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ppr maths nbk

                                  CHAPTER 6: STATISTICS

EXERCISE 1 (Paper 1)

  1. Given that the class interval of a set of data is 6 – 9, 10 – 13, 14 – 17, ….. .
     Determine the upper boundary of the class interval 10 – 13.


  2. Calculate the size of class interval 36 – 40.

  3. Calculate the mean for the following data

                 10     9     4     30    30    29     5      8     11    18
                 21     4    32     27    13    10     2     18      6    26


      Questions 4 and 5 are based on the table 1. Table 1 is the frequency table which
      shows the marks obtained by 10 students in Mathematics quiz.

                        Mark         1–5      6 – 10       11- 15    16 – 20
                      Frequency       5          4           0          1
                                           Table 1

  4. Determine the modal class of the data.

  5. Calculate the mean of the data.

  6. Given that the mean of a set of data 8, 10, 7, x, 5, 5 is 6.5. Calculate the median of
     the same set data.


  7. Find the range of the following set of ungrouped data
     2.44, 3.69, 2.74, 1.68, 1.1

ppr maths nbk

   Questions 8-10 are based on the table 2.
8. Find the range of class interval the following set of grouped data in table 1

              Breadth(cm)     11 - 16       17 – 22 23 – 28      29 – 34    35 - 40
               Frequency         4             7       8            9          2
                                            TABLE 2

9. Find the modal class of the data.


10. Find the midpoint of the modal class.


ppr maths nbk

                                CHAPTER 6: STATISTICS

1.Given a set of numbers 2,4,3,4,5,6,8,x,5. Find the value of x if the
(a ) median is 4
(b) mean is 5

                            Answer: (a)……………………………….(b)…………………….

2. The table 1 below shows the scores obtained by a group of students in a quiz competition.
                    Score        1     2       3      4       5    6
                    Number of 2        3       12     8       3    2
                                         TABLE 1
    (a) the mode
    (b) the median
    (c) the mean

                                 Answer: (a)………………..(b)………….…..(c )……………

3.(a) Complete the following frequency in table 2
                         Distance (m)      Frequency     Midpoint
                         1-3               2
                         4-6               6
                         7-9               12
                         10-12             5
                         13-15             3
                                           TABLE 2
(b) Based on table 2, calculate the estimated mean distance of the data.

                                 Answer: (a)…………………….(b)………………………….

4. Find the range of the following set of data

(a) 3, 5, 8, 11, 14                              (b) 12, 13, 10, 8, 19, 25

        Answer: (a)………………………………..(b)……………………………………..

ppr maths nbk

5.The table 3 below shows the marks obtained by group of students in a Mathematics
                      Marks            40     60     75   83     88
                      Number of
                                        4      6     10    6      x
                              TABLE 3
    (a) If the mean mark is 75, find the value of x.
    (b) State the minimum value of x if the mode is 88

        Answer: (a)………………………(b)……………………………………….

6.                             16,25, 13, 26, 15, 16, 18, 17, 20, 24

For the above data, find the
   (a) range
   (b) mean

     Answer: (a)……………………(b)………………………..

7. Diagram 1 is a pie chart which shows the total number of boys and girls in two clubs.
Table 4 shows the number of boys and girls of these clubs, but is incomplete.

     Clubs    Boys       Girls
     Chess    60         50                                    Boys
     Debate   (a)        (b)
     Total    100        (c)                                    1500
           TABLE 4                                  Girls                 DIAGRAM 1

Complete the table.

Answer: (a)…………………..(b)………………..(c)………………………..

ppr maths nbk

   8. Diagram 2 is a pictograph showing the number of blood donors at a blood donation
   campaign over a period of 3 days.Given that the number of blood donors on Monday
   make up 30 % of the total blood donors over the period.




        Represents 60 blood donors

                                         DIAGRAM 2
   (a) the number of blood donors on Wednesday
   (b) the total number of blood donors the 3 days.

