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GUI testing methods

            Jemmy tutorial
Introduction to Jemmy testing framework

                Pawel Prokop


               March 14, 2012

            Pawel Prokop        Jemmy Introduction
GUI testing methods
                                     Jemmy     Recording tests
                             Implementation    Testing frameworks
                                    Features   Summary

Manualy testing
    error prone
    slow and not efficient
    repeating test costs a lot
    no place for TDD
    boring for developers
    (dinner syndrome)

    look & feel fast feedback

                              Pawel Prokop     Jemmy Introduction
GUI testing methods
                                   Jemmy     Recording tests
                           Implementation    Testing frameworks
                                  Features   Summary

Recording user actions to exercise the application
    fast preparation
    fast execution
    hard to modify during application development
    common functionalities

    no place for TDD

                             Pawel Prokop    Jemmy Introduction
GUI testing methods
                                Jemmy     Recording tests
                        Implementation    Testing frameworks
                               Features   Summary

Available tools for test recording
    SWTBot is an open-source Java based functional testing
    tool for testing SWT and Eclipse based applications.
    Marathon allows to record the script that can be modified
    later manualy. Supports assertions.
    Jacareto is a tool that allows capture actions on
    applications and replay them later.

                         Pawel Prokop     Jemmy Introduction
GUI testing methods
                                  Jemmy     Recording tests
                          Implementation    Testing frameworks
                                 Features   Summary

Write code that simulates user actions
    moderate slow preparation
    parts of code may be reused
    fast execution
    easy to modify during application development
    can be used with TDD

                           Pawel Prokop     Jemmy Introduction
GUI testing methods
                               Jemmy     Recording tests
                       Implementation    Testing frameworks
                              Features   Summary

Testing frameworks
    UISpec4J is an open source framework to test Swing
    JFCUnit is an extension of JUnit that allows to execute unit
    tests against Swing based interface.
    Jemmy is an open source framework that allows to
    simulate user interactions with Swing applications.

                        Pawel Prokop     Jemmy Introduction
GUI testing methods
                                  Jemmy     Recording tests
                          Implementation    Testing frameworks
                                 Features   Summary


                       Manual testing             Recording      Framework
  Efficiency                 -                        +                +
  Preparation time          +                        +               +/-
  Execution time            -                        +                +
  Price                     -                        +                +
  Reusability               -                         -               +
  TDD                       -                         -               +
  Flexibility               +                         -               -

                           Pawel Prokop     Jemmy Introduction
GUI testing methods

Jemmy introduction

  Jemmy documentation
      not so many tutorials
      not so many presentations and documents
      good javadoc is enough to start
      few samples
      low Jemmy vitality

                          Pawel Prokop     Jemmy Introduction
GUI testing methods

Jemmy framework

  How Jemmy works?
     the same JVM as tested application
     simulates user operations on the components by calling
     events are stored on the QueueTool class and then provided to AWT

     search components recursively by given criteria (caption,
     criteria defined as implementation of ComponentChooser

                             Pawel Prokop     Jemmy Introduction
GUI testing methods

Jemmy framework

  Jemmy in TDD approach
     design UI interface and the components
     implement jemmy tests to fit the interface
     run failing tests
     create implementation and re-run tests until they pass

                          Pawel Prokop     Jemmy Introduction
GUI testing methods

Jemmy Installation Eclipse
    add jemmy.jar to the Java Build Path

                                    Pawel Prokop    Jemmy Introduction
GUI testing methods

Jemmy Installation Netbeans
    add Jar/Folder to Libraries

                                    Pawel Prokop     Jemmy Introduction
GUI testing methods

Integration with JUnit
 1   @Ignore
 2   p u b l i c c l a s s CommonTest {
 3          protected s t a t i c JMyApplication a p p l i c a t i o n = n u l l ;
 5        p u b l i c CommonTest ( ) { }
 7        @BeforeClass
 8        p u b l i c s t a t i c v o i d setUpClass ( ) throws E x c e p ti o n { }
10        @AfterClass
11        p u b l i c s t a t i c v o i d tearDownClass ( ) throws E x c e p ti o n { }
13        @Before
14        p u b l i c v o i d setUp ( ) throws E x c e p ti o n {
15                a p p l i c a t i o n = new J M y A p p l i c a t i o n ( ) ;
16                a p p l i c a t i o n . startJMyForms ( ) ;
17        }
19        @After
20        p u b l i c v o i d tearDown ( ) throws E x c e p ti o n {
21                a p p l i c a t i o n . stopJMyForms ( ) ;
22        }
23   }

