including severe health issues. She studied and wrote about
many things such as social practices, economics, social class, religion, suicide,
government and women s rights. One of her many accomplishments was translating
The Father of Sociology, Auguste Comte s writings from French to English in 1853
thereby introduced sociology to English speaking scholars (Introduction to Sociology
Harriet Martineau paved the way in sociology, not only for woman, but for all
society today.
Harriet Martineau was born on June 12, 1802 in Norwhich, England. She was the
sixth child born to Thomas, a manufacturer, and ... Show more content on ...
Music was one of her many pleasures that she could no longer enjoy. She starting
using an ear trumpet to help with the hearing loss, and would not let that hold her
back. She met her aquatinance, Mr. John Worthington, while she was writing
journals and essays to make money as her father passed away and it was the only
way she could provide. Their courtship was cut short after her fiance, John
suddenly died. Harriet remained single for the remainder of her life. This was a
difficult time in her life losing both her father and fiance in a few years difference,
however, she still persivered. Her first writings that supported her financially were
Illustrations of Political Economy (1832 1934). These consisted of twenty four
stories that illustrated for a popular audience the ideas of Thomas Malthus, James
Mill, David Ricardo, and Adam Smith. They were published monthly and sold
more copies than most popular authors at that time. She earned enough to be able
to move to London in 1832 (Hill and Hoecker Drysdale 36.) Her writings during
this time were to put a spotlight on slavery and the economic ties to it. She received
tremendous of backlash on her writings on inequality of women, slaves and the poor
and for being a female, she was not being taken
Capital Punishment Is Cruel And Unusual
Although many people believe that capital punishment is cruel and unusual. It is the
only punishment that can truly compensate the loss of a loved one. In recent years,
the rate of serious crimes has increased. The increase of crime is the result of less
effective punishment. Dating back to early civilizations, capital punishment, also
known as the death penalty, was viewed as an effective punishment. Yet today s
society it is viewed as cruel and inhumane. I believe that capital punishment should be
executed more often because; the rate of serious crimewill decrease, free up prison
space, and would serve as the ultimate warning. What is capital punishment? Capital
punishment is the lawful way to take a person s life, once convicted of a serious
crime, such as first degree murder. Some people agree it is the most appropriate
punishment to all vile murder cases (Williams), but others call it cruel and
unconstitutional. There are a variety of methods in the death penalty. The method
used most would be lethal injections, due to its quickness, effectiveness, and pain
less results. My first reason why I believe the death penalty should be executed
more often is because it could possibly help the problem of overcrowding in
prisons. States such as Texas and California, mainly suffer from this problem due to
its vast population and crime rate. Instead of keeping inmates for life in prison, its
better to execute the one s with the most serious crimes than to release them or
Lee Iacocc An American Business Leader
Lee Iacocca is a businessman in the American automobile industry. He progressed
up the ranks at Ford Motor Company to ultimately become its president in 1970. He
is credited with such automotive hits as the Mustang and the Lincoln Mark III. He
was fired by Henry Ford in 1978 due to personal differences. Chrysler Corporation
was in a state of near bankruptcy in 1979 and called upon the leadership and
expertise of Lee Iacocca to help save the company. Through his toughness and
perseverance, he saves the Chrysler Corporation and in the process, millions of
American jobs.
Brian Watkins
Alyssa Foskey
MGMT 1115
March 29, 2015
Iacocca: An American Business Leader
Lee Iacocca was born in Allentown, Pennsylvania, on October 15, 1924. His
parents immigrated to America from Italy in the early 1900 s in search of the
American dream. Lee s father was a businessman with interests in restaurants,
theaters, and a car rental agency. The car rental business is what sparked Lee s
interest in the automobile business. Lee did well in high school and was elected
president of his class in the ninth grade. After the election, he failed to stay in touch
with his constituency and lost the election in the second semester. He had forgotten
the importance of shaking hands and being friendly. It was one of his first lessons on
Lee graduated twelfth in his high school class of over nine hundred and set his sights
on pursuing engineering in college. Lee applied, and was
From the Shang Dynasty to the People s Republic of China
Culture refers to the patterns of human activity and symbols that give meaning to the
culture. It comes from art, literatures, customs, language and religion. The People s
Republic of China has a vast and rich history that dates back to 2200 BC. China is the
third largest nation in the world with the highest point on the planet Earth and the
most populated country. Chinahas vast region divest environments from deserts to
massive mountain ranges and jungles. The language is more complexes and
challenging then most languages. Symbols and history are as colorful as any nation
we have in the free world. I cannot do justice to the history of this country if I tried, I
will do my best to show you a snapshot in this history, from the Shang Dynasty to the
People s Republic China. I will cover the economy, coming from a Soviet style, more
free market, and Government, industries, and family structure. China is the third
largest nation in the world it has 3,691,502 square miles. China boarders thirteen
countries, including Russia and Mongolia to the north, Myanmar, Laos, and Vietnam
to the south and India to the southwest, The Yellow Sea, the South China Sea, and the
East China Sea to the east. The climate is extremely diverse, ranging from subarctic
to the north and tropical to the south. Hills, plains and deltas characterize the eastern
regions. China also hold the highest point in the world, the great and ever challenging
Mount Everest, on the border between
Wittgenstein Picture Theory Essay
There are many objections to the picture theory of meaning and unfortunately a large
number of these are due to misinterpretations of the Tractatus. Because The Tractatus
is such a complex and cryptic book, and because Wittgenstein can be quite vague in
his explanations, readers interpret it in many different ways and take different
meanings from it and so objections and also defenses can be based on underlying
misconceptions. In Wittgenstein s Picture Theory of Language , David Keyt remarks
that it is difficult to see how Wittgenstein meets some of the common objections to
his Picture Theory. Because of this it is difficult to examine the strengths of the
Picture Theory, and this extends to the Tractatus as a whole. (p ) He argues that...
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There is a one to one correspondence between the parts of a proposition and the
objects of the states of affairs pictured by the proposition. 2. Propositions are linear
structures. 3. Every possible state of affairs can be expressed in language. (497)
Wittgenstein asserts that every fact can be expressed through language when he
says Man possesses the ability to construct languages capable of expressing every
sense. (4.002) Keyt considers solutions to this so called paradox but does not find
any to be satisfactory, therefore viewing this paradox as a huge flaw in Wittgenstein
s picture theory. Another objection comes from Anthony Kelly, In chapter 4 of his
book Wittgenstein. He raises an interesting objection to the picture theory. His
concern in his objection is how exactly we can have the knowledge of what a picture
represents. Kenny imagines a musical score containing symbols that represent sound.
These symbols are intended to represent some kind of musical sound He states that
Wittgenstein does not here make clear what, in addition to A s having logical
structure, and pictorial relation to B, is needed for A to be a picture of B rather than
the other way round. (Kenny, 70) . Wittgenstein does not offer up any solution to this
Social Class In The Victorian Age
The books of Dickens have a place completely with the philanthropic development
of the Victorian Age, of which they are, in fact, in the circle of fiction, by a wide
margin an essential item and expression. He was from first to last a writer for a
reason. Dickens embarked to assault some particular mishandle or misuse existing
towards youngsters and ladies amid the Victorian period. Amid the Modern
Insurgency, the Victorian culture comprised of a hierarchical structure include the
privileged, trailed by the white collar class, the average workers and the ruined
underclass. These distinctive social classes could be recognized by disparities in
territories, for example, legislative issues, specialist, riches, training, culture,
working and living conditions. Individuals from the lower class were seen as
nonsensical, juvenile, superstitious, ruthless, exorbitantly sexual and tarnished.
Because of the feebleness of the lower class people, they were oppressed to misuse
and treatment like that of creatures. In light of destitution, kids were constrained
into youngster work and compelled to act as fireplace sweepers, and they could
slither up the twelve by fourteen inch stacks, some as little as seven inches square,
with the goal that they would get out the yearly standard of forty gallons of sediment
that was kept there. Some young men moved toward becoming rodent catchers, and
they were required to utilize arsenic to harm the rats. However, as this could be
costly, they could
The Invention of Plastic and Its Effects on Practically...
Plastics are one of the most used materials on a volume basis in U.S. industrial and
commercial use. Plastics are commonly into today s lifestyle and make a major
contribution to virtually all product areas. Although the plastics industry in the
United States is now in its second century, the most important developments have
occurred since 1910. The roots of these modern developments go back not only to the
research of cellulose nitrate by John Wesley Hyatt in the 1860s, but also to the plastic
like compositions used by man through the centuries. Humans probably don t realize
how often we use plastics or use something that has plastic particles. From the bristles
on our toothbrushes, to bulletproof vest, to fibers that help in the making... Show
more content on ...
A couple of examples would be carbon and hydrogen. Hydrogen and carbon are
what could be considered as never ending supplies that cater to the needs of many
things. Scientists had been producing hydrogen for years before it was recognized
as an element. Written records indicate that Robert Boyle produced hydrogen gas as
early as 1671 while experimenting with iron and acids. Hydrogen was first
recognized as a distinct element by Henry Cavendish in 1766.Composed of a single
proton and a single electron, hydrogen is the simplest and most abundant element in
the universe. It is estimated that 90% of the visible universe is composed of
hydrogen. Carbon on the other hand is just as important. Carbon (from Latin: carbo
coal ) is the chemical element with symbol C and atomic number 6. As a member of
group 14 on the periodic table, it is nonmetallic and tetravalent making four electrons
available to form covalent chemical bonds. There are three naturally occurring
isotopes, with 12C and 13C being stable, while 14C is radioactive, decaying with a
half life of about 5,730 years. Carbon is the 15th most abundant element in the Earth s
crust, and the fourth most abundant element in the universe by mass after hydrogen.
As you can see these two natural resources are very important to the universe. Not
only are they very important to the universe but to the making of plastics. Different
kinds of monomers produce different
Mgt 496 Week 5 Final Paper
To purchase this visit following link: 496
week 5 final paper/ Contact us at:
Strategic Warehouse Management, Inc. is one of the most popular warehousing
businesses in the U.S. This organization is focused in the creation and management of
warehouse operations. The CEO s market development team believed that opening a
warehouse in Australia is such a marvelous opportunity for the business to grow in
the international market. This warehouse can serve many businesses in Australia.
The management immediately designed a plan to establish and operate a non
resident company in the said location. They even desired ... Show more content on ...
They even desired to open a warehouse in any city in Australia. Thus, there are a
number of Australian clients who embraced the idea. They even asked the company
to take charge of their goods from Australia to the different states in the U.S.
However, the CEO cannot afford to establish one without making preliminary plans.
Furthermore, they looked forward to meticulously design a business strategy or plan
to ascertain successful and efficient operations. Described below are the warehouse
operations that present the company s supply chain.
To purchase this visit following link: 496
week 5 final paper/ Contact us at:
Strategic Warehouse Management, Inc. is one of the most popular warehousing
businesses in the U.S. This organization is focused in the creation and management
of warehouse operations. The CEO s market development team believed that opening
a warehouse in Australia is such a marvelous opportunity for the business to grow in
the international market. This warehouse can serve many businesses in Australia.
The management immediately designed a plan to establish and operate a non
resident company in the said location. They even desired to open a warehouse in any
city in Australia. Thus, there are a number of Australian clients who embraced the
idea. They even asked the company to take charge of their goods from Australia to the
Barnard s Inn
Barnard s Inn (shared with Herbert): When Pip arrives at his new bungalow,
Barnard s Inn, he s shocked by how dark, dirty, and rundown the place is Mr.
Wemmick assumes Pip s shock is happiness at finding an inn that resembles the
country life. In the film this is where Herbert appears for the first time as an adult,
and he has to force the door to enter, a point of humor. Wemmick house (1.25): the
difference between Wemmick at work and Wemmick at home is so big that Pip
almost thinks there are twin Wemmicks We are shown the house in just one scene of
the movie where it is included the lovely ancient father and we cannot see the little
castle , the objects he kept from the lost cases in the courts or details like that does
appear in the... Show more content on ...
After his first introduction he disappears for a long time and then after his second
introduction he placed firmly into the background as the film focuses on Pip
basically coming up with a way and the preparing his eventual devised way to
smuggle Magwitch out of England. Currie has one more scene where talks about the
pain of his past which he makes fairly poignant by honestly portraying the sentiment
within the general roughness of Magwitch s
Essay on Kabuki Theatre
To what extent does stage design impact, influence, and enhance a traditional Kabuki
theatre performance, more specifically, in the eighteenth century play Yoshitsune
Senbon Zakura (Yoshitsune and the Thousand Cherry Trees) written by Takeda
Izumo II, Namiki SenryГ» I, and Miyoshi ShГґraku?
Table of Contents
Title Page..................................................................................................Page 1
Table of Contents........................................................................................Page 2
Subject of Essay......................................................................................Page 3 10 *
Introduction......................................................................................Page 3 * Kabuki
and Kabuki History.................................................................Page 3 4 * Aspects of
Stage Design.....................................................................Page 4 6 * Yoshitsune
Senbon Zakura and Yoshitsune Senbon Zakura History.................Page... Show more
content on ...
This can be seen in Figure 2, which states The kabuki stage is equipped with
various mechanical contrivances for dramatic effect. One of these is the Seri, a
platform that can be raised and lowered from below the stage to make actors appear
and disappear Nowadays, this is motor driven.
Figure 2 was a much earlier depiction of the stage, now it is much more intricate.
There are over fifteen aspects to the stage that make it unique to Kabuki theatre.
Each one holds an important aspect. It is more in depth in Figure 3. Primarily,
when starting from the top left and working the way down comes the mawaributal,
which is known as the revolving stage. The mawaributal used to be operated only
using human power and provide for simple scene changes by simply revolving the
center section of the stage. Not only does it allow all of the audience to view the
scene it is also much more appealing then abrupt scene changes. Then comes the
Hombutai and two Daijin bashiras, the Daijin bashiras are two black pillars on
both stage left and stage right and between them like the Hombutai, which is the
stage prop. Stage right is the Shimote, which holds the left side of the audience and
stage left is called the Kamite and there sits the right side of the audience. Audience
s sit all over the stage because of all the different places acting takes place. There is
a little box in front of the Shimote called the Kuromisu, also known as the Geza and
here Nagauta is sung in
Similarities Between African American And Latinos
In the United States of America, we have the opportunity to socialize with many
different racial groups in our communities. The groups that are always interacting
with one another and have different and similarities are he African American and
Latinos. In this country the African American and Latinos are oppressed in society.
In this two very distinguished cultures were able to experience different outcomes by
establishing in the United States. The African Americans, experienced for many
centuries was very poorly in fact that they treated unfairly. In the communities today
African Americans are targeted by their color of their skin. The police brutality
towards black peopleis tremendously horrifying. The population of prisons in the U.S
American Protocol Vs Kyoto Protocol
The Montreal Protocol and the Kyoto Protocol has both established its place in
history for climate and environmental enforcement. While the Montreal Protocol
provided for a stepping stone in the history of environmental regulation, its follow up,
the Kyoto Protocol, fell short of the same success. In this particular instance, the
difference in types of politics has an imperative effect on the different schemes. The
type of politics, client politics, that followed the Montreal Protocol scheme is
exhibited in its success while the Kyoto Protocolscheme s amount of success paled in
The Montreal Protocol was a large stepping stone for environmental regulation as it
directly targeted the substances that were depleting the ozone layer.... Show more
content on ...
