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Rehabilitasi Medik
    pada Pasien ICU
       Dr. Raymond
Ilmu Kedokteran Fisik dan

• Rehabilitasi Medik  peran penanganan pasien kritis
• Asesmen:
   1. Deconditioning syndrome
   2. Kondisi respirasi

       “Mobilisasi dini PENTING dalam mengatasi
               deconditioning syndrome”

• Mobilisasi dini + chest PT  EVIDENCED BASED
   – Menyesuaikan : KU, ko-morbiditas & kerjasama pasien
        Deconditioning Syndrome
     RESPIRASI*                • Atrofi otot
     • Pneumonia               • Kontraktur
                               • Disuse osteoporosis

KARDIOVASKULAR                                             SARAF
• Hipotensi ortostatik                                     • Neuropati
                                • Ulkus dekubitus
• DVT/PE                                                   • Emosi
                                                           • Intelektual
    • Intoleransi             GENITOURINARI
      glukosa                                         GASTROINTESTINAL
                              • BSK
                                                      • konstipasi
                              • ISK
  • Hiperkalsemia        JC Tan. Practical Manual of PMR. Mosby: New York, 1997

Deconditioning syndrome
  – Kelemahan otot >>> angka mortalitas
  – Neuropati / Miopati  kegagalan weaning
Disfungsi Nafas
  – Ggg ventilasi + compliance +  resisten jalan nafas
      kerja otot pernafasan  disfungsi
    pernafasan  kebutuhan ventilator
Mobilisasi dini dan aktivitas fisik
Mobilisasi dini: mengatasi deconditioning
Asesmen :
• Kerjasama pasien
• Kardiorespirasi
• Kekuatan otot
• Mobilitas sendi
• Status fungsional
Mobilisasi dini dan aktivitas fisik
• Prinsip
  – Segera (pasif  bila belum stabil)
  – Bertahap
  – Aktif + agresif u/ Px stabil
    (hemodinamik, neurologis, metabolik, respirasi)
• Pemberian modalitas (peresepan) disesuaikan
  dengan kondisi pasien
  1. Kondisi kritis – akut, non kooperatif
  2. Kondisi stabil dan ko-operatif, ETT [+]
Mobilisasi dini dan aktivitas fisik
1. Kondisi kritis – akut, non kooperatif
   –   Proper positioning
   –   Upright position & roll over q2h (mika-miki)
   –   PROM exercise
   –   Muscle stretching
   –   Passive cycling
   –   Stimulasi elektrik (NMES)
        • (kontraksi otot involunter  beban kardiorespirasi minimal)
2. Kondisi stabil dan kooperatif, ETT [+]
   –   Mobilisasi di samping tempat tidur – kursi
   –   AROM exercise (AA, A, R)
   –   Active cycling (bed/chair cycle)
   –   Walk w/wo assistance
Pasien Kritis non Kooperatif
          • Pemendekan otot – kontraktur

memperbaiki rasio ventilasi- perfusi (max 20 menit)
(Vasomotor training); mencegah:
• Pneumonia hipostatik
• Hipotensi ortostatik

         (5 – 10 menit)
         • Membantu PD
         • Mengurangi resiko atelektasis
         • Ulkus dekubitus
PROM exc + Stretching
                                    Menjaga ROM
                                    Mencegah atrofi (Str.) + DVT
                                    Mencegah drop foot

 Passive cycling

Early application of daily bedside (initially passive) leg cycling in critically ill
patients showed improved functional status, muscle function and exercise
performance at hospital discharge compared to patients receiving standard
therapeutic exercise without leg cycling. RCT.
                                                       Burtin C, Clerckx B, Robbeets C, Ferdinande P, Langer D, Troosters T, et al.
                                                  Early exercise in critically ill patients enhances short-term functional recovery.
                                                                                                   Crit Care Med 2009;37:2499-505.

