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Presenter: Mohd Nizamuddin Ismail
Moderator: Dr Wan Nazarudin
 Introduction
 Intracranial Hypertension
 Aims of anaesthesia
 Anaesthesia for patients with mass lesions
 Anaesthesia for posterior fossa surgery
 Anaesthesia for pituitary surgery
 Anaesthesia for head trauma
 Anaesthesia for awake craniotomy
 Anaesthesia for neurosurgical procedures requires
  understanding of the normal anatomy and physiology of the
  CNS and the likely changes that occur in response to the
  presence of space occupying lesions, trauma or infection.

 In addition to balanced anaesthesia with smooth induction
  and emergence, particular attention should be paid to the
  maintenance of an adequate cerebral perfusion pressure
  (CPP), avoidance of intracranial hypertension and the
  provision of optimal surgical conditions to avoid further
  progression of the preexisting neurological insult.
Common neurosurgical procedures
 Drainage
 VP shunt, EVD, Evacuation of EDH/SDH via burr hole or
 Craniotomy for excision / debulking of tumour
 Cerebrovascular surgery
  Excision of cerebral aneurysm or AVM
 Surgery of the spine or spinal cord
 Surgery on the skull
  Cranioplasty, elevation of depressed fractures
Intracranial Hypertension
 Defined as a sustained increase in ICP above 15mmHg.
 Uncompensated increases in tissue or fluid within the rigid
  cranial vault produce sustained ICP elevations.
 If ICP exceeds 30 mmHg, CBF progressively decreases and
  vicious circle is established: ischaemia causes brain
  oedema, which increases ICP hence more ischaemia.
 Cycle continues – pt dies of progressive neurological
  damage or catastrophic herniation.
Cerebral Oedema
 Increase in brain water content- produced by several

1)Vasogenic  Disruption of BBB. Most common & allows
  entry of plasma-like fluid into the brain.
 Causes Mechanical trauma, inflammatory
  lesion, tumours, hypertension & infarction.

2)Cytotoxic  Following metabolic insults- hypoxaemia or
  ischaemia, results from failure of brain cells to actively
  extrude sodium & progressive cellular swelling.
 Directed at underlying cause.
 Metabolic disturbances are corrected & operative
  intervention undertaken whenever possible.
 Vasogenic oedema (tumours) responds to steroids
  (dexamethasone). A single 10 mg dose can significantly
  increase blood glucose concentrations in non-diabetic
  (Pasternak J et al. Effect of single dose dexamethasone on blood
  glucose concentration in patients undergoing craniotomy. J
  Neurosurg Anesthesiol 2005; 16: 122–5)
 There is evidence to support tight glycaemic control in
  critically ill, neurologically impaired patients
 Fluid restriction, osmotic agents & loop diuretics usually
  effective in temporarily decreasing oedema.
 Moderate hyperventilation (PaCo2 30-33) – may aggravate
  ischaemia in patients with focal ischaemia.
 Mannitol 0.5-1gm/kg effective in rapid reduction in ICP
Aims of anaesthesia

 Optimal operating conditions
 Maintenance of stable ICP
 Stable haemodynamics, oxygenation and ventilation
 Appropriate CPP and oxygenation while minimising CMRO2
  to protect against ischaemia
 Early detection & prompt management of intra-op
  complications- VAE in post fossa surgery, intracranial
  bleed during cerebral aneurysm rupture
 Controlled but rapid emergence to enable early assessment
  & monitoring of neurological status.
 Comfirm diagnosis,indication and consent

Routine pre-op assessment

 Airway, CVS and respiratory system
 Details of concomitant medical illnesses,nature of
  treatment and compliance to therapy
 Investigations appropriate for age, general status of
  patient and type of surgery
Detailed CNS assessment

 Level of consciousness, presence and extent of neurological
  deficit(clear documentation)
 Observe respiratory effort in terms of tachypnoea,
  laboured breathing or Cheyne-Stokes pattern of breathing
  Assess the presence of cough/gag reflex if bulbar
  involvement is suspected.
 Look for clinical manifestation of raised ICP:
  headache,vomiting,focal neurological signs and papilloedema
 Late signs: deteriorating GCS, Cushing's reflex,dilated
  pupils,decorticate then decerebrate posturing and coma
Review CT scan or MRI:
 Size and location of the SOL, size of ventricles, presence
  of midline shift and evidence of generalised/peri-tumour
  cerebral oedema.

Other considerations
 Assess the fluid status: possibility of dehydration and
  electrolyte imbalance in patient who has been
  vomiting, fluid restricted/receiving diuretic therapy
 Assess glycaemic status: rule out hyperglycemia in diabetic
  patient/patient treated with dexamethasone
 Rule out endocrine dysfunction esp in pituitary tumours:
  hypo/hyperthyroidism, acromegaly, hypo/hyperadrenalism
Based on overall assessment, identify patients who would
  requires post-op ventilation in ICU
 GCS</=6
 Evidence of raised ICP
 Large or deep seated tumour
 Presence of midline shift and/or significant cerebral

 Opiod premedication often avoided: hypercarbia
  increasedCBF and ICP and possibility of disrupting early
  postop neurological assessment
 For patient who is going for spine surgery who is
  alert, conscious and anxious: Small dose of benzodiazepine
  may be prescribed
 Alternatively a small IV dose of benzodiazepine can be
  administered in OT prior to induction
 Effect of benzodiazepines are not detrimental as long as
  hypotension is avoided
Other preparation

 Fasting instruction for the patient
 Serve the patients medications on the morning of
Anaesthetic Management

 Reassess the patient's neurological status before induction
 Confirm availability of ICU or HDU
 Establish venous access w large bore IV cannulae.
 Monitors: ECG, non-invasive BP, pulse oximetry, and
  capnography for minor cases (VP
  shunt, EVD, Burrhole, cranioplasty)
 Additional monitors: u/o, temperature, neuromascular
  blockade, invasive BP and CVP (Major)
 Preoxygenation