The Montreal Protocol was specific in what it desired to eliminate with an area the
nations wanted to target. More importantly, the nations also had a common enemy in
which everyone agreed upon. It was unmistakable that the ozone depletion was an
effect from the chlorofluorocarbons. Overall, the Montreal Protocol had a large
enough consensus of what was the problem and what actions were needed. There
were distributed costs because of the various nations that were on board with phasing
out the chlorofluorocarbons from commercial production and in particular, the
aerosol industry. It was a multilateral success story that had its concentrated benefits:
decreasing depletion in the ozone and now a poster child for future environmental
Sarah Ke Humble Knight Research Paper
Conclusion: Although Knight is an important and early woman figure in colonial
American literature, she is inseparable from her wealthy and advantaged
background. She is a well educated woman who partially proves her independence
to her husband and her neighborhood back at home. However, she is unable to
escape from her prejudices towards Native Americans and working class people,
despite her observations and her close experiences with the group of the people
mentioned above. She has a hard time tolerating improper speeches and manners and
she likes to subjugate people around her when possible. Sarah Kemble Knight s
writing style also shows how much she like to embellish her experiences. Her
satirical way of describing her adventures,
Athletes Should Get Equal Pay
Not Unqualified, but Denied A crowd of three hundred thousand people screaming
at the top of their lungs because USA has won a gold medal. A single athlete looks
into the crowd and cries at what they have accomplished. All of the hard work,
blood, sweat, and tears they have put into becoming great has paid off. Except this
particular athlete is female, so it has never literally paid off. They will go home
when it s all over to a small house and their second job due to the fact they don t
make enough money as athletes to survive even though they are the best in the entire
world. Women on the USA soccer team should get equal pay as athletes because the
USA women s team brings in more money for the USA soccer program than the Men
s team, the USA... Show more content on ...
According to the article How Does the U.S. Women s Soccer Team Pay Compare
to the Men? in the past 5 years the women s team has played 40 50% more games.
Which means they are physically doing almost twice the amount of work and still
being paid substantially less. The women out of those large amount of games have
twice as many victories from 2012 2016 as the men s team. The women s team
won 88 games compared to the men s 44 (Santhanam). The women s team won the
2015 world cup and only received 1.6 million dollars compared to when the men
won and received 9.3 million dollars. Women deserve equal pay if they are better
than a men s team. No matter what gender a person is, their salary should be based
on their
Diet Analysis Assignment
For this assignment, I was asked to assess my diet, then compare the amount of
nutrients I was receiving from my current diet, and compare it to what is
recommended of me. I was to do this by using the 24 hour dietary intake form I had
previously completed and compared it to the American Heart Association Healthy
Heart Recommendations, as well as the Dietary Reference Intakes given to me in
class. To begin this assignment, I imported all my data into a table to assess my
findings in more detail. My results are shown below in Table 1.
My results from Table 1 show me to be lacking in many areas. I received next to
none, vitamin C or D from the foods I am currently eating. I am also eating too many
fats and saturated fats. I am lacking immensely
Red Violin Reflection
A Take on The Red Violin The Red Violin, a movie written by Don McKellar and
François Girard, and directed by François Girard, was released on September 10,
1998. It follows a special, and, in a sense, cursed, fictional violin through its long and
tragic life, culminating a modern era auction where it is being sold. Everything
begins with the violinmakers, NicolГІ Bussotti, and his pregnant wife, Anna
Rudolfi. While Bussotti worked in his shop, Rudolfi met with one of their servants,
Cesca, and asked her to tell her unborn child s future. Cesca tells her that she
cannot, siting that the humors are all balanced until someone is born, and offers to
tell Rudolfi hers instead. There is some hesitation on Rudolfi s part before she
reluctantly agrees and Cesca lays out her tarot cards. Rudolfi selects five and Cesca
began telling her fortune, which is how the real story begins.
Her first card, The Moon, Cesca says means Rudolfi would have a long, rich, full
life. Despite that, Rudolfi expresses her nervousness toward the delivery to
Bussotti when she met him in his workshop, saying that Cesca told her the
delivery would be difficult and painful. When Bussotti tries to comfort her, telling
her that they always were, she expresses her nervousness again, saying that she was
old to be having a baby. Bussotti ignored her concerns, going to work the next
morning as always, only to be interrupted by one of his workers telling him a boy
sent by the doctor was there as he was about to
Forms Of Protest In The Civil Rights Movement
Throughout American history, people have protested to create change in the time
and circumstances in which they live. At the heart of every protest are grievances,
such as experience of illegitimate inequality, feelings of relative deprivation,
feelings of injustice, moral indignation about some state of affairs, or a suddenly
imposed grievance (Stekelenburg). Whatever the reason, protests have been an
important and present part of American society for many years. There are multiple
ways in which people protest. People use books, magazines, and social media as
forms of protest. Music is among the most important mediums, for the majority of
society listens to and enjoys it. Songwriters and celebrities, tending to have an
elevated presence in society, draw attention to subjects they believe should be
spoken about in order to create change. Over the years, song artists have used their
platform to show their objection to racial discrimination, war, and intolerance
towards specific groups of people. Racial discrimination is one of the strongest
topics that songwriters have written about. In 1939, before the Civil Rights
Movement, Billie Holiday recorded Strange Fruit, a song originally written as a
poem by a teacher named Abel... Show more content on ...
Marvin Gaye envisioned and wrote a concept album, which included songs told
from a Vietnam war veteran s point of view after he d come home to America,
where he saw that serving his country hadn t helped improve injustice, poverty,
suffering, or crime (Pinkey). The powerful lyrics from What s Going On describe
the cruelty and pain of the war: Mother, mother there s too many of you crying.
Brother, brother, brother, there s far too many of you dying. You know we ve got to
find a way to bring some loving here today (Gaye). Overall, What s Going On was a
song to discourage hostility and the cruelties of the Vietnam
Kindred Environment
Today s children learn and are influenced by their surrounding and environment.
Children do not know any better; for them, it s monkey see, monkey do. Today s
youth are taught to respect everyone of every race. However, back in the time of
slaves, children were taught to despise blacks, and that s what most of them did. In
the book Kindred, Dana Franklin journeys back and forth to the Antebellum South
multiple times to see her past family who are slaves and the owner Rufus Weylin.
On multiple occasions, Dana voyages back to the past to help Rufus when he is in
danger, so her life does not become corrupt. Each time she goes back, different
levels of danger await her. As Dana travels home and back to the past, she witnesses
Rufus grow from... Show more content on ...
He had some friends that were slaves on the plantation like Nigel and Alice who
also had treated him with respect. In this scene, Dana and her husband Kevin both
journey back to the past to see a young boy curled into a ball on the ground from
falling out of a tree. The married couple run over to the boy who is Rufus and by
him is a young black child around twelve years old. Dana asks the black
child,whose name was Nigel, what had happened to Rufus. He didn t answer her
right away, but instead he demands who she is and starts to get protective of
Rufus. Rufus tells Nigel, She s alright and she s the one who helped me put out the
fire the one time . After that little conversation Dana asks Nigel if he knew where
Rufus live. He replies with a yes , and that he lived there too. She figures that he is
probably a slave on Rufus s father s plantation (59 60). Finding out that Nigel is a
slave and that he got protective of Rufus when he falls shows that there is a
different type of bond between them; almost like brothers or best friends. This
demonstrates that Rufus doesn t care about the color of his pal Nigel and that he
wouldn t let anything exacerbate the situation even more. This scene reveals that skin
color does not matter to young Rufus because he does not want to be like his
Case Study On Airbus
Executive Summary
The purpose of this report is to examine and analyse the problems that Airbus has
encountered while they were developing the A3XX and to recommend methods that
Airbus could have implemented and things they could have done differently to
prevent them from arriving at those roadblocks.
The case study report draws attention to the competition between the two big shots of
the aviation market. In 1990, Airbus decided to enter the Very Large Aircraft (VLA)
market by introducing and developing the A3XX as they wanted to compete with the
market s dominator, Boeing and its infamous 747. In the beginning both firms
independently explored the practicability of launching a superjumbo and then
decided to collaborate on the project. ... Show more content on ...
However, 20 year demand forecast for VLA passenger jets for both firms were not,
with 330 by Boeing versus 1235 by Airbus. This variation reflects both Airbus and
Boeing s perspective differences towards industry evolution. While Airbus looks
towards greater capacity aircrafts, Boeing looks towards greater fragmentation of
aircrafts. Airbus believes the problem of growing demand cannot be fully solved by
increased flights and new routes as it is only a short term solution. Demand forecast
related, Airbus did not take into consideration that even with all its advantages, not all
major airlines would want to buy the A3XX unless it demonstrates that it can profit
Ivf Is Used For Help People With Infertility Issues Essay
In Vitro Fertilisation. IVF is commonly used to help people with infertility issues.
However my essay focuses on IVF being used to create saviour sibling. Using the
IVF procedure to select embryos that will be a genetic match to older siblings with
life threatening diseases to therefore save there eldest child, who may be suffering
from a life threatening diseases. When natural conception happens, the sperm
fertilises the egg inside the woman s body. However in the IVF procedure,
fertilisation of the egg with the sperm and the first few days of embryo
development occur outside the body in a test tube or a Petri dish, in controlled
conditions in a laboratory. In Vitro is actually Latin and it means in glass referring
to the Petri dish where the sperm and egg are put together. The process of IVF can
be broken down into seven particular stages. The first step also known as the
Ovulation Induction and Monitoring stage is when Hormone drugs are given to
the woman to increase the number of eggs developing in her ovaries. Fertility
specialist doctors keep an eye on the eggs development by using the results from
blood tests and ultrasound scans. At the appropriate time, maturation of the eggs is
triggered by another drug so the doctor can retrieve the woman s eggs at the right
time. Usually the eggs will be used fresh , but sometimes eggs are frozen to be
thawed and used later. The next step is the Sperm Collection phase where a sperm
sample is produced by the man and
The Formulation and Recognition of the Canonical Books
10 NOVEMBER 2012
Table of Contents2
Reason or Need for Adoption of a Canon of Scripture4
Key Events that were Influential in Recognition of the Canon5
Individuals and Councils that Helped Shape the Canon6
Works Cited ... Show more content on ...
H. I. Hester writes in his book entitled The Heart of the New Testament, The term
canon as applied to accepted authoritative Christian writing was first used in
Alexandria, Egypt. In modern usage the term canon means the list of biblical books
which are recognized as inspired by the Holy Spirit and authoritative. The stories
contained in the Old and New Testaments of the Holy Bibleare of paramount
importance to the faith and spiritual development of every Christian alive today.
Human minds may never completely understand all that is contained in Holy Writ
but this research paper will also attempt to shed some light on some of the factors
that help determine what biblical books are considered canon today.
Reason or Need for Adoption of a Canon of Scripture There were many reasons for
the adaption of a canon of Scripture. One good reason is the basis of Christianity is
found in the authority of Scripture. The chief editor, Ted Byfield, wrote in his book,
The Christians: Their First Two Thousands Years, the following:
The further in time and distance that the Christian movement spread from its point of
origin in Bethlehem and Jerusalem, the more the teachings of Jesus Christ and the
Apostles diverged and discrepancies arose in the retelling of the gospel story. By the
end of the second century, there were in circulation some forty seven hundred
relevant manuscripts and one hundred thousand written quotations or allusions to
Jesus or early church
Memories Of The Past Has Influenced American History
Memories of the past has influenced many of the early traditional historians in
creating their ideas of early Texas History. Personal narratives passed on to historians
became the foundation for many of the early writers in developing an early identity
for the state. Unfortunately, many of the early histories supported and primarily
Anglo cultureand a Top Down approach to history. Most of the early history was
written relative to the Anglo viewpoint and biased opinions. Fortunately, many
underrepresented cultures now have a voice and the capabilities to provide personal
accounts and history as passed down within said culture. Now, new historians can use
personal narratives and memories from within other cultures to validate or... Show
more content on ...
Web was a son of teacher, spent allot of time farming and taking care of animals on
farm in west Texas. He drew up poor on the range and was exposed to many
cowboys with pistols and ranching. These early experiences influenced Webb in
his writing and was based on his perception of what they were instead of what they
were in actuality. J. Frank Dobie was one of three friends credited with inventing
Texas Literature. Dobie, Roy Bedicheck and Walter P Webb.3 Inventing history
instead of writing as it happened is another example of writing based on memory.
Memories can be true or false but cannot necessary be understood as factual events.
Most of his writings would be classified as folklore rather than history however he
did have standards to his writing. Dobie demanded of historical writing: reality,
vividness, authenticity, and readability.4 Unfortunately, readability may be an area
that truths were distorted in favor of a entertainment or support of a higher Anglo
cause. Yet because history, memory and personal accounts are entertaining, they will
be passed on from each generation. History will continue because of the wide spread
assumption that Texas history is colorful, unique, and expansive field of inquiry,
filled with all sorts of narrative stories that provide good reading for demanding
public.5 Selecting memories of our
Interpreting The Roots Of Canadian Law
History of law offers us an understanding how the law evolves and change with time
and place. When we try to interpret the various roots of Canadian law, different
questions arise Why the laws illegal in the past are legal now? Can we understand
the past and the current law based on the traditional roots of law, such as a statute,
case law, custom, and books of authority? Alternatively, there is something else one
has to look into to interpret the roots of Canadian law adequately. What can we
imagine about the future laws in Canada? Will it be the same as we face it today or
will switch with time? Does a careful examination of the social, political, economic
sources of Canadian law help us understand the current and the past, most specifically,
Spencer Hastings Narrative
The kindness of strangers ever so rarely comes with a cost; that is why I was so
surprised at the cost I had to pay...
It was one year ago.
I, Peyton Lancaster, was cruising down the newly, refurbished hallway towards the
cafeteria for what promised to be a pretty more than average lunch. As I walked
down the hall with my best friend I noticed the new lockers. They made the school
look...better. They added a new vibe to the hallway, mainly because of their very
exuberant colour and the fact that they were so new that they shine so bright every
time the sun s rays hit off of them; way better than the old, beige, rusty lockers.
As I was busy admiring the lockers, I had hardly listened to a word my friend was
Hello, earth to Peyton?
I whipped my head around so fast I think I almost gave myself whiplash I m here, I
m listening. That s was a lie. She probably knew that but started rambling on about
something to do with, I didn t know but that was how she was. ... Show more content
on ...
She is the type of girl who people get very annoyed with because she is smart.
Think Spencer Hastings from Pretty Little Liars , add braces and very insane skill
for cooking and there you have it. She also has this thing when she talks about
subjects she loves; she lights up. Like right at that moment, she was deep in
explaining something that I did not now about and I kind of feel bad for not
listening but I also love looking at the way she lights up. Her check get fuller and
turn a shade of rose pink; her smile becomes brighter somehow, I don t know how,
but it does; her crimson brown eyes also seem to
Cause And Effect On Inflation
Nowadays, inflation is a word very often used by society. In many cases, citizens can
t really define inflation and when they do so, they define other economic terms that
can get confused with inflation.
Citizens don t know of the importance of inflation and how it can affect them directly.
Inflation is caused by an imbalance of demand and supply, where prices of the
goods and services increase at an ongoing pace. The purchasing power will drop, and
the money citizens have will be worth less.
Inflation can either be good or bad. It is considered that if the inflation rate is
between 0% and 2% is positive, otherwise, when is negative or bigger than 2%, the
inflation is negative.
The most frequent measures of inflation are the CPI (Consumer Prices Index) and
RPI (Retail Prices Index).
On the one hand, RPI is the percentage price calculated by the Government annually,
where they take more than 600 goods and services, and they calculate a mean price of
them. After that, they compare it with the previous year.
On the other, CPI can be used not only for comparing the difference of inflation year
by year, but also for the identification of periods of inflation and deflation and in a
more accurate way.
The difference between inflation and a rise in the price level, is that inflation, is an
ongoing process of an increase in prices of products or services, whereas a rise in
products prices is a one time jump in price of the product.
