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Good Spirit School Division Professional Development Plan 2013-2018 1
Good Spirit School Division
Professional Development Continuum
Good Spirit School Division Professional Development Plan 2013-2018 2
Table of Contents
Overview of Professional Development Continuum
Philosophy 3
Digital Fluency 4
Response to Intervention and Environment 5
Curriculum 6
Assessment 7
Instruction 8
Chart of Division Initiatives 2013-2018 9
Flow Chart of 2013-2014 Professional Development Plan 11
2013-2014 School Year 12
2014-2015 School Year 15
2015-2016 School Year 18
2016-2017 School Year 21
2017-2018 School Year 22
Communication Plan 23
Implementation Plan 24
Glossary of Key Terms 25
Appendix A: Good Spirit School Division UbD Unit Plan 27
Appendix B: Indicators of Responsive Teaching 31
Good Spirit School Division Professional Development Plan 2013-2018 3
Good Spirit School Division believes in “Learning Without Limits” and “Achievement For All.” To reach this end, teachers employ responsive
teaching strategies with a belief that each and every student can learn and succeed. These strategies support students to become self-directed
learners who look at any given situation as an opportunity to learn and who problem-solve to achieve their goals. Central to “Learning Without
Limits” and “Achievement For All” is differentiation. Differentiation is a philosophy of teaching and learning that puts the needs of individual
students at the center of all instructional opportunities. Learning experiences focus on curriculum outcomes and are planned around each
student’s interests, learning preferences, and readiness levels. Teachers continually assess students during the learning process and make
adjustments as needed. Students are provided with different pathways to achieve and go beyond established outcomes and objectives. They are
encouraged to demonstrate their learning in a variety of different ways.
Good Spirit School Division Professional Development Plan 2013-2018 4
Technology is an important part of educating our students for the 21st
Century. Good Spirit School Division is committed to building the digital
fluency of teachers, students, and administrators. Digital fluency is incorporated into all aspects of the Professional Development Continuum.
Good Spirit School Division Professional Development Plan 2013-2018 5
The foundation for Good Spirit’s professional development continuum is a supportive learning environment in which all
children can be successful. The implementation of the Response to Intervention (RTI) process over the next few years will
help teachers create a supportive learning environment for individual students. At the tier one level, teachers can focus on
the overall environment of their classroom to ensure it is free from distractions and focuses on student achievement. It is
important for all students to feel comfortable and safe so they are willing to take risks in their learning. Digital fluency can
be incorporated into the development of support learning environments by designing learning spaces that incorporate
authentic uses of digital devices.
Response to Intervention (RTI) – RTI is a responsive teaching process that helps all students access the curriculum.
Learning environments are created so that students can achieve defined goals. Key to the successful implementation of
the RTI process is a team who monitors and directs the interventions provided to students.
Resource:Pyramid Response to Intervention: RTI, Professional Learning Communities, and How to Respond When Kids
Don’t Learn by Austin Buffum, Mike Mattos, and Chris Weber.Physical Environment - Teachers will focus on creating
environments that support the learning needs of all the students in their classrooms and that allow students to focus
their attention on learning. Ensuring there are minimal distractions and providing accommodations for student learning
(alternate seating, seat cushions, Thera-band, assistive technology,fidgets, etc.) will help make this supportive learning environment a reality.Use the ClassroomEnvironment
Scan” found in the Good Spirit RTI Manual to assist you with assessing your classroom and creating a supportive learning environment for your students.
Resource: Calm, Alert, and Learning: Classroom Strategies for Self-Regulation by Dr. Stuart Shanker.
Visit the Ministry of Saskatchewan’s Website on resources to support the Level 1 Response to Intervention Workshops.
School Year Focus
Creation of a Teaching Wall with Minimal Distractions
Exploration of Accommodations for Student Learning and Ways to Reduce Clutter in the Classroom
Exploration of School Environment
Establish of School-Based RTI Teams
Begin to Implement Division RTI Guidelines
Further Development of Clutter-Free Classrooms and School Environment
Continued Exploration of Accommodations for Student Learning
Further Development and Implementation of School-Based RTI Teams and Division Guidelines
Further Development of Accommodations Usage for Student Learning
Evaluation and Final Refinement of School-Based RTI Teams and Division Guidelines
2016-2017 Expectation that All Students will be Provided with Accommodations they Need to be Successful
Good Spirit School Division Professional Development Plan 2013-2018 6
Recently, the Ministry of Education released renewed curriculums for Saskatchewan schools. These curriculums are inquiry-
based and encourage teachers to create learning opportunities in which students can discover and construct new knowledge
for themselves in a social context. Not all curriculums have been renewed at the publication of this document. Whether you
are a teacher using outcome-based curriculums or you are a teacher using objective-based curriculums, there is a need for
teachers to unpack outcomes and objectives before they begin planning how they will be implemented into their classrooms.
There are a number of different terms used in current literature that refer to the process of understanding curriculum
outcomes. The Good Spirit PD Continuum uses the term “unpacking” to refer to this process. Good Spirit plans to assist
teachers with the unpacking process by providing school-level professional development and support with the Understanding
by Design (UbD) process. UbD is a framework designed by Jay McTighe and Grant Wiggins that uses the backwards by design
model to unpack outcomes and objectives, design assessment, and plan instruction for deeper understanding by students.
Stage one involves identifying the desired results. These results are determined by unpacking curriculum outcomes and
objectives. Once the desired results are identified, teachers work through stages two and three. Stage two involves designing
assessment and stage three involves planning instruction. Digital strategies can be incorporated into all three stages of the
unpacking process.
Resources: Integrating Differentiated Instruction and Understanding by Design: Connecting Content and Kids by Jay McTighe and Carol Ann Tomlinson and Renewed Curricula:
Understanding Outcomes put out by the Saskatchewan Ministry of Education.
School Year Focus
2013-2014 Unpacking Curriculum Outcomes or Objectives
Exploration of Performance Task and Learning Plan Design
Completion of Division UbD Template or Similar
2015-2016 Completion of Division UbD Template or Similar for ELA or other if not ELA teacher
2016-2017 Completion of Division UbD Template or Similar for all curriculum areas
Expectation That All Curriculums are Unpacked with Summative Performance Tasks and Learning Plans Using the Division UbD Template
or Similar
Good Spirit School Division Professional Development Plan 2013-2018 7
Student Assessment – The ongoing assessment of student learning is an integral part of differentiated instruction
and responding to individual student need. Assessment is used to determine the readiness levels of students and
to plan instruction that will help students achieve or exceed curriculum expectations. There are three types of
assessment: pre-assessment, formative assessment, and summative assessment. Pre-assessment is given to
students prior to learning so that teachers can determine readiness levels and plan appropriate instruction.
Formative assessment occurs throughout instruction so teachers can tailor their instruction to the needs of
students. Summative assessment occurs at or near the end of a unit of study to provide levels of achievement
that can be reported to stakeholders. Digital assessment measures can be utilized for all three types of
Resource: Making Classroom Assessment Work by Anne Davies
Report Cards – With the current changes in education, comes a need to create a new system of reporting.
Stakeholders require information on the achievement levels of students that is easy to understand.
Resource: A Repair Kit for Grading: 15 Fixes for Broken Grades by Ken O’Connor
School Year Focus
Using Pre-Assessment and Formative Assessment to Continually Assess Student Learning
Begin Exploring the Use of an Outcome-Based Report Card and Grading Scale
Triangulating Summative Assessment Data and Providing Evidence of Learning
Further Develop the Use of an Outcome-Based Report Card and Grading Scale
Giving Descriptive Feedback to Students
Refine the Use of the Outcome-Based Report Card and Grading Scale
2016-2017 Involving Students in the Assessment Process
2017-2018 Full Implementation of Above Strategies is Expected
Good Spirit School Division Professional Development Plan 2013-2018 8
The development of a learning plan that meets the needs of all students in a classroom is key to
student achievement. In order to plan opportunities that support student learning, teachers need to
use differentiated instruction strategies that provide students with a variety of pathways for learning.
Included in the different pathways for learning should be digital solutions that connect students to
instruction through the use of technology.
Resource: Leading and Managing a Differentiated Classroom by Carol Ann Tomlinson and Marcia
School Year Focus
2013-2014 Incorporating Flexible Groupings Into Instruction
2014-2015 Providing Student Choice During Instruction and to Demonstrate Learning
Creating Outcome-Based Anchor Activities That Target Student Need
Planning Tiered Instruction
Using Data to Inform Instruction
Planning Inquiry-Based Instruction
2017-2018 Full Implementation of Above Strategies is Expected
Good Spirit School Division Professional Development Plan 2013-2018 9
Division initiatives are focused on building teacher capacity and supporting teachers through workshops and school-based professional development. These
initiatives align with Good Spirit’s Indicators of Responsive Teaching (See Appendix A).
The stages in the growth process are indicated through a deepening of colour. The lightest colour is the awareness/exploration stage, the next shade is the
developing stage, and the darkest colour is the refinement stage.
All initiatives take place within the context of Saskatchewan’s inquiry-based curriculums and the philosophy of differentiation.
2013-2014 2014-2015 2015-2016 2016-2017 2017-2018
Response to Intervention
Establish School-Based RTI
Teams and Implement Division
RTI Guidelines
Classroom Environment
(clutter-free with minimal
Further Development Refinement Refinement
School Environment (hallways,
library, gym, entrance ways,
Further Development Refinement Further Development Refinement
Student Accommodations
Further Development Refinement
Unpacking Curriculum
Further Development Refinement
Designing Performance Tasks
for Summative Assessment and
Creating Learning Plans
Further Development Refinement
Complete Division UbD
Templates or similar Awareness/
Further Development Refinement
Good Spirit School Division Professional Development Plan 2013-2018 10
All initiatives take place within the context of Saskatchewan’s inquiry-based curriculums and the philosophy of differentiation.
