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Can you act ual l y measure t he ‘ Level of Vi sual
Merchandi si ng ( VM ) i n a Hypermarket ?
Yes you Can ………. .
Peshwa Acharya
peshwa. expert @gmai l . com
i ndi a
Cont ent s
al l St or e exper i ence 
and f eel : Ext er i or & I nt er i or 
I n st or e communi cat i on 
ber of el ement s pr esent i n each st or e 
handi ze pl anni ng & st acki ng 
gat i on i n t he st or e 
/ VM el ement s 
ht i ng 
ur es 
et i ng f i xt ur es / HL i t ems 
w si gn 
el at i on bet ween VM / I n st or e communi cat i on & Pr oduct s avai l abi l i t y
Overal l St ore experi ence
The St or e car r i es l engt h & dept h i n t he Gr ocer i es & Mont hl y need sect i on but
don’ t f i nd t he same i n appar el s, col or cosmet i cs, musi c & t oys. The f eel of t he St or e
was not so gr eat f or t he f i r st I mpr essi on. For a r egul ar Super mar ket / Hyper mar ket
vi si t or I bel i eve woul d be a l i t t l e di sappoi nt ed when he vi si t s t he St or e ( a per sonal
obser vat i on) . On second t hought s I f el t a coupl e of compet i t or s ar e wel l pl aced i n
t er ms of l ook & f eel .
A need t o r ef r ai n wi t h bar r age of communi cat i on or t her e i s a need t o
r est r uct ur e t he si gnage pr i nci pl e used i n t he St or e. I f t her e i s a Cycl e r unni ng wi t h
vi sual communi cat i on suppor t i ng i t t hat needs t o be r epl aced / scr aped of f t he f l oor
f r om cust omer ’ s eyes once i t ends. Ther e i s a ur gent need of onsi t e gui dance f or
st or e pr esent at i on who may make a di f f er ence f el t who can t ake t he r esponsi bi l i t y.
The f i xt ur es used i n Gr ound f l oor ar e i r r egul ar i n t er ms of car r yi ng Focus /
Spot l i ght s t hat needs t o be wor ked on.
Look and f eel : Ext eri or & Int eri or
An i mposi ng and a wel comi ng space on t he ent r ance, enough vi si bi l i t y of t he
br andi ng on t he bui l di ng i s er ect ed whi ch i s qui t e good wi t h r ef er ence t o t he mai n
br andi ng i s concer ned
The l et t i ng down f act or s ar e – t he Tot em pol e t hat i s er ect ed doesn' t seem t o be i n
pr opor t i on t o t he f açade / bui l di ng si ze
The t ot em pol e needs a r evamp i n t er ms of communi cat i on i s not vi si bl e i n t he
dayl i ght as t he pr i nt s have f aded out or we need t o r el ook at r edoi ng t he st r uct ur e
wi t h a r eposi t i oni ng t he t ot em f r om pr esent y st at i oned, changi ng of t he backl i t t o
Look and f eel : Ext eri or & Int eri or
The Ar ch & t he Dr op down shoul d have been bet t er used or scr apped i f not
appl i cabl e - The ar ch @ Ent r ance & t he Dr opdown f aci ng t he Ent r ance r at her t han t he
Bui l di ng
Look and f eel : Ext eri or & Int eri or
The Goal Post at t he ent r ance i s bei ng used t o st i ck communi cat i on on i t
al t er nat i vel y f i xt ur es can be made l ocal l y t o car r y t hem i nst ead or scr ol l up
St andees can al so be used wi t h economi cal pr i nt s used
( f i x t ur e d e t a i l i n ne x t p a g e )
Look and f eel : Ext eri or & Int eri or
The opt i on of changi ng communi cat i on can be mor e of t en & economi cal compar ed t o ot her
f i xt ur es Pr i nt s on nor mal paper can get t he j ob done
Acrylic Sleeves
Look and f eel : Ext eri or & Int eri or
The per manent si gnages f or Par ki ng used ar e i nsuf f i ci ent & ar e r epl aced by Paper
pr i nt s whi ch i s a l et down i n t er ms of uni f or mi t y i n VM Docket
VM / In st ore communi cat i on
Dur i ng t he vi si t t o Val ue f or mat s one not i ceabl e f eat ur e was t he communi cat i on
i s pr esent but not ut i l i zed i n pr oper manner / t he way t hey ar e supposed t o be used.
