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n engl j med 368;1  january 3, 20136
requirement substantially burdens
the religious beliefs of employers.
Two courts have observed that the
rule does not require employers
to use contraceptives or even to
approve of their use. It asks the
employer only to make a benefit
available, which the employee
must then decide whether or not
to use. Employers object, howev-
er, that they should not have to
pay for services that they con-
sider to be morally wrong. The
question of whose interests and
beliefs — those of the employer
or those of the employee — ought
to determine access to contracep-
tion benefits is one that the courts,
and no doubt ultimately the Su-
preme Court, will have to decide.
Disclosure forms provided by the author
are available with the full text of this arti-
cle at
From Washington and Lee University
School of Law, Lexington, VA.
This article was published on December 19,
2012, at
1.	 Institute of Medicine. Clinical preventive
services for women: closing the gaps. Wash-
ington, DC: National Academies Press, 2011.
2.	 Guttmacher Institute. State policies in
brief: insurance coverage of contraceptives.
New York: Guttmacher Institute, 2012
3.	 The Becket Fund for Religious Liberty.
HHS mandate information central. Wash-
ington, DC: The Becket Fund, 2012 (http://
4.	 Employment Division, Department of
Human Resources of Oregon v. Smith, 494
U.S. 872, 879 (1990).
5.	 42 U.S.C. § 2000bb-1(b).
DOI: 10.1056/NEJMp1214605
Copyright © 2012 Massachusetts Medical Society.
Religious Freedom and Women’s Health
Shared Decision Making to Improve Care and Reduce Costs
Emily Oshima Lee, M.A., and Ezekiel J. Emanuel, M.D., Ph.D.
Asleeper provision of the Af-
fordable Care Act (ACA) en-
courages greater use of shared
decision making in health care.
For many health situations in
which there’s not one clearly su-
perior course of treatment, shared
decision making can ensure that
medical care better aligns with
patients’ preferences and values.
One way to implement this ap-
proach is by using patient deci-
sion aids — written materials,
videos, or interactive electronic
presentations designed to inform
patients and their families about
care options; each option’s out-
comes, including benefits and
possible side effects; the health
care team’s skills; and costs.
Shared decision making has the
potential to provide numerous
benefits for patients, clinicians,
and the health care system, in-
cluding increased patient knowl-
edge, less anxiety over the care
process, improved health out-
comes, reductions in unwarrant-
ed variation in care and costs,
and greater alignment of care
with patients’ values.
However, more than 2 years
after enactment of the ACA, little
has been done to promote shared
decision making. We believe that
the Centers for Medicare and
Medicaid Services (CMS) should
begin certifying and implement-
ing patient decision aids, aiming
to achieve three important goals:
promote an ideal approach to cli-
nician–patient decision making,
improve the quality of medical
decisions, and reduce costs.
In a 2001 report, Crossing the
Quality Chasm, the Institute of Med-
icine recommended redesigning
health care processes according
to 10 rules, many of which em-
phasize shared decision making.
One rule, for instance, underlines
the importance of the patient as
the source of control, envision-
ing a health care system that en-
courages shared decision making
and accommodates patients’ pref-
Unfortunately, this ideal is in-
consistently realized today. The
care patients receive doesn’t al-
ways align with their preferences.
For example, in a study of more
than 1000 office visits in which
more than 3500 medical deci-
sions were made, less than 10%
of decisions met the minimum
standards for informed decision
making.1 Similarly, a study
showed that only 41% of Medi-
care patients believed that their
treatment reflected their prefer-
ence for palliative care over more
aggressive interventions.2
There’s also significant varia-
tion in the utilization of proce-
dures, particularly those for pref-
erence-sensitive conditions, which
suggests that patients may receive
care aligned not with their values
and preferences, but with their
physicians’ payment incentives.
Among Medicare patients in
more than 300 hospital regions,
the rate of joint-replacement pro-
cedures for chronic hip arthritis
varied by as much as a factor of
five, and the use of surgery to
treat lower back pain varied by
nearly a factor of six. Other stud-
ies have found wide regional varia-
tion in the treatment of early-stage
breast and prostate cancers and
in the use of cardiac procedures.
The New England Journal of Medicine
Downloaded from on January 3, 2013. For personal use only. No other uses without permission.