Answer: (a)…………………….(b)……………………

9. Table 5 shows the mass, in kg, of 40 parcels.
                                   Mass(kg) Frequency
                                   6-10          4
                                   11-15         10
                                   16-20         7
                                   21-25         10
                                   26-30         5
                                   31-35         4
                                          TABLE 5

. Calculate the:
    (a) mean mass of the parcels , in kg.
    (b) midpoint of the third class

Answer: (a)……………………(b)…………………….

ppr maths nbk

10. Table 6shows the record of overtime done by a group of workers, in hours, in a
    particular month.

                               Overtime (hours) Frequency
                               10-19            5
                               20-29            14
                               30-39            10
                               40-49            9
                               50-59            12
                                          TABLE 6

   (a)State the modal class
   (c) Find the midpoint of the modal class


ppr maths nbk

                                 CHAPTER 6: STATISTICS

1. A class interval has an upper limit of 15 and lower limit of 10. The lower boundary is
       A 9.5
       B 10.5
       C 14.5
       D 15.5

2. The table 1 shows the frequency distribution of the scores of a group of players

     Score         1             2        3                  4             5            6
     Frequency     4             3        9                  x             3            2
                                         TABLE 1
   If 3 is the modal score, the maximum value of x is

       A 10

3. If the median of a set of integers, 3,8,9,x and 7 is x, the probable value of x is


4. The diagram 1 is a pictograph showing the number of durians of different grades sold
   on a particular day. The information in the pictograph is represented by a pie chart.

                 Grade A
                 Grade B
                 Grade C

              Represents 50 durians             DIAGRAM 1

Calculate the angle of the sector which represents the number of grade C durians sold.

A 900
B 112.50
C 1350
D 157.50

ppr maths nbk

Questions 5 and 6 are based on table 2.
Table 2 shows the scores obtained by 12 students.

                            35        70      80     90
                            91        45      52     82
                            74        46      53     88

                                      TABLE 2
5. Find the range of the score

         A 55
         B 56
         C 57

6. If x mark is added to each student as a bonus and the mean is 70     .
    Find the value of x.


7. Which of the following class interval has a size of 5?
       A 1.1-1.5
       B 2.05-2.10
       C 5-9
       D 15-20

8 Find the mode for the following data

                   2, 2, 1, 3, 4, 1, 2
         A. 1
         B. 2
         C. 3
         D. 4

                   19, 18, 16, 15, 20, 15, 18, 16

 The median for the above set of numbers is
      C 18
      D 20

ppr maths nbk


      1111 111

     The diagram above shows a tally chart. The symbol represents the value

     A.   5
     B.   7
     C.   8
     D.   13

ppr maths nbk

                                CHAPTER 6 : STATISTICS

1. The data in Diagram 1 shows the marks obtained by 30 students. By using five class
   intervals, construct a frequency table for the data.

                          11      24     31   25        22      21
                          31      36     10   44        28      27
                          35      36     35   30        13      35
                          42      14     18   18        30      16
                          17      34     34   32        20      37
                                         DIAGRAM 1

2. Complete Table 1

                                                 Lower          Upper
       Class      Lower limit    Upper limit                                  Class size
                                                boundary       boundary
      55 – 60
      61 – 66
      67 – 72
      73 - 78
                                            TABLE 1

3. Diagram 2 shows the masses of tomatoes, in kg, yielded by a farm for a period of 30

          59     59     68       50    42   46   60           57      71     47
          62     59     80       62    74   55   56           76      40     53
          36     71     74       51    83   64   44           55      51     51
                                       DIAGRAM 2

   (a) Construct a frequency table with class intervals 36 – 43, 44 – 51 and so on and then
       find the midpoint of each class.
   (b) State the modal class.
   (c) Calculate the mean mass of the tomatoes yielded by the farm per day.

ppr maths nbk

4. The data in Diagram 3 shows the number of papayas sold by Pak Ali per day for a period
   of 30 days.

                             25      45      42  36        32
                             26      20      25  32        38
                             37      31      35  22        32
                             31      40      30  27        26
                             24      28      21  33        39
                             30      28      34  29        33
                                          DIAGRAM 3

   (a) Based on the data in Diagram 3 and by using a class interval of 5, complete Table 2.

