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Performing File I/O Operations and Implementing
Multithreading in Visual Basic .NET
In this lesson, you will learn to:
Identify the benefits of the .NET System.IO model
Identify the benefits of the Visual Basic .NET run-time
Identify the benefits of multithreading
Implement threads in Visual Basic .NET

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Performing File I/O Operations and Implementing
Multithreading in Visual Basic .NET
Is a collection of bytes that has a persistent storage.
I/O operations in Visual Basic .NET are handled in two
different ways:
         Using the .NET System.IO model
         Using the Visual Basic .NET run-time functions

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Performing File I/O Operations and Implementing
Multithreading in Visual Basic .NET
System.IO Model
Specifies a set of classes that are available to all the .NET
Contains classes that are used for creating, copying,
moving, and deleting files.
Contains the following frequently used classes:
         BinaryReader and BinaryWriter
         StreamReader and StreamWriter

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Performing File I/O Operations and Implementing
Multithreading in Visual Basic .NET
The File Hierarchy in the System.IO Model

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Performing File I/O Operations and Implementing
Multithreading in Visual Basic .NET
The FileStream Class
Provides access to files and file-related information.
Is used with the File class, which is contained in the
System.IO namespace, to create, copy, delete, move, and
      open files.
Can also be used with another class called Path, to
manipulate the strings that represent folder or file paths.
Opens a file either in synchronous or asynchronous mode.
Opens files in synchronous mode by default.
Has constructors that use enumerations, such as FileMode,
       FileAccess, and FileShare, to specify how a file is
created,      opened, and shared.
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Performing File I/O Operations and Implementing
Multithreading in Visual Basic .NET
FileMode Enumerations
                    Members                                        Description

  Append                                          It is used to open a file if it exists and move
                                                  the file pointer to the end of the file, or
                                                  create a new file. Append can only be used
                                                  with the FileAccess.Write.

  Create                                          It is used to specify that the operating
                                                  system should create a new file. However,
                                                  if the file already exists, it will be

  CreateNew                                       It is used to specify that the operating
                                                  system should create a new file. However,
                                                  if the file already exists, it will throw an

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Performing File I/O Operations and Implementing
Multithreading in Visual Basic .NET
FileMode Enumerations (Contd.)
                       Members                                      Description

        Open                                        It is used to specify that the operating
                                                    system should open an existing file.

        OpenOrCreate                                It is used to specify that the operating
                                                    system should open an existing file.
                                                    However, if the file does not exist, a new
                                                    file should be created.

        Truncate                                    It is used to specify that the operating
                                                    system should open an existing file. After
                                                    the file is opened, the file should be
                                                    truncated so that its size is zero bytes.

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Performing File I/O Operations and Implementing
Multithreading in Visual Basic .NET
FileAccess Enumerations
                   Members                                        Description

  Read                                           It is used to specify Read access to a file so
                                                 that data can be read from the file.

  ReadWrite                                      It is used to specify Read and Write access
                                                 to a file so that data can be written to and
                                                 read from the file.

  Write                                          It is used to specify Write access to a file so
                                                 that data can be written to the file.

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Performing File I/O Operations and Implementing
Multithreading in Visual Basic .NET
FileShare Enumerations
                   Members                                         Description

  None                                           It is used to decline sharing of the current
                                                 file. When this constant is used with the
                                                 FileShare enumeration, a request to open the
                                                 file will fail until the file is closed.
  Read                                           It is used to allow subsequent opening of a
                                                 file for reading. If this flag is not used, a
                                                 request to open the file for reading will fail
                                                 until the file is closed.
  ReadWrite                                      It is used to allow subsequent opening of a
                                                 file for reading or writing. If this flag is not
                                                 used, any request to open the file for writing
                                                 or reading will fail until the file is closed.

  Write                                          It is used to allow subsequent opening of a
                                                 file for writing. If this flag is not used, any
                                                 request to open the file for writing will fail
                                                 until the file is closed.

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Performing File I/O Operations and Implementing
Multithreading in Visual Basic .NET
BinaryReader and BinaryWriter Classes
Are used to read from and write to a binary file.

