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Paper With Blue Lines Colleg
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A4 Lined Paper Image,Lined Paper With Blue Lines Colleg A4 Lined Paper Image,Lined Paper With Blue Lines
My Experience With The Filipino Community
When I was about a year old, my parents decided to pack up all our things and move out of Mexico.
The decision to leave the country was like many who decide to emigrate from their home. My parents
wanted to provide my sister and I the opportunities they did not have while growing up. But instead of
traveling to the Land of Promises and working for the American Dream my parents moved to the Pearl
of the Orient, the Philippines. I lived in the Philippines from the ages of one to five. My mannerisms,
my culture, my language was formed by the Filipino community. When people would ask me where I
was from or what nationality I was, I would always say I was Filipina. In 2003, my parents decided to
leave the Philippines and since then we have ... Show more content on ...
The architecture of the Filipino businesses were very similar to what I remember in the Philippines,
but because the businesses were so sparse I did not feel as if I was in Manila. It wasn t until I walked
inside a restaurant that my Little Manila experience started. I walked to the Krystal Cafe. A small
restaurant that served Filipino cuisine. As soon as I walked in, the atmosphere resembled Manila. The
smell of beef marinating in sauce, the warm compact environment, the man taking orders with what
seemed a legitimate smile. I got excited. I ordered my favorite Filipino dish pansit and sat down. The
Filipino culture is very welcoming. Even as a stranger in a restaurant, I was made to feel like a part of
the community. I walked into Krystal Cafe alone but quickly made company. While I ate my pansit a
lady sat down with me and we proceeded to have a conversation. The ladies name was Myrna Alvarez.
A twenty two year old Filipina, who moved to New York one year ago. She told me about her life here
in Queens. She lives with four other Filipino girls in a house together and she works as a nanny. I want
to support for my son, who lives in the Philippines. My aunt lives here and got me a job as a
babysitter. I came one year ago, it s really hard not being with him. I have to raise somebody else s son
while my mom raise mine so I can send them money. () Myrna s story is one very similar to many
Filipino women who come to America. According to
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Atheism Is Not An Easy Belief
Atheism is just as misunderstood as theism in today s realm, specifically when one is precarious of the
other. Theists have some misunderstandings about atheism, but atheists have their specific
misconceptions about theism. These two world understandings are two risky points of view regarding
thoughts of God. Atheists do not trust that God exists, but theists believe in a God, who made the
world and earth. In his article, On Being an Atheist , H.J. McCloskey tries to convince his listeners
that Christianity is not an easy belief. He honors the three opinions that theists use to protect their
belief as evidences. The three opinions are the cosmological argument, the teleological argument and
the problem of evil. Even though these opinions ... Show more content on ...
No matter if an individual is a theist or atheist, he or she has at some time asked why God would
permit or generate evil. The reply is as intricate as responding to the question of reality. If McCloskey
anticipates getting proof of why God permits evil of any kind, there is little proof that is obtainable.
There are just some objects that cannot be solved until one perishes and witnesses life after death.
There is just no complete way to exactly prove whether there is life after death and definitively
whether God exists. H.J. McCloskey attempts to answer the following questions. Is the existence of
God rational? Do the so called opinions for the reality of God have any truth value? Can an atheist live
a more content and ultimately calmer life? McCloskey allegations say that atheism, not theism is a
better interpretation for the world we observe. In this paper I will try to challenge some of the interests
that McCloskey makes about the proofs of God, specifically the Cosmological and Teleological
Arguments. I will then focus on his concerns to an morally impeccable God who allows sin and evil to
happen in an earth that he made. Lastly I will try to describe McCloskey s allegations that life, as an
atheist, is more relaxing than a life based on the acceptance of a supreme existence. Within the first
few paragraphs of his writing McCloskey
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How to Get Rid of Cellulite in a Safe and Easy Way Essay
How to Get Rid of Cellulite On A Safe And Easy Way
Posted by Jaymee on October 6th, 2011
Want to know How to Get Rid of Cellulite? Body image issues are one of the debilitating factors that
affect anyone s self esteem and confidence. Any alterations in the physicality and exterior of the body
always go hand in hand with the interior aspects of well being which disables an individual s self
Cellulites are one of the body disturbing markings that inhibits a person to wear appropriate clothes or
takes one a long time to decide what clothing to use in specific occasions or places due to worries in
revealing the unsightly areas. Medically, cellulites are changes in the topography of the skin which
happens commonly in ... Show more content on ...
Genetics when genes dominates in someone s physical and physiologic characteristic, it always carry
the advantageous and disadvantageous imprints of the past generations. Aside from health conditions
that bring secondary disorders of cellulites, there are genetic dispositions that make an individual
susceptible to cellulite formation like polymorphisms of ACE (angiotensin converting enzyme) and
hypoxia inducible factor 1A or H1F1 genes.
Dietary Preference Foods that are unhealthy are already known to be health hazards since it causes
various health problems from major ones like cardiac conditions and endocrine related disturbance to
minor health issues particularly cellulites. Diets that are responsible for cellulite development and
aggravation are those that are high in fats, sugars, calories, salts, and artificial additives. Such will
promote weight gain, introduces toxins to the body and threatens the cells well being due to the
components of the food ingested.
Stress problems or situations that causes someone in stressful conditions results to elevation of
catecholamines chemicals in the body. Since catecholamines are hormones that contributes to cellulite
formation then risks for further development is great.
Subtle Ways that Helps on How to Get Rid of Cellulite
Cellulites are minor flaws
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A Brief Report On Energy Conversion
Name: Ancil Ravi Seegobin
ID #: 54154
Status: Full Time
Programme: Bachelors in Applied Science (Utilities)
Course: Electromechanical Energy Conversion
Course Code: EGYA3001
Lecturer: Dr. Adel Elgammal
Date due: October, 1st, 2016.
Report 1
This report revolves around Michael Faraday and his discovery as one of the greatest scientist in the
19th century. He was born in Newington, Surrey, England, on September 22, 1791. Faraday was self
taught he only went to school at 13 and got a basic education. He then attended lectures after he read
book of scientific subjects while he worked as a book binder. In 18th century Faraday discovered
electromagnetic induction, the principle behind numerous medical, industrial, technological and other
applications. Faraday s law explains the relation between a time varying magnetic field and an
induced electric field.
Electric Generator
Generators transform mechanical energy to electrical energy. The AC generator consists of a loop of
wire mostly rectangular which is rotated by some external means in a magnetic field as seen in the
diagram below. The source of mechanical energy may vary widely from a hand crank to an internal
combustion engine in the diagram below show that a hand crank was used.
Diagram 1: Showing the coil placed between a constant magnetic field with slip rings
Faraday discovered that the flow of electric charges could be induced by moving an electrical coil or
conductor that contains electric
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The Reformers During Andrew Jackson
The Reformers During Andrew Jackson s term as president, many people seemed to be more involved
in wanting to change people s lives and equalize politics. Jackson believed that a common man should
have the right to have a voice in democracy. (Grubb) Therefore, once Jackson was elected president
people began focusing on the crisis in the American society. Several reformers stated their
perspectives on different things that America can improve on whether it was about abolition, mental
health care, education, religious reform, or women s rights.
Slavery has been a continuous altercation in abolishing it or keeping it. William Lloyed Garrison
preached about abolition of slavery stating that slavery does not define Christians. Slaves have the
right to have the same exact rights and freedom as a normal white American. As slavery was still
going on, William questions what Christianity has done for our slave population. In a religious point
of view, slavery is a national sin that must be removed. William compares how slavery would be for a
white person versus an African American and states, The argument that these white slaves are
degraded would not then obtain. You would say: It is enough that they are white and in bondage, and
they ought immediately to be set free. (William Garrison) William sets a growing sense of social
responsibilities by trying to get America to look at slavery in the eyes of a Christian. The American
society today has drastically changed into everyone
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The Criminal Justice System Essay
The construction of the criminal the justice system composes of various agencies with explicit
procedures to control and diminish crimes along with, implementing penalties on those in violation of
the laws. During the seventeenth century, society and the criminal justice system focused primarily on
punishment than deterrence, and as society evolved, the criminal justice system manifested. The
criminal justice system was not as complex and intricate as it is today. Beginning with the founding of
our Country, the creation of the United States Constitution, our government has created substantial
amounts of legislative materials, including, laws and regulations, to ensure due process and minimize
criminal acts and behaviors. Our government has looked to all the local and state officials, in joining
forces to reduce crime in our states and cities.
Law enforcement agencies are our first line of defense in protecting society from the effects of crime.
Numerous strategies law enforcement agencies utilize across the United States to control crime, some
demonstrated effectiveness while others were refuted or unsubstantiated. Controlling crime
encompasses a combination of strategies rather than a single strategy.
I. Neighborhood Watch
The National Sheriffs Association NSA sponsors one of the prevalent and effective crime control
strategies in the United States, the Neighborhood Watch, which has strong roots dating back to the
Colonial settlements. (The National Sheriffs
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Winston Smith From Spongebob Squarepants
Intro Essay I am sure that everyone, at least once, has compared themselves to a character from their
favorite literary work or movie. Oftentimes parallels can be, and are drawn between the audience
members and the characters on the page or screen. Other times people contrast themselves to
characters, pointing out the stark differences between their real world lives and the high adventure
thrills of the life of the character in question. In this essay,I will compare myself to the personalities of
Winston Smith from 1984, putting focus on our shared inquisitive and skeptical nature, as well as that
of Spongebob Squarepants, with his cheerful disposition and sense of childlike wonder. And finally, I
will be comparing myself with Russell, the kid from UP. ... Show more content on ...
As the book progresses we see Winston gradually growing more and more doubtful that his dystopian
environment is the way things should be. He is seen searching for the truth and is always weary about
what may lie ahead. Although I do not ask questions on the same grand scale as Winston, I do have a
naturally inquisitive, and somewhat skeptical nature. I find myself interested in the most abstract and
bizarre concepts, sometimes relating to the possibility of time travel through quantum particles, and
other times something as trivial as movie trivia. Despite my desire to learn new concepts and ideas, I
can often times lose interest in things I have trouble understanding. This is where I believe Winston
and I share some common ground. We are both incredibly curious and at the same time held back by
skepticism of the
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An Internship At Tufts Medical College
You can t expect my life story to be exciting to the point where you wish you were me, because it s
not. All I can say for myself is wow . I can t believe I survived Kasturba Medical College (KMC) in
India. It s one of the top 10 medical colleges in India and it was a lot of work (citation 1). After
medical college I did my masters, which helped me specialize in cardiac surgery. Each summer I
would come back to the United States to do an internship at Tufts. I m glad my schooling worked out
okay in India because if I choose to study in the United States, I would have to be in school for a total
of ten years before I could began my residency. But studying in India allowed me to study ten years
worth of material in six years, and not to ... Show more content on ...
The best part about it is that it s voice activated. Their bed adjusts to their spinal structure and
monitors their sleep patterns, their electronic floor mimics the image of fresh grass in the morning,
their electronic walls accurately depict a dark green meadow, and they have an iWardrobe which
suggests daily outfits based on the weather. My room is a lot more simpler. I painted my walls a dark
pastel blue because I hear it s the best for a relaxed environment. My floor is a smoky brown
hardwood. My walls are isolated for the winter and soundproof all year round because I usually have
to answer my patient s calls. I have one desk in the corner with a Mac connected to a monitor that s on
my wall, a bed in the other corner, a bookshelf in the third corner, and a regular wardrobe with many
scrubs in the last corner .
Typically, I wake up at 5:15 a.m., refresh myself, cook some hard boiled eggs, drink a homemade
banana milkshake, throw on a scrub, and go to work using the UTS. Just ten years ago people
depended on the MBTA for transportation. Now, everything has changed. They ve built underground
passages called Underground Transport System (UTS) which allows people to travel between cities at
80mph. Since big agricultural companies invested loads of money on genetically modified food, there
was an
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Film Adaptation Of Shakespeare s The Tempest
Julie Taymor s 2010 film adaptation of Shakespeare s The Tempest is a truthful recreation of the
classic romantic tragicomedy in all aspects except that the role of the magician, Prospero, is played by
Helen Mirren, turning him from Prospero to Prospera. Through this simple change in the gender of
one of the main characters, we see the play s themes called into question and viewed differently to
how they would have been if the role of Prospero was played by a male. These themes include the
usurpation of royalty and family. This review will discuss how Taymor s decision to change Prospero s
gender is a critique of modern gender discourse. When Sebastian and Antonio usurp Prospera during
the flashback in the middle of the film, we ... Show more content on ...
I feel that through this decision, Taymor is commenting on the state of Elizabethan society and its
view of women, who were desirable only if they were silent and invisible (Greer 2007, 4) and
although not as conservative as the Elizabethan era, our own contemporary society, where women are
still not equal to men. It also comments on how there is a canon built around Shakespeare, whose parts
for women are comparatively few and composed largely of supporting rather than leading roles.
(Goodman 2001, 71). Due to this canon, Taymor (and many other directors and screenwriters) are
forced to reinvent Shakespeare s plays (Goodman 2001, 84 85). Family is one of, if not the biggest
theme in Shakespeare s The Tempest and this theme is of course shown in Taymor s adaptation of the
play. But the fact that Prospero is a woman in the film shows the audience a deeper relationship
between Prospera and Miranda the mother daughter relationship. In the original play, we see Prospero
as owning his daughter rather than having a normal father daughter relationship with her. It is as
though Miranda is an object to be given as a prize to another man Ferdinand. In
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Compare And Contrast Peare And George Washington
Everybody knows something about the American Revolution. But how many people know about the
eerily similar, yet drastically different Irish Easter Rising and subsequent revolution? Causes, leaders,
battles, treaties, resolutions, and effects are a part of every country. Sometimes they are similar, and
other times not, as is the case with America and Ireland. Padraig Pearse and George Washington were
both elected commander in chief over armies. Neither of them had ever commanded large armies
before, although Washington had commanded squadrons. They both also lost more battles than they
won. However, the similarities mostly end here. The outcome was the most different. Washington
won, after a long struggle. Pearse eventually surrendered, saving countless lives. ... Show more
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Many of the Irish leaders were writers, poets, or scholars with little to no military training. In contrast,
the Americans had a lot of trained and capable leaders. These drastically different leaders had
drastically different effects on the Revolutions. Washington s unique military tactics won the
American Revolution, starting when he had the idea to cross the Delaware. And Pearse, although he
lost, went down in history for his bravery when faced with insurmountable odds. One of Pearse s most
famous quotes reads They think that they have pacified Ireland. They think that they have purchased
half of us and intimidated the other half. They think they have foreseen everything, think that they
provided against everything; but the fools, the fools, the fools! they have left us our Fenian dead, and
while Ireland holds these graves, Ireland unfree shall never be at peace. This quote meant much more
after the executions of sixteen Irish rebel commandants than it did when it was first said at Jeremiah O
Donovan Rossa s funeral. It gave hope to young revolutionaries and incited rebellion against
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Seventh-Day Adventists
Seventh day Adventists
The Seventh day Adventist Church is a Millennialist Protestant Christian denomination that was
founded in the 1860s in the USA.
The name Seventh day Adventist is based on the Church s observance of the biblical Sabbath on
Saturday, the seventh day of the week. Advent means coming and refers to their belief that Jesus
Christ will soon return to this earth.
Seventh day Adventists differ in only four areas of beliefs from the mainstream Trinitarian Christian
denominations. These are the Sabbath day, the doctrine of the heavenly sanctuary, the status of the
writings of Ellen White, and their doctrine of the second coming and millennium.
Adventists live modest lives, with a strict code of ethics. ... Show more content on ...
The remnant
The remnant is a church that has the duty of keeping faith in Jesus and obedience to God s
commandments alive in this time when many people have abandoned true faith.
This remnant announces the arrival of the judgment hour, proclaims salvation through Christ, and
heralds the approach of the second coming.
The great controversy
The great controversy is the battle between Satan and Christ. Humanity is involved in this battle and
should choose Christ.
The Heavenly Sanctuary
The correct understanding of the ministration in the heavenly sanctuary is the foundation of our faith.
Ellen G. White, Evangelism
The Old Testament teaches that the Aaronic priests ministered within a sanctuary.
That sanctuary (a tabernacle or a temple) was a man made version of the sanctuary that God created in
Heaven, which is the Temple of God in Heaven; the place where God lives.
Adventists believe that Christ, as the high priest of the new covenant, ministers in the heavenly
He said to me, It will take 2,300 evenings and mornings; then the sanctuary will be reconsecrated.
Daniel 8:14
We do have such a high priest, who sat down at the right hand of the throne of the Majesty in heaven,
and who serves in the sanctuary, the true tabernacle set up by the Lord, not by man.
Hebrews 8: 1 2
The heavenly sanctuary has two areas the holy place and the most holy place. When Christ went from
Earth to Heaven he went into
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Reflection Of Dead Poets Society
Abstract: It is extremely evident that the backward teaching style which only chases high scores in the
past is not right, and the way just kill the personalities and spirits of the students. Consequently, it is
true that we need the fresh and innovative teaching style which inspires and frees our minds in order
to promote the equality of education. Key Words: Teaching Style, teacher, Dead Poets Society,
Students Body: Dead Poets Society is a 1989 American drama film written by Tom Schulman,
directed by Peter Weir and starring Robin Williams. Set at the conservative and aristocratic Welton
Academy in the northeast United States in 1959, and it tells the story of an English teacher who
inspires his students through his teaching of poetry. The film received critical acclaim and box office
success and it was also BAFTA s best film and best foreign film in France and Italy. Moreover,
Schulman received an Academy Award for Best Original Screenplay for his work. In the film, ... Show
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One of the most impressive role is a gifted boy, Neil . Neil is fond of playing the drama, but he was
required to concentrating on the study without thinking about other things. However, His father
discovers his involvement in the play and tells him to quit on the eve of the opening performance. He
turns to Mr.keating for help, but lies and says that his father will let him pursue an acting career
provided that he keeps up with his schoolwork. When his father find the truth, he forces Neil into
military school so he can eventually go to Harvard University. That night, Neil commits suicide in his
father s office, which devastates his friends and Mr. Keating. It is obvious that the tragedy of Neil s
death is exactly caused by the traditional terrible teaching style. He is crazy about playing but is not
understood and supported by his family, and even is forced to transfer to another school, which result
in the
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Los Angeles Five Themes Of Geography
Los Angeles is the biggest city in the southwestern part of the state of California. Every city has the
five themes of geography, which are location, place, human environment interaction, region and
movement. Just like every other city, Los Angeles has them too! The location of Los Angeles is 34.05
latitude and 118.24 longitude. Los Angeles is at elevation 96 meters above sea level. With that being
said, location and place are not the same thing when geography is involved. For example, the place for
Los Angeles is the climate and language. The climate of Los Angeles is warm and sunny and the
winters bring rain instead of snow. Also, the languages that are mostly spoken there are English and
Spanish. Los Angeles is a
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The Core Values Of Hyundai
3. Exploring vision and values
There are similarities with other businesses, Hyundai is led by its company values which are
designed to set the culture of the company. Rokeach (1973:5) defines values as an enduring
belief that a specific mode of conduct or end state of existence is personally or socially preferable
to alternative modes of conduct or end states of existence . Hyundai employees and leadership
are expected to focus on the core values of Hyundai are listed below:
 Customers
 Challenges/ quality
 Collaboration
 People
 Globality
Core values are the DNA of success inherited by the organizations and the employees of Hyundai
Group. They are also the concrete expressions of the behaviors that the Group is developing ... Show
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3.2. Stimulation
Challenge is value simply to the Challenging Performance of the company. Hyundai refuse to be
complacent, embrace every opportunity for greater challenge, and are confident in achieving their
Cynthia Sathekga Latha Reputation and Responsibility Assignment Student Number 20019310
goals with unwavering passion plus ingenious thinking. The challenge will be to put a value
against reputation risk after all the cars were recalled.
3.3. Benevolence
Collaboration is simply carrying, communication and Cooperation. Hyundai create synergy
though a sense of togetherness that is fostered by mutual communication and cooperation
within the company and with our business partners.
3.4. Universalism
Hyundai value of People as ensuring that there is no impact on health, safety, and environment of
individuals or groups, putting people first is very key to them. Respect for Talent for their
employees, to retain happy customers.
They believe that the future of our organization lies in the hearts and capabilities of individual
members, and will help them develop their potential by creating a corporate culture that respects
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Same Kind Of Different As Me By Ron And Denver
The book titled Same Kind of Different as Me refers to the parallelism and correspondence of two
completely different men who journey through life s challenges and obstacles on two diverse paths. It
s title represents a nonfictional story of deep pain and difficult circumstances about how two men who
have nothing in common, can come together regardless of their skin color or social ranking and search
for their different meanings in life together as if they were family. And though they were completely
different on the outside, on the inside they were the same because they had very relatable
circumstances and challenges throughout their lives because they both lost the ones they loved the
most, and both Ron and Denver acted like a support system
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Invasion Of Canada Essay
The Invasion of Canada
SFC Paul Gilbert
Class 16 003
Strength Maintenance Training Center
SFC Rory Nelor
February 28, 2016
The Invasion of Canada
In 1775 the newly form Conteintal Army during the American Revolutionary War began a military
strategic plan to gain military control of the British Province of Quebec (known as modern day
Canada). The objective of the campaign was to convince the French Canadians and local Indian tribes
to commit and join the American Colonies against the British.
Setting the Stage
In 1775, the battle of Lexington and Concord began the American Revolutionary War. The colonists
were at a standstill, with the British Army at the siege of Boston. During the month of May 1775,
under light defenses and heavy weapons along the British Fort Ticonderoga, General Benedict Arnold
and Major General Ethan Allen commanded a force of colonial militia to captured Fort Ticonderoga.
Fort Ticonderoga was located on Lake Champlain in northeast New York; it was a vital access point to
Canada and the Hudson River Valley. ... Show more content on ...
The meeting was to be held in May 1775, the message sent by letter dated October 26, 1774. Congress
second attempt to contact the French Canadians resulted in no response. Following the victory of
Ticonderoga, General Arnold and Major General Allen made a decision to maintain Fort Ticonderoga
as a defensive point against the British forces. The British strategically wanted to militarily divide the
colonies. It was also known that Quebec was militarily poorly
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Personal Life In The Movie-God s Not Dead
1 Describe a time where you needed to stand up for someone or something that was difficult to do and
you had to stand alone. How did that feel and how would it have felt if one person had stood with
I went to the same catholic school as my little brother that was from kindergarten to 8th grade. When
he was in 6th grade and I was in 8th grade my brother had transferred to a different private. Since I
still in the school he left sometimes when he had to go to my school events, the other kids would yell
at him for leaving our school and call him mean names and sometimes they would just talk about him
behind his back. I stood up for my brother when they would do this and I would tell them to stop. I felt
good standing up for him, there was no need to do what they were doing. I would have felt happier if
some of the kids that were his stood up for him too.
2 In the movie God s Not Dead Josh feels compelled to take a stand for the existence of God. He
refuses to write Dead for the professor. That decision could have very serious consequences. Please
describe 3. Again, use quotes and scenarios from the movies.
By doing this Josh lost...
His girlfriend
His girlfriend did not want Josh involved in trouble with his teacher because she thought that by Josh
doing this, it was really going to effect his future. She even said, Josh you need to decide what s more
important me or Mr. Radisson. To which Josh replied, what if God s more important . Once she found
out that Josh
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Mexican American And Mexican Americans
II. Mexican Americans
A. Brief explanation regarding the history of this ethnic group
Mexican s American who are they, and why did they migrate to American; what were they in search
of. Mexican American s are one of the largest ethnic group in America today average of more than
half of the populace; nearly reaching more than 30 million in the United States alone. Compassed by
these immigrants more than half are here illegally that migrated over to the United States in search of
a better living. Moreover, others are here as original citizens, or of the group that was given
naturalization. Thus, taking place in deliberation of the colonial era, in the mid 1920 s, where
increasingly moor Mexican s foreigners have crossed our ... Show more content on ...
B. Reasons to immigrate
i. Reason 1
Better Life style, and better education; and financial support for family members in Mexico A. While
Mexican American s came to America for many diverse motives, utmost come to seek a better life
style, including that of pecuniary sanctuary; to be able to support their relations abroad. B. While
others crossed the border to obtain a better eminence of education for their offspring, especially, those
looking to obtain a sophisticated step ahead of the rest.
ii. Reason 2
Medical assistance, Suitable housing; and school funding
A. Another alternative motive why Mexican Americans come to America is in pursuit for remedial
assistances to better their education.
They also come to look for low income homes, something that is not offered to them in Mexico; or
that may have shaped unethical living circumstance.
C. Thirdly, they cross the border to establish medical attention and health benefits, since Mexico only
offers very underprivileged homoeopathic aid for these populaces.
C. Public policies affecting the ethnic group (two policies per group are needed)
i. Public Policy 1 On June 15, 2012 President Obama put in an executive order called DACA
(Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals) which cancelled or delayed any form of punishment to these
migrants from deportation of their children if their
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The Case Of Bernie Madoff
On December 11, 2008, a Wall Street investor named Bernie Madoff was arrested for confessing to
one of the biggest Ponzi schemes in history. Before that day, many people had never heard of Bernie
Madoff or perhaps may not have even realized their life savings were invested through his firm. To the
casual observer, the arrest was just another dirty banker being taken to court for his actions; but in
reality, the arrest was devastating to financial institutions, government regulators, and the personal
wealth of thousands of businesses, charities, and individuals. In all, Madoff defrauded investors of $20
billion. Having been a well respected leader and trusted advisor on Wall Street for years, friends,
family, and customers never questioned his tactics even though the red flags had always been there. In
the end, many people blamed the government for lack of regulation on Wall Street, but the truth is that
everyone involved from the investment firms to the personal investors chose profit over due diligence.
Bernie Madoff was successful for so long because he kept a high level of secrecy in his firm. If a
question or a concern was brought up, he instead focused on his many years of success. In an
interview with Frontline, Michael Bienes, a CPA who fed Madoff clients during his early years,
explained why so many people never questioned Bernie Madoff. When asked a question, Madoff
would answer in a way to confuse even an expert. As was the sentiment of many who worked with
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Samurai Male Prostitutes
Male prostitutes, or kagema, helped relieve the sexual tension built up within the samurai. The
kagame looked theatrical performers who normally took part in kabuki plays due to their heavy use of
makeup and feminine appearance. There are cases of Noh performers resorting to prostitution after a
show in order to please an important person. The substantial difference between the samurai s
relationship with a chigo and a kagema is that the kagema system was based on gender differentiation
as the beauty of the kagema, namely, was compared to that of a courtesan: it trespassed on
heterosexual ground. (Furukawa Makoto 3) Even though it crossed into heterosexual territory, kagema
were not actively sought out and prosecuted for their acts until ... Show more content on ...
Kills with bow and arrows was much more valued than courtly arts such as composing waka poems
and playing music. (Sachi Schmidt Hori 90) Hypermasculinity was a major issue before the creation
of Bushido as every man was expected to fit a certain standard of physical strength and kill potential.
In the land of Yamato, the stronger the samurai was and the more threatening he looked, the more
likely he would be hired. This is also true for the literature produced during the early period of Japan.
Authors exaggerated the image of a samurai in this time period to make them seem more honorable
and masculine. In reality, they were farmers, artisans, and common folk. It was not until after the
Genpei war that samurai began to become a integral part of society. At first they were hired
mercenaries, then a hired army, and then the warriors made known by writers standards, such as seen
in the Tale of the Heike. With homosexuality, samurai were always the dominant in the relationship.
Even though homosexuality was not looked down upon, if a samurai submits himself to a person who
is more feminine than him, then he is demoralizing and shaming his samurai
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Fuel Efficiency In The Trucking Industry
When you are in the store, have you ever wondered how the store gets all that stuff? while you ponder
that question. The train and trucking industry, have been battling it out for years but recently it has
heated up. It has heated up because of environmental issues and traffic. Rail has won so far and here
are the reasons for this. Fuel efficiency is one of the biggest factors. The battle has bean going on
forever but trains always come out on top. Here are some statistics. Trains can haul 1 ton of freight on
average 440 miles on a gallon of fuel. Compare that to a semi truck carys 1 ton of freight on average
144 miles on a gallon of fuel. Anther of the biggest reasons for this is capacity a train car can hold a
maximum of 315,000 Lbs.
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Privatization of American Prisons
Introduction: In America today, there is a trend in corrections of taking the duty of running prisons out
of the hands of state and federal authorities and contracting it out to private organizations. Along with
the drift to privatization is a plethora of research pertaining to the subject taking many different
approaches to analyzing the effectiveness. The majority of research focuses on one of three areas. The
first questioning whether or not it is cost effective to make the switch. The second being the ethical
problems that can and have risen from the privatization of prisons. The third being a wide painting of
the change and the implications it has on society as a whole. When the changes came about, there
were an excessive amount of ... Show more content on ...
In this form, nongovernmental entities own, staff, and operate correctional facilities. (Austin, 2001)
Financial Cost/benefit of privatization: The bulk of the research was performed in the late 90s after
many years had passed since the implementation of privatized prisons got a substantial boost in1988
(Austin, 2001). Much of the literature centers on the cost effectiveness of contracting out prisons. The
main focus of the research is first and foremost, are they saving money by contracting out. Second, if
they are saving money, is it enough money to justify the other problems that naturally accompany the
for profit prisons model. It is important to understand what it means to contract correctional
institutions out to private ownership. Most of the current prisons that have been contracted out run on
a similar contract. A private entity either builds a prison to house inmates or is given control of an
already built prison. The private corporation is then paid a base dollar amount for each prisoner they
house in the facility. In 2001, Emerging issues on privatized prisons found many striking statistics
concerning the privatization of prisons. It is estimated that worldwide there were 184 privately
operated correctional facilities. Within the United States, a total of 158 private correctional facilities
are operating. A substantial portion of the worlds privately owned correctional facilities are in
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Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency Is A State Agency Of...
The Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency is a state agency of the state of Tennessee. Their goal is to
manage the states fish and wildlife population and also to enforce the wildlife related laws of the state.
They help to protect and preserve the right to hunt not only for the present time, but also for the future.
In just this past year, the agency has established some new regulations that have caused an uproar in
the hunting community. The two rules which have been headlined in most conversations is the new
two buck limit for the states hunting season, and the new antler restrictions on what is considered a
buck. Due to the success of many other states with fewer buck limits, TWRA has established these
rules. These new rules are designed to have long term affects on not only hunters, but also possibly the
whole state for years to come. While there may be a lot of good that may come from these new
changes, there also may be a negative impact hidden between the lines. These rules have been
designed to increase the amount of trophy deer in the state, increase the amount of doe kills in the
state, and also to truly make hunters picky about what they shoot. The ultimate dream of nearly all
outdoorsmen in the United States of America today is to kill a mature old whitetail buck, and these
chances have been very few and far between in the state of Tennessee in the past. In order for a male
whitetail deer to grow into, what some might call, a trophy buck, it will take a
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Essay on EIBE Self Reflection Assignment
 A new idea which arose from the scenario process and which challenged or developed your
thinking in new ways
The EIBE scenario process was for me a new way of mixing the logical prediction with wild
imagination. This is a new mixture and a new way of thinking for an engineer which usually relies on
the structured logical way of thinking only. The scenario is basically a collection of new ideas that is
based on present facts leading to future imaginary yet logical sequence of actions, all tied up with a
hidden thread of logic.
In order to develop the scenario of Uzbekistan, it was necessary to do a research on the characteristics
of this country, including different areas describing the life in Uzbekistan. One of the new ideas ...
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I believe it would be good to meet and have a discussion with one of these Non Denominational
Muslims to understand the way they see their religion.
 A brief critique of the scenario process as undertaken by your group which could be either
observations about the process in terms of what part(s) of it did or did not work well and why you
think this is, or a discussion on the working/behaviour of the group throughout the process
Before starting the EIBE course, it was thought that this would be a pure business subject focusing on
the international trade area and international trade treaties and general rules. However, it turned to
have a different objective, which has a wider spectrum than only business, it turned to be covering all
aspects of life that might affect the business practices in the environment under study.
Then came the assignment, at the beginning it was very interesting and challenging to try to think
about how it is possible to develop a future scenario about a country which we almost have no
information about. Step by step, the picture started to become clearer, and the scenario process
components started to show their integrated value. It was an excellent idea to have the trial session to
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Improving Quaity of Services in KENIKA Enterprises Essay
1. Objective(s):
This study aims to apply basic knowledge in Advanced Operations Research through the use of
Queuing system
2. Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs):
The students shall be able to:
2.1 Analyze the existing operations of the selected company
2.2 Apply Advanced Operations Research techniques to the identified problem(s) or goal(s).
2.3 Communicate problems and solutions through written and oral presentation
3. Discussion
This paper is a Case study on how principles of Operations Research will be applied to improve the
Quality of Service in Material receiving Area in KENIKA Enterprises. In KENIKA Enterprises in
Pampanga, all vehicles with raw materials comes to front gate. These trucks are tested for presence of
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1. KENIKA Enterprises Materials Receiving System
2. Eliminate the queuing time in all server in KENIKA
3. 37 tucks were accommodated in 8 hours of service
4. The queuing system theory
6. Data and Results: First server gate a accommodated 37 trucks it took 14.3% delay, Second server
which is the queue between CRS and Security took 6.1% delay, Security checking took 0.3% delay,
Weightment took 30.9% delay, Movement between store took 28.8%, Unloading materials in store
took 10.5% delay and Exit weightment and Checking took 9.1%.
arrival rate 
service rate
Arrival time = 1/arrival rate
Service time = 1/service rate
Inter arrival time between services
Inter arrival time between services are 1.144, .488, .024, 2.472, 2.304, .84, and .728
The service time for the channels are:
 =1/1.144 = 0.87
 =1/.488 = 2.05
 =1/.024 = 41.67
 =1/ 2.472 = 0.40
 =1/ 2.304 = 0.43
 =1/ .84 = 1.19
 =1/ .728 = 1.37
Arrival time for the channels are:
1/ 1.144 = 0.87
1/ 0.656= 1.52
1/ 0.464 = 2.155
1/ 2.448 = 0.408
1/ 0.168= 5.95
1/ 0.68 = 1.464
1/0.112= 8.92
We can see that the longest service time is the lowest in arrival rate that is the server or channel 4.
