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สื่อส่องทาง	สว่างอ�าไพ
                                                    ทุกชีวิตมีปัญหา		พระพุทธศาสนามีทางแก้
       ปีที่	36		ฉบับที่	432		ประจ�าเดือนเมษายน			พ.ศ.	2554			Vol.36		No.432			April,		2011

		Objectives	:
 �To	promote	Buddhist	activities.                                                สารบัญ
 �To	foster	Thai	culture	and	tradition.
 �To	inform	the	public	of	the	temple’s	activities.
 �To	promide	a	public	relations	center	for	
  	 Buddhists	living	in	the	United	States.             		The		Buddha’s	Words..............................................	1
                                                       		Mindfulness	with	Breathing			By	Ven.	Buddhadasa.......	2
		เจ้าของ	:	วัดไทยกรุงวอชิงตัน,	ดี.ซี.                 		About	Being	Careful		By	Ven.	Ajanh	Chah.................7
	 ที่ปรึกษา	:	พระวิเทศธรรมรังษี                        			Supraman	one	who	has	Wiisdom	By	Ven.	Laung	Ta	Chi....	12
	 กองบรรณาธิการ	:                                      		Down	From	the	Mountains		by	Matthew	Regan....17
	 ดร.พระมหาถนัด		อตฺถจารี                              		The	Meditation	Workshop	..........................................19
	 พระสมุห์ณัฐิวุฒิ	ปภากโร                              		สาระธรรมจาก...พระไตรปิฎก	...................................	20
	 พระจรินทร์		อาภสฺสโร                                 		ปฏิบัติธรรมประจ�าเดือนเมษายน................................	22
	 พระมหาเรืองฤทธิ์		สมิทฺธิญาโณ
	 พระสุริยา		เตชวโร                                    		เสียงธรรม...จากวัดไทย........................หลวงตาชี					23
	 พระมหาสราวุธ		สราวุโธ                                		ประมวลภาพกิจกรรมเดือนมีนาคม	........................	30
	 พระมหาประดู่ชัย		ภทฺทธมฺโม                           		เสียงธรรม...จากหลวงตาชี	......................................	32
	 พระมหาศรีสุพรณ์		อตฺตทีโป                            		ท่องแดนพระพุทธศาสนา	๒,๓๐๐	ปี	ดร.พระมหาถนัด	 39
	 พระมหาค�าตัล		พุทฺธงฺกุโร                            		อนุโมทนาพิเศษ	/	Special	Thanks..........................	41
	 พระอนันต์ภิวัฒน์		พุทฺธรกฺขิโต                       		Thai	Temple’s	News...............โดย	ดร.แฮนดี้					42
	 และอุบาสก-อุบาสิกาวัดไทยกรุงวอชิงตัน,	ดี.ซี.	        		ปฏิญญาพุทธคยา	...	ประเทศอินเดีย																				45
                                                       		รายนามผู้บริจาคเดือนมีนาคม				Ven.Pradoochai			48
	 SAENG	DHAMMA	Magazine                                		รายนามผู้บริจาคออมบุญประจ�าปีและเจ้าภาพภัตตาหารเช้า..50
	 is	published	monthly	by                              		รายนามเจ้าภาพถวายเพล	/	Lunch............................51
	 Wat	Thai	Washington,	D.C.	Temple                     		ก�าหนดการท�าบุญวันสงกรานต์	...................................	60
	 At	13440	Layhill	Rd.,
	 Silver	Spring,	MD	20906                              		กงสุลสัญจร	ณ	วัดไทยกรุงวอชิงตัน,	ดี.ซี.	...............62
	 Tel.	(301)	871-8660,	871-8661
	 Fax	:	301-871-5007                                                          Photos	taken	by	
	 E-mail	:                                       Ven.	Pradoochai,	Ven.	Khumtan
	 Homepage	:                                         Ven.	Ananphiwat,	Ven.Srisuporn	
	 Radio	Network	:                                       Mr.	Kevin	&	Mr.	Sam	
	 2,500	Copies                                                                 Bank	&	Ms.	Golf
	 	 	                     	         	       วันนี้	วันดี	ปีใหม่												 						ท้องฟ้าแจ่มใสพาใจสุขสันต์						
	 	 	                     	         	       ยิ้มให้กัน	ในวันปีใหม่															โกรธเคืองเรื่องใด	จงอภัยให้กัน
	 	 	                     	         	       หมดสิ้นกันที	ปีเก่า																		เรื่องทุกข์เรื่องเศร้า	อย่าเขลาคิดมัน
	 	 	                     	         	       ตั้งต้น	ชีวิต	กันใหม่																	ให้มันสดใสสุขไปทั่วกัน...	
	 หลายคนคงจะคุนกับบทเพลง	“รืนเริงเถลิงศก”	โดยเฉพาะแฟนเพลงของวง	“สุนทราภรณ์”	คงจะรูจกกันดี	หรือหลายคนอาจจะเคยได้ยน
                           ้             ่                                                                    ้ั                                ิ
เพลงนี้ในขณะเดินเข้าวัด	 หรือสถานีวิทยุในช่วงเปลี่ยนศักราชของไทยกันที่เรียกขานกันว่า	 “ตรุษสงกรานต์	 หรือปีใหม่ไทย”	 เมืองไทยเรา
ประกอบด้วยคนหลายชนชาติ	 และเมื่ออยู่ในสังคมโลกเราเลยมีโอกาสในการฉลองปีใหม่ปีหนึ่งๆ	มากกว่าบ้านเมืองอื่น	คือมีทั้งปีใหม่สากล	ปี
ใหม่จีน	ซึ่งคนไทยเราก็ไม่พลาดในการร่วมฉลอง	และที่พลาดไม่ได้คือ	ปีใหม่ไทย	ที่เต็มไปด้วยสีสันแห่งการฉลองที่แปลกแตกต่างจากบ้านเมือง
อื่น	ปีใหม่ไทยกลายเป็นสีสันที่ผู้คนทั่วโลกบินมาร่วมฉลองด้วย	กลายเป็นปีใหม่อินเตอร์กระจายไปทั่วแคว้นแดนสยาม		อย่างไรก็ตาม	บทเพลง
นี้ก็ได้สอนธรรมมะให้เราได้เช่นกัน	อย่าได้มองข้าม
	 ปีใหม่	วัดไทย,	ดี.ซี.	ปีนี้จัดวันอาทิตย์ที่	๑๗	เมษายน	ศกนี้	ดั่งที่ปรารภกันไปแล้วในฉบับที่แล้ว	ทุกท่านคงจะทราบชัดเจนถึงแนวทางของ
งานที่สามารถรวมพลคนไทยและเทศได้มากที่สุดของวัดไทย,	ดี.ซี.	ด้วยกิจกรรมที่หลากหลายรูปแบบ	บางท่านบอกว่า	“ปีใหม่	ต้องไปวัดไทย,	
ดี.ซี.	ได้รวมบุญใหญ่	รูจกเพือนใหม่	แถมเจอเพือนเก่าๆ	อร่อยด้วยอาหารไทยๆ	ฝีมอเด็ดๆ		เพลินการแสดง	แสวงหาพืชผักปลูกหน้าร้อน”	
           ่                   ้ั ่                  ่                                     ื
ปีนี้จึงอยากบอกว่า	งานมีเช่นเดิม	ฝากบอกต่อๆ	กันไป	อย่าได้พลาดโอกาสหนึ่งปีมีครั้งเดียว	
	 วันสงกรานต์	ส่วนหนึ่งก็เป็นการอ้างถึงว่าเป็นวันครอบครัว	วันกตัญญูกตเวที	“๑๐๐	ปี	๑๐๐	เรื่องหลวงพ่อเล่า(ปัญญานันทะ)”	ฉบับนี้จึง
ขอน�านิทานกตัญญูกตเวที	เรื่อง	“ลกเจ๊ก”	แบบฉบับเวอร์ชั่นหลวงพ่อปัญญานันทะให้ท่านได้ติดตามกัน	
	 ...ในหนังสือสามก๊ก	ก็มีเรื่อง	เรื่องอะไร	เรื่อง	ลกเจ๊ก	เวลาขงเบ้งไปเจรจาความเมืองที่เมืองกังตั๋ง	พอไปถึงเมือง	แหม	ขุนนางเมืองกังตั๋ง	มีโล
ซก	เป็นหัวหน้า	เขามักจะพูดล้อเลียนใครๆ	ว่า	ไอ้โลซก	โลซกไม่ใช่คนอย่างนั้น	ไม่ใช่คนเซ่อๆ	อะไร	โลซกเป็นขุนนางฝ่ายพลเรือน	เป็นพวกบูชา
สันติภาพ	ไม่อยากจะรบทัพจับศึก	อยากจะผูกมิตรไมตรีกัน	ไม่ต้องรบราฆ่าฟันกัน	เป็นคนที่ชอบสันติ	เลยไปหาขงเบ้ง	ไปเจรจา	พอขงเบ้งมาก็	
แหม	พวกขุนนางอื่นๆ	นะ	โลซก	เป็นหัวหน้าเตรียมลับปากไว้เชียว	จะประคารมกับขงเบ้ง	ขึ้นมาประ	เรียกว่าสองเพลงก็ตกม้าตาย	สามเพลง
ตกม้าตาย	ไปไม่รอดทั้งนั้นแหละ	ขงเบ้งตอกหงายไปเลย	ในที่สุดลกเจ๊กขึ้นมา	“ข้าพเจ้าชื่อลกเจ๊ก”
	 ขงเบ้งว่า	“อ้อ	เมื่อตอนเป็นเด็กเคยลักส้มให้มารดา”	ว่าอย่างนั้น	ว่าเสียคนไปเลย	หาว่าลกเจ๊กเป็นคนมือไวใจโจร	ลักส้มไปให้แม่	 ความ
จริงไม่ใช่อย่างนั้น	ลกเจ๊ก	ไม่ใช่เด็กมือไวใจโจร	ถ้าเด็กมือไวมันก็ไม่ได้เป็นขุนนางนะซิ	แต่ว่าเป็นเด็กกตัญญูรู้คุณแม่	พ่อไม่มี	เลยก็รู้แต่คุณแม่	แม่
ชอบกินส้ม	วันหนึ่งเศรษฐีเขาท�าบุญแซยิดที่บ้าน	ลกเจ๊กก็เลยไป	รับเชิญว่าอย่างนั้น	เขารับเชิญไปให้กินเลี้ยง	ธรรมเนียมจีนเขาก่อนจะกินข้าวก็
กินเม็ดแตงโมบ้าง	กินส้มบ้าง	กินเล่นไปก่อน	ก่อนจะถึงเวลากินข้าว	พอลกเจ๊กไปหยิบส้มมากินผลหนึ่ง	พอปอกกินเข้าไปกลีบเดียว	มันหวาน
ชื่นใจ	กลืนไม่ลง	นึกถึงคุณแม่	กลืนไม่ลง	เลยนึกในใจว่า	“แหม	คุณแม่ชอบส้มแบบนี้”	ต้องเอาไปสักสองผล	เลยหยิบใส่ในมือเสื้อ	ข้างละผล	มือ
เสื้อมันกว้างนี่	 เสื้องิ้วนะ	เสื้อโบราณจีนเขาใช้	 พอเอาส้มใส่ในมือเสื้อแล้วก็เที่ยวเดินท�าท่าพนมมือเรื่อยไป	ท�าท่าเป็นเด็กอ่อนน้อมเหลือเกินละ	
ความจริงกลัวส้มมันจะหล่นเท่านั้นเอง	 ไม่ใช่เรื่องอะไร	 พอถึงเวลากินข้าวก็ไปกิน	 ประคองส้มไม่ให้หล่น	 	 เสร็จแล้ว	 เศรษฐีจะแจกของแก่เด็ก
ยากจน	เขาก็เลยเข้าไปค�านับ	พอค�านับเท่านั้น	ส้มมันก็ไหลมาจากมือเสื้อเลย	เศรษฐีเห็นก็ยิ้มๆ	แล้วรู้ว่ามันมาแต่ไหน	ลกเจ๊กยืนพนมมือท�าท่า
ว่า	ส้มอยู่ในมือข้าพเจ้าเอง	“เอ้า	ท�าไมมันเข้าไปอยู่ในมือเสื้อของเจ้า”		เขาก็บอกว่า	“แหม	กินส้มนี้กลีบเดียว	นึกถึงคุณแม่	กินไม่ลง	อยากจะ
เอาส้มนี้ไปฝากคุณแม่สักสองผล	เพราะท่านชอบส้มรสนี้”	
	 เศรษฐีได้ฟงแล้วตืนตันใจ	เด็กตัวเท่านีมความคิดอย่างนี้	รักแม่ขนาดนี้	ควรแก่การชุบเลียง	เลยบอกว่า	“เอาไปสองผลมันน้อยไป”	ให้คนใช้
                   ั         ้                  ้ี                                                 ้
เอามาให้ถาดหนึ่ง	ลกเจ๊กก็เลยถือยิ้มแป้นไปเลย	เอาไปให้คุณแม่	แล้วต่อมา	เศรษฐีคนนี้แหละชุบเลี้ยงลกเจ๊กให้เล่าเรียนหนังสือ	ลกเจ๊กเมื่อได้
ไปเรียนหนังสือแล้ว	นึกอยู่ตลอดเวลาว่า	เราได้เรียนเพราะเศรษฐี	อย่าให้เขาผิดหวัง	ให้เขาได้รับความชื่นใจเพราะเราตอบแทนเรื่องอื่นไม่ได้	ก็
ตอบแทนด้วยการให้เขาชื่นใจสบายใจ	เรียนให้เก่ง	เรียนให้ดี	 แล้วก็ตั้งใจเรียนจนกระทั่งจบชั้นขึ้นไป	เข้าสอบเป็นขุนนางบุ๋นกับเขาได้	 ก็เลยได้
เป็นขุนนางในเมืองกังตั๋ง	(ค�าสอนผู้บวชใหม่	“บุคคลหาได้ยาก	๒”)...
	 สุดท้ายขออ�านวยพรให้ทุกท่านจงเป็นผู้มีอภัยธรรม	ข้ามพ้นเรื่องทุกข์เรื่องเศร้า	มีสุขสมหวังดังใจหมายด้วยกันทุกท่านทุกคนเทอญ
แสงธรรม 1   Saeng Dhamma

                  The Buddha’s Words
         สุกรานิ อสาธูนิ          อตฺตโน อหิตานิ จ
         ยํ เว หิตญฺจ สาธุญฺจ     ตํ เว ปรมทุกฺกรํ. (๑๖๓)
    กรรมไม่ดี ทังไม่มประโยชน์แก่ตน ทําง่าย แต่กรรมดี และมีประโยชน์
                 ้ ี
	   Easy to do are those karmas which are bad and not benefitting oneself.
    But those which are good and beneficial are difficult indeed to be performed.
แสงธรรม 2        Saeng Dhamma

                                                with Breathing
                                                     by Buddhadasa Bhikkhu