Common drugs at induction:
 Fentanyl, Thiopentone or Propofol
 Atracurium, Vecuronium or Rocuronium
 Lignocaine or Esmolol may be used to obtund sympathetic
  reflex during airway manipulation

 Propofol has many theoretical advantages by reducing CBV
  and ICP and preserving both autoregulation and vascular
  reactivity. In healthy subjects, propofol reduced CBF, as
  measured by positron emission tomography (PET), more
  than sevoflurane at equipotent concentrations.
  (Maksimow A et al. Correlation of EEG spectral entropy with
  regional cerebral blood flow during sevoflurane and propofol
  anaesthesia. Anaesthesia 2005; 60: 862–9)
 Suxamethonium transiently increases ICP and best avoided
  in elective cases (except in difficult intubation)-should not
  be withheld in emergency cases
 Monitor the degree of neuromuscular blockade with
  peripheral nerve stimulator
 Allow non-depolarising NMB take effect
 Laryngoscopy and intubation should be attempted when
  patient is adequately paralysed
 Maintain head-up tilt of 15-20 deg and avoid extreme neck
    flexion or rotation
   Re-check placement of ETT after positioning
   Head is often secured in place using Mayfield3-point
   An additional dose of Fentanyl before the pins inserted
    helps to prevent marked hypertension and tachycardia
   In cases of intracranial HTN lower ICP by administering
    mannitol 0.5-1g/kg and/or frusemide 0.5mg/kg
   Maintain PaO2>100mmHg and PaCO2 between 30-35 mmHg.
   Avoid overventilation since hypocarbia may result in
    cerebral vasoconstriction and reduce cerebral perfusion
Maintenance of anesthesia

 TIVA with propofol
 Inhalation technique with volatile agent
 NMB administered by continuous infusion or intermittent
 Analgesia maintained with intermittent boluses of Fentanyl
  or infusion of Remifentanyl
 Isoflurane and Sevoflurane are preferred:
 Maintenance of cerebral auto-regulation up to MAC 1.5
 Maintenance of CO2 reactivity of cerebral blood vessels
 Sevoflurane gives smooth induction, rapid onset and offset
   of action
 In a study comparing desflurane, isoflurane, and sevoflurane
   in a porcine model of intracranial hypertension, at
   equipotent doses and normocapnia, CBF and ICP were
   greatest with desflurane and least with sevoflurane.
   (Holmstrom A et al, J Neurosurg Anesthesiol 2004; 16: 136)
 Nitrous oxide causes cerebral vasodilatation, increased CBV
   and ICP. Also contribute to development of
 Should be avoided:
-in patient with cerebral ischaemia/reduced intracranial
-Surgery with significant risk of VAE (posterior fossa
Fluid management
 IV fluid used judiciously and be sufficient to maintain IV
  volume and hemodynamic stability
 Dextrose-containing solutions should be avoided unless
-Hypo-osmolar causing fluid shift
-Hyperglycemia can cause impaired neurological recovery
 Ringer's lactate is also hypo-osmolar and can cause
  increase plasma glucose via lactate metabolism
 0.9% saline is the preferred crystalloid but may cause
  hyperchloraemic acidosis when large doses are infused
 Blood loss may be torrential.
Temperature control
 Permissive hypothermia 33-35 deg celcius decreases
  CMRO2 and may increase the period of ischaemia tolerated
 Normothermia should be achieved before patient awakens
  to avoid shivering which markedly increases O2 demand

Thromboembolic prophylaxis
 Neurosurgical patients are at risk for DVT and PE
 Heparin should not be used because of risk of bleeding in
  confined cavity
 Mechanical means  graduated compression stockings and
  intermittent pneumatic leg

 The patient should not be allowed to cough through
  ETT(tachycardia, hypertension and increased ICP)
 Systemic hypertension is common and may contribute to
  the development of post-op haematomas.
 The increased use of remifentanil may be associated with
  more postoperative hypertension  avoided with effective
  transitional analgesia
 The a-2 agonist dexmedetomidine has been shown to
  provide good haemodynamic stability during intracranial
  tumour surgery, attenuating the response to intubation and
  (Tanskanen PE et al. Dexmedetomidine as an anaesthetic
  adjuvant in patients undergoing intracranial tumour surgery. Br J
  Anaesth 2006; 97: 658–65)
Post-op ventilatory support

 Patients's pre-op neurological status
 Intra-op events (duration and complexity of
  surgery, hemodynamic
  stability, complications, hypovolemia, massive transfusion)
 Evidence of raised ICP(tense dura/tight brain)
 Regular neurological observations
 Any neurological deterioration should raise suspicion of
  ICB/ oedema. Urgent CT should be considered.

Other aspects:
 Hemodynamic should be closely monitored to maintain
  adequate CPP.
 Post-op pain often not severe and can be managed by
  intermittent bolus doses or morphine infusion
 Electrolyte imbalance(esp sodium)
 U/o should be monitored(diabetes insipidus)
Posterior Fossa Surgery

 Lies between tentorium cerebelli and foramen magnum
 Contains cerebellum and brainstem
 Cranial nerve IX (glossopharyngeal), X(vagus),
  XI(accessory), XII(hypoglossal)
 Emissary veins (valveless veins that drain external veins of
  skulls into dural venous sinuses)

 Resection or biopsy of tumours (glioma, astrocytoma,
  meningioma, medulloblastoma, acoustic neuroma,
 Resection of vascular lesion (aneurysm, angioma, AVM)
 Abscess, haematoma, congenital lesions (Arnold-chiari
Special problems :

