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Cessation of blood loss from damaged blood
Exposure to
tissues activate
Tissue factor
and initiate
Tissue Factor
White, discoid
Smallest element of flowing blood
• 1 - 2 microns diameter
Lipid bilayer membrane
Normal range 150000 – 450000 microlitre blood
Formed from cytoplasm of megakaryocytes
No nucleus
Normal Function of Platelets
and repair
of the
vessel wall
Collagen VWF
Platelet Adhesion
& Secretion
Platelet aggregation
Tissue Factor
Coagulation Cascade
Haemostatic plug
Blood Vessel
 Platelet aggregates bound
together by fibrin strands
(white clots)
 Consist mainly of fibrin
and RBCs (red clots)
Arterial thrombus
Platelets and Thromboemolism
 Occludes artery /
disintegrates into
emboli occluding
distal vessels resulting
in ischemic necrosis
of tissue supplied by
the artery.(AMI)
 Veins low pressure :
Reduced blood flow
 Especially in valve
 Causes tissue drained by
the vein to be
edematous and inflamed
Vascular Injury
 Trauma
 Surgical manipulation
 Prior thrombosis
 Atherosclerosis
Von willebrand factor
Thromboxane A2
Damaged blood vessel
Release of collagen Activation of platelets
Arachidonic acid Release of thrombinRelease of
Cyclic endperoxidase
Release of TXA2
Activation of glycoprotein IIB/IIIA receptors
Fibrinogen fibrin
Activates P2Y1
Gq Gi
Changes in platelet shape
Increases phospoinositol
inhibits adenylcyclase,
decrease CAMP ?
Targets for anti-platelet therapy
ADP receptor
Clopidogrel THROMBIN
Fibrinogen Receptor
PGI 2- (Prostacyclins)
Naturally occurring potent vasodilator and inhibitor of platelet
Produced by vessel walls, also present in brain ,gut and kidney.
Formed from PG endperoxidase by the action of COX
Inhibit platelet aggregation by stimulating adenylcyclase increasing cyclic
AMP levels in platelets.
Prostacyclins causes hypotension , tachycardia ,headache. intense facial
Very unstable ,1/2 life of 3 mins.
Prostacyclins (Epoprostananol)-used during haemodialysis.
1. PGI 2
2. TXA2 inhibitors-
• Ticlopidine, Clopidogrel
3. ADP antagonists-
• Dipyridamole, Pentoxifylline
4. Phospodiesterase inhibitor-
5. Glycoprotein IIB/IIIA receptors antagonists-
Abciximab, Eptifibatide, Tirofiban
Damaged blood vessel
Release of collagen Activation of platelets
Arachidonic acid Release of thrombinRelease of
Cyclic endperoxidase
Release of TXA2
Activation of glycoprotein IIB/IIIA receptors
Fibrinogen fibrin
Activates P2Y1
Gq Gi
Changes in platelet shape
Increases phospoinositol
inhibits adenylcyclase,
decrease CAMP ?
• MOA-
In platelets major COX product is TXA2 ,
a labile inducer of platelet aggregation and
potent vasoconstrictor.
Aspirin blocks production of TXA2 by
covalently acetylating serine residue near the
active site of COX, this enzyme produces cyclic
endperoxidase precursor of TXA2.
Since platelets do not synthesize new proteins
hence the action of aspirin on platelets is
permanent (7-10 days).
For complete inactivation of platelet COX
dose of aspirin req. is 160 mg daily.
Higher doses decrease efficacy of aspirin as
they inhibit production of prostacyclins which
is spared at low doses. (75-150mg)
Higher doses also increase toxicity
esp.. Bleeding.
Prevention of AMI in pts. Of unstable angina
Prevention of reinfarction in pts. Of AMI and IHD
Prevention of stroke in pts. Of cerbrovascular
accidents and h/o TIA
For improving prognosis in patients with
atherosclerotic peripheral vascular diseases
Percutaneous angioplasty for coronary thrombosis ,
Primary prophylaxis of thromboembolism in pts
with prosthetic heart valves
ADP antagonists- Ticlopidine
Ticlopidine blocks Gi coupled ADP receptors
It is a prodrug requires conversion to active form by Cyp450.
Rapid absorp. ,high bioavailability
Maximal inhibition of platelet inhibition it takes 8-11 days after starting therapy.
Dose-loading 500mg for rapid onset of action. Usual dose 250mgBD
AE- Nausea ,Vomiting, Diarrhea, Neutropenia, Thrombotic Thrombocytopenia
Uses- Prevention cerebrovascular events, in 2ndary prevention of stroke
Unstable angina
Combination –Aspirin + ticlopidine---angioplasty, coronary artery stenting
Less toxic then ticlo. less incidence of leucopenia, thrombocytopenia.
Less used than Ticlopidine
MOA, PK profile same as Ticlopidine
Dose 75mg/day
Rest same as Ticlopidine.
Inhibition of PDE (phospodiesterase enzyme) and/ or by
blockade of adenosine which act at A2 receptor to stimulate
adenylcyclase thus increase CAMP causing platelet inhibition.
Current recommended use-
Along with Warffarin in primary prophylaxis of thromboemboli in pts
with prosthetic heart valves
Xanthine analogue
Increases deformability of RBCs thus increases
microcirculation, reduce fibrinogen levels, inhibit pl.
Uses- CVAs esp.TIA(transient ischemic attacks) ,
Ischemic ulcers of legs
Dose 400mg tds
Glycoprotein IIB/IIIA receptors antagonists
Platelet surface receptor, receptor for fibrinogen and von
willebrand factor,which anchors platelets to foreign
surface and each other thereby mediating aggregation.
Receptor is activated by TXA2, Collagen, and thrombin
to developbinding sites for its ligands.
Inhibition of binding to this receptor blocks platelet
aggregation induced by the agonist.
Monoclonal antibody cause platelet receptor blockade.
Given IV max. effect seen with in 2hrs, DOA 10-12 hrs.
Use- percutaneous angioplasty for coronary thrombosis
Prevents restenosis, recurrent and death when used in conjugation with aspirin and
Dose-0.25mg bolus---0.125microgm/kg/min for 12hrs IV
Contraindication same as fibrinolytics
 Discuss in detail antiplatelet drugs. Add note on
use of low dose Aspirin as an antiplatelet agent.
