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Group 1
Compiled by :
Chairman: Arianty Pratama Saputra
Member : Cintasya Nisalifia
Dzakira Iskandar
Nurcahyani Utami Dewi
Oktavianti Tri Santi
Sekar Arum Septio A
Grade : 11 Science 6

7 High School
Chapter 1
Expression of Love and
Hortatory Expotition
Interview test
Simple Future Tense
Expression of
Love and Sadness
Expression of Love
Words that refer to love
have a great interest
Expressing Love :
oI love you, Mom
oYou don’t know how much I love you
oFrom the first I meet you, I think Iove you
oShe was the love of my life
oI have a crush on you.
oI am very fond of you
oI am attracted to you
oI fall for you
oI have a thing for you
oI really fancy your felling
oI am smitten by you

Responses Accepting Love :
oI love you too
oI am also very fond of you
oIt’s not one-sides
Rejecting Love :
oI am sorry. I don’t feeling the same.
oI'm afraid i don't have the same.
oI'm afraid i can't accept your love
Conversation 1
Sinta : Hi, honey. What's up?
Brad : I'm sad. I have to tell you bad news. 
Sinta : What is it, honey? Don't make me anxious!
Brad : I have to leave you, honey.
Sinta : Why? Don't leave me. You know I love you.
Brad : Yea, I know it. I love you too. I have to go abroad for 2 years.
Sinta : What? You're going to leave me for so long?
Brad : I get scholarship for studying at Oxford University. Next month, I'm going to go.
Sinta : Oh, although I feel afraid. But, I'm happy to hear that. We can still contact using YM and
Skype, right?
Brad : Thanks honey. You're my everything.
Sinta : I love you so much. 
Expression of Sadness
Expressing Sadness
oI was sad to hear that they’d split up
oMy parent divorce comes as my great sadness
oI can’t believe what’s going on. He leave me alone.
oI can’t hold on the tears anymore. It’s so sad.
oOh, I just don’t know what to do
oCome on! It can not be as bad as all that.
oI can see why you’re so sad… but…
Responses :
oTake it easy
oIt'll get better soon
oLighten up
oCheer up
Conversation 2
Kelly : Hi Miley. What do you want to hear my story ?
Miley : I think not now, Kelly. Sorry.
Kelly : No prob. Em... You look so sad. What happened ?
Miley : Do you know Mary? Billy kittens given three months ago ? Yesterday Mary died. I saw her
lying in the street outside my house. I think Mary was hit by a car or motorcycle.
Kelly : Why he could walk on the streets ?
Miley : Somehow. Maybe it’s my fault. I forgot to enter him into the cage while my fence open. How
careless I am.
Kelly : Cheer up Miley. Do you know? A week ago my cat litter. I'll give you a kitten, maybe it is not
much like Mary, but I hope it can treat your sadness.
Miley : Thank you Kelly, you're my best friend !
Kelly : My pleasure 
Conversation 3
Shirley : Stop crying and tell me what happened.
Susan : Mandy told me hurtful things today. We aren’t on speaking
terms. It’s so sad.
Shirley : Why you don’t stop quarrelling? You’ve been friends for many
years. Let bygones be by bygones.
Susan : You’re right, sister. I’ll make it up with her when I see her
Shirley : That’s a good idea.
Susan : Thanks, you make me feel better. I love you, sister.
Shirley : I love you too, my little sister.
Let's recognize about

Hortatory Exposition
What is the Hortatory Exposition ?
o In general, hortatory exposition text is one
type of persuasive writing.
o While the persuasive writing, also referred
to as a creative writing or an argument, is
a piece of writing in which the writer uses
words to convince the reader of his/her
view regarding an issue.
o in the Concise Oxford Dictionary, Hortatory
including adjectives (adjective) means "tending or
Aiming to exhort“.
o While the Exposition means "a comprehensive
description and explanation of a theory“.
o So to conclude, hortatory exposition is a text that
describes a theory / problem in a comprehensive
manner with the aim of encouraging others to do /
not do something.
o Social function of hortatory exposition is to
persuade the readers that something should or
shouldn’t be the case, it will show the particular
position or point of view of the writer.
Generic Structure of Hortatory
o Generic Structure of Hortatory Exposition is divided
into three parts, the thesis / general statement,
argument, and recommendation.
1. Thesis / General Statement
Thesis / general statement contains an opening
statement on the topic of discussion. As an example
we will discuss about the dangers of smoking, thesis
statement that we can use for example :
"Smoking can