	S        it	up	straight	(with	all	the	vertebrae	of	the	
          spine	 fitting	 together	 snugly).	 Keep	 your	
head	upright.	Direct	your	eyes	towards	the	tip	of	
                                                               top	of	the	other.	Overlap	or	cross	your	legs	in	a	way	
                                                               that	distributes	and	holds	your	weight	well,	so	that	
                                                               you	can	sit	comfortably	and	will	not	fall	over	easily.	
your	 nose	 so	 that	 nothing	 else	 is	 seen.	 Whether	       The	legs	can	be	overlapped	in	an	ordinary	way	or	
you	see	it	or	not	doesn’t	really	matter,	just	gaze	            crossed,	whichever	you	prefer	or	are	able	to	do.	Fat	
in	 its	 direction.	 Once	 you	 get	 used	 to	 it,	 the	 re-   people	can	only	cross	their	legs	in	what	is	called	the	
sults	will	be	better	than	closing	the	eyes,	and	you	           “diamond	 posture”	 (lotus	 posture)	 with	 difficulty,	
won’t	 be	 encouraged	 to	 fall	 asleep	 so	 easily.	 In	      but	fancy	postures	are	not	necessary.	Merely	sit	with	
particular,	people	who	are	sleepy	should	practice	             the	legs	folded	so	that	your	weight	is	evenly	bal-
with	their	eyes	open	rather	than	closed.	Practice	             anced	and	you	cannot	tip	over	easily	--	that’s	good	
like	this	steadily	and	they	will	close	by	themselves	          enough.	The	more	difficult	and	serious	postures	can	
when	 the	 time	 comes	 for	 them	 to	 close.	 (If	 you	       be	left	for	when	one	gets	serious,	like	a	yogi.
want	to	practice	with	your	eyes	closed	from	the	               	 In	 special	 circumstances	 --	 when	 you	 are	 sick,	
start,	that’s	up	to	you.)	Still,	the	method	of	keeping	        not	feeling	well,	or	just	tired	--	you	can	rest	against	
the	eyes	open	gives	better	results.	Some	people,	              something,	 sit	 on	a	chair,	 or	use	 a	deck	 chair,	in	
however,	will	feel	that	it’s	too	difficult,	especially	        order	to	recline	a	bit.	Those	who	are	sick	can	even	
those	who	are	attached	to	closing	their	eyes.	They	            lie	down	to	meditate.	
won’t	be	able	to	practice	with	their	eyes	open,	and	           	 Sit	 in	 a	 place	 with	 good	 air	 circulation,	 where	
may	close	them	if	they	wish.                                   you	 can	 breathe	 comfortably.	 There	 should	 be	
	 Lay	the	hands	in	your	lap,	comfortably,	one	on	              nothing	 overly	 disturbing.	 Loud	 noises	 which	 are
แสงธรรม 3       Saeng Dhamma
steady	and	have	no	meaning,	such	as	the	sound	of	             Now	you	will	have	both	outer	and	inner	end	points	
waves	or	a	factory,	are	no	problem	unless	you	at-             by	fixing	one	point	at	the	tip	of	the	nose	and	the	
tach	to	them	as	a	problem.	Sounds	with	meaning,	              other	at	the	navel.	The	breath	will	drag	itself	back	
such	as	people	speaking,	are	more	of	a	problem	               and	 forth	 between	 these	 two	 points.	 Here	 make	
for	those	just	learning	to	practice.	If	you	can’t	find	       your	mind	just	like	something	which	chases	after	or	
a	 quiet	 place,	 pretend	 there	 aren’t	 any	 sounds.	       stalks	the	breathing,	like	a	tiger	or	a	spy,	unwilling	
Just	be	determined	to	practice	and	it	will	work	out	          to	part	with	it	even	for	a	moment,	following	every	
eventually.                                                   breath	for	as	long	as	you	meditate.	This	is	the	first	
	 Although	the	eyes	are	gazing	inattentively	at	the	          step	of	our	practice.	We	call	it	“chasing	after	(or	
tip	of	the	nose,	you	can	gather	your	attention	or	            stalking)	the	whole	time.”
awareness	 or	 sati(1),	 as	 it’s	 called	 in	 our	 techni-   	 Earlier	we	said	to	begin	by	trying	to	make	the	
cal	language,	in	order	to	catch	and	note	your	own	            breathing	as	long	as	possible,	and	as	strong,	vigor-
breathing	in	and	out.	(Those	who	like	to	close	their	         ous,	and	rough	as	possible,	many	times	from	the	
eyes	will	do	so	from	here	on.)	Those	who	prefer	to	           very	start.	Do	so	in	order	to	find	the	end	points	and	
leave	the	eyes	open	will	do	so	continually	until	the	         the	track	the	breath	follows	between	them.	Once	
eyes	gradually	close	on	their	own	as	concentration	           the	mind	(or	sati)	can	catch	and	fix	the	breathing	
and	calmness	(samadhi)	increases.                             in	and	out	--	by	constantly	being	aware	of	how	the	
	 In	the	beginning	(and	only	at	the	beginning,	for	a	         breath	touches	and	flows,	then	where	it	ends,	then	
few	minutes,	not	forever!),	to	make	it	easy	to	note	          how	 it	 turns	 back	 either	 inside	 or	 outside	 --	 you	
the	 breathing,	 try	 to	 breathe	 as	 long	 as	 you	 can.	   can	gradually	relax	the	breathing	until	it	becomes	
Force	it	in	and	out	strongly	many	times.	Do	so	in	            normal	no	longer	forcing	or	pushing	it	in	any	way.	
order	to	know	clearly	for	yourself	what	the	breath	           Be	careful:	don’t	force	or	control	it	at	all!	Still,	sati	
rubs	against	or	touches	as	it	draws	in	and	out	along	         fixes	on	the	breathing	the	whole	time,	just	as	it	did	
its	path.	In	a	simple	way,	notice	where	it	appears	to	        earlier	with	the	rough	and	strong	breathing.
end	in	the	belly	(by	taking	the	physical	sensations	as	       	 Sati	is	able	to	pay	attention	to	the	entire	path	of	
one’s	measure	rather	than	anatomical	reality).	Note	          the	breath	from	the	inner	end	point	(the	navel	or	
this	in	an	easy-going	way	as	well	as	you	can,	well	           the	base	of	the	abdomen)	to	the	outer	end	point	
enough	to	fix	the	inner	and	outer	end	points	of	the	          (the	tip	of	the	nose	or	the	upper	lip).	However	fine	
breathing.	Don’t	be	tense	or	too	strict	about	it.             or	soft	the	breath	becomes,	sati	can	clearly	note	
	 Most	people	will	feel	the	breath	striking	at	the	           it	all	the	time.	If	it	happens	that	we	cannot	note	
tip	of	the	nose	and	should	take	that	point	as	the	            (or	 feel)	 the	 breath	 because	 it	 is	 too	 soft	 or	 re-
outer	end.	(In	people	with	flat	or	upturned	noses	            fined,	then	breathe	more	strongly	or	roughly	again.	
the	breath	will	strike	on	the	edge	of	the	upper	lip,	         (But	not	as	strong	or	rough	as	before,	just	enough	
and	 they	 should	 take	 that	 as	 the	 external	 end.)	      to	 note	 the	 breath	 clearly).	 Fix	 attention	 on	 the
แสงธรรม 4       Saeng Dhamma
breathing	again,	until	sati	is	aware	of	it	without	any	 breathing	enters	the	body	all	the	way	(to	the	na-
gaps.	Make	sure	it	can	be	done	well,	that	is,	keep	 vel	or	thereabouts)	once,	then	let	go	or	release	it.	
practicing	until	even	the	purely	ordinary,	unforced	 Next,	note	when	the	breathing	contacts	the	other	
breathing	can	be	securely	observed.	However	long	 end	point	(the	tip	of	the	nose)	once	more,	then	
or	short	it	is,	know	it.	However	heavy	or	light	it	is,	 let	go	or	leave	it	alone	until	it	contacts	the	inner	
know	it.	Know	it	clearly	within	that	very	awareness	 end	point	(navel)	again.	Continue	like	this	without	
as	 sati	 merely	 holds	 closely	 to	 and	 follows	 the	 changing	 anything.	 In	 moments	 of	 letting	 go,	 the	
breathing	back	and	forth	the	whole	time	you	are	 mind	doesn’t	run	away	to	home,	the	fields,	the	of-
meditating.	When	you	can	do	this	it	means	success	 fice,	or	anywhere.	This	means	that	sati	pays	atten-
in	the	level	of	preparation	called	“chasing	after	all	 tion	at	the	two	end	points	--	both	inner	and	outer	
the	time.”	                                               --	and	doesn’t	pay	attention	to	anything	between	
	 Lack	of	success	is	due	to	the	                                            them.
                                        “จิตทีฝกดีแล้ว นำ�คว�มสุขม�ให้”
                                              ่ ึ
inability	 of	 sati	 (or	 the	 atten-                                       	 When	 you	 can	 securely	 go	
tion)	to	stay	with	the	breathing	                                           back	and	forth	between	the	two	
the	whole	time.	You	don’t	know	                                             end	points	without	paying	atten-
when	 it	 lost	 track.	 You	 don’t	                                         tion	to	things	in	between,	leave	
know	when	it	ran	off	to	home,	                                              out	the	inner	end	point	and	fo-
work,	 or	 play.	 You	 don’t	 know	                                         cus	only	on	the	outer,	namely,	
until	it’s	already	gone.	And	you	                                           the	 tip	 of	 the	 nose.	 Now,	 sati	
don’t	know	when	it	went,	how,	                                              consistently	 watches	 only	 at	
why,	or	whatever.	Once	you	are	                                             the	tip	of	the	nose.	Whether	the	
aware	of	what	happened,	catch	                                              breathing	 strikes	 while	 inhaling	
the	breathing	again,	gently	bring	                                          or	while	exhaling,	know	it	every	
it	back	to	the	breathing,	and	train	until	successful	 time.	This	is	called	“guarding	the	gate.”	There’s	a	
on	this	level.	Do	it	for	at	least	ten	minutes	each	 feeling	as	the	breathing	passes	in	or	out;	the	rest	
session,	before	going	on	to	the	next	step.                of	the	way	is	left	void	or	quiet.	If	you	have	firm	
	 The	 next	 step,	 the	 second	 level	 of	 prepara- awareness	at	the	nose	tip,	the	breathing	becomes	
tion,	is	called	“waiting	(or	guarding)	in	ambush	at	 increasingly	 calm	 and	 quiet.	 Thus	 you	 can’t	 feel	
one	point.”	It’s	best	to	practice	this	second	step	 movements	other	than	at	the	nose	tip.	In	the	spac-
only	after	the	first	step	can	be	done	well,	but	any- es	when	it’s	empty	or	quiet,	when	you	can’t	feel	
one	who	can	skip	straight	to	the	second	won’t	be	 anything,	the	mind	doesn’t	run	away	to	home	or	
scolded.	At	this	stage,	sati	(or	recollection)	lies	in	 elsewhere.	 The	 ability	 to	 do	 this	 well	 is	 success	
wait	fixing	at	a	particular	point	and	stops	chasing	 in	the	“waiting	in	ambush	at	one	point”	level	of	
after	the	breathing.	Note	the	sensation	when	the	 preparation.
แสงธรรม 5      Saeng Dhamma
	 Lack	of	success	is	when	the	mind	runs	away	with- first,	then	let	it	relax	until	it	becomes	natural.	In	
out	you	knowing.	It	doesn’t	return	to	the	gate	as	it	 this	way,	you’ll	end	up	with	breathing	which	is	the	
should	or,	after	entering	the	gate,	it	sneaks	all	the	 “middle	way”	or	just	right.	Such	breathing	makes	
way	inside.	Both	of	these	errors	happen	because	the	 the	body	natural,	normal,	and	healthy.	And	it	is	fit	
period	of	emptiness	or	quiet	is	incorrect	and	incom- for	use	as	the	object	of	meditation	at	the	beginning	
plete.	You	have	not	done	it	properly	since	the	start	 of	anapanasati.	Let	us	stress	once	more	that	this	
of	this	step.	Therefore,	you	ought	to	practice	care- first	step	of	preparation	ought	to	be	practiced	until	
fully,	solidly,	expertly	from	the	very	first	step.          it’s	just	a	natural	game	for	every	one	of	us,	and	in	
	 Even	the	beginning	step,	the	one	called	“chas- all	circumstances.	This	will	bring	numerous	physical	
ing	after	the	whole	time,”	is	not	easy	for	everyone.	 and	mental	benefits.
Yet	when	one	can	do	it,	the	results	--	both	physical	 	 Actually,	the	difference	between	“chasing	after	
and	 mental	 --	 are	                                                                       the	 whole	 time”	
beyond	 expecta- ครูเมย์ นำ�ทีมนักแสดงวัดไทยฯ ดี.ซี. ไปแสดงโชว์ที่ D.C. and	“waiting	in	am-
tions.	So	you	ought	                                                                        bush	at	one	place”	
to	 make	 yourself	                                                                         is	not	so	great.	The	
able	 to	 do	 it,	 and	                                                                     latter	 is	 a	 little	
do	 it	 consistently,	                                                                      more	 relaxed	 and	
until	it	is	a	game	like	                                                                    subtle,	 that	 is,	 the	
the	 sports	 you	 like	                                                                     area	 noted	 by	 sati	
to	play.	If	you	have	                                                                       decreases.	To	make	
even	 two	 minutes,	                                                                        this	easier	to	under-
by	 all	 means	 prac-                                                                       stand,	we’ll	use	the	
tice.	 Breathe	 force-                                                                      simile	 of	 the	 baby	
fully,	if	your	bones	crack	or	rattle	that’s	even	bet- sitter	rocking	the	baby’s	hammock.	At	first,	when	
ter.	Breathe	strongly	until	it	whistles,	a	little	noise	 the	child	has	just	been	put	into	the	hammock,	it	
won’t	hurt.	Then	relax	and	lighten	it	gradually	until	 isn’t	sleepy	yet	and	will	try	to	get	out.	At	this	stage,	
it	finds	its	natural	level.                                 the	baby	sitter	must	watch	the	hammock	careful-
	 The	 ordinary	 breathing	 of	 most	 people	 is	 not	 ly.	As	it	swings	from	side	to	side,	her	head	must	
natural	 or	 normal,	 but	 is	 coarser	 or	 lower	 than	 turn	from	left	to	right	so	that	the	child	won’t	be	
normal,	without	 us	 being	aware.	Especially	when	 out	of	sight	for	a	moment.	Once	the	baby	begins	
we	 do	 certain	 activities	 or	 are	 in	 positions	 which	 to	get	sleepy	and	doesn’t	try	to	get	out	anymore,	
are	restricted,	our	breathing	is	more	or	less	course	 the	baby	sitter	need	not	turn	her	head	from	left	
than	it	ought	to	be,	although	we	don’t	know	it.	So	 to	right,	back	and	forth,	as	the	hammock	swings.	
you	ought	to	start	with	strong,	vigorous	breathing	 The	baby	sitter	only	watches	when	the	hammock
แสงธรรม 6       Saeng Dhamma
passes	in	front	of	her	face,	which	is	good	enough.	       with	strict	requirements	and	subtle	principles.	One	
Watching	only	at	one	point	while	the	hammock	is	          must	be	strongly	interested	and	committed	for	that	
in	front	of	her	face,	the	baby	won’t	have	a	chance	       level	of	practice.	At	this	stage,	just	be	constantly	
to	get	out	of	the	hammock	just	the	same,	because	         interested	in	the	basic	steps	until	they	become	fa-
the	child	is	ready	to	fall	sleep.	(Although	the	baby	     miliar	and	ordinary.	Then	you	might	be	able	gather	
will	fall	asleep,	the	meditator	should	not!)              in	the	higher	levels	later.
	 The	 first	 stage	 of	 preparation	 in	 noting	 the	    	 May	ordinary	lay	people	give	themselves	the	
breathing	--	“chasing	after	the	whole	time”	--	is	like	   chance	 to	 meditate	 in	 a	 way	 which	 has	 many	
when	the	baby	sitter	must	turn	her	head	from	side	        benefits	both	physically	and	mentally,	and	which	
to	side	with	the	swinging	hammock	so	that	it	isn’t	       satisfies	 the	 basic	 needs	 of	 our	 practice,	 before	
out	of	sight	for	a	moment.	The	second	stage	where	        going	 on	 to	 more	 difficult	 things.	 May	 you	 train	
the	breathing	is	noted	at	the	nose	tip	--	“waiting	       with	these	first	steps	in	order	to	be	fully	equipped	
and	watching	at	one	point”	--	is	like	when	the	baby	      with	sila	(morality),	samadhi	(concentration),	and	
is	ready	to	sleep	and	the	baby	sitter	watches	the	        panna	(wisdom),	that	is,	to	be	fully	grounded	in	
hammock	only	when	it	passes	her	face.                     the	noble	eightfold	path.	Even	if	only	a	start,	this	
	 When	 you	 have	 practiced	 and	 trained	 fully	 in	    is	better	than	not	going	anywhere.	Your	body	will	
the	second	step,	you	can	train	further	by	making	         become	 more	 healthy	 and	 peaceful	 than	 usual	
the	area	noted	by	sati	even	more	subtle	and	gen-          by	training	in	successively	higher	levels	of	sama-
tle	until	there	is	secure,	stable	concentration.	Then	    dhi.	 You	 will	 discover	 something	 that	 everyone	
concentration	can	be	deepened	step	by	step	until	         should	find	in	order	to	not	waste	the	opportunity	
attaining	one	of	the	jhanas,	which,	for	most	people,	
                                                          of	having	been	born.
is	beyond	the	rather	easy	concentration	of	the	first	
steps.	The	jhanas	are	a	refined	and	precise	subject	                       To be continued

   ขออนุโมทนาบุญครอบครัวเจตบุตร - คุณกุลดา สัญญะเดชากุล - คุณกันยา เหล่าประภัสสร - คุณสุรางค์ หทัยวิทวัส
   ทำาบุญสังฆทานถวายผ้าคลุมไหล่ สบง อังสะ ประคตเอว อุทิศบุญกุศลแด่แม่ประดับ เจตณรงค์ และคุณพ่อศิริ เจตบุตร
แสงธรรม 7      Saeng Dhamma