However, there is also a term for the
Effectiveness Of Drug Treatment Courts
The Effectiveness of Drug Treatment Courts: An Overview of Three Empirical
Tincen Vithayathil
University of Baltimore
The Effectiveness of Drug Treatment Courts: Three Empirical Studies Since the
origination of drug treatment courts, there has been countless numbers of offenders
who have successfully completed the program and fought their way past drug
abuse. There are also a handful of offenders who may have struggled to change their
drug abuse or addiction, and fell short of completing the program. In this second part
of my report, I will be determining whether drug treatment court programs actually
work. To accomplish this task, I will be reviewing three empirical studies to evaluate
how effective the program truly is. The first empirical study that I will be reviewing
is the Orange County Juvenile Drug Court (OCJDC) located in Orange County,
California between 1999 and 2006 (Fradella, Fischer, Kleinpeter, Koob, 2009).
This study consists of 232 teenagers (164 males and 68 females) with the age of
these individuals ranging between 12 and 17 years (Fradella et al., 2009). In this
study, researchers attempt to understand why Latino teenagers were graduating from
drug treatment court (DTC) at a much lower rate than rest of the teenagers at the
same institution (Fradella et al., 2009). In the Orange County Juvenile Drug Court,
97% of the offenders are Latino or Caucasian (Fradella et al., 2009). However,
Latinos were graduating at a rate of
Room Full of Angels
Room Full of Angles
The short story Room Full of Angles is written in the 90 s by the author Mike
Benson. He throws us directly into the story as my stomach reached my throat...
(P.60, l.1 2) Often you get an introduction to the story you are reading, because it is
a good way to attract the listeners attention. The beginning in Mike Benson s story
is called In media res . Especially it s important to know that the story is written by
a first person narrator; this means that we have to be critical towards the narrator s
creditability which later in the analysis will be discussed.
In the 90 s a new problem among youth people have been discussed a lot in the media.
In this context we talk about the drug environment. Sometimes when ... Show more
content on ...
He sees the narcotics in every room and he can feel the thick air around him. It s
like this drug environment gives him something special, because everything is
moving so fast. But again it s hard to rely on his words, because it s a very
subjective description of the place. In reality there could be only one room and the
thick air around him could be something that doesn t exist. Maybe the narrator only
sees the Room Full of Angles because he is a drug abuser and lives in a fantasy world.
In the last part of the story another example of the narrator s uncontrolled life is
explicit. (P. 64 l 36 40) To begin with the narrator isn t aware of anything, because he
can t find the girl Tanya even though she is standing right next to him. And secondly
they are pissing themselves. These very odd and funny examples show how the
narrator s life hasn t developed through the story at all.
Something that you especially notice in the short story Room Full of Angles is the
language use, because the text only uses small letters. Clearly there aren t many
commas and full stops, which make the short story very different to read, and the
sentences are filled with words from a dirty environment.
It s not a coincidence because the text wants us to feel the stream of consciousness
you get from the narrator s thoughts. (P. 62 l.2 l.7) when the narrator feels the rush
while his on drugs we gain insight into his messy thoughts. That could explain why
there is no plot in Room
Central Arkansas Community Development
The University of Central Arkansas has been expanding its edges since it was the
Arkansas State Normal School in 1907. Over a span of a hundred and nine years, the
campus has developed into a three hundred and forty two acre plot. Having the vision
of being a public destination that integrates the 21st century learning environment
with the urban vitality of Conway and the greater region (Reynolds, 2011). With the
latest development of the Collegeof Business, Donaghey Hall, and Lewis Science
Center, UCA is featuring exemplary live/learn/work/play environments and
opportunities that engage the learner, satisfy the curious, inspire the creative and
attract the larger Conway community.
Arkansas is known for being the Natural State, so the University ... Show more
content on ...
Studies show that education, training, and incentives are causing university students
to become more concerned with their environment and the environment of the next
generation (Levy and Dilwali, 2000). Providing the opportunity to live in a
sustainably built environment has become an important differentiating factor among
universities around the world and is becoming increasingly important to students in
terms of both how they adopt sustainable practices and their choice of a university.
The majority of students and their parents are making acceptance decisions based on
a university s environmental commitment (Princeton Review, 2012). If the University
of Central Arkansas would raise the facility fee, then the higher percentage rates
Essay On Automated Video Surveillance
A few decades ago, the dream of nearly every American was to one day own a car.
In present age, this dream has become a reality for the majority of the population. A
2001 report released by the Energy Information Administration showed that on
average America alone has approximately 1.79 cars per household ( Household
vehicles energy, 2005).With all of the luxuries and technologies that are made
available for Americans, the United Stateshas proven that they are one of the most
advanced nations in the world. Now ask yourself: What would America be like
without the advanced technology that it has today? Culture and life would be much
more different and complicated for nearly every human being. In addition, some of
today s most important... Show more content on ...
Automated video surveillance is one of these applications that monitors people and
vehicles in real time within a busy environment. The purpose of a surveillance system
is to record properties and movements of objects in a given area and inform
authorities in case of an incident ( Javed, Shah, 2008). Automated video surveillance
is very advantageous for the federal government of the United States because it can
help detect possible terrorist attacks. Automated manufacturing is another application
of automation and by far, it is the most important and useful in the United States. This
practice of automation is used to produced things in a factory way. Consequently,
many of the products that consumers purchase are the result of automated
manufacturing. Some of these products include automobiles, refrigerators,
dishwashers and videogame consoles like the Xbox 360 and the PlayStation 3. Today
there are numerous industries applying automated manufacturing including the
airline, automotive, mining, oil and food production industries (Vassar). An
additional application of automation is called home automation. Home automation
works by using advanced technology to control and do the jobs that people would
normally do manually ( Home automation, 2010). The best and simplest way to
install home automation is while a house is still being built. However, people who
have houses already built can still have home automation installed through wireless
Essay Lebron James Best Player in World
Specific purpose: To persuade my audience about how LeBron James is the best
basketball player in the world.
Central Idea: LeBron James is the best basketball player by his scoring ability, his
athleticism, and his world class defense.
Imagine you are in the stands of a Miami Heat game watching the greatest player of
the game Lebron James play. One minute you see in chasing down a defender to
block him. Then next you see him running a fast break down the court flying
through the air. Are you thinking that could be MJ? The answer would be no,
because according to Lebron he is not MJ he is LJ.
Lebron James is considered the very best among many top players to ever play the
For one Lebron James can score at ... Show more content on ...
Which those stats right there are amazing because in NBA you are considered to be
average at 15 efficiency rate and 20 is great, while 30 is considered amazing.
For further proof on why Lebron s scoring makes him the best is last game he played
against the Kings the final score was 141 Heat to 129 Kings.
Lebron James finished with 40 points, 16 assists, 2 steals, and 8 rebounds.
The man is considered a walking triple double on the court according to Steve Kerr
who was one of NBA S top 3 point shooter.
James broke the record for highest efficiency rating by having his over 32
Furthermore Wilt Chamberlin who played in the 60 s, in which he was only seven
footer at the time and owned the league, held the previous record.
Leading to how the game has changed today where the defense is much better Lebron
still can show he is the most amazing player out there.
Also Lebron James broke Kobe Bryant s record of achieving 20,000 points at 28,
while Kobe who held the record at 29.
This just proves he is the best by beating Kobe Bryant who is considered also as one
of the best players of all time.
II.The defense side of Lebron is crucial to every players game because good defense
leads to even better of offense. James has the defense side by the steals he gets or can
get, and what he is known for being a chase down
Literary Representation Vs Visual Testimony Essay
The Telling of a Survivor s Holocaust Story Literary Representation vs Visual
Can fiction tell the same type of story as non fiction or a factual first hand account?
The Holocaust, a story that has been told from the perspective of the survivor as well
as the culprit, novels written, play adaptions, movies, and documentaries. Whether
fictionalized or fact, all the stories share common themes suffering, loss, sacrifice,
death, inhumanity and ultimately freedom whether in death or surviving to be
liberated in some form or another. Some of these representations have been
fictionalized with creative license taken while others are firsthand accounts given in
memories. I will explore how a short fiction story telling of the Holocaust compares
to the firsthand account of a Nazi Schutzstaffel (SS) Officer with the uses of symbols
and/or metaphors, narrative order, narrative perspective, the outlook of the author
towards the future and how the choice of genre affects the way the story is told.
Author Emily Miller Budick, writes in her book Aharon Appelfeld s Fiction:
Acknowledging the Holocaust, she gives an analysis of the symbols and metaphors
written in Tadeusz Borowski s This Way for the Gas, Ladies and Gentlemen . She
writes from the opening image of the thousands of naked men and women milling
around the barracks in the volume s lead story, Borowski inundates the text with
animal and insect imagery, all of which tend to produce a
Adult Learning Essay 2
Research Paper: Adult Learning
Education beyond high school, even beyond a Bachelors degree is a critical
requirement to obtain a decent rewarding employment in today s society. However,
many individuals do not graduate high school or college for many reasons:
unexpected pregnancies, lack of family support, need of financial aid, etc. These
individuals who return to some kind of higher education later in life are known as
adult learners, or the non traditional students. Adult learners over age 24 currently
comprise about 44 percent of U.S. postsecondary students. (Kahiz, 2007) These
individuals make up a group of students who differ from traditional students. An adult
learner possesses any of the following criteria: married or ... Show more content on ...
Brookfield (1995) states that, adults face moments of transformative breakthrough, of
empowerment, of emancipation and of liberation, what figure equally strongly in
adult students accounts of learning, particularly those focused on critical reflection,
are feelings of impostorship, acknowledgments of a disturbing loss of innocence,
accountings of the cost of committing cultural suicide, descriptions of incrementally
fluctuating rhythms of road running, and recognition of the significance that
membership in an emotionally sustaining learning community has for those in
critical process . These stories are the dark weaknesses of the inspirational rhetoric
of adult learning. Impostorship is the sense that one possesses neither the talent nor
the right to become a college student. (Brookfield, 1999) While these students want
to be in college, they secretly doubt their worthiness to be a college student and a
critical thinker. Brookfield (1995) states that in his research, not all but most adults
felt this sense of impostorship regarding the rightness of their taking critical
perspectives on familiar ideas, actions and social forms. He also mentions that, this
feeling does decrease over time, but it rarely disappears entirely. Brookfield (1999)
also mentions that the moment of public
The Fraser Island in Australia
Fraser Island is a popular tourist attraction in Australian just 300km north of Brisbane
and only 15 km of the coast of Hervey Bay.
Fraser Island is the largest sand island in the world and is world heritage listed.
The island is around 120km long and cover a significant area of 1,840km2
Fraser Island is known for its spectacular long white beaches, sand cliffs, rain forests
and a number of freshwater lakes that are crystal clear.
The indigenous people of Fraser Island are the Butchulla people or their traditional
name K gari.
However due to the European settlement many of the traditions and the way of life
the aboriginals live were destroyed either intentionally or through plain ignorance.
The Butchulla people were governed by a Council of Elders and of course the
generations and generations of traditions that have been passed down. The council
included a number of mature men, but only the elders had voting rights. The council
of elders were responsible for allowing visitors into their tribal lands, they gave them
permission to enter and told them when they had to leave. The Council made sure all
rules (social and environmental) were met and was responsible for the totem system.
The totem system was when each member of the tribe was given a totem that
represented a plant or animal. You were not allowed to eat, harm or hunt your totem
or your family s totem. The only exception was during war, unique ceremonies or
when you crossed into non tribal lands. The totem system
Magritte Human Condition
When asked to look at Magritte s The Human Condition, and being asked how
many frames do you see in the image was one of the hardest questions I will ever
answer in school. At the same time, I feel that it is also a trick question because it
not about how many you see, as there are different ways to look at it, but it is how
the image relates as a whole. This taught us that everyone may view things differently
and that we analyse things differently. Our first assignment we were to teach
someone to use a piece of technology that they wouldn t know how to use. You were
to observe them and take notes on how they learned and handled the situation at hand.
I found that these situations, this one in particular, can sometimes be frustrating and
that we must be patient in peoples learning abilities. Learning new things is very
common in all practices, for example when learning how to use a first machine if
you don t get it right on... Show more content on ...
Originally it was to have the best computer for everyone, then it was turning cell
phones into the smartphones which gave you more access to the internet and
allowed people to stay in contact easier through applications, now it s the idea of a
virtual reality. This would change our way of interacting with computers and how
we can perceive different scenarios. The use of oculus rift for example puts you
within whatever setting you want, this could be beneficial to many things, for
example, I feel it could help give you a real time feel of potential situations when
trying to determine how something happened, or the ability to practice surgery
before actually doing it. With the surgery example, you have to become accustomed
to many instruments and what they are used for. Instead of learning/practicing on
live beings, the interactive ness of virtual reality would allow you to observe the
frames of an operation without conducting one, allowing you to better yourself within
your area of
Similarities Between Rosa Parks And Anne Frank
I choose to write about Rosa Parks and Anne Frank. Anne Frank had to live her life
during the world war 11. Rosa parks had to live throw the black rights movement.
Bethany hamilton had to go throw getting her arm bit off doing what she loves so
much. They all have something they went throw that is so bad.
Bethany Hamilton was born on February 8, 1990 in a small town in Hawaii called
Lihue. She had been surfing since she was 3 she loved it. She loved going surfing
with her friends on holidays and on just normal day. On the day this happened her
dad was already at the hospital getting knee surgery. It happened in 2003 when she
was out surfing with her friends having fun. She was just sitting in the water calm
Them here comes a shark reached up and bit her arm off. She was calm swimming
over to her friends. Her friends had to carry her to the truck driving to meet with the
ambulance. Even though on that day something really hard and life changing
happened when she could she got right back up on that bouard and never was scared
to go back out there. ... Show more content on ...
Rosa Parks was a brave woman for what she did. Rosa parks had to live throw a
rough time in life for lots of people. Rosa helped people get throw the times and help
make it a lot better. Rosa helped Martin luther king be famous. Rosa Parks has been
called the first lady of civil rights and the mother of freedom movement. Rosa
married a guy named Raymond Parks in 1932. In 1920 Rosa went throw a ruff time
when lots of her family got sick. Rosa had to dropout of school to take care of her
mom because of her sickness. Rosa Parks was a very brave woman and help a lot
throw the black rights movement she was a huge part of why it s not like that any
more. Sadly Rosa Parks died on the say Of October 25, 2005 at the age of 92. She
lived a long
Alfred Hitchcock Film Analysis
I ve gone on the record as saying I like Alfred Hitchcock s films, though I only
really love one so far ( Psycho ). My admiration for Hitchcock, along with the
number of his films I love, increased after we watched his beloved Vertigo in my
class. It may have barely surpassed Psycho as my favorite Hitchcock film. This film
stars James Stewart as John Scottie Ferguson, a San Francisco detective forced to
quit the force after a traumatizing event causes him to develop acrophobia. He soon
takes up a case as a sort of private eye, however, when an old acquaintance from
college asks him to investigate the strange habits of his wife (Kim Novak). Stewart
obliges, with dire consequences. One of the surprises in this film, for me, was
Stewart as Scottie, who performed excellently. I like Jimmy Stewart, but I ve
never been as enamored with him as some movie buffs. That has changed some, as
I think this is his best performance I ve seen. He makes you care for his character
and believe his motivations and feelings for the first portion of the movie. He
struggles a bit in the emotional scenes, but he still succeeds in evoking our
sympathy. By the end of the film, his performance takes a remarkable turn and he
becomes genuinely disturbing. It s brilliant. Kim Novak is also great as Madeleine
Elster, the wife Stewart s character follows. She has a creepy, disturbing quality about
her during that first part of the movie that works quite well. Later, her performance
takes a turn,
Essay on Managing Financial Resource
There are financial implications for individuals accessing and using services in
health care services, Evaluate the impact of these financial implication on service
users. (AC 4.3) The pursuit of equity of access to health care is a central objective
of many health care systems. Yet, financial incentives can influence patients
because, although the UK system is essentially free at the point of use , there are
charges for specific services including eye tests, dental check ups, and dispensing
of prescription medicines. Charges can act as a deterrent to patients and as a barrier
to access. The impact of user charges affects different socio economic groups in
different ways. For some groups, access may not be compromised by a co payment,...
