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r/ Dr. Corbal, 25.- 36207 VIGO 
Tlfno. 986 376 153 – FAX 986 264 959 
UNIT 1: 
TEACHER: Sara Estarque Moreno 
SUBJECT: Educación Plástica e Visual 
r/ Dr. Corbal, 25.- 36207 VIGO 
Tlfno. 986 376 153 – FAX 986 264 959 
• Comprender e coñecer os principais aspectos da historia do cine dende os seus 
antecedentes técnicos ata a súa aparición. 
• Recoñecer e comprender os elementos básicos da linguaxe audiovisual: plano, ángulo, 
secuencia, movementos de cámara e a súa capacidade expresiva. 
• Recoñecer e distinguir as diferentes partes dunha película e identificar que transmite a 
película e como o fai. 
• Expresar emocións, sensacións e historias tendo en conta o plano o ángulo e o que 
◦ Identificar e coñecer o emprego dos conceptos sobre a comunicación audiovisual en 
curtas e películas, así como saber empregalos en producións propias. 
◦ Comprender os valores estéticos das manifestacións artísticas doutras épocas. 
◦ Tomar decisións de xeito autónomo e avaliar os resultados antes e despois da toma 
de decisións tanto durante o proceso creativo tanto persoal en grupo. 
◦ Establecer estratexias de planificación, previsión de recursos, de anticipación e de 
avaliación do resultados 
◦ Traballar en equipo con actitudes de respecto, tolerancia e cooperación, valéndose 
das habilidades sociais. 
◦ Respectar as quendas de palabra, valorar a opinión do outro, escoitar activamente 
aos compañeiros. 
◦ Reflexionar sobre os propios procesos de creación. 
◦ Facer uso dos recursos tecnolóxicos para a procura de información sabendo 
discriminar, organizar e sintetizar a información relevante. 
◦ Empregar as tecnoloxías como medio de comunicación que facilite e proceso de 
r/ Dr. Corbal, 25.- 36207 VIGO 
Tlfno. 986 376 153 – FAX 986 264 959 
◦ Desenvolver o gusto pola certeza e a súa busca a través do razoamento mediante a 
utilización de elementos e soportes matemáticos como os empregados na resolución 
de problemas. 
◦ Observar, experimentar e descubrir o emprego dos conceptos relacionados coa 
comunicación visual na arte e nas creacións propias. 
◦ Facer un bo uso dos materiais de traballo, reciclando sempre que sexa posible e 
mantendo o entorno limpo e ordenado. 
◦ Expresarse correctamente incorporando o vocabulario específico sobre a 
comunicación audiovisual, explicando as investigacións e traballos feitos aos 
◦ Comunicar sentimentos, ideas ou emocións empregando planos cinematográficos. 
• Do 22 de setembro ao 2 de outubro: Conceptos sobre a linguaxe audiovisual. 
• O 6 de outubro: exame. 
• O 15 de outubro: recuperación se fose preciso. 
• Do 9 de outubro ao 23 de outubro: proxecto en grupo cooperativo. 
• Comprender e coñecer os principais aspectos da historia do cine dende os seus 
antecedentes técnicos ata a súa aparición. 
• Recoñecer e comprender os elementos básicos da linguaxe audiovisual: plano, ángulo, 
secuencia, movementos de cámara e a súa capacidade expresiva. 
• Recoñecer e distinguir as diferentes partes dunha película e identificar que transmite a 
película e como o fai. 
• Expresar emocións, sensacións e historias tendo en conta o plano o ángulo e o que 
r/ Dr. Corbal, 25.- 36207 VIGO 
Tlfno. 986 376 153 – FAX 986 264 959 
Audiovisual Language. 
The audiovisual language is a system of communication using visual and sound 
elements. The meaning of every audiovisual production is the result of the interaction of the 
two languages which, in combination, turn into a more powerful expression. We are going to 
study audiovisual language through the study of the cinema. The contemporary definition of 
cinema is the art of simulating experiences that communicate ideas, stories, perceptions, 
feelings, beauty or atmosphere by the means of recorded or programmed moving images along 
with other sensory stimulations. 
Cinema antecedents. 
The antecedents are the inventions that lead to the creation of the cinema camera, 
they were the camera obscura, and with the pinhole camera, the magic lantern, the 
incandescent light bulb (with the electricity of course) and the photograph camera. 
Films, technic. 