                                                        Pawel Prokop              Jemmy Introduction
GUI testing methods

Integration with Ant

                       Pawel Prokop     Jemmy Introduction
GUI testing methods

Integration with Ant

 1   < p r o j e c t name= " JemmySample " >
 2          < t a r g e t name= " j u n i t " >
 3                  < j u n i t printsummary= " yes " >
 4                         < c l a s s p a t h path= " l i b s / j u n i t −4.5. j a r " / >
 5                         < c l a s s p a t h path= " l i b s / jemmy . j a r " / >
 6                         < c l a s s p a t h path= " b u i l d / t e s t / c l a s s e s / " / >
 7                         < c l a s s p a t h path= " b u i l d / c l a s s e s / " / >
 8                         < b a t c h t e s t f o r k = " yes " >
 9                                 < f i l e s e t d i r = " t e s t " i n c l u d e s = " ∗∗/∗ Test . j a v a " / >
10                         </ batchtest>
11                  </ junit>
12          </ target>
13   </ project>

 1   a n t −f j u n i t . xml j u n i t

                                                           Pawel Prokop              Jemmy Introduction
GUI testing methods    Operators
                                        Jemmy     Concept depended approach
                                Implementation    Component choosers
                                       Features   Timeouts
                                          Tools   Find components


     Communication with UI controls is realized by operators
     Jemmy defines own operators for every AWT/Swing UI

         ...and many others

     Operators can be extended by the developer

                                 Pawel Prokop     Jemmy Introduction
GUI testing methods                Operators
                                                   Jemmy                 Concept depended approach
                                           Implementation                Component choosers
                                                  Features               Timeouts
                                                     Tools               Find components

Operators - small example

        Yes/No dialog operator
    1   p u b l i c c l a s s YesNoDialogOperator extends J D i a l o g O p e r a t o r {
    2           p u b l i c YesNoDialogOperator ( ) {
    3                  super ( " C o n f i r m a t i o n " ) ;
    4           }
    6        p u b l i c v o i d pushYes ( ) {
    7               new J B u t t o n O p e r a t o r ( t h i s , " Yes " ) . push ( ) ;
    8        }
   10        p u b l i c v o i d pushNo ( ) {
   11               new J B u t t o n O p e r a t o r ( t h i s , "No" ) . push ( ) ;
   12        }
   13   }

                                               Pawel Prokop              Jemmy Introduction
GUI testing methods    Operators
                                           Jemmy     Concept depended approach
                                   Implementation    Component choosers
                                          Features   Timeouts
                                             Tools   Find components

Operators - small example

    1   // ...
    2   @Test
    3   public void test_some_functionality ( ) {
    4       // ...
    5       YesNoDialogOperator o p e r a t o r = new YesNoDialogOperator ( ) ;
    6       assertNotNull ( operator ) ;
    7       o p e r a t o r . pushYes ( ) ;
    8       // ...
    9   }
   10   // ...

                                    Pawel Prokop     Jemmy Introduction
GUI testing methods        Operators
                                            Jemmy         Concept depended approach
                                    Implementation        Component choosers
                                           Features       Timeouts
                                              Tools       Find components

Load application with jemmy

        class reference
    1      new ClassReference ( " jemmysample . JemmySampleApplication " ) . s t a r t A p p l i c a t i o n ( ) ;

        direct call
    1      JemmySampleApplication . main ( n u l l ) ;

                                      Pawel Prokop        Jemmy Introduction
GUI testing methods                Operators
                                                    Jemmy                 Concept depended approach
                                            Implementation                Component choosers
                                                   Features               Timeouts
                                                      Tools               Find components

Concept depended approach
       create classes that support some application’s
   1   c l a s s MyMainDialog extends J D i a l o g O p e r a t o r {
   2           p u b l i c s t a t i c S t r i n g d i a l o g C a p t i o n = "My D i a l o g " ;
   4         p u b l i c MyMainDialog ( ) { super ( d i a l o g C a p t i o n ) ; }
   6         p u b l i c v o i d pushButtonCancel ( ) {
   7                new J B u t t o n O p e r a t o r ( " Cancel " ) . push ( ) ;
   8         }
   9   }

       and then use them from test suites:
   1   @Test
   2   public void test_dialog_can_cancel ( ) {
   3       MyMainDialog d i a l o g O p e r a t o r = new MyMainDialog ( ) ;
   4       d i a l o g O p e r a t o r . pushButtonCancel ( ) ;
   5   }

