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Introduction to the AutoCAD 2006
Application Programming Interface

    AutoCAD 2006 API Overview
•   How to port your application to AutoCAD 2006

•   The New .NET Interface

    • Why do we want to use .NET?

    • How can I use it to develop with AutoCAD 2006?

    • How can I build on top of my existing code?

•   ObjectARX API and UI customization updates

•   Where to learn more…

The AutoCAD 2006 API Overview

      •   The Rice
           • Making sure your application runs
           • Basic steps to support Rio

      •   The Wine
           • Opportunities to add value
           • Leveraging the new features and API’s to
             increase the value of your and our

The Rice

     •   Install Update
     •   Test
     •   That’s it – binary application compatibility!

     •   Minor Registry version incremented to 16.2
           • Installers need updating for this key
           • e.g. demand loading keys, etc.

The Wine – New API’s

    •   AutoCAD Managed .NET API

    •   ObjectARX SDK and UI customization

    What is Microsoft .NET?
    What we know from our experience so far…

•   Intelligent symbolic representation
    • Mature language constructs
       • Collections, Events, Delegates
    • Common programming pitfalls addressed
       • Memory management, consistent Exception handling, unified strings

•   Source and binary inter-module communication
    • goes beyond C++ and COM
       • Meta data allows design- and run-time object usage and extension

•   Programming style
    • Multiple supported languages – Choose your weapons

    What is Microsoft .NET?
    More of what we know …

•   Common Base Class Library
    • Unified solutions for common design patterns
       • E.g. File I/O is the same for VB, C# and managed C++!

•   API Interop is very easy!
    • C++ and COM interop is built into .NET!

 CLR           Execution Model

Source code
                     VB            C#             C++

Compiler           vbc.exe       csc.exe         cc.exe

Managed           Assembly       Assembly       Assembly
Code               IL Code        IL Code        IL Code
(dll or exe)

         Common Language Runtime

                             JIT Compiler

                                  Native Code

                             Operating System Services

Why use the AutoCAD Managed API (.NET)?
                       Pros                                          Cons
•    Powerful, modern streamlined API          •   Performance hit from ARX, but not bad …
                                                      •   Some Interop performance costs
•    Metadata resolves “DLL hell” versioning          • Jit compiling takes CPU cycles
                                                      • Raw Performance is near native x86
•    Mixed languages – choose your weapons     •   Natural learning curve associated with
•    Resolves MFC and CRT dependency –             new platforms
     Use either VS 2002 or VS 2003

•    Events are part of CLS specification

•    64-bit portable code by default

•     Reusable code – MS and industry
•    Clean memory management
•    Consistent error handling

Programming in .NET - Advantages
   Clean memory management
   • Old Way (C++) - Potential for memory leaks!
             char *pName=(char*)malloc(128);
   • New Way - .NET
        •   C++ - String *pName=new String("Hello")
        •   VB - Dim Name As String = "Hello"
        •   C# - String Name=“Hello”;
        •   // Garbage collection handles deallocation; no ‘delete’!

Programming in .NET - Advantages
    Consistent exception handling
    • Old Way – VB: Can be very confusing and problematic!
         On Error GoTo UnexpectedError
           Dim x As Double = 10/0 ‘…error!
           MsgBox Str$(Err.Number)

    • New – VB .NET
            Dim x As Double = 10/0 ‘…error which throws exception
            ‘…what happened? Division by Zero!
            ‘…cleanup - do this either way
        End Try

Programming in .NET - Advantages
   Strings are all Unicode!

      • Old Way – Unmanaged C++/COM
         CComBSTR bStr(newVal);
         COLE2T szName(bStr);
         _tcscpy(m_szLayer,szName); // <sigh>

      • New Way – .NET
          • C++: String *m_pszLayer=new String(newVal);
          • VB:   Dim Name As String = newVal
          • C#: String Name=newVal;

Why move to .NET in AutoCAD?
Mature API constructs

         What’s wrong with this function declaration?

         int acedSSGet(const char * str,
           const void * pt1,
           const void * pt2,
           const struct resbuf * filter,
           ads_name ss);

Why move to .NET in AutoCAD
Mature API constructs
   Some 6 new classes defined to encapsulate acedSSGet()

   Dim values() As TypedValue = { _
              New TypedValue(DxfCode.Start, "CIRCLE"), _
              New TypedValue(DxfCode.Color, 1) _
   Dim sfilter As New SelectionFilter(values)

   Dim SelOpts As New PromptSelectionOptions()
   SelOpts.MessageForAdding = "Select Red Circles:"
   SelOpts.AllowDuplicates = True

   Dim res As PromptSelectionResult = ed.GetSelection(SelOpts, sfilter)