 Short note:
 Low dose Aspirin
 Ticlopidine
 Glycoprotein IIb/IIIa antagonists
Coagulation Phase
Two major pathways
• Intrinsic pathway
• Extrinsic pathway
13 soluble factors are involved in clotting
Biosynthesis of these factors are dependent on Vitamin K1 and K2
Most of these factors are proteases
Normally inactive and sequentially activated
Hereditary lack of clotting factors lead to hemophilia -A
Clotting factors
Intrinsic Pathway
 All clotting factors are
within the blood vessels
 Clotting slower
 Activated partial
thromboplastin test (aPTT)
 Blood sample + calcium
 Mix with negatively charged
 Kaoline (aluminum silicate)
 Determine clotting time
 Generally clotting occurs in
26 to 33 seconds
 Used to detect defects in
the intrinsic pathway
Extrinsic Pathway
 Initiating factor outside the
blood vessels - tissue factor
 Clotting - faster - in Seconds
 Prothrombin test (PT)
 Tissue Thromboplastin factor III
 Mix with phospholipid extract
 Add calcium and blood sample
 Determine clotting time
 Generally 12 - 14 seconds
 Used to detect defects in
extrinsic pathway
Diagnosis of coagulation defects
• Defective Intrinsic
Prolonged APTT
No change in PT
• Defective Extrinsic
No change in APTT
Prolonged PT
• Defective in
Common pathway
Prolonged APTT
Prolonged PT
Blood Vessel Injury
X Xa
Tissue Injury
Tissue Factor
Prothrombin II Thrombin IIa
Fibrinogen Fribrin monomer
Fibrin polymer
Intrinsic Pathway Extrinsic Pathway
Factors affected
By Heparin
Vit. K dependent Factors
Affected by Oral Anticoagulants
Inactive XI Active XIa
 These are the drugs used to reduce coagulability of blood.
 Classification
In vitro anticoagulants In vivo anticoagulants
Heparin A) -Heparin
Sodium citrate -Low molecular weight Heparin
Sodium oxalate -Danaparoid
Sodium edetate -Lepirudin
-Heparan sulfate
B) Oral anticoagulants
B) Oral anticoagulants
 Warfarin sodium
 Bishydroxycoumarin (dicumarol)
 Acenocoumarol
 Phenindione
Chemistry & Occurence
Straight chain mucopolysaccharide,
MW 10000-20000. Average=15,000 d (~45monosaccharide
chains) Strongest organic acid in the body.
Heparin is present in all tissues containing
mast cells, richest source are liver, lung
(bovine) and intestinal mucosa (porcine)
LMWH isolated from standard heparin by
gel filtration chromatography or partial
depolymerization. (1000-10000 daltons).
 Heparin binds to antithrombin III -----complex
 Increases thrombin –AT reaction 1000folds.
 Heparin induces conformational change in ATIII to
expose its interactive sites.
 Long heparin molecule provides scaffolding for
clotting factors ( Xa & IIa) aswellas ATIII.
 At low conc. interferes with intrinsic pathway while
at high common pathway.
 ATIII inhibits activated clotting factors of intrinsic
and common pathway including thrombin, Xa, IXa
and thus acts as Succide substrate
Thrombin inhibition catalysed by
FXa inhibition catalysed by
Anticoagulant Properties of Heparin
1. Inhibits the thrombin-mediated conversion of
fibrinogen to fibrin
2. Inhibits the aggregation of platelets by
3. Inhibits activation of fibrin stabilizing enzyme
4. Inhibits activated factors XII, XI, IX, X and II
 Not effective orally
 Sc/ iv administration
 Onset immediate, peak in 5-10mins
 Metabolized in liver
 Excretion through kidney.
Unfractionated Heparin
 High Dose
 Treatment of venous/arterial thrombi
 Requires monitoring
 IV- 5,000 Units bolus, then 30,000-35,000 units/24
 80 Units/kg bolus, then 18 Units/kg/hr to maintain
aPTT in therapeutic range
 therapeutic goal – 2-2.5 times normal control value
(-30 sec)
Low Dose Unfractionated Heparin
 Surgical Prophylaxis
 5,000 Units SC 2 hr preop
 5,000 Units SC every 12 hours
 Medical Prophylaxis
 5,000 Units SC every 12 hours
 No monitoring required
1. Less anti IIa activity
than anti Xa activity
2. Good pk profile
3. More predictable dose
4. Can be given by
subcutaneous route
5. No monitoring required,
can be given OPD basis
6. Less anti-platelet effects
7. Longer t1/2’s
8. Decreased hospital stay
9. More favorable benefit –
risk ratio
 1mg/ kg S.C BD for DVT
 30mg/ Kg S.C. for DVT
prophylaxis of Knee and hip
 1mg/ kg S.C BD for DVT
 30mg/ Kg S.C. for DVT
prophylaxis of Knee and hip
Adverse effects
 Allergic and anaphylactic manifestations
 Bleeding (1-33%)-antidote- Protamine sulphate
 Heparin induced thromocytopenia. (more than
 Alopecia
 Osteoporosis
 Hyperkalemia
Mechanisms of HIT
 Type 1 (Non immune):
 Fall in platelet count occurs within the first two days after
heparin initiation, and returns to normal with continued
heparin administration, and is of no clinical consequence.
 Direct effect of heparin on platelet activation.
 Type 2 (Immune):
 Approx 0.3 to 3 percent of patients receiving heparin
 Mediated by antibodies to a heparin-platelet factor 4
 Seen with unfractionated heparin but in not with LMWH
Warfarin, a coumarin derivative, is the most
commonly used oral anticoagulant (OAC) .
Warfarin is a vitamin K antagonist - Impairs the
generation of active vitamin K, decreasing the
amounts of vitamin K dependent coagulation factors
Depending on factors such as age, risk factors,
recurrence, etc., warfarin may be continued for
anywhere from 1 month to lifelong
Oral anticoagulants : warfarin, dicumarol
 Coumarins - warfarin, dicumarol
 Isolated from clover leaves
 Structurally related to vitamin K
 Inhibits production of active clotting factors
 Absorption rapid –high plasma protein binding binds
to albumin
 Clearance is slow - 36 hrs
 Delayed onset 8 - 12 hrs
 Overdose - reversed by vitamin K infusion
 Can cross placenta - do not use during late pregnancies
Mechanism of action
Descarboxy Prothrombin Prothrombin
Reduced Vitamin K Oxidized Vitamin K
Warfarin Monitoring
• Why monitor? Need to balance proper
anticoagulation without bleeding risk.
• Monitored with PT, expressed as INR:
• Where ISI = International Sensitivity Index,
assigned by each thromboplastin manufacturer
• Warfarin is given orally and titrated to achieve
an INR of typically 2.0 – 3.0
[Patient PT /
Mean Normal
INR : International Normalized
 Different thromboplastins vary in sensitivity
 To give PT values a consistent basis of comparison
from lab to lab, WHO instituted the INR:
 A uniform value in which the PT is expressed as a
 Many manufacturers aim for an ISI of 1.0.
