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Global Classrooms es un programa donde los estudiantes trabajamos como delegados de la ONU
representando un país. Primero investigamos sobre ese país y sus problemas (calentamiento global,
la sostenibilidad de los bosques, el tráfico de animales salvajes…). Después, en las conferencias,
defendemos sus intereses dialogando con otras delegaciones y llegando a acuerdos.

                             WHAT IS GLOBAL CLASSROOMS?

Global Classrooms is a program, in which the students work as UN delegates representing a
country. First, we research about the assigned country and its problems. (Global warming, animal
trafficking…). Then you put this information in a position paper and present it at a conference.
Then you talk to other delegations and come to agreements.

                                                                         Edgar y Jonathan

                 ¿CUÁLES SON LOS OBJETIVOS?
El objetivo del programa es fomentar en los estudiantes el desarrollo social y personal,
enseñándoles inglés, cómo participar en un debate, y exponerlos a ideas que tal vez no son las
suyas. Los estudiantes hacen amigos y aprenden a trabajar en una organización internacional.

                            GOALS OF GLOBAL CLASSROOMS

The objective of the programme is to promote students social and personal development by teaching
them English, how to participate in a debate, and exposing them to ideas that maybe aren’t their
own. Students make friends and learn how to work in an international organization.

                                                                         Celia y Alicia
 Las Naciones Unidas es una organización internacional, cuya misión es mantener la paz y
seguridad, defender los derechos humanos, desarrollando las relaciones amigables entre los países.
La ONU intenta mantener la armonía central para la colaboración entre naciones solucionando los
problemas del mundo. Está compuesta por 192 miembros. Las Naciones Unidas tienen diversas

       1. Mantener la paz y seguridad internacional
       2. Desarrollar las relaciones internacionales
       3. Colaborar en la solución de problemas internacionales y promoviendo los derechos

                                      WHAT´S THE ONU?

It is an international organization whose mission is to maintain peace and security, defend human
rights, develop friendly relations between countries as well as serve as a harmonizing centre for
cooperation between nations in solving the world´s problems. It is composed of 192 member states.
 The UN has four main functions:

    Maintain international peace and security.
    Develop friendly relations among nations.
    Collaborate in solving international problems and in promoting respect for human rights

                                                                             Laura y Leonor
1. BUSCAMOS INFORMACIÓN DEL PAÍS: forma de gobierno, historia, economía…
1. COLLECTING COUNTRY INFORMATION: government, history, economy…



El tráfico de animales es un tema importante para muchos países. En países pobres, se utiliza para
ganar dinero. Cuando los niños trafican, no van a la escuela y no pueden estudiar. También hay
tráfico de animales cuando gente rica viaja a países pobres y compran animales. Después, esconden
los animales para pasar los controles del aeropuerto para vender después los animales a un alto


Animal trafficking is a topic that is important in many countries because animal trafficking is a
vicious cycle. In poor countries, people use animal trafficking to earn money. When the children
traffic, they don’t go to school and these children don’t learn measures and laws, and they can’t
study. Animal trafficking also occurs when rich people go to developing countries and buy animals
from poor people at low prices, after the rich people hide the animals to cross the airport, and after
they sell these animals at a high price.


La subida de la temperatura causa el efecto invernadero, que describe como se calienta la tierra.

La atmosfera de la tierra contiene químicos naturales que atrapan el calor del sol, pero la actividad
humana también contribuye al efecto invernadero, haciendo que el planeta se caliente más de lo que
haría de forma natural. El efecto invernadero se refiere al incremento de la temperatura de la tierra
debido a la acción humana. Los gases más importantes son el metano, el dióxido de carbono y el
óxido de nitrógeno.


Global warming is very important because the increase in temperature causes the greenhouse effect,
which describes the way the earth is warmed: The earth’s atmosphere naturally contains certain
chemicals which trap heat from the sun, but human activity also contributes to the greenhouse
effect, causing the planet to warm more than it would naturally. Global Warming refers to the
increase in the earth’s temperature through the greenhouse effect that is caused by human activity.
The most important greenhouse gases are methane, nitrous oxide and carbon dioxide.

                                                                           Marina y María Bravo


   Bélgica es un país situado en el centro de Europa. Bélgica es un país muy desarrollado
   industrialmente, pero produce grandes cantidades de dióxido de carbono. A pesar de que no es
   un país muy grande, Bélgica es uno de los países más contaminantes a nivel mundial. Debido a
   esto se ha visto obligados a bajar sus emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero.

   In the country of Belgium there is a lot of heavy industry. This industry produces high levels of
   greenhouse gas emissions. Belgium ranks 88th in countries that pollute the most. The
   consequences of this pollution are rises in temperature, increases in precipitation and flooding.