MOBILISASI                                                                  TAHAP MOBILISASI
Memperbaiki                                                                            1.         Transfer di tempat tidur
• ventilasi/perfusi                                                                               geser ↑↓, duduk
  sentral – perifer,                                                                              bertahap)
• sirkulasi,                                                                           2.         duduk ongkang-ongkang
• metabolisme                                                                          3.         berpindah dari tempat
                                                                                                  tidur ke kursi
• Alertness
                                                                                       4.         Dst …. (bangsal)
                                                                                                                                 Alat bantu
                                                                                                                                 Standing - Tilting tables

   Mobilisasi dini mengurangi lama perawatan di ICU dan LOS di RS
       1.   Morris PE, Goad A, Thompson C, Taylor K, Harry B, Passmore L, et al.
            Early intensive care unit mobility therapy in the treatment of acute respiratory failure. Crit Care Med 2008;36:2238-43.
       2.   Schweickert WD, Pohlman MC, Pohlman AS, Nigos C, Pawlik AJ, Esbrook CL, et al.
            Early physical and occupational therapy in mechanically ventilated, critically ill patients: a randomised controlled trial. Lancet
            2009;373:1874-82.                                                                                                                     10
Kondisi Pernafasan
Chest–PT gol:
1. membersihkan sekresi jalan nafas
  – mengurangi kerja otot pernafasan
2. meningkatkan kekuatan otot inspirasi
  – peningkatan kapasitas paru
  – mempercepat pernafasan spontan

• Terapi latihan otot inspirasi pre op  <i angka
  komplikasi pasca operasi pasca bedah thorak
• Mobilisasi dini + posisi tegak 
  >>> volume paru & mencegah komplikasi pasca
  bedah abdomen                                     13
N =60 (36 control :24 interv.)
Durasi pemasangan ventilator
       minimal 48 jam

Chest therapy : WEANING fokus
     1. kontrol pernapasan
     2. penguatan otot inspirasi
     3. latihan batuk efektif
  Latihan diberikan small-frequent
  (beban ringan, waktu pendek, jangan
  sampai lelah)
  → umumnya 5-10 menit; 2-4 sesi latihan/hari
Inspiratory muscle training (IMT) + Threshold
loading   kekuatan otot inspirasi 
mempercepat weaning
“IMT 2x5’ 30% PImax  PImax & 
durasi weaning”
Cader SA, Vale RG, Castro JC, Bacelar SC, Biehl C, Gomes MC, et al.
Inspiratory muscle training improves maximal inspiratory pressure and
may assist weaning in older intubated patients: a randomised trial. J
Physiother 2010;56:171-7.

Bila sudah lepas ETT, dapat diberikan peresepan latihan
    mandiri dengan :
       incentive spirometry
       flutter / acapella (oscillating)
PEP=positive expiratory pressure
CPAP=continuous positive airway pressure
HFO=high frequency oscillation
IPV=intrapulmonary percussive ventilation
NIV=non- invasive ventilation

Take Home Message
• Penanganan tim rehabilitasi medik ditujukan
  pada deconditioning syndrome & kondisi
• Mobilisasi dini & chest Th. merupakan EBM dan
  harus diberikan pada pasien penyakit kritis
  menyesuaikan pada “kondisi umum, komorbiditas
  & kerjasama pasien”
• Pasien tidak stabil dapat diberikan latihan secara
  pasif dan chest therapy dengan monitor ketat
  sebelum, selama, dan sesudah latihan
• Chest therapy merupakan latihan utama pada
  pasien dengan ventilator mekanik
‘Start to move’ – protocol Leuven:
step-up approach for progressive mobilization and physical activity program.