Coupl e of r eason t hat st r i kes ar e absence of a VM r esour ce onsi t e, absence or r ei ns
t o gui de t hem( ?) .
Bei ng a hyper mar ket f ocus needs t o be gi ven on how Communi cat i on can be used
on t he Shop f l oor , whi ch can gi ve r et ur ns a cl assi c exampl e seen i s i n Super mar ket s
i n per sonal car e depar t ment s wher e br and pr omot ed communi cat i on hel ps i n sel l i ng t he
VM / In st ore communi cat i on
A cost ef f ect i ve opt i on f or
usi ng communi cat i on dur i ng speci al
t hemes & of f er s –pr e pr i nt ed har d
paper hangi ngs on t he shel f r ai l i ng
at t he same t i me used pr udent l y
The Per cent age OFF i s a r egul ar
f eat ur e obser ved, i nst ead of car r yi ng t oo
many yel l ow si gnages acr oss t he f l oor ,
al t er nat i vel y we can use t he one i n RDRL or
wobbl er s of t he same communi cat i on l ooks mor e
VM / In st ore communi cat i on
A good ef f or t at execut i on of a di spl ay t hat needs compl et i on i n t er ms of
accessor i zi ng & Cr oss mer chandi si ng t he di spl ay, si gnages of t he pr oduct s.
The Ki ds di spl ay was done wi t h pr oper adj acency, but t he t ops f or t he t r ouser s
on di spl ay mi ssed t he t ops f or t hem. The same coul d have been appl i ed t o bi n of
shi r t s t hat car r i ed a T Shi r t bust behi nd t he same
VM / In st ore communi cat i on
A si gnage I woul d not l i ke t o mi ss r eadi ng whi l e pur chasi ng! ! ! A good t i p but
a di f f er ent medi a i f used woul d have been bet t er vi z. Pr i nt on Foamcor e i nst ead of
paper & near t he Car pet s & r ugs especi al l y.
The pr esent one used was f ar f et ched f r om depar t ment at a POS
El ement s present i n st ore
1. Regul ar Si gnages – SELs, FAB Car ds
2. Of f er Communi cat i on – I n- house ( yel l ow si gnages) & Br and Sponsor ed
3. Dangl er – I n- house & Br and Sponsor ed
4. St andees – I n- house & Br and Sponsor ed
5. Fl oor Gr aphi cs
6. Gat e Ar ches
7. Dr op downs – I nt er i or & Ext er i or
8. Di spl ay Cor ner s
El ement s present i n st ore - SELs, FAB Cards
Empt y shel ves car r yi ng SELs, we may l ook at t he opt i on of pr e pr i nt i ng t he SEL
r ol l s wi t h a message as “ I wi l l be back” on t he ot her si de of t he l abel & t ur ned when
t he pr oduct goes of f shel f unt i l r epl aced
I will be back
I will be back
El ement s present i n st ore - FAB Cards & Of f er Communi cat i on
El ement s present i n st ore - SELs
SELs seem t o be i ncompl et e as t he f eat ur es ar e not get t i ng pr i nt ed on t hem ( i f t he
f or mat of t he same i s di f f er ent one RDRL f ol l ows wi l l be bet t er )
SELs’ usage i s pr et t y consi st ent i n some depar t ment – Musi c, Toys, Consumer Dur abl es,
some shel ves of Per sonal Car e
El ement s present i n st ore - FAB Cards & Of f er Communi cat i on
El ement s present i n st ore - Dangl er, St andees
El ement s present i n st ore - Drop downs, Di spl ay Corners
El ement s present i n st ore - Drop downs, Di spl ay Corners
Kudos t o Desi gner & Execut i oner ! ! !