A film, also called a movie or motion picture, is a series of still images which, when 
shown on a screen, creates the illusion of moving images due to the phi phenomenon. This 
optical illusion causes the audience to perceive continuous motion between separate objects 
viewed rapidly in succession. A film is created by photographing actual scenes with a motion 
picture camera; by photographing drawings or miniature models using traditional animation 
techniques; by means of CGI (computer-generated imagery) and computer animation; or by a 
combination of some or all of these techniques and other visual efects. 
To create the illusion of movement the frames or pictures projected in a the cinema 
must moves in a rate of, at least, 24 frames per minute. 
Early movies. 
The Lumière brothers are credited as the first filmmakers in history. They patented the 
cinematograph which, contrary to Edison's kinetoscope, allowed viewing by multiple parties at 
once, like current cinema. Their first film, Sortie de l'usine Lumière de Lyon, shot in 1894, is 
considered the first real motion picture in history. Before Lumière brothers created the 
cinematograph in the mid-19th century. Inventions such as the phenakistoscope and zoetrope, 
r/ Dr. Corbal, 25.- 36207 VIGO 
Tlfno. 986 376 153 – FAX 986 264 959 
or investigations such as the Muybridge's who worked about the motion of animals and people 
with photographs, demonstrated that a carefully designed sequence of drawings, showing 
phases of the changing appearance of objects in motion, would appear to show the objects 
actually moving if they were displayed one afer the other at a suficiently rapid rate. These 
devices relied on the phenomenon of persistence of vision to make the display appear 
continuous even though the observer's view was actually blocked as each drawing rotated into 
the location where its predecessor had just been glimpsed. 
Even though the Lumière brothers were the inventors of the cinema as a device, the 
inventor of the new industry was Georges Méliès, who was also famous for leading many 
technical and narrative developments in the earliest days of cinema. Méliès, a prolific innovator 
in the use of special efects, accidentally discovered the substitution stop trick in 1896 and, with 
it, what we know now as stop motion animation. His films include A Trip to the Moon (1902) 
and The Impossible Voyage (1904), both involving strange, surreal journeys somewhat in the 
style of Jules Verne, and considered among the most important early science fiction films, 
though their approach is closer to fantasy. 
Types of shots. 
In film, a shot is the space captured by the lens of a camera from a certain position and 
angle. Shots, angles and transitions are used to further express emotion, ideas and movement. 
The field size shown in any shot afects to its narrative power. The four basic kinds of field sizes 
1. Wide Shot, typically shows the entire object or 
human figure and is usually intended to place it in 
some relation to its surroundings. 
a) Extreme long shot, it normally shows an 
exterior, e.g. the outside of a building, or a landscape, and is ofen used to show 
scenes of thrilling action e.g. in a war film or 
disaster movie. There will be very litle detail 
visible in the shot, as it is meant to give a general 
impression rather than specific information.. 
b) Very wide shot, the subject is visible (barely), but 
the emphasis is still on placing him in his environment. 
r/ Dr. Corbal, 25.- 36207 VIGO 
Tlfno. 986 376 153 – FAX 986 264 959 
2. Medium shot: is a camera angle shot from a medium distance. It could be framed as a 
full-length view of a human subject, or framed 
from the waist up. It is mainly used for a scene 
when it is desirable to see the subjects' facial 
expressions in the context of their body language. 
a) American shot or ¾ shot, for the actors to 
stand in an irregular line 
from one side of the screen to the other, with the actors at the 
end coming forward a litle and standing more in profile than 
the others. The purpose of the composition is to allow 
complex dialogue scenes to be played out without changes in 
camera position. 
b) Medium close-up, t h e 
medium close-up is half 
way between a mid shot and a close up. This shot 
shows the face more clearly, without geting 
uncomfortably close. 
3. Close-up. is a type of shot, which tightly frames a person or an object. Close-ups 
display the most detail, but they do not include the broader scene. They are ofen 
employed as cutaways from a more distant shot to show detail, such as characters' 
emotions, or some intricate activity with their hands. They are also 
used for distinguishing main characters. Major characters are ofen 
given a close-up when they are introduced as a way of indicating their 
a) Medium close-up, half-way between a mid shot and a close-up. 