‘start to move’ - protocol leuven: step-up approach of progressive mo- bilisation and physical activity program
1s5Q: response to 5 standardized questions for cooperation:
open and close your eyes
look at me
open your mouth and stick out your tongue
shake yes and no (nod your head)
I will count to 5, frown your eyebrows afterwards
2:FAIls= atleast1riskfactorpresent
3 : if basic assessment failed, decrease to level 0
4 : safety: each activity should be deferred if severe adverse events (cv., resp. and subject. intolerance) occur
during the intervention
mRC (medical Research Council) muscle strength sum scale(0-60) BBs: Berg Balance score
sIttIng to stAndIng
4 able to stand without using hands and stabilize independently 3 able to stand independently using hands
2 able to stand using hands after several tries 1 needs minimal aid to stand or stabilize
0 needs moderate or maximal assist to stand
stAndIng unsuPPoRted
4 able to stand safely for 2 minutes
3 able to stand 2 minutes with supervision
2 able to stand 30 seconds unsupported 1needsseveraltriestostand30secondsunsupported 0 unable to stand
30 seconds unsupported
sIttIng wItH BACK unsuPPoRted But Feet suPPoRted on FlooR oR on A stool
4 able to sit safely and securely for 2 minutes
3 able to sit 2 minutes under supervision
2 able to able to sit 30 seconds
1 able to sit 10 seconds
0 unable to sit without support 10 seconds                                                                        23
“prevent pulmonary atelectasis,
         re-expand collapsed alveoli,
             improve oxygenation,
          improve lung compliance,
and facilitate movement of airway secretions
         towards the central airways”
Tanpa alat:
                     -Positioning/alih baring
                     -Chest therapy pasif, kolaborasi
                      dengan inhalasi dan suction (bila perlu)
                     -Ankle pumping dan ankle stretch
                     -Latihan LGS
                     -Pertahankan posisi tegak di luar latihan

                     Alat Sederhana:
Full Support /       -Chest vibrator
Control Ventilator   -NMES pocket
                     -Elastic bandage

                     -CPM untuk gerakan sendi
                     - Rotational bed
                     -Pneumatic compression /
                      compression stocking
                     -Tilting table (pendampingan)
Tanpa Alat:
                                -Positioning / alih baring / rotasi trunk 45o
                                -Chest therapy pasif / aktif asistif
                                 kolaborasi dengan inhalasi dan suction
                                -Assistive breathing
                                -Ankle pumping dan ankle stretch
  Assist Support                -Latihan LGS
  Setting:                      -Pertahankan posisi tegak di luar latihan
  -Volume Control                (≥30o)
  -Pressure Control
  -Dual mode

                                           Alat Sederhana:
                                           -Chest vibrator
Canggih:                                   -NMES pocket
- NMES                                     -Elastic bandage
-CPM untuk gerakan sendi
-Rotational bed
-Pneumatic compression /
 compression stocking
-Tilting table (pendampingan)
Tanpa alat:
                                -Fokus pada breathing exercise
                                 (penguatan inspirasi) dan kontrol
                                -Positioning/alih baring/rotasi trunk 45o
                                -Chest therapy aktif asistif / aktif
                                 kolaborasi dengan inhalasi dan suction,
                                 fasilitasi batuk / batuk efektif
  CPAP atau Spontan             -Ankle pumping dan ankle stretch
    dengan PEEP                 -Latihan LGS
                                -Mobilisasi aktif  duduk  berdiri
                                -Pertahankan posisi tegak di luar latihan

                                Alat Sederhana:
                                -Chest vibrator
Canggih                         -NMES pocket
-NMES                           -Elastic bandage
-Pneumatic compression /        -Theraband exercise dan dumble untuk
 compression stocking             Upper Extremity training
-Tilting table (pendampingan)   -Walker untuk alat bantu berdiri dan
Tanpa alat:
          -Fokus pada peningkatan kemampuan
           bernapas dalam dan kontrol breathing
          -Chest therapy dan fasilitasi batuk
           efektif / mandiri
          -Mobilisasi di tingkatkan, ambulasi
           sekitar bed dengan / tanpa bantuan

          Alat Sederhana:
          -Chest vibrator
          -NMES pocket
          -Elastic bandage
T Piece
          -Theraband exercise dan dumble
           untuk Upper Extremity training
          -Walker untuk alat bantu berdiri dan