 INR is affected by diet (because of the vitamin K
dependent mechanism of action), other medications,
 Monitored routinely, every 2 to 4 weeks
Drug interaction- Prototype Warfarin
Category Mechanisms Examples of
Drugs that
Warfarin Activity
Decrease binding to Albumin Aspirin,
Inhibit Degradation Cimetidine,
Decrease synthesis of Clotting Factors Antibiotics (oral)
Drugs that
Inhibition of platelets Aspirin
Inhibition of clotting Factors Heparin
Drugs decrease
Warfarin activity
Induction of metabolizing Enzymes Barbiturates
Increases synthesis of Clotting Factors Vitamin K
New Anticoagulants
Limitations of
anticoagulants, both with
Heparin and Warfarin,
have prompted the
development of new
New Anticoagulants
FXa Inhibitors
Parenteral synthetic pentasaccharide
• Synthetic and highly selective
inhibitor of FXa
• Acts as cofactor to AT
• Administered by subcutaneous
injection ONCE A DAY
• Absolute bioavailability of
FXa Inhibitors
Parenteral synthetic pentasaccharide
• LMW mixture of heparinoids
(glycosaminoglycans, GAGs); acts as
cofactor to AT
• Anticoagulation effect is predominantly
mediated by inhibition of FXa
• Also has some anti-IIa effects
• Fast acting, generally predictable dose
Direct Thrombin Inhibitors
• Recombinant hirudin, a
derivative of the saliva of the
medicinal leech Hirudo medicinalis
• First direct thrombin inhibitor
(DTI) to be approved by the
FDA for anticoagulation in
patients with (HIT)
• Can be monitored with APTT,
TT, chromogenic anti-IIa.
Direct Thrombin Inhibitors
• A synthetic anticoagulant for
prophylaxis or treatment of
thrombosis in patients with
thrombocytopenia (HIT)
• Active against both free and clot-
bound thrombin
• Argatroban is typically monitored
by APTT, but other methods like
the chromogenic anti-IIa assay
may be more accurate.
Direct Thrombin Inhibitors
• Synthetic polypeptide hirudin analog
that interacts with the thrombin
active site to reversibly inhibit
• Alternative to heparin
• Administered parenterally
• Short half life
• Monitored by Activated Clotting
Time (ACT)
Direct Thrombin Inhibitors
• Studies have shown similar
efficacy and bleeding risk to
• Does not need monitoring
• Was not FDA approved:
more studies needed to
assess liver failure risk
oral anticoagulant
The Extent of Thrombotic
Disease Annually in the U.S.
1.5 million MIs-Mortality of 30% (450,000)
500,000 CVAs -Mortality of 30% (150,000)
2 million DVTs
200,000 deaths from PE
Venous Thromboembolism
Third most common
cardiovascular disease
Significant morbidity and
VTE includes:
• Deep Venous
Thrombosis (DVT)
• Pulmonary Embolism
Economy Class Syndrome
Medical condition called Venous
Fibrin thrombi.
3months anticoagulants theraphy is required
in DVT and PE
For prophylaxis of pts.undergoing surgery---
LMWH—Decreases risk of leg vein
thrombosis & PE.
Anticoagulants are indicated for prophylaxis
in bedridden, old, postoperative, post stroke,
postpartum, leg fracture patients
Deep Vein Thrombosis
 Blood clot of lower leg or
 Approximately 1 per 1,000
people affected by DVT
 Hospitalization for 5
to 7 days
 50% of patients with DVT
are asymptomatic
Pulmonary Embolism
Dislodged blood clot
entering the pulmonary
Accounts for 5-10% of all
hospital deaths
80% of patients die within
the first 2 hours CT Scan of Pulmonary Embolism
Deep Vein ThrombosisEmbolusPulmonary Embolism
Arterial thrombi-platelet thrombi
Use of anticoagulants???
Beneficial in preventing mural thrombi at infarction site
and venous thrombi in leg veins.
Can be given for short periods till the Pt. is ambulatory.
Heparin iv for 2-8 days followed by oral anticoagulant for
3 months.
Short term use in unstable angina.
Warfarin / low dose aspirin /
LMWH are effective in
preventing stroke due to
embolism from fibrillating atria.
Warfarin the most effective.
(3-4week theraphy)
Blood Hypercoagulability
Increased procoagulants
Decrease in inhibitors
Impaired fibrinolysis
Occurs in obstretic conditions,
mallignancies, infections.
• Enhance degradation of clots
• Activation of endogenous
• Plasminogen (inactive form) is
converted to Plasmin (active
• Plasmin breaks down fibrin
• Streptokinase - bacterial product -
continuous use - immune reaction
• Urokinase - human tissue derived - no
immune response
• Tissue plasminogen activator (tPA) -
genetically cloned - no immune reaction -
Inhibitors of
 Streptokinase is a protein (but not an
enzyme in itself) synthesized by streptococci
that combines with the pro-activator
 This enzymatic complex catalyzes the
conversion of inactive plasminogen to
active plasmin
 Urokinase is a human enzyme synthesized by
the kidney that directly converts plasminogen to
active plasmin.
 Plasmin formed inside a thrombus by these
activators is protected from plasma antiplasmins,
which allows it to lyse the thrombus from within
 Plasminogen can also be activated endogenously
by tissue plasminogen activators (t-PAs).
 Activate plasminogen that is bound to fibrin,
which (in theory) confines fibrinolysis to the
formed thrombus and avoids systemic
 Human t-PA is manufactured as ALTEPLASE
by means of recombinant DNA technology.
 RETEPLASE is less expensive than Alteplase.
It lacks the major fibrin-binding domain thus is
less fibrin-specific than Alteplase
 TENECTEPLASE is a mutant form of t-PA
that has a longer half-life, and it can be given as
an intravenous bolus. Tenecteplase is slightly
more fibrin-specific than Alteplase
• Dose:250000 U loading dose
followed by 100000 U every hr for
24 -72 hrs
• Loading dose of 300000 U
followed by 300000 U/hr for 12
• 60mg iv over 1 hr followed by
40mg iv at a rate of 20mg/ hr
Contraindications to Antithrombotic
• Pre-existing coagulation or platelet
defect, thrombocytopenia, or other
bleeding abnormality
• Inaccessible ulcerative lesion(e.g.,
gastrointestinal tract lesion)
• Central nervous system lesion (e.g.,
caused by stroke, surgery, trauma)
• Malignant hypertension
• Advanced retinopathy
• Old age (relative)
• Aspirin or other antiplatelet drugs
• Neoplastic disease
Contraindications to Antithrombotic
• Recent thoracic, abdominal, or
central nervous system surgery
• Recent cerebrovascular accident,
trauma, or neoplasm
• Bleeding ulcer
• Anticipated invasive procedures
(arterial punctures, biopsies, central
• Concurrent hemostatic dysfunction
Specific to
• Multiple pulmonary emboli.
