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Database Input
Writing Secure Code
• Introduction
• Sql Injection
  • Issue
  • Remedies
• Inference Problem
  • Issue
  • Remedies
• Sql Stored procedures
• Defense in Depth Example
• Conclusion
• Many applications, like web based applications and xml based web services
  store persistent data in databases.
• Trusting that the user has given well-formed input data to your
  application, when infact the user has not
• Misplaced trust
• Database input vulnerabilities (aka sql injection)
Web Application Vulnerabilities

                   void ProcessRequest()
  Sanitizer          string s = GetUserInput("name");
                     s = Validate(s);
                     ExecuteQuery(“select …" + s + “…”);

Sql Injection
 • Many applications include code that looks something like
   the following.
String sql = “select * from client where name = ‘”+name+”’”
The variable name is provided by the user
What if an attacker enters this: Blake’ or 1=1 –
 • select * from client where name = ’Blake’ or 1=1 –
 • The comment operator “--” is supported by many
   relational database servers, including Microsoft SQL
   Server, IBM DB2, Oracle, PostgreSQL, and MySql.
Imagine that the database table
 schema looks like this
                                              C us tome r *
                                                  C ustome rID
                                                  La stNa me
                                                  F irstNa me
                                                  Middle Initia l
              C us tome r C r e ditC ar d *
                  C ustome rID                    A ddre ss

                  C re ditC a rdID                A pa rtme nt
                                                  C ity
                                                  Sta te
                                                  Posta lC ode
                                                  C ountry

              C r e ditC ar d *
                  C re ditC a rdID
                  Ty pe
                  Numbe r
                  Ex pire s

When the attacker is happy that the SQL statement or statements are complete he
places a comment operator at the end to comment out any characters added by the
SQL Injection
• Some database servers allow a client application to perform
  more than one SQL statement at once.
• select * from table1 select * from table2
• SQL engines include support for data manipulation
  constructs, such as the ability to create, delete (called drop),
  an attacker could enter:
  • Blake’ drop table client --
Can you spot security flaws?
string Status = “No";
string sqlstring = “";                            Connecting as a super admin.
try {
SqlConnection sql= new SqlConnection(
            @"data source=localhost;” +           Sa is to SQL Server what SYSTEM is to
            “user id=sa;password=password;”);     Windows NT and later.
sqlstring="SELECT HasShipped” +
        “ FROM detail WHERE ID=‘“ + Id + “‘";     What if the connection fails to the
SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(sqlstring,sql);   database due to some network issue.
if ((int)cmd.ExecuteScalar() != 0)
       Status = “Yes";
                                                  A complete description of how the
} catch (SqlException se) {                       failure occurred is given to the attacker.
       Status = sqlstring + “ failednr";
       foreach (SqlError e in se.Errors) {
       Status += e.Message + “nr";
} catch (Exception e) {
       Status = e.ToString();
Pseudoremedy:Quoting the Input
int age = ...; // age from user

string name = ...; // name from user
name = name.Replace(“‘","‘‘“);

SqlConnection sql= new SqlConnection(...);
sqlstring=@"SELECT *” + “ FROM client WHERE name= ’” + name + “‘ or age=“ + age;
SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(sqlstring,sql);

Replacing single quotes with two single quotes. Statement becomes invalid SQL Statement.

 •   select * FROM client WHERE ID = ’Michael’’ or 1=1 -- ’ or age=35

However, this does not deter our wily attacker; instead, he uses the age
field, which is not quoted, to attack the server. For example, age could be 35;
shutdown --.
declare @a char(20) select @a=0x73687574646f776e exec(@a)

This construct, when added to another SQL query, calls the shutdown command. The hexadecimal sequence is
the ASCII hex equivalent of the word shutdown.
Pseduremedy #2: Use Stored
 • A stored procedure is a procedure (like a subprogram in a regular
   computing language) that is stored in the database
 • Stored procedure: sp_GetName:
     string name = ...; // name from user
     SqlConnection sql= new SqlConnection(...);
     sqlstring=@"exec sp_GetName ’” + name + “‘";
     SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(sqlstring,sql);

 • exec sp_GetName ’Blake’ or 1=1 -- ’ will fail
However performing data manipulation is perfectly valid.
 • exec sp_GetName ’Blake’ insert into client values(1005, ’Mike’) -- ’

Another Scariest example
     CREATE PROCEDURE sp_MySProc @input varchar(128)
Remedy 1: Never Ever Connect as
•   Delete (drop) any database or table in the system
•   Delete any data in any table in the system
•   Change any data in any table in the system
•   Change any stored procedure, trigger, or rule
•   Delete logs
•   Add new database users to the system
•   Call any administrative stored procedure or extended stored procedure.