                                                      About Being
                                     A Dhammatalk By Ajahn Chah

  ...Continued from last issue...
                                                            their	eyes,	they	don’t	see	things	 as	clearly	 as	
About being careful                                         they	used	to.	Their	teeth	give	them	trouble	and	
	 Samādhi	 that	 is	 on	 the	 level	 of	 samatha	           fall	out.	Their	bodies	ache	most	of	the	time.	Just	
-tranquility	 -	 is	 like	 a	 rock	 covering	 grass.	 In	   that	is	the	place	of	study.	So	really,	meditation	is	
samādhi	that	is	sure	and	stable,	even	when	the	             easy	for	old	folks.	Meditation	is	hard	for	young-
eyes	 are	 opened,	 wisdom	 is	 there.	 When	 wis-          sters.	Their	teeth	are	strong,	so	they	can	enjoy	
dom	has	been	born,	it	encompasses	and	knows	                their	food.	They	sleep	soundly.	Their	faculties	
(‘rules’)	all	things.	So	the	teacher	did	not	want	          are	intact	and	the	world	is	fun	and	exciting	to	
those	refined	levels	of	concentration	and	cessa-            them,	so	they	get	deluded	in	a	big	way.	For	the	
tion,	because	they	become	a	diversion	and	the	              old	ones,	when	they	chew	on	something	hard	
path	is	forgotten.	                                         they’re	soon	in	pain.	Right	there	the	devadūta	
	 So	what	is	necessary	is	not	to	be	attached	to	            (divine	messengers)	are	talking	to	them;	they’re	
sitting	 or	 any	 other	 particular	 posture.	 Samādhi	     teaching	them	every	day.	When	they	open	their	
doesn’t	reside	in	having	the	eyes	closed,	the	eyes	         eyes	 their	 sight	 is	 fuzzy.	 In	 the	 morning	 their	
open,	or	in	sitting,	standing,	walking	or	lying	down.	      backs	ache.	In	the	evening	their	legs	hurt.	That’s	
Samādhi	pervades	all	postures	and	activities.	Old-          it!	This	is	really	an	excellent	subject	to	study.	
er	persons,	who	often	can’t	sit	very	well,	can	con-         Some	 of	 you	 older	 people	 will	 say	 you	 can’t	
template	 especially	 well	 and	 practice	 samādhi	         meditate.	What	do	you	want	to	meditate	 on?	
easily;	they	too	can	develop	a	lot	of	wisdom.	              Who	will	you	learn	meditation	from?	
	 How	 is	 it	 that	 they	 can	 develop	 wisdom?	           	 This	is	seeing	the	body	in	the	body	and	sen-
Everything	 is	 rousing	 them.	 When	 they	 open	           sation	in	sensation.	Are	you	seeing	these	or	are
แสงธรรม 8        Saeng Dhamma
you	 running	 away?	 Saying	 you	 can’t	 practice	           persons	 can	 see	 impermanence,	 suffering	 and	
because	 you’re	 too	 old	 is	 only	 due	 to	 wrong	         lack	of	self,	and	give	rise	to	dispassion	and	disen-
understanding.	The	question	is,	are	things	clear	            chantment	-	because	the	evidence	is	right	there	
to	you?	Elderly	persons	have	a	lot	of	thinking,	             within	them	all	the	time.	I	think	that’s	good.	
a	lot	of	sensation,	a	lot	of	discomfort	and	pain.	           	 Having	 the	 inner	 sensitivity	 that	 is	 always	
Everything	appears!	If	 they	 meditate,	they	can	            aware	of	right	and	wrong	is	called	Buddho.	It’s	
really	testify	to	it.	So	I	say	that	meditation	is	easy	      not	necessary	to	be	continually	repeating	‘’Bud-
for	old	folks.	They	can	do	it	best.	It’s	like	the	way	       dho.’’	You’ve	counted	the	fruit	in	your	basket.	
everyone	says,	‘’When	I’m	old,	I’ll	go	to	the	mon-           Every	time	you	sit	down,	you	don’t	have	to	go	to	
astery.’’	 If	 you	understand	 this,	 it’s	true	alright.	    the	trouble	of	spilling	out	the	fruit	and	counting	
You	have	to	see	it	within	yourself.	When	you	sit,	           it	again.	You	can	leave	it	in	the	basket.	But	some-
it’s	true;	when	you	stand	up,	it’s	true;	when	you	           one	with	mistaken	attachment	will	keep	counting.	
walk,	it’s	true.	Everything	is	a	hassle,	everything	         He’ll	 stop	 under	 a	 tree,	 spill	 it	 out	 and	 count,	
is	presenting	obstacles	-	and	everything	is	teach-           and	put	it	back	in	the	basket.	Then	he’ll	walk	on	
ing	 you.	 Isn’t	 this	 so?	 Can	 you	 just	 get	 up	 and	   to	the	next	stopping	place	and	do	it	again.	But	
walk	away	so	easily	now?	When	you	stand	up,	it’s	            he’s	just	counting	the	same	fruit.	This	is	craving	
‘’Oy!’’	Or	haven’t	you	noticed?	And	it’s	‘’Oy!’’	            itself.	He’s	afraid	that	if	he	doesn’t	count,	there	
when	you	walk.	It’s	prodding	you.	                           will	 be	 some	 mistake.	 We	 are	 afraid	 that	 if	 we	
	 When	 you’re	 young	 you	 can	 just	 stand	 up	            don’t	keep	saying	‘’Buddho,’’	we’ll	be	mistaken.	
and	walk,	going	on	your	way.	But	you	don’t	re-               How	are	we	mistaken?	It’s	only	the	person	who	
ally	know	anything.	When	you’re	old,	every	time	             doesn’t	know	how	much	fruit	there	is	who	needs	
you	stand	up	it’s	‘’Oy!’’	Isn’t	that	what	you	say?	          to	count.	Once	you	know,	you	can	take	it	easy	
‘’Oy!	Oy!’’	Every	time	you	move,	you	learn	some-             and	just	leave	it	in	the	basket.	When	you’re	sit-
thing.	So	how	can	you	say	it’s	difficult	to	medi-            ting,	you	just	sit.	When	you’re	lying	down,	you	just	
tate?	Where	else	is	there	to	look?	It’s	all	correct.	        lie	down	because	your	fruit	is	all	there	with	you.	
The	devadūta	are	telling	you	something.	It’s	most	           	 Practicing	virtue	and	creating	merit,	we	say,	
clear.	Sankhāra	are	telling	you	that	they	are	not	           ‘’Nibbāna	paccayo	hotu’’	-	may	it	be	a	condition	
stable	or	permanent,	not	you	or	yours.	They	are	             for	realizing	Nibbāna.	As	a	condition	for	realizing	
telling	you	this	every	moment.	                              Nibbāna,	making	offerings	is	good.	Keeping	pre-
	 But	we	think	differently.	We	don’t	think	that	             cepts	is	good.	Practicing	meditation	is	good.	Lis-
this	 is	 right.	 We	 entertain	 wrong	 view	 and	 our	      tening	to	Dhamma	teachings	is	good.	May	they	
ideas	 are	 far	 from	 the	 truth.	 But	 actually,	 old	     become	conditions	for	realizing	Nibbāna.
แสงธรรม 9     Saeng Dhamma
	 But	 what	 is	 Nibbāna	 all	 about	 anyway?	           Keep	 on	 practicing	 with	 a	 mind	 that	 is	 giving	
Nibbāna	means	not	grasping.	Nibbāna	means	not	           up,	letting	go	and	getting	free.	It’s	the	same	no	
giving	meaning	to	things.	Nibbāna	means	letting	         matter	what	you	are	doing:	if	you	do	it	with	a	
go.	Making	offerings	and	doing	meritorious	deeds,	       mind	of	letting	go,	then	it	is	a	cause	for	realiz-
observing	moral	precepts,	and	meditating	on	lov-         ing	Nibbāna.	Free	of	desire,	free	of	defilement,	
ing-kindness,	all	these	are	for	getting	rid	of	defile-   free	of	craving,	then	it	all	merges	with	the	path,	
ments	and	craving,	for	making	the	mind	empty	            meaning	Noble	Truth,	meaning	saccadhamma.	It	
-	empty	of	self-cherishing,	empty	of	concepts	of	        is	the	four	Noble	Truths,	having	the	wisdom	that	
self	and	other,	and	for	not	wishing	for	anything	-	      knows	 tanhā,	 which	 is	 the	 source	 of	 dukkha.	
not	wishing	to	be	or	become	anything.	                   Kāmatanhā,	bhavatanhā,	vibhavatanhā	(sensual	
	 Nibbāna	 paccayo	 hotu:	 make	 it	 become	 a	          desire,	desire	for	becoming,	desire	not	 to	be):	
cause	for	Nibbāna.	Practicing	generosity	is	giving	      these	are	the	origination,	the	source.	If	you	go	
up,	letting	go.	Listening	to	teachings	is	for	the	       there,	if	you	are	wishing	for	anything	or	wanting	
purpose	 of	 gaining	 knowledge	 to	 give	 up	 and	      to	be	anything,	you	are	nourishing	dukkha,	bring-
let	go,	to	uproot	clinging	to	what	is	good	and	          ing	dukkha	into	existence,	because	this	is	what	
to	what	is	bad.	At	first	we	meditate	to	become	          gives	birth	to	dukkha.	These	are	the	causes.	If	
aware	of	the	wrong	and	the	bad.	When	we	rec-             we	 create	 the	 causes	 of	 dukkha,	 then	 dukkha	
ognize	that,	we	give	it	up	and	we	practice	what	is	      will	come	about.	The	cause	is	vibhavatanhā:	this	
good.	Then,	when	some	good	is	achieved,	don’t	           restless,	anxious	craving.	One	becomes	a	slave	
get	 attached	 to	 that	 good.	 Remain	 halfway	 in	     to	 desire	 and	 creates	 all	 sorts	 of	 kamma	 and	
the	good,	or	above	the	good	-	don’t	dwell	un-            wrongdoing	because	of	it,	and	thus	suffering	is	
der	the	good.	If	we	are	under	the	good	then	the	         born.	Simply	speaking,	dukkha	is	the	child	of	de-
good	pushes	us	around,	and	we	become	slaves	             sire.	Desire	is	the	parent	of	dukkha.	When	there	
to	it.	We	become	the	slaves,	and	it	forces	us	to	        are	 parents,	 dukkha	 can	 be	 born.	 When	 there	
create	all	sorts	of	 kamma	 and	demerit.	It	can	         are	 no	 parents,	 dukkha	 cannot	 come	 about	 -	
lead	us	into	anything,	and	the	result	will	be	the	       there	will	be	no	offspring.	
same	kind	of	unhappiness	and	unfortunate	cir-            	 This	is	where	meditation	should	be	focused.	
cumstances	we	found	ourselves	in	before.	                We	 should	 see	 all	 the	 forms	 of	 tanha,	 which	
	 Give	 up	 evil	 and	 develop	 merit	 -	 give	 up	      cause	us	to	have	desires.	But	talking	about	de-
the	negative	and	develop	what	is	positive.	De-           sire	can	be	confusing.	Some	people	get	the	idea	
veloping	 merit,	 remain	 above	 merit.	 Remain	         that	any	kind	of	desire,	such	as	desire	for	food	
above	merit	and	demerit,	above	good	and	evil.	           and	the	material	requisites	for	life,	is	tanha.	But
แสงธรรม 10       Saeng Dhamma
we	can	have	this	kind	of	desire	in	an	ordinary	              we	know	how	to	be	moderate	and	thrifty	in	our	
and	natural	way.	When	you’re	hungry	and	de-                  needs,	we	can	be	comfortable.	
sire	 food,	 you	 can	 take	 a	 meal	 and	 be	 done	         	 Practicing	meditation	and	creating	merit	and	
with	it.	That’s	quite	ordinary.	This	is	desire	that’s	       virtue,	are	not	really	such	difficult	things	to	do,	
within	boundaries	and	doesn’t	have	ill	effects.	             provided	 we	 understand	 them	 well.	 What	 is	
This	 kind	 of	 desire	 isn’t	 sensuality.	 If	 it’s	 sen-   wrongdoing?	What	is	merit?	Merit	is	what	is	good	
suality	 then	 it	 becomes	 something	 more	 than	           and	beautiful,	not	harming	ourselves	or	others	
desire.	There	will	be	craving	for	more	things	to	            with	 our	 thinking,	 speaking,	 and	 acting.	 Then	
consume,	 seeking	 out	 flavors,	 seeking	 enjoy-            there	is	happiness.	Nothing	negative	is	being	cre-
ment	in	ways	that	bring	hardship	and	trouble,	               ated.	Merit	is	like	this.	Skillfulness	is	like	this.	
such	as	drinking	liquor	and	beer.	                           	 It’s	the	same	with	making	offerings	and	giving	
	 Some	tourists	told	me	about	a	place	where	                 charity.	When	we	give,	what	is	it	that	we	are	try-
people	 eat	 live	 monkeys’	 brains.	 They	 put	 a	          ing	to	give	away?	Giving	is	for	the	purpose	of	de-
monkey	in	the	middle	of	the	table	and	cut	open	              stroying	self-cherishing,	the	belief	in	a	self	along	
its	skull.	Then	they	spoon	out	the	brain	to	eat.	            with	selfishness.	Selfishness	is	powerful,	extreme	
That’s	eating	like	demons	or	hungry	ghosts.	It’s	            suffering.	Selfish	people	always	want	to	be	bet-
not	 eating	 in	 a	 natural	 or	 ordinary	 way.	 Doing	      ter	than	others	and	to	get	more	than	others.	A	
things	like	this,	eating	becomes	tanha.	They	say	            simple	example	is	how,	after	they	eat,	they	don’t	
that	the	blood	of	monkeys	makes	them	strong.	                want	to	wash	their	dishes.	They	let	someone	else	
So	 they	 try	 to	 get	 hold	 of	 such	 animals	 and	        do	it.	If	they	eat	in	a	group	they	will	leave	it	to	
when	they	eat	them	they’re	drinking	liquor	and	              the	 group.	 After	 they	 eat,	 they	 take	 off.	 This	 is	
beer	too.	This	isn’t	ordinary	eating.	It’s	the	way	          selfishness,	not	being	responsible,	and	it	puts	a	
of	 ghosts	 and	 demons	 mired	 in	 sensual	 crav-           burden	on	others.	What	it	really	amounts	to	is	
ing.	It’s	eating	coals,	eating	fire,	eating	everything	      someone	who	doesn’t	care	about	himself,	who	
everywhere.	This	sort	of	desire	is	what	is	called	           doesn’t	help	himself	and	who	really	doesn’t	love	
tanha.	There	is	no	moderation.	Speaking,	think-              himself.	In	practicing	generosity,	we	are	trying	to	
ing,	dressing,	everything	such	people	do	goes	to	            cleanse	our	hearts	of	this	attitude.	This	is	called	
excess.	 If	 our	 eating,	 sleeping,	 and	 other	 nec-       creating	merit	through	giving,	in	order	to	have	a	
essary	 activities	 are	 done	 in	 moderation,	 then	        mind	of	compassion	and	caring		towards	all		living	       	
there	 is	 no	 harm	 in	 them.	 So	 you	 should	 be	         beings	without	exception.	
aware	 of	 yourselves	 in	 regard	 to	 these	 things;	       	 If	we	people	can	be	free	of	just	this	one	thing,	
then	they	won’t	become	a	source	of	suffering.	If	            selfishness,	then	we	will	be	like	the	Lord	Buddha.
แสงธรรม 11        Saeng Dhamma
He	wasn’t	out	for	himself,	but	sought	the	good	of	                  you	see	an	end	to	it?	Can	you	see	such	practice	
all.	If	we	people	have	the	path	and	fruit	arising	in	               becoming	 a	 cause	 for	 realizing	 Nibbāna?	 Will	
our	hearts	like	this	we	can	certainly	progress.	With	               the	barrel	become	empty?	One	scoop	out,	one	
this	freedom	from	selfishness	then	all	the	activi-                  scoop	in	-	can	you	see	when	it	will	be	finished?	
ties	of	virtuous	deeds,	generosity,	and	meditation	                 	 Going	back	and	forth	like	this	is	vatta,	the	cycle	
will	lead	to	liberation.	Whoever	practices	like	this	               itself.	If	we’re	talking	about	really	letting	go,	giving	
will	 become	 free	 and	 go	 beyond	 -	 beyond	 all	                up	good	as	well	as	evil,	then	there’s	only	scooping	
convention	and	appearance.	                                         out.	Even	if	there’s	only	a	little	bit,	you	scoop	it	
	 The	basic	principles	of	practice	are	not	be-                      out.	You	don’t	put	in	anything	more,	and	you	keep	
yond	our	understanding.	In	practicing	generosity,	                  scooping	out.	Even	if	you	only	have	a	small	scoop	
for	example,	if	we	lack	wisdom	there	won’t	be	                      to	use,	you	do	what	you	can	and	in	this	way	the	
any	merit.	Without	understanding,	we	think	that	                    time	will	come	when	the	barrel	is	empty.	If	you’re	
generosity	merely	means	giving	things.	‘’When	                      scooping	out	a	bucket	and	pouring	back	a	bucket,	
I	 feel	 like	 giving,	 I’ll	 give.	 If	 I	 feel	 like	 stealing	   scooping	out	and	then	pouring	back	-	well,	think	
something,	I’ll	steal	it.	Then	if	I	feel	generous,	                 about	it.	When	will	you	see	an	empty	barrel?	This	
I’ll	give	something.’’	It’s	like	having	a	barrel	full	              Dhamma	isn’t	something	distant.	It’s	right	here	in	
of	water.	You	scoop	out	a	bucketful,	and	then	                      the	barrel.	You	can	do	it	at	home.	Try	it.	Can	you	
you	pour	back	in	a	bucketful.	Scoop	it	out	again,	                  empty	a	water	barrel	like	that?	Do	it	all	day	tomor-
pour	 it	 in	 again,	 scoop	 it	 out	 and	 pour	 it	 in	 -	         row	and	see	what	happens.	
like	this.	When	will	you	empty	the	barrel?	Can	                                      To be continued

  คุณนาตยา-Mr.Richard Tinker และครอบครัว ได้ทำาบุญอุทิศส่วนกุศลให้แด่คุณแม่แสงจันทร์ อุดทา ผู้จากไปอย่างไม่มีวัน
  กลับ ในนามเจ้าภาพขอขอบคุณแขกทุกท่านที่มาร่วมบุญและไว้อาลัยแด่คุณแม่เป็นครั้งสุดท้าย เมื่อวันที่ ๒๘ มีนาคม ๒๕๕๔
แสงธรรม 12    Saeng Dhamma

 One who has Wisdom
        Essays On The Dhamma
           By Luang Ta Chi
       Edited by Du Wayne Engelhart

  ...Continued from last issue...                     doing	correct	things,	and	living	truthfully	so	that	
                                                      there	will	be	a	blessing	for	you	and	a	better	life	
III. People Who Have the Dhamma                       in	every	way.		