• Pulmonary embolism with
hemodynamic instability
• Central DVT
• Pheripheral vascular disease
Drug preparations : to stop
Fibrinolytic Inhibitors:
Aminocaproic Acid
 Similar to the amino acid lysine, is a synthetic
inhibitor of fibrinolysis
 Competitively inhibits plasminogen activation
 Oral dosage of EACA is 6 g four times a day
 Tranexamic acid is an analog of aminocaproic
acid and has the same properties. It is
administered orally with a 15 mg/kg loading
dose followed by 30 mg/kg every 6 hours
 Adjunctive therapy in hemophilia
 Bleeding from fibrinolytic therapy
 Prophylaxis for re-bleeding from intracranial
 Postsurgical gastrointestinal bleeding ,post
prostatectomy bleeding ,bladder hemorrhage
secondary to radiation and drug-induced cystitis.
 Adverse effects
 Intravascular thrombosis from inhibition of
plasminogen activator
 Hypotension, myopathy, abdominal discomfort,
diarrhea, and nasal stuffiness
Drug preparations: clotting deficiencies
Vitamin K
• Oral : 5 mg tablets
Plasma fractions - for hemophilia
• Antihemophilic factor ( VIII, AHF)
• Parenteral
Factor IX complex
• Parenteral : in vials

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Antiplatelets and anticoagulation in AMI
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Antiplatelets and anticoagulation in AMISCGH ED CME
Introduction to Central Nervous system Pharmacology : Dr Rahul Kunkulol's Pow...
Introduction to Central Nervous system Pharmacology : Dr Rahul Kunkulol's Pow...Introduction to Central Nervous system Pharmacology : Dr Rahul Kunkulol's Pow...
Introduction to Central Nervous system Pharmacology : Dr Rahul Kunkulol's Pow...Rahul Kunkulol
Newer anticoagulants
Newer anticoagulantsNewer anticoagulants
Newer anticoagulantsaravazhi

Destaque (20)

Anticoagulant and antiplatelet drugs
Anticoagulant and antiplatelet drugsAnticoagulant and antiplatelet drugs
Anticoagulant and antiplatelet drugs
Oral anticoagulants ppt
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Oral anticoagulants ppt
Antiplatelet drugs (VK)
Antiplatelet drugs (VK)Antiplatelet drugs (VK)
Antiplatelet drugs (VK)
Anticoagulant, antithrombotic and anti platelet drugs
Anticoagulant, antithrombotic and anti platelet drugsAnticoagulant, antithrombotic and anti platelet drugs
Anticoagulant, antithrombotic and anti platelet drugs
Antiplatelet drugs (antithrombotics)
Antiplatelet drugs (antithrombotics)Antiplatelet drugs (antithrombotics)
Antiplatelet drugs (antithrombotics)
Fibrinolytics & antiplatelets
Fibrinolytics & antiplateletsFibrinolytics & antiplatelets
Fibrinolytics & antiplatelets
dual antiplatelet therapy
dual antiplatelet therapydual antiplatelet therapy
dual antiplatelet therapy
Perioperative management of antithrombotic therapy
Perioperative management of antithrombotic therapyPerioperative management of antithrombotic therapy
Perioperative management of antithrombotic therapy
Local anaesthetics (l)
Local anaesthetics (l)Local anaesthetics (l)
Local anaesthetics (l)
Pharmacology- Drugs Affecting the Blood
Pharmacology- Drugs Affecting the BloodPharmacology- Drugs Affecting the Blood
Pharmacology- Drugs Affecting the Blood
Antiplatelet and fibrinolytics
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Antiplatelet and fibrinolytics
24.antiplatelet drugs
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24.antiplatelet drugs
Coagulants and anti coagulants
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Coagulants and anti coagulants
Antiplatelets and nch asam
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Antiplatelets and nch asam
Antiplatelets and anticoagulation in AMI
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Antiplatelets and anticoagulation in AMI
Introduction to Central Nervous system Pharmacology : Dr Rahul Kunkulol's Pow...
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Introduction to Central Nervous system Pharmacology : Dr Rahul Kunkulol's Pow...
Newer anticoagulants
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Newer anticoagulants

Semelhante a Antiplatelet new and anti coagulants : Dr Rahul Kunkulol's Power Point Presentations

Drugs for coagulation, Antiplatelets, Fibrinolytics & Antifibrinolytics
Drugs for coagulation, Antiplatelets, Fibrinolytics & AntifibrinolyticsDrugs for coagulation, Antiplatelets, Fibrinolytics & Antifibrinolytics
Drugs for coagulation, Antiplatelets, Fibrinolytics & AntifibrinolyticsBikashAdhikari26
03. antiplatelets. fibrinolytics ims pptx
03. antiplatelets. fibrinolytics ims pptx03. antiplatelets. fibrinolytics ims pptx
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Hemostasis, surgical bleeding and transfusion
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Hemostatic agents project
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Semelhante a Antiplatelet new and anti coagulants : Dr Rahul Kunkulol's Power Point Presentations (20)

Drugs for coagulation, Antiplatelets, Fibrinolytics & Antifibrinolytics
Drugs for coagulation, Antiplatelets, Fibrinolytics & AntifibrinolyticsDrugs for coagulation, Antiplatelets, Fibrinolytics & Antifibrinolytics
Drugs for coagulation, Antiplatelets, Fibrinolytics & Antifibrinolytics
03. antiplatelets. fibrinolytics ims pptx
03. antiplatelets. fibrinolytics ims pptx03. antiplatelets. fibrinolytics ims pptx
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Inotropes and vasopressors in cardiogenic shock
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Drugs coagulation lecture
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Inotropes and vasopressors in cardiogenic shock
ix of hemorrhagic disease.pptx
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Coagulant and anticoagulant
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An approach to a patient with Thrombocytopenia
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An approach to a patient with Thrombocytopenia
Myocardial infarction
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Myocardial infarction
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Coagulants and anticoagulants.pptx
Hemostatic agents project
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Hemostatic agents project
Coagulation cascade
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Coagulation cascade

Mais de Rahul Kunkulol

Therapeutic Index of drugs and Factors modifying drug action
Therapeutic Index of drugs and Factors modifying drug action Therapeutic Index of drugs and Factors modifying drug action
Therapeutic Index of drugs and Factors modifying drug action Rahul Kunkulol
Drug metabolism : Biotransformation
Drug metabolism : BiotransformationDrug metabolism : Biotransformation
Drug metabolism : BiotransformationRahul Kunkulol
Pharmacokinetics : Drug Distribution -Dr Rahul Kunkulol's Power point prepara...