Why do we want to use .NET?
Mature API constructs
        virtual Acad::ErrorStatus AcEdInputPointFilter::processInputPoint(
              bool& changedPoint,
              AcGePoint3d& newPoint,
              bool& displayOsnapGlyph,
              bool& changedTooltipStr,
              char*& newTooltipString,
              bool& retry,
              AcGiViewportDraw* drawContext,
              AcApDocument* document,
              bool pointComputed,
              int history,
              const AcGePoint3d& lastPoint,
              const AcGePoint3d& rawPoint,
              const AcGePoint3d& grippedPoint,
              const AcGePoint3d& cartesianSnappedPoint,
              const AcGePoint3d& osnappedPoint,
              AcDb::OsnapMask osnapMask,
              const AcArray<AcDbCustomOsnapMode*>& customOsnapModes,
              AcDb::OsnapMask osnapOverrides,
              const AcArray<AcDbCustomOsnapMode*>& customOsnapOverrides,
              const AcArray<AcDbObjectId>& pickedEntities,
              const AcArray< AcDbObjectIdArray, AcArrayObjectCopyReallocator< AcDbObjectIdArray > >& nestedPickedEntities,
              const AcArray<int>& gsSelectionMark,
              const AcArray<AcDbObjectId>& keyPointEntities,
              const AcArray< AcDbObjectIdArray, AcArrayObjectCopyReallocator< AcDbObjectIdArray > >& nestedKeyPointEntities,
              const AcArray<int>& keyPointGsSelectionMark,
              const AcArray<AcGeCurve3d*>& alignmentPaths,
              const AcGePoint3d& computedPoint,
              const char* tooltipString);

Why do we want to use .NET?
Mature API constructs

    Is now…

    ‘Define the event handler
    m_ed.PointMonitor += new PointMonitorEventHandler(callback_PointMonitor);

   ‘Define the callback function – no crazy reference parameters!
   private void callback_PointMonitor(object sender, PointMonitorEventArgs e)
        WriteLine(String.Format("PointMonitor :", e.Context.ComputedPoint));

AutoCAD .NET and C++ Developers
Two FAQs

•   Q: Why should an ObjectARX developer use managed C++?
    •   Expose existing ARX code to managed languages
    •   .NET platform development enhancements
         • Garbage collection, reflection, serialization, XML, etc.
         • WinForms
    •   Access to AutoCAD Managed API beyond
•   Q: Why should an AutoCAD developer use C++?
    •   Custom Object/Entity available in C++/ARX only.
    •   Native platform interop - mixed managed and unmanaged code
    •   Leverage C++’s unique strengths (e.g., templates, generic programming,
        multiple inheritance, deterministic resource management and cleanup)
    •   C++ native platform performance edge

      AutoCAD .NET API Documentation

How do I get started?

ObjectARX SDK Includes:
    • SDK Samples!
    • ObjectARX Developer’s
    • Managed Reference Guide
         • Acad_Mgd.chm

•   ADN extranet
      • DevNotes
      • DevHelp Online

•   Visual Studio Class Browser

AutoCAD Database Ownership Hierarchy


  R12 Symbol Tables    Block Table       Named Object       Header Variables

                       Model Space
                        Paper Space
                                         Dictionary Entry
                         Other BTR

              Entity      Entity

See the ObjectARX Developer’s Guide and SDK samples for

Important Managed Classes

Demand Loading .NET applications

  "DESCRIPTION"="AutoCAD Layer Manager"
  "LOADER"="C:Program FilesAutoCAD 2006aclayer.dll"



Use Installers to set these keys!

What’s new in AutoCAD’s .NET API ?
What happened to Open/Close?

     Managed Applications use Transactions exclusively


         • Exception handling is vastly simpler
         • Cleaner, more robust code
              • Less likely to leave objects in an open state
         • Performance is superior to Open/Close
              • Each Close() has associated overhead
         • Simultaneous write access
              • Multiple write-enabled pointers allowed
         • Nested transactions allowed

Managed .NET API for AutoCAD 2006
Using Open/Close with Exceptions

        BlockTable = Database.BlockTableId.Open(OpenMode.ForRead)
        ModelSpace =
        Text = New MText
        Text.SetContents("Hello World !!")
        If Not BlockTable Is Nothing Then
        End If
        If Not ModelSpace Is Nothing Then
        End If
        If Not Text Is Nothing Then
        End If
   End Try

Managed .NET API for AutoCAD 2006
Using Transactions with Exceptions

   Dim Trans As Transaction
   Trans = db.TransactionManager.StartTransaction()
        BlockTable = Trans.GetObject(Database.BlockTableId, OpenMode.ForRead)
        ModelSpace = Trans.GetObject(BlockTable(BlockTableRecord.ModelSpace),
        Text = New MText()
        Text.Contents = "Hello World !!"
        Trans.AddNewlyCreatedDBObject(Text, True)
   End Try

Nesting Transactions
                1                   2                 3                  4
                    Transaction 2       obj2   obj3

Transaction 1        obj1   obj2

                                                   obj1           obj3
   1. Client starts Trans1 and gets Obj1 & Obj2
   2. Client starts Trans2 and gets Obj2 & Obj3
   3. Client commits Trans2
        •   Trans2 changes are committed
   4a. Client commits Trans1
        •   Trans1 changes are committed
   4b. Client aborts Trans1 instead
        •   Trans1 (and Trans2) changes are rolled back

Managed .NET API for AutoCAD 2006

  AutoCAD 2006 Managed SDK Samples:

  •   Tab Extension

  •   Selection Set

  •   Docking Palette

  •   Events/Reactors

  •   Custom Jig

               AutoCAD API Interoperability
                                                        New API Development
                                       .NET                COM VB/A                     ObjectARX                        Lisp
                                                       Expose a COM server from   Use /clr mixed-managed C++       Expose custom
                                                       the .NET app. Develop      or…Expose a COM server from      commands in NET.
                                         X             VB/A COM client to         the .NET app. Develop COM
                                                                                  client in ARX to connect.
                                                                                                                   Call from Lisp.
                                                                                  or…Export unmanaged functions,
                                                                                  using .NET delegates to call.
                                 Port to VB7
                                                                                  Expose a COM server from
Existing code base

                                 or…                                                                                 SendCommand
                     COM VB/A                                                     VB. Develop a COM client
                                 Expose a COM                                                                               or
                                                                                  in ARX to connect.
                                 server from VB.                                                                        VBARUN
                                 Use COM interop
                                 to connect.                                      VBARUN for VBA macros
                                 Use /clr managed
                                 C++ and/or write a    Expose a COM server from                                    Use acedDefun() to
                                 managed wrapper       the ARX app. Develop a                                      define Lisp
                                  …or…                 COM client in VBA to                    X                   functions. Call from
                                 Export global         connect.                                                    LISP.
                                 functions in your
                                 ARX, and use
                                 P/invoke to access.
                                 Expose custom         Expose custom commands           acedCommand()
                                 commands in Lisp.     in Lisp. Call from VBA.
                       Lisp                                                                     or
                                 Call from .NET.                                    Call custom commands

ObjectARX Interop – Platform Invoke
How do I access my old unmanaged code?

Declare Auto Function MessageBox Lib "user32.dll" (ByVal hWnd As Integer, _
  ByVal txt As String, ByVal caption As String, ByVal Typ As Integer) As Integer

  <Autodesk.AutoCAD.Runtime.CommandMethod("pinvoke")> _
  Public Function platformInvoke()
    mgPolyTestApp.MessageBox(0, “Houston, we have a problem", "Platform
    Invoke Example", 0)
  End Function

AutoCAD API Interoperability
         Mixed mode modules: Wrapping ObjectARX for a Managed API


                      Unmanaged C++/ObjectARX API
It Just Works (IJW)                                       Mixed Module
    and P/Invoke                                             (e.g.
                            Managed C++ code
         C++ Only!

                      AutoCAD 2006 .NET Applications
                           (Any .NET language)

ObjectARX Interop – Project Settings
  Setup for Managed C++ extensions in ObjectARX modules
     Compiler settings for using managed C++
            •     General – Use managed extensions = Yes
            •     C++ - General – Compile as Managed = Assembly Support (/CLR)
            •     C++ - General – Debug information format = not Edit and Continue
            •     C++ - General – Detect 64-bit portability = No
            •     C++ - Code Generation – Basic runtime checks = Default
            •     C++ - Code Generation – Enable Minimal Rebuild =No
            •     C++ - Precompiled Headers – Create/Use Precompiled header = No
            •     Link – Input - Force Symbol References - __DllMainCRTStartup@12
            •     Link – Command Line – Addition Options - /NOENTRY
     Comment out dbgrip.h in dbxheaders.h (in the SDK includes)
            •     Suggested: use #ifdef _MANAGED or similar for conditional #include
     Add references to standard and AutoCAD managed assemblies:
           #using <mscorlib.dll>
           #using <c:Program FilesAutoCAD 2006acmgd.dll>
           #using <c:Program FilesAutoCAD 2006acdbmgd.dll>
           //…and any others required for you
     Use the ‘managed’ compiler directive to compile managed ARX code
           #pragma managed
     Optional: Remove warnings regarding incompatibilities with __fastcall
           #pragma warning(disable: 4561)

ObjectARX Interop – Entry Point
/NOENTRY used in mixed managed modules – Use acrxEntryPoint
   instead: See:

   extern "C" AcRx::AppRetCode
   acrxEntryPoint(AcRx::AppMsgCode msg, void* pkt)
                __crt_dll_initialize();// Manually initialize static and global vars
        return AcRx::kRetOK;
   Good News is: ObjectARX 2006 Wizard handles this for
      you in mixed-managed projects!!
 AutoCAD 2006: Dynamic Blocks
• API Provides programmatic manipulation of block intelligence
     • Access underlying intelligence of enhanced blocks

     • Managed, ActiveX and ObjectARX APIs

         – Developed managed API SDK Sample “DynBlockProps” – Modifying properties

• Dynamic Blocks uses several new core API technologies
     • “Technology” APIs can be used as general purpose tools for existing ARX classes!