 Confined space-not much room for oedema/ bleeding which
  if uncontrolled can cause coning through foramen magnum
 Main motor and sensory pathways are in close proximity to
  op site (lower cranial nerve nuclei and vital centres
  controlling respiratory and CVS functions in brainstem)
 Obstruction to CSF flow at the aqueduct/ forth ventricle
  results in hydrocephalus
 Patient may have altered conscious level with impaired
  airway reflexes leading to silent aspiration

 Prone, lateral or semiprone (park-bench). Sitting is rarely
 Extreme care must be taken while turning the patient
 Avoid extreme neck flexion which may cause
-venous and lymphatic obstruction (can cause upper airway
-Cord hypoperfusion (resulting in quadriparesis) esp in elderly
If there is possibility of lower cranial nerve dysfunction with
  bulbar paresis:
 Gag reflex, swallowing and laryngeal function may be
 InsertRT

Nitrous oxide should be avoided
 Increase CMRO2 and CBF
 Aggravate VAE or pneumocephalus
 TIVA is preferred
Close monitoring of CVS for interference of vital centers

 Arrhythmia or hypertension
 Precipitous decrease in HR often signifies brainstem
  ischaemia and should be notified to the surgeon
 Resolves spontaneously when surgical retraction is removed
 Atropine is required in severe bradyarrythmias
 Close communication with surgeon is essential
Post-op ICU with mechanical ventilation is often

 In patients with low GCS
 There is evidence of airway oedema or bulbar paresis
 The surgical resection is extensive or complicated
 There are intra-op complications
Pituitary Surgery
 The pituitary gland consists of 2 histologically distinct
  parts: the large anterior lobe or adenohypophysis and the
  smaller posterior lobe or neurohypophysis.

 It lies within the pituitary fossa or sella turcica, a
  depression in the skull base lined with dura mater.

 The anterior pituitary synthesizes and secretes
  GH, TSH, ACTH, FSH, LH, Prolactin

 Posterior pituitary stores and secretes oxytocin and ADH
 Most pituitary tumours arise from the anterior part of the
  gland & mostly are benign adenomas

 Mass effect :
Headache, visual disturbances (bitemp. Hemianopia), Cr N
 palsies, hyposecretion of hormones

 Hormone hypersecretion syndrome :
Hyperprolactinaemia, acromegaly, cushing’s
 dx, thyrotoxicosis

 Surgery transphenoidal or transcranial
Pre-op assessment

 In addition to the usual general pre‐anaesthetic
  assessment of a neurosurgical patient, we should include an
  assessment of: visual function; signs and symptoms of
  raised ICP; the patient’s endocrine studies; and the
  effects of hormonal hypersecretion.

 Those with acromegaly or Cushing’s syndrome are
  particularly likely to have co‐morbidities and pre-op
  assessment should be directed accordingly.
 Acromegaly
 Difficult intubation, incidence of
  OSA, hypertension, cardiomyopathy, glucose intolerance.

 Cushing’s dx
 Hypertension, cardiac disease, glucose
  intolerance, electrolyte imbalance, osteoporosis.

 ACTH hyposecretion
 Requirement for steroid replacement perioperatively
Anaesthetic management
 Pre-op hormone replacement therapy should be continued
  into the operative period.
 In general, hydrocortisone 100 mg should be administered
  at induction of anaesthesia in all patients undergoing
  pituitary surgery
 Careful pre-op assessment alerts to the possibility of
  difficulties with airway management and tracheal
  intubation. Ventilation with a bag and mask is generally
  straightforward in acromegalic patients although an oral
  airway may be required.
 4 grades of airway involvement have been described in
  acromegaly: grade 1, no significant involvement; grade 2,
  nasal and pharyngeal mucosa hypertrophy but normal cords
  and glottis; grade 3, glottic involvement including glottic
  stenosis or vocal cord paresis; and grade 4, combination of
  grades 2 and 3, i.e. glottic and soft tissue abnormalities.

 Tracheostomy has been recommended for grades 3 and 4
  but others have suggested that fibreoptic laryngoscopy is
  a safe alternative
  (60 Ovassapian A. Fiberoptic Airway Endoscopy in Anesthesia
  and Critical Care. New York: Raven Press, 1990; 57–79)
 Following intubation, the mouth and posterior pharynx
  should be packed before surgery begins
 Any anaesthetic technique suitable for intracranial
  procedures is acceptable, but the presence of increased
  intracranial pressure requires special attention
 In the presence of raised intracranial pressure, total
  intravenous anaesthesia and the avoidance of nitrous oxide
  has been recommended.
  (44 Matta BF et al. Management of head injury: part 1. In:
  Kaufman L, Ginsberg R, eds. Anaesthesia Review. London:
  Churchill Livingstone, 1997; 163–78)
 Whichever technique is chosen, it is important that
  short‐acting agents are used to allow rapid recovery at the
  end of surgery (propofol, sevoflurane)
 During trans-sphenoidal surgery, ventilation to normocapnia
  should be employed.
 Excessive hyperventilation will result in loss of brain bulk
  and make any suprasellar extension of the tumour less
  accessible from below
 Smooth and rapid emergence from anaesthesia following
  neurosurgery is essential
 At the end of trans-sphenoidal surgery, extubation is
  carried out after return of spontaneous ventilation,
  pharyngeal suction under direct vision, removal of the
  throat pack and return of laryngeal reflexes.
 Smooth emergence can be facilitated by placing the
  patient in a semi‐seated position & ensuring that there is a
  response to verbal commands before extubation.
 Care should be taken to ensure that nasal packs or stents,
  put in place at the end of surgery, do not become dislodged
  during extubation
Post-op care

 Consists of careful airway management, provision of
  adequate postoperative analgesia, appropriate fluid and
  hormone replacement and careful monitoring for
  postoperative complications (DI, hyponatraemia)
Anaesthesia for Head
Head Injury

 Contributory factors in up to 50% of deaths due to trauma

 Significance dependent not only on the extent of
  irreversible neuronal damage at the time of injury but also
  on secondary insults
 Systemic factors- hypoxaemia, hypercapnia, hypotension
 Formation & expansion of EDH, SDH, ICB
 Sustained intracranial HTN
 Surgical & anaesthetic management is aimed at preventing
  secondary insults

 GCS correlates well with severity of injury & outcome.

