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                                                DAF Xem: DNA amplification
                                                Dalton (Abbreviation: Da). A unit of atomic
                                                mass roughly equivalent to the mass of a
                   Dd                           hydrogen atom. Used as to express
                                                molecular weight, which for biological
                                                macromolecules is usually in the range
                                                kilo- (kDa) to megaDaltons (MDa).
                                                Dalton (viÕt t¾t: Da) §¬n vÞ khèi l-îng
D loop Abbreviation for displacement loop.      nguyªn tö kho¶ng xÊp xØ víi khèi l-îng cña
Formed when a short stretch of RNA is           nguyªn tö hy-®r«. Dïng ®Ó biÓu thÞ träng
paired with one strand of DNA. This             l-îng ph©n tö, cho ®¹i ph©n tö sinh vËt
displaces the original partner DNA; also        th-êng trong ph¹m vi Kil«- (KDa) ®Õn
the displacement of a region of one strand      megaDaltons (MDa).

of duplex DNA by a single-stranded              DAMD Xem: directed amplification of
invader in the reaction catalyzed by recA.      minisatellite DNA.

vßng D viÕt t¾t cña: displacement loop.         Darwinian cloning Selection of a clone
H×nh thμnh khi mét ®o¹n ng¾n RNA ®-îc           from a large number of essentially random

cÆp ®«i víi mét sîi cña DNA. Nã chiÕm           starting points, rather than isolating a
chç DNA gÇn gèc; cßn thuyªn chuyÓn vïng         natural gene or making a carefully

cña sîi DNA xo¾n kÐp do sù to¶ sîi ®¬n          designed artificial one. Molecules which
trong ph¶n øng thuû ph©n bëi recA.              are more similar to those needed are

dA - dT tailing ®u«i dA - dT xem                selected, mutated to generate new
complementary homopolymeric tailing.            variants, and re-selected. The cycle

dAb (Full term: single domain antibody).        proceeds until the required molecule is

Antibodies with only one (instead of two)       found. The advantage of the system is that
protein chain derived from only one of the      the selection is from a vast number of
two domains of the normal antibody              possibilities.

structure. Exploits the finding that for some   nh©n dßng theo Darwin Chän läc dßng
antibodies, half of the molecule binds to       v« tÝnh tõ sè lín ®iÓm ban ®Çu ngÉu nhiªn
its target antigen almost as well as the        cã thùc, thay v× ph©n lËp gen tù nhiªn hoÆc

whole molecule. The major advantage of          t¹o mét lo¹t gen nh©n t¹o ®-îc thiÕt kÕ
dAbs over other antibodies is that they can     cÈn thËn. Nh÷ng ph©n tö rÊt gièng víi

be cloned and expressed into bacteria, so       chóng cÇn thiÕt ®-îc lùa chän, ®ét biÕn
that large numbers of antibodies can be         ®Ó t¹o ra nh÷ng lo¹i h×nh míi, vμ chän läc
generated and screened in parallel.             l¹i. Chu tr×nh tiÕp tôc cho ®Õn khi t×m ®-îc
kh¸ng thÓ miÒn ®¬n (thuËt ng÷ viÕt ®Çy          ph©n tö cÇn thiÕt. Lîi thÕ cña hÖ thèng nμy
®ñ: single domain antibody). Kh¸ng thÓ chØ      chÝnh lμ chän läc tõ nhiÒu kh¶ n¨ng.
cã mét duy nhÊt (thay v× hai) chuçi protein     dATP Abbreviation for deoxyadenosine 5'-
b¾t nguån chØ tõ mét trong hai miÒn cÊu         triphosphate. dATP is required for DNA
tróc kh¸ng thÓ b×nh th-êng. Khai th¸c t×m       synthesis since it is a direct precursor
kiÕm mét sè kh¸ng thÓ, nöa ph©n tö liªn         molecule. See: adenosine, adenylic acid.
kÕt víi kh¸ng nguyªn ®Ých hÇu nh- gièng         dATP viÕt t¾t cña deoxyadenosine 5'-
toμn bé ph©n tö. Lîi thÕ chÝnh cña dAb so       triphosphate. dATP cÇn thiÕt ®Ó tæng hîp
víi c¸c kh¸ng thÓ kh¸c lμ chóng cã thÓ          DNA v× nã lμ mét ph©n tö tiÒn chÊt trùc
®-îc t¹o dßng vμ biÓu thÞ trong nhiÒu vi        tiÕp. Xem: adenosine, adenylic acid.
khuÈn, do vËy mét sè l-îng lín kh¸ng thÓ
                                                dCTP Abbreviation for deoxycytidine 5'-
cã thÓ ®-îc ph¸t sinh vμ ®-îc hiÓn thÞ ®ång
                                                triphosphate. dCTP is required for DNA
ddNTP                                                                                   72
synthesis since it is a direct precursor       nã, kh«ng cã kh¶ n¨ng phôc håi khi nhiÔm
molecule. See: cytidine, cytidylic acid.       bÖnh tÕ bμo vËt chñ, nh-ng nã cã thÓ sinh
dCTP ViÕt t¾t cña: deoxycytidin 5'-            tr-ëng khi cã mÆt virut kh¸c. Virut nμy cung
triphosphat. dCTP cÇn thiÕt ®Ó tæng hîp        cÊp mét bé m¸y ph©n tö cÇn thiÕt mμ chÝnh
DNA v× nã lμ mét ph©n tö tiÒn chÊt trùc        virut ®Çu thiÕu.
tiÕp. xem: cytidine, cytidylic acid.           deficiency Lack of adequate supply of
ddNTP ViÕt t¾t cña: di-deoxynucleotide.        nutritional, enzymatic, or environmental
                                               requirements, so that development, growth
death phase The final growth phase of
                                               or physiological functions are affected.
cell culture, during which nutrients have
been depleted and cell number                  ®o¹n khuyÕt Sù thiÕu hôt cung cÊp kh«ng
decreases.                                     ®ñ chÊt dinh d-ìng, enzim, hoÆc c¸c yªu
                                               cÇu vÒ m«i tr-êng, v× thÕ sù ph¸t triÓn, sinh
pha chÕt Pha sinh tr-ëng kÕt thóc nu«i
                                               tr-ëng hoÆc c¸c chøc n¨ng sinh lý bÞ ¶nh
cÊy tÕ bμo, qu¸ tr×nh mμ chÊt dinh d-ìng
®-îc rót hÕt vμ gi¶m sè l-îng tÕ bμo.

                                               defined 1. Fixed conditions of medium,
deceleration phase The phase of
                                               environment and protocol for growth. 2.

declining growth rate, following the linear
                                               Precisely known and stated elements of a
phase and preceding the stationary
                                               tissue culture medium.

phase in most batch-suspension cultures.
See: growth phase.                             x¸c ®Þnh 1. C¸c ®iÒu kiÖn cè ®Þnh dung
                                               dÞch, m«i tr-êng vμ c¸ch thøc ®Ó sinh

pha chËm Pha tèc ®é t¨ng tr-ëng gi¶m
                                               tr-ëng. 2. C¸c phÇn tö cña dung dÞch cÊy
dÇn, tiÕp theo pha tuyÕn tÝnh vμ tr-íc pha
                                               m« nªu ra vμ ®-îc biÕt chÝnh x¸c.
tÜnh trong hÇu hÕt c¸c nu«i cÊy l« huyÒn

phï. Xem: growth phase.                        degeneracy The specification of one
                                               amino acid by more than one codon. It

de-differentiation The process, in
                                               arises from the inevitable redundancy
response to wounding and in tissue

                                               resulting from the 64 possible codons
cultures, by which plant cells can become
                                               encoding only 20 amino acids.
unspecialized and start to proliferate by
cell division to form a mass of                tho¸i hãa §Æc ®iÓm cña mét amino axit

undifferentiated cells (or callus) which,      do cã h¬n mét bé ba. Nã xuÊt hiÖn tõ d-
in response to appropriate stimuli, may        thõa kh«ng tr¸nh khái b¾t nguån tõ 64

later differentiate again to form either the   co®on cã kh¶ n¨ng m· hãa chØ 20 amino
same cell type or a different one.             axit.

V« biÖt ho¸ Qu¸ tr×nh, trong ph¶n øng          degeneration 1. Changes in cells, tissues
víi sù tæn th-¬ng vμ trong c¸c nu«i cÊy        or organs due to disease. 2. The reduction
m«, do ®ã tÕ bμo thùc vËt cã thÓ kh«ng         in size or complete loss of organs during
chuyªn biÖt vμ b¾t ®Çu t¨ng nhanh do ph©n      evolution.
chia tÕ bμo ®Ó h×nh thμnh mét khèi l-îng       sù tho¸i hãa 1. Nh÷ng thay ®æi trong tÕ
tÕ bμo ch-a ph©n hãa (hoÆc m« sÑo) ®Ó,         bμo, m« hoÆc c¬ quan do bÖnh. 2. Sù gi¶m
trong ph¶n øng cã sù thóc ®Èy thÝch hîp,       kÝch th-íc hoÆc thiÕu hoμn thiÖn c¸c c¬
cã thÓ biÖt ho¸ chËm lÇn n÷a ®Ó h×nh thμnh     quan trong qu¸ tr×nh tiÕn hãa.
mét lo¹t tÕ bμo gièng hoÆc kh¸c nhau.          dehalogenation The removal of halogen
defective virus A virus that, by itself, is    atoms (fluorine, chlorine, bromine, iodine)
unable to reproduce when infecting its         from molecules, for example during
host cell, but that can grow in the presence   biodegradation.
of another virus. This other virus provides    khö halogen ViÖc lo¹i bá nguyªn tö
the necessary molecular machinery that         halogen (Flo, clo, br«m, Iot) trong ph©n tö,
the first virus lacks.                         vÝ dô trong qu¸ tr×nh ph©n r· sinh häc.
virut cã sai sãt Mét virut mμ, do chÝnh
dehiscence                                                                              73
dehiscence The spontaneous and often          especially water. Removal methods
violent opening of a fruit, seed pod or       include distillation, electrodialysis and ion
anther to release and disperse the seeds      exchange. See: de-ionized water.
or pollen.                                    khö kho¸ng Lo¹i bá dung l-îng chÊt
nøt nÎ Lùc më tù ®éng vμ th«ng th-êng         kho¸ng (muèi, ion) tõ m«i tr-êng, ®Æc biÖt
cña qu¶, vá h¹t hoÆc nhôy hoa ®Ó gi¶i         lμ n-íc. C¸c ph-¬ng ph¸p lo¹i bá gåm cã
phãng vμ ph¸t t¸n h¹t hoÆc phÊn hoa.          ch-ng cÊt, ®iÖn ph©n vμ trao ®æi ion. xem:
dehydrogenase An enzyme that                  de-ionized water.
catalyses the removal of hydrogen atoms       denature To disrupt the normal in vivo
in biological reactions.                      conformation of a nucleic acid or (more
Enzim xóc t¸c viÖc lo¹i bá nguyªn tö hy-      usually) a protein by physical or chemical
®r« trong ph¶n øng sinh häc.                  means, usually accompanied by the loss
                                              of activity. See: denatured DNA,
ehydrogenation A chemical reaction in
                                              denatured protein.
which hydrogen is removed from a

compound.                                     biÕn tÝnh Ph¸ vì h×nh d¸ng axit nucleic
                                              hoÆc (phæ biÕn h¬n) mét protein b×nh

sù khö hy-®r« Ph¶n øng hãa häc trong
                                              th-êng trong c¬ thÓ b»ng ph-¬ng ph¸p vËt
®ã hy-®r« ®-îc lo¹i khái hîp chÊt.
                                              lý hoÆc hãa häc, th-êng kÌm theo mÊt ho¹t

de-ionized water Water from which most        ®éng. Xem: denatured DNA, denatured
salts have been removed - with varying        protein.

degrees of efficiency - by ion exchange.
                                              denatured DNA Double-stranded DNA
n-íc khö ion N-íc ®-îc lo¹i khái hÇu hÕt      that has been converted to single strands
c¸c muèi – lμm thay ®æi møc ¶nh h-ëng-

                                              by breaking the hydrogen bonds linking
do trao ®æi ion.                              complementary nucleotide pairs. Often

deletion A mutation involving the removal     reversible. Usually achieved by heating.

of one or more base pairs in a DNA            DNA biÕn tÝnh DNA sîi kÐp ®· ®-îc
sequence. Large deletions are sometimes       chuyÓn ®æi sang sîi ®¬n do ph©n gi¶i liªn
microscopically visible in karyotype          kÕt hydro nèi víi cÆp nuleotit bæ sung. Lu«n

analyses.                                     cã thÓ ®¶o ng-îc. Th-êng ®¹t ®-îc b»ng
®øt ®o¹n, thiÕu hôt §ét biÕn kÐo theo         thiÕt bÞ lμm nãng.
lo¹i bá mét hoÆc nhiÒu cÆp ba z¬ trong

                                              denatured protein Altering the in vivo
tr×nh tù DNA. Sù thiÕu hôt lín thØnh tho¶ng   conformation of a protein by heat or salt
cã thÓ quan s¸t ®-îc b»ng kÝnh hiÓn khi       treatment, thereby destroying its biological

ph©n tÝch kiÓu nh©n.                          activity. Unlike denatured DNA, denatured
deliberate release In a biotechnology         proteins are seldom able to be renatured.
context, the intentional release of           protein biÕn tÝnh Thay ®æi h×nh d¸ng
genetically modified organisms.               protein trong c¬ thÓ b»ng thiÕt bÞ lμm nãng
phiªn b¶n chñ ®Þnh Trong ph¹m vi c«ng         hoÆc -íp muèi, do ®ã ph¸ hñy ho¹t tÝnh
nghÖ sinh häc, phiªn b¶n ®Þnh tr-íc cña       sinh häc. Kh«ng gièng nh- DNA ®-îc biÕn
sinh vËt biÕn ®æi di truyÒn.                  tÝnh, c¸c protein biÕn tÝnh Ýt khi cã kh¶ n¨ng
delta endotoxins néi ®éc tè xem:: cry         håi phôc.
proteins.                                     denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis
deme A group of organisms in the same         (Abbreviation: DGGE).
taxon.                                        An electrophoresis method for separating
nhãm Nhãm sinh vËt trong cïng ®¬n vÞ          similar sized DNA fragments on the basis
ph©n lo¹i.                                    of their sequence, by applying across the
                                              gel a gradient of increasingly denaturing
demineralize To remove the mineral
                                              conditions (usually by increasing the
content (salts, ions) from a substance,
dendrimer                                                                               74
concentration of a denaturing chemical,         process of centrifugation itself (as in CsCl
such as formamide or urea). As the double-      and Cs2SO4 density gradients).
stranded molecules denature into a              ly t©m gradient mËt ®é Ly t©m siªu tèc
partially and eventually a fully single-        trong ®ã c¸c ph©n tö ®-îc ph©n t¸ch trªn
stranded state, their electrophoretic           c¬ së mËt ®é kh¸c nhau cã sö dông
mobility changes.                               gradient nång ®é clo-rua can xi hoÆc chÊt
®iÖn di gel møc ®é biÕn tÝnh (viÕt t¾t:         ®-êng. Gradient mËt ®é nμy cã thÓ h×nh
DGGE). Ph-¬ng ph¸p ®iÖn di ®Ó ph©n ra           thμnh tr-íc ly t©m nhê trén hai dung dÞch
c¸c ®o¹n DNA kÝch th-íc t-¬ng ®-¬ng dùa         mËt ®é kh¸c nhau (nh- trong gradient mËt
vμo tr×nh tù cña chóng, b»ng ¸p dông            ®é chÊt ®-êng) hoÆc còng cã thÓ h×nh
chuyÓn qua chÊt gel mét møc ®é c¸c ®iÒu         thμnh do qu¸ tr×nh cña b¶n th©n hiÖn t-îng
kiÖn lμm biÕn tÝnh gia t¨ng (th-êng do t¨ng     ly t©m (nh- trong CsCl vμ c¸c gradient mËt
thªm nång ®é chÊt ho¸ häc biÕn tÝnh, nh-        ®é Cs2SO4).
lμ formamit hoÆc u-rª). Khi c¸c ph©n tö sîi     deoxyadenosine xem: adenosin, dATP.
kÐp biÕn tÝnh thμnh tõng phÇn vμ cuèi cïng

                                                deoxycytidine xem: cytidine, dCTP.
thμnh mét tr¹ng th¸i sîi ®¬n hoμn toμn,

tÝnh dÔ biÕn ®æi ®iÖn di thay ®æi.              deoxyguanosine xem: guanosine,
dendrimer A polymer that repeatedly

branches until stopped by the physical          deoxyribonuclease xem: DNase.
constraint of having formed a complete,         deoxyribonucleic acid xem: DNA.

hollow sphere. These structures possess         deoxyribonucleoside xem: nucleoside.
sites on their exterior surface to which DNA
                                                deoxyribonucleotide xem: nucleotide.
fragments can be attached, and are thus

useful as carriers of DNA for transgenesis.     deoxyribose (2-deoxyribose) xem:

dendrime Mét p«lime ph©n nh¸nh lÆp
nhiÒu lÇn cho ®Õn khi dõng do rμng buéc         deoxythymidine Strictly correct but rarely

vËt lý ®· h×nh thμnh mét h×nh cÇu trän vÑn,     used synonym for thymidine.
rçng. C¸c cÊu tróc nμy chiÕm vÞ trÝ phÝa        deoxythymidin Tõ ®ång nghÜa ®óng chÝnh
mÆt ngoμi ®Ó c¸c ®o¹n DNA cã thÓ ®-îc           x¸c nh-ng Ýt ®-îc dïng cho thymidin.

g¾n, vμ h÷u Ých nh- thÓ mang cña DNA ®Ó         derepression The process of “turning on”
chuyÓn gen.                                     the expression of a gene or set of genes

denitrification A chemical process in           whose expression has been repressed
which nitrates in the soil are reduced to       (turned off), usually by the displacement

molecular nitrogen, which is released to        of a repressor from a promoter, since,
the atmosphere.                                 when attached to the DNA, the repressor
lo¹i nit¬ Qu¸ tr×nh hãa häc trong ®ã c¸c        prevents transcription.
muèi nitrat trong ®Êt ®-îc ph©n gi¶i cho        gi¶i øc chÕ Qu¸ tr×nh “tiÕp tôc” biÓu thÞ
tíi nit¬ ph©n tö, vμ ®-îc gi¶i phãng vμo        mét gen hoÆc bé gen mμ biÓu thÞ cña nã
khÝ quyÓn.                                      ®· bÞ øc chÕ (ngõng), th-êng do thuyªn
density gradient centrifugation High-           chuyÓn mét chÊt k×m h·m tõ ®iÓm khëi ®Çu,
speed centrifugation in which molecules         v×, khi ®-îc g¾n víi DNA, chÊt k×m h·m
are separated on the basis of their different   ng¨n ngõa phiªn m·.
densities using a concentration gradient of     derivative 1. Resulting from or derived
caesium chloride or sucrose. The density        from. 2. Term used to identify a variant
gradient may either be formed before            during meristematic cell division.
centrifugation by mixing two solutions of       vËt dÉn xuÊt 1. kÕt qu¶ hoÆc b¾t nguån
different density (as in sucrose density        tõ. 2. ThuËt ng÷ dïng ®Ó x¸c nhËn mét
gradients) or it can be formed by the           lo¹t pha kh¸c nhau trong khi ph©n chia tÕ
                                                bμo m« ph©n sinh.
desiccant                                                                               75
desiccant Any compound used to remove           ph¸t triÓn Tæng sè sù kiÖn ®ãng gãp cho
moisture or water.                              qu¸ tr×nh phøc t¹p cña mét sinh vËt. Hai
chÊt hót Èm BÊt kú hîp chÊt nμo sö dông         khÝa mÆt chÝnh cña ph¸t triÓn lμ sinh tr-ëng
®Ó lo¹i trõ h¬i Èm hoÆc n-íc.                   vμ biÖt ho¸.
desoxyribonucleic acid Obsolete                 deviation 1. An alteration from the typical
spelling of deoxyribonucleic acid.              form, function or behaviour. Mutation or
                                                stress are the common reasons behind
Tªn gäi theo c¸ch cò cña deoxyribonucleic
                                                deviation. 2. A statistical term describing
                                                the difference between an actual
desulphurization lo¹i trõ l-u huúnh             observation and the mean of all
Xem: biodesulphurization.                       observations.
detergent Substance which lowers the            sai lÖch 1. Thay ®æi h×nh d¹ng, chøc n¨ng
surface tension of a solution, improving its    hoÆc hμnh vi th«ng th-êng. §ét biÕn hoÆc
cleaning properties.                            sèc lμ nguyªn nh©n chung sau sai lÖch. 2.

thuèc tÈy ChÊt ®Ó h¹ thÊp søc c¨ng bÒ           ThuËt ng÷ thèng kª m« t¶ sù kh¸c nhau
mÆt dung dÞch, n©ng cao c¸c thuéc tÝnh          gi÷a mét quan s¸t thùc tÕ víi trung b×nh

lμm s¹ch.                                       toμn bé quan s¸t.
determinate growth Growth determined            dextrin An intermediate polysaccharide

and limited in time, with a bud or flower       compound resulting from the hydrolysis
terminating the growth of the main axis.        of starch to maltose by amylase enzymes.