         o	practice	the	Dhamma	according	to	the	
         Buddha’s	teaching	doesn’t	have	to	cost	
                                                      					To	practice	the	Dhamma	is	to	walk	the	path-
                                                      way	of	goodness	by:
                                                      	 -	 doing	 good	 with	 bodily	 actions—called	
you	anything.		It	just	depends	on	your	willingness	   right	action
to	do	it.		The	Dhamma	can	be	done	every	sec-          	 -	 doing	 good	 with	 speech—called	 right	
ond,	every	day,	and	it	should	be	followed.		The	      speech
one	who	has	the	Dhamma	is	like	someone	who	           	 -	 doing	 good	 with	 the	 mind—called	 right	
doesn’t	drown	in	the	water	and	doesn’t	burn	in	       thought
the	fire;	life	will	be	safe	when	you	are	living	in	   	 Each	of	these	three	can	be	broken	down	into	
the	Dhamma.		It	is	like	an	insurance	policy,	like	    more	 definite	 guidelines,	 providing	 ten	 ways	 to	
someone	who	has	an	umbrella:	the	sun	cannot	          walk	the	pathway	of	goodness:
harm	you,	and	the	rain	cannot	get	you	wet.		Be	it	    					There	are	three	aspects	of	right	action:
sunny	or	rainy,	the	one	who	has	the	umbrella	is	      	 	 1.	Avoid	killing
without	worry.		Similarly,	with	the	Dhamma,	you	      	 	 2.	Avoid	stealing
are	safe.		You	can	go	anywhere;	nothing	will	hap-     	 	 3.	Avoid	adultery
pen	to	you.		Wherever	you	go,	whatever	you	do,	       					There	are	four	aspects	of	right	speech:
you	have	safety.		The	one	who	has	the	Dhamma	         										4.	Avoid	lying
is	loved	by	all.		Having	the	Dhamma	is	like	being	    	 	 5.	Avoid	harsh	speech	that	ridicules	people
born	under	a	lucky	star	that	will	enable	you	to	be	   	 	 6.	Avoid	lewd	or	crude	remarks
successful	in	everything	you	do.		So	you	should	      	 	 7.	Avoid	gossip	or	worthless	and	unim-
be	practicing	the	Dhamma—that	is,	doing	good,	        portant	chatter
แสงธรรม 13 Saeng Dhamma
	 There	are	three	aspects	of	right	thought:               speech	that	ridicules,	crude	words,	and	worthless	
	 	 8.		Not	wrongfully	desiring	others                    gossip.		When	we	practice	according	to	morality,	
	 	 9.		Not	wishing	harm	to	others                        the	 coarse	 defilements	 will	 be	 conquered	 and	
									10.	Seeing	that	the	Dhamma	is	good               will	not	be	seen.		
	 Living	in	this	way	is	called	the	path	of	right-         					To	practice	mental	discipline	is	to	train	the	mind	
eous	living.                                              to	be	calm,	conquering	the	moderate	defilements.	      	
					Practicing	the	Dhamma	can	be	interpreted	from	       These	moderate	defilements	are	hindrances	which	
another	viewpoint,	broken	down	in	two	ways:               prevent	the	mind	from	reaching	that	which	is	good.	    	
	 	 1.	To	act	in	the	right	way                            The	moderate	defilements	are	attachment	to	sen-
	 	 2.	To	practice	according	to	the	Dhamma                sual	 desire	 (kāma-chanda);	 ill	 will,	 vengeful	 and	
					To	act	in	the	right	way	means	that	whatever	         hateful	 behavior	 (vyāpāda);	 laziness	 and	 lack	 of	
situation	you	are	in,	you	try	to	make	it	better,	to	      moving	 oneself	 to	 action	 (thīna-middha);	 anxiety	
do	the	right	thing.		For	example,	when	you	are	           and	restlessness	(uddhacca-kukkucca);	and	doubts	
a	student,	you	fulfill	your	duty	by	studying	hard	        (vicikicchā).			All	these	will	be	gotten	rid	of	after	
to	do	it	correctly	and	well.		If	your	activity	is	that	   practicing	mental	discipline.		
of	parents,	you	fulfill	your	duty	as	parents	well	        					To	get	rid	of	the	refined	defilements,	which	
and	in	the	correct	way.		If	you	are	a	government	         are	rooted	in	the	center	of	your	being,	you	need	
worker,	a	housewife,	or	a	monk	or	nun,	you	have	          to	practice	insight	meditation	so	that	wisdom	will	
to	do	the	best	possible	job	with	what	is	given	to	        arise,	to	be	able	to	see	that	which	is	illusion,	to	
you.		Whatever	situation	or	position	you	are	in,	try	     destroy	ignorance,	and	to	get	rid	of	craving	and	
to	fulfill	your	duty	in	the	best	possible	way	and	in	     clinging.		What	will	be	left	will	be	a	mind	that	is	
the	most	correct	way,	avoiding	mistakes	and	not	          calm,	peaceful,	and	clear.		The	mind	is	no	longer	
causing	any	loss.		Such	behavior	is	acting	in	the	        enslaved	by	the	defilements	and	craving.
right	way.                                                					Practicing	morality,	mental	discipline,	and	wis-
					The	second	meaning	of	practicing	according	to	       dom	in	these	ways	is	practicing	the	Dhamma	at	
the	Dhamma	is	following	the	principles	of	morality	       the	highest	level.		Starting	from	having	no	moral-
(sila),	 mental	 discipline	 (samādhi)	 and	 wisdom	      ity,	we	can	train	ourselves	to	be	those	who	have	
(paññā)	to	a	high	level	to	get	rid	of	or	conquer	         morality.	 	 Having	 never	 practiced	 mental	 disci-
the	defilements,	which	can	be	coarse,	moderate,	          pline,	we	can	train	ourselves	so	that	concentra-
or	refined.		To	practice	according	to	morality	is	to	     tion	will	occur.		If	we	have	no	wisdom,	by	practic-
control	your	bodily	actions	and	verbal	actions	so	        ing	insight	meditation,	wisdom	will	arise	so	that	
that	they	do	not	cause	harm	to	yourself	or	others.	   	   we	will	be	able	to	make	real	what	is	true.		We	
These	 bodily	 and	 verbal	 actions	 involve	 defile-     will	be	able	to	follow	the	path	leading	at	the	end	
ments	that	are	coarse,	such	as	continually	trou-          to	nibbāna.	
bling	people,	stealing,	adultery,	lying,	using	harsh	     						To	practice	the	Dhamma	correctly,	we	should
แสงธรรม 14     Saeng Dhamma
follow	the	Buddha’s	directions	for	his	monks	to	         	 2.	Samyuda—the	cause	of	suffering.		This	is	
practice	in	four	ways:                                   the	situation	that	we	should	eliminate.		
	 -Supatipanno—the	one	who	has	good	actions,	            	 3.	Niroda—the	cessation	of	suffering.		Under-
and	practices	well                                       standing	clearly	that	there	is	a	way	to	end	suffering.
	 -Ujupatipanno—the	one	who	practices	correctly          	 4.	Magga—the	eightfold	path	to	the	end	of	
	 -Ñāyapatipanno—the	one	who	practices	the	              suffering.		This	is	the	path	we	should	be	following.	
Dhamma                                                   	 Samicipatipanno—to	act	in	the	proper	way.	           	
	 -Samicipatipanno—the	 one	 who	 practices	             This	is	done	in	society	overall,	that	is,	to	act	with	
properly                                                 manners,	to	be	aware	of	what	is	socially	accept-
					Supatipanno—to	practice	well.		What	is	good	        able,	to	act	properly	according	to	the	situation.	     	
practice?		Good	practice	for	the	ordinary	person	        The	monks	classify	it	as	one	who	acts	properly	ac-
would	be	knowing	what	one’s	duty	is.		Each	per-          cording	to	his	condition	or	rank.		At	a	higher	level,	
son	has	to	try	to	do	his	duty	as	well	as	possible.	  	   the	actions	would	be	practicing	morality,	mental	
There	can	be	no	neglecting	of	duty.		As	a	student,	      discipline,	 and	 wisdom.	 	 This	 is	 what	 would	 be	
as	a	teacher,	a	government	worker,	a	housewife,	         praised	and	respected	by	other	people.		
monk	or	nun,	each	of	us	has	to	know	our	duty	            	 As	 we	 have	 summarized	 here,	 it	 could	 be	
and	do	it	well.		To	further	go	beyond	the	usual	or	      understood	that	one	who	has	the	Dhamma	will	
go	to	a	higher	level	would	mean	to	practice	the	         bring	about	benefits	in	the	present	and	the	fu-
eightfold	 path	 with	 morality,	 mental	 discipline,	   ture.		The	final	result	will	be	nibbāna.														
and	wisdom	which	will	get	rid	of	or	destroy	igno-
rance,	craving,	and	clinging.		                          IV. Supraman		
						Ujupatipanno—to	act	correctly.		This	means	to	     	 One	who	has	wisdom
do	things	in	a	straightforward	way,	not	doing	things	    	 Has	given	up	the	five	hindrances	of	the	mind,	
in	an	improper	or	misleading	way.		That	is	to	prac-      getting	 rid	 of	 defilements	 and	 all	 sorrow,	 love	
tice	toward	the	final	goal,	to	practice	according	to	    and	hatred,	and	greed	and	ego.		He	thus	journeys	
the	teaching	of	religion,	and	to	act	forthrightly	in	    alone	like	a	rhinoceros.
dealing	with	others.		If	we	are	to	go	beyond	this,	      	 At	the	present	time	science	as	advanced	to	
we	must	work	through	the	eightfold	path	straight	to	     the	highest	degree.		It	is	a	common	thing	to	see	
nibbāna,	straight	to	getting	rid	of	dukkha.              man	 sent	 up	 into	 space.	 	 Seemingly,	 our	 earth	
	 Ñāyapatipanno—to	 practice	 the	 Dhamma.	          	   appears	to	be	too	small,	so	that	we	go	beyond	
This	means	the	goal	is	that	we	should	be	fair	in	        to	find	another	world.		We	dream	that	we	will	be	
our	actions.		On	a	higher	level,	these	actions	will	     living	in	outer	space.		Who	knows?		It	seems	to	be	
lead	us	to	understand	the	Four	Noble	Truths:		           likely	to	happen	at	any	time.		Today	new	technology	
	 1.	Dukkha—suffering	which	we	recognize.                is	advancing;	all	the	experts	are	announcing	their
แสงธรรม 15 Saeng Dhamma
discoveries	one	after	the	other.		This	means	that	we	       the	“super	human”	according	to	the	Dhamma,	I	
who	used	to	walk	the	earth	now	fly	into	the	sky	like	       would	like	you	to	come	and	study	Buddhism.		
conquerors	and	no	longer	believe	ourselves	earth-           	 Buddhism	 is	 based	 on	 reason.	 	 It	 teaches	
bound.		In	the	future,	if	the	world	becomes	more	           men	to	search	for	the	truth	in	the	same	way	as	
wildly	active,	man	will	move	to	another	place	in	           the	scientific	method	does.		But	experiments	in	
the	stars	and	build	his	heavenly	home.		                    Buddhism	do	not	require	a	big	scientific	research	
					In	our	eyes	we	think	people	in	the	space	age	          center	or	million-dollar	equipment.		Spiritual	ex-
will	 have	 incredible	 super	 powers.	 	 With	 highly	     periment	requires	only	a	body	six	feet	long,	one	
developed	 intelligence	 and	 advanced	 abilities,	         hand	thick,	and	a	forearm	wide.		Whoever	experi-
they	will	be	able	to	go	underground,	fly	up	into	           ments	in	the	spiritual	world	uses	his	own	body	as	
space,	 and	 appear	 and	 disappear	 miraculously.	     	   the	laboratory.		Our	bodies	are	composed	of	two	
Man	has	overcome	every	limit.		What	is	there	that	          important	parts:	body	and	mind	(also	called	phys-
we	cannot	overcome?		What	is	there	that	tech-               ical	and	mental	phenomena).		Physical	phenom-
nology	cannot	achieve?		Humans	will	know	every-             ena	are	what	can	be	seen	and	touched.		Mental	
thing	that	exists	in	the	universe.		Thus	the	whole	         phenomena	 are	 the	 perceptions,	 thoughts,	 and	
universe	will	be	controlled	by	man.		Finally,	man	          feelings	that	arise	through	the	sense	conscious-
will	believe	himself	beyond	this	world.		According	         ness	by	way	of	eye,	ear,	nose,	tongue,	and	touch.	     	
to	this	view	it	seems	true	that	this	is	the	age	of	         The	scientific	study	of	the	mind	is	carried	out	by	
the	“super	human.”                                          using	three	instruments:
					In	the	eyes	of	materialistic	people,	this	is	true.		   	 1.	Atāpī 	the	strong	effort	to	overcome	defilements	 	
But	if	we	look	at	it	from	the	point	of	view	of	the	         	 2.	Sampajañña		universal	knowledge
Dhamma,	all	these	statements	are	false	because	             	 3.	Satimā		constant	awareness
all	the	discoveries	and	victories	are	part	of	this	         					The	first	step	of	the	scientific	experiment	into	
world.	 	 It	 is	 the	 physical	 world,	 not	 the	 whole	   mental	phenomena	is	to	calm	the	mind.		When	
world.		There	is	another	part	that	scientists	have	         the	mind	is	in	tranquility	meditation,	it	will	see	
overlooked:	the	spiritual	world.		It	seems	as	if	the	       things	 as	 they	 really	 are,	 not	 as	 we	 mistakenly	
scientists	in	the	world	have	no	idea	of	its	exist-          perceive	them	to	be.		Just	as	the	scientist	analy-
ence	and,	thus,	ignore	its	importance.		So	all	the	         ses	an	object	to	know	its	basic	parts,	so	too	will	
research	is	in	the	physical	world,	and	no	attention	        tranquility	meditation	enable	you	to	see	the	basic	
is	given	to	research	in	the	spiritual	world.		Even	         nature	 of	 what	 is	 seen,	 heard,	 smelled,	 tasted,	
if	we	can	gain	a	victory	over	the	physical	world	           and	touched.		
and	go	beyond	space,	if	we	do	not	understand	
the	 spiritual	 world,	 we	 are	 still	 influenced	 by	                       To be continued
this	world.		Therefore,	so	that	all	of	us	can	study
แสงธรรม 16     Saeng Dhamma

                                                           MY (VERY BRIEF) LIFE
                                                       AS A BUDDHIST MONK
                                                        Part V: Down from the Mountains
                                                          By Matthew R.G. Regan

   A      fter	our	morning	of	walking	meditation	
          along	the	rocky	trails	of	Shenandoah	Na-
tional	Park,	the	five	of	us—Ajahn	Ampor,	Luang	Pi	
                                                       up	the	entire	length	of	Skyline	Drive.	As	we	trav-
                                                       elled,	we	spent	the	time	sharing	Dhamma	topics	
                                                       and	enjoying	the	majestic	mountain	views.	With	
Piya,	Luang	Pi	Joe,	myself,	and	Steve—returned	        the	cool	mountain	air	streaming	in	through	the	
to	the	parking	area,	sore	but	happy.	It	was	a	beau-    open	windows	of	Steve’s	van	and	the	soothing	
tiful	day	in	the	mountains,	and	our	early	start	had	   words	of	the	Buddha’s	Dhamma	coming	from	the	
enabled	us	to	already	enjoy	much	practice	be-          mouths	of	my	fellow	monks,	I	found	myself	re-
fore	lunch	time.	Now	that	the	mid-day	mealtime	        flecting	on	how	much	I	had	grown	over	the	past	
required	by	our	monastic	rules	(vinaya)	was	grow-      few	short	days,	and	how	much	I	would	cherish	
ing	close,	Steve	drove	us	a	few	miles	up	Skyline	      such	moments	once	my	time	in	robes	had	ended.
Drive	to	the	nearest	rest	area,	where	we	unpacked	     	 After	 several	 hours	 of	 driving—punctuated	
the	lunch	our	wonderful	host	from	the	previous	        by	the	occasional	stop	for	enjoying	the	view—
night	had	packed	for	us	before	we	left.	The	site	      we	reached	the	end	of	Skyline	Drive	and	pro-
of	four	Buddhist	monks	and	their	white-clad	lay	       ceeded	to	our	final	stop	before	returning	to	Wat	
friend	eating	lunch	at	a	picnic	table	was	not	ex-      Thai	DC:	the	Bhavana	Society,	a	forest	monas-
actly	a	common	site	for	the	campers	and	hikers	        tery	which	was	not	very	far	from	the	outlet	of	
who	shared	the	rest	area	with	us,	but	as	always,	      Skyline	Drive.	As	I	guided	Steve	down	the	wind-
we	were	met	with	many	more	friendly	greetings	         ing	mountain	roads,	I	was	slightly	worried—after	
than	astonished	stares.	                               all,	I	had	been	trying	to	contact	the	monastery	
	 Once	our	mid-day	meal	was	finished,	we	be-           about	our	visit	for	the	past	two	days,	but	had	
gan	our	journey	home	to	Wat	Thai	DC,	travelling	       been	unable	to	reach	them—but	I	knew,	even
แสงธรรม 17 Saeng Dhamma
if	we	were	only	able	to	briefly	tour	the	grounds,	       tacting	 the	 office,	 the	 parking	 lot	 full	 of	 cars,	
our	detour	would	be	worth	it.                            the	peaceful	silence.	Luckily,	the	lay	person	in-
	 When	we	arrived,	I	was	surprised	to	see	the	           formed	that	we	had	arrived	during	the	retreat’s	
number	of	cars	in	the	parking	lot.	As	an	isolated	       afternoon	break,	and	brought	us	to	the	monas-
forest	monastery,	the	Bhavana	Society	was	not	           tic	quarters	where	we	presented	our	donations	
exactly	the	place	you	would	expect	to	see	many	          to	Bhante	Dhammaratana,	a	long-time	resident	
visitors—especially	on	a	weekday.	And	yet,	de-           who	had	I	met	on	several	occasions.	Although	
spite	 the	 crowded	 parking	 lot,	 no	 one	 was	 to	    we	were	unable	to	meet	with	the	abbot,	Bhante	
be	found.	Our	knocks	on	the	door	of	the	small	           Gunaratana,	 who	 after	 a	 long	 day	 of	 teaching	
office	building	went	unanswered,	and	the	paths	          was	 taking	 a	 much-needed	 rest	 before	 the	
                                                                evening	sessions	began,	Bhante	Dhamma	
                                                                was	kind	enough	to	show	us	around	the	
                                                                Buddha	Hall	and	the	surrounding	grounds,	
                                                                where	we	relaxed	and	meditated	before	
                                                                continuing	on	our	journey	home.
                                                                	 As	we	left	Bhavana,	the	sun	began	to	set	
                                                                on	our	long	day.	It	was	hard	to	believe	that	
                                                                just	24	short	hours	ago	we	had	pulled	up	
                                                               to	our	hostess’s	house	in	Charlottesville,	
                                                               before	we	had	chanted	for	her	family	and	
                                                               slept	 under	 the	 stars.	 It	 amazed	 me	 to	
between	 the	 parking	 lot	 and	 the	 main	 build-       think	that	even	our	walk	along	the	rocky	moun-
ing	 were	 quiet	 and	 still.	 For	 a	 few	 moments,	    tain	paths	had	been	mere	hours	ago—during	our	
we	stood	in	the	afternoon	breeze	and	tried	to	           long	day	of	travel	and	practice,	time	had	become	
decide	what	to	do	with	the	requisites	we	had	            something	trivial.	In	my	lay	life,	I	was	constantly	
brought	to	donate	to	the	community	of	monks	             checking	the	clock,	trying	to	figure	out	how	much	
that	lived	there,	but	suddenly,	a	white-clothed	         time	I	had	left	in	the	day,	how	long	before	my	
layperson	walked	by.	He	gave	us	a	silent	gesture	        next	appointment,	how	much	time	I	could	spend	
of	respect,	and	as	soon	as	I	saw	his	demeanor,	          on	any	task.	But	as	a	monk,	time	had	a	very	dif-
I	knew	what	was	going	on:	we	had	visited	in	the	         ferent	meaning.	Of	course,	there	were	still	sched-
middle	of	a	retreat!	Suddenly,	all	the	pieces	of	        ules	to	keep:	morning	and	evening	chanting,	meal	
evidence	 fell	 into	 place:	 my	 difficulty	 in	 con-   times	and	ceremonies,	but	time	had	a	very	differ-
แสงธรรม 18      Saeng Dhamma
ent	quality	in	my	monastic	life.	Instead	of	being	        to	the	familiarity	of	Washington,	Wat	Thai,	and	
an	enemy	to	compete	with,	time	had	become	a	              home.	 For	 nearly	 an	 hour,	 we	 chanted,	 and	
friend.	Each	free	moment	became	an	opportunity	           through	the	resonance	of	our	voices,	it	seemed	
to	practice,	reflect,	or	rest.	Despite	the	fact	that	I	   as	if	the	van	had	been	transformed	from	a	sim-
was,	indeed,	very	busy	during	my	time	in	robes,	          ple	utilitarian	vehicle	to	a	majestic	Buddha	Hall.	
I	found	myself	less	exhausted	at	the	end	of	the	          After	we	finished,	we	each	took	some	time	to	
day.	Surely,	I	was	doing	just	as	much	as	I	did	in	        personally	thank	Steve	for	all	the	help	he	had	
my	lay	life—indeed	in	many	ways,	I	was	actually	          given	us	and	express	our	deep	gratitude	for	him.	
doing	more	things	in	the	day—but	the	oppres-              As	I	spoke,	I	realized	once	again	how	important	
sion	 of	 time	 seemed	 absent.	 Even	 my	 chores,	       the	help	of	the	lay	people	was	to	the	lives	of	
like	cleaning	the	temple	and	setting	up	the	table	        monks,	and	in	my	own	mind,	I	resolved	to	take	
for	the	morning	and	mid-day	meals,	seemed	like	           Steve	as	my	example	of	service	and	dedication	
fulfilling	use	of	my	time.	At	no	point	during	my	         when	I	returned	to	the	lay	life.	
monkhood	can	I	recall	thinking	that	anything	I	did	       	 It	 was	 very	 dark	 when	 we	 finally	 returned	
was	a	“waste	of	time.”	Since	I	have	returned	to	          to	Wat	Thai,	our	long	day	of	practice	and	travel	
lay	life,	I	have	tried	very	hard	to	bring	this	lesson	    finally	over.	We	thank	Steve	one	last	time,	and	
with	me—time	is	something	to	be	worked	with	              then	retired	to	our	rooms.	After	all,	tomorrow	
like	a	friend	than	raced	against	like	an	enemy.           was	going	to	be	another	busy	day.
	 As	we	drove	towards	home,	I	could	tell	we	
were	all	tired,	and	especially	Steve.	Unlike	the	               To be continued next month...
rest	of	us,	who	had	been	able	to	relax	in	the	            	                         			
van’s	 passenger	 seats,	 Steve	 had	 been	 driv-
ing	 for	 hours,	 up	 and	 down	 mountains	 roads,	
along	busy	highways	and	isolated	gravel	roads.	
As	monks,	there	was	little	we	could	offer	him	
in	return—a	least	in	material	terms.	And	yet,	I	
knew	we	all	felt	a	great	gratitude	towards	him	
for	his	help	and	companionship	over	the	past	
few	days.	Without	him,	none	of	our	wonderful	
experiences	could	have	come	to	be.	And	so,	in	
gratitude,	Ajahn	Ampor	decided	that	we	should	
share	our	chanting	with	him	as	we	traveled	back
แสงธรรม 19 Saeng Dhamma