 GCS of 8 or less assoc w approx 35% mortality.

 Evidence of >5mm midline shift, a lesion > 25ml and
  ventricular compression on CT assoc w substantial
  increased in morbidity
Anticipated problems:

Emergency surgery
 Full stomach, insufficient time for thorough pre-op

Associated injuries
 C-spine fracture dislocation may result in SC injury with
  initial period of spinal shock
 Maxillofacial trauma w potential for acute upper airway
  obstruction, bleeding into airway & difficult intubation
 Thoracic injuries – lungs, heart, great vessels (life
 Intra-abdominal injury
 Pelvic / bone injuries w problems of concealed bleeding &
Difficult intubation
 Presence of cervical or maxillofacial trauma

Presence of raised ICP
 Requires pre-op resus, urgent surgery & post-op ICU
 CP need to be instituted
Anaesthetic Management

 Adequate venous access and invasive monitoring
 Choice of RSI w precalculated doses of fentanyl,
  thiopentone & scoline w cricoid pressure
 Scoline causes transient rise in ICP but effect is short
 Cervical fracture intubation w head & neck in neutral
  position & manual in-line stabilisation
 Intra-op management is similar to that of elective
May require ventilation post-op

 Extent & nature of head injury
 Initial GCS
 Evidence of raised ICP
 Intra-op complications
 Associated injuries esp chest injury
ICU Management

Position & monitoring
 Kept in slight (15-20 deg) reverse trendelenburg
 Regular neuro & haemodynamic monitoring

Resp. care
 Adequate oxygenation (PaO2 > 90mmHg)
 Normocarbia (PaCO2 30-35mmHg)
 Avoid hyperventilation & hypocarbia which result in
  cerebral vasoconstriction
 Regular chest physio & tracheal suction w adequate
  sedation & analgesia
BP control
 Maintain BP within 20% of baseline to ensure adequate CPP
 CPP kept above 70mmHg
 Treat hyper or hypotension with vasoactive drugs & appropriate
  fluid therapy

Rx of raised ICP
 Maintain on controlled ventilation w IPPV and sedation for 24-48H
 Administer diuretics  mannitol and/or frusemide
 Restrict fluid maintenance & avoid dextrose-containing solution
 Consider hypertonic saline or high dose barbiturate in selected
 Use of dexamethasone
 Antiepileptic drugs for immediate or long term control of seizures
Awake Craniotomy
 Awake craniotomy is gaining popularity worldwide
 Used for the excision of tumours located in the functional
  cortex, namely the motor strip, broca’s & wernicke’s
  speech areas
 Intra-op testing allows optimal tumour resection while
  preserving functional tissue  minimal post-op neurological
 The enthusiasm for awake craniotomy is such that it has
  even been suggested that it could become routine for
  supratentorial tumours irrespective of functional cortex.
 In a prospective trial of 200 patients, the procedure was
  well tolerated with reduced intensive care time and
  hospital stay.
  (Taylor MD et al. Awake craniotomy with brain mapping as
  the routine surgical approach to treating patients with
  supratentorial intraaxial tumors.J Neurosurg 1999; 90: 35–

 Patient refusal
 Communication difficulties, confused or extreme anxiety
 Obese or those with oesophageal reflux & large vascular
  tumour are best excluded
Anaesthetic Techniques

 Neurolept anaesthesia
 Dexmedetomidine infusion
 Local anaesthesia combined with appropriate sedation and
 Asleep-awake-asleep using GA

 Important to maintain airway & ventilatory control
 Dexmedetomidine provides sedation and analgesia without
  respiratory depression and has been used as a sole
  agent, an adjunct, and a rescue drug for awake craniotomy.

 It was used successfully for awake craniotomy in 10
  consecutive patients. Five patients were sedated with
  midazolam, fentanyl, or remifentanil and five had an AAA
  technique using sevoflurane, spontaneous ventilation, and
  LMA. All received dexmedetomidine infusions 0.01–1.0 mg/
  kg/h as an adjunct.
  (Mack PF et al. Dexmedetomidine and neurocognitive testing in
  awake craniotomy. J Neurosurg Anesthesiol 2004; 16: 20–5)
 Asleep-awake-asleep techniques makes use of TIVA w
  target –controlled infusion of propofol & remifentanil.
 Propofol is the most frequently used drug for both
  sedation and general anaesthesia. It provides titratable
  sedation and a rapid smooth recovery, decreases the
  incidence of seizures and, when stopped for awakening,
  minimizes interference with electrocorticographic
 Controlled ventilation is maintained via LMA or proseal.
 Infusion rates are adjusted in response to changes in
  haemodynamics & surgical stimulation- guided by BIS
 Remifentanil has short half-life & provides greater
  haemodynamics stability but more respiratory depression
  than fentanyl, thus safer to control ventilation than
 When tumour is exposed, remifentanil inf is reduced until
  spontaneous respiration resumes.
 Propofol inf is stopped & LMA removed as patient awakens.
 Background inf of remifentanil 0.005-0.01mcg/kg/min is
  used to provide additional analgesia during awake period.
 A retrospective analysis of an AAA technique using
  propofol and remifentanil showed that adequate conditions
  were obtained in 98% of patients with a median wake-up
  time of 9 min
  (Keifer JC et al. A retrospective analysis of a remifentanil /
  propofol general anaesthetic for craniotomy before awake
  functional brain mapping. Anesth Analg 2005; 101)