2013-2014 2014-2015 2015-2016 2016-2017 2017-2018
Using Pre-Assessment and
Formative Assessment to
Continually Assess Students
Further Development Refinement
Triangulating Summative
Assessment Data and Providing
Evidence of Learning
Further Development Refinement
Giving Descriptive Feedback to
Further Development Refinement
Involving Students in
Assessment (From Co-
Constructing Criteria to Goal
Further Development
Outcome-Based Report Card
and Grading Scale
Further Development Refinement
Incorporating Flexible Grouping
into Instruction
Further Development Refinement
Providing Student Choice
During Instruction and to
Demonstrate Learning
Further Development Refinement
Creating Outcome-Based
Anchor Activities that Target
Student Needs
Further Development Refinement
Planning Tiered Instruction
Further Development
Using Data to Inform
Further Development
Planning Inquiry-Based
Further Development
Good Spirit School Division Professional Development Plan 2013-2018 11
Good Spirit School Division Professional Development Plan 2013-2018 12
Focus Area Expectation Responsibility Target Date
creation of a clean, uncluttered teaching
wall and exploration of other ways to
reduce clutter in the classroom
before and after pictures of teaching wall
and classroom
May 31, 2014
exploration of school environment before and after pictures (if appropriate) May 31, 2014
establish school-based RTI team and begin
to implement division RTI guidelines
completed referral forms and goal sheets for
establishment of RTI teams
reflection of RTI process, including
composition of RTI teams
Ongoing as submitted
September 30, 2013
May 14, 2013
exploration of accommodations for student
reflection of accommodations tried and how
they affected student learning
May 31, 2014
Module 1: Unpacking Curriculum Outcomes
or Objectives
completed stage one of the division UbD
template or similar
January 31, 2014
Module 2: Using Pre-Assessment and
Formative Assessment to Continually Assess
implement pre-assessment and formative
assessment strategies as indicated on the
UbD template
administrators will complete a three-minute
walk-through or similar observation sheet
during one of the assessments
May 31, 2014
Module 3: Incorporating Flexible Groupings
Into Instruction
explore one new flexible grouping strategy
into instruction and complete a reflection
template on one strategy
administrators will complete a three-minute
walk-through or similar observation sheet
during the implementation of one of the
May 31, 2014
Good Spirit School Division Professional Development Plan 2013-2018 13
Teaching Wall: There is an expectation that teachers will create a clean and uncluttered teaching wall. Some students require minimal
distractions in order to focus on key content. Teachers can begin this process by focusing on their teaching board and then move towards a
teaching wall that contains few distractions by the end of the school year. Teachers will also begin exploring ways to reduce the amount of
clutter in their classrooms. Responsibility/Data: Take before and after pictures of the instructional wall and other target areas in each
School Environment: Schools will begin to look at ways to make school environments more conducive to student achievement.
Responsibility/Data: Take before and after pictures if appropriate.
School-Based RTI Teams and Division RTI Guidelines: School-based RTI teams will be established in the fall of 2013. As each school is different,
schools will be encouraged to create teams that meet the individual needs of their schools. Requirements that are consistent among schools are
regular team meetings and the inclusion of SSTs and Admin on RTI teams. A draft version of the Division RTI Guidelines will be provided to
schools and will include documents that may be used to refer students and develop intervention plans. Schools are encouraged to use the
enclosed documents or build others that are effective at the school level. The draft Division RTI Guidelines will be revisited and refined each year
until a document is created that reflects the individual needs of all schools. Responsibility/Data: Schools will keep a record of all referral forms
made to the school-based RTI team and the subsequent goal sheets that outline interventions. In addition, the school-based intervention team
will complete a reflection questionnaire at the end of the school year on what worked, what needs to be changed, and how student learning was
affected through the RTI process.
Exploration of Student Accommodations: Teachers will begin to explore the use of accommodations to support student learning. Alternate
seating, Thera-band, assistive technology, fidgets, slant boards, etc. will be made available for teachers to use with students in their classrooms.
Responsibility/Data: Teachers will complete a reflection questionnaire that outlines the accommodations tried with students and how they
impacted student learning.
Good Spirit School Division Professional Development Plan 2013-2018 14
Module 1: Unpacking Curriculum Outcomes
Teachers will work through an unpacking module that helps them identify the big ideas and essential questions of curriculum outcomes and
objectives. They will determine what students need to know, understand, and do (KUDs) in order to achieve each outcome or objective.
Responsibility/Data: By January 31, 2014 teachers will hand in the completed Stage 1 of the division UbD planning template for one curriculum
Module 2: Using Pre-Assessment and Formative Assessment to Continually Assess Students
This module will walk teachers through the pre-assessment and formative assessment processes and suggest a number of ways to implement
them into their classrooms. Teachers are encouraged to choose new strategies that they have not used in the past. Teachers can also begin using
these strategies to develop the stage two section of the division UbD template that deals with assessment. Responsibility/Data: Teachers will
choose three different strategies to try out in their classroom and complete a reflection template on one of the strategies. They will hand in their
reflection by May 31, 2014. Administrators will complete a three-minute walk-through or similar observation sheet of a classroom visit during
the implementation of one of these strategies.
Module 3: Incorporating Flexible Groupingsinto Instruction
As flexible groupings is one of the key principles of differentiated instruction and teachers most likely already use some form of flexible grouping
in their classrooms, this module will build on the prior knowledge and experiences of teachers. Teachers will be encouragedchoose a different
type of flexible grouping or use flexible grouping for a different purpose than they have traditionally used in the past. A number of different
examples will be provided so teachers can visualize how groups can be formed in their classrooms based on readiness, interest, and learning
preference. Responsibility/Data: Teachers will choose one flexible grouping strategy to try out in their classroom and complete a reflection
template on the use of the strategy. Strategies will be tried and reflections completed in the spring of 2014. Administrators will complete a
three-minute walk-through or similar observation sheet of a classroom visit during the implementation of one of these strategies.
Good Spirit School Division Professional Development Plan 2013-2018 15
Focus Area Expectation Responsibility Target Date
further development of clutter-free
classrooms and school environment
before and after pictures of target areas in
classroom and in school
May 31, 2015
further development of school-based RTI
teams and division guidelines
completed referral forms and goal sheets for
reflection of RTI process, including
composition of school-based RTI teams
May 31, 2015
continued exploration of accommodations
for student learning
reflection of accommodations tried and how
they affected student learning
May 31, 2015
Module #4: Designing Performance Tasks
for Summative Assessment
completed stage two and three of the
division UbD template or similar
May 31, 2015
Module #5: Triangulating Summative
Assessment Data and Providing Evidence of
reflection on the triangulation of data
process and assessment samples of one
student demonstrating the triangulation of
data and supportive evidence of learning
January 31, 2015
Module #6: Providing Student Choice During
Instruction and to Demonstrate Learning
implement three new strategies into
instruction and complete a reflection
template on one strategy
administrators will complete a three-minute
walk-through or similar observation sheet
during the implementation of one of the
April 30, 2015
Cultural Awareness TBA TBA TBA
Good Spirit School Division Professional Development Plan 2013-2018 16
Classroom and School Environment: The focus will be on having teachers continue to find ways to reduce the amount of clutter in their
classrooms to minimize distractions to student learning. In addition, schools will continue to look for ways to develop their school environment
so it is more conducive to student achievement. Responsibility/Data: Teachers can take before and after pictures of their classrooms and the
school or create a video that shows what their classroom or area of the school looked like before they focused on developing the environment
and what it looked like after they were finished.
School-Based RTI Teams and Division RTI Guidelines: Schools will continue to explore and further develop the draft Division RTI Guidelines. At
the end of the school year, the draft guidelines will once again be revisited and refined. Responsibility/Data: Schools will keep a record of all
referral forms made to the school-based RTI team and the subsequent goal sheets that outline interventions. In addition, the school-based
intervention team will complete a reflection questionnaire at the end of the school year on what worked, what needs to be changed, and how
student learning was affected through the RTI process.
Exploration of Student Accommodations: Teachers will continue to explore the use of accommodations to support student learning. Alternate
seating, Thera-band, assistive technology, fidgets, slant boards, etc. will be made available for teachers to use with students in their classrooms.
Responsibility/Data: Teachers will complete a reflection questionnaire that outlines the accommodations tried with students and how they
impacted student learning.
Module 4: Designing Performance Tasks for Summative Assessment
This module will focus on designing summative assessment tasks that measure the breadth and depth of curriculum outcomes and objectives.
Teachers will create tasks that appeal to different learning styles and provide students with a choice in how they demonstrate their learning.
Responsibility/Data: By May 31, 2015 teachers will hand in the completed stage two and three of the division UbD planning template for
another curriculum area.
Good Spirit School Division Professional Development Plan 2013-2018 17
Module 5: Triangulating Summative Assessment and Providing Evidence of Student Learning
It is important to triangulate summative assessment data that is collected on student learning. One form of assessment should never result in a
“mark” or “grade.” Anne Davies talks about the process of triangulation in her book Making Classroom Assessment Work. She highlights the
need to gather evidence through observations, conversations, and products. “When evidence is collected from three different sources
(observations, conversations, and products) over time, trends and patterns become apparent, and the reliability and validity of our classroom
assessment increases (p. 46).” This module looks at different ways that teachers can triangulate data and gather evidence of learning to support
their summative assessment findings. Responsibility/Data: Teachers will outline a plan to triangulate the summative assessment of one
outcome or objective or one unit of study. They will also identify evidence that they may use to support their findings. They will have 6 to 8
weeks from the presentation of the module to complete the process. In addition to completing a reflection of the process, teachers will hand in
the summative assessment evidence of one student in their classroom to demonstrate how they arrived at their findings of a particular
outcomeor objective or unit of study.
Module 6: Providing Student Choice During Instruction and To Demonstrate Learning
Students learn in different ways and need the opportunity to demonstrate their learning using products that are meaningful to them. One of the
essential characteristics of differentiated instruction is student choice. This module will look at different ways teachers can provide choice to
students both during instruction and when student need to demonstrate their learning. Responsibility/Data: Teachers will implement at least
three different strategies that involve student choice within their instruction. They will reflect on one of these choices and indicate how it
affected student learning. Teachers will have 6 to 8 weeks from the presentation of this module to use three different strategies. Administrators
will complete a three-minute walk-through or similar observation document during the implementation of one of these strategies.