2. Arguments
Arguments, "Opinion" contains further discussions of the
thesis statement in detail. It would be better if the
argument was not only contains the personal opinions of
the authors, but also may contain the opinions of
experts. Referring to the example of smoking thesis
statement above, we can make supporting arguments
with more detail, for example:
oArgument 1: I thought the heart attack suffered by the
director of PT.New Fire, sir Alvians, due to the intensity
of smoking more than drinking water. (To be developed
further in this paragraph)
oArgument 2: It has been widely proven that smoking
has almost become a major cause of cancer. (Continue
to develop this paragraph)
o Argument 3: The Impotence of a boss
Alvians in LA is mentioned because of the
habit of smoking before sleep. (continue to
expand again this paragraph)
3. Recommendation.
Recommendation / suggestion contains
advice writers on the topic of discussion. If
you talk about the dangers of cigarettes,
think, what advice about the dangers of
Example of Hortatory Expotition
Online Jobs
Online jobs are selected in part-time employement
for many, and some have taken more seriously. A
growing number of people are willing to take a job online.
Working online has its advantages if we manage effectly.
Why not ? [Thesis (g e ne ra l s ta te m e nt o f to p ic d is c us s e d
o r s ta ting a n is s ue o f c o nc e rn )]
It offers flexibility and convenience that no other
job can give. We can work from home with minimal
investment and get a good income. The idea of adding
weight to our pocket and makes life easier and
comfortable is the most reassuring. [Argument 1 (g iving
re a s o n
fo r c o nc e rn,
a nd
s o m e tim e s
le a d ing
re c o m m e nd a tio n. )]
The reason behind this great opportunity is that
every day there are new companies to join. Every day
and every minutes men are seeking information about
everything under the sky of the Internet. [Argument 2]
As we know, the Internet is the answer to every
question, web sites need to update each section and
also add reports on developments that have recently
joined. Therefore, it is an expansive space for articles.
[Argument 3]
There are a number of jobs we can work online.
Some of them wich strongly recommended are writing,
marketing, stock trading, and online education. However
we should be very careful because scamming
opportunities are always there. [Recommendation (it
c o nta ins wha t s ho uld o r s ho uld n’t ha p p e n )]
How do I distiguish between Hortatory
Exposition and Analitical Exposition ?
o The thing to remember, the difference of
the two texts in the last paragraph.
o If you find a suggestion or
recommendation, which is marked with the
words should, should not, ought to,
oughtn't to, etc. we can say it is a
hortatory exposition.
o If there is a reaffirmation of the author's
opinion means the text is an analytical
exposition. Quite easy is not it?
Let’s know more about
Simple Future Tense
Simple Future Tense
Simple Future Tense is used to describe activities or
events or events that will happen or be done.
Sentence Structure
In composing sentences simple future tense, we must
use shall or will with the V1
Formula :
(+) Subject + shall/will + invinitive (V1) + C
(+) Subject + shall/will + invinitive (V1) + C


meet him


meet him

example :
-I shall be at home on Sunday
-We shall be there tonight
-She will tell you about it
-You will join us
-They will meet him at the station
Shall and will be shortened to 'll. For example :
-I’ll never forget you.
-I’ll always remember you.
-If you drop the glass, it’ll break.
formula :