Once established, it is usually irreversible.   hå tinh bét Mét hîp chÊt polisacarit trung
Opposite: indeterminate growth.                 gian kÕt qu¶ tõ thñy ph©n tinh bét thμnh

sinh tr-ëng x¸c ®Þnh Sinh tr-ëng x¸c ®Þnh       ®-êng m¹ch nha do enzim amylaza.
vμ giíi h¹n thêi gian, víi mÇm hoÆc hoa         dG - dC tailing tailing ®o¹n cuèi dG-dC

x¸c ®Þnh sinh tr-ëng cña trôc chÝnh. Mét        Xem: complementary homopolymeric

khi ®· thiÕt lËp, nã th-êng kh«ng thÓ ®¶o       tailing.
ng-îc. Ng-îc víi: indeterminate growth.
                                                DGGE xem: denaturing gradient gel
determination Process by which                  electrophoresis.

undifferentiated cells in an embryo
                                                dGTP Abbreviation for deoxyguanosine 5'-
become committed to develop into specific
                                                triphosphate. dGTP is required for DNA
cell types, such as neurons, fibroblasts or

                                                synthesis since it is a direct precursor
muscle cells.
                                                molecule. See: guanosine, guanylic
x¸c ®Þnh Qu¸ tr×nh mμ bëi ®ã nh÷ng tÕ

bμo ch-a ph©n hãa trong ph«i ®-îc giao
                                                dGTP viÕt t¾t cña deoxyguanosine 5'-
phã ®Ó ph¸t triÓn thμnh kiÓu tÕ bμo riªng
                                                triphosphate. dGTP cÇn thiÕt ®Ó tæng hîp
biÖt, nh- n¬ ron, sîi nguyªn bμo hoÆc tÕ
                                                DNA v× nã lμ mét ph©n tö tiÒn chÊt trùc
bμo c¬.
                                                tiÕp. xem: guanosine, guanylic acid.
determined Describing embryonic tissue
                                                diagnostic procedure A test or assay
at a stage when it can develop only as a
                                                used to determine the presence of a
certain kind of tissue.
                                                specific substance, organism or nucleic
®-îc x¸c ®Þnh M« t¶ m« ph«i ë giai ®o¹n         acid sequence alteration, etc.
khi nã cã thÓ ph¸t triÓn chØ nh- mét lo¹i
                                                thñ tôc chÈn ®o¸n PhÐp thö hoÆc ph©n
m« nhÊt ®Þnh.
                                                tÝch dïng ®Ó x¸c ®Þnh sù cã mÆt cña mét
development The sum total of events that        chÊt, c¬ quan hoÆc sù thay ®æi tr×nh tù axit
contribute to the progressive elaboration       nucleic riªng biÖt, v©n v©n.
of an organism. The two major aspects of
                                                diakinesis A stage of meiosis at the end
development         are     growth      and
                                                of prophase I, in which the contraction of
                                                the chromosomes is almost at a maximum,
diakinesis                                                                              76
pairing configurations are well defined, the   classes of flowering plants (along with the
nucleolus normally disappears and the          monocotyledons). Examples include
nuclear envelope is disrupted.                 many crop plants (potato, pea, beans),
giai ®o¹n h-íng cùc Giai ®o¹n gi¶m             ornamentals (rose, ivy) and timber trees
ph©n ë cuèi k× ®Çu I, trong ®ã nhiÔm s¾c       (oak, beech, lime).
thÓ gi¶m gÇn nh- ë møc tèi ®a, c¸c cÊu         c©y song tö ®iÖp (viÕt t¾t: dicot). Thùc
h×nh cÆp ®«i ®-îc x¸c ®Þnh râ, h¹ch b×nh       vËt cã hai l¸ mÇm. Mét trong hai líp chÝnh
th-êng biÕn mÊt vμ mμng nh©n bÞ ph¸ vì.        cña thùc vËt ra hoa (cïng víi c©y ®¬n tö
dialysis A biochemical technique by which      diÖp). C¸c mÉu gåm cã nhiÒu gièng c©y
large molecules such as proteins in            trång (khoai t©y, ®Ëu Hμ lan, ®Ëu t-¬ng),
solution are separated from smaller            c¸c loμi hoa (hoa hång, tr-êng xu©n) vμ
species such as salts. The technique is        c©y cã gç (såi, anh ®μo, ch×a v«i).
based on the properties of certain             di-deoxynucleotide (Abbreviations:
membrane structures, which selectively         ddNTP,didN).            A        synthetic

only allow the passage of the smaller          deoxynucleotide that lacks a 3'-hydroxyl
molecules. A frequently used method for        group, and is thus unable to form the 3'?5'

the purification of proteins.                  phosphodiester bond necessary for
thÈm t¸ch Mét kü thuËt hãa sinh ®Ó nh÷ng       chain elongation. Used as strand

ph©n tö lín nh- protein trong dung dÞch        terminators in the Sanger DNA sequencing
®-îc ph©n t¸ch tõ c¸c lo¹i nhá h¬n nh-         reaction and in the treatment of some viral

muèi. Kü thuËt dùa vμo thuéc tÝnh c¸c cÊu      diseases.
tróc mμng nhÊt ®Þnh, vμ cho chØ phÐp chän      di-deoxynucleotit (viÕt t¾t: ddNTP,didN).
läc c¸c ph©n tö nhá h¬n ®i qua. Ph-¬ng         ChÊt deoxynucleotide tæng hîp thiÕu gèc

ph¸p ®-îc sö dông phæ biÕn ®Ó lμm s¹ch         hidroxyl 3', vμ do vËy kh«ng cã kh¶ n¨ng

protein.                                       ®Ó h×nh thμnh liªn kÕt phosphodiester 3' ?
                                               5' cÇn thiÕt ®Ó kÐo dμi d·y ph©n tö. §-îc

diazotroph An organism that can fix
atmospheric nitrogen.                          sö dông khi hoμn tÊt sîi trong ph¶n øng
                                               tr×nh tù ho¸ DNA Sanger vμ trong nghiªn
tù d-ìng Sinh vËt cã kh¶ n¨ng hÊp thu
                                               cøu mét sè bÖnh virut.

nit¬ khÝ quyÓn.
                                               didN Xem: di-deoxynucleotide.
dicentric chromosome A chromosome
                                               differential centrifugation A method for

having two active centromeres.
                                               separating sub-cellular particles according
nhiÔm s¾c thÓ hai t©m Mét nhiÔm s¾c thÓ
                                               to their sedimentation coefficients, which

cã hai t©m ho¹t ®éng .
                                               are roughly proportional to their size. Cell
dichogamy The condition in which the           extracts are subjected to a succession of
male and the female reproductive organs        centrifuge runs at progressively faster
of a flower (or certain hermaphroditic         rotation speeds. Large particles, such as
animals) mature at different times, thereby    nuclei or mitochondria, will be precipitated
making self-fertilization improbable or        at relatively slow speeds; higher G forces
impossible.                                    will be required to sediment small particles,
dichogami T×nh tr¹ng cã c¸c c¬ quan sinh       such as ribosomes.
s¶n ®ùc vμ c¸i cña mét hoa (hoÆc ®éng          ly t©m vi ph©n Ph-¬ng ph¸p ®Ó ph©n t¸ch
vËt l-ìng tÝnh nhÊt ®Þnh) tr-ëng thμnh ë       c¸c h¹t nhá møc d-íi tÕ bμo theo hÖ sè
c¸c thêi ®iÓm kh¸c nhau, do ®ã t¹o ra Ýt       l¾ng, t-¬ng xøng víi kÝch th-íc cña chóng.
kh¶ n¨ng hoÆc kh«ng thÓ ®¹t ®-îc tù thô        C¸c phÇn chiÕt xuÊt tÕ bμo ®-îc thùc hiÖn
phÊn.                                          víi mét lo¹t quay ly t©m tèc ®é nhanh dÇn.
dicot Xem: dicotyledon.                        C¸c h¹t lín, nh- nh©n hoÆc c¸c ti l¹p thÓ,
dicotyledon (Abbreviation: dicot). A plant     sÏ ch×m xuèng khi tèc ®é chËm dÇn; lùc ly
with two cotyledons. One of the two major      t©m G cao h¬n cÇn thiÕt ®Ó h¹t nhá l¾ng
differential display                                                                     77
xuèng, nh- ribosom.                               nμy nãi chung kh«ng thÓ ®¶o ng-îc trong
differential display A method to identify         c¬ thÓ sinh vËt bËc cao. Trong nu«i cÊy
mRNAs which are present at different              m«, thuËt ng÷ ®-îc dïng m« t¶ sù h×nh
levels in different tissues, or in response       thμnh c¸c kiÓu tÕ bμo kh¸c biÖt.
to specific treatments. The mRNAs are             diffusion The spontaneous movement of
converted to cDNA, and a defined                  molecules from a region of higher
proportion of these are amplified by the          concentration to a region of lower
polymerase chain reaction, and                    concentration.
separated by electrophoresis.                     khuyÕch t¸n ChuyÓn ®éng ngÉu nhiªn
hiÓn thÞ vi ph©n Ph-¬ng ph¸p x¸c ®Þnh             cña c¸c ph©n tö tõ vïng mËt ®é cao ®Õn
c¸c mRNA mμ biÓu hiÖn c¸c møc kh¸c                vïng mËt ®é thÊp h¬n.
nhau trong c¸c m« kh¸c nhau, hoÆc trong           digest To treat DNA molecules with one
sù ®¸p l¹i ph¶n øng ®Æc biÖt. C¸c mRNA            or more restriction endonucleases in
chuyÓn tíi DNA bæ sung, vμ mét tØ lÖ x¸c          order to cleave them into smaller

®Þnh khuyÕch ®¹i b»ng ph¶n øng chuçi              fragments.
enzim trïng hîp, vμ ph©n t¸ch do hiÖn

                                                  tiªu hãa ChÕ ho¸ c¸c ph©n tö DNA víi
t-îng ®iÖn chuyÓn.
                                                  mét hoÆc nhiÒu emzim giíi h¹n víi môc
differentially permeable Referring to a           ®Ých t¸ch chóng thμnh nh÷ng ®o¹n nhá

membrane, through which different                 h¬n.
substances diffuse at different rates. Some
                                                  dihaploid An individual which arises from

substances may be unable to diffuse
                                                  a doubled haploid.
through such a membrane, usually
because they are too large to fit through         ®¬n béi kÐp C¸ thÓ xuÊt hiÖn tõ mét ®¬n

the pores of the membrane.                        béi kÐp.

®é ngÊm vi ph©n §Ò cËp ®Õn mμng tÕ                dihybrid An individual that is heterozygous
                                                  for two pairs of alleles; the progeny of a

bμo, th«ng qua ®ã c¸c chÊt kh¸c nhau
khuÕch t¸n víi tû lÖ kh¸c nhau. Mét sè chÊt       cross between homozygous parents
kh«ng thÓ khuÕch t¸n qua mét mμng nh-             differing at two loci.

vËy, th-êng bëi v× chóng qu¸ lín kh«ng            l-ìng hîp tö Mét c¸ thÓ lμ dÞ hîp cña hai
thÓ chui qua lç cña mμng.                         cÆp alen; con ch¸u cña mét cÆp lai chÐo
differentiation A process as a result of          gi÷a cha mÑ ®ång hîp tö ph©n biÖt kh¸c

which unspecialized cells develop                 nhau t¹i hai æ gen.
structures and functions characteristic of        dimer 1. A molecule formed by the

a particular type of cell, typically during the   covalent combination of two monomers,
process of development from one cell to           generally accompanied by elimination of
many cells, accompanied by a modification         water. 2. The reversible association of two
of the new cells for the performance of           similar (or nearly similar) molecules. The
particular functions. The process is              active form of many enzymes is as a dimer
generally irreversible in vivo in higher          between two non-active monomeric
organisms. In tissue culture, the term is         subunits.
used to describe the formation of different       chÊt trïng ph©n 1. Mét ph©n tö ®-îc h×nh
cell types.                                       thμnh do kÕt hîp ®ång hãa trÞ hai ®¬n ph©n,
biÖt ho¸ Qu¸ tr×nh lμm cho c¸c tÕ bμo             th-êng kÐo theo sù lo¹i bá n-íc. 2. Sù kÕt
kh«ng chuyªn biÖt ph¸t triÓn cÊu tróc vμ          hîp cã thÓ ®¶o ng-îc cña hai ph©n tö
chøc n¨ng ®iÓn h×nh cña mét kiÓu tÕ bμo           t-¬ng ®-¬ng (hoÆc gÇn gièng nhau). D¹ng
riªng biÖt, tiªu biÓu trong qu¸ tr×nh ph¸t        ho¹t ®éng cña nhiÒu enzim lμ nh- mét chÊt
triÓn tõ mét ®Õn nhiÒu tÕ bμo, ®-îc bæ sung       trïng ph©n gi÷a hai cÊu tróc d-íi ®¬n ph©n
do biÕn ®æi cña c¸c tÕ bμo míi ®Ó thùc            kh«ng ho¹t ®éng.
hiÖn c¸c chøc n¨ng riªng biÖt. Qu¸ tr×nh
dimethyl sulphoxide                                                                     78
dimethyl sulphoxide (Abbreviation:              meiosis following the pachytene stage,
DMSO). A highly hygroscopic liquid and          but preceding diakinesis, in which one
powerful solvent with little odour, colour or   pair of sister chromatids begin to separate
toxicity when pure. It is employed in small     from the other pair.
quantities to dissolve organic substances       sîi kÐp Giai ®o¹n trong k× ®Çu I cña gi¶m
in tissue culture media preparation and         ph©n tiÕp theo giai ®o¹n sîi dμy, nh-ng
has uses as a cryoprotectant and in             tr-íc giai ®o¹n h-íng cùc, trong ®ã mét
promoting the passage of chemicals              cÆp nhiÔm s¾c tö chÞ em b¾t ®Çu t¸ch ra tõ
through skin.                                   mét cÆp kh¸c.
dimethyl sulphoxit (ViÕt t¾t: DMSO). Mét        diplotene (adj.) kú song ty (tÝnh tõ)xem:
chÊt láng hót Èm cao vμ dung m«i m¹nh           diplonema.
cã mïi h-¬ng, mμu hoÆc tÝnh ®éc thÊp khi
                                                direct embryogenesis The formation in
thuÇn khiÕt. §-îc dïng víi sè l-îng nhá
                                                culture, on the surface of zygotic or
®Ó hoμ tan c¸c chÊt h÷u c¬ trong chÕ phÈm
                                                somatic embryos or on explant tissues
dung dÞch nu«i cÊy m« vμ ®-îc dïng khi

                                                (leaf section, root tip, etc.), of embryoids
b¶o qu¶n ®«ng l¹nh vμ trong viÖc xóc tiÕn
                                                without an intervening callus phase.

chuyÓn c¸c ho¸ chÊt ngÊm qua da.
                                                Opposite: indirect embryogenesis.
dimorphism The existence of two
                                                ph¸t sinh ph«i trùc tiÕp Sù h×nh thμnh

distinctly different types of individuals
                                                trong nu«i cÊy m«, trªn bÒ mÆt hîp tö, c¸c
within a species. An obvious example is
                                                ph«i x«ma hoÆc trªn c¸c m« ghÐp (phÇn

sexual dimorphism in mammals.
                                                l¸, chãp rÔ, v.v.), cña ph«i kh«ng cã giai
tÝnh l-ìng h×nh Sù tån t¹i hai kiÓu kh¸c        ®o¹n m« sÑo xen vμo. Ng-îc víi: indirect
nhau cña c¸c c¸ thÓ trong cïng mét loμi.

Mét vÝ dô ®iÓn h×mh lμ l-ìng h×nh giíi tÝnh
                                                direct organogenesis Formation of

trong líp ®éng vËt cã vó.
                                                organs directly on the surface of cultured

dinucleotide A nucleotide dimer.                intact explants. The process does not
Mét chÊt trïng ph©n nuleotit.                   involve callus formation. Opposite:
dioecious A plant species in which male         indirect organogenesis.

and female flowers form on different plants.    ph¸t sinh c¬ quan trùc tiÕp Sù h×nh thμnh
kh¸c gèc C¸c loμi thùc vËt cã hoa c¸i vμ        cña c¸c c¬ quan trùc tiÕp trªn bÒ mÆt m¶nh

hoa ®ùc h×nh thμnh trªn tõng c©y kh¸c           ghÐp kh«ng søt mÎ ®-îc nu«i cÊy. Qu¸
nhau.                                           tr×nh kh«ng t¹o ra m« sÑo. Ng-îc víi:
                                                indirect embryogenesis.

diplochromosome                       Xem:
endoreduplication.                              direct repeat Two or more stretches of
                                                DNA within a single molecule which have
diploid The status of having two complete
                                                the same nucleotide sequence in the
sets of chromosomes, most commonly
                                                same orientation. Direct repeats may be
one set of paternal origin and the other of
                                                either adjacent to one another or far apart
maternal origin. Somatic tissues of higher
                                                on the same molecule.
plants and animals are ordinarily diploid in
chromosome constitution, in contrast with       lÆp trùc tiÕp Hai hoÆc nhiÒu ®o¹n DNA
the haploid gametes.                            trong mét ph©n tö ®¬n cïng tr×nh tù
                                                nucleotit cïng h-íng. C¸c ®o¹n lÆp trùc
l-ìng béi T×nh tr¹ng cã hai bé nhiÔm s¾c
                                                tiÕp cã thÓ liÒn kÒ hoÆc t¸ch rêi trªn cïng
thÓ hoμn chØnh, phæ biÕn nhÊt mét bé gèc
                                                ph©n tö.
cha vμ bé kh¸c gèc mÑ. C¸c m« x«ma cña
thùc vËt bËc cao vμ ®éng vËt lμ l-ìng béi       directed amplification of minisatellite
hoμn toμn trong cÊu tróc nhiÔm s¾c thÓ,         DNA (Abbreviation: DAMD). A polymerase
tr¸i ng-îc víi giao tö ®¬n béi.                 chain reaction technique used for
                                                obtaining molecular markers in the region
diplonema Stage in prophase I of
directed mutagenesis                                                                   79
of minisatellites. To target these regions,   ho¸ gi¶i Xãa bá mét plasmit hoÆc virut cña
one of the primers is directed to a VNTR      c¸c gen lμ t¸c nh©n g©y bÖnh.
core sequence.                                discontinuous variation Variation where
khuÕch ®¹i ®Þnh h-íng DNA vÖ tinh nhá         individuals can be classified as belonging
(viÕt t¾t: DAMD) Kü thuËt ph¶n øng chuçi      to one of a set of discrete, non-overlapping
enzim trïng hîp ®-îc sö dông ®Ó thu           classes. Generated by simple genetic
nh÷ng dÊu chuÈn ph©n tö trong vïng c¸c        control of a trait (one or a small number of
vÖ tinh nhá. Tíi c¸c vïng ®Ých nμy, mét       genes, each of large effect) and involving
trong nh÷ng ®o¹n måi ®-îc tiÕp xóc víi        minimal non-genetic effect. Characters
tr×nh tù lâi lÆp tandem sè biÕn.              showing discontinuous variation are
directed mutagenesis The generation of        referred to as qualitative. Opposite:
changes in the nucleotide sequence of         continuous variation.
a cloned gene by one of several               biÕn dÞ gi¸n ®o¹n BiÕn dÞ khi c¸ thÓ kh¶
procedures. Undertaken to explore the         n¨ng ®-îc ph©n lo¹i thuéc vÒ mét trong

relationship between nucleotide sequence      tËp hîp c¸c líp riªng biÖt, kh«ng gèi nhau.
and gene function, and to modify gene         Ph¸t sinh do kiÓm so¸t di truyÒn ®¬n mét

products.         Synonym:     in    vitro    tÝnh tr¹ng (mét hoÆc sè Ýt gen, mçi mét gen
mutagenesis.                                  cã hiÖu øng réng) vμ kÐo theo hiÖu øng

®ét biÕn ®Þnh h-íng Ph¸t sinh nh÷ng           kh«ng di truyÒn cùc tiÓu. C¸c ®Æc ®iÓm cho
thay ®æi trong tr×nh tù nucleotit cña gen     thÊy r»ng biÕn dÞ kh«ng liªn tôc ®-îc xem

®-îc t¹o dßng b»ng mét sè ph-¬ng ph¸p.        nh- ®Þnh tÝnh. Ng-îc víi: continuous
B¶o ®¶m ®Ó th¨m dß mèi quan hÖ gi÷a           variation.
tr×nh tù nucleotit vμ chøc n¨ng gen, vμ ®Ó    discordant Members of a pair showing

söa ®æi s¶n phÈm gen. Tõ ®ång nghÜa: in       different,      rather      than     similar,

vitro mutagenesis.                            characteristics.

directional cloning The technique by          tr¸i ng-îc nhau C¸c thμnh viªn cña mét
which a vector and a DNA insert are both      cÆp ®«i cho thÊy c¸c ®Æc tr-ng kh¸c nhau,
digested with two different restriction       thay v× t-¬ng tù.

endonucleases to create non-                  disease resistance The genetically
complementary sticky ends at either end       determined ability to prevent the
of both molecules, so favouring the insert    reproduction of a pathogen, thereby

to be ligated into the vector in a specific   remaining healthy. Some resistances
orientation, while also preventing the        operate by pathogen exclusion, some by

vector from re-circularizing.                 preventing pathogen spread, and some by
t¹o dßng ®Þnh h-íng Kü thuËt theo ®ã          tolerating pathogen toxin.
mét vect¬ vμ ®o¹n chÌn DNA ®Òu ®-îc           tÝnh kh¸ng bÖnh Kh¶ n¨ng ng¨n chÆn x¸c
tiªu hãa víi hai enzim giíi h¹n kh¸c biÖt     ®Þnh di truyÒn ®Ó øc chÕ sinh s¶n cña vËt
®Ó t¹o ra c¸c mót b¸m kh«ng bæ sung ë         g©y bÖnh, do ®ã søc khoÎ ®-îc duy tr×.
tõng mót cña c¶ hai ph©n tö, nh- vËy -u       Mét sè kh¸ng ho¹t ®éng do lo¹i trõ vËt g©y
tiªn chÌn ®Ó kÕt buéc vμo vect¬ theo          bÖnh, mét sè do ng¨n ngõa lan truyÒn vËt
h-íng riªng biÖt, vμ cßn ng¨n ngõa vect¬      g©y bÖnh, vμ mét sè kh¸c do chÊp nhËn
tõ h-íng vßng l¹i.                            ®éc tè vËt g©y bÖnh.
disaccharide A dimer consisting of two        disease-free A plant or animal certified
covalently linked monosaccharides.            through specific tests as being free of
ChÊt trïng ph©n gåm cã hai ®ång hãa trÞ       specified pathogens. Should be
liªn kÕt c¸c monosacarit.                     interpreted to mean “free from any known
disarm The deletion from a plasmid or         disease” as “new” diseases may yet be
virus of genes that are pathogenic.           discovered to be present.
disease-indexing                                                                        80
s¹ch bÖnh Thùc vËt hoÆc ®éng vËt ®-îc           dispense The transfer of a measured
chøng nhËn qua c¸c phÐp thö ghi râ khi          volume of a solution.
kh«ng mang vËt g©y bÖnh ®Æc biÖt. CÇn           ph©n phèi ChuyÓn giao dung dÞch víi mét
thiÕt gi¶i thÝch ý nghÜa “s¹ch tõ mét sè bÖnh   khèi l-îng ®-îc ®o.
h¹i ®· biÕt” trong khi ®ã nh÷ng bÖnh h¹i
                                                disrupter gene Used to enforce the
“míi” cã thÓ cßn ®ang ®-îc kh¸m ph¸.
                                                sterility of seed saved from a genetically
disease-indexing Disease-indexed                engineered crop. See: genetic use
organisms have been assayed for the             restriction technology.
presence of known diseases according to
                                                gen g©y rèi Th-êng g©y ra bÊt thô cña
standard testing procedures.
                                                h¹t gièng b¶o qu¶n tõ gièng kü thuËt di
chØ sè bÖnh C¸c sinh vËt chØ sè hãa bÖnh        truyÒn. Xem: genetic use restriction
®-îc thö nghiÖm ®Ó thÓ hiÖn nh÷ng bÖnh          technology.
®· biÕt tu©n theo thñ tôc thö nghiÖm chuÈn.
                                                dissecting microscope A microscope
disinfection Attempted elimination by           with a magnifying power of about 50x, used

chemical means of internal micro-               as an aid in the manipulation of small
organisms (particularly pathogens) from a

                                                objects, e.g. excision of embryos from
culture or sample; rarely attained. See:        young zygotes.
sterilize (1).

