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11 月 3 日の東京ドームライブに向けて、Perfume の 10 年間を研究せよ。
For the Tokyo Dome concert on 3rd of Nov. look back on Perfume’s 10 year.

2007 年の Perfume を研究せよ。
Look back Perfume in 2007.

A:はい。今夜は 2007 年!
A: So for tonight, we are talking about 2007.
N:2007 年。大分近づいて来ましたね~。
N: 2007! It’s getting pretty close.
A:今から 3 年前でございます。
A: 3 years ago.
N: Yes.
K:もう 3 年前ですか?
K: Oh! Have we already reached 3 years ago?
A: Yeah.
K: It’s close enough to recall our memories.
A:ほうじゃね~。はい。この年は、Perfume にとってホントに、とってもとっても大切な 1 年
A: That’s true. This year became a really, really important year for us.
N: Yes.
K This year was our turning point.
A: So, our staffs gave us some keywords to look back.
N: I see.
A: “Polyrhythm”
N: Wow!
K: Collect!
A: “Kaela Kimura-san”
N: Yes!
K: That’s an important one.
A: “Summer Sonic”
N,K: That’s a good one!
N: I’m glad that they understand live shows are vital for us!
A: Yes, they do!
N: I’m so happy to hear that.
A: They are so great!
K: It’s kind of funny to see a Person’s name in the keywords. LOL!
A: Yeah, but we all know she’s so important.
N: Yes, we really have to thank her.
A: Yeah, she was the key person.
K: We have to thank god that we could meet her.
A: Kaela Kimura-san.
N,K: Yes.
ルスノー・パウダリースノーっていう曲の両 A 面のね、シングル。ファンサービス・スイー
A: This is how she came into our story.
A: On this year, we released a double-A side single “Fan service Sweet”
A: consisting of “Chocolate Disco” and “Twinkle Snow Powdery Snow”
A: And we also released “Bitter”
K: Yes.
A:なんて言うの?イベンターさん?が Perfume とカエラさんが一緒で、でその受け持って
くれてる人もカエラさんと Perfume って一緒だから、そのなんか Perfume の CD をカエラ
A: And how do you call that? Oh! An eventer(*1)!?
A: Perfume and Kaela-san’s had a same event promoter.
A: And a Person who’s in charge of us and Kaela-san was also same.
A: So, he brought our CDs to Kaela-san several times.
N: Yeah.
N: Like “Please take a listen to this”
N: Yup.
A: But there had been no reaction from her until that time.
A: Do you know the music event named “Onna-Kusai(*2)”?
N,K: Yeah! It’s Kaela-san’s event.
んなさ~、知らないと思うんだけどさ~、Perfume っていうのがいるんだよね~。 って
                                         」 「そ
A: Yes. It was when they had a meeting for that event
A: to discuss to whom they should ask to join it.
A: Then, suddenly she said for the first time,
A: “Well, you might not know but, there’s a girl unit called Perfume”
A: “And they’re so interesting”
N,K: WOW!!
A: Then, he was like “Perfume!? You mean Perfume? I’m in charge of them!”
N: LOL! Yeah.
A:「これだよこれだよ!」って言って、また CD をもっかい渡して。みたいな。
A: So, he handed our CDs again saying “See? This is their CDs!”
N,K: Yes.
A: Then she was like “Oh really?” and listened to our songs again.
A: Her most favorite song was “Chocolate Disco” after listening to several tracks.
A: So, she started to air our songs on her radio program every week,
A: and she recommended us every week.
K: Yeah, that’s amazing.
A: Everything started from there.
N:「あ、Perfume 好きって言っていいんだ!?」ってみんなが思ったんですよ。
N: Yeah, you’re right. People realized “Oh!? It’s Okay to say I like Perfume!”
K: Yeah, well, we do feel sorry for people like Utamaru-san but・・・.
A: Yeah!
K:カエラさんのおかげで、 Perfume 好きって言っても平気なんだ!?」
            「                         みたいなね、思って
K: Thanks to her, people started to realize “It’s not bad things to say I like Perfume?”