StreamReader and StreamWriter Classes
Are used to read and write data as streams of
Use specific encoding to convert characters to and from

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Performing File I/O Operations and Implementing
Multithreading in Visual Basic .NET
The Directory Class
Enables you to work with drives and folders.
                    Method                                       Usage

        CreateDirectory()                  It is used to create the directories specified by
                                           a path.

        Delete()                           It is used to delete a directory and all its

        Exists()                           It is used to determine whether the specified
                                           path refers to an existing directory on the disk.

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Performing File I/O Operations and Implementing
Multithreading in Visual Basic .NET
Directory Class (Contd.)

                    Method                                        Usage

        GetDirectoryRoot()                  It is used to return the root portion of a
                                            specified path.

        GetLogicalDrives()                  It is used to retrieve the names of the logical
                                            drives on the current computer.

        Move()                              It is used to move a directory and its contents
                                            to a new path.

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Performing File I/O Operations and Implementing
Multithreading in Visual Basic .NET
Just a Minute…
2. The code snippet generates a build error. Identify the error.
3. What is the difference between the CreateNew and Create
   constants of the FileMode enumeration?
4. Complete the code to ensure that the file Product.txt is
   opened with no share specification.

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Performing File I/O Operations and Implementing
Multithreading in Visual Basic .NET
Visual Basic .NET Run-time Functions
Provide compatibility with earlier versions of Visual Basic.
Allow three types of file access:
Are defined in the System.IO.File namespace.

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Performing File I/O Operations and Implementing
Multithreading in Visual Basic .NET
Functions Used to Access Files
 Dir – It is used to retrieve the name of a file or directory that
  matches a specific pattern based on the file attribute or
  volume label of a file.
 EOF – It is used to check whether the end of the file is
  reached. When a file is opened for random or sequential
  access, if the end of the file is reached, the function returns
  a Boolean value True.
 FileCopy – It is used to create a copy of an existing file.
 FileDateTime – It is used to retrieve the date and time when
  a file was created or last modified.
 FileLen – It is used to retrieve the length of a file in bytes.

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Performing File I/O Operations and Implementing
Multithreading in Visual Basic .NET
Functions Used to Access Files (Contd.)
FreeFile – It is used to retrieve the next file number
available for use by the FileOpen() function.
GetAttr – It is used to retrieve a FileAttribute value
representing the attributes of a file or directory.
Loc – It is used to retrieve a value specifying the current
read/write position within an open file.
LOF – It is used to retrieve a value representing the size, in
     bytes, of a file opened using the FileOpen()function.
Seek – It is used to retrieve a value specifying the current
       read/write position within a file opened using the
FileOpen()function or sets the position for the next
read/write operation within a file opened using the
FileOpen() function.
SetAttr – It sets the attribute information for a file.
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Performing File I/O Operations and Implementing
Multithreading in Visual Basic .NET
Functions Used to Access Data from a File
With sequential access, a file can be opened in the Input,
        Output, or Append mode. In the Input mode, a file is
opened          for reading data from the file. In the Output or
Append          mode, a file is opened for writing data to the
file. The syntax        for using the FileOpen() function with
sequential access       is as follows:
     FileOpen(FileNumber, FileName,
OpenMode.mode   type)

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Performing File I/O Operations and Implementing
Multithreading in Visual Basic .NET
Functions Used to Access Data from a File (Contd.)
With random access, the FileOpen() function is used to
        read and write data to a file without closing the file.
Random-access files store data in records, which makes it
easy to locate relevant information quickly. The syntax for
using the FileOpen() function with random access is as
FileOpen(FileNumber, FileName,
length of the record)

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Performing File I/O Operations and Implementing
Multithreading in Visual Basic .NET
Functions Used to Access Data from a File (Contd.)
With binary access, the FileOpen() function is used to
      read or write to any byte position in a file. The syntax
for   using the FileOpen()function with binary access is
as    follows:
     FileOpen(FileNumber, FileName,

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Performing File I/O Operations and Implementing
Multithreading in Visual Basic .NET
Functions Used to Write Data to and Read Data From

             Access type            Functions for writing      Functions for reading
                                           data                        data

        Sequential                Print, PrintLine            Input, InputString

        Random                    FilePut                     FileGet

        Binary                    FilePut                     FileGet

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Performing File I/O Operations and Implementing
Multithreading in Visual Basic .NET
Just a Minute…
Complete the code to display the contents of the file named
Product.txt in the output window.