                                                                                 Alberto Rivero
   Mi país está situado en el oriente medio y su capital es Amman. Los mayores problemas
   ambientales en Jordania son la escasez del agua, la erosión de la tierra y la deforestación. El
   Gobierno de Jordania ha establecido un nuevo fondo energético para apoyar el desarrollo de la
   infraestructura medioambiental y de energías renovables. Jordania pide ayuda para maximizar el
   uso de agua potable mediante la conservación del agua.

   My country is located in the Middle East and its capital is Amman. The main environmental
   problems in Jordan are water scarcity, land erosion, and deforestation. The government has
   established energy savings to promote the development of the environmental infrastructure and
   renewable sources.
   Jordan asks for help to maximize the use of potable water through the conservation of water.

                                                                          María Bazo y Paula

Es un documento muy importante que da información del país y su posición con respecto a un
problema. Consta de los siguientes apartados:

       1 Expone la problemática del país
       2 Expone las medidas tomadas a nivel nacional
       3 Expone las medidas tomadas a nivel internacional
       4 Propone recomendaciones

A position paper is very important document. Delegates present information about a problem in
their country, explain the measures taken to solve the problem and make new proposals.

                                                                                 Fede and Izan


Delegates: Celia and Jonathan
Sustainable Forest Management
United Nations Forum on Forests

The country of Indonesia is concerned about promoting sustainable forestry because:

Indonesia is a developing country located in Southeast Asia and Oceania. Indonesia’s forests are very diverse
and represent about 10% of the world’s tropical forests. Indonesia ranks third among all countries, in terms
of total area of tropical forest. Indonesia is a major producer of forest products. Illegal logging accounted for
up to 70% of total timber national production in 2000. Forest materials are the largest exports in Indonesia.
Total forest products exports amount to some US $ 4.8 billion. Indonesia also produces non-wood forestry
products like bamboo, pine resin, honey, fruits... Indonesian forest industry is a strategic sector in creating
job opportunities; the number of people employed in the forest sector rose from around 10.6 million in 1993
to about 15.4 million 1998 . Indonesia supports the world’s second highest level of biodiversity and its flora
and fauna is a mixture of Asian and Australian species. Indonesia is the second-most deforested country in
the world; over 40% of the country’s forests were cleared in the last 50 years. Fire also is a significant
environmental and economic problem in Indonesia.

The country of Indonesia is working to promote sustainable forestry on a national level by:

The governments of Japan and Indonesia are going to integrate environmental, social and economic values of
forests. Deforestation occurs because paper and other factories need trees to operate. Many people are
employed in illegal logging operations, and benefit from it. Consequences of deforestation include the
decrease of local water supplies, increased erosion, and more frequent forest fires. Forest clearance by
farmers is a significant but no dominant cause of deforestation; the main cause of deforestation in Indonesia
is the need of wood products and commodities that Indonesians need for daily life. The Ministry of Forestry
and the Basic Forestry Law of 1999 determine the forest estate and plan the use of Indonesia’s forest.
Indonesia authority and responsibility over forest is divided among central, provincial, and district

On an international level the country of Indonesia is working to cooperate in protecting and
preserving our planet’s forests by:

Indonesia is a member of the United Nations Forum on Forests (UNFF), the Task Force on Forest Law
Enforcement and Governance (FLEG), Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation (REED)
and the International Tropical Timber Organization (ITTO). Indonesia also has recently signed agreements
with several countries (including the United Kingdom and Malaysia) to combat illegal forestry activities,
especially illegal trade.

The country of Indonesia recommends that the committee take the following actions:

    1. That the government implements and enforces all of the laws against illegal logging, contracts more
       rangers and increases fines.
    2. That people who take part in illegal logging in forests have the obligation to plant more trees.
    3. That there be more control over zones where they are going to cut down trees because there are
       many species of live beings that live in ten forest.
    4. That the forest fires and the erosion in these zones be more controlled.

                                                                                   Celia and Jonathan
This year we had two conferences, one in Santander and another one in Torrelavega. There were
many schools in Cantabria that participated in the two conferences. In these conferences you have
to represent a United Nations (UN) country and debate about its problems related to different topics.
And you have to explain the major problems in your country and try to arrive to an agreement with
other countries that have the same problems.

Este año hemos tenido dos conferencias, una en Santander y otra en Torrelavega. Había muchos
institutos que participaron en las dos conferencias. En las conferencias tienes que representar un
país de la ONU y debatir sobre sus problemas relacionados con varios temas. Tienes que explicar
los problemas en tu país y su postura sobre el tema y llegar a un acuerdo con otros países que tienen
los mismos problemas.