                        Class interval     Frequency       Midpoint
                           20 – 24
                           25 – 29

                                            TABLE 2

   (b) Based on Table 2, calculate the estimated mean number of papayas sold.

           24      10     36       19      19   25       26     33     16     30
           17      31     35       11      31   32       15     33     27     38
           24      18     40       35      11   20       23     27     37     34
                                          DIAGRAM 4

5. The data in Diagram 4 shows the heights, in cm, of 30 seedlings in a nursery.
   (a) State the range of the data.
   (b) Based on the data in Diagram 4, complete Table 3.

                 Height (cm)      Frequency     Midpoint
                   10 – 16
                   17 – 23
                   24 – 30
                   31 – 37
                   38 – 44
                                           TABLE 3

   (c) Based on Table 3,
       i) state the modal class
       ii) calculate the mean height of the seedlings.

ppr maths nbk

                                     CHAPTER 6 : STATISTICS

1.     Given a set of numbers 2, 4, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, x , 5, .
       Find the value of x if the

        ( a ) median is 4
        ( b ) mean is 5

2.    Table 1 shows the score obtained by a group of students in a quiz competition.

                       Score                    1      2        3        4    5     6
               Number of students               2      3       12        8    3     2

                                            Table 1

       ( a ) the mode
       ( b ) the median
       ( c ) the mean

3. The data below shows the marks obtained by 40 students in a monthly test.

     99   88   75   92    58    75    80   70
     70   32   70   58    90    68    50   78
     45   89   45   93    61    81    58   65
     69   76   88   58    91    67    71   52
     55   40   80   80    39    46    61   69

     (a) Using a class interval of 10 marks , complete the following table.

       Mark                    Frequency                      Midpoint
     21 - 30
     31 - 40

ppr maths nbk

 (b) For this part of the question, use the graph paper

        By using a scale of 2 cm to 10 marks on x – axis and 2 cm to 1 student
        on y – axis , draw a frequency polygon based on the data.

  ( c ) From your answer in (a),
        (i) determine the modal class,
        (ii) calculate the estimated mean of the group of students.

4. The data below shows the mathematics test marks of 40 students.

   86    98   72   96   94    90   76   80
   92    86   93   87   81    80   83   67
   85    93   72   84   72    86   86   88
   74    75   83   85   88    69   90   79
   82    90   91   76   68    96   89   78

 (a) By using the a class interval of 5 marks , complete the following table.

          Mark                 Frequency                   Midpoint
         65 - 69
         70 - 74

(b) From the table in (a)
      (i) state the modal class,
      (ii) calculate the estimated mean mark of test.

(c) For this part of the question, use the graph paper.

    By using a scale 2 cm to 5 marks on x-axis and 2 cm to 1 student on y-axis, draw a

    histogram for the data.

ppr maths nbk


             Mass ( gm )                 Frequency

               20 - 24                        0

               25 - 29                        8

               30 - 34                       10

               35 - 39                       36

               40 - 44                       48

               45 - 49                       40

               50 - 54                       27

               55 - 59                       11

     The table above shows the frequency distribution of mass of books .

     ( a ) State the midpoint of the modal class

     ( b ) Based on the table above , construct a cumulative frequency table.

     ( c ) For this part of the question, use the graph paper.

          By using a scale of 2 cm to 5 gm on x – axis and 2 cm to 20 books

          on y – axis , draw an ogive for the data .