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The shift in the balance of NHS and private dental care reflects the interests and
preferences of dentists rather than of the public. It suggests, however, that a
continued shift towards private practice is a trend that the public will not find
acceptable, which might limit the extent of expansion of private practice. Hughes
and McGuire (1995) estimated the impact of charges for drug prescriptions in the
NHS and found evidence to suggest that user charges reduced the number of
prescriptions cashed in the UK. However, the impact of user charges is likely to
affect different socioeconomic groups differently. Lundberg et al. (1998) found that
price sensitivity decreased with age, income, education and self rated health status.
Furthermore, they found that sensitivity to user charges for drugs varied greatly
between different types of drugs; for example, they found that if user charges
doubled 40% of antitussive users would reduce their consumption, whereas only
11% of users of drugs for menopausal problems would reduce their consumption. It
should be recognised that in the UK user charges are means tested; low income
families and people over 65 years are exempt, as are individuals with certain chronic
conditions, such as diabetes. Some commentators suggested that user charges could
(and should) be
Holden Caulfield Psychoanalysis
The Catcher in the Rye, by J.D. Salinger, is a timeless novel, bringing up the
controversial truth of mental health and the manners in which society s norm
impacts us as individuals. Immediately when reading the book it becomes clear
that Holden Caulfield is damaged, but who in this world isn t? The reader becomes
aware of Holden s traumas as he struggles to clearly define and label them. Holden s
embodiment of an average teenager, is a refreshingly clear explanation of teenage
angst. He bounces back, memory to memory, recalling different things as the reader
experiences his breakdown. As his subconscious struggles to find someone who will
listen, someone like Allie, his dead brother. The manner in which different lenses
affect the novel is... Show more content on ...
Immediately within reading the novel it becomes clear that there is a direct
disconnect between Holden and his comfort with men, I don t much like to see old
guys in their pajamas and bathrobes anyway. (7). Understanding why he has such a
strong disliking is unclear unless seen within Freud s theory of the defenses. This
lens clarifies the reader s curiosity to why Holden is so uncomfortable, Then
something happened. I don t like to talk about it... Holden began to retell, What the
hellya doing? I said. Nothing! I m simply sitting here, admiring (Mr. Antolini)... I
know more damn perverts, at school and all, they re always being perverty when I
m around. (192). Holden s discomfort highlights the ignored truth to teachers in
boarding school, while explaining the differences of perverted attraction and
appropriate conduct. Holden s immediate trauma from these numerous experiences
in his youth add the reasoning with his negative feelings towards and about sex. To
keep the conflict and trauma Holden feels is one of Freud s explanations for why
we unconsciously form defenses. Holden s personal defense being his fear and
rejection of
Probation And Parole
The history of probation and parole influences the decisions that are made in the
Adult Court System toward the supervision of adult offenders by considering
community corrections and involve supervision in the community. In the criminal
justice system, there are many individuals locked up in local, state, and federal
institutions. John Augustus probation bears much resemblance to probation as it is
practiced today. He took great care in deciding which prisoners were promising
candidates for probation. He also considers the offender s character, age and factors
that would have an impact on the offender after being released. His efforts actually
were resisted by police, court clerks, and turnkeys who were paid only when
offenders were incarcerated (Klein, 1997). The punishment for violating probation or
paroleis to continue supervision or to withdraw and incarcerate the offender. The
selection of these decisions was either too light or strict for the conditions of the
violation. The type of services in adult supervision is determined by how the
offender presents on several areas. The primary goal is to build a strong and safe
community by advancing prospects for individuals on probation or parole to move
out of the criminal justicesystem. A certain percentage of those under the
responsibility of the criminal justice system are supervised on probation or parole.
According to the Bureau of Justice Statistics (1997), nearly 2 percent or 3.8 million
adult men and women

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Ted Bundy Essay

  • 1. Ted Bundy Essay Crafting an essay on the subject of Ted Bundy is undoubtedly a challenging endeavor. The intricacies surrounding his life, criminal activities, and the profound impact he had on the field of criminology require careful and sensitive handling. Delving into Bundy's psychology, understanding the motivations behind his heinous acts, and exploring the societal implications of his crimes demand extensive research and a deep understanding of forensic psychology. Moreover, presenting the information in a coherent and engaging manner while maintaining an objective tone is no small feat. Balancing the portrayal of Bundy as a criminal and delving into the human aspects of his personality without sensationalism is a delicate tightrope to walk. The task also involves navigating the ethical considerations associated with discussing such a sensitive and disturbing topic. The need to handle the subject matter with respect for the victims and their families adds an additional layer of complexity to the writing process. In addition to the intellectual challenges, there's an emotional toll that comes with immersing oneself in the details of Bundy's life and crimes. The gravity of the topic requires a writer to approach it with empathy and mindfulness, considering the potential psychological impact on both the writer and the audience. In conclusion, writing an essay on the topic of Ted Bundy demands a combination of thorough research, emotional resilience, and a keen awareness of the ethical dimensions involved. It is not a task for the faint-hearted, and those who embark on this journey must tread carefully to produce a piece that is informative, respectful, and thought-provoking. For assistance with essays on various topics, including those of a sensitive nature, you may explore the services offered by They can provide support and guidance to make the writing process more manageable. Ted Bundy Essay Ted Bundy Essay
  • 2. Cuban American Family Of Six Children Chavez who born in March 31, 1927 in Yuma, Arizona, in a Mexican American family of six children, had always a huge sense of connection with the land and the people who work hard of build the life by farming the land. His family owned a grocery store and a ranch, but their land was lost during the Great Depression of 1930s, which was the longest, deepest, and most widespread depression of the 20th century. During that time his family s home was taken away after his father had agreed to clear eighty acres of land in exchange for the deed to the house, an agreement which was subsequently broken. Later, when Chavez s father attempted to purchase the house, he could not pay the interest on the loan and the house was sold back to... Show more content on ... Later, he would say, The love for justice that is in us is not only the best part of our being but it is also the most true to our nature. Then my story with Caser Chavez starts from here, and I think it would be very useful if I start to describe the historical path of Modern Mexican American movement in order to make a sense of Chavez legacy. From different historical resource we learned that the origins of Mexican Americans in the United States today go back to the days of the Spanish who first came to Mexico and then expanded north into the Southern United States, especially into the Southwest. While The Mexican Revolution in 1810 drove the Spanish out of Mexico and Mexican territory, the Mexican War from 1846 to 1848 ended Mexican control of the Southwest, and this is what explains the process of forming another American minority that so called Mexican Americans, and like any other minority of that era, they suffered losing power, land, and wealth. To stand against inequality, injustice, and discrimination, we, as Mexican Americans, formed different organizations that to take a collective actions in order to achieve our goals of equality, justice, and civil rights. For example the Confederacion de Uniones de Obreros Mexicanos (CUOM) was formed in 1927 in Los Angeles. It proved to be the first really stable organization among Mexican workers. They organized three thousand workers into twenty locals, and in 1928 they struck in the Imperial Valley.
  • 3. Punishment In The Middle Ages Essay The fall of the Roman Empire marked the Middle Ages from 500ce to 1500ce which brought with it new ideas and systems. As medieval society developed, changes and consistencies occurred in law and order. In particular, continuity and change occurred in punishments, trial procedures, and court systems. Punishments in the Middle Ages were harsh and horrific, with change occurring as heads of state and laws changed. In the Middle Ages, punishments were used as a deterrent to gain peasants obedience. Types of punishments included torture, mutilation, and public humiliation. When the Normans invaded England in the 11th century, (Norman Conquest of England, 2017) many changes were made to punishments. William the Conqueror used the death penalty ... Show more content on ... In the Early Middle Ages, only Trial by Ordeal was used. This trial was based on the belief that God would save the Innocent and punish the guilty and had horrific methods, such as placing an arm in boiling water or holding an iron bar. (Tol Zagora 2014, p. 63) With the Norman Conquest in 1066, William the Conqueror introduced trial by combat (Rickards, 2012). Trial by combat was used for the nobles, where the accused would fight the accuser. William the Conqueror believed that God would protect the Innocent when the parties fought. The guilty would ve then be punished severely (Easton Saldais 2011, pp. 330, 331). With the creation of the Magna Carta in 1215 (Trueman, 2016) there were many changes to the Trial Procedures. The Magna Carta abolished Trial by Ordeal and replaced it with Trial by Jury, which involved a jury hearing a case and deciding the guilt or innocence of the accused. Many people didn t trust trial by jury, which led to a law being created in 1275 stating that if a criminal didn t choose trial by jury then they were tortured (Addison, et al. 2011). Therefore, evidence shows changes in power and laws transformed trial
  • 4. El Profeta Joel EL PROFETA JOEL El profeta Joel hace parte en la cultura hebrea y cristiana como uno de los doce profetas ya que su mensaje es corto a comparaciГіn con otros escritos profГ©ticos como es el libro de IsaГas o JeremГas. Por esa razГіn hace parte de los escritos llamados los doce profetas , ya que en la antigГјedad los escritos se hacГan en rollos de papiro o en pergamino que conformaban los manuscritos. Para evitar el hacer muchos rollos con mensajes pequeГ±os, los escribas realizaron una colecciГіn de escritos y los compilaron en un solo rollo donde existen doce escritos en el cual se encuentra el Profeta Joel. En ese rollo encontramos a Oseas¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬, Joel, Amos, AbdГas, JonГЎs, Miqueas, NahГєm, Habacuc, SofonГas, Hageo, ZacarГas y MalaquГas. (1) Dando una breve introducciГіn al tema de los Profetas llamados Posteriores, entraremos a ver en profundidad el libro del Profeta Joel. Г‰POCA DE JOEL Hay diversos estudios que hasta la fecha no han precisado la Г©poca concreta o al menos aproximada del profeta Joel. En el libro Los doce Profetas Menores lo coloca en el siglo VIII entre los profetas Oseas y Amos, al igual que nos dice que hay poca informaciГіn del autor pero es interesante la forma de profetizar. (2) y esta es la rama mГЎs trabajada por los eruditos bГblicos. Aunque hay personas que lo datan en el siglo IX ya que los imperios de Asiria y Babilonia no aparecen en los escritos del profeta y por eso se da a entender que fue en la Г©poca del sumo sacerdote Joiada y
  • 5. Best Bassinets Introduction To The Best Bassinet For Newborn If you ve just had a child and you re looking for a bassinet for them, you can probably see just how many different options there are available to you. With every bassinet available, you ll see a wide variety of options in features such as toys, vibrations, sound effects and so much more. You ll also have to choose if you want a portable bassinet or one that is permanent. Lastly, there s the option of choosing between other important aspects of a bassinet such as the bedding and the canopy. Below, you ll find some of the top things that you should consider when going to purchase a bassinet. Following that, you ll find five reviews of some of the best bassinets offered. Take your time to read through... Show more content on ... If you re looking to buy a bassinet that not only protects your baby in any situation but also provides them with a comfortable place to lay, this bassinet is the one for you. It is capable of holding up to 25 pounds so it s perfect to grow with your child. The frame and build of the Dream On Me Karley Bassinet is extremely lightweight and versatile which means it s the perfect choice to move around with you wherever you need it to go. It can easily be folded up and moved from room to room. If you want to take it outside, this bassinet has a double canopy feature, which allows you to expand both canopies to meet at the middle, where they can then be zipped together to ensure that no bugs or anything else bothers your baby. With the breathable mesh sides on the bassinet, you ll never have to worry about air flow to your baby. Lastly, the Dream On Me Karley Bassinet includes a convenient and accessible storage area directly underneath the bassinet and it also features a pretty and attractive design to provide you with a great looking bassinet. Pros Lightweight design allows for easy
  • 6. Four Colors Are Better Than More In writing this paper I have found that I have merely scratched the surface on several different aspects of the Four Color Problem (or the Four Color Theorem as it is often referred to, as well.) However, as you will see, I briefly touched on several key points such as the history of the problem and where it originated. After doing some research I was able to find information on some of the most influential men that put their hearts and minds into solving or proving the Four Colors Theorem. Almost all of the formulas and theories given in the text I read were well above my comprehension level, but I do highlight some of these without going into much detail. There were several attempts at proving these theories for nearly a century. However, it was not until 1976 when two mathematicians at the University of Illinois, proved that using four colors when coloring in a map would suffice. This is where the story begins. Have you ever looked at a map and wondered why it is colored or why if the number of colors were significant? Did you ever see the colors on a map as a mathematical conundrum? No? Neither did I ... until I learned about the Four Color Problem. So, what is this Four Color Problem, you ask? The actual definition, so simply put, according to the writers at, is A theorem that if you try to color in a map, you only need four colors to complete it so that no two areas touching it were the same color. This paper will take you
  • 7. How Did Popular Sovereignty Influence Our Government In today s world, we are using more and more technology in our lives that was thought to be impossible only 50 odd years ago. However, what has been the most influential ideas that helped formed our government we know today have been written on paper. One of the ideas from some of these documents is Popular Sovereignty. Popular Sovereignty means people power, something we see a lot of in our government. Popular Sovereignty is the most significant influence on the development of our government because it is seen in many documents that also influenced the development of our government, like the Magna Carta, The Mayflower Compact, and the writings of John Locke. The Magna Carta was written in 1215 and was revolutionary in its time, by stripping... Show more content on ... The Mayflower Compact was all about Just and Equal laws that were placed in it by its writers. These Just and Equal laws , were the bread and butter of this colony, and were decided on by the people and were what they seemed fit. The people that created the Mayflower Compact, used the idea of a Social Contract Theory , which is the idea that people are agreeing to be governed under their own laws, which was talked about by many philosophers like John Locke did in his book The two treatises of Government , but more on that later. The settlers who made the Mayflower Compact were people who were kicked out of Britain and wanted religious freedom, so they based their government around the idea of what God would do . They tried to make their society as equal, and as fair as possible, having no federal government, and giving all the power to the people. This is one of the sources of citizen representation in government and was not the last because it worked fairly well, and other civilizations use that system of government. The Mayflower Compact was one of America s first governmental systems, and we can still see its effects today. The idea of people agreeing to be governed under their own rules, is something we see in our government today, because we get to vote on laws and rules in our communities. We also have representatives in the federal and state government, that will decide more political and maybe more important decisions for the common good. The idea of a Social Contract Theory was not made up in the Mayflower Compact. Thomas Hobbes studied the idea of a State of nature and came up with the Social contract theory first, but then was studied later by John Locke, a European philosopher whose work is still seen in effect
  • 8. The Role Of Behaviorism And Cognitive Development Centres... Behaviourism and Cognitive Constructivism are two prominent theories exploring the ways in which people learn. However, they both take rather different approaches to explain how learning occurs. The leading thinkers in Behaviourism are John Watson and B.F. Skinner and here, their considerations will be compared to and contrasted with, those of Jean Piaget, the pioneer of Cognitive Constructivism. Behaviourism is based on the creation of associations between stimuli and responses by the learner, through forms of conditioning. Piaget s Theory of Cognitive Developmentcentres on the premise that people learn differently at different ages. The Behaviourism model concludes that all knowledge is gained not through biological influences, but from the learner s environment, through Classical and Operant Conditioning. Watson believed that through Classical Conditioning, he could teach anybody anything and that all people started out as blank slates, ready to be programmed with information. The school of Classical Conditioning believes that people will learn through repetition and association, for instance, rote learning, or the association created between a teacher holding up their hand with a request for silence from the students. Classical Conditioning also assumes that the learner is entirely passive and that free will won t come into play. Operant Conditioning Theory determines that learning will occur when actions are met with consequences of reinforcement, either