                                                                                    Alex y Borja

                       CÓDIGO DE VESTIMENTA

                             A la conferencia hay que ir muy elegante.

Los chicos deben llevar:                           Las chicas deben llevar:

    Un jersey oscuro o una camisa de manga             Vestidos o faldas (no más de cinco
     larga con una chaqueta de traje.                    centímetros por encima de las rodillas)
    Pantalones oscuros.                                 O
    Un cinturón                                        Pantalones oscuros
    Una corbata                                        Zapatos ( no sandalias o playeras)
    Zapatos (no playeras o sandalias)

In the conference you have to dress very elegantly.

Boys should wear:                                     Girls should wear:

      A dark color sweater or a long sleeved               Dresses or skirts that are no more than 5
       shirt with a dress jacket                             centimeters above the knee) or dark
      Dark pants                                            dress pants
      A belt                                               A blouse or sweater
      A necktie                                            Shoes
      Shoes ( not sneakers or sandals)

                                                                                Alejandro y Borja


       Point of Inquiry: Es una moción, que tienes que usar si tienes alguna pregunta acerca de
       cómo hacer algo por ejemplo una votación o plantear una moción.
       It is used if you have a question about how to do something, such as raising a motion or
       Point of Information: Es una moción, para hacer preguntas a otros delegaciones sobre su
       discurso y borradores de las resoluciones.
       It is used to ask questions to other delegates about their speeches and working papers.
       Point of Personal Privilege: Para solucionar cualquier problema personal.
       It addresses any personal problem.


       Motion to Close Debate: Para acabar el debate, votar y cerrar el debate
       Ends debate and moves into voting procedures
       Motion to suspend debate for a moderated caucus: los delegados pueden pedir que se
       cambie desde “formal debate” cuando dan sus discursos a un moderated caucus donde
       pueden hablar a la asamblea sobre sus problemas
       “( Country) moves to suspend debate for a moderated caucus of_____ minutes, with a
       speaking time of_______ seconds”

       Motion to suspend debate for an unmoderated caucus:
       Las delegaciones pueden pedir que se cambie a un unmoderated caucus para poder hablar
       con otras delegaciones y escribir resoluciones.
       “(Country) moves to suspend debate for an unmoderated caucus of____ minutes”

                                                                               Cecilia y Daniela


El Rapporteur dice el nombre de cada delegación. Cuando los delegados oyen el nombre de su país,
deben contestar “present”

The Rapporteur will announce each country’s name. After delegates hear their country, they should
answer “present.”


Es la lista en la que se representa el orden en que cada delegación realizará su discurso.

It is the list that shows the order in which each delegation will give their speech.

                                                                             Alberto y Gabriel

Es el tiempo en que cada delegación lee su discurso.
It is when each delegation reads their speech.
                                                                            María y Paula


Es la parte de la conferencia en la que cada delegación se levanta y tiene la oportunidad de hablar
de las posibles soluciones para resolver los problemas como el calentamiento global entre otros. En
la conferencia, las delegaciones están sentadas pero cuando levantas tu placard el Presidente de la
Mesa dice por ejemplo: “La delegación de USA” y tú te levantas y hablas por 45 segundos.

It’s the part of the session in which delegations are seated and they have the opportunity to speak
about the possible solutions to solve problems like global warming. In the conference you are seated
but you can raise your placard. The chair says “the delegation of USA” and you stand and you can
speak or make a question for other countries.

                                                                               David y Beatriz
Unmoderated caucus es cuando cada delegación se levanta y habla con diferentes países. Después
los países escriben una resolución con otras delegaciones que tengan los mismos problemas.
An unmoderated caucus takes place when each delegation stands up and speaks with different
countries. After the countries write a resolution with the other delegations that have the same

                                                                                Cecilia y Daniela


Las resoluciones son los escritos que presentan las diferentes soluciones que un conjunto de países
han propuesto para resolver los problemas que han presentado durante la conferencias.

The resolutions are documents that explain the different proposals that a group of countries have
made to solve the problems discussed during the conference.

Después de presentar las resoluciones, hay que votarlas. Si una resolución no obtiene mayoría
simple, no es aprobada.
If a vote does not result in a simple majority in favor, the resolution will be regarded as rejected.