(-) Subject + shall/will + not + infinitive (V1) + C
(-) Subject + shall/will + not + infinitive (V1) + C
example :
-You will not succeed if you do nothing.
-She will not have a date with you.
-This ship will not sail to America.
formula :
(?) Shall/will + subject + infinitive (V1) + C
(?) Shall/will + subject + infinitive (V1) + C
-Shall we begin to work at eight o’clock ?
-Will he take a Japanese course ?
-Will she make a cake tomorrow ?
W question
formula :
(?) W-H question + shall/will + subject + infinitive (V1) + C
(?) W-H question + shall/will + subject + infinitive (V1) + C

example :
-What will you do on Saturday night ?
-Who will help them ?
-Where shall we go tonight ?
-When will they come back ?
Learn more about
Adverb is a word used to describe the verb (the verb),
adjective (an adjective), or other adverb.
Marcella Frank explained that the types of adverb is divided
into two kinds:
1.Adverbs classified by meaning, and
2.Adverbs classified by function.
Adverbs Classified by Meaning.
Adverb classified by meaning divided into :
a.Adverbs of Manner
b.Adverbs of Place and Direction
c.Adverbs of Time
d.Intensifying Adverbs
a.Adverb of Manner
The manner adverb adverbial has the most characteristic form (an-ly ending
added to a descriptive adjective).
Examples of Adverbs of Manner:
Quickly, neatly, awkwardly, beautifully, etc.

Adverbs of Place and Direction

Among the adverbs of place and direction may be included some propositional
forms Appearing after the verb - He came in; They walked down.
Some archaic forms for adverbs of place and direction are still found in the
literary language - Hither (= here) thither (= there), yonder (= over there), hence
(= from here), thence (= from there), whither (= where).
Some forms of archaic (ancient) adverb of place and direction are still found in
the language of literature such as:
Hither = here
Thither = there
Yonder = there
Hence = from here
Thence = from there
Whither = where (only)
Another example of an adverb of place and direction :
- Here
- left
- There
- right
- Outside
- straight
- Inside
- west
To use an adverb of place, where it should be distinguished where the
preposition and adverb of direction. See the following example:
oLet's come in = the word “in” is an adverb because it describes the word
oLet's come in this room = word “in” is a preposition, because it was followed
by the object in the form of noun phrase.
c.Adverb of Time
Adverb of time is divided into two :
-Adverbs of Definite Time
-Adverbs of Indefinite Time.
Adverbs of Definite Time
These adverbs have a fixed boundary in time--yesterday, today, tomorrow.
Most of these words have noun form  and some may be used in plural form-saturdays, nights.
Examples of the difference between the adverb of definite time the following
oI saw him yesterday (yesterday said here is the adverb of definite time as it
explains the time when I saw him)
oYesterday was a busy day (yesterday word here is because it serves as the
subject noun phrase)
Some multiword expressions in the category of definite time adverb such as:
- Last week
-A month ago
-the day before yesterday
-the day after tomorrow
Adverb of Indifinite Time (time is certainly less clarity)
example :
d. Intensifying Adverbs
divided into two types :
-Adverbs of Degree, and
-Distinguishing Adverbs.


Adverbs Classified by Function.
Adverb classified by function divided into :
a.Sentence Adverbs
b.Conjunctive Adverbs
c.Explanatory Adverbs
d.Relative dan Interrogative Adverbs
e.Exclamatory Adverbs
a.Sentence Adverbs
Sentence adverb often considered better explain the whole sentence rather
than explaining verb. Some of the following is a sentence adverb :
• evidently
Although in terms of its shape is similar to the adverbs of manner, namely by adding
descriptive adjective -ly at the end, but in terms of its function last sentence adverb reflect
the opinion / opinions speakers' rather than explaining how to do something (meaning:
adverbs of manner).
example :
•Fortunately, no one was hurt.
•Actually I have many problems
b.Conjunctive Adverb
Conjunctive adverb is an adverb that serves to connect one sentence to another
sentence as the conjunction function in general. Conjunctive adverb is also known as
connective. Some of the following is a conjunctive adverb :
• nevertheless
• otherwise
• then
• in addition
• however
example :
I have no money; therefore, I cannot buy this pencil.
c. Explanatory Adverb
Explanatory adverb is adverbs which serve illustrate / explain further. Some
explanatory adverb commonly used :
• namely
• for example
• i.e / that is
• e.g. / for example
• viz. / namely
d. Relative dan Interrogative Adverbs
There are four words that include the relative adverbs : when, where, why, how