Usually covers the subject's head and shoulders. 
b) Extreme close-up, the shot is so tight that only a 
detail of the subject, such as someone's eyes, can be 
seen. You would normally need a specific reason to 
get this close. It is too close to show general 
reactions or emotion except in very dramatic 
r/ Dr. Corbal, 25.- 36207 VIGO 
Tlfno. 986 376 153 – FAX 986 264 959 
scenes. A variation of this shot is the choker that is an extreme close-up that shows 
the subject's face from just above the eyeborwns to just below the mouth. 
4. Point-of-View shot, this shot shows a view from the subject's perspective. It is usually 
edited in such a way that it is obvious whose point of view it is. One of the more famous 
examples of the point-of-view shot is the use of that kind of shot in the film “Rear 
Window”, (the hiperlink is from just one clip of the film that uses point-of-view shot) 
from Alfred Hitchcock. 
Camera movements and angles. 
Camera movements are used to help viewers follow the story and accompany the 
movements of the characters in a film. They implement and add excitement to shots, their best 
use is when new information is revealed. With the camera movements, the meaning of every 
scene can be enriched. The most known camera movements are: 
1. Pan, during a pan, the camera is aimed sideways along a straight line. Panning is 
commonly utilized to capture images of moving objects like cars speeding or people 
walking; or to show sweeping vistas like an ocean or a clif. 
2. Tilt, that refer to the up or down movement of the camera while the camera itself does 
not move. Tilts are ofen employed to reveal vertical objects like a building or a person. 
3. Dolly, when the entire camera moves forward or backward. Dollies are ofen used when 
recording a subject that moves away or toward the camera, in which case the goal 
would probably be keeping the subject at the same distance from the camera. 
4. Zoom, the camera remains at a constant position, but the lens magnify or minimize the 
size of the subject. The use of the zoom changes the sense of distance between the 
subject and the surroundings. It's mostly used in combination with another camera 
movements as the dolly, in this case known as dolly zoom, which is rare but used for 
some directors to emphasis the expression,. 
Camera angles depend on the point of view taken by the camera in a scene. Whereas 
shot sizes direct who and what we see, camera angles afect how we perceive it. A strong 
weapon in the cinematographer’s arsenal is the ability to position the camera in relation to the 
subject or scenery. 
r/ Dr. Corbal, 25.- 36207 VIGO 
Tlfno. 986 376 153 – FAX 986 264 959 
1. Eyelevel angle, is the one in which the camera is placed at the subject’s height, so if 
the actor is looking at the lens, he wouldn’t have to look up or down. Eyelevel shots are 
incredibly common because they are neutral. 
2. Low angle, is captured from a camera placed below the actor’s eyes, looking up at 
them. Low angles make characters look dominant, aggressive, or ominous. 
3. High angle, In a high angle, the camera is above the subject, looking down. This 
position makes characters look weak, submissive, or frightened. They are also good as 
the Point-of-view shot of an adult looking at a child. 
Narrative structure of a film. 
Is generally described as the structural framework that underlies the order and 
manner in which a narrative is presented to a reader, listener, or viewer: 
1. Setup, is where all of the main characters and their basic situations are introduced, and 
contains the primary level of characterization. A problem is also introduced, which is 
what drives the story forward. 
2. Conflict, is the bulk of the story, and begins when the inciting incident (or catalyst) sets 
things into motion. This is the part of the story where the characters go through major 
changes in their lives as a result of what is happening 
3. Resolution, is when the problem in the story boils over, forcing the characters to 
confront it, allowing all the elements of the story to come together and inevitably 
leading to the ending. 
Film analysis. 
We are going to analysis some short movies trying to understand what lies under every 
film, which is its main purpose or message and its main parts. 
1. Title, year and director. Most of the times we won't have all the information, in our 
case the title will be enough. 