                          WELCOME TO JOIN                 THE INTERNATIONAL VESAK 2011
                          THE MEDITATION
                                                              On February 12, members of the In-
                                                          ternational Buddhist Committee of the
                                                          Washington, DC area, representing over
                                                          10 different nations and all lineages of
 2st and 3rd Saturday of every month.                     Buddhism, met at Wat Buddhikarama (Wat
                                                          Khmer) in Silver Spring, MD. USA, to
�Based on 2,500-year-old tradition
�Starts April 9                                           discuss plans for the upcoming Internation-
�Taught by Thai monk with decades of experience           al Vesak event, which will be held there on
�FREE! We never charge for lessons                        May 8.
�All levels welcome                                       	 This celebration will commemorate the
          09.00 a.m. - 11.00 a.m.
                                                          2600th anniversary of the Birth of the Lord
               Wat Thai Buddhist Temple
     13440 Layhill Rd. Silver Spring, MD 20906            Buddha, as well as the 25th anniversary of
           Tel: 301-871-8661, 301-871-8660                the International Buddhist Committee’s lo-,
             E-mail:                   cal celebrate of the Buddha’s birth, enlight-
Contact Alistair Bell 202 527 1050 /   enment, and Parinibbana.

  ขอเชิญร่วมงานธรรมสมโภชอายุวัฒนมงคล ๘๖ ปี หลวงตาชี
                                        พระวิเทศธรรมรังษี		(สุรศักดิ์		ชีวานนฺโท)
                                             ๑๐ - ๑๒ มิถุนายน ๒๕๕๔
                                             ณ วัดไทยกรุงวอชิงตัน, ดี.ซี.
                      กลุ่มรวมน้ำ�ใจใฝ่ธรรม เมืองไมอ�มี่ รัฐฟลอริด�
   จึงขอเชิญศิษยานุศิษย์ที่เคารพรัก ร่วมแสดงมุทิตาสักการะโดยพร้อมเพรียงกัน
แสงธรรม 20         Saeng Dhamma

  พระไตรปิฎก สําหรับผูเ้ ริมศึกษา เล่มที่ ๑๐ หน้า ๑๑๒ พระสุตตันตปิฎก มัชฌิมนิกาย อุปริปณณาสก์ สุญญตวรรค
                           ่                                                           ั

ทุกข์โทมนัส ๓ อย่างของคนพาล                                        	 ๓.	 ไม่ว่าจะนั่งอยู่บนตั่งหรือบนเตียง	 หรือนอนบนพื้นดิน	
	 พาลปัณฑิตสูตร	:	วันหนึ่งที่วัดเชตวัน		พระพุทธองค์ทรง             กรรมชัวคือกายทุจริต	วจีทจริต	มโนทุจริต	ทีคนพาลท�าไว้กอน	
                                                                           ่                 ุ               ่               ่ 	
สั่งสอนภิกษุทั้งหลายด้วยเรื่องคนพาลและบัณฑิต	ดังนี้                ย่อมแผ่คลุมครอบง�าเขา		เหมือนเงาทะมึนของภูเขาใหญ่ททอด  ี่
	 ลักษณะของคนพาล	 (คนโง่เขลาและโฉดชั่ว)	 มี	 ๓	 อย่าง	             ทับแผ่นดินในยามเย็น	 	 เวลานั้นคนพาลจะรู้สึกว่าตนไม่ได้
คือ	 ๑.	 มักคิดด้วยความคิดที่ชั่ว	 ๒.	 มักพูดด้วยค�าพูดที่ชั่ว	    ท�าความดีไม่ได้ทากุศล		ไม่ได้ทาเครืองป้องกันความหวาดกลัว
                                                                                   �             � ่
๓.	มักท�าด้วยการกระท�าที่ชั่ว		ถ้าคนพาลไม่เป็นคนคิดชั่วพูด         ไว้		ท�าแต่ความชั่วร้ายเลวทราม	เขามีแต่จะทุกข์โศก		ยุ่งยาก
ชั่วท�าชั่ว		บัณฑิตที่ไหนจะรู้ได้ว่าเขาเป็นคนพาลเป็นอสัตบุรุษ      ใจ	เพ้อครวญร�่าไห้	ทุบอกตัวเอง		และสติฟั่นเฟือน		ที่คือการ
และตรัสว่า	 คนพาลย่อมประสบทุกข์โทมนัส	 ๓	 อย่างในชีวิต             ประสบทุกข์โทมนัสอย่างที่	๓	ในปัจจุบันของคนพาล
ปัจจุบัน	คือ		
	 ๑.	ไม่ว่าคนพาลจะนั่งอยู่ในที่ประชุม	หรือที่ริมถนน	หรือ           ทุกข์ในนรกสุดจะหาใดเปรียบ
ที่ทางสามแพร่งก็ตาม	 	 คนก็จะพูดกับเขาสมกับที่เขาเป็นคน            	 ตรัสต่อไปว่า	คนพาลเมือประพฤติทจริตทางกายทางวาจา
                                                                                                ่           ุ
พาล	(ไม่ยกย่องให้เกียรติ)		ถ้าเขาเป็นคนชอบฆ่าสัตว์		ชอบลัก         ทางใจแล้ว	 ตายไปย่อมไปเกิดในอบาย	 ทุคติ	 วินิบาต	 นรก	       	
ทรัพย์		ชอบประพฤติผดในกาม	ชอบพูดเท็จ	ชอบเสพสิงมึนเมา
                         ิ                              ่          “ภิกษุทั้งหลาย		เมื่อบุคคลกล่าวถึงอบาย		ที่เขาหมายถึงนรก
สุราและเมรัยอันเป็นทีตงแห่งความประมาท		คนก็จะพูดถึงเขา
                        ่ ั้                                       นั้นถูกต้องแล้ว	 กล่าวได้ว่า	 นรกเป็นสถานที่ที่ไม่พึงปรารถนา
ในสิ่งที่เขาชอบท�า	 	 และคนพาลก็จะรู้ตัวเองว่าความชั่วเหล่า        ไม่น่าใคร่ไม่น่าพอใจโดยประการทั้งปวง	 	 ถึงกระนั้น	 จะหา
นันมีอยูในตัวเรา		และตัวเราก็เป็นทีรวามีความชัวเหล่านันด้วย	
   ้      ่                           ่ ู้ ่        ่     ้ 	      อุปมาให้เห็นนรกเป็นทุกข์(เพียงใด)	ก็ไม่ใช่เรื่องง่าย”
นี่คือการประสบทุกข์โทมนัสอย่างที่	๑	ในชีวิตปัจจุบันของคน           	 เมื่อตรัสอย่างนี้	 ก็ได้มีภิกษุรูปหนึ่งทูลถามขึ้นว่า	 พอจะ
พาล                                                                กล่าวในเชิงเปรียบเทียบได้หรือไม่		
	 ๒.	เมื่อคนพาลเห็นพระราชาจับโจรผู้ท�าความผิด		แล้วสั่ง            	 พระพุทธองค์ตรัสว่าพอจะเปรียบเทียบได้ดังนี้	 	 เหมือน
ลงโทษ(กรรมกรณ์)	ด้วยวิธีต่างๆ	คือ	                                 ต�ารวจ(ราชบุรุษ)	จับโจรท�าความผิดมามอบให้พระราชา		ขอ
	 ๑.	 โบยด้วยแส้	(กสาหิ	ตาเฬนฺเต	–lash	him	with	whips)             ให้ทรงลงโทษตามพระราชาประสงค์		พระราชาจึงมีพระบัญชา
	 ๒.	 โบยด้วยหวาย	(เวตฺเตหิ		ตาเฬนฺเต	–lash		him	with		canes)      ให้เจ้าหน้าที่เอาหอกร้อยเล่มทิ่มแทงโจรในตอนเช้า	 	 ถึงตอน
	 ๓.	 ตีด้วยตะบองสั้น	(อทฺธทณฺฑเกหิ	 	ตาเฬนฺเต		-lash	             กลางวันตรัสถามว่าโจรเป็นอย่างไร		เขาทูลว่าโจรยังไม่ตาย		ก็
him	with(birch)	rods)		เป็นต้น                                     ทรงให้เอาหอกอีกร้อยเล่มมาแทงโจรอีก		ตกเย็นทรงทราบอีก
	 ในขณะที่เห็นการลงโทษนั้น	 	 คนพาลก็จะรู้ได้ว่า	 เพราะ            ว่าโจรยังไม่ตาย		ก็รับสั่งให้แทงโจรด้วยหอกอีกร้อยเล่ม
กรรมชั่ว		พระราชาจึงจับมาลงโทษอย่างนั้น		ความชั่วของโจร            	 ตรัสถามภิกษุเหล่านั้นว่า	พวกเธอคิดอย่างไร?		โจรนั้นถูก
เหล่านั้นก็มีอยู่ในตัวเรา		และเราก็เป็นที่รู้ว่าเป็นคนมีความชั่ว   แทงด้วยหอกสามร้อยเล่ม		เขาจะเจ็บปวดไหม?		ภิกษุทงหลาย     ั้
อย่างนั้น	 	 ถ้าพระราชาจับได้	 	 เราก็จะต้องถูกลงโทษเช่นนั้น       กราบทูลว่า	 หอกเล่มเดียวทิ่มแทงก็เจ็บปวดพอแล้ว	 	 ไม่ต้อง
เหมือนกัน	 นี่คือการประสบทุกข์โทมนัสอย่างที่	 ๒	 	 ในชีวิต         กล่าวถึงหอกตั้งสามร้อยเล่มอย่างนั้น		
ปัจจุบันของคนพาล                                                   	 แล้วทรงหยิบแผ่นหินขนาดเท่าฝ่ามือให้ภกษุเหล่านันดูตรัส
                                                                                                                ิ         ้
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"ศิษยานุศิษย์น้อมจิตคารวะ ๘๖ ปี หลวงตาชี"
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"ศิษยานุศิษย์น้อมจิตคารวะ ๘๖ ปี หลวงตาชี"
Saeng Dhamma Vol. 36 No.426 October 2010
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Saeng Dhamma Vol. 35 No. 423 July, 2010Saeng Dhamma Vol. 35 No. 423 July, 2010
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Saengdhamma Vol. 39 No. 432 April, 2011