Copyright © 2013 Massachusetts Medical Society. All rights reserved.
n engl j med 368;1  january 3, 2013
Shared Decision Making
Section 3506 of the ACA aims
to facilitate shared decision mak-
ing. Primarily, it funds an inde-
pendent entity that would develop
consensus-based standards and
certify patient decision aids for
use by federal health programs
and other interested parties. In
addition, the secretary of health
and human services is empow-
ered to fund, through grants or
contracts, the development and
evaluation of these tools. Deci-
sion aids are meant to be evi-
dence-based and inform patients
of the risks and benefits of tests
and treatments, their relative ef-
fectiveness, and their costs. Health
care providers will be eligible for
grants to implement these tools
and to receive training and tech-
nical support for shared decision
making at new resource centers.
The ACA also authorizes the Cen-
ter for Medicare and Medicaid In-
novation to test shared-decision-
making models designed to
improve patients’ and caregivers’
understanding of medical deci-
sions and assist them in making
informed care decisions. For ap-
proaches that provide savings or
improve quality of care, imple-
mentation can be mandated
throughout Medicare without ad-
ditional legislation.
Randomized trials consistent-
ly demonstrate the effectiveness
of patient decision aids. A 2011
Cochrane Collaborative review of
86 studies showed that as com-
pared with patients who received
usual care, those who used deci-
sion aids had increased knowl-
edge, more accurate risk percep-
tions, reduced internal conflict
about decisions, and a greater like-
lihood of receiving care aligned
with their values. Moreover, fewer
patients were undecided or pas-
sive in the decision-making pro-
cess — changes that are essen-
tial for patients’ adherence to
Studies also illustrate the po-
tential for wider adoption of
shared decision making to reduce
costs. Consistently, as many as
20% of patients who participate
in shared decision making choose
less invasive surgical options and
more conservative treatment than
do patients who do not use deci-
sion aids.3 In 2008, the Lewin
Group estimated that implement-
ing shared decision making for
just 11 procedures would yield
more than $9 billion in savings
nationally over 10 years. In addi-
tion, a 2012 study by Group Health
in Washington State showed that
providing decision aids to patients
eligible for hip and knee replace-
ments substantially reduced both
surgery rates and costs — with
up to 38% fewer surgeries and sav-
ings of 12 to 21% over 6 months.4
The myriad benefits of this ap-
proach argue for more rapid im-
plementation of Section 3506 of
the ACA.
The Department of Health and
Human Services could quickly
launch pilot programs for shared
decision making while it works
to standardize and certify decision
aids. The International Patient
Decision Aid Standards Collabo-
ration has developed evidence-
based guidelines for certification
indicating that decision aids
should include questions to help
patients clarify their values and
understand how those values af-
fect their decisions; information
about treatment options, present-
ed in a balanced manner and in
plain language; and up-to-date
data from published studies on
the likelihood of achieving the
treatment goal with the proposed
intervention and on the nature
and frequency of side effects and
complications. In addition, it
would be helpful to include vali-
dated, institution-specific data on
how often the specified proce-
dure has been performed, the fre-
quency of side effects and com-
plications, and the cost of the
procedure and any associated
medication and rehabilitation regi-
mens. We believe that decision
aids should be written at an
eighth-grade level and should be
In our view, it seems most
critical to begin with the 20 most
frequently performed procedures
and to require the use of deci-
sion aids in those cases. Many
decision aids have already been
rigorously evaluated, so CMS could
rapidly certify these tools and re-
quire their use in the Medicare
and Medicaid programs. To give
such a requirement teeth, full
Medicare reimbursement could
be made contingent on having
documentation in the patient’s
file of the proper use of a deci-
sion aid for these 20 procedures.
Providers who did not document
the shared-decision-making pro-
cess could face a 10% reduction
in Medicare payment for claims
related to the procedure in year 1,
with reductions gradually in-
creasing to 20% over 10 years.
This payment scheme is similar
to that currently tied to hospital-
readmissions metrics.
In addition, the improved qual-
ity of care and savings gained
through shared decision making
can be maximized by integrating
this approach into other ACA ini-
tiatives. For example, the docu-
mented use of patient decision
aids could be used as a quality
metric in patient-centered medi-
cal homes, accountable care or-
ganizations, and systems caring
for patients eligible for both
Medicare and Medicaid. Eligibili-
ty criteria for incentives to adopt
The New England Journal of Medicine
Downloaded from on January 3, 2013. For personal use only. No other uses without permission.