          -Pneumatic compression /compression
          -Tilting table (pendampingan)
Tanpa alat:
                                -Latihan inspirasi dalam dan PLB,
                                 kontrol breathing
                                -Chest therapy dan fasilitasi batuk
                                 efektif / mandiri
                                -Tingkatkan mobilisasi aktif dan

                                Alat Sederhana:
                                -Chest vibrator dan nebuliser
                                -Insentive spirometri (latihan
                                -Elastic bandage
Canggih:                        -Theraband exercise dan dumble
-Acapella (bila perlu, untuk     untuk Upper Extremity training
membantu pengeluaran            -Walker untuk alat bantu berdiri
sputum)                          dan jalan
-Postural drainage bed
-Static bike
-Pneumatic compression /
 compression stocking
-Tilting table (pendampingan)

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Rehabilitasi icu

  • 1. Rehabilitasi Medik pada Pasien ICU Dr. Raymond Ilmu Kedokteran Fisik dan Rehabilitasi 0
  • 2. Pendahuluan • Rehabilitasi Medik  peran penanganan pasien kritis • Asesmen: 1. Deconditioning syndrome 2. Kondisi respirasi GANGGUAN MOBILISASI SEKRET & MEMPERCEPAT SUKSES WEANING “Mobilisasi dini PENTING dalam mengatasi deconditioning syndrome” • Mobilisasi dini + chest PT  EVIDENCED BASED – Menyesuaikan : KU, ko-morbiditas & kerjasama pasien 1
  • 3. Imobilisasi Deconditioning Syndrome MUSKULOSKELETAL* RESPIRASI* • Atrofi otot • Pneumonia • Kontraktur • Disuse osteoporosis KARDIOVASKULAR SARAF KULIT • Hipotensi ortostatik • Neuropati • Ulkus dekubitus • DVT/PE • Emosi • Intelektual ENDOKRIN • Intoleransi GENITOURINARI glukosa GASTROINTESTINAL • BSK • konstipasi • ISK METABOLISME • Hiperkalsemia JC Tan. Practical Manual of PMR. Mosby: New York, 1997 2
  • 4. Pendahuluan Deconditioning syndrome – Kelemahan otot >>> angka mortalitas – Neuropati / Miopati  kegagalan weaning Disfungsi Nafas – Ggg ventilasi + compliance +  resisten jalan nafas   kerja otot pernafasan  disfungsi pernafasan  kebutuhan ventilator (durasi?) 3
  • 5. Mobilisasi dini dan aktivitas fisik Mobilisasi dini: mengatasi deconditioning syndrome Asesmen : • Kerjasama pasien • Kardiorespirasi • Kekuatan otot • Mobilitas sendi • Status fungsional (sebelumnya) 4
  • 6. Mobilisasi dini dan aktivitas fisik • Prinsip – Segera (pasif  bila belum stabil) – Bertahap – Aktif + agresif u/ Px stabil (hemodinamik, neurologis, metabolik, respirasi) • Pemberian modalitas (peresepan) disesuaikan dengan kondisi pasien 1. Kondisi kritis – akut, non kooperatif 2. Kondisi stabil dan ko-operatif, ETT [+] 5
  • 7. Mobilisasi dini dan aktivitas fisik 1. Kondisi kritis – akut, non kooperatif – Proper positioning – Upright position & roll over q2h (mika-miki) – PROM exercise – Muscle stretching – Passive cycling – Stimulasi elektrik (NMES) • (kontraksi otot involunter  beban kardiorespirasi minimal) 2. Kondisi stabil dan kooperatif, ETT [+] – Mobilisasi di samping tempat tidur – kursi – AROM exercise (AA, A, R) – Active cycling (bed/chair cycle) – Walk w/wo assistance 6
  • 8. Pasien Kritis non Kooperatif PROPER POSITIONING mencegah • Pemendekan otot – kontraktur POSISI TEGAK memperbaiki rasio ventilasi- perfusi (max 20 menit) (Vasomotor training); mencegah: • Pneumonia hipostatik • Hipotensi ortostatik POSISI TENGKURAP / MIRING 45O (5 – 10 menit) • Membantu PD • Mengurangi resiko atelektasis • Ulkus dekubitus 7
  • 9. 8