 When tumour is resected, pt is re-anaethetised & LMA
 LMA is superior to others because it minimizes the risk of
  coughing or straining & subsequent vomiting during
  lightening of anaesthesia.
 Controlled ventilation via LMA obviates problems of
  apnea, hypoventilation or airway obstruction.
Thank You

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Anaesthesia for neurosurgery

  • 1. Presenter: Mohd Nizamuddin Ismail Moderator: Dr Wan Nazarudin
  • 2. Contents  Introduction  Intracranial Hypertension  Aims of anaesthesia  Anaesthesia for patients with mass lesions  Anaesthesia for posterior fossa surgery  Anaesthesia for pituitary surgery  Anaesthesia for head trauma  Anaesthesia for awake craniotomy
  • 3. Introduction  Anaesthesia for neurosurgical procedures requires understanding of the normal anatomy and physiology of the CNS and the likely changes that occur in response to the presence of space occupying lesions, trauma or infection.  In addition to balanced anaesthesia with smooth induction and emergence, particular attention should be paid to the maintenance of an adequate cerebral perfusion pressure (CPP), avoidance of intracranial hypertension and the provision of optimal surgical conditions to avoid further progression of the preexisting neurological insult.
  • 4. Common neurosurgical procedures  Drainage VP shunt, EVD, Evacuation of EDH/SDH via burr hole or craniotomy.  Craniotomy for excision / debulking of tumour  Cerebrovascular surgery Excision of cerebral aneurysm or AVM  Surgery of the spine or spinal cord  Surgery on the skull Cranioplasty, elevation of depressed fractures
  • 5. Intracranial Hypertension  Defined as a sustained increase in ICP above 15mmHg.  Uncompensated increases in tissue or fluid within the rigid cranial vault produce sustained ICP elevations.  If ICP exceeds 30 mmHg, CBF progressively decreases and vicious circle is established: ischaemia causes brain oedema, which increases ICP hence more ischaemia.  Cycle continues – pt dies of progressive neurological damage or catastrophic herniation.
  • 6. Cerebral Oedema  Increase in brain water content- produced by several mechanisms: 1)Vasogenic  Disruption of BBB. Most common & allows entry of plasma-like fluid into the brain.  Causes Mechanical trauma, inflammatory lesion, tumours, hypertension & infarction. 2)Cytotoxic  Following metabolic insults- hypoxaemia or ischaemia, results from failure of brain cells to actively extrude sodium & progressive cellular swelling.
  • 7. Treatment  Directed at underlying cause.  Metabolic disturbances are corrected & operative intervention undertaken whenever possible.  Vasogenic oedema (tumours) responds to steroids (dexamethasone). A single 10 mg dose can significantly increase blood glucose concentrations in non-diabetic patients. (Pasternak J et al. Effect of single dose dexamethasone on blood glucose concentration in patients undergoing craniotomy. J Neurosurg Anesthesiol 2005; 16: 122–5)  There is evidence to support tight glycaemic control in critically ill, neurologically impaired patients
  • 8.  Fluid restriction, osmotic agents & loop diuretics usually effective in temporarily decreasing oedema.  Moderate hyperventilation (PaCo2 30-33) – may aggravate ischaemia in patients with focal ischaemia.  Mannitol 0.5-1gm/kg effective in rapid reduction in ICP
  • 9. Aims of anaesthesia  Optimal operating conditions  Maintenance of stable ICP  Stable haemodynamics, oxygenation and ventilation parameters  Appropriate CPP and oxygenation while minimising CMRO2 to protect against ischaemia  Early detection & prompt management of intra-op complications- VAE in post fossa surgery, intracranial bleed during cerebral aneurysm rupture  Controlled but rapid emergence to enable early assessment & monitoring of neurological status.
  • 11.  Comfirm diagnosis,indication and consent Routine pre-op assessment  Airway, CVS and respiratory system  Details of concomitant medical illnesses,nature of treatment and compliance to therapy  Investigations appropriate for age, general status of patient and type of surgery
  • 12. Detailed CNS assessment  Level of consciousness, presence and extent of neurological deficit(clear documentation)  Observe respiratory effort in terms of tachypnoea, laboured breathing or Cheyne-Stokes pattern of breathing Assess the presence of cough/gag reflex if bulbar involvement is suspected.  Look for clinical manifestation of raised ICP: headache,vomiting,focal neurological signs and papilloedema  Late signs: deteriorating GCS, Cushing's reflex,dilated pupils,decorticate then decerebrate posturing and coma
  • 13. Review CT scan or MRI:  Size and location of the SOL, size of ventricles, presence of midline shift and evidence of generalised/peri-tumour cerebral oedema. Other considerations  Assess the fluid status: possibility of dehydration and electrolyte imbalance in patient who has been vomiting, fluid restricted/receiving diuretic therapy  Assess glycaemic status: rule out hyperglycemia in diabetic patient/patient treated with dexamethasone  Rule out endocrine dysfunction esp in pituitary tumours: hypo/hyperthyroidism, acromegaly, hypo/hyperadrenalism
  • 14. Based on overall assessment, identify patients who would requires post-op ventilation in ICU  GCS</=6  Evidence of raised ICP  Large or deep seated tumour  Presence of midline shift and/or significant cerebral oedema
  • 15. Premedication  Opiod premedication often avoided: hypercarbia increasedCBF and ICP and possibility of disrupting early postop neurological assessment  For patient who is going for spine surgery who is alert, conscious and anxious: Small dose of benzodiazepine may be prescribed  Alternatively a small IV dose of benzodiazepine can be administered in OT prior to induction  Effect of benzodiazepines are not detrimental as long as hypotension is avoided
  • 16. Other preparation  GXM  Fasting instruction for the patient  Serve the patients medications on the morning of surgery