• Support authenticated connections by using native operating system
  authentication and authorization by setting Trusted_connection = true
• create a specific database account that has just the correct privileges to
  read, write, and update the appropriate data in the database,and you should use
  that to connect to the database.

• SQL Server includes extended stored procedures such as xp_cmdshell through
  which an attacker can invoke shell commands.
• Oracle databases include utl_file, which allows an attacker to read from and
  write to the file system
Remedy #2: Building SQL Statements Securely
                                   Function IsValidUserAndPwd(strName, strPwd)
                                   ’ Note I am using a trusted connection to SQL Server.
• Use parameterized commands.      ’ Never use uid=sa;pwd=
                                   strConn = “Provider=sqloledb;” + _
   • SELECT count(*) FROM client   “Server=server-sql;” + _
                                   “database=client;” + _
     WHERE name=? AND pwd=?        “trusted_connection=yes"
                                   Set cn = CreateObject(“ADODB.Connection”)
                                   cn.Open strConn

                                   Set cmd = CreateObject(“ADODB.Command”)
                                   cmd.ActiveConnection = cn
                                   cmd.CommandText = _
                                   “select count(*) from client where name=? and pwd=?"
                                   cmd.CommandType = 1 ’ 1 means adCmdText
                                   cmd.Prepared = true

                                   ’ Explanation of numeric parameters:
                                   ’ data type is 200, varchar string;
                                   ’ direction is 1, input parameter only;
                                   ’ size of data is 32 chars max.
                                   Set parm1 = cmd.CreateParameter(“name", 200, 1, 32, ““)
                                   cmd.Parameters.Append parm1
                                   parm1.Value = strName

                                   Set parm2 = cmd.CreateParameter(“pwd", 200, 1, 32, ““)
                                   cmd.Parameters.Append parm2
                                   parm2.Value = strPwd

                                   Set rs = cmd.Execute
                                   IsValidUserAndPwd = false
                                   If rs(0).value = 1 Then IsValidUserAndPwd = true
                                   End Function
Building SQL Stored Procedures
  • Use quotename function
             select top 3 name from mytable would
             select top 3 [name] from [mytable]
if you quote name and mytable .
          declare @a varchar(20)
          set @a=0x74735D27
          select @a
          set @a=quotename(@a)
          select @a

          set @a=‘ts]’’’
          select @a
          set @a=quotename(@a)
          select @a
Use sp_executesql to execute sql statements build dynamically.
          -- Test the code with these variables
          declare @name varchar(64)
          set @name = N’White’

          -- Do the work
          exec sp_executesql
          N’select au_id from pubs.dbo.authors where au_lname=@lname’,
          N’@lname varchar(64)’,
          @lname = @name
Inference Problem ‐ 1
• The inference problem is a way to infer or derive
  sensitive data from non‐sensitive data.
• Sum: An attack by sum tries to infer a value from
  reported sum. Often helps us determine a negative
  • This report reveals that no female living in Grey is receiving
    financial aid
Inference problem 2
• Count: count + sum  average; average + count  sum
  • This report reveals that two males in Holmes and West are
    receiving financial aid in the amount of $5000 and $4000,
  • Holmes  Adams
  • West  Grof
Inference Problem 3
Remedies: Statistical Inference
Controls Attacks
• Controls are applied to queries
  • Difficult to determine if query discloses sensitive data
• Controls are applied to individual items within the database
  (security vs. precision)
  • Suppression: sensitive data values are not provided; query is
    rejected without response
     • Many results suppressed; precision high
  • Concealing: answer provided is close to by not exactly the actual
     • More results provided; precision low
Remedies: Limited Response
• The n‐item k‐percent rule eliminates certain low‐frequency
  elements from being displayed
  • When one cell is suppressed in a table with totals for rows and
    columns, must suppress at least one additional cell on the row
    and one on the column to provide some confusion.
Other Suppression and
• Combine rows or columns to protect sensitive values