  • 9. The Unexamined Life Is Not Worth Living Essay Socrates was considered by many to be the wisest man in ancient Greece. While he was eventually condemned for his wisdom, his spoken words are still listened to and followed today. When, during his trial, Socrates stated that, the unexamined life is not worth living (Plato 45), people began to question his theory. They began to wonder what Socrates meant with his statement, why he would feel that a life would not be worth living. To them, life was above all else, and choosing to give up life would be out of the picture. They did not understand how one would choose not to live life just because he would be unable to examine it. Socrates felt that if he was unable to examine life, he would not be really ... Show more content on ... Socrates shocked everyone when he said he would choose death over anything else. However, the answer to why he would do that lies in his statement. Socrates knew that, had he choose to go into exile, he would be expected to stop living the way that he was. He would no longer be able to teach others, let alone question and examine his own life. For Socrates, this would be absurd. He believed the entire point of living life was to examine. He felt obligated to live a life where he questioned not only what was going on in his life but also the rights and wrongs that happened. He would rather give up his life than not be able to question what was happening. Philosophy is about questioning life and the world one lives in. Without questioning and wondering, life and philosophy would be worthless. An unexamined life would lead to one that was without question and curiosity, something which Socrates could not fathom. Without the curiosity that comes with examining life, philosophy would fail to exist. According to Socrates, a great philosopher, life would not be worth living without the addition of the philosophical thinking that helped to make our lives more exciting and worthwhile. Socrates lived his life to question and to wonder. The addition of philosophy made this possible. If examining ceased to exist, so would the life of those who
  • 10. Sunbeam Ethical Analysis Table of Contents Page No. Executive Summary2 Introduction3 Restructures in Sunbeam3 Turnaround at Sunbeam5 Accounting Practices at Sunbeam Corporation5 Accusations5 Key Players in Sunbeam s Scandal6 Unethical Behaviours7 Ethical Analysis7 Stakeholder Theory7 Deontological Theory7 Shareholder Theory7 Utilitarianism Theory7 Reference9 Executive Summary This report is based on Sunbeam Corporation and Albert Dunlap, the CEO from 1996 till 1988. In July of 1996, Michael Price and Michael Steinhardt hired Dunlap as the CEO and chairman of the board for Sunbeam Corporation. As the ... Show more content on ... They renamed it Sunbeam Oster Company. Later on, Kazarian was forced out of his chairman position and out of the company. Sunbeam relocated to Florida and purchased the consumer products units of De Vilbiss Health Care. In 1994 Sunbeam Oster acquired Rubbermaid s out door furniture business. The company changed its name back to Sunbeam Corporation in 1995. By 1996 Sunbeam had more than 12,000 stock units, 12,000 employees as well as 26 factories, 61 warehouse and six headquarters. Despite this, the company s earning had significantly declined by 83% and its stocks were 52% down. Therefore, Sunbeam needed help. Restructures in Sunbeam Prior to his appointment, Dunlap had acquired a reputation as one of the country s toughest executives as well as nicknames like Chainsaw Al , Rambo in Pinstripes , and The Shredder because he eliminated thousands of jobs while restructuring financially troubled companies. His reputation and business philosophy were recognized throughout the world. Later in his career, Dunlap authored a book outlining his strategy, entitled Mean Business, in which he highlights four simple rules of business. They are as follows: 1. Get the right management team. As Dunlap assumes office, he retained only one senior executive from Sunbeam s old management team. Dunlap first hire was Russ Kersh, a former employee of Dunlap, as executive vice president of Finance Admin. The new management team also
  • 11. An Outstanding Educator Through out my education, I have encountered many good teachers, but very few outstanding educators. Of course an outstanding educator must be organized, engaging, and educated, but these qualities are common in good teachers. Outstanding educators have certain qualities that are unique to them. An outstanding educator is passionate. Not about teaching, but about the subject they are teaching. Their passion shows through in their work. These types of educators capture the students attention when they are teaching. The teacher being excited to pass on the knowledge gets the students engaged. Since the teacher is passionate the cons of teaching don t show through in their work. Teachers can become run down and overwhelmed; since an outstanding educator is passionate the positives ... Show more content on ... They genuinely care about their students and know what is going on in their lives. Students can sense when someone doesn t truly care about them. An outstanding educator must convince the students they are not faking it. These educators let the students know they are listening. Unfortunately a teacher caring is all some students have. Outstanding educators know how important their role in shaping these students lives are. Lastly an outstanding educator educates the students not in the subject area they are teaching, but they teach the students valuable lessons in life. These types of educators have kids leaving the classroom not just knowing how to use the quadratic formula, but how to be productive citizens of society. An outstanding educator shows students what they can be after they leave school. Being an outstanding educator is something all teachers strive to be, but very few accomplish. There are many qualities of an outstanding educator, but being passionate, caring, and teaching the students more than the lessons in the book are very important. An outstanding educator is in the correct profession without a
  • 12. St. George Island Bridge Two piers of St. George Island Bridge which are different in the characteristics of the structure, substructure, and in the classification of soil layers, are selected to simulate the barge pier collision in LS DYNA. Figure 2(a) shows the elevation view of the St. George Island Bridge in which the location of piers 1 and 3 in the south side of the navigation channel, water level, and the sea bed elevation are presented. Also, Figures 2(b) and (c) demonstrate the dimensions and the elevation of the impact zone, water level, sea bed (mud line) level, and the soil layers related to piers 1 and 3, respectively. The water level in the location of the Pier 1 is 2.74m above the piles cap surface level and the sea bed level is at the same level of
  • 13. Philip Randolph The Labor Leader: A. Philip Randolph Asa Philip Randolph was a labor leader, civil rights leader and social activist who fought for the rights of African American laborers, including better wages and working conditions. A. Philip Randolph was born April 15, 1889 in Crescent City, Florida. During World War I, Randolph tried to unionize African American shipyard workers in Virginia, elevator operators in New York City, and founded a political magazine designed to encourage African American laborers to demand higher wages. In 1963, he was a principal organizer of the March on Washington. He died in New York City in 1979. During A. Philip Randolphadolescent years he and his family moved to Florida where he lived most of his youth. He attended... Show more content on ... In 1957, he organized a prayer pilgrimage to Washington, D.C. to draw attention to civil rights issues in the South, and began organizing the first Youth March for Integrated Schools. In 1963, Randolph was a principal organizer of the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom, during which he would speak to a crowd of nearly 250,000 supporters. He shared the podium that day with Martin Luther King Jr., who would deliver his famous I Have a Dream speech during the event. Randolph and King were among the handful of civil rights leaders to meet with President John F. Kennedy after the march. The following year, for these and other civil rights efforts, Randolph was presented with the Presidential Medal of Freedom by President Lyndon B. Johnson. Soon after, he founded the A. Philip Randolph Institute, an organization aimed at studying the causes of poverty. In 1966, at a White House conference, he proposed a poverty elimination program called the Freedom
  • 14. Environmental Impacts Of Coal Mining It has been long recognized that there are many environmental consequences by extracting, using and disposing of coal. Due mainly to the nature of the coal deposits which are typically full size, covering huge regions including more than one seams extending over big vertical durations. Coal mining in all likelihood consequences in an extra disturbance to the geologic conditions of an area than any other form of mining(Ehlen, Haneberg Larson, 2005, p. 79). The two ways to mine coal; surface mining and underground mining both extraction operations have their own personal negative impact on the environment. Strip mining a type of surface mining, is highly destructive scraping away at earths landscape to reach the coal buried near the surface removing plants, trees and topsoil. Also, another type of surface mining; mountaintop mining blasts off the tops of mountain s to reach coal seams within, creating drastic changes in topography. Whereas, underground coal extraction has its fair share of environmental impacts as well, such as subsidence and underground coal fires. Mine subsidence and collapses have the potential to produce major effects above ground, which are especially devastating in developed areas, destroying roads and buildings. Craig, Vaughan Skinner (2011) found that there are an estimated 300 underground coal fires still burning in the United States; in many parts of the world, coal beds have been accidentally or spontaneously ignited (p.142). The
  • 15. Pseudo Myopi The Refractive Anomaly Of The Eye INTRODUCTION Myopia is the refractive anomaly of the eye in which close objects appears clearly, while objects far away appear blurry. With myopia, light comes to focus in front of the retina instead of on the retina Myopia is the major refractive error having a worldwide prevalence of 1.5 billion. Children with Myopia feel difficulties in viewing blackboard in school; they avoid outdoor activities and get isolated from the peer groups. Untreated myopia may lead to Macular degeneration, Glaucoma, Cataract, Retinal detachment. Myopia occurs if the eyeball is too long or the cornea (the clear front cover of the eye ) is too curved. As a result, the light entering the eye isn t focused correctly, and distant objects look blurred. Even though ... Show more content on ... Because there is insufficient contrast for an adequate accommodative stimulus, the eye assumes the intermediate dark focus accommodative position rather than focusing for infinity. 3. Pseudo myopia Pseudo myopia is the result of an increase in ocular refractive power due to overstimulation of the eye s accommodative mechanism or ciliary spasm. The condition is so named because the patient only appears to have myopia due to an inappropriate accommodative response. 4. Degenerative Myopia A high degree of myopia associated with degenerative changes in the posterior segment of the eye is known as degenerative or pathological myopia. The degenerative changes can result in abnormal visual function, such as a decrease in best corrected visual acuity or changes in visual fields. Sequelae such as retinal detachment and glaucoma are relatively common. 5. Induced Myopia Induced or acquired myopia is the result of exposure to various pharmaceutical agents, variation in blood sugar levels, nuclear sclerosis of the crystalline lens, or other anomalous conditions. This myopia is often temporary and
  • 16. The Freedom to the Choice of Abortion We all live our lives as we please all in accordance to the law, but when it comes to abortion people start to judge and try to regulate how others live and interfere in their personal choices. We live in a country based on freedoms, and women have and should continue to have the freedom to the choice of an abortion. A woman s right to choose abortion is a fundamental right recognized by the US Supreme Court. The courts also have a category of classes called the near suspect classes, which include gender. Gender deserves protection from possible discrimination at the hands of the majority. Women constitute a majority of American s and have been discriminated in the past. The Landmark case Roe v. Wadewas decided and remains the law of the land. Making laws against abortions don t stop abortions from happening; they just make it less safe, which in many cases leads to death. Therefore idea of supporting pro life is contradictory, this is why the nation should be pro choice. No child should be brought into this world where they are not wanted or are not able to live a normal life. Most people who are against abortion will never even become pregnant, so they should not be making laws against it. Pregnancy is a private and personal matter. Outlawing abortion is discriminatory and unfortunately abortions are being transformed from a right to a privilege for most women. Abortion represents a woman s right to choose whether or not to continue a pregnancy, and this is a
  • 17. The History and Future of the Internet Essay The History and Future of the Internet Many believe the internet was an over night sensation, that one day, someone invented the internet and it spread in popularity faster than Tickle Me Elmo or the Macarena. Although the internet did have a surge of commercial popularity, with the invention of Mosaic and later with e commerce, it was created many years ago with the development of military networking technologies. Also, the internet, unlike many pop culture fads of the nineties, will continue to see a growth in popularity and usefulness as a form of media throughout the information age. Sure, the internet became overambitious to the point where many internet start up companies lost their businesses in the recession of the past few ... Show more content on ... Mosaic, created by Marc Andreessen, is described as the killer application for the internet. Because it was the first program to provide a slick multimedia graphical user interface, people had a reason to logon and download their free version of this monumental application. Mosaic soon turned into Netscape Navigator and the rest is history ( Through the internet was original used to support the development of the military many years ago, it became a commercial commodity in the nineties and into the new millennium. The internet grew and grew as an explosion of people logging on and creating their own personal website. Companies could advertise their products, people could freely send emails; there was no limit or bounds to its never ending content. Competition between internet providers increased the speed of the internet from dial up to DSL/Cable to Ethernet. However, despite an enormous increase in availability and internet traffic in the early years of the new millennium, a decrease in consumer confidence saw to the death of many start up companies. It was hard to keep up with the expansion of the internet during its turbulent growth in the late nineties. Many companies that started a retail or service business made a lot of money in a short amount of time and then lost it all. This volatile market saw the quick decline in the consumers loyalty in internet
  • 18. Harriet Martineau s Accomplishments Harriet Martineau Harriet Martineau is known as the First Woman Sociologist and author that overcame many obstacles including severe health issues. She studied and wrote about many things such as social practices, economics, social class, religion, suicide, government and women s rights. One of her many accomplishments was translating The Father of Sociology, Auguste Comte s writings from French to English in 1853 and thereby introduced sociology to English speaking scholars (Introduction to Sociology 11). Harriet Martineau paved the way in sociology, not only for woman, but for all society today. Harriet Martineau was born on June 12, 1802 in Norwhich, England. She was the sixth child born to Thomas, a manufacturer, and ... Show more content on ... Music was one of her many pleasures that she could no longer enjoy. She starting using an ear trumpet to help with the hearing loss, and would not let that hold her back. She met her aquatinance, Mr. John Worthington, while she was writing journals and essays to make money as her father passed away and it was the only way she could provide. Their courtship was cut short after her fiance, John suddenly died. Harriet remained single for the remainder of her life. This was a difficult time in her life losing both her father and fiance in a few years difference, however, she still persivered. Her first writings that supported her financially were Illustrations of Political Economy (1832 1934). These consisted of twenty four stories that illustrated for a popular audience the ideas of Thomas Malthus, James Mill, David Ricardo, and Adam Smith. They were published monthly and sold more copies than most popular authors at that time. She earned enough to be able to move to London in 1832 (Hill and Hoecker Drysdale 36.) Her writings during this time were to put a spotlight on slavery and the economic ties to it. She received tremendous of backlash on her writings on inequality of women, slaves and the poor and for being a female, she was not being taken
  • 19. Capital Punishment Is Cruel And Unusual Although many people believe that capital punishment is cruel and unusual. It is the only punishment that can truly compensate the loss of a loved one. In recent years, the rate of serious crimes has increased. The increase of crime is the result of less effective punishment. Dating back to early civilizations, capital punishment, also known as the death penalty, was viewed as an effective punishment. Yet today s society it is viewed as cruel and inhumane. I believe that capital punishment should be executed more often because; the rate of serious crimewill decrease, free up prison space, and would serve as the ultimate warning. What is capital punishment? Capital punishment is the lawful way to take a person s life, once convicted of a serious crime, such as first degree murder. Some people agree it is the most appropriate punishment to all vile murder cases (Williams), but others call it cruel and unconstitutional. There are a variety of methods in the death penalty. The method used most would be lethal injections, due to its quickness, effectiveness, and pain less results. My first reason why I believe the death penalty should be executed more often is because it could possibly help the problem of overcrowding in prisons. States such as Texas and California, mainly suffer from this problem due to its vast population and crime rate. Instead of keeping inmates for life in prison, its better to execute the one s with the most serious crimes than to release them or
  • 20. Lee Iacocc An American Business Leader Abstract Lee Iacocca is a businessman in the American automobile industry. He progressed up the ranks at Ford Motor Company to ultimately become its president in 1970. He is credited with such automotive hits as the Mustang and the Lincoln Mark III. He was fired by Henry Ford in 1978 due to personal differences. Chrysler Corporation was in a state of near bankruptcy in 1979 and called upon the leadership and expertise of Lee Iacocca to help save the company. Through his toughness and perseverance, he saves the Chrysler Corporation and in the process, millions of American jobs. Brian Watkins Alyssa Foskey MGMT 1115 March 29, 2015 Iacocca: An American Business Leader Lee Iacocca was born in Allentown, Pennsylvania, on October 15, 1924. His parents immigrated to America from Italy in the early 1900 s in search of the American dream. Lee s father was a businessman with interests in restaurants, theaters, and a car rental agency. The car rental business is what sparked Lee s interest in the automobile business. Lee did well in high school and was elected president of his class in the ninth grade. After the election, he failed to stay in touch with his constituency and lost the election in the second semester. He had forgotten the importance of shaking hands and being friendly. It was one of his first lessons on leadership. Lee graduated twelfth in his high school class of over nine hundred and set his sights on pursuing engineering in college. Lee applied, and was