Copyright © 2013 Massachusetts Medical Society. All rights reserved.
n engl j med 368;1  january 3, 20138
electronic health record technol-
ogy might be expanded to in-
clude the use of shared decision
making and patient decision aids.
Moreover, information gathered
by the Patient-Centered Outcomes
Research Institute (PCORI) could
be incorporated into certified de-
cision aids and used to provide
physicians and patients with valu-
able information for making
health care decisions. Data about
the effectiveness of shared-deci-
sion-making techniques could also
be collected and disseminated by
PCORI for continuous improve-
ment of these approaches.
Unfortunately, implementation
of ACA Section 3506 has been
slow. More rapid progress on this
front would benefit patients and
the health care system as a whole.
Disclosure forms provided by the authors
are available with the full text of this article
From the Center for American Progress,
Washington, DC (E.O.L., E.J.E.); and the Of-
fice of the Provost, the Department of Med-
ical Ethics and Health Policy at the Perel-
man School of Medicine, and the Wharton
School, University of Pennsylvania, Phila-
delphia (E.J.E.).
1.	 Braddock CH III, Edwards KA, Hasenberg
NM, Laidley TL, Levinson W. Informed deci-
sion making in outpatient practice: time to
get back to basics. JAMA 1999;282:2313-20.
2.	 Covinsky KE, Fuller JD, Yaffe K, et al. Com-
munication and decision-making in seriously
ill patients: findings of the SUPPORT project:
the Study to Understand Prognoses and
Preferences for Outcomes and Risks of Treat-
3.	 Stacey D, Bennett CL, Barry MJ, et al. De-
cision aids for people facing health treat-
ment or screening decisions. Cochrane Data-
base Syst Rev 2011;10:CD001431.
4.	 ArterburnD,WellmanR,WestbrookE,etal.
Introducing decision aids at Group Health
was linked to sharply lower hip and knee sur-
gery rates and costs. Health Aff (Millwood)
5.	 Krumholz HM. Informed consent to pro-
mote patient-centered care. JAMA 2010;303:
DOI: 10.1056/NEJMp1209500
Copyright © 2013 Massachusetts Medical Society.
Shared Decision Making
The Bystander Effect in Medical Care
Robert R. Stavert, M.D., M.B.A., and Jason P. Lott, M.D., M.S.H.P.
In the predawn hours of March
13, 1964, Catherine “Kitty”
Genovese made her way back to
her apartment in Queens, New
York, after finishing a shift at the
nearby sports tavern where she
worked as a manager. But the
28-year-old Genovese never made
it home. In a case that would spark
national attention and debate, she
was brutally stabbed to death by
Winston Moseley, who confessed
to the crime and remains in prison
in New York to this day.1 Nearly as
shocking as the violence of Geno-
vese’s murder were reports indicat-
ing that approximately 38 witness-
es either observed the attacks or
heard the victim’s pleas for help
and yet did not intervene.1,2
The tragedy and circumstances
of her death were subsequently
transformed into moral parable,
prompting a large body of psycho-
logical research into what is now
commonly known as the “bystand-
er effect” — the human tendency
to be less likely to offer help in
emergency situations when other
people are present.3 Today, the
term “Genovese syndrome” is used
synonymously with “bystander ef-
fect” to designate this unfortu-
nate manifestation of collective
A central factor in the bystand-
er effect is diffusion of respon-
sibility. The larger the group of
people involved in the process of
making important decisions, the
more likely it is that any one per-
son will assume that either the
mantle of responsibility rests else-
where in the group or that those
responsible for taking action have
already done so. The bystander ef-
fect generally increases with the
size of the group and is more like-
ly to manifest when responsibil-
ities are not explicitly assigned.
Recent changes in the structure
of graduate medical education and
the delivery of health care services
to hospitalized patients make
awareness of this phenomenon and
its potential dangers particularly
salient. Increasingly stringent lim-
its on resident work hours, born
of appropriate concern about phy-
sician fatigue and patient safety,
in concert with increasing medical
specialization and subspecializa-
tion, have resulted in a substantial
increase in the average number of
doctors and other professionals in-
volved in the care of a hospitalized
patient — all of which may result
in decay of coordination of care.4
The simple question of “Who is
my doctor?” now has a longer,
complex, and often unclear an-
swer. A recent case at our institu-
tion illustrates the difficulty physi-
cians may face in addressing this
issue and underscores the inherent
risk of bystander effect in our cur-
rent health care environment.