• Take a random sample (sample must be large enough to be valid)
  • Same sample set would be repeated for equivalent queries
• Query analysis
  • Query and its implications are analyzed
  • Can be difficult
  • Maintain query history for each user
• … no perfect solution to inference problem
• … recognizing the problem leads to being defensive
Defense in Depth Example
// SafeQuery
                                                              //Add shipping ID parameter.
Using System;                                                 string str="sp_GetName";
Using System.Data;                                            cmd = new SqlCommand(str,sqlConn);
Using System.Data.SqlTypes;                                   cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
Using System.Data.SqlClient;                                  cmd.Parameters.Add(“@ID",Convert.ToInt64(Id));
Using System.Security.Principal;
Using System.Security.Permissions;                            cmd.Connection.Open();
Using System.Text.RegularExpressions;                         Status = cmd.ExecuteScalar().ToString();
Using System.Threading;
Using System.Web;                                             } catch (Exception e) {
Using Microsoft.Win32;                                        if (HttpContext.Current.Request.UserHostAddress == “”)
...                                                           Status = e.ToString();
[SqlClientPermissionAttribute(SecurityAction.PermitOnly,      Status = “Error Processing Request";
AllowBlankPassword=false)]                                    } finally {
[RegistryPermissionAttribute(SecurityAction.PermitOnly,       //Shut down connection--even on failure.
Read=@"HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREClient”)]                  if (cmd != null)
static string GetName(string Id)                              cmd.Connection.Close();
{                                                             }
                                                              return Status;
SqlCommand cmd = null;                                        }

string Status = “Name Unknown";                               //Get connection string.
(continued)                                                   internal static string ConnectionString {
                                                              get {
try {                                                         return (string)Registry
//Check for valid shipping ID.                                .LocalMachine
Regex r = new Regex(@"^d{4,10}$”);                           .OpenSubKey(@"SOFTWAREClient”)
if (!r.Match(Id).Success)                                     .GetValue(“ConnectionString”);
throw new Exception(“Invalid ID”);                            }
//Get connection string from registry.
SqlConnection sqlConn= new SqlConnection(ConnectionString);
Defense in Depth Example
• Blank passwords are never allowed when connecting to the database.
• Read only one specific key from the registry; it cannot be made to
  perform other registry operations.
• The code is hard-core about valid input: 4–10 digits only. Anything else
  is bad.
• The database connection string is in the registry, not in the code and not
  in the Web service file space, such as a configuration file.
• The code uses a stored procedure, mainly to hide the application logic in
  case the code is compromised.
• connection is not using sa. Rather, it’s using a least-privilege account
  that has query and execute permissions in the appropriate tables.
• use parameters, not string concatenation, to build the query.
• The code forces the input into a 64-bit integer.
• On error, the attacker is told nothing, other than that a failure occurred.
• The connection to the database is always shut down regardless of
  whether the code fails.
• Do not trust the user’s input!
• Be strict about what represents valid input and reject
  everything else. Regular expressions are your friend.
• Use parameterized queries—not string concatenation—to
  build queries.
• Do not divulge too much information to the attacker.
• Connect to the database server by using a least-privilege
  account, not the sysadmin account.
Thank you