                                                Pawel Prokop              Jemmy Introduction
GUI testing methods        Operators
                                                Jemmy         Concept depended approach
                                        Implementation        Component choosers
                                               Features       Timeouts
                                                  Tools       Find components

Application Shadow

 1   public class JMyApplication {
 2       p r i v a t e JFrameOperator mainFrame = n u l l ;
 4       p u b l i c JFrameOperator getMainFrame ( ) {
 5               r e t u r n mainFrame ;
 6       }
 8       p u b l i c i n t startJMyForms ( ) {
 9              JemmySampleApplication . main ( n u l l ) ;
10              mainFrame = new JFrameOperator ( " JMyForms " ) ;
11               return 0;
12       }
14       p u b l i c i n t stopJMyForms ( ) {
15              JMenuBarOperator menuBarOp = new JMenuBarOperator ( mainFrame ) ;
16              JMenuOperator f i l e M e n u = new JMenuOperator ( menuBarOp . getMenu ( 0 ) ) ;
17              f i l e M e n u . pushMenu ( " F i l e | E x i t " ) ;
18               return 0;
19       }
20   }

                                          Pawel Prokop        Jemmy Introduction
GUI testing methods    Operators
                                           Jemmy     Concept depended approach
                                   Implementation    Component choosers
                                          Features   Timeouts
                                             Tools   Find components

The Component Choosers

  How to find component?
     using its index inside the container
     textfield next to label

     using Component Chooser implementation
             NameComponentChooser uses a name property
             PropChooser uses properties and methods to match a
             Developer can define custom component choosers -
             implementing ComponentChooser interface

                                    Pawel Prokop     Jemmy Introduction
GUI testing methods              Operators
                                                        Jemmy               Concept depended approach
                                                Implementation              Component choosers
                                                       Features             Timeouts
                                                          Tools             Find components

 1   p u b l i c c l a s s RegexpFrameTitleChooser implements ComponentChooser {
 2          Pattern pattern = n u l l ;
 4       p u b l i c RegexpFrameTitleChooser ( S t r i n g p a t t e r n ) {
 5               t h i s . p a t t e r n = P a t t e r n . compile ( p a t t e r n ) ;
 6       }
 8       @Override
 9       p u b l i c boolean checkComponent ( Component component ) {
10               i f ( component i n s t a n c e o f JFrame ) {
11                     S t r i n g f r a m e T i t l e = ( ( JFrame ) component ) . g e t T i t l e ( ) ;
12                     Matcher matcher = p a t t e r n . matcher ( f r a m e T i t l e ) ;
13                     r e t u r n matcher . matches ( ) ;
14               }
15               return false ;
16       }
18       @Override
19       public String getDescription ( ) {
20          return pattern . pattern ( ) ;
21       }
22   }

                                                   Pawel Prokop             Jemmy Introduction
GUI testing methods     Operators
                                                Jemmy      Concept depended approach
                                        Implementation     Component choosers
                                               Features    Timeouts
                                                  Tools    Find components


 1   p u b l i c c l a s s ShowingNameComponentChooser extends NameComponentChooser {
 2           p u b l i c ShowingNameComponentChooser ( S t r i n g name ) {
 3                  super ( name ) ;
 4           }
 6       @Override
 7       p u b l i c boolean checkComponent ( Component component ) {
 8               i f ( super . checkComponent ( component ) && component . isShowing ( ) ) {
 9                     return true ;
10               }
11               return false ;
12       }
16   }

                                         Pawel Prokop      Jemmy Introduction
GUI testing methods    Operators
                        Jemmy     Concept depended approach
                Implementation    Component choosers
                       Features   Timeouts
                          Tools   Find components


                                                        time values
                                                        onds) to wait
                                                        something to
                                                        be done by

                 Pawel Prokop     Jemmy Introduction
GUI testing methods              Operators
                                            Jemmy               Concept depended approach
                                    Implementation              Component choosers
                                           Features             Timeouts
                                              Tools             Find components


     to delay simulated user behaviour
           kept by org.netbeans.jemmy.Timeouts class
      1    / / Set d e l a y b e f o r e key i s pressed d u r i n g t y p i n g
      2    JemmyProperties . g e t C u r r e n t T i m e o u t s ( ) . setTimeout
      3         ( " JTextComponentOperator . PushKeyTimeout " , 5 0 ) ;

           each instance can have its own timeouts set
      1    / / Set d e l a y between b u t t o n p r e s s i n g and r e l e a s i n g .
      2    J B u t t o n O p e r a t o r b t n O p e r a t o r = new J B u t t o n O p e r a t o r ( " Process " ) ;
      3    b t n O p e r a t o r . getTimeouts ( )
      4            . setTimeout ( " A b s t r a c t B u t t o n O p e r a t o r . PushButtonTimeout " , 5 0 0 ) ;

