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Going Native Highlights
Introduction to Variadic Templates.
          Clang overview.
Variadic Templates

• Fundamentals
• Usage
• Samples

             Quickoffice Proprietary and Confidential - Not for Disclosure   2

Class declaration:

template<typename... Ts>
class A

Function declaration:

template<typename... Ts>
voidfoo(const Ts&... vs)
                        Quickoffice Proprietary and Confidential - Not for Disclosure   3
What is Ts and vs?

• Ts is an alias for a list of types
• vs is an alias for a list of values

typedef Ts MyList; // error!
Ts var;// error!
auto copy = vs;// error!

                     Quickoffice Proprietary and Confidential - Not for Disclosure   4
Parameters Packs Usage

• Get pack size

size_t items = sizeof...(Ts); // or vs

• Expand back

template<typename... Ts>
voidfoo(const Ts&... Vs) {
    goo(1, std::forward<Ts>(vs)..., 42);

                      Quickoffice Proprietary and Confidential - Not for Disclosure   5
Expansion rules

Usage                           Expansion result
Ts...                           T1, … , Tn
Ts&...                          T1&, … , Tn&
A<Ts, B>::foo...                A<T1, B>::foo , … , A<Tn, B>::foo
A<const Ts&, Us>...             A<const T1&, U1>, … , A<constTn&, Un>
pow(vs,42)...                   pow(v1, 42), … , pow(vn, 42)

                      Quickoffice Proprietary and Confidential - Not for Disclosure   6
Where to use?

• Initializer lists
int a[] = { vs... };

• Base class specifier
template<typename... Ts>
struct A : B<Ts>...

• Class members initializer lists
template<typename... Us>
A(Us... vs) : B<Ts>(vs)... {}

                       Quickoffice Proprietary and Confidential - Not for Disclosure   7
Where to use?

• Template arguments lists

• Exception specifications

• Capture lists
template<class... Ts>
voidfoo(Ts... vs) {
autolamda = [&vs...] { returngoo(vs...); }

                      Quickoffice Proprietary and Confidential - Not for Disclosure   8
Multiple expansions

template<class... Ts>
voidfoo(Ts... vs)

                    Quickoffice Proprietary and Confidential - Not for Disclosure   9
Where is used?

•   std::make_shared
template<class T, class... Ts>
shared_ptr<T>make_shared(Ts&&... vs);

•   std::vector::emplace_back
template<class... Args>
voidemplace_back(Args&&... args);

                   Quickoffice Proprietary and Confidential - Not for Disclosure   10

• Stock printf:
  –   Fast
  –   Thread-safe
  –   Convenient
  –   Ubiquitously known
  –   Utterly unsafe
• Goal: add verification of the provided parameters

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• Adaptation routines
template<class T>
Typenameenable_if<is_integral<T>::value, long>::type
normalizeArg(Targ) { returnarg; }

template<class T>
typenameenable_if<is_floating_point<T>::value, double>::type
normalizeArg(Targ) { returnarg; }

template<class T>
typenameenable_if<is_pointer<T>::value, T>::type
normalizeArg(Targ) { returnarg; }

constchar* normalizeArg(const string&arg)
{ returnarg.c_str(); }

                         Quickoffice Proprietary and Confidential - Not for Disclosure   12

// Not really safe yet
template<typename... Ts>
intsafe_printf(constchar* format, const Ts&... ts)
returnprintf(format, normalizeArg(ts)...);

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• Implement verification routine for argument-less call

voidcheck_printf(constchar * f)
for (; *f; ++f)
if (*f != ’%’ || *++f == ’%’) continue;
throwExc("Bad format");

                      Quickoffice Proprietary and Confidential - Not for Disclosure   14

template<class T, typename... Ts>
voidcheck_printf(constchar * f, const T&t, const Ts&... ts)
for (; *f; ++f)
if (*f != ’%’ || *++f == ’%’) continue;
switch (*f)
default: throwExc("Invalid format char: %", *f);
case ’f’: case ’g’:
case ’s’: . . .
returncheck_printf(++f, ts...); // AHA!!!
throwExc("Too few format specifiers.");
                     Quickoffice Proprietary and Confidential - Not for Disclosure   15