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Database security

  • 2. Agenda • Introduction • Sql Injection • Issue • Remedies • Inference Problem • Issue • Remedies • Sql Stored procedures • Defense in Depth Example • Conclusion
  • 3. Introduction • Many applications, like web based applications and xml based web services store persistent data in databases. • Trusting that the user has given well-formed input data to your application, when infact the user has not • Misplaced trust • Database input vulnerabilities (aka sql injection)
  • 4. Web Application Vulnerabilities Source void ProcessRequest() { Sanitizer string s = GetUserInput("name"); … s = Validate(s); … … ExecuteQuery(“select …" + s + “…”); } Sink Critical Database
  • 5. Sql Injection • Many applications include code that looks something like the following. String sql = “select * from client where name = ‘”+name+”’” The variable name is provided by the user What if an attacker enters this: Blake’ or 1=1 – • select * from client where name = ’Blake’ or 1=1 – • The comment operator “--” is supported by many relational database servers, including Microsoft SQL Server, IBM DB2, Oracle, PostgreSQL, and MySql.
  • 6. Imagine that the database table schema looks like this C us tome r * C ustome rID La stNa me F irstNa me Middle Initia l C us tome r C r e ditC ar d * C ustome rID A ddre ss C re ditC a rdID A pa rtme nt C ity Sta te Posta lC ode C ountry C r e ditC ar d * C re ditC a rdID Ty pe Numbe r Ex pire s When the attacker is happy that the SQL statement or statements are complete he places a comment operator at the end to comment out any characters added by the programmer.
  • 7. SQL Injection • Some database servers allow a client application to perform more than one SQL statement at once. • select * from table1 select * from table2 • SQL engines include support for data manipulation constructs, such as the ability to create, delete (called drop), an attacker could enter: • Blake’ drop table client --
  • 8. Can you spot security flaws? string Status = “No"; string sqlstring = “"; Connecting as a super admin. try { SqlConnection sql= new SqlConnection( @"data source=localhost;” + Sa is to SQL Server what SYSTEM is to “user id=sa;password=password;”); Windows NT and later. sql.Open(); sqlstring="SELECT HasShipped” + “ FROM detail WHERE ID=‘“ + Id + “‘"; What if the connection fails to the SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(sqlstring,sql); database due to some network issue. if ((int)cmd.ExecuteScalar() != 0) Status = “Yes"; A complete description of how the } catch (SqlException se) { failure occurred is given to the attacker. Status = sqlstring + “ failednr"; foreach (SqlError e in se.Errors) { Status += e.Message + “nr"; } } catch (Exception e) { Status = e.ToString(); }
  • 9. Pseudoremedy:Quoting the Input int age = ...; // age from user string name = ...; // name from user name = name.Replace(“‘","‘‘“); SqlConnection sql= new SqlConnection(...); sql.Open(); sqlstring=@"SELECT *” + “ FROM client WHERE name= ’” + name + “‘ or age=“ + age; SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(sqlstring,sql); Replacing single quotes with two single quotes. Statement becomes invalid SQL Statement. • select * FROM client WHERE ID = ’Michael’’ or 1=1 -- ’ or age=35 However, this does not deter our wily attacker; instead, he uses the age field, which is not quoted, to attack the server. For example, age could be 35; shutdown --. declare @a char(20) select @a=0x73687574646f776e exec(@a) This construct, when added to another SQL query, calls the shutdown command. The hexadecimal sequence is the ASCII hex equivalent of the word shutdown.
  • 10. Pseduremedy #2: Use Stored Procedures • A stored procedure is a procedure (like a subprogram in a regular computing language) that is stored in the database • Stored procedure: sp_GetName: string name = ...; // name from user SqlConnection sql= new SqlConnection(...); sql.Open(); sqlstring=@"exec sp_GetName ’” + name + “‘"; SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(sqlstring,sql); • exec sp_GetName ’Blake’ or 1=1 -- ’ will fail However performing data manipulation is perfectly valid. • exec sp_GetName ’Blake’ insert into client values(1005, ’Mike’) -- ’ Another Scariest example CREATE PROCEDURE sp_MySProc @input varchar(128) AS exec(@input)
  • 11. Remedy 1: Never Ever Connect as sysadmin • Delete (drop) any database or table in the system • Delete any data in any table in the system • Change any data in any table in the system • Change any stored procedure, trigger, or rule • Delete logs • Add new database users to the system • Call any administrative stored procedure or extended stored procedure. • Support authenticated connections by using native operating system authentication and authorization by setting Trusted_connection = true • create a specific database account that has just the correct privileges to read, write, and update the appropriate data in the database,and you should use that to connect to the database. • SQL Server includes extended stored procedures such as xp_cmdshell through which an attacker can invoke shell commands. • Oracle databases include utl_file, which allows an attacker to read from and write to the file system
  • 12. Remedy #2: Building SQL Statements Securely Function IsValidUserAndPwd(strName, strPwd) ’ Note I am using a trusted connection to SQL Server. • Use parameterized commands. ’ Never use uid=sa;pwd= strConn = “Provider=sqloledb;” + _ • SELECT count(*) FROM client “Server=server-sql;” + _ “database=client;” + _ WHERE name=? AND pwd=? “trusted_connection=yes" Set cn = CreateObject(“ADODB.Connection”) cn.Open strConn Set cmd = CreateObject(“ADODB.Command”) cmd.ActiveConnection = cn cmd.CommandText = _ “select count(*) from client where name=? and pwd=?" cmd.CommandType = 1 ’ 1 means adCmdText cmd.Prepared = true ’ Explanation of numeric parameters: ’ data type is 200, varchar string; ’ direction is 1, input parameter only; ’ size of data is 32 chars max. Set parm1 = cmd.CreateParameter(“name", 200, 1, 32, ““) cmd.Parameters.Append parm1 parm1.Value = strName Set parm2 = cmd.CreateParameter(“pwd", 200, 1, 32, ““) cmd.Parameters.Append parm2 parm2.Value = strPwd Set rs = cmd.Execute IsValidUserAndPwd = false If rs(0).value = 1 Then IsValidUserAndPwd = true rs.Close cn.Close End Function