Good Spirit School Division Professional Development Plan 2013-2018 18
Focus Area Expectation Responsibility Target Date
further development of
accommodations for student
before and after pictures of
May 31, 2016
final evaluation and refinement of
RTI process
reflection of RTI process, including
composition of school-based RTI
May 31, 2016
completion of Division UbD
template or similar for ELA or
other subject area if not a ELA
completed UbD templates for ELA
or other subject area
May 31, 2016
Module #7: Giving Descriptive
Feedback to Students
completed reflection on
descriptive feedback as well as
three examples attached to
November 30, 2016
Module #8: Creating Outcome-
Based Anchor Activities That
Target Student Needs
completed reflection on the use
of anchor activities as well as
examples or descriptions of the
anchor activities used
February 28, 2016
Module #9: Planning Tiered
completed reflection with
attached tiered assignments or
description of tiered activities
administrators will complete a
three-minute walk-through or
similar observation sheet during
the implementation of a tiered
activity or assignment
May 31, 2016
Cultural Awareness TBA TBA TBA
Good Spirit School Division Professional Development Plan 2013-2018 19
Student Accommodations: Teachers will continue to use accommodations to support student learning. Alternate seating, Thera-band, assistive
technology,fidgets, slant boards, etc. will be made available for teachers to use with students in their classrooms. Responsibility/Data: Teachers
will complete a reflection questionnaire that outlines the accommodations tried with students and how they impacted student learning.
RTI Process: Evaluate referral process and protocol and make final changes to Division RTI Guidelines.
Division UbD Template or Similar in ELA or Other Curriculum: Having worked through the unpacking and planning process for the past two
years, teachers will now use the division UbD template or similar document to unpack and plan the ELA curriculum. Teachers who do not teach
ELA will choose one other curriculum area to focus on for this purpose. Responsibility/Data: By May 31, 2016 teachers will hand in the
completed division UbD planning template or similar for ELA or another curriculum area if they are not an ELA teacher.
Module 7: Giving Descriptive Feedback to Students
Descriptive feedback plays an important role in formative assessment as this type of assessment informs instruction. It is never marked or
graded. Rather, teachers provide feedback to students that will help them improve and achieve curriculum outcomes or objectives.
Responsibility/Data: Teachers will choose an assignment to provide descriptive feedback to their students. They will then complete a reflection
template on how the use of descriptive feedback affected student learning. Teachers will attach to their reflection three examples of the
descriptive feedback they provided to students. They will have 6 to 8 weeks from the presentation of this module to implement strategies and
complete their reflection of the process.
Good Spirit School Division Professional Development Plan 2013-2018 20
Module 8: Creating Outcome-Based Anchor Activities That Target Student Needs
Anchor activities are more than giving students “busy-work.” They should be tailored to the individual needs of students. This module looks at
different ways of creating anchor activities for students in a classroom. Responsibility/Data: Teachers will create anchor activities to use with
their students that target individual student needs. They will complete a reflection template on their use of targeted anchor activities and attach
samples or descriptions of the anchor activities they used. Teacher will have 6 to 8 weeks from the presentation of the module to implement
strategies and complete their reflection of the process.
Module 9: Planning Tiered Instruction
Tiered instruction is a natural practice when teaching from a differentiated philosophy. It focuses on the learning needs and preferences of
students. In this module, teachers focus on creating tiered activities and/or tiered assignments for their students. Responsibility/Data: Teachers
will tier an activity or assignment in their classroom. They will then complete a reflection template and attach a copy of their tiered activities or
assignments to the template. They will have 6 to 8 weeks from the presentation of the module to implement strategies and complete their
reflections of the process. Administrators will complete a three-minute walk-through or similar observation sheet of a classroom visit during the
implementation of the tiered activity or assignment.
Good Spirit School Division Professional Development Plan 2013-2018 21
Focus Area Expectation Responsibility Target Date
completion of Division UbD
template or similar for all subject
completed UbD templates for all
subject areas taught
May 31, 2017
Module #10: Involving Students in
the Assessment Process
completed template and example
of how one student was involved
in the assessment process
November 30, 2017
Module #11: Using Data to Inform
completed reflection template on
the process of using data to
inform instruction as well as
concrete examples of student
February 28, 2017
Module #12: Planning Inquiry-
Based Instruction
completed reflection template on
the inquiry lesson
administrators will complete a
three-minute walk-through or
similar observation sheet during
the inquiry lesson
May 31, 2017
Cultural Awareness TBA TBA TBA
Good Spirit School Division Professional Development Plan 2013-2018 22
Module 10: Involving Students in the Assessment Process (From Co-Constructing Criteria to Goal Setting)
Involving students in the assessment process is an important part of responsive teaching. Students can be involved in assessment through co-
constructing criteria, self-assessment, peer assessment, goal setting and collecting evidence of learning. Teachers will work through these
activities with their students during this module. Responsibility/Data: Teachers will choose an activity or assignment that they will use to involve
their students in the assessment process. They will then complete a reflection template on their students’ involvement and attach the
assessment materials from one of their students. They will have 6 to 8 weeks from the presentation of the module to involve students in the
assessment process and complete their reflection.
Module 11: Using Data to Inform Instruction
Ongoing assessment is a characteristic of a differentiated classroom. Teachers need to use the data they collect from pre-assessment and
formative assessment measures to help them plan their instruction. Responsibility/Data: Teachers will use data to help them plan instruction in
their classroom. They will complete a reflection template on this process and include examples of student work that demonstrate how they used
the data. They will have 6 to 8 weeks from the presentation of the module to implement strategies and complete their reflection of the process.
Module 12: Inquiry
As inquiry is central to the new curriculums released by the Ministry of Education, it is important that teachers understand the inquiry process.
Inquiry is more than simply finding answers to questions. Inquiry questions do not have simply “yes” or “no” or other one-word answers. They
require students to research and form an opinion based on the information they discover. Responsibility/Data: Teachers will complete an
inquiry lesson with their students and a reflection template on the use of the inquiry process. They will have 6 to 8 weeks from the presentation
of the module to implement strategies and complete their reflection of the process. Administrators will complete a three-minute walk-through
or similar observation sheet of a classroom visit during the implementation of the inquiry lesson.
Good Spirit School Division Professional Development Plan 2013-2018 23
The final year of Good Spirit’s Professional Development Continuum will involve the refinement of skills and strategies that focus on student
learning. Teachers who missed modules due to leaves or entering the division after the implementation of this PD plan will have this year to
work through the missed modules.
Focus Area Expectation Responsibility Due Date
Cultural Awareness TBA TBA TBA
Communication Plan
For Administrators
June 11 – Overview of Expectations for 2013/2014 in areas of Environment, RTI, curriculum, instruction and
For Teachers
Aug 28 – School-based presentation of module one
For Parents
A plan for communication to parents is to be provided by division communication committee.
Implementation Plan
Good Spirit School Division Professional Development Plan 2013-2018 24
2013-2014 School Year
Superintendent of Education
A Superintendent was hired to oversee the implementation of the Professional Development Continuum in Good Spirit School Division. The Superintendent
will work with the Deputy Director, Student Services Coordinators, Coaches, Principals, Student Services Teachers, and Early Adopters at each school to provide
school-level support of division initiatives.
Environment & RTI Implementation
The journey to create a classroom and school environment that is conducive to student learning will begin in June 2013 when administrators are presented
with the division environmental checklist. Teachers can then begin exploring ideas and making changes to their classrooms and school in the fall of the 2013-
2014 school year.
To begin the implementation process of school-based RTI teams, a full day of training will be provided to division personnel (coaches, coordinators, and
supervisors), administrators, student services teachers, and school counselors. During this meeting, participants will work through the division RTI Manual and
be introduced to forms that are used during the RTI process.
Module Implementation
Training for each module will be provided to school-based teams which may consist of: an administrator, student services teacher, school counselor, and early
adopters. Early adopters are volunteer positions. Teachers who are interested in the different modules can choose to be an early adopter. These positions can
change from module to module. Training sessions will occur on the afternoons of admin meetings prior to November 8th and March 14th. The first session,
prior to November 8th, will focus on Module 1. Module 1 looks at the first stage of the unpacking process for both outcomes and objectives. The second
training session will occur prior to March 14th. This session will focus on the pre-assessment and formative assessment practices of Module 2 and the use of
flexible grouping in Module 3. Training sessions will include division personnel, in addition to the principals, vice principals, student services teachers, and early
Division-Based Team Training
On June 24, 2013 division personnel including coaches, coordinators, and supervisors will work through the first three modules that will be implemented by
teachers during the 2013-2014 school year. Division personnel will review the modules and determine a presentation plan for school-based teams
(administrators, student services teachers, school counselors, and early adopters).
Glossary of Key Terminology
Good Spirit School Division Professional Development Plan 2013-2018 25
In an article on the Reading Rockets website, Tomlinson states, “Differentiation means tailoring instruction to meet individual needs. Whether
teachers differentiate content, process, products, or the learning environment, the use of ongoing assessment and flexible grouping makes this a
successful approach to instruction.”
Growth Mindset
A growth mindset believes that intelligence, talent, and ability can be developed. In her book Growth Mindset, Carol Dweck(2006) talks about
the growth mindset,
In this mindset, the hand you’re dealt with is just the starting point for development. This growth mindset is based on the belief that
your basic qualities are things you can cultivate through your efforts. Although people may differ in every which way—in their initial
talents and aptitudes, interests, or temperaments—everyone can change and grow through application and experience (p. 7).
Teachers need to plan their instruction from a growth mindset and create learning opportunities that cultivate a growth mindset in the students
they teach.
