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“La vida es una así que gózala, la vida es cómica así que ríete, la vida es complicada así que
ignóralo, la vida es un descontrol así que evita un papelón. Todo depende con que actitud lo mires
pero siempre sueña, mira la vida con buena actitud y déjate llevar”

“La vida es muy corta para aguantar tantas cosas negativas y al final del día el mundo conspira
para quitártelas del camino y traerte cosas buenas y mejores :)”

“La   vida te da sorpresas, sorpresas te da la vida”
 “Hay ciertos momentos en la vida en los cuales te tratan de ayudar y aconsejar pero no te dejas y
echas a un lado a esa gente. Luego de un tiempo te das cuenta cuan valiosos eran en un vida”

“La   vida es como un bizcocho, hay un layer para cada persona”

“El amor es el más importante ingrediente del éxito. Sin amor, la vida esta vacía. Con amor, la vida
vibra con significado. Aun en la desgracia, el amor compensa. Por lo tanto, busca el amor, porque si
no lo encuentras en realidad no vives, solamente respiras.”

“Life   takes many turns; you just have to let yourself go”

“A   cada cerdito le llega su Navidad”

“Cuando     pierdes, no te fijes en lo que has perdido, sino en lo que te queda por ganar”

“Tus    ojos parecen dos aceitunas”

“Our   lives are full of goals, dreams, aspirations and desires. Most of the time we achieve what we
wanted but others we don't reach the sky as we wished and other unexpected things come along the
way. This is when we feel confused, frustrated, angry and without the energy to keep fighting but
this is when more strong and more faith in life we should have.”
"It always seems just as soon as things are going good..just as soon as life takes a turn for the
best...everything goes wrong...gets lost, confused and all messed up... and then you crash... and just
have to sit there, cause you dont have the strength to get up”

"Portate   mal, pasala bn, y niegalo todo!”

“A   la verda que los años le vienen bien a algunos pero otros con los años empeoran.”
“Tu vida es tuya..Piensa, siente y se feliz! Toma en consideración lo que los demás te dicen pero
siempre termine con lo que te llene. No hay mejor lección que la que se aprende de los errores para
poder independizarte poco a poco y mas cuando en el momento solían verse como felicidad”
“Pídele    que se ponga gafas siempre que salgan para que sean novios”
“Where      the f*** is Rebeka?
“La     filosofía del 4x4 te dice que nada es imposible.”
“Yo     voy a apagarle el fuego malo a la gente y ponerles un poquito de mi sazón!"
"Un     día de estos tu sueño se hará realidad”
"No     se si cuando me hablas es para mí o para otro o si todavía piensas en mí”
“Tus     ojos son tan bellos como el culito de la abeja”
     hard to walk around for something you know might never happen. But it’s even harder to give
up when you think its everything you want”
“Life    is like a mirror, we get the best results when we smile at it.”
“Comparo      lo que tengo ahora con lo que tenía antes....y me pregunto como dure tanto”

“Ella    es más cómoda que una craftmatic”

“No     sonrias porque sucedió, sonríe porque se acabó”

“Yo     conquisto el mundo one day at a time”

“Yo andaba bacilando por la playa... no pensaba en el día ni en los detalles yo solo quería sol playa
y arena y barcos perdidos”

“No     one said it was easy, but great things in life aren’t easy!”

“Every day we under come responsibilities and social dilemmas which is what keep us engaged and
growing. We start relationships that led us surpass obstacles, make accomplishments and leave the
negative things of yesterday behind as the days and month pass. It’s like blending and socially
infusing different types of emotions”
“Life   is a game, if you lose something laugh and keep playing”

“The    success of your project is based on your own creativity”

“The    beauty of your dreams is based on how you portray yourself to others”

“The    angels to the sky, the devils in the earth”

“Love is based on being calm, patient and following what your heart say. No one said it was
easy but the people in between just make it special”

“She    drinks water but would prefer tequila”

“My  life is not an encyclopedia. It is just empty pages that when I filled them and put them
together, makes up the encyclopedia of life”

“Boys     may come and boys may go, when something ends ten more come”

“I   just fell from heaven” 

“You    cannot lose something you never had”

“Roll   a dice, pick a number”

“There  are some things quite uncertain about this journey to look for a new life, a new me and
us. In the meantime lets just enjoy the moment as it comes.”

“You    made me smile,you made me happy but now other people are replacing you”

“Grateful  of the things life has given me, even if those are no longer by my side and to the
lessons it has taught me so far!”

“I   laugh and love therefore I live”

"Trust    your Instincts and Follow Your Fear”

“My     life is like a boat.... Better Over All Things”
"Despierta cada manana y dejate llevar por las cosas buenas que te han pasado y las que
deseas que pasen. Sonrie, riete y piensa en como quieres disfrutar cada segundo y veras que
tendras energias”

“Si   el mundo fuera Disney, te hubiese mandado a desaparecer hace rato!!” 

“Te hundes en el problema enganandote de que eres lo mejor y estas buenismo cuando lo que
llevas por dentro es un vacio e hipocresia y no valoras lo que tienes de frente y danas la
reputacion y las cosas valiosas de los demas.”

"Jangueo    Unico y a Explorar nos Vamos En 4 Sazonando, solteros hasta q salga el sol”

“A woman once said that a man is like a deck of cards... you need: a ♥ heart to love him, a ♦
diamond to marry him, a ♣ club to smash his fucking head in, and a ♠ spade to bury the

“Life   is lighter with friends who quack you up”

"There is not such thing as a perfect life, its just how you place things together to solve the
puzzle and reach an end”

“Lamentarse     por lo que no tenemos es desperdiciar aquello que poseemos.”

“La vida no es facil, no todo es lo que te gusta y no todo es lo que quieres, sino adaptarse a lo
que viene y tienes y make the best out of it. Unless you are out of this world and ambicious
como Natasha y pues tienes que do more than you can always”

Porquelos boys no pueden ser como los perros, que no hablen, que se dejen cojer, que
duerman contigo y te calienten. Eso si, a la que se pongan lambones los metes en la jaula”

“Despues    de la tormenta siempre viene la calma, despues de ti, despues de ti hay muchoooo”
“LUNES-     Libera Un Negativo Estorbo de tu vida Sacandolo de tu vida y que se lo lleve el soplar del

“MARTES-      “Mucha Activaera Rebota Transportando Efusivamente Sazon” #sazoneo4x4
“Mucho     Aguante de Reir y es Tiempo de Explorar y Seguir”

“Fuckin  chamaquita bruta, déjà el show! Déjà de envidiar lo que tiene mi amiga y acepta que no
has pasado de la etapa de Barbie’s”
“Quien pierde el control, pierde la batalla”
“Taste the rainbow, bitch!”
“El cambio chinas ricas con juguito por botellas vacias”

“I   wish I had Dora The Explorer’s parents. They let that bitch go everywhere” 
"El    exito esta en el poder y la motivacion de querer lograr nuestras metas”

"Life   opens up when you do.”

“A    todos diles que si pero no les digas cuando”
“The    animals to the cage, the bitches to the club and the sluts to bed”
“Con    la fuerza tu aguantas, con valor te distingues y con libertad lo logras”

“La    motivacion es uno de los fundamientos esenciales para alcanzar el Exito!”
“Tu    eres como el chocolate, una tentacion”
“Sometimes...    bad decisions make good stories”

“Its   not about being second or being short, its all in you getting where you want”

“They    are not strangers...just future friends”

“Yo   soy como un chihuahua... Chiquita, juguetona y quepo everywhere”
“La   vida no es un cuento de Disney con principes como el de Cinderella.

La   vida no es lo que queremos siempre and we need to get over it”
“Ella  ladra mucho como Chihuahua pero al final del dia se queda jodia,sin lo que quiere y
“It’s not that I hate you. Put it this way; if you were on fire and I had water, I’d drink it.”

“Boy:   Your place or mine? Girl: Both, your going to yours and I’m going to mine”
“One  of her many countdowns, que se tire uno pal fin del mundo…. Pal final de mi mundo falta, no
se si pal tuyo”

 “Sometimes  you’re flush and sometimes you’re burst, and when you’re up it’s never as good as it
seems, and when you’re down you never think you’ll be up again, but life goes on”
“Descifrar un Sudoku es como gastar tu tiempo buscando Soluciones Unicas Donde Olvidarme y
no Kererme pero no Unen para resolver el problema.”

Miercoles-  “En un Mundo de Imaginacion y Estrellas sin Rencores ni Complejos las Oportunidades
de ser Libre se Expanden para sonar”
“Muy Importante Es Revisar y Considerar Oportunidades de Luchar para asi Evitar Sorpresas”

Jueves-   “Juraste al Universo que Encontraste un Vida Enamorado y con Sentimientos que no eran

“Juntos   Unicamente para Explorar la Vida y Encontrar un sin fin de Sorpresas. Es hora de vivir
Viernes-   “Ver e Imaginar cosas Extrahordinarias es como Reirle a lo Negativo y Ensenar a Ser tu.”

Sabado-    “Sigue esa Ambicion que Brilla Adentro de ti y Deseas que Otros vean”

Domingo-    “Desear Olvidar Muchas Incertidumbres Nunca te Gana Oportunidades de crecer”

“Vivimos en un mundo lleno de excusas donde echamos a un lado todo lo que nos llena y dejamos
lo importante para manana al ser controlados por la envidia y presion de factores externos”

“Es hora de ‘pensar solo en mi’, de buscar la melodia y deseos de lograr ser esa persona “perfecta”
que anhelo ser”

“Es tan facil dejar atras al instante el dano y sufrimiento que causamos envez de arreglar ese error
para evitar cometerlo en un futuro”

“Es mas facil decir ‘no me pidas algo que no puedo hacer’ que intentar hacerlo por ganarte la
sonrisa y aprecio de alguien”

“Ser  creativo es buscar formas de ver lo negativo con positivo, lo feo como bello, la muerte como un
reto y la vida como un regalo”

“Princesa=   una persona que rie, inspira, nunca calla, siempre ama”

“Dora The Explorer= A lifestyle of Dealing with Opportunities by Reaching The Highest Experience
Everydayx (times) Placing Life and Laughs Over Reason,Emotions and Reality”

“SOLTERO:     No es un estado, es una palabra que define a una persona que no depende de nadie
para ser feliz”

"Yde paso voy a llamar a mi jevo a contarle que estamos saliendo y que estoy tan y tan enamorada
que vomito del enamoramiento”

”Tantas Oportunidades de Reir No Importa el Lugar sino la Libertad de evadir Obstaculos que
impiden Sonreir”

“Teoriadel Flusheo: Facilidad de Liberar y Usar Sentimientos que Hieren para Escapara a Otras
dimensiones de aventuras.. es algo asi como maquineo!”

 “Smile cause you are special, smile cause with the memories, smile at your imagination, smile
cause you love & smile cause you exist”
Monday=      “Many Opportunities that you Never Dream of Are coming Your way”

Tuesday-     “Today You Exalt Simple Details that make you seem as Amazing as YOU are”

Wednesday-     “Where Emotions and Days are Never Enough, Smiling and Dancing is All You need.”

Thursday-     “Today Hours will fly by U Remembering the Smiles, Details of every Adventure You
have liked”

Friday-Lets toast for: “Friends you always Remember, Individuals that make your Days And worry
about YOU”

Saturday-    “Simple Adventures Turn out UR way when Dedication is Always Your first choice”

Sunday- “Superiority Unifies Numerous Dangerous Adventures that may come Your way by
making you stronger to overcome them!”

“Los amigos son las personas que te motivan, que te escuchan, que te apoyan, que se rien de ti y
contigo. Son esos que te ven como algo extrahordinario y te ensenan a desear navegar hasta llegar al

"El juego de la vida es como una obra de arte, todo depende de como se pinte y como se mire, el
que la pinta oscura y el que la ve en la oscuridad siempre veran el opuesto y el lado malo de lo que

"El   alma que persevera siempre triunfa.