  • 21. From the Shang Dynasty to the People s Republic of China Culture refers to the patterns of human activity and symbols that give meaning to the culture. It comes from art, literatures, customs, language and religion. The People s Republic of China has a vast and rich history that dates back to 2200 BC. China is the third largest nation in the world with the highest point on the planet Earth and the most populated country. Chinahas vast region divest environments from deserts to massive mountain ranges and jungles. The language is more complexes and challenging then most languages. Symbols and history are as colorful as any nation we have in the free world. I cannot do justice to the history of this country if I tried, I will do my best to show you a snapshot in this history, from the Shang Dynasty to the People s Republic China. I will cover the economy, coming from a Soviet style, more free market, and Government, industries, and family structure. China is the third largest nation in the world it has 3,691,502 square miles. China boarders thirteen countries, including Russia and Mongolia to the north, Myanmar, Laos, and Vietnam to the south and India to the southwest, The Yellow Sea, the South China Sea, and the East China Sea to the east. The climate is extremely diverse, ranging from subarctic to the north and tropical to the south. Hills, plains and deltas characterize the eastern regions. China also hold the highest point in the world, the great and ever challenging Mount Everest, on the border between
  • 22. Wittgenstein Picture Theory Essay There are many objections to the picture theory of meaning and unfortunately a large number of these are due to misinterpretations of the Tractatus. Because The Tractatus is such a complex and cryptic book, and because Wittgenstein can be quite vague in his explanations, readers interpret it in many different ways and take different meanings from it and so objections and also defenses can be based on underlying misconceptions. In Wittgenstein s Picture Theory of Language , David Keyt remarks that it is difficult to see how Wittgenstein meets some of the common objections to his Picture Theory. Because of this it is difficult to examine the strengths of the Picture Theory, and this extends to the Tractatus as a whole. (p ) He argues that... Show more content on ... There is a one to one correspondence between the parts of a proposition and the objects of the states of affairs pictured by the proposition. 2. Propositions are linear structures. 3. Every possible state of affairs can be expressed in language. (497) Wittgenstein asserts that every fact can be expressed through language when he says Man possesses the ability to construct languages capable of expressing every sense. (4.002) Keyt considers solutions to this so called paradox but does not find any to be satisfactory, therefore viewing this paradox as a huge flaw in Wittgenstein s picture theory. Another objection comes from Anthony Kelly, In chapter 4 of his book Wittgenstein. He raises an interesting objection to the picture theory. His concern in his objection is how exactly we can have the knowledge of what a picture represents. Kenny imagines a musical score containing symbols that represent sound. These symbols are intended to represent some kind of musical sound He states that Wittgenstein does not here make clear what, in addition to A s having logical structure, and pictorial relation to B, is needed for A to be a picture of B rather than the other way round. (Kenny, 70) . Wittgenstein does not offer up any solution to this
  • 23. Social Class In The Victorian Age The books of Dickens have a place completely with the philanthropic development of the Victorian Age, of which they are, in fact, in the circle of fiction, by a wide margin an essential item and expression. He was from first to last a writer for a reason. Dickens embarked to assault some particular mishandle or misuse existing towards youngsters and ladies amid the Victorian period. Amid the Modern Insurgency, the Victorian culture comprised of a hierarchical structure include the privileged, trailed by the white collar class, the average workers and the ruined underclass. These distinctive social classes could be recognized by disparities in territories, for example, legislative issues, specialist, riches, training, culture, working and living conditions. Individuals from the lower class were seen as nonsensical, juvenile, superstitious, ruthless, exorbitantly sexual and tarnished. Because of the feebleness of the lower class people, they were oppressed to misuse and treatment like that of creatures. In light of destitution, kids were constrained into youngster work and compelled to act as fireplace sweepers, and they could slither up the twelve by fourteen inch stacks, some as little as seven inches square, with the goal that they would get out the yearly standard of forty gallons of sediment that was kept there. Some young men moved toward becoming rodent catchers, and they were required to utilize arsenic to harm the rats. However, as this could be costly, they could
  • 24. The Invention of Plastic and Its Effects on Practically... Plastics are one of the most used materials on a volume basis in U.S. industrial and commercial use. Plastics are commonly into today s lifestyle and make a major contribution to virtually all product areas. Although the plastics industry in the United States is now in its second century, the most important developments have occurred since 1910. The roots of these modern developments go back not only to the research of cellulose nitrate by John Wesley Hyatt in the 1860s, but also to the plastic like compositions used by man through the centuries. Humans probably don t realize how often we use plastics or use something that has plastic particles. From the bristles on our toothbrushes, to bulletproof vest, to fibers that help in the making... Show more content on ... A couple of examples would be carbon and hydrogen. Hydrogen and carbon are what could be considered as never ending supplies that cater to the needs of many things. Scientists had been producing hydrogen for years before it was recognized as an element. Written records indicate that Robert Boyle produced hydrogen gas as early as 1671 while experimenting with iron and acids. Hydrogen was first recognized as a distinct element by Henry Cavendish in 1766.Composed of a single proton and a single electron, hydrogen is the simplest and most abundant element in the universe. It is estimated that 90% of the visible universe is composed of hydrogen. Carbon on the other hand is just as important. Carbon (from Latin: carbo coal ) is the chemical element with symbol C and atomic number 6. As a member of group 14 on the periodic table, it is nonmetallic and tetravalent making four electrons available to form covalent chemical bonds. There are three naturally occurring isotopes, with 12C and 13C being stable, while 14C is radioactive, decaying with a half life of about 5,730 years. Carbon is the 15th most abundant element in the Earth s crust, and the fourth most abundant element in the universe by mass after hydrogen. As you can see these two natural resources are very important to the universe. Not only are they very important to the universe but to the making of plastics. Different kinds of monomers produce different
  • 25. Mgt 496 Week 5 Final Paper MGT 496 WEEK 5 FINAL PAPER To purchase this visit following link: 496 week 5 final paper/ Contact us at: SUPPORT@ACTIVITYMODE.COM MGT 496 WEEK 5 FINAL PAPER Strategic Warehouse Management, Inc. is one of the most popular warehousing businesses in the U.S. This organization is focused in the creation and management of warehouse operations. The CEO s market development team believed that opening a warehouse in Australia is such a marvelous opportunity for the business to grow in the international market. This warehouse can serve many businesses in Australia. The management immediately designed a plan to establish and operate a non resident company in the said location. They even desired ... Show more content on ... They even desired to open a warehouse in any city in Australia. Thus, there are a number of Australian clients who embraced the idea. They even asked the company to take charge of their goods from Australia to the different states in the U.S. However, the CEO cannot afford to establish one without making preliminary plans. Furthermore, they looked forward to meticulously design a business strategy or plan to ascertain successful and efficient operations. Described below are the warehouse operations that present the company s supply chain. MGT 496 WEEK 5 FINAL PAPER To purchase this visit following link: 496 week 5 final paper/ Contact us at: SUPPORT@ACTIVITYMODE.COM MGT 496 WEEK 5 FINAL PAPER Strategic Warehouse Management, Inc. is one of the most popular warehousing businesses in the U.S. This organization is focused in the creation and management of warehouse operations. The CEO s market development team believed that opening a warehouse in Australia is such a marvelous opportunity for the business to grow in the international market. This warehouse can serve many businesses in Australia. The management immediately designed a plan to establish and operate a non resident company in the said location. They even desired to open a warehouse in any city in Australia. Thus, there are a number of Australian clients who embraced the idea. They even asked the company to take charge of their goods from Australia to the
  • 26. Barnard s Inn Barnard s Inn (shared with Herbert): When Pip arrives at his new bungalow, Barnard s Inn, he s shocked by how dark, dirty, and rundown the place is Mr. Wemmick assumes Pip s shock is happiness at finding an inn that resembles the country life. In the film this is where Herbert appears for the first time as an adult, and he has to force the door to enter, a point of humor. Wemmick house (1.25): the difference between Wemmick at work and Wemmick at home is so big that Pip almost thinks there are twin Wemmicks We are shown the house in just one scene of the movie where it is included the lovely ancient father and we cannot see the little castle , the objects he kept from the lost cases in the courts or details like that does appear in the... Show more content on ... After his first introduction he disappears for a long time and then after his second introduction he placed firmly into the background as the film focuses on Pip basically coming up with a way and the preparing his eventual devised way to smuggle Magwitch out of England. Currie has one more scene where talks about the pain of his past which he makes fairly poignant by honestly portraying the sentiment within the general roughness of Magwitch s
  • 27. Essay on Kabuki Theatre To what extent does stage design impact, influence, and enhance a traditional Kabuki theatre performance, more specifically, in the eighteenth century play Yoshitsune Senbon Zakura (Yoshitsune and the Thousand Cherry Trees) written by Takeda Izumo II, Namiki SenryГ» I, and Miyoshi ShГґraku? Table of Contents Title Page..................................................................................................Page 1 Table of Contents........................................................................................Page 2 Subject of Essay......................................................................................Page 3 10 * Introduction......................................................................................Page 3 * Kabuki and Kabuki History.................................................................Page 3 4 * Aspects of Stage Design.....................................................................Page 4 6 * Yoshitsune Senbon Zakura and Yoshitsune Senbon Zakura History.................Page... Show more content on ... This can be seen in Figure 2, which states The kabuki stage is equipped with various mechanical contrivances for dramatic effect. One of these is the Seri, a platform that can be raised and lowered from below the stage to make actors appear and disappear Nowadays, this is motor driven. Figure 2 was a much earlier depiction of the stage, now it is much more intricate. There are over fifteen aspects to the stage that make it unique to Kabuki theatre. Each one holds an important aspect. It is more in depth in Figure 3. Primarily, when starting from the top left and working the way down comes the mawaributal, which is known as the revolving stage. The mawaributal used to be operated only using human power and provide for simple scene changes by simply revolving the center section of the stage. Not only does it allow all of the audience to view the scene it is also much more appealing then abrupt scene changes. Then comes the Hombutai and two Daijin bashiras, the Daijin bashiras are two black pillars on both stage left and stage right and between them like the Hombutai, which is the stage prop. Stage right is the Shimote, which holds the left side of the audience and stage left is called the Kamite and there sits the right side of the audience. Audience s sit all over the stage because of all the different places acting takes place. There is a little box in front of the Shimote called the Kuromisu, also known as the Geza and here Nagauta is sung in
  • 28. Similarities Between African American And Latinos In the United States of America, we have the opportunity to socialize with many different racial groups in our communities. The groups that are always interacting with one another and have different and similarities are he African American and Latinos. In this country the African American and Latinos are oppressed in society. In this two very distinguished cultures were able to experience different outcomes by establishing in the United States. The African Americans, experienced for many centuries was very poorly in fact that they treated unfairly. In the communities today African Americans are targeted by their color of their skin. The police brutality towards black peopleis tremendously horrifying. The population of prisons in the U.S
  • 29. American Protocol Vs Kyoto Protocol The Montreal Protocol and the Kyoto Protocol has both established its place in history for climate and environmental enforcement. While the Montreal Protocol provided for a stepping stone in the history of environmental regulation, its follow up, the Kyoto Protocol, fell short of the same success. In this particular instance, the difference in types of politics has an imperative effect on the different schemes. The type of politics, client politics, that followed the Montreal Protocol scheme is exhibited in its success while the Kyoto Protocolscheme s amount of success paled in comparison. The Montreal Protocol was a large stepping stone for environmental regulation as it directly targeted the substances that were depleting the ozone layer.... Show more content on ... The Montreal Protocol was specific in what it desired to eliminate with an area the nations wanted to target. More importantly, the nations also had a common enemy in which everyone agreed upon. It was unmistakable that the ozone depletion was an effect from the chlorofluorocarbons. Overall, the Montreal Protocol had a large enough consensus of what was the problem and what actions were needed. There were distributed costs because of the various nations that were on board with phasing out the chlorofluorocarbons from commercial production and in particular, the aerosol industry. It was a multilateral success story that had its concentrated benefits: decreasing depletion in the ozone and now a poster child for future environmental
  • 30. Sarah Ke Humble Knight Research Paper Conclusion: Although Knight is an important and early woman figure in colonial American literature, she is inseparable from her wealthy and advantaged background. She is a well educated woman who partially proves her independence to her husband and her neighborhood back at home. However, she is unable to escape from her prejudices towards Native Americans and working class people, despite her observations and her close experiences with the group of the people mentioned above. She has a hard time tolerating improper speeches and manners and she likes to subjugate people around her when possible. Sarah Kemble Knight s writing style also shows how much she like to embellish her experiences. Her satirical way of describing her adventures,
  • 31. Athletes Should Get Equal Pay Not Unqualified, but Denied A crowd of three hundred thousand people screaming at the top of their lungs because USA has won a gold medal. A single athlete looks into the crowd and cries at what they have accomplished. All of the hard work, blood, sweat, and tears they have put into becoming great has paid off. Except this particular athlete is female, so it has never literally paid off. They will go home when it s all over to a small house and their second job due to the fact they don t make enough money as athletes to survive even though they are the best in the entire world. Women on the USA soccer team should get equal pay as athletes because the USA women s team brings in more money for the USA soccer program than the Men s team, the USA... Show more content on ... According to the article How Does the U.S. Women s Soccer Team Pay Compare to the Men? in the past 5 years the women s team has played 40 50% more games. Which means they are physically doing almost twice the amount of work and still being paid substantially less. The women out of those large amount of games have twice as many victories from 2012 2016 as the men s team. The women s team won 88 games compared to the men s 44 (Santhanam). The women s team won the 2015 world cup and only received 1.6 million dollars compared to when the men won and received 9.3 million dollars. Women deserve equal pay if they are better than a men s team. No matter what gender a person is, their salary should be based on their
  • 32. Diet Analysis Assignment For this assignment, I was asked to assess my diet, then compare the amount of nutrients I was receiving from my current diet, and compare it to what is recommended of me. I was to do this by using the 24 hour dietary intake form I had previously completed and compared it to the American Heart Association Healthy Heart Recommendations, as well as the Dietary Reference Intakes given to me in class. To begin this assignment, I imported all my data into a table to assess my findings in more detail. My results are shown below in Table 1. My results from Table 1 show me to be lacking in many areas. I received next to none, vitamin C or D from the foods I am currently eating. I am also eating too many fats and saturated fats. I am lacking immensely
  • 33. Red Violin Reflection A Take on The Red Violin The Red Violin, a movie written by Don McKellar and FranГ§ois Girard, and directed by FranГ§ois Girard, was released on September 10, 1998. It follows a special, and, in a sense, cursed, fictional violin through its long and tragic life, culminating a modern era auction where it is being sold. Everything begins with the violinmakers, NicolГІ Bussotti, and his pregnant wife, Anna Rudolfi. While Bussotti worked in his shop, Rudolfi met with one of their servants, Cesca, and asked her to tell her unborn child s future. Cesca tells her that she cannot, siting that the humors are all balanced until someone is born, and offers to tell Rudolfi hers instead. There is some hesitation on Rudolfi s part before she reluctantly agrees and Cesca lays out her tarot cards. Rudolfi selects five and Cesca began telling her fortune, which is how the real story begins. Her first card, The Moon, Cesca says means Rudolfi would have a long, rich, full life. Despite that, Rudolfi expresses her nervousness toward the delivery to Bussotti when she met him in his workshop, saying that Cesca told her the delivery would be difficult and painful. When Bussotti tries to comfort her, telling her that they always were, she expresses her nervousness again, saying that she was old to be having a baby. Bussotti ignored her concerns, going to work the next morning as always, only to be interrupted by one of his workers telling him a boy sent by the doctor was there as he was about to