Relative adverbs - adjective adverb clause of this type start
Interrogative adverbs - adverbs of this type is the beginning of a sentence
that uses the WH Question questions when, where, why and how. In
addition, there is also the interrogative sentence adverbs are used as noun
clause question.
•We visited the house where a famous poet once lived. = adjective clause
hen will he arrived? = Started using the phrase the question when, where,
why and how.
•I asked when he would arrive? = Noun clause initiate these types of questions.
e.Exclamatory adverb
Exclamatory adverb is the adverb form of the word used in a sentence HOW
exclamation and meaningful how / it.
•How beautifully you are!
•How beautiful she is!
Let’s learn about Interview
Interview Test

Interview test is a test covers some question
given orally by interviewer to the interviewer in
term of identity, education background, job
experience, salary, etc.
Examples of Questions in the
Interview Test
1. Tell me about yourself.
Tell me about your work history from the first until now. Please be brief and
2. What experience do you have in this field?
Tell me work experience related to the field you are applying. If you do not
have experience in that field, tell me frankly you have the desire to learn
quickly on the new field.
3. Do you feel yourself to be successful?
Answer YES. And tell us briefly why you feel you are successful. Ie you have
set a target of life, and some have achieved. And now you are on the right
track to achieve all the targets of your life.
4. What do your colleagues to yourself?
Answer the comments your colleagues to yourself that you can bolster your
5. What do you know about this company?
Before the interview it helps you depth information about the profile of the
company you are applying so that you are able to answer this question
properly. Your knowledge about the company can be your added value
Example of interview test :
Mr. Harris : Good morning, my name is Mr.
Harris. You’ve applied for the
laboratory assistan’s position right?
: Yes, Mr. Harris I have
Mr. Harris : Can you tell me why you replied to
our advertisement?
: Well, I’ve always enjoyed science
and felt that this position would
offer me an opportunity to extend
my skills in this area
Mr. Harris : Do you know exactly what you
would be doing as a laboratory
: A laboratory assistant helps to
maintain scientific equipment.
Keeping a check on the supplies in
the store, and preparing the
chemicals for experiments.
Mr. Harris : What sort of student do you regard
yourself as? Did you enjoy studying
while you were at school?

: I suppose i’m a reasonable student.
I passed all my test and enjoyed
studying subjects that interested me.
Mr. Harris : What were your favourite subjects at
: Maths and science were my favourite
subjects at school. I also enjoyed doing
Mr. Harris : Do you have any further plans for
further study?
James :

Well, I’ve thought about doing the parttime Chemistry Certificate Course at
Technical College. I think I would really
benefit from doing it.
Mr. Harris : Suppose our company wanted you to
attend an institution to further you skills...
How would you feel about this?
James :
If the course would help me improve my
prospects for promotion and help me to
be better at my job I would definitely do it.
Mr. Harms : Have you ever had a job before ?

: Yes, I have worked part-time at a
take away food store-the one just
round the corner.
Mr. Harris : We have a lot of other applicants for
this position. Why do you think that
you deserve to get the job?


: Well, I’ve found out a lot about this

type of work and my research
suggests that I would be quite
capable of
doing the work involved. I also
think that i
would be able to handle any
course reasonably
Mr. Harris :
James :
Mr. Harris :

James :
Mr. Harris :

Now, do you have any question you’d like to ask
me about the position?
Yes, Mr. Harris could you tell me what hours I’d
have to work, and for whom I’d be working?
You have to work 8 hours a day from 09.00 a.m.
5.00 p.m. and you’d be working for Prof. Albert. I
think I have asked you everything I wanted to.
Thank you for coming along to the interview.
Thank you. When will i know if I am succesful.
We will call you in several days.