                                                kÝnh hiÓn vi ph©n tÝch KÝnh hiÓn vi cã søc
sù diÖt khu¶n B»ng c¸c ph-¬ng tiÖn hãa          khuÕch ®¹i kho¶ng 50 x, ®-îc sö dông ®Ó
häc ®Ó cè g¾ng lo¹i bá vi sinh vËt bªn trong    trî gióp thao t¸c víi ®èi t-îng nhá, nh- lμ

(®Æc biÖt lμ nh÷ng t¸c nh©n g©y bÖnh) tõ        c¾t ph«i tõ hîp tö non.
mÉu nu«i cÊy m«; ®¹t ®-îc mét c¸ch khã
                                                dissection Separation of a tissue by

kh¨n. xem: sterilize (1).
                                                cutting into components, for analysis or
disinfestation The elimination or inhibition

of the activity of surface-adhering micro-
                                                gi¶i phÉu Ph©n t¸ch m« do c¾t thμnh c¸c

organisms and removal of insects.
                                                phÇn, ®Ó ph©n tÝch hoÆc quan s¸t.
sù khö trïng Lo¹i bá hoÆc k×m h·m ho¹t
                                                distillation The process of heating a
®éng cña nh÷ng vi sinh vËt dÝnh trªn bÒ

                                                mixture to separate the more volatile from
mÆt vμ lo¹i bá s©u bä.
                                                the less volatile parts, and then condensing
disjunction Separation of homologous            fractions of the resulting vapour so as to

chromosomes during anaphase I of                produce a more nearly pure or refined
meiosis, or of sister chromatids during         substance.

anaphase of mitosis and anaphase II of
                                                ch-ng cÊt Qu¸ tr×nh ®èt nãng mét hçn
                                                hîp ®Ó ph©n t¸ch phÇn dÒ bay h¬i tõ phÇn
sù ph©n t¸ch Ph©n chia c¸c nhiÔm s¾c            khã bay h¬i, vμ sau ®ã ng-ng tô c¸c phÇn
thÓ t-¬ng ®ång trong k× sau I cña gi¶m          kÕt qu¶ bay h¬i nh- vËy ®Ó s¶n xuÊt mét
ph©n, hoÆc cña nhiÔm s¾c tö chÞ em trong        chÊt ®-îc tinh läc hoÆc gÇn nh- thuÇn
k× sau nguyªn ph©n vμ k× sau II cña gi¶m        khiÕt.
                                                disulphide bond liªn kÕt disulphid xem:
disomic (adj.) l-ìng thÓ (tÝnh tõ) Xem          disulphide bridge.
                                                disulphide bridge A chemical bond
disomy The presence of a pair of a specific     between pairs of sulphur atoms that
homologous chromosomes. This is the             stabilizes the three-dimensional structure
norm for diploids.                              of proteins, and hence the protein’s
hiÖn t-îng l-ìng thÓ Sù cã mÆt mét cÆp          normal function. These form particularly
®«i nhiÔm s¾c thÓ t-¬ng ®ång riªng biÖt.        readily between cysteine residues in the
HiÖn t-îng l-ìng thÓ lμ tiªu chuÈn cho c¸c      same or different peptide molecules.
thÓ l-ìng béi.                                  Synonym: disulphide bond.
ditype                                                                                   81
cÇu disunphit Mét liªn kÕt hãa häc gi÷a       xo¾n kÐp, mÆc dÇu mét sè hÖ gen virut
c¸c cÆp nguyªn tö l-u huúnh ®Ó lμm æn         gåm cã mét sîi ®¬n DNA, vμ c¸c d¹ng
®Þnh cÊu tróc kh«ng gian ba chiÒu protein,    kh¸c cña mét RNA sîi kÐp hoÆc ®¬n. xem:
vμ do vËy protein ho¹t ®éng b×nh th-êng.      base pair, genetic code.
Chóng h×nh thμnh mét c¸ch riªng biÖt          DNA        amplification       Many-fold
nhanh chãng gi÷a c¸c gèc cystein trong        multiplication of a particular DNA
cïng mét ph©n tö hoÆc peptit kh¸c biÖt.       sequence either in vivo in a plasmid,
Tõ ®ång nghÜa: disulphide bond.               phage or other vector; or in vitro using,
ditype In fungi, a tetrad that contains two   most commonly, the polymerase chain
kinds of meiotic products (spores), e.g.      reaction.
2AB and 2ab.                                  khuÕch ®¹i DNA Nh©n gÊp mét t×nh tù
thÓ ®«i Trong nÊm, mét bé bèn cã chøa         DNA riªng biÖt trong c¬ thÓ c¶ trong
hai lo¹i s¶n phÈm gi¶m ph©n (c¸c bμo tö),     plasmit, thÓ thùc khuÈn hoÆc vect¬ kh¸c;
vÝ dô 2 AB vμ 2ab.                            hoÆc trong èng nghiÖm phæ biÕn nhÊt lμ

diurnal An event that occurs repetitively     sö dông ph¶n øng chuçi enzim trïng hîp.
on a daily basis, generally during daylight   DNA amplification fingerprinting

hours.                                        (Abbreviation: DAF). A arbitrarily primed
h»ng ngμy Sù kiÖn xÊy ra lÆp l¹i dùa vμo      polymerase chain reaction technique for

ngμy, th-êng lμ suèt c¸c giê chiÕu s¸ng       obtaining molecular markers using very
ban ngμy.                                     short (5-8 bp) primers.

dizygotic twins Two-egg twins, i.e. a pair    in dÊu khuÕch ®¹i DNA (viÕt t¾t: DAF).
of individuals that shared the same uterus    Mét kü thuËt ph¶n øng chuçi enzim trïng

at the same time, but which arose from        hîp måi tuú ý ®Ó thu ®-îc dÊu chuÈn ph©n
separate and independent fertilization of     tö cã dïng måi cùc ng¾n (5 - 8 bp) .

two ova.                                      DNA chip xem: micro-array.

sinh ®«i nhÞ hîp tö C¸c cÆp sinh ®«i kh¸c     DNA cloning nh©n dßng DNA xem: gene
trøng, nghÜa lμ mét cÆp ®«i c¸ thÓ mμ ph©n    cloning.
chia cïng no·n t¹i cïng mét thêi ®iÓm,        DNA construct A chimeric DNA molecule,

nh-ng xÈy ra do thô tinh ®éc lËp vμ riªng     carrying all the genetic information
biÖt cña hai no·n.                            necessary for its transgenic expression

DMSO xem: dimethyl sulphoxide.                in a host cell.
DNA Abbreviation for deoxyribonucleic         kiÕn tróc DNA Ph©n tö DNA thÓ qu¸i,

acid, former spelling desoxyribonucleic       mang tÊt c¶ th«ng tin di truyÒn cÇn thiÕt
acid. A long chain polymer of                 ®Ó biÓu thÞ chuyÓn gen trong mét tÕ bμo
deoxyribonucleotides. DNA constitutes         chñ.
the genetic material of most known            DNA delivery system A generic term for
organisms and organelles, and usually is      any procedure that transports DNA into a
in the form of a double helix, although       recipient cell.
some viral genomes consist of a single
                                              hÖ thèng giao nhËn DNA ThuËt ng÷
strand of DNA, and others of a single- or a
                                              chung cho bÊt kú thñ tôc nμo mμ vËn
double-stranded RNA. See: base pair,
                                              chuyÓn DNA cho tÕ bμo nhËn.
genetic code.
                                              DNA diagnostics The use of DNA
DNA viÕt t¾t cña deoxyribonucleic acid,
                                              polymorphisms to detect the presence of
nguyªn ®¸nh vÇn lμ desoxyribonucleic
                                              a specific sequence, which could indicate
acid. Chuçi p«lime dμi cña c¸c
                                              the presence of a contaminant, of a
deoxyribonucleotit. DNA cÊu thμnh vËt liÖu
                                              pathogen, or of a particular allele at a target
di truyÒn cña hÇu hÕt sinh vËt vμ bμo quan
                                              gene. Most commonly utilises the
®-îc biÕt, vμ th-êng lμ trong d¹ng chuçi
                                              polymerase chain reaction.
DNA fingerprint                                                                        82
chÈn ®o¸n DNA Sö dông tÝnh ®a h×nh DNA         khai th¸c ®Ó kiÓm tra sù cã mÆt cña mét
®Ó ph¸t hiÖn cã mÆt mét tr×nh tù riªng biÖt,   tr×nh tù nuclªotid riªng biÖt trong mÉu DNA.
cã thÓ chØ b¸o cã mÆt mét chÊt g©y «           DNA ligase An enzyme that catalyses a
nhiÔm, mét t¸c nh©n g©y bÖnh, hoÆc mét         reaction to link two separate DNA
alen riªng biÖt t¹i gen ®Ých. Phæ biÕn nhÊt    molecules via the formation of a
sö dông ph¶n øng chuçi enzim trïng hîp.        phosphodiester bond between the 3'-
DNA fingerprint A description of the           hydroxyl end of one and the 5'-phosphate
genotype of an individual from the pattern     of the other. Its natural role lies in DNA
of DNA fragments obtained from DNA             repair and replication. An essential tool in
fingerprinting. Synonym: DNA profile.          recombinant DNA technology, as it enables
dÊu DNA M« t¶ kiÓu di truyÒn cña mét c¸        the incorporation of foreign DNA into
thÓ tõ khung mÉu ®o¹n DNA thu ®-îc tõ in       vectors.
dÊu DNA.Tõ ®ång nghÜa: DNA profile.            DNA ligaza Mét lo¹i enzim xóc t¸c ph¶n
DNA fingerprinting The derivation of           øng liªn kÕt hai ph©n tö DNA t¸ch biÖt do

unique patterns of DNA fragments               h×nh thμnh mét liªn kÕt phosphodiester
obtained using a number of marker              gi÷a mót 3'- hidroxyl vμ 5'- phèt ph¸t cña

techniques; historically these were RFLPs,     sîi kh¸c. Vai trß tù nhiªn cña nã n»m trong
but latterly they are generally polymerase     sù söa ch÷a DNA vμ sao chÐp. Mét c«ng

chain reaction based. Synonym: genetic         cô quan träng trong kü thuËt DNA t¸i tæ
fingerprinting.                                hîp, v× nã cho phÐp hîp nhÊt DNA ngo¹i

                                               vμo c¸c vect¬.
in dÊu DNA XuÊt xø c¸c mÉu duy nhÊt
c¸c ®o¹n DNA thu ®-îc cã sö dông mét           DNA micro-array m¶ng vi m« DNA Xem:
                                               micro-array, somatic cell hybrid panel,

sè kü thuËt ®¸nh dÊu; tr-íc ®©y chóng lμ
c¸c RFLP, nh-ng gÇn ®©y nhÊt chóng             radiation hybrid cell panel

th-êng ®ùa vμo ph¶n øng chuçi enzim            DNA polymerase enzym trïng hîp DNA

trïng hîp.Tõ ®ång nghÜa: genetic               xem: polymerase.
fingerprinting.                                DNA polymorphism The existence of two
DNA helicase An enzyme that catalyses          or more alteRNAtive alleles at a DNA-

the unwinding of the complementary             based marker locus.
strands of a DNA double helix. Synonym:        tÝnh ®a h×nh DNA Sù tån t¹i cña hai hoÆc

                                               nhiÒu alen thay thÕ t¹i mét æ gen ®¸nh dÊu
DNA helicaza Mét lo¹i enzim xóc t¸c th¸o       dùa vμo DNA.
ra c¸c sîi bæ sung cña mét vßng xo¾n kÐp

                                               DNA primase An enzyme that catalyses
DNA. Tõ ®ång nghÜa: gyrase.                    the synthesis of the short strands of RNA
DNA hybridization The annealing of two         that initiate the synthesis of DNA strands.
single-stranded DNA molecules, possibly        DNA primaza Mét lo¹i enzym xóc t¸c tæng
of different origin, to form a partial or      hîp c¸c sîi ng¾n RNA ®Ó b¾t ®Çu tæng hîp
complete double helix. The degree of           c¸c sîi DNA.
hybridization varies with the extent of
                                               DNA probe ®Çu dß DNA xem: probe.
complementarity between the two
molecules, and this is exploited to test for   DNA profile mÆt c¾t DNA xem: DNA
the presence of a specific nucleotide          fingerprint.
sequence in a DNA sample.                      DNA repair A variety of mechanisms that
lai gièng DNA Lμm dÎo hai ph©n tö DNA          repair errors (e.g. the incorporation of a
sîi ®¬n, cã thÓ gèc kh¸c nhau, ®Ó h×nh         non-complementary nucleotide) that occur
thμnh mét vßng xo¾n kÐp tõng phÇn hoÆc         naturally during DNA replication.
®Çy ®ñ. Møc ®é c¸c kiÓu lai cã quy m« bæ       söa ch÷a DNA Sù ®a d¹ng c¬ chÕ söa
sung gi÷a hai ph©n tö, vμ ®iÒu nμy ®-îc        ch÷a lçi (vÝ dô hîp nhÊt mét nuleotit kh«ng
DNA replication                                                                          83
bæ sung) xÊy ra tù nhiªn trong qu¸ tr×nh       isomerase.
sao chÐp DNA.                                  men ®ång ph©n DNA Enzim xóc t¸c ®-a
DNA replication The process whereby            vμo hoÆc lo¹i bá c¸c ®o¹n siªu xo¾n trong
DNA copies itself, under the action of and     DNA. Tõ ®ång nghÜa: topo-isomerase.
control of DNA polymerase.                     DNA transformation biÕn n¹p ADN xem:
sao chÐp DNA Qu¸ tr×nh mμ b»ng c¸ch            ransformation.
nμo DNA tù sao chÐp, d-íi ho¹t ®éng vμ         DNA vaccine A vaccine generated by the
kiÓm tra cña enzim trïng hîp DNA.              injection of specific DNA fragments to
DNA sequencing Procedures for                  stimulate an immune response.
determining the nucleotide sequence of a       v¸c xin DNA Mét vacxin ph¸t sinh do b¬m
DNA fragment. Two common methods               thªm c¸c ®o¹n DNA ®Æc biÖt ®Ó t¨ng c-êng
available: 1. The Maxam Gilbert technique,     mét ph¶n øng miÔn dÞch.
which uses chemicals to cleave DNA into
                                               DNAase xem: DNAse.
fragments at specific bases; or, most

commonly, 2. the Sanger technique (also        DNAse            Abbreviation              for
called the di-deoxy or chain-terminating       deoxyribonuclease. Any enzyme that

method) which uses DNA polymerase to           catalyses the cleavage of DNA
make new DNA chains, in the presence of        phosphodiester bonds. DNAse I is a

di-deoxynucleotides (chain terminators)        digestive endonuclease secreted by the
to stop the chain randomly as it grows. In     pancreas, that degrades DNA into shorter

both cases, the DNA fragments are              fragments. Many other endonucleases and
separated according to length by               exonucleases are involved in DNA repair
polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis,            and replication. Synonym: DNAase. See:

enabling the sequence to be read directly      restriction endonuclease.

from the gel. The procedure has become         DNAza ViÕt t¾t cña deoxyribonuclease. BÊt
increasingly automated and large-scale in      kú enzim nμo xóc t¸c nh¸nh liªn kÕt ®i phèt

recent years.                                  ph¸t DNA. DNAse I lμ endonucleaza tiªu
x¸c ®Þnh tr×nh tù DNA C¸c ph-¬ng ph¸p          hãa ph©n tiÕt do tuyÕn tôy, nã ph©n t¸ch
                                               DNA thμnh nh÷ng ®o¹n ng¾n h¬n. NhiÒu

x¸c ®Þnh tr×nh tù nucleotit cña mét ®o¹n
DNA. Hai ph-¬ng ph¸p phæ biÕn ®ang tån         endonucleaza vμ exonucleases kh¸c cã
t¹i: 1. Kü thuËt Maxam Gilbert, kü thuËt nμy   liªn quan trong viÖc söa ch÷a vμ sao chÐp

sö dông hãa chÊt ®Ó g¾n DNA vμo c¸c            DNA. Tõ ®ång nghÜa: ADNasa. Xem:
®o¹n t¹i baz¬ ®Æc biÖt; hoÆc, th«ng dông       restriction endonuclease.

h¬n, 2. kü thuËt Sanger (cßn ®-îc gäi lμ       Dolly The first mammal (a sheep) to be
ph-¬ng ph¸p di-deoxy hoÆc chain-               created (via nuclear transfer) by the
terminating) kü thuËt nμy sö dông enzim        cloning of an adult cell (from the
trïng hîp DNA ®Ó t¹o ra c¸c d·y DNA míi,       mammary tissue of a ewe). This showed
trong khi cã mÆt c¸c di-deoxynucleotid (cÊu    that the process of differentiation into adult
tróc ®Çu cuèi d·y) ®Ó lμm ngõng d·y ®ét        tissue is not, as previously thought,
ngét trong lóc ®ang sinh tr-ëng. Trong c¶      irreversible.
hai tr-êng hîp, c¸c ®o¹n DNA ®-îc ph©n         cõu Dolly §éng vËt cã vó ®Çu tiªn (cõu)
t¸ch theo ®é dμi b»ng ®iÖn di gel              ®-îc t¹o ra (nhê chuyÓn nh©n) do nh©n
polycrylamit, cho phÐp tr×nh tù ®-îc ®äc       dßng mét tÕ bμo tr-ëng thμnh (tõ m« vó
trùc tiÕp tõ chÊt gel. Quy tr×nh trë thμnh     cõu c¸i). §iÒu nμy ®· chØ ra r»ng qu¸ tr×nh
quy m« lín vμ ®-îc tù ®éng hãa ngμy cμng       biÖt ho¸ m« tr-ëng thμnh lμ kh«ng thÓ, nh-
t¨ng trong vμi n¨m gÇn ®©y.                    suy nghÜ tr-íc ®©y, kh«ng ®¶o ng-îc.
DNA topo-isomerase An enzyme that              domain A portion of a protein or DNA
catalyses the introduction or removal of       molecule that has a discrete function or
supercoils in DNA. Synonym: topo-              conformation. At the protein level, can
dominance                                                                                   84
be as small as a few amino acid residues         resistant to neomycin and analogous
or as large as half of the entire protein.       antibiotics, while cells that do not carry neor
miÒn PhÇn protein hoÆc ph©n tö DNA cã            are killed. See: positive selection.
chøc n¨ng hoÆc h×nh th¸i riªng biÖt. T¹i         chän dÊu chuÈn tréi Chän läc tÕ bμo qua
møc protein, cã thÓ nhá nh- mét gèc amino        gen m· hãa mét s¶n phÈm chØ cho phÐp
acid hoÆc lín nh- mét nöa cña protein toμn       tÕ bμo mang gen sinh tr-ëng d-íi c¸c ®iÒu
phÇn.                                            kiÖn riªng biÖt. VÝ dô, c¸c tÕ bμo thùc vËt
dominance The gene action exhibited by           vμ tÕ bμo ®éng vËt biÓu thÞ gen neor ®-îc
a dominant allele.                               chuyÓn lμ thÓ kh¸ng víi neomixin vμ c¸c
                                                 kh¸ng sinh t-¬ng tù, trong khi nh÷ng tÕ
-u thÕ T¸c ®éng gen ®-îc thÓ hiÖn do
                                                 bμo kh«ng mang neor bÞ tiªu diÖt. Xem:
mét alen tréi.
                                                 positive selection.
dominant 1. Of alleles, one whose effect
                                                 dominant selectable marker A gene that
with respect to a particular trait is the same
                                                 allows the host cell to survive under
in heterozygotes as in homozygotes. The

                                                 conditions where it would otherwise die.
opposite is recessive. 2. Of an individual
                                                 Synonym: positive selectable marker.

animal, one that is allowed priority in
access to food, mates, etc., by others of        dÊu chuÈn lùa chän tréi Gen cho phÐp
its species because of its success in            tÕ bμo chñ sèng sãt d-íi c¸c ®iÒu kiÖn ë

previous aggressive encounters. 3. Of an         n¬i mμ tr¸i ng-îc nã sÏ chÕt. Tõ ®ång
animal or plant species, the most                nghÜa: positive selectable marker.

conspicuously abundant and characteristic        donor junction site The junction between
in a particular location or environment.         the 5' end of an exon and the 3' end of an

tÝnh tréi 1.Cña c¸c alen, mét hiÖu øng cña       intron. See: acceptor junction site.
chóng cã liªnquan víi mét tÝnh tr¹ng riªng       vÞ trÝ nèi thÓ cho sù nèi liÒn gi÷a mót 5'

biÖt lμ ®iÓm gièng nhau trong dÞ hîp tö          cña mét exon vμ mót 3' mét intron. Xem:

còng nh- ®ång hîp tö. Ng-îc l¹i lμ lÆn. 2.       acceptor junction site.
Cña mét c¸ thÓ ®éng vËt, mét c¸ thÓ cho          donor plant c©y cho Xem: ortet.
phÐp quyÒn -u tiªn sö dông thøc ¨n,
                                                 dormancy A period in the life of an animal

nguyªn liÖu, v.v., do sù kh¸c víi loμi cña
                                                 (hibeRNAtion and aestivation) or plant
nã v× nh÷ng thμnh c«ng trong c¹nh tranh
                                                 during which growth slows or completely
lÊn ¸t tr-íc ®©y. 3. Cña mét loμi ®éng vËt

                                                 ceases. Evolved to allow survival of
hoÆc thùc vËt, tÝnh phong phó næi bËt vμ
                                                 adverse environmental conditions. Annual
®iÓn h×nh nhÊt trong mét vÞ trÝ hoÆc m«i

                                                 plants survive the winter as dormant
tr-êng ®Æc biÖt.
                                                 seeds, while many perennial plants survive
dominant (-acting) oncogene A gene that          as dormant tubers, rhizomes, or bulbs.
stimulates cell proliferation and                Premature breaking of seed dormancy
contributes to oncogenesis when present          post harvest can be a major problem for
in a single copy.                                maintaining nutritional and/or functional
gen ung th- tréi (-ho¹t ®éng) Gen kÝch           quality, while difficulties in breaking
thÝch t¨ng tr-ëng tÕ bμo vμ gãp phÇn h×nh        dormancy will lead to poor germination
thμnh ung th- khi cã mÆt trong b¶n sao           of the crop. See: quiescent.
®¬n.                                             tr¹ng th¸i ngñ nghØ Mét giai ®o¹n sèng
dominant marker selection Selection of           cña ®éng vËt (ngñ ®«ng vμ ngñ hÌ) hoÆc
cells via a gene encoding a product that         thùc vËt trong k× sinh tr-ëng chËm l¹i hoÆc
enables only the cells that carry the gene       hoμn toμn ngõng. §-îc tiÕn ho¸ ®Ó cho
to grow under particular conditions. For         phÐp tån t¹i d-íi nh÷ng ®iÒu kiÖn m«i
example, plant and animal cells that             tr-êng ®èi lËp. C©y mét n¨m tån t¹i mïa
express the introduced neo r gene are            ®«ng nh- c¸c h¹t gièng ngñ nghØ, trong
dosage compensation                                                                  85
khi nhiÒu c©y l©u n¨m tån t¹i nh- th©n cñ,     double helix Describes the coiling of the
th©n rÔ, hoÆc loμi th©n èng. Ph¸ vì sím        two strands of the double-stranded DNA
h¹t gièng ngñ nghØ sau thu ho¹ch cã thÓ        molecule, resembling a spiral staircase in
lμ vÊn ®Ò chÝnh ®Ó duy tr× chÊt l-îng dinh     which the base pairs form the steps and
d-ìng vμ/ hoÆc chøc n¨ng, hÇu hÕt khã          the sugar-phosphate backbones form the
kh¨n trong ph¸ vì ngñ sÏ dÉn tíi h¹t gièng     rails on each side. One strand runs 3'?5',
kÐm n¶y mÇm. Xem: quiescent.                   while the complementary one runs 5'?3'
dosage compensation A regulatory               xo¾n kÐp M« t¶ sù xo¾n l¹i cña hai sîi
mechanism for sex-linked genes, to allow       ph©n tö DNA sîi kÐp, gièng cÇu thang xo¾n
equivalent levels of gene expression from      èc trong ®ã cÆp baz¬ h×nh thμnh bËc vμ
(in mammals) XY or XX genotypes, even          trôc phèt ph¸t- ®-êng h×nh thμnh ®-êng
though the gene copy number in XX is           tay vÞn ë mçi bªn. Mét sîi ch¹y 3 ‘? 5 ‘,
double that in XY. See: sex linkage, Barr      trong khi mét bæ sung ch¹y 5 ‘? 3 ‘
body.                                          double recessive An organism

bï liÒu l-îng C¬ chÕ ®iÒu chØnh c¸c gen        homozygous for a recessive allele at each
liªn kÕt giíi tÝnh, ®Ó cho phÐp c¸c møc        of two loci.

t-¬ng ®-¬ng biÓu thÞ gen tõ (trong ®éng        lÆn kÐp Mét sinh vËt ®ång hîp tö v× alen
vËt cã vó) c¸c kiÓu di truyÒn XY hoÆc XX,      lÆn t¹i mçi mét vÞ trÝ cña hai æ gen.

mÆc dï sè b¶n sao gen trong XX gÊp hai
                                               double-stranded complementary DNA
trong XY. Xem: sex linkage, Barr body.
                                               (Abbreviation: dscDNA). A double-

double crossing-over The formation of          stranded DNA molecule created from a
two chiasmata within a chromosome arm,         cDNA template.
leading to the generation of a double

                                               DNA bæ sung sîi kÐp (viÕt t¾t: dscDNA).
recombinant gamete with respect to
                                               Mét ph©n tö DNA sîi kÐp ®-îc t¹o ra tõ

genes located within the segment defined
                                               mét khung mÉu cDNA
by the two genes concerned.