  • 34. Forms Of Protest In The Civil Rights Movement Throughout American history, people have protested to create change in the time and circumstances in which they live. At the heart of every protest are grievances, such as experience of illegitimate inequality, feelings of relative deprivation, feelings of injustice, moral indignation about some state of affairs, or a suddenly imposed grievance (Stekelenburg). Whatever the reason, protests have been an important and present part of American society for many years. There are multiple ways in which people protest. People use books, magazines, and social media as forms of protest. Music is among the most important mediums, for the majority of society listens to and enjoys it. Songwriters and celebrities, tending to have an elevated presence in society, draw attention to subjects they believe should be spoken about in order to create change. Over the years, song artists have used their platform to show their objection to racial discrimination, war, and intolerance towards specific groups of people. Racial discrimination is one of the strongest topics that songwriters have written about. In 1939, before the Civil Rights Movement, Billie Holiday recorded Strange Fruit, a song originally written as a poem by a teacher named Abel... Show more content on ... Marvin Gaye envisioned and wrote a concept album, which included songs told from a Vietnam war veteran s point of view after he d come home to America, where he saw that serving his country hadn t helped improve injustice, poverty, suffering, or crime (Pinkey). The powerful lyrics from What s Going On describe the cruelty and pain of the war: Mother, mother there s too many of you crying. Brother, brother, brother, there s far too many of you dying. You know we ve got to find a way to bring some loving here today (Gaye). Overall, What s Going On was a song to discourage hostility and the cruelties of the Vietnam
  • 35. Kindred Environment Today s children learn and are influenced by their surrounding and environment. Children do not know any better; for them, it s monkey see, monkey do. Today s youth are taught to respect everyone of every race. However, back in the time of slaves, children were taught to despise blacks, and that s what most of them did. In the book Kindred, Dana Franklin journeys back and forth to the Antebellum South multiple times to see her past family who are slaves and the owner Rufus Weylin. On multiple occasions, Dana voyages back to the past to help Rufus when he is in danger, so her life does not become corrupt. Each time she goes back, different levels of danger await her. As Dana travels home and back to the past, she witnesses Rufus grow from... Show more content on ... He had some friends that were slaves on the plantation like Nigel and Alice who also had treated him with respect. In this scene, Dana and her husband Kevin both journey back to the past to see a young boy curled into a ball on the ground from falling out of a tree. The married couple run over to the boy who is Rufus and by him is a young black child around twelve years old. Dana asks the black child,whose name was Nigel, what had happened to Rufus. He didn t answer her right away, but instead he demands who she is and starts to get protective of Rufus. Rufus tells Nigel, She s alright and she s the one who helped me put out the fire the one time . After that little conversation Dana asks Nigel if he knew where Rufus live. He replies with a yes , and that he lived there too. She figures that he is probably a slave on Rufus s father s plantation (59 60). Finding out that Nigel is a slave and that he got protective of Rufus when he falls shows that there is a different type of bond between them; almost like brothers or best friends. This demonstrates that Rufus doesn t care about the color of his pal Nigel and that he wouldn t let anything exacerbate the situation even more. This scene reveals that skin color does not matter to young Rufus because he does not want to be like his
  • 36. Case Study On Airbus Executive Summary The purpose of this report is to examine and analyse the problems that Airbus has encountered while they were developing the A3XX and to recommend methods that Airbus could have implemented and things they could have done differently to prevent them from arriving at those roadblocks. The case study report draws attention to the competition between the two big shots of the aviation market. In 1990, Airbus decided to enter the Very Large Aircraft (VLA) market by introducing and developing the A3XX as they wanted to compete with the market s dominator, Boeing and its infamous 747. In the beginning both firms independently explored the practicability of launching a superjumbo and then decided to collaborate on the project. ... Show more content on ... However, 20 year demand forecast for VLA passenger jets for both firms were not, with 330 by Boeing versus 1235 by Airbus. This variation reflects both Airbus and Boeing s perspective differences towards industry evolution. While Airbus looks towards greater capacity aircrafts, Boeing looks towards greater fragmentation of aircrafts. Airbus believes the problem of growing demand cannot be fully solved by increased flights and new routes as it is only a short term solution. Demand forecast related, Airbus did not take into consideration that even with all its advantages, not all major airlines would want to buy the A3XX unless it demonstrates that it can profit the
  • 37. Ivf Is Used For Help People With Infertility Issues Essay In Vitro Fertilisation. IVF is commonly used to help people with infertility issues. However my essay focuses on IVF being used to create saviour sibling. Using the IVF procedure to select embryos that will be a genetic match to older siblings with life threatening diseases to therefore save there eldest child, who may be suffering from a life threatening diseases. When natural conception happens, the sperm fertilises the egg inside the woman s body. However in the IVF procedure, fertilisation of the egg with the sperm and the first few days of embryo development occur outside the body in a test tube or a Petri dish, in controlled conditions in a laboratory. In Vitro is actually Latin and it means in glass referring to the Petri dish where the sperm and egg are put together. The process of IVF can be broken down into seven particular stages. The first step also known as the Ovulation Induction and Monitoring stage is when Hormone drugs are given to the woman to increase the number of eggs developing in her ovaries. Fertility specialist doctors keep an eye on the eggs development by using the results from blood tests and ultrasound scans. At the appropriate time, maturation of the eggs is triggered by another drug so the doctor can retrieve the woman s eggs at the right time. Usually the eggs will be used fresh , but sometimes eggs are frozen to be thawed and used later. The next step is the Sperm Collection phase where a sperm sample is produced by the man and
  • 38. The Formulation and Recognition of the Canonical Books Essay LIBERTY UNIVERSITY ONLINE THE FORMULATION AND RECOGNITION OF THE CANONICAL BOOKS A PAPER SUBMITTED TO PROFESSOR C. PAUL KING IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR HISTORY OF THE CHURCH I 301 DEPARTMENT OF CHURCH HISTORY BY GLENN ROGERS LYNCHBURG. VIRGINIA 10 NOVEMBER 2012 TABLE OF CONTENTS Table of Contents2 Introduction3 Reason or Need for Adoption of a Canon of Scripture4 Key Events that were Influential in Recognition of the Canon5 Individuals and Councils that Helped Shape the Canon6 Conclusion8 Works Cited ... Show more content on ... H. I. Hester writes in his book entitled The Heart of the New Testament, The term canon as applied to accepted authoritative Christian writing was first used in Alexandria, Egypt. In modern usage the term canon means the list of biblical books which are recognized as inspired by the Holy Spirit and authoritative. The stories contained in the Old and New Testaments of the Holy Bibleare of paramount importance to the faith and spiritual development of every Christian alive today. Human minds may never completely understand all that is contained in Holy Writ but this research paper will also attempt to shed some light on some of the factors that help determine what biblical books are considered canon today. Reason or Need for Adoption of a Canon of Scripture There were many reasons for the adaption of a canon of Scripture. One good reason is the basis of Christianity is found in the authority of Scripture. The chief editor, Ted Byfield, wrote in his book, The Christians: Their First Two Thousands Years, the following: The further in time and distance that the Christian movement spread from its point of origin in Bethlehem and Jerusalem, the more the teachings of Jesus Christ and the Apostles diverged and discrepancies arose in the retelling of the gospel story. By the end of the second century, there were in circulation some forty seven hundred relevant manuscripts and one hundred thousand written quotations or allusions to
  • 39. Jesus or early church
  • 40. Memories Of The Past Has Influenced American History Memories of the past has influenced many of the early traditional historians in creating their ideas of early Texas History. Personal narratives passed on to historians became the foundation for many of the early writers in developing an early identity for the state. Unfortunately, many of the early histories supported and primarily Anglo cultureand a Top Down approach to history. Most of the early history was written relative to the Anglo viewpoint and biased opinions. Fortunately, many underrepresented cultures now have a voice and the capabilities to provide personal accounts and history as passed down within said culture. Now, new historians can use personal narratives and memories from within other cultures to validate or... Show more content on ... Web was a son of teacher, spent allot of time farming and taking care of animals on farm in west Texas. He drew up poor on the range and was exposed to many cowboys with pistols and ranching. These early experiences influenced Webb in his writing and was based on his perception of what they were instead of what they were in actuality. J. Frank Dobie was one of three friends credited with inventing Texas Literature. Dobie, Roy Bedicheck and Walter P Webb.3 Inventing history instead of writing as it happened is another example of writing based on memory. Memories can be true or false but cannot necessary be understood as factual events. Most of his writings would be classified as folklore rather than history however he did have standards to his writing. Dobie demanded of historical writing: reality, vividness, authenticity, and readability.4 Unfortunately, readability may be an area that truths were distorted in favor of a entertainment or support of a higher Anglo cause. Yet because history, memory and personal accounts are entertaining, they will be passed on from each generation. History will continue because of the wide spread assumption that Texas history is colorful, unique, and expansive field of inquiry, filled with all sorts of narrative stories that provide good reading for demanding public.5 Selecting memories of our
  • 41. Interpreting The Roots Of Canadian Law History of law offers us an understanding how the law evolves and change with time and place. When we try to interpret the various roots of Canadian law, different questions arise Why the laws illegal in the past are legal now? Can we understand the past and the current law based on the traditional roots of law, such as a statute, case law, custom, and books of authority? Alternatively, there is something else one has to look into to interpret the roots of Canadian law adequately. What can we imagine about the future laws in Canada? Will it be the same as we face it today or will switch with time? Does a careful examination of the social, political, economic sources of Canadian law help us understand the current and the past, most specifically,
  • 42. Spencer Hastings Narrative The kindness of strangers ever so rarely comes with a cost; that is why I was so surprised at the cost I had to pay... It was one year ago. I, Peyton Lancaster, was cruising down the newly, refurbished hallway towards the cafeteria for what promised to be a pretty more than average lunch. As I walked down the hall with my best friend I noticed the new lockers. They made the school look...better. They added a new vibe to the hallway, mainly because of their very exuberant colour and the fact that they were so new that they shine so bright every time the sun s rays hit off of them; way better than the old, beige, rusty lockers. As I was busy admiring the lockers, I had hardly listened to a word my friend was saying Hello, earth to Peyton? I whipped my head around so fast I think I almost gave myself whiplash I m here, I m listening. That s was a lie. She probably knew that but started rambling on about something to do with, I didn t know but that was how she was. ... Show more content on ... She is the type of girl who people get very annoyed with because she is smart. Think Spencer Hastings from Pretty Little Liars , add braces and very insane skill for cooking and there you have it. She also has this thing when she talks about subjects she loves; she lights up. Like right at that moment, she was deep in explaining something that I did not now about and I kind of feel bad for not listening but I also love looking at the way she lights up. Her check get fuller and turn a shade of rose pink; her smile becomes brighter somehow, I don t know how, but it does; her crimson brown eyes also seem to
  • 43. Cause And Effect On Inflation INFLATION Nowadays, inflation is a word very often used by society. In many cases, citizens can t really define inflation and when they do so, they define other economic terms that can get confused with inflation. Citizens don t know of the importance of inflation and how it can affect them directly. Inflation is caused by an imbalance of demand and supply, where prices of the goods and services increase at an ongoing pace. The purchasing power will drop, and the money citizens have will be worth less. Inflation can either be good or bad. It is considered that if the inflation rate is between 0% and 2% is positive, otherwise, when is negative or bigger than 2%, the inflation is negative. The most frequent measures of inflation are the CPI (Consumer Prices Index) and RPI (Retail Prices Index). On the one hand, RPI is the percentage price calculated by the Government annually, where they take more than 600 goods and services, and they calculate a mean price of them. After that, they compare it with the previous year. On the other, CPI can be used not only for comparing the difference of inflation year by year, but also for the identification of periods of inflation and deflation and in a more accurate way. The difference between inflation and a rise in the price level, is that inflation, is an ongoing process of an increase in prices of products or services, whereas a rise in products prices is a one time jump in price of the product. However, there is also a term for the
  • 44. Effectiveness Of Drug Treatment Courts The Effectiveness of Drug Treatment Courts: An Overview of Three Empirical Studies Tincen Vithayathil University of Baltimore The Effectiveness of Drug Treatment Courts: Three Empirical Studies Since the origination of drug treatment courts, there has been countless numbers of offenders who have successfully completed the program and fought their way past drug abuse. There are also a handful of offenders who may have struggled to change their drug abuse or addiction, and fell short of completing the program. In this second part of my report, I will be determining whether drug treatment court programs actually work. To accomplish this task, I will be reviewing three empirical studies to evaluate how effective the program truly is. The first empirical study that I will be reviewing is the Orange County Juvenile Drug Court (OCJDC) located in Orange County, California between 1999 and 2006 (Fradella, Fischer, Kleinpeter, Koob, 2009). This study consists of 232 teenagers (164 males and 68 females) with the age of these individuals ranging between 12 and 17 years (Fradella et al., 2009). In this study, researchers attempt to understand why Latino teenagers were graduating from drug treatment court (DTC) at a much lower rate than rest of the teenagers at the same institution (Fradella et al., 2009). In the Orange County Juvenile Drug Court, 97% of the offenders are Latino or Caucasian (Fradella et al., 2009). However, Latinos were graduating at a rate of
  • 45. Room Full of Angels Room Full of Angles The short story Room Full of Angles is written in the 90 s by the author Mike Benson. He throws us directly into the story as my stomach reached my throat... (P.60, l.1 2) Often you get an introduction to the story you are reading, because it is a good way to attract the listeners attention. The beginning in Mike Benson s story is called In media res . Especially it s important to know that the story is written by a first person narrator; this means that we have to be critical towards the narrator s creditability which later in the analysis will be discussed. In the 90 s a new problem among youth people have been discussed a lot in the media. In this context we talk about the drug environment. Sometimes when ... Show more content on ... He sees the narcotics in every room and he can feel the thick air around him. It s like this drug environment gives him something special, because everything is moving so fast. But again it s hard to rely on his words, because it s a very subjective description of the place. In reality there could be only one room and the thick air around him could be something that doesn t exist. Maybe the narrator only sees the Room Full of Angles because he is a drug abuser and lives in a fantasy world. In the last part of the story another example of the narrator s uncontrolled life is explicit. (P. 64 l 36 40) To begin with the narrator isn t aware of anything, because he can t find the girl Tanya even though she is standing right next to him. And secondly they are pissing themselves. These very odd and funny examples show how the narrator s life hasn t developed through the story at all. Something that you especially notice in the short story Room Full of Angles is the language use, because the text only uses small letters. Clearly there aren t many commas and full stops, which make the short story very different to read, and the sentences are filled with words from a dirty environment. It s not a coincidence because the text wants us to feel the stream of consciousness you get from the narrator s thoughts. (P. 62 l.2 l.7) when the narrator feels the rush while his on drugs we gain insight into his messy thoughts. That could explain why there is no plot in Room
  • 46. Central Arkansas Community Development The University of Central Arkansas has been expanding its edges since it was the Arkansas State Normal School in 1907. Over a span of a hundred and nine years, the campus has developed into a three hundred and forty two acre plot. Having the vision of being a public destination that integrates the 21st century learning environment with the urban vitality of Conway and the greater region (Reynolds, 2011). With the latest development of the Collegeof Business, Donaghey Hall, and Lewis Science Center, UCA is featuring exemplary live/learn/work/play environments and opportunities that engage the learner, satisfy the curious, inspire the creative and attract the larger Conway community. Arkansas is known for being the Natural State, so the University ... Show more content on ... Studies show that education, training, and incentives are causing university students to become more concerned with their environment and the environment of the next generation (Levy and Dilwali, 2000). Providing the opportunity to live in a sustainably built environment has become an important differentiating factor among universities around the world and is becoming increasingly important to students in terms of both how they adopt sustainable practices and their choice of a university. The majority of students and their parents are making acceptance decisions based on a university s environmental commitment (Princeton Review, 2012). If the University of Central Arkansas would raise the facility fee, then the higher percentage rates