K: A lot of people had that kind of hesitations, I heard.
A: Yes.
N: A Japanese fashion icon, you know?
A: Kaela-san sure is.
K: Yeah.
N: Yes, and if Kaela-san said she liked us, people would think Perfume as something
A: That’s true! We really appreciate that.
A,N,K: Yes. We do appreciate that.
A: Things started from here.
N,K: Yes.
A: A director listened to the Kaela-san’s radio airing “Chocolate Disco”
A: What was the name? The director of ・・・
A,N,K: Japan Advertising Council!!
A: Yes! It’s famous for the CM with ♪AC~ song.
A:AC の監督さんが。
A: So, the director of AC,
N:CM の監督さんが。
N: The director of AC’s CM.
A:      って言って。
             「コレだ。コレでやろう!」みたいになって、 Perfume です」
                                 「            っ
A: I heard he was like “Who’s singing this song?”, “We’re gonna make a CM with them!”
A: Then, he was told like “They are Perfume”, “Perfume? OK, let’s do this with them!”
A: And that was the birth of “Polyrhythm”
N: Yes.
K: Yeah!
A: And we were offered to join the CM of “The recycle mark is an eco-mark!”
N,K: Yeah.
A: It was our honor to appear in the CM.
K: Yes.
A:コレが初めて、ウィークリー 7 位ですよ。
A: This track was our first song to enter the 7th of the weekly chart.
N: Yes.
A: It was a surprise, wasn’t it?
N: Yes.
K: Sure it was.
A: It really, really surprised us.
N: Yeah, it really did.
A: Do you remember appearing on an event at Nagoya at that time?
K: Yeah.
A: The event at Yamagiwa park nadia・・・ whatever.
A,N,K: Yamagiwa Soft Nadia park store!
A: Yes, the store doesn’t exist anymore though.
A: We wrote our wishes on the wall of the store.
A: What did we write?
N,K:20 位以内!
N,K: Entering the top 20 of the chart!
A:20 位以内に入りたいって言ってたら、こうやって 7 位にね、入れて。あそこは凄いところ
A: Yes! We wrote we wanted to enter the top 20 of the chart,
A: And then we could enter the 7th.
A: That convinced us that place had some special force.
N: “If we wrote our wishes on that wall, it would come true!”
A: We were like “Everybody! Just get there and write your wishes on that wall!”
A,N,K: Yes. LOL!
A: So, that kind of stuff happened at that time.
A: And then, we appeared on the stage of Summer Sonic(*3).
N: We did! It was before we released “Polyrhythm”
K: It was. Because it was summer.
A: Yes.
N: The rock festival we dreamed of.
A: Yes.
K: We always had been talking like “Oh, we wanna sing at the rock festival”
K: Then, our eventer-san said “I got a stage for you!” So, we could join the festival.
K: At that time, we still had very little name recognition.
K: So, we were so nervous about if we,
K: A low-profile unit recognized as “an Idol” was really allowed to join the rock festival.
K: We thought the stage must have been a quite tough away game.
K: That made us sooo nervous.
A: Yes, we were so nervous.
N: We were!
N: In addition, the stage we appeared on was the “Dance stage”
K: Yes! The Dance stage!
N: It made us happy, didn’t it?
A: Yes, it did. Like “Oh, are we allowed to appear on that stage? Not this?”
N:次が RYUKUDISCO さんていう。
N: Ryukyu-Disco-san played after us.
K: Yeah, they did.
A: That was awesome.
N,K: Yes.
A: We were so happy.
A: And we were so nervous at the back stage, too.
K: Yeah.
N: Yes, we were.
A:やっぱりさ、そういう CM とかも嬉しいし、こういう風にラジオ流してくれてるって言う
A: Well, appearing on the CM was something great,
A: And hearing people airing our songs on radios were also happy things to hear,
A: But we couldn’t realize what was going on around us.
N: No.
K: You’re right.