• Final step

template<typename... Ts>
intsafe_printf(constchar* format, const Ts&... ts)
check_printf(format, normalizeArg(ts)...);
returnprintf(format, normalizeArg(ts)...);

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•   Motivation
•   Diagnostics
•   Static analysis
•   Dynamic analysis
•   Current state
•   Tool sample

                 Quickoffice Proprietary and Confidential - Not for Disclosure   17

• Performance
• Diagnostics
• Tools

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intw = 0;
for (inti = 0; i<3; i++)
w += w * 2;

$ gcc -fsyntax-only test.c
test.c:2: error: expected identifier or ‘(’ before ‘for’
test.c:2: error: expected ‘=’, ‘,’, ‘;’, ‘asm’ or ‘__attribute__’ before ‘<’ token
test.c:2: error: expected ‘=’, ‘,’, ‘;’, ‘asm’ or ‘__attribute__’ before ‘++’

                       Quickoffice Proprietary and Confidential - Not for Disclosure   19

“... is there a reason for not making the
 [GCC] front ends dynamic libraries
which could be linked by any program
that wants to parse source code?”

                    “One of our main goals for GCC is to prevent
                   any parts of it from being used together with
                  non-free software. Thus, we have deliberately
                  avoided many things that might possibly have
                          the effect of facilitating such usage...”
                                               - Richard Stallman

                 Quickoffice Proprietary and Confidential - Not for Disclosure   20

#define FOO 0
intfoo() {
// ...
x = x + FOO;
// ...

#define FOO 0
intfoo() {
// ...
x = x;
// ...
                Quickoffice Proprietary and Confidential - Not for Disclosure   21

template<int N>struct S1 { intarr[N - 5]; };
template<typename T>struct S2 { S1<sizeof(T)> s1; };
template<typename T>voidfoo(Tx) { S2<T> s2; }
void test() { foo(42); }

                   Quickoffice Proprietary and Confidential - Not for Disclosure   22

$ clang++ -std=c++11 -fsyntax-only test.cpp
test.cpp:1:38:error:'arr' declared as an array with a negative size
template <int N>struct S1 { intarr[N - 5]; };
test.cpp:2:49: note: in instantiation of template class 'S1<4>' requested here
template <typename T>struct S2 { S1<sizeof(T)> s1; };
test.cpp:3:45: note: in instantiation of template class 'S2<int>' requested here
template <typename T> void foo(Tx) { S2<T> s2; }
test.cpp:4:15: note: in instantiation of function template specialization 'foo<int>'
    requested here
void test() { foo(42); }
1 error generated.

                         Quickoffice Proprietary and Confidential - Not for Disclosure   23

#define M1(x, y, z) y();
#define M2(x, y, z) M1(x, y, z)
void test() {
   M2(a, b, c)

                     Quickoffice Proprietary and Confidential - Not for Disclosure   24

$ clang++ -std=c++11 -fsyntax-only test.cpp
test.cpp:4:11: error: use of undeclared identifier 'b’
   M2(a, b, c);
test.cpp:2:27: note: expanded from macro 'M2'
#define M2(x, y, z) M1(x, y, z)
test.cpp:1:21: note: expanded from macro 'M1'
#define M1(x, y, z) y();
1 error generated.

$ g++ -fsyntax-only test.cpp
test.cpp: In function ‘void test()’:
test.cpp:4: error: ‘b’ was not declared in this scope

                         Quickoffice Proprietary and Confidential - Not for Disclosure   25

structBaseType {};
structDerivedType : publicBaseType {
DerivedType() : basetype() {}

                  Quickoffice Proprietary and Confidential - Not for Disclosure   26

% clang++ -std=c++11 -fsyntax-only typo1.cpp
typo1.cpp:4:19: error:initializer 'basetype' does not name a non-static
    data member or base class; did you mean the base class 'BaseType’?
DerivedType() : basetype() {}
typo1.cpp:2:22: note: base class 'BaseType' specified here
structDerivedType : public BaseType {

1 error generated.