Response to Intervention (RTI)
Response to Intervention (RTI) is process that helps all students access the curriculum. There are four essential components of RTI. They are
universal screening to identify potential at-risk students, providing three levels of intervention, progress monitoring of students, and using data
to make decisions.
Responsive Teaching
Responsive teaching involves observing students and creating learning opportunities that extend their current level of readiness to master
curriculum outcomes. It involves providing instruction to students that is tailored to their individual needs and supports them so they are
Understanding by Design (UbD)
UbD is a framework designed by Jay McTighe and Grant Wiggins that uses the backwards by design model to unpack outcomes, design
Good Spirit School Division Professional Development Plan 2013-2018 26
assessment, and plan instruction for deeper understanding by students.
Universal Design of Learning
Universal Design is defined by CAST as, “a set of principles for curriculum development that gives all individuals equal opportunities to learn.”
The principles include presenting content in a number of different ways,differentiating the ways that students demonstrate their learning,
andusing a variety of strategies to engage students.
Appendix A: Good Spirit School Division UbD Unit Plan
Good Spirit School Division Professional Development Plan 2013-2018 27
Good Spirit School Division UbD Unit Plan
Teacher: Grade:
Unit Title:
Time Frame:
Outcomes Addressed in the Unit
SK curriculum outcomes can be copied and pasted, focuses highlighted.
Good Spirit School Division Professional Development Plan 2013-2018 28
Enduring Understandings
What do you want students to understand and be able to use
several years from now?
What are the BIG ideas?
Essential Questions
Open-ended questions that stimulate thought and inquiry linked to the
content of the enduring understandings.
Knowledge and Skills (Students will know and do…)
What key knowledge and skills will students acquire as a result of this unit?
(These may be indicators from the curriculum)
Knowledge (Students will know…)
What key knowledge will students acquire as a result of this unit?
Skills (Students will know how to…)
What key skillswill students acquire as a result of this unit?
Good Spirit School Division Professional Development Plan 2013-2018 29
Pre-assessments are used to determine what students know and their readiness level to inform instruction.
Formative Assessments
Through what multiple sources of evidence will students demonstrate their understanding on a continual basis?
These help guide instruction and provide feedback to students.
Summative Assessments/Performance Tasks
Assessments of what students know and can do aligned to the outcomes. They are a snapshot in time used for reporting and evaluating.
Good Spirit School Division Professional Development Plan 2013-2018 30
Contextual Big Ideas(ELA only)
What BIG ideas do you want students to gain from the context?
(This is found in the SK curriculum)
Contextual Questions for Deeper Understanding(ELA only)
Are questions that are thought provoking, probe a matter of considerable
importance, and require movement beyond present understanding and
studying. They often lead to other questions posed by students.
(These can be found in the SK curriculum)
Instructional Plan
The Instructional Plan should include a sequence of lessons, teaching strategies, and information on First Nation, Inuit and Metis Content
integration and technology integration.
Key Resources
Good Spirit School Division Professional Development Plan 2013-2018 31
Appendix B: Indicators of Responsive Teaching
The following indicators are descriptions of effective responsive teaching practices that focus on student learning. They are not
intended to be an inclusive list but rather used as a guide to assist teachers with identifying areas of strength and targets for
potential growth.
Growth Mindset
Teachers need to have a growth mindset when dealing with students in today’s classrooms. A belief that all students can learn and
that talents and skills can be developed is essential for student success. Teachers demonstrate a growth mindset when they:
Believe that all the students in their classrooms can succeed.
Never give up on a student.
Recognize and foster each student’s sense of self-worth and dignity.
Take responsibility for the education of all the students in their classrooms.
Recognize and encourage the potential of each student.
Celebrate success.
B.Creation of a Supportive Learning Environment
With the diverse needs of students in today’s classrooms, it is important to create a supportive learning environment in which all
students feel comfortable and are willing to take risks in their learning. Teachers provide a supportive learning environment when
Seek to discover the interests, learning styles, and readiness levels of all the students in their classrooms.
Take into account individual student needs and learning preferences when planning instruction.
Have a clean, focused teaching wall.
Create an uncluttered classroom environment that has minimal distractions.
Provide accommodations to students so they can access the curriculum (fidgets, slant boards, alternate seating, etc.).
Utilize school-based RTI (Response to Intervention) teams to support student learning.
Good Spirit School Division Professional Development Plan 2013-2018 32
Implement school-based interventions and collect data as outlined by RTI teams.
Take an active role in the IIP planning process for tier three students.
Are aware of goals and assist with interventions set by support services personnel (Educational Psychologists, School
Counselors, Speech and Language Pathologists, Occupational Therapists, etc.).
Establish routines and procedures to ensure students are aware of expectations and cause minimal distractions during
Involve students in the development of rules and expectations.
Deal with misbehaviors privately and do not call attention to them in class.
Recognize the important role that culture plays in a student’s mastery of curriculum outcomes.
Meet students where they are at and build on their background knowledge and experiences.
Maintain open communication with parents and caregivers.
Model the respect they expect from their students.
C. Planning for Implementation of Curriculum Outcomes
The planning of curriculum outcomes should be based on the students and their learning needs. Effective planning occurs when
Have a clear understanding of curriculum outcomes by using the Understanding by Design (UbD) framework to unpack
outcomes and plan learning opportunities.
Are able to identify big ideas, essential questions, and what students need to know, understand, and do (KUDs) for each
curriculum outcome.
Make students aware of curriculum outcomes, big ideas and KUDs in language appropriate for the age and ability levels of
their students.
Plan all instruction around curriculum outcomes.
Integrate curriculum outcomes whenever possible to assist with meeting all grade-specific outcomes by the end of the school
Demonstrate a thorough knowledge of content.
Good Spirit School Division Professional Development Plan 2013-2018 33
D. Use of Response Teaching Strategies for Instruction
Teachers need to use responsive teaching strategies in their instruction. These strategies take into account student readiness levels
and are planned around the continual assessment of student need. Teachers who use responsive teaching strategies will:
Create learning opportunities that promote student learning of the entire class.
Plan instruction that is engaging to students and requires their active participation.
Activate the prior knowledge of students before beginning instruction.
Provide different pathways for students to acquire new learning.
Ensure there is a balance between teacher choice and student choice during instruction.
Give students a choice in how they discover and construct knowledge.
Incorporate flexible groupings based on students’ interest, readiness levels, and learning preferences throughout the day
and/or throughout a unit of study.
Encourage students to practice learning in a “social” context with a partner or small group.
Provide anchor activities that target curriculum outcomes and student needs.
Tier instruction on a regular basis to meet the readiness levels of all students in a classroom.
Use inquiry as a regular part of instruction.
Ask higher-level thinking questions to get students to think critically and creatively.
Scaffold instruction to create an environment of success.
Integrate technology into instruction.
Promote problem-solving abilities of students.
E. Assessment of Student Learning
The ongoing assessment of student learning plays a key role in a responsive teaching classroom. Teachers need to be continually
aware of what their students need to move forward with their learning. To demonstrate the important role that assessment plays in
instruction, teachers will:
Continually assess student learning using pre-assessment and formative assessment measures.
Show evidence that assessment information is being used to plan instruction.
Use assessment data to determine the readiness levels of students.
Good Spirit School Division Professional Development Plan 2013-2018 34
Develop the practice of providing descriptive feedback to students on formative assessment measures that does not include
a mark or grade.
Offer students a choice in how they demonstrate their learning.
Design summative assessment tasks that cover the depth and breadth of curriculum outcomes.
Triangulate data when summatively assessing student learning of outcomes.
Collect evidence of student learning throughout instruction to support findings of summative assessment measures.
Involve students in the assessment process through co-constructing criteria, self-assessment, peer assessment, goal-setting,
and collecting evidence of learning.
F. Interpersonal Relations And Communication Skills
Interpersonal and communication skills are an important part of being a professional and working with others on an educational
team. Teachers demonstrate these competencies when they:
Foster positive relationships with students, parents, and staff.
Actively listen and seek to understand what others are saying.
Convey empathy for others when dealing with sensitive issues that arise.
Demonstrate a willingness to take part in school-related activities.
Take an active, positive role in promoting school and division-based initiatives.
Encourage open communication.
Communicate effectively with students, parents, staff, and community members both in person and in print.
Collaborate with others to solve problems.
Receive requests and questions with an open mind.
Recognize and provide positive feedback to others for a job well done.
Offer constructive feedback when appropriate.
Good Spirit School Division Professional Development Plan 2013-2018 35
G. Professionalism (Qualities, Attitudes, And Responsibilities)
Teachers need to exhibit professionalism when dealing with students, parents, staff, and other community members. They
demonstrate their professionalism when they:
Demonstrate a Strong Commitment to Professional Growth
Assess own teaching abilities and look for ways to improve.
Continually seek professional development to remain current with research and best practices (attend workshops, read
professional literature, take on-line courses and webinars, participate in blog discussions, etc.).
Implement research-based best practices into instruction.
Discuss and share ideas with colleagues.
Respond constructively to feedback provided.
Demonstrate Professional Attitudes and Beliefs
Commit to helping all students in their classroom succeed.
Are flexible and adjust to changes.
Respond constructively to issues and challenges that arise.
Show enthusiasm for their chosen profession both in school and out.
Accept Their Professional Responsibilities
Support the mission statements and philosophies of the school and school division.
Follow the policies provided by the school division.
Work as part of a team for the betterment of all students and staff.
Handle confidential material in a discreet manner.
Meet assigned tasks and deadlines (report cards, cumulative folders, attendance reports, etc.).
Make a positive contribution to staff morale.