2. Setup. When you consider that the introductory part finishes. 
3. Conflict. Which kind of troubles, conflicts or changes happen during that part. 
4. Resolution. How the problem/conflict/change finds an end. 
r/ Dr. Corbal, 25.- 36207 VIGO 
Tlfno. 986 376 153 – FAX 986 264 959 
5. Message. We have to take into account how the images are shown (shots, movements 
and angles and which meaning they make more powerful) 

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Unit 1 audiovisual_language

  • 1. COLEXIO “SAN JOSÉ DE LA GUÍA” r/ Dr. Corbal, 25.- 36207 VIGO Tlfno. 986 376 153 – FAX 986 264 959 UNIT 1: AUDIOVISUAL LANGUAGE. TEACHER: Sara Estarque Moreno SUBJECT: Educación Plástica e Visual LEVEL: 3º ESO email:
  • 2. COLEXIO “SAN JOSÉ DE LA GUÍA” r/ Dr. Corbal, 25.- 36207 VIGO Tlfno. 986 376 153 – FAX 986 264 959 OBXECTIVOS DA UNIDADE • Comprender e coñecer os principais aspectos da historia do cine dende os seus antecedentes técnicos ata a súa aparición. • Recoñecer e comprender os elementos básicos da linguaxe audiovisual: plano, ángulo, secuencia, movementos de cámara e a súa capacidade expresiva. • Recoñecer e distinguir as diferentes partes dunha película e identificar que transmite a película e como o fai. • Expresar emocións, sensacións e historias tendo en conta o plano o ángulo e o que expresan. COMPETENCIAS DA UNIDADE • COMPETENCIA CULTURAL E ARTÍSTICA. ◦ Identificar e coñecer o emprego dos conceptos sobre a comunicación audiovisual en curtas e películas, así como saber empregalos en producións propias. ◦ Comprender os valores estéticos das manifestacións artísticas doutras épocas. • AUTONOMÍA E INCIATIVA PERSOAL. ◦ Tomar decisións de xeito autónomo e avaliar os resultados antes e despois da toma de decisións tanto durante o proceso creativo tanto persoal en grupo. ◦ Establecer estratexias de planificación, previsión de recursos, de anticipación e de avaliación do resultados • COMPETENCIA SOCIAL E CIDADÁ. ◦ Traballar en equipo con actitudes de respecto, tolerancia e cooperación, valéndose das habilidades sociais. ◦ Respectar as quendas de palabra, valorar a opinión do outro, escoitar activamente aos compañeiros. • COMPETENCIA DE APRENDER A APRENDER. ◦ Reflexionar sobre os propios procesos de creación. • TRATAMENTO DA INFORMACIÓN E COMPETENCIA DIXITAL. ◦ Facer uso dos recursos tecnolóxicos para a procura de información sabendo discriminar, organizar e sintetizar a información relevante. ◦ Empregar as tecnoloxías como medio de comunicación que facilite e proceso de ensinanza-aprendizaxe. • COMPETENCIA MATEMÁTICA. email:
  • 3. COLEXIO “SAN JOSÉ DE LA GUÍA” r/ Dr. Corbal, 25.- 36207 VIGO Tlfno. 986 376 153 – FAX 986 264 959 ◦ Desenvolver o gusto pola certeza e a súa busca a través do razoamento mediante a utilización de elementos e soportes matemáticos como os empregados na resolución de problemas. • COMPETENCIA DE COÑECEMENTO E INTERACCIÓN CO MEDIO FÍSICO. ◦ Observar, experimentar e descubrir o emprego dos conceptos relacionados coa comunicación visual na arte e nas creacións propias. ◦ Facer un bo uso dos materiais de traballo, reciclando sempre que sexa posible e mantendo o entorno limpo e ordenado. • COMPETENCIA EN COMUNICACIÓN LINGÜÍSTICA. ◦ Expresarse correctamente incorporando o vocabulario específico sobre a comunicación audiovisual, explicando as investigacións e traballos feitos aos compañeiros. ◦ Comunicar sentimentos, ideas ou emocións empregando planos cinematográficos. SECUENCIACIÓN DO TRABALLO NA UNIDADE • Do 22 de setembro ao 2 de outubro: Conceptos sobre a linguaxe audiovisual. • O 6 de outubro: exame. • O 15 de outubro: recuperación se fose preciso. • Do 9 de outubro ao 23 de outubro: proxecto en grupo cooperativo. CRITERIOS DE AVALIACIÓN DA UNIDADE • Comprender e coñecer os principais aspectos da historia do cine dende os seus antecedentes técnicos ata a súa aparición. • Recoñecer e comprender os elementos básicos da linguaxe audiovisual: plano, ángulo, secuencia, movementos de cámara e a súa capacidade expresiva. • Recoñecer e distinguir as diferentes partes dunha película e identificar que transmite a película e como o fai. • Expresar emocións, sensacións e historias tendo en conta o plano o ángulo e o que expresan. email:
  • 4. COLEXIO “SAN JOSÉ DE LA GUÍA” r/ Dr. Corbal, 25.- 36207 VIGO Tlfno. 