Al final de cada conferencia, la organización reconoce a las delegaciones que han hecho un trabajo
excelente representando a su país. Algunos de los reconocimientos que dan son los siguientes:
     Mejor position paper
     Mejor delegación

The Global Classrooms Model UN Conference will acknowledge delegations that do an
exceptional job of representing their country.
The following awards will be given:

      Best Position Paper
      Best Delegation

                                                                                    Celia y Alicia

Sponsors: Romania, Serbia, United Kingdom

Signatories: Brazil, China, Ethiopia, Greece, India, Iran, Myanmar, Spain, Russian
Federation, Rwanda

Topic: Children in Armed Conflict

The UN Children’s Fund Executive Board,

Guided by the Rome Statute adopted in 2002 to establish the ICC to punish international criminals,

Declaring that an international system of justice is a sustainable way to solve the global problem of
child soldiers at the source,

Noting that Rome statute will be open for amendments in July of 2009,

1. Urges all members of the United Nations to ratify the Rome Statute and therefore officially join
the ICC;

2. Strongly suggests for the following amendments of the Rome Statute to be submitted to the
Secretary General of the United Nations:
              a. make Article 8 b) IV that deals with the loss of life of civilians more
              comprehensive by specifically mentioning the loss of life of children
              b. Change Article 8b) XXVI that deals with the use of children under the age of 18
              by national armed forces to state that no child under the age of 16 can, voluntarily or
              involuntarily, be recruited by national armed forces to participate in armed conflict in
              any way;

3. Further requests that the following clauses be added to the Rome Statute to make the ICC better
equipped to prosecute criminals using children to their advantage in armed conflict;
       a. A clause stating that for rebel groups and militias to employ child soldiers under the age
       of 16, even if they joined voluntarily, is a punishable offence
       b. A clause stating that any person or organization providing weapons or any other support
       to a national armed force or rebel group employing child soldiers is punishable;

4. Expresses its hope that the countries who are not a party to the ICC will do their absolute best to
establish local tribunals to deal with the criminals employing children in armed conflict;

5. Notes that the intention of this resolution is to provide for countries with unstable legal systems
or countries who do not feel capable or unwilling to try the criminals on their own; and

6. Decides to remain actively seized on the matter of children in armed conflict and child soldiers.
“El Programa Global Classrooms nos ha ayudado en el estudio de la lengua inglesa, hablar en
público y defender nuestra opinión, así como tratar temas de interés mundial y sobretodo en otra
                                                                         Gabriel y Alberto

“My opinion about Global Classrooms is that it is a very good program you can learn lots of
English, new vocabulary and that it is very interesting”

“My opinion about the program is that it is a very good program, in which we learn more
vocabulary and about the situation of the world in reference with the climate change. This
experience will be good for our future. “

“El programa está bien porque tu defiendes tu posición y tú hablas con otras delegaciones para
discutir los problemas. Tu colaboras con otros países para ayudarlos a resolver los problemas”
                                                                                  David y Beatriz

“En nuestro opinión el programa es bueno porque se aprenden muchas cosas sobre otros países y se
mejora el inglés”

“In our opinion, Global Classrooms is very interesting because you learn many important things.
For example: the problems of different countries in the world.”

                                                                              Edgar y Jonathan

“Nos ha gustado mucho porque hemos aprendido mucho ingles y hemos trabajado en unos temas
muy interesantes de interés general”
                                                                         Cecilia y Daniela

“Este es el mejor año de nuestra vida. Con el programa Global Classrooms todos los estudiantes de
mi clase han aprendido mucho ingles y es una experiencia maravillosa. En la conferencia haces
muchos amigos y aprendes sobre los problemas que sufren los diferentes países. Tienes que trabajar
mucho, pero al final consigues todo lo que quieres. ¡Ha sido super chulo!
                                                                                Maria y Paula

“El programa nos ha parecido muy interesante porque aprendes mucho y es muy divertido. Además
aprendes a compartir opiniones y a debatir en ingles”
                                                                               Fede e Izan

“Nuestra opinión es muy buena ya que hemos aprendido bastante y nos hemos divertido mucho”
                                                                            Laura y Leonor
“The programme is an opportunity to get to know different cultures of different countries; know
their situation and combat their problems. And another goal of Global Classrooms is to make
friends and cooperate with them in the assembly”
“This program is a great opportunity to learn English and learn things about different countries.
This programme helps you to develop public speaking skills and gain work experience as delegates
of an international organization.”
                                                                                  Celia y Alicia

“The conference is a great experience because we met many people. We have learned so much
about our country.”
                                                                             Alejandro y Borja