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Performing File I/O Operations and Implementing
Multithreading in Visual Basic .NET
Problem Statement 10.D.1
The users at the call centers of Diaz Telecommunications
should be able to create a text file for storing customer
feedback on the services provided by Diaz
Telecommunications. The users should also be able to open
the file for future assessment.

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Performing File I/O Operations and Implementing
Multithreading in Visual Basic .NET
Task List
Identify the mechanism to implement the user requirement.
Identify the controls needed to provide the user interface.
Perform the appropriate steps to design the form.
Write the code to implement the identified mechanism.
Save the application.
Run the application to validate the conditions applied on the

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Performing File I/O Operations and Implementing
Multithreading in Visual Basic .NET
Task 1: Identify the mechanism to implement the
user requirement.
 You can fulfill the user requirement by using either the
classes in the System.IO model or the Visual Basic .NET
run-time functions. However, since the System.IO model is
a part of the .NET Framework class library, you should
implement the relevant classes of the System.IO model to
   make full use of the .NET Framework features of Visual
Basic .NET.

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Performing File I/O Operations and Implementing
Multithreading in Visual Basic .NET
Task 2: Identify the controls needed to provide the
user interface.
As per the plan, you need to add a RichTextBox control, a
      label control, and two buttons, Read Data and Write
Data, to the form named frmCustomerFeedback.
In addition, a Reset button should be used to clear the
contents of the RichTextBox control.
To ensure that data is first written and then read from the
      file, initially the Read Data button will be disabled. To
clear the contents of the RichTextBox, the Reset button will
be    used.

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Performing File I/O Operations and Implementing
Multithreading in Visual Basic .NET
Task 3: Perform the appropriate steps to design the
Task 4: Write the code to implement the identified
Task 5: Save the application.
Task 6: Run the application to validate the conditions
applied on the form.

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Performing File I/O Operations and Implementing
Multithreading in Visual Basic .NET
Problem Statement 10.P.1
The users at the call centers of Diaz Telecommunications
should be able to create a text file for storing product details
that are available for sale. The users should be able to read
from or write data to the file as a sequence of characters. The
users should also be able to open the file for future

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Performing File I/O Operations and Implementing
Multithreading in Visual Basic .NET
Help in performing multiple activities simultaneously.

Is a process in which individual activities are executed on
 separate threads.
Is also called free threading in Visual Basic .NET.
Enables you to create scalable applications since you can
 add threads to an application as the workload increases.

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Performing File I/O Operations and Implementing
Multithreading in Visual Basic .NET
Creating a Thread
Requires declaring a variable of the System.Threading.
      Thread class and calling the constructor of the thread
class with the AddressOf operator and the name of the
procedure you want to execute on the new thread.
     Dim MyThread As New
System.Threading.Thread(AddressOf MySub)
Starting Execution of a Thread
You can start a thread by using the Start()method.
Stopping Execution of a Thread
You can stop the execution of a thread by calling the
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Performing File I/O Operations and Implementing
Multithreading in Visual Basic .NET
Thread Priorities
Are defined by using the Priority property.
By default set to Normal.
Can be changed by using the ThreadPriority
                    Values                                      Description

    AboveNormal                                 Specifies that the thread has a higher
                                                priority than Normal

    BelowNormal                                 Specifies that the thread has the lower
    Highest                                     Specifies that the thread has the highest
    Lowest                                      Specifies that the thread has the lowest
    Normal                                      Specifies that the thread has an average
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Performing File I/O Operations and Implementing
Multithreading in Visual Basic .NET
Thread State
Is accessed by using the ThreadState property.
Can be a combination of the values in the
System.Threading.Threadstate enumeration, that is,
     a thread can be in more than one state at a given time.
Can be changed by the following methods:
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Performing File I/O Operations and Implementing
Multithreading in Visual Basic .NET
Thread Lifecycle
Starts when an object of the System.Threading.Thread
        class is created and stops when any of the following
         The method the thread is running completes
         The process containing the thread terminates
         The Abort() method is called for the thread object

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Performing File I/O Operations and Implementing
Multithreading in Visual Basic .NET
Thread Lifecycle (Contd.)
The following diagram illustrates the thread states and the
       methods that would cause the thread to leave each

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Performing File I/O Operations and Implementing
Multithreading in Visual Basic .NET
Multithreaded Procedures
Can accept arguments.
Can return values.

Thread Synchronization
Is done by using events in an application.
The SyncLock Statement
Ensures that multiple threads do not access shared data at
     the same time.

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Performing File I/O Operations and Implementing
Multithreading in Visual Basic .NET
Just a Minute…
There is a class called CalcClass, which has a Sub
procedure called CalculateArea(). You need to execute
this procedure in a separate thread. To execute the
CalculateArea() procedure, you need to declare a
variable of the thread type. Complete the declaration of the
variable in the code snippet.

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Performing File I/O Operations and Implementing
Multithreading in Visual Basic .NET
In this lesson, you learned that:
The file I/O operations in Visual Basic .NET can be done in
      two different ways:
         Using the .NET System.IO model
         Using the Visual Basic .NET run-time functions
The System.IO model specifies the use of the common
classes available to all the .NET languages.
The classes in the System.IO namespace that are mostly
      used are:

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Performing File I/O Operations and Implementing
Multithreading in Visual Basic .NET
Summary (Contd.)
Visual Basic .NET run-time functions allow three types of file
Threads can be implemented in Visual Basic by declaring a
     variable of the System.Threading.Thread type.
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Performing File I/O Operations and Implementing
Multithreading in Visual Basic .NET
Summary (Contd.)
The methods that are mostly used to manipulate a thread

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  • 1. Performing File I/O Operations and Implementing Multithreading in Visual Basic .NET Objectives In this lesson, you will learn to: Identify the benefits of the .NET System.IO model Identify the benefits of the Visual Basic .NET run-time functions Identify the benefits of multithreading Implement threads in Visual Basic .NET ©NIIT Performing File I/O Operations and Implementing Multithreading in VB .NET/Lesson 10/ Slide 1 of 38
  • 2. Performing File I/O Operations and Implementing Multithreading in Visual Basic .NET File Is a collection of bytes that has a persistent storage. I/O operations in Visual Basic .NET are handled in two different ways: Using the .NET System.IO model Using the Visual Basic .NET run-time functions ©NIIT Performing File I/O Operations and Implementing Multithreading in VB .NET/Lesson 10/ Slide 2 of 38
  • 3. Performing File I/O Operations and Implementing Multithreading in Visual Basic .NET System.IO Model Specifies a set of classes that are available to all the .NET languages. Contains classes that are used for creating, copying, moving, and deleting files. Contains the following frequently used classes: FileStream BinaryReader and BinaryWriter StreamReader and StreamWriter Directory ©NIIT Performing File I/O Operations and Implementing Multithreading in VB .NET/Lesson 10/ Slide 3 of 38
  • 4. Performing File I/O Operations and Implementing Multithreading in Visual Basic .NET The File Hierarchy in the System.IO Model ©NIIT Performing File I/O Operations and Implementing Multithreading in VB .NET/Lesson 10/ Slide 4 of 38
  • 5. Performing File I/O Operations and Implementing Multithreading in Visual Basic .NET The FileStream Class Provides access to files and file-related information. Is used with the File class, which is contained in the System.IO namespace, to create, copy, delete, move, and open files. Can also be used with another class called Path, to manipulate the strings that represent folder or file paths. Opens a file either in synchronous or asynchronous mode. Opens files in synchronous mode by default. Has constructors that use enumerations, such as FileMode, FileAccess, and FileShare, to specify how a file is created, opened, and shared. ©NIIT Performing File I/O Operations and Implementing Multithreading in VB .NET/Lesson 10/ Slide 5 of 38
  • 6. Performing File I/O Operations and Implementing Multithreading in Visual Basic .NET FileMode Enumerations Members Description Append It is used to open a file if it exists and move the file pointer to the end of the file, or create a new file. Append can only be used with the FileAccess.Write. Create It is used to specify that the operating system should create a new file. However, if the file already exists, it will be overwritten. CreateNew It is used to specify that the operating system should create a new file. However, if the file already exists, it will throw an exception. ©NIIT Performing File I/O Operations and Implementing Multithreading in VB .NET/Lesson 10/ Slide 6 of 38
  • 7. Performing File I/O Operations and Implementing Multithreading in Visual Basic .NET FileMode Enumerations (Contd.) Members Description Open It is used to specify that the operating system should open an existing file. OpenOrCreate It is used to specify that the operating system should open an existing file. However, if the file does not exist, a new file should be created. Truncate It is used to specify that the operating system should open an existing file. After the file is opened, the file should be truncated so that its size is zero bytes. ©NIIT Performing File I/O Operations and Implementing Multithreading in VB .NET/Lesson 10/ Slide 7 of 38
  • 8. Performing File I/O Operations and Implementing Multithreading in Visual Basic .NET FileAccess Enumerations Members Description Read It is used to specify Read access to a file so that data can be read from the file. ReadWrite It is used to specify Read and Write access to a file so that data can be written to and read from the file. Write It is used to specify Write access to a file so that data can be written to the file. ©NIIT Performing File I/O Operations and Implementing Multithreading in VB .NET/Lesson 10/ Slide 8 of 38
  • 9. Performing File I/O Operations and Implementing Multithreading in Visual Basic .NET FileShare Enumerations Members Description None It is used to decline sharing of the current file. When this constant is used with the FileShare enumeration, a request to open the file will fail until the file is closed. Read It is used to allow subsequent opening of a file for reading. If this flag is not used, a request to open the file for reading will fail until the file is closed. ReadWrite It is used to allow subsequent opening of a file for reading or writing. If this flag is not used, any request to open the file for writing or reading will fail until the file is closed. Write It is used to allow subsequent opening of a file for writing. If this flag is not used, any request to open the file for writing will fail until the file is closed. ©NIIT Performing File I/O Operations and Implementing Multithreading in VB .NET/Lesson 10/ Slide 9 of 38
  • 10. Performing File I/O Operations and Implementing Multithreading in Visual Basic .NET BinaryReader and BinaryWriter Classes Are used to read from and write to a binary file. StreamReader and StreamWriter Classes Are used to read and write data as streams of characters. Use specific encoding to convert characters to and from bytes. ©NIIT Performing File I/O Operations and Implementing Multithreading in VB .NET/Lesson 10/ Slide 10 of 38
  • 11. Performing File I/O Operations and Implementing Multithreading in Visual Basic .NET The Directory Class Enables you to work with drives and folders. Method Usage CreateDirectory() It is used to create the directories specified by a path. Delete() It is used to delete a directory and all its contents. Exists() It is used to determine whether the specified path refers to an existing directory on the disk. ©NIIT Performing File I/O Operations and Implementing Multithreading in VB .NET/Lesson 10/ Slide 11 of 38
  • 12. Performing File I/O Operations and Implementing Multithreading in Visual Basic .NET Directory Class (Contd.) Method Usage GetDirectoryRoot() It is used to return the root portion of a specified path. GetLogicalDrives() It is used to retrieve the names of the logical drives on the current computer. Move() It is used to move a directory and its contents to a new path. ©NIIT Performing File I/O Operations and Implementing Multithreading in VB .NET/Lesson 10/ Slide 12 of 38
  • 13. Performing File I/O Operations and Implementing Multithreading in Visual Basic .NET Just a Minute… 2. The code snippet generates a build error. Identify the error. 3. What is the difference between the CreateNew and Create constants of the FileMode enumeration? 4. Complete the code to ensure that the file Product.txt is opened with no share specification. ©NIIT Performing File I/O Operations and Implementing Multithreading in VB .NET/Lesson 10/ Slide 13 of 38
  • 14. Performing File I/O Operations and Implementing Multithreading in Visual Basic .NET Visual Basic .NET Run-time Functions Provide compatibility with earlier versions of Visual Basic. Allow three types of file access: Sequential Random Binary Are defined in the System.IO.File namespace. ©NIIT Performing File I/O Operations and Implementing Multithreading in VB .NET/Lesson 10/ Slide 14 of 38
  • 15. Performing File I/O Operations and Implementing Multithreading in Visual Basic .NET Functions Used to Access Files Dir – It is used to retrieve the name of a file or directory that matches a specific pattern based on the file attribute or volume label of a file. EOF – It is used to check whether the end of the file is reached. When a file is opened for random or sequential access, if the end of the file is reached, the function returns a Boolean value True. FileCopy – It is used to create a copy of an existing file. FileDateTime – It is used to retrieve the date and time when a file was created or last modified. FileLen – It is used to retrieve the length of a file in bytes. ©NIIT Performing File I/O Operations and Implementing Multithreading in VB .NET/Lesson 10/ Slide 15 of 38
  • 16. Performing File I/O Operations and Implementing Multithreading in Visual Basic .NET Functions Used to Access Files (Contd.) FreeFile – It is used to retrieve the next file number available for use by the FileOpen() function. GetAttr – It is used to retrieve a FileAttribute value representing the attributes of a file or directory. Loc – It is used to retrieve a value specifying the current read/write position within an open file. LOF – It is used to retrieve a value representing the size, in bytes, of a file opened using the FileOpen()function. Seek – It is used to retrieve a value specifying the current read/write position within a file opened using the FileOpen()function or sets the position for the next read/write operation within a file opened using the FileOpen() function. SetAttr – It sets the attribute information for a file. ©NIIT Performing File I/O Operations and Implementing Multithreading in VB .NET/Lesson 10/ Slide 16 of 38
  • 17. Performing File I/O Operations and Implementing Multithreading in Visual Basic .NET Functions Used to Access Data from a File With sequential access, a file can be opened in the Input, Output, or Append mode. In the Input mode, a file is opened for reading data from the file. In the Output or Append mode, a file is opened for writing data to the file. The syntax for using the FileOpen() function with sequential access is as follows: FileOpen(FileNumber, FileName, OpenMode.mode type) ©NIIT Performing File I/O Operations and Implementing Multithreading in VB .NET/Lesson 10/ Slide 17 of 38
  • 18. Performing File I/O Operations and Implementing Multithreading in Visual Basic .NET Functions Used to Access Data from a File (Contd.) With random access, the FileOpen() function is used to read and write data to a file without closing the file. Random-access files store data in records, which makes it easy to locate relevant information quickly. The syntax for using the FileOpen() function with random access is as follows: FileOpen(FileNumber, FileName, OpenMode.Random,OpenAccess=OpenAccess.Default, OpenShare=OpenShare.Default,RecordLength= length of the record) ©NIIT Performing File I/O Operations and Implementing Multithreading in VB .NET/Lesson 10/ Slide 18 of 38