A: We couldn’t realize because we had never been through that kind of situation.
A: But joining the stage of Summer Sonic as a lead-off singer・・・
N,K: Yeah.
A: Well, we should rather say we were a warm-up act.
N: An opening act,
A:そう。でやらせて貰ったときに、お客さん 3 人くらいだろうね~」
                「                 みたいな。朝早いし」
                                      「     み
たいな。入るんなら 5 時位に家出にゃいけんらしいよ」
   「                       みたいな。・・・じゃあ 3 人じゃね」
                               「              み
A: So, at the back stage, we were talking like
A: “I guess we’ll only have 3 audiences”
A: “Yeah, no doubt. It’s pretty early in the morning”
A: “If you want to be here on time, you have to leave your houses at 5 or something”
A: “Really? So we can’t help it if we only have 3”
K: “Yeah, but it still will be fun even if we don’t have any audiences”
A:3 人おってくれたら1対1でさ~出来るじゃん!みたいな。
A: “If we have 3 audiences, that means we can face them 1 on 1!”
N: “Yeah! We can sing to them face to face!”
A: Yeah, we talked like that, but the stage turned out to be filled with a lot of
K: It was a big surprise.
A: At that time I think we finally realized.
A: Like “This many people?”, “They all come to see us?” and so on.
A: It really made us realized the situation we were in.
K: I could see our music was recognized by the people who like music and go to rock
K: I was so glad to see those kinds of people paid attention to our music and said they
like us.
K:  Perfume の音楽って、そういう音楽の人からも認められるものなんだ」って凄い実感
K: “Perfume’s music is something great to be recognized by those music lovers!”
K: It was on that stage where I realized that.
A: We will never forget that.
K: That was a very happy moment.
A: Yes, it was!
N: Yeah!
A: With “Polyrhythm”, thanks to that song, everything had started.
N,K: Yeah.
A:何かやっぱり 2007 年とかさ、それまで 2003 年とかやってきたけどさ、何だろう?言うこ
A: As we looked back 2007,
A: I could see the contents of our talk are better organized compared to a year like
K: Yeah! there were certain topics to look back. LOL!
N: What do you mean? We had been talking about this over and over, you mean? LOL!
A: LOL! Yes, we had given a lot of opportunities to look back, so we know what to talk.
K: Yes, when we had interviews, people often said like
K: “I’m sorry to say this but you started to be recognized from Polyrhythm”
K: So, in most cases we look back our histories from Polyrhythm.
N: That’s true!
A: Yeah, so about years before 2007, we hardly had opportunity to look back.
A: So, we had a lot to talk about.
N,K: Yes.
A: So, we started to mention every single event.
A: It was like looking at an album when you clean up a room.
N: LOL! Like “Oh, we should mention this and this and this” and so on
A: Yeah, like “Do you remember doing that at this time?” and that stuff.
A: It totally disturbs your cleaning.
N,K: Yeah. LOL!
A: I found out we had been in that kind of situation.
A: And now I’m feeling pretty relieved.
N: Good to hear that. It was really well organized.
A:まとまってましたね 2007 年。多分 2008 年もっとまとまってます。(笑)
A: For 2007, yes, it was.
A: And I guess what we’re going to talk about 2008 will be even better organized. LOL!
N: I think so, too. LOL!
K: Yeah, we have solid topics to talk about.
A: Yes, we have topics. Thank you very much. LOL!
A:え~2008 年は、アルバム GAME」 GAME TOUR」
                「     、
                      「          ツアーをね、やらせて頂いた訳です。
A: So, 2008 was the year we released an album “GAME”
A: And we also held a live concert tour “GAME TOUR”
K: Our first live concert tour!
N:なんか凄いね!なんかさ先週 2006 年でさ、
N: This is so amazing, you know? Cause on the last week program back to 2006,
N: We were talking like “This is・・・, This is our last chance”
N: But on next week, we’re going to talk about holding a Budo-kan concert!
A: That’s right!