986 376 153 – FAX 986 264 959 AUDIOVISUAL LANGUAGE Audiovisual Language. The audiovisual language is a system of communication using visual and sound elements. The meaning of every audiovisual production is the result of the interaction of the two languages which, in combination, turn into a more powerful expression. We are going to study audiovisual language through the study of the cinema. The contemporary definition of cinema is the art of simulating experiences that communicate ideas, stories, perceptions, feelings, beauty or atmosphere by the means of recorded or programmed moving images along with other sensory stimulations. Cinema antecedents. The antecedents are the inventions that lead to the creation of the cinema camera, they were the camera obscura, and with the pinhole camera, the magic lantern, the incandescent light bulb (with the electricity of course) and the photograph camera. Films, technic. A film, also called a movie or motion picture, is a series of still images which, when shown on a screen, creates the illusion of moving images due to the phi phenomenon. This optical illusion causes the audience to perceive continuous motion between separate objects viewed rapidly in succession. A film is created by photographing actual scenes with a motion picture camera; by photographing drawings or miniature models using traditional animation techniques; by means of CGI (computer-generated imagery) and computer animation; or by a combination of some or all of these techniques and other visual efects. To create the illusion of movement the frames or pictures projected in a the cinema must moves in a rate of, at least, 24 frames per minute. Early movies. The Lumière brothers are credited as the first filmmakers in history. They patented the cinematograph which, contrary to Edison's kinetoscope, allowed viewing by multiple parties at once, like current cinema. Their first film, Sortie de l'usine Lumière de Lyon, shot in 1894, is considered the first real motion picture in history. Before Lumière brothers created the cinematograph in the mid-19th century. Inventions such as the phenakistoscope and zoetrope, email:
  • 5. COLEXIO “SAN JOSÉ DE LA GUÍA” r/ Dr. Corbal, 25.- 36207 VIGO Tlfno. 986 376 153 – FAX 986 264 959 or investigations such as the Muybridge's who worked about the motion of animals and people with photographs, demonstrated that a carefully designed sequence of drawings, showing phases of the changing appearance of objects in motion, would appear to show the objects actually moving if they were displayed one afer the other at a suficiently rapid rate. These devices relied on the phenomenon of persistence of vision to make the display appear continuous even though the observer's view was actually blocked as each drawing rotated into the location where its predecessor had just been glimpsed. Even though the Lumière brothers were the inventors of the cinema as a device, the inventor of the new industry was Georges Méliès, who was also famous for leading many technical and narrative developments in the earliest days of cinema. Méliès, a prolific innovator in the use of special efects, accidentally discovered the substitution stop trick in 1896 and, with it, what we know now as stop motion animation. His films include A Trip to the Moon (1902) and The Impossible Voyage (1904), both involving strange, surreal journeys somewhat in the style of Jules Verne, and considered among the most important early science fiction films, though their approach is closer to fantasy. Types of shots. In film, a shot is the space captured by the lens of a camera from a certain position and angle. Shots, angles and transitions are used to further express emotion, ideas and movement. The field size shown in any shot afects to its narrative power. The four basic kinds of field sizes are: 1. Wide Shot, typically shows the entire object or human figure and is usually intended to place it in some relation to its surroundings. a) Extreme long shot, it normally shows an exterior, e.g. the outside of a building, or a landscape, and is ofen used to show scenes of thrilling action e.g. in a war film or disaster movie. There will be very litle detail visible in the shot, as it is meant to give a general impression rather than specific information.. b) Very wide shot, the subject is visible (barely), but the emphasis is still on placing him in his environment. email:
  • 6. COLEXIO “SAN JOSÉ DE LA GUÍA” r/ Dr. Corbal, 25.- 36207 VIGO Tlfno. 986 376 153 – FAX 986 264 959 2. Medium shot: is a camera angle shot from a medium distance. It could be framed as a full-length view of a human subject, or framed from the waist up. It is mainly used for a scene when it is desirable to see the subjects' facial expressions in the context of their body language. a) American shot or ¾ shot, for the actors to stand in an irregular line from one side of the screen to the other, with the actors at the end coming forward a litle and standing more in profile than the others. The purpose of the composition is to allow complex dialogue scenes to be played out without changes in camera position. b) Medium close-up, t h e medium close-up is half way between a mid shot and a close up. This shot shows the face more clearly, without geting uncomfortably close. 3. Close-up. is a type of shot, which tightly frames a person or an object. Close-ups display the most detail, but they do not include the broader scene. They are ofen employed as cutaways from a more distant shot to show detail, such as characters' emotions, or some intricate activity with their hands. They are also used for distinguishing main characters. Major characters are ofen given a close-up when they are introduced as a way of indicating their importance. a) Medium close-up, half-way between a mid shot and a close-up. Usually covers the subject's head and shoulders. b) Extreme close-up, the shot is so tight that only a detail of the subject, such as someone's eyes, can be seen. You would normally need a specific reason to get this close. It is too close to show general reactions or emotion except in very dramatic email:
  • 7. COLEXIO “SAN JOSÉ DE LA GUÍA” r/ Dr. Corbal, 25.- 36207 VIGO Tlfno. 986 376 153 – FAX 986 264 959 scenes. A variation of this shot is the choker that is an extreme close-up that shows the subject's face from just above the eyeborwns to just below the mouth. 4. Point-of-View shot, this shot shows a view from the subject's perspective. It is usually edited in such a way that it is obvious whose point of view it is. One of the more famous examples of the point-of-view shot is the use of that kind of shot in the film “Rear Window”, (the hiperlink is from just one clip of the film that uses point-of-view shot) from Alfred Hitchcock. Camera movements and angles. Camera movements are used to help viewers follow the story and accompany the movements of the characters in a film. They implement and add excitement to shots, their best use is when new information is revealed. With the camera movements, the meaning of every scene can be enriched. The most known camera movements are: 1. Pan, during a pan, the camera is aimed sideways along a straight line. Panning is commonly utilized to capture images of moving objects like cars speeding or people walking; or to show sweeping vistas like an ocean or a clif. 2. Tilt, that refer to the up or down movement of the camera while the camera itself does not move. Tilts are ofen employed to reveal vertical objects like a building or a person. 3. Dolly, when the entire camera moves forward or backward. Dollies are ofen used when recording a subject that moves away or toward the camera, in which case the goal would probably be keeping the subject at the same distance from the camera. 4. Zoom, the camera remains at a constant position, but the lens magnify or minimize the size of the subject. The use of the zoom changes the sense of distance between the subject and the surroundings. It's mostly used in combination with another camera movements as the dolly, in this case known as dolly zoom, which is rare but used for some directors to emphasis the expression,. Camera angles depend on the point of view taken by the camera in a scene. Whereas shot sizes direct who and what we see, camera angles afect how we perceive it. A strong weapon in the cinematographer’s arsenal is the ability to position the camera in relation to the subject or scenery. email:
  • 8. COLEXIO “SAN JOSÉ DE LA GUÍA” r/ Dr. Corbal, 25.- 36207 VIGO Tlfno. 986 376 153 – FAX 986 264 959 1. Eyelevel angle, is the one in which the camera is placed at the subject’s height, so if the actor is looking at the lens, he wouldn’t have to look up or down. Eyelevel shots are incredibly common because they are neutral. 2. Low angle, is captured from a camera placed below the actor’s eyes, looking up at them. Low angles make characters look dominant, aggressive, or ominous. 3. High angle, In a high angle, the camera is above the subject, looking down. This position makes characters look weak, submissive, or frightened. They are also good as the Point-of-view shot of an adult looking at a child. Narrative structure of a film. Is generally described as the structural framework that underlies the order and manner in which a narrative is presented to a reader, listener, or viewer: 1. Setup, is where all of the main characters and their basic situations are introduced, and contains the primary level of characterization. A problem is also introduced, which is what drives the story forward. 2. Conflict, is the bulk of the story, and begins when the inciting incident (or catalyst) sets things into motion. This is the part of the story where the characters go through major changes in their lives as a result of what is happening 3. Resolution, is when the problem in the story boils over, forcing the characters to confront it, allowing all the elements of the story to come together and inevitably leading to the ending. Film analysis. We are going to analysis some short movies trying to understand what lies under every film, which is its main purpose or message and its main parts. 1. Title, year and director. Most of the times we won't have all the information, in our case the title will be enough. 2. Setup. When you consider that the introductory part finishes. 3. Conflict. Which kind of troubles, conflicts or changes happen during that part. 4. Resolution. How the problem/conflict/change finds an end. email:
  • 9. COLEXIO “SAN JOSÉ DE LA GUÍA” r/ Dr. Corbal, 25.- 36207 VIGO Tlfno. 986 376 153 – FAX 986 264 959 5. Message. We have to take into account how the images are shown (shots, movements and angles and which meaning they make more powerful) email: