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Conducting Medication
Reviews in asthma & COPD
           Noshi Iqbal
           Lead Pharmacist
   Clinical Training & Development
             October 2007
Learning Outcomes
By the end of this session, you will be able to:
• Differentiate between the conditions of asthma &
  COPD (medication review perspective)
• Advise on the suitability of inhaler devices for
  your patients (device considerations)
• Understand the pharmacokinetics of inhaled
  drugs (inhaler selection in individuals)
• Discuss national guidelines for asthma & COPD
• Understand what information is needed in the
  GMS 06/07 asthma & COPD templates
Background knowledge

• It is assumed that pharmacists are familiar with:
  – Asthma & COPD as medical conditions
  – General pharmacology of the conditions
  – Broad knowledge of disease management
  – Familiar with the BTS & SIGN guidelines for asthma
  – Familiar with NICE guidelines for COPD management
• References for the above has been provided in
  the module packs for the session.
Pharmacist interventions
During a medication review with an asthmatic or COPD patient, we
  should look out for:
• Inappropriate use of medication
   – Dosage regimen as patient takes it
   – Patient’s knowledge of their medicine
   – Compliance
• Side effects
   – Oral thrush (steroids), tremors (�� agonists)
   – Inappropriate formulation
   – Drug interactions (theophylline & antibiotics)
• Other considerations
   – OTC medicines (regular cough preps, sedatives suggesting
      condition not under control)
   – Spacer replacing (once every year) & cleaning
   – Brand substitution (QVAR®, Clenil®, theophylline)
   – Number of doses in inhalers (so enough supplied per issue)
• Advice
   – Physical activity, reduction in body weight, healthy eating & smoking
Overview of asthma management
• The aim of treatment of chronic asthma is to
  achieve early control, to prevent exacerbations,
  and to maintain control.
• Treat asthma using a stepwise approach. Start
  treatment at level most appropriate to asthma
• Before recommending a new drug, check trigger
  factors have been eliminated, check inhaler
  technique and compliance
  – if trials of add-on therapies are ineffective – advise to
  – if trials of increased steroids are ineffective - advise
    to return to original dose
• Step down treatment levels when control is good
  – review regularly whilst treatment is stepped down
Goals & outcome measures in asthma

BTS & SIGN guidelines for asthma:
• Minimal symptoms during day and night
• Minimal need for reliever medication
• No exacerbations
• No limitation of physical activity
• 'Normal' lung function, i.e. forced
  expiratory volume in 1 second (FEV1) or
  peak expiratory flow (PEF), or both,
  greater than 80% predicted (or best)
BTS & SIGN guidelines on asthma
• Step 1 – As required reliever therapy: treat with a short-
  acting � ��agonist in mild intermittent asthma.
• Step 2 – Regular preventer therapy: prevent asthma using
  an inhaled corticosteroid (ICS) in both adults & children
• Step 3 – Add-on therapy: this consists of several treatment
  options, such as a trial of long-acting � ��agonist, increasing
  the dose of ICS, or adding one of a leukotriene receptor
  antagonist (especially in children under 5 years), theophylline,
  or an oral � ��agonist. Consider referral to respiratory
  paediatrician for children under 2 years.
• Step 4 – Persistent poor control: increase to maximum
  dose of ICS and consider a trial of two add-on drugs. Refer all
  children under 5 years.
• Step 5 – Continuous or frequent use of oral
  corticosteroids: add an oral corticosteroid to existing
  treatment as single daily dose, and consider referral for
  specialist advice (asthma clinic for adults, respiratory
  paediatrician for children) if symptoms are not controlled.
• In addition to drug treatment, offer self-management education,
   including written asthma action plans, which should be tailored to
   the needs and preferences of the individual. Give advice on
   preventing exacerbations of asthma.
• People who have exercise-induced asthma, or occupational asthma,
   or women who are pregnant, may require specific management,
   solicit asthma nurse advice
Steroid therapy
• Inhaled steroids should be considered for patients with any of the
   following: exacerbation in the last two years, using � �� agonists > 3
   times a week or waking 1 night a week
• Once daily inhaled steroids at the same total daily dose can be
   considered if good control is established in milder disease
• Higher doses of steroids may be needed in patients who are
   smokers /ex-smokers
• Risk of systemic side effects with long-term or frequent oral steroid
   therapy – monitor BP, check for signs of diabetes, hyperlipidaemia &
   osteoporosis. In children also monitor growth, check if GP / asthma
   nurse has mentioned signs of adrenal suppression & screening for
   cataracts (in children).
• Dose reduction should be slow e.g. 20-50% every 3 months
GMS Quality Indicators for asthma
• ASTHMA 1 - The practice can produce a register of patients
   with asthma, excluding patients with asthma who have been
   prescribed no asthma-related drugs in the previous twelve
   months = 4 points.
Initial Management
• ASTHMA 8 - The percentage of patients aged eight and
   over diagnosed as having asthma from 1 April 2006 with
   measures of variability or reversibility = 15 points (40-80%
Ongoing Management
• ASTHMA 3 - The percentage of patients with asthma
   between the ages of 14 and 19 in whom there is a record of
   smoking status in the previous 15 months = 6 points (40-
   80% threshold).
• ASTHMA 6 - The percentage of patients with asthma who
   have had an asthma review in the previous 15 months = 20
   points (40-70% threshold).
Where we can help with QOF
                Can help with
                • ASTHMA 3 – during
                  a med review if we
                  check smoking
                • ASTHMA 6 – if we
                  go through all
                  asthma medication
                  then can use XalfK
                  ‘asthma medication
                • If check inhaler
                  technique can tick
                  appropriate box
Chronic Obstructive
Pulmonary Disease
Overview of COPD management
• A diagnosis of COPD should be
  considered in patients over 35 years who
  have a risk factor (usually smoking), and
  one or more of:
  – Exertional breathlessness
  – Chronic cough
  – Regular sputum production
  – Frequent ‘winter bronchitis’
  – Wheeze
• The degree of airflow obstruction cannot
  be predicted from symptoms or signs.
Goals & outcome measures in COPD
NICE guidelines for COPD:
• Lung function should be assessed using spirometry
• Results indicate an abnormality if:
   – FEV1 is < 80% predicted
   – FVC is < 80% predicted
   – Ratio FEV1 / FVC < 70%
• Classification % predicted FEV1
   – Mild: 50-80%
   – Moderate: 30-49%
   – Severe: < 30%
• Can assess severity of COPD by MRC (dyspnoea)
  scale, BMI
• Mild / moderate COPD – assess annually
• Severe COPD – assess twice a year
• All patients should have a chest x-ray & FBC [to exclude
  lung cancer & blood disorders (anaemia, polycythaemia
What else could it be?
The differential diagnosis of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
     (COPD) includes any condition that presents with persistent
              breathlessness and/or cough. For example:

•  Asthma — family history, atopy, non-smoker, younger age, nocturnal
• Bronchiectasis — copious sputum, frequent chest infections, history
   of childhood pneumonia, coarse lung crackles.
• Congestive cardiac failure — breathlessness when lying flat, history
   of ischaemic heart disease, fine lung crackles.
• Lung carcinoma — haemoptysis, weight loss, hoarseness.
• Interstitial lung disease (asbestosis, pneumoconiosis, fibrosing
   alveolitis) — dry cough, fine crackles.
• Bronchopulmonary dysplasia — recurrent chest infections in young
• Anaemia.
• Obstructive sleep apnoea.
 Note: some of these conditions may also coexist in a COPD patient.
      If you suspect any of these other symptoms – let GP know
Differences between asthma & COPD
Clinical features         COPD             Asthma

Smoker or ex-smoker       Nearly all       Possibly

Age < 35 years            Rare             Often

Chronic productive        Common           Uncommon
Breathlessness            Persistent and   Variable
Night time waking with    Uncommon         Common
breathlessness or
Significant diurnal or    Uncommon         Common
day-to-day variation in
NICE guidelines on COPD
• In people with stable COPD who are symptomatic with
  breathlessness &/or reduced exercise tolerance use
  the following:
   – Start with a short-acting bronchodilator (� ��agonist or
     antimuscarinic) as required.
   – If still symptomatic, either combine a short-acting � ��
     agonist with a short-acting antimuscarinic, or add in a long-
     acting bronchodilator (� ��agonist or antimuscarinic).
   – If still symptomatic, in moderate-to-severe COPD consider
     a trial of a combination of a long-acting � ��agonist and
     inhaled corticosteroids.
   – If still symptomatic, consider adding aminophylline or
• Review people 1-2 months after a treatment has been
  started, and if there is no symptomatic improvement it
  should be discontinued. Suggest a longer trial period
  in people who have started an inhaled corticosteroid.
NICE guidelines on COPD
• In people with stable COPD who are having frequent
   – Optimise long-acting bronchodilator therapy with one or two
     long-acting bronchodilators.
   – Suggest to GP to add an inhaled corticosteroid — if the person
     has moderate-to-severe COPD (FEV1 less than 50%) and two or
     more exacerbations in a 12-month period.
   – In people troubled by a chronic productive cough, consider a trial
     of a mucolytic drug.
   – In people with an exacerbation of COPD, firstly exclude the need
     for admission to hospital, then increase the inhaled short-acting
     bronchodilator therapy to maximum, and consider starting a
     course of oral corticosteroids (if breathless), and an antibiotic if
     they have purulent sputum and/or signs of infection (do with GP).
• People with frequent exacerbations should have an
  action plan (as part of their self-management plan) on
  how to recognise, and respond early (and appropriately)
  to, an exacerbation. Check with nurse what info he / she
  provides to patients.
NICE guidelines on COPD
• Referral to a specialist should help with an
  uncertain diagnosis of COPD (or complications)
  and for consideration of additional therapies:
  – Oxygen therapy in anyone with moderate-to-severe
    COPD, signs of cor pulmonale, or polycythaemia.
  – Pulmonary rehabilitation in anyone who considered
    themselves functionally disabled by their COPD
    (usually MRC dyspnoea score > 3)
  – Nutritional supplements (after a dietician referral) in
    people with a BMI of less than 20 kg/m2.
• All patients and carers should be aware that
  COPD can be a terminal disease and individuals
  with end-stage COPD should receive palliative
  care by a multi-disciplinary team.
Audit criteria in COPD
NICE recommends the following audit criteria to investigate COPD:

•   Diagnosis of COPD
     – Percentage of people over the age of 35 years who smoke consulting with
        a chronic cough and/or breathlessness who have had spirometry
     – Percentage of people with a diagnosis of COPD who have had spirometry
•   Smoking cessation
     – Percentage of people with COPD who are current smokers recorded in
        the general practice records as having been offered smoking cessation
        advice and or therapy.
•   Effectiveness of inhaled therapy
     – Percentage of people with FEV1 of equal to, or less than, 50% predicted
        who have had two or more exacerbations in a 12-month period who are
        prescribed inhaled corticosteroid therapy.
•   Pulmonary rehabilitation
     – Percentage of people with COPD who have undergone pulmonary
•   Management of exacerbations
     – Percentage of people with exacerbations receiving appropriate
        corticosteroids and/ or antibiotics.
FAQs about COPD
1)       When are oral corticosteroids recommended?
•        Long-term (maintenance) oral corticosteroids are
         generally not recommended for stable chronic
         obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).
•        If the person finds it difficult to stop oral corticosteroids
         (e.g. has immediate worsening of symptoms) after
         repeated short courses prescribed for exacerbations
         and/or has severe breathlessness, consider referring
         for advice on maintenance oral corticosteroids
•        People taking maintenance oral corticosteroids should
     –      On the lowest dose possible to alleviate disabling symptoms
            (e.g. prednisolone 5 mg/day).
     –      Advised not to stop taking corticosteroids suddenly, and to
            carry a corticosteroid treatment card.
     –      Monitored for the development of osteoporosis if under 65
            years of age or started on prophylaxis treatment (with
            monitoring) if over 65 years of age.
FAQs about COPD
2) When should antibiotics be prescribed?
•   An antibiotic should be started if the person's sputum is more
    purulent than usual and/or there are clinical signs of pneumonia.
•   Consult local antibiotic prescribing guidelines. Empirical treatment
    –    An aminopenicillin (e.g. amoxicillin) is usually first-line.
    –    A tetracycline (e.g. doxycycline), or a macrolide (e.g. erythromycin, or
         clarithromycin), are suitable alternatives.
    –    If there is no clinical benefit after the first antibiotic, consider using an
         alternative antibiotic from the first-line options, or co-amoxiclav.
•    Note: use of an antibiotic is not recommended in the absence of
     purulent sputum.
•    Pneumonia in the elderly can be non-specific, but there should be
     an increased suspicion of infection if there is a temperature and/or
     clinical signs on examination (bronchial breathing, reduced air
     entry), increased breathlessness or cough, increased volume of
     sputum, reduced exercise capacity, or a recent hospitalisation.
  Prophylactic antibiotics are not recommended for people with stable
        chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, due to concerns about
               antibiotic resistance and potential adverse effects
GMS Quality Indicators for COPD
• COPD 1 - The practice can produce a register of patients
   with COPD = 3 points
Initial diagnosis
• COPD 9 - The percentage of all patients with COPD in
   whom diagnosis has been confirmed by spirometry including
   reversibility testing = 10 points (40-80% threshold)
Ongoing management
• COPD 10 - The percentage of patients with COPD with a
   record of forced expiratory volume in 1 second (FEV1) in the
   previous 15 months = 7 points (40-70% threshold)
• COPD 11 - The percentage of patients with COPD receiving
   inhaled treatment in whom there is a record that inhaler
   technique has been checked in the previous 15 months = 7
   points (40-90% threshold)
• COPD 8 - The percentage of patients with COPD who have
   had influenza immunisation in the preceding 1 September to
   31 March = 6 points (40-85% threshold)
Where we can help with QOF
                 Can help with
                   ‘initial diagnosis’
                 • COPD 9 – can
                   check if patients
                   have had a
                   spirometry to
                   confirm diagnosis
                 Can help with
                 • COPD 11 – if we
                   check inhaler
                   technique can
                   select from drop
                   down menu
Device considerations
1) What patients want from an inhaler device – i.e.
  does it fit in with:
  – Lifestyle (carry in handbag, pocket, work in damp
    environments – DPIs clog)
  – Ability (using Spiriva®, MDI vs. Easi-Breathe®, child)
  – physical & sensory impairment (arthritis, blind, deaf)
  – learning disabilities (MDI technique vs. accuhaler)
  – Tracheostomies (difficult to administer – small volume
    spacer which fits trachy device – can then use MDIs)
2) Cost effectiveness (60, 120 and 200 doses)
3) Range of devices – ease of use, patient
  preference which will aid compliance & minimise
  costs by less wastage due to inappropriate use.
Pharmacokinetics of inhaled drugs

• Drug molecules deposited in the mouth &
  oropharynx are:
  –   swallowed
  –   absorbed from the gut
  –   taken into the portal circulation via the portal vein
  –   metabolised & deactivated in the liver (first pass)

• Systemic absorption also occurs in the lungs –
  smaller particle size of some CFC-free inhaled
  products can increased systemic drug
  availability (Qvar® – used at half the dose)
• Some drugs are activated only when they reach
  the target lung site (pro-drugs e.g. ciclesonide)
• The drug dose stated on       • Drug particle size
  the label is not always the         has to be
   dose that reaches lungs          between 2-5
                                    microns to be
• Some drugs are                  deposited in the
    metabolised &                  upper & central
  deactivated in the                   airways
       liver more
   effectively than
   others (reduces
      amount that               • If size of drug
  reaches systemic
     circulation) –               particles is less
    fluticasone vs.               than 2 microns
   beclometasone                drugs – passage to
                                  circulation can
 • High doses of inhaled
                                 occur across the
     corticosteroids may
  produce systemic effects
Biopharmaceutics of inhalers
• Metered dose inhalers (MDIs) are pressurised,
  hand-held devices that use propellants to deliver
  doses of medication to the lungs of a patient.
• The propellant evaporates leaving the drug
  particles to deposit in the lungs during an
• The Montreal Protocol on Substances That
  Deplete the Ozone Layer is an international
  treaty designed to protect the ozone layer by
  phasing out the production of a number of
  substances (including cfc-inhalers) believed to
  be responsible for ozone depletion. The treaty
  came into force on Jan 1st 1989 – it was agreed
  that CFC-free inhalers would be in use by 1996.
CFC-free inhalers
• Hydrofluoroalkane 134a (HFAs) is the main type of CFC-
  free inhaler
• All salbutamol MDIs in the UK are now CFC free
• Inhaled steroids are more difficult to reformulate with HFA
  propellants, (especially beclometasone dipropionate) as the
  drug particles behave differently
• QVAR® has a particle size of 2 microns to overcome this –
  care with dose (to minimise systemic drug bioavailability)
• Modulite MDI use advanced technology where the orifice
  size is finer which alters the cloud characteristics of the
  drug particles enabling a slower moving inhaler cloud over
  a longer time period – advantage - less dependency on
  good coordination
• Modulite technology has enabled HFA formulations to be
  developed with drugs that were previously difficult to
• Clenil Modulite® & Respimat® utilise this new technology
Inhaler types

• There are two main types of inhalers
• Pressurised MDIs (including breath
  activated MDIs)
• Dry powder inhalers (DPIs)
Inhaler technique
• Generation of a drug aerosol for inhalation requires
• The source of the energy varies depending on the
  device used:
   – In an MDI the aerosol is generated by the evaporation of
     the propellant
   – In a DPI the energy is generated from the flow of air
     through the device by the inspiratory effort that the patient
   – In a nebuliser the energy is provided by the driving gas
• All inhaler devices require different amounts of
  effort; each patient will be different so it is
  important to determine from the inhaler
  technique which type of inhaler will be most
Pressurised Metered Dose Inhalers
• The aerosol leaves the actuator of MDIs at high speed
• Patients need to co-ordinate inhalation and actuation of
  the inhaler and needs to inhale at a low inspiratory flow
• This serves to slow down the aerosol so that it doesn’t
  impact at the back of the throat and in the large airways
• A common error with MDI technique is to inhale too fast

  Drug deposition        Inspiratory flow
  Mouth                  Too slow
  Throat                 Too fast
  Lungs                  Correct
Dry Powder Inhalers (DPI)
• A DPI is designed such that the patient’s inhalation through
  it will create sufficient turbulence to break the drug down
  (deaggregate it) into the right sized particles for inhalation
  (which form the dose)
• The drug in many DPIs is attached to a carrier molecule
  (usually lactose)
• When the turbulent airstream causes deaggregation:
• Small drug particles are inhaled and deposited in the lungs
• Larger particles and the lactose carrier are deposited in the
  mouth and swallowed
• The inspiratory flow rate needed to deaggregate the drug to
  the appropriate fine particle mass varies from inhaler to
• The amount of effort a patient needs to generate the
  appropriate level of flow also varies from device to device
  and depends on the internal design of the inhaler and
  amount of internal resistance this creates
The correct inhalation technique
                 that generates the right inspiratory
                    flow rate through the internal
                  resistance of the inhaler needs to
                   be taught if the optimum dose of
                      drug is to reach the lungs