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English Grade 11 (expression love and sadness)

  • 1. Group 1 Compiled by : Chairman: Arianty Pratama Saputra Member : Cintasya Nisalifia Dzakira Iskandar Nurcahyani Utami Dewi Oktavianti Tri Santi Sekar Arum Septio A Grade : 11 Science 6 7 High School
  • 2. Chapter 1 Expression of Love and Sadness Hortatory Expotition Interview test Simple Future Tense Adverbs
  • 4. Expression of Love Words that refer to love amour attachment adore have a great interest Expressing Love : oI love you, Mom oYou don’t know how much I love you oFrom the first I meet you, I think Iove you oShe was the love of my life oI have a crush on you. oI am very fond of you oI am attracted to you oI fall for you oI have a thing for you oI really fancy your felling oI am smitten by you Responses Accepting Love : oI love you too oI am also very fond of you oIt’s not one-sides Rejecting Love : oI am sorry. I don’t feeling the same. oI'm afraid i don't have the same. oI'm afraid i can't accept your love
  • 5. Conversation 1 Sinta : Hi, honey. What's up? Brad : I'm sad. I have to tell you bad news.  Sinta : What is it, honey? Don't make me anxious! Brad : I have to leave you, honey. Sinta : Why? Don't leave me. You know I love you. Brad : Yea, I know it. I love you too. I have to go abroad for 2 years. Sinta : What? You're going to leave me for so long? Brad : I get scholarship for studying at Oxford University. Next month, I'm going to go. Sinta : Oh, although I feel afraid. But, I'm happy to hear that. We can still contact using YM and Skype, right? Brad : Thanks honey. You're my everything. Sinta : I love you so much. 
  • 6. Expression of Sadness Expressing Sadness oI was sad to hear that they’d split up oMy parent divorce comes as my great sadness oI can’t believe what’s going on. He leave me alone. oI can’t hold on the tears anymore. It’s so sad. oOh, I just don’t know what to do oCome on! It can not be as bad as all that. oI can see why you’re so sad… but… Responses : oTake it easy oIt'll get better soon oLighten up oCheer up
  • 7. Conversation 2 Kelly : Hi Miley. What do you want to hear my story ? Miley : I think not now, Kelly. Sorry. Kelly : No prob. Em... You look so sad. What happened ? Miley : Do you know Mary? Billy kittens given three months ago ? Yesterday Mary died. I saw her lying in the street outside my house. I think Mary was hit by a car or motorcycle. Kelly : Why he could walk on the streets ? Miley : Somehow. Maybe it’s my fault. I forgot to enter him into the cage while my fence open. How careless I am. Kelly : Cheer up Miley. Do you know? A week ago my cat litter. I'll give you a kitten, maybe it is not much like Mary, but I hope it can treat your sadness. Miley : Thank you Kelly, you're my best friend ! Kelly : My pleasure 
  • 8. Conversation 3 Shirley : Stop crying and tell me what happened. Susan : Mandy told me hurtful things today. We aren’t on speaking terms. It’s so sad. Shirley : Why you don’t stop quarrelling? You’ve been friends for many years. Let bygones be by bygones. Susan : You’re right, sister. I’ll make it up with her when I see her tomorrow. Shirley : That’s a good idea. Susan : Thanks, you make me feel better. I love you, sister. Shirley : I love you too, my little sister.
  • 10. What is the Hortatory Exposition ? o In general, hortatory exposition text is one type of persuasive writing. o While the persuasive writing, also referred to as a creative writing or an argument, is a piece of writing in which the writer uses words to convince the reader of his/her view regarding an issue.
  • 11. o in the Concise Oxford Dictionary, Hortatory including adjectives (adjective) means "tending or Aiming to exhort“. o While the Exposition means "a comprehensive description and explanation of a theory“. o So to conclude, hortatory exposition is a text that describes a theory / problem in a comprehensive manner with the aim of encouraging others to do / not do something. o Social function of hortatory exposition is to persuade the readers that something should or shouldn’t be the case, it will show the particular position or point of view of the writer.
  • 12. Generic Structure of Hortatory Exposition o Generic Structure of Hortatory Exposition is divided into three parts, the thesis / general statement, argument, and recommendation. 1. Thesis / General Statement Thesis / general statement contains an opening statement on the topic of discussion. As an example we will discuss about the dangers of smoking, thesis statement that we can use for example : "Smoking can impotence." cause cancer, heart attacks, and