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Pharmacokinetics : Drug Distribution -Dr Rahul Kunkulol's Power point prepara...Rahul Kunkulol
Introduction to chemotheraphy : Dr Rahul Kunkulol's Power point Presentations
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Introduction to chemotheraphy : Dr Rahul Kunkulol's Power point PresentationsRahul Kunkulol
Cephalosporins : Dr Rahul Kunkulol's Power point Presentations
Cephalosporins : Dr Rahul Kunkulol's Power point PresentationsCephalosporins : Dr Rahul Kunkulol's Power point Presentations
Cephalosporins : Dr Rahul Kunkulol's Power point PresentationsRahul Kunkulol
Antiretrovirals :Dr Rahul Kunkulol's Power point Presentations
Antiretrovirals :Dr Rahul Kunkulol's Power point PresentationsAntiretrovirals :Dr Rahul Kunkulol's Power point Presentations
Antiretrovirals :Dr Rahul Kunkulol's Power point PresentationsRahul Kunkulol
Penicillin : Dr Rahul Kunkulol's Power point Presentations
Penicillin : Dr Rahul Kunkulol's Power point PresentationsPenicillin : Dr Rahul Kunkulol's Power point Presentations
Penicillin : Dr Rahul Kunkulol's Power point PresentationsRahul Kunkulol
Acetylcholinesterase inhibitors : Dr Rahul Kunkulol
Acetylcholinesterase inhibitors : Dr Rahul KunkulolAcetylcholinesterase inhibitors : Dr Rahul Kunkulol
Acetylcholinesterase inhibitors : Dr Rahul KunkulolRahul Kunkulol
Introduction to Autonomic Nervous System Pharmacology
Introduction to Autonomic Nervous System PharmacologyIntroduction to Autonomic Nervous System Pharmacology
Introduction to Autonomic Nervous System PharmacologyRahul Kunkulol
Urinary Tract Infection
Urinary Tract InfectionUrinary Tract Infection
Urinary Tract InfectionRahul Kunkulol

Mais de Rahul Kunkulol (15)

Therapeutic Index of drugs and Factors modifying drug action
Therapeutic Index of drugs and Factors modifying drug action Therapeutic Index of drugs and Factors modifying drug action
Therapeutic Index of drugs and Factors modifying drug action
Drug metabolism : Biotransformation
Drug metabolism : BiotransformationDrug metabolism : Biotransformation
Drug metabolism : Biotransformation
Pharmacokinetics : Drug Distribution -Dr Rahul Kunkulol's Power point prepara...
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Pharmacokinetics : Drug Distribution -Dr Rahul Kunkulol's Power point prepara...
Introduction to chemotheraphy : Dr Rahul Kunkulol's Power point Presentations
Introduction to chemotheraphy : Dr Rahul Kunkulol's Power point PresentationsIntroduction to chemotheraphy : Dr Rahul Kunkulol's Power point Presentations
Introduction to chemotheraphy : Dr Rahul Kunkulol's Power point Presentations
Cephalosporins : Dr Rahul Kunkulol's Power point Presentations
Cephalosporins : Dr Rahul Kunkulol's Power point PresentationsCephalosporins : Dr Rahul Kunkulol's Power point Presentations
Cephalosporins : Dr Rahul Kunkulol's Power point Presentations
Antiretrovirals :Dr Rahul Kunkulol's Power point Presentations
Antiretrovirals :Dr Rahul Kunkulol's Power point PresentationsAntiretrovirals :Dr Rahul Kunkulol's Power point Presentations
Antiretrovirals :Dr Rahul Kunkulol's Power point Presentations
Penicillin : Dr Rahul Kunkulol's Power point Presentations
Penicillin : Dr Rahul Kunkulol's Power point PresentationsPenicillin : Dr Rahul Kunkulol's Power point Presentations
Penicillin : Dr Rahul Kunkulol's Power point Presentations
Acetylcholinesterase inhibitors : Dr Rahul Kunkulol
Acetylcholinesterase inhibitors : Dr Rahul KunkulolAcetylcholinesterase inhibitors : Dr Rahul Kunkulol
Acetylcholinesterase inhibitors : Dr Rahul Kunkulol
Introduction to Autonomic Nervous System Pharmacology
Introduction to Autonomic Nervous System PharmacologyIntroduction to Autonomic Nervous System Pharmacology
Introduction to Autonomic Nervous System Pharmacology
Urinary Tract Infection
Urinary Tract InfectionUrinary Tract Infection
Urinary Tract Infection
Antiretrovirals Antiretrovirals
Cephalosporins Cephalosporins
Antivirals Antivirals
Macrolide (l)
Macrolide (l)Macrolide (l)
Macrolide (l)


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Antiplatelet new and anti coagulants : Dr Rahul Kunkulol's Power Point Presentations

  • 1.
  • 2.
  • 3. HAEMOSTASIS- Cessation of blood loss from damaged blood
  • 4. Vasoconstriction Exposure to tissues activate Tissue factor and initiate coagulation Tissue Factor
  • 5.
  • 6. WHAT ARE PLATELETS ? White, discoid Smallest element of flowing blood • 1 - 2 microns diameter Lipid bilayer membrane Normal range 150000 – 450000 microlitre blood Formed from cytoplasm of megakaryocytes No nucleus
  • 7.
  • 8. Normal Function of Platelets Haemostasis Preventing bleeding from wounds Integrity and repair of the vessel wall
  • 9.
  • 10.
  • 11. Collagen VWF INJURY Platelet Adhesion & Secretion Platelet aggregation Tissue Factor Coagulation Cascade Thrombin Fibrin Haemostatic plug Vaso- constriction Blood Vessel Endothelium Subendothelium
  • 12. Thrombogenesis  Platelet aggregates bound together by fibrin strands (white clots)  Consist mainly of fibrin and RBCs (red clots) Arterial thrombus
  • 13. Platelets and Thromboemolism  Occludes artery / disintegrates into emboli occluding distal vessels resulting in ischemic necrosis of tissue supplied by the artery.(AMI)  Veins low pressure : Reduced blood flow (stasis)  Especially in valve pockets  Causes tissue drained by the vein to be edematous and inflamed (DVT)
  • 14. Vascular Injury  Trauma  Surgical manipulation  Prior thrombosis  Atherosclerosis Vascular Injury
  • 15. PLATELET AGGREGATORS Collagen Von willebrand factor ADP Thromboxane A2 Stress Thrombin
  • 16. Damaged blood vessel Release of collagen Activation of platelets Arachidonic acid Release of thrombinRelease of ADP Cyclic endperoxidase COX Release of TXA2 Activation of glycoprotein IIB/IIIA receptors Fibrinogen fibrin Activates P2Y1 Gq Gi Changes in platelet shape Increases phospoinositol inhibits adenylcyclase, decrease CAMP ?
  • 17. Targets for anti-platelet therapy Aspirin NSAIDs ADP receptor COX-1 TXA2 GPIIb - IIIa Signalling pathways ADP receptor antagonists Clopidogrel THROMBIN receptor Thrombin inhibitors II Phosphodiesterase inhibitors dipyridamole Fibrinogen Receptor Antagonists AA
  • 18. PGI 2- (Prostacyclins) Naturally occurring potent vasodilator and inhibitor of platelet aggregation. Produced by vessel walls, also present in brain ,gut and kidney. Formed from PG endperoxidase by the action of COX Inhibit platelet aggregation by stimulating adenylcyclase increasing cyclic AMP levels in platelets. Prostacyclins causes hypotension , tachycardia ,headache. intense facial flushing Very unstable ,1/2 life of 3 mins. Prostacyclins (Epoprostananol)-used during haemodialysis.