K:そうなんですよ!2008 年凄いんですよ Perfume さん。
K: That’s right! Perfume-san was doing some great jobs in 2008.
A: That’s sooo amazing!
K: We got an amazing boost!
N:何があったん?この 2007 年の間に。凄いわ。
N: What on earth had happened in this 2007? This is extraordinary.
A: We’re going to run forward and forward!
A: On next week, we will show you our momentum.
N: Oh, that’s creepy. LOL!

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Perfume 2007

  • 1. 11 月 3 日の東京ドームライブに向けて、Perfume の 10 年間を研究せよ。 For the Tokyo Dome concert on 3rd of Nov. look back on Perfume’s 10 year. 2007 年の Perfume を研究せよ。 Look back Perfume in 2007. A:はい。今夜は 2007 年! A: So for tonight, we are talking about 2007. N:2007 年。大分近づいて来ましたね~。 N: 2007! It’s getting pretty close. A:今から 3 年前でございます。 A: 3 years ago. N:はい。 N: Yes. K:もう 3 年前ですか? K: Oh! Have we already reached 3 years ago? A:じゃね~。 A: Yeah. K:思い出せる範囲ですね、もう。 K: It’s close enough to recall our memories. A:ほうじゃね~。はい。この年は、Perfume にとってホントに、とってもとっても大切な 1 年 に、なりましたね。 A: That’s true. This year became a really, really important year for us. N:はい。 N: Yes. K:転機でしたね。 K This year was our turning point. A:でね、これキーワードを上げてくれてるんですよ。 A: So, our staffs gave us some keywords to look back. N:なるほど。 N: I see. A:「ポリリズム」 A: “Polyrhythm” N:おぉ! N: Wow! K:そうですね。
  • 2. K: Collect! A:「木村カエラさん」 A: “Kaela Kimura-san” N:はい! N: Yes! K:大事ですね。 K: That’s an important one. A:「サマーソニック」 A: “Summer Sonic” N,K:あぁ~、いいですね~! N,K: That’s a good one! N:ライブが大事なの分かってくれてる! N: I’m glad that they understand live shows are vital for us! A:分かってくれてる! A: Yes, they do! N:なるほどね~。 N: I’m so happy to hear that. A:流石! A: They are so great! K:このキーワードに、人の名前が入ってるって凄いよね(笑) K: It’s kind of funny to see a Person’s name in the keywords. LOL! A,N,K:(笑) A,N,K: LOL! A:まあでもね、大事なね。 A: Yeah, but we all know she’s so important. N:この方のおかげでね、 N: Yes, we really have to thank her. A:キーパーソンですよ。 A: Yeah, she was the key person. K:よかったね、ホントに。 K: We have to thank god that we could meet her. A:木村カエラさん。 A: Kaela Kimura-san. N,K:はい。 N,K: Yes. A:カエラさんがあの~、まぁこの年に、チョコレイト・ディスコって言う曲と、トゥインク
  • 3. ルスノー・パウダリースノーっていう曲の両 A 面のね、シングル。ファンサービス・スイー トを出して、ビターを出して。 A: This is how she came into our story. A: On this year, we released a double-A side single “Fan service Sweet” A: consisting of “Chocolate Disco” and “Twinkle Snow Powdery Snow” A: And we also released “Bitter” K:うん。 K: Yes. A:なんて言うの?イベンターさん?が Perfume とカエラさんが一緒で、でその受け持って くれてる人もカエラさんと Perfume って一緒だから、そのなんか Perfume の CD をカエラ さんにそれまでも何度か渡しに行ってたんだって。 A: And how do you call that? Oh! An eventer(*1)!? A: Perfume and Kaela-san’s had a same event promoter. A: And a Person who’s in charge of us and Kaela-san was also same. A: So, he brought our CDs to Kaela-san several times. N:うんうん。 N: Yeah. A:ゼヒ聞いてくださいって N: Like “Please take a listen to this” N:うん。 N: Yup. A:だけど、今まで別になんの反応もなくて。