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Que es global classrooms

  • 1. ¿QUÉ ES GLOBAL CLASSROOMS? Global Classrooms es un programa donde los estudiantes trabajamos como delegados de la ONU representando un país. Primero investigamos sobre ese país y sus problemas (calentamiento global, la sostenibilidad de los bosques, el tráfico de animales salvajes…). Después, en las conferencias, defendemos sus intereses dialogando con otras delegaciones y llegando a acuerdos. WHAT IS GLOBAL CLASSROOMS? Global Classrooms is a program, in which the students work as UN delegates representing a country. First, we research about the assigned country and its problems. (Global warming, animal trafficking…). Then you put this information in a position paper and present it at a conference. Then you talk to other delegations and come to agreements. Edgar y Jonathan ¿CUÁLES SON LOS OBJETIVOS? El objetivo del programa es fomentar en los estudiantes el desarrollo social y personal, enseñándoles inglés, cómo participar en un debate, y exponerlos a ideas que tal vez no son las suyas. Los estudiantes hacen amigos y aprenden a trabajar en una organización internacional. GOALS OF GLOBAL CLASSROOMS The objective of the programme is to promote students social and personal development by teaching them English, how to participate in a debate, and exposing them to ideas that maybe aren’t their own. Students make friends and learn how to work in an international organization. Celia y Alicia
  • 2. ¿QUÉ SON LAS NACIONES UNIDAS? Las Naciones Unidas es una organización internacional, cuya misión es mantener la paz y seguridad, defender los derechos humanos, desarrollando las relaciones amigables entre los países. La ONU intenta mantener la armonía central para la colaboración entre naciones solucionando los problemas del mundo. Está compuesta por 192 miembros. Las Naciones Unidas tienen diversas funciones 1. Mantener la paz y seguridad internacional 2. Desarrollar las relaciones internacionales 3. Colaborar en la solución de problemas internacionales y promoviendo los derechos humanos WHAT´S THE ONU? It is an international organization whose mission is to maintain peace and security, defend human rights, develop friendly relations between countries as well as serve as a harmonizing centre for cooperation between nations in solving the world´s problems. It is composed of 192 member states. The UN has four main functions:  Maintain international peace and security.  Develop friendly relations among nations.  Collaborate in solving international problems and in promoting respect for human rights Laura y Leonor
  • 3. ¿CÓMO PREPARAMOS LA CONFERENCIA? 1. BUSCAMOS INFORMACIÓN DEL PAÍS: forma de gobierno, historia, economía… 1. COLLECTING COUNTRY INFORMATION: government, history, economy… 2. INVESTIGAMOS SOBRE LOS TEMAS DE LA CONFERENCIA 2. RESEARCHING CONFERENCE TOPICS TEMA: EL TRÁFICO DE ANIMALES El tráfico de animales es un tema importante para muchos países. En países pobres, se utiliza para ganar dinero. Cuando los niños trafican, no van a la escuela y no pueden estudiar. También hay tráfico de animales cuando gente rica viaja a países pobres y compran animales. Después, esconden los animales para pasar los controles del aeropuerto para vender después los animales a un alto precio. TOPIC: ANIMAL TRAFFICKING Animal trafficking is a topic that is important in many countries because animal trafficking is a vicious cycle. In poor countries, people use animal trafficking to earn money. When the children traffic, they don’t go to school and these children don’t learn measures and laws, and they can’t study. Animal trafficking also occurs when rich people go to developing countries and buy animals from poor people at low prices, after the rich people hide the animals to cross the airport, and after they sell these animals at a high price. TEMA: EL CALENTAMIENTO GLOBAL La subida de la temperatura causa el efecto invernadero, que describe como se calienta la tierra. La atmosfera de la tierra contiene químicos naturales que atrapan el calor del sol, pero la actividad humana también contribuye al efecto invernadero, haciendo que el planeta se caliente más de lo que haría de forma natural. El efecto invernadero se refiere al incremento de la temperatura de la tierra debido a la acción humana. Los gases más importantes son el metano, el dióxido de carbono y el óxido de nitrógeno. TOPIC: GLOBAL WARMING Global warming is very important because the increase in temperature causes the greenhouse effect, which describes the way the earth is warmed: The earth’s atmosphere naturally contains certain chemicals which trap heat from the sun, but human activity also contributes to the greenhouse effect, causing the planet to warm more than it would naturally. Global Warming refers to the increase in the earth’s temperature through the greenhouse effect that is caused by human activity. The most important greenhouse gases are methane, nitrous oxide and carbon dioxide. Marina y María Bravo