Correl at i on bet ween VM / In st ore communi cat i on & Product s
avai l abi l i t y
The pr oduct communi cat i on t hat wer e put wer e al most per f ect but f or t he
Pr omo / Theme dangl er s wer e a l et of f , The spar kl i ng Cel ebr at i on cycl e i s l ong over
but seems t o be st i l l r unni ng i n t he val ue f or mat s ei t her i n f or m of dangl er s or
st andees – Hubl i , Bangal or e & Chennai St or es may be not al l t hough.
Si gnage / VM el ement s : what you l i ke & di sl i ke
Though not cor r ect t he appr eci at e abl e f act or i s t he ef f or t t hat i s put i n t o
get t hi ngs happeni ng wi t hout any speci al i st r esour ce i s commendabl e.
Fr om a Cust omer s poi nt of vi ew he needs t o “ KNOW” what i s happeni ng, so t he
need t o communi cat e Of f er s, Pr omot i ons, Ti ps t hr ough Si gnages & ot her medi um. Thi s
par t i cul ar demand i s met at t he shop f l oor as of now.
A coupl e of di spl ays done i n some appar el , gr ocer y depar t ment at t he st or e,
par t i cul ar l y t he Ki ds sect i on nest i ng t abl e, a di spl ay of Ki t chen Car e Appl i ances,
t he l i ne of i mpul se bi ns neat l y st acked at t he Cash Count er s. A good concept of
havi ng a di spl ay of Gr eens on a Car t Wheel whi ch gave me a i nst ant r el at i on bui l d
wi t h i t .
The i dea of cr oss sect i onal di spl ay i s a good t hi ng t hat i s been pr act i ced i n
dr i vi ng peopl e t o t he ot her f l oor , & di spl ayi ng t he mer chandi se at f ocal poi nt s i f
t hey can be i ncr eased…
The Bever age shel ves wer e t he best on di spl ay i n t he f l oor , at t he same t i me
havi ng a di spl ay cor ner whi ch had a pr omo di spl ay ( l i ve f or f r ee) had a good
posi t i oni ng i . e. . near t he baker y & Conf ect i oner y sect i ons.
The usage of Gl or i f i er s t hat i s used at some sect i on of Or al Car e, Hai r Car e
Body car e wi t h some car r yi ng t i ps ar e good when I go out f or shoppi ng.
The Gl ow Si gn Br andi ng was apt l y si zed as t o be vi si bl e at l east 3 si des of t he
bui l di ng & qui t e a Landmar k i n t he whol e of t he subur b wi t h Skyl i ght br andi ngs on t he
skyl i ne
Si gnage / VM el ement s : what you l i ke & di sl i ke
The Si gnage gui del i nes ar e not i n pl ace f or t he i n- house communi cat i on –
Pr epr i nt ed Sl eeves ar e not used. Typef ace Font s ar e di sr egar ded, pr i nt qual i t y i s bad
i n some pl aces
FAB Car ds on Di spl ay we need t o have some uni f or mi t y i n t he ef f or t s bei ng
done, FAB Car d st at i oner y i s absent needs t o be or der ed, - cases of i r r egul ar & wr ong
usage i s vi si bl e & HL Fi xt ur es not used f or t he same.
HL f i xt ur e i s i nconsi st ent i n usage st i cki ng wi t h a scot ch t ape seems t o be
pr ef er r ed mode t han use t he hol der s* t o di spl ay si gnages or t he St ock hol di ng of t he
mal l i s not enough. .
I n- house Of f er / Pr omo communi cat i on has been used excessi vel y t hat can be cut
down ei t her by number s or by wor ki ng on t he si zes.