A breath hold at the end of
   inhalation allows drug
  particles to settle in the
       small airways
    (sedimentation) and
improve deposition of drug
        in the lungs
Doing Medication Reviews with
      Asthma / COPD patients

• Check patient understanding of treatment
• Check if treatment suitable for patients
• Provide advice to GPs & respiratory
  nurses on management of conditions
• Help practices achieve GMS targets and
  participate in audit (fill numbers in weekly

• BTS guidelines for asthma 2007
• NICE guidelines for COPD Nov 05
Starbucks Caffeine Inhaler

"... currently being test marketed, delivers a
    grande sized burst of caffeine with each
      blast while making your breath minty

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Asthma copd medication reviews2007

  • 1. Conducting Medication Reviews in asthma & COPD patients Noshi Iqbal Lead Pharmacist Clinical Training & Development October 2007
  • 2. Learning Outcomes By the end of this session, you will be able to: • Differentiate between the conditions of asthma & COPD (medication review perspective) • Advise on the suitability of inhaler devices for your patients (device considerations) • Understand the pharmacokinetics of inhaled drugs (inhaler selection in individuals) • Discuss national guidelines for asthma & COPD • Understand what information is needed in the GMS 06/07 asthma & COPD templates
  • 3. Background knowledge • It is assumed that pharmacists are familiar with: – Asthma & COPD as medical conditions – General pharmacology of the conditions – Broad knowledge of disease management – Familiar with the BTS & SIGN guidelines for asthma management – Familiar with NICE guidelines for COPD management • References for the above has been provided in the module packs for the session.
  • 4. Pharmacist interventions During a medication review with an asthmatic or COPD patient, we should look out for: • Inappropriate use of medication – Dosage regimen as patient takes it – Patient’s knowledge of their medicine – Compliance • Side effects – Oral thrush (steroids), tremors (�� agonists) – Inappropriate formulation – Drug interactions (theophylline & antibiotics) • Other considerations – OTC medicines (regular cough preps, sedatives suggesting condition not under control) – Spacer replacing (once every year) & cleaning – Brand substitution (QVAR®, Clenil®, theophylline) – Number of doses in inhalers (so enough supplied per issue) • Advice – Physical activity, reduction in body weight, healthy eating & smoking cessation
  • 6. Overview of asthma management • The aim of treatment of chronic asthma is to achieve early control, to prevent exacerbations, and to maintain control. • Treat asthma using a stepwise approach. Start treatment at level most appropriate to asthma severity. • Before recommending a new drug, check trigger factors have been eliminated, check inhaler technique and compliance – if trials of add-on therapies are ineffective – advise to stop – if trials of increased steroids are ineffective - advise to return to original dose • Step down treatment levels when control is good – review regularly whilst treatment is stepped down
  • 7. Goals & outcome measures in asthma BTS & SIGN guidelines for asthma: • Minimal symptoms during day and night • Minimal need for reliever medication • No exacerbations • No limitation of physical activity • 'Normal' lung function, i.e. forced expiratory volume in 1 second (FEV1) or peak expiratory flow (PEF), or both, greater than 80% predicted (or best)
  • 8. BTS & SIGN guidelines on asthma • Step 1 – As required reliever therapy: treat with a short- acting � ��agonist in mild intermittent asthma. • Step 2 – Regular preventer therapy: prevent asthma using an inhaled corticosteroid (ICS) in both adults & children • Step 3 – Add-on therapy: this consists of several treatment options, such as a trial of long-acting � ��agonist, increasing the dose of ICS, or adding one of a leukotriene receptor antagonist (especially in children under 5 years), theophylline, or an oral � ��agonist. Consider referral to respiratory paediatrician for children under 2 years. • Step 4 – Persistent poor control: increase to maximum dose of ICS and consider a trial of two add-on drugs. Refer all children under 5 years. • Step 5 – Continuous or frequent use of oral corticosteroids: add an oral corticosteroid to existing treatment as single daily dose, and consider referral for specialist advice (asthma clinic for adults, respiratory paediatrician for children) if symptoms are not controlled.
  • 9. Notes • In addition to drug treatment, offer self-management education, including written asthma action plans, which should be tailored to the needs and preferences of the individual. Give advice on preventing exacerbations of asthma. • People who have exercise-induced asthma, or occupational asthma, or women who are pregnant, may require specific management, solicit asthma nurse advice Steroid therapy • Inhaled steroids should be considered for patients with any of the following: exacerbation in the last two years, using � �� agonists > 3 times a week or waking 1 night a week • Once daily inhaled steroids at the same total daily dose can be considered if good control is established in milder disease • Higher doses of steroids may be needed in patients who are smokers /ex-smokers • Risk of systemic side effects with long-term or frequent oral steroid therapy – monitor BP, check for signs of diabetes, hyperlipidaemia & osteoporosis. In children also monitor growth, check if GP / asthma nurse has mentioned signs of adrenal suppression & screening for cataracts (in children). • Dose reduction should be slow e.g. 20-50% every 3 months