Nunca te dejes vencer por nada ni nadie . Siempre lucha por lo que tu Corazon dice sin limites ni
marcha atras”

"Icould be a loyal believer in the obstinacy in life but in the end I persevere to reach my dreams
and goals in life to defend my ideals”

“Enla vida cuando algo te propones...por más dificil que se vea, todo se puede lograr... nada es

“La vida es como una caja de crayolas, de distintos colores, unas completas y otras a medias. Lo
importante es saber que color escoger y tener una buena actitud al pintar tu vida”
“La vida es como una cajita de sorpresas, hay que escoger las cosas como vienen y enfrentarlas de
El problema no es callar... sino ocultar lo que verdaderamente piensas y sientes... es como cortarle
alas a la logica del amor real”

I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will
never forget how you made them feel”

Aprendi a navegar en aguas profundas, donde el miedo se oculta y el deseo de sobrevivir prevalece
para ensenar lo especial que eres”

Tengo una adiccion a sonar, a vivir, a ser feliz, a explorar, a crear y a perseguir eso que no se ve a
simple vista”

“DO NOT DISTURB! is just another excuse for Doing Other things beside the Necessary or
Traditional; Dealing with Interesting Situations & Troubles U won't Regret later or Better yet won't
forget about.”

Emergency! Every Moment you can Ever Recall Getting Excited & Not Caring Y!”

Tienes un angel en tu interior que llama la atencion de todos y te hace deslumbrar. Simplemente
algo dificil de explicar”

I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will
never forget how you made them feel”

Let's Act Bored Of having Responsibilities and Dedicate A day for Yourself.. relax & enjoy everyone”

Muchas cosas se Avecinan y tengo que Responsable y Trabajadora.... Emocionate, Sonrie y toma
las cosas un paso a la vez y venceras!”
“El mundo es perfecto, el problema esta en la manera en el cual vemos las cosas y la actitud con la
que las enfrentamos”

“Tu    eres como un chihuahua. Ladras y ladras pero no muerdes ni pal carajo”

“Una  persona que ríe a diario no es porque siempre le vaya bien, es porque aprendió que debe
sonreír en las buenas y en las malas.”

“Life   isn't about waiting the storm to pass, but it's about how to dance in the rain.”

“Friends    are the rare people who ask how you are and then wait to hear the answer”

"Las amistades buenas son honestos y te respetan todos los dias no importan los anos o la

“If   you dont live for something you will die for nothing”

“La    mejor palabra es la que no se dice”

"Just    forget it, you talk it, you let it, I live everything without it”

“I   don’t reject friend requests on facebook,I just add them and report them as spam”

“Everyday     is a new quest for a better result”

“Simple    Adventures Turn out UR way when Dedication is Always Your first choice”

“Enamórate      de las oportunidades, haz un compromiso con tus sueños y cásate con tus ideales.”

“Superiority Unifies Numerous Dangerous Adventures that may come Your way by making you
stronger to overcome them”

“La vida te echa muchas piedras de distintos tamanos pero esta en cada uno tener el control de
saltarlas y sacarselas del camino al que viene detras”

“Mylife is like a Margarita: full of Marvelous friends, Amazing stories, Random facts, Great
memories, Ambition, Romance, Imagination, Travels & Adventures ♥”

"He    who never made a mistake never made a discovery."
“Success or failure in business is caused more by the mental attitude even than by mental

“When   you do nothing, you feel overwhelmed and powerless. But when you get involved, you feel
the sense of hope and accomplishment that comes from knowing you are working to make things
“Your life is like a Smirnoff : Single. Memories. Impossible to copy. Relationships. Natural.
Opportunities. Friends. Forever”

“El   pasado no se puede cambiar, olvidar, editar o borrar, solo nos queda aceptarlo y superar”

“Aquel  que deja una huella es el que honesto fue , util te vio, expresivo es, libre de mal esta, te
llama y te aprecia.”
“Mitad Imaginación y Emoción se unen en la Realidad Cotidiana de Obtar por Luchar y ser Exitoso

“Jugar  a Unir Exitos es como Vernos Estancados en un mundo Surreal donde las dificultades en el
vivir no existe”