  • 10. PROM exc + Stretching Menjaga ROM Mencegah atrofi (Str.) + DVT Mencegah drop foot Passive cycling Early application of daily bedside (initially passive) leg cycling in critically ill patients showed improved functional status, muscle function and exercise performance at hospital discharge compared to patients receiving standard therapeutic exercise without leg cycling. RCT. Burtin C, Clerckx B, Robbeets C, Ferdinande P, Langer D, Troosters T, et al. Early exercise in critically ill patients enhances short-term functional recovery. Crit Care Med 2009;37:2499-505. 9
  • 11. MOBILISASI TAHAP MOBILISASI Memperbaiki 1. Transfer di tempat tidur (MiKa-MiKi, • ventilasi/perfusi geser ↑↓, duduk sentral – perifer, bertahap) • sirkulasi, 2. duduk ongkang-ongkang • metabolisme 3. berpindah dari tempat tidur ke kursi • Alertness 4. Dst …. (bangsal) Alat bantu Standing - Tilting tables Mobilisasi dini mengurangi lama perawatan di ICU dan LOS di RS 1. Morris PE, Goad A, Thompson C, Taylor K, Harry B, Passmore L, et al. Early intensive care unit mobility therapy in the treatment of acute respiratory failure. Crit Care Med 2008;36:2238-43. 2. Schweickert WD, Pohlman MC, Pohlman AS, Nigos C, Pawlik AJ, Esbrook CL, et al. Early physical and occupational therapy in mechanically ventilated, critically ill patients: a randomised controlled trial. Lancet 2009;373:1874-82. 10
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  • 13. 12
  • 14. Kondisi Pernafasan Chest–PT gol: 1. membersihkan sekresi jalan nafas – mengurangi kerja otot pernafasan 2. meningkatkan kekuatan otot inspirasi – peningkatan kapasitas paru – mempercepat pernafasan spontan • Terapi latihan otot inspirasi pre op  <i angka komplikasi pasca operasi pasca bedah thorak • Mobilisasi dini + posisi tegak  >>> volume paru & mencegah komplikasi pasca bedah abdomen 13
  • 15. N =60 (36 control :24 interv.) Durasi pemasangan ventilator minimal 48 jam 14
  • 16. Chest therapy : WEANING fokus 1. kontrol pernapasan 2. penguatan otot inspirasi 3. latihan batuk efektif Latihan diberikan small-frequent (beban ringan, waktu pendek, jangan sampai lelah) → umumnya 5-10 menit; 2-4 sesi latihan/hari
  • 17. Weaning Inspiratory muscle training (IMT) + Threshold loading   kekuatan otot inspirasi  mempercepat weaning “IMT 2x5’ 30% PImax  PImax &  durasi weaning” Cader SA, Vale RG, Castro JC, Bacelar SC, Biehl C, Gomes MC, et al. Inspiratory muscle training improves maximal inspiratory pressure and may assist weaning in older intubated patients: a randomised trial. J Physiother 2010;56:171-7. 16
  • 18. Bila sudah lepas ETT, dapat diberikan peresepan latihan mandiri dengan :  incentive spirometry  flutter / acapella (oscillating) “MENCEGAH RE-INTUBASI”
  • 19. PATHWAYS AND TREATMENT MODALITIES FOR INCREASING AIRWAY CLEARANCE. PEP=positive expiratory pressure CPAP=continuous positive airway pressure HFO=high frequency oscillation IPV=intrapulmonary percussive ventilation NIV=non- invasive ventilation 18
  • 20. 19
  • 21. Take Home Message • Penanganan tim rehabilitasi medik ditujukan pada deconditioning syndrome & kondisi pernafasan • Mobilisasi dini & chest Th. merupakan EBM dan harus diberikan pada pasien penyakit kritis menyesuaikan pada “kondisi umum, komorbiditas & kerjasama pasien” • Pasien tidak stabil dapat diberikan latihan secara pasif dan chest therapy dengan monitor ketat sebelum, selama, dan sesudah latihan • Chest therapy merupakan latihan utama pada pasien dengan ventilator mekanik 20
  • 22. 21
  • 23. ‘Start to move’ – protocol Leuven: step-up approach for progressive mobilization and physical activity program. 22