                     Quickoffice Proprietary and Confidential - Not for Disclosure   27

#include <sys/stat.h>
intfoo(intx, struct stat* P)
return P->st_blocksize * 2;

                    Quickoffice Proprietary and Confidential - Not for Disclosure   28

$ clang++ -std=c++11 -fsyntax-only test.cpp
test.cpp:3:13:error:no member named 'st_blocksize' in 'stat'; did you
    mean 'st_blksize'?
  return P->st_blocksize*2;
/usr/include/sys/stat.h:225:13: note: 'st_blksize' declared here
struct stat __DARWIN_STRUCT_STAT64;
/usr/include/sys/stat.h:212:12: note: expanded from macro
blksize_tst_blksize; /*... */ 
1 error generated.

                   Quickoffice Proprietary and Confidential - Not for Disclosure   29

template<class T, class U>struct S {};
template<typename... Ts>voidf(Ts...);

template<typename... Ts>struct X {
template<typename... Us>voidg() {
f(S<Ts, Us>()...);

voidtest(X<int, float>x)
x.g<int, float, double>();

                     Quickoffice Proprietary and Confidential - Not for Disclosure   30

$ clang++ -std=c++11 -fsyntax-only test.cpp
test.cpp:8:22: error: pack expansion contains parameter packs 'Ts' and
    'Us' that have different lengths (2 vs. 3)
f(S<Ts, Us>()...);
         ~~ ~~ ^
test.cpp:14:7: note: in instantiation of function template specialization 'X<int,
    float>::g<int, float, double>' requested here
x.g<int, float, double>();
1 error generated.

                      Quickoffice Proprietary and Confidential - Not for Disclosure   31

#include <memory.h>
struct S { int a, b, c; float vec[16]; };
voidtest(S *s)
// ...
memset(s, 0, sizeof(s));
// ...

                      Quickoffice Proprietary and Confidential - Not for Disclosure   32

$ clang++ -std=c++11 -fsyntax-only test.cpp
test.cpp:5:25: warning: argument to 'sizeof' in 'memset' call is the same
    expression as the destination; did you mean to dereference it? [-
memset(s, 0, sizeof(s));
       ~       ^
1 warning generated.

                    Quickoffice Proprietary and Confidential - Not for Disclosure   33

intfoo() {
int arr[42];
// ...
return arr[42];

                  Quickoffice Proprietary and Confidential - Not for Disclosure   34

$ clang++ -std=c++11 -fsyntax-only test.cpp
test.cpp:4:12: warning: array index of '42' indexes past the end of an array
    (that contains 42 elements) [-Warray-bounds]
   return arr[42];
        ^ ~~
test.cpp:2:5: note: array 'arr' declared here
int arr[42];
1 warning generated.

                    Quickoffice Proprietary and Confidential - Not for Disclosure   35

DiskCacheSize = 8<<30; // 8 Gigs

                   Quickoffice Proprietary and Confidential - Not for Disclosure   36

$ clang++ -std=c++11 -fsyntax-only test.cpp
test.cpp:2:23: warning: signed shift result (0x200000000) requires 35 bits
    to represent, but 'int' only has 32 bits [-Wshift-overflow]
DiskCacheSize = 8 << 30; // 8 Gigs
             ~ ^ ~~
1 warning generated.

                   Quickoffice Proprietary and Confidential - Not for Disclosure   37

voidtest(boolb, doublex, doubley)
if (b || x<y&&x>0)
// ...

                   Quickoffice Proprietary and Confidential - Not for Disclosure   38

$ clang++ -std=c++11 -fsyntax-only test.cpp
test.cpp:2:19: warning: '&&' within '||' [-Wlogical-op-parentheses]
  if (b || x<y&&x> 0) {
        ~~ ~~~~~~^~~~~~~~
test.cpp:2:19: note: place parentheses around the '&&' expression to silence
     this warning
  if (b || x<y&&x> 0) {
          (       )
1 warning generated.

                    Quickoffice Proprietary and Confidential - Not for Disclosure   39

constexprintarr_size = 42;
constexprint N = 44;
voidf(int);int test()
// ...
// ...
if (N <arr_size) returnarr[N];

                     Quickoffice Proprietary and Confidential - Not for Disclosure   40

$ clang++ -std=c++11 -fsyntax-only test.cpp
test.cpp:7:7: warning: array index of '44' indexes past the end of an array
    (that contains 42 elements) [-Warray-bounds]
     ^ ~
test.cpp:5:5:note: array 'arr' declared here
1 warning generated.