Communi cat i on / Vi sual over l appi ng t he Sect i onal / Br and header s
The pl ace i n appar el sect i on needs a spr i ng cl ean – col or , t ext i l e, f abr i c,
t ype bl ocked, t he f ocus l i ght s i n pl ace needs t o be r ef ocused, The f i xt ur es ar e t o be
r eal i gned.
Musi c sect i on al most whol e Wal l f i xt ur es ar e empt y
The mut i l at ed vi sual s & communi cat i on ar e not r emoved or r epl aced, i f t he
br and vi sual s ar e i n bad shape t hey need t o be i nf or med of t he same & r epl aced,
I n t he Gr ocer y sect i on t he mai n header s ar e hi dden by br and vi sual s or used a
yel l ow paper si gnage f or t he same CRM, Home Décor , Expr ess Cash Count er et c)
One not i ceabl e f eat ur e i s excess communi cat i on vi si bl e acr oss t he Fl oor , t hi s
can be avoi ded by changi ng t he Communi cat i on si ze. Any sur f ace avai l abl e i s bei ng
used t o st i ck up a communi cat i on i n pl aces t hat needs t o be avoi ded, vi si bl e i n
pi ct ur es above
The Cl ot hes ar e shop soi l ed… The Mobi l e sect i on i s devoi d of a header , & not
easi l y l ocat abl e on t he f l oor . The ent r ance l obby shoul d have been l ef t mor e open.
POP / VM el ement s
The POP Mat er i al of i n- house bet t er not sai d, as al l t he i n house
communi cat i on was not i n sync or f ol l owi ng a concept , t her e wer e si gnages wi t hout any
f or mat s or r ul es, an News Paper ad st uck up f or communi cat i on et c ( a coupl e pi ct ur es
bel ow)
The Gr ocer y sect i on had some Br and hel p i n t he POP mat er i al used on t he Shop
Fl oor & at Cash count er s.
Merchandi ze pl anni ng & st acki ng
Navi gat i on i n t he st ore
The Mar t may be because of t he huge si ze by i t sel f had pr et t y good space t o
wal k i n t he mai n ai sl e, one t hi ng was t he sect i on i n t he appar el s wer e not so easy or
i nvi t i ng ( ?) The Gr ocer y er e easi l y l ai d out t o wal k. The absence of smel l was a
t ur nof f t o me, l ooki ng at t he huge est abl i shment f r om t he r oad ( I woul d have
pr ef er r ed t o havi ng a per f umer y sect i on at t he l obby.
The Navi gat i on i nt o t he Musi c & Toys & t owar ds Col or Cosmet i c & St yl i ng
sect i on needs t o be i mpr oved & mor e i nvi t i ng. A dash of col or mi t e be needed t o br i ng
i n some col or & i nvi t at i on.
The Gr ocer y was a r egul ar super mar ket l ayout wi t h shel ves j ut t i ng out t he mai n
ai sl e. The shel ves f el t a bi t t al l t hough & compar i ng t he cei l i ng of basement t o t he
Gr ocer y was a huge di f f er ence % suddenl y f el t Cl aust r ophobi c.
The Ent r ance t t he basement f r om Gr ound was a bi t conf usi ng & not act ual l y
l eadi ng me i n t her e mebbe appr opr i at e communi cat i on was mi ssi ng out .