全然言われてこなかったんだけど、そのなんか 「オンナク祭」っていうイベントあるじゃん? A: But there had been no reaction from her until that time. A: Do you know the music event named “Onna-Kusai(*2)”? N,K:はいはい。カエラさんの。 N,K: Yeah! It’s Kaela-san’s event. A:そのイベントの打合せの時に、誰に出て貰おうか?みたいな話になった時に、 「いや~、み んなさ~、知らないと思うんだけどさ~、Perfume っていうのがいるんだよね~。 って 」 「そ れがさ~、凄い面白くって」って言うのを初めてその場で言って。 A: Yes. It was when they had a meeting for that event A: to discuss to whom they should ask to join it. A: Then, suddenly she said for the first time, A: “Well, you might not know but, there’s a girl unit called Perfume” A: “And they’re so interesting” N,K:へぇ~。
  • 4. N,K: WOW!! A:で「え?それ俺がやってるよ!」みたいな。 A: Then, he was like “Perfume!? You mean Perfume? I’m in charge of them!” N:(笑)うんうん。 N: LOL! Yeah. A:「これだよこれだよ!」って言って、また CD をもっかい渡して。みたいな。 A: So, he handed our CDs again saying “See? This is their CDs!” N,K:うんうん。 N,K: Yes. A:でそれから、 「あ、そうなんだ?」って言って、まぁチョコレイト・ディスコがやっぱり何 を聞いても凄い好きだから、ラジオでかけてくれるようになって、毎週かけてくれて、毎週 オススメしてくれて、 A: Then she was like “Oh really?” and listened to our songs again. A: Her most favorite song was “Chocolate Disco” after listening to several tracks. A: So, she started to air our songs on her radio program every week, A: and she recommended us every week. K:凄いよね。 K: Yeah, that’s amazing. A:そこからですよ。 A: Everything started from there. N:「あ、Perfume 好きって言っていいんだ!?」ってみんなが思ったんですよ。 N: Yeah, you’re right. People realized “Oh!? It’s Okay to say I like Perfume!” A,N,K:(笑) A,N,K: LOL! K:ちょっとね、宇多丸さんとかには申し訳ないんだけど。 K: Yeah, well, we do feel sorry for people like Utamaru-san but・・・. A:そーなの! A: Yeah! K:カエラさんのおかげで、 Perfume 好きって言っても平気なんだ!?」 「 みたいなね、思って た方が多かったみたいでね、後で聞くと。 K: Thanks to her, people started to realize “It’s not bad things to say I like Perfume?” K: A lot of people had that kind of hesitations, I heard. A:う~ん。 A: Yes. N:日本のオシャレアイコンですよ。 N: A Japanese fashion icon, you know?
  • 5. A:いやぁ~カエラさんはね~。 A: Kaela-san sure is. K:そうだね~。 K: Yeah. N:そのカエラさんがね、好きって言ってたらちょっとオシャレに見えますよ。 N: Yes, and if Kaela-san said she liked us, people would think Perfume as something stylish. A:そうね~。ありがたい! A: That’s true! We really appreciate that. A,N,K:ねぇ~、ありがたいですよ。 A,N,K: Yes. We do appreciate that. A:そう、そこから始まり、 A: Things started from here. N,K:はい。 N,K: Yes. A:その、カエラさんのラジオを、チョコレイトディスコを流してくれてるラジオを聞いた、 こ、 A: A director listened to the Kaela-san’s radio airing “Chocolate Disco” A: What was the name? The director of ・・・ A,N,K:公共広告機構! A,N,K: Japan Advertising Council!! A:そう、♪AC~!っていうあのね。 A: Yes! It’s famous for the CM with ♪AC~ song. A:AC の監督さんが。 A: So, the director of AC, N:CM の監督さんが。 N: The director of AC’s CM. 「コレ誰だ?」 A: って言って。 「コレだ。コレでやろう!」みたいになって、 Perfume です」 「 っ て「Perfume?じゃあやりましょう!」って言う話になって、ポリリズムが A: I heard he was like “Who’s singing this song?”, “We’re gonna make a CM with them!” A: Then, he was told like “They are Perfume”, “Perfume? OK, let’s do this with them!” A: And that was the birth of “Polyrhythm” N:うん。 N: Yes. K:生まれました。 K: Yeah!