                    Quickoffice Proprietary and Confidential - Not for Disclosure   41
Static Analysis

structmutex {
void lock();
void unlock();

bool bar();
void test() {
while (foo()) {
if (bar()) {
if (x<42&&foo()){
                    Quickoffice Proprietary and Confidential - Not for Disclosure   42
Static Analysis

struct [[ts::lockable]] mutex {
void lock() [[ts::exclusive_lock_function]];
void unlock() [[ts::unlock_function]];

intx [[ts::guarded_by(m)]];
boolfoo() [[ts::exclusive_locks_required(m)]];
bool bar();
void test() {
while (foo()) {
if (bar()) {
if (x<42&&foo()){
                      Quickoffice Proprietary and Confidential - Not for Disclosure   43
Static Analysis

struct __attribute__((lockable)) mutex {
void lock() __attribute__((exclusive_lock_function));
void unlock() __attribute__((unlock_function));

boolfoo() __attribute__((exclusive_locks_required(m)));
bool bar();
void test() {
while (foo()) {
if (bar()) {
if (x<42&&foo()){
                      Quickoffice Proprietary and Confidential - Not for Disclosure   44

$ clang++ -std=c++11 -fsyntax-only -Wthread-safety test.cpp
test.cpp:11:5: warning: expecting mutex 'm' to be locked at start of each
    loop [-Wthread-safety]
test.cpp:11:5: warning:mutex 'm' is still locked at the end of function [-
test.cpp:15:17: warning: reading variable 'x' requires locking 'm' [-
        if (x< 42 &&foo()) {
test.cpp:19:9: warning:mutex 'm' is still locked at the end of its scope [-
4 warnings generated.

                    Quickoffice Proprietary and Confidential - Not for Disclosure   45
Current Status

• Platforms:
  + Linux
  + Mac OS X
  – Windows
• C++11 features:
  + Almost all features implemented in v2.9+/SVN
  – Missing features:
      • Generalized attributes
      • Inheriting constructors
      • Concurrency

                    Quickoffice Proprietary and Confidential - Not for Disclosure   46
Brief architecture overview

• GCC compatible
• Library based architecture
  – libsupport, libsystem, libbasic, libast, liblex, libparse, libsema,
    libcodegen, librewrite, libanalysis, libindex
• One kind of as AST for C++/C and Objective-C
• Visitor interface ASTConsumer for Front-end actions

                    Quickoffice Proprietary and Confidential - Not for Disclosure   47
Sample ASTConsumer

classPrintFunctionsConsumer : publicASTConsumer
virtualvoidHandleTopLevelDecl(DeclGroupRef DG)
for (DeclGroupRef::iterator it = DG.begin();
         it != DG.end();
constDecl* D = *it;
if (constNamedDecl* ND = dyn_cast<NamedDecl>(D))
llvm::errs() << ” topleveldecl : ” ”
<< ND->getNameAsString()
<< ” ” n ”;

                   Quickoffice Proprietary and Confidential - Not for Disclosure   48
Thirdparty tools

"Include what you use" means this: for every symbol (type,
function variable, or macro) that you use in, either
or foo.h should #include a .h file that exports the declaration of
that symbol. The include-what-you-use tool is a program that
can be built with the clang libraries in order to analyze
#includes of source files to find include-what-you-use
violations, and suggest fixes for them.