                                               double-stranded DNA (Abbreviation:
b¾t chÐo ngoμi kÐp Sù h×nh thμnh hai chç
                                               dsDNA). Two complementary strands of
b¾t chÐo trong mét nh¸nh nhiÔm s¾c thÓ,
                                               DNA annealed in the form of a double

dÉn tíi ph¸t sinh mét giao tö t¸i tæ hîp kÐp
                                               helix. Synonym: duplex DNA.
liªn quan c¸c gen ®Þnh vÞ bªn trong ®o¹n
®-îc x¸c ®Þnh do hai gen liªn quan.            DNA sîi kÐp (viÕt t¾t: dscDNA). Hai sîi

                                               bæ sung cña DNA ®-îc ng©m trong h×nh
double fertilization A process, unique to
                                               d¹ng cña mét chuçi xo¾n kÐp.Tõ ®ång
flowering plants, in which two male nuclei,

                                               nghÜa: duplex DNA.
which have travelled down the pollen tube,
separately fuse with different female nuclei   doubling time thêi gian nh©n ®«i xem :
in the embryo sac. The first male nucleus      cell generation time.
fuses with the egg cell to form the zygote;    down promoter mutation A mutation that
the second male nucleus fuses with the         decreases the frequency of initiation of
two polar nuclei to form a triploid nucleus    transcription. This leads to a fall in the
that develops into the endosperm.              level of mRNA compared to the wild type
thô tinh kÐp Mét qu¸ tr×nh, duy nhÊt ®èi       state.
víi loμi c©y ra hoa, trong ®ã hai nh©n ®ùc,    ®ét biÕn khëi ®Çu thuËn §ét biÕn lμm
®-îc chuyÓn xuèng èng phÊn, kÕt hîp            gi¶m tÇn sè b¾t ®Çu phiªn m·. §iÒu nμy
riªng víi nh©n c¸i trong tói ph«i. Sù dung     dÉn tíi gi¶m møc mRNA so víi tr¹ng th¸i
hîp nh©n ®ùc thø nhÊt víi tÕ bμo trøng ®Ó      kiÓu d¹i.
h×nh thμnh hîp tö; sù dung hîp nh©n ®ùc        down-regulate To induce genetically a
thø hai víi hai nh©n cùc ®Ó h×nh thμnh mét     reduction in the level of a gene’s
h¹t nh©n thÓ tam béi ph¸t triÓn thμnh néi      expression.
ph«i nhò.
downstream                                                                                  86
®iÒu chØnh xuèng Lμm gi¶m møc biÓu              disease-causing genes in the human
thÞ gen di truyÒn.                              genome, more than half have an
downstream 1. With respect to DNA, the          analogous gene in the Drosophila genome.
nucleotides that lie in the 3' direction from   ruåi dÊm bông ®en Lo¹i ruåi dÊm, ®-îc
the point of reference, which is frequently     dïng trong nhiÒu n¨m lμm m« h×nh di
the site at which transcription is initiated.   truyÒn häc nh©n chuÈn. Cña gÇn 300 gen
This is generally designated +1, with           g©y bÖnh trong hÖ gen ng-êi, h¬n mét nöa
downstream nucleotides numbered +2,             cã gen t-¬ng tù víi hÖ gen ruåi giÊm.
+10 etc. 2. In chemical engineering, those      drug thuèc xem: therapeutic agent
phases of a manufacturing process that
                                                drug delivery Method by which a drug is
follow the biotransformation stage.
                                                delivered to its site of action. For traditional
Usually refers to the recovery and
                                                drugs this is another name for formulation.
purification of the product of a
                                                However, biotechnology has allowed the
fermentation process. See: downstream
                                                development of a range of new

                                                therapeutic-agent delivery systems, such
xu«i dßng 1. Cã liªn quan víi DNA, nh÷ng        as liposomes and other encapsulation

nuleotit n»m theo h-íng 3' tõ ®iÓm liªn hÖ,     techniques, and a range of mechanisms
th-êng lμ vÞ trÝ mμ t¹i ®ã phiªn m· b¾t ®Çu.    that target a therapeutic agent to a

ë ®©y th-êng ®-îc chØ +1, víi nuleotit xu«i     particular cell or tissue.
dßng ghi sè +2, +10 v©n v©n. 2. Trong kü
                                                chuyÓn nhËn thuèc Ph-¬ng ph¸p ®Ó mét

thuËt hãa häc, c¸c giai ®o¹n cña qu¸ tr×nh
                                                lo¹i thuèc ®-îc ph©n ph¸t tíi vÞ trÝ ho¹t
s¶n xuÊt tiÕp theo giai ®o¹n biÕn ®æi sinh
                                                ®éng. Víi c¸c thuèc truyÒn thèng ®©y lμ
häc. Th-êng ®Ò cËp tíi kh«i phôc vμ lμm

                                                tªn chÝnh thøc ho¸ kh¸c. Tuy nhiªn, ngμnh
s¹ch s¶n phÈm cña qu¸ tr×nh lªn men.
                                                c«ng nghÖ sinh häc ®· cho phÐp ph¸t triÓn

Xem: downstream processing.
                                                mét lo¹t c¸c hÖ thèng chuyÓn nhËn t¸c
downstream processing A general term

                                                nh©n-liÖu ph¸p ch÷a bÖnh míi, nh-
for biotechnological processes which            liposomes vμ c¸c kü thuËt bäc nang kh¸c
follow the biology, i.e. fermentation of a      nhau, vμ mét lo¹t c¸c c¬ chÕ cïng nh»m
micro-organism or growth of a plant.

                                                ®Ých mét t¸c nh©n ch÷a bÖnh cho tÕ bμo
Particularly relevant to fermentation           hoÆc m« riªng biÖt.
processes, which produce a large quantity
                                                dry weight The weight of tissue obtained

of a dilute mixture of substances, products
                                                following sufficiently prolonged oven-drying
and micro-organisms. These must be
                                                at high temperature to remove all water.

separated, and the product concentrated,
                                                Freeze-drying may also be employed but
purified and converted into a useful form.
                                                generates a slightly different result
xö lý xu«i dßng Mét thuËt ng÷ chung chØ         because bound water is not removed.
c¸c qu¸ tr×nh c«ng nghÖ sinh häc kÕ tiÕp        See: free water.
sinh häc, nh- lªn men vi sinh vËt hoÆc sinh
                                                träng l-îng kh« Träng l-îng m« thu ®-îc
tr-ëng thùc vËt. Liªn quan ®Æc biÖt víi c¸c
                                                sau khi sÊy kÐo dμi ®Çy ®ñ ë nhiÖt ®é cao
qu¸ tr×nh lªn men, ®Ó s¶n xuÊt mét sè
                                                ®Ó lo¹i bá toμn bé n-íc. §«ng kh« cã thÓ
l-îng lín hçn hîp nhiÒu lo¹i chÊt, s¶n
                                                còng ®-îc sö dông nh-ng ph¸t sinh kÕt
phÈm vμ vi sinh vËt. Chóng cÇn ph¶i ®-îc
                                                qu¶ kh¸c nhau v× n-íc liªn kÕt ch-a ®-îc
ph©n t¸ch, vμ s¶n phÈm ®-îc tËp trung,
                                                lo¹i bá. Xem: free water.
lμm s¹ch vμ chuyÓn ®æi thμnh d¹ng h÷u
Ých.                                            dscDNA         xem: double-stranded
                                                complementary DNA.
drift xu thÕ xem: genetic drift.
                                                dsDNA DNA sîi kÐp xem: dsDNA.
Drosophila melanogaster The fruit fly,
used for many years as a model for              dTTP Rarely used but strictly correct
eukaryotic genetics. Of the nearly 300          abbreviation for deoxythymidine 5'-
dual culture                                                                           87
triphosphate. Required for DNA synthesis         lo¹i m« thùc vËt vμ mét lo¹i sinh vËt (nh-
since it is a direct precursor molecule. See:   lμ giun trßn) hoÆc mét hiÖn t-îng ký sinh/
TTP.                                            vi sinh vËt (nh- mét lo¹i nÊm) mang tÝnh
dTTP RÊt Ýt khi ®-îc dïng nh-ng ch÷ viÕt        b¾t buéc. Kü thuËt nu«i cÊy kÐp ®-îc sö
t¾t ®óng chÝnh x¸c cña deoxythymidin 5'         dông v× liªn quan nhiÒu môc ®Ých, bao gåm
triphosphat. CÇn thiÕt ®Ó tæng hîp DNA v×       ®¸nh gi¸ c¸c mèi t-¬ng t¸c ký sinh vËt chñ
nã lμ mét ph©n tö tiÒn chÊt trùc tiÕp. xem:     vμ s¶n phÈm nu«i cÊy v« trïng.
TTP.                                            duplex DNA Xem: double-stranded
dual culture A culture made of a plant          DNA.
tissue and one organism (such as a
                                                duplication Multiple occurrence of: 1. A
nematode) or an obligate parasite/micro-
                                                DNA sequence within a defined length of
organism (such as a fungus). Dual culture
                                                DNA; or 2. A specific segment in the same
techniques are used for a variety of
                                                chromosome or genome.
purposes, including assessing host-
                                                lÆp ®o¹n BiÕn cè phøc t¹p cña: 1. Mét tr×nh

parasite interactions and the production of
axenic cultures.                                tù DNA trong mét ®o¹n DNA ®-îc x¸c ®Þnh;

nu«i cÊy kÐp Nu«i cÊy ®-îc t¹o ra do mét        hoÆc 2. Mét ®o¹n ®Æc biÖt trong cïng mét
                                                nhiÔm s¾c thÓ hoÆc hÖ gen.

         ii ch
                                               ectopic Anomalous situation or relation,
                                               particularly with respect to pregnancy,
                                               where the foetus is implanted outside the
                                               l¹c vÞ T×nh tr¹ng hoÆc mèi liªn quan kh¸c
                   Ee                          th-êng, ®Æc biÖt cã mang thai, khi bμo thai
                                               ®-îc g¾n ngoμi tö cung.
                                               edible vaccine Edible antigen-containing
                                               material, that activates the immune system
E site vÞ trÝ E xem: exit site.
                                               via gut-associated lymphoid tissues. A
E. coli xem: Escherichia coli.                 preferred route for vaccine administration,
EBV xem: estimated breeding value.             particularly in areas where the
EC xem: Enzyme Commission number.              technological infrastructure needed for
                                               maintenance of vaccines is absent. The
ecdysone A steroid hormone in insects

                                               vaccine is synthesized in vivo in the edible
stimulating the synthesis of proteins
                                               parts of transgenic plants (e.g. grains,

involved in moulting and metamorphosis.
                                               tubers, fruits, etc.) or eggs.
Mét hãc m«n steriod cña c«n trïng kÝch
                                               vacxin thùc phÈm VËt chÊt chøa kh¸ng

thÝch tæng hîp protein g©y rông l«ng vμ
                                               nguyªn ¨n ®-îc, ®Ó kÝch ho¹t hÖ thèng
gióp c«n trïng vò hãa.
                                               miÔn dÞch nhê c¸c m« b¹ch huyÕt kÕt hîp

eclosion 1. Emergence of an adult insect       víi ruét non. Mét con ®-êng thÝch hîp ®Ó
from the pupal stage. 2. Initial phase of      qu¶n lý vacxin, ®Æc biÖt trong c¸c vïng n¬i
germination of fungal spores.                  cßn thiÕu c¬ së h¹ tÇng c«ng nghÖ cÇn

sù në 1. Vò ho¸ cña c«n trïng tr-ëng           thiÕt ®Ó duy tr× vacxin. Vacxin ®-îc tæng

thμnh chuyÓn tõ giai ®o¹n nhéng. 2. K× ®Çu     hîp trong c¬ thÓ ë trong thμnh phÇn ¨n
n¶y mÇm cña bμo tö nÊm.                        ®-îc cña thùc vËt chuyÓn gen (vÝ dô nh-

ecological diversity ®a d¹ng sinh th¸i         lμ h¹t, th©n cñ, qu¶, v.v.,) hoÆc trøng.
häc xem: biodiversity.                         editing so¹n th¶o xem: splicing (1).

economic trait locus (Abbreviation: ETL).      EDTA xem: splicing (1).
A locus influencing a trait that contributes   EDV viÕt t¾t cña essential derivation of
to producer’s income.

æ gen tÝnh tr¹ng kinh tÕ (viÕt t¾t: ETL) VÞ    effector cells Cells of the immune system
trÝ gen cã ¶nh h-ëng ®Õn mét tÝnh tr¹ng

                                               that are responsible for the production of
gãp phÇn t¨ng thu nhËp cho ng-êi s¶n           cell-mediated cytotoxicity.
                                               tÕ bμo t¸c ®éng TÕ bμo cña hÖ thèng miÔn
ecosystem The complex of a living              dÞch cã tr¸ch nhiÖm s¶n xuÊt cytotoxicity
community and its environment,                 ®iÒu chØnh tÕ bμo.
functioning as an ecological unit in nature.
                                               effector molecule A molecule that
See: abiotic; biotic factors.
                                               influences the behaviour of a regulatory
hÖ sinh th¸i Phøc hÖ céng ®ång sèng vμ         molecule, such as a repressor protein,
m«i tr-êng cña nã, chøc n¨ng nh- mét ®¬n       thereby influencing gene expression.
vÞ sinh th¸i trong tù nhiªn. Xem: abiotic;
                                               ph©n tö t¸c ®éng Ph©n tö cã ¶nh h-ëng
biotic factors.
                                               ®Õn sù thÓ hiÖn ph©n tö ®iÒu hoμ, nh-
ecotype A population or a strain of an         protein k×m h·m, do vËy lμm ¶nh h-ëng
organism that is adapted to a particular       biÓu thÞ gen.
                                               egg 1. The fertilized zygote in egg-laying
kiÓu sinh th¸i QuÇn thÓ hoÆc chñng sinh        animals. 2. The mature female
vËt thÝch nghi víi n¬i c- tró riªng biÖt.      reproductive cell in animals and plants.
EGS                                                                                     89
trøng 1. Hîp tö ®-îc thô tinh cña ®éng        used to resolve complex mixtures of
vËt ®Î trøng. 2.TÕ bμo sinh s¶n c¸i tr-ëng    macromolecules into their components. Its
thμnh cña ®éng vËt vμ thùc vËt.               principle is to subject samples to an electric
EGS xem: external guide sequence.             field applied across a porous matrix.
                                              Molecules will migrate under these
EIA xem: enzyme immunoassay, ELISA.
                                              conditions at a rate dependent on their net
elastin A fibrous protein that is the major   electric charge and/or their molecular
constituent of the yellow elastic fibres of   weight.         See:      agarose        gel
animal connective tissue.                     electrophoresis, polyacrylamide gel
Mét protein sîi lμ phÇn tö chÝnh cña sîi      electrophoresis, denaturing gradient
®μn håi mμu vμng cña m« liªn hîp ®éng         gel     electrophoresis,          capillary
vËt.                                          electrophoresis, sodium dodecyl
electro-blotting The electrophoretic          sulphate          polyacrylamide         gel
transfer of DNA, RNA or protein from a        electrophoresis, thermal gel gradient
gel, in which they have been separated,       electrophoresis pulsed-field gel

to a support matrix, such as                  electrophoresis, and iso-electric

nitrocellulose. A transfer technique          focusing                                 gel
employed in Southern and northern             ®iÖn di Kü thuËt sinh häc ph©n tö ®-îc

blotting.                                     dïng phæ biÕn, víi nhiÒu ph-¬ng ¸n,
thÈm t¸ch ®iÖn ChuyÓn giao hiÖn t-îng         th-êng ®Ó ph©n t¸ch hçn hîp phøc t¹p cña
                                              ®¹i ph©n tö thμnh nh÷ng phÇn nhá h¬n.

®iÖn chuyÓn cña DNA, RNA hoÆc protein
tõ mét chÊt gel, trong ®ã chóng ®-îc ph©n     Nguyªn lý cña nã lμ ®-a mÉu thö tíi mét
t¸ch, thμnh hçn hîp hç trî, nh-               tr-êng ®iÖn ®-îc ¸p dông qua m«i tr-êng

nitroxeluloza. kü thuËt di chuyÓn ®-îc sö     xèp. Ph©n tö sÏ di chuyÓn d-íi ®iÒu kiÖn
                                              nμy víi nhÞp ®é tïy thuéc vμo tÝch n¹p ®iÖn

dông trong lai m¹ch ®¬n Southern vμ
Northern.                                     vμ/hoÆc träng l-îng ph©n tö. Xem: (nh-

electrochemical sensor Biosensors, such
as an enzyme electrode, in which a            electroporation The induction of transient
biological process is harnessed to an         pores in bacterial cells or protoplasts by

electrical sensor system. Other types         the application of a pulse of electricity.
couple a biological event to an electrical    These pores allow the entry of exogenous

one via a range of mechanisms, including      DNA into the cell. Widely used for the
the reduction of oxygen or pH change.         transformation of bacteria.

c¶m øng ®iÖn ho¸ §Çu thô c¶m sinh häc,        c¶m ®iÖn C¶m øng cña lç thë t¹m thêi
nh- ®iÖn cùc men, trong ®ã qu¸ tr×nh sinh     trong tÕ bμo vi khuÈn hoÆc thÓ nguyªn sinh
häc ®-îc khai th¸c cña hÖ thèng c¶m øng       do sö dông xung ®iÖn. C¸c lç thë cho phÐp
®iÖn. C¸c kiÓu cÆp ®«i tr-êng hîp sinh häc    DNA ngo¹i sinh x©m nhËp vμo tÕ bμo.
kh¸c víi mét ®iÖn cùc nhê mét lo¹t c¬ chÕ,    §-îc sö dông réng r·i ®Ó biÕn n¹p vi
bao gåm gi¶m oxi hoÆc thay ®æi pH.            khuÈn.
electron microscope (Abbreviation: EM).       ELISA Abbreviation for enzyme-linked
A microscope that uses an electron beam       immunosorbent assay. An immunoassay,
focussed by magnetic ‘lenses’. See:           i.e. an antibody-based technique for the
scanning electron microscope.                 diagnosis of the presence and quantity of
                                              specific molecules in a mixed sample. It
kÝnh hiÓn vi ®iÖn tö (viÕt t¾t: EM). KÝnh
                                              combines the specificity of an
hiÓn vi cã sö dông mét chïm tia ®iÖn tö
                                              immunoglobulin with the detectability of
®-îc tËp trung b»ng nh÷ng thÊu kÝnh
                                              an enzyme-generated coloured product. In
m¹nh. xem: scanning electron microscope.
                                              one form, the primary antibody (specific
electrophoresis A ubiquitous molecular        to the test protein) is adsorbed onto a solid
biology technique, with many variants,        substrate, and a known amount of the
elite tree                                                                              90
sample is added; all the antigen in the          cÊy tÕ bμo thùc vËt trong èng nghiÖm.
sample is bound by the antibody. A second        embryo cloning The creation of identical
antibody (conjugated with an enzyme)             copies of an embryo by embryo splitting
specific for a second site on the test protein   or by nuclear transfer from
is added; and the enzyme generates a             undifferentiated embryonic cells.
colour change in the presence of a
                                                 nh©n dßng ph«i T¹o thμnh c¸c b¶n sao
substrate reagent.
                                                 ®ång nhÊt cña ph«i do t¸ch ph«i hoÆc
ELISA ViÕt t¾t cña: thö nghiÖm chuÈn ®o¸n        chuyÓn nh©n tõ tÕ bμo ph«i kh«ng ph©n
miÔn dÞch liªn kÕt enzim. Thö nghiÖm miÔn        hãa.
dÞch, nghÜa lμ mét kü thuËt dùa vμo kh¸ng
                                                 embryo culture The culture of embryos
thÓ ®Ó chÈn ®o¸n sù cã mÆt vμ sè l-îng
                                                 on nutrient media.
cña c¸c ph©n tö trong mÉu hçn hîp. KÕt
hîp tÝnh chÊt ®Æc thï cña huyÕt thanh miÔn       nu«i cÊy ph«i Nu«i cÊy ph«i trªn m«i
dÞch víi tÝnh chÊt cã thÓ nhËn biÕt cña s¶n      tr-êng chÊt dinh d-ìng.
phÈm ®-îc t« mμu ph¸t sinh enzim. Trong          embryo multiplication and transfer

mét d¹ng, kh¸ng thÓ ®Çu (®Æc hiÖu víi            (Abbreviation: EMT). The cloning of animal

protein thö) ®-îc hót b¸m trªn dung dÞch         embryos and their subsequent transfer to
®Æc, vμ thªm vμo mét l-îng mÉu nhÊt ®Þnh;        recipients via artificial inembryonation.

tÊt c¶ kh¸ng nguyªn trong mÉu ®Òu ®-îc           The cloned embryos can be derived from
kh¸ng thÓ bã chÆt. Kh¸ng thÓ thø hai (liªn       embryonic or adult tissue.
hîp víi enzim) ®Æc hiÖu cho vÞ trÝ thø hai

                                                 nh©n vμ chuyÓn ph«i (viÕt t¾t: EMT). T¹o
trªn protein thö ®-îc thªm vμo; vμ enzim         dßng ph«i ®éng vËt vμ chuyÓn tiÕp theo
ph¸t sinh thay ®æi mμu khi cã mÆt mét chÊt       cho thÓ nhËn qua ghÐp ph«i nh©n t¹o. Ph«i

t¹o ph¶n øng thuèc thö.                          ®-îc t¹o dßng cã thÓ b¾t nguån tõ ph«i

elite tree A phenotypically superior tree in     hoÆc tõ m« tr-ëng thμnh.
a tree breeding programme.                       embryo rescue A sequence of tissue

c©y ®¼ng cÊp C©y tèt nhÊt vÒ kiÓu h×nh           culture techniques utilized to enable a
trong ch-¬ng tr×nh nh©n gièng c©y trång.         fertilized immature embryo resulting from
                                                 an interspecific cross to continue growth

elongation factors Soluble proteins
required for the elongation of polypeptide       and development, until it can be
chains on ribosomes.                             regenerated into an adult plant.