  • 24. ‘start to move’ - protocol leuven: step-up approach of progressive mo- bilisation and physical activity program 1s5Q: response to 5 standardized questions for cooperation: open and close your eyes look at me open your mouth and stick out your tongue shake yes and no (nod your head) I will count to 5, frown your eyebrows afterwards 2:FAIls= atleast1riskfactorpresent 3 : if basic assessment failed, decrease to level 0 4 : safety: each activity should be deferred if severe adverse events (cv., resp. and subject. intolerance) occur during the intervention mRC (medical Research Council) muscle strength sum scale(0-60) BBs: Berg Balance score sIttIng to stAndIng 4 able to stand without using hands and stabilize independently 3 able to stand independently using hands 2 able to stand using hands after several tries 1 needs minimal aid to stand or stabilize 0 needs moderate or maximal assist to stand stAndIng unsuPPoRted 4 able to stand safely for 2 minutes 3 able to stand 2 minutes with supervision 2 able to stand 30 seconds unsupported 1needsseveraltriestostand30secondsunsupported 0 unable to stand 30 seconds unsupported sIttIng wItH BACK unsuPPoRted But Feet suPPoRted on FlooR oR on A stool 4 able to sit safely and securely for 2 minutes 3 able to sit 2 minutes under supervision 2 able to able to sit 30 seconds 1 able to sit 10 seconds 0 unable to sit without support 10 seconds 23
  • 25. “prevent pulmonary atelectasis, re-expand collapsed alveoli, improve oxygenation, improve lung compliance, and facilitate movement of airway secretions towards the central airways” 24
  • 26. Tanpa alat: -Positioning/alih baring -Chest therapy pasif, kolaborasi dengan inhalasi dan suction (bila perlu) -Ankle pumping dan ankle stretch -Latihan LGS -Pertahankan posisi tegak di luar latihan (≥30o) Alat Sederhana: Full Support / -Chest vibrator Control Ventilator -NMES pocket -Elastic bandage Canggih: -NMES -CPM untuk gerakan sendi - Rotational bed -Pneumatic compression / compression stocking -Tilting table (pendampingan)
  • 27. Tanpa Alat: -Positioning / alih baring / rotasi trunk 45o -Chest therapy pasif / aktif asistif kolaborasi dengan inhalasi dan suction -Assistive breathing -Ankle pumping dan ankle stretch Assist Support -Latihan LGS Setting: -Pertahankan posisi tegak di luar latihan -Volume Control (≥30o) -Pressure Control -Dual mode Alat Sederhana: -Chest vibrator Canggih: -NMES pocket - NMES -Elastic bandage -CPM untuk gerakan sendi -Rotational bed -Pneumatic compression / compression stocking -Tilting table (pendampingan)
  • 28. Tanpa alat: -Fokus pada breathing exercise (penguatan inspirasi) dan kontrol breathing -Positioning/alih baring/rotasi trunk 45o -Chest therapy aktif asistif / aktif kolaborasi dengan inhalasi dan suction, fasilitasi batuk / batuk efektif CPAP atau Spontan -Ankle pumping dan ankle stretch dengan PEEP -Latihan LGS -Mobilisasi aktif  duduk  berdiri -Pertahankan posisi tegak di luar latihan (≥30o) Alat Sederhana: -Chest vibrator Canggih -NMES pocket -NMES -Elastic bandage -Pneumatic compression / -Theraband exercise dan dumble untuk compression stocking Upper Extremity training -Tilting table (pendampingan) -Walker untuk alat bantu berdiri dan jalan
  • 29. Tanpa alat: -Fokus pada peningkatan kemampuan bernapas dalam dan kontrol breathing -Chest therapy dan fasilitasi batuk efektif / mandiri -Mobilisasi di tingkatkan, ambulasi sekitar bed dengan / tanpa bantuan Alat Sederhana: -Chest vibrator -NMES pocket -Elastic bandage T Piece -Theraband exercise dan dumble untuk Upper Extremity training -Walker untuk alat bantu berdiri dan jalan Canggih: -NMES -Pneumatic compression /compression stocking -Tilting table (pendampingan)
  • 30. Tanpa alat: -Latihan inspirasi dalam dan PLB, kontrol breathing -Chest therapy dan fasilitasi batuk efektif / mandiri -Tingkatkan mobilisasi aktif dan ambulasi Extubasi Alat Sederhana: -Chest vibrator dan nebuliser -Insentive spirometri (latihan inspirasi) -Elastic bandage Canggih: -Theraband exercise dan dumble -Acapella (bila perlu, untuk untuk Upper Extremity training membantu pengeluaran -Walker untuk alat bantu berdiri sputum) dan jalan -Postural drainage bed -Static bike -Pneumatic compression / compression stocking -Tilting table (pendampingan)