                 Quickoffice Proprietary and Confidential - Not for Disclosure   49

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  • 1. Going Native Highlights Introduction to Variadic Templates. Clang overview.
  • 2. Variadic Templates • Fundamentals • Usage • Samples Quickoffice Proprietary and Confidential - Not for Disclosure 2
  • 3. Fundamentals Class declaration: template<typename... Ts> class A { }; Function declaration: template<typename... Ts> voidfoo(const Ts&... vs) { } Quickoffice Proprietary and Confidential - Not for Disclosure 3
  • 4. What is Ts and vs? • Ts is an alias for a list of types • vs is an alias for a list of values typedef Ts MyList; // error! Ts var;// error! auto copy = vs;// error! Quickoffice Proprietary and Confidential - Not for Disclosure 4
  • 5. Parameters Packs Usage • Get pack size size_t items = sizeof...(Ts); // or vs • Expand back template<typename... Ts> voidfoo(const Ts&... Vs) { goo(1, std::forward<Ts>(vs)..., 42); } Quickoffice Proprietary and Confidential - Not for Disclosure 5
  • 6. Expansion rules Usage Expansion result Ts... T1, … , Tn Ts&... T1&, … , Tn& A<Ts, B>::foo... A<T1, B>::foo , … , A<Tn, B>::foo A<const Ts&, Us>... A<const T1&, U1>, … , A<constTn&, Un> pow(vs,42)... pow(v1, 42), … , pow(vn, 42) Quickoffice Proprietary and Confidential - Not for Disclosure 6
  • 7. Where to use? • Initializer lists int a[] = { vs... }; • Base class specifier template<typename... Ts> struct A : B<Ts>... { }; • Class members initializer lists template<typename... Us> A(Us... vs) : B<Ts>(vs)... {} Quickoffice Proprietary and Confidential - Not for Disclosure 7
  • 8. Where to use? • Template arguments lists std::map<Ts...>foo; • Exception specifications • Capture lists template<class... Ts> voidfoo(Ts... vs) { autolamda = [&vs...] { returngoo(vs...); } lamda(); } Quickoffice Proprietary and Confidential - Not for Disclosure 8
  • 9. Multiple expansions template<class... Ts> voidfoo(Ts... vs) { goo(A<Ts...>::hoo(vs)...); goo(A<Ts...>::hoo(vs...)); goo(A<Ts>::hoo(vs)...); } Quickoffice Proprietary and Confidential - Not for Disclosure 9
  • 10. Where is used? • std::make_shared template<class T, class... Ts> shared_ptr<T>make_shared(Ts&&... vs); • std::vector::emplace_back template<class... Args> voidemplace_back(Args&&... args); Quickoffice Proprietary and Confidential - Not for Disclosure 10
  • 11. Typesafeprintf • Stock printf: – Fast – Thread-safe – Convenient – Ubiquitously known – Utterly unsafe • Goal: add verification of the provided parameters Quickoffice Proprietary and Confidential - Not for Disclosure 11
  • 12. Typesafeprintf • Adaptation routines template<class T> Typenameenable_if<is_integral<T>::value, long>::type normalizeArg(Targ) { returnarg; } template<class T> typenameenable_if<is_floating_point<T>::value, double>::type normalizeArg(Targ) { returnarg; } template<class T> typenameenable_if<is_pointer<T>::value, T>::type normalizeArg(Targ) { returnarg; } constchar* normalizeArg(const string&arg) { returnarg.c_str(); } Quickoffice Proprietary and Confidential - Not for Disclosure 12
  • 13. Typesafeprintf // Not really safe yet template<typename... Ts> intsafe_printf(constchar* format, const Ts&... ts) { returnprintf(format, normalizeArg(ts)...); } Quickoffice Proprietary and Confidential - Not for Disclosure 13
  • 14. Typesafeprintf • Implement verification routine for argument-less call voidcheck_printf(constchar * f) { for (; *f; ++f) { if (*f != ’%’ || *++f == ’%’) continue; throwExc("Bad format"); } } Quickoffice Proprietary and Confidential - Not for Disclosure 14