nh©n tè kÐo dμi Protein hoμ tan cÇn thiÕt        cøu ph«i Tr×nh tù kü thuËt nu«i cÊy m«
®Ó kÐo dμi chuçi polyeptit trªn ribosom.         ®-îc dïng gióp cho ph«i ch-a tr-ëng thμnh

                                                 ®-îc thô tinh do lai kh¸c loμi ®Ó tiÕp tôc
embryo An immature organism in the early
                                                 sinh tr-ëng vμ ph¸t triÓn, cho ®Õn khi cã
stages of development. In mammals,
                                                 thÓ ®-îc t¸i sinh thμnh c©y tr-ëng thμnh.
develops in the first months in the uterus.
In plants, it is the structure that develops     embryo sac The mature female
in the megagametophyte, as result of the         gametophyte in angiosperms. Generally
fertilization of an egg cell, or occasionally    a seven-celled structure - two synergids,
without fertilization. Somatic embryos can       one egg cell, three antipodal cells (each
often be induced in in vitro plant cell          with a single haploid nucleus) and one
cultures.                                        endosperm mother cell with two haploid
ph«i Sinh vËt non trong giai ®o¹n ph¸t
triÓn sím. Trong ®éng vËt cã vó, sù ph¸t         tói ph«i ThÓ giao tö c¸i tr-ëng thμnh trong
triÓn trong c¸c th¸ng ®Çu trong tö cung.         c©y h¹t kÝn. Th-êng cã cÊu tróc b¶y tÕ bμo
Trong c©y trång, lμ cÊu tróc ph¸t triÓn trong    - hai trî bμo, mét tÕ bμo trøng, ba tÕ bμo
®¹i giao tö, kÕt qu¶ cña thô tinh tÕ bμo         ®èi cùc (mçi tÕ bμo ®Òu cã mét nh©n ®¬n
trøng, hoÆc ®«i khi kh«ng thô tinh. Ph«i         béi) vμ mét tÕ bμo mÑ néi ph«i nhò mang
x«ma cã thÓ th-êng ®-îc t¹o ra khi nu«i          hai nh©n ®¬n béi.
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Tu dien cong nghe sinh hoc 2