Additional formulas used in queuing systems
Response time
Mean response time R E(r) = (
Variance of the response
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Religious Influence Of Tolerance In The British Colonies
Tolerance in the British colonies varied, mainly depending on the diversity levels where they were
founded. In some of the colonies, there were laws established so the importance of Christianity would
be conserved. Other colonies were welcoming to different religions, and executed either limited or full
tolerance for those religions. Unfortunately, colonies that were bigoted enough to damage fabrications
of differing religious views or the belief itself existed.
Throughout the British colonies, different laws based off of religious view were formed in order to
preserve Christianity and drive away any religion that didn t praise God. In Pennsylvania, there was a
law enacted by the founder of the province, William Penn, that denied anyone to practice any religion
that didn t recognize God as creator of the world. If anyone was to disobey this law, they would
molested or would be prejudiced for their conflicting practice. Additionally, the law stated if someone
weren t to worship God, and showed it outside of their own home, they would be considered a
disturber of peace, and would be punished appropriately. A similar law was ratified previously in the
charter of Rhode Island, where someone could be disquieted, punished, and called in for questioning if
they had an opposing opinion of religion. Other laws that reinforced Christianity were stressed as well,
like laws that prevented work on the Lord s Day, or Sunday, to instead worship God. Again in
Pennsylvania, people were
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Pathology and Epidemiology of Anterior Poliomyelitis Essay
Anterior Poliomyelitis is a highly infectious disease that attacks the anterior horn of the spinal cord.
Poliomyelitis translates to grey spinal matter inflammation. Polio is caused by a picorna virus that
enters the body through mucus membranes and then multiplies in the throat and being an acidophile,
can survive well in the stomach and small intestine. When viremia occurs and persists, the virus will
penetrate the capillary wall. Once this happens, it enters the central nervous system and begins
attacking motor neurons. Polio is tissue specific and will only multiply and attack neurons. this strict
neuronotropism and definite tissue specificity of poliomyelitis virus is reflected not only in its limited
adult host range but aso in its ... Show more content on ...
This is when viremia will occur and the virus will begin to spread. If it does not reach the central
nervous system then the patient will only have abortive poliomyelitis. They will have some flu like
symptoms and experience a full recovery. As the virus goes further, one may become stricken with
aseptic meningitis. This polio is considered non paralytic, has the same symptoms as abortive
poliomyelitis, and irritates the meninges. This causes back and neck pain and stiffness but has a full
recovery. The worst case scenario is paralytic poliomyelitis. This occurs when the virus begins
replicating in the brain stem and anterior horn causing cell destruction and neurological damage in the
form of paralysis. This is very rare and occurs in less than 2% of infections. While paralysis of the
legs is most common, it can affect the arms, or worse, spread to the trunk. When the legs are affected,
the patient is fitted with braces to help with recovery (Figure 1) If it continues and reaches bulbar
polio, the brain stem becomes paralyzed and generally the patient will die from asphyxiation. (Flynn)
Almost 15 years later the iron lung was invented to help people at this stage survive, but currently,
there was nothing they could do.
One of the worst polio epidemics to hit the United States was in 1916 in the heart of New York City. It
infected 9,000 just in the city and kept spreading throughout the states to infect over 27,000. It left
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Evidence Led Crime Reduction Project
Evidence Led Crime Reduction Project to Reduce Shoplifting
Shoplifting, once described as something committed by individuals who are too afraid to take other
criminal risks (Egan Taylor, 2010); is a widespread problem across England and Wales, which is
slowly becoming known as a common method of consumer product acquisition (Cox, Cox Moschis
1990). There has been many methods introduced in order to tackle this growing issue, yet there is a
lack of official crime reduction guidelines to allow an effective and unanimous approach towards the
successful reduction of shoplifting.
The scale of shoplifting in the United Kingdom in the past few years has changed to worrying levels,
this is also true of the scope of shoplifting as well. The Office of National Statistics have reported
321,008 police recorded shoplifting incidents from April 2013 to March 2014 (See Statistics 2010,),
along with this articles have shown 34 of policed forces across the UK have presented a 6% increase
in shoplifting (Pidd Collier, 2014). Such academics as Klemke (1978) have claimed that shoplifting
significantly reduces with age (See Egan Taylor, 2010), it seems to be a so called hobby that is popular
amongst the younger generations, particularly adolescents.
Furthermore, official government crime statistics have shown that shoplifting rates were around three
times higher in urban and city areas than in rural areas with supermarkets experiencing shoplifting
more than other retailers (Home
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Evergreen State Description
Washington state was named after the first president George Washington. To honor the first president
of the United States. All of the states on the East Coast had their names before they officially became
States. That was why none of them were called Washington except for Washington city. That is why
Washington city has the same name as Washington state. Washington State has a nickname which is
known as the Evergreen State. It is nicknamed as the Evergreen state because the state is known for it
s green leaves and plants. There are approximately 7.062 million people that live in Washington. The
population has increased since the 1980 s.Washington s highest temperature was in 1961 and it was
118 °F. The lowest temperature was in 1968 and
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Effects Of Iron Deficiency Anemia On The Women Of...
Introduction Nutritional Anemia or Iron deficiency anemia (IDA) is one of the most recurrent and
easily treatable condition affecting millions of people. 1,2 Although iron deficiency anemia does not
cause severe morbidity and mortality3, it has a significant influence on one s health; especially
affecting the physical and neurocognitive growth and development of younger children and affecting
the women of reproductive age. 1, 2, 3 According to WHO, in 2011, there were approximately two
and half billion people in the world that are considered to be anemic.9 The underlying
pathophysiology of iron deficiency anemia is iron exhaustion from the blood leading to reduced
oxygen carrying capacity. 6, 10 Of the several types of anemias, Iron deficiency anemia is the most
common anemia, hence the term Anemia usually reverberates Iron deficiency anemia unless otherwise
specified. 2 The magnitude of iron deficiency anemia varies considerably across populations, ages and
gender. 2 Iron is essential for muscle development, brain development and red blood cells. cite It
mainly deviates according to the eating habits, health practices and endemic disease of that
geographical region.2, 1, 4 In the developing countries, it is a rampant health condition but in the
developed countries, though it is not rampant, certain ethnicities and lower socioeconomic populations
are affected by it.1 The researchers state that in the developed countries, with the privilege of iron
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How Did Gunpowder Change The World
How Gunpowder Changed the World Empires have been built and lost based on the availability and
destructive power of weapons used in combat. During medieval times, an startling new discovery was
made that would forever changed the world for better or worse, gunpowder. Most military History
scholars believe that gunpowder was created in ancient China around 900 AD
( The most popular believed story is that a group of Daoist
monks who frequently developed elixirs were making a brand new elixir, and ended up making the
destructive tool gunpowder.. One day when they were trying to find another elixir they accidentally
created an elixir with entirely new properties they have never seen before.
( When they mixed saltpeter, sulfur, and
charcoal (the basic ... Show more content on ...
For more than 400 years, the Chinese refined gunpowder and gunpowder weapons.
( They kept trying to figure out how it would explode, and
found the easiest way to make the elixir burn and then explode. Which led to their invention of guns
and cannons. They also experimented with many different materials to use with the powder to which
would be the most useful. The first thing they used was bamboo (because it was hollow) to propel
various projectiles. Eventually, they settled on metal rods, which became the prototype of guns and
cannons ( Which changed the rest of the
world as we knew it for better or worse. Either no there were many uses for gunpowder the Chinese,
and cultures have used it for over history it s mostly just used for warfare. Even today it is used for
fireworks, guns, and many other things. Gunpowder changed the world for ever one that day in
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Examples Of Character Changes In Remember The Titans
Describe how a character changes in the film Remember the Titans Explain why this change occurs.
In the film Remember the titans which was directed by Boaz Yakin. I thought that Julius had changed
the most during the film and these changes occurred in these three points. One point is how Julius was
a very strong an opinionated person. The second point is Julius and Gerry finally confronted each
other about getting along and the last point is how coach Boone pushed Julius and Gerry to share the
captaincy roles to work hard together for the team to follow in example.
Julius was a very opinionated person, who was all about himself and not looking after his own team or
anyone else for that matter. For example when Julius was confronted by Gerry, during this
conversation Julius said I m supposed to wear out myself for this team? What team? Nope that s not
what I m going to do is I m going to look after myself. When this confrontation was happening there
were many close up camera shots, this was because the director wanted to show the emotion and anger
in the faces of Gerry and Julius. This shows that Julius is a very opinionated person and he only cares
about himself, this is shown in what he told Julius.
Julius and Gerry confronted ... Show more content on ...
How they didn t get along at all and I also mentioned about the camp they had to go on for the new
football team of the integrating schools, at this camp it was mentioned that they confronted each other
to sort out their differences. The last point was at the night football practice and how they finally go
the team to work together and play as a
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The New Business Of Emerson
In the year of 1888 a company by the name of ASCO was founded, and the company still exists today
but they are now known as the popular business of Emerson. They were manufacturers of elevators,
compressors and generator controls. But in the year of 1889 a man by the name of Almon Strowger
created the basis for the first practical telephone switch that would later develop into a large scale
system that could hold many phone lines at once. Strowger s original switch had a 10x10 contact bank
that allowed it to hold up to 100 different telephones. That doesn t seem like a lot but based on the
year, this is an innovation that would help change the communication world for the better. In the
Strowger switch, pulses generated by a telephone user directly moved electromagnetic contacts in a
two way motion in a stack of rotary contacts, then a telephone number, selected one digit at a time,
without operator use could be dialed and connected. (
Switching) The system worked in two different ways. The first being uniselector which is operated by
a selector that is in the starting position and has a moving contact on the end of it called a wiper. These
wipers are used to make electrical connection to the bank contacts or phone lines. The wipers were
operated by an electromagnet called a driving magnet. Current would flow through the windings of
the magnet which would cause an attraction of the armature to establish a connection. As an input
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Essay about Arthurian Legends Effects on English Society
What role did the great King Arthur play in the way English Literature is perceived? Did King Arthur
honestly exist? Whether King Arthur existed or not is doubtful. However if King Arthur did exist, then
he would have lived sometime between 400 AD and 600 AD, a time of turmoil in Britain following
the Roman withdrawl. And a time when written literature did not exist, therefore events during this
period are only known about from folklore passed down several generations before being written
down, or from modern archeology giving insights from excavations of sites. If there was ever a true
King Arthur in history, he would probably be Romano British warleader, probably named Artorius,
which is a Roman name for Arthur. Though the Roman ... Show more content on ...
The Arthurian Legends were an effect of the Romantic Era and resulted in abstract thinking, as well as
the arts including music, painting, poetry, and writing. The birth of the Arthurian Legends came from
Celtic mythology and medieval romance, while the existence of magic confirms the conception of
artistic intellect. Whether or not King Arthur truly existed, his influence dramatically changed the
English society and English Literature to its current form (Arthurian Legends Vol. 1).
The Arthurian Legend is seen to be extremely influential in benefitting the English people during the
Romantic Era. Even if King Arthur is a fictional character of myth and legend in England, his
childhood, countless glories and achievements as the king of Camelot, and the final down fall of his
strong empire validated his importance to English literature. Proof of King Arthur s existence would
possibly solidify the impact he had on the English culture (Arthurian Legends Vol. 1). The early
childhood of King Arthur seems to be the foundation of the epic journey of his life. Even though his
achievements as a child were brief, they were extremely important to King Arthur s outlook on life, as
well as character. As an optimistic squire, King Arthur had hopes of one day overcoming his social
standing. He received his wish when he unknowingly pulled the magical sword out of the stone.
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Minor Prophet Amos Essay
Amos, as one of the Twelve Minor Prophets, evokes imagery of a fiery orator whose central theme is
the pursuit of justice and righteousness which possesses significance in both ancient times and today.
Amos elevates the concept of justice though human actions to a primacy in the lives of believers who
established a covenant with God since the time of Abraham. We shall exegetically explore Amos 5:18
He is not a radical, rather Amos prophecies are in the tradition of the oracular style imitative of many
prophets including Moses. The prophetic ministry of Amos in the Northern kingdom is set against the
background of the end of the prosperous reign of Israel s Jeroboam II (793 753 B.C.). As Shalom Paul
notes, during this period, the Silver ... Show more content on ...
During this time, Israel enjoyed peaceful relations with Judah under the reign of King Uzziah (792
740 B.C.). The book of Amos begins with six oracles of judgement against Israel s neighbors: Aram,
Philistia, Tyre, Edom, Ammon and Moab (Amos 1:3 2:3), followed by pronouncement against Judah
(Amos 2:4 5). These seven oracles serve as one grand prolegomenon to his final surmise indictment
against Israel. The same judgment is made of each nation, because they revolted against divine rule.
The Hebrew root pš is used of rebellion against authority of nations. The rebellion is against the rule
of Yahweh (Psalm 2:1 3). Accumulated transgressions lead to an irrevocable decision to destroy each
of the nations. The repetitions establish that they all have equal standing before God; equally guilty,
and they will suffer equivalent fates. The most detailed and devastating
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Essay on Big Bang Theory
There has been a lot of research done on the influence media can have on society, in particular the
degrading images of women that are often seen in media. Since the second wave of the women s rights
movements these images were the object of scrutiny and an easy example of how women were
viewed. In modern society where women have made many strides towards equality why are there still
instances in popular media were women are negatively depicted? Have women come as far as they
think? The popular sitcom The Big Bang Theory negatively depicts the female characters by reverting
to a binary view of gender, in which the female characters are lacking, they can be beautiful or smart
however they cannot be both.
The Big Bang Theory premiered on ... Show more content on ...
Penny s appearance is the first thing noticed. Sheldon and Lenard state that she is a significant
improvement from their last neighbor, a 200 pound transvestite with a skin condition. Where as the
introduction of Sheldon and Lenard clearly established their intellectual superiority.
The article states that gender identity is enacted through a variety of self presentational strategies
including attire, non verbal and verbal behavior all of which interact with others per existing
expectations . Penny dresses in clothing that show off her body. It is clear through her appearance and
interactions with others that Penny is valued for her sexuality. Most of Penny s interaction with the
other main characters point out her lack of knowledge. Consisting of the men having to explain there
conversations in the most simplistic way, or pointing our her community college education compared
to their accelerated programs at MIT, and Cal Tec. Another indication that Penny lacks talent and
intelligence is the fact that although she aspires to be an actress in the six seasons The Big Bang
Theory has aired Penny has been working as a waitress at The Cheese Cake Factory, and on multiple
occasion the characters have made comments indicating that she is a bad waitress. The only
advancement made to her career was when she started
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Anxiety Case Summary
In analyzing the case study of Mr. Pete P., several factors become apparent. The patient is new to the
dental practice, a recovering alcoholic, and suffers from anxiety, which can be assumed from a current
prescription of Xanax. Anxiety disorder is a condition that affects everyday activities such as
performances at work, school, and within relationships. Anxiety can be split into to three main
categories including generalized, panic, and social anxiety disorder. As stated by the National Institute
of Mental Health (2009), generalized anxiety disorder display excessive anxiety or worry for months
and face several anxiety related symptoms. Anxiety disorder is long term and can worsen over time
the. Generalized anxiety disorder is the traditional ... Show more content on ...
P. is currently taking baby aspirin for prevention of heart disease, a multivitamin, Ginkgo biloba, and
Xanax for anxiety. At last week s visit Mr. P was prescribed a pre appointment anxiolytic, lorazepam
and administered nitrous oxide before starting periodontal debridement. Patient indicated pain from
procedure, therefore was prescribed ibuprofen. Aspirin is a nonopioid analgesic, which acts on the
peripheral nerve ending to relieve to minor pain (Heaves, 2015). The pharmacological effects of
aspirin include anti inflammatory, antiplatelet, antipyretic, analgesic. Bayer Aspirin Regimen Adult
Low Strength and St Joseph Adult Aspirin are two brand names that aspirin is available in over the
counter. Aspirin in low concentration can be used for prevention of cardiovascular disease (Lexicomp,
2016). Ginkgo biloba is an herbal supplement that is commonly used for memory enhancement and
treating blood disorders (Ehrlich, 2015). Nature Made and Nature s Bounty is two over the counter
brand names. Research shows that the herb may help also alleviate symptoms of anxiety in people
with generalized anxiety disorder (Ehrlich, 2015). Precautions should be taken with taking Ginkgo
biloba, because it can trigger and interfere with other medications and supplements. Ginkgo s use is
contraindicated in pregnant patients, epileptic, and poison ivy allergy (Nordqvist, 2015). Ginkgo
biloba should not be used without speaking with your physician first because of the numerous possible
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Nationalism And Imperialism
Ananya Chilakamarthi
World Studies
Ms. Morgan Mr. Kakes
8 December 2017
Imperialism is the act of dominating a society or a group. It involves the subjugation of a population.