  • 4. 3. ESTUDIAMOS EL TEMA EN EL PAÍS QUE REPRESENTAMOS 3. WE STUDY THE TOPIC IN THE ASSIGNED COUNTRY TEMA: CALENTAMIENTO GLOBAL TOPIC: GLOBAL WARMING PAÍS: BÉLGICA Bélgica es un país situado en el centro de Europa. Bélgica es un país muy desarrollado industrialmente, pero produce grandes cantidades de dióxido de carbono. A pesar de que no es un país muy grande, Bélgica es uno de los países más contaminantes a nivel mundial. Debido a esto se ha visto obligados a bajar sus emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero. COUNTRY: BELGIUM In the country of Belgium there is a lot of heavy industry. This industry produces high levels of greenhouse gas emissions. Belgium ranks 88th in countries that pollute the most. The consequences of this pollution are rises in temperature, increases in precipitation and flooding. Alberto Rivero PAÍS: JORDANIA Mi país está situado en el oriente medio y su capital es Amman. Los mayores problemas ambientales en Jordania son la escasez del agua, la erosión de la tierra y la deforestación. El Gobierno de Jordania ha establecido un nuevo fondo energético para apoyar el desarrollo de la infraestructura medioambiental y de energías renovables. Jordania pide ayuda para maximizar el uso de agua potable mediante la conservación del agua. COUNTRY: JORDAN My country is located in the Middle East and its capital is Amman. The main environmental problems in Jordan are water scarcity, land erosion, and deforestation. The government has established energy savings to promote the development of the environmental infrastructure and renewable sources. Jordan asks for help to maximize the use of potable water through the conservation of water. María Bazo y Paula 4. SE ELABORA UN POSITION PAPER / POSITION PAPER Es un documento muy importante que da información del país y su posición con respecto a un problema. Consta de los siguientes apartados: 1 Expone la problemática del país 2 Expone las medidas tomadas a nivel nacional 3 Expone las medidas tomadas a nivel internacional 4 Propone recomendaciones A position paper is very important document. Delegates present information about a problem in their country, explain the measures taken to solve the problem and make new proposals. Fede and Izan
  • 5. SAMPLE POSITION PAPER Indonesia Delegates: Celia and Jonathan Sustainable Forest Management United Nations Forum on Forests The country of Indonesia is concerned about promoting sustainable forestry because: Indonesia is a developing country located in Southeast Asia and Oceania. Indonesia’s forests are very diverse and represent about 10% of the world’s tropical forests. Indonesia ranks third among all countries, in terms of total area of tropical forest. Indonesia is a major producer of forest products. Illegal logging accounted for up to 70% of total timber national production in 2000. Forest materials are the largest exports in Indonesia. Total forest products exports amount to some US $ 4.8 billion. Indonesia also produces non-wood forestry products like bamboo, pine resin, honey, fruits... Indonesian forest industry is a strategic sector in creating job opportunities; the number of people employed in the forest sector rose from around 10.6 million in 1993 to about 15.4 million 1998 . Indonesia supports the world’s second highest level of biodiversity and its flora and fauna is a mixture of Asian and Australian species. Indonesia is the second-most deforested country in the world; over 40% of the country’s forests were cleared in the last 50 years. Fire also is a significant environmental and economic problem in Indonesia. The country of Indonesia is working to promote sustainable forestry on a national level by: The governments of Japan and Indonesia are going to integrate environmental, social and economic values of forests. Deforestation occurs because paper and other factories need trees to operate. Many people are employed in illegal logging operations, and benefit from it. Consequences of deforestation include the decrease of local water supplies, increased erosion, and more frequent forest fires. Forest clearance by farmers is a significant but no dominant cause of deforestation; the main cause of deforestation in Indonesia is the need of wood products and commodities that Indonesians need for daily life. The Ministry of Forestry and the Basic Forestry Law of 1999 determine the forest estate and plan the use of Indonesia’s forest. Indonesia authority and responsibility over forest is divided among central, provincial, and district governments. On an international level the country of Indonesia is working to cooperate in protecting and preserving our planet’s forests by: Indonesia is a member of the United Nations Forum on Forests (UNFF), the Task Force on Forest Law Enforcement and Governance (FLEG), Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation (REED) and the International Tropical Timber Organization (ITTO). Indonesia also has recently signed agreements with several countries (including the United Kingdom and Malaysia) to combat illegal forestry activities, especially illegal trade. The country of Indonesia recommends that the committee take the following actions: 1. That the government implements and enforces all of the laws against illegal logging, contracts more rangers and increases fines. 2. That people who take part in illegal logging in forests have the obligation to plant more trees. 3. That there be more control over zones where they are going to cut down trees because there are many species of live beings that live in ten forest. 4. That the forest fires and the erosion in these zones be more controlled. Celia and Jonathan