                                       Pawel Prokop             Jemmy Introduction
GUI testing methods              Operators
                                                   Jemmy               Concept depended approach
                                           Implementation              Component choosers
                                                  Features             Timeouts
                                                     Tools             Find components

Timeouts cont.

        to wait until timeout exception is raised
    1   / / w a i t up t o 5 seconds f o r J D i a l o g
    2   JemmyProperties . g e t C u r r e n t T i m e o u t s ( ) . setTimeout
    3           ( " D i a l o g W a i t e r . WaitDialogTimeout " , 5 0 0 0 ) ;
    4   J D i a l o g O p e r a t o r albums = new J D i a l o g O p e r a t o r ( " D i a l o g Caption " ) ;

                                               Pawel Prokop            Jemmy Introduction
GUI testing methods    Operators
                                Jemmy     Concept depended approach
                        Implementation    Component choosers
                               Features   Timeouts
                                  Tools   Find components

More timeouts

     JComboBoxOperator.BeforeSelectingTimeout -
     time to sleep after list opened and before item selected
     JComboBoxOperator.WaitListTimeout - time to wait
     list opened
     ComponentOperator.WaitStateTimeout - time to
     wait for item to be selected
     JTextComponentOperator.PushKeyTimeout - time
     between key pressing and releasing during text typing
     JTextComponentOperator.BetweenKeysTimeout -
     time to sleep between two chars typing

                         Pawel Prokop     Jemmy Introduction
GUI testing methods                Operators
                                                     Jemmy                 Concept depended approach
                                             Implementation                Component choosers
                                                    Features               Timeouts
                                                       Tools               Find components

find method vs operator constructor
        static find method returns the operator or null
    1   @Test
    2   public void test_some_functionality ( ) {
    3       // ...
    4       J D i a l o g O p e r a t o r myDialog = J D i a l o g O p e r a t o r . f i n d D i a l o g ( " E r r o r " , t r u e , t r u e ) ;
    5       i f ( n u l l == myDialog )            {
    6               / / no E r r o r d i a l o g i s c u r r e n t l y d i s p l a y e d
    7       }
    8       // ...
    9   }

        constructor blocks until component appears on the screen
        or timeout.
    1   public void test_some_functionality ( ) {
    2       // ...
    3       J D i a l o g O p e r a t o r myDialog = new J D i a l o g O p e r a t o r ( " E r r o r " ) ;
    4       // ...
    5   }

                                                 Pawel Prokop              Jemmy Introduction
GUI testing methods
                                                                      Dump componenets

Screenshot feature

        Capture screen shot
    1   // ...
    2   @Test
    3   public void testSomeFunctionality ( ) {
    4       // ...
    5       org . netbeans . jemmy . u t i l . PNGEncoder
    6             . captureScreen ( " t e s t S o m e F u n c t i o n a l i t y . png " ) ;
    7       // ...
    8   }
    9   // ...

        Image modes
                 black and white

                                              Pawel Prokop            Jemmy Introduction
GUI testing methods
                                                           Dump componenets

Dump components in JVM
  Dump components in JVM
     Dump all components
   1   //   ...
   2         @Test
   3         public void testSomeFunctionality ( ) {
   4             // ...
   5             org . netbeans . jemmy . u t i l . Dumper . dumpAll ( " jemmy_example . xml " ) ;
   6             // ...
   7         }
   8   //   ...

       Dump component
   1   // ...
   2   public void testSomeFunctionality ( ) {
   3       // ...
   4       Component comp = a p p l i c a t i o n . getMainFrame ( ) . getComponent ( 0 ) ;
   5           org . netbeans . jemmy . u t i l . Dumper . dumpComponent ( comp ,
   6                 " jemmy_example_component . xml " ) ;
   7       // ...
   8   }
   9   // ...

                                       Pawel Prokop        Jemmy Introduction
GUI testing methods
                       Implementation    GUIBrowser tool

GUIBrowser tool

     shows all GUI objects in current JVM
     shows components in hierarchy
     allows to take snapshot in defined time delay
     displays component members (name, caption, size...)