It dictates the political and economic advantage over a land and the indigenous people they control. A
society is introduced to concepts of industrialization and they are pressured or forced to imitate the
culture of the industrialized country so that they can reach civilization. Since the industrial revolution
had taken place, the Europeans were in need of more natural resources. The Europeans wanted
economic expansion because they were facing overproduction and underconsumption. Social
Darwinism was another factor that led the colonization. Imperialism was helpful to a country but also
had been very detrimental to the cultures inner mentality by removing previous traditions that were
practiced and replacing it with the colonizers traditions. In the book, Nectar in a Sieve it is shown how
many native traditions were gradually torn away from India because of the invasive British rule. The
story focuses on a poor woman, Rukmani (Ruku), as well as her friends and family, as India goes
through this change. The characters suffer crushing poverty. They re stripped of their lives in the face
of huge global changes that have left them behind. Imperialism reflects dominance as it shows
tremendous inequalities between nations. Imperialists will imperialize a country to gain raw materials
for their own benefit. There was tremendous demand in Europe for Chinese tea, silks, and porcelain
pottery, but there was correspondingly little demand in China for Europe s manufactured goods and
other trade items. Consequently, Europeans had to pay for Chinese products with gold or silver. The
opium trade, which created a steady demand among Chinese addicts for opium exported by the West,
solved this chronic trade imbalance. Levels of opium addiction grew so high that it began to affect the
Chinese troops and the official classes. The efforts of the Qing dynasty to enforce the opium
restrictions resulted in two armed conflicts between China and the West, known as the Opium Wars,
both of which China lost and this resulted in various measures
... Get more on ...
Essay about University of Phoenix Mgt 311 Week 3...
University of Phoenix_MGT 311 Motivation Action Plan Paper
You are a manager for Riordan Manufacturing. You recently administered a series of assessments to
your three employees to give you a better understanding of their different traits. You have begun
putting together an Employee Portfolio for each employee. Now you must use the information from
the assessments to create a Motivational Plan.
Resources: University of Phoenix Material: Employee Portfolio: Motivation Action Plan, Self
Assessments from Week One and Week Two Individual Assignment
Determine the motivational strategy or strategies that would likely be most appropriate for each of
your three employees based on their individual characteristics, and complete the ... Show more content
on ...
Whatever it is you are looking for; Riordan Manufacturing is a company that can help you get there.
Mr. Hutch, will begin with your action plan first. It was determined from your assessments that you
are extremely ambitious, hard working, dedicated, social and outgoing. These are just a few of your
individual strengths and characteristics. Keeping your assigned productivity projects in mind, Riordan
Manufacturing is offering an all expense paid trip to the person to complete the most productivity in a
year s time frame. With that in mind, I d like to challenge you to take our company assistant
management course this year. I believe you have the ability to multi task, and I believe you are an
excellent candidate to become the next assistant floor manager. Your ability to socialize with others
and your outgoing personality can help motivate other employees on the floor to complete team
projects as well as you do. Now, this might mean that you might have to sacrifice some personal time
at home with the family or other activities you might like to do on your own time, but I promise you it
will all be worth it in the end. This is an excellent opportunity to show your true potential and move
up in the ladder. Mrs. Sanchez, let us discuss your action plan. Your self assessments showed that you
are focused, empathetic towards others, outspoken, loyal, and able to adapt well to your environment.
... Get more on ...
Texas Textbook Controversy
Texas textbook controversy Analysis
Kim Stevenson
Eastern New Mexico University
CI 531 1WW
March 3, 2013
Ever since the 1960s, the Texas textbook controversy has had an issue in America. The Texas school
board is meeting to make revisions to their textbooks and curriculum. But are they also revising
history? Educators across the country are watching to see the effect this issue will have on students.
The choices the board members are making will affect politics, religion, monies spent thru out the
Texas school system. Christian conservatives on the state education board want curriculum changes.
Parents and student would like the curriculum to remain the same, or not ... Show more content on ...
All of which plus a natural supply of political eccentrics helps explain how Texas once had a board
member who believed that public schools are the tool of the devil.
Texas originally acquired its power over the nation s textbook supply because it paid 100 percent of
the cost of all public school textbooks, as long as the books in question came from a very short list of
board approved options. The selection process was grueling and tension filled, said Julie McGee, who
worked at high levels in several publishing houses before her retirement. If you didn t get listed by the
state, you got nothing. On the other side of the coin, David Anderson, who once sold textbooks in the
state, said that if a book made the list, even a fairly mediocre salesperson could count on doing pretty
well. The books on the Texas list were likely to be mass produced by the publisher in anticipation of
those sales, so other states liked to buy them and take advantage of the economies of scale.
What happens in Texas doesn t stay in Texas when it comes to textbooks, said Dan Quinn, who
worked as an editor of social studies textbooks before joining the Texas Freedom Network, which was
founded by Governor Ann Richards s daughter, Cecile, to counter the religious right.
The cost for the Texas textbooks?
As a market, the state was so big and influential that national publishers tended to gear their books
toward whatever it wanted. Back in
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Hobbes Social Contract Essay
The natural state of man has been a reoccurring theme when reviewing the history of political
philosophy and theory. This study has helped societies develop laws and common goals. Thomas
Hobbes (1588 1679) theory is still strikingly relevant in today s law and order. His main concern was
how people lived: how to avoid war since people lived in defensive fear. Jean Jacques Rousseau (1712
1778) challenged Hobbes s philosophy. He says, The passage from the state of nature to the civil state
produces a very remarkable change in man, by substituting justice for instinct in his conduct. In other
words, he thought that men were good by nature and when exposed to society they are corrupted.
Although both philosophers study the course of society, they have very divergent views. This paper
will examine both theories of the social contract. Thus, I will later conclude why Hobbes has a more
feasible hypothesis.
In Leviathan chapter 12, Hobbes describes society and the state of nature as such; No arts; no letters;
no society; and which is worst of all, continual fear, and danger of violent death: and the life of man,
solitary, poor, nasty, brutish and short. People are encouraged to act freely, but with precautions as
they may pose a threat to others survival. As stated above, humankind is constantly threatened since
we naturally have a built in defensive mechanism. He says, ...the passions that incline men to peace
are: fear of death; desire of such things as are necessary to
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Stick Sidewalks
There were no areas for people to hang out, chat, or even socialize. Sidewalks are similar to a corridor
where there needs some refuge in the path. There will be a need for an area of refuge that is adjacent
to the sidewalk. By adding benches with planting of area in front of it then could be recognized as a
place to be. Also by providing benches and metal canopies will attract individuals. An image where is
shows areas of refuge adjacent to side walk 3. Urban Sharing Community base object sharing is a
place that people contributing to one thing. There will be places that are designated areas for bike
sharing stations around the site so this attracts the most users. Bike sharing stations are going to be
located near the education buildings ... Show more content on ...
Instead of only having a typical 90 degree sidewalk. This will provide more of different pathways
allowing people to take to their destination. This will also help people take short cuts wherever they
happen to go. Even if a person is on a leisurely walk the stick sidewalks can provide a miniature
adventure fore people to explore the site. Besides having the chance to explore the stick sidewalks will
be able provide a variety and allow different bodies of landscapes. The stick sidewalks will vary in
size throughout the site. Each size of the pathways will be different task depending on where and what
each individual stick is located. The two largest sticks sidewalks will just be secondary pathways that
would give another route to walk on. The two smallest sidewalks are not designed as a major walkway
for the inhabitants. It was designed in a way for allowing people to explore and view different angles
or felt like being alone. For each single stick sidewalk there will be a different type of material or
pattern for them. This will give an opportunity for stick sidewalks to disrupt the regular pathways in a
visual manner. The stick sidewalks give a chance for more of variety materials that will be at your
feet. Reasons for allowing the major sidewalks continue being concrete because of the continuation of
the sidewalk surrounding the
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Scene Analysis Of Song At Midnight
Scene Analysis on Song at Midnight: the First Meet of Song Danping and Sun Xiao ou
The first meeting of Song Danping and Sun Xiao ou in the film Song at midnight is not only the first
exposure of the phantom in the theater after ten years, but also a turning point of Sun s life. So the
scene that Sun goes upstairs to meet the phantom Song is both an end of the ten year nightmare of
Song, and a starting of a new story of revenge and revolution.
However, the changeover cannot be accomplished at one stroke, which is specially reflected by the
transitions of Sun s attitudes and behaviors: from vacillate, to touched, then ends up in determined.
This scene s duration is more than half an hour with two long cuts of retrospections about the ordeal
happened to Song. We only focus on the scene in the loft above the theater, and the analysis can ...
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We can focus on three plots that assist Sun who finally determines to help Song.
First one is about Sun s reaction after hearing Song s story out. A medium shot shows they are sitting
at the table with different gestures: Sun sits up with his right fist clenched and left hand clutching
tightly again and again; Song leans his right elbow onto the table with his ugly right hand hanging
down the tabletop loosely. Then, not like the former parts, Song stands up and move to the window
slowly and unsteadily, and Sun follows him proactively. In part 1 and part 2,Sun s gestures,
including sit down near the stairs, go to the cabinet and the table, are all forced by Song. The reason is
not only Sun is still in shock but also he doesn t know who the phantom is. However, in part 3, Sun s
movements are all initiated by his own. So when Song asks Sun to help him to comfort Li Xiaoxia,
Song s character changes from a dominator to a suppliant. To a kindly person, Sun cannot reject
... Get more on ...
Mp Model Of Multi-Model
The climate models are deficient in simulating the seasonal cycle of the ocean ML. Some models in
CMIP5 (Gupta et al. 2009) and CMIP3 (Jang et al. 2011) simulate deeper winter MLDs than observed,
while some others in CMIP5 underestimate the MLD in winter (Sallée et al. 2013) and summer
(Huang et al. 2014). However, the CMIP5 models (Taylor et al. 2012) have improved its
representation of MLD but still some of the models misrepresent the MLD (Knutti et al. 2013; Huang
et al. 2014). In this section, we present changes in MLD simulated and its relationship to the
atmospheric forcings simulated in the CMIP5 models. Here, the same MLD characteristics and
analysis as discussed in the observation and ACCESS KPP model is followed for the CMIP5 ... Show
more content on ...
The model produces stronger wind stress in the South Indian Ocean and relatively weak wind forcing
in the North Atlantic compared to the observation. Overall, the CMIP5 multi model mean and the
reanalysis data have shown similar atmospheric forcing conditions so that we can compare the MLD
characteristics. The annual mean MLD and the three MLD regimes for the multi model mean are
displayed in figure 3.20 and 3.21 respectively. Compared to the observations (see figure 3.2 and 3.3),
the CMIP5 multi model mean shows a fairly good representation of the spatial distribution of annual
mean MLD and the different MLD regimes. The model mean simulated the extra tropical seasonal and
Constant deep MLD regimes as in the observations, but the Constant shallow regimes are confined
only to the eastern equatorial Pacific and the Atlantic Ocean . Though, the CMIP5 models simulate
coherent MLD structure it differs significantly in terms of the values. The global mean MLD
(averaged over 70S 70N and 0 360) in the multi model mean is 55m, which is deeper than the
observed ( 41m for GECCO2). However, the mean MLD for other ocean reanalysis product NCEP
GODAS is 52m, which is more comparable to the CMIP5 model mean. The simulation of fairly deep
ML in the multi model misses several regions
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Catch the Moon
Both Catch the Moon by Judith Ortiz Cofer and The Bass, the River, and Sheila Mant by W.D.
Wetherell are short stories with similar ideas and themes. Although the characters and plots differ
slightly, the central themes are very similar. In Catch the Moon , the love of the main characters
mother continues to strengthen him even after her death. In The Bass, the River, and Sheila Mant , the
narrators love for fishing continues to give him strength after he loses the girl he thought he loved. In
both short stories, love gives the main character strength.
In Cofer s Catch the Moon , a teenage boy, Luis, who had been running with the entirely wrong crowd
is let out of a juvenile hall on the simulation that he will labor for his father ... Show more content on ...
The dance is all a fog for the narrator; the only event he remembers clearly is Sheila approaching him
afterwards to inform him that she would be leaving with Eric Caswell in his Corvette. Throughout his
entire canoe ride, the narrator was faced with an internal dilemma. He loved to fish, but he thought he
loved Sheila more. It would be great if he could reel in perhaps the biggest bass he had ever hooked,
but then again, it would be great if Sheila Mant, the gorgeous girl next door who was three years older
than him, came to love him. There were two paths the narrator could have taken, and he made his
decision. What he didn t know was that Sheila would end up leaving him anyway. He realizes that his
love for Sheila was only temporary because the spell she cast over [him] was gone before the month
was over. The narrator still regrets his decision; he states that the memory of that lost bass haunted me
all summer and haunts me still . Even after losing what he thought was the love of his life, the narrator
s love for fishing gave him strength in the years to come. He never made the same mistake again
Love can do many things. It can be both harmful and beneficial. Love can scar, and love can inspire.
Love can torment, and love can encourage. Love can irritate, and love can comfort. The unseen force
of love can go even further than that, though. Love can
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The Need to Measure Transit System Performance
The necessity to measure transit system performance along with its different dimensions has led to the
development of a large number of quantitative performance indicators. Nevertheless, depending upon
the specific indicator assessed, one can reach to different conclusions regarding performance.
Furthermore, though performance and scale economies are closely related issues, they have been
generally examined separately in the transit literature. There have been significant amounts of research
undertaken in order to examine the transit system performance, and in turn of assessing the
performance based on such methods but the two characteristics underline the work. First, due to
heterogeneity in getting different relationships between efficiency and effectiveness, system
performance, existence of scale of economies and various such issues, the conclusion which have
come out of different studies is not same. In other words there are conflicting conclusions. Even
researchers are not using the data which is provided by NTD (National Transit Data base) and as a
result the comparability of findings across researches is questionable. A second problem arises
because researches have been using cross section time series data from largely heterogeneous systems
and have introduced a size related bias in their results (Berechman, 1993). Tomazinis (1977) specified
a set of indicators in order to measure the public transit systems s performance. His measurement was
built on three bases;
... Get more on ...
Exploring the Ontological Argument
Exploring the Ontological Argument For nearly a thousand years, the ontological argument has
captured the attention of philosophers. The ontological argument was revolutionary in its sequence
from thought to reality. It was an argument that did not require any corresponding experiment in
reality; it functioned without the necessity of empirical data. Despite flaws and problems found in
some ontological arguments and the objections raised to those arguments, ontological arguments still
provide a phenomenal vehicle for ontological discussion through St. Anselm s original ideas and
argument, objections raised, and revisions of previous arguments. The ontological argument still
intrigues philosophers despite potential objections and flaws ... Show more content on
258). It does not matter who or what that Greatest Conceivable Being is identified as; anyone and
everyone can have an idea of that being. The third premise works off of the idea that it is greater for
something to exist in reality than simply as an idea in our minds (Cowan Spiegel, 2009, p. 258). The
idea is that existence is a quality that can make something greater than something equal in all aspects
except for existence. A red balloon in my mind would not be as great as a red balloon that actually
exists. So, in order for the Greatest Conceivable Being to actually be the greatest, it needs to exist in
reality. The fourth premise says that if God, or the Greatest Conceivable Being, was only an idea in
the mind, then he would not be as great as he could be because he did not exist in reality. So, if God
does not exist in reality, then we would be able to imagine or conceive a being greater than him. The
fifth premise ties back in to the first: God, by definition, is the Greatest Conceivable Being. If he did
not exist, then he would not be the Greatest Conceivable Being. There would be a being that is greater.
However, it would be self contradictory to say that there would be a being greater than the Greatest
Conceivable Being (Himma, n.d., para. 1). If something is the greatest, there cannot be something
greater. The sixth premise brings the argument to a conclusion: if the Greatest Conceivable Being is
the greatest, that
... Get more on ...