  • 6. LA CONFERENCIA This year we had two conferences, one in Santander and another one in Torrelavega. There were many schools in Cantabria that participated in the two conferences. In these conferences you have to represent a United Nations (UN) country and debate about its problems related to different topics. And you have to explain the major problems in your country and try to arrive to an agreement with other countries that have the same problems. Este año hemos tenido dos conferencias, una en Santander y otra en Torrelavega. Había muchos institutos que participaron en las dos conferencias. En las conferencias tienes que representar un país de la ONU y debatir sobre sus problemas relacionados con varios temas. Tienes que explicar los problemas en tu país y su postura sobre el tema y llegar a un acuerdo con otros países que tienen los mismos problemas. Alex y Borja CÓDIGO DE VESTIMENTA A la conferencia hay que ir muy elegante. Los chicos deben llevar: Las chicas deben llevar:  Un jersey oscuro o una camisa de manga  Vestidos o faldas (no más de cinco larga con una chaqueta de traje. centímetros por encima de las rodillas)  Pantalones oscuros. O  Un cinturón  Pantalones oscuros  Una corbata  Zapatos ( no sandalias o playeras)  Zapatos (no playeras o sandalias)
  • 7. DRESS CODE In the conference you have to dress very elegantly. Boys should wear: Girls should wear:  A dark color sweater or a long sleeved  Dresses or skirts that are no more than 5 shirt with a dress jacket centimeters above the knee) or dark  Dark pants dress pants  A belt  A blouse or sweater  A necktie  Shoes  Shoes ( not sneakers or sandals) Alejandro y Borja REGLAS DE PROTOCOLO / RULES OF PROCEDURE POINTS: Point of Inquiry: Es una moción, que tienes que usar si tienes alguna pregunta acerca de cómo hacer algo por ejemplo una votación o plantear una moción. It is used if you have a question about how to do something, such as raising a motion or voting. Point of Information: Es una moción, para hacer preguntas a otros delegaciones sobre su discurso y borradores de las resoluciones. It is used to ask questions to other delegates about their speeches and working papers. Point of Personal Privilege: Para solucionar cualquier problema personal. It addresses any personal problem. MOTIONS Motion to Close Debate: Para acabar el debate, votar y cerrar el debate Ends debate and moves into voting procedures Motion to suspend debate for a moderated caucus: los delegados pueden pedir que se cambie desde “formal debate” cuando dan sus discursos a un moderated caucus donde pueden hablar a la asamblea sobre sus problemas “( Country) moves to suspend debate for a moderated caucus of_____ minutes, with a speaking time of_______ seconds” Motion to suspend debate for an unmoderated caucus: Las delegaciones pueden pedir que se cambie a un unmoderated caucus para poder hablar con otras delegaciones y escribir resoluciones. “(Country) moves to suspend debate for an unmoderated caucus of____ minutes” Cecilia y Daniela
  • 8. PARTES DE LA CONFERENCIA ROLL CALL El Rapporteur dice el nombre de cada delegación. Cuando los delegados oyen el nombre de su país, deben contestar “present” The Rapporteur will announce each country’s name. After delegates hear their country, they should answer “present.” SPEAKER´S LIST Es la lista en la que se representa el orden en que cada delegación realizará su discurso. It is the list that shows the order in which each delegation will give their speech. Alberto y Gabriel
  • 9. FORMAL DEBATE Es el tiempo en que cada delegación lee su discurso. It is when each delegation reads their speech. María y Paula MODERATED CAUCUS Es la parte de la conferencia en la que cada delegación se levanta y tiene la oportunidad de hablar de las posibles soluciones para resolver los problemas como el calentamiento global entre otros. En la conferencia, las delegaciones están sentadas pero cuando levantas tu placard el Presidente de la Mesa dice por ejemplo: “La delegación de USA” y tú te levantas y hablas por 45 segundos. It’s the part of the session in which delegations are seated and they have the opportunity to speak about the possible solutions to solve problems like global warming. In the conference you are seated but you can raise your placard. The chair says “the delegation of USA” and you stand and you can speak or make a question for other countries. David y Beatriz
  • 10. UNMODERATED CAUCUS Unmoderated caucus es cuando cada delegación se levanta y habla con diferentes países. Después los países escriben una resolución con otras delegaciones que tengan los mismos problemas. An unmoderated caucus takes place when each delegation stands up and speaks with different countries. After the countries write a resolution with the other delegations that have the same problems. Cecilia y Daniela RESOLUCIONES/ RESOLUTIONS Las resoluciones son los escritos que presentan las diferentes soluciones que un conjunto de países han propuesto para resolver los problemas que han presentado durante la conferencias. The resolutions are documents that explain the different proposals that a group of countries have made to solve the problems discussed during the conference. VOTACIONES / VOTING Después de presentar las resoluciones, hay que votarlas. Si una resolución no obtiene mayoría simple, no es aprobada. If a vote does not result in a simple majority in favor, the resolution will be regarded as rejected. PREMIOS/ AWARDS Al final de cada conferencia, la organización reconoce a las delegaciones que han hecho un trabajo excelente representando a su país. Algunos de los reconocimientos que dan son los siguientes:  Mejor position paper  Mejor delegación The Global Classrooms Model UN Conference will acknowledge delegations that do an exceptional job of representing their country. The following awards will be given:  Best Position Paper  Best Delegation Celia y Alicia