  • 10. GMS Quality Indicators for asthma Records • ASTHMA 1 - The practice can produce a register of patients with asthma, excluding patients with asthma who have been prescribed no asthma-related drugs in the previous twelve months = 4 points. Initial Management • ASTHMA 8 - The percentage of patients aged eight and over diagnosed as having asthma from 1 April 2006 with measures of variability or reversibility = 15 points (40-80% threshold). Ongoing Management • ASTHMA 3 - The percentage of patients with asthma between the ages of 14 and 19 in whom there is a record of smoking status in the previous 15 months = 6 points (40- 80% threshold). • ASTHMA 6 - The percentage of patients with asthma who have had an asthma review in the previous 15 months = 20 points (40-70% threshold).
  • 11. Where we can help with QOF Can help with ‘ongoing management’ • ASTHMA 3 – during a med review if we check smoking status • ASTHMA 6 – if we go through all asthma medication then can use XalfK ‘asthma medication review’ • If check inhaler technique can tick appropriate box
  • 13. Overview of COPD management • A diagnosis of COPD should be considered in patients over 35 years who have a risk factor (usually smoking), and one or more of: – Exertional breathlessness – Chronic cough – Regular sputum production – Frequent ‘winter bronchitis’ – Wheeze • The degree of airflow obstruction cannot be predicted from symptoms or signs.
  • 14. Goals & outcome measures in COPD NICE guidelines for COPD: • Lung function should be assessed using spirometry • Results indicate an abnormality if: – FEV1 is < 80% predicted – FVC is < 80% predicted – Ratio FEV1 / FVC < 70% • Classification % predicted FEV1 – Mild: 50-80% – Moderate: 30-49% – Severe: < 30% • Can assess severity of COPD by MRC (dyspnoea) scale, BMI • Mild / moderate COPD – assess annually • Severe COPD – assess twice a year • All patients should have a chest x-ray & FBC [to exclude lung cancer & blood disorders (anaemia, polycythaemia etc)]
  • 15. What else could it be? The differential diagnosis of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) includes any condition that presents with persistent breathlessness and/or cough. For example: • Asthma — family history, atopy, non-smoker, younger age, nocturnal symptoms. • Bronchiectasis — copious sputum, frequent chest infections, history of childhood pneumonia, coarse lung crackles. • Congestive cardiac failure — breathlessness when lying flat, history of ischaemic heart disease, fine lung crackles. • Lung carcinoma — haemoptysis, weight loss, hoarseness. • Interstitial lung disease (asbestosis, pneumoconiosis, fibrosing alveolitis) — dry cough, fine crackles. • Bronchopulmonary dysplasia — recurrent chest infections in young adult. • Anaemia. • Obstructive sleep apnoea. Note: some of these conditions may also coexist in a COPD patient. If you suspect any of these other symptoms – let GP know
  • 16. Differences between asthma & COPD Clinical features COPD Asthma Smoker or ex-smoker Nearly all Possibly Age < 35 years Rare Often Chronic productive Common Uncommon cough Breathlessness Persistent and Variable productive Night time waking with Uncommon Common breathlessness or wheeze Significant diurnal or Uncommon Common day-to-day variation in symptoms
  • 17. NICE guidelines on COPD • In people with stable COPD who are symptomatic with breathlessness &/or reduced exercise tolerance use the following: – Start with a short-acting bronchodilator (� ��agonist or antimuscarinic) as required. – If still symptomatic, either combine a short-acting � �� agonist with a short-acting antimuscarinic, or add in a long- acting bronchodilator (� ��agonist or antimuscarinic). – If still symptomatic, in moderate-to-severe COPD consider a trial of a combination of a long-acting � ��agonist and inhaled corticosteroids. – If still symptomatic, consider adding aminophylline or theophylline. • Review people 1-2 months after a treatment has been started, and if there is no symptomatic improvement it should be discontinued. Suggest a longer trial period in people who have started an inhaled corticosteroid.
  • 18. NICE guidelines on COPD • In people with stable COPD who are having frequent exacerbations: – Optimise long-acting bronchodilator therapy with one or two long-acting bronchodilators. – Suggest to GP to add an inhaled corticosteroid — if the person has moderate-to-severe COPD (FEV1 less than 50%) and two or more exacerbations in a 12-month period. – In people troubled by a chronic productive cough, consider a trial of a mucolytic drug. – In people with an exacerbation of COPD, firstly exclude the need for admission to hospital, then increase the inhaled short-acting bronchodilator therapy to maximum, and consider starting a course of oral corticosteroids (if breathless), and an antibiotic if they have purulent sputum and/or signs of infection (do with GP). • People with frequent exacerbations should have an action plan (as part of their self-management plan) on how to recognise, and respond early (and appropriately) to, an exacerbation. Check with nurse what info he / she provides to patients.