     (d ) From your ogive in ( c ), find

           i. the interquartile range,

          ii. the number of books with length greater than 50 cm.

ppr maths nbk

                              CHAPTER 6 : STATISTICS

 1. Data below shows the number of papaya trees planted by 50 farmers.

     60      77     70      81     73        69    79      69     75       67
     65      71     62      66     78        76    64      71     73       79
     70      66     64      89     81        61    73      78     73       68
     68      77     74      63     71        65    87      67     63       74
     74      80     70      72     75        82    76      81     68       74

   (a) (i) Using size of class interval 5 , complete the Table 1 below.

     Class           Upper boundary      Frequency          Cumulative
     Interval                                               Frequency
     55 – 59

                                   Table 1

          (ii)    Hence , state the modal class

   (b) By using a scale of 2 cm to represent 5 trees on the x – axis and 2 cm to represent 5
       farmers on the y – axis , draw an ogive for the data above.

   (c) Based on the ogive in (b) , Osman make a conclusion that 25% of the farmers
       planted less than 56 trees.

       Determine whether the conclusion is correct or not and give a reason.

ppr maths nbk

2. Encik Shamsudin reared a total of 148 turtles. The distribution of the length of the
   turtles is shown in Table 2.

        Length (cm)             Frequency
           5–9                      9
          10 – 14                   19
          15 – 19                   29
          20 – 24                   43
          25 – 29                   30
          30 – 34                   14
          35 – 39                    4
                      Table 2

   (a) By stating the answer correct to two significant figures, calculate the mean length
       of the turtles reared.

   (b) Construct a cumulative frequency table.

       By using a scale of 2 cm to represent 5 cm on the x – axis and 2 cm
       to represent 20 turtles on the y – axis , draw an ogive for the data above

   (c) From the ogive drawn in (b), find
       (i)    the median,
       (ii)   the first quartile,
       (iii) the third quartile,
       (iv) the interquartile range.

3. The closing price, in sen, of the 50 counters traded at Bursa Malaysia on a day is given
   in Figure below..

      200     150     189       175   255    130     214     161    230       217
      169     196     208       249   124    121     180     155    144       158
      146     218     154       234   162    241     193     187    254       184
      250     178     259       198   146    182     201     160    186       183
      136     258     142       163   186    204     156     245    194       164

  (a) Determine the range of price of the 50 counters.

ppr maths nbk

 (b) Using size of class interval 20 , complete the Table 3 below.

                      Class              Mid point          Frequency

                                                 Table 3

  (c) Based on the frequency table constructed in (b) , draw a histogram for a data.

4. The heights, in cm, of 50 plants are distributed as shown in the following table.

            (a)             Height(cm)       Midpoint           Frequency
                             40 – 44                                 3
                             45 – 49                                 5
                             50 – 54                                10
                             55 – 59                                16
                             60 – 64                                 8
                             65 – 69                                 6
                             70 – 79                                 2
                     (i) Copy and complete the above table
                     (ii) Hence , calculate the mean height of the plants.

                     Upper      39.5          44.5
                     Cumulative 0

                     (i)       Based on the information from the table in (a) , copy and complete
                               the above table.

                     (ii)      Using a scale of 2 cm to represent 5 cm on the x – axis , and 2 cm
                               to represent 5 plants on the y-axis, draw an ogive for the
                               From the ogive , find
                               (a) the median
                               (b) the third quartile

ppr maths nbk

5. (a)
          Number of    8        9     10      11     12   13
          sets sold
          Number of    2        5     8       10     9    6

         The above table gives the numbers of televisyen sets sold by 40
         electrical shops on a certain day.Find
         (i)     the mode
         (ii)    the mean of the distribution.

           Time(minutes)       Number of           Upper boundary   Cumulative
                               participants                         Frequency
              6.1 – 7 .0             8
              7.1 – 8.0             14
              8.1 – 9.0             22
             9.1 – 10.0             46
             10.1 – 11.0            38
             11.1 – 12.0            20
             12.1 – 13.0             8
             13.1 – 14.0             4
          The above table shows the frequency distribution of the times , in
          minutes, taken by 160 participants of a jogathon.Copy and complete
          the table.