  • 11. SAMPLE RESOLUTION Sponsors: Romania, Serbia, United Kingdom Signatories: Brazil, China, Ethiopia, Greece, India, Iran, Myanmar, Spain, Russian Federation, Rwanda Topic: Children in Armed Conflict The UN Children’s Fund Executive Board, Guided by the Rome Statute adopted in 2002 to establish the ICC to punish international criminals, Declaring that an international system of justice is a sustainable way to solve the global problem of child soldiers at the source, Noting that Rome statute will be open for amendments in July of 2009, 1. Urges all members of the United Nations to ratify the Rome Statute and therefore officially join the ICC; 2. Strongly suggests for the following amendments of the Rome Statute to be submitted to the Secretary General of the United Nations: a. make Article 8 b) IV that deals with the loss of life of civilians more comprehensive by specifically mentioning the loss of life of children b. Change Article 8b) XXVI that deals with the use of children under the age of 18 by national armed forces to state that no child under the age of 16 can, voluntarily or involuntarily, be recruited by national armed forces to participate in armed conflict in any way; 3. Further requests that the following clauses be added to the Rome Statute to make the ICC better equipped to prosecute criminals using children to their advantage in armed conflict; a. A clause stating that for rebel groups and militias to employ child soldiers under the age of 16, even if they joined voluntarily, is a punishable offence b. A clause stating that any person or organization providing weapons or any other support to a national armed force or rebel group employing child soldiers is punishable; 4. Expresses its hope that the countries who are not a party to the ICC will do their absolute best to establish local tribunals to deal with the criminals employing children in armed conflict; 5. Notes that the intention of this resolution is to provide for countries with unstable legal systems or countries who do not feel capable or unwilling to try the criminals on their own; and 6. Decides to remain actively seized on the matter of children in armed conflict and child soldiers.
  • 12. NUESTRA OPINIÓN SOBRE EL PROGRAMA “El Programa Global Classrooms nos ha ayudado en el estudio de la lengua inglesa, hablar en público y defender nuestra opinión, así como tratar temas de interés mundial y sobretodo en otra lengua” Gabriel y Alberto “My opinion about Global Classrooms is that it is a very good program you can learn lots of English, new vocabulary and that it is very interesting” Gabriel “My opinion about the program is that it is a very good program, in which we learn more vocabulary and about the situation of the world in reference with the climate change. This experience will be good for our future. “ Alberto “El programa está bien porque tu defiendes tu posición y tú hablas con otras delegaciones para discutir los problemas. Tu colaboras con otros países para ayudarlos a resolver los problemas” David y Beatriz “En nuestro opinión el programa es bueno porque se aprenden muchas cosas sobre otros países y se mejora el inglés” “In our opinion, Global Classrooms is very interesting because you learn many important things. For example: the problems of different countries in the world.” Edgar y Jonathan “Nos ha gustado mucho porque hemos aprendido mucho ingles y hemos trabajado en unos temas muy interesantes de interés general” Cecilia y Daniela “Este es el mejor año de nuestra vida. Con el programa Global Classrooms todos los estudiantes de mi clase han aprendido mucho ingles y es una experiencia maravillosa. En la conferencia haces muchos amigos y aprendes sobre los problemas que sufren los diferentes países. Tienes que trabajar mucho, pero al final consigues todo lo que quieres. ¡Ha sido super chulo! Maria y Paula “El programa nos ha parecido muy interesante porque aprendes mucho y es muy divertido. Además aprendes a compartir opiniones y a debatir en ingles” Fede e Izan “Nuestra opinión es muy buena ya que hemos aprendido bastante y nos hemos divertido mucho” Laura y Leonor
  • 13. “The programme is an opportunity to get to know different cultures of different countries; know their situation and combat their problems. And another goal of Global Classrooms is to make friends and cooperate with them in the assembly” “This program is a great opportunity to learn English and learn things about different countries. This programme helps you to develop public speaking skills and gain work experience as delegates of an international organization.” Celia y Alicia “The conference is a great experience because we met many people. We have learned so much about our country.” Alejandro y Borja FOTOS