  • 1. 71 DAF Xem: DNA amplification fingerprinting. Dalton (Abbreviation: Da). A unit of atomic mass roughly equivalent to the mass of a Dd hydrogen atom. Used as to express molecular weight, which for biological macromolecules is usually in the range kilo- (kDa) to megaDaltons (MDa). Dalton (viÕt t¾t: Da) §¬n vÞ khèi l-îng D loop Abbreviation for displacement loop. nguyªn tö kho¶ng xÊp xØ víi khèi l-îng cña Formed when a short stretch of RNA is nguyªn tö hy-®r«. Dïng ®Ó biÓu thÞ träng paired with one strand of DNA. This l-îng ph©n tö, cho ®¹i ph©n tö sinh vËt displaces the original partner DNA; also th-êng trong ph¹m vi Kil«- (KDa) ®Õn the displacement of a region of one strand megaDaltons (MDa). nn of duplex DNA by a single-stranded DAMD Xem: directed amplification of invader in the reaction catalyzed by recA. minisatellite DNA. ..v v vßng D viÕt t¾t cña: displacement loop. Darwinian cloning Selection of a clone H×nh thμnh khi mét ®o¹n ng¾n RNA ®-îc from a large number of essentially random ch ch cÆp ®«i víi mét sîi cña DNA. Nã chiÕm starting points, rather than isolating a chç DNA gÇn gèc; cßn thuyªn chuyÓn vïng natural gene or making a carefully sa sa cña sîi DNA xo¾n kÐp do sù to¶ sîi ®¬n designed artificial one. Molecules which trong ph¶n øng thuû ph©n bëi recA. are more similar to those needed are chch dA - dT tailing ®u«i dA - dT xem selected, mutated to generate new complementary homopolymeric tailing. variants, and re-selected. The cycle ii dAb (Full term: single domain antibody). proceeds until the required molecule is ..d d Antibodies with only one (instead of two) found. The advantage of the system is that protein chain derived from only one of the the selection is from a vast number of two domains of the normal antibody possibilities. w w structure. Exploits the finding that for some nh©n dßng theo Darwin Chän läc dßng antibodies, half of the molecule binds to v« tÝnh tõ sè lín ®iÓm ban ®Çu ngÉu nhiªn its target antigen almost as well as the cã thùc, thay v× ph©n lËp gen tù nhiªn hoÆc w w whole molecule. The major advantage of t¹o mét lo¹t gen nh©n t¹o ®-îc thiÕt kÕ dAbs over other antibodies is that they can cÈn thËn. Nh÷ng ph©n tö rÊt gièng víi w w be cloned and expressed into bacteria, so chóng cÇn thiÕt ®-îc lùa chän, ®ét biÕn that large numbers of antibodies can be ®Ó t¹o ra nh÷ng lo¹i h×nh míi, vμ chän läc generated and screened in parallel. l¹i. Chu tr×nh tiÕp tôc cho ®Õn khi t×m ®-îc kh¸ng thÓ miÒn ®¬n (thuËt ng÷ viÕt ®Çy ph©n tö cÇn thiÕt. Lîi thÕ cña hÖ thèng nμy ®ñ: single domain antibody). Kh¸ng thÓ chØ chÝnh lμ chän läc tõ nhiÒu kh¶ n¨ng. cã mét duy nhÊt (thay v× hai) chuçi protein dATP Abbreviation for deoxyadenosine 5'- b¾t nguån chØ tõ mét trong hai miÒn cÊu triphosphate. dATP is required for DNA tróc kh¸ng thÓ b×nh th-êng. Khai th¸c t×m synthesis since it is a direct precursor kiÕm mét sè kh¸ng thÓ, nöa ph©n tö liªn molecule. See: adenosine, adenylic acid. kÕt víi kh¸ng nguyªn ®Ých hÇu nh- gièng dATP viÕt t¾t cña deoxyadenosine 5'- toμn bé ph©n tö. Lîi thÕ chÝnh cña dAb so triphosphate. dATP cÇn thiÕt ®Ó tæng hîp víi c¸c kh¸ng thÓ kh¸c lμ chóng cã thÓ DNA v× nã lμ mét ph©n tö tiÒn chÊt trùc ®-îc t¹o dßng vμ biÓu thÞ trong nhiÒu vi tiÕp. Xem: adenosine, adenylic acid. khuÈn, do vËy mét sè l-îng lín kh¸ng thÓ dCTP Abbreviation for deoxycytidine 5'- cã thÓ ®-îc ph¸t sinh vμ ®-îc hiÓn thÞ ®ång triphosphate. dCTP is required for DNA thêi.
  • 2. ddNTP 72 synthesis since it is a direct precursor nã, kh«ng cã kh¶ n¨ng phôc håi khi nhiÔm molecule. See: cytidine, cytidylic acid. bÖnh tÕ bμo vËt chñ, nh-ng nã cã thÓ sinh dCTP ViÕt t¾t cña: deoxycytidin 5'- tr-ëng khi cã mÆt virut kh¸c. Virut nμy cung triphosphat. dCTP cÇn thiÕt ®Ó tæng hîp cÊp mét bé m¸y ph©n tö cÇn thiÕt mμ chÝnh DNA v× nã lμ mét ph©n tö tiÒn chÊt trùc virut ®Çu thiÕu. tiÕp. xem: cytidine, cytidylic acid. deficiency Lack of adequate supply of ddNTP ViÕt t¾t cña: di-deoxynucleotide. nutritional, enzymatic, or environmental requirements, so that development, growth death phase The final growth phase of or physiological functions are affected. cell culture, during which nutrients have been depleted and cell number ®o¹n khuyÕt Sù thiÕu hôt cung cÊp kh«ng decreases. ®ñ chÊt dinh d-ìng, enzim, hoÆc c¸c yªu cÇu vÒ m«i tr-êng, v× thÕ sù ph¸t triÓn, sinh pha chÕt Pha sinh tr-ëng kÕt thóc nu«i tr-ëng hoÆc c¸c chøc n¨ng sinh lý bÞ ¶nh cÊy tÕ bμo, qu¸ tr×nh mμ chÊt dinh d-ìng h-ëng. ®-îc rót hÕt vμ gi¶m sè l-îng tÕ bμo. nn defined 1. Fixed conditions of medium, deceleration phase The phase of environment and protocol for growth. 2. ..v v declining growth rate, following the linear Precisely known and stated elements of a phase and preceding the stationary tissue culture medium. ch ch phase in most batch-suspension cultures. See: growth phase. x¸c ®Þnh 1. C¸c ®iÒu kiÖn cè ®Þnh dung dÞch, m«i tr-êng vμ c¸ch thøc ®Ó sinh sa sa pha chËm Pha tèc ®é t¨ng tr-ëng gi¶m tr-ëng. 2. C¸c phÇn tö cña dung dÞch cÊy dÇn, tiÕp theo pha tuyÕn tÝnh vμ tr-íc pha m« nªu ra vμ ®-îc biÕt chÝnh x¸c. tÜnh trong hÇu hÕt c¸c nu«i cÊy l« huyÒn chch phï. Xem: growth phase. degeneracy The specification of one amino acid by more than one codon. It ii de-differentiation The process, in arises from the inevitable redundancy response to wounding and in tissue ..d d resulting from the 64 possible codons cultures, by which plant cells can become encoding only 20 amino acids. unspecialized and start to proliferate by cell division to form a mass of tho¸i hãa §Æc ®iÓm cña mét amino axit w w undifferentiated cells (or callus) which, do cã h¬n mét bé ba. Nã xuÊt hiÖn tõ d- in response to appropriate stimuli, may thõa kh«ng tr¸nh khái b¾t nguån tõ 64 w w later differentiate again to form either the co®on cã kh¶ n¨ng m· hãa chØ 20 amino same cell type or a different one. axit. w w V« biÖt ho¸ Qu¸ tr×nh, trong ph¶n øng degeneration 1. Changes in cells, tissues víi sù tæn th-¬ng vμ trong c¸c nu«i cÊy or organs due to disease. 2. The reduction m«, do ®ã tÕ bμo thùc vËt cã thÓ kh«ng in size or complete loss of organs during chuyªn biÖt vμ b¾t ®Çu t¨ng nhanh do ph©n evolution. chia tÕ bμo ®Ó h×nh thμnh mét khèi l-îng sù tho¸i hãa 1. Nh÷ng thay ®æi trong tÕ tÕ bμo ch-a ph©n hãa (hoÆc m« sÑo) ®Ó, bμo, m« hoÆc c¬ quan do bÖnh. 2. Sù gi¶m trong ph¶n øng cã sù thóc ®Èy thÝch hîp, kÝch th-íc hoÆc thiÕu hoμn thiÖn c¸c c¬ cã thÓ biÖt ho¸ chËm lÇn n÷a ®Ó h×nh thμnh quan trong qu¸ tr×nh tiÕn hãa. mét lo¹t tÕ bμo gièng hoÆc kh¸c nhau. dehalogenation The removal of halogen defective virus A virus that, by itself, is atoms (fluorine, chlorine, bromine, iodine) unable to reproduce when infecting its from molecules, for example during host cell, but that can grow in the presence biodegradation. of another virus. This other virus provides khö halogen ViÖc lo¹i bá nguyªn tö the necessary molecular machinery that halogen (Flo, clo, br«m, Iot) trong ph©n tö, the first virus lacks. vÝ dô trong qu¸ tr×nh ph©n r· sinh häc. virut cã sai sãt Mét virut mμ, do chÝnh
  • 3. dehiscence 73 dehiscence The spontaneous and often especially water. Removal methods violent opening of a fruit, seed pod or include distillation, electrodialysis and ion anther to release and disperse the seeds exchange. See: de-ionized water. or pollen. khö kho¸ng Lo¹i bá dung l-îng chÊt nøt nÎ Lùc më tù ®éng vμ th«ng th-êng kho¸ng (muèi, ion) tõ m«i tr-êng, ®Æc biÖt cña qu¶, vá h¹t hoÆc nhôy hoa ®Ó gi¶i lμ n-íc. C¸c ph-¬ng ph¸p lo¹i bá gåm cã phãng vμ ph¸t t¸n h¹t hoÆc phÊn hoa. ch-ng cÊt, ®iÖn ph©n vμ trao ®æi ion. xem: dehydrogenase An enzyme that de-ionized water. catalyses the removal of hydrogen atoms denature To disrupt the normal in vivo in biological reactions. conformation of a nucleic acid or (more Enzim xóc t¸c viÖc lo¹i bá nguyªn tö hy- usually) a protein by physical or chemical ®r« trong ph¶n øng sinh häc. means, usually accompanied by the loss of activity. See: denatured DNA, ehydrogenation A chemical reaction in denatured protein. which hydrogen is removed from a nn compound. biÕn tÝnh Ph¸ vì h×nh d¸ng axit nucleic hoÆc (phæ biÕn h¬n) mét protein b×nh ..v v sù khö hy-®r« Ph¶n øng hãa häc trong th-êng trong c¬ thÓ b»ng ph-¬ng ph¸p vËt ®ã hy-®r« ®-îc lo¹i khái hîp chÊt. lý hoÆc hãa häc, th-êng kÌm theo mÊt ho¹t ch ch de-ionized water Water from which most ®éng. Xem: denatured DNA, denatured salts have been removed - with varying protein. sa sa degrees of efficiency - by ion exchange. denatured DNA Double-stranded DNA n-íc khö ion N-íc ®-îc lo¹i khái hÇu hÕt that has been converted to single strands c¸c muèi – lμm thay ®æi møc ¶nh h-ëng- chch by breaking the hydrogen bonds linking do trao ®æi ion. complementary nucleotide pairs. Often ii deletion A mutation involving the removal reversible. Usually achieved by heating. ..d d of one or more base pairs in a DNA DNA biÕn tÝnh DNA sîi kÐp ®· ®-îc sequence. Large deletions are sometimes chuyÓn ®æi sang sîi ®¬n do ph©n gi¶i liªn microscopically visible in karyotype kÕt hydro nèi víi cÆp nuleotit bæ sung. Lu«n w w analyses. cã thÓ ®¶o ng-îc. Th-êng ®¹t ®-îc b»ng ®øt ®o¹n, thiÕu hôt §ét biÕn kÐo theo thiÕt bÞ lμm nãng. lo¹i bá mét hoÆc nhiÒu cÆp ba z¬ trong w w denatured protein Altering the in vivo tr×nh tù DNA. Sù thiÕu hôt lín thØnh tho¶ng conformation of a protein by heat or salt cã thÓ quan s¸t ®-îc b»ng kÝnh hiÓn khi treatment, thereby destroying its biological w w ph©n tÝch kiÓu nh©n. activity. Unlike denatured DNA, denatured deliberate release In a biotechnology proteins are seldom able to be renatured. context, the intentional release of protein biÕn tÝnh Thay ®æi h×nh d¸ng genetically modified organisms. protein trong c¬ thÓ b»ng thiÕt bÞ lμm nãng phiªn b¶n chñ ®Þnh Trong ph¹m vi c«ng hoÆc -íp muèi, do ®ã ph¸ hñy ho¹t tÝnh nghÖ sinh häc, phiªn b¶n ®Þnh tr-íc cña sinh häc. Kh«ng gièng nh- DNA ®-îc biÕn sinh vËt biÕn ®æi di truyÒn. tÝnh, c¸c protein biÕn tÝnh Ýt khi cã kh¶ n¨ng delta endotoxins néi ®éc tè xem:: cry håi phôc. proteins. denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis deme A group of organisms in the same (Abbreviation: DGGE). taxon. An electrophoresis method for separating nhãm Nhãm sinh vËt trong cïng ®¬n vÞ similar sized DNA fragments on the basis ph©n lo¹i. of their sequence, by applying across the gel a gradient of increasingly denaturing demineralize To remove the mineral conditions (usually by increasing the content (salts, ions) from a substance,
  • 4. dendrimer 74 concentration of a denaturing chemical, process of centrifugation itself (as in CsCl such as formamide or urea). As the double- and Cs2SO4 density gradients). stranded molecules denature into a ly t©m gradient mËt ®é Ly t©m siªu tèc partially and eventually a fully single- trong ®ã c¸c ph©n tö ®-îc ph©n t¸ch trªn stranded state, their electrophoretic c¬ së mËt ®é kh¸c nhau cã sö dông mobility changes. gradient nång ®é clo-rua can xi hoÆc chÊt ®iÖn di gel møc ®é biÕn tÝnh (viÕt t¾t: ®-êng. Gradient mËt ®é nμy cã thÓ h×nh DGGE). Ph-¬ng ph¸p ®iÖn di ®Ó ph©n ra thμnh tr-íc ly t©m nhê trén hai dung dÞch c¸c ®o¹n DNA kÝch th-íc t-¬ng ®-¬ng dùa mËt ®é kh¸c nhau (nh- trong gradient mËt vμo tr×nh tù cña chóng, b»ng ¸p dông ®é chÊt ®-êng) hoÆc còng cã thÓ h×nh chuyÓn qua chÊt gel mét møc ®é c¸c ®iÒu thμnh do qu¸ tr×nh cña b¶n th©n hiÖn t-îng kiÖn lμm biÕn tÝnh gia t¨ng (th-êng do t¨ng ly t©m (nh- trong CsCl vμ c¸c gradient mËt thªm nång ®é chÊt ho¸ häc biÕn tÝnh, nh- ®é Cs2SO4). lμ formamit hoÆc u-rª). Khi c¸c ph©n tö sîi deoxyadenosine xem: adenosin, dATP. kÐp biÕn tÝnh thμnh tõng phÇn vμ cuèi cïng nn deoxycytidine xem: cytidine, dCTP. thμnh mét tr¹ng th¸i sîi ®¬n hoμn toμn, ..v v tÝnh dÔ biÕn ®æi ®iÖn di thay ®æi. deoxyguanosine xem: guanosine, dGTP. dendrimer A polymer that repeatedly ch ch branches until stopped by the physical deoxyribonuclease xem: DNase. constraint of having formed a complete, deoxyribonucleic acid xem: DNA. sa sa hollow sphere. These structures possess deoxyribonucleoside xem: nucleoside. sites on their exterior surface to which DNA deoxyribonucleotide xem: nucleotide. fragments can be attached, and are thus chch useful as carriers of DNA for transgenesis. deoxyribose (2-deoxyribose) xem: ribose. ii dendrime Mét p«lime ph©n nh¸nh lÆp nhiÒu lÇn cho ®Õn khi dõng do rμng buéc deoxythymidine Strictly correct but rarely ..d d vËt lý ®· h×nh thμnh mét h×nh cÇu trän vÑn, used synonym for thymidine. rçng. C¸c cÊu tróc nμy chiÕm vÞ trÝ phÝa deoxythymidin Tõ ®ång nghÜa ®óng chÝnh mÆt ngoμi ®Ó c¸c ®o¹n DNA cã thÓ ®-îc x¸c nh-ng Ýt ®-îc dïng cho thymidin. w w g¾n, vμ h÷u Ých nh- thÓ mang cña DNA ®Ó derepression The process of “turning on” chuyÓn gen. the expression of a gene or set of genes w w denitrification A chemical process in whose expression has been repressed which nitrates in the soil are reduced to (turned off), usually by the displacement w w molecular nitrogen, which is released to of a repressor from a promoter, since, the atmosphere. when attached to the DNA, the repressor lo¹i nit¬ Qu¸ tr×nh hãa häc trong ®ã c¸c prevents transcription. muèi nitrat trong ®Êt ®-îc ph©n gi¶i cho gi¶i øc chÕ Qu¸ tr×nh “tiÕp tôc” biÓu thÞ tíi nit¬ ph©n tö, vμ ®-îc gi¶i phãng vμo mét gen hoÆc bé gen mμ biÓu thÞ cña nã khÝ quyÓn. ®· bÞ øc chÕ (ngõng), th-êng do thuyªn density gradient centrifugation High- chuyÓn mét chÊt k×m h·m tõ ®iÓm khëi ®Çu, speed centrifugation in which molecules v×, khi ®-îc g¾n víi DNA, chÊt k×m h·m are separated on the basis of their different ng¨n ngõa phiªn m·. densities using a concentration gradient of derivative 1. Resulting from or derived caesium chloride or sucrose. The density from. 2. Term used to identify a variant gradient may either be formed before during meristematic cell division. centrifugation by mixing two solutions of vËt dÉn xuÊt 1. kÕt qu¶ hoÆc b¾t nguån different density (as in sucrose density tõ. 2. ThuËt ng÷ dïng ®Ó x¸c nhËn mét gradients) or it can be formed by the lo¹t pha kh¸c nhau trong khi ph©n chia tÕ bμo m« ph©n sinh.
  • 5. desiccant 75 desiccant Any compound used to remove ph¸t triÓn Tæng sè sù kiÖn ®ãng gãp cho moisture or water. qu¸ tr×nh phøc t¹p cña mét sinh vËt. Hai chÊt hót Èm BÊt kú hîp chÊt nμo sö dông khÝa mÆt chÝnh cña ph¸t triÓn lμ sinh tr-ëng ®Ó lo¹i trõ h¬i Èm hoÆc n-íc. vμ biÖt ho¸. desoxyribonucleic acid Obsolete deviation 1. An alteration from the typical spelling of deoxyribonucleic acid. form, function or behaviour. Mutation or stress are the common reasons behind Tªn gäi theo c¸ch cò cña deoxyribonucleic deviation. 2. A statistical term describing acid. the difference between an actual desulphurization lo¹i trõ l-u huúnh observation and the mean of all Xem: biodesulphurization. observations. detergent Substance which lowers the sai lÖch 1. Thay ®æi h×nh d¹ng, chøc n¨ng surface tension of a solution, improving its hoÆc hμnh vi th«ng th-êng. §ét biÕn hoÆc cleaning properties. sèc lμ nguyªn nh©n chung sau sai lÖch. 2. nn thuèc tÈy ChÊt ®Ó h¹ thÊp søc c¨ng bÒ ThuËt ng÷ thèng kª m« t¶ sù kh¸c nhau mÆt dung dÞch, n©ng cao c¸c thuéc tÝnh gi÷a mét quan s¸t thùc tÕ víi trung b×nh ..v v lμm s¹ch. toμn bé quan s¸t. determinate growth Growth determined dextrin An intermediate polysaccharide ch ch and limited in time, with a bud or flower compound resulting from the hydrolysis terminating the growth of the main axis. of starch to maltose by amylase enzymes. sa sa Once established, it is usually irreversible. hå tinh bét Mét hîp chÊt polisacarit trung Opposite: indeterminate growth. gian kÕt qu¶ tõ thñy ph©n tinh bét thμnh chch sinh tr-ëng x¸c ®Þnh Sinh tr-ëng x¸c ®Þnh ®-êng m¹ch nha do enzim amylaza. vμ giíi h¹n thêi gian, víi mÇm hoÆc hoa dG - dC tailing tailing ®o¹n cuèi dG-dC ii x¸c ®Þnh sinh tr-ëng cña trôc chÝnh. Mét Xem: complementary homopolymeric ..d d khi ®· thiÕt lËp, nã th-êng kh«ng thÓ ®¶o tailing. ng-îc. Ng-îc víi: indeterminate growth. DGGE xem: denaturing gradient gel determination Process by which electrophoresis. w w undifferentiated cells in an embryo dGTP Abbreviation for deoxyguanosine 5'- become committed to develop into specific triphosphate. dGTP is required for DNA cell types, such as neurons, fibroblasts or w w synthesis since it is a direct precursor muscle cells. molecule. See: guanosine, guanylic x¸c ®Þnh Qu¸ tr×nh mμ bëi ®ã nh÷ng tÕ w w acid. bμo ch-a ph©n hãa trong ph«i ®-îc giao dGTP viÕt t¾t cña deoxyguanosine 5'- phã ®Ó ph¸t triÓn thμnh kiÓu tÕ bμo riªng triphosphate. dGTP cÇn thiÕt ®Ó tæng hîp biÖt, nh- n¬ ron, sîi nguyªn bμo hoÆc tÕ DNA v× nã lμ mét ph©n tö tiÒn chÊt trùc bμo c¬. tiÕp. xem: guanosine, guanylic acid. determined Describing embryonic tissue diagnostic procedure A test or assay at a stage when it can develop only as a used to determine the presence of a certain kind of tissue. specific substance, organism or nucleic ®-îc x¸c ®Þnh M« t¶ m« ph«i ë giai ®o¹n acid sequence alteration, etc. khi nã cã thÓ ph¸t triÓn chØ nh- mét lo¹i thñ tôc chÈn ®o¸n PhÐp thö hoÆc ph©n m« nhÊt ®Þnh. tÝch dïng ®Ó x¸c ®Þnh sù cã mÆt cña mét development The sum total of events that chÊt, c¬ quan hoÆc sù thay ®æi tr×nh tù axit contribute to the progressive elaboration nucleic riªng biÖt, v©n v©n. of an organism. The two major aspects of diakinesis A stage of meiosis at the end development are growth and of prophase I, in which the contraction of differentiation. the chromosomes is almost at a maximum,
  • 6. diakinesis 76 pairing configurations are well defined, the classes of flowering plants (along with the nucleolus normally disappears and the monocotyledons). Examples include nuclear envelope is disrupted. many crop plants (potato, pea, beans), giai ®o¹n h-íng cùc Giai ®o¹n gi¶m ornamentals (rose, ivy) and timber trees ph©n ë cuèi k× ®Çu I, trong ®ã nhiÔm s¾c (oak, beech, lime). thÓ gi¶m gÇn nh- ë møc tèi ®a, c¸c cÊu c©y song tö ®iÖp (viÕt t¾t: dicot). Thùc h×nh cÆp ®«i ®-îc x¸c ®Þnh râ, h¹ch b×nh vËt cã hai l¸ mÇm. Mét trong hai líp chÝnh th-êng biÕn mÊt vμ mμng nh©n bÞ ph¸ vì. cña thùc vËt ra hoa (cïng víi c©y ®¬n tö dialysis A biochemical technique by which diÖp). C¸c mÉu gåm cã nhiÒu gièng c©y large molecules such as proteins in trång (khoai t©y, ®Ëu Hμ lan, ®Ëu t-¬ng), solution are separated from smaller c¸c loμi hoa (hoa hång, tr-êng xu©n) vμ species such as salts. The technique is c©y cã gç (såi, anh ®μo, ch×a v«i). based on the properties of certain di-deoxynucleotide (Abbreviations: membrane structures, which selectively ddNTP,didN). A synthetic nn only allow the passage of the smaller deoxynucleotide that lacks a 3'-hydroxyl molecules. A frequently used method for group, and is thus unable to form the 3'?5' ..v v the purification of proteins. phosphodiester bond necessary for thÈm t¸ch Mét kü thuËt hãa sinh ®Ó nh÷ng chain elongation. Used as strand ch ch ph©n tö lín nh- protein trong dung dÞch terminators in the Sanger DNA sequencing ®-îc ph©n t¸ch tõ c¸c lo¹i nhá h¬n nh- reaction and in the treatment of some viral sa sa muèi. Kü thuËt dùa vμo thuéc tÝnh c¸c cÊu diseases. tróc mμng nhÊt ®Þnh, vμ cho chØ phÐp chän di-deoxynucleotit (viÕt t¾t: ddNTP,didN). läc c¸c ph©n tö nhá h¬n ®i qua. Ph-¬ng ChÊt deoxynucleotide tæng hîp thiÕu gèc chch ph¸p ®-îc sö dông phæ biÕn ®Ó lμm s¹ch hidroxyl 3', vμ do vËy kh«ng cã kh¶ n¨ng ii protein. ®Ó h×nh thμnh liªn kÕt phosphodiester 3' ? 5' cÇn thiÕt ®Ó kÐo dμi d·y ph©n tö. §-îc ..d d diazotroph An organism that can fix atmospheric nitrogen. sö dông khi hoμn tÊt sîi trong ph¶n øng tr×nh tù ho¸ DNA Sanger vμ trong nghiªn tù d-ìng Sinh vËt cã kh¶ n¨ng hÊp thu cøu mét sè bÖnh virut. w w nit¬ khÝ quyÓn. didN Xem: di-deoxynucleotide. dicentric chromosome A chromosome differential centrifugation A method for w w having two active centromeres. separating sub-cellular particles according nhiÔm s¾c thÓ hai t©m Mét nhiÔm s¾c thÓ to their sedimentation coefficients, which w w cã hai t©m ho¹t ®éng . are roughly proportional to their size. Cell dichogamy The condition in which the extracts are subjected to a succession of male and the female reproductive organs centrifuge runs at progressively faster of a flower (or certain hermaphroditic rotation speeds. Large particles, such as animals) mature at different times, thereby nuclei or mitochondria, will be precipitated making self-fertilization improbable or at relatively slow speeds; higher G forces impossible. will be required to sediment small particles, dichogami T×nh tr¹ng cã c¸c c¬ quan sinh such as ribosomes. s¶n ®ùc vμ c¸i cña mét hoa (hoÆc ®éng ly t©m vi ph©n Ph-¬ng ph¸p ®Ó ph©n t¸ch vËt l-ìng tÝnh nhÊt ®Þnh) tr-ëng thμnh ë c¸c h¹t nhá møc d-íi tÕ bμo theo hÖ sè c¸c thêi ®iÓm kh¸c nhau, do ®ã t¹o ra Ýt l¾ng, t-¬ng xøng víi kÝch th-íc cña chóng. kh¶ n¨ng hoÆc kh«ng thÓ ®¹t ®-îc tù thô C¸c phÇn chiÕt xuÊt tÕ bμo ®-îc thùc hiÖn phÊn. víi mét lo¹t quay ly t©m tèc ®é nhanh dÇn. dicot Xem: dicotyledon. C¸c h¹t lín, nh- nh©n hoÆc c¸c ti l¹p thÓ, dicotyledon (Abbreviation: dicot). A plant sÏ ch×m xuèng khi tèc ®é chËm dÇn; lùc ly with two cotyledons. One of the two major t©m G cao h¬n cÇn thiÕt ®Ó h¹t nhá l¾ng
  • 7. differential display 77 xuèng, nh- ribosom. nμy nãi chung kh«ng thÓ ®¶o ng-îc trong differential display A method to identify c¬ thÓ sinh vËt bËc cao. Trong nu«i cÊy mRNAs which are present at different m«, thuËt ng÷ ®-îc dïng m« t¶ sù h×nh levels in different tissues, or in response thμnh c¸c kiÓu tÕ bμo kh¸c biÖt. to specific treatments. The mRNAs are diffusion The spontaneous movement of converted to cDNA, and a defined molecules from a region of higher proportion of these are amplified by the concentration to a region of lower polymerase chain reaction, and concentration. separated by electrophoresis. khuyÕch t¸n ChuyÓn ®éng ngÉu nhiªn hiÓn thÞ vi ph©n Ph-¬ng ph¸p x¸c ®Þnh cña c¸c ph©n tö tõ vïng mËt ®é cao ®Õn c¸c mRNA mμ biÓu hiÖn c¸c møc kh¸c vïng mËt ®é thÊp h¬n. nhau trong c¸c m« kh¸c nhau, hoÆc trong digest To treat DNA molecules with one sù ®¸p l¹i ph¶n øng ®Æc biÖt. C¸c mRNA or more restriction endonucleases in chuyÓn tíi DNA bæ sung, vμ mét tØ lÖ x¸c order to cleave them into smaller nn ®Þnh khuyÕch ®¹i b»ng ph¶n øng chuçi fragments. enzim trïng hîp, vμ ph©n t¸ch do hiÖn ..v v tiªu hãa ChÕ ho¸ c¸c ph©n tö DNA víi t-îng ®iÖn chuyÓn. mét hoÆc nhiÒu emzim giíi h¹n víi môc differentially permeable Referring to a ®Ých t¸ch chóng thμnh nh÷ng ®o¹n nhá ch ch membrane, through which different h¬n. substances diffuse at different rates. Some dihaploid An individual which arises from sa sa substances may be unable to diffuse a doubled haploid. through such a membrane, usually because they are too large to fit through ®¬n béi kÐp C¸ thÓ xuÊt hiÖn tõ mét ®¬n chch the pores of the membrane. béi kÐp. ii ®é ngÊm vi ph©n §Ò cËp ®Õn mμng tÕ dihybrid An individual that is heterozygous for two pairs of alleles; the progeny of a ..d d bμo, th«ng qua ®ã c¸c chÊt kh¸c nhau khuÕch t¸n víi tû lÖ kh¸c nhau. Mét sè chÊt cross between homozygous parents kh«ng thÓ khuÕch t¸n qua mét mμng nh- differing at two loci. w w vËy, th-êng bëi v× chóng qu¸ lín kh«ng l-ìng hîp tö Mét c¸ thÓ lμ dÞ hîp cña hai thÓ chui qua lç cña mμng. cÆp alen; con ch¸u cña mét cÆp lai chÐo differentiation A process as a result of gi÷a cha mÑ ®ång hîp tö ph©n biÖt kh¸c w w which unspecialized cells develop nhau t¹i hai æ gen. structures and functions characteristic of dimer 1. A molecule formed by the w w a particular type of cell, typically during the covalent combination of two monomers, process of development from one cell to generally accompanied by elimination of many cells, accompanied by a modification water. 2. The reversible association of two of the new cells for the performance of similar (or nearly similar) molecules. The particular functions. The process is active form of many enzymes is as a dimer generally irreversible in vivo in higher between two non-active monomeric organisms. In tissue culture, the term is subunits. used to describe the formation of different chÊt trïng ph©n 1. Mét ph©n tö ®-îc h×nh cell types. thμnh do kÕt hîp ®ång hãa trÞ hai ®¬n ph©n, biÖt ho¸ Qu¸ tr×nh lμm cho c¸c tÕ bμo th-êng kÐo theo sù lo¹i bá n-íc. 2. Sù kÕt kh«ng chuyªn biÖt ph¸t triÓn cÊu tróc vμ hîp cã thÓ ®¶o ng-îc cña hai ph©n tö chøc n¨ng ®iÓn h×nh cña mét kiÓu tÕ bμo t-¬ng ®-¬ng (hoÆc gÇn gièng nhau). D¹ng riªng biÖt, tiªu biÓu trong qu¸ tr×nh ph¸t ho¹t ®éng cña nhiÒu enzim lμ nh- mét chÊt triÓn tõ mét ®Õn nhiÒu tÕ bμo, ®-îc bæ sung trïng ph©n gi÷a hai cÊu tróc d-íi ®¬n ph©n do biÕn ®æi cña c¸c tÕ bμo míi ®Ó thùc kh«ng ho¹t ®éng. hiÖn c¸c chøc n¨ng riªng biÖt. Qu¸ tr×nh