         – AcDbEvalGraph – provide intelligent inter-object references

         – AcDbBlockInsertionPoints – application-defined grip points for blocks

         –   AcDbAlignment – intelligent alignment of entities

               » Includes managed RxEvent reactor delegate

• SDK samples created to demonstrate core APIs
     • Specify Block Insertion points, Entity Grips, and Alignment

2006: New Classes and Enhancements

    New Compiler-neutral string utility class - AcString
         • No dependency on ATL/MFC

         • Provides conversion between UNICODE and ANSI

         • Comparable functionality to MFC’s ‘CString’ class

         • See the ‘SheetSet’ SDK sample

    New Arc-length Dimension class – AcDbArcDimension
         • Represents AutoCAD Arc length Dimensions

    Tool Palette ObjectARX/COM Enhancements
         • Context Menu enhancements

         • API Support for new Multi-Edit feature – IAcadTool2

2006: Menu and Toolbar Customization

   Only the file format
   Is different…
   Deployment model

        • Same as Menus/Toolbars

        • Per-user support folder

   • Existing ActiveX interface

        • Same as always

     AutoCAD 2006 API Wishlist
1     .NET API - On-Screen input acquisition (Jigs, prompts, selection sets, input    34%
2     .NET API - More UI support (docking windows, extended tabs on AutoCAD           30%
3     .NET API - Custom Objects                                                       30%
4     .NET API - Reactors                                                             24%
5     DWF metadata publishing API                                                     21%
6     Undo API                                                                        20%
7     Zoom factor dependent custom graphics                                           19%
8     Publish API for automating paper and DWF plotting on a server                   20%
9     .NET API - Top level object (Application, document object, preferences)         17%
10    .NET API - Tool Palette support                                                 16%
11    .NET API - AcGe 2d curves and 3d surfaces                                       11%
12    .NET API - Xref management                                                      10%
13    .NET API - Boundary Representation support                                      7%

                       Items in green delivered in AutoCAD 2006

Where to Learn More – ADN and ADN Mentoring
 •   The Autodesk support program for professional software developers.
 •   Unlimited direct support from Autodesk software engineers
 •   Access to virtually all Autodesk software including betas (for software development
     use only)
 •   Technical briefings and API training classes
 •   Learn more at
 ADN Mentoring Program
 •   Onsite Mentoring by Autodesk software engineer for up to 1 week at your site
 •   Offsite mentoring – phone, video email etc from engineer who visited
 •   Complements ADNsupport:
        • Your mentor knows much more about your issues and can help direct you in
           the future
 •   Your Mentor can liaise with internal Autodesk product and API experts
 •   Your Mentor can access Autodesk source code, and internal knowledge bases
Where to Learn More about .NET – Books &

 •   Visual Basic .NET and the .NET Platform
        by Andrew Troelsen

 •   Visual Basic .NET Programming
        by Gary Cornell and Jonathan Morrison

 •   Applied Microsoft .NET Framework Programming
       by Jeffrey Richter
       Microsoft Press

 •   Windows Forms Programming in C#
       by Chris Sells

 •   Blogs (WebLogs)

 •   MSDN

Where to Learn More about .NET – Tips & Tricks

      • Reflector
          • Browse .NET assemblies, disassemble, decompile
      • Ildasm
          • Disassemble .NET assemblies
             – Visual Studio Tools
      • Fuslogv
          • Diagnose load time problems
             – Visual Studio Tools
      • FxCop
          • Check conformance with Design Guidelines