  • 19. NICE guidelines on COPD • Referral to a specialist should help with an uncertain diagnosis of COPD (or complications) and for consideration of additional therapies: – Oxygen therapy in anyone with moderate-to-severe COPD, signs of cor pulmonale, or polycythaemia. – Pulmonary rehabilitation in anyone who considered themselves functionally disabled by their COPD (usually MRC dyspnoea score > 3) – Nutritional supplements (after a dietician referral) in people with a BMI of less than 20 kg/m2. • All patients and carers should be aware that COPD can be a terminal disease and individuals with end-stage COPD should receive palliative care by a multi-disciplinary team.
  • 20. Audit criteria in COPD NICE recommends the following audit criteria to investigate COPD: • Diagnosis of COPD – Percentage of people over the age of 35 years who smoke consulting with a chronic cough and/or breathlessness who have had spirometry performed. – Percentage of people with a diagnosis of COPD who have had spirometry performed. • Smoking cessation – Percentage of people with COPD who are current smokers recorded in the general practice records as having been offered smoking cessation advice and or therapy. • Effectiveness of inhaled therapy – Percentage of people with FEV1 of equal to, or less than, 50% predicted who have had two or more exacerbations in a 12-month period who are prescribed inhaled corticosteroid therapy. • Pulmonary rehabilitation – Percentage of people with COPD who have undergone pulmonary rehabilitation. • Management of exacerbations – Percentage of people with exacerbations receiving appropriate corticosteroids and/ or antibiotics.
  • 21. FAQs about COPD 1) When are oral corticosteroids recommended? • Long-term (maintenance) oral corticosteroids are generally not recommended for stable chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). • If the person finds it difficult to stop oral corticosteroids (e.g. has immediate worsening of symptoms) after repeated short courses prescribed for exacerbations and/or has severe breathlessness, consider referring for advice on maintenance oral corticosteroids • People taking maintenance oral corticosteroids should be: – On the lowest dose possible to alleviate disabling symptoms (e.g. prednisolone 5 mg/day). – Advised not to stop taking corticosteroids suddenly, and to carry a corticosteroid treatment card. – Monitored for the development of osteoporosis if under 65 years of age or started on prophylaxis treatment (with monitoring) if over 65 years of age.
  • 22. FAQs about COPD 2) When should antibiotics be prescribed? • An antibiotic should be started if the person's sputum is more purulent than usual and/or there are clinical signs of pneumonia. • Consult local antibiotic prescribing guidelines. Empirical treatment with: – An aminopenicillin (e.g. amoxicillin) is usually first-line. – A tetracycline (e.g. doxycycline), or a macrolide (e.g. erythromycin, or clarithromycin), are suitable alternatives. – If there is no clinical benefit after the first antibiotic, consider using an alternative antibiotic from the first-line options, or co-amoxiclav. • Note: use of an antibiotic is not recommended in the absence of purulent sputum. • Pneumonia in the elderly can be non-specific, but there should be an increased suspicion of infection if there is a temperature and/or clinical signs on examination (bronchial breathing, reduced air entry), increased breathlessness or cough, increased volume of sputum, reduced exercise capacity, or a recent hospitalisation. Prophylactic antibiotics are not recommended for people with stable chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, due to concerns about antibiotic resistance and potential adverse effects
  • 23. GMS Quality Indicators for COPD Records • COPD 1 - The practice can produce a register of patients with COPD = 3 points Initial diagnosis • COPD 9 - The percentage of all patients with COPD in whom diagnosis has been confirmed by spirometry including reversibility testing = 10 points (40-80% threshold) Ongoing management • COPD 10 - The percentage of patients with COPD with a record of forced expiratory volume in 1 second (FEV1) in the previous 15 months = 7 points (40-70% threshold) • COPD 11 - The percentage of patients with COPD receiving inhaled treatment in whom there is a record that inhaler technique has been checked in the previous 15 months = 7 points (40-90% threshold) • COPD 8 - The percentage of patients with COPD who have had influenza immunisation in the preceding 1 September to 31 March = 6 points (40-85% threshold)
  • 24. Where we can help with QOF Can help with ‘initial diagnosis’ • COPD 9 – can check if patients have had a spirometry to confirm diagnosis Can help with ‘ongoing management’ • COPD 11 – if we check inhaler technique can select from drop down menu
  • 25. Biopharmaceutics & pharmacokinetics
  • 26. Device considerations 1) What patients want from an inhaler device – i.e. does it fit in with: – Lifestyle (carry in handbag, pocket, work in damp environments – DPIs clog) – Ability (using Spiriva®, MDI vs. Easi-Breathe®, child) – physical & sensory impairment (arthritis, blind, deaf) – learning disabilities (MDI technique vs. accuhaler) – Tracheostomies (difficult to administer – small volume spacer which fits trachy device – can then use MDIs) 2) Cost effectiveness (60, 120 and 200 doses) 3) Range of devices – ease of use, patient preference which will aid compliance & minimise costs by less wastage due to inappropriate use.