  • 1. สื่อส่องทาง สว่างอ�าไพ แสงธรรม ทุกชีวิตมีปัญหา พระพุทธศาสนามีทางแก้ วารสารธรรมะรายเดือนที่เก่าแก่ที่สุดในอเมริกา ปีที่ 36 ฉบับที่ 432 ประจ�าเดือนเมษายน พ.ศ. 2554 Vol.36 No.432 April, 2011 Objectives : �To promote Buddhist activities. สารบัญ �To foster Thai culture and tradition. �To inform the public of the temple’s activities. Contents �To promide a public relations center for Buddhists living in the United States. The Buddha’s Words.............................................. 1 Mindfulness with Breathing By Ven. Buddhadasa....... 2 เจ้าของ : วัดไทยกรุงวอชิงตัน, ดี.ซี. About Being Careful By Ven. Ajanh Chah.................7 ที่ปรึกษา : พระวิเทศธรรมรังษี Supraman one who has Wiisdom By Ven. Laung Ta Chi.... 12 กองบรรณาธิการ : Down From the Mountains by Matthew Regan....17 ดร.พระมหาถนัด อตฺถจารี The Meditation Workshop ..........................................19 พระสมุห์ณัฐิวุฒิ ปภากโร สาระธรรมจาก...พระไตรปิฎก ................................... 20 พระจรินทร์ อาภสฺสโร ปฏิบัติธรรมประจ�าเดือนเมษายน................................ 22 พระมหาเรืองฤทธิ์ สมิทฺธิญาโณ พระสุริยา เตชวโร เสียงธรรม...จากวัดไทย........................หลวงตาชี 23 พระมหาสราวุธ สราวุโธ ประมวลภาพกิจกรรมเดือนมีนาคม ........................ 30 พระมหาประดู่ชัย ภทฺทธมฺโม เสียงธรรม...จากหลวงตาชี ...................................... 32 พระมหาศรีสุพรณ์ อตฺตทีโป ท่องแดนพระพุทธศาสนา ๒,๓๐๐ ปี ดร.พระมหาถนัด 39 พระมหาค�าตัล พุทฺธงฺกุโร อนุโมทนาพิเศษ / Special Thanks.......................... 41 พระอนันต์ภิวัฒน์ พุทฺธรกฺขิโต Thai Temple’s News...............โดย ดร.แฮนดี้ 42 และอุบาสก-อุบาสิกาวัดไทยกรุงวอชิงตัน, ดี.ซี. ปฏิญญาพุทธคยา ... ประเทศอินเดีย 45 รายนามผู้บริจาคเดือนมีนาคม Ven.Pradoochai 48 SAENG DHAMMA Magazine รายนามผู้บริจาคออมบุญประจ�าปีและเจ้าภาพภัตตาหารเช้า..50 is published monthly by รายนามเจ้าภาพถวายเพล / Lunch............................51 Wat Thai Washington, D.C. Temple ก�าหนดการท�าบุญวันสงกรานต์ ................................... 60 At 13440 Layhill Rd., Silver Spring, MD 20906 กงสุลสัญจร ณ วัดไทยกรุงวอชิงตัน, ดี.ซี. ...............62 Tel. (301) 871-8660, 871-8661 Fax : 301-871-5007 Photos taken by E-mail : Ven. Pradoochai, Ven. Khumtan Homepage : Ven. Ananphiwat, Ven.Srisuporn Radio Network : Mr. Kevin & Mr. Sam 2,500 Copies Bank & Ms. Golf
  • 2. ถ้อยแถลง วันนี้ วันดี ปีใหม่ ท้องฟ้าแจ่มใสพาใจสุขสันต์ ยิ้มให้กัน ในวันปีใหม่ โกรธเคืองเรื่องใด จงอภัยให้กัน หมดสิ้นกันที ปีเก่า เรื่องทุกข์เรื่องเศร้า อย่าเขลาคิดมัน ตั้งต้น ชีวิต กันใหม่ ให้มันสดใสสุขไปทั่วกัน... หลายคนคงจะคุนกับบทเพลง “รืนเริงเถลิงศก” โดยเฉพาะแฟนเพลงของวง “สุนทราภรณ์” คงจะรูจกกันดี หรือหลายคนอาจจะเคยได้ยน ้ ่ ้ั ิ เพลงนี้ในขณะเดินเข้าวัด หรือสถานีวิทยุในช่วงเปลี่ยนศักราชของไทยกันที่เรียกขานกันว่า “ตรุษสงกรานต์ หรือปีใหม่ไทย” เมืองไทยเรา ประกอบด้วยคนหลายชนชาติ และเมื่ออยู่ในสังคมโลกเราเลยมีโอกาสในการฉลองปีใหม่ปีหนึ่งๆ มากกว่าบ้านเมืองอื่น คือมีทั้งปีใหม่สากล ปี ใหม่จีน ซึ่งคนไทยเราก็ไม่พลาดในการร่วมฉลอง และที่พลาดไม่ได้คือ ปีใหม่ไทย ที่เต็มไปด้วยสีสันแห่งการฉลองที่แปลกแตกต่างจากบ้านเมือง อื่น ปีใหม่ไทยกลายเป็นสีสันที่ผู้คนทั่วโลกบินมาร่วมฉลองด้วย กลายเป็นปีใหม่อินเตอร์กระจายไปทั่วแคว้นแดนสยาม อย่างไรก็ตาม บทเพลง นี้ก็ได้สอนธรรมมะให้เราได้เช่นกัน อย่าได้มองข้าม ปีใหม่ วัดไทย, ดี.ซี. ปีนี้จัดวันอาทิตย์ที่ ๑๗ เมษายน ศกนี้ ดั่งที่ปรารภกันไปแล้วในฉบับที่แล้ว ทุกท่านคงจะทราบชัดเจนถึงแนวทางของ งานที่สามารถรวมพลคนไทยและเทศได้มากที่สุดของวัดไทย, ดี.ซี. ด้วยกิจกรรมที่หลากหลายรูปแบบ บางท่านบอกว่า “ปีใหม่ ต้องไปวัดไทย, ดี.ซี. ได้รวมบุญใหญ่ รูจกเพือนใหม่ แถมเจอเพือนเก่าๆ อร่อยด้วยอาหารไทยๆ ฝีมอเด็ดๆ เพลินการแสดง แสวงหาพืชผักปลูกหน้าร้อน” ่ ้ั ่ ่ ื ปีนี้จึงอยากบอกว่า งานมีเช่นเดิม ฝากบอกต่อๆ กันไป อย่าได้พลาดโอกาสหนึ่งปีมีครั้งเดียว วันสงกรานต์ ส่วนหนึ่งก็เป็นการอ้างถึงว่าเป็นวันครอบครัว วันกตัญญูกตเวที “๑๐๐ ปี ๑๐๐ เรื่องหลวงพ่อเล่า(ปัญญานันทะ)” ฉบับนี้จึง ขอน�านิทานกตัญญูกตเวที เรื่อง “ลกเจ๊ก” แบบฉบับเวอร์ชั่นหลวงพ่อปัญญานันทะให้ท่านได้ติดตามกัน ...ในหนังสือสามก๊ก ก็มีเรื่อง เรื่องอะไร เรื่อง ลกเจ๊ก เวลาขงเบ้งไปเจรจาความเมืองที่เมืองกังตั๋ง พอไปถึงเมือง แหม ขุนนางเมืองกังตั๋ง มีโล ซก เป็นหัวหน้า เขามักจะพูดล้อเลียนใครๆ ว่า ไอ้โลซก โลซกไม่ใช่คนอย่างนั้น ไม่ใช่คนเซ่อๆ อะไร โลซกเป็นขุนนางฝ่ายพลเรือน เป็นพวกบูชา สันติภาพ ไม่อยากจะรบทัพจับศึก อยากจะผูกมิตรไมตรีกัน ไม่ต้องรบราฆ่าฟันกัน เป็นคนที่ชอบสันติ เลยไปหาขงเบ้ง ไปเจรจา พอขงเบ้งมาก็ แหม พวกขุนนางอื่นๆ นะ โลซก เป็นหัวหน้าเตรียมลับปากไว้เชียว จะประคารมกับขงเบ้ง ขึ้นมาประ เรียกว่าสองเพลงก็ตกม้าตาย สามเพลง ตกม้าตาย ไปไม่รอดทั้งนั้นแหละ ขงเบ้งตอกหงายไปเลย ในที่สุดลกเจ๊กขึ้นมา “ข้าพเจ้าชื่อลกเจ๊ก” ขงเบ้งว่า “อ้อ เมื่อตอนเป็นเด็กเคยลักส้มให้มารดา” ว่าอย่างนั้น ว่าเสียคนไปเลย หาว่าลกเจ๊กเป็นคนมือไวใจโจร ลักส้มไปให้แม่ ความ จริงไม่ใช่อย่างนั้น ลกเจ๊ก ไม่ใช่เด็กมือไวใจโจร ถ้าเด็กมือไวมันก็ไม่ได้เป็นขุนนางนะซิ แต่ว่าเป็นเด็กกตัญญูรู้คุณแม่ พ่อไม่มี เลยก็รู้แต่คุณแม่ แม่ ชอบกินส้ม วันหนึ่งเศรษฐีเขาท�าบุญแซยิดที่บ้าน ลกเจ๊กก็เลยไป รับเชิญว่าอย่างนั้น เขารับเชิญไปให้กินเลี้ยง ธรรมเนียมจีนเขาก่อนจะกินข้าวก็ กินเม็ดแตงโมบ้าง กินส้มบ้าง กินเล่นไปก่อน ก่อนจะถึงเวลากินข้าว พอลกเจ๊กไปหยิบส้มมากินผลหนึ่ง พอปอกกินเข้าไปกลีบเดียว มันหวาน ชื่นใจ กลืนไม่ลง นึกถึงคุณแม่ กลืนไม่ลง เลยนึกในใจว่า “แหม คุณแม่ชอบส้มแบบนี้” ต้องเอาไปสักสองผล เลยหยิบใส่ในมือเสื้อ ข้างละผล มือ เสื้อมันกว้างนี่ เสื้องิ้วนะ เสื้อโบราณจีนเขาใช้ พอเอาส้มใส่ในมือเสื้อแล้วก็เที่ยวเดินท�าท่าพนมมือเรื่อยไป ท�าท่าเป็นเด็กอ่อนน้อมเหลือเกินละ ความจริงกลัวส้มมันจะหล่นเท่านั้นเอง ไม่ใช่เรื่องอะไร พอถึงเวลากินข้าวก็ไปกิน ประคองส้มไม่ให้หล่น เสร็จแล้ว เศรษฐีจะแจกของแก่เด็ก ยากจน เขาก็เลยเข้าไปค�านับ พอค�านับเท่านั้น ส้มมันก็ไหลมาจากมือเสื้อเลย เศรษฐีเห็นก็ยิ้มๆ แล้วรู้ว่ามันมาแต่ไหน ลกเจ๊กยืนพนมมือท�าท่า ว่า ส้มอยู่ในมือข้าพเจ้าเอง “เอ้า ท�าไมมันเข้าไปอยู่ในมือเสื้อของเจ้า” เขาก็บอกว่า “แหม กินส้มนี้กลีบเดียว นึกถึงคุณแม่ กินไม่ลง อยากจะ เอาส้มนี้ไปฝากคุณแม่สักสองผล เพราะท่านชอบส้มรสนี้” เศรษฐีได้ฟงแล้วตืนตันใจ เด็กตัวเท่านีมความคิดอย่างนี้ รักแม่ขนาดนี้ ควรแก่การชุบเลียง เลยบอกว่า “เอาไปสองผลมันน้อยไป” ให้คนใช้ ั ้ ้ี ้ เอามาให้ถาดหนึ่ง ลกเจ๊กก็เลยถือยิ้มแป้นไปเลย เอาไปให้คุณแม่ แล้วต่อมา เศรษฐีคนนี้แหละชุบเลี้ยงลกเจ๊กให้เล่าเรียนหนังสือ ลกเจ๊กเมื่อได้ ไปเรียนหนังสือแล้ว นึกอยู่ตลอดเวลาว่า เราได้เรียนเพราะเศรษฐี อย่าให้เขาผิดหวัง ให้เขาได้รับความชื่นใจเพราะเราตอบแทนเรื่องอื่นไม่ได้ ก็ ตอบแทนด้วยการให้เขาชื่นใจสบายใจ เรียนให้เก่ง เรียนให้ดี แล้วก็ตั้งใจเรียนจนกระทั่งจบชั้นขึ้นไป เข้าสอบเป็นขุนนางบุ๋นกับเขาได้ ก็เลยได้ เป็นขุนนางในเมืองกังตั๋ง (ค�าสอนผู้บวชใหม่ “บุคคลหาได้ยาก ๒”)... สุดท้ายขออ�านวยพรให้ทุกท่านจงเป็นผู้มีอภัยธรรม ข้ามพ้นเรื่องทุกข์เรื่องเศร้า มีสุขสมหวังดังใจหมายด้วยกันทุกท่านทุกคนเทอญ คณะผู้จัดท�า
  • 3. แสงธรรม 1 Saeng Dhamma The Buddha’s Words พุทธสุภาษิต สุกรานิ อสาธูนิ อตฺตโน อหิตานิ จ ยํ เว หิตญฺจ สาธุญฺจ ตํ เว ปรมทุกฺกรํ. (๑๖๓) กรรมไม่ดี ทังไม่มประโยชน์แก่ตน ทําง่าย แต่กรรมดี และมีประโยชน์ ้ ี ทําได้ยากยิงนัก ่ Easy to do are those karmas which are bad and not benefitting oneself. But those which are good and beneficial are difficult indeed to be performed.
  • 4. แสงธรรม 2 Saeng Dhamma Mindfulness with Breathing by Buddhadasa Bhikkhu S it up straight (with all the vertebrae of the spine fitting together snugly). Keep your head upright. Direct your eyes towards the tip of top of the other. Overlap or cross your legs in a way that distributes and holds your weight well, so that you can sit comfortably and will not fall over easily. your nose so that nothing else is seen. Whether The legs can be overlapped in an ordinary way or you see it or not doesn’t really matter, just gaze crossed, whichever you prefer or are able to do. Fat in its direction. Once you get used to it, the re- people can only cross their legs in what is called the sults will be better than closing the eyes, and you “diamond posture” (lotus posture) with difficulty, won’t be encouraged to fall asleep so easily. In but fancy postures are not necessary. Merely sit with particular, people who are sleepy should practice the legs folded so that your weight is evenly bal- with their eyes open rather than closed. Practice anced and you cannot tip over easily -- that’s good like this steadily and they will close by themselves enough. The more difficult and serious postures can when the time comes for them to close. (If you be left for when one gets serious, like a yogi. want to practice with your eyes closed from the In special circumstances -- when you are sick, start, that’s up to you.) Still, the method of keeping not feeling well, or just tired -- you can rest against the eyes open gives better results. Some people, something, sit on a chair, or use a deck chair, in however, will feel that it’s too difficult, especially order to recline a bit. Those who are sick can even those who are attached to closing their eyes. They lie down to meditate. won’t be able to practice with their eyes open, and Sit in a place with good air circulation, where may close them if they wish. you can breathe comfortably. There should be Lay the hands in your lap, comfortably, one on nothing overly disturbing. Loud noises which are
  • 5. แสงธรรม 3 Saeng Dhamma steady and have no meaning, such as the sound of Now you will have both outer and inner end points waves or a factory, are no problem unless you at- by fixing one point at the tip of the nose and the tach to them as a problem. Sounds with meaning, other at the navel. The breath will drag itself back such as people speaking, are more of a problem and forth between these two points. Here make for those just learning to practice. If you can’t find your mind just like something which chases after or a quiet place, pretend there aren’t any sounds. stalks the breathing, like a tiger or a spy, unwilling Just be determined to practice and it will work out to part with it even for a moment, following every eventually. breath for as long as you meditate. This is the first Although the eyes are gazing inattentively at the step of our practice. We call it “chasing after (or tip of the nose, you can gather your attention or stalking) the whole time.” awareness or sati(1), as it’s called in our techni- Earlier we said to begin by trying to make the cal language, in order to catch and note your own breathing as long as possible, and as strong, vigor- breathing in and out. (Those who like to close their ous, and rough as possible, many times from the eyes will do so from here on.) Those who prefer to very start. Do so in order to find the end points and leave the eyes open will do so continually until the the track the breath follows between them. Once eyes gradually close on their own as concentration the mind (or sati) can catch and fix the breathing and calmness (samadhi) increases. in and out -- by constantly being aware of how the In the beginning (and only at the beginning, for a breath touches and flows, then where it ends, then few minutes, not forever!), to make it easy to note how it turns back either inside or outside -- you the breathing, try to breathe as long as you can. can gradually relax the breathing until it becomes Force it in and out strongly many times. Do so in normal no longer forcing or pushing it in any way. order to know clearly for yourself what the breath Be careful: don’t force or control it at all! Still, sati rubs against or touches as it draws in and out along fixes on the breathing the whole time, just as it did its path. In a simple way, notice where it appears to earlier with the rough and strong breathing. end in the belly (by taking the physical sensations as Sati is able to pay attention to the entire path of one’s measure rather than anatomical reality). Note the breath from the inner end point (the navel or this in an easy-going way as well as you can, well the base of the abdomen) to the outer end point enough to fix the inner and outer end points of the (the tip of the nose or the upper lip). However fine breathing. Don’t be tense or too strict about it. or soft the breath becomes, sati can clearly note Most people will feel the breath striking at the it all the time. If it happens that we cannot note tip of the nose and should take that point as the (or feel) the breath because it is too soft or re- outer end. (In people with flat or upturned noses fined, then breathe more strongly or roughly again. the breath will strike on the edge of the upper lip, (But not as strong or rough as before, just enough and they should take that as the external end.) to note the breath clearly). Fix attention on the
  • 6. แสงธรรม 4 Saeng Dhamma breathing again, until sati is aware of it without any breathing enters the body all the way (to the na- gaps. Make sure it can be done well, that is, keep vel or thereabouts) once, then let go or release it. practicing until even the purely ordinary, unforced Next, note when the breathing contacts the other breathing can be securely observed. However long end point (the tip of the nose) once more, then or short it is, know it. However heavy or light it is, let go or leave it alone until it contacts the inner know it. Know it clearly within that very awareness end point (navel) again. Continue like this without as sati merely holds closely to and follows the changing anything. In moments of letting go, the breathing back and forth the whole time you are mind doesn’t run away to home, the fields, the of- meditating. When you can do this it means success fice, or anywhere. This means that sati pays atten- in the level of preparation called “chasing after all tion at the two end points -- both inner and outer the time.” -- and doesn’t pay attention to anything between Lack of success is due to the them. “จิตทีฝกดีแล้ว นำ�คว�มสุขม�ให้” ่ ึ inability of sati (or the atten- When you can securely go tion) to stay with the breathing back and forth between the two the whole time. You don’t know end points without paying atten- when it lost track. You don’t tion to things in between, leave know when it ran off to home, out the inner end point and fo- work, or play. You don’t know cus only on the outer, namely, until it’s already gone. And you the tip of the nose. Now, sati don’t know when it went, how, consistently watches only at why, or whatever. Once you are the tip of the nose. Whether the aware of what happened, catch breathing strikes while inhaling the breathing again, gently bring or while exhaling, know it every it back to the breathing, and train until successful time. This is called “guarding the gate.” There’s a on this level. Do it for at least ten minutes each feeling as the breathing passes in or out; the rest session, before going on to the next step. of the way is left void or quiet. If you have firm The next step, the second level of prepara- awareness at the nose tip, the breathing becomes tion, is called “waiting (or guarding) in ambush at increasingly calm and quiet. Thus you can’t feel one point.” It’s best to practice this second step movements other than at the nose tip. In the spac- only after the first step can be done well, but any- es when it’s empty or quiet, when you can’t feel one who can skip straight to the second won’t be anything, the mind doesn’t run away to home or scolded. At this stage, sati (or recollection) lies in elsewhere. The ability to do this well is success wait fixing at a particular point and stops chasing in the “waiting in ambush at one point” level of after the breathing. Note the sensation when the preparation.
  • 7. แสงธรรม 5 Saeng Dhamma Lack of success is when the mind runs away with- first, then let it relax until it becomes natural. In out you knowing. It doesn’t return to the gate as it this way, you’ll end up with breathing which is the should or, after entering the gate, it sneaks all the “middle way” or just right. Such breathing makes way inside. Both of these errors happen because the the body natural, normal, and healthy. And it is fit period of emptiness or quiet is incorrect and incom- for use as the object of meditation at the beginning plete. You have not done it properly since the start of anapanasati. Let us stress once more that this of this step. Therefore, you ought to practice care- first step of preparation ought to be practiced until fully, solidly, expertly from the very first step. it’s just a natural game for every one of us, and in Even the beginning step, the one called “chas- all circumstances. This will bring numerous physical ing after the whole time,” is not easy for everyone. and mental benefits. Yet when one can do it, the results -- both physical Actually, the difference between “chasing after and mental -- are the whole time” beyond expecta- ครูเมย์ นำ�ทีมนักแสดงวัดไทยฯ ดี.ซี. ไปแสดงโชว์ที่ D.C. and “waiting in am- tions. So you ought bush at one place” to make yourself is not so great. The able to do it, and latter is a little do it consistently, more relaxed and until it is a game like subtle, that is, the the sports you like area noted by sati to play. If you have decreases. To make even two minutes, this easier to under- by all means prac- stand, we’ll use the tice. Breathe force- simile of the baby fully, if your bones crack or rattle that’s even bet- sitter rocking the baby’s hammock. At first, when ter. Breathe strongly until it whistles, a little noise the child has just been put into the hammock, it won’t hurt. Then relax and lighten it gradually until isn’t sleepy yet and will try to get out. At this stage, it finds its natural level. the baby sitter must watch the hammock careful- The ordinary breathing of most people is not ly. As it swings from side to side, her head must natural or normal, but is coarser or lower than turn from left to right so that the child won’t be normal, without us being aware. Especially when out of sight for a moment. Once the baby begins we do certain activities or are in positions which to get sleepy and doesn’t try to get out anymore, are restricted, our breathing is more or less course the baby sitter need not turn her head from left than it ought to be, although we don’t know it. So to right, back and forth, as the hammock swings. you ought to start with strong, vigorous breathing The baby sitter only watches when the hammock