                        Pawel Prokop     Jemmy Introduction
GUI testing methods
                                        Implementation           GUIBrowser tool

Launch GUIBrowser tool

1   new ClassReference ( " org . netbeans . jemmy . e x p l o r e r . GUIBrowser " ) . s t a r t A p p l i c a t i o n ( ) ;

                                           Pawel Prokop          Jemmy Introduction
GUI testing methods
                    Implementation    GUIBrowser tool



                     Pawel Prokop     Jemmy Introduction
GUI testing methods
                             Implementation    GUIBrowser tool


    1.   Operators:

    2.   Jemmy repository:

    3.   Jemmy tutorial:

    4.   this presentation:

                              Pawel Prokop     Jemmy Introduction
GUI testing methods
                                 Implementation    GUIBrowser tool


    1. flickr/ant/binux
    2. flickr/clock/kobiz7

                                  Pawel Prokop     Jemmy Introduction

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Jemmy Introduction

  • 1. GUI testing methods Jemmy Implementation Features Tools Jemmy tutorial Introduction to Jemmy testing framework Pawel Prokop March 14, 2012 Pawel Prokop Jemmy Introduction
  • 2. GUI testing methods Jemmy Recording tests Implementation Testing frameworks Features Summary Tools Manualy testing error prone slow and not efficient repeating test costs a lot no place for TDD boring for developers (dinner syndrome) flexible look & feel fast feedback Pawel Prokop Jemmy Introduction
  • 3. GUI testing methods Jemmy Recording tests Implementation Testing frameworks Features Summary Tools Recording user actions to exercise the application efficient fast preparation fast execution cheap hard to modify during application development common functionalities no place for TDD Pawel Prokop Jemmy Introduction
  • 4. GUI testing methods Jemmy Recording tests Implementation Testing frameworks Features Summary Tools Available tools for test recording SWTBot is an open-source Java based functional testing tool for testing SWT and Eclipse based applications. Marathon allows to record the script that can be modified later manualy. Supports assertions. Jacareto is a tool that allows capture actions on applications and replay them later. Pawel Prokop Jemmy Introduction
  • 5. GUI testing methods Jemmy Recording tests Implementation Testing frameworks Features Summary Tools Write code that simulates user actions efficient moderate slow preparation parts of code may be reused fast execution easy to modify during application development can be used with TDD Pawel Prokop Jemmy Introduction
  • 6. GUI testing methods Jemmy Recording tests Implementation Testing frameworks Features Summary Tools Testing frameworks UISpec4J is an open source framework to test Swing applications. JFCUnit is an extension of JUnit that allows to execute unit tests against Swing based interface. Jemmy is an open source framework that allows to simulate user interactions with Swing applications. Pawel Prokop Jemmy Introduction
  • 7. GUI testing methods Jemmy Recording tests Implementation Testing frameworks Features Summary Tools Summary Manual testing Recording Framework Efficiency - + + Preparation time + + +/- Execution time - + + Price - + + Reusability - - + TDD - - + Flexibility + - - Pawel Prokop Jemmy Introduction
  • 8. GUI testing methods Jemmy Introduction Implementation Installation Features Tools Jemmy introduction Jemmy documentation not so many tutorials not so many presentations and documents good javadoc is enough to start few samples low Jemmy vitality Pawel Prokop Jemmy Introduction
  • 9. GUI testing methods Jemmy Introduction Implementation Installation Features Tools Jemmy framework How Jemmy works? the same JVM as tested application simulates user operations on the components by calling events events are stored on the QueueTool class and then provided to AWT EventQueue search components recursively by given criteria (caption, name) criteria defined as implementation of ComponentChooser interface Pawel Prokop Jemmy Introduction