  • 13. 2. Arguments Arguments, "Opinion" contains further discussions of the thesis statement in detail. It would be better if the argument was not only contains the personal opinions of the authors, but also may contain the opinions of experts. Referring to the example of smoking thesis statement above, we can make supporting arguments with more detail, for example: oArgument 1: I thought the heart attack suffered by the director of PT.New Fire, sir Alvians, due to the intensity of smoking more than drinking water. (To be developed further in this paragraph) oArgument 2: It has been widely proven that smoking has almost become a major cause of cancer. (Continue to develop this paragraph)
  • 14. o Argument 3: The Impotence of a boss Alvians in LA is mentioned because of the habit of smoking before sleep. (continue to expand again this paragraph) 3. Recommendation. Recommendation / suggestion contains advice writers on the topic of discussion. If you talk about the dangers of cigarettes, think, what advice about the dangers of smoking?
  • 15. Example of Hortatory Expotition Online Jobs Online jobs are selected in part-time employement for many, and some have taken more seriously. A growing number of people are willing to take a job online. Working online has its advantages if we manage effectly. Why not ? [Thesis (g e ne ra l s ta te m e nt o f to p ic d is c us s e d o r s ta ting a n is s ue o f c o nc e rn )] It offers flexibility and convenience that no other job can give. We can work from home with minimal investment and get a good income. The idea of adding weight to our pocket and makes life easier and comfortable is the most reassuring. [Argument 1 (g iving re a s o n fo r c o nc e rn, a nd s o m e tim e s le a d ing re c o m m e nd a tio n. )]
  • 16. The reason behind this great opportunity is that every day there are new companies to join. Every day and every minutes men are seeking information about everything under the sky of the Internet. [Argument 2] As we know, the Internet is the answer to every question, web sites need to update each section and also add reports on developments that have recently joined. Therefore, it is an expansive space for articles. [Argument 3] There are a number of jobs we can work online. Some of them wich strongly recommended are writing, marketing, stock trading, and online education. However we should be very careful because scamming opportunities are always there. [Recommendation (it c o nta ins wha t s ho uld o r s ho uld n’t ha p p e n )]
  • 17. How do I distiguish between Hortatory Exposition and Analitical Exposition ? o The thing to remember, the difference of the two texts in the last paragraph. o If you find a suggestion or recommendation, which is marked with the words should, should not, ought to, oughtn't to, etc. we can say it is a hortatory exposition. o If there is a reaffirmation of the author's opinion means the text is an analytical exposition. Quite easy is not it?
  • 18. Let’s know more about Simple Future Tense
  • 19. Simple Future Tense Usage Simple Future Tense is used to describe activities or events or events that will happen or be done. Sentence Structure In composing sentences simple future tense, we must use shall or will with the V1 Formula : (+) Subject + shall/will + invinitive (V1) + C (+) Subject + shall/will + invinitive (V1) + C
  • 20. I We He You She They shall/will meet him will meet him example : -I shall be at home on Sunday -We shall be there tonight -She will tell you about it -You will join us -They will meet him at the station
  • 21. Shall and will be shortened to 'll. For example : -I’ll never forget you. -I’ll always remember you. -If you drop the glass, it’ll break. Negative formula : (-) Subject + shall/will + not + infinitive (V1) + C (-) Subject + shall/will + not + infinitive (V1) + C example : -You will not succeed if you do nothing. -She will not have a date with you. -This ship will not sail to America.
  • 22. Interrogative formula : (?) Shall/will + subject + infinitive (V1) + C (?) Shall/will + subject + infinitive (V1) + C example: -Shall we begin to work at eight o’clock ? -Will he take a Japanese course ? -Will she make a cake tomorrow ?