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5 year pd continuum sept. 9

  • 1. Good Spirit School Division Professional Development Plan 2013-2018 1 Good Spirit School Division Professional Development Continuum
  • 2. Good Spirit School Division Professional Development Plan 2013-2018 2 Table of Contents Overview of Professional Development Continuum Philosophy 3 Digital Fluency 4 Response to Intervention and Environment 5 Curriculum 6 Assessment 7 Instruction 8 Chart of Division Initiatives 2013-2018 9 Flow Chart of 2013-2014 Professional Development Plan 11 2013-2014 School Year 12 2014-2015 School Year 15 2015-2016 School Year 18 2016-2017 School Year 21 2017-2018 School Year 22 Communication Plan 23 Implementation Plan 24 Glossary of Key Terms 25 Appendix A: Good Spirit School Division UbD Unit Plan 27 Appendix B: Indicators of Responsive Teaching 31
  • 3. Good Spirit School Division Professional Development Plan 2013-2018 3 PHILOSOPHY Good Spirit School Division believes in “Learning Without Limits” and “Achievement For All.” To reach this end, teachers employ responsive teaching strategies with a belief that each and every student can learn and succeed. These strategies support students to become self-directed learners who look at any given situation as an opportunity to learn and who problem-solve to achieve their goals. Central to “Learning Without Limits” and “Achievement For All” is differentiation. Differentiation is a philosophy of teaching and learning that puts the needs of individual students at the center of all instructional opportunities. Learning experiences focus on curriculum outcomes and are planned around each student’s interests, learning preferences, and readiness levels. Teachers continually assess students during the learning process and make adjustments as needed. Students are provided with different pathways to achieve and go beyond established outcomes and objectives. They are encouraged to demonstrate their learning in a variety of different ways.
  • 4. Good Spirit School Division Professional Development Plan 2013-2018 4 DIGITAL FLUENCY Technology is an important part of educating our students for the 21st Century. Good Spirit School Division is committed to building the digital fluency of teachers, students, and administrators. Digital fluency is incorporated into all aspects of the Professional Development Continuum.
  • 5. Good Spirit School Division Professional Development Plan 2013-2018 5 RESPONSE TO INTERVENTION AND ENVIRONMENT The foundation for Good Spirit’s professional development continuum is a supportive learning environment in which all children can be successful. The implementation of the Response to Intervention (RTI) process over the next few years will help teachers create a supportive learning environment for individual students. At the tier one level, teachers can focus on the overall environment of their classroom to ensure it is free from distractions and focuses on student achievement. It is important for all students to feel comfortable and safe so they are willing to take risks in their learning. Digital fluency can be incorporated into the development of support learning environments by designing learning spaces that incorporate authentic uses of digital devices. Response to Intervention (RTI) – RTI is a responsive teaching process that helps all students access the curriculum. Learning environments are created so that students can achieve defined goals. Key to the successful implementation of the RTI process is a team who monitors and directs the interventions provided to students. Resource:Pyramid Response to Intervention: RTI, Professional Learning Communities, and How to Respond When Kids Don’t Learn by Austin Buffum, Mike Mattos, and Chris Weber.Physical Environment - Teachers will focus on creating environments that support the learning needs of all the students in their classrooms and that allow students to focus their attention on learning. Ensuring there are minimal distractions and providing accommodations for student learning (alternate seating, seat cushions, Thera-band, assistive technology,fidgets, etc.) will help make this supportive learning environment a reality.Use the ClassroomEnvironment Scan” found in the Good Spirit RTI Manual to assist you with assessing your classroom and creating a supportive learning environment for your students. Resource: Calm, Alert, and Learning: Classroom Strategies for Self-Regulation by Dr. Stuart Shanker. Visit the Ministry of Saskatchewan’s Website on resources to support the Level 1 Response to Intervention Workshops. School Year Focus 2013-2014 Creation of a Teaching Wall with Minimal Distractions Exploration of Accommodations for Student Learning and Ways to Reduce Clutter in the Classroom Exploration of School Environment Establish of School-Based RTI Teams Begin to Implement Division RTI Guidelines 2014-2015 Further Development of Clutter-Free Classrooms and School Environment Continued Exploration of Accommodations for Student Learning Further Development and Implementation of School-Based RTI Teams and Division Guidelines 2015-2016 Further Development of Accommodations Usage for Student Learning Evaluation and Final Refinement of School-Based RTI Teams and Division Guidelines 2016-2017 Expectation that All Students will be Provided with Accommodations they Need to be Successful
  • 6. Good Spirit School Division Professional Development Plan 2013-2018 6 CURRICULUM Recently, the Ministry of Education released renewed curriculums for Saskatchewan schools. These curriculums are inquiry- based and encourage teachers to create learning opportunities in which students can discover and construct new knowledge for themselves in a social context. Not all curriculums have been renewed at the publication of this document. Whether you are a teacher using outcome-based curriculums or you are a teacher using objective-based curriculums, there is a need for teachers to unpack outcomes and objectives before they begin planning how they will be implemented into their classrooms. There are a number of different terms used in current literature that refer to the process of understanding curriculum outcomes. The Good Spirit PD Continuum uses the term “unpacking” to refer to this process. Good Spirit plans to assist teachers with the unpacking process by providing school-level professional development and support with the Understanding by Design (UbD) process. UbD is a framework designed by Jay McTighe and Grant Wiggins that uses the backwards by design model to unpack outcomes and objectives, design assessment, and plan instruction for deeper understanding by students. Stage one involves identifying the desired results. These results are determined by unpacking curriculum outcomes and objectives. Once the desired results are identified, teachers work through stages two and three. Stage two involves designing assessment and stage three involves planning instruction. Digital strategies can be incorporated into all three stages of the unpacking process. Resources: Integrating Differentiated Instruction and Understanding by Design: Connecting Content and Kids by Jay McTighe and Carol Ann Tomlinson and Renewed Curricula: Understanding Outcomes put out by the Saskatchewan Ministry of Education. School Year Focus 2013-2014 Unpacking Curriculum Outcomes or Objectives 2014-2015 Exploration of Performance Task and Learning Plan Design Completion of Division UbD Template or Similar 2015-2016 Completion of Division UbD Template or Similar for ELA or other if not ELA teacher 2016-2017 Completion of Division UbD Template or Similar for all curriculum areas 2017-2018 Expectation That All Curriculums are Unpacked with Summative Performance Tasks and Learning Plans Using the Division UbD Template or Similar
  • 7. Good Spirit School Division Professional Development Plan 2013-2018 7 ASSESSMENT Student Assessment – The ongoing assessment of student learning is an integral part of differentiated instruction and responding to individual student need. Assessment is used to determine the readiness levels of students and to plan instruction that will help students achieve or exceed curriculum expectations. There are three types of assessment: pre-assessment, formative assessment, and summative assessment. Pre-assessment is given to students prior to learning so that teachers can determine readiness levels and plan appropriate instruction. Formative assessment occurs throughout instruction so teachers can tailor their instruction to the needs of students. Summative assessment occurs at or near the end of a unit of study to provide levels of achievement that can be reported to stakeholders. Digital assessment measures can be utilized for all three types of assessment. Resource: Making Classroom Assessment Work by Anne Davies Report Cards – With the current changes in education, comes a need to create a new system of reporting. Stakeholders require information on the achievement levels of students that is easy to understand. Resource: A Repair Kit for Grading: 15 Fixes for Broken Grades by Ken O’Connor School Year Focus 2013-2014 Using Pre-Assessment and Formative Assessment to Continually Assess Student Learning Begin Exploring the Use of an Outcome-Based Report Card and Grading Scale 2014-2015 Triangulating Summative Assessment Data and Providing Evidence of Learning Further Develop the Use of an Outcome-Based Report Card and Grading Scale 2015-2016 Giving Descriptive Feedback to Students Refine the Use of the Outcome-Based Report Card and Grading Scale 2016-2017 Involving Students in the Assessment Process 2017-2018 Full Implementation of Above Strategies is Expected
  • 8. Good Spirit School Division Professional Development Plan 2013-2018 8 INSTRUCTION The development of a learning plan that meets the needs of all students in a classroom is key to student achievement. In order to plan opportunities that support student learning, teachers need to use differentiated instruction strategies that provide students with a variety of pathways for learning. Included in the different pathways for learning should be digital solutions that connect students to instruction through the use of technology. Resource: Leading and Managing a Differentiated Classroom by Carol Ann Tomlinson and Marcia Imbeau School Year Focus 2013-2014 Incorporating Flexible Groupings Into Instruction 2014-2015 Providing Student Choice During Instruction and to Demonstrate Learning 2015-2016 Creating Outcome-Based Anchor Activities That Target Student Need Planning Tiered Instruction 2016-2017 Using Data to Inform Instruction Planning Inquiry-Based Instruction 2017-2018 Full Implementation of Above Strategies is Expected
  • 9. Good Spirit School Division Professional Development Plan 2013-2018 9 DIVISION INITIATIVES 2013 – 2018 Division initiatives are focused on building teacher capacity and supporting teachers through workshops and school-based professional development. These initiatives align with Good Spirit’s Indicators of Responsive Teaching (See Appendix A). The stages in the growth process are indicated through a deepening of colour. The lightest colour is the awareness/exploration stage, the next shade is the developing stage, and the darkest colour is the refinement stage. All initiatives take place within the context of Saskatchewan’s inquiry-based curriculums and the philosophy of differentiation. 2013-2014 2014-2015 2015-2016 2016-2017 2017-2018 Response to Intervention Establish School-Based RTI Teams and Implement Division RTI Guidelines Awareness/ Exploration Further Development Refinement Environment Classroom Environment (clutter-free with minimal distractions) Awareness/ Exploration Further Development Refinement Refinement School Environment (hallways, library, gym, entrance ways, etc.) Awareness/ Exploration Further Development Refinement Further Development Refinement Student Accommodations Awareness/ Exploration Awareness/ Exploration Further Development Refinement Curriculum Unpacking Curriculum Outcomes Awareness/ Exploration Awareness/ Exploration Further Development Refinement Designing Performance Tasks for Summative Assessment and Creating Learning Plans Awareness/ Exploration Further Development Refinement Complete Division UbD Templates or similar Awareness/ Exploration Further Development Refinement
  • 10. Good Spirit School Division Professional Development Plan 2013-2018 10 All initiatives take place within the context of Saskatchewan’s inquiry-based curriculums and the philosophy of differentiation. 2013-2014 2014-2015 2015-2016 2016-2017 2017-2018 Assessment Using Pre-Assessment and Formative Assessment to Continually Assess Students Awareness/ Exploration Further Development Refinement Triangulating Summative Assessment Data and Providing Evidence of Learning Awareness/ Exploration Further Development Refinement Giving Descriptive Feedback to Students Awareness/ Exploration Further Development Refinement Involving Students in Assessment (From Co- Constructing Criteria to Goal Setting) Awareness/ Exploration Further Development Outcome-Based Report Card and Grading Scale Awareness/ Exploration Further Development Refinement Instruction Incorporating Flexible Grouping into Instruction Awareness/ Exploration Further Development Refinement Providing Student Choice During Instruction and to Demonstrate Learning Awareness/ Exploration Further Development Refinement Creating Outcome-Based Anchor Activities that Target Student Needs Awareness/ Exploration Further Development Refinement Planning Tiered Instruction Awareness/ Exploration Further Development Using Data to Inform Instruction Awareness/ Exploration Further Development Planning Inquiry-Based Instruction Awareness/ Exploration Further Development