  • 17. Anaesthetic Management  Reassess the patient's neurological status before induction  Confirm availability of ICU or HDU  Establish venous access w large bore IV cannulae.  Monitors: ECG, non-invasive BP, pulse oximetry, and capnography for minor cases (VP shunt, EVD, Burrhole, cranioplasty)  Additional monitors: u/o, temperature, neuromascular blockade, invasive BP and CVP (Major)
  • 18.  Preoxygenation Common drugs at induction:  Fentanyl, Thiopentone or Propofol  Atracurium, Vecuronium or Rocuronium  Lignocaine or Esmolol may be used to obtund sympathetic reflex during airway manipulation  Propofol has many theoretical advantages by reducing CBV and ICP and preserving both autoregulation and vascular reactivity. In healthy subjects, propofol reduced CBF, as measured by positron emission tomography (PET), more than sevoflurane at equipotent concentrations. (Maksimow A et al. Correlation of EEG spectral entropy with regional cerebral blood flow during sevoflurane and propofol anaesthesia. Anaesthesia 2005; 60: 862–9)
  • 19.  Suxamethonium transiently increases ICP and best avoided in elective cases (except in difficult intubation)-should not be withheld in emergency cases  Monitor the degree of neuromuscular blockade with peripheral nerve stimulator  Allow non-depolarising NMB take effect  Laryngoscopy and intubation should be attempted when patient is adequately paralysed
  • 20.  Maintain head-up tilt of 15-20 deg and avoid extreme neck flexion or rotation  Re-check placement of ETT after positioning  Head is often secured in place using Mayfield3-point fixator  An additional dose of Fentanyl before the pins inserted helps to prevent marked hypertension and tachycardia  In cases of intracranial HTN lower ICP by administering mannitol 0.5-1g/kg and/or frusemide 0.5mg/kg  Maintain PaO2>100mmHg and PaCO2 between 30-35 mmHg.  Avoid overventilation since hypocarbia may result in cerebral vasoconstriction and reduce cerebral perfusion
  • 21. Maintenance of anesthesia  TIVA with propofol  Inhalation technique with volatile agent  NMB administered by continuous infusion or intermittent boluses  Analgesia maintained with intermittent boluses of Fentanyl or infusion of Remifentanyl  Isoflurane and Sevoflurane are preferred:  Maintenance of cerebral auto-regulation up to MAC 1.5  Maintenance of CO2 reactivity of cerebral blood vessels
  • 22.  Sevoflurane gives smooth induction, rapid onset and offset of action  In a study comparing desflurane, isoflurane, and sevoflurane in a porcine model of intracranial hypertension, at equipotent doses and normocapnia, CBF and ICP were greatest with desflurane and least with sevoflurane. (Holmstrom A et al, J Neurosurg Anesthesiol 2004; 16: 136)  Nitrous oxide causes cerebral vasodilatation, increased CBV and ICP. Also contribute to development of pneumoencephalocele.  Should be avoided: -in patient with cerebral ischaemia/reduced intracranial compliance -Surgery with significant risk of VAE (posterior fossa surgery)
  • 23. Fluid management  IV fluid used judiciously and be sufficient to maintain IV volume and hemodynamic stability  Dextrose-containing solutions should be avoided unless indicated -Hypo-osmolar causing fluid shift -Hyperglycemia can cause impaired neurological recovery  Ringer's lactate is also hypo-osmolar and can cause increase plasma glucose via lactate metabolism  0.9% saline is the preferred crystalloid but may cause hyperchloraemic acidosis when large doses are infused  Blood loss may be torrential.
  • 24. Temperature control  Permissive hypothermia 33-35 deg celcius decreases CMRO2 and may increase the period of ischaemia tolerated intra-op  Normothermia should be achieved before patient awakens to avoid shivering which markedly increases O2 demand Thromboembolic prophylaxis  Neurosurgical patients are at risk for DVT and PE  Heparin should not be used because of risk of bleeding in confined cavity  Mechanical means  graduated compression stockings and intermittent pneumatic leg
  • 25. Emergence  The patient should not be allowed to cough through ETT(tachycardia, hypertension and increased ICP)  Systemic hypertension is common and may contribute to the development of post-op haematomas.  The increased use of remifentanil may be associated with more postoperative hypertension  avoided with effective transitional analgesia  The a-2 agonist dexmedetomidine has been shown to provide good haemodynamic stability during intracranial tumour surgery, attenuating the response to intubation and emergence. (Tanskanen PE et al. Dexmedetomidine as an anaesthetic adjuvant in patients undergoing intracranial tumour surgery. Br J Anaesth 2006; 97: 658–65)
  • 26. Post-op ventilatory support  Patients's pre-op neurological status  Intra-op events (duration and complexity of surgery, hemodynamic stability, complications, hypovolemia, massive transfusion)  Evidence of raised ICP(tense dura/tight brain)
  • 27. Post-op  Regular neurological observations  Any neurological deterioration should raise suspicion of ICB/ oedema. Urgent CT should be considered. Other aspects:  Hemodynamic should be closely monitored to maintain adequate CPP.  Post-op pain often not severe and can be managed by intermittent bolus doses or morphine infusion  Electrolyte imbalance(esp sodium)  U/o should be monitored(diabetes insipidus)
  • 29. Anatomy  Lies between tentorium cerebelli and foramen magnum  Contains cerebellum and brainstem  Cranial nerve IX (glossopharyngeal), X(vagus), XI(accessory), XII(hypoglossal)  Emissary veins (valveless veins that drain external veins of skulls into dural venous sinuses)
  • 30. Indications:  Resection or biopsy of tumours (glioma, astrocytoma, meningioma, medulloblastoma, acoustic neuroma, hemangioblastoma)  Resection of vascular lesion (aneurysm, angioma, AVM)  Abscess, haematoma, congenital lesions (Arnold-chiari malformation