  • 23. W question -H formula : (?) W-H question + shall/will + subject + infinitive (V1) + C (?) W-H question + shall/will + subject + infinitive (V1) + C example : -What will you do on Saturday night ? -Who will help them ? -Where shall we go tonight ? -When will they come back ?
  • 25. Adverb Adverb is a word used to describe the verb (the verb), adjective (an adjective), or other adverb. Marcella Frank explained that the types of adverb is divided into two kinds: 1.Adverbs classified by meaning, and 2.Adverbs classified by function.
  • 26. Adverbs Classified by Meaning. Meaning Adverb classified by meaning divided into : a.Adverbs of Manner b.Adverbs of Place and Direction c.Adverbs of Time d.Intensifying Adverbs a.Adverb of Manner The manner adverb adverbial has the most characteristic form (an-ly ending added to a descriptive adjective). Examples of Adverbs of Manner: Quickly, neatly, awkwardly, beautifully, etc.
  • 27. b. Adverbs of Place and Direction Among the adverbs of place and direction may be included some propositional forms Appearing after the verb - He came in; They walked down. Some archaic forms for adverbs of place and direction are still found in the literary language - Hither (= here) thither (= there), yonder (= over there), hence (= from here), thence (= from there), whither (= where). Some forms of archaic (ancient) adverb of place and direction are still found in the language of literature such as: Hither = here Thither = there Yonder = there Hence = from here Thence = from there Whither = where (only)
  • 28. Another example of an adverb of place and direction : - Here - left - There - right - Outside - straight - Inside - west To use an adverb of place, where it should be distinguished where the preposition and adverb of direction. See the following example: oLet's come in = the word “in” is an adverb because it describes the word come. oLet's come in this room = word “in” is a preposition, because it was followed by the object in the form of noun phrase. c.Adverb of Time Adverb of time is divided into two : -Adverbs of Definite Time -Adverbs of Indefinite Time.
  • 29. Adverbs of Definite Time These adverbs have a fixed boundary in time--yesterday, today, tomorrow. Most of these words have noun form  and some may be used in plural form-saturdays, nights. Examples of the difference between the adverb of definite time the following noun: oI saw him yesterday (yesterday said here is the adverb of definite time as it explains the time when I saw him) oYesterday was a busy day (yesterday word here is because it serves as the subject noun phrase) Some multiword expressions in the category of definite time adverb such as: - Last week -A month ago -the day before yesterday -the day after tomorrow
  • 30. Adverb of Indifinite Time (time is certainly less clarity) example : oRecently oNowadays oSoon oAlready oStill oJust oImmediately oNow d. Intensifying Adverbs divided into two types : -Adverbs of Degree, and -Distinguishing Adverbs. o o o o o o o o o o Before After(wards) Next First Later Always Often Sometimes Never Then
  • 31. Adverbs Classified by Function. Adverb classified by function divided into : a.Sentence Adverbs b.Conjunctive Adverbs c.Explanatory Adverbs d.Relative dan Interrogative Adverbs e.Exclamatory Adverbs a.Sentence Adverbs Sentence adverb often considered better explain the whole sentence rather than explaining verb. Some of the following is a sentence adverb : •fortunately • evidently •presumably •actually •obviously
  • 32. Although in terms of its shape is similar to the adverbs of manner, namely by adding descriptive adjective -ly at the end, but in terms of its function last sentence adverb reflect the opinion / opinions speakers' rather than explaining how to do something (meaning: adverbs of manner). example : •Fortunately, no one was hurt. •Actually I have many problems b.Conjunctive Adverb Conjunctive adverb is an adverb that serves to connect one sentence to another sentence as the conjunction function in general. Conjunctive adverb is also known as connective. Some of the following is a conjunctive adverb : • nevertheless •therefore • otherwise •accordingly • then •moreover • in addition •besides • however example : I have no money; therefore, I cannot buy this pencil.
  • 33. c. Explanatory Adverb Explanatory adverb is adverbs which serve illustrate / explain further. Some explanatory adverb commonly used : • namely • for example • i.e / that is • e.g. / for example • viz. / namely d. Relative dan Interrogative Adverbs There are four words that include the relative adverbs : when, where, why, how • • Relative adverbs - adjective adverb clause of this type start Interrogative adverbs - adverbs of this type is the beginning of a sentence that uses the WH Question questions when, where, why and how. In addition, there is also the interrogative sentence adverbs are used as noun clause question.