  • 11. Good Spirit School Division Professional Development Plan 2013-2018 11
  • 12. Good Spirit School Division Professional Development Plan 2013-2018 12 2013-2014 Focus Area Expectation Responsibility Target Date Environment creation of a clean, uncluttered teaching wall and exploration of other ways to reduce clutter in the classroom before and after pictures of teaching wall and classroom May 31, 2014 exploration of school environment before and after pictures (if appropriate) May 31, 2014 establish school-based RTI team and begin to implement division RTI guidelines completed referral forms and goal sheets for interventions establishment of RTI teams reflection of RTI process, including composition of RTI teams Ongoing as submitted September 30, 2013 May 14, 2013 exploration of accommodations for student learning reflection of accommodations tried and how they affected student learning May 31, 2014 Curriculum Module 1: Unpacking Curriculum Outcomes or Objectives completed stage one of the division UbD template or similar January 31, 2014 Assessment Module 2: Using Pre-Assessment and Formative Assessment to Continually Assess Students implement pre-assessment and formative assessment strategies as indicated on the UbD template administrators will complete a three-minute walk-through or similar observation sheet during one of the assessments May 31, 2014 Instruction Module 3: Incorporating Flexible Groupings Into Instruction explore one new flexible grouping strategy into instruction and complete a reflection template on one strategy administrators will complete a three-minute walk-through or similar observation sheet during the implementation of one of the strategies May 31, 2014
  • 13. Good Spirit School Division Professional Development Plan 2013-2018 13 ENVIRONMENT Teaching Wall: There is an expectation that teachers will create a clean and uncluttered teaching wall. Some students require minimal distractions in order to focus on key content. Teachers can begin this process by focusing on their teaching board and then move towards a teaching wall that contains few distractions by the end of the school year. Teachers will also begin exploring ways to reduce the amount of clutter in their classrooms. Responsibility/Data: Take before and after pictures of the instructional wall and other target areas in each classroom. School Environment: Schools will begin to look at ways to make school environments more conducive to student achievement. Responsibility/Data: Take before and after pictures if appropriate. School-Based RTI Teams and Division RTI Guidelines: School-based RTI teams will be established in the fall of 2013. As each school is different, schools will be encouraged to create teams that meet the individual needs of their schools. Requirements that are consistent among schools are regular team meetings and the inclusion of SSTs and Admin on RTI teams. A draft version of the Division RTI Guidelines will be provided to schools and will include documents that may be used to refer students and develop intervention plans. Schools are encouraged to use the enclosed documents or build others that are effective at the school level. The draft Division RTI Guidelines will be revisited and refined each year until a document is created that reflects the individual needs of all schools. Responsibility/Data: Schools will keep a record of all referral forms made to the school-based RTI team and the subsequent goal sheets that outline interventions. In addition, the school-based intervention team will complete a reflection questionnaire at the end of the school year on what worked, what needs to be changed, and how student learning was affected through the RTI process. Exploration of Student Accommodations: Teachers will begin to explore the use of accommodations to support student learning. Alternate seating, Thera-band, assistive technology, fidgets, slant boards, etc. will be made available for teachers to use with students in their classrooms. Responsibility/Data: Teachers will complete a reflection questionnaire that outlines the accommodations tried with students and how they impacted student learning.
  • 14. Good Spirit School Division Professional Development Plan 2013-2018 14 CURRICULUM Module 1: Unpacking Curriculum Outcomes Teachers will work through an unpacking module that helps them identify the big ideas and essential questions of curriculum outcomes and objectives. They will determine what students need to know, understand, and do (KUDs) in order to achieve each outcome or objective. Responsibility/Data: By January 31, 2014 teachers will hand in the completed Stage 1 of the division UbD planning template for one curriculum area. ASSESSMENT Module 2: Using Pre-Assessment and Formative Assessment to Continually Assess Students This module will walk teachers through the pre-assessment and formative assessment processes and suggest a number of ways to implement them into their classrooms. Teachers are encouraged to choose new strategies that they have not used in the past. Teachers can also begin using these strategies to develop the stage two section of the division UbD template that deals with assessment. Responsibility/Data: Teachers will choose three different strategies to try out in their classroom and complete a reflection template on one of the strategies. They will hand in their reflection by May 31, 2014. Administrators will complete a three-minute walk-through or similar observation sheet of a classroom visit during the implementation of one of these strategies. INSTRUCTION Module 3: Incorporating Flexible Groupingsinto Instruction As flexible groupings is one of the key principles of differentiated instruction and teachers most likely already use some form of flexible grouping in their classrooms, this module will build on the prior knowledge and experiences of teachers. Teachers will be encouragedchoose a different type of flexible grouping or use flexible grouping for a different purpose than they have traditionally used in the past. A number of different examples will be provided so teachers can visualize how groups can be formed in their classrooms based on readiness, interest, and learning preference. Responsibility/Data: Teachers will choose one flexible grouping strategy to try out in their classroom and complete a reflection template on the use of the strategy. Strategies will be tried and reflections completed in the spring of 2014. Administrators will complete a three-minute walk-through or similar observation sheet of a classroom visit during the implementation of one of these strategies.
  • 15. Good Spirit School Division Professional Development Plan 2013-2018 15 2014-2015 Focus Area Expectation Responsibility Target Date Environment further development of clutter-free classrooms and school environment before and after pictures of target areas in classroom and in school May 31, 2015 further development of school-based RTI teams and division guidelines completed referral forms and goal sheets for interventions reflection of RTI process, including composition of school-based RTI teams May 31, 2015 continued exploration of accommodations for student learning reflection of accommodations tried and how they affected student learning May 31, 2015 Curriculum Module #4: Designing Performance Tasks for Summative Assessment completed stage two and three of the division UbD template or similar May 31, 2015 Assessment Module #5: Triangulating Summative Assessment Data and Providing Evidence of Assessment reflection on the triangulation of data process and assessment samples of one student demonstrating the triangulation of data and supportive evidence of learning January 31, 2015 Instruction Module #6: Providing Student Choice During Instruction and to Demonstrate Learning implement three new strategies into instruction and complete a reflection template on one strategy administrators will complete a three-minute walk-through or similar observation sheet during the implementation of one of the strategies April 30, 2015 Cultural Awareness TBA TBA TBA
  • 16. Good Spirit School Division Professional Development Plan 2013-2018 16 ENVIRONMENT Classroom and School Environment: The focus will be on having teachers continue to find ways to reduce the amount of clutter in their classrooms to minimize distractions to student learning. In addition, schools will continue to look for ways to develop their school environment so it is more conducive to student achievement. Responsibility/Data: Teachers can take before and after pictures of their classrooms and the school or create a video that shows what their classroom or area of the school looked like before they focused on developing the environment and what it looked like after they were finished. School-Based RTI Teams and Division RTI Guidelines: Schools will continue to explore and further develop the draft Division RTI Guidelines. At the end of the school year, the draft guidelines will once again be revisited and refined. Responsibility/Data: Schools will keep a record of all referral forms made to the school-based RTI team and the subsequent goal sheets that outline interventions. In addition, the school-based intervention team will complete a reflection questionnaire at the end of the school year on what worked, what needs to be changed, and how student learning was affected through the RTI process. Exploration of Student Accommodations: Teachers will continue to explore the use of accommodations to support student learning. Alternate seating, Thera-band, assistive technology, fidgets, slant boards, etc. will be made available for teachers to use with students in their classrooms. Responsibility/Data: Teachers will complete a reflection questionnaire that outlines the accommodations tried with students and how they impacted student learning. CURRICULUM Module 4: Designing Performance Tasks for Summative Assessment This module will focus on designing summative assessment tasks that measure the breadth and depth of curriculum outcomes and objectives. Teachers will create tasks that appeal to different learning styles and provide students with a choice in how they demonstrate their learning. Responsibility/Data: By May 31, 2015 teachers will hand in the completed stage two and three of the division UbD planning template for another curriculum area.
  • 17. Good Spirit School Division Professional Development Plan 2013-2018 17 ASSSESSMENT Module 5: Triangulating Summative Assessment and Providing Evidence of Student Learning It is important to triangulate summative assessment data that is collected on student learning. One form of assessment should never result in a “mark” or “grade.” Anne Davies talks about the process of triangulation in her book Making Classroom Assessment Work. She highlights the need to gather evidence through observations, conversations, and products. “When evidence is collected from three different sources (observations, conversations, and products) over time, trends and patterns become apparent, and the reliability and validity of our classroom assessment increases (p. 46).” This module looks at different ways that teachers can triangulate data and gather evidence of learning to support their summative assessment findings. Responsibility/Data: Teachers will outline a plan to triangulate the summative assessment of one outcome or objective or one unit of study. They will also identify evidence that they may use to support their findings. They will have 6 to 8 weeks from the presentation of the module to complete the process. In addition to completing a reflection of the process, teachers will hand in the summative assessment evidence of one student in their classroom to demonstrate how they arrived at their findings of a particular outcomeor objective or unit of study. INSTRUCTION Module 6: Providing Student Choice During Instruction and To Demonstrate Learning Students learn in different ways and need the opportunity to demonstrate their learning using products that are meaningful to them. One of the essential characteristics of differentiated instruction is student choice. This module will look at different ways teachers can provide choice to students both during instruction and when student need to demonstrate their learning. Responsibility/Data: Teachers will implement at least three different strategies that involve student choice within their instruction. They will reflect on one of these choices and indicate how it affected student learning. Teachers will have 6 to 8 weeks from the presentation of this module to use three different strategies. Administrators will complete a three-minute walk-through or similar observation document during the implementation of one of these strategies.