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A4 Lined Paper Image,Lined Paper With Blue Lines Colleg

  • 1. A4 Lined Paper Image,Lined Paper With Blue Lines Colleg 1. Step To get started, you must first create an account on site The registration process is quick and simple, taking just a few moments. During this process, you will need to provide a password and a valid email address. 2. Step In order to create a "Write My Paper For Me" request, simply complete the 10-minute order form. Provide the necessary instructions, preferred sources, and deadline. If you want the writer to imitate your writing style, attach a sample of your previous work. 3. Step When seeking assignment writing help from, our platform utilizes a bidding system. Review bids from our writers for your request, choose one of them based on qualifications, order history, and feedback, then place a deposit to start the assignment writing. 4. Step After receiving your paper, take a few moments to ensure it meets your expectations. If you're pleased with the result, authorize payment for the writer. Don't forget that we provide free revisions for our writing services. 5. Step When you opt to write an assignment online with us, you can request multiple revisions to ensure your satisfaction. We stand by our promise to provide original, high-quality content - if plagiarized, we offer a full refund. Choose us confidently, knowing that your needs will be fully met. A4 Lined Paper Image,Lined Paper With Blue Lines Colleg A4 Lined Paper Image,Lined Paper With Blue Lines Colleg
  • 2. My Experience With The Filipino Community When I was about a year old, my parents decided to pack up all our things and move out of Mexico. The decision to leave the country was like many who decide to emigrate from their home. My parents wanted to provide my sister and I the opportunities they did not have while growing up. But instead of traveling to the Land of Promises and working for the American Dream my parents moved to the Pearl of the Orient, the Philippines. I lived in the Philippines from the ages of one to five. My mannerisms, my culture, my language was formed by the Filipino community. When people would ask me where I was from or what nationality I was, I would always say I was Filipina. In 2003, my parents decided to leave the Philippines and since then we have ... Show more content on ... The architecture of the Filipino businesses were very similar to what I remember in the Philippines, but because the businesses were so sparse I did not feel as if I was in Manila. It wasn t until I walked inside a restaurant that my Little Manila experience started. I walked to the Krystal Cafe. A small restaurant that served Filipino cuisine. As soon as I walked in, the atmosphere resembled Manila. The smell of beef marinating in sauce, the warm compact environment, the man taking orders with what seemed a legitimate smile. I got excited. I ordered my favorite Filipino dish pansit and sat down. The Filipino culture is very welcoming. Even as a stranger in a restaurant, I was made to feel like a part of the community. I walked into Krystal Cafe alone but quickly made company. While I ate my pansit a lady sat down with me and we proceeded to have a conversation. The ladies name was Myrna Alvarez. A twenty two year old Filipina, who moved to New York one year ago. She told me about her life here in Queens. She lives with four other Filipino girls in a house together and she works as a nanny. I want to support for my son, who lives in the Philippines. My aunt lives here and got me a job as a babysitter. I came one year ago, it s really hard not being with him. I have to raise somebody else s son while my mom raise mine so I can send them money. () Myrna s story is one very similar to many Filipino women who come to America. According to ... Get more on ...
  • 3. Atheism Is Not An Easy Belief Atheism is just as misunderstood as theism in today s realm, specifically when one is precarious of the other. Theists have some misunderstandings about atheism, but atheists have their specific misconceptions about theism. These two world understandings are two risky points of view regarding thoughts of God. Atheists do not trust that God exists, but theists believe in a God, who made the world and earth. In his article, On Being an Atheist , H.J. McCloskey tries to convince his listeners that Christianity is not an easy belief. He honors the three opinions that theists use to protect their belief as evidences. The three opinions are the cosmological argument, the teleological argument and the problem of evil. Even though these opinions ... Show more content on ... No matter if an individual is a theist or atheist, he or she has at some time asked why God would permit or generate evil. The reply is as intricate as responding to the question of reality. If McCloskey anticipates getting proof of why God permits evil of any kind, there is little proof that is obtainable. There are just some objects that cannot be solved until one perishes and witnesses life after death. There is just no complete way to exactly prove whether there is life after death and definitively whether God exists. H.J. McCloskey attempts to answer the following questions. Is the existence of God rational? Do the so called opinions for the reality of God have any truth value? Can an atheist live a more content and ultimately calmer life? McCloskey allegations say that atheism, not theism is a better interpretation for the world we observe. In this paper I will try to challenge some of the interests that McCloskey makes about the proofs of God, specifically the Cosmological and Teleological Arguments. I will then focus on his concerns to an morally impeccable God who allows sin and evil to happen in an earth that he made. Lastly I will try to describe McCloskey s allegations that life, as an atheist, is more relaxing than a life based on the acceptance of a supreme existence. Within the first few paragraphs of his writing McCloskey ... Get more on ...
  • 4. How to Get Rid of Cellulite in a Safe and Easy Way Essay How to Get Rid of Cellulite On A Safe And Easy Way Posted by Jaymee on October 6th, 2011 Want to know How to Get Rid of Cellulite? Body image issues are one of the debilitating factors that affect anyone s self esteem and confidence. Any alterations in the physicality and exterior of the body always go hand in hand with the interior aspects of well being which disables an individual s self concept. Cellulite: Cellulites are one of the body disturbing markings that inhibits a person to wear appropriate clothes or takes one a long time to decide what clothing to use in specific occasions or places due to worries in revealing the unsightly areas. Medically, cellulites are changes in the topography of the skin which happens commonly in ... Show more content on ... Genetics when genes dominates in someone s physical and physiologic characteristic, it always carry the advantageous and disadvantageous imprints of the past generations. Aside from health conditions that bring secondary disorders of cellulites, there are genetic dispositions that make an individual susceptible to cellulite formation like polymorphisms of ACE (angiotensin converting enzyme) and hypoxia inducible factor 1A or H1F1 genes. Dietary Preference Foods that are unhealthy are already known to be health hazards since it causes various health problems from major ones like cardiac conditions and endocrine related disturbance to minor health issues particularly cellulites. Diets that are responsible for cellulite development and aggravation are those that are high in fats, sugars, calories, salts, and artificial additives. Such will promote weight gain, introduces toxins to the body and threatens the cells well being due to the components of the food ingested. Stress problems or situations that causes someone in stressful conditions results to elevation of catecholamines chemicals in the body. Since catecholamines are hormones that contributes to cellulite formation then risks for further development is great. Subtle Ways that Helps on How to Get Rid of Cellulite Cellulites are minor flaws ... Get more on ...
  • 5. A Brief Report On Energy Conversion Name: Ancil Ravi Seegobin ID #: 54154 Status: Full Time Programme: Bachelors in Applied Science (Utilities) Course: Electromechanical Energy Conversion Course Code: EGYA3001 Lecturer: Dr. Adel Elgammal Date due: October, 1st, 2016. Report 1 Summary This report revolves around Michael Faraday and his discovery as one of the greatest scientist in the 19th century. He was born in Newington, Surrey, England, on September 22, 1791. Faraday was self taught he only went to school at 13 and got a basic education. He then attended lectures after he read book of scientific subjects while he worked as a book binder. In 18th century Faraday discovered electromagnetic induction, the principle behind numerous medical, industrial, technological and other applications. Faraday s law explains the relation between a time varying magnetic field and an induced electric field. Electric Generator Generators transform mechanical energy to electrical energy. The AC generator consists of a loop of wire mostly rectangular which is rotated by some external means in a magnetic field as seen in the diagram below. The source of mechanical energy may vary widely from a hand crank to an internal combustion engine in the diagram below show that a hand crank was used. Diagram 1: Showing the coil placed between a constant magnetic field with slip rings Faraday discovered that the flow of electric charges could be induced by moving an electrical coil or conductor that contains electric ... Get more on ...
  • 6. The Reformers During Andrew Jackson The Reformers During Andrew Jackson s term as president, many people seemed to be more involved in wanting to change people s lives and equalize politics. Jackson believed that a common man should have the right to have a voice in democracy. (Grubb) Therefore, once Jackson was elected president people began focusing on the crisis in the American society. Several reformers stated their perspectives on different things that America can improve on whether it was about abolition, mental health care, education, religious reform, or women s rights. Slavery has been a continuous altercation in abolishing it or keeping it. William Lloyed Garrison preached about abolition of slavery stating that slavery does not define Christians. Slaves have the right to have the same exact rights and freedom as a normal white American. As slavery was still going on, William questions what Christianity has done for our slave population. In a religious point of view, slavery is a national sin that must be removed. William compares how slavery would be for a white person versus an African American and states, The argument that these white slaves are degraded would not then obtain. You would say: It is enough that they are white and in bondage, and they ought immediately to be set free. (William Garrison) William sets a growing sense of social responsibilities by trying to get America to look at slavery in the eyes of a Christian. The American society today has drastically changed into everyone ... Get more on ...
  • 7. The Criminal Justice System Essay The construction of the criminal the justice system composes of various agencies with explicit procedures to control and diminish crimes along with, implementing penalties on those in violation of the laws. During the seventeenth century, society and the criminal justice system focused primarily on punishment than deterrence, and as society evolved, the criminal justice system manifested. The criminal justice system was not as complex and intricate as it is today. Beginning with the founding of our Country, the creation of the United States Constitution, our government has created substantial amounts of legislative materials, including, laws and regulations, to ensure due process and minimize criminal acts and behaviors. Our government has looked to all the local and state officials, in joining forces to reduce crime in our states and cities. Law enforcement agencies are our first line of defense in protecting society from the effects of crime. Numerous strategies law enforcement agencies utilize across the United States to control crime, some demonstrated effectiveness while others were refuted or unsubstantiated. Controlling crime encompasses a combination of strategies rather than a single strategy. I. Neighborhood Watch The National Sheriffs Association NSA sponsors one of the prevalent and effective crime control strategies in the United States, the Neighborhood Watch, which has strong roots dating back to the Colonial settlements. (The National Sheriffs ... Get more on ...
  • 8. Winston Smith From Spongebob Squarepants Intro Essay I am sure that everyone, at least once, has compared themselves to a character from their favorite literary work or movie. Oftentimes parallels can be, and are drawn between the audience members and the characters on the page or screen. Other times people contrast themselves to characters, pointing out the stark differences between their real world lives and the high adventure thrills of the life of the character in question. In this essay,I will compare myself to the personalities of Winston Smith from 1984, putting focus on our shared inquisitive and skeptical nature, as well as that of Spongebob Squarepants, with his cheerful disposition and sense of childlike wonder. And finally, I will be comparing myself with Russell, the kid from UP. ... Show more content on ... As the book progresses we see Winston gradually growing more and more doubtful that his dystopian environment is the way things should be. He is seen searching for the truth and is always weary about what may lie ahead. Although I do not ask questions on the same grand scale as Winston, I do have a naturally inquisitive, and somewhat skeptical nature. I find myself interested in the most abstract and bizarre concepts, sometimes relating to the possibility of time travel through quantum particles, and other times something as trivial as movie trivia. Despite my desire to learn new concepts and ideas, I can often times lose interest in things I have trouble understanding. This is where I believe Winston and I share some common ground. We are both incredibly curious and at the same time held back by skepticism of the ... Get more on ...
  • 9. An Internship At Tufts Medical College You can t expect my life story to be exciting to the point where you wish you were me, because it s not. All I can say for myself is wow . I can t believe I survived Kasturba Medical College (KMC) in India. It s one of the top 10 medical colleges in India and it was a lot of work (citation 1). After medical college I did my masters, which helped me specialize in cardiac surgery. Each summer I would come back to the United States to do an internship at Tufts. I m glad my schooling worked out okay in India because if I choose to study in the United States, I would have to be in school for a total of ten years before I could began my residency. But studying in India allowed me to study ten years worth of material in six years, and not to ... Show more content on ... The best part about it is that it s voice activated. Their bed adjusts to their spinal structure and monitors their sleep patterns, their electronic floor mimics the image of fresh grass in the morning, their electronic walls accurately depict a dark green meadow, and they have an iWardrobe which suggests daily outfits based on the weather. My room is a lot more simpler. I painted my walls a dark pastel blue because I hear it s the best for a relaxed environment. My floor is a smoky brown hardwood. My walls are isolated for the winter and soundproof all year round because I usually have to answer my patient s calls. I have one desk in the corner with a Mac connected to a monitor that s on my wall, a bed in the other corner, a bookshelf in the third corner, and a regular wardrobe with many scrubs in the last corner . Typically, I wake up at 5:15 a.m., refresh myself, cook some hard boiled eggs, drink a homemade banana milkshake, throw on a scrub, and go to work using the UTS. Just ten years ago people depended on the MBTA for transportation. Now, everything has changed. They ve built underground passages called Underground Transport System (UTS) which allows people to travel between cities at 80mph. Since big agricultural companies invested loads of money on genetically modified food, there was an ... Get more on ...
  • 10. Film Adaptation Of Shakespeare s The Tempest Julie Taymor s 2010 film adaptation of Shakespeare s The Tempest is a truthful recreation of the classic romantic tragicomedy in all aspects except that the role of the magician, Prospero, is played by Helen Mirren, turning him from Prospero to Prospera. Through this simple change in the gender of one of the main characters, we see the play s themes called into question and viewed differently to how they would have been if the role of Prospero was played by a male. These themes include the usurpation of royalty and family. This review will discuss how Taymor s decision to change Prospero s gender is a critique of modern gender discourse. When Sebastian and Antonio usurp Prospera during the flashback in the middle of the film, we ... Show more content on ... I feel that through this decision, Taymor is commenting on the state of Elizabethan society and its view of women, who were desirable only if they were silent and invisible (Greer 2007, 4) and although not as conservative as the Elizabethan era, our own contemporary society, where women are still not equal to men. It also comments on how there is a canon built around Shakespeare, whose parts for women are comparatively few and composed largely of supporting rather than leading roles. (Goodman 2001, 71). Due to this canon, Taymor (and many other directors and screenwriters) are forced to reinvent Shakespeare s plays (Goodman 2001, 84 85). Family is one of, if not the biggest theme in Shakespeare s The Tempest and this theme is of course shown in Taymor s adaptation of the play. But the fact that Prospero is a woman in the film shows the audience a deeper relationship between Prospera and Miranda the mother daughter relationship. In the original play, we see Prospero as owning his daughter rather than having a normal father daughter relationship with her. It is as though Miranda is an object to be given as a prize to another man Ferdinand. In ... Get more on ...
  • 11. Compare And Contrast Peare And George Washington Everybody knows something about the American Revolution. But how many people know about the eerily similar, yet drastically different Irish Easter Rising and subsequent revolution? Causes, leaders, battles, treaties, resolutions, and effects are a part of every country. Sometimes they are similar, and other times not, as is the case with America and Ireland. Padraig Pearse and George Washington were both elected commander in chief over armies. Neither of them had ever commanded large armies before, although Washington had commanded squadrons. They both also lost more battles than they won. However, the similarities mostly end here. The outcome was the most different. Washington won, after a long struggle. Pearse eventually surrendered, saving countless lives. ... Show more content on ... Many of the Irish leaders were writers, poets, or scholars with little to no military training. In contrast, the Americans had a lot of trained and capable leaders. These drastically different leaders had drastically different effects on the Revolutions. Washington s unique military tactics won the American Revolution, starting when he had the idea to cross the Delaware. And Pearse, although he lost, went down in history for his bravery when faced with insurmountable odds. One of Pearse s most famous quotes reads They think that they have pacified Ireland. They think that they have purchased half of us and intimidated the other half. They think they have foreseen everything, think that they provided against everything; but the fools, the fools, the fools! they have left us our Fenian dead, and while Ireland holds these graves, Ireland unfree shall never be at peace. This quote meant much more after the executions of sixteen Irish rebel commandants than it did when it was first said at Jeremiah O Donovan Rossa s funeral. It gave hope to young revolutionaries and incited rebellion against ... Get more on ...
  • 12. Seventh-Day Adventists Introduction Seventh day Adventists The Seventh day Adventist Church is a Millennialist Protestant Christian denomination that was founded in the 1860s in the USA. The name Seventh day Adventist is based on the Church s observance of the biblical Sabbath on Saturday, the seventh day of the week. Advent means coming and refers to their belief that Jesus Christ will soon return to this earth. Seventh day Adventists differ in only four areas of beliefs from the mainstream Trinitarian Christian denominations. These are the Sabbath day, the doctrine of the heavenly sanctuary, the status of the writings of Ellen White, and their doctrine of the second coming and millennium. Adventists live modest lives, with a strict code of ethics. ... Show more content on ... The remnant The remnant is a church that has the duty of keeping faith in Jesus and obedience to God s commandments alive in this time when many people have abandoned true faith. This remnant announces the arrival of the judgment hour, proclaims salvation through Christ, and heralds the approach of the second coming. The great controversy The great controversy is the battle between Satan and Christ. Humanity is involved in this battle and should choose Christ. The Heavenly Sanctuary The correct understanding of the ministration in the heavenly sanctuary is the foundation of our faith. Ellen G. White, Evangelism The Old Testament teaches that the Aaronic priests ministered within a sanctuary. That sanctuary (a tabernacle or a temple) was a man made version of the sanctuary that God created in Heaven, which is the Temple of God in Heaven; the place where God lives. Adventists believe that Christ, as the high priest of the new covenant, ministers in the heavenly sanctuary. He said to me, It will take 2,300 evenings and mornings; then the sanctuary will be reconsecrated. Daniel 8:14 We do have such a high priest, who sat down at the right hand of the throne of the Majesty in heaven, and who serves in the sanctuary, the true tabernacle set up by the Lord, not by man. Hebrews 8: 1 2 The heavenly sanctuary has two areas the holy place and the most holy place. When Christ went from Earth to Heaven he went into ... Get more on ...