Introduction to the AutoCAD 2006 API

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Auto cad 2006_api_overview

  • 1. Introduction to the AutoCAD 2006 Application Programming Interface
  • 2. AutoCAD 2006 API Overview Agenda: • How to port your application to AutoCAD 2006 • The New .NET Interface • Why do we want to use .NET? • How can I use it to develop with AutoCAD 2006? • How can I build on top of my existing code? • ObjectARX API and UI customization updates • Where to learn more…
  • 3. The AutoCAD 2006 API Overview • The Rice • Making sure your application runs • Basic steps to support Rio • The Wine • Opportunities to add value • Leveraging the new features and API’s to increase the value of your and our products
  • 4. The Rice • Install Update • Test • That’s it – binary application compatibility! • Minor Registry version incremented to 16.2 • Installers need updating for this key • e.g. demand loading keys, etc.
  • 5. The Wine – New API’s • AutoCAD Managed .NET API • ObjectARX SDK and UI customization updates
  • 6. What is Microsoft .NET? What we know from our experience so far… • Intelligent symbolic representation • Mature language constructs • Collections, Events, Delegates • Common programming pitfalls addressed • Memory management, consistent Exception handling, unified strings • Source and binary inter-module communication • goes beyond C++ and COM • Meta data allows design- and run-time object usage and extension • Programming style • Multiple supported languages – Choose your weapons
  • 7. What is Microsoft .NET? More of what we know … • Common Base Class Library • Unified solutions for common design patterns • E.g. File I/O is the same for VB, C# and managed C++! • API Interop is very easy! • C++ and COM interop is built into .NET!
  • 8. CLR Execution Model Source code VB C# C++ Compiler vbc.exe csc.exe cc.exe Managed Assembly Assembly Assembly Code IL Code IL Code IL Code (dll or exe) Common Language Runtime JIT Compiler Native Code Operating System Services
  • 9. Why use the AutoCAD Managed API (.NET)? Pros Cons • Powerful, modern streamlined API • Performance hit from ARX, but not bad … • Some Interop performance costs • Metadata resolves “DLL hell” versioning • Jit compiling takes CPU cycles • Raw Performance is near native x86 • Mixed languages – choose your weapons • Natural learning curve associated with • Resolves MFC and CRT dependency – new platforms Use either VS 2002 or VS 2003 • Events are part of CLS specification • 64-bit portable code by default • Reusable code – MS and industry investment • Clean memory management • Consistent error handling
  • 10. Programming in .NET - Advantages Clean memory management • Old Way (C++) - Potential for memory leaks! char *pName=(char*)malloc(128); strcpy(pName,"Hello"); //... free(pName); • New Way - .NET • C++ - String *pName=new String("Hello") • VB - Dim Name As String = "Hello" • C# - String Name=“Hello”; • // Garbage collection handles deallocation; no ‘delete’!
  • 11. Programming in .NET - Advantages Consistent exception handling • Old Way – VB: Can be very confusing and problematic! On Error GoTo UnexpectedError Dim x As Double = 10/0 ‘…error! UnexpectedError: MsgBox Str$(Err.Number) • New – VB .NET Try Dim x As Double = 10/0 ‘…error which throws exception Catch ‘…what happened? Division by Zero! Finally ‘…cleanup - do this either way End Try
  • 12. Programming in .NET - Advantages Strings are all Unicode! • Old Way – Unmanaged C++/COM CComBSTR bStr(newVal); COLE2T szName(bStr); _tcscpy(m_szLayer,szName); // <sigh> • New Way – .NET • C++: String *m_pszLayer=new String(newVal); • VB: Dim Name As String = newVal • C#: String Name=newVal;
  • 13. Why move to .NET in AutoCAD? Mature API constructs What’s wrong with this function declaration? int acedSSGet(const char * str, const void * pt1, const void * pt2, const struct resbuf * filter, ads_name ss);
  • 14. Why move to .NET in AutoCAD Mature API constructs Some 6 new classes defined to encapsulate acedSSGet() Dim values() As TypedValue = { _ New TypedValue(DxfCode.Start, "CIRCLE"), _ New TypedValue(DxfCode.Color, 1) _ } Dim sfilter As New SelectionFilter(values) Dim SelOpts As New PromptSelectionOptions() SelOpts.MessageForAdding = "Select Red Circles:" SelOpts.AllowDuplicates = True Dim res As PromptSelectionResult = ed.GetSelection(SelOpts, sfilter)
  • 15. Why do we want to use .NET? Mature API constructs virtual Acad::ErrorStatus AcEdInputPointFilter::processInputPoint( bool& changedPoint, AcGePoint3d& newPoint, bool& displayOsnapGlyph, bool& changedTooltipStr, char*& newTooltipString, bool& retry, AcGiViewportDraw* drawContext, AcApDocument* document, bool pointComputed, int history, const AcGePoint3d& lastPoint, const AcGePoint3d& rawPoint, const AcGePoint3d& grippedPoint, const AcGePoint3d& cartesianSnappedPoint, const AcGePoint3d& osnappedPoint, AcDb::OsnapMask osnapMask, const AcArray<AcDbCustomOsnapMode*>& customOsnapModes, AcDb::OsnapMask osnapOverrides, const AcArray<AcDbCustomOsnapMode*>& customOsnapOverrides, const AcArray<AcDbObjectId>& pickedEntities, const AcArray< AcDbObjectIdArray, AcArrayObjectCopyReallocator< AcDbObjectIdArray > >& nestedPickedEntities, const AcArray<int>& gsSelectionMark, const AcArray<AcDbObjectId>& keyPointEntities, const AcArray< AcDbObjectIdArray, AcArrayObjectCopyReallocator< AcDbObjectIdArray > >& nestedKeyPointEntities, const AcArray<int>& keyPointGsSelectionMark, const AcArray<AcGeCurve3d*>& alignmentPaths, const AcGePoint3d& computedPoint, const char* tooltipString);