Our dermatology service was
consulted to evaluate a new-onset
cutaneous eruption in a previously
healthy 32-year-old man who had
fallen acutely ill after 3 days of
nonspecific prodromal symptoms.
He was transferred to our hospital
The New England Journal of Medicine
Downloaded from on January 3, 2013. For personal use only. No other uses without permission.
Copyright © 2013 Massachusetts Medical Society. All rights reserved.

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Mais de Scott Miller

Deterioration in Psychotherapy: A Summary of Research by Jorgen Flor
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Mais de Scott Miller (20)

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Shared Decision Making (Miller, 2013)

  • 1. PERSPECTIVE n engl j med 368;1  january 3, 20136 requirement substantially burdens the religious beliefs of employers. Two courts have observed that the rule does not require employers to use contraceptives or even to approve of their use. It asks the employer only to make a benefit available, which the employee must then decide whether or not to use. Employers object, howev- er, that they should not have to pay for services that they con- sider to be morally wrong. The question of whose interests and beliefs — those of the employer or those of the employee — ought to determine access to contracep- tion benefits is one that the courts, and no doubt ultimately the Su- preme Court, will have to decide. Disclosure forms provided by the author are available with the full text of this arti- cle at From Washington and Lee University School of Law, Lexington, VA. This article was published on December 19, 2012, at 1. Institute of Medicine. Clinical preventive services for women: closing the gaps. Wash- ington, DC: National Academies Press, 2011. 2. Guttmacher Institute. State policies in brief: insurance coverage of contraceptives. New York: Guttmacher Institute, 2012 ( spibs/spib_ICC.pdf) 3. The Becket Fund for Religious Liberty. HHS mandate information central. Wash- ington, DC: The Becket Fund, 2012 (http:// 4. Employment Division, Department of Human Resources of Oregon v. Smith, 494 U.S. 872, 879 (1990). 5. 42 U.S.C. § 2000bb-1(b). DOI: 10.1056/NEJMp1214605 Copyright © 2012 Massachusetts Medical Society. Religious Freedom and Women’s Health Shared Decision Making to Improve Care and Reduce Costs Emily Oshima Lee, M.A., and Ezekiel J. Emanuel, M.D., Ph.D. Asleeper provision of the Af- fordable Care Act (ACA) en- courages greater use of shared decision making in health care. For many health situations in which there’s not one clearly su- perior course of treatment, shared decision making can ensure that medical care better aligns with patients’ preferences and values. One way to implement this ap- proach is by using patient deci- sion aids — written materials, videos, or interactive electronic presentations designed to inform patients and their families about care options; each option’s out- comes, including benefits and possible side effects; the health care team’s skills; and costs. Shared decision making has the potential to provide numerous benefits for patients, clinicians, and the health care system, in- cluding increased patient knowl- edge, less anxiety over the care process, improved health out- comes, reductions in unwarrant- ed variation in care and costs, and greater alignment of care with patients’ values. However, more than 2 years after enactment of the ACA, little has been done to promote shared decision making. We believe that the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) should begin certifying and implement- ing patient decision aids, aiming to achieve three important goals: promote an ideal approach to cli- nician–patient decision making, improve the quality of medical decisions, and reduce costs. In a 2001 report, Crossing the Quality Chasm, the Institute of Med- icine recommended redesigning health care processes according to 10 rules, many of which em- phasize shared decision making. One rule, for instance, underlines the importance of the patient as the source of control, envision- ing a health care system that en- courages shared decision making and accommodates patients’ pref- erences. Unfortunately, this ideal is in- consistently realized today. The care patients receive doesn’t al- ways align with their preferences. For example, in a study of more than 1000 office visits in which more than 3500 medical deci- sions were made, less than 10% of decisions met the minimum standards for informed decision making.1 Similarly, a study showed that only 41% of Medi- care patients believed that their treatment reflected their prefer- ence for palliative care over more aggressive interventions.2 There’s also significant varia- tion in the utilization of proce- dures, particularly those for pref- erence-sensitive conditions, which suggests that patients may receive care aligned not with their values and preferences, but with their physicians’ payment incentives. Among Medicare patients in more than 300 hospital regions, the rate of joint-replacement pro- cedures for chronic hip arthritis varied by as much as a factor of five, and the use of surgery to treat lower back pain varied by nearly a factor of six. Other stud- ies have found wide regional varia- tion in the treatment of early-stage breast and prostate cancers and in the use of cardiac procedures. The New England Journal of Medicine Downloaded from on January 3, 2013. For personal use only. No other uses without permission. Copyright © 2013 Massachusetts Medical Society. All rights reserved.