  • 15. Typesafeprintf template<class T, typename... Ts> voidcheck_printf(constchar * f, const T&t, const Ts&... ts) { for (; *f; ++f) { if (*f != ’%’ || *++f == ’%’) continue; switch (*f) { default: throwExc("Invalid format char: %", *f); case ’f’: case ’g’: ENFORCE(is_floating_point<T>::value); break; case ’s’: . . . } returncheck_printf(++f, ts...); // AHA!!! } throwExc("Too few format specifiers."); } Quickoffice Proprietary and Confidential - Not for Disclosure 15
  • 16. Typesafeprintf • Final step template<typename... Ts> intsafe_printf(constchar* format, const Ts&... ts) { check_printf(format, normalizeArg(ts)...); returnprintf(format, normalizeArg(ts)...); } Quickoffice Proprietary and Confidential - Not for Disclosure 16
  • 17. Clang • Motivation • Diagnostics • Static analysis • Dynamic analysis • Current state • Tool sample Quickoffice Proprietary and Confidential - Not for Disclosure 17
  • 18. Why? • Performance • Diagnostics • Tools Quickoffice Proprietary and Confidential - Not for Disclosure 18
  • 19. Why? intw = 0; for (inti = 0; i<3; i++) w += w * 2; $ gcc -fsyntax-only test.c test.c:2: error: expected identifier or ‘(’ before ‘for’ test.c:2: error: expected ‘=’, ‘,’, ‘;’, ‘asm’ or ‘__attribute__’ before ‘<’ token test.c:2: error: expected ‘=’, ‘,’, ‘;’, ‘asm’ or ‘__attribute__’ before ‘++’ token Quickoffice Proprietary and Confidential - Not for Disclosure 19
  • 20. Why? “... is there a reason for not making the [GCC] front ends dynamic libraries which could be linked by any program that wants to parse source code?” “One of our main goals for GCC is to prevent any parts of it from being used together with non-free software. Thus, we have deliberately avoided many things that might possibly have the effect of facilitating such usage...” - Richard Stallman Quickoffice Proprietary and Confidential - Not for Disclosure 20
  • 21. Why? #define FOO 0 intfoo() { intx; // ... x = x + FOO; // ... returnx; } #define FOO 0 intfoo() { intx; // ... x = x; // ... returnx; } Quickoffice Proprietary and Confidential - Not for Disclosure 21
  • 22. Diagnostics template<int N>struct S1 { intarr[N - 5]; }; template<typename T>struct S2 { S1<sizeof(T)> s1; }; template<typename T>voidfoo(Tx) { S2<T> s2; } void test() { foo(42); } Quickoffice Proprietary and Confidential - Not for Disclosure 22
  • 23. Diagnostics $ clang++ -std=c++11 -fsyntax-only test.cpp test.cpp:1:38:error:'arr' declared as an array with a negative size template <int N>struct S1 { intarr[N - 5]; }; ^~~~~ test.cpp:2:49: note: in instantiation of template class 'S1<4>' requested here template <typename T>struct S2 { S1<sizeof(T)> s1; }; ^ test.cpp:3:45: note: in instantiation of template class 'S2<int>' requested here template <typename T> void foo(Tx) { S2<T> s2; } ^ test.cpp:4:15: note: in instantiation of function template specialization 'foo<int>' requested here void test() { foo(42); } ^ 1 error generated. Quickoffice Proprietary and Confidential - Not for Disclosure 23
  • 24. Diagnostics #define M1(x, y, z) y(); #define M2(x, y, z) M1(x, y, z) void test() { M2(a, b, c) ;} Quickoffice Proprietary and Confidential - Not for Disclosure 24
  • 25. Diagnostics $ clang++ -std=c++11 -fsyntax-only test.cpp test.cpp:4:11: error: use of undeclared identifier 'b’ M2(a, b, c); ^ test.cpp:2:27: note: expanded from macro 'M2' #define M2(x, y, z) M1(x, y, z) ^ test.cpp:1:21: note: expanded from macro 'M1' #define M1(x, y, z) y(); ^ 1 error generated. $ g++ -fsyntax-only test.cpp test.cpp: In function ‘void test()’: test.cpp:4: error: ‘b’ was not declared in this scope Quickoffice Proprietary and Confidential - Not for Disclosure 25
  • 26. Diagnostics structBaseType {}; structDerivedType : publicBaseType { staticintbase_type; DerivedType() : basetype() {} }; Quickoffice Proprietary and Confidential - Not for Disclosure 26