  • 16. Why do we want to use .NET? Mature API constructs Is now… ‘Define the event handler m_ed.PointMonitor += new PointMonitorEventHandler(callback_PointMonitor); ‘Define the callback function – no crazy reference parameters! private void callback_PointMonitor(object sender, PointMonitorEventArgs e) { WriteLine(String.Format("PointMonitor :", e.Context.ComputedPoint)); }
  • 17. AutoCAD .NET and C++ Developers Two FAQs • Q: Why should an ObjectARX developer use managed C++? • Expose existing ARX code to managed languages • .NET platform development enhancements • Garbage collection, reflection, serialization, XML, etc. • WinForms • Access to AutoCAD Managed API beyond • Q: Why should an AutoCAD developer use C++? • Custom Object/Entity available in C++/ARX only. • Native platform interop - mixed managed and unmanaged code • Leverage C++’s unique strengths (e.g., templates, generic programming, multiple inheritance, deterministic resource management and cleanup) • C++ native platform performance edge
  • 18. AutoCAD .NET API Documentation How do I get started? ObjectARX SDK Includes: • SDK Samples! • ObjectARX Developer’s Guide • Managed Reference Guide • Acad_Mgd.chm • ADN extranet • DevNotes • DevHelp Online • Visual Studio Class Browser
  • 19. AutoCAD Database Ownership Hierarchy DATABASE R12 Symbol Tables Block Table Named Object Header Variables Dictionary Model Space Paper Space Dictionary Entry Other BTR Entity Entity Entity See the ObjectARX Developer’s Guide and SDK samples for reference…
  • 21. Demand Loading .NET applications [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREAutodeskAutoCADR16.2ACAD- 4001:409ApplicationsAcLayer] "DESCRIPTION"="AutoCAD Layer Manager" "LOADER"="C:Program FilesAutoCAD 2006aclayer.dll" "LOADCTRLS"=dword:0000000e "MANAGED"=dword:00000001 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREAutodeskAutoCADR16.2ACAD- 4001:409ApplicationsAcLayerCommands] "LAYER"="LAYER" [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREAutodeskAutoCADR16.2ACAD- 4001:409ApplicationsAcLayerGroups] "ACLAYER_CMDS"="ACLAYER_CMDS“ Use Installers to set these keys!
  • 22. What’s new in AutoCAD’s .NET API ? What happened to Open/Close? Managed Applications use Transactions exclusively Why? • Exception handling is vastly simpler • Cleaner, more robust code • Less likely to leave objects in an open state • Performance is superior to Open/Close • Each Close() has associated overhead • Simultaneous write access • Multiple write-enabled pointers allowed • Nested transactions allowed
  • 23. Managed .NET API for AutoCAD 2006 Using Open/Close with Exceptions Try BlockTable = Database.BlockTableId.Open(OpenMode.ForRead) ModelSpace = BlockTable(BlockTableRecord.ModelSpace).Open(OpenMode.ForWrite) Text = New MText Text.SetContents("Hello World !!") ModelSpace.AppendEntity(text) Finally If Not BlockTable Is Nothing Then BlockTable.Close() End If If Not ModelSpace Is Nothing Then ModelSplace.Close() End If If Not Text Is Nothing Then Text.Close() End If End Try
  • 24. Managed .NET API for AutoCAD 2006 Using Transactions with Exceptions Dim Trans As Transaction Trans = db.TransactionManager.StartTransaction() Try BlockTable = Trans.GetObject(Database.BlockTableId, OpenMode.ForRead) ModelSpace = Trans.GetObject(BlockTable(BlockTableRecord.ModelSpace), OpenMode.ForWrite) Text = New MText() Text.Contents = "Hello World !!" ModelSpace.AppendEntity(Text) Trans.AddNewlyCreatedDBObject(Text, True) Trans.Commit() Finally Trans.Dispose() End Try
  • 25. Nesting Transactions 1 2 3 4 Transaction 2 obj2 obj3 Transaction 1 obj1 obj2 obj1 obj3 obj2 Database 1. Client starts Trans1 and gets Obj1 & Obj2 2. Client starts Trans2 and gets Obj2 & Obj3 3. Client commits Trans2 • Trans2 changes are committed 4a. Client commits Trans1 • Trans1 changes are committed 4b. Client aborts Trans1 instead • Trans1 (and Trans2) changes are rolled back
  • 26. Managed .NET API for AutoCAD 2006 AutoCAD 2006 Managed SDK Samples: • Tab Extension • Selection Set • Docking Palette • Events/Reactors • Custom Jig
  • 27. AutoCAD API Interoperability New API Development .NET COM VB/A ObjectARX Lisp Expose a COM server from Use /clr mixed-managed C++ Expose custom the .NET app. Develop or…Expose a COM server from commands in NET. .NET X VB/A COM client to the .NET app. Develop COM client in ARX to connect. Call from Lisp. connect. or…Export unmanaged functions, using .NET delegates to call. Port to VB7 Expose a COM server from Existing code base X or… SendCommand COM VB/A VB. Develop a COM client Expose a COM or in ARX to connect. server from VB. VBARUN or… Use COM interop to connect. VBARUN for VBA macros Use /clr managed C++ and/or write a Expose a COM server from Use acedDefun() to managed wrapper the ARX app. Develop a define Lisp ObjectARX …or… COM client in VBA to X functions. Call from Export global connect. LISP. functions in your ARX, and use P/invoke to access. Expose custom Expose custom commands acedCommand() commands in Lisp. in Lisp. Call from VBA. X Lisp or Call from .NET. Call custom commands
  • 28. ObjectARX Interop – Platform Invoke How do I access my old unmanaged code? Declare Auto Function MessageBox Lib "user32.dll" (ByVal hWnd As Integer, _ ByVal txt As String, ByVal caption As String, ByVal Typ As Integer) As Integer <Autodesk.AutoCAD.Runtime.CommandMethod("pinvoke")> _ Public Function platformInvoke() mgPolyTestApp.MessageBox(0, “Houston, we have a problem", "Platform Invoke Example", 0) End Function