  • 13. Building SQL Stored Procedures Securely • Use quotename function select top 3 name from mytable would become select top 3 [name] from [mytable] if you quote name and mytable . declare @a varchar(20) set @a=0x74735D27 select @a set @a=quotename(@a) select @a set @a=‘ts]’’’ select @a set @a=quotename(@a) select @a Use sp_executesql to execute sql statements build dynamically. -- Test the code with these variables declare @name varchar(64) set @name = N’White’ -- Do the work exec sp_executesql N’select au_id from pubs.dbo.authors where au_lname=@lname’, N’@lname varchar(64)’, @lname = @name
  • 14. Inference Problem ‐ 1 • The inference problem is a way to infer or derive sensitive data from non‐sensitive data. • Sum: An attack by sum tries to infer a value from reported sum. Often helps us determine a negative result. • This report reveals that no female living in Grey is receiving financial aid
  • 15. Inference problem 2 • Count: count + sum  average; average + count  sum • This report reveals that two males in Holmes and West are receiving financial aid in the amount of $5000 and $4000, respectively. • Holmes  Adams • West  Grof
  • 17. Remedies: Statistical Inference Controls Attacks • Controls are applied to queries • Difficult to determine if query discloses sensitive data • Controls are applied to individual items within the database (security vs. precision) • Suppression: sensitive data values are not provided; query is rejected without response • Many results suppressed; precision high • Concealing: answer provided is close to by not exactly the actual value • More results provided; precision low
  • 18. Remedies: Limited Response Suppression • The n‐item k‐percent rule eliminates certain low‐frequency elements from being displayed • When one cell is suppressed in a table with totals for rows and columns, must suppress at least one additional cell on the row and one on the column to provide some confusion.
  • 19. Other Suppression and Concealing • Combine rows or columns to protect sensitive values • Take a random sample (sample must be large enough to be valid) • Same sample set would be repeated for equivalent queries • Query analysis • Query and its implications are analyzed • Can be difficult • Maintain query history for each user • … no perfect solution to inference problem • … recognizing the problem leads to being defensive
  • 20. Defense in Depth Example // // SafeQuery // //Add shipping ID parameter. Using System; string str="sp_GetName"; Using System.Data; cmd = new SqlCommand(str,sqlConn); Using System.Data.SqlTypes; cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; Using System.Data.SqlClient; cmd.Parameters.Add(“@ID",Convert.ToInt64(Id)); Using System.Security.Principal; Using System.Security.Permissions; cmd.Connection.Open(); Using System.Text.RegularExpressions; Status = cmd.ExecuteScalar().ToString(); Using System.Threading; Using System.Web; } catch (Exception e) { Using Microsoft.Win32; if (HttpContext.Current.Request.UserHostAddress == “”) ... Status = e.ToString(); else [SqlClientPermissionAttribute(SecurityAction.PermitOnly, Status = “Error Processing Request"; AllowBlankPassword=false)] } finally { [RegistryPermissionAttribute(SecurityAction.PermitOnly, //Shut down connection--even on failure. Read=@"HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREClient”)] if (cmd != null) static string GetName(string Id) cmd.Connection.Close(); { } return Status; SqlCommand cmd = null; } string Status = “Name Unknown"; //Get connection string. (continued) internal static string ConnectionString { get { try { return (string)Registry //Check for valid shipping ID. .LocalMachine Regex r = new Regex(@"^d{4,10}$”); .OpenSubKey(@"SOFTWAREClient”) if (!r.Match(Id).Success) .GetValue(“ConnectionString”); throw new Exception(“Invalid ID”); } } //Get connection string from registry. SqlConnection sqlConn= new SqlConnection(ConnectionString);
  • 21. Defense in Depth Example • Blank passwords are never allowed when connecting to the database. • Read only one specific key from the registry; it cannot be made to perform other registry operations. • The code is hard-core about valid input: 4–10 digits only. Anything else is bad. • The database connection string is in the registry, not in the code and not in the Web service file space, such as a configuration file. • The code uses a stored procedure, mainly to hide the application logic in case the code is compromised. • connection is not using sa. Rather, it’s using a least-privilege account that has query and execute permissions in the appropriate tables. • use parameters, not string concatenation, to build the query. • The code forces the input into a 64-bit integer. • On error, the attacker is told nothing, other than that a failure occurred. • The connection to the database is always shut down regardless of whether the code fails.
  • 22. Conclusion • Do not trust the user’s input! • Be strict about what represents valid input and reject everything else. Regular expressions are your friend. • Use parameterized queries—not string concatenation—to build queries. • Do not divulge too much information to the attacker. • Connect to the database server by using a least-privilege account, not the sysadmin account.