HL Fi xt ures & Si gnage St at i onery
Hl Fi xt ur es ar e ei t her not i n st ock or needs t o be or der ed, t hey ar e i nconsi st ent i n
If you want t o know how t o mesaure
your St ore VM & Experi ence …
Cont act

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Measure vm@hypermarket

  • 1. Can you act ual l y measure t he ‘ Level of Vi sual Merchandi si ng ( VM ) i n a Hypermarket ? Yes you Can ………. . Peshwa Acharya peshwa. expert @gmai l . com
  • 3. Cont ent s al l St or e exper i ence  and f eel : Ext er i or & I nt er i or  I n st or e communi cat i on  ber of el ement s pr esent i n each st or e  handi ze pl anni ng & st acki ng  gat i on i n t he st or e  / VM el ement s  ht i ng  ur es  et i ng f i xt ur es / HL i t ems  w si gn  el at i on bet ween VM / I n st or e communi cat i on & Pr oduct s avai l abi l i t y
  • 4. Overal l St ore experi ence The St or e car r i es l engt h & dept h i n t he Gr ocer i es & Mont hl y need sect i on but don’ t f i nd t he same i n appar el s, col or cosmet i cs, musi c & t oys. The f eel of t he St or e was not so gr eat f or t he f i r st I mpr essi on. For a r egul ar Super mar ket / Hyper mar ket vi si t or I bel i eve woul d be a l i t t l e di sappoi nt ed when he vi si t s t he St or e ( a per sonal obser vat i on) . On second t hought s I f el t a coupl e of compet i t or s ar e wel l pl aced i n t er ms of l ook & f eel . A need t o r ef r ai n wi t h bar r age of communi cat i on or t her e i s a need t o r est r uct ur e t he si gnage pr i nci pl e used i n t he St or e. I f t her e i s a Cycl e r unni ng wi t h vi sual communi cat i on suppor t i ng i t t hat needs t o be r epl aced / scr aped of f t he f l oor f r om cust omer ’ s eyes once i t ends. Ther e i s a ur gent need of onsi t e gui dance f or st or e pr esent at i on who may make a di f f er ence f el t who can t ake t he r esponsi bi l i t y. The f i xt ur es used i n Gr ound f l oor ar e i r r egul ar i n t er ms of car r yi ng Focus / Spot l i ght s t hat needs t o be wor ked on.
  • 5. Look and f eel : Ext eri or & Int eri or An i mposi ng and a wel comi ng space on t he ent r ance, enough vi si bi l i t y of t he br andi ng on t he bui l di ng i s er ect ed whi ch i s qui t e good wi t h r ef er ence t o t he mai n br andi ng i s concer ned The l et t i ng down f act or s ar e – t he Tot em pol e t hat i s er ect ed doesn' t seem t o be i n pr opor t i on t o t he f açade / bui l di ng si ze The t ot em pol e needs a r evamp i n t er ms of communi cat i on i s not vi si bl e i n t he dayl i ght as t he pr i nt s have f aded out or we need t o r el ook at r edoi ng t he st r uct ur e wi t h a r eposi t i oni ng t he t ot em f r om pr esent y st at i oned, changi ng of t he backl i t t o
  • 6. Look and f eel : Ext eri or & Int eri or The Ar ch & t he Dr op down shoul d have been bet t er used or scr apped i f not appl i cabl e - The ar ch @ Ent r ance & t he Dr opdown f aci ng t he Ent r ance r at her t han t he Bui l di ng
  • 7. Look and f eel : Ext eri or & Int eri or The Goal Post at t he ent r ance i s bei ng used t o st i ck communi cat i on on i t al t er nat i vel y f i xt ur es can be made l ocal l y t o car r y t hem i nst ead or scr ol l up St andees can al so be used wi t h economi cal pr i nt s used ( f i x t ur e d e t a i l i n ne x t p a g e )
  • 8. Look and f eel : Ext eri or & Int eri or The opt i on of changi ng communi cat i on can be mor e of t en & economi cal compar ed t o ot her f i xt ur es Pr i nt s on nor mal paper can get t he j ob done Acrylic Sleeves
  • 9. Look and f eel : Ext eri or & Int eri or The per manent si gnages f or Par ki ng used ar e i nsuf f i ci ent & ar e r epl aced by Paper pr i nt s whi ch i s a l et down i n t er ms of uni f or mi t y i n VM Docket