  (c)      Using a scale of 2 cm to represent 1 minute on the x –axis and 2 cm
           to represent 20 participants on the y-axis, draw an ogive for this
           distribution. From the ogive , find
            (i)     the median
            (ii)    the interquartile range
            (iii) the number of prize winners , given that participants who
                    clocked less than 8.0 minutes were given prizes.


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F4 06statisticsiii-090716074100-phpapp01

  • 1. ppr maths nbk CHAPTER 6: STATISTICS EXERCISE 1 (Paper 1) 1. Given that the class interval of a set of data is 6 – 9, 10 – 13, 14 – 17, ….. . Determine the upper boundary of the class interval 10 – 13. Answer:………………….. 2. Calculate the size of class interval 36 – 40. Answer:…………………….. 3. Calculate the mean for the following data 10 9 4 30 30 29 5 8 11 18 21 4 32 27 13 10 2 18 6 26 Answer:…………………….. Questions 4 and 5 are based on the table 1. Table 1 is the frequency table which shows the marks obtained by 10 students in Mathematics quiz. Mark 1–5 6 – 10 11- 15 16 – 20 Frequency 5 4 0 1 Table 1 4. Determine the modal class of the data. Answer:…………………….. 5. Calculate the mean of the data. Answer:…………………….. 6. Given that the mean of a set of data 8, 10, 7, x, 5, 5 is 6.5. Calculate the median of the same set data. Answer:…………………….. 7. Find the range of the following set of ungrouped data 2.44, 3.69, 2.74, 1.68, 1.1 Answer:…………………….. 58
  • 2. ppr maths nbk Questions 8-10 are based on the table 2. 8. Find the range of class interval the following set of grouped data in table 1 Breadth(cm) 11 - 16 17 – 22 23 – 28 29 – 34 35 - 40 Frequency 4 7 8 9 2 TABLE 2 Answer:…………………….. 9. Find the modal class of the data. Answer:…………………….. 10. Find the midpoint of the modal class. Answer:…………………….. 59
  • 3. ppr maths nbk CHAPTER 6: STATISTICS EXERCISE 2 1.Given a set of numbers 2,4,3,4,5,6,8,x,5. Find the value of x if the (a ) median is 4 (b) mean is 5 Answer: (a)……………………………….(b)……………………. 2. The table 1 below shows the scores obtained by a group of students in a quiz competition. Score 1 2 3 4 5 6 Number of 2 3 12 8 3 2 students TABLE 1 Find: (a) the mode (b) the median (c) the mean Answer: (a)………………..(b)………….…..(c )…………… 3.(a) Complete the following frequency in table 2 Distance (m) Frequency Midpoint 1-3 2 4-6 6 7-9 12 10-12 5 13-15 3 TABLE 2 (b) Based on table 2, calculate the estimated mean distance of the data. Answer: (a)…………………….(b)…………………………. 4. Find the range of the following set of data (a) 3, 5, 8, 11, 14 (b) 12, 13, 10, 8, 19, 25 Answer: (a)………………………………..(b)…………………………………….. 60
  • 4. ppr maths nbk 5.The table 3 below shows the marks obtained by group of students in a Mathematics examination Marks 40 60 75 83 88 Number of 4 6 10 6 x students TABLE 3 (a) If the mean mark is 75, find the value of x. (b) State the minimum value of x if the mode is 88 Answer: (a)………………………(b)………………………………………. 6. 16,25, 13, 26, 15, 16, 18, 17, 20, 24 For the above data, find the (a) range (b) mean Answer: (a)……………………(b)……………………….. 7. Diagram 1 is a pie chart which shows the total number of boys and girls in two clubs. Table 4 shows the number of boys and girls of these clubs, but is incomplete. Clubs Boys Girls Chess 60 50 Boys Debate (a) (b) Total 100 (c) 1500 TABLE 4 Girls DIAGRAM 1 Complete the table. Answer: (a)…………………..(b)………………..(c)……………………….. 61