  • 47. Essay On Automated Video Surveillance A few decades ago, the dream of nearly every American was to one day own a car. In present age, this dream has become a reality for the majority of the population. A 2001 report released by the Energy Information Administration showed that on average America alone has approximately 1.79 cars per household ( Household vehicles energy, 2005).With all of the luxuries and technologies that are made available for Americans, the United Stateshas proven that they are one of the most advanced nations in the world. Now ask yourself: What would America be like without the advanced technology that it has today? Culture and life would be much more different and complicated for nearly every human being. In addition, some of today s most important... Show more content on ... Automated video surveillance is one of these applications that monitors people and vehicles in real time within a busy environment. The purpose of a surveillance system is to record properties and movements of objects in a given area and inform authorities in case of an incident ( Javed, Shah, 2008). Automated video surveillance is very advantageous for the federal government of the United States because it can help detect possible terrorist attacks. Automated manufacturing is another application of automation and by far, it is the most important and useful in the United States. This practice of automation is used to produced things in a factory way. Consequently, many of the products that consumers purchase are the result of automated manufacturing. Some of these products include automobiles, refrigerators, dishwashers and videogame consoles like the Xbox 360 and the PlayStation 3. Today there are numerous industries applying automated manufacturing including the airline, automotive, mining, oil and food production industries (Vassar). An additional application of automation is called home automation. Home automation works by using advanced technology to control and do the jobs that people would normally do manually ( Home automation, 2010). The best and simplest way to install home automation is while a house is still being built. However, people who have houses already built can still have home automation installed through wireless
  • 48. Essay Lebron James Best Player in World Specific purpose: To persuade my audience about how LeBron James is the best basketball player in the world. Central Idea: LeBron James is the best basketball player by his scoring ability, his athleticism, and his world class defense. Introduction Imagine you are in the stands of a Miami Heat game watching the greatest player of the game Lebron James play. One minute you see in chasing down a defender to block him. Then next you see him running a fast break down the court flying through the air. Are you thinking that could be MJ? The answer would be no, because according to Lebron he is not MJ he is LJ. Lebron James is considered the very best among many top players to ever play the game. For one Lebron James can score at ... Show more content on ... Which those stats right there are amazing because in NBA you are considered to be average at 15 efficiency rate and 20 is great, while 30 is considered amazing. For further proof on why Lebron s scoring makes him the best is last game he played against the Kings the final score was 141 Heat to 129 Kings. Lebron James finished with 40 points, 16 assists, 2 steals, and 8 rebounds. The man is considered a walking triple double on the court according to Steve Kerr who was one of NBA S top 3 point shooter. James broke the record for highest efficiency rating by having his over 32 Furthermore Wilt Chamberlin who played in the 60 s, in which he was only seven footer at the time and owned the league, held the previous record. Leading to how the game has changed today where the defense is much better Lebron still can show he is the most amazing player out there. Also Lebron James broke Kobe Bryant s record of achieving 20,000 points at 28, while Kobe who held the record at 29. This just proves he is the best by beating Kobe Bryant who is considered also as one of the best players of all time. II.The defense side of Lebron is crucial to every players game because good defense leads to even better of offense. James has the defense side by the steals he gets or can get, and what he is known for being a chase down
  • 49. Literary Representation Vs Visual Testimony Essay The Telling of a Survivor s Holocaust Story Literary Representation vs Visual Testimony Can fiction tell the same type of story as non fiction or a factual first hand account? The Holocaust, a story that has been told from the perspective of the survivor as well as the culprit, novels written, play adaptions, movies, and documentaries. Whether fictionalized or fact, all the stories share common themes suffering, loss, sacrifice, death, inhumanity and ultimately freedom whether in death or surviving to be liberated in some form or another. Some of these representations have been fictionalized with creative license taken while others are firsthand accounts given in memories. I will explore how a short fiction story telling of the Holocaust compares to the firsthand account of a Nazi Schutzstaffel (SS) Officer with the uses of symbols and/or metaphors, narrative order, narrative perspective, the outlook of the author towards the future and how the choice of genre affects the way the story is told. SYMBOLS AND/OR METAPHORS Author Emily Miller Budick, writes in her book Aharon Appelfeld s Fiction: Acknowledging the Holocaust, she gives an analysis of the symbols and metaphors written in Tadeusz Borowski s This Way for the Gas, Ladies and Gentlemen . She writes from the opening image of the thousands of naked men and women milling around the barracks in the volume s lead story, Borowski inundates the text with animal and insect imagery, all of which tend to produce a
  • 50. Adult Learning Essay 2 Research Paper: Adult Learning Education beyond high school, even beyond a Bachelors degree is a critical requirement to obtain a decent rewarding employment in today s society. However, many individuals do not graduate high school or college for many reasons: unexpected pregnancies, lack of family support, need of financial aid, etc. These individuals who return to some kind of higher education later in life are known as adult learners, or the non traditional students. Adult learners over age 24 currently comprise about 44 percent of U.S. postsecondary students. (Kahiz, 2007) These individuals make up a group of students who differ from traditional students. An adult learner possesses any of the following criteria: married or ... Show more content on ... Brookfield (1995) states that, adults face moments of transformative breakthrough, of empowerment, of emancipation and of liberation, what figure equally strongly in adult students accounts of learning, particularly those focused on critical reflection, are feelings of impostorship, acknowledgments of a disturbing loss of innocence, accountings of the cost of committing cultural suicide, descriptions of incrementally fluctuating rhythms of road running, and recognition of the significance that membership in an emotionally sustaining learning community has for those in critical process . These stories are the dark weaknesses of the inspirational rhetoric of adult learning. Impostorship is the sense that one possesses neither the talent nor the right to become a college student. (Brookfield, 1999) While these students want to be in college, they secretly doubt their worthiness to be a college student and a critical thinker. Brookfield (1995) states that in his research, not all but most adults felt this sense of impostorship regarding the rightness of their taking critical perspectives on familiar ideas, actions and social forms. He also mentions that, this feeling does decrease over time, but it rarely disappears entirely. Brookfield (1999) also mentions that the moment of public
  • 51. The Fraser Island in Australia Fraser Island is a popular tourist attraction in Australian just 300km north of Brisbane and only 15 km of the coast of Hervey Bay. Fraser Island is the largest sand island in the world and is world heritage listed. The island is around 120km long and cover a significant area of 1,840km2 Fraser Island is known for its spectacular long white beaches, sand cliffs, rain forests and a number of freshwater lakes that are crystal clear. The indigenous people of Fraser Island are the Butchulla people or their traditional name K gari. However due to the European settlement many of the traditions and the way of life the aboriginals live were destroyed either intentionally or through plain ignorance. The Butchulla people were governed by a Council of Elders and of course the generations and generations of traditions that have been passed down. The council included a number of mature men, but only the elders had voting rights. The council of elders were responsible for allowing visitors into their tribal lands, they gave them permission to enter and told them when they had to leave. The Council made sure all rules (social and environmental) were met and was responsible for the totem system. The totem system was when each member of the tribe was given a totem that represented a plant or animal. You were not allowed to eat, harm or hunt your totem or your family s totem. The only exception was during war, unique ceremonies or when you crossed into non tribal lands. The totem system
  • 52. Magritte Human Condition When asked to look at Magritte s The Human Condition, and being asked how many frames do you see in the image was one of the hardest questions I will ever answer in school. At the same time, I feel that it is also a trick question because it not about how many you see, as there are different ways to look at it, but it is how the image relates as a whole. This taught us that everyone may view things differently and that we analyse things differently. Our first assignment we were to teach someone to use a piece of technology that they wouldn t know how to use. You were to observe them and take notes on how they learned and handled the situation at hand. I found that these situations, this one in particular, can sometimes be frustrating and that we must be patient in peoples learning abilities. Learning new things is very common in all practices, for example when learning how to use a first machine if you don t get it right on... Show more content on ... Originally it was to have the best computer for everyone, then it was turning cell phones into the smartphones which gave you more access to the internet and allowed people to stay in contact easier through applications, now it s the idea of a virtual reality. This would change our way of interacting with computers and how we can perceive different scenarios. The use of oculus rift for example puts you within whatever setting you want, this could be beneficial to many things, for example, I feel it could help give you a real time feel of potential situations when trying to determine how something happened, or the ability to practice surgery before actually doing it. With the surgery example, you have to become accustomed to many instruments and what they are used for. Instead of learning/practicing on live beings, the interactive ness of virtual reality would allow you to observe the frames of an operation without conducting one, allowing you to better yourself within your area of
  • 53. Similarities Between Rosa Parks And Anne Frank I choose to write about Rosa Parks and Anne Frank. Anne Frank had to live her life during the world war 11. Rosa parks had to live throw the black rights movement. Bethany hamilton had to go throw getting her arm bit off doing what she loves so much. They all have something they went throw that is so bad. Bethany Hamilton was born on February 8, 1990 in a small town in Hawaii called Lihue. She had been surfing since she was 3 she loved it. She loved going surfing with her friends on holidays and on just normal day. On the day this happened her dad was already at the hospital getting knee surgery. It happened in 2003 when she was out surfing with her friends having fun. She was just sitting in the water calm Them here comes a shark reached up and bit her arm off. She was calm swimming over to her friends. Her friends had to carry her to the truck driving to meet with the ambulance. Even though on that day something really hard and life changing happened when she could she got right back up on that bouard and never was scared to go back out there. ... Show more content on ... Rosa Parks was a brave woman for what she did. Rosa parks had to live throw a rough time in life for lots of people. Rosa helped people get throw the times and help make it a lot better. Rosa helped Martin luther king be famous. Rosa Parks has been called the first lady of civil rights and the mother of freedom movement. Rosa married a guy named Raymond Parks in 1932. In 1920 Rosa went throw a ruff time when lots of her family got sick. Rosa had to dropout of school to take care of her mom because of her sickness. Rosa Parks was a very brave woman and help a lot throw the black rights movement she was a huge part of why it s not like that any more. Sadly Rosa Parks died on the say Of October 25, 2005 at the age of 92. She lived a long
  • 54. Alfred Hitchcock Film Analysis I ve gone on the record as saying I like Alfred Hitchcock s films, though I only really love one so far ( Psycho ). My admiration for Hitchcock, along with the number of his films I love, increased after we watched his beloved Vertigo in my class. It may have barely surpassed Psycho as my favorite Hitchcock film. This film stars James Stewart as John Scottie Ferguson, a San Francisco detective forced to quit the force after a traumatizing event causes him to develop acrophobia. He soon takes up a case as a sort of private eye, however, when an old acquaintance from college asks him to investigate the strange habits of his wife (Kim Novak). Stewart obliges, with dire consequences. One of the surprises in this film, for me, was Stewart as Scottie, who performed excellently. I like Jimmy Stewart, but I ve never been as enamored with him as some movie buffs. That has changed some, as I think this is his best performance I ve seen. He makes you care for his character and believe his motivations and feelings for the first portion of the movie. He struggles a bit in the emotional scenes, but he still succeeds in evoking our sympathy. By the end of the film, his performance takes a remarkable turn and he becomes genuinely disturbing. It s brilliant. Kim Novak is also great as Madeleine Elster, the wife Stewart s character follows. She has a creepy, disturbing quality about her during that first part of the movie that works quite well. Later, her performance takes a turn,
  • 55. Essay on Managing Financial Resource There are financial implications for individuals accessing and using services in health care services, Evaluate the impact of these financial implication on service users. (AC 4.3) The pursuit of equity of access to health care is a central objective of many health care systems. Yet, financial incentives can influence patients because, although the UK system is essentially free at the point of use , there are charges for specific services including eye tests, dental check ups, and dispensing of prescription medicines. Charges can act as a deterrent to patients and as a barrier to access. The impact of user charges affects different socio economic groups in different ways. For some groups, access may not be compromised by a co payment,... Show more content on ... The shift in the balance of NHS and private dental care reflects the interests and preferences of dentists rather than of the public. It suggests, however, that a continued shift towards private practice is a trend that the public will not find acceptable, which might limit the extent of expansion of private practice. Hughes and McGuire (1995) estimated the impact of charges for drug prescriptions in the NHS and found evidence to suggest that user charges reduced the number of prescriptions cashed in the UK. However, the impact of user charges is likely to affect different socioeconomic groups differently. Lundberg et al. (1998) found that price sensitivity decreased with age, income, education and self rated health status. Furthermore, they found that sensitivity to user charges for drugs varied greatly between different types of drugs; for example, they found that if user charges doubled 40% of antitussive users would reduce their consumption, whereas only 11% of users of drugs for menopausal problems would reduce their consumption. It should be recognised that in the UK user charges are means tested; low income families and people over 65 years are exempt, as are individuals with certain chronic conditions, such as diabetes. Some commentators suggested that user charges could (and should) be
  • 56. Holden Caulfield Psychoanalysis The Catcher in the Rye, by J.D. Salinger, is a timeless novel, bringing up the controversial truth of mental health and the manners in which society s norm impacts us as individuals. Immediately when reading the book it becomes clear that Holden Caulfield is damaged, but who in this world isn t? The reader becomes aware of Holden s traumas as he struggles to clearly define and label them. Holden s embodiment of an average teenager, is a refreshingly clear explanation of teenage angst. He bounces back, memory to memory, recalling different things as the reader experiences his breakdown. As his subconscious struggles to find someone who will listen, someone like Allie, his dead brother. The manner in which different lenses affect the novel is... Show more content on ... Immediately within reading the novel it becomes clear that there is a direct disconnect between Holden and his comfort with men, I don t much like to see old guys in their pajamas and bathrobes anyway. (7). Understanding why he has such a strong disliking is unclear unless seen within Freud s theory of the defenses. This lens clarifies the reader s curiosity to why Holden is so uncomfortable, Then something happened. I don t like to talk about it... Holden began to retell, What the hellya doing? I said. Nothing! I m simply sitting here, admiring (Mr. Antolini)... I know more damn perverts, at school and all, they re always being perverty when I m around. (192). Holden s discomfort highlights the ignored truth to teachers in boarding school, while explaining the differences of perverted attraction and appropriate conduct. Holden s immediate trauma from these numerous experiences in his youth add the reasoning with his negative feelings towards and about sex. To keep the conflict and trauma Holden feels is one of Freud s explanations for why we unconsciously form defenses. Holden s personal defense being his fear and rejection of
  • 57. Probation And Parole The history of probation and parole influences the decisions that are made in the Adult Court System toward the supervision of adult offenders by considering community corrections and involve supervision in the community. In the criminal justice system, there are many individuals locked up in local, state, and federal institutions. John Augustus probation bears much resemblance to probation as it is practiced today. He took great care in deciding which prisoners were promising candidates for probation. He also considers the offender s character, age and factors that would have an impact on the offender after being released. His efforts actually were resisted by police, court clerks, and turnkeys who were paid only when offenders were incarcerated (Klein, 1997). The punishment for violating probation or paroleis to continue supervision or to withdraw and incarcerate the offender. The selection of these decisions was either too light or strict for the conditions of the violation. The type of services in adult supervision is determined by how the offender presents on several areas. The primary goal is to build a strong and safe community by advancing prospects for individuals on probation or parole to move out of the criminal justicesystem. A certain percentage of those under the responsibility of the criminal justice system are supervised on probation or parole. According to the Bureau of Justice Statistics (1997), nearly 2 percent or 3.8 million adult men and women