  • 31. Special problems :  Confined space-not much room for oedema/ bleeding which if uncontrolled can cause coning through foramen magnum  Main motor and sensory pathways are in close proximity to op site (lower cranial nerve nuclei and vital centres controlling respiratory and CVS functions in brainstem)  Obstruction to CSF flow at the aqueduct/ forth ventricle results in hydrocephalus  Patient may have altered conscious level with impaired airway reflexes leading to silent aspiration
  • 32. Position:  Prone, lateral or semiprone (park-bench). Sitting is rarely adopted.  Extreme care must be taken while turning the patient  Avoid extreme neck flexion which may cause -venous and lymphatic obstruction (can cause upper airway oedema) -Cord hypoperfusion (resulting in quadriparesis) esp in elderly
  • 33. If there is possibility of lower cranial nerve dysfunction with bulbar paresis:  Gag reflex, swallowing and laryngeal function may be impaired  InsertRT Nitrous oxide should be avoided  Increase CMRO2 and CBF  Aggravate VAE or pneumocephalus  TIVA is preferred
  • 34. Close monitoring of CVS for interference of vital centers  Arrhythmia or hypertension  Precipitous decrease in HR often signifies brainstem ischaemia and should be notified to the surgeon  Resolves spontaneously when surgical retraction is removed  Atropine is required in severe bradyarrythmias  Close communication with surgeon is essential
  • 35. Post-op ICU with mechanical ventilation is often indicated:  In patients with low GCS  There is evidence of airway oedema or bulbar paresis  The surgical resection is extensive or complicated  There are intra-op complications
  • 37.  The pituitary gland consists of 2 histologically distinct parts: the large anterior lobe or adenohypophysis and the smaller posterior lobe or neurohypophysis.  It lies within the pituitary fossa or sella turcica, a depression in the skull base lined with dura mater.  The anterior pituitary synthesizes and secretes GH, TSH, ACTH, FSH, LH, Prolactin  Posterior pituitary stores and secretes oxytocin and ADH
  • 38.  Most pituitary tumours arise from the anterior part of the gland & mostly are benign adenomas  Mass effect : Headache, visual disturbances (bitemp. Hemianopia), Cr N palsies, hyposecretion of hormones  Hormone hypersecretion syndrome : Hyperprolactinaemia, acromegaly, cushing’s dx, thyrotoxicosis  Surgery transphenoidal or transcranial
  • 39. Pre-op assessment  In addition to the usual general pre‐anaesthetic assessment of a neurosurgical patient, we should include an assessment of: visual function; signs and symptoms of raised ICP; the patient’s endocrine studies; and the effects of hormonal hypersecretion.  Those with acromegaly or Cushing’s syndrome are particularly likely to have co‐morbidities and pre-op assessment should be directed accordingly.
  • 40.  Acromegaly  Difficult intubation, incidence of OSA, hypertension, cardiomyopathy, glucose intolerance.  Cushing’s dx  Hypertension, cardiac disease, glucose intolerance, electrolyte imbalance, osteoporosis.  ACTH hyposecretion  Requirement for steroid replacement perioperatively
  • 41. Anaesthetic management  Pre-op hormone replacement therapy should be continued into the operative period.  In general, hydrocortisone 100 mg should be administered at induction of anaesthesia in all patients undergoing pituitary surgery  Careful pre-op assessment alerts to the possibility of difficulties with airway management and tracheal intubation. Ventilation with a bag and mask is generally straightforward in acromegalic patients although an oral airway may be required.
  • 42.  4 grades of airway involvement have been described in acromegaly: grade 1, no significant involvement; grade 2, nasal and pharyngeal mucosa hypertrophy but normal cords and glottis; grade 3, glottic involvement including glottic stenosis or vocal cord paresis; and grade 4, combination of grades 2 and 3, i.e. glottic and soft tissue abnormalities.  Tracheostomy has been recommended for grades 3 and 4 but others have suggested that fibreoptic laryngoscopy is a safe alternative (60 Ovassapian A. Fiberoptic Airway Endoscopy in Anesthesia and Critical Care. New York: Raven Press, 1990; 57–79)
  • 43.  Following intubation, the mouth and posterior pharynx should be packed before surgery begins  Any anaesthetic technique suitable for intracranial procedures is acceptable, but the presence of increased intracranial pressure requires special attention  In the presence of raised intracranial pressure, total intravenous anaesthesia and the avoidance of nitrous oxide has been recommended. (44 Matta BF et al. Management of head injury: part 1. In: Kaufman L, Ginsberg R, eds. Anaesthesia Review. London: Churchill Livingstone, 1997; 163–78)
  • 44.  Whichever technique is chosen, it is important that short‐acting agents are used to allow rapid recovery at the end of surgery (propofol, sevoflurane)  During trans-sphenoidal surgery, ventilation to normocapnia should be employed.  Excessive hyperventilation will result in loss of brain bulk and make any suprasellar extension of the tumour less accessible from below
  • 45.  Smooth and rapid emergence from anaesthesia following neurosurgery is essential  At the end of trans-sphenoidal surgery, extubation is carried out after return of spontaneous ventilation, pharyngeal suction under direct vision, removal of the throat pack and return of laryngeal reflexes.  Smooth emergence can be facilitated by placing the patient in a semi‐seated position & ensuring that there is a response to verbal commands before extubation.  Care should be taken to ensure that nasal packs or stents, put in place at the end of surgery, do not become dislodged during extubation
  • 46. Post-op care  Consists of careful airway management, provision of adequate postoperative analgesia, appropriate fluid and hormone replacement and careful monitoring for postoperative complications (DI, hyponatraemia)
  • 48. Head Injury  Contributory factors in up to 50% of deaths due to trauma  Significance dependent not only on the extent of irreversible neuronal damage at the time of injury but also on secondary insults  Systemic factors- hypoxaemia, hypercapnia, hypotension  Formation & expansion of EDH, SDH, ICB  Sustained intracranial HTN