  • 10. GUI testing methods Jemmy Introduction Implementation Installation Features Tools Jemmy framework Jemmy in TDD approach design UI interface and the components implement jemmy tests to fit the interface run failing tests create implementation and re-run tests until they pass Pawel Prokop Jemmy Introduction
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  • 12. GUI testing methods Jemmy Introduction Implementation Installation Features Tools Jemmy Installation Netbeans add Jar/Folder to Libraries Pawel Prokop Jemmy Introduction
  • 13. GUI testing methods Jemmy Introduction Implementation Installation Features Tools Integration with JUnit 1 @Ignore 2 p u b l i c c l a s s CommonTest { 3 protected s t a t i c JMyApplication a p p l i c a t i o n = n u l l ; 4 5 p u b l i c CommonTest ( ) { } 6 7 @BeforeClass 8 p u b l i c s t a t i c v o i d setUpClass ( ) throws E x c e p ti o n { } 9 10 @AfterClass 11 p u b l i c s t a t i c v o i d tearDownClass ( ) throws E x c e p ti o n { } 12 13 @Before 14 p u b l i c v o i d setUp ( ) throws E x c e p ti o n { 15 a p p l i c a t i o n = new J M y A p p l i c a t i o n ( ) ; 16 a p p l i c a t i o n . startJMyForms ( ) ; 17 } 18 19 @After 20 p u b l i c v o i d tearDown ( ) throws E x c e p ti o n { 21 a p p l i c a t i o n . stopJMyForms ( ) ; 22 } 23 } Pawel Prokop Jemmy Introduction
  • 14. GUI testing methods Jemmy Introduction Implementation Installation Features Tools Integration with Ant Pawel Prokop Jemmy Introduction
  • 15. GUI testing methods Jemmy Introduction Implementation Installation Features Tools Integration with Ant 1 < p r o j e c t name= " JemmySample " > 2 < t a r g e t name= " j u n i t " > 3 < j u n i t printsummary= " yes " > 4 < c l a s s p a t h path= " l i b s / j u n i t −4.5. j a r " / > 5 < c l a s s p a t h path= " l i b s / jemmy . j a r " / > 6 < c l a s s p a t h path= " b u i l d / t e s t / c l a s s e s / " / > 7 < c l a s s p a t h path= " b u i l d / c l a s s e s / " / > 8 < b a t c h t e s t f o r k = " yes " > 9 < f i l e s e t d i r = " t e s t " i n c l u d e s = " ∗∗/∗ Test . j a v a " / > 10 </ batchtest> 11 </ junit> 12 </ target> 13 </ project> 1 a n t −f j u n i t . xml j u n i t Pawel Prokop Jemmy Introduction
  • 16. GUI testing methods Operators Jemmy Concept depended approach Implementation Component choosers Features Timeouts Tools Find components Operators Communication with UI controls is realized by operators Jemmy defines own operators for every AWT/Swing UI component JFrameOperator JDialogOperator JButtonOperator JCheckBoxOperator JComboBoxOperator JFileChooserOperator ...and many others Operators can be extended by the developer Pawel Prokop Jemmy Introduction
  • 17. GUI testing methods Operators Jemmy Concept depended approach Implementation Component choosers Features Timeouts Tools Find components Operators - small example Yes/No dialog operator 1 p u b l i c c l a s s YesNoDialogOperator extends J D i a l o g O p e r a t o r { 2 p u b l i c YesNoDialogOperator ( ) { 3 super ( " C o n f i r m a t i o n " ) ; 4 } 5 6 p u b l i c v o i d pushYes ( ) { 7 new J B u t t o n O p e r a t o r ( t h i s , " Yes " ) . push ( ) ; 8 } 9 10 p u b l i c v o i d pushNo ( ) { 11 new J B u t t o n O p e r a t o r ( t h i s , "No" ) . push ( ) ; 12 } 13 } Pawel Prokop Jemmy Introduction
  • 18. GUI testing methods Operators Jemmy Concept depended approach Implementation Component choosers Features Timeouts Tools Find components Operators - small example Usage 1 // ... 2 @Test 3 public void test_some_functionality ( ) { 4 // ... 5 YesNoDialogOperator o p e r a t o r = new YesNoDialogOperator ( ) ; 6 assertNotNull ( operator ) ; 7 o p e r a t o r . pushYes ( ) ; 8 // ... 9 } 10 // ... Pawel Prokop Jemmy Introduction
  • 19. GUI testing methods Operators Jemmy Concept depended approach Implementation Component choosers Features Timeouts Tools Find components Load application with jemmy class reference 1 new ClassReference ( " jemmysample . JemmySampleApplication " ) . s t a r t A p p l i c a t i o n ( ) ; direct call 1 JemmySampleApplication . main ( n u l l ) ; Pawel Prokop Jemmy Introduction