  • 29. AutoCAD API Interoperability Mixed mode modules: Wrapping ObjectARX for a Managed API AutoCAD Unmanaged C++/ObjectARX API It Just Works (IJW) Mixed Module and P/Invoke (e.g. acdbmgd.dll) Managed C++ code C++ Only! AutoCAD 2006 .NET Applications (Any .NET language)
  • 30. ObjectARX Interop – Project Settings Setup for Managed C++ extensions in ObjectARX modules Compiler settings for using managed C++ • General – Use managed extensions = Yes • C++ - General – Compile as Managed = Assembly Support (/CLR) • C++ - General – Debug information format = not Edit and Continue • C++ - General – Detect 64-bit portability = No • C++ - Code Generation – Basic runtime checks = Default • C++ - Code Generation – Enable Minimal Rebuild =No • C++ - Precompiled Headers – Create/Use Precompiled header = No • Link – Input - Force Symbol References - __DllMainCRTStartup@12 • Link – Command Line – Addition Options - /NOENTRY Comment out dbgrip.h in dbxheaders.h (in the SDK includes) • Suggested: use #ifdef _MANAGED or similar for conditional #include Add references to standard and AutoCAD managed assemblies: #using <mscorlib.dll> #using <c:Program FilesAutoCAD 2006acmgd.dll> #using <c:Program FilesAutoCAD 2006acdbmgd.dll> //…and any others required for you Use the ‘managed’ compiler directive to compile managed ARX code #pragma managed Optional: Remove warnings regarding incompatibilities with __fastcall #pragma warning(disable: 4561)
  • 31. ObjectARX Interop – Entry Point /NOENTRY used in mixed managed modules – Use acrxEntryPoint instead: See: extern "C" AcRx::AppRetCode acrxEntryPoint(AcRx::AppMsgCode msg, void* pkt) { if(msg==AcRx::kInitAppMsg) __crt_dll_initialize();// Manually initialize static and global vars if(msg==AcRx::kPreQuitMsg) __crt_dll_terminate(); return AcRx::kRetOK; } Good News is: ObjectARX 2006 Wizard handles this for you in mixed-managed projects!!
  • 32. AutoCAD 2006: Dynamic Blocks API • API Provides programmatic manipulation of block intelligence • Access underlying intelligence of enhanced blocks • Managed, ActiveX and ObjectARX APIs – Developed managed API SDK Sample “DynBlockProps” – Modifying properties • Dynamic Blocks uses several new core API technologies • “Technology” APIs can be used as general purpose tools for existing ARX classes! – AcDbEvalGraph – provide intelligent inter-object references – AcDbBlockInsertionPoints – application-defined grip points for blocks – AcDbAlignment – intelligent alignment of entities » Includes managed RxEvent reactor delegate • SDK samples created to demonstrate core APIs • Specify Block Insertion points, Entity Grips, and Alignment
  • 33. 2006: New Classes and Enhancements New Compiler-neutral string utility class - AcString • No dependency on ATL/MFC • Provides conversion between UNICODE and ANSI • Comparable functionality to MFC’s ‘CString’ class • See the ‘SheetSet’ SDK sample New Arc-length Dimension class – AcDbArcDimension • Represents AutoCAD Arc length Dimensions Tool Palette ObjectARX/COM Enhancements • Context Menu enhancements • API Support for new Multi-Edit feature – IAcadTool2
  • 34. 2006: Menu and Toolbar Customization Only the file format Is different… Deployment model • Same as Menus/Toolbars • Per-user support folder • Existing ActiveX interface • Same as always
  • 35. AutoCAD 2006 API Wishlist 1 .NET API - On-Screen input acquisition (Jigs, prompts, selection sets, input 34% filters…) 2 .NET API - More UI support (docking windows, extended tabs on AutoCAD 30% dialogs) 3 .NET API - Custom Objects 30% 4 .NET API - Reactors 24% 5 DWF metadata publishing API 21% 6 Undo API 20% 7 Zoom factor dependent custom graphics 19% 8 Publish API for automating paper and DWF plotting on a server 20% 9 .NET API - Top level object (Application, document object, preferences) 17% 10 .NET API - Tool Palette support 16% 11 .NET API - AcGe 2d curves and 3d surfaces 11% 12 .NET API - Xref management 10% 13 .NET API - Boundary Representation support 7% Items in green delivered in AutoCAD 2006
  • 36. Where to Learn More – ADN and ADN Mentoring ADN • The Autodesk support program for professional software developers. • Unlimited direct support from Autodesk software engineers • Access to virtually all Autodesk software including betas (for software development use only) • Technical briefings and API training classes • Learn more at ADN Mentoring Program • Onsite Mentoring by Autodesk software engineer for up to 1 week at your site • Offsite mentoring – phone, video email etc from engineer who visited • Complements ADNsupport: • Your mentor knows much more about your issues and can help direct you in the future • Your Mentor can liaise with internal Autodesk product and API experts • Your Mentor can access Autodesk source code, and internal knowledge bases
  • 37. Where to Learn More about .NET – Books & Blogs • Visual Basic .NET and the .NET Platform by Andrew Troelsen APress • Visual Basic .NET Programming by Gary Cornell and Jonathan Morrison APress • Applied Microsoft .NET Framework Programming by Jeffrey Richter Microsoft Press • Windows Forms Programming in C# by Chris Sells • Blogs (WebLogs) • MSDN
  • 38. Where to Learn More about .NET – Tips & Tricks • Reflector • Browse .NET assemblies, disassemble, decompile – • Ildasm • Disassemble .NET assemblies – Visual Studio Tools • Fuslogv • Diagnose load time problems – Visual Studio Tools • FxCop • Check conformance with Design Guidelines –