Notas do Editor

  1. ROM cegah edema
  2. Resistive muscle training can include the use of pulleys, elastic bands and weight belts. The chair cycle and the earlier mentioned bed cycle allow patients to perform an individualized exercise training program
  3. Figure 5 increasing airway clearance. Interventions aimed at increasing inspiratory volume (deep breathing exercises, mobilization and body positioning)  lung expansion, increase regional ventilation, reduce airway resistance and optimize pulmonary compliance. Interventions aimed at increasing expiratory flow include forced expirations, such as huffing and coughing. Manually- assisted cough, using thoracic or abdominal compression may be indicated for patients with expiratory muscle weakness or fatigue
  4. MHI involves a manual slow deep inspiration with a resuscitator bag, an inspiratory hold of 2-3 seconds [52], followed by a quick release of the bag to enhance expiratory flow and mimic a forced expiration. MHI might have important negative side-effects. First, MHI can precipitate marked hemodynamic changes associated with a decreased cardiac output, which result from large fluctuations in intra-thoracic pressure [53]. Second, MHI can also increase intracranial pressure which might have implications for patients with brain injury. This increase is, however, usually limited, so that cerebral perfusion pressure remains stable [54]. A pressure of 40 cm H2O has been recommended as an upper limit. Airway suctioning may have detrimental side effects (bronchial lesions, hypoxaemia), but reassurance, sedation, and pre- oxygenation of the patient may minimize these effects [57]. Suctioning can be performed via an in-line closed suctioning system or an open system. The in-line system increased the costs, but did not decrease the incidence of ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP) nor the duration of mechanical ventilation, length of ICU stay or mortality [58]. Closed suctioning may be less effective than open suctioning for secretion clearance during pressure support ventilation [59]. The routine instillation of normal saline during airway suctioning has potential adverse effects on oxygen saturation and cardiovascular stability, and variable results in terms of increasing sputum yield [60]. Chest wall compression prior to endotracheal suctioning did not improve airway secretion removal, oxygenation, or ventilation after endotracheal suctioning in an unselected population of mechanically ventilated patients [61]. VAP is a common complication in mechanically ventilated patients and is associated with higher mortality rates, prolonged hospitalization, and high medical costs [62]. Studies have shown that avoidance of intubation by NIV reduces the incidence of nosocomial pneumonia in a subgroup of patients [63,64]. Physiotherapy including manual hyperinflation, positioning plus suctioning showed no differences in VAP versus suctioning alone [65]. Yet, in contrast, another study reported a lower incidence of VAP (8% vs 39%) in the group receiving physiotherapy [66]. However, the duration of mechanical ventilation, length of ICU stay and mortality did not differ between the groups. The addition of physiotherapy in a population of ventilated patients for various reasons of respiratory insufficiency was associated with prolongation of mechanical ventilation [67].