  • 8. แสงธรรม 6 Saeng Dhamma passes in front of her face, which is good enough. with strict requirements and subtle principles. One Watching only at one point while the hammock is must be strongly interested and committed for that in front of her face, the baby won’t have a chance level of practice. At this stage, just be constantly to get out of the hammock just the same, because interested in the basic steps until they become fa- the child is ready to fall sleep. (Although the baby miliar and ordinary. Then you might be able gather will fall asleep, the meditator should not!) in the higher levels later. The first stage of preparation in noting the May ordinary lay people give themselves the breathing -- “chasing after the whole time” -- is like chance to meditate in a way which has many when the baby sitter must turn her head from side benefits both physically and mentally, and which to side with the swinging hammock so that it isn’t satisfies the basic needs of our practice, before out of sight for a moment. The second stage where going on to more difficult things. May you train the breathing is noted at the nose tip -- “waiting with these first steps in order to be fully equipped and watching at one point” -- is like when the baby with sila (morality), samadhi (concentration), and is ready to sleep and the baby sitter watches the panna (wisdom), that is, to be fully grounded in hammock only when it passes her face. the noble eightfold path. Even if only a start, this When you have practiced and trained fully in is better than not going anywhere. Your body will the second step, you can train further by making become more healthy and peaceful than usual the area noted by sati even more subtle and gen- by training in successively higher levels of sama- tle until there is secure, stable concentration. Then dhi. You will discover something that everyone concentration can be deepened step by step until should find in order to not waste the opportunity attaining one of the jhanas, which, for most people, of having been born. is beyond the rather easy concentration of the first steps. The jhanas are a refined and precise subject To be continued ขออนุโมทนาบุญครอบครัวเจตบุตร - คุณกุลดา สัญญะเดชากุล - คุณกันยา เหล่าประภัสสร - คุณสุรางค์ หทัยวิทวัส ทำาบุญสังฆทานถวายผ้าคลุมไหล่ สบง อังสะ ประคตเอว อุทิศบุญกุศลแด่แม่ประดับ เจตณรงค์ และคุณพ่อศิริ เจตบุตร
  • 9. แสงธรรม 7 Saeng Dhamma About Being CAREFUL A Dhammatalk By Ajahn Chah ...Continued from last issue... their eyes, they don’t see things as clearly as About being careful they used to. Their teeth give them trouble and Samādhi that is on the level of samatha fall out. Their bodies ache most of the time. Just -tranquility - is like a rock covering grass. In that is the place of study. So really, meditation is samādhi that is sure and stable, even when the easy for old folks. Meditation is hard for young- eyes are opened, wisdom is there. When wis- sters. Their teeth are strong, so they can enjoy dom has been born, it encompasses and knows their food. They sleep soundly. Their faculties (‘rules’) all things. So the teacher did not want are intact and the world is fun and exciting to those refined levels of concentration and cessa- them, so they get deluded in a big way. For the tion, because they become a diversion and the old ones, when they chew on something hard path is forgotten. they’re soon in pain. Right there the devadūta So what is necessary is not to be attached to (divine messengers) are talking to them; they’re sitting or any other particular posture. Samādhi teaching them every day. When they open their doesn’t reside in having the eyes closed, the eyes eyes their sight is fuzzy. In the morning their open, or in sitting, standing, walking or lying down. backs ache. In the evening their legs hurt. That’s Samādhi pervades all postures and activities. Old- it! This is really an excellent subject to study. er persons, who often can’t sit very well, can con- Some of you older people will say you can’t template especially well and practice samādhi meditate. What do you want to meditate on? easily; they too can develop a lot of wisdom. Who will you learn meditation from? How is it that they can develop wisdom? This is seeing the body in the body and sen- Everything is rousing them. When they open sation in sensation. Are you seeing these or are
  • 10. แสงธรรม 8 Saeng Dhamma you running away? Saying you can’t practice persons can see impermanence, suffering and because you’re too old is only due to wrong lack of self, and give rise to dispassion and disen- understanding. The question is, are things clear chantment - because the evidence is right there to you? Elderly persons have a lot of thinking, within them all the time. I think that’s good. a lot of sensation, a lot of discomfort and pain. Having the inner sensitivity that is always Everything appears! If they meditate, they can aware of right and wrong is called Buddho. It’s really testify to it. So I say that meditation is easy not necessary to be continually repeating ‘’Bud- for old folks. They can do it best. It’s like the way dho.’’ You’ve counted the fruit in your basket. everyone says, ‘’When I’m old, I’ll go to the mon- Every time you sit down, you don’t have to go to astery.’’ If you understand this, it’s true alright. the trouble of spilling out the fruit and counting You have to see it within yourself. When you sit, it again. You can leave it in the basket. But some- it’s true; when you stand up, it’s true; when you one with mistaken attachment will keep counting. walk, it’s true. Everything is a hassle, everything He’ll stop under a tree, spill it out and count, is presenting obstacles - and everything is teach- and put it back in the basket. Then he’ll walk on ing you. Isn’t this so? Can you just get up and to the next stopping place and do it again. But walk away so easily now? When you stand up, it’s he’s just counting the same fruit. This is craving ‘’Oy!’’ Or haven’t you noticed? And it’s ‘’Oy!’’ itself. He’s afraid that if he doesn’t count, there when you walk. It’s prodding you. will be some mistake. We are afraid that if we When you’re young you can just stand up don’t keep saying ‘’Buddho,’’ we’ll be mistaken. and walk, going on your way. But you don’t re- How are we mistaken? It’s only the person who ally know anything. When you’re old, every time doesn’t know how much fruit there is who needs you stand up it’s ‘’Oy!’’ Isn’t that what you say? to count. Once you know, you can take it easy ‘’Oy! Oy!’’ Every time you move, you learn some- and just leave it in the basket. When you’re sit- thing. So how can you say it’s difficult to medi- ting, you just sit. When you’re lying down, you just tate? Where else is there to look? It’s all correct. lie down because your fruit is all there with you. The devadūta are telling you something. It’s most Practicing virtue and creating merit, we say, clear. Sankhāra are telling you that they are not ‘’Nibbāna paccayo hotu’’ - may it be a condition stable or permanent, not you or yours. They are for realizing Nibbāna. As a condition for realizing telling you this every moment. Nibbāna, making offerings is good. Keeping pre- But we think differently. We don’t think that cepts is good. Practicing meditation is good. Lis- this is right. We entertain wrong view and our tening to Dhamma teachings is good. May they ideas are far from the truth. But actually, old become conditions for realizing Nibbāna.
  • 11. แสงธรรม 9 Saeng Dhamma But what is Nibbāna all about anyway? Keep on practicing with a mind that is giving Nibbāna means not grasping. Nibbāna means not up, letting go and getting free. It’s the same no giving meaning to things. Nibbāna means letting matter what you are doing: if you do it with a go. Making offerings and doing meritorious deeds, mind of letting go, then it is a cause for realiz- observing moral precepts, and meditating on lov- ing Nibbāna. Free of desire, free of defilement, ing-kindness, all these are for getting rid of defile- free of craving, then it all merges with the path, ments and craving, for making the mind empty meaning Noble Truth, meaning saccadhamma. It - empty of self-cherishing, empty of concepts of is the four Noble Truths, having the wisdom that self and other, and for not wishing for anything - knows tanhā, which is the source of dukkha. not wishing to be or become anything. Kāmatanhā, bhavatanhā, vibhavatanhā (sensual Nibbāna paccayo hotu: make it become a desire, desire for becoming, desire not to be): cause for Nibbāna. Practicing generosity is giving these are the origination, the source. If you go up, letting go. Listening to teachings is for the there, if you are wishing for anything or wanting purpose of gaining knowledge to give up and to be anything, you are nourishing dukkha, bring- let go, to uproot clinging to what is good and ing dukkha into existence, because this is what to what is bad. At first we meditate to become gives birth to dukkha. These are the causes. If aware of the wrong and the bad. When we rec- we create the causes of dukkha, then dukkha ognize that, we give it up and we practice what is will come about. The cause is vibhavatanhā: this good. Then, when some good is achieved, don’t restless, anxious craving. One becomes a slave get attached to that good. Remain halfway in to desire and creates all sorts of kamma and the good, or above the good - don’t dwell un- wrongdoing because of it, and thus suffering is der the good. If we are under the good then the born. Simply speaking, dukkha is the child of de- good pushes us around, and we become slaves sire. Desire is the parent of dukkha. When there to it. We become the slaves, and it forces us to are parents, dukkha can be born. When there create all sorts of kamma and demerit. It can are no parents, dukkha cannot come about - lead us into anything, and the result will be the there will be no offspring. same kind of unhappiness and unfortunate cir- This is where meditation should be focused. cumstances we found ourselves in before. We should see all the forms of tanha, which Give up evil and develop merit - give up cause us to have desires. But talking about de- the negative and develop what is positive. De- sire can be confusing. Some people get the idea veloping merit, remain above merit. Remain that any kind of desire, such as desire for food above merit and demerit, above good and evil. and the material requisites for life, is tanha. But
  • 12. แสงธรรม 10 Saeng Dhamma we can have this kind of desire in an ordinary we know how to be moderate and thrifty in our and natural way. When you’re hungry and de- needs, we can be comfortable. sire food, you can take a meal and be done Practicing meditation and creating merit and with it. That’s quite ordinary. This is desire that’s virtue, are not really such difficult things to do, within boundaries and doesn’t have ill effects. provided we understand them well. What is This kind of desire isn’t sensuality. If it’s sen- wrongdoing? What is merit? Merit is what is good suality then it becomes something more than and beautiful, not harming ourselves or others desire. There will be craving for more things to with our thinking, speaking, and acting. Then consume, seeking out flavors, seeking enjoy- there is happiness. Nothing negative is being cre- ment in ways that bring hardship and trouble, ated. Merit is like this. Skillfulness is like this. such as drinking liquor and beer. It’s the same with making offerings and giving Some tourists told me about a place where charity. When we give, what is it that we are try- people eat live monkeys’ brains. They put a ing to give away? Giving is for the purpose of de- monkey in the middle of the table and cut open stroying self-cherishing, the belief in a self along its skull. Then they spoon out the brain to eat. with selfishness. Selfishness is powerful, extreme That’s eating like demons or hungry ghosts. It’s suffering. Selfish people always want to be bet- not eating in a natural or ordinary way. Doing ter than others and to get more than others. A things like this, eating becomes tanha. They say simple example is how, after they eat, they don’t that the blood of monkeys makes them strong. want to wash their dishes. They let someone else So they try to get hold of such animals and do it. If they eat in a group they will leave it to when they eat them they’re drinking liquor and the group. After they eat, they take off. This is beer too. This isn’t ordinary eating. It’s the way selfishness, not being responsible, and it puts a of ghosts and demons mired in sensual crav- burden on others. What it really amounts to is ing. It’s eating coals, eating fire, eating everything someone who doesn’t care about himself, who everywhere. This sort of desire is what is called doesn’t help himself and who really doesn’t love tanha. There is no moderation. Speaking, think- himself. In practicing generosity, we are trying to ing, dressing, everything such people do goes to cleanse our hearts of this attitude. This is called excess. If our eating, sleeping, and other nec- creating merit through giving, in order to have a essary activities are done in moderation, then mind of compassion and caring towards all living there is no harm in them. So you should be beings without exception. aware of yourselves in regard to these things; If we people can be free of just this one thing, then they won’t become a source of suffering. If selfishness, then we will be like the Lord Buddha.
  • 13. แสงธรรม 11 Saeng Dhamma He wasn’t out for himself, but sought the good of you see an end to it? Can you see such practice all. If we people have the path and fruit arising in becoming a cause for realizing Nibbāna? Will our hearts like this we can certainly progress. With the barrel become empty? One scoop out, one this freedom from selfishness then all the activi- scoop in - can you see when it will be finished? ties of virtuous deeds, generosity, and meditation Going back and forth like this is vatta, the cycle will lead to liberation. Whoever practices like this itself. If we’re talking about really letting go, giving will become free and go beyond - beyond all up good as well as evil, then there’s only scooping convention and appearance. out. Even if there’s only a little bit, you scoop it The basic principles of practice are not be- out. You don’t put in anything more, and you keep yond our understanding. In practicing generosity, scooping out. Even if you only have a small scoop for example, if we lack wisdom there won’t be to use, you do what you can and in this way the any merit. Without understanding, we think that time will come when the barrel is empty. If you’re generosity merely means giving things. ‘’When scooping out a bucket and pouring back a bucket, I feel like giving, I’ll give. If I feel like stealing scooping out and then pouring back - well, think something, I’ll steal it. Then if I feel generous, about it. When will you see an empty barrel? This I’ll give something.’’ It’s like having a barrel full Dhamma isn’t something distant. It’s right here in of water. You scoop out a bucketful, and then the barrel. You can do it at home. Try it. Can you you pour back in a bucketful. Scoop it out again, empty a water barrel like that? Do it all day tomor- pour it in again, scoop it out and pour it in - row and see what happens. like this. When will you empty the barrel? Can To be continued คุณนาตยา-Mr.Richard Tinker และครอบครัว ได้ทำาบุญอุทิศส่วนกุศลให้แด่คุณแม่แสงจันทร์ อุดทา ผู้จากไปอย่างไม่มีวัน กลับ ในนามเจ้าภาพขอขอบคุณแขกทุกท่านที่มาร่วมบุญและไว้อาลัยแด่คุณแม่เป็นครั้งสุดท้าย เมื่อวันที่ ๒๘ มีนาคม ๒๕๕๔
  • 14. แสงธรรม 12 Saeng Dhamma Supraman One who has Wisdom Essays On The Dhamma By Luang Ta Chi Edited by Du Wayne Engelhart ...Continued from last issue... doing correct things, and living truthfully so that there will be a blessing for you and a better life III. People Who Have the Dhamma in every way. T o practice the Dhamma according to the Buddha’s teaching doesn’t have to cost To practice the Dhamma is to walk the path- way of goodness by: - doing good with bodily actions—called you anything. It just depends on your willingness right action to do it. The Dhamma can be done every sec- - doing good with speech—called right ond, every day, and it should be followed. The speech one who has the Dhamma is like someone who - doing good with the mind—called right doesn’t drown in the water and doesn’t burn in thought the fire; life will be safe when you are living in Each of these three can be broken down into the Dhamma. It is like an insurance policy, like more definite guidelines, providing ten ways to someone who has an umbrella: the sun cannot walk the pathway of goodness: harm you, and the rain cannot get you wet. Be it There are three aspects of right action: sunny or rainy, the one who has the umbrella is 1. Avoid killing without worry. Similarly, with the Dhamma, you 2. Avoid stealing are safe. You can go anywhere; nothing will hap- 3. Avoid adultery pen to you. Wherever you go, whatever you do, There are four aspects of right speech: you have safety. The one who has the Dhamma 4. Avoid lying is loved by all. Having the Dhamma is like being 5. Avoid harsh speech that ridicules people born under a lucky star that will enable you to be 6. Avoid lewd or crude remarks successful in everything you do. So you should 7. Avoid gossip or worthless and unim- be practicing the Dhamma—that is, doing good, portant chatter
  • 15. แสงธรรม 13 Saeng Dhamma There are three aspects of right thought: speech that ridicules, crude words, and worthless 8. Not wrongfully desiring others gossip. When we practice according to morality, 9. Not wishing harm to others the coarse defilements will be conquered and 10. Seeing that the Dhamma is good will not be seen. Living in this way is called the path of right- To practice mental discipline is to train the mind eous living. to be calm, conquering the moderate defilements. Practicing the Dhamma can be interpreted from These moderate defilements are hindrances which another viewpoint, broken down in two ways: prevent the mind from reaching that which is good. 1. To act in the right way The moderate defilements are attachment to sen- 2. To practice according to the Dhamma sual desire (kāma-chanda); ill will, vengeful and To act in the right way means that whatever hateful behavior (vyāpāda); laziness and lack of situation you are in, you try to make it better, to moving oneself to action (thīna-middha); anxiety do the right thing. For example, when you are and restlessness (uddhacca-kukkucca); and doubts a student, you fulfill your duty by studying hard (vicikicchā). All these will be gotten rid of after to do it correctly and well. If your activity is that practicing mental discipline. of parents, you fulfill your duty as parents well To get rid of the refined defilements, which and in the correct way. If you are a government are rooted in the center of your being, you need worker, a housewife, or a monk or nun, you have to practice insight meditation so that wisdom will to do the best possible job with what is given to arise, to be able to see that which is illusion, to you. Whatever situation or position you are in, try destroy ignorance, and to get rid of craving and to fulfill your duty in the best possible way and in clinging. What will be left will be a mind that is the most correct way, avoiding mistakes and not calm, peaceful, and clear. The mind is no longer causing any loss. Such behavior is acting in the enslaved by the defilements and craving. right way. Practicing morality, mental discipline, and wis- The second meaning of practicing according to dom in these ways is practicing the Dhamma at the Dhamma is following the principles of morality the highest level. Starting from having no moral- (sila), mental discipline (samādhi) and wisdom ity, we can train ourselves to be those who have (paññā) to a high level to get rid of or conquer morality. Having never practiced mental disci- the defilements, which can be coarse, moderate, pline, we can train ourselves so that concentra- or refined. To practice according to morality is to tion will occur. If we have no wisdom, by practic- control your bodily actions and verbal actions so ing insight meditation, wisdom will arise so that that they do not cause harm to yourself or others. we will be able to make real what is true. We These bodily and verbal actions involve defile- will be able to follow the path leading at the end ments that are coarse, such as continually trou- to nibbāna. bling people, stealing, adultery, lying, using harsh To practice the Dhamma correctly, we should