  • 19. CLASSIFICATION OF ANTIPLATELET AGENT- 1. PGI 2 2. TXA2 inhibitors- • Ticlopidine, Clopidogrel 3. ADP antagonists- • Dipyridamole, Pentoxifylline 4. Phospodiesterase inhibitor- 5. Glycoprotein IIB/IIIA receptors antagonists- Abciximab, Eptifibatide, Tirofiban
  • 20. Damaged blood vessel Release of collagen Activation of platelets Arachidonic acid Release of thrombinRelease of ADP Cyclic endperoxidase COX Release of TXA2 Activation of glycoprotein IIB/IIIA receptors Fibrinogen fibrin Activates P2Y1 Gq Gi Changes in platelet shape Increases phospoinositol inhibits adenylcyclase, decrease CAMP ?
  • 21. • MOA- ASPIRIN- In platelets major COX product is TXA2 , a labile inducer of platelet aggregation and potent vasoconstrictor. Aspirin blocks production of TXA2 by covalently acetylating serine residue near the active site of COX, this enzyme produces cyclic endperoxidase precursor of TXA2. Since platelets do not synthesize new proteins hence the action of aspirin on platelets is permanent (7-10 days).
  • 22. For complete inactivation of platelet COX dose of aspirin req. is 160 mg daily. Reason— Higher doses decrease efficacy of aspirin as they inhibit production of prostacyclins which is spared at low doses. (75-150mg) Higher doses also increase toxicity esp.. Bleeding.
  • 23. USES OF ASPIRIN Prevention of AMI in pts. Of unstable angina Prevention of reinfarction in pts. Of AMI and IHD Prevention of stroke in pts. Of cerbrovascular accidents and h/o TIA For improving prognosis in patients with atherosclerotic peripheral vascular diseases Percutaneous angioplasty for coronary thrombosis , Primary prophylaxis of thromboembolism in pts with prosthetic heart valves
  • 24. ADP antagonists- Ticlopidine Ticlopidine blocks Gi coupled ADP receptors It is a prodrug requires conversion to active form by Cyp450. Rapid absorp. ,high bioavailability Maximal inhibition of platelet inhibition it takes 8-11 days after starting therapy. Dose-loading 500mg for rapid onset of action. Usual dose 250mgBD AE- Nausea ,Vomiting, Diarrhea, Neutropenia, Thrombotic Thrombocytopenia Uses- Prevention cerebrovascular events, in 2ndary prevention of stroke Unstable angina Combination –Aspirin + ticlopidine---angioplasty, coronary artery stenting
  • 25. Clopidogrel Less toxic then ticlo. less incidence of leucopenia, thrombocytopenia. Less used than Ticlopidine MOA, PK profile same as Ticlopidine Dose 75mg/day Rest same as Ticlopidine.
  • 26. • MOA Inhibition of PDE (phospodiesterase enzyme) and/ or by blockade of adenosine which act at A2 receptor to stimulate adenylcyclase thus increase CAMP causing platelet inhibition. Current recommended use- Along with Warffarin in primary prophylaxis of thromboemboli in pts with prosthetic heart valves
  • 27. Xanthine analogue Increases deformability of RBCs thus increases microcirculation, reduce fibrinogen levels, inhibit pl. aggregation. Uses- CVAs esp.TIA(transient ischemic attacks) , Ischemic ulcers of legs Dose 400mg tds
  • 28. Glycoprotein IIB/IIIA receptors antagonists Platelet surface receptor, receptor for fibrinogen and von willebrand factor,which anchors platelets to foreign surface and each other thereby mediating aggregation. Receptor is activated by TXA2, Collagen, and thrombin to developbinding sites for its ligands. Inhibition of binding to this receptor blocks platelet aggregation induced by the agonist.
  • 29. Abciximab Monoclonal antibody cause platelet receptor blockade. Given IV max. effect seen with in 2hrs, DOA 10-12 hrs. Use- percutaneous angioplasty for coronary thrombosis Prevents restenosis, recurrent and death when used in conjugation with aspirin and heparin. Dose-0.25mg bolus---0.125microgm/kg/min for 12hrs IV AE-bleeding Contraindication same as fibrinolytics
  • 30. Questions  Discuss in detail antiplatelet drugs. Add note on use of low dose Aspirin as an antiplatelet agent.  Short note:  Low dose Aspirin  Ticlopidine  Glycoprotein IIb/IIIa antagonists
  • 31.
  • 32. Coagulation Phase Two major pathways • Intrinsic pathway • Extrinsic pathway 13 soluble factors are involved in clotting Biosynthesis of these factors are dependent on Vitamin K1 and K2 Most of these factors are proteases Normally inactive and sequentially activated Hereditary lack of clotting factors lead to hemophilia -A
  • 34. Intrinsic Pathway  All clotting factors are within the blood vessels  Clotting slower  Activated partial thromboplastin test (aPTT)  Blood sample + calcium  Mix with negatively charged phospholipid  Kaoline (aluminum silicate)  Determine clotting time  Generally clotting occurs in 26 to 33 seconds  Used to detect defects in the intrinsic pathway Extrinsic Pathway  Initiating factor outside the blood vessels - tissue factor  Clotting - faster - in Seconds  Prothrombin test (PT)  Tissue Thromboplastin factor III  Mix with phospholipid extract  Add calcium and blood sample  Determine clotting time  Generally 12 - 14 seconds  Used to detect defects in extrinsic pathway
  • 35. Diagnosis of coagulation defects • Defective Intrinsic Pathway Prolonged APTT No change in PT • Defective Extrinsic Pathway No change in APTT Prolonged PT • Defective in Common pathway Prolonged APTT Prolonged PT
  • 36. Blood Vessel Injury IX IXa XI XIa X Xa XII XIIa Tissue Injury Tissue Factor Thromboplastin VIIa VII X Prothrombin II Thrombin IIa Fibrinogen Fribrin monomer Fibrin polymer XIII Intrinsic Pathway Extrinsic Pathway Factors affected By Heparin Vit. K dependent Factors Affected by Oral Anticoagulants
  • 38.
  • 39. ANTICOAGULANTS  These are the drugs used to reduce coagulability of blood.  Classification In vitro anticoagulants In vivo anticoagulants Heparin A) -Heparin Sodium citrate -Low molecular weight Heparin Sodium oxalate -Danaparoid Sodium edetate -Lepirudin -Heparan sulfate B) Oral anticoagulants
  • 40. B) Oral anticoagulants  Warfarin sodium  Bishydroxycoumarin (dicumarol)  Acenocoumarol  Phenindione
  • 41. Heparin Chemistry & Occurence Straight chain mucopolysaccharide, glycosaminoglycans MW 10000-20000. Average=15,000 d (~45monosaccharide chains) Strongest organic acid in the body. Heparin is present in all tissues containing mast cells, richest source are liver, lung (bovine) and intestinal mucosa (porcine) LMWH isolated from standard heparin by gel filtration chromatography or partial depolymerization. (1000-10000 daltons).