  • 6. A:生まれて。リサイクルマークはエコマーク! A: And we were offered to join the CM of “The recycle mark is an eco-mark!” N,K:うん。 N,K: Yeah. A:やらしてもらって。 A: It was our honor to appear in the CM. K:はい。 K: Yes. A:コレが初めて、ウィークリー 7 位ですよ。 A: This track was our first song to enter the 7th of the weekly chart. N:はい。 N: Yes. A:ビックリしたよね!? A: It was a surprise, wasn’t it? N:うん。 N: Yes. K:ビックリした。 K: Sure it was. A:これ超ビックリしたよね? A: It really, really surprised us. N:ホントにビックリした。 N: Yeah, it really did. A:この時にさ、名古屋のさイベントの場所に、 A: Do you remember appearing on an event at Nagoya at that time? K:うん。 K: Yeah. A:ヤマギワパークナディア・・・、 A: The event at Yamagiwa park nadia・・・ whatever. A,N,K:ヤマギワソフトナディアパーク店! A,N,K: Yamagiwa Soft Nadia park store! A:もう今はないけどね。そこでなんか、何位以内って言ってたっけ? A: Yes, the store doesn’t exist anymore though. A: We wrote our wishes on the wall of the store. A: What did we write? N,K:20 位以内! N,K: Entering the top 20 of the chart!
  • 7. A:20 位以内に入りたいって言ってたら、こうやって 7 位にね、入れて。あそこは凄いところ だ!と。 A: Yes! We wrote we wanted to enter the top 20 of the chart, A: And then we could enter the 7th. A: That convinced us that place had some special force. N:あの壁に書くと叶うぞ!って。 N: “If we wrote our wishes on that wall, it would come true!” A:みんな書こうぜ~!みたいになった。 A: We were like “Everybody! Just get there and write your wishes on that wall!” A,N,K:うん(笑) A,N,K: Yes. LOL! A:うん、みたいになって時でもあって。 A: So, that kind of stuff happened at that time. A:それでサマーソニックにもね、出れるようになって。 A: And then, we appeared on the stage of Summer Sonic(*3). N:そう!ポリリズムリリース前だったよね。 N: We did! It was before we released “Polyrhythm” K:前だね、夏だったから。 K: It was. Because it was summer. A:そうそう。 A: Yes. N:夢のフェスですよ。 N: The rock festival we dreamed of. A:はい。 A: Yes. K:フェス出たいね~って言ってたらね、イベンターさんが「取ってきたよ~!」って言って 出させてくれてね、だってまだ知名度も全然無くて、アイドルって呼ばれているような人が こんなフェスに出て良いのか?ってもう、かなり自分達でアウェイ感をね、凄い感じて、出 る前メチャメチャ緊張したよね。 K: We always had been talking like “Oh, we wanna sing at the rock festival” K: Then, our eventer-san said “I got a stage for you!” So, we could join the festival. K: At that time, we still had very little name recognition. K: So, we were so nervous about if we, K: A low-profile unit recognized as “an Idol” was really allowed to join the rock festival. K: We thought the stage must have been a quite tough away game. K: That made us sooo nervous.