  • 18. Good Spirit School Division Professional Development Plan 2013-2018 18 2015-2016 Focus Area Expectation Responsibility Target Date Environment further development of accommodations for student learning before and after pictures of classroom May 31, 2016 final evaluation and refinement of RTI process reflection of RTI process, including composition of school-based RTI teams May 31, 2016 Curriculum completion of Division UbD template or similar for ELA or other subject area if not a ELA teacher completed UbD templates for ELA or other subject area May 31, 2016 Assessment Module #7: Giving Descriptive Feedback to Students completed reflection on descriptive feedback as well as three examples attached to reflection November 30, 2016 Instruction Module #8: Creating Outcome- Based Anchor Activities That Target Student Needs completed reflection on the use of anchor activities as well as examples or descriptions of the anchor activities used February 28, 2016 Module #9: Planning Tiered Instruction completed reflection with attached tiered assignments or description of tiered activities administrators will complete a three-minute walk-through or similar observation sheet during the implementation of a tiered activity or assignment May 31, 2016 Cultural Awareness TBA TBA TBA
  • 19. Good Spirit School Division Professional Development Plan 2013-2018 19 ENVIRONMENT Student Accommodations: Teachers will continue to use accommodations to support student learning. Alternate seating, Thera-band, assistive technology,fidgets, slant boards, etc. will be made available for teachers to use with students in their classrooms. Responsibility/Data: Teachers will complete a reflection questionnaire that outlines the accommodations tried with students and how they impacted student learning. RTI Process: Evaluate referral process and protocol and make final changes to Division RTI Guidelines. CURRICULUM Division UbD Template or Similar in ELA or Other Curriculum: Having worked through the unpacking and planning process for the past two years, teachers will now use the division UbD template or similar document to unpack and plan the ELA curriculum. Teachers who do not teach ELA will choose one other curriculum area to focus on for this purpose. Responsibility/Data: By May 31, 2016 teachers will hand in the completed division UbD planning template or similar for ELA or another curriculum area if they are not an ELA teacher. ASSESSMENT Module 7: Giving Descriptive Feedback to Students Descriptive feedback plays an important role in formative assessment as this type of assessment informs instruction. It is never marked or graded. Rather, teachers provide feedback to students that will help them improve and achieve curriculum outcomes or objectives. Responsibility/Data: Teachers will choose an assignment to provide descriptive feedback to their students. They will then complete a reflection template on how the use of descriptive feedback affected student learning. Teachers will attach to their reflection three examples of the descriptive feedback they provided to students. They will have 6 to 8 weeks from the presentation of this module to implement strategies and complete their reflection of the process. INSTRUCTION
  • 20. Good Spirit School Division Professional Development Plan 2013-2018 20 Module 8: Creating Outcome-Based Anchor Activities That Target Student Needs Anchor activities are more than giving students “busy-work.” They should be tailored to the individual needs of students. This module looks at different ways of creating anchor activities for students in a classroom. Responsibility/Data: Teachers will create anchor activities to use with their students that target individual student needs. They will complete a reflection template on their use of targeted anchor activities and attach samples or descriptions of the anchor activities they used. Teacher will have 6 to 8 weeks from the presentation of the module to implement strategies and complete their reflection of the process. Module 9: Planning Tiered Instruction Tiered instruction is a natural practice when teaching from a differentiated philosophy. It focuses on the learning needs and preferences of students. In this module, teachers focus on creating tiered activities and/or tiered assignments for their students. Responsibility/Data: Teachers will tier an activity or assignment in their classroom. They will then complete a reflection template and attach a copy of their tiered activities or assignments to the template. They will have 6 to 8 weeks from the presentation of the module to implement strategies and complete their reflections of the process. Administrators will complete a three-minute walk-through or similar observation sheet of a classroom visit during the implementation of the tiered activity or assignment. 2016-2017
  • 21. Good Spirit School Division Professional Development Plan 2013-2018 21 Focus Area Expectation Responsibility Target Date Curriculum completion of Division UbD template or similar for all subject areas completed UbD templates for all subject areas taught May 31, 2017 Assessment Module #10: Involving Students in the Assessment Process completed template and example of how one student was involved in the assessment process November 30, 2017 Instruction Module #11: Using Data to Inform Instruction completed reflection template on the process of using data to inform instruction as well as concrete examples of student work February 28, 2017 Module #12: Planning Inquiry- Based Instruction completed reflection template on the inquiry lesson administrators will complete a three-minute walk-through or similar observation sheet during the inquiry lesson May 31, 2017 Cultural Awareness TBA TBA TBA ASSESSMENT
  • 22. Good Spirit School Division Professional Development Plan 2013-2018 22 Module 10: Involving Students in the Assessment Process (From Co-Constructing Criteria to Goal Setting) Involving students in the assessment process is an important part of responsive teaching. Students can be involved in assessment through co- constructing criteria, self-assessment, peer assessment, goal setting and collecting evidence of learning. Teachers will work through these activities with their students during this module. Responsibility/Data: Teachers will choose an activity or assignment that they will use to involve their students in the assessment process. They will then complete a reflection template on their students’ involvement and attach the assessment materials from one of their students. They will have 6 to 8 weeks from the presentation of the module to involve students in the assessment process and complete their reflection. INSTRUCTION Module 11: Using Data to Inform Instruction Ongoing assessment is a characteristic of a differentiated classroom. Teachers need to use the data they collect from pre-assessment and formative assessment measures to help them plan their instruction. Responsibility/Data: Teachers will use data to help them plan instruction in their classroom. They will complete a reflection template on this process and include examples of student work that demonstrate how they used the data. They will have 6 to 8 weeks from the presentation of the module to implement strategies and complete their reflection of the process. Module 12: Inquiry As inquiry is central to the new curriculums released by the Ministry of Education, it is important that teachers understand the inquiry process. Inquiry is more than simply finding answers to questions. Inquiry questions do not have simply “yes” or “no” or other one-word answers. They require students to research and form an opinion based on the information they discover. Responsibility/Data: Teachers will complete an inquiry lesson with their students and a reflection template on the use of the inquiry process. They will have 6 to 8 weeks from the presentation of the module to implement strategies and complete their reflection of the process. Administrators will complete a three-minute walk-through or similar observation sheet of a classroom visit during the implementation of the inquiry lesson. 2017-2018
  • 23. Good Spirit School Division Professional Development Plan 2013-2018 23 The final year of Good Spirit’s Professional Development Continuum will involve the refinement of skills and strategies that focus on student learning. Teachers who missed modules due to leaves or entering the division after the implementation of this PD plan will have this year to work through the missed modules. Focus Area Expectation Responsibility Due Date Cultural Awareness TBA TBA TBA Communication Plan For Administrators June 11 – Overview of Expectations for 2013/2014 in areas of Environment, RTI, curriculum, instruction and assessment For Teachers Aug 28 – School-based presentation of module one For Parents A plan for communication to parents is to be provided by division communication committee. Implementation Plan
  • 24. Good Spirit School Division Professional Development Plan 2013-2018 24 2013-2014 School Year Superintendent of Education A Superintendent was hired to oversee the implementation of the Professional Development Continuum in Good Spirit School Division. The Superintendent will work with the Deputy Director, Student Services Coordinators, Coaches, Principals, Student Services Teachers, and Early Adopters at each school to provide school-level support of division initiatives. Environment & RTI Implementation The journey to create a classroom and school environment that is conducive to student learning will begin in June 2013 when administrators are presented with the division environmental checklist. Teachers can then begin exploring ideas and making changes to their classrooms and school in the fall of the 2013- 2014 school year. To begin the implementation process of school-based RTI teams, a full day of training will be provided to division personnel (coaches, coordinators, and supervisors), administrators, student services teachers, and school counselors. During this meeting, participants will work through the division RTI Manual and be introduced to forms that are used during the RTI process. Module Implementation Training for each module will be provided to school-based teams which may consist of: an administrator, student services teacher, school counselor, and early adopters. Early adopters are volunteer positions. Teachers who are interested in the different modules can choose to be an early adopter. These positions can change from module to module. Training sessions will occur on the afternoons of admin meetings prior to November 8th and March 14th. The first session, prior to November 8th, will focus on Module 1. Module 1 looks at the first stage of the unpacking process for both outcomes and objectives. The second training session will occur prior to March 14th. This session will focus on the pre-assessment and formative assessment practices of Module 2 and the use of flexible grouping in Module 3. Training sessions will include division personnel, in addition to the principals, vice principals, student services teachers, and early adopters. Division-Based Team Training On June 24, 2013 division personnel including coaches, coordinators, and supervisors will work through the first three modules that will be implemented by teachers during the 2013-2014 school year. Division personnel will review the modules and determine a presentation plan for school-based teams (administrators, student services teachers, school counselors, and early adopters). Glossary of Key Terminology
  • 25. Good Spirit School Division Professional Development Plan 2013-2018 25 Differentiation In an article on the Reading Rockets website, Tomlinson states, “Differentiation means tailoring instruction to meet individual needs. Whether teachers differentiate content, process, products, or the learning environment, the use of ongoing assessment and flexible grouping makes this a successful approach to instruction.” Growth Mindset A growth mindset believes that intelligence, talent, and ability can be developed. In her book Growth Mindset, Carol Dweck(2006) talks about the growth mindset, In this mindset, the hand you’re dealt with is just the starting point for development. This growth mindset is based on the belief that your basic qualities are things you can cultivate through your efforts. Although people may differ in every which way—in their initial talents and aptitudes, interests, or temperaments—everyone can change and grow through application and experience (p. 7). Teachers need to plan their instruction from a growth mindset and create learning opportunities that cultivate a growth mindset in the students they teach. Response to Intervention (RTI) Response to Intervention (RTI) is process that helps all students access the curriculum. There are four essential components of RTI. They are universal screening to identify potential at-risk students, providing three levels of intervention, progress monitoring of students, and using data to make decisions. Responsive Teaching Responsive teaching involves observing students and creating learning opportunities that extend their current level of readiness to master curriculum outcomes. It involves providing instruction to students that is tailored to their individual needs and supports them so they are successful. Understanding by Design (UbD) UbD is a framework designed by Jay McTighe and Grant Wiggins that uses the backwards by design model to unpack outcomes, design
  • 26. Good Spirit School Division Professional Development Plan 2013-2018 26 assessment, and plan instruction for deeper understanding by students. Universal Design of Learning Universal Design is defined by CAST as, “a set of principles for curriculum development that gives all individuals equal opportunities to learn.” The principles include presenting content in a number of different ways,differentiating the ways that students demonstrate their learning, andusing a variety of strategies to engage students. Appendix A: Good Spirit School Division UbD Unit Plan
  • 27. Good Spirit School Division Professional Development Plan 2013-2018 27 Good Spirit School Division UbD Unit Plan Teacher: Grade: Unit Title: Time Frame: STAGE ONE: IDENTIFY THE DESIRED RESULTS Outcomes Addressed in the Unit SK curriculum outcomes can be copied and pasted, focuses highlighted.