Editor's Notes

  1. The diagram above illustrates the process used to compile and execute managed code, that is, code that uses the CLR. Source code written in C#, VB.NET, or some other language that targets the CLR is first transformed into MSIL by the appropriate language compiler. Before execution, this MSIL is JIT compiled into native code for whatever processor the code will run on. The default is to JIT compile each method when it is first called, but it’s also possible to “pre-JIT” the MSIL. With this option, all methods are compiled before the application is loaded, so the overhead of JIT compilation on each initial method call is avoided. One point worth noting is that all languages targeting the CLR should exhibit roughly the same performance. While some compilers may produce better MSIL code than others, large variations in execution speed are unlikely.
  2. Cross language Exception handling!
  3. This is probably one of the most used functions in ObjectARX, and it demonstrates an example of API calls that don’t lend themselves to good coding practices. It is probably the antithesis of good API design…
  4. In the Managed API, we have gone to great lengths to clear up some of the ambiguities which can be encountered by such API functions. I believe that no less than 6 classes were defined just to formalize with the complexity that you had to deal with using that single ARX function.
  5. One of the main points of rewriting the .NET library has been about lessons learned in our collective coding experience. We know from millions of projects how not to write code. We, as an industry, have agreed upon standards which reflect code which can be developed, and reused efficiently. We are happy to see that Microsoft has paid attention to these coding principles in designing this framework. One of the most important points for us is what it allows us to do for our AutoCAD and vertical developers. For instance, we spent a considerable amount of time making our API use more mature coding constructs. Rather than simply ‘wrapping’ all the global functions into various classes, we reexamined how they should be used, and designed the best possible conduit for each of them. Constructs like collections, enumerators and events are some examples… Here is a prime example of a function which demonstrates techniques that are less than savory. This function takes no less than thirty arguments. Nearly all of them are pass by reference so the arguments are yours to interrogate and manipulate.
  6. Here is how this same functionality is represented in the managed API.
  7. Developers need to understand the database structure.
  8. ObjectARX programmers will already be familiar with this type of inheritance, but for VB programmers this is all new stuff.
  9. Accessing the HKLM section of the registry requires adminstrative (or at least power user) privileges on the machine. An installer is the best way to set these.
  10. Every object opened anywhere within the try block needs to be checked for validity and closed within the Finally because it is not known when the exception could have occurred. This leads to really ugly code. This example only uses three objects…
  11. In contrast, transactions can handle exceptions very elegantly. In fact, while it looks as though there is no handler for a catch(), the transaction knows that if Dispose() is called before Commit(), then the transaction is to be aborted, and the changes rolled back. So this demonstrates that exceptions are basically handled automatically.
  12. In addition, transactions handle nesting quite nicely too…
  13. AutoCAD which shown at the top, is unmanaged. Normally in C++ ObjectARX programmers access AutoCAD through an entirely unmanaged API. We’ve written a managed wrapper for the unmanaged ObjectARX API. This has been done using the Visual C++ managed extensions. So basically, now we have a DLL which mixes managed and unmanaged code and enables the communication between them both.
  14. This is done because it is unsafe to run managed code within DllMain(), which is what would happen if we have static or global vars in our ARX. Most importantly to note: The ObjectARX Wizard has been updated to handle mixed-managed projects, and wraps the above entry point code into it’s acrxEntryPoint macros. Show the new ARX Wizard in use!
  15. CUI file is brand new file, which represents menus toolbars, workspaces and lisp files. Your customization will now be represented by these new files. For AutoCAD 2006, older MNC, MNU files will be migrated to the new CUI format automatically, so legacy deployment models will work. Beyond AutoCAD 2006, the deployment model will be: Build the menus/toolbars/workspaces the way you want in your development machine. Create a ‘Partial CUI’ file. This is the file that you will distribute in your installer. The menu can be loaded in the deployment machine with the CUI command, the MENULOAD command or with the ActiveX MenuGroup object – MenuLoad() API (passing the CUI filename). Once a menu/toolbar etc is loaded with one of these, it is added to the ‘currently loaded’ partial menus in the main CUI file for the profile. Do not try to parse the main CUI file. The format is likely to change since this is the first go-round of the format. If you want your menus added, you can have an ARX demand load at startup, calling the COM apis (or just MENULOAD) to have them available. Modifying the registry for this will not work in AutoCAD 2006! MNC MNU and MNS files are no longer used in AutoCAD 2006, but are used only to migrate to CUI files. MNR (resource) and MNL (lisp) files are still used. A CUI file can reference a MNL as easily as it can reference a LSP file…so it is a bit more flexible.
  16. ADN Mentoring   Summary There are times in your software development cycle when you need specific, intensive help from Autodesk. You want us to understand what you&apos;re trying to do, to provide expert and detailed advice on how to proceed, and to be by your side so you can avoid the pitfalls that software developers can stumble into. The ADN Mentoring service combines onsite consulting with telephone consulting to quickly get your development team up to speed.   Audience Our Mentoring service is available to ADN members only. It is particularly suited to software developers who are starting development on a new Autodesk product, are migrating their product to a new version, or who require intensive development or debugging support for a short period of time.   Description The ADN Mentoring service provides you with an experienced Autodesk Software Engineer to help and advise you on all aspects of your application design and implementation. Your Mentor will visit you at your office so that they can thoroughly understand your project, and provide you with expert advice on how to proceed.? When onsite, your Mentor becomes a part of your development team - at your choice, they can consult on software architecture, train your people, help debug your code, and do what it takes to make your development project a success.? Your Mentor will then be available offsite by telephone, email and Instant Messenger ? providing follow-on advice and assistance as and when you need it.