  • 8. dimethyl sulphoxide 78 dimethyl sulphoxide (Abbreviation: meiosis following the pachytene stage, DMSO). A highly hygroscopic liquid and but preceding diakinesis, in which one powerful solvent with little odour, colour or pair of sister chromatids begin to separate toxicity when pure. It is employed in small from the other pair. quantities to dissolve organic substances sîi kÐp Giai ®o¹n trong k× ®Çu I cña gi¶m in tissue culture media preparation and ph©n tiÕp theo giai ®o¹n sîi dμy, nh-ng has uses as a cryoprotectant and in tr-íc giai ®o¹n h-íng cùc, trong ®ã mét promoting the passage of chemicals cÆp nhiÔm s¾c tö chÞ em b¾t ®Çu t¸ch ra tõ through skin. mét cÆp kh¸c. dimethyl sulphoxit (ViÕt t¾t: DMSO). Mét diplotene (adj.) kú song ty (tÝnh tõ)xem: chÊt láng hót Èm cao vμ dung m«i m¹nh diplonema. cã mïi h-¬ng, mμu hoÆc tÝnh ®éc thÊp khi direct embryogenesis The formation in thuÇn khiÕt. §-îc dïng víi sè l-îng nhá culture, on the surface of zygotic or ®Ó hoμ tan c¸c chÊt h÷u c¬ trong chÕ phÈm somatic embryos or on explant tissues dung dÞch nu«i cÊy m« vμ ®-îc dïng khi nn (leaf section, root tip, etc.), of embryoids b¶o qu¶n ®«ng l¹nh vμ trong viÖc xóc tiÕn without an intervening callus phase. ..v v chuyÓn c¸c ho¸ chÊt ngÊm qua da. Opposite: indirect embryogenesis. dimorphism The existence of two ph¸t sinh ph«i trùc tiÕp Sù h×nh thμnh ch ch distinctly different types of individuals trong nu«i cÊy m«, trªn bÒ mÆt hîp tö, c¸c within a species. An obvious example is ph«i x«ma hoÆc trªn c¸c m« ghÐp (phÇn sa sa sexual dimorphism in mammals. l¸, chãp rÔ, v.v.), cña ph«i kh«ng cã giai tÝnh l-ìng h×nh Sù tån t¹i hai kiÓu kh¸c ®o¹n m« sÑo xen vμo. Ng-îc víi: indirect nhau cña c¸c c¸ thÓ trong cïng mét loμi. chch embryogenesis. Mét vÝ dô ®iÓn h×mh lμ l-ìng h×nh giíi tÝnh direct organogenesis Formation of ii trong líp ®éng vËt cã vó. organs directly on the surface of cultured ..d d dinucleotide A nucleotide dimer. intact explants. The process does not Mét chÊt trïng ph©n nuleotit. involve callus formation. Opposite: dioecious A plant species in which male indirect organogenesis. w w and female flowers form on different plants. ph¸t sinh c¬ quan trùc tiÕp Sù h×nh thμnh kh¸c gèc C¸c loμi thùc vËt cã hoa c¸i vμ cña c¸c c¬ quan trùc tiÕp trªn bÒ mÆt m¶nh w w hoa ®ùc h×nh thμnh trªn tõng c©y kh¸c ghÐp kh«ng søt mÎ ®-îc nu«i cÊy. Qu¸ nhau. tr×nh kh«ng t¹o ra m« sÑo. Ng-îc víi: indirect embryogenesis. w w diplochromosome Xem: endoreduplication. direct repeat Two or more stretches of DNA within a single molecule which have diploid The status of having two complete the same nucleotide sequence in the sets of chromosomes, most commonly same orientation. Direct repeats may be one set of paternal origin and the other of either adjacent to one another or far apart maternal origin. Somatic tissues of higher on the same molecule. plants and animals are ordinarily diploid in chromosome constitution, in contrast with lÆp trùc tiÕp Hai hoÆc nhiÒu ®o¹n DNA the haploid gametes. trong mét ph©n tö ®¬n cïng tr×nh tù nucleotit cïng h-íng. C¸c ®o¹n lÆp trùc l-ìng béi T×nh tr¹ng cã hai bé nhiÔm s¾c tiÕp cã thÓ liÒn kÒ hoÆc t¸ch rêi trªn cïng thÓ hoμn chØnh, phæ biÕn nhÊt mét bé gèc ph©n tö. cha vμ bé kh¸c gèc mÑ. C¸c m« x«ma cña thùc vËt bËc cao vμ ®éng vËt lμ l-ìng béi directed amplification of minisatellite hoμn toμn trong cÊu tróc nhiÔm s¾c thÓ, DNA (Abbreviation: DAMD). A polymerase tr¸i ng-îc víi giao tö ®¬n béi. chain reaction technique used for obtaining molecular markers in the region diplonema Stage in prophase I of
  • 9. directed mutagenesis 79 of minisatellites. To target these regions, ho¸ gi¶i Xãa bá mét plasmit hoÆc virut cña one of the primers is directed to a VNTR c¸c gen lμ t¸c nh©n g©y bÖnh. core sequence. discontinuous variation Variation where khuÕch ®¹i ®Þnh h-íng DNA vÖ tinh nhá individuals can be classified as belonging (viÕt t¾t: DAMD) Kü thuËt ph¶n øng chuçi to one of a set of discrete, non-overlapping enzim trïng hîp ®-îc sö dông ®Ó thu classes. Generated by simple genetic nh÷ng dÊu chuÈn ph©n tö trong vïng c¸c control of a trait (one or a small number of vÖ tinh nhá. Tíi c¸c vïng ®Ých nμy, mét genes, each of large effect) and involving trong nh÷ng ®o¹n måi ®-îc tiÕp xóc víi minimal non-genetic effect. Characters tr×nh tù lâi lÆp tandem sè biÕn. showing discontinuous variation are directed mutagenesis The generation of referred to as qualitative. Opposite: changes in the nucleotide sequence of continuous variation. a cloned gene by one of several biÕn dÞ gi¸n ®o¹n BiÕn dÞ khi c¸ thÓ kh¶ procedures. Undertaken to explore the n¨ng ®-îc ph©n lo¹i thuéc vÒ mét trong nn relationship between nucleotide sequence tËp hîp c¸c líp riªng biÖt, kh«ng gèi nhau. and gene function, and to modify gene Ph¸t sinh do kiÓm so¸t di truyÒn ®¬n mét ..v v products. Synonym: in vitro tÝnh tr¹ng (mét hoÆc sè Ýt gen, mçi mét gen mutagenesis. cã hiÖu øng réng) vμ kÐo theo hiÖu øng ch ch ®ét biÕn ®Þnh h-íng Ph¸t sinh nh÷ng kh«ng di truyÒn cùc tiÓu. C¸c ®Æc ®iÓm cho thay ®æi trong tr×nh tù nucleotit cña gen thÊy r»ng biÕn dÞ kh«ng liªn tôc ®-îc xem sa sa ®-îc t¹o dßng b»ng mét sè ph-¬ng ph¸p. nh- ®Þnh tÝnh. Ng-îc víi: continuous B¶o ®¶m ®Ó th¨m dß mèi quan hÖ gi÷a variation. tr×nh tù nucleotit vμ chøc n¨ng gen, vμ ®Ó discordant Members of a pair showing chch söa ®æi s¶n phÈm gen. Tõ ®ång nghÜa: in different, rather than similar, ii vitro mutagenesis. characteristics. ..d d directional cloning The technique by tr¸i ng-îc nhau C¸c thμnh viªn cña mét which a vector and a DNA insert are both cÆp ®«i cho thÊy c¸c ®Æc tr-ng kh¸c nhau, digested with two different restriction thay v× t-¬ng tù. w w endonucleases to create non- disease resistance The genetically complementary sticky ends at either end determined ability to prevent the of both molecules, so favouring the insert reproduction of a pathogen, thereby w w to be ligated into the vector in a specific remaining healthy. Some resistances orientation, while also preventing the operate by pathogen exclusion, some by w w vector from re-circularizing. preventing pathogen spread, and some by t¹o dßng ®Þnh h-íng Kü thuËt theo ®ã tolerating pathogen toxin. mét vect¬ vμ ®o¹n chÌn DNA ®Òu ®-îc tÝnh kh¸ng bÖnh Kh¶ n¨ng ng¨n chÆn x¸c tiªu hãa víi hai enzim giíi h¹n kh¸c biÖt ®Þnh di truyÒn ®Ó øc chÕ sinh s¶n cña vËt ®Ó t¹o ra c¸c mót b¸m kh«ng bæ sung ë g©y bÖnh, do ®ã søc khoÎ ®-îc duy tr×. tõng mót cña c¶ hai ph©n tö, nh- vËy -u Mét sè kh¸ng ho¹t ®éng do lo¹i trõ vËt g©y tiªn chÌn ®Ó kÕt buéc vμo vect¬ theo bÖnh, mét sè do ng¨n ngõa lan truyÒn vËt h-íng riªng biÖt, vμ cßn ng¨n ngõa vect¬ g©y bÖnh, vμ mét sè kh¸c do chÊp nhËn tõ h-íng vßng l¹i. ®éc tè vËt g©y bÖnh. disaccharide A dimer consisting of two disease-free A plant or animal certified covalently linked monosaccharides. through specific tests as being free of ChÊt trïng ph©n gåm cã hai ®ång hãa trÞ specified pathogens. Should be liªn kÕt c¸c monosacarit. interpreted to mean “free from any known disarm The deletion from a plasmid or disease” as “new” diseases may yet be virus of genes that are pathogenic. discovered to be present.
  • 10. disease-indexing 80 s¹ch bÖnh Thùc vËt hoÆc ®éng vËt ®-îc dispense The transfer of a measured chøng nhËn qua c¸c phÐp thö ghi râ khi volume of a solution. kh«ng mang vËt g©y bÖnh ®Æc biÖt. CÇn ph©n phèi ChuyÓn giao dung dÞch víi mét thiÕt gi¶i thÝch ý nghÜa “s¹ch tõ mét sè bÖnh khèi l-îng ®-îc ®o. h¹i ®· biÕt” trong khi ®ã nh÷ng bÖnh h¹i disrupter gene Used to enforce the “míi” cã thÓ cßn ®ang ®-îc kh¸m ph¸. sterility of seed saved from a genetically disease-indexing Disease-indexed engineered crop. See: genetic use organisms have been assayed for the restriction technology. presence of known diseases according to gen g©y rèi Th-êng g©y ra bÊt thô cña standard testing procedures. h¹t gièng b¶o qu¶n tõ gièng kü thuËt di chØ sè bÖnh C¸c sinh vËt chØ sè hãa bÖnh truyÒn. Xem: genetic use restriction ®-îc thö nghiÖm ®Ó thÓ hiÖn nh÷ng bÖnh technology. ®· biÕt tu©n theo thñ tôc thö nghiÖm chuÈn. dissecting microscope A microscope disinfection Attempted elimination by with a magnifying power of about 50x, used nn chemical means of internal micro- as an aid in the manipulation of small organisms (particularly pathogens) from a ..v v objects, e.g. excision of embryos from culture or sample; rarely attained. See: young zygotes. sterilize (1). ch ch kÝnh hiÓn vi ph©n tÝch KÝnh hiÓn vi cã søc sù diÖt khu¶n B»ng c¸c ph-¬ng tiÖn hãa khuÕch ®¹i kho¶ng 50 x, ®-îc sö dông ®Ó häc ®Ó cè g¾ng lo¹i bá vi sinh vËt bªn trong trî gióp thao t¸c víi ®èi t-îng nhá, nh- lμ sa sa (®Æc biÖt lμ nh÷ng t¸c nh©n g©y bÖnh) tõ c¾t ph«i tõ hîp tö non. mÉu nu«i cÊy m«; ®¹t ®-îc mét c¸ch khã dissection Separation of a tissue by chch kh¨n. xem: sterilize (1). cutting into components, for analysis or disinfestation The elimination or inhibition ii observation. of the activity of surface-adhering micro- gi¶i phÉu Ph©n t¸ch m« do c¾t thμnh c¸c ..d d organisms and removal of insects. phÇn, ®Ó ph©n tÝch hoÆc quan s¸t. sù khö trïng Lo¹i bá hoÆc k×m h·m ho¹t distillation The process of heating a ®éng cña nh÷ng vi sinh vËt dÝnh trªn bÒ w w mixture to separate the more volatile from mÆt vμ lo¹i bá s©u bä. the less volatile parts, and then condensing disjunction Separation of homologous fractions of the resulting vapour so as to w w chromosomes during anaphase I of produce a more nearly pure or refined meiosis, or of sister chromatids during substance. w w anaphase of mitosis and anaphase II of ch-ng cÊt Qu¸ tr×nh ®èt nãng mét hçn meiosis. hîp ®Ó ph©n t¸ch phÇn dÒ bay h¬i tõ phÇn sù ph©n t¸ch Ph©n chia c¸c nhiÔm s¾c khã bay h¬i, vμ sau ®ã ng-ng tô c¸c phÇn thÓ t-¬ng ®ång trong k× sau I cña gi¶m kÕt qu¶ bay h¬i nh- vËy ®Ó s¶n xuÊt mét ph©n, hoÆc cña nhiÔm s¾c tö chÞ em trong chÊt ®-îc tinh läc hoÆc gÇn nh- thuÇn k× sau nguyªn ph©n vμ k× sau II cña gi¶m khiÕt. ph©n. disulphide bond liªn kÕt disulphid xem: disomic (adj.) l-ìng thÓ (tÝnh tõ) Xem disulphide bridge. disomy. disulphide bridge A chemical bond disomy The presence of a pair of a specific between pairs of sulphur atoms that homologous chromosomes. This is the stabilizes the three-dimensional structure norm for diploids. of proteins, and hence the protein’s hiÖn t-îng l-ìng thÓ Sù cã mÆt mét cÆp normal function. These form particularly ®«i nhiÔm s¾c thÓ t-¬ng ®ång riªng biÖt. readily between cysteine residues in the HiÖn t-îng l-ìng thÓ lμ tiªu chuÈn cho c¸c same or different peptide molecules. thÓ l-ìng béi. Synonym: disulphide bond.
  • 11. ditype 81 cÇu disunphit Mét liªn kÕt hãa häc gi÷a xo¾n kÐp, mÆc dÇu mét sè hÖ gen virut c¸c cÆp nguyªn tö l-u huúnh ®Ó lμm æn gåm cã mét sîi ®¬n DNA, vμ c¸c d¹ng ®Þnh cÊu tróc kh«ng gian ba chiÒu protein, kh¸c cña mét RNA sîi kÐp hoÆc ®¬n. xem: vμ do vËy protein ho¹t ®éng b×nh th-êng. base pair, genetic code. Chóng h×nh thμnh mét c¸ch riªng biÖt DNA amplification Many-fold nhanh chãng gi÷a c¸c gèc cystein trong multiplication of a particular DNA cïng mét ph©n tö hoÆc peptit kh¸c biÖt. sequence either in vivo in a plasmid, Tõ ®ång nghÜa: disulphide bond. phage or other vector; or in vitro using, ditype In fungi, a tetrad that contains two most commonly, the polymerase chain kinds of meiotic products (spores), e.g. reaction. 2AB and 2ab. khuÕch ®¹i DNA Nh©n gÊp mét t×nh tù thÓ ®«i Trong nÊm, mét bé bèn cã chøa DNA riªng biÖt trong c¬ thÓ c¶ trong hai lo¹i s¶n phÈm gi¶m ph©n (c¸c bμo tö), plasmit, thÓ thùc khuÈn hoÆc vect¬ kh¸c; vÝ dô 2 AB vμ 2ab. hoÆc trong èng nghiÖm phæ biÕn nhÊt lμ nn diurnal An event that occurs repetitively sö dông ph¶n øng chuçi enzim trïng hîp. on a daily basis, generally during daylight DNA amplification fingerprinting ..v v hours. (Abbreviation: DAF). A arbitrarily primed h»ng ngμy Sù kiÖn xÊy ra lÆp l¹i dùa vμo polymerase chain reaction technique for ch ch ngμy, th-êng lμ suèt c¸c giê chiÕu s¸ng obtaining molecular markers using very ban ngμy. short (5-8 bp) primers. sa sa dizygotic twins Two-egg twins, i.e. a pair in dÊu khuÕch ®¹i DNA (viÕt t¾t: DAF). of individuals that shared the same uterus Mét kü thuËt ph¶n øng chuçi enzim trïng chch at the same time, but which arose from hîp måi tuú ý ®Ó thu ®-îc dÊu chuÈn ph©n separate and independent fertilization of tö cã dïng måi cùc ng¾n (5 - 8 bp) . ii two ova. DNA chip xem: micro-array. ..d d sinh ®«i nhÞ hîp tö C¸c cÆp sinh ®«i kh¸c DNA cloning nh©n dßng DNA xem: gene trøng, nghÜa lμ mét cÆp ®«i c¸ thÓ mμ ph©n cloning. chia cïng no·n t¹i cïng mét thêi ®iÓm, DNA construct A chimeric DNA molecule, w w nh-ng xÈy ra do thô tinh ®éc lËp vμ riªng carrying all the genetic information biÖt cña hai no·n. necessary for its transgenic expression w w DMSO xem: dimethyl sulphoxide. in a host cell. DNA Abbreviation for deoxyribonucleic kiÕn tróc DNA Ph©n tö DNA thÓ qu¸i, w w acid, former spelling desoxyribonucleic mang tÊt c¶ th«ng tin di truyÒn cÇn thiÕt acid. A long chain polymer of ®Ó biÓu thÞ chuyÓn gen trong mét tÕ bμo deoxyribonucleotides. DNA constitutes chñ. the genetic material of most known DNA delivery system A generic term for organisms and organelles, and usually is any procedure that transports DNA into a in the form of a double helix, although recipient cell. some viral genomes consist of a single hÖ thèng giao nhËn DNA ThuËt ng÷ strand of DNA, and others of a single- or a chung cho bÊt kú thñ tôc nμo mμ vËn double-stranded RNA. See: base pair, chuyÓn DNA cho tÕ bμo nhËn. genetic code. DNA diagnostics The use of DNA DNA viÕt t¾t cña deoxyribonucleic acid, polymorphisms to detect the presence of nguyªn ®¸nh vÇn lμ desoxyribonucleic a specific sequence, which could indicate acid. Chuçi p«lime dμi cña c¸c the presence of a contaminant, of a deoxyribonucleotit. DNA cÊu thμnh vËt liÖu pathogen, or of a particular allele at a target di truyÒn cña hÇu hÕt sinh vËt vμ bμo quan gene. Most commonly utilises the ®-îc biÕt, vμ th-êng lμ trong d¹ng chuçi polymerase chain reaction.
  • 12. DNA fingerprint 82 chÈn ®o¸n DNA Sö dông tÝnh ®a h×nh DNA khai th¸c ®Ó kiÓm tra sù cã mÆt cña mét ®Ó ph¸t hiÖn cã mÆt mét tr×nh tù riªng biÖt, tr×nh tù nuclªotid riªng biÖt trong mÉu DNA. cã thÓ chØ b¸o cã mÆt mét chÊt g©y « DNA ligase An enzyme that catalyses a nhiÔm, mét t¸c nh©n g©y bÖnh, hoÆc mét reaction to link two separate DNA alen riªng biÖt t¹i gen ®Ých. Phæ biÕn nhÊt molecules via the formation of a sö dông ph¶n øng chuçi enzim trïng hîp. phosphodiester bond between the 3'- DNA fingerprint A description of the hydroxyl end of one and the 5'-phosphate genotype of an individual from the pattern of the other. Its natural role lies in DNA of DNA fragments obtained from DNA repair and replication. An essential tool in fingerprinting. Synonym: DNA profile. recombinant DNA technology, as it enables dÊu DNA M« t¶ kiÓu di truyÒn cña mét c¸ the incorporation of foreign DNA into thÓ tõ khung mÉu ®o¹n DNA thu ®-îc tõ in vectors. dÊu DNA.Tõ ®ång nghÜa: DNA profile. DNA ligaza Mét lo¹i enzim xóc t¸c ph¶n DNA fingerprinting The derivation of øng liªn kÕt hai ph©n tö DNA t¸ch biÖt do nn unique patterns of DNA fragments h×nh thμnh mét liªn kÕt phosphodiester obtained using a number of marker gi÷a mót 3'- hidroxyl vμ 5'- phèt ph¸t cña ..v v techniques; historically these were RFLPs, sîi kh¸c. Vai trß tù nhiªn cña nã n»m trong but latterly they are generally polymerase sù söa ch÷a DNA vμ sao chÐp. Mét c«ng ch ch chain reaction based. Synonym: genetic cô quan träng trong kü thuËt DNA t¸i tæ fingerprinting. hîp, v× nã cho phÐp hîp nhÊt DNA ngo¹i sa sa vμo c¸c vect¬. in dÊu DNA XuÊt xø c¸c mÉu duy nhÊt c¸c ®o¹n DNA thu ®-îc cã sö dông mét DNA micro-array m¶ng vi m« DNA Xem: micro-array, somatic cell hybrid panel, chch sè kü thuËt ®¸nh dÊu; tr-íc ®©y chóng lμ c¸c RFLP, nh-ng gÇn ®©y nhÊt chóng radiation hybrid cell panel ii th-êng ®ùa vμo ph¶n øng chuçi enzim DNA polymerase enzym trïng hîp DNA ..d d trïng hîp.Tõ ®ång nghÜa: genetic xem: polymerase. fingerprinting. DNA polymorphism The existence of two DNA helicase An enzyme that catalyses or more alteRNAtive alleles at a DNA- w w the unwinding of the complementary based marker locus. strands of a DNA double helix. Synonym: tÝnh ®a h×nh DNA Sù tån t¹i cña hai hoÆc gyrase. w w nhiÒu alen thay thÕ t¹i mét æ gen ®¸nh dÊu DNA helicaza Mét lo¹i enzim xóc t¸c th¸o dùa vμo DNA. ra c¸c sîi bæ sung cña mét vßng xo¾n kÐp w w DNA primase An enzyme that catalyses DNA. Tõ ®ång nghÜa: gyrase. the synthesis of the short strands of RNA DNA hybridization The annealing of two that initiate the synthesis of DNA strands. single-stranded DNA molecules, possibly DNA primaza Mét lo¹i enzym xóc t¸c tæng of different origin, to form a partial or hîp c¸c sîi ng¾n RNA ®Ó b¾t ®Çu tæng hîp complete double helix. The degree of c¸c sîi DNA. hybridization varies with the extent of DNA probe ®Çu dß DNA xem: probe. complementarity between the two molecules, and this is exploited to test for DNA profile mÆt c¾t DNA xem: DNA the presence of a specific nucleotide fingerprint. sequence in a DNA sample. DNA repair A variety of mechanisms that lai gièng DNA Lμm dÎo hai ph©n tö DNA repair errors (e.g. the incorporation of a sîi ®¬n, cã thÓ gèc kh¸c nhau, ®Ó h×nh non-complementary nucleotide) that occur thμnh mét vßng xo¾n kÐp tõng phÇn hoÆc naturally during DNA replication. ®Çy ®ñ. Møc ®é c¸c kiÓu lai cã quy m« bæ söa ch÷a DNA Sù ®a d¹ng c¬ chÕ söa sung gi÷a hai ph©n tö, vμ ®iÒu nμy ®-îc ch÷a lçi (vÝ dô hîp nhÊt mét nuleotit kh«ng
  • 13. DNA replication 83 bæ sung) xÊy ra tù nhiªn trong qu¸ tr×nh isomerase. sao chÐp DNA. men ®ång ph©n DNA Enzim xóc t¸c ®-a DNA replication The process whereby vμo hoÆc lo¹i bá c¸c ®o¹n siªu xo¾n trong DNA copies itself, under the action of and DNA. Tõ ®ång nghÜa: topo-isomerase. control of DNA polymerase. DNA transformation biÕn n¹p ADN xem: sao chÐp DNA Qu¸ tr×nh mμ b»ng c¸ch ransformation. nμo DNA tù sao chÐp, d-íi ho¹t ®éng vμ DNA vaccine A vaccine generated by the kiÓm tra cña enzim trïng hîp DNA. injection of specific DNA fragments to DNA sequencing Procedures for stimulate an immune response. determining the nucleotide sequence of a v¸c xin DNA Mét vacxin ph¸t sinh do b¬m DNA fragment. Two common methods thªm c¸c ®o¹n DNA ®Æc biÖt ®Ó t¨ng c-êng available: 1. The Maxam Gilbert technique, mét ph¶n øng miÔn dÞch. which uses chemicals to cleave DNA into DNAase xem: DNAse. fragments at specific bases; or, most nn commonly, 2. the Sanger technique (also DNAse Abbreviation for called the di-deoxy or chain-terminating deoxyribonuclease. Any enzyme that ..v v method) which uses DNA polymerase to catalyses the cleavage of DNA make new DNA chains, in the presence of phosphodiester bonds. DNAse I is a ch ch di-deoxynucleotides (chain terminators) digestive endonuclease secreted by the to stop the chain randomly as it grows. In pancreas, that degrades DNA into shorter sa sa both cases, the DNA fragments are fragments. Many other endonucleases and separated according to length by exonucleases are involved in DNA repair polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, and replication. Synonym: DNAase. See: chch enabling the sequence to be read directly restriction endonuclease. ii from the gel. The procedure has become DNAza ViÕt t¾t cña deoxyribonuclease. BÊt increasingly automated and large-scale in kú enzim nμo xóc t¸c nh¸nh liªn kÕt ®i phèt ..d d recent years. ph¸t DNA. DNAse I lμ endonucleaza tiªu x¸c ®Þnh tr×nh tù DNA C¸c ph-¬ng ph¸p hãa ph©n tiÕt do tuyÕn tôy, nã ph©n t¸ch DNA thμnh nh÷ng ®o¹n ng¾n h¬n. NhiÒu w w x¸c ®Þnh tr×nh tù nucleotit cña mét ®o¹n DNA. Hai ph-¬ng ph¸p phæ biÕn ®ang tån endonucleaza vμ exonucleases kh¸c cã t¹i: 1. Kü thuËt Maxam Gilbert, kü thuËt nμy liªn quan trong viÖc söa ch÷a vμ sao chÐp w w sö dông hãa chÊt ®Ó g¾n DNA vμo c¸c DNA. Tõ ®ång nghÜa: ADNasa. Xem: ®o¹n t¹i baz¬ ®Æc biÖt; hoÆc, th«ng dông restriction endonuclease. w w h¬n, 2. kü thuËt Sanger (cßn ®-îc gäi lμ Dolly The first mammal (a sheep) to be ph-¬ng ph¸p di-deoxy hoÆc chain- created (via nuclear transfer) by the terminating) kü thuËt nμy sö dông enzim cloning of an adult cell (from the trïng hîp DNA ®Ó t¹o ra c¸c d·y DNA míi, mammary tissue of a ewe). This showed trong khi cã mÆt c¸c di-deoxynucleotid (cÊu that the process of differentiation into adult tróc ®Çu cuèi d·y) ®Ó lμm ngõng d·y ®ét tissue is not, as previously thought, ngét trong lóc ®ang sinh tr-ëng. Trong c¶ irreversible. hai tr-êng hîp, c¸c ®o¹n DNA ®-îc ph©n cõu Dolly §éng vËt cã vó ®Çu tiªn (cõu) t¸ch theo ®é dμi b»ng ®iÖn di gel ®-îc t¹o ra (nhê chuyÓn nh©n) do nh©n polycrylamit, cho phÐp tr×nh tù ®-îc ®äc dßng mét tÕ bμo tr-ëng thμnh (tõ m« vó trùc tiÕp tõ chÊt gel. Quy tr×nh trë thμnh cõu c¸i). §iÒu nμy ®· chØ ra r»ng qu¸ tr×nh quy m« lín vμ ®-îc tù ®éng hãa ngμy cμng biÖt ho¸ m« tr-ëng thμnh lμ kh«ng thÓ, nh- t¨ng trong vμi n¨m gÇn ®©y. suy nghÜ tr-íc ®©y, kh«ng ®¶o ng-îc. DNA topo-isomerase An enzyme that domain A portion of a protein or DNA catalyses the introduction or removal of molecule that has a discrete function or supercoils in DNA. Synonym: topo- conformation. At the protein level, can