  • 27. Pharmacokinetics of inhaled drugs • Drug molecules deposited in the mouth & oropharynx are: – swallowed – absorbed from the gut – taken into the portal circulation via the portal vein – metabolised & deactivated in the liver (first pass) • Systemic absorption also occurs in the lungs – smaller particle size of some CFC-free inhaled products can increased systemic drug availability (Qvar® – used at half the dose) • Some drugs are activated only when they reach the target lung site (pro-drugs e.g. ciclesonide)
  • 28. • The drug dose stated on • Drug particle size the label is not always the has to be dose that reaches lungs between 2-5 microns to be • Some drugs are deposited in the metabolised & upper & central deactivated in the airways liver more effectively than others (reduces amount that • If size of drug reaches systemic circulation) – particles is less fluticasone vs. than 2 microns beclometasone drugs – passage to circulation can • High doses of inhaled occur across the corticosteroids may alveolar-capillary produce systemic effects interface
  • 29. Biopharmaceutics of inhalers • Metered dose inhalers (MDIs) are pressurised, hand-held devices that use propellants to deliver doses of medication to the lungs of a patient. • The propellant evaporates leaving the drug particles to deposit in the lungs during an actuation • The Montreal Protocol on Substances That Deplete the Ozone Layer is an international treaty designed to protect the ozone layer by phasing out the production of a number of substances (including cfc-inhalers) believed to be responsible for ozone depletion. The treaty came into force on Jan 1st 1989 – it was agreed that CFC-free inhalers would be in use by 1996.
  • 30. CFC-free inhalers • Hydrofluoroalkane 134a (HFAs) is the main type of CFC- free inhaler • All salbutamol MDIs in the UK are now CFC free • Inhaled steroids are more difficult to reformulate with HFA propellants, (especially beclometasone dipropionate) as the drug particles behave differently • QVAR® has a particle size of 2 microns to overcome this – care with dose (to minimise systemic drug bioavailability) • Modulite MDI use advanced technology where the orifice size is finer which alters the cloud characteristics of the drug particles enabling a slower moving inhaler cloud over a longer time period – advantage - less dependency on good coordination • Modulite technology has enabled HFA formulations to be developed with drugs that were previously difficult to reformulate • Clenil Modulite® & Respimat® utilise this new technology
  • 31. Inhaler types • There are two main types of inhalers available: • Pressurised MDIs (including breath activated MDIs) • Dry powder inhalers (DPIs)
  • 32. Inhaler technique • Generation of a drug aerosol for inhalation requires energy • The source of the energy varies depending on the device used: – In an MDI the aerosol is generated by the evaporation of the propellant – In a DPI the energy is generated from the flow of air through the device by the inspiratory effort that the patient produces – In a nebuliser the energy is provided by the driving gas • All inhaler devices require different amounts of effort; each patient will be different so it is important to determine from the inhaler technique which type of inhaler will be most suitable
  • 33. Pressurised Metered Dose Inhalers (pMDIs) • The aerosol leaves the actuator of MDIs at high speed • Patients need to co-ordinate inhalation and actuation of the inhaler and needs to inhale at a low inspiratory flow rate • This serves to slow down the aerosol so that it doesn’t impact at the back of the throat and in the large airways • A common error with MDI technique is to inhale too fast Drug deposition Inspiratory flow Mouth Too slow Throat Too fast Lungs Correct
  • 34. Dry Powder Inhalers (DPI) • A DPI is designed such that the patient’s inhalation through it will create sufficient turbulence to break the drug down (deaggregate it) into the right sized particles for inhalation (which form the dose) • The drug in many DPIs is attached to a carrier molecule (usually lactose) • When the turbulent airstream causes deaggregation: • Small drug particles are inhaled and deposited in the lungs • Larger particles and the lactose carrier are deposited in the mouth and swallowed • The inspiratory flow rate needed to deaggregate the drug to the appropriate fine particle mass varies from inhaler to inhaler • The amount of effort a patient needs to generate the appropriate level of flow also varies from device to device and depends on the internal design of the inhaler and amount of internal resistance this creates
  • 35. The correct inhalation technique that generates the right inspiratory flow rate through the internal resistance of the inhaler needs to be taught if the optimum dose of drug is to reach the lungs A breath hold at the end of inhalation allows drug particles to settle in the small airways (sedimentation) and improve deposition of drug in the lungs
  • 36. Doing Medication Reviews with Asthma / COPD patients • Check patient understanding of treatment • Check if treatment suitable for patients • Provide advice to GPs & respiratory nurses on management of conditions • Help practices achieve GMS targets and participate in audit (fill numbers in weekly sheets)
  • 37. References • BTS guidelines for asthma 2007 • NICE guidelines for COPD Nov 05
  • 38. Starbucks Caffeine Inhaler "... currently being test marketed, delivers a grande sized burst of caffeine with each blast while making your breath minty fresh"