  • 42. MOA  Heparin binds to antithrombin III -----complex  Increases thrombin –AT reaction 1000folds.  Heparin induces conformational change in ATIII to expose its interactive sites.  Long heparin molecule provides scaffolding for clotting factors ( Xa & IIa) aswellas ATIII.  At low conc. interferes with intrinsic pathway while at high common pathway.  ATIII inhibits activated clotting factors of intrinsic and common pathway including thrombin, Xa, IXa and thus acts as Succide substrate
  • 44. Thrombin inhibition catalysed by heparin AT R H AT H AT H AT H R P P P P R R
  • 45. FXa inhibition catalysed by heparin AT R H AT H AT H AT H R P P P P R R
  • 46. Anticoagulant Properties of Heparin 1. Inhibits the thrombin-mediated conversion of fibrinogen to fibrin 2. Inhibits the aggregation of platelets by thrombin 3. Inhibits activation of fibrin stabilizing enzyme 4. Inhibits activated factors XII, XI, IX, X and II
  • 47. Pharmacokinetics  Not effective orally  Sc/ iv administration  Onset immediate, peak in 5-10mins  Metabolized in liver  Excretion through kidney.
  • 48. Unfractionated Heparin  High Dose  Treatment of venous/arterial thrombi  Requires monitoring  IV- 5,000 Units bolus, then 30,000-35,000 units/24 hrs  80 Units/kg bolus, then 18 Units/kg/hr to maintain aPTT in therapeutic range  therapeutic goal – 2-2.5 times normal control value (-30 sec)
  • 49. Low Dose Unfractionated Heparin  Surgical Prophylaxis  5,000 Units SC 2 hr preop  5,000 Units SC every 12 hours  Medical Prophylaxis  5,000 Units SC every 12 hours  No monitoring required
  • 50.
  • 51. ADVANTAGES OF LMWH 1. Less anti IIa activity than anti Xa activity 2. Good pk profile 3. More predictable dose response 4. Can be given by subcutaneous route 5. No monitoring required, can be given OPD basis 6. Less anti-platelet effects 7. Longer t1/2’s 8. Decreased hospital stay 9. More favorable benefit – risk ratio
  • 52. LMWH  1mg/ kg S.C BD for DVT  30mg/ Kg S.C. for DVT prophylaxis of Knee and hip surgery  1mg/ kg S.C BD for DVT  30mg/ Kg S.C. for DVT prophylaxis of Knee and hip surgery
  • 53. Adverse effects  Allergic and anaphylactic manifestations  Bleeding (1-33%)-antidote- Protamine sulphate  Heparin induced thromocytopenia. (more than 25%)  Alopecia  Osteoporosis  Hyperkalemia
  • 54.
  • 55. Mechanisms of HIT  Type 1 (Non immune):  Fall in platelet count occurs within the first two days after heparin initiation, and returns to normal with continued heparin administration, and is of no clinical consequence.  Direct effect of heparin on platelet activation.  Type 2 (Immune):  Approx 0.3 to 3 percent of patients receiving heparin  Mediated by antibodies to a heparin-platelet factor 4 complex.  Seen with unfractionated heparin but in not with LMWH
  • 56.
  • 57. Warfarin Warfarin, a coumarin derivative, is the most commonly used oral anticoagulant (OAC) . Warfarin is a vitamin K antagonist - Impairs the generation of active vitamin K, decreasing the amounts of vitamin K dependent coagulation factors • (FII, FVII, FIX, FX) Depending on factors such as age, risk factors, recurrence, etc., warfarin may be continued for anywhere from 1 month to lifelong
  • 58. Oral anticoagulants : warfarin, dicumarol  Coumarins - warfarin, dicumarol  Isolated from clover leaves  Structurally related to vitamin K  Inhibits production of active clotting factors  Absorption rapid –high plasma protein binding binds to albumin  Clearance is slow - 36 hrs  Delayed onset 8 - 12 hrs  Overdose - reversed by vitamin K infusion  Can cross placenta - do not use during late pregnancies
  • 59. Mechanism of action Descarboxy Prothrombin Prothrombin Reduced Vitamin K Oxidized Vitamin K NADHNAD Warfarin
  • 60.
  • 61.
  • 62. Warfarin Monitoring • Why monitor? Need to balance proper anticoagulation without bleeding risk. • Monitored with PT, expressed as INR: Warfarin Monitoring • Where ISI = International Sensitivity Index, assigned by each thromboplastin manufacturer • Warfarin is given orally and titrated to achieve an INR of typically 2.0 – 3.0 INR = [Patient PT / Mean Normal PT]ISI
  • 63. INR : International Normalized Ratio.  Different thromboplastins vary in sensitivity  To give PT values a consistent basis of comparison from lab to lab, WHO instituted the INR:  A uniform value in which the PT is expressed as a ratio.  Many manufacturers aim for an ISI of 1.0.  INR is affected by diet (because of the vitamin K dependent mechanism of action), other medications,  Monitored routinely, every 2 to 4 weeks
  • 64. Drug interaction- Prototype Warfarin Category Mechanisms Examples of drugs Drugs that Increase Warfarin Activity Decrease binding to Albumin Aspirin, Sulfonamides Inhibit Degradation Cimetidine, Decrease synthesis of Clotting Factors Antibiotics (oral) Drugs that promote bleeding Inhibition of platelets Aspirin Inhibition of clotting Factors Heparin Antimetabolites Drugs decrease Warfarin activity Induction of metabolizing Enzymes Barbiturates Increases synthesis of Clotting Factors Vitamin K
  • 65. New Anticoagulants Limitations of traditional anticoagulants, both with Heparin and Warfarin, have prompted the development of new agents
  • 67. FXa Inhibitors Parenteral synthetic pentasaccharide analogs • Synthetic and highly selective inhibitor of FXa • Acts as cofactor to AT • Administered by subcutaneous injection ONCE A DAY • Absolute bioavailability of 100% Fondaparinux (Arixtra®)
  • 68. FXa Inhibitors Parenteral synthetic pentasaccharide analogs • LMW mixture of heparinoids (glycosaminoglycans, GAGs); acts as cofactor to AT • Anticoagulation effect is predominantly mediated by inhibition of FXa • Also has some anti-IIa effects • Fast acting, generally predictable dose response Danaparoid
  • 69. Direct Thrombin Inhibitors • Recombinant hirudin, a derivative of the saliva of the medicinal leech Hirudo medicinalis • First direct thrombin inhibitor (DTI) to be approved by the FDA for anticoagulation in patients with (HIT) • Can be monitored with APTT, TT, chromogenic anti-IIa.