  • 49.  Surgical & anaesthetic management is aimed at preventing secondary insults  GCS correlates well with severity of injury & outcome.  GCS of 8 or less assoc w approx 35% mortality.  Evidence of >5mm midline shift, a lesion > 25ml and ventricular compression on CT assoc w substantial increased in morbidity
  • 50. Anticipated problems: Emergency surgery  Full stomach, insufficient time for thorough pre-op assessment Associated injuries  C-spine fracture dislocation may result in SC injury with initial period of spinal shock  Maxillofacial trauma w potential for acute upper airway obstruction, bleeding into airway & difficult intubation  Thoracic injuries – lungs, heart, great vessels (life threatening)  Intra-abdominal injury  Pelvic / bone injuries w problems of concealed bleeding & FES
  • 51. Difficult intubation  Presence of cervical or maxillofacial trauma Presence of raised ICP  Requires pre-op resus, urgent surgery & post-op ICU  CP need to be instituted
  • 52. Anaesthetic Management  Adequate venous access and invasive monitoring  Choice of RSI w precalculated doses of fentanyl, thiopentone & scoline w cricoid pressure  Scoline causes transient rise in ICP but effect is short lived  Cervical fracture intubation w head & neck in neutral position & manual in-line stabilisation  Intra-op management is similar to that of elective procedures
  • 53. May require ventilation post-op  Extent & nature of head injury  Initial GCS  Evidence of raised ICP  Intra-op complications  Associated injuries esp chest injury
  • 54. ICU Management Position & monitoring  Kept in slight (15-20 deg) reverse trendelenburg  Regular neuro & haemodynamic monitoring Resp. care  Adequate oxygenation (PaO2 > 90mmHg)  Normocarbia (PaCO2 30-35mmHg)  Avoid hyperventilation & hypocarbia which result in cerebral vasoconstriction  Regular chest physio & tracheal suction w adequate sedation & analgesia
  • 55. BP control  Maintain BP within 20% of baseline to ensure adequate CPP  CPP kept above 70mmHg  Treat hyper or hypotension with vasoactive drugs & appropriate fluid therapy Rx of raised ICP  Maintain on controlled ventilation w IPPV and sedation for 24-48H  Administer diuretics  mannitol and/or frusemide  Restrict fluid maintenance & avoid dextrose-containing solution  Consider hypertonic saline or high dose barbiturate in selected cases  Use of dexamethasone  Antiepileptic drugs for immediate or long term control of seizures
  • 57.  Awake craniotomy is gaining popularity worldwide  Used for the excision of tumours located in the functional cortex, namely the motor strip, broca’s & wernicke’s speech areas  Intra-op testing allows optimal tumour resection while preserving functional tissue  minimal post-op neurological dysfunction  The enthusiasm for awake craniotomy is such that it has even been suggested that it could become routine for supratentorial tumours irrespective of functional cortex.
  • 58.  In a prospective trial of 200 patients, the procedure was well tolerated with reduced intensive care time and hospital stay. (Taylor MD et al. Awake craniotomy with brain mapping as the routine surgical approach to treating patients with supratentorial intraaxial tumors.J Neurosurg 1999; 90: 35– 41) Contraindications  Patient refusal  Communication difficulties, confused or extreme anxiety  Obese or those with oesophageal reflux & large vascular tumour are best excluded
  • 59. Anaesthetic Techniques  Neurolept anaesthesia  Dexmedetomidine infusion  Local anaesthesia combined with appropriate sedation and MAC  Asleep-awake-asleep using GA  Important to maintain airway & ventilatory control  BIS
  • 60.  Dexmedetomidine provides sedation and analgesia without respiratory depression and has been used as a sole agent, an adjunct, and a rescue drug for awake craniotomy.  It was used successfully for awake craniotomy in 10 consecutive patients. Five patients were sedated with midazolam, fentanyl, or remifentanil and five had an AAA technique using sevoflurane, spontaneous ventilation, and LMA. All received dexmedetomidine infusions 0.01–1.0 mg/ kg/h as an adjunct. (Mack PF et al. Dexmedetomidine and neurocognitive testing in awake craniotomy. J Neurosurg Anesthesiol 2004; 16: 20–5)
  • 61.  Asleep-awake-asleep techniques makes use of TIVA w target –controlled infusion of propofol & remifentanil.  Propofol is the most frequently used drug for both sedation and general anaesthesia. It provides titratable sedation and a rapid smooth recovery, decreases the incidence of seizures and, when stopped for awakening, minimizes interference with electrocorticographic recordings.  Controlled ventilation is maintained via LMA or proseal.  Infusion rates are adjusted in response to changes in haemodynamics & surgical stimulation- guided by BIS
  • 62.  Remifentanil has short half-life & provides greater haemodynamics stability but more respiratory depression than fentanyl, thus safer to control ventilation than spontaneous.  When tumour is exposed, remifentanil inf is reduced until spontaneous respiration resumes.  Propofol inf is stopped & LMA removed as patient awakens.  Background inf of remifentanil 0.005-0.01mcg/kg/min is used to provide additional analgesia during awake period.
  • 63.  A retrospective analysis of an AAA technique using propofol and remifentanil showed that adequate conditions were obtained in 98% of patients with a median wake-up time of 9 min (Keifer JC et al. A retrospective analysis of a remifentanil / propofol general anaesthetic for craniotomy before awake functional brain mapping. Anesth Analg 2005; 101)  When tumour is resected, pt is re-anaethetised & LMA inserted.
  • 64.  LMA is superior to others because it minimizes the risk of coughing or straining & subsequent vomiting during lightening of anaesthesia.  Controlled ventilation via LMA obviates problems of apnea, hypoventilation or airway obstruction.