  • 13. Reflection Of Dead Poets Society Abstract: It is extremely evident that the backward teaching style which only chases high scores in the past is not right, and the way just kill the personalities and spirits of the students. Consequently, it is true that we need the fresh and innovative teaching style which inspires and frees our minds in order to promote the equality of education. Key Words: Teaching Style, teacher, Dead Poets Society, Students Body: Dead Poets Society is a 1989 American drama film written by Tom Schulman, directed by Peter Weir and starring Robin Williams. Set at the conservative and aristocratic Welton Academy in the northeast United States in 1959, and it tells the story of an English teacher who inspires his students through his teaching of poetry. The film received critical acclaim and box office success and it was also BAFTA s best film and best foreign film in France and Italy. Moreover, Schulman received an Academy Award for Best Original Screenplay for his work. In the film, ... Show more content on ... One of the most impressive role is a gifted boy, Neil . Neil is fond of playing the drama, but he was required to concentrating on the study without thinking about other things. However, His father discovers his involvement in the play and tells him to quit on the eve of the opening performance. He turns to Mr.keating for help, but lies and says that his father will let him pursue an acting career provided that he keeps up with his schoolwork. When his father find the truth, he forces Neil into military school so he can eventually go to Harvard University. That night, Neil commits suicide in his father s office, which devastates his friends and Mr. Keating. It is obvious that the tragedy of Neil s death is exactly caused by the traditional terrible teaching style. He is crazy about playing but is not understood and supported by his family, and even is forced to transfer to another school, which result in the ... Get more on ...
  • 14. Los Angeles Five Themes Of Geography Los Angeles is the biggest city in the southwestern part of the state of California. Every city has the five themes of geography, which are location, place, human environment interaction, region and movement. Just like every other city, Los Angeles has them too! The location of Los Angeles is 34.05 latitude and 118.24 longitude. Los Angeles is at elevation 96 meters above sea level. With that being said, location and place are not the same thing when geography is involved. For example, the place for Los Angeles is the climate and language. The climate of Los Angeles is warm and sunny and the winters bring rain instead of snow. Also, the languages that are mostly spoken there are English and Spanish. Los Angeles is a ... Get more on ...
  • 15. The Core Values Of Hyundai 3. Exploring vision and values There are similarities with other businesses, Hyundai is led by its company values which are designed to set the culture of the company. Rokeach (1973:5) defines values as an enduring belief that a specific mode of conduct or end state of existence is personally or socially preferable to alternative modes of conduct or end states of existence . Hyundai employees and leadership are expected to focus on the core values of Hyundai are listed below:  Customers  Challenges/ quality  Collaboration  People  Globality Core values are the DNA of success inherited by the organizations and the employees of Hyundai Group. They are also the concrete expressions of the behaviors that the Group is developing ... Show more content on ... 3.2. Stimulation Challenge is value simply to the Challenging Performance of the company. Hyundai refuse to be complacent, embrace every opportunity for greater challenge, and are confident in achieving their Cynthia Sathekga Latha Reputation and Responsibility Assignment Student Number 20019310 goals with unwavering passion plus ingenious thinking. The challenge will be to put a value against reputation risk after all the cars were recalled. 3.3. Benevolence
  • 16. Collaboration is simply carrying, communication and Cooperation. Hyundai create synergy though a sense of togetherness that is fostered by mutual communication and cooperation within the company and with our business partners. 3.4. Universalism Hyundai value of People as ensuring that there is no impact on health, safety, and environment of individuals or groups, putting people first is very key to them. Respect for Talent for their employees, to retain happy customers. They believe that the future of our organization lies in the hearts and capabilities of individual members, and will help them develop their potential by creating a corporate culture that respects talent. 3.5. ... Get more on ...
  • 17. Same Kind Of Different As Me By Ron And Denver The book titled Same Kind of Different as Me refers to the parallelism and correspondence of two completely different men who journey through life s challenges and obstacles on two diverse paths. It s title represents a nonfictional story of deep pain and difficult circumstances about how two men who have nothing in common, can come together regardless of their skin color or social ranking and search for their different meanings in life together as if they were family. And though they were completely different on the outside, on the inside they were the same because they had very relatable circumstances and challenges throughout their lives because they both lost the ones they loved the most, and both Ron and Denver acted like a support system ... Get more on ...
  • 18. Invasion Of Canada Essay THE INVASION OF CANADA 2 THE INVASION OF CANADA 8 The Invasion of Canada SFC Paul Gilbert Class 16 003 Strength Maintenance Training Center SFC Rory Nelor February 28, 2016 Running head: THE INVASION OF CANADA 1 The Invasion of Canada In 1775 the newly form Conteintal Army during the American Revolutionary War began a military strategic plan to gain military control of the British Province of Quebec (known as modern day Canada). The objective of the campaign was to convince the French Canadians and local Indian tribes to commit and join the American Colonies against the British. Setting the Stage In 1775, the battle of Lexington and Concord began the American Revolutionary War. The colonists were at a standstill, with the British Army at the siege of Boston. During the month of May 1775, under light defenses and heavy weapons along the British Fort Ticonderoga, General Benedict Arnold and Major General Ethan Allen commanded a force of colonial militia to captured Fort Ticonderoga. Fort Ticonderoga was located on Lake Champlain in northeast New York; it was a vital access point to Canada and the Hudson River Valley. ... Show more content on ... The meeting was to be held in May 1775, the message sent by letter dated October 26, 1774. Congress second attempt to contact the French Canadians resulted in no response. Following the victory of Ticonderoga, General Arnold and Major General Allen made a decision to maintain Fort Ticonderoga as a defensive point against the British forces. The British strategically wanted to militarily divide the colonies. It was also known that Quebec was militarily poorly ... Get more on ...
  • 19. Personal Life In The Movie-God s Not Dead 1 Describe a time where you needed to stand up for someone or something that was difficult to do and you had to stand alone. How did that feel and how would it have felt if one person had stood with you? I went to the same catholic school as my little brother that was from kindergarten to 8th grade. When he was in 6th grade and I was in 8th grade my brother had transferred to a different private. Since I still in the school he left sometimes when he had to go to my school events, the other kids would yell at him for leaving our school and call him mean names and sometimes they would just talk about him behind his back. I stood up for my brother when they would do this and I would tell them to stop. I felt good standing up for him, there was no need to do what they were doing. I would have felt happier if some of the kids that were his stood up for him too. 2 In the movie God s Not Dead Josh feels compelled to take a stand for the existence of God. He refuses to write Dead for the professor. That decision could have very serious consequences. Please describe 3. Again, use quotes and scenarios from the movies. By doing this Josh lost... His girlfriend His girlfriend did not want Josh involved in trouble with his teacher because she thought that by Josh doing this, it was really going to effect his future. She even said, Josh you need to decide what s more important me or Mr. Radisson. To which Josh replied, what if God s more important . Once she found out that Josh ... Get more on ...
  • 20. Mexican American And Mexican Americans II. Mexican Americans A. Brief explanation regarding the history of this ethnic group Mexican s American who are they, and why did they migrate to American; what were they in search of. Mexican American s are one of the largest ethnic group in America today average of more than half of the populace; nearly reaching more than 30 million in the United States alone. Compassed by these immigrants more than half are here illegally that migrated over to the United States in search of a better living. Moreover, others are here as original citizens, or of the group that was given naturalization. Thus, taking place in deliberation of the colonial era, in the mid 1920 s, where increasingly moor Mexican s foreigners have crossed our ... Show more content on ... B. Reasons to immigrate i. Reason 1 Better Life style, and better education; and financial support for family members in Mexico A. While Mexican American s came to America for many diverse motives, utmost come to seek a better life style, including that of pecuniary sanctuary; to be able to support their relations abroad. B. While others crossed the border to obtain a better eminence of education for their offspring, especially, those looking to obtain a sophisticated step ahead of the rest. ii. Reason 2 Medical assistance, Suitable housing; and school funding A. Another alternative motive why Mexican Americans come to America is in pursuit for remedial assistances to better their education. B. They also come to look for low income homes, something that is not offered to them in Mexico; or that may have shaped unethical living circumstance. C. Thirdly, they cross the border to establish medical attention and health benefits, since Mexico only offers very underprivileged homoeopathic aid for these populaces. C. Public policies affecting the ethnic group (two policies per group are needed) i. Public Policy 1 On June 15, 2012 President Obama put in an executive order called DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals) which cancelled or delayed any form of punishment to these migrants from deportation of their children if their
  • 21. ... Get more on ...
  • 22. The Case Of Bernie Madoff On December 11, 2008, a Wall Street investor named Bernie Madoff was arrested for confessing to one of the biggest Ponzi schemes in history. Before that day, many people had never heard of Bernie Madoff or perhaps may not have even realized their life savings were invested through his firm. To the casual observer, the arrest was just another dirty banker being taken to court for his actions; but in reality, the arrest was devastating to financial institutions, government regulators, and the personal wealth of thousands of businesses, charities, and individuals. In all, Madoff defrauded investors of $20 billion. Having been a well respected leader and trusted advisor on Wall Street for years, friends, family, and customers never questioned his tactics even though the red flags had always been there. In the end, many people blamed the government for lack of regulation on Wall Street, but the truth is that everyone involved from the investment firms to the personal investors chose profit over due diligence. Bernie Madoff was successful for so long because he kept a high level of secrecy in his firm. If a question or a concern was brought up, he instead focused on his many years of success. In an interview with Frontline, Michael Bienes, a CPA who fed Madoff clients during his early years, explained why so many people never questioned Bernie Madoff. When asked a question, Madoff would answer in a way to confuse even an expert. As was the sentiment of many who worked with ... Get more on ...
  • 23. Samurai Male Prostitutes Male prostitutes, or kagema, helped relieve the sexual tension built up within the samurai. The kagame looked theatrical performers who normally took part in kabuki plays due to their heavy use of makeup and feminine appearance. There are cases of Noh performers resorting to prostitution after a show in order to please an important person. The substantial difference between the samurai s relationship with a chigo and a kagema is that the kagema system was based on gender differentiation as the beauty of the kagema, namely, was compared to that of a courtesan: it trespassed on heterosexual ground. (Furukawa Makoto 3) Even though it crossed into heterosexual territory, kagema were not actively sought out and prosecuted for their acts until ... Show more content on ... Kills with bow and arrows was much more valued than courtly arts such as composing waka poems and playing music. (Sachi Schmidt Hori 90) Hypermasculinity was a major issue before the creation of Bushido as every man was expected to fit a certain standard of physical strength and kill potential. In the land of Yamato, the stronger the samurai was and the more threatening he looked, the more likely he would be hired. This is also true for the literature produced during the early period of Japan. Authors exaggerated the image of a samurai in this time period to make them seem more honorable and masculine. In reality, they were farmers, artisans, and common folk. It was not until after the Genpei war that samurai began to become a integral part of society. At first they were hired mercenaries, then a hired army, and then the warriors made known by writers standards, such as seen in the Tale of the Heike. With homosexuality, samurai were always the dominant in the relationship. Even though homosexuality was not looked down upon, if a samurai submits himself to a person who is more feminine than him, then he is demoralizing and shaming his samurai ... Get more on ...
  • 24. Fuel Efficiency In The Trucking Industry When you are in the store, have you ever wondered how the store gets all that stuff? while you ponder that question. The train and trucking industry, have been battling it out for years but recently it has heated up. It has heated up because of environmental issues and traffic. Rail has won so far and here are the reasons for this. Fuel efficiency is one of the biggest factors. The battle has bean going on forever but trains always come out on top. Here are some statistics. Trains can haul 1 ton of freight on average 440 miles on a gallon of fuel. Compare that to a semi truck carys 1 ton of freight on average 144 miles on a gallon of fuel. Anther of the biggest reasons for this is capacity a train car can hold a maximum of 315,000 Lbs. ... Get more on ...
  • 25. Privatization of American Prisons Introduction: In America today, there is a trend in corrections of taking the duty of running prisons out of the hands of state and federal authorities and contracting it out to private organizations. Along with the drift to privatization is a plethora of research pertaining to the subject taking many different approaches to analyzing the effectiveness. The majority of research focuses on one of three areas. The first questioning whether or not it is cost effective to make the switch. The second being the ethical problems that can and have risen from the privatization of prisons. The third being a wide painting of the change and the implications it has on society as a whole. When the changes came about, there were an excessive amount of ... Show more content on ... In this form, nongovernmental entities own, staff, and operate correctional facilities. (Austin, 2001) Financial Cost/benefit of privatization: The bulk of the research was performed in the late 90s after many years had passed since the implementation of privatized prisons got a substantial boost in1988 (Austin, 2001). Much of the literature centers on the cost effectiveness of contracting out prisons. The main focus of the research is first and foremost, are they saving money by contracting out. Second, if they are saving money, is it enough money to justify the other problems that naturally accompany the for profit prisons model. It is important to understand what it means to contract correctional institutions out to private ownership. Most of the current prisons that have been contracted out run on a similar contract. A private entity either builds a prison to house inmates or is given control of an already built prison. The private corporation is then paid a base dollar amount for each prisoner they house in the facility. In 2001, Emerging issues on privatized prisons found many striking statistics concerning the privatization of prisons. It is estimated that worldwide there were 184 privately operated correctional facilities. Within the United States, a total of 158 private correctional facilities are operating. A substantial portion of the worlds privately owned correctional facilities are in ... Get more on ...
  • 26. Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency Is A State Agency Of... The Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency is a state agency of the state of Tennessee. Their goal is to manage the states fish and wildlife population and also to enforce the wildlife related laws of the state. They help to protect and preserve the right to hunt not only for the present time, but also for the future. In just this past year, the agency has established some new regulations that have caused an uproar in the hunting community. The two rules which have been headlined in most conversations is the new two buck limit for the states hunting season, and the new antler restrictions on what is considered a buck. Due to the success of many other states with fewer buck limits, TWRA has established these rules. These new rules are designed to have long term affects on not only hunters, but also possibly the whole state for years to come. While there may be a lot of good that may come from these new changes, there also may be a negative impact hidden between the lines. These rules have been designed to increase the amount of trophy deer in the state, increase the amount of doe kills in the state, and also to truly make hunters picky about what they shoot. The ultimate dream of nearly all outdoorsmen in the United States of America today is to kill a mature old whitetail buck, and these chances have been very few and far between in the state of Tennessee in the past. In order for a male whitetail deer to grow into, what some might call, a trophy buck, it will take a ... Get more on ...
  • 27. Essay on EIBE Self Reflection Assignment  A new idea which arose from the scenario process and which challenged or developed your thinking in new ways The EIBE scenario process was for me a new way of mixing the logical prediction with wild imagination. This is a new mixture and a new way of thinking for an engineer which usually relies on the structured logical way of thinking only. The scenario is basically a collection of new ideas that is based on present facts leading to future imaginary yet logical sequence of actions, all tied up with a hidden thread of logic. In order to develop the scenario of Uzbekistan, it was necessary to do a research on the characteristics of this country, including different areas describing the life in Uzbekistan. One of the new ideas ... Show more content on ... I believe it would be good to meet and have a discussion with one of these Non Denominational Muslims to understand the way they see their religion.  A brief critique of the scenario process as undertaken by your group which could be either observations about the process in terms of what part(s) of it did or did not work well and why you think this is, or a discussion on the working/behaviour of the group throughout the process Before starting the EIBE course, it was thought that this would be a pure business subject focusing on the international trade area and international trade treaties and general rules. However, it turned to have a different objective, which has a wider spectrum than only business, it turned to be covering all aspects of life that might affect the business practices in the environment under study. Then came the assignment, at the beginning it was very interesting and challenging to try to think about how it is possible to develop a future scenario about a country which we almost have no information about. Step by step, the picture started to become clearer, and the scenario process components started to show their integrated value. It was an excellent idea to have the trial session to develop ... Get more on ...