  • 14. dominance 84 be as small as a few amino acid residues resistant to neomycin and analogous or as large as half of the entire protein. antibiotics, while cells that do not carry neor miÒn PhÇn protein hoÆc ph©n tö DNA cã are killed. See: positive selection. chøc n¨ng hoÆc h×nh th¸i riªng biÖt. T¹i chän dÊu chuÈn tréi Chän läc tÕ bμo qua møc protein, cã thÓ nhá nh- mét gèc amino gen m· hãa mét s¶n phÈm chØ cho phÐp acid hoÆc lín nh- mét nöa cña protein toμn tÕ bμo mang gen sinh tr-ëng d-íi c¸c ®iÒu phÇn. kiÖn riªng biÖt. VÝ dô, c¸c tÕ bμo thùc vËt dominance The gene action exhibited by vμ tÕ bμo ®éng vËt biÓu thÞ gen neor ®-îc a dominant allele. chuyÓn lμ thÓ kh¸ng víi neomixin vμ c¸c kh¸ng sinh t-¬ng tù, trong khi nh÷ng tÕ -u thÕ T¸c ®éng gen ®-îc thÓ hiÖn do bμo kh«ng mang neor bÞ tiªu diÖt. Xem: mét alen tréi. positive selection. dominant 1. Of alleles, one whose effect dominant selectable marker A gene that with respect to a particular trait is the same allows the host cell to survive under in heterozygotes as in homozygotes. The nn conditions where it would otherwise die. opposite is recessive. 2. Of an individual Synonym: positive selectable marker. ..v v animal, one that is allowed priority in access to food, mates, etc., by others of dÊu chuÈn lùa chän tréi Gen cho phÐp its species because of its success in tÕ bμo chñ sèng sãt d-íi c¸c ®iÒu kiÖn ë ch ch previous aggressive encounters. 3. Of an n¬i mμ tr¸i ng-îc nã sÏ chÕt. Tõ ®ång animal or plant species, the most nghÜa: positive selectable marker. sa sa conspicuously abundant and characteristic donor junction site The junction between in a particular location or environment. the 5' end of an exon and the 3' end of an chch tÝnh tréi 1.Cña c¸c alen, mét hiÖu øng cña intron. See: acceptor junction site. chóng cã liªnquan víi mét tÝnh tr¹ng riªng vÞ trÝ nèi thÓ cho sù nèi liÒn gi÷a mót 5' ii biÖt lμ ®iÓm gièng nhau trong dÞ hîp tö cña mét exon vμ mót 3' mét intron. Xem: ..d d còng nh- ®ång hîp tö. Ng-îc l¹i lμ lÆn. 2. acceptor junction site. Cña mét c¸ thÓ ®éng vËt, mét c¸ thÓ cho donor plant c©y cho Xem: ortet. phÐp quyÒn -u tiªn sö dông thøc ¨n, dormancy A period in the life of an animal w w nguyªn liÖu, v.v., do sù kh¸c víi loμi cña (hibeRNAtion and aestivation) or plant nã v× nh÷ng thμnh c«ng trong c¹nh tranh during which growth slows or completely lÊn ¸t tr-íc ®©y. 3. Cña mét loμi ®éng vËt w w ceases. Evolved to allow survival of hoÆc thùc vËt, tÝnh phong phó næi bËt vμ adverse environmental conditions. Annual ®iÓn h×nh nhÊt trong mét vÞ trÝ hoÆc m«i w w plants survive the winter as dormant tr-êng ®Æc biÖt. seeds, while many perennial plants survive dominant (-acting) oncogene A gene that as dormant tubers, rhizomes, or bulbs. stimulates cell proliferation and Premature breaking of seed dormancy contributes to oncogenesis when present post harvest can be a major problem for in a single copy. maintaining nutritional and/or functional gen ung th- tréi (-ho¹t ®éng) Gen kÝch quality, while difficulties in breaking thÝch t¨ng tr-ëng tÕ bμo vμ gãp phÇn h×nh dormancy will lead to poor germination thμnh ung th- khi cã mÆt trong b¶n sao of the crop. See: quiescent. ®¬n. tr¹ng th¸i ngñ nghØ Mét giai ®o¹n sèng dominant marker selection Selection of cña ®éng vËt (ngñ ®«ng vμ ngñ hÌ) hoÆc cells via a gene encoding a product that thùc vËt trong k× sinh tr-ëng chËm l¹i hoÆc enables only the cells that carry the gene hoμn toμn ngõng. §-îc tiÕn ho¸ ®Ó cho to grow under particular conditions. For phÐp tån t¹i d-íi nh÷ng ®iÒu kiÖn m«i example, plant and animal cells that tr-êng ®èi lËp. C©y mét n¨m tån t¹i mïa express the introduced neo r gene are ®«ng nh- c¸c h¹t gièng ngñ nghØ, trong
  • 15. dosage compensation 85 khi nhiÒu c©y l©u n¨m tån t¹i nh- th©n cñ, double helix Describes the coiling of the th©n rÔ, hoÆc loμi th©n èng. Ph¸ vì sím two strands of the double-stranded DNA h¹t gièng ngñ nghØ sau thu ho¹ch cã thÓ molecule, resembling a spiral staircase in lμ vÊn ®Ò chÝnh ®Ó duy tr× chÊt l-îng dinh which the base pairs form the steps and d-ìng vμ/ hoÆc chøc n¨ng, hÇu hÕt khã the sugar-phosphate backbones form the kh¨n trong ph¸ vì ngñ sÏ dÉn tíi h¹t gièng rails on each side. One strand runs 3'?5', kÐm n¶y mÇm. Xem: quiescent. while the complementary one runs 5'?3' dosage compensation A regulatory xo¾n kÐp M« t¶ sù xo¾n l¹i cña hai sîi mechanism for sex-linked genes, to allow ph©n tö DNA sîi kÐp, gièng cÇu thang xo¾n equivalent levels of gene expression from èc trong ®ã cÆp baz¬ h×nh thμnh bËc vμ (in mammals) XY or XX genotypes, even trôc phèt ph¸t- ®-êng h×nh thμnh ®-êng though the gene copy number in XX is tay vÞn ë mçi bªn. Mét sîi ch¹y 3 ‘? 5 ‘, double that in XY. See: sex linkage, Barr trong khi mét bæ sung ch¹y 5 ‘? 3 ‘ body. double recessive An organism nn bï liÒu l-îng C¬ chÕ ®iÒu chØnh c¸c gen homozygous for a recessive allele at each liªn kÕt giíi tÝnh, ®Ó cho phÐp c¸c møc of two loci. ..v v t-¬ng ®-¬ng biÓu thÞ gen tõ (trong ®éng lÆn kÐp Mét sinh vËt ®ång hîp tö v× alen vËt cã vó) c¸c kiÓu di truyÒn XY hoÆc XX, lÆn t¹i mçi mét vÞ trÝ cña hai æ gen. ch ch mÆc dï sè b¶n sao gen trong XX gÊp hai double-stranded complementary DNA trong XY. Xem: sex linkage, Barr body. (Abbreviation: dscDNA). A double- sa sa double crossing-over The formation of stranded DNA molecule created from a two chiasmata within a chromosome arm, cDNA template. leading to the generation of a double chch DNA bæ sung sîi kÐp (viÕt t¾t: dscDNA). recombinant gamete with respect to Mét ph©n tö DNA sîi kÐp ®-îc t¹o ra tõ ii genes located within the segment defined mét khung mÉu cDNA by the two genes concerned. ..d d double-stranded DNA (Abbreviation: b¾t chÐo ngoμi kÐp Sù h×nh thμnh hai chç dsDNA). Two complementary strands of b¾t chÐo trong mét nh¸nh nhiÔm s¾c thÓ, DNA annealed in the form of a double w w dÉn tíi ph¸t sinh mét giao tö t¸i tæ hîp kÐp helix. Synonym: duplex DNA. liªn quan c¸c gen ®Þnh vÞ bªn trong ®o¹n ®-îc x¸c ®Þnh do hai gen liªn quan. DNA sîi kÐp (viÕt t¾t: dscDNA). Hai sîi w w bæ sung cña DNA ®-îc ng©m trong h×nh double fertilization A process, unique to d¹ng cña mét chuçi xo¾n kÐp.Tõ ®ång flowering plants, in which two male nuclei, w w nghÜa: duplex DNA. which have travelled down the pollen tube, separately fuse with different female nuclei doubling time thêi gian nh©n ®«i xem : in the embryo sac. The first male nucleus cell generation time. fuses with the egg cell to form the zygote; down promoter mutation A mutation that the second male nucleus fuses with the decreases the frequency of initiation of two polar nuclei to form a triploid nucleus transcription. This leads to a fall in the that develops into the endosperm. level of mRNA compared to the wild type thô tinh kÐp Mét qu¸ tr×nh, duy nhÊt ®èi state. víi loμi c©y ra hoa, trong ®ã hai nh©n ®ùc, ®ét biÕn khëi ®Çu thuËn §ét biÕn lμm ®-îc chuyÓn xuèng èng phÊn, kÕt hîp gi¶m tÇn sè b¾t ®Çu phiªn m·. §iÒu nμy riªng víi nh©n c¸i trong tói ph«i. Sù dung dÉn tíi gi¶m møc mRNA so víi tr¹ng th¸i hîp nh©n ®ùc thø nhÊt víi tÕ bμo trøng ®Ó kiÓu d¹i. h×nh thμnh hîp tö; sù dung hîp nh©n ®ùc down-regulate To induce genetically a thø hai víi hai nh©n cùc ®Ó h×nh thμnh mét reduction in the level of a gene’s h¹t nh©n thÓ tam béi ph¸t triÓn thμnh néi expression. ph«i nhò.
  • 16. downstream 86 ®iÒu chØnh xuèng Lμm gi¶m møc biÓu disease-causing genes in the human thÞ gen di truyÒn. genome, more than half have an downstream 1. With respect to DNA, the analogous gene in the Drosophila genome. nucleotides that lie in the 3' direction from ruåi dÊm bông ®en Lo¹i ruåi dÊm, ®-îc the point of reference, which is frequently dïng trong nhiÒu n¨m lμm m« h×nh di the site at which transcription is initiated. truyÒn häc nh©n chuÈn. Cña gÇn 300 gen This is generally designated +1, with g©y bÖnh trong hÖ gen ng-êi, h¬n mét nöa downstream nucleotides numbered +2, cã gen t-¬ng tù víi hÖ gen ruåi giÊm. +10 etc. 2. In chemical engineering, those drug thuèc xem: therapeutic agent phases of a manufacturing process that drug delivery Method by which a drug is follow the biotransformation stage. delivered to its site of action. For traditional Usually refers to the recovery and drugs this is another name for formulation. purification of the product of a However, biotechnology has allowed the fermentation process. See: downstream development of a range of new processing. nn therapeutic-agent delivery systems, such xu«i dßng 1. Cã liªn quan víi DNA, nh÷ng as liposomes and other encapsulation ..v v nuleotit n»m theo h-íng 3' tõ ®iÓm liªn hÖ, techniques, and a range of mechanisms th-êng lμ vÞ trÝ mμ t¹i ®ã phiªn m· b¾t ®Çu. that target a therapeutic agent to a ch ch ë ®©y th-êng ®-îc chØ +1, víi nuleotit xu«i particular cell or tissue. dßng ghi sè +2, +10 v©n v©n. 2. Trong kü chuyÓn nhËn thuèc Ph-¬ng ph¸p ®Ó mét sa sa thuËt hãa häc, c¸c giai ®o¹n cña qu¸ tr×nh lo¹i thuèc ®-îc ph©n ph¸t tíi vÞ trÝ ho¹t s¶n xuÊt tiÕp theo giai ®o¹n biÕn ®æi sinh ®éng. Víi c¸c thuèc truyÒn thèng ®©y lμ häc. Th-êng ®Ò cËp tíi kh«i phôc vμ lμm chch tªn chÝnh thøc ho¸ kh¸c. Tuy nhiªn, ngμnh s¹ch s¶n phÈm cña qu¸ tr×nh lªn men. c«ng nghÖ sinh häc ®· cho phÐp ph¸t triÓn ii Xem: downstream processing. mét lo¹t c¸c hÖ thèng chuyÓn nhËn t¸c downstream processing A general term ..d d nh©n-liÖu ph¸p ch÷a bÖnh míi, nh- for biotechnological processes which liposomes vμ c¸c kü thuËt bäc nang kh¸c follow the biology, i.e. fermentation of a nhau, vμ mét lo¹t c¸c c¬ chÕ cïng nh»m micro-organism or growth of a plant. w w ®Ých mét t¸c nh©n ch÷a bÖnh cho tÕ bμo Particularly relevant to fermentation hoÆc m« riªng biÖt. processes, which produce a large quantity dry weight The weight of tissue obtained w w of a dilute mixture of substances, products following sufficiently prolonged oven-drying and micro-organisms. These must be at high temperature to remove all water. w w separated, and the product concentrated, Freeze-drying may also be employed but purified and converted into a useful form. generates a slightly different result xö lý xu«i dßng Mét thuËt ng÷ chung chØ because bound water is not removed. c¸c qu¸ tr×nh c«ng nghÖ sinh häc kÕ tiÕp See: free water. sinh häc, nh- lªn men vi sinh vËt hoÆc sinh träng l-îng kh« Träng l-îng m« thu ®-îc tr-ëng thùc vËt. Liªn quan ®Æc biÖt víi c¸c sau khi sÊy kÐo dμi ®Çy ®ñ ë nhiÖt ®é cao qu¸ tr×nh lªn men, ®Ó s¶n xuÊt mét sè ®Ó lo¹i bá toμn bé n-íc. §«ng kh« cã thÓ l-îng lín hçn hîp nhiÒu lo¹i chÊt, s¶n còng ®-îc sö dông nh-ng ph¸t sinh kÕt phÈm vμ vi sinh vËt. Chóng cÇn ph¶i ®-îc qu¶ kh¸c nhau v× n-íc liªn kÕt ch-a ®-îc ph©n t¸ch, vμ s¶n phÈm ®-îc tËp trung, lo¹i bá. Xem: free water. lμm s¹ch vμ chuyÓn ®æi thμnh d¹ng h÷u Ých. dscDNA xem: double-stranded complementary DNA. drift xu thÕ xem: genetic drift. dsDNA DNA sîi kÐp xem: dsDNA. Drosophila melanogaster The fruit fly, used for many years as a model for dTTP Rarely used but strictly correct eukaryotic genetics. Of the nearly 300 abbreviation for deoxythymidine 5'-
  • 17. dual culture 87 triphosphate. Required for DNA synthesis lo¹i m« thùc vËt vμ mét lo¹i sinh vËt (nh- since it is a direct precursor molecule. See: lμ giun trßn) hoÆc mét hiÖn t-îng ký sinh/ TTP. vi sinh vËt (nh- mét lo¹i nÊm) mang tÝnh dTTP RÊt Ýt khi ®-îc dïng nh-ng ch÷ viÕt b¾t buéc. Kü thuËt nu«i cÊy kÐp ®-îc sö t¾t ®óng chÝnh x¸c cña deoxythymidin 5' dông v× liªn quan nhiÒu môc ®Ých, bao gåm triphosphat. CÇn thiÕt ®Ó tæng hîp DNA v× ®¸nh gi¸ c¸c mèi t-¬ng t¸c ký sinh vËt chñ nã lμ mét ph©n tö tiÒn chÊt trùc tiÕp. xem: vμ s¶n phÈm nu«i cÊy v« trïng. TTP. duplex DNA Xem: double-stranded dual culture A culture made of a plant DNA. tissue and one organism (such as a duplication Multiple occurrence of: 1. A nematode) or an obligate parasite/micro- DNA sequence within a defined length of organism (such as a fungus). Dual culture DNA; or 2. A specific segment in the same techniques are used for a variety of chromosome or genome. purposes, including assessing host- lÆp ®o¹n BiÕn cè phøc t¹p cña: 1. Mét tr×nh nn parasite interactions and the production of axenic cultures. tù DNA trong mét ®o¹n DNA ®-îc x¸c ®Þnh; ..v v nu«i cÊy kÐp Nu«i cÊy ®-îc t¹o ra do mét hoÆc 2. Mét ®o¹n ®Æc biÖt trong cïng mét nhiÔm s¾c thÓ hoÆc hÖ gen. ch ch sa sa ch ii ch ..d d w w w w w w
  • 18. 88 ectopic Anomalous situation or relation, particularly with respect to pregnancy, where the foetus is implanted outside the uterus. l¹c vÞ T×nh tr¹ng hoÆc mèi liªn quan kh¸c Ee th-êng, ®Æc biÖt cã mang thai, khi bμo thai ®-îc g¾n ngoμi tö cung. edible vaccine Edible antigen-containing material, that activates the immune system E site vÞ trÝ E xem: exit site. via gut-associated lymphoid tissues. A E. coli xem: Escherichia coli. preferred route for vaccine administration, EBV xem: estimated breeding value. particularly in areas where the EC xem: Enzyme Commission number. technological infrastructure needed for maintenance of vaccines is absent. The ecdysone A steroid hormone in insects nn vaccine is synthesized in vivo in the edible stimulating the synthesis of proteins parts of transgenic plants (e.g. grains, ..v v involved in moulting and metamorphosis. tubers, fruits, etc.) or eggs. Mét hãc m«n steriod cña c«n trïng kÝch vacxin thùc phÈm VËt chÊt chøa kh¸ng ch ch thÝch tæng hîp protein g©y rông l«ng vμ nguyªn ¨n ®-îc, ®Ó kÝch ho¹t hÖ thèng gióp c«n trïng vò hãa. miÔn dÞch nhê c¸c m« b¹ch huyÕt kÕt hîp sa sa eclosion 1. Emergence of an adult insect víi ruét non. Mét con ®-êng thÝch hîp ®Ó from the pupal stage. 2. Initial phase of qu¶n lý vacxin, ®Æc biÖt trong c¸c vïng n¬i germination of fungal spores. cßn thiÕu c¬ së h¹ tÇng c«ng nghÖ cÇn chch sù në 1. Vò ho¸ cña c«n trïng tr-ëng thiÕt ®Ó duy tr× vacxin. Vacxin ®-îc tæng ii thμnh chuyÓn tõ giai ®o¹n nhéng. 2. K× ®Çu hîp trong c¬ thÓ ë trong thμnh phÇn ¨n n¶y mÇm cña bμo tö nÊm. ®-îc cña thùc vËt chuyÓn gen (vÝ dô nh- ..d d ecological diversity ®a d¹ng sinh th¸i lμ h¹t, th©n cñ, qu¶, v.v.,) hoÆc trøng. häc xem: biodiversity. editing so¹n th¶o xem: splicing (1). w w economic trait locus (Abbreviation: ETL). EDTA xem: splicing (1). A locus influencing a trait that contributes EDV viÕt t¾t cña essential derivation of to producer’s income. w w varieties. æ gen tÝnh tr¹ng kinh tÕ (viÕt t¾t: ETL) VÞ effector cells Cells of the immune system trÝ gen cã ¶nh h-ëng ®Õn mét tÝnh tr¹ng w w that are responsible for the production of gãp phÇn t¨ng thu nhËp cho ng-êi s¶n cell-mediated cytotoxicity. xuÊt. tÕ bμo t¸c ®éng TÕ bμo cña hÖ thèng miÔn ecosystem The complex of a living dÞch cã tr¸ch nhiÖm s¶n xuÊt cytotoxicity community and its environment, ®iÒu chØnh tÕ bμo. functioning as an ecological unit in nature. effector molecule A molecule that See: abiotic; biotic factors. influences the behaviour of a regulatory hÖ sinh th¸i Phøc hÖ céng ®ång sèng vμ molecule, such as a repressor protein, m«i tr-êng cña nã, chøc n¨ng nh- mét ®¬n thereby influencing gene expression. vÞ sinh th¸i trong tù nhiªn. Xem: abiotic; ph©n tö t¸c ®éng Ph©n tö cã ¶nh h-ëng biotic factors. ®Õn sù thÓ hiÖn ph©n tö ®iÒu hoμ, nh- ecotype A population or a strain of an protein k×m h·m, do vËy lμm ¶nh h-ëng organism that is adapted to a particular biÓu thÞ gen. habitat. egg 1. The fertilized zygote in egg-laying kiÓu sinh th¸i QuÇn thÓ hoÆc chñng sinh animals. 2. The mature female vËt thÝch nghi víi n¬i c- tró riªng biÖt. reproductive cell in animals and plants.
  • 19. EGS 89 trøng 1. Hîp tö ®-îc thô tinh cña ®éng used to resolve complex mixtures of vËt ®Î trøng. 2.TÕ bμo sinh s¶n c¸i tr-ëng macromolecules into their components. Its thμnh cña ®éng vËt vμ thùc vËt. principle is to subject samples to an electric EGS xem: external guide sequence. field applied across a porous matrix. Molecules will migrate under these EIA xem: enzyme immunoassay, ELISA. conditions at a rate dependent on their net elastin A fibrous protein that is the major electric charge and/or their molecular constituent of the yellow elastic fibres of weight. See: agarose gel animal connective tissue. electrophoresis, polyacrylamide gel Mét protein sîi lμ phÇn tö chÝnh cña sîi electrophoresis, denaturing gradient ®μn håi mμu vμng cña m« liªn hîp ®éng gel electrophoresis, capillary vËt. electrophoresis, sodium dodecyl electro-blotting The electrophoretic sulphate polyacrylamide gel transfer of DNA, RNA or protein from a electrophoresis, thermal gel gradient gel, in which they have been separated, electrophoresis pulsed-field gel nn to a support matrix, such as electrophoresis, and iso-electric ..v v nitrocellulose. A transfer technique focusing gel employed in Southern and northern ®iÖn di Kü thuËt sinh häc ph©n tö ®-îc ch ch blotting. dïng phæ biÕn, víi nhiÒu ph-¬ng ¸n, thÈm t¸ch ®iÖn ChuyÓn giao hiÖn t-îng th-êng ®Ó ph©n t¸ch hçn hîp phøc t¹p cña ®¹i ph©n tö thμnh nh÷ng phÇn nhá h¬n. sa sa ®iÖn chuyÓn cña DNA, RNA hoÆc protein tõ mét chÊt gel, trong ®ã chóng ®-îc ph©n Nguyªn lý cña nã lμ ®-a mÉu thö tíi mét t¸ch, thμnh hçn hîp hç trî, nh- tr-êng ®iÖn ®-îc ¸p dông qua m«i tr-êng chch nitroxeluloza. kü thuËt di chuyÓn ®-îc sö xèp. Ph©n tö sÏ di chuyÓn d-íi ®iÒu kiÖn nμy víi nhÞp ®é tïy thuéc vμo tÝch n¹p ®iÖn ii dông trong lai m¹ch ®¬n Southern vμ Northern. vμ/hoÆc träng l-îng ph©n tö. Xem: (nh- ..d d trªn) electrochemical sensor Biosensors, such as an enzyme electrode, in which a electroporation The induction of transient biological process is harnessed to an pores in bacterial cells or protoplasts by w w electrical sensor system. Other types the application of a pulse of electricity. couple a biological event to an electrical These pores allow the entry of exogenous w w one via a range of mechanisms, including DNA into the cell. Widely used for the the reduction of oxygen or pH change. transformation of bacteria. w w c¶m øng ®iÖn ho¸ §Çu thô c¶m sinh häc, c¶m ®iÖn C¶m øng cña lç thë t¹m thêi nh- ®iÖn cùc men, trong ®ã qu¸ tr×nh sinh trong tÕ bμo vi khuÈn hoÆc thÓ nguyªn sinh häc ®-îc khai th¸c cña hÖ thèng c¶m øng do sö dông xung ®iÖn. C¸c lç thë cho phÐp ®iÖn. C¸c kiÓu cÆp ®«i tr-êng hîp sinh häc DNA ngo¹i sinh x©m nhËp vμo tÕ bμo. kh¸c víi mét ®iÖn cùc nhê mét lo¹t c¬ chÕ, §-îc sö dông réng r·i ®Ó biÕn n¹p vi bao gåm gi¶m oxi hoÆc thay ®æi pH. khuÈn. electron microscope (Abbreviation: EM). ELISA Abbreviation for enzyme-linked A microscope that uses an electron beam immunosorbent assay. An immunoassay, focussed by magnetic ‘lenses’. See: i.e. an antibody-based technique for the scanning electron microscope. diagnosis of the presence and quantity of specific molecules in a mixed sample. It kÝnh hiÓn vi ®iÖn tö (viÕt t¾t: EM). KÝnh combines the specificity of an hiÓn vi cã sö dông mét chïm tia ®iÖn tö immunoglobulin with the detectability of ®-îc tËp trung b»ng nh÷ng thÊu kÝnh an enzyme-generated coloured product. In m¹nh. xem: scanning electron microscope. one form, the primary antibody (specific electrophoresis A ubiquitous molecular to the test protein) is adsorbed onto a solid biology technique, with many variants, substrate, and a known amount of the
  • 20. elite tree 90 sample is added; all the antigen in the cÊy tÕ bμo thùc vËt trong èng nghiÖm. sample is bound by the antibody. A second embryo cloning The creation of identical antibody (conjugated with an enzyme) copies of an embryo by embryo splitting specific for a second site on the test protein or by nuclear transfer from is added; and the enzyme generates a undifferentiated embryonic cells. colour change in the presence of a nh©n dßng ph«i T¹o thμnh c¸c b¶n sao substrate reagent. ®ång nhÊt cña ph«i do t¸ch ph«i hoÆc ELISA ViÕt t¾t cña: thö nghiÖm chuÈn ®o¸n chuyÓn nh©n tõ tÕ bμo ph«i kh«ng ph©n miÔn dÞch liªn kÕt enzim. Thö nghiÖm miÔn hãa. dÞch, nghÜa lμ mét kü thuËt dùa vμo kh¸ng embryo culture The culture of embryos thÓ ®Ó chÈn ®o¸n sù cã mÆt vμ sè l-îng on nutrient media. cña c¸c ph©n tö trong mÉu hçn hîp. KÕt hîp tÝnh chÊt ®Æc thï cña huyÕt thanh miÔn nu«i cÊy ph«i Nu«i cÊy ph«i trªn m«i dÞch víi tÝnh chÊt cã thÓ nhËn biÕt cña s¶n tr-êng chÊt dinh d-ìng. phÈm ®-îc t« mμu ph¸t sinh enzim. Trong embryo multiplication and transfer nn mét d¹ng, kh¸ng thÓ ®Çu (®Æc hiÖu víi (Abbreviation: EMT). The cloning of animal ..v v protein thö) ®-îc hót b¸m trªn dung dÞch embryos and their subsequent transfer to ®Æc, vμ thªm vμo mét l-îng mÉu nhÊt ®Þnh; recipients via artificial inembryonation. ch ch tÊt c¶ kh¸ng nguyªn trong mÉu ®Òu ®-îc The cloned embryos can be derived from kh¸ng thÓ bã chÆt. Kh¸ng thÓ thø hai (liªn embryonic or adult tissue. hîp víi enzim) ®Æc hiÖu cho vÞ trÝ thø hai sa sa nh©n vμ chuyÓn ph«i (viÕt t¾t: EMT). T¹o trªn protein thö ®-îc thªm vμo; vμ enzim dßng ph«i ®éng vËt vμ chuyÓn tiÕp theo ph¸t sinh thay ®æi mμu khi cã mÆt mét chÊt cho thÓ nhËn qua ghÐp ph«i nh©n t¹o. Ph«i chch t¹o ph¶n øng thuèc thö. ®-îc t¹o dßng cã thÓ b¾t nguån tõ ph«i ii elite tree A phenotypically superior tree in hoÆc tõ m« tr-ëng thμnh. a tree breeding programme. embryo rescue A sequence of tissue ..d d c©y ®¼ng cÊp C©y tèt nhÊt vÒ kiÓu h×nh culture techniques utilized to enable a trong ch-¬ng tr×nh nh©n gièng c©y trång. fertilized immature embryo resulting from an interspecific cross to continue growth w w elongation factors Soluble proteins required for the elongation of polypeptide and development, until it can be chains on ribosomes. regenerated into an adult plant. w w nh©n tè kÐo dμi Protein hoμ tan cÇn thiÕt cøu ph«i Tr×nh tù kü thuËt nu«i cÊy m« ®Ó kÐo dμi chuçi polyeptit trªn ribosom. ®-îc dïng gióp cho ph«i ch-a tr-ëng thμnh w w ®-îc thô tinh do lai kh¸c loμi ®Ó tiÕp tôc embryo An immature organism in the early sinh tr-ëng vμ ph¸t triÓn, cho ®Õn khi cã stages of development. In mammals, thÓ ®-îc t¸i sinh thμnh c©y tr-ëng thμnh. develops in the first months in the uterus. In plants, it is the structure that develops embryo sac The mature female in the megagametophyte, as result of the gametophyte in angiosperms. Generally fertilization of an egg cell, or occasionally a seven-celled structure - two synergids, without fertilization. Somatic embryos can one egg cell, three antipodal cells (each often be induced in in vitro plant cell with a single haploid nucleus) and one cultures. endosperm mother cell with two haploid nuclei. ph«i Sinh vËt non trong giai ®o¹n ph¸t triÓn sím. Trong ®éng vËt cã vó, sù ph¸t tói ph«i ThÓ giao tö c¸i tr-ëng thμnh trong triÓn trong c¸c th¸ng ®Çu trong tö cung. c©y h¹t kÝn. Th-êng cã cÊu tróc b¶y tÕ bμo Trong c©y trång, lμ cÊu tróc ph¸t triÓn trong - hai trî bμo, mét tÕ bμo trøng, ba tÕ bμo ®¹i giao tö, kÕt qu¶ cña thô tinh tÕ bμo ®èi cùc (mçi tÕ bμo ®Òu cã mét nh©n ®¬n trøng, hoÆc ®«i khi kh«ng thô tinh. Ph«i béi) vμ mét tÕ bμo mÑ néi ph«i nhò mang x«ma cã thÓ th-êng ®-îc t¹o ra khi nu«i hai nh©n ®¬n béi.