  • 2. n engl j med 368;1  january 3, 2013 PERSPECTIVE 7 Shared Decision Making Section 3506 of the ACA aims to facilitate shared decision mak- ing. Primarily, it funds an inde- pendent entity that would develop consensus-based standards and certify patient decision aids for use by federal health programs and other interested parties. In addition, the secretary of health and human services is empow- ered to fund, through grants or contracts, the development and evaluation of these tools. Deci- sion aids are meant to be evi- dence-based and inform patients of the risks and benefits of tests and treatments, their relative ef- fectiveness, and their costs. Health care providers will be eligible for grants to implement these tools and to receive training and tech- nical support for shared decision making at new resource centers. The ACA also authorizes the Cen- ter for Medicare and Medicaid In- novation to test shared-decision- making models designed to improve patients’ and caregivers’ understanding of medical deci- sions and assist them in making informed care decisions. For ap- proaches that provide savings or improve quality of care, imple- mentation can be mandated throughout Medicare without ad- ditional legislation. Randomized trials consistent- ly demonstrate the effectiveness of patient decision aids. A 2011 Cochrane Collaborative review of 86 studies showed that as com- pared with patients who received usual care, those who used deci- sion aids had increased knowl- edge, more accurate risk percep- tions, reduced internal conflict about decisions, and a greater like- lihood of receiving care aligned with their values. Moreover, fewer patients were undecided or pas- sive in the decision-making pro- cess — changes that are essen- tial for patients’ adherence to therapies. Studies also illustrate the po- tential for wider adoption of shared decision making to reduce costs. Consistently, as many as 20% of patients who participate in shared decision making choose less invasive surgical options and more conservative treatment than do patients who do not use deci- sion aids.3 In 2008, the Lewin Group estimated that implement- ing shared decision making for just 11 procedures would yield more than $9 billion in savings nationally over 10 years. In addi- tion, a 2012 study by Group Health in Washington State showed that providing decision aids to patients eligible for hip and knee replace- ments substantially reduced both surgery rates and costs — with up to 38% fewer surgeries and sav- ings of 12 to 21% over 6 months.4 The myriad benefits of this ap- proach argue for more rapid im- plementation of Section 3506 of the ACA. The Department of Health and Human Services could quickly launch pilot programs for shared decision making while it works to standardize and certify decision aids. The International Patient Decision Aid Standards Collabo- ration has developed evidence- based guidelines for certification indicating that decision aids should include questions to help patients clarify their values and understand how those values af- fect their decisions; information about treatment options, present- ed in a balanced manner and in plain language; and up-to-date data from published studies on the likelihood of achieving the treatment goal with the proposed intervention and on the nature and frequency of side effects and complications. In addition, it would be helpful to include vali- dated, institution-specific data on how often the specified proce- dure has been performed, the fre- quency of side effects and com- plications, and the cost of the procedure and any associated medication and rehabilitation regi- mens. We believe that decision aids should be written at an eighth-grade level and should be brief.5 In our view, it seems most critical to begin with the 20 most frequently performed procedures and to require the use of deci- sion aids in those cases. Many decision aids have already been rigorously evaluated, so CMS could rapidly certify these tools and re- quire their use in the Medicare and Medicaid programs. To give such a requirement teeth, full Medicare reimbursement could be made contingent on having documentation in the patient’s file of the proper use of a deci- sion aid for these 20 procedures. Providers who did not document the shared-decision-making pro- cess could face a 10% reduction in Medicare payment for claims related to the procedure in year 1, with reductions gradually in- creasing to 20% over 10 years. This payment scheme is similar to that currently tied to hospital- readmissions metrics. In addition, the improved qual- ity of care and savings gained through shared decision making can be maximized by integrating this approach into other ACA ini- tiatives. For example, the docu- mented use of patient decision aids could be used as a quality metric in patient-centered medi- cal homes, accountable care or- ganizations, and systems caring for patients eligible for both Medicare and Medicaid. Eligibili- ty criteria for incentives to adopt The New England Journal of Medicine Downloaded from on January 3, 2013. For personal use only. No other uses without permission. Copyright © 2013 Massachusetts Medical Society. All rights reserved.