  • 34. example: •We visited the house where a famous poet once lived. = adjective clause begins. •W hen will he arrived? = Started using the phrase the question when, where, why and how. •I asked when he would arrive? = Noun clause initiate these types of questions. e.Exclamatory adverb Exclamatory adverb is the adverb form of the word used in a sentence HOW exclamation and meaningful how / it. example: •How beautifully you are! •How beautiful she is!
  • 35. Let’s learn about Interview Test
  • 36. Interview Test Interview test is a test covers some question given orally by interviewer to the interviewer in term of identity, education background, job experience, salary, etc.
  • 37. Examples of Questions in the Interview Test 1. Tell me about yourself. Answer: Tell me about your work history from the first until now. Please be brief and clear. 2. What experience do you have in this field? Answer: Tell me work experience related to the field you are applying. If you do not have experience in that field, tell me frankly you have the desire to learn quickly on the new field.
  • 38. 3. Do you feel yourself to be successful? Answer: Answer YES. And tell us briefly why you feel you are successful. Ie you have set a target of life, and some have achieved. And now you are on the right track to achieve all the targets of your life. 4. What do your colleagues to yourself? Answer: Answer the comments your colleagues to yourself that you can bolster your career 5. What do you know about this company? Answer: Before the interview it helps you depth information about the profile of the company you are applying so that you are able to answer this question properly. Your knowledge about the company can be your added value
  • 39. Example of interview test : Mr. Harris : Good morning, my name is Mr. Harris. You’ve applied for the laboratory assistan’s position right? James : Yes, Mr. Harris I have Mr. Harris : Can you tell me why you replied to our advertisement? James : Well, I’ve always enjoyed science and felt that this position would offer me an opportunity to extend my skills in this area
  • 40. Mr. Harris : Do you know exactly what you would be doing as a laboratory assistant? James : A laboratory assistant helps to maintain scientific equipment. Keeping a check on the supplies in the store, and preparing the chemicals for experiments. Mr. Harris : What sort of student do you regard yourself as? Did you enjoy studying while you were at school?
  • 41. James : I suppose i’m a reasonable student. I passed all my test and enjoyed studying subjects that interested me. Mr. Harris : What were your favourite subjects at school? James : Maths and science were my favourite subjects at school. I also enjoyed doing history. Mr. Harris : Do you have any further plans for further study?
  • 42. James : Well, I’ve thought about doing the parttime Chemistry Certificate Course at Technical College. I think I would really benefit from doing it. Mr. Harris : Suppose our company wanted you to attend an institution to further you skills... How would you feel about this? James : If the course would help me improve my prospects for promotion and help me to be better at my job I would definitely do it. Mr. Harms : Have you ever had a job before ?
  • 43. James : Yes, I have worked part-time at a take away food store-the one just round the corner. Mr. Harris : We have a lot of other applicants for this position. Why do you think that you deserve to get the job? James : Well, I’ve found out a lot about this type of work and my research suggests that I would be quite capable of doing the work involved. I also think that i would be able to handle any training course reasonably well.
  • 44. Mr. Harris : James : Mr. Harris : to James : Mr. Harris : Now, do you have any question you’d like to ask me about the position? Yes, Mr. Harris could you tell me what hours I’d have to work, and for whom I’d be working? You have to work 8 hours a day from 09.00 a.m. 5.00 p.m. and you’d be working for Prof. Albert. I think I have asked you everything I wanted to. Thank you for coming along to the interview. Thank you. When will i know if I am succesful. We will call you in several days.