  • 16. แสงธรรม 14 Saeng Dhamma follow the Buddha’s directions for his monks to 2. Samyuda—the cause of suffering. This is practice in four ways: the situation that we should eliminate. -Supatipanno—the one who has good actions, 3. Niroda—the cessation of suffering. Under- and practices well standing clearly that there is a way to end suffering. -Ujupatipanno—the one who practices correctly 4. Magga—the eightfold path to the end of -Ñāyapatipanno—the one who practices the suffering. This is the path we should be following. Dhamma Samicipatipanno—to act in the proper way. -Samicipatipanno—the one who practices This is done in society overall, that is, to act with properly manners, to be aware of what is socially accept- Supatipanno—to practice well. What is good able, to act properly according to the situation. practice? Good practice for the ordinary person The monks classify it as one who acts properly ac- would be knowing what one’s duty is. Each per- cording to his condition or rank. At a higher level, son has to try to do his duty as well as possible. the actions would be practicing morality, mental There can be no neglecting of duty. As a student, discipline, and wisdom. This is what would be as a teacher, a government worker, a housewife, praised and respected by other people. monk or nun, each of us has to know our duty As we have summarized here, it could be and do it well. To further go beyond the usual or understood that one who has the Dhamma will go to a higher level would mean to practice the bring about benefits in the present and the fu- eightfold path with morality, mental discipline, ture. The final result will be nibbāna. and wisdom which will get rid of or destroy igno- rance, craving, and clinging. IV. Supraman Ujupatipanno—to act correctly. This means to One who has wisdom do things in a straightforward way, not doing things Has given up the five hindrances of the mind, in an improper or misleading way. That is to prac- getting rid of defilements and all sorrow, love tice toward the final goal, to practice according to and hatred, and greed and ego. He thus journeys the teaching of religion, and to act forthrightly in alone like a rhinoceros. dealing with others. If we are to go beyond this, At the present time science as advanced to we must work through the eightfold path straight to the highest degree. It is a common thing to see nibbāna, straight to getting rid of dukkha. man sent up into space. Seemingly, our earth Ñāyapatipanno—to practice the Dhamma. appears to be too small, so that we go beyond This means the goal is that we should be fair in to find another world. We dream that we will be our actions. On a higher level, these actions will living in outer space. Who knows? It seems to be lead us to understand the Four Noble Truths: likely to happen at any time. Today new technology 1. Dukkha—suffering which we recognize. is advancing; all the experts are announcing their
  • 17. แสงธรรม 15 Saeng Dhamma discoveries one after the other. This means that we the “super human” according to the Dhamma, I who used to walk the earth now fly into the sky like would like you to come and study Buddhism. conquerors and no longer believe ourselves earth- Buddhism is based on reason. It teaches bound. In the future, if the world becomes more men to search for the truth in the same way as wildly active, man will move to another place in the scientific method does. But experiments in the stars and build his heavenly home. Buddhism do not require a big scientific research In our eyes we think people in the space age center or million-dollar equipment. Spiritual ex- will have incredible super powers. With highly periment requires only a body six feet long, one developed intelligence and advanced abilities, hand thick, and a forearm wide. Whoever experi- they will be able to go underground, fly up into ments in the spiritual world uses his own body as space, and appear and disappear miraculously. the laboratory. Our bodies are composed of two Man has overcome every limit. What is there that important parts: body and mind (also called phys- we cannot overcome? What is there that tech- ical and mental phenomena). Physical phenom- nology cannot achieve? Humans will know every- ena are what can be seen and touched. Mental thing that exists in the universe. Thus the whole phenomena are the perceptions, thoughts, and universe will be controlled by man. Finally, man feelings that arise through the sense conscious- will believe himself beyond this world. According ness by way of eye, ear, nose, tongue, and touch. to this view it seems true that this is the age of The scientific study of the mind is carried out by the “super human.” using three instruments: In the eyes of materialistic people, this is true. 1. Atāpī the strong effort to overcome defilements But if we look at it from the point of view of the 2. Sampajañña universal knowledge Dhamma, all these statements are false because 3. Satimā constant awareness all the discoveries and victories are part of this The first step of the scientific experiment into world. It is the physical world, not the whole mental phenomena is to calm the mind. When world. There is another part that scientists have the mind is in tranquility meditation, it will see overlooked: the spiritual world. It seems as if the things as they really are, not as we mistakenly scientists in the world have no idea of its exist- perceive them to be. Just as the scientist analy- ence and, thus, ignore its importance. So all the ses an object to know its basic parts, so too will research is in the physical world, and no attention tranquility meditation enable you to see the basic is given to research in the spiritual world. Even nature of what is seen, heard, smelled, tasted, if we can gain a victory over the physical world and touched. and go beyond space, if we do not understand the spiritual world, we are still influenced by To be continued this world. Therefore, so that all of us can study
  • 18. แสงธรรม 16 Saeng Dhamma MY (VERY BRIEF) LIFE AS A BUDDHIST MONK Part V: Down from the Mountains By Matthew R.G. Regan A fter our morning of walking meditation along the rocky trails of Shenandoah Na- tional Park, the five of us—Ajahn Ampor, Luang Pi up the entire length of Skyline Drive. As we trav- elled, we spent the time sharing Dhamma topics and enjoying the majestic mountain views. With Piya, Luang Pi Joe, myself, and Steve—returned the cool mountain air streaming in through the to the parking area, sore but happy. It was a beau- open windows of Steve’s van and the soothing tiful day in the mountains, and our early start had words of the Buddha’s Dhamma coming from the enabled us to already enjoy much practice be- mouths of my fellow monks, I found myself re- fore lunch time. Now that the mid-day mealtime flecting on how much I had grown over the past required by our monastic rules (vinaya) was grow- few short days, and how much I would cherish ing close, Steve drove us a few miles up Skyline such moments once my time in robes had ended. Drive to the nearest rest area, where we unpacked After several hours of driving—punctuated the lunch our wonderful host from the previous by the occasional stop for enjoying the view— night had packed for us before we left. The site we reached the end of Skyline Drive and pro- of four Buddhist monks and their white-clad lay ceeded to our final stop before returning to Wat friend eating lunch at a picnic table was not ex- Thai DC: the Bhavana Society, a forest monas- actly a common site for the campers and hikers tery which was not very far from the outlet of who shared the rest area with us, but as always, Skyline Drive. As I guided Steve down the wind- we were met with many more friendly greetings ing mountain roads, I was slightly worried—after than astonished stares. all, I had been trying to contact the monastery Once our mid-day meal was finished, we be- about our visit for the past two days, but had gan our journey home to Wat Thai DC, travelling been unable to reach them—but I knew, even
  • 19. แสงธรรม 17 Saeng Dhamma if we were only able to briefly tour the grounds, tacting the office, the parking lot full of cars, our detour would be worth it. the peaceful silence. Luckily, the lay person in- When we arrived, I was surprised to see the formed that we had arrived during the retreat’s number of cars in the parking lot. As an isolated afternoon break, and brought us to the monas- forest monastery, the Bhavana Society was not tic quarters where we presented our donations exactly the place you would expect to see many to Bhante Dhammaratana, a long-time resident visitors—especially on a weekday. And yet, de- who had I met on several occasions. Although spite the crowded parking lot, no one was to we were unable to meet with the abbot, Bhante be found. Our knocks on the door of the small Gunaratana, who after a long day of teaching office building went unanswered, and the paths was taking a much-needed rest before the evening sessions began, Bhante Dhamma was kind enough to show us around the Buddha Hall and the surrounding grounds, where we relaxed and meditated before continuing on our journey home. As we left Bhavana, the sun began to set on our long day. It was hard to believe that just 24 short hours ago we had pulled up to our hostess’s house in Charlottesville, before we had chanted for her family and slept under the stars. It amazed me to between the parking lot and the main build- think that even our walk along the rocky moun- ing were quiet and still. For a few moments, tain paths had been mere hours ago—during our we stood in the afternoon breeze and tried to long day of travel and practice, time had become decide what to do with the requisites we had something trivial. In my lay life, I was constantly brought to donate to the community of monks checking the clock, trying to figure out how much that lived there, but suddenly, a white-clothed time I had left in the day, how long before my layperson walked by. He gave us a silent gesture next appointment, how much time I could spend of respect, and as soon as I saw his demeanor, on any task. But as a monk, time had a very dif- I knew what was going on: we had visited in the ferent meaning. Of course, there were still sched- middle of a retreat! Suddenly, all the pieces of ules to keep: morning and evening chanting, meal evidence fell into place: my difficulty in con- times and ceremonies, but time had a very differ-
  • 20. แสงธรรม 18 Saeng Dhamma ent quality in my monastic life. Instead of being to the familiarity of Washington, Wat Thai, and an enemy to compete with, time had become a home. For nearly an hour, we chanted, and friend. Each free moment became an opportunity through the resonance of our voices, it seemed to practice, reflect, or rest. Despite the fact that I as if the van had been transformed from a sim- was, indeed, very busy during my time in robes, ple utilitarian vehicle to a majestic Buddha Hall. I found myself less exhausted at the end of the After we finished, we each took some time to day. Surely, I was doing just as much as I did in personally thank Steve for all the help he had my lay life—indeed in many ways, I was actually given us and express our deep gratitude for him. doing more things in the day—but the oppres- As I spoke, I realized once again how important sion of time seemed absent. Even my chores, the help of the lay people was to the lives of like cleaning the temple and setting up the table monks, and in my own mind, I resolved to take for the morning and mid-day meals, seemed like Steve as my example of service and dedication fulfilling use of my time. At no point during my when I returned to the lay life. monkhood can I recall thinking that anything I did It was very dark when we finally returned was a “waste of time.” Since I have returned to to Wat Thai, our long day of practice and travel lay life, I have tried very hard to bring this lesson finally over. We thank Steve one last time, and with me—time is something to be worked with then retired to our rooms. After all, tomorrow like a friend than raced against like an enemy. was going to be another busy day. As we drove towards home, I could tell we were all tired, and especially Steve. Unlike the To be continued next month... rest of us, who had been able to relax in the van’s passenger seats, Steve had been driv- ing for hours, up and down mountains roads, along busy highways and isolated gravel roads. As monks, there was little we could offer him in return—a least in material terms. And yet, I knew we all felt a great gratitude towards him for his help and companionship over the past few days. Without him, none of our wonderful experiences could have come to be. And so, in gratitude, Ajahn Ampor decided that we should share our chanting with him as we traveled back
  • 21. แสงธรรม 19 Saeng Dhamma WELCOME TO JOIN THE INTERNATIONAL VESAK 2011 THE MEDITATION WORKSHOP On February 12, members of the In- ternational Buddhist Committee of the Washington, DC area, representing over 10 different nations and all lineages of 2st and 3rd Saturday of every month. Buddhism, met at Wat Buddhikarama (Wat Khmer) in Silver Spring, MD. USA, to �Based on 2,500-year-old tradition �Starts April 9 discuss plans for the upcoming Internation- �Taught by Thai monk with decades of experience al Vesak event, which will be held there on �FREE! We never charge for lessons May 8. �All levels welcome This celebration will commemorate the 09.00 a.m. - 11.00 a.m. 2600th anniversary of the Birth of the Lord Wat Thai Buddhist Temple 13440 Layhill Rd. Silver Spring, MD 20906 Buddha, as well as the 25th anniversary of Tel: 301-871-8661, 301-871-8660 the International Buddhist Committee’s lo-, E-mail: cal celebrate of the Buddha’s birth, enlight- Contact Alistair Bell 202 527 1050 / enment, and Parinibbana. ขอเชิญร่วมงานธรรมสมโภชอายุวัฒนมงคล ๘๖ ปี หลวงตาชี พระวิเทศธรรมรังษี (สุรศักดิ์ ชีวานนฺโท) ๑๐ - ๑๒ มิถุนายน ๒๕๕๔ ณ วัดไทยกรุงวอชิงตัน, ดี.ซี. ประธ�นจัดง�นโดย กลุ่มรวมน้ำ�ใจใฝ่ธรรม เมืองไมอ�มี่ รัฐฟลอริด� จึงขอเชิญศิษยานุศิษย์ที่เคารพรัก ร่วมแสดงมุทิตาสักการะโดยพร้อมเพรียงกัน
  • 22. แสงธรรม 20 Saeng Dhamma สาระธรรมจาก...พระไตรปิฎก พระไตรปิฎก สําหรับผูเ้ ริมศึกษา เล่มที่ ๑๐ หน้า ๑๑๒ พระสุตตันตปิฎก มัชฌิมนิกาย อุปริปณณาสก์ สุญญตวรรค ่ ั ทุกข์โทมนัส ๓ อย่างของคนพาล ๓. ไม่ว่าจะนั่งอยู่บนตั่งหรือบนเตียง หรือนอนบนพื้นดิน พาลปัณฑิตสูตร : วันหนึ่งที่วัดเชตวัน พระพุทธองค์ทรง กรรมชัวคือกายทุจริต วจีทจริต มโนทุจริต ทีคนพาลท�าไว้กอน ่ ุ ่ ่ สั่งสอนภิกษุทั้งหลายด้วยเรื่องคนพาลและบัณฑิต ดังนี้ ย่อมแผ่คลุมครอบง�าเขา เหมือนเงาทะมึนของภูเขาใหญ่ททอด ี่ ลักษณะของคนพาล (คนโง่เขลาและโฉดชั่ว) มี ๓ อย่าง ทับแผ่นดินในยามเย็น เวลานั้นคนพาลจะรู้สึกว่าตนไม่ได้ คือ ๑. มักคิดด้วยความคิดที่ชั่ว ๒. มักพูดด้วยค�าพูดที่ชั่ว ท�าความดีไม่ได้ทากุศล ไม่ได้ทาเครืองป้องกันความหวาดกลัว � � ่ ๓. มักท�าด้วยการกระท�าที่ชั่ว ถ้าคนพาลไม่เป็นคนคิดชั่วพูด ไว้ ท�าแต่ความชั่วร้ายเลวทราม เขามีแต่จะทุกข์โศก ยุ่งยาก ชั่วท�าชั่ว บัณฑิตที่ไหนจะรู้ได้ว่าเขาเป็นคนพาลเป็นอสัตบุรุษ ใจ เพ้อครวญร�่าไห้ ทุบอกตัวเอง และสติฟั่นเฟือน ที่คือการ และตรัสว่า คนพาลย่อมประสบทุกข์โทมนัส ๓ อย่างในชีวิต ประสบทุกข์โทมนัสอย่างที่ ๓ ในปัจจุบันของคนพาล ปัจจุบัน คือ ๑. ไม่ว่าคนพาลจะนั่งอยู่ในที่ประชุม หรือที่ริมถนน หรือ ทุกข์ในนรกสุดจะหาใดเปรียบ ที่ทางสามแพร่งก็ตาม คนก็จะพูดกับเขาสมกับที่เขาเป็นคน ตรัสต่อไปว่า คนพาลเมือประพฤติทจริตทางกายทางวาจา ่ ุ พาล (ไม่ยกย่องให้เกียรติ) ถ้าเขาเป็นคนชอบฆ่าสัตว์ ชอบลัก ทางใจแล้ว ตายไปย่อมไปเกิดในอบาย ทุคติ วินิบาต นรก ทรัพย์ ชอบประพฤติผดในกาม ชอบพูดเท็จ ชอบเสพสิงมึนเมา ิ ่ “ภิกษุทั้งหลาย เมื่อบุคคลกล่าวถึงอบาย ที่เขาหมายถึงนรก สุราและเมรัยอันเป็นทีตงแห่งความประมาท คนก็จะพูดถึงเขา ่ ั้ นั้นถูกต้องแล้ว กล่าวได้ว่า นรกเป็นสถานที่ที่ไม่พึงปรารถนา ในสิ่งที่เขาชอบท�า และคนพาลก็จะรู้ตัวเองว่าความชั่วเหล่า ไม่น่าใคร่ไม่น่าพอใจโดยประการทั้งปวง ถึงกระนั้น จะหา นันมีอยูในตัวเรา และตัวเราก็เป็นทีรวามีความชัวเหล่านันด้วย ้ ่ ่ ู้ ่ ่ ้ อุปมาให้เห็นนรกเป็นทุกข์(เพียงใด) ก็ไม่ใช่เรื่องง่าย” นี่คือการประสบทุกข์โทมนัสอย่างที่ ๑ ในชีวิตปัจจุบันของคน เมื่อตรัสอย่างนี้ ก็ได้มีภิกษุรูปหนึ่งทูลถามขึ้นว่า พอจะ พาล กล่าวในเชิงเปรียบเทียบได้หรือไม่ ๒. เมื่อคนพาลเห็นพระราชาจับโจรผู้ท�าความผิด แล้วสั่ง พระพุทธองค์ตรัสว่าพอจะเปรียบเทียบได้ดังนี้ เหมือน ลงโทษ(กรรมกรณ์) ด้วยวิธีต่างๆ คือ ต�ารวจ(ราชบุรุษ) จับโจรท�าความผิดมามอบให้พระราชา ขอ ๑. โบยด้วยแส้ (กสาหิ ตาเฬนฺเต –lash him with whips) ให้ทรงลงโทษตามพระราชาประสงค์ พระราชาจึงมีพระบัญชา ๒. โบยด้วยหวาย (เวตฺเตหิ ตาเฬนฺเต –lash him with canes) ให้เจ้าหน้าที่เอาหอกร้อยเล่มทิ่มแทงโจรในตอนเช้า ถึงตอน ๓. ตีด้วยตะบองสั้น (อทฺธทณฺฑเกหิ ตาเฬนฺเต -lash กลางวันตรัสถามว่าโจรเป็นอย่างไร เขาทูลว่าโจรยังไม่ตาย ก็ him with(birch) rods) เป็นต้น ทรงให้เอาหอกอีกร้อยเล่มมาแทงโจรอีก ตกเย็นทรงทราบอีก ในขณะที่เห็นการลงโทษนั้น คนพาลก็จะรู้ได้ว่า เพราะ ว่าโจรยังไม่ตาย ก็รับสั่งให้แทงโจรด้วยหอกอีกร้อยเล่ม กรรมชั่ว พระราชาจึงจับมาลงโทษอย่างนั้น ความชั่วของโจร ตรัสถามภิกษุเหล่านั้นว่า พวกเธอคิดอย่างไร? โจรนั้นถูก เหล่านั้นก็มีอยู่ในตัวเรา และเราก็เป็นที่รู้ว่าเป็นคนมีความชั่ว แทงด้วยหอกสามร้อยเล่ม เขาจะเจ็บปวดไหม? ภิกษุทงหลาย ั้ อย่างนั้น ถ้าพระราชาจับได้ เราก็จะต้องถูกลงโทษเช่นนั้น กราบทูลว่า หอกเล่มเดียวทิ่มแทงก็เจ็บปวดพอแล้ว ไม่ต้อง เหมือนกัน นี่คือการประสบทุกข์โทมนัสอย่างที่ ๒ ในชีวิต กล่าวถึงหอกตั้งสามร้อยเล่มอย่างนั้น ปัจจุบันของคนพาล แล้วทรงหยิบแผ่นหินขนาดเท่าฝ่ามือให้ภกษุเหล่านันดูตรัส ิ ้