  • 5. ppr maths nbk 8. Diagram 2 is a pictograph showing the number of blood donors at a blood donation campaign over a period of 3 days.Given that the number of blood donors on Monday make up 30 % of the total blood donors over the period. Monday Tuesday Wednesday Represents 60 blood donors DIAGRAM 2 Calculate (a) the number of blood donors on Wednesday (b) the total number of blood donors the 3 days. Answer: (a)…………………….(b)…………………… 9. Table 5 shows the mass, in kg, of 40 parcels. Mass(kg) Frequency 6-10 4 11-15 10 16-20 7 21-25 10 26-30 5 31-35 4 TABLE 5 . Calculate the: (a) mean mass of the parcels , in kg. (b) midpoint of the third class Answer: (a)……………………(b)……………………. 62
  • 6. ppr maths nbk 10. Table 6shows the record of overtime done by a group of workers, in hours, in a particular month. Overtime (hours) Frequency 10-19 5 20-29 14 30-39 10 40-49 9 50-59 12 TABLE 6 (a)State the modal class (c) Find the midpoint of the modal class Answer(a)…………………..(b)…………………… 63
  • 7. ppr maths nbk CHAPTER 6: STATISTICS DIAGNOSTIC TEST 1. A class interval has an upper limit of 15 and lower limit of 10. The lower boundary is A 9.5 B 10.5 C 14.5 D 15.5 2. The table 1 shows the frequency distribution of the scores of a group of players Score 1 2 3 4 5 6 Frequency 4 3 9 x 3 2 TABLE 1 If 3 is the modal score, the maximum value of x is A 10 B9 C8 D7 3. If the median of a set of integers, 3,8,9,x and 7 is x, the probable value of x is A5 B6 C8 D9 4. The diagram 1 is a pictograph showing the number of durians of different grades sold on a particular day. The information in the pictograph is represented by a pie chart. Grade A durians Grade B durians Grade C durians Represents 50 durians DIAGRAM 1 Calculate the angle of the sector which represents the number of grade C durians sold. A 900 B 112.50 C 1350 D 157.50 64
  • 8. ppr maths nbk Questions 5 and 6 are based on table 2. Table 2 shows the scores obtained by 12 students. 35 70 80 90 91 45 52 82 74 46 53 88 TABLE 2 5. Find the range of the score A 55 B 56 C 57 D5 1 6. If x mark is added to each student as a bonus and the mean is 70 . 6 Find the value of x. A2 B3 C4 D5 7. Which of the following class interval has a size of 5? A 1.1-1.5 B 2.05-2.10 C 5-9 D 15-20 8 Find the mode for the following data 2, 2, 1, 3, 4, 1, 2 A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4 9 19, 18, 16, 15, 20, 15, 18, 16 The median for the above set of numbers is A.16 B.17 C 18 D 20 65
  • 9. ppr maths nbk 10 1111 111 The diagram above shows a tally chart. The symbol represents the value A. 5 B. 7 C. 8 D. 13 66
  • 10. ppr maths nbk CHAPTER 6 : STATISTICS EXERCISE 1 ( PAPER 2) 1. The data in Diagram 1 shows the marks obtained by 30 students. By using five class intervals, construct a frequency table for the data. 11 24 31 25 22 21 31 36 10 44 28 27 35 36 35 30 13 35 42 14 18 18 30 16 17 34 34 32 20 37 DIAGRAM 1 2. Complete Table 1 Lower Upper Class Lower limit Upper limit Class size boundary boundary 55 – 60 61 – 66 67 – 72 73 - 78 TABLE 1 3. Diagram 2 shows the masses of tomatoes, in kg, yielded by a farm for a period of 30 days. 59 59 68 50 42 46 60 57 71 47 62 59 80 62 74 55 56 76 40 53 36 71 74 51 83 64 44 55 51 51 DIAGRAM 2 (a) Construct a frequency table with class intervals 36 – 43, 44 – 51 and so on and then find the midpoint of each class. (b) State the modal class. (c) Calculate the mean mass of the tomatoes yielded by the farm per day. 67