  • 27. Diagnostics % clang++ -std=c++11 -fsyntax-only typo1.cpp typo1.cpp:4:19: error:initializer 'basetype' does not name a non-static data member or base class; did you mean the base class 'BaseType’? DerivedType() : basetype() {} ^~~~~~~~ BaseType typo1.cpp:2:22: note: base class 'BaseType' specified here structDerivedType : public BaseType { ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1 error generated. Quickoffice Proprietary and Confidential - Not for Disclosure 27
  • 28. Diagnostics #include <sys/stat.h> intfoo(intx, struct stat* P) { return P->st_blocksize * 2; } Quickoffice Proprietary and Confidential - Not for Disclosure 28
  • 29. Diagnostics $ clang++ -std=c++11 -fsyntax-only test.cpp test.cpp:3:13:error:no member named 'st_blocksize' in 'stat'; did you mean 'st_blksize'? return P->st_blocksize*2; ^~~~~~~~~~~~ st_blksize /usr/include/sys/stat.h:225:13: note: 'st_blksize' declared here struct stat __DARWIN_STRUCT_STAT64; ^ /usr/include/sys/stat.h:212:12: note: expanded from macro '__DARWIN_STRUCT_STAT64' blksize_tst_blksize; /*... */ ^ 1 error generated. Quickoffice Proprietary and Confidential - Not for Disclosure 29
  • 30. Diagnostics template<class T, class U>struct S {}; template<typename... Ts>voidf(Ts...); template<typename... Ts>struct X { template<typename... Us>voidg() { f(S<Ts, Us>()...); } }; voidtest(X<int, float>x) { x.g<int, float, double>(); } Quickoffice Proprietary and Confidential - Not for Disclosure 30
  • 31. Diagnostics $ clang++ -std=c++11 -fsyntax-only test.cpp test.cpp:8:22: error: pack expansion contains parameter packs 'Ts' and 'Us' that have different lengths (2 vs. 3) f(S<Ts, Us>()...); ~~ ~~ ^ test.cpp:14:7: note: in instantiation of function template specialization 'X<int, float>::g<int, float, double>' requested here x.g<int, float, double>(); ^ 1 error generated. Quickoffice Proprietary and Confidential - Not for Disclosure 31
  • 32. Diagnostics #include <memory.h> struct S { int a, b, c; float vec[16]; }; voidtest(S *s) { // ... memset(s, 0, sizeof(s)); // ... } Quickoffice Proprietary and Confidential - Not for Disclosure 32
  • 33. Diagnostics $ clang++ -std=c++11 -fsyntax-only test.cpp test.cpp:5:25: warning: argument to 'sizeof' in 'memset' call is the same expression as the destination; did you mean to dereference it? [- Wsizeof-pointer-memaccess] memset(s, 0, sizeof(s)); ~ ^ 1 warning generated. Quickoffice Proprietary and Confidential - Not for Disclosure 33
  • 34. Diagnostics intfoo() { int arr[42]; // ... return arr[42]; } Quickoffice Proprietary and Confidential - Not for Disclosure 34
  • 35. Diagnostics $ clang++ -std=c++11 -fsyntax-only test.cpp test.cpp:4:12: warning: array index of '42' indexes past the end of an array (that contains 42 elements) [-Warray-bounds] return arr[42]; ^ ~~ test.cpp:2:5: note: array 'arr' declared here int arr[42]; ^ 1 warning generated. Quickoffice Proprietary and Confidential - Not for Disclosure 35
  • 36. Diagnostics staticconstlonglong DiskCacheSize = 8<<30; // 8 Gigs Quickoffice Proprietary and Confidential - Not for Disclosure 36
  • 37. Diagnostics $ clang++ -std=c++11 -fsyntax-only test.cpp test.cpp:2:23: warning: signed shift result (0x200000000) requires 35 bits to represent, but 'int' only has 32 bits [-Wshift-overflow] DiskCacheSize = 8 << 30; // 8 Gigs ~ ^ ~~ 1 warning generated. Quickoffice Proprietary and Confidential - Not for Disclosure 37
  • 38. Diagnostics voidtest(boolb, doublex, doubley) { if (b || x<y&&x>0) { // ... } } Quickoffice Proprietary and Confidential - Not for Disclosure 38
  • 39. Diagnostics $ clang++ -std=c++11 -fsyntax-only test.cpp test.cpp:2:19: warning: '&&' within '||' [-Wlogical-op-parentheses] if (b || x<y&&x> 0) { ~~ ~~~~~~^~~~~~~~ test.cpp:2:19: note: place parentheses around the '&&' expression to silence this warning if (b || x<y&&x> 0) { ^ ( ) 1 warning generated. Quickoffice Proprietary and Confidential - Not for Disclosure 39