  • 8. A:すっごい緊張して。 A: Yes, we were so nervous. N:した! N: We were! N:しかもダンスステージだったもんね。 N: In addition, the stage we appeared on was the “Dance stage” K:そう!ダンスステージ! K: Yes! The Dance stage! N:それ嬉しかったよね? N: It made us happy, didn’t it? A:めっちゃ嬉しかった。あ、そっちじゃなくてこっちなんだ!みたいな。 A: Yes, it did. Like “Oh, are we allowed to appear on that stage? Not this?” N:次が RYUKUDISCO さんていう。 N: Ryukyu-Disco-san played after us. K:そうそう。 K: Yeah, they did. A:最高だったよね~。 A: That was awesome. N,K:うん。 N,K: Yes. A:もうホント嬉しかった。 A: We were so happy. A:でさ、その裏でもさ、もう無茶苦茶緊張してさ。 A: And we were so nervous at the back stage, too. K:ね~。 K: Yeah. N: Yes, we were. A:やっぱりさ、そういう CM とかも嬉しいし、こういう風にラジオ流してくれてるって言う のも凄い嬉しかったけど、実感がよく出来なくて。 A: Well, appearing on the CM was something great, A: And hearing people airing our songs on radios were also happy things to hear, A: But we couldn’t realize what was going on around us. N:うん。 N: No. K:そうだね。 K: You’re right.
  • 9. A:それまでやったことなかったからさ、分かんなかったけど。その、ライブで、サマーソニッ クに出れて、しかも一番最初に、トップバッターだったけど、 A: We couldn’t realize because we had never been through that kind of situation. A: But joining the stage of Summer Sonic as a lead-off singer・・・ N,K:うん。 N,K: Yeah. A:トップバッターって言うか前座みたいな。 A: Well, we should rather say we were a warm-up act. N:オープニング・アクトみたいなね。 N: An opening act, A:そう。でやらせて貰ったときに、お客さん 3 人くらいだろうね~」 「 みたいな。朝早いし」 「 み たいな。入るんなら 5 時位に家出にゃいけんらしいよ」 「 みたいな。・・・じゃあ 3 人じゃね」 「 み たいな。 A: So, at the back stage, we were talking like A: “I guess we’ll only have 3 audiences” A: “Yeah, no doubt. It’s pretty early in the morning” A: “If you want to be here on time, you have to leave your houses at 5 or something” A: “Really? So we can’t help it if we only have 3” K:まぁおらんくてもね・・・ K: “Yeah, but it still will be fun even if we don’t have any audiences” A:3 人おってくれたら1対1でさ~出来るじゃん!みたいな。 A: “If we have 3 audiences, that means we can face them 1 on 1!” N:サシで行けんじゃん!みたいな。 N: “Yeah! We can sing to them face to face!” A:そう。そんなことを言ってたら、あんなに沢山来てくれて。 A: Yeah, we talked like that, but the stage turned out to be filled with a lot of audiences. K:ビックリしたね。 K: It was a big surprise. A:何かね、アレが凄い実感できた。 「こんなに?」みたいな。 「ウチらを見に来てるの?」みた いな。凄い感じたとき A: At that time I think we finally realized. A: Like “This many people?”, “They all come to see us?” and so on. A: It really made us realized the situation we were in. K:何か音楽を好きで、そういうフェスに行ってる人に認められたっていうか、好きって思っ て貰えたり、気にとめて貰えたって言うのが凄い実感できて、
  • 10. K: I could see our music was recognized by the people who like music and go to rock festivals. K: I was so glad to see those kinds of people paid attention to our music and said they like us. 「あ、 K: Perfume の音楽って、そういう音楽の人からも認められるものなんだ」って凄い実感 できた場所だったな。その時は。 K: “Perfume’s music is something great to be recognized by those music lovers!” K: It was on that stage where I realized that. A:アレは忘れないですね~。 A: We will never forget that. K:ホント嬉しかったね、アレは。 K: That was a very happy moment. A:嬉しかった~。 A: Yes, it was! N:うん! N: Yeah! A:ポリリズムで、ホント有難い曲ですけれども、始まりましたよ。 A: With “Polyrhythm”, thanks to that song, everything had started. N,K:うん! N,K: Yeah. A:何かやっぱり 2007 年とかさ、それまで 2003 年とかやってきたけどさ、何だろう?