  • 11. ppr maths nbk 4. The data in Diagram 3 shows the number of papayas sold by Pak Ali per day for a period of 30 days. 25 45 42 36 32 26 20 25 32 38 37 31 35 22 32 31 40 30 27 26 24 28 21 33 39 30 28 34 29 33 DIAGRAM 3 (a) Based on the data in Diagram 3 and by using a class interval of 5, complete Table 2. Class interval Frequency Midpoint 20 – 24 25 – 29 TABLE 2 (b) Based on Table 2, calculate the estimated mean number of papayas sold. 24 10 36 19 19 25 26 33 16 30 17 31 35 11 31 32 15 33 27 38 24 18 40 35 11 20 23 27 37 34 DIAGRAM 4 5. The data in Diagram 4 shows the heights, in cm, of 30 seedlings in a nursery. (a) State the range of the data. (b) Based on the data in Diagram 4, complete Table 3. Upper Height (cm) Frequency Midpoint boundary 10 – 16 17 – 23 24 – 30 31 – 37 38 – 44 TABLE 3 (c) Based on Table 3, i) state the modal class ii) calculate the mean height of the seedlings. 68
  • 12. ppr maths nbk CHAPTER 6 : STATISTICS EXERCISE 2 1. Given a set of numbers 2, 4, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, x , 5, . Find the value of x if the ( a ) median is 4 ( b ) mean is 5 2. Table 1 shows the score obtained by a group of students in a quiz competition. Score 1 2 3 4 5 6 Number of students 2 3 12 8 3 2 Table 1 Find ( a ) the mode ( b ) the median ( c ) the mean 3. The data below shows the marks obtained by 40 students in a monthly test. 99 88 75 92 58 75 80 70 70 32 70 58 90 68 50 78 45 89 45 93 61 81 58 65 69 76 88 58 91 67 71 52 55 40 80 80 39 46 61 69 (a) Using a class interval of 10 marks , complete the following table. Mark Frequency Midpoint 21 - 30 31 - 40 69
  • 13. ppr maths nbk (b) For this part of the question, use the graph paper By using a scale of 2 cm to 10 marks on x – axis and 2 cm to 1 student on y – axis , draw a frequency polygon based on the data. ( c ) From your answer in (a), (i) determine the modal class, (ii) calculate the estimated mean of the group of students. 4. The data below shows the mathematics test marks of 40 students. 86 98 72 96 94 90 76 80 92 86 93 87 81 80 83 67 85 93 72 84 72 86 86 88 74 75 83 85 88 69 90 79 82 90 91 76 68 96 89 78 (a) By using the a class interval of 5 marks , complete the following table. Mark Frequency Midpoint 65 - 69 70 - 74 (b) From the table in (a) (i) state the modal class, (ii) calculate the estimated mean mark of test. (c) For this part of the question, use the graph paper. By using a scale 2 cm to 5 marks on x-axis and 2 cm to 1 student on y-axis, draw a histogram for the data. 70
  • 14. ppr maths nbk 5. Mass ( gm ) Frequency 20 - 24 0 25 - 29 8 30 - 34 10 35 - 39 36 40 - 44 48 45 - 49 40 50 - 54 27 55 - 59 11 The table above shows the frequency distribution of mass of books . ( a ) State the midpoint of the modal class ( b ) Based on the table above , construct a cumulative frequency table. ( c ) For this part of the question, use the graph paper. By using a scale of 2 cm to 5 gm on x – axis and 2 cm to 20 books on y – axis , draw an ogive for the data . (d ) From your ogive in ( c ), find i. the interquartile range, ii. the number of books with length greater than 50 cm. 71