  • 10. VM / In st ore communi cat i on Dur i ng t he vi si t t o Val ue f or mat s one not i ceabl e f eat ur e was t he communi cat i on i s pr esent but not ut i l i zed i n pr oper manner / t he way t hey ar e supposed t o be used. Coupl e of r eason t hat st r i kes ar e absence of a VM r esour ce onsi t e, absence or r ei ns t o gui de t hem( ?) . Bei ng a hyper mar ket f ocus needs t o be gi ven on how Communi cat i on can be used on t he Shop f l oor , whi ch can gi ve r et ur ns a cl assi c exampl e seen i s i n Super mar ket s i n per sonal car e depar t ment s wher e br and pr omot ed communi cat i on hel ps i n sel l i ng t he
  • 11. VM / In st ore communi cat i on A cost ef f ect i ve opt i on f or usi ng communi cat i on dur i ng speci al t hemes & of f er s –pr e pr i nt ed har d paper hangi ngs on t he shel f r ai l i ng at t he same t i me used pr udent l y The Per cent age OFF i s a r egul ar f eat ur e obser ved, i nst ead of car r yi ng t oo many yel l ow si gnages acr oss t he f l oor , al t er nat i vel y we can use t he one i n RDRL or wobbl er s of t he same communi cat i on l ooks mor e
  • 12. VM / In st ore communi cat i on A good ef f or t at execut i on of a di spl ay t hat needs compl et i on i n t er ms of accessor i zi ng & Cr oss mer chandi si ng t he di spl ay, si gnages of t he pr oduct s. The Ki ds di spl ay was done wi t h pr oper adj acency, but t he t ops f or t he t r ouser s on di spl ay mi ssed t he t ops f or t hem. The same coul d have been appl i ed t o bi n of shi r t s t hat car r i ed a T Shi r t bust behi nd t he same
  • 13. VM / In st ore communi cat i on A si gnage I woul d not l i ke t o mi ss r eadi ng whi l e pur chasi ng! ! ! A good t i p but a di f f er ent medi a i f used woul d have been bet t er vi z. Pr i nt on Foamcor e i nst ead of paper & near t he Car pet s & r ugs especi al l y. The pr esent one used was f ar f et ched f r om depar t ment at a POS
  • 14. El ement s present i n st ore 1. Regul ar Si gnages – SELs, FAB Car ds 2. Of f er Communi cat i on – I n- house ( yel l ow si gnages) & Br and Sponsor ed 3. Dangl er – I n- house & Br and Sponsor ed 4. St andees – I n- house & Br and Sponsor ed 5. Fl oor Gr aphi cs 6. Gat e Ar ches 7. Dr op downs – I nt er i or & Ext er i or 8. Di spl ay Cor ner s
  • 15. El ement s present i n st ore - SELs, FAB Cards Empt y shel ves car r yi ng SELs, we may l ook at t he opt i on of pr e pr i nt i ng t he SEL r ol l s wi t h a message as “ I wi l l be back” on t he ot her si de of t he l abel & t ur ned when t he pr oduct goes of f shel f unt i l r epl aced I will be back soon!!! I will be back soon!!!
  • 16. El ement s present i n st ore - FAB Cards & Of f er Communi cat i on
  • 17. El ement s present i n st ore - SELs SELs seem t o be i ncompl et e as t he f eat ur es ar e not get t i ng pr i nt ed on t hem ( i f t he f or mat of t he same i s di f f er ent one RDRL f ol l ows wi l l be bet t er ) SELs’ usage i s pr et t y consi st ent i n some depar t ment – Musi c, Toys, Consumer Dur abl es, some shel ves of Per sonal Car e
  • 18. El ement s present i n st ore - FAB Cards & Of f er Communi cat i on
  • 19. El ement s present i n st ore - Dangl er, St andees
  • 20. El ement s present i n st ore - Drop downs, Di spl ay Corners
  • 21. El ement s present i n st ore - Drop downs, Di spl ay Corners Kudos t o Desi gner & Execut i oner ! ! !
  • 22. Correl at i on bet ween VM / In st ore communi cat i on & Product s avai l abi l i t y The pr oduct communi cat i on t hat wer e put wer e al most per f ect but f or t he Pr omo / Theme dangl er s wer e a l et of f , The spar kl i ng Cel ebr at i on cycl e i s l ong over but seems t o be st i l l r unni ng i n t he val ue f or mat s ei t her i n f or m of dangl er s or st andees – Hubl i , Bangal or e & Chennai St or es may be not al l t hough.