  • 20. GUI testing methods Operators Jemmy Concept depended approach Implementation Component choosers Features Timeouts Tools Find components Concept depended approach create classes that support some application’s functionality: 1 c l a s s MyMainDialog extends J D i a l o g O p e r a t o r { 2 p u b l i c s t a t i c S t r i n g d i a l o g C a p t i o n = "My D i a l o g " ; 3 4 p u b l i c MyMainDialog ( ) { super ( d i a l o g C a p t i o n ) ; } 5 6 p u b l i c v o i d pushButtonCancel ( ) { 7 new J B u t t o n O p e r a t o r ( " Cancel " ) . push ( ) ; 8 } 9 } and then use them from test suites: 1 @Test 2 public void test_dialog_can_cancel ( ) { 3 MyMainDialog d i a l o g O p e r a t o r = new MyMainDialog ( ) ; 4 d i a l o g O p e r a t o r . pushButtonCancel ( ) ; 5 } Pawel Prokop Jemmy Introduction
  • 21. GUI testing methods Operators Jemmy Concept depended approach Implementation Component choosers Features Timeouts Tools Find components Application Shadow 1 public class JMyApplication { 2 p r i v a t e JFrameOperator mainFrame = n u l l ; 3 4 p u b l i c JFrameOperator getMainFrame ( ) { 5 r e t u r n mainFrame ; 6 } 7 8 p u b l i c i n t startJMyForms ( ) { 9 JemmySampleApplication . main ( n u l l ) ; 10 mainFrame = new JFrameOperator ( " JMyForms " ) ; 11 return 0; 12 } 13 14 p u b l i c i n t stopJMyForms ( ) { 15 JMenuBarOperator menuBarOp = new JMenuBarOperator ( mainFrame ) ; 16 JMenuOperator f i l e M e n u = new JMenuOperator ( menuBarOp . getMenu ( 0 ) ) ; 17 f i l e M e n u . pushMenu ( " F i l e | E x i t " ) ; 18 return 0; 19 } 20 } Pawel Prokop Jemmy Introduction
  • 22. GUI testing methods Operators Jemmy Concept depended approach Implementation Component choosers Features Timeouts Tools Find components The Component Choosers How to find component? using its index inside the container textfield next to label using Component Chooser implementation NameComponentChooser uses a name property PropChooser uses properties and methods to match a component Developer can define custom component choosers - implementing ComponentChooser interface Pawel Prokop Jemmy Introduction
  • 23. GUI testing methods Operators Jemmy Concept depended approach Implementation Component choosers Features Timeouts Tools Find components RegexpFrameTitleChooser 1 p u b l i c c l a s s RegexpFrameTitleChooser implements ComponentChooser { 2 Pattern pattern = n u l l ; 3 4 p u b l i c RegexpFrameTitleChooser ( S t r i n g p a t t e r n ) { 5 t h i s . p a t t e r n = P a t t e r n . compile ( p a t t e r n ) ; 6 } 7 8 @Override 9 p u b l i c boolean checkComponent ( Component component ) { 10 i f ( component i n s t a n c e o f JFrame ) { 11 S t r i n g f r a m e T i t l e = ( ( JFrame ) component ) . g e t T i t l e ( ) ; 12 Matcher matcher = p a t t e r n . matcher ( f r a m e T i t l e ) ; 13 r e t u r n matcher . matches ( ) ; 14 } 15 return false ; 16 } 17 18 @Override 19 public String getDescription ( ) { 20 return pattern . pattern ( ) ; 21 } 22 } Pawel Prokop Jemmy Introduction
  • 24. GUI testing methods Operators Jemmy Concept depended approach Implementation Component choosers Features Timeouts Tools Find components ShowingComponentChooser 1 p u b l i c c l a s s ShowingNameComponentChooser extends NameComponentChooser { 2 p u b l i c ShowingNameComponentChooser ( S t r i n g name ) { 3 super ( name ) ; 4 } 5 6 @Override 7 p u b l i c boolean checkComponent ( Component component ) { 8 i f ( super . checkComponent ( component ) && component . isShowing ( ) ) { 9 return true ; 10 } 11 return false ; 12 } 13 14 15 16 } Pawel Prokop Jemmy Introduction
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  • 26. GUI testing methods Operators Jemmy Concept depended approach Implementation Component choosers Features Timeouts Tools Find components Timeouts to delay simulated user behaviour kept by org.netbeans.jemmy.Timeouts class 1 / / Set d e l a y b e f o r e key i s pressed d u r i n g t y p i n g 2 JemmyProperties . g e t C u r r e n t T i m e o u t s ( ) . setTimeout 3 ( " JTextComponentOperator . PushKeyTimeout " , 5 0 ) ; each instance can have its own timeouts set 1 / / Set d e l a y between b u t t o n p r e s s i n g and r e l e a s i n g . 2 J B u t t o n O p e r a t o r b t n O p e r a t o r = new J B u t t o n O p e r a t o r ( " Process " ) ; 3 b t n O p e r a t o r . getTimeouts ( ) 4 . setTimeout ( " A b s t r a c t B u t t o n O p e r a t o r . PushButtonTimeout " , 5 0 0 ) ; Pawel Prokop Jemmy Introduction