  • 3. PERSPECTIVE n engl j med 368;1  january 3, 20138 electronic health record technol- ogy might be expanded to in- clude the use of shared decision making and patient decision aids. Moreover, information gathered by the Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI) could be incorporated into certified de- cision aids and used to provide physicians and patients with valu- able information for making health care decisions. Data about the effectiveness of shared-deci- sion-making techniques could also be collected and disseminated by PCORI for continuous improve- ment of these approaches. Unfortunately, implementation of ACA Section 3506 has been slow. More rapid progress on this front would benefit patients and the health care system as a whole. Disclosure forms provided by the authors are available with the full text of this article at From the Center for American Progress, Washington, DC (E.O.L., E.J.E.); and the Of- fice of the Provost, the Department of Med- ical Ethics and Health Policy at the Perel- man School of Medicine, and the Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania, Phila- delphia (E.J.E.). 1. Braddock CH III, Edwards KA, Hasenberg NM, Laidley TL, Levinson W. Informed deci- sion making in outpatient practice: time to get back to basics. JAMA 1999;282:2313-20. 2. Covinsky KE, Fuller JD, Yaffe K, et al. Com- munication and decision-making in seriously ill patients: findings of the SUPPORT project: the Study to Understand Prognoses and Preferences for Outcomes and Risks of Treat- ments.JAmGeriatrSoc2000;48:Suppl:S187- S193. 3. Stacey D, Bennett CL, Barry MJ, et al. De- cision aids for people facing health treat- ment or screening decisions. Cochrane Data- base Syst Rev 2011;10:CD001431. 4. ArterburnD,WellmanR,WestbrookE,etal. Introducing decision aids at Group Health was linked to sharply lower hip and knee sur- gery rates and costs. Health Aff (Millwood) 2012;31:2094-104. 5. Krumholz HM. Informed consent to pro- mote patient-centered care. JAMA 2010;303: 1190-1. DOI: 10.1056/NEJMp1209500 Copyright © 2013 Massachusetts Medical Society. Shared Decision Making The Bystander Effect in Medical Care Robert R. Stavert, M.D., M.B.A., and Jason P. Lott, M.D., M.S.H.P. In the predawn hours of March 13, 1964, Catherine “Kitty” Genovese made her way back to her apartment in Queens, New York, after finishing a shift at the nearby sports tavern where she worked as a manager. But the 28-year-old Genovese never made it home. In a case that would spark national attention and debate, she was brutally stabbed to death by Winston Moseley, who confessed to the crime and remains in prison in New York to this day.1 Nearly as shocking as the violence of Geno- vese’s murder were reports indicat- ing that approximately 38 witness- es either observed the attacks or heard the victim’s pleas for help and yet did not intervene.1,2 The tragedy and circumstances of her death were subsequently transformed into moral parable, prompting a large body of psycho- logical research into what is now commonly known as the “bystand- er effect” — the human tendency to be less likely to offer help in emergency situations when other people are present.3 Today, the term “Genovese syndrome” is used synonymously with “bystander ef- fect” to designate this unfortu- nate manifestation of collective behavior. A central factor in the bystand- er effect is diffusion of respon- sibility. The larger the group of people involved in the process of making important decisions, the more likely it is that any one per- son will assume that either the mantle of responsibility rests else- where in the group or that those responsible for taking action have already done so. The bystander ef- fect generally increases with the size of the group and is more like- ly to manifest when responsibil- ities are not explicitly assigned. Recent changes in the structure of graduate medical education and the delivery of health care services to hospitalized patients make awareness of this phenomenon and its potential dangers particularly salient. Increasingly stringent lim- its on resident work hours, born of appropriate concern about phy- sician fatigue and patient safety, in concert with increasing medical specialization and subspecializa- tion, have resulted in a substantial increase in the average number of doctors and other professionals in- volved in the care of a hospitalized patient — all of which may result in decay of coordination of care.4 The simple question of “Who is my doctor?” now has a longer, complex, and often unclear an- swer. A recent case at our institu- tion illustrates the difficulty physi- cians may face in addressing this issue and underscores the inherent risk of bystander effect in our cur- rent health care environment. Our dermatology service was consulted to evaluate a new-onset cutaneous eruption in a previously healthy 32-year-old man who had fallen acutely ill after 3 days of nonspecific prodromal symptoms. He was transferred to our hospital The New England Journal of Medicine Downloaded from on January 3, 2013. For personal use only. No other uses without permission. Copyright © 2013 Massachusetts Medical Society. All rights reserved.