  • 28. Good Spirit School Division Professional Development Plan 2013-2018 28 Enduring Understandings What do you want students to understand and be able to use several years from now? What are the BIG ideas? Essential Questions Open-ended questions that stimulate thought and inquiry linked to the content of the enduring understandings. Knowledge and Skills (Students will know and do…) What key knowledge and skills will students acquire as a result of this unit? (These may be indicators from the curriculum) Knowledge (Students will know…) What key knowledge will students acquire as a result of this unit? Skills (Students will know how to…) What key skillswill students acquire as a result of this unit?
  • 29. Good Spirit School Division Professional Development Plan 2013-2018 29 STAGE TWO: DESIGN ASSESSMENT EVIDENCE Pre-Assessments Pre-assessments are used to determine what students know and their readiness level to inform instruction. Formative Assessments Through what multiple sources of evidence will students demonstrate their understanding on a continual basis? These help guide instruction and provide feedback to students. Summative Assessments/Performance Tasks Assessments of what students know and can do aligned to the outcomes. They are a snapshot in time used for reporting and evaluating. Outcomes
  • 30. Good Spirit School Division Professional Development Plan 2013-2018 30 STAGE THREE: CREATE THE LEARNING PLAN Contextual Big Ideas(ELA only) What BIG ideas do you want students to gain from the context? (This is found in the SK curriculum) Contextual Questions for Deeper Understanding(ELA only) Are questions that are thought provoking, probe a matter of considerable importance, and require movement beyond present understanding and studying. They often lead to other questions posed by students. (These can be found in the SK curriculum) Instructional Plan The Instructional Plan should include a sequence of lessons, teaching strategies, and information on First Nation, Inuit and Metis Content integration and technology integration. Key Resources
  • 31. Good Spirit School Division Professional Development Plan 2013-2018 31 Appendix B: Indicators of Responsive Teaching The following indicators are descriptions of effective responsive teaching practices that focus on student learning. They are not intended to be an inclusive list but rather used as a guide to assist teachers with identifying areas of strength and targets for potential growth. Growth Mindset Teachers need to have a growth mindset when dealing with students in today’s classrooms. A belief that all students can learn and that talents and skills can be developed is essential for student success. Teachers demonstrate a growth mindset when they: Believe that all the students in their classrooms can succeed. Never give up on a student. Recognize and foster each student’s sense of self-worth and dignity. Take responsibility for the education of all the students in their classrooms. Recognize and encourage the potential of each student. Celebrate success. B.Creation of a Supportive Learning Environment With the diverse needs of students in today’s classrooms, it is important to create a supportive learning environment in which all students feel comfortable and are willing to take risks in their learning. Teachers provide a supportive learning environment when they: Seek to discover the interests, learning styles, and readiness levels of all the students in their classrooms. Take into account individual student needs and learning preferences when planning instruction. Have a clean, focused teaching wall. Create an uncluttered classroom environment that has minimal distractions. Provide accommodations to students so they can access the curriculum (fidgets, slant boards, alternate seating, etc.). Utilize school-based RTI (Response to Intervention) teams to support student learning.
  • 32. Good Spirit School Division Professional Development Plan 2013-2018 32 Implement school-based interventions and collect data as outlined by RTI teams. Take an active role in the IIP planning process for tier three students. Are aware of goals and assist with interventions set by support services personnel (Educational Psychologists, School Counselors, Speech and Language Pathologists, Occupational Therapists, etc.). Establish routines and procedures to ensure students are aware of expectations and cause minimal distractions during instruction. Involve students in the development of rules and expectations. Deal with misbehaviors privately and do not call attention to them in class. Recognize the important role that culture plays in a student’s mastery of curriculum outcomes. Meet students where they are at and build on their background knowledge and experiences. Maintain open communication with parents and caregivers. Model the respect they expect from their students. C. Planning for Implementation of Curriculum Outcomes The planning of curriculum outcomes should be based on the students and their learning needs. Effective planning occurs when teachers: Have a clear understanding of curriculum outcomes by using the Understanding by Design (UbD) framework to unpack outcomes and plan learning opportunities. Are able to identify big ideas, essential questions, and what students need to know, understand, and do (KUDs) for each curriculum outcome. Make students aware of curriculum outcomes, big ideas and KUDs in language appropriate for the age and ability levels of their students. Plan all instruction around curriculum outcomes. Integrate curriculum outcomes whenever possible to assist with meeting all grade-specific outcomes by the end of the school year. Demonstrate a thorough knowledge of content.
  • 33. Good Spirit School Division Professional Development Plan 2013-2018 33 D. Use of Response Teaching Strategies for Instruction Teachers need to use responsive teaching strategies in their instruction. These strategies take into account student readiness levels and are planned around the continual assessment of student need. Teachers who use responsive teaching strategies will: Create learning opportunities that promote student learning of the entire class. Plan instruction that is engaging to students and requires their active participation. Activate the prior knowledge of students before beginning instruction. Provide different pathways for students to acquire new learning. Ensure there is a balance between teacher choice and student choice during instruction. Give students a choice in how they discover and construct knowledge. Incorporate flexible groupings based on students’ interest, readiness levels, and learning preferences throughout the day and/or throughout a unit of study. Encourage students to practice learning in a “social” context with a partner or small group. Provide anchor activities that target curriculum outcomes and student needs. Tier instruction on a regular basis to meet the readiness levels of all students in a classroom. Use inquiry as a regular part of instruction. Ask higher-level thinking questions to get students to think critically and creatively. Scaffold instruction to create an environment of success. Integrate technology into instruction. Promote problem-solving abilities of students. E. Assessment of Student Learning The ongoing assessment of student learning plays a key role in a responsive teaching classroom. Teachers need to be continually aware of what their students need to move forward with their learning. To demonstrate the important role that assessment plays in instruction, teachers will: Continually assess student learning using pre-assessment and formative assessment measures. Show evidence that assessment information is being used to plan instruction. Use assessment data to determine the readiness levels of students.
  • 34. Good Spirit School Division Professional Development Plan 2013-2018 34 Develop the practice of providing descriptive feedback to students on formative assessment measures that does not include a mark or grade. Offer students a choice in how they demonstrate their learning. Design summative assessment tasks that cover the depth and breadth of curriculum outcomes. Triangulate data when summatively assessing student learning of outcomes. Collect evidence of student learning throughout instruction to support findings of summative assessment measures. Involve students in the assessment process through co-constructing criteria, self-assessment, peer assessment, goal-setting, and collecting evidence of learning. F. Interpersonal Relations And Communication Skills Interpersonal and communication skills are an important part of being a professional and working with others on an educational team. Teachers demonstrate these competencies when they: Foster positive relationships with students, parents, and staff. Actively listen and seek to understand what others are saying. Convey empathy for others when dealing with sensitive issues that arise. Demonstrate a willingness to take part in school-related activities. Take an active, positive role in promoting school and division-based initiatives. Encourage open communication. Communicate effectively with students, parents, staff, and community members both in person and in print. Collaborate with others to solve problems. Receive requests and questions with an open mind. Recognize and provide positive feedback to others for a job well done. Offer constructive feedback when appropriate.
  • 35. Good Spirit School Division Professional Development Plan 2013-2018 35 G. Professionalism (Qualities, Attitudes, And Responsibilities) Teachers need to exhibit professionalism when dealing with students, parents, staff, and other community members. They demonstrate their professionalism when they: Demonstrate a Strong Commitment to Professional Growth Assess own teaching abilities and look for ways to improve. Continually seek professional development to remain current with research and best practices (attend workshops, read professional literature, take on-line courses and webinars, participate in blog discussions, etc.). Implement research-based best practices into instruction. Discuss and share ideas with colleagues. Respond constructively to feedback provided. Demonstrate Professional Attitudes and Beliefs Commit to helping all students in their classroom succeed. Are flexible and adjust to changes. Respond constructively to issues and challenges that arise. Show enthusiasm for their chosen profession both in school and out. Accept Their Professional Responsibilities Support the mission statements and philosophies of the school and school division. Follow the policies provided by the school division. Work as part of a team for the betterment of all students and staff. Handle confidential material in a discreet manner. Meet assigned tasks and deadlines (report cards, cumulative folders, attendance reports, etc.). Make a positive contribution to staff morale.