  • 19. Performing File I/O Operations and Implementing Multithreading in Visual Basic .NET Functions Used to Access Data from a File (Contd.) With binary access, the FileOpen() function is used to read or write to any byte position in a file. The syntax for using the FileOpen()function with binary access is as follows: FileOpen(FileNumber, FileName, OpenMode.Binary) ©NIIT Performing File I/O Operations and Implementing Multithreading in VB .NET/Lesson 10/ Slide 19 of 38
  • 20. Performing File I/O Operations and Implementing Multithreading in Visual Basic .NET Functions Used to Write Data to and Read Data From Files Access type Functions for writing Functions for reading data data Sequential Print, PrintLine Input, InputString Random FilePut FileGet Binary FilePut FileGet ©NIIT Performing File I/O Operations and Implementing Multithreading in VB .NET/Lesson 10/ Slide 20 of 38
  • 21. Performing File I/O Operations and Implementing Multithreading in Visual Basic .NET Just a Minute… Complete the code to display the contents of the file named Product.txt in the output window. ©NIIT Performing File I/O Operations and Implementing Multithreading in VB .NET/Lesson 10/ Slide 21 of 38
  • 22. Performing File I/O Operations and Implementing Multithreading in Visual Basic .NET Problem Statement 10.D.1 The users at the call centers of Diaz Telecommunications should be able to create a text file for storing customer feedback on the services provided by Diaz Telecommunications. The users should also be able to open the file for future assessment. ©NIIT Performing File I/O Operations and Implementing Multithreading in VB .NET/Lesson 10/ Slide 22 of 38
  • 23. Performing File I/O Operations and Implementing Multithreading in Visual Basic .NET Task List Identify the mechanism to implement the user requirement. Identify the controls needed to provide the user interface. Perform the appropriate steps to design the form. Write the code to implement the identified mechanism. Save the application. Run the application to validate the conditions applied on the form. ©NIIT Performing File I/O Operations and Implementing Multithreading in VB .NET/Lesson 10/ Slide 23 of 38
  • 24. Performing File I/O Operations and Implementing Multithreading in Visual Basic .NET Task 1: Identify the mechanism to implement the user requirement. Result: You can fulfill the user requirement by using either the classes in the System.IO model or the Visual Basic .NET run-time functions. However, since the System.IO model is a part of the .NET Framework class library, you should implement the relevant classes of the System.IO model to make full use of the .NET Framework features of Visual Basic .NET. ©NIIT Performing File I/O Operations and Implementing Multithreading in VB .NET/Lesson 10/ Slide 24 of 38
  • 25. Performing File I/O Operations and Implementing Multithreading in Visual Basic .NET Task 2: Identify the controls needed to provide the user interface. Result: As per the plan, you need to add a RichTextBox control, a label control, and two buttons, Read Data and Write Data, to the form named frmCustomerFeedback. In addition, a Reset button should be used to clear the contents of the RichTextBox control. To ensure that data is first written and then read from the file, initially the Read Data button will be disabled. To clear the contents of the RichTextBox, the Reset button will be used. ©NIIT Performing File I/O Operations and Implementing Multithreading in VB .NET/Lesson 10/ Slide 25 of 38
  • 26. Performing File I/O Operations and Implementing Multithreading in Visual Basic .NET Task 3: Perform the appropriate steps to design the form. Task 4: Write the code to implement the identified mechanism. Task 5: Save the application. Task 6: Run the application to validate the conditions applied on the form. ©NIIT Performing File I/O Operations and Implementing Multithreading in VB .NET/Lesson 10/ Slide 26 of 38
  • 27. Performing File I/O Operations and Implementing Multithreading in Visual Basic .NET Problem Statement 10.P.1 The users at the call centers of Diaz Telecommunications should be able to create a text file for storing product details that are available for sale. The users should be able to read from or write data to the file as a sequence of characters. The users should also be able to open the file for future assessment. ©NIIT Performing File I/O Operations and Implementing Multithreading in VB .NET/Lesson 10/ Slide 27 of 38
  • 28. Performing File I/O Operations and Implementing Multithreading in Visual Basic .NET Threads Help in performing multiple activities simultaneously. MultiThreading Is a process in which individual activities are executed on separate threads. Is also called free threading in Visual Basic .NET. Enables you to create scalable applications since you can add threads to an application as the workload increases. ©NIIT Performing File I/O Operations and Implementing Multithreading in VB .NET/Lesson 10/ Slide 28 of 38
  • 29. Performing File I/O Operations and Implementing Multithreading in Visual Basic .NET Creating a Thread Requires declaring a variable of the System.Threading. Thread class and calling the constructor of the thread class with the AddressOf operator and the name of the procedure you want to execute on the new thread. Example Dim MyThread As New System.Threading.Thread(AddressOf MySub) Starting Execution of a Thread You can start a thread by using the Start()method. Stopping Execution of a Thread You can stop the execution of a thread by calling the Abort()method. ©NIIT Performing File I/O Operations and Implementing Multithreading in VB .NET/Lesson 10/ Slide 29 of 38
  • 30. Performing File I/O Operations and Implementing Multithreading in Visual Basic .NET Thread Priorities Are defined by using the Priority property. By default set to Normal. Can be changed by using the ThreadPriority enumeration. Values Description AboveNormal Specifies that the thread has a higher priority than Normal BelowNormal Specifies that the thread has the lower priority Highest Specifies that the thread has the highest priority Lowest Specifies that the thread has the lowest priority Normal Specifies that the thread has an average priority ©NIIT Performing File I/O Operations and Implementing Multithreading in VB .NET/Lesson 10/ Slide 30 of 38
  • 31. Performing File I/O Operations and Implementing Multithreading in Visual Basic .NET Thread State Is accessed by using the ThreadState property. Can be a combination of the values in the System.Threading.Threadstate enumeration, that is, a thread can be in more than one state at a given time. Can be changed by the following methods: Thread.Sleep() Thread.Suspend() Thread.Interrupt() Thread.Resume() Thread.Abort() ©NIIT Performing File I/O Operations and Implementing Multithreading in VB .NET/Lesson 10/ Slide 31 of 38
  • 32. Performing File I/O Operations and Implementing Multithreading in Visual Basic .NET Thread Lifecycle Starts when an object of the System.Threading.Thread class is created and stops when any of the following occurs: The method the thread is running completes The process containing the thread terminates The Abort() method is called for the thread object ©NIIT Performing File I/O Operations and Implementing Multithreading in VB .NET/Lesson 10/ Slide 32 of 38
  • 33. Performing File I/O Operations and Implementing Multithreading in Visual Basic .NET Thread Lifecycle (Contd.) The following diagram illustrates the thread states and the methods that would cause the thread to leave each state. ©NIIT Performing File I/O Operations and Implementing Multithreading in VB .NET/Lesson 10/ Slide 33 of 38
  • 34. Performing File I/O Operations and Implementing Multithreading in Visual Basic .NET Multithreaded Procedures Can accept arguments. Can return values. Thread Synchronization Is done by using events in an application. The SyncLock Statement Ensures that multiple threads do not access shared data at the same time. ©NIIT Performing File I/O Operations and Implementing Multithreading in VB .NET/Lesson 10/ Slide 34 of 38
  • 35. Performing File I/O Operations and Implementing Multithreading in Visual Basic .NET Just a Minute… There is a class called CalcClass, which has a Sub procedure called CalculateArea(). You need to execute this procedure in a separate thread. To execute the CalculateArea() procedure, you need to declare a variable of the thread type. Complete the declaration of the variable in the code snippet. ©NIIT Performing File I/O Operations and Implementing Multithreading in VB .NET/Lesson 10/ Slide 35 of 38
  • 36. Performing File I/O Operations and Implementing Multithreading in Visual Basic .NET Summary In this lesson, you learned that: The file I/O operations in Visual Basic .NET can be done in two different ways: Using the .NET System.IO model Using the Visual Basic .NET run-time functions The System.IO model specifies the use of the common classes available to all the .NET languages. The classes in the System.IO namespace that are mostly used are: FileStream BinaryReader ©NIIT Performing File I/O Operations and Implementing Multithreading in VB .NET/Lesson 10/ Slide 36 of 38
  • 37. Performing File I/O Operations and Implementing Multithreading in Visual Basic .NET Summary (Contd.) BinaryWriter StreamReader StreamWriter Directory Visual Basic .NET run-time functions allow three types of file access: Sequential Random Binary Threads can be implemented in Visual Basic by declaring a variable of the System.Threading.Thread type. ©NIIT Performing File I/O Operations and Implementing Multithreading in VB .NET/Lesson 10/ Slide 37 of 38
  • 38. Performing File I/O Operations and Implementing Multithreading in Visual Basic .NET Summary (Contd.) The methods that are mostly used to manipulate a thread are: Start() Sleep() Suspend() Resume() Abort() ©NIIT Performing File I/O Operations and Implementing Multithreading in VB .NET/Lesson 10/ Slide 38 of 38