  • 23. Si gnage / VM el ement s : what you l i ke & di sl i ke Though not cor r ect t he appr eci at e abl e f act or i s t he ef f or t t hat i s put i n t o get t hi ngs happeni ng wi t hout any speci al i st r esour ce i s commendabl e. Fr om a Cust omer s poi nt of vi ew he needs t o “ KNOW” what i s happeni ng, so t he need t o communi cat e Of f er s, Pr omot i ons, Ti ps t hr ough Si gnages & ot her medi um. Thi s par t i cul ar demand i s met at t he shop f l oor as of now. A coupl e of di spl ays done i n some appar el , gr ocer y depar t ment at t he st or e, par t i cul ar l y t he Ki ds sect i on nest i ng t abl e, a di spl ay of Ki t chen Car e Appl i ances, t he l i ne of i mpul se bi ns neat l y st acked at t he Cash Count er s. A good concept of havi ng a di spl ay of Gr eens on a Car t Wheel whi ch gave me a i nst ant r el at i on bui l d wi t h i t . The i dea of cr oss sect i onal di spl ay i s a good t hi ng t hat i s been pr act i ced i n dr i vi ng peopl e t o t he ot her f l oor , & di spl ayi ng t he mer chandi se at f ocal poi nt s i f t hey can be i ncr eased… The Bever age shel ves wer e t he best on di spl ay i n t he f l oor , at t he same t i me havi ng a di spl ay cor ner whi ch had a pr omo di spl ay ( l i ve f or f r ee) had a good posi t i oni ng i . e. . near t he baker y & Conf ect i oner y sect i ons. The usage of Gl or i f i er s t hat i s used at some sect i on of Or al Car e, Hai r Car e Body car e wi t h some car r yi ng t i ps ar e good when I go out f or shoppi ng. The Gl ow Si gn Br andi ng was apt l y si zed as t o be vi si bl e at l east 3 si des of t he bui l di ng & qui t e a Landmar k i n t he whol e of t he subur b wi t h Skyl i ght br andi ngs on t he skyl i ne
  • 24. Si gnage / VM el ement s : what you l i ke & di sl i ke The Si gnage gui del i nes ar e not i n pl ace f or t he i n- house communi cat i on – Pr epr i nt ed Sl eeves ar e not used. Typef ace Font s ar e di sr egar ded, pr i nt qual i t y i s bad i n some pl aces FAB Car ds on Di spl ay we need t o have some uni f or mi t y i n t he ef f or t s bei ng done, FAB Car d st at i oner y i s absent needs t o be or der ed, - cases of i r r egul ar & wr ong usage i s vi si bl e & HL Fi xt ur es not used f or t he same. HL f i xt ur e i s i nconsi st ent i n usage st i cki ng wi t h a scot ch t ape seems t o be pr ef er r ed mode t han use t he hol der s* t o di spl ay si gnages or t he St ock hol di ng of t he mal l i s not enough. . I n- house Of f er / Pr omo communi cat i on has been used excessi vel y t hat can be cut down ei t her by number s or by wor ki ng on t he si zes. Communi cat i on / Vi sual over l appi ng t he Sect i onal / Br and header s The pl ace i n appar el sect i on needs a spr i ng cl ean – col or , t ext i l e, f abr i c, t ype bl ocked, t he f ocus l i ght s i n pl ace needs t o be r ef ocused, The f i xt ur es ar e t o be r eal i gned. Musi c sect i on al most whol e Wal l f i xt ur es ar e empt y The mut i l at ed vi sual s & communi cat i on ar e not r emoved or r epl aced, i f t he br and vi sual s ar e i n bad shape t hey need t o be i nf or med of t he same & r epl aced, I n t he Gr ocer y sect i on t he mai n header s ar e hi dden by br and vi sual s or used a yel l ow paper si gnage f or t he same CRM, Home Décor , Expr ess Cash Count er et c) One not i ceabl e f eat ur e i s excess communi cat i on vi si bl e acr oss t he Fl oor , t hi s can be avoi ded by changi ng t he Communi cat i on si ze. Any sur f ace avai l abl e i s bei ng used t o st i ck up a communi cat i on i n pl aces t hat needs t o be avoi ded, vi si bl e i n pi ct ur es above The Cl ot hes ar e shop soi l ed… The Mobi l e sect i on i s devoi d of a header , & not easi l y l ocat abl e on t he f l oor . The ent r ance l obby shoul d have been l ef t mor e open.