  • 28. Improving Quaity of Services in KENIKA Enterprises Essay 1. Objective(s): This study aims to apply basic knowledge in Advanced Operations Research through the use of Queuing system 2. Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs): The students shall be able to: 2.1 Analyze the existing operations of the selected company 2.2 Apply Advanced Operations Research techniques to the identified problem(s) or goal(s). 2.3 Communicate problems and solutions through written and oral presentation . 3. Discussion This paper is a Case study on how principles of Operations Research will be applied to improve the Quality of Service in Material receiving Area in KENIKA Enterprises. In KENIKA Enterprises in Pampanga, all vehicles with raw materials comes to front gate. These trucks are tested for presence of ... Show more content on ... Procedure 1. KENIKA Enterprises Materials Receiving System 2. Eliminate the queuing time in all server in KENIKA 3. 37 tucks were accommodated in 8 hours of service 4. The queuing system theory 6. Data and Results: First server gate a accommodated 37 trucks it took 14.3% delay, Second server which is the queue between CRS and Security took 6.1% delay, Security checking took 0.3% delay, Weightment took 30.9% delay, Movement between store took 28.8%, Unloading materials in store took 10.5% delay and Exit weightment and Checking took 9.1%. TREATMENT OF DATA arrival rate  service rate Arrival time = 1/arrival rate Service time = 1/service rate Inter arrival time between services Inter arrival time between services are 1.144, .488, .024, 2.472, 2.304, .84, and .728 The service time for the channels are:  =1/1.144 = 0.87  =1/.488 = 2.05  =1/.024 = 41.67  =1/ 2.472 = 0.40  =1/ 2.304 = 0.43
  • 29.  =1/ .84 = 1.19  =1/ .728 = 1.37 Arrival time for the channels are: 1/ 1.144 = 0.87 1/ 0.656= 1.52 1/ 0.464 = 2.155 1/ 2.448 = 0.408 1/ 0.168= 5.95 1/ 0.68 = 1.464 1/0.112= 8.92 We can see that the longest service time is the lowest in arrival rate that is the server or channel 4. Additional formulas used in queuing systems Response time Mean response time R E(r) = ( Variance of the response ... Get more on ...
  • 30. Religious Influence Of Tolerance In The British Colonies Tolerance in the British colonies varied, mainly depending on the diversity levels where they were founded. In some of the colonies, there were laws established so the importance of Christianity would be conserved. Other colonies were welcoming to different religions, and executed either limited or full tolerance for those religions. Unfortunately, colonies that were bigoted enough to damage fabrications of differing religious views or the belief itself existed. Throughout the British colonies, different laws based off of religious view were formed in order to preserve Christianity and drive away any religion that didn t praise God. In Pennsylvania, there was a law enacted by the founder of the province, William Penn, that denied anyone to practice any religion that didn t recognize God as creator of the world. If anyone was to disobey this law, they would molested or would be prejudiced for their conflicting practice. Additionally, the law stated if someone weren t to worship God, and showed it outside of their own home, they would be considered a disturber of peace, and would be punished appropriately. A similar law was ratified previously in the charter of Rhode Island, where someone could be disquieted, punished, and called in for questioning if they had an opposing opinion of religion. Other laws that reinforced Christianity were stressed as well, like laws that prevented work on the Lord s Day, or Sunday, to instead worship God. Again in Pennsylvania, people were ... Get more on ...
  • 31. Pathology and Epidemiology of Anterior Poliomyelitis Essay Anterior Poliomyelitis is a highly infectious disease that attacks the anterior horn of the spinal cord. Poliomyelitis translates to grey spinal matter inflammation. Polio is caused by a picorna virus that enters the body through mucus membranes and then multiplies in the throat and being an acidophile, can survive well in the stomach and small intestine. When viremia occurs and persists, the virus will penetrate the capillary wall. Once this happens, it enters the central nervous system and begins attacking motor neurons. Polio is tissue specific and will only multiply and attack neurons. this strict neuronotropism and definite tissue specificity of poliomyelitis virus is reflected not only in its limited adult host range but aso in its ... Show more content on ... This is when viremia will occur and the virus will begin to spread. If it does not reach the central nervous system then the patient will only have abortive poliomyelitis. They will have some flu like symptoms and experience a full recovery. As the virus goes further, one may become stricken with aseptic meningitis. This polio is considered non paralytic, has the same symptoms as abortive poliomyelitis, and irritates the meninges. This causes back and neck pain and stiffness but has a full recovery. The worst case scenario is paralytic poliomyelitis. This occurs when the virus begins replicating in the brain stem and anterior horn causing cell destruction and neurological damage in the form of paralysis. This is very rare and occurs in less than 2% of infections. While paralysis of the legs is most common, it can affect the arms, or worse, spread to the trunk. When the legs are affected, the patient is fitted with braces to help with recovery (Figure 1) If it continues and reaches bulbar polio, the brain stem becomes paralyzed and generally the patient will die from asphyxiation. (Flynn) Almost 15 years later the iron lung was invented to help people at this stage survive, but currently, there was nothing they could do. One of the worst polio epidemics to hit the United States was in 1916 in the heart of New York City. It infected 9,000 just in the city and kept spreading throughout the states to infect over 27,000. It left ... Get more on ...
  • 32. Evidence Led Crime Reduction Project Evidence Led Crime Reduction Project to Reduce Shoplifting Shoplifting, once described as something committed by individuals who are too afraid to take other criminal risks (Egan Taylor, 2010); is a widespread problem across England and Wales, which is slowly becoming known as a common method of consumer product acquisition (Cox, Cox Moschis 1990). There has been many methods introduced in order to tackle this growing issue, yet there is a lack of official crime reduction guidelines to allow an effective and unanimous approach towards the successful reduction of shoplifting. The scale of shoplifting in the United Kingdom in the past few years has changed to worrying levels, this is also true of the scope of shoplifting as well. The Office of National Statistics have reported 321,008 police recorded shoplifting incidents from April 2013 to March 2014 (See Statistics 2010,), along with this articles have shown 34 of policed forces across the UK have presented a 6% increase in shoplifting (Pidd Collier, 2014). Such academics as Klemke (1978) have claimed that shoplifting significantly reduces with age (See Egan Taylor, 2010), it seems to be a so called hobby that is popular amongst the younger generations, particularly adolescents. Furthermore, official government crime statistics have shown that shoplifting rates were around three times higher in urban and city areas than in rural areas with supermarkets experiencing shoplifting more than other retailers (Home ... Get more on ...
  • 33. Evergreen State Description Washington state was named after the first president George Washington. To honor the first president of the United States. All of the states on the East Coast had their names before they officially became States. That was why none of them were called Washington except for Washington city. That is why Washington city has the same name as Washington state. Washington State has a nickname which is known as the Evergreen State. It is nicknamed as the Evergreen state because the state is known for it s green leaves and plants. There are approximately 7.062 million people that live in Washington. The population has increased since the 1980 s.Washington s highest temperature was in 1961 and it was 118 °F. The lowest temperature was in 1968 and ... Get more on ...
  • 34. Effects Of Iron Deficiency Anemia On The Women Of... Introduction Nutritional Anemia or Iron deficiency anemia (IDA) is one of the most recurrent and easily treatable condition affecting millions of people. 1,2 Although iron deficiency anemia does not cause severe morbidity and mortality3, it has a significant influence on one s health; especially affecting the physical and neurocognitive growth and development of younger children and affecting the women of reproductive age. 1, 2, 3 According to WHO, in 2011, there were approximately two and half billion people in the world that are considered to be anemic.9 The underlying pathophysiology of iron deficiency anemia is iron exhaustion from the blood leading to reduced oxygen carrying capacity. 6, 10 Of the several types of anemias, Iron deficiency anemia is the most common anemia, hence the term Anemia usually reverberates Iron deficiency anemia unless otherwise specified. 2 The magnitude of iron deficiency anemia varies considerably across populations, ages and gender. 2 Iron is essential for muscle development, brain development and red blood cells. cite It mainly deviates according to the eating habits, health practices and endemic disease of that geographical region.2, 1, 4 In the developing countries, it is a rampant health condition but in the developed countries, though it is not rampant, certain ethnicities and lower socioeconomic populations are affected by it.1 The researchers state that in the developed countries, with the privilege of iron fortified ... Get more on ...
  • 35. How Did Gunpowder Change The World How Gunpowder Changed the World Empires have been built and lost based on the availability and destructive power of weapons used in combat. During medieval times, an startling new discovery was made that would forever changed the world for better or worse, gunpowder. Most military History scholars believe that gunpowder was created in ancient China around 900 AD ( The most popular believed story is that a group of Daoist monks who frequently developed elixirs were making a brand new elixir, and ended up making the destructive tool gunpowder.. One day when they were trying to find another elixir they accidentally created an elixir with entirely new properties they have never seen before. ( When they mixed saltpeter, sulfur, and charcoal (the basic ... Show more content on ... For more than 400 years, the Chinese refined gunpowder and gunpowder weapons. ( They kept trying to figure out how it would explode, and found the easiest way to make the elixir burn and then explode. Which led to their invention of guns and cannons. They also experimented with many different materials to use with the powder to which would be the most useful. The first thing they used was bamboo (because it was hollow) to propel various projectiles. Eventually, they settled on metal rods, which became the prototype of guns and cannons ( Which changed the rest of the world as we knew it for better or worse. Either no there were many uses for gunpowder the Chinese, and cultures have used it for over history it s mostly just used for warfare. Even today it is used for fireworks, guns, and many other things. Gunpowder changed the world for ever one that day in ancient ... Get more on ...
  • 36. Examples Of Character Changes In Remember The Titans Describe how a character changes in the film Remember the Titans Explain why this change occurs. In the film Remember the titans which was directed by Boaz Yakin. I thought that Julius had changed the most during the film and these changes occurred in these three points. One point is how Julius was a very strong an opinionated person. The second point is Julius and Gerry finally confronted each other about getting along and the last point is how coach Boone pushed Julius and Gerry to share the captaincy roles to work hard together for the team to follow in example. Julius was a very opinionated person, who was all about himself and not looking after his own team or anyone else for that matter. For example when Julius was confronted by Gerry, during this conversation Julius said I m supposed to wear out myself for this team? What team? Nope that s not what I m going to do is I m going to look after myself. When this confrontation was happening there were many close up camera shots, this was because the director wanted to show the emotion and anger in the faces of Gerry and Julius. This shows that Julius is a very opinionated person and he only cares about himself, this is shown in what he told Julius. Julius and Gerry confronted ... Show more content on ... How they didn t get along at all and I also mentioned about the camp they had to go on for the new football team of the integrating schools, at this camp it was mentioned that they confronted each other to sort out their differences. The last point was at the night football practice and how they finally go the team to work together and play as a ... Get more on ...
  • 37. The New Business Of Emerson In the year of 1888 a company by the name of ASCO was founded, and the company still exists today but they are now known as the popular business of Emerson. They were manufacturers of elevators, compressors and generator controls. But in the year of 1889 a man by the name of Almon Strowger created the basis for the first practical telephone switch that would later develop into a large scale system that could hold many phone lines at once. Strowger s original switch had a 10x10 contact bank that allowed it to hold up to 100 different telephones. That doesn t seem like a lot but based on the year, this is an innovation that would help change the communication world for the better. In the Strowger switch, pulses generated by a telephone user directly moved electromagnetic contacts in a two way motion in a stack of rotary contacts, then a telephone number, selected one digit at a time, without operator use could be dialed and connected. ( Switching) The system worked in two different ways. The first being uniselector which is operated by a selector that is in the starting position and has a moving contact on the end of it called a wiper. These wipers are used to make electrical connection to the bank contacts or phone lines. The wipers were operated by an electromagnet called a driving magnet. Current would flow through the windings of the magnet which would cause an attraction of the armature to establish a connection. As an input ... Get more on ...
  • 38. Essay about Arthurian Legends Effects on English Society What role did the great King Arthur play in the way English Literature is perceived? Did King Arthur honestly exist? Whether King Arthur existed or not is doubtful. However if King Arthur did exist, then he would have lived sometime between 400 AD and 600 AD, a time of turmoil in Britain following the Roman withdrawl. And a time when written literature did not exist, therefore events during this period are only known about from folklore passed down several generations before being written down, or from modern archeology giving insights from excavations of sites. If there was ever a true King Arthur in history, he would probably be Romano British warleader, probably named Artorius, which is a Roman name for Arthur. Though the Roman ... Show more content on ... The Arthurian Legends were an effect of the Romantic Era and resulted in abstract thinking, as well as the arts including music, painting, poetry, and writing. The birth of the Arthurian Legends came from Celtic mythology and medieval romance, while the existence of magic confirms the conception of artistic intellect. Whether or not King Arthur truly existed, his influence dramatically changed the English society and English Literature to its current form (Arthurian Legends Vol. 1). The Arthurian Legend is seen to be extremely influential in benefitting the English people during the Romantic Era. Even if King Arthur is a fictional character of myth and legend in England, his childhood, countless glories and achievements as the king of Camelot, and the final down fall of his strong empire validated his importance to English literature. Proof of King Arthur s existence would possibly solidify the impact he had on the English culture (Arthurian Legends Vol. 1). The early childhood of King Arthur seems to be the foundation of the epic journey of his life. Even though his achievements as a child were brief, they were extremely important to King Arthur s outlook on life, as well as character. As an optimistic squire, King Arthur had hopes of one day overcoming his social standing. He received his wish when he unknowingly pulled the magical sword out of the stone. ... Get more on ...
  • 39. Minor Prophet Amos Essay Amos, as one of the Twelve Minor Prophets, evokes imagery of a fiery orator whose central theme is the pursuit of justice and righteousness which possesses significance in both ancient times and today. Amos elevates the concept of justice though human actions to a primacy in the lives of believers who established a covenant with God since the time of Abraham. We shall exegetically explore Amos 5:18 24. He is not a radical, rather Amos prophecies are in the tradition of the oracular style imitative of many prophets including Moses. The prophetic ministry of Amos in the Northern kingdom is set against the background of the end of the prosperous reign of Israel s Jeroboam II (793 753 B.C.). As Shalom Paul notes, during this period, the Silver ... Show more content on ... During this time, Israel enjoyed peaceful relations with Judah under the reign of King Uzziah (792 740 B.C.). The book of Amos begins with six oracles of judgement against Israel s neighbors: Aram, Philistia, Tyre, Edom, Ammon and Moab (Amos 1:3 2:3), followed by pronouncement against Judah (Amos 2:4 5). These seven oracles serve as one grand prolegomenon to his final surmise indictment against Israel. The same judgment is made of each nation, because they revolted against divine rule. The Hebrew root pš is used of rebellion against authority of nations. The rebellion is against the rule of Yahweh (Psalm 2:1 3). Accumulated transgressions lead to an irrevocable decision to destroy each of the nations. The repetitions establish that they all have equal standing before God; equally guilty, and they will suffer equivalent fates. The most detailed and devastating ... Get more on ...
  • 40. Essay on Big Bang Theory There has been a lot of research done on the influence media can have on society, in particular the degrading images of women that are often seen in media. Since the second wave of the women s rights movements these images were the object of scrutiny and an easy example of how women were viewed. In modern society where women have made many strides towards equality why are there still instances in popular media were women are negatively depicted? Have women come as far as they think? The popular sitcom The Big Bang Theory negatively depicts the female characters by reverting to a binary view of gender, in which the female characters are lacking, they can be beautiful or smart however they cannot be both. The Big Bang Theory premiered on ... Show more content on ... Penny s appearance is the first thing noticed. Sheldon and Lenard state that she is a significant improvement from their last neighbor, a 200 pound transvestite with a skin condition. Where as the introduction of Sheldon and Lenard clearly established their intellectual superiority. The article states that gender identity is enacted through a variety of self presentational strategies including attire, non verbal and verbal behavior all of which interact with others per existing expectations . Penny dresses in clothing that show off her body. It is clear through her appearance and interactions with others that Penny is valued for her sexuality. Most of Penny s interaction with the other main characters point out her lack of knowledge. Consisting of the men having to explain there conversations in the most simplistic way, or pointing our her community college education compared to their accelerated programs at MIT, and Cal Tec. Another indication that Penny lacks talent and intelligence is the fact that although she aspires to be an actress in the six seasons The Big Bang Theory has aired Penny has been working as a waitress at The Cheese Cake Factory, and on multiple occasion the characters have made comments indicating that she is a bad waitress. The only advancement made to her career was when she started ... Get more on ...