  • 15. ppr maths nbk CHAPTER 6 : STATISTICS DIAGNOSTIC TEST 1. Data below shows the number of papaya trees planted by 50 farmers. 60 77 70 81 73 69 79 69 75 67 65 71 62 66 78 76 64 71 73 79 70 66 64 89 81 61 73 78 73 68 68 77 74 63 71 65 87 67 63 74 74 80 70 72 75 82 76 81 68 74 (a) (i) Using size of class interval 5 , complete the Table 1 below. Class Upper boundary Frequency Cumulative Interval Frequency 55 – 59 Table 1 (ii) Hence , state the modal class (b) By using a scale of 2 cm to represent 5 trees on the x – axis and 2 cm to represent 5 farmers on the y – axis , draw an ogive for the data above. (c) Based on the ogive in (b) , Osman make a conclusion that 25% of the farmers planted less than 56 trees. Determine whether the conclusion is correct or not and give a reason. 72
  • 16. ppr maths nbk 2. Encik Shamsudin reared a total of 148 turtles. The distribution of the length of the turtles is shown in Table 2. Length (cm) Frequency 5–9 9 10 – 14 19 15 – 19 29 20 – 24 43 25 – 29 30 30 – 34 14 35 – 39 4 Table 2 (a) By stating the answer correct to two significant figures, calculate the mean length of the turtles reared. (b) Construct a cumulative frequency table. By using a scale of 2 cm to represent 5 cm on the x – axis and 2 cm to represent 20 turtles on the y – axis , draw an ogive for the data above (c) From the ogive drawn in (b), find (i) the median, (ii) the first quartile, (iii) the third quartile, (iv) the interquartile range. 3. The closing price, in sen, of the 50 counters traded at Bursa Malaysia on a day is given in Figure below.. 200 150 189 175 255 130 214 161 230 217 169 196 208 249 124 121 180 155 144 158 146 218 154 234 162 241 193 187 254 184 250 178 259 198 146 182 201 160 186 183 136 258 142 163 186 204 156 245 194 164 (a) Determine the range of price of the 50 counters. 73
  • 17. ppr maths nbk (b) Using size of class interval 20 , complete the Table 3 below. Class Mid point Frequency Interval 121-140 Table 3 (c) Based on the frequency table constructed in (b) , draw a histogram for a data. 4. The heights, in cm, of 50 plants are distributed as shown in the following table. (a) Height(cm) Midpoint Frequency 40 – 44 3 45 – 49 5 50 – 54 10 55 – 59 16 60 – 64 8 65 – 69 6 70 – 79 2 (i) Copy and complete the above table (ii) Hence , calculate the mean height of the plants. (b) Upper 39.5 44.5 Boundary (cm) Cumulative 0 frequency (i) Based on the information from the table in (a) , copy and complete the above table. (ii) Using a scale of 2 cm to represent 5 cm on the x – axis , and 2 cm to represent 5 plants on the y-axis, draw an ogive for the distribution. From the ogive , find (a) the median (b) the third quartile 74
  • 18. ppr maths nbk 5. (a) Number of 8 9 10 11 12 13 Television sets sold Number of 2 5 8 10 9 6 Shops The above table gives the numbers of televisyen sets sold by 40 electrical shops on a certain day.Find (i) the mode (ii) the mean of the distribution. (b) Time(minutes) Number of Upper boundary Cumulative participants Frequency 6.1 – 7 .0 8 7.1 – 8.0 14 8.1 – 9.0 22 9.1 – 10.0 46 10.1 – 11.0 38 11.1 – 12.0 20 12.1 – 13.0 8 13.1 – 14.0 4 The above table shows the frequency distribution of the times , in minutes, taken by 160 participants of a jogathon.Copy and complete the table. (c) Using a scale of 2 cm to represent 1 minute on the x –axis and 2 cm to represent 20 participants on the y-axis, draw an ogive for this distribution. From the ogive , find (i) the median (ii) the interquartile range (iii) the number of prize winners , given that participants who clocked less than 8.0 minutes were given prizes. 75