  • 25. POP / VM el ement s The POP Mat er i al of i n- house bet t er not sai d, as al l t he i n house communi cat i on was not i n sync or f ol l owi ng a concept , t her e wer e si gnages wi t hout any f or mat s or r ul es, an News Paper ad st uck up f or communi cat i on et c ( a coupl e pi ct ur es bel ow) The Gr ocer y sect i on had some Br and hel p i n t he POP mat er i al used on t he Shop Fl oor & at Cash count er s.
  • 26. Merchandi ze pl anni ng & st acki ng
  • 27. Navi gat i on i n t he st ore The Mar t may be because of t he huge si ze by i t sel f had pr et t y good space t o wal k i n t he mai n ai sl e, one t hi ng was t he sect i on i n t he appar el s wer e not so easy or i nvi t i ng ( ?) The Gr ocer y er e easi l y l ai d out t o wal k. The absence of smel l was a t ur nof f t o me, l ooki ng at t he huge est abl i shment f r om t he r oad ( I woul d have pr ef er r ed t o havi ng a per f umer y sect i on at t he l obby. The Navi gat i on i nt o t he Musi c & Toys & t owar ds Col or Cosmet i c & St yl i ng sect i on needs t o be i mpr oved & mor e i nvi t i ng. A dash of col or mi t e be needed t o br i ng i n some col or & i nvi t at i on. The Gr ocer y was a r egul ar super mar ket l ayout wi t h shel ves j ut t i ng out t he mai n ai sl e. The shel ves f el t a bi t t al l t hough & compar i ng t he cei l i ng of basement t o t he Gr ocer y was a huge di f f er ence % suddenl y f el t Cl aust r ophobi c. The Ent r ance t t he basement f r om Gr ound was a bi t conf usi ng & not act ual l y l eadi ng me i n t her e mebbe appr opr i at e communi cat i on was mi ssi ng out .
  • 28. HL Fi xt ures & Si gnage St at i onery Hl Fi xt ur es ar e ei t her not i n st ock or needs t o be or der ed, t hey ar e i nconsi st ent i n usage.
  • 29. If you want t o know how t o mesaure your St ore VM & Experi ence … Cont act

Notas do Editor

  1. Contents
  2. Overall Store experience
  3. Look and feel : Exterior & Interior
  4. Look and feel : Exterior & Interior
  5. Look and feel : Exterior & Interior
  6. Look and feel : Exterior & Interior
  7. Look and feel : Exterior & Interior
  8. VM / In store communication
  9. VM / In store communication
  10. VM / In store communication
  11. VM / In store communication
  12. Elements present in store
  13. Elements present in store - SELs, FAB Cards
  14. Elements present in store - FAB Cards & Offer Communication
  15. Elements present in store - SELs
  16. Elements present in store - FAB Cards & Offer Communication
  17. Elements present in store - Dangler, Standees
  18. Elements present in store - Drop downs, Display Corners
  19. Correlation between VM / In store communication & Products availability
  20. Signage / VM elements : what you like & dislike
  21. Signage / VM elements : what you like & dislike
  22. POP / VM elements
  23. Merchandize planning & stacking
  24. Navigation in the store
  25. HL Fixtures & Signage Stationery