  • 40. Diagnostics constexprintarr_size = 42; constexprint N = 44; voidf(int);int test() { intarr[arr_size]; // ... f(arr[N]); // ... if (N <arr_size) returnarr[N]; return0; } Quickoffice Proprietary and Confidential - Not for Disclosure 40
  • 41. Diagnostics $ clang++ -std=c++11 -fsyntax-only test.cpp test.cpp:7:7: warning: array index of '44' indexes past the end of an array (that contains 42 elements) [-Warray-bounds] f(arr[N]); ^ ~ test.cpp:5:5:note: array 'arr' declared here intarr[arr_size]; ^ 1 warning generated. Quickoffice Proprietary and Confidential - Not for Disclosure 41
  • 42. Static Analysis structmutex { void lock(); void unlock(); }; mutexm; intx; boolfoo(); bool bar(); void test() { m.lock(); while (foo()) { m.unlock(); if (bar()) { if (x<42&&foo()){ continue; } } m.lock(); } } Quickoffice Proprietary and Confidential - Not for Disclosure 42
  • 43. Static Analysis struct [[ts::lockable]] mutex { void lock() [[ts::exclusive_lock_function]]; void unlock() [[ts::unlock_function]]; }; mutexm; intx [[ts::guarded_by(m)]]; boolfoo() [[ts::exclusive_locks_required(m)]]; bool bar(); void test() { m.lock(); while (foo()) { m.unlock(); if (bar()) { if (x<42&&foo()){ continue; } } m.lock(); } } Quickoffice Proprietary and Confidential - Not for Disclosure 43
  • 44. Static Analysis struct __attribute__((lockable)) mutex { void lock() __attribute__((exclusive_lock_function)); void unlock() __attribute__((unlock_function)); }; mutexm; intx__attribute__((guarded_by(m))); boolfoo() __attribute__((exclusive_locks_required(m))); bool bar(); void test() { m.lock(); while (foo()) { m.unlock(); if (bar()) { if (x<42&&foo()){ continue; } } m.lock(); } } Quickoffice Proprietary and Confidential - Not for Disclosure 44
  • 45. Diagnostics $ clang++ -std=c++11 -fsyntax-only -Wthread-safety test.cpp test.cpp:11:5: warning: expecting mutex 'm' to be locked at start of each loop [-Wthread-safety] m.lock(); ^ test.cpp:11:5: warning:mutex 'm' is still locked at the end of function [- Wthread-safety] test.cpp:15:17: warning: reading variable 'x' requires locking 'm' [- Wthread-safety] if (x< 42 &&foo()) { ^ test.cpp:19:9: warning:mutex 'm' is still locked at the end of its scope [- Wthread-safety] m.lock(); ^ 4 warnings generated. Quickoffice Proprietary and Confidential - Not for Disclosure 45
  • 46. Current Status • Platforms: + Linux + Mac OS X – Windows • C++11 features: + Almost all features implemented in v2.9+/SVN – Missing features: • Generalized attributes • Inheriting constructors • Concurrency Quickoffice Proprietary and Confidential - Not for Disclosure 46
  • 47. Brief architecture overview • GCC compatible • Library based architecture – libsupport, libsystem, libbasic, libast, liblex, libparse, libsema, libcodegen, librewrite, libanalysis, libindex • One kind of as AST for C++/C and Objective-C • Visitor interface ASTConsumer for Front-end actions Quickoffice Proprietary and Confidential - Not for Disclosure 47
  • 48. Sample ASTConsumer classPrintFunctionsConsumer : publicASTConsumer { public: virtualvoidHandleTopLevelDecl(DeclGroupRef DG) { for (DeclGroupRef::iterator it = DG.begin(); it != DG.end(); ++it) { constDecl* D = *it; if (constNamedDecl* ND = dyn_cast<NamedDecl>(D)) llvm::errs() << ” topleveldecl : ” ” << ND->getNameAsString() << ” ” n ”; } } }; Quickoffice Proprietary and Confidential - Not for Disclosure 48
  • 49. Thirdparty tools "Include what you use" means this: for every symbol (type, function variable, or macro) that you use in, either or foo.h should #include a .h file that exports the declaration of that symbol. The include-what-you-use tool is a program that can be built with the clang libraries in order to analyze #includes of source files to find include-what-you-use violations, and suggest fixes for them. Quickoffice Proprietary and Confidential - Not for Disclosure 49