  • 41. Anxiety Case Summary In analyzing the case study of Mr. Pete P., several factors become apparent. The patient is new to the dental practice, a recovering alcoholic, and suffers from anxiety, which can be assumed from a current prescription of Xanax. Anxiety disorder is a condition that affects everyday activities such as performances at work, school, and within relationships. Anxiety can be split into to three main categories including generalized, panic, and social anxiety disorder. As stated by the National Institute of Mental Health (2009), generalized anxiety disorder display excessive anxiety or worry for months and face several anxiety related symptoms. Anxiety disorder is long term and can worsen over time the. Generalized anxiety disorder is the traditional ... Show more content on ... P. is currently taking baby aspirin for prevention of heart disease, a multivitamin, Ginkgo biloba, and Xanax for anxiety. At last week s visit Mr. P was prescribed a pre appointment anxiolytic, lorazepam and administered nitrous oxide before starting periodontal debridement. Patient indicated pain from procedure, therefore was prescribed ibuprofen. Aspirin is a nonopioid analgesic, which acts on the peripheral nerve ending to relieve to minor pain (Heaves, 2015). The pharmacological effects of aspirin include anti inflammatory, antiplatelet, antipyretic, analgesic. Bayer Aspirin Regimen Adult Low Strength and St Joseph Adult Aspirin are two brand names that aspirin is available in over the counter. Aspirin in low concentration can be used for prevention of cardiovascular disease (Lexicomp, 2016). Ginkgo biloba is an herbal supplement that is commonly used for memory enhancement and treating blood disorders (Ehrlich, 2015). Nature Made and Nature s Bounty is two over the counter brand names. Research shows that the herb may help also alleviate symptoms of anxiety in people with generalized anxiety disorder (Ehrlich, 2015). Precautions should be taken with taking Ginkgo biloba, because it can trigger and interfere with other medications and supplements. Ginkgo s use is contraindicated in pregnant patients, epileptic, and poison ivy allergy (Nordqvist, 2015). Ginkgo biloba should not be used without speaking with your physician first because of the numerous possible drug ... Get more on ...
  • 42. Nationalism And Imperialism Ananya Chilakamarthi World Studies Ms. Morgan Mr. Kakes 8 December 2017 Imperialism Imperialism is the act of dominating a society or a group. It involves the subjugation of a population. It dictates the political and economic advantage over a land and the indigenous people they control. A society is introduced to concepts of industrialization and they are pressured or forced to imitate the culture of the industrialized country so that they can reach civilization. Since the industrial revolution had taken place, the Europeans were in need of more natural resources. The Europeans wanted economic expansion because they were facing overproduction and underconsumption. Social Darwinism was another factor that led the colonization. Imperialism was helpful to a country but also had been very detrimental to the cultures inner mentality by removing previous traditions that were practiced and replacing it with the colonizers traditions. In the book, Nectar in a Sieve it is shown how many native traditions were gradually torn away from India because of the invasive British rule. The story focuses on a poor woman, Rukmani (Ruku), as well as her friends and family, as India goes through this change. The characters suffer crushing poverty. They re stripped of their lives in the face of huge global changes that have left them behind. Imperialism reflects dominance as it shows tremendous inequalities between nations. Imperialists will imperialize a country to gain raw materials for their own benefit. There was tremendous demand in Europe for Chinese tea, silks, and porcelain pottery, but there was correspondingly little demand in China for Europe s manufactured goods and other trade items. Consequently, Europeans had to pay for Chinese products with gold or silver. The opium trade, which created a steady demand among Chinese addicts for opium exported by the West, solved this chronic trade imbalance. Levels of opium addiction grew so high that it began to affect the Chinese troops and the official classes. The efforts of the Qing dynasty to enforce the opium restrictions resulted in two armed conflicts between China and the West, known as the Opium Wars, both of which China lost and this resulted in various measures ... Get more on ...
  • 43. Essay about University of Phoenix Mgt 311 Week 3... University of Phoenix_MGT 311 Motivation Action Plan Paper You are a manager for Riordan Manufacturing. You recently administered a series of assessments to your three employees to give you a better understanding of their different traits. You have begun putting together an Employee Portfolio for each employee. Now you must use the information from the assessments to create a Motivational Plan. Resources: University of Phoenix Material: Employee Portfolio: Motivation Action Plan, Self Assessments from Week One and Week Two Individual Assignment Determine the motivational strategy or strategies that would likely be most appropriate for each of your three employees based on their individual characteristics, and complete the ... Show more content on ... Whatever it is you are looking for; Riordan Manufacturing is a company that can help you get there. Mr. Hutch, will begin with your action plan first. It was determined from your assessments that you are extremely ambitious, hard working, dedicated, social and outgoing. These are just a few of your individual strengths and characteristics. Keeping your assigned productivity projects in mind, Riordan Manufacturing is offering an all expense paid trip to the person to complete the most productivity in a year s time frame. With that in mind, I d like to challenge you to take our company assistant management course this year. I believe you have the ability to multi task, and I believe you are an excellent candidate to become the next assistant floor manager. Your ability to socialize with others and your outgoing personality can help motivate other employees on the floor to complete team projects as well as you do. Now, this might mean that you might have to sacrifice some personal time at home with the family or other activities you might like to do on your own time, but I promise you it will all be worth it in the end. This is an excellent opportunity to show your true potential and move up in the ladder. Mrs. Sanchez, let us discuss your action plan. Your self assessments showed that you are focused, empathetic towards others, outspoken, loyal, and able to adapt well to your environment. ... Get more on ...
  • 44. Texas Textbook Controversy Texas textbook controversy Analysis Kim Stevenson Eastern New Mexico University CI 531 1WW March 3, 2013 Abstract: Ever since the 1960s, the Texas textbook controversy has had an issue in America. The Texas school board is meeting to make revisions to their textbooks and curriculum. But are they also revising history? Educators across the country are watching to see the effect this issue will have on students. The choices the board members are making will affect politics, religion, monies spent thru out the Texas school system. Christian conservatives on the state education board want curriculum changes. Parents and student would like the curriculum to remain the same, or not ... Show more content on ... All of which plus a natural supply of political eccentrics helps explain how Texas once had a board member who believed that public schools are the tool of the devil. Texas originally acquired its power over the nation s textbook supply because it paid 100 percent of the cost of all public school textbooks, as long as the books in question came from a very short list of board approved options. The selection process was grueling and tension filled, said Julie McGee, who worked at high levels in several publishing houses before her retirement. If you didn t get listed by the state, you got nothing. On the other side of the coin, David Anderson, who once sold textbooks in the state, said that if a book made the list, even a fairly mediocre salesperson could count on doing pretty well. The books on the Texas list were likely to be mass produced by the publisher in anticipation of those sales, so other states liked to buy them and take advantage of the economies of scale. What happens in Texas doesn t stay in Texas when it comes to textbooks, said Dan Quinn, who worked as an editor of social studies textbooks before joining the Texas Freedom Network, which was founded by Governor Ann Richards s daughter, Cecile, to counter the religious right. The cost for the Texas textbooks? As a market, the state was so big and influential that national publishers tended to gear their books toward whatever it wanted. Back in ... Get more on ...
  • 45. Hobbes Social Contract Essay The natural state of man has been a reoccurring theme when reviewing the history of political philosophy and theory. This study has helped societies develop laws and common goals. Thomas Hobbes (1588 1679) theory is still strikingly relevant in today s law and order. His main concern was how people lived: how to avoid war since people lived in defensive fear. Jean Jacques Rousseau (1712 1778) challenged Hobbes s philosophy. He says, The passage from the state of nature to the civil state produces a very remarkable change in man, by substituting justice for instinct in his conduct. In other words, he thought that men were good by nature and when exposed to society they are corrupted. Although both philosophers study the course of society, they have very divergent views. This paper will examine both theories of the social contract. Thus, I will later conclude why Hobbes has a more feasible hypothesis. In Leviathan chapter 12, Hobbes describes society and the state of nature as such; No arts; no letters; no society; and which is worst of all, continual fear, and danger of violent death: and the life of man, solitary, poor, nasty, brutish and short. People are encouraged to act freely, but with precautions as they may pose a threat to others survival. As stated above, humankind is constantly threatened since we naturally have a built in defensive mechanism. He says, ...the passions that incline men to peace are: fear of death; desire of such things as are necessary to ... Get more on ...
  • 46. Stick Sidewalks There were no areas for people to hang out, chat, or even socialize. Sidewalks are similar to a corridor where there needs some refuge in the path. There will be a need for an area of refuge that is adjacent to the sidewalk. By adding benches with planting of area in front of it then could be recognized as a place to be. Also by providing benches and metal canopies will attract individuals. An image where is shows areas of refuge adjacent to side walk 3. Urban Sharing Community base object sharing is a place that people contributing to one thing. There will be places that are designated areas for bike sharing stations around the site so this attracts the most users. Bike sharing stations are going to be located near the education buildings ... Show more content on ... Instead of only having a typical 90 degree sidewalk. This will provide more of different pathways allowing people to take to their destination. This will also help people take short cuts wherever they happen to go. Even if a person is on a leisurely walk the stick sidewalks can provide a miniature adventure fore people to explore the site. Besides having the chance to explore the stick sidewalks will be able provide a variety and allow different bodies of landscapes. The stick sidewalks will vary in size throughout the site. Each size of the pathways will be different task depending on where and what each individual stick is located. The two largest sticks sidewalks will just be secondary pathways that would give another route to walk on. The two smallest sidewalks are not designed as a major walkway for the inhabitants. It was designed in a way for allowing people to explore and view different angles or felt like being alone. For each single stick sidewalk there will be a different type of material or pattern for them. This will give an opportunity for stick sidewalks to disrupt the regular pathways in a visual manner. The stick sidewalks give a chance for more of variety materials that will be at your feet. Reasons for allowing the major sidewalks continue being concrete because of the continuation of the sidewalk surrounding the ... Get more on ...
  • 47. Scene Analysis Of Song At Midnight Scene Analysis on Song at Midnight: the First Meet of Song Danping and Sun Xiao ou The first meeting of Song Danping and Sun Xiao ou in the film Song at midnight is not only the first exposure of the phantom in the theater after ten years, but also a turning point of Sun s life. So the scene that Sun goes upstairs to meet the phantom Song is both an end of the ten year nightmare of Song, and a starting of a new story of revenge and revolution. However, the changeover cannot be accomplished at one stroke, which is specially reflected by the transitions of Sun s attitudes and behaviors: from vacillate, to touched, then ends up in determined. This scene s duration is more than half an hour with two long cuts of retrospections about the ordeal happened to Song. We only focus on the scene in the loft above the theater, and the analysis can ... Show more content on ... We can focus on three plots that assist Sun who finally determines to help Song. First one is about Sun s reaction after hearing Song s story out. A medium shot shows they are sitting at the table with different gestures: Sun sits up with his right fist clenched and left hand clutching tightly again and again; Song leans his right elbow onto the table with his ugly right hand hanging down the tabletop loosely. Then, not like the former parts, Song stands up and move to the window slowly and unsteadily, and Sun follows him proactively. In part 1 and part 2,Sun s gestures, including sit down near the stairs, go to the cabinet and the table, are all forced by Song. The reason is not only Sun is still in shock but also he doesn t know who the phantom is. However, in part 3, Sun s movements are all initiated by his own. So when Song asks Sun to help him to comfort Li Xiaoxia, Song s character changes from a dominator to a suppliant. To a kindly person, Sun cannot reject ... Get more on ...
  • 48. Mp Model Of Multi-Model The climate models are deficient in simulating the seasonal cycle of the ocean ML. Some models in CMIP5 (Gupta et al. 2009) and CMIP3 (Jang et al. 2011) simulate deeper winter MLDs than observed, while some others in CMIP5 underestimate the MLD in winter (Sallée et al. 2013) and summer (Huang et al. 2014). However, the CMIP5 models (Taylor et al. 2012) have improved its representation of MLD but still some of the models misrepresent the MLD (Knutti et al. 2013; Huang et al. 2014). In this section, we present changes in MLD simulated and its relationship to the atmospheric forcings simulated in the CMIP5 models. Here, the same MLD characteristics and analysis as discussed in the observation and ACCESS KPP model is followed for the CMIP5 ... Show more content on ... The model produces stronger wind stress in the South Indian Ocean and relatively weak wind forcing in the North Atlantic compared to the observation. Overall, the CMIP5 multi model mean and the reanalysis data have shown similar atmospheric forcing conditions so that we can compare the MLD characteristics. The annual mean MLD and the three MLD regimes for the multi model mean are displayed in figure 3.20 and 3.21 respectively. Compared to the observations (see figure 3.2 and 3.3), the CMIP5 multi model mean shows a fairly good representation of the spatial distribution of annual mean MLD and the different MLD regimes. The model mean simulated the extra tropical seasonal and Constant deep MLD regimes as in the observations, but the Constant shallow regimes are confined only to the eastern equatorial Pacific and the Atlantic Ocean . Though, the CMIP5 models simulate coherent MLD structure it differs significantly in terms of the values. The global mean MLD (averaged over 70S 70N and 0 360) in the multi model mean is 55m, which is deeper than the observed ( 41m for GECCO2). However, the mean MLD for other ocean reanalysis product NCEP GODAS is 52m, which is more comparable to the CMIP5 model mean. The simulation of fairly deep ML in the multi model misses several regions ... Get more on ...
  • 49. Catch the Moon Both Catch the Moon by Judith Ortiz Cofer and The Bass, the River, and Sheila Mant by W.D. Wetherell are short stories with similar ideas and themes. Although the characters and plots differ slightly, the central themes are very similar. In Catch the Moon , the love of the main characters mother continues to strengthen him even after her death. In The Bass, the River, and Sheila Mant , the narrators love for fishing continues to give him strength after he loses the girl he thought he loved. In both short stories, love gives the main character strength. In Cofer s Catch the Moon , a teenage boy, Luis, who had been running with the entirely wrong crowd is let out of a juvenile hall on the simulation that he will labor for his father ... Show more content on ... The dance is all a fog for the narrator; the only event he remembers clearly is Sheila approaching him afterwards to inform him that she would be leaving with Eric Caswell in his Corvette. Throughout his entire canoe ride, the narrator was faced with an internal dilemma. He loved to fish, but he thought he loved Sheila more. It would be great if he could reel in perhaps the biggest bass he had ever hooked, but then again, it would be great if Sheila Mant, the gorgeous girl next door who was three years older than him, came to love him. There were two paths the narrator could have taken, and he made his decision. What he didn t know was that Sheila would end up leaving him anyway. He realizes that his love for Sheila was only temporary because the spell she cast over [him] was gone before the month was over. The narrator still regrets his decision; he states that the memory of that lost bass haunted me all summer and haunts me still . Even after losing what he thought was the love of his life, the narrator s love for fishing gave him strength in the years to come. He never made the same mistake again (250). Love can do many things. It can be both harmful and beneficial. Love can scar, and love can inspire. Love can torment, and love can encourage. Love can irritate, and love can comfort. The unseen force of love can go even further than that, though. Love can ... Get more on ...
  • 50. The Need to Measure Transit System Performance The necessity to measure transit system performance along with its different dimensions has led to the development of a large number of quantitative performance indicators. Nevertheless, depending upon the specific indicator assessed, one can reach to different conclusions regarding performance. Furthermore, though performance and scale economies are closely related issues, they have been generally examined separately in the transit literature. There have been significant amounts of research undertaken in order to examine the transit system performance, and in turn of assessing the performance based on such methods but the two characteristics underline the work. First, due to heterogeneity in getting different relationships between efficiency and effectiveness, system performance, existence of scale of economies and various such issues, the conclusion which have come out of different studies is not same. In other words there are conflicting conclusions. Even researchers are not using the data which is provided by NTD (National Transit Data base) and as a result the comparability of findings across researches is questionable. A second problem arises because researches have been using cross section time series data from largely heterogeneous systems and have introduced a size related bias in their results (Berechman, 1993). Tomazinis (1977) specified a set of indicators in order to measure the public transit systems s performance. His measurement was built on three bases; ... Get more on ...
  • 51. Exploring the Ontological Argument Exploring the Ontological Argument For nearly a thousand years, the ontological argument has captured the attention of philosophers. The ontological argument was revolutionary in its sequence from thought to reality. It was an argument that did not require any corresponding experiment in reality; it functioned without the necessity of empirical data. Despite flaws and problems found in some ontological arguments and the objections raised to those arguments, ontological arguments still provide a phenomenal vehicle for ontological discussion through St. Anselm s original ideas and argument, objections raised, and revisions of previous arguments. The ontological argument still intrigues philosophers despite potential objections and flaws ... Show more content on ... 258). It does not matter who or what that Greatest Conceivable Being is identified as; anyone and everyone can have an idea of that being. The third premise works off of the idea that it is greater for something to exist in reality than simply as an idea in our minds (Cowan Spiegel, 2009, p. 258). The idea is that existence is a quality that can make something greater than something equal in all aspects except for existence. A red balloon in my mind would not be as great as a red balloon that actually exists. So, in order for the Greatest Conceivable Being to actually be the greatest, it needs to exist in reality. The fourth premise says that if God, or the Greatest Conceivable Being, was only an idea in the mind, then he would not be as great as he could be because he did not exist in reality. So, if God does not exist in reality, then we would be able to imagine or conceive a being greater than him. The fifth premise ties back in to the first: God, by definition, is the Greatest Conceivable Being. If he did not exist, then he would not be the Greatest Conceivable Being. There would be a being that is greater. However, it would be self contradictory to say that there would be a being greater than the Greatest Conceivable Being (Himma, n.d., para. 1). If something is the greatest, there cannot be something greater. The sixth premise brings the argument to a conclusion: if the Greatest Conceivable Being is the greatest, that ... Get more on ...