  • 70. Direct Thrombin Inhibitors • A synthetic anticoagulant for prophylaxis or treatment of thrombosis in patients with heparin-induced thrombocytopenia (HIT) • Active against both free and clot- bound thrombin • Argatroban is typically monitored by APTT, but other methods like the chromogenic anti-IIa assay may be more accurate. Argatroban
  • 71. Direct Thrombin Inhibitors • Synthetic polypeptide hirudin analog that interacts with the thrombin active site to reversibly inhibit thrombin • Alternative to heparin • Administered parenterally • Short half life • Monitored by Activated Clotting Time (ACT) Bivalirudin
  • 72. Direct Thrombin Inhibitors • Studies have shown similar efficacy and bleeding risk to warfarin • Does not need monitoring • Was not FDA approved: more studies needed to assess liver failure risk Ximelagatran oral anticoagulant
  • 73.
  • 74.
  • 75. The Extent of Thrombotic Disease Annually in the U.S. 1.5 million MIs-Mortality of 30% (450,000) 500,000 CVAs -Mortality of 30% (150,000) 2 million DVTs 200,000 deaths from PE
  • 76. Venous Thromboembolism Third most common cardiovascular disease Significant morbidity and mortality VTE includes: • Deep Venous Thrombosis (DVT) • Pulmonary Embolism (PE)
  • 77. Economy Class Syndrome Medical condition called Venous Thromboembolism Fibrin thrombi. 3months anticoagulants theraphy is required in DVT and PE For prophylaxis of pts.undergoing surgery--- LMWH—Decreases risk of leg vein thrombosis & PE. Anticoagulants are indicated for prophylaxis in bedridden, old, postoperative, post stroke, postpartum, leg fracture patients
  • 78. Deep Vein Thrombosis  Blood clot of lower leg or thigh  Approximately 1 per 1,000 people affected by DVT  Hospitalization for 5 to 7 days  50% of patients with DVT are asymptomatic
  • 79. Pulmonary Embolism Dislodged blood clot entering the pulmonary circulation Accounts for 5-10% of all hospital deaths 80% of patients die within the first 2 hours CT Scan of Pulmonary Embolism
  • 81. AMI AND UNSTABLE ANGINA Arterial thrombi-platelet thrombi Use of anticoagulants??? Beneficial in preventing mural thrombi at infarction site and venous thrombi in leg veins. Can be given for short periods till the Pt. is ambulatory. Heparin iv for 2-8 days followed by oral anticoagulant for 3 months. Short term use in unstable angina.
  • 82. RHD, AF Warfarin / low dose aspirin / LMWH are effective in preventing stroke due to embolism from fibrillating atria. Warfarin the most effective. (3-4week theraphy)
  • 83. Blood Hypercoagulability Increased procoagulants Decrease in inhibitors Impaired fibrinolysis Occurs in obstretic conditions, mallignancies, infections.
  • 84.
  • 85. • Enhance degradation of clots • Activation of endogenous protease • Plasminogen (inactive form) is converted to Plasmin (active form) • Plasmin breaks down fibrin clots Fibrinolysis
  • 87. • Streptokinase - bacterial product - continuous use - immune reaction • Urokinase - human tissue derived - no immune response • Tissue plasminogen activator (tPA) - genetically cloned - no immune reaction - EXPENSIVE FIBRINOLYTICS Inhibitors of fibrinolysis
  • 88.  Streptokinase is a protein (but not an enzyme in itself) synthesized by streptococci that combines with the pro-activator plasminogen.  This enzymatic complex catalyzes the conversion of inactive plasminogen to active plasmin
  • 89.  Urokinase is a human enzyme synthesized by the kidney that directly converts plasminogen to active plasmin.  Plasmin formed inside a thrombus by these activators is protected from plasma antiplasmins, which allows it to lyse the thrombus from within
  • 90.  Plasminogen can also be activated endogenously by tissue plasminogen activators (t-PAs).  Activate plasminogen that is bound to fibrin, which (in theory) confines fibrinolysis to the formed thrombus and avoids systemic activation.  Human t-PA is manufactured as ALTEPLASE by means of recombinant DNA technology.
  • 91.  RETEPLASE is less expensive than Alteplase. It lacks the major fibrin-binding domain thus is less fibrin-specific than Alteplase  TENECTEPLASE is a mutant form of t-PA that has a longer half-life, and it can be given as an intravenous bolus. Tenecteplase is slightly more fibrin-specific than Alteplase
  • 92.
  • 93.
  • 94. DOSES • Dose:250000 U loading dose followed by 100000 U every hr for 24 -72 hrs Streptokinase • Loading dose of 300000 U followed by 300000 U/hr for 12 hrs Urokinase • 60mg iv over 1 hr followed by 40mg iv at a rate of 20mg/ hr Alteplase (t-PA)
  • 95. Contraindications to Antithrombotic Therapy • Pre-existing coagulation or platelet defect, thrombocytopenia, or other bleeding abnormality • Inaccessible ulcerative lesion(e.g., gastrointestinal tract lesion) • Central nervous system lesion (e.g., caused by stroke, surgery, trauma) • Malignant hypertension • Advanced retinopathy • Old age (relative) • Aspirin or other antiplatelet drugs • Neoplastic disease General risk factors
  • 96. Contraindications to Antithrombotic Therapy • Recent thoracic, abdominal, or central nervous system surgery • Recent cerebrovascular accident, trauma, or neoplasm • Bleeding ulcer • Anticipated invasive procedures (arterial punctures, biopsies, central lines) • Concurrent hemostatic dysfunction Specific to thrombolytic agents
  • 97. • AMI • Multiple pulmonary emboli. • Pulmonary embolism with hemodynamic instability • Central DVT • Pheripheral vascular disease Indications
  • 98. Drug preparations : to stop bleeding
  • 99. Fibrinolytic Inhibitors: Aminocaproic Acid  Similar to the amino acid lysine, is a synthetic inhibitor of fibrinolysis  Competitively inhibits plasminogen activation  Oral dosage of EACA is 6 g four times a day  Tranexamic acid is an analog of aminocaproic acid and has the same properties. It is administered orally with a 15 mg/kg loading dose followed by 30 mg/kg every 6 hours
  • 100. USES  Adjunctive therapy in hemophilia  Bleeding from fibrinolytic therapy  Prophylaxis for re-bleeding from intracranial aneurysms.  Postsurgical gastrointestinal bleeding ,post prostatectomy bleeding ,bladder hemorrhage secondary to radiation and drug-induced cystitis.  Adverse effects  Intravascular thrombosis from inhibition of plasminogen activator  Hypotension, myopathy, abdominal discomfort, diarrhea, and nasal stuffiness
  • 101. Drug preparations: clotting deficiencies Vitamin K • Oral : 5 mg tablets Plasma fractions - for hemophilia • Antihemophilic factor ( VIII, AHF) • Parenteral Factor IX complex • Parenteral : in vials