  • 27. GUI testing methods Operators Jemmy Concept depended approach Implementation Component choosers Features Timeouts Tools Find components Timeouts cont. to wait until timeout exception is raised 1 / / w a i t up t o 5 seconds f o r J D i a l o g 2 JemmyProperties . g e t C u r r e n t T i m e o u t s ( ) . setTimeout 3 ( " D i a l o g W a i t e r . WaitDialogTimeout " , 5 0 0 0 ) ; 4 J D i a l o g O p e r a t o r albums = new J D i a l o g O p e r a t o r ( " D i a l o g Caption " ) ; Pawel Prokop Jemmy Introduction
  • 28. GUI testing methods Operators Jemmy Concept depended approach Implementation Component choosers Features Timeouts Tools Find components More timeouts JComboBoxOperator.BeforeSelectingTimeout - time to sleep after list opened and before item selected JComboBoxOperator.WaitListTimeout - time to wait list opened ComponentOperator.WaitStateTimeout - time to wait for item to be selected JTextComponentOperator.PushKeyTimeout - time between key pressing and releasing during text typing JTextComponentOperator.BetweenKeysTimeout - time to sleep between two chars typing Pawel Prokop Jemmy Introduction
  • 29. GUI testing methods Operators Jemmy Concept depended approach Implementation Component choosers Features Timeouts Tools Find components find method vs operator constructor static find method returns the operator or null immediately: 1 @Test 2 public void test_some_functionality ( ) { 3 // ... 4 J D i a l o g O p e r a t o r myDialog = J D i a l o g O p e r a t o r . f i n d D i a l o g ( " E r r o r " , t r u e , t r u e ) ; 5 i f ( n u l l == myDialog ) { 6 / / no E r r o r d i a l o g i s c u r r e n t l y d i s p l a y e d 7 } 8 // ... 9 } constructor blocks until component appears on the screen or timeout. 1 public void test_some_functionality ( ) { 2 // ... 3 J D i a l o g O p e r a t o r myDialog = new J D i a l o g O p e r a t o r ( " E r r o r " ) ; 4 // ... 5 } Pawel Prokop Jemmy Introduction
  • 30. GUI testing methods Jemmy Screenshot Implementation Dump componenets Features Tools Screenshot feature Capture screen shot 1 // ... 2 @Test 3 public void testSomeFunctionality ( ) { 4 // ... 5 org . netbeans . jemmy . u t i l . PNGEncoder 6 . captureScreen ( " t e s t S o m e F u n c t i o n a l i t y . png " ) ; 7 // ... 8 } 9 // ... Image modes black and white grayscale colour Pawel Prokop Jemmy Introduction
  • 31. GUI testing methods Jemmy Screenshot Implementation Dump componenets Features Tools Dump components in JVM Dump components in JVM Dump all components 1 // ... 2 @Test 3 public void testSomeFunctionality ( ) { 4 // ... 5 org . netbeans . jemmy . u t i l . Dumper . dumpAll ( " jemmy_example . xml " ) ; 6 // ... 7 } 8 // ... Dump component 1 // ... 2 public void testSomeFunctionality ( ) { 3 // ... 4 Component comp = a p p l i c a t i o n . getMainFrame ( ) . getComponent ( 0 ) ; 5 org . netbeans . jemmy . u t i l . Dumper . dumpComponent ( comp , 6 " jemmy_example_component . xml " ) ; 7 // ... 8 } 9 // ... Pawel Prokop Jemmy Introduction
  • 32. GUI testing methods Jemmy Implementation GUIBrowser tool Features Tools GUIBrowser tool shows all GUI objects in current JVM shows components in hierarchy allows to take snapshot in defined time delay displays component members (name, caption, size...) Pawel Prokop Jemmy Introduction
  • 33. GUI testing methods Jemmy Implementation GUIBrowser tool Features Tools Launch GUIBrowser tool 1 new ClassReference ( " org . netbeans . jemmy . e x p l o r e r . GUIBrowser " ) . s t a r t A p p l i c a t i o n ( ) ; Pawel Prokop Jemmy Introduction
  • 34. GUI testing methods Jemmy Implementation GUIBrowser tool Features Tools Questions? Questions? Pawel Prokop Jemmy Introduction
  • 35. GUI testing methods Jemmy Implementation GUIBrowser tool Features Tools Links 1. Operators: 2. Jemmy repository: 3. Jemmy tutorial: 4. this presentation: jemmy_introduction.pdf Pawel Prokop Jemmy Introduction
  • 36. GUI testing methods Jemmy Implementation GUIBrowser tool Features Tools Credits 1. flickr/ant/binux 2. flickr/clock/kobiz7 Pawel Prokop Jemmy Introduction