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International Summer School on Surfaces and Interfaces in Correlated Oxiides, Vancouver, 29 Aug – 01 Sep 2011



Photoelectron spectroscopy of functional oxides:
Heterostructures and buried interfaces
Ralph Claessen (U Würzburg, Germany)

• Photoelectron spectroscopy (PES)

• PES theory in a nutshell

• PES with hard x-rays (HAXPES)

• HAXPES of oxide heterostructures
Heterostructures of functional oxides
3d transition metal oxides
strong coupling between charge/orbital/spin/lattice
degrees of freedom lead to:
   - metal-insulator transitions
   - charge and orbital ordering
   - local magnetism (ferro, antiferro,…)
   - high-temperature superconductivity
   - collossal magnetoresistance

Epitaxial heterostructures by MBE, PLD
controlled interfaces, additional functionalities:
  - strain engineering
  - interfacial 2dim electron gas (2DEG)
  - electrostatic doping (by polarity or field effect)
  - artificial multiferroics
  - spin injection
Oxide heterostructures

                     "The interface is the device"
                   (H. Kroemer, Nobel lecture 2000)

                         Want information on:
                           • chemical composition
                           • electronic structure
                           • vertical depth profile

                         photoelectron spectroscopy (PES)
                          with soft and hard x-rays
Photoelectron spectroscopy (PES)
Photoelectron spectroscopy (PES)




                                      Ekin = hν – EB - Φ0
                                      measure kinetic energy
                                      distribution of photoelectrons
Photoelectron spectroscopy (PES)


sample                        Chemistry (core levels):
                              → composition
                              → chemical bonding
                              → valencies

                              Electronic structure (valence band):
                              → density of states
                              → band structure
                              → Fermi surface
                              → spectral function A<(k,E)
Core level spectroscopy: ESCA

Electron Spectroscopy for Chemical Analysis

                                                                                                                    Bi 4f5/2        Bi 4f7/2

                                                                                 Intensity [a.u.]
                                           O 1s

                                                                 Bi 4f
 Intensity [a.u.]

                                                  Bi 4d
                                                          C 1s                                                    1310     1320     1330        1340
                                                                                                                         Kinetic Energy [eV]

                                                      Ca 2p
                          •Cu 2p                                     Sr 3d                                                        Fermi level

                                                                                              Intensity [a.u.]
                                                                         Bi 5d

                          hν = 1486.6 eV [Al - Kα]
                                                                                                                 1470      1480        1490        1500
                    400      600     800    1000 1200 1400                                                                Kinetic Energy [eV]

                                   Kinetic Energy [eV]
                                                                                                                               courtesy of A.F. Santander-Syro
Core level spectroscopy: Chemical shift and valency

Example: alkali metal doping of TiOCl

                                                              Ti2p 3/2 (+ Na)    Na1s
                                                  Ti                2+


                                 doping x (%)
      valence change:
      Ti3+(3d1)  Ti2+(3d2)                     462    460   458   456   454    1080   1075   1070   1065

                                                 binding energy (eV)              binding energy (eV)

                                                                                         PRL 106, 056403 (2011)
Valence band spectroscopy

            k-integrated spectrum

                             Ti 3d

         O 2p / Cl 3p

                                     PRB 72, 125127 (2005)
Valence band spectroscopy: ARPES

Angle-Resolved PhotoElectron Spectroscopy
 band structure and Fermi surface
 emission angle (i.e. momentum)

                                                                     courtesy T. Deveraux/A. Damascelli
PES instrumentation
• rare gas discharge lamp (<40.2 eV)
                                           • hemispherical anylzer
• x-ray tube (1.256 and 1.486 keV)
                                           • time of flight (TOF) analyzer)
• synchrotron radiation (10 eV … 10 keV)

                                                typically 10-10 mbar

PES theory in a nutshell:
1) Independent electron approximation
PES theory: Independent electrons

Time-dependent perturbation theory

Unperturbed electron system:
one-electron states ψ with energy E
Perturbation:                                                i ( k ⋅r −2πνt )
classical radiation field with vector potential   A(r , t ) = A0e

 Fermi´s Golden Rule
  for the photoinduced transition rate from initial to final states:
                          ik ⋅r 
                                   2
   wi → f ∝ ψ f          A0e ⋅ p ψ i δ ( E f − Ei − hν )

   Hence, the total photoelectron current is:
    I PES (ε ) ∝ ∑ wi → f δ (ε − E f )
                  i, f
PES theory: Independent electrons

                       ik ⋅r 
                                2
  wi → f ∝ ψ f        A0e ⋅ p ψ i δ ( E f − Ei − hν )

final state:                                         energy conservation
inverted LEED state                   initial state:
(eigenstate of semi-infinite crystal) Bloch wave or core level
PES theory: Independent electrons

                        ik ⋅r 
                                 2
  wi → f ∝ ψ f         A0e ⋅ p ψ i δ ( E f − Ei − hν )

final state: high-energy Bloch state of infinite crystal,
inverted LEED stateand 3 incoherently decoupled
             steps 2
(eigenstate of semi-infinite crystal)

 One-step model                               Three-step model

                                                                 A. Damascelli
PES theory: Independent electrons

                   ik ⋅r 
                            2
wi → f ∝ ψ f      A0e ⋅ p ψ i δ ( E f − Ei − hν )

                  transition matrix element

If the radiadion field is only weakly modulated on 
                                                   atomic length scales,
(i.e. λ = 2π k >> few Å), the photon momentum k can be neglected in
the transition matrix element:
     ik ⋅r 
                                
  f A0e ⋅ p i ≈ f A0 ⋅ p i ∝ A0 ⋅ f er i

                                              Dipole approximation
hν = 20 eV  λ ≈ 600 Å
hν = 2000 eV  λ ≈ 6 Å
PES theory: Independent electrons

Dipole approximation and k-selection rule for Bloch states

                                  momentum conservation:      only"vertical"
                                           
                                    k f = ki + G + k photon   transitions

                                            ARPES
Transition metal oxides: electronic correlations

oxides of the 3d transition metals: M = Ti, V, … ,Ni, Cu
basic building blocks: MO6 octahedra (or other ligand shells)

electronic configuration: O 2s2p6 = [Ne]
                                      TM   3dn
                                                    strongly localized
                                                     strong intraatomic Coulomb interaction
                                                        and breakdown of independent electron approx.

cubic perovskites   perovskite-like        anatas              rutile         spinel
PES theory in a nutshell:
 2) Many-body picture
Many-body effects in photoemission

     N interacting electrons:

                                    Photoemission process:
                                    sudden removal of an electron from
                                    N-particle system

                                    "loss" of kinetic energy due to
                                    interaction-related excitation energy
                                    stored in the remaining N-1 electron
                                    system !
Reinterpretation of Fermi´s Golden Rule

Fermi´s Golden Rule for N-particle states:
I (ε ) ∝ ∑ Ψ f , s      ∆ Ψi ,0 δ ( E N , s − E N ,0 − hν )

Ψi ,0 = N ,0                      N-electron ground state of energy EN, 0 ("initial state")
Ψ f ,s       = k , N − 1, s       N-electron excited state of energy EN, s, ("final state")
                                  consisting of N-1 electrons in the solid and
                                  a free photoelectron of momentum k and
                                  energy ε
        
ˆ = ∑ A(ri ) ⋅ pi = M if c + ci
∆                          f
                                           in second quantization with suitable one-
       i =1                                electron basis

                              one-particle matrix element
Electron removal spectrum

Fermi´s Golden Rule for N-particle states:
I (ε ) ∝ ∑ Ψ f , s   ∆ Ψi ,0 δ ( E N , s − E N ,0 − hν )

                               a little bit of math
                               and a few plausible assumptions
                               (sudden approximation)

The ARPES signal I (ε ) is directly proportional to the
                                   <            1
single-particle spectral function A (ω ) = −        Im G (ω ) × f (ω )

       probability of removing an electron
       at energy ω from the system
                                                        Green´s function
Example: PES of the Mott insulator TiOCl

                                                  spectral function A<(ω) (DMFT)


                         Ti 3d1

         O 2p / Cl 3p

                          d1 → d0       d1 → d2
                          LHB           UHB


                                    µ               ω
Photoemission probing depth:
   soft and hard x-ray PES
Inelastic scattering of the photoelectron

                                    Step 2: photoelectron transport to the surface
                                     inelastic scattering with other electrons
         Three-step model
                                      (excitation of e-h-pairs, plasmons)

                                    •    generation of secondary electrons
                                         ("inelastic background")

                                     intensity                  intrinsic spectrum
                                                                incl. background


A. Damascelli
Inelastic scattering of the photoelectron

                                    Step 2: photoelectron transport to the surface
                                     inelastic scattering with other electrons
         Three-step model
                                      (excitation of e-h-pairs, plasmons)

                                    •   generation of secondary electrons
                                        ("inelastic background")
                                    •   loss of unscattered photoelectron current
                                        ⇒ inelastic mean free path λ

A. Damascelli
Photoemission probing depth

         λ(Ekin) "universal curve"                       hν


                                             hard x-ray PES = HAXPES
                                              soft x-ray PES (SX-PES)
"conventional" VUV/XUV-PES:
surface sensitive on                  probing depth (3λ) up to >10 nm
atomic length scale !                 access to bulk, buried nanostructures, and
                                      depth profiling of thin films
Transition metal oxides: Instability of polar surfaces
Transition metal (TM) oxides form lattice of ionic charges

 Classification of surfaces (Tasker):
  - surface charge Q
  - electrical dipole moment µ in repeat unit

            Q=0                     Q≠0                            Q≠0
                        µ =0                      
                                                  µ =0                                

       TMX+       O2-

                                                         P. W. Tasker, J. Phys. C 12, 4977 (1979)
Transition metal oxides: Instability of polar surfaces
     type 3 surfaces are energetically unfavorable:


                        charge      field   potential
+σ                                                      "polarization catastrophe"
+σ                                                      will be avoided by
                                                        surface reconstruction
                                                        ⇒ surface ≠ bulk
Transition metal oxides: Instability of polar surfaces
                                          different reconstructions
Example: Fe3O4 (magnetite)
                                          of the (111) surface (STM)

                       8.2 Å

                                                            PRB 76, 075412 (2007)
Transition metal oxides: Instability of polar surfaces

Example: Fe3O4 (magnetite)

           VUV-PES                 Soft X-ray PES
       surface-sensitive       probing depth 2x larger

                                                          EPL 70, 789 (2005)
Surface effects in Mott-Hubbard-type oxides

                                                  spectral function (DMFT for n=1)


 kinetic energy,

H = −t
ˆ         ∑ σ
           ci+ c jσ + U ∑ ni ↓ ni ↑
         i , j ,σ                   i

                    local Coulomb energy,
Surface effects in Mott-Hubbard-type oxides

      Example: CaVO3
                                                       spectral function (DMFT for n=1)

                       surface      peak


                  Hubbard band

A. Sekiyama et al., PRL 2004
Surface effects in Mott-Hubbard-type oxides

      Example: CaVO3

                       surface      peak


                                                 reduced atomic coordination @ surface:
                  Hubbard band
                                                  stronger electron localization
                                                  smaller effective bandwidth
                                                    Wsurf < Wbulk
                                                  surface stronger correlated:
                                                   U / Wsurf >U / Wbulk

A. Sekiyama et al., PRL 2004
Photoemission probing depth

         λ(Ekin) "universal curve"                       hν


                                             hard x-ray PES = HAXPES
                                              soft x-ray PES (SX-PES)
"conventional" VUV/XUV-PES:
surface sensitive on                  probing depth (3λ) up to >10 nm
atomic length scale !                 access to bulk, buried nanostructures, and
                                      depth profiling of thin films
HAXPES: drawbacks and caveats

Non-negligible photon momentum       hν = 6 keV  λ ≈ 2 Å, kphot ≈ 3 Å-1
HAXPES: drawbacks and caveats

Non-negligible photon momentum                        hν = 6 keV  λ ≈ 2 Å, kphot ≈ 3 Å-1

• suppression of direct (k-conserving) transitions
  Debye-Waller factor for direct transitions Wdir = exp − αk photT M atom

                   ARPES of W(110) @ hν = 870 eV
                   Plucinski et al., PRB 78, 035108 (2008)
HAXPES: drawbacks and caveats

Non-negligible photon momentum                hν = 6 keV  λ ≈ 2 Å, kphot ≈ 3 Å-1

• suppression of direct (k-conserving) transitions
• atomic recoil effect
  photon-absorbing atom takes up recoil energy
  Ekin =  2 k phot 2 M at the expense of

  photoelectron energy,
  depending on atom mass and lattice stiffness

                                                      Y. Takata et al., PRB 75, 233404 (2007)
HAXPES: drawbacks and caveats

Non-negligible photon momentum                hν = 6 keV  λ ≈ 2 Å, kphot ≈ 3 Å-1

• suppression of direct (k-conserving) transitions
• atomic recoil effect
• quadrupolar contribution to transition matrix element
                              
                                   (          )
       ik ⋅r 
                  
    f A0e ⋅ p i ≈ f A0 1 + ik ⋅ r ⋅ p i
HAXPES: drawbacks and caveats

Non-negligible photon momentum                hν = 6 keV  λ ≈ 2 Å, kphot ≈ 3 Å-1

• suppression of direct (k-conserving) transitions
• atomic recoil effect
• quadrupolar contribution to transition matrix element

Low photoemission signal

• cross section for photoemission σ ∝ (hν )

• electron analyzer transmission t ∝ Ekin

 need bright x-ray source…
HAXPES set-up @ PETRA III (DESY, Hamburg)

                                        X-rays from
                                         PETRA III

                                          "High-resolution hard x-ray
                                          photoemission for materials
                                          science" (BMBF)
                                          • joint project with C. Felser (U
                                            Mainz) and W. Drube (DESY)
                                          • photon energy: 2.5…15 keV
                                          • energy resolution: 30 meV
other HAXPES instruments worldwide:
                                          • linearly/circularly polarized x-
- Spring-8, Japan (>4)
- BESSY, Germany (HIKE)                     ray radiation
- ESRF, France (ID-9)                     • commissioned in 2010
- Soleil, France (under construction)     • user operation since 2011
- Diamond, UK (under construction)
HAXPES of oxide heterostructures:
        (1) Fe3O4/GaAs
Epitaxial growth of Fe3O4/GaAs
                                                               PRB 79, 233101 (2009)

surface                                   Datta-Das spin transistor



                                                              semiconductor with
          semimetallic ferromagnet
                                                              large spin diffusion
          (100% spin polarization @ EF)
          resistively matched to semiconductor

           Fe3O4 (magnetite), (RE,Sr)MnO3, CrO2, Heusler compounds, …
Epitaxial growth of Fe3O4/GaAs
                                                   PRB 79, 233101 (2009)

              MBE growth of thin magnetite film:
              • epitaxial Fe deposition @ RT
              • postoxidation @ 600 - 800K / p(O2) = 10-5 mbar
                (10-30 min)

               Fe valency?
               mixed-valent Fe3O4 vs. (Fe2+ )O and (Fe 3+)2O3 ?
               chemical depth profile ?
Valence signatures in Fe 2p spectrum


  FeO                                                                  Fe2+/Fe3+

                         charge transfer satellites
                                       2p1/2           2p3/2
700    705   710   715     720   725     730    735   740      745   750

                         binding energy (eV)
Depth profiling of Fe3O4/GaAs
                                        PRB 79, 233101 (2009)

                      Fe 2p spectra


 GaAs                                 interface

Depth profiling of Fe3O4/GaAs

Tuning the information depth by variation of

(1) photon energy, or                              (2) photoelectron escape angle


  mean free path

                                                          λeff = λIMFP cos θ

Depth profiling of Fe3O4/GaAs
                                                   PRB 79, 233101 (2009)

                       Fe 2p spectra


 GaAs                                            interface


                  film:        mixed-valent Fe2+/3+
                  interface:   divalent and metallic Fe (O-deficient)
Depth profiling of Fe3O4/GaAs
                                                          PRB 79, 233101 (2009)

                              Fe 2p spectra             As 2p3/2 spectra

(Fe, FeOx, GaOx, AsOx)


                         film:        mixed-valent Fe2+/3+
                         interface:   divalent and metallic Fe (O-deficient)
                                      oxidized Ga,As
Validation by electron microscopy


(Fe, FeOx, GaOx, AsOx)


                                J. Verbeeck, H. Tian, and G. van Tendeloo, U Antwerp
Fe3O4/ZnO: An all-oxide structure
                                                                  APL 98, 012512 2011
            film grown by reactive deposition
            in O2-atmosphere (∼10-6 mbar)

                 HAXPES                                  TEM

                                                also PLD-grown contacts: R. Gross et al.
HAXPES of oxide heterostructures:
(2) Interface 2DEG in LaAlO3/SrTiO3
LAO/STO heterostructures in a nutshell

• epitaxial growth by PLD



                                        A. Ohtomo et al., Nature 419, 378 (2004)
                                        S. Thiel et al., Science 313, 1942 (2006)
                                        N. Reyren et al., Science 317, 1196 (2007)
LAO/STO heterostructures in a nutshell

• epitaxial growth by PLD
• both oxides: wide gap insulators
• if LaAlO3 film thicker than 3 unit cells (uc) :
 → formation of a high-mobility 2DEG                 LaAlO3
   at the interface                                 ∆=5.6eV


          sheet carrier density (Hall)

                                                    A. Ohtomo et al., Nature 419, 378 (2004)
                                                    S. Thiel et al., Science 313, 1942 (2006)
                                                    N. Reyren et al., Science 317, 1196 (2007)
LAO/STO heterostructures in a nutshell

properties of the 2DEG:
• tunable conductivity by electric gate field
• superconducting below 200 mK                  ∆=5.6eV
• magnetoresistance
• coexistence of s.c and magnetism /
 electronic phase separation
 origin of 2DEG, threshold behavior ?

                                                A. Ohtomo et al., Nature 419, 378 (2004)
                                                S. Thiel et al., Science 313, 1942 (2006)
                                                N. Reyren et al., Science 317, 1196 (2007)
Polar catastrophe and how to avoid it
charge:       -1        AlO2
              +1        LaO
                                                   electrostatic energy increases
              -1        AlO2
              +1        LaO
                                                   linearly with thickness of
              -1        AlO2                       polar film
              +1        LaO
               0        TiO2                        polar catastrophe
               0        SrO
               0        TiO2
               0        SrO

         -1/2            AlO2
           +1            LaO
                                                   charge reconstruction
           -1            AlO2
                                                   electronic or ionic
∆q = -1/2 +1             LaO
           -1            AlO2                      0.5e- per layer unit cell
           +1            LaO
                                                    n2D = 3.5×1014 cm-2
            0            SrO                       partial Ti 3d occupation
            0            TiO2
                                                    Ti3.5 (d0.5) = Ti3+/Ti4+
Nakagawa et al., Nature Mat. 5, 204 (2006)
HAXPES of LAO/STO heterostructures

                  Ti 2p spectrum



                                   Ti3+                           SrTiO3
          2p1/2            2p3/2

undoped SrTiO3: |3d0>  Ti4+
doped LAO/STO interface: |3d0> + |3d1>  Ti3+/Ti4+
                                                     PRL 102, 176805 (2009)
Dependence on LAO overlayer thickness


 interface charge density increases with LAO overlayer thickness
 non-zero Ti d1 signal already for 2uc sample (?)

                                                      PRL 102, 176805 (2009)
Depth profiling by angle-resolved HAXPES

                             e-        θ


                            2DEG thickness
                            sheet carrier density

                                                PRL 102, 176805 (2009)
Quantitative analysis: 2DEG thickness

                        Sample        2 uc        4 uc        5 uc        6 uc

                        d (uc*)      3±1        1 ± 0.5      6±2          8±2
                        *lattice constant of STO unit cell (uc) = 3.8 Å

                                   interface thickness < 3 nm

                   d     consistent with
                         - CT-AFM Basletic et al. (2008)
                         - TEM-EELS Nakagawa et al. (2006)
                         - density functional theory Pentcheva et al. (2009)
                         - 2D superconductivity Reyren et al. (2007)
                         - ellipsometry Dubroka et al. (2010)

                                                             PRL 102, 176805 (2009)
Quantitative analysis: sheet carrier density

Sample            2 uc    4 uc     5 uc     6 uc      el. reconstruction

n2D (1013 cm-2)   2.1      3.9     8.1      11.1             35

                                    n2D << electronic reconstruction value
                                    n2D >> Hall effect data

                                                          PRL 102, 176805 (2009)

                                    RIXS eg-excitation as fct. of # LAO-overlayers

           Ti3+ (3d1)
        Ti 3d
 photon             t2g
      in                   photon

       Ti 2p

PRB 82, 241405(R) (2010)
Sheet carrier density: HAXPES, RIXS & Hall effect

                                                • n2D much smaller than
                                                 expected for purely electronic
                                                 reconstruction (35 x 1013 cm-2)

                                                • n2D higher than Hall effect data

                                                • photo-generated carriers
                                                 cannot fully account for
                                                 observed excess

                                                • remaining excess due to
                                                 additional localized Ti 3d
                                                 (cf. DFT - Popovic et al., PRL 2008)

PRB 82, 241405(R) (2010)
LAO/STO: Valence band spectroscopy with HAXPES



                     ~3 eV                                      SrTiO3
     vb states

                             Ti 3d electrons should be here,
                             but HAXPES cross-section too small !
                             (theor. estimate: 10-4 of O2p emission)
Band situation from density-functional theory

    STO          LAO




     core levels

                                 Yu Lin et al., arXiv 0904.1636 (2009)
                                 Pentcheva and Pickett, PRL 102, 107602 (2009)
Band situation from density-functional theory

    STO          LAO

E                                                                  holes

                                                                   @ LAO VBM
    CBM            e-                               e-

                                                                   @ STO CBM

     core levels

                                  Yu Lin et al., arXiv 0904.1636 (2009)
                                  Pentcheva and Pickett, PRL 102, 107602 (2009)
Band situation from density-functional theory

    STO          LAO

E                                 E                                         holes

                                                                            @ LAO VBM
    CBM            e-                                        e-

                                                                            @ STO CBM

     core levels

                                           Yu Lin et al., arXiv 0904.1636 (2009)
                                           Pentcheva and Pickett, PRL 102, 107602 (2009)
Results from HAXPES

    valence band               Al 1s core level

                   ~3 eV

      VBM: ~ 3 eV below EF   same width for all samples!
band theory versus experiment

    STO          LAO

                                           STO              LAO

    CBM            e-


     core levels

                                       also observed by Segal et al.,
                                       PRB 80, 241107(R) (2009)
Valence band offsets

            band alignment
                                        valence band analysis

     STO     LAO   VB   STO   LAO

       type I            type II

• type II interface
  (valence band offset: 0.35 ± 0.1eV)
• confirmed by core level analysis
Band alignment: A possible scenario

DFT band theory:

                          STO            LAO              localized hole states
                                                          induced by surface

                                  interface states (itinerant and localized)
HAXPES of oxide heterostructures:
(3) LaVO3/SrTiO3 – electrostatic doping of a
             Mott a insulator
Electrostatic doping of a Mott insulator

              LAO/STO                                               LVO/STO

 LaAlO3                                   polar       LaVO3
band ins.                                            Mott ins.

∆=5.6eV                                              ∆≈1 eV
                                          (AlO2)-     Idea:
                                           (LaO)+     replace Al3+ by
 q2DEG                                     (TiO2)0
                                                      trivalent transition metal
                                                       LaVO
                                                      SrTiO3 3
band ins.                                    …
                                                     band ins.
∆=3.2eV                                              ∆=3.2eV

  Ohtomo/Hwang, Nature 427, 423 (2004)                  Hotta et al., PRL 99, 236805 (2007)
Electrostatic doping of a Mott insulator

                                   LaVO3: - valence configuration V3+ (d2)
 LaVO3                                    - polar oxide
Mott ins.
∆≈1 eV                                    - Mott insulator (∆LVO << ∆STO)

                                    electronic reconstruction and
  ???                                formation of interface 2DEG ?
                                    extra carriers on which side of interface
 SrTiO3                              (LVO or STO) ?
band ins.
∆=3.2eV                             band-filling controlled Mott transition
                                     without chemical doping ?
LVO/STO: Sample growth and characterization
       RHEED pattern   AFM image
                                   pulsed laser deposition

RHEED oscillations

                                    STEM image

LVO/STO: metal-insulator transition in transport

 metal-insulator transition for n-type interface
 p-type interface insulating
 critical thickness: ∼ 9 uc LVO (Hotta et al.: 5 uc)
 high carrier mobility
HAXPES of LVO/STO: V 2p depth profiles
insulating                      conducting

                                               extra electronic
                homogeneous        10 uc LVO
                                               charge on V
     6 uc LVO   "V3+" profile                  near interface

        STO                            STO

                                                   extra electronic
                                       10 uc LVO
                                                   charge on V
                                                   near interface
                 no Ti3+ (d1) signal
       possibly some bandbending         STO
           on STO side of interface
LVO/STO: electronic reconstruction picture
Electrostatic doping of a Mott insulator

 LaVO3                          • creation of 2D metal states in a
Mott ins.                         correlated electron system
∆≈1 eV                            by interface engeering
                                • purely electrostatic doping
                                • no disorder by chemical dopants
band ins.

Photoelectron spectroscopy of functional oxides:
Heterostructures and buried interfaces

• Photoelectron spectroscopy (PES)
 yields (destruction-free) information on
 - chemical composition, valencies, local chemistry
 - electronic structure (band structure, spectral function)

• PES with hard x-rays (HAXPES)
 - enhanced probing depth giving access to bulk and buried interfaces
 - needs high x-ray intensity ( synchrotron radiation)
 - caveat: high photon momentum (ARPES difficult, recoil effects)

• Future directions:
 - magnetic information with polarized x-rays (XMCD, XMLD) and/or spin detection
 - soft x-ray ARPES: band mapping of buried interfaces

• S. Hüfner, Photoelectron Spectroscopy – Principles and Applications, 3rd ed. (Berlin,
  Springer, 2003)
• A. Damascelli, Angle-resolved photoemission studies of the cuprate superconductors,
   Rev. Mod. Phys. 75, 473 (2003)

• K. Kobayashi: Hard x-ray photoemission spectroscopy,
  Nucl. Instr. Meth. Phys. Res. A 601, 32 (2009)
• László Kövér: X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy using hard X-rays,
  J. Electron Spectrosc. Rel. Phen. 178-179, 241 (2010)

HAXPES of oxide heterostructures
• R. Claessen et al.: Hard x-ray photoelectron specroscopy of oxide hybrid and
  heterostructures: a new method for the study of buried interfaces,
  New J. Phys. 11, 125007 (2009)

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Photoelectron Spectroscopy for Functional Oxides

  • 1. International Summer School on Surfaces and Interfaces in Correlated Oxiides, Vancouver, 29 Aug – 01 Sep 2011 FOR 1346 Photoelectron spectroscopy of functional oxides: Heterostructures and buried interfaces Ralph Claessen (U Würzburg, Germany) • Photoelectron spectroscopy (PES) • PES theory in a nutshell • PES with hard x-rays (HAXPES) • HAXPES of oxide heterostructures
  • 2. Heterostructures of functional oxides 3d transition metal oxides strong coupling between charge/orbital/spin/lattice degrees of freedom lead to: - metal-insulator transitions - charge and orbital ordering - local magnetism (ferro, antiferro,…) - high-temperature superconductivity - collossal magnetoresistance -… Epitaxial heterostructures by MBE, PLD controlled interfaces, additional functionalities: - strain engineering - interfacial 2dim electron gas (2DEG) - electrostatic doping (by polarity or field effect) - artificial multiferroics - spin injection -…
  • 3. Oxide heterostructures "The interface is the device" (H. Kroemer, Nobel lecture 2000) Want information on: • chemical composition • electronic structure • vertical depth profile photoelectron spectroscopy (PES) with soft and hard x-rays
  • 5. Photoelectron spectroscopy (PES) spectrum hν sample Ekin Ekin = hν – EB - Φ0 measure kinetic energy distribution of photoelectrons
  • 6. Photoelectron spectroscopy (PES) spectrum sample Chemistry (core levels): → composition → chemical bonding → valencies Electronic structure (valence band): → density of states → band structure → Fermi surface → spectral function A<(k,E)
  • 7. Core level spectroscopy: ESCA Electron Spectroscopy for Chemical Analysis Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+δ Bi 4f5/2 Bi 4f7/2 Intensity [a.u.] O 1s Bi 4f Intensity [a.u.] Bi 4d C 1s 1310 1320 1330 1340 Kinetic Energy [eV] Ca 2p •Cu 2p Sr 3d Fermi level Intensity [a.u.] •CuO Bi 5d hν = 1486.6 eV [Al - Kα] 1470 1480 1490 1500 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 Kinetic Energy [eV] Kinetic Energy [eV] courtesy of A.F. Santander-Syro
  • 8. Core level spectroscopy: Chemical shift and valency Example: alkali metal doping of TiOCl Ti2p 3/2 (+ Na) Na1s 3+ Ti 2+ Ti Na doping x (%) 37% 32% 23% 15% 10% 4% valence change: Ti3+(3d1)  Ti2+(3d2) 462 460 458 456 454 1080 1075 1070 1065 binding energy (eV) binding energy (eV) PRL 106, 056403 (2011)
  • 9. Valence band spectroscopy k-integrated spectrum TiOCl Ti 3d O 2p / Cl 3p PRB 72, 125127 (2005)
  • 10. Valence band spectroscopy: ARPES Angle-Resolved PhotoElectron Spectroscopy  band structure and Fermi surface emission angle (i.e. momentum) energy courtesy T. Deveraux/A. Damascelli
  • 11. PES instrumentation • rare gas discharge lamp (<40.2 eV) • hemispherical anylzer • x-ray tube (1.256 and 1.486 keV) • time of flight (TOF) analyzer) • synchrotron radiation (10 eV … 10 keV) typically 10-10 mbar Wikipedia
  • 12. PES theory in a nutshell: 1) Independent electron approximation
  • 13. PES theory: Independent electrons Time-dependent perturbation theory Unperturbed electron system: one-electron states ψ with energy E Perturbation:    i ( k ⋅r −2πνt )  classical radiation field with vector potential A(r , t ) = A0e  Fermi´s Golden Rule for the photoinduced transition rate from initial to final states:  ik ⋅r   2 wi → f ∝ ψ f A0e ⋅ p ψ i δ ( E f − Ei − hν ) Hence, the total photoelectron current is: I PES (ε ) ∝ ∑ wi → f δ (ε − E f ) i, f
  • 14. PES theory: Independent electrons  ik ⋅r   2 wi → f ∝ ψ f A0e ⋅ p ψ i δ ( E f − Ei − hν ) final state: energy conservation inverted LEED state initial state: (eigenstate of semi-infinite crystal) Bloch wave or core level
  • 15. PES theory: Independent electrons  ik ⋅r   2 wi → f ∝ ψ f A0e ⋅ p ψ i δ ( E f − Ei − hν ) final state: high-energy Bloch state of infinite crystal, inverted LEED stateand 3 incoherently decoupled steps 2 (eigenstate of semi-infinite crystal) One-step model Three-step model courtesy A. Damascelli
  • 16. PES theory: Independent electrons  ik ⋅r   2 wi → f ∝ ψ f A0e ⋅ p ψ i δ ( E f − Ei − hν ) transition matrix element If the radiadion field is only weakly modulated on   atomic length scales, (i.e. λ = 2π k >> few Å), the photon momentum k can be neglected in the transition matrix element:  ik ⋅r       f A0e ⋅ p i ≈ f A0 ⋅ p i ∝ A0 ⋅ f er i Examples: Dipole approximation hν = 20 eV  λ ≈ 600 Å hν = 2000 eV  λ ≈ 6 Å
  • 17. PES theory: Independent electrons Dipole approximation and k-selection rule for Bloch states momentum conservation: only"vertical"     k f = ki + G + k photon transitions  ARPES
  • 18. Transition metal oxides: electronic correlations oxides of the 3d transition metals: M = Ti, V, … ,Ni, Cu O2- basic building blocks: MO6 octahedra (or other ligand shells) electronic configuration: O 2s2p6 = [Ne] TMX+ TM 3dn quasi-atomic, strongly localized  strong intraatomic Coulomb interaction and breakdown of independent electron approx. cubic perovskites perovskite-like anatas rutile spinel
  • 19. PES theory in a nutshell: 2) Many-body picture
  • 20. Many-body effects in photoemission N interacting electrons: Ekin hν Photoemission process: sudden removal of an electron from N-particle system "loss" of kinetic energy due to interaction-related excitation energy stored in the remaining N-1 electron system !
  • 21. Reinterpretation of Fermi´s Golden Rule Fermi´s Golden Rule for N-particle states: 2 I (ε ) ∝ ∑ Ψ f , s ∆ Ψi ,0 δ ( E N , s − E N ,0 − hν ) ˆ s with Ψi ,0 = N ,0 N-electron ground state of energy EN, 0 ("initial state")  Ψ f ,s = k , N − 1, s N-electron excited state of energy EN, s, ("final state") consisting of N-1 electrons in the solid and  a free photoelectron of momentum k and energy ε    N ˆ = ∑ A(ri ) ⋅ pi = M if c + ci ∆ f in second quantization with suitable one- i =1 electron basis one-particle matrix element
  • 22. Electron removal spectrum Fermi´s Golden Rule for N-particle states: 2 I (ε ) ∝ ∑ Ψ f , s ∆ Ψi ,0 δ ( E N , s − E N ,0 − hν ) ˆ s a little bit of math and a few plausible assumptions (sudden approximation) The ARPES signal I (ε ) is directly proportional to the < 1 single-particle spectral function A (ω ) = − Im G (ω ) × f (ω ) π probability of removing an electron single-particle at energy ω from the system Green´s function
  • 23. Example: PES of the Mott insulator TiOCl spectral function A<(ω) (DMFT) TiOCl Ti 3d1 O 2p / Cl 3p d1 → d0 d1 → d2 LHB UHB U µ ω
  • 24. Photoemission probing depth: soft and hard x-ray PES
  • 25. Inelastic scattering of the photoelectron Step 2: photoelectron transport to the surface  inelastic scattering with other electrons Three-step model (excitation of e-h-pairs, plasmons) • generation of secondary electrons ("inelastic background") intensity intrinsic spectrum incl. background Ekin courtesy A. Damascelli
  • 26. Inelastic scattering of the photoelectron Step 2: photoelectron transport to the surface  inelastic scattering with other electrons Three-step model (excitation of e-h-pairs, plasmons) • generation of secondary electrons ("inelastic background") • loss of unscattered photoelectron current ⇒ inelastic mean free path λ courtesy A. Damascelli
  • 27. Photoemission probing depth λ(Ekin) "universal curve" hν Ekin λ(Ekin) hard x-ray PES = HAXPES soft x-ray PES (SX-PES) "conventional" VUV/XUV-PES: surface sensitive on  probing depth (3λ) up to >10 nm atomic length scale !  access to bulk, buried nanostructures, and interfaces  depth profiling of thin films
  • 28. Transition metal oxides: Instability of polar surfaces O2- Transition metal (TM) oxides form lattice of ionic charges TMX+  Classification of surfaces (Tasker): - surface charge Q  - electrical dipole moment µ in repeat unit Q=0 Q≠0 Q≠0  µ =0  µ =0  µ≠0 TMX+ O2- P. W. Tasker, J. Phys. C 12, 4977 (1979)
  • 29. Transition metal oxides: Instability of polar surfaces O2- type 3 surfaces are energetically unfavorable: TMX+ charge field potential -σ +σ "polarization catastrophe" -σ +σ will be avoided by atomic/ionic/electronic surface reconstruction ⇒ surface ≠ bulk
  • 30. Transition metal oxides: Instability of polar surfaces different reconstructions Example: Fe3O4 (magnetite) of the (111) surface (STM) 8.2 Å PRB 76, 075412 (2007)
  • 31. Transition metal oxides: Instability of polar surfaces Example: Fe3O4 (magnetite) VUV-PES Soft X-ray PES surface-sensitive probing depth 2x larger EPL 70, 789 (2005)
  • 32. Surface effects in Mott-Hubbard-type oxides U spectral function (DMFT for n=1) t U/t kinetic energy, itinerancy H = −t ˆ ∑ σ ci+ c jσ + U ∑ ni ↓ ni ↑ i , j ,σ i local Coulomb energy, localization
  • 33. Surface effects in Mott-Hubbard-type oxides Example: CaVO3 spectral function (DMFT for n=1) quasiparticle surface peak "bulk" U/t lower Hubbard band A. Sekiyama et al., PRL 2004
  • 34. Surface effects in Mott-Hubbard-type oxides Example: CaVO3 quasiparticle surface peak "bulk" reduced atomic coordination @ surface: lower Hubbard band  stronger electron localization  smaller effective bandwidth Wsurf < Wbulk  surface stronger correlated: U / Wsurf >U / Wbulk A. Sekiyama et al., PRL 2004
  • 35. Photoemission probing depth λ(Ekin) "universal curve" hν Ekin λ(Ekin) hard x-ray PES = HAXPES soft x-ray PES (SX-PES) "conventional" VUV/XUV-PES: surface sensitive on  probing depth (3λ) up to >10 nm atomic length scale !  access to bulk, buried nanostructures, and interfaces  depth profiling of thin films
  • 36. HAXPES: drawbacks and caveats Non-negligible photon momentum hν = 6 keV  λ ≈ 2 Å, kphot ≈ 3 Å-1
  • 37. HAXPES: drawbacks and caveats Non-negligible photon momentum hν = 6 keV  λ ≈ 2 Å, kphot ≈ 3 Å-1 • suppression of direct (k-conserving) transitions ( Debye-Waller factor for direct transitions Wdir = exp − αk photT M atom 2 ) ARPES of W(110) @ hν = 870 eV Plucinski et al., PRB 78, 035108 (2008)
  • 38. HAXPES: drawbacks and caveats Non-negligible photon momentum hν = 6 keV  λ ≈ 2 Å, kphot ≈ 3 Å-1 • suppression of direct (k-conserving) transitions • atomic recoil effect photon-absorbing atom takes up recoil energy Ekin =  2 k phot 2 M at the expense of 2 photoelectron energy, depending on atom mass and lattice stiffness Y. Takata et al., PRB 75, 233404 (2007)
  • 39. HAXPES: drawbacks and caveats Non-negligible photon momentum hν = 6 keV  λ ≈ 2 Å, kphot ≈ 3 Å-1 • suppression of direct (k-conserving) transitions • atomic recoil effect • quadrupolar contribution to transition matrix element    ( )  ik ⋅r    f A0e ⋅ p i ≈ f A0 1 + ik ⋅ r ⋅ p i
  • 40. HAXPES: drawbacks and caveats Non-negligible photon momentum hν = 6 keV  λ ≈ 2 Å, kphot ≈ 3 Å-1 • suppression of direct (k-conserving) transitions • atomic recoil effect • quadrupolar contribution to transition matrix element Low photoemission signal • cross section for photoemission σ ∝ (hν ) −3 −1 • electron analyzer transmission t ∝ Ekin  need bright x-ray source…
  • 41. HAXPES set-up @ PETRA III (DESY, Hamburg) X-rays from PETRA III "High-resolution hard x-ray photoemission for materials science" (BMBF) • joint project with C. Felser (U Mainz) and W. Drube (DESY) • photon energy: 2.5…15 keV • energy resolution: 30 meV other HAXPES instruments worldwide: • linearly/circularly polarized x- - Spring-8, Japan (>4) - BESSY, Germany (HIKE) ray radiation - ESRF, France (ID-9) • commissioned in 2010 - Soleil, France (under construction) • user operation since 2011 - Diamond, UK (under construction)
  • 42. HAXPES of oxide heterostructures: (1) Fe3O4/GaAs
  • 43. Epitaxial growth of Fe3O4/GaAs PRB 79, 233101 (2009) surface Datta-Das spin transistor Fe3O4 GaAs semiconductor with semimetallic ferromagnet large spin diffusion (100% spin polarization @ EF) length resistively matched to semiconductor  Fe3O4 (magnetite), (RE,Sr)MnO3, CrO2, Heusler compounds, …
  • 44. Epitaxial growth of Fe3O4/GaAs PRB 79, 233101 (2009) surface MBE growth of thin magnetite film: Fe3O4 • epitaxial Fe deposition @ RT • postoxidation @ 600 - 800K / p(O2) = 10-5 mbar (10-30 min) GaAs  Fe valency?  mixed-valent Fe3O4 vs. (Fe2+ )O and (Fe 3+)2O3 ?  chemical depth profile ?
  • 45. Valence signatures in Fe 2p spectrum Fe2O3 Fe3O4 Fe3+ FeO Fe2+/Fe3+ charge transfer satellites Fe2+ Fe 2p1/2 2p3/2 Fe0 700 705 710 715 720 725 730 735 740 745 750 binding energy (eV)
  • 46. Depth profiling of Fe3O4/GaAs PRB 79, 233101 (2009) Fe 2p spectra surface Fe3O4 GaAs interface surface
  • 47. Depth profiling of Fe3O4/GaAs Tuning the information depth by variation of (1) photon energy, or (2) photoelectron escape angle θ λeff mean free path λeff = λIMFP cos θ energy
  • 48. Depth profiling of Fe3O4/GaAs PRB 79, 233101 (2009) Fe 2p spectra surface Fe3O4 GaAs interface surface film: mixed-valent Fe2+/3+ interface: divalent and metallic Fe (O-deficient)
  • 49. Depth profiling of Fe3O4/GaAs PRB 79, 233101 (2009) Fe 2p spectra As 2p3/2 spectra surface Fe3O4 interface (Fe, FeOx, GaOx, AsOx) GaAs film: mixed-valent Fe2+/3+ interface: divalent and metallic Fe (O-deficient) oxidized Ga,As
  • 50. Validation by electron microscopy TEM STEM-EELS surface Fe3O4 interface (Fe, FeOx, GaOx, AsOx) GaAs J. Verbeeck, H. Tian, and G. van Tendeloo, U Antwerp
  • 51. Fe3O4/ZnO: An all-oxide structure APL 98, 012512 2011 film grown by reactive deposition Fe3O4 in O2-atmosphere (∼10-6 mbar) ZnO HAXPES TEM also PLD-grown contacts: R. Gross et al.
  • 52. HAXPES of oxide heterostructures: (2) Interface 2DEG in LaAlO3/SrTiO3
  • 53. LAO/STO heterostructures in a nutshell • epitaxial growth by PLD LaAlO3 ∆=5.6eV SrTiO3 ∆=3.2eV A. Ohtomo et al., Nature 419, 378 (2004) S. Thiel et al., Science 313, 1942 (2006) N. Reyren et al., Science 317, 1196 (2007)
  • 54. LAO/STO heterostructures in a nutshell • epitaxial growth by PLD • both oxides: wide gap insulators • if LaAlO3 film thicker than 3 unit cells (uc) : → formation of a high-mobility 2DEG LaAlO3 at the interface ∆=5.6eV conductivity 2DEG SrTiO3 ∆=3.2eV sheet carrier density (Hall) A. Ohtomo et al., Nature 419, 378 (2004) S. Thiel et al., Science 313, 1942 (2006) N. Reyren et al., Science 317, 1196 (2007)
  • 55. LAO/STO heterostructures in a nutshell properties of the 2DEG: • tunable conductivity by electric gate field LaAlO3 • superconducting below 200 mK ∆=5.6eV • magnetoresistance 2DEG • coexistence of s.c and magnetism / electronic phase separation SrTiO3 ∆=3.2eV  origin of 2DEG, threshold behavior ? A. Ohtomo et al., Nature 419, 378 (2004) S. Thiel et al., Science 313, 1942 (2006) N. Reyren et al., Science 317, 1196 (2007)
  • 56. Polar catastrophe and how to avoid it charge: -1 AlO2 +1 LaO electrostatic energy increases -1 AlO2 +1 LaO linearly with thickness of -1 AlO2 polar film +1 LaO 0 TiO2 polar catastrophe 0 SrO 0 TiO2 0 SrO -1/2 AlO2 +1 LaO charge reconstruction -1 AlO2 electronic or ionic ∆q = -1/2 +1 LaO -1 AlO2 0.5e- per layer unit cell +1 LaO -1/2  n2D = 3.5×1014 cm-2 TiO2 0 SrO partial Ti 3d occupation 0 TiO2 0  Ti3.5 (d0.5) = Ti3+/Ti4+ SrO Nakagawa et al., Nature Mat. 5, 204 (2006)
  • 57. HAXPES of LAO/STO heterostructures Ti 2p spectrum Ti4+ LaAlO3 2DEG Ti3+ SrTiO3 2p1/2 2p3/2 undoped SrTiO3: |3d0>  Ti4+ doped LAO/STO interface: |3d0> + |3d1>  Ti3+/Ti4+ PRL 102, 176805 (2009)
  • 58. Dependence on LAO overlayer thickness Ti3+ Ti4+ Ti3+  interface charge density increases with LAO overlayer thickness  non-zero Ti d1 signal already for 2uc sample (?) PRL 102, 176805 (2009)
  • 59. Depth profiling by angle-resolved HAXPES e- θ e- d  2DEG thickness  sheet carrier density PRL 102, 176805 (2009)
  • 60. Quantitative analysis: 2DEG thickness Sample 2 uc 4 uc 5 uc 6 uc d (uc*) 3±1 1 ± 0.5 6±2 8±2 e- θ *lattice constant of STO unit cell (uc) = 3.8 Å e-  interface thickness < 3 nm d consistent with - CT-AFM Basletic et al. (2008) - TEM-EELS Nakagawa et al. (2006) - density functional theory Pentcheva et al. (2009) - 2D superconductivity Reyren et al. (2007) - ellipsometry Dubroka et al. (2010) PRL 102, 176805 (2009)
  • 61. Quantitative analysis: sheet carrier density Sample 2 uc 4 uc 5 uc 6 uc el. reconstruction n2D (1013 cm-2) 2.1 3.9 8.1 11.1 35  n2D << electronic reconstruction value  n2D >> Hall effect data PRL 102, 176805 (2009)
  • 62. RIXS on LAO/STO RIXS eg-excitation as fct. of # LAO-overlayers Ti3+ (3d1) eg Ti 3d photon t2g in photon out Ti 2p PRB 82, 241405(R) (2010)
  • 63. Sheet carrier density: HAXPES, RIXS & Hall effect • n2D much smaller than expected for purely electronic reconstruction (35 x 1013 cm-2) • n2D higher than Hall effect data • photo-generated carriers cannot fully account for observed excess • remaining excess due to additional localized Ti 3d electrons? (cf. DFT - Popovic et al., PRL 2008) PRB 82, 241405(R) (2010)
  • 64. LAO/STO: Valence band spectroscopy with HAXPES LaAlO3 2DEG ~3 eV SrTiO3 O2p-derived vb states Ti 3d electrons should be here, but HAXPES cross-section too small ! (theor. estimate: 10-4 of O2p emission)
  • 65. Band situation from density-functional theory STO LAO 2DEG E surface CBM EF VBM core levels Yu Lin et al., arXiv 0904.1636 (2009) Pentcheva and Pickett, PRL 102, 107602 (2009)
  • 66. Band situation from density-functional theory STO LAO 2DEG E holes surface @ LAO VBM CBM e- e- EF interface VBM electrons @ STO CBM core levels Yu Lin et al., arXiv 0904.1636 (2009) Pentcheva and Pickett, PRL 102, 107602 (2009)
  • 67. Band situation from density-functional theory STO LAO 2DEG E E holes surface @ LAO VBM CBM e- e- EF VBM electrons @ STO CBM core levels Yu Lin et al., arXiv 0904.1636 (2009) Pentcheva and Pickett, PRL 102, 107602 (2009)
  • 68. Results from HAXPES valence band Al 1s core level ~3 eV VBM: ~ 3 eV below EF same width for all samples!
  • 69. band theory versus experiment STO LAO 2DEG E STO LAO surface CBM e- EF VBM core levels also observed by Segal et al., PRB 80, 241107(R) (2009)
  • 70. Valence band offsets band alignment valence band analysis CB STO LAO VB STO LAO type I type II • VBMLAO above VBMSTO • type II interface (valence band offset: 0.35 ± 0.1eV) • confirmed by core level analysis 0.35eV
  • 71. Band alignment: A possible scenario DFT band theory: STO LAO localized hole states induced by surface O-vacancies Photoemission: interface states (itinerant and localized)
  • 72. HAXPES of oxide heterostructures: (3) LaVO3/SrTiO3 – electrostatic doping of a Mott a insulator
  • 73. Electrostatic doping of a Mott insulator LAO/STO LVO/STO LaAlO3 polar LaVO3 band ins. Mott ins. … ∆=5.6eV ∆≈1 eV (AlO2)- Idea: (LaO)+ replace Al3+ by q2DEG (TiO2)0 ??? trivalent transition metal (SrO)0  LaVO SrTiO3 3 SrTiO3 band ins. … non-polar band ins. ∆=3.2eV ∆=3.2eV Ohtomo/Hwang, Nature 427, 423 (2004) Hotta et al., PRL 99, 236805 (2007)
  • 74. Electrostatic doping of a Mott insulator LVO/STO LaVO3: - valence configuration V3+ (d2) LaVO3 - polar oxide Mott ins. ∆≈1 eV - Mott insulator (∆LVO << ∆STO)  electronic reconstruction and ??? formation of interface 2DEG ?  extra carriers on which side of interface SrTiO3 (LVO or STO) ? band ins. ∆=3.2eV  band-filling controlled Mott transition without chemical doping ?
  • 75. LVO/STO: Sample growth and characterization RHEED pattern AFM image pulsed laser deposition RHEED oscillations STEM image interface
  • 76. LVO/STO: metal-insulator transition in transport  metal-insulator transition for n-type interface  p-type interface insulating  critical thickness: ∼ 9 uc LVO (Hotta et al.: 5 uc)  high carrier mobility
  • 77. HAXPES of LVO/STO: V 2p depth profiles insulating conducting extra electronic homogeneous 10 uc LVO charge on V 6 uc LVO "V3+" profile near interface STO STO
  • 78. HAXPES of LVO/STO: Ti 2p extra electronic 10 uc LVO charge on V near interface no Ti3+ (d1) signal possibly some bandbending STO on STO side of interface
  • 80. Electrostatic doping of a Mott insulator LaVO3/SrTiO3: LaVO3 • creation of 2D metal states in a Mott ins. correlated electron system ∆≈1 eV by interface engeering • purely electrostatic doping "q2DEG" • no disorder by chemical dopants SrTiO3 band ins. ∆=3.2eV
  • 81. Summary Photoelectron spectroscopy of functional oxides: Heterostructures and buried interfaces • Photoelectron spectroscopy (PES) yields (destruction-free) information on - chemical composition, valencies, local chemistry - electronic structure (band structure, spectral function) • PES with hard x-rays (HAXPES) - enhanced probing depth giving access to bulk and buried interfaces - needs high x-ray intensity ( synchrotron radiation) - caveat: high photon momentum (ARPES difficult, recoil effects) • Future directions: - magnetic information with polarized x-rays (XMCD, XMLD) and/or spin detection - soft x-ray ARPES: band mapping of buried interfaces
  • 82. Reading Photoemission: • S. Hüfner, Photoelectron Spectroscopy – Principles and Applications, 3rd ed. (Berlin, Springer, 2003) • A. Damascelli, Angle-resolved photoemission studies of the cuprate superconductors, Rev. Mod. Phys. 75, 473 (2003) HAXPES: • K. Kobayashi: Hard x-ray photoemission spectroscopy, Nucl. Instr. Meth. Phys. Res. A 601, 32 (2009) • László Kövér: X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy using hard X-rays, J. Electron Spectrosc. Rel. Phen. 178-179, 241 (2010) HAXPES of oxide heterostructures • R. Claessen et al.: Hard x-ray photoelectron specroscopy of oxide hybrid and heterostructures: a new method for the study of buried interfaces, New J. Phys. 11, 125007 (2009)