言うこ とがまとまっとるよね。 A: As we looked back 2007, A: I could see the contents of our talk are better organized compared to a year like 2003. N:(笑) N: LOL! K:やっぱトピックが決まっとる。(笑) K: Yeah! there were certain topics to look back. LOL! N:どういうこと?散々言ってきたって事?(笑) N: What do you mean? We had been talking about this over and over, you mean? LOL! A:(笑)そう、なんて言うか何回も振り返らせて貰っとる機会があったというかさ。分かっ とるというか。 A: LOL! Yes, we had given a lot of opportunities to look back, so we know what to talk. K:大体ね、インタビューされる時「ポリリズムから、まぁ言っちゃ悪いですけど売れました けど・・・」みたいな。 「人気が出ましたけど・・・」って言われるから。ポリリズムから振り返る
  • 11. ことが凄い多かったもんね。 K: Yes, when we had interviews, people often said like K: “I’m sorry to say this but you started to be recognized from Polyrhythm” K: So, in most cases we look back our histories from Polyrhythm. N:確かにね! N: That’s true! A:何かそれまでさ、何でこんなにタラタラ喋ってしまって、やっぱり振り返る機会が全く無 かったけん、どうでもいいこともドンドン出て来て、 A: Yeah, so about years before 2007, we hardly had opportunity to look back. A: So, we had a lot to talk about. N,K:うん。 N,K: Yes. A:それで何か言っちゃうみたいな。何かフォトアルバム見ちゃった、みたいな。 A: So, we started to mention every single event. A: It was like looking at an album when you clean up a room. N:(笑)あ!コレも!あ!コレもって。 N: LOL! Like “Oh, we should mention this and this and this” and so on A:あ~!この時こうでこうでこうでさ・・・、で掃除が止まるみたいな。 A: Yeah, like “Do you remember doing that at this time?” and that stuff. A: It totally disturbs your cleaning. N,K:うん。(笑) N,K: Yeah. LOL! A:何かそういう感じになっちゃってたんだなっていうのが今分かって、ちょっとスッキリ しました。 A: I found out we had been in that kind of situation. A: And now I’m feeling pretty relieved. N:スッキリしましたか。まとまってましたね。 N: Good to hear that. It was really well organized. A:まとまってましたね 2007 年。多分 2008 年もっとまとまってます。(笑) A: For 2007, yes, it was. A: And I guess what we’re going to talk about 2008 will be even better organized. LOL! N:もっとまとまってるわ~。(笑) N: I think so, too. LOL! K:トピックがありますからね。 K: Yeah, we have solid topics to talk about. A:はい、トピックがちゃんと・・・ありがとうございます(笑)
  • 12. A: Yes, we have topics. Thank you very much. LOL! A:え~2008 年は、アルバム GAME」 GAME TOUR」 「 、 「 ツアーをね、やらせて頂いた訳です。 A: So, 2008 was the year we released an album “GAME” A: And we also held a live concert tour “GAME TOUR” K:初めてのね、ツアーですよ。 K: Our first live concert tour! N:なんか凄いね!なんかさ先週 2006 年でさ、 「もうこれが、これがもう、最後で・・・」みたい なこと言ってたら、 N: This is so amazing, you know? Cause on the last week program back to 2006, N: We were talking like “This is・・・, This is our last chance” A:(笑) A: LOL! N:来週もう武道館とかやっちゃうよ!? N: But on next week, we’re going to talk about holding a Budo-kan concert! A:そうなんですよ! A: That’s right! K:そうなんですよ!2008 年凄いんですよ Perfume さん。 K: That’s right! Perfume-san was doing some great jobs in 2008. A:凄い凄い凄~い! A: That’s sooo amazing! K:勢いづいてますよ。 K: We got an amazing boost! N:何があったん?この 2007 年の間に。凄いわ。 N: What on earth had happened in this 2007? This is extraordinary. A:行くよ行くよ行くよ~! A: We’re going to run forward and forward! A:この勢いを、来週はお届けします。その胸中は・・・? A: On next week, we will show you our momentum. A: WHAT WAS IN OUR MIND!? N:胡散臭い(笑) N: Oh, that’s creepy. LOL!