“Cherish    the moment with the company of great friends, plenty of laughs & unforgettable

“Life   is like a circus: pick your costume and let the show begin”

“Hear    with your ears but listen with your heart” 

“Sonreirle  a alguien es regalarle un sin fin de oportunidades para nadar y recordar eventos
irremplazables donde reimos y logramos ensenar” "La calidad es competitividad, la competitividad es
la eficiencia, eficiencia y efectividad marcan la diferencia”

“I   just want to have fun with my girlfriends and enjoy life to the fullest discovering new things”

“Con    lapiz escribi tu nombre, con pluma lo subraye,y al ver que no me querias, con lagrimas lo

“The    girls before me were mistakes, and the girls after me are just downgrades.”

"Freedom     and success vanish the day you loose faith in yourself.”
“Lamente es unica pero las ocurrencias mas.. todo esta en ese poder de controlar tus
pensamientos y las malas experiencias y buscarle el simbolismo positivo para aprender y crear.”

Boston=     Best Option to Survive, Triumph, Overcome and Never regret.

Boston=     Buscar Otras Opciones de Sonar, Tener, Optar y Nacer de Nuevo.

“Veamos     cada Instante como un Elemento Realmente Necesario para Encontrar Sinceridad”

“VolemosIndefinidamente Expandiendo Rincones Nunca antes Encontrados para alcanzar ese
Sueno añorado”

“En la vida hay cosas muy grandes como para poder cambiarlas pero el solo intentarlo es mayor
que el obstaculo”

             Amor, Bondad, Amabilidad, Detallista y Oportunista son la major conbinacion que
un ser humano puede tener”

“Dedicacion  y Ofrecimiento son esenciales para la Motivacion. es Importante Nunca Generar
decisiones sin ellos y aprovecha la Oportinidad”

"Freedom and success vanish the day you loose faith in yourself.”

"Experiences     should be lived, understood and learned from. Otherwise they are worthless and we
are negligent.”

"A   problem without a possible solution isn't a problem, rather a circumstance.”

Live   your moments for what they are; not for what they may become.

"Yo   nunca he pedido una cama mas que un hombre”

"Straight   is not enough" "Do it harder, stronger”

“A   little wait always come in handy”
   "For the good and the bad, what goes around, comes around. But for the good, it may only
    come around once.”

   “Conocer a una persona no es entender lo que dice cuando habla, sino saber lo que dice
    cuando calla.”

   “Se fuerte para que nadie te haga llorar, duro para que no te hagan sufrir y tan humilde que
    todos quieran tu Amistad”

   “Sometimes we need to stop analyzing the past.Stop planning the future. Stop trying to figure
    out precisely how we feel. Stop deciding with our mind what we want our heart to feel.
    Sometimes we just have to go with whatever happens, happens”

   "Estaria en Scrub Island con un palito en mano y un hombre a mi lado”

   "Sometimes the questions are complicated and the answers are simple.”

   "Sazonalos desde hoy y cometelos manana para que tengan acquire taste”

   “A little wait always come in handy”

   “Yo no soy puta.. Yo aprovecho el momento”

   "No es que me gusten muchos, es que me gusta conocer cosas nuevas y cambiar...cause I like

   "It takes 2 to party but twice the party is 4 times better”

   "People don't change. They just find new ways to lie.”

   “Being happy doesn't mean that everything is perfect. It means that you've decided to look
    beyond the imperfections.”

   “People will only offer a modest fee for a reward of infinite expected value.”

   “When you meet someone that can make you smile even though you are at your lowest point
    in life, they are worth for keeping.”

   "Que el mundo viva contigo y no tu con el mundo”
“La    mujer que no tiene suerte buscando novio no sabe la suerte que tiene.”

“Mi    problema es decidirme por uno porque tengo muchos y ninguno me satisface”

“Remember.... The Friends, the memories, the summers, the boyfriends, the best friends, rainy
days, crushes and the Laugh-out-Loud moments. Because that's what really matters”

"Cada    loko con su tema" "cada cojo sabe por la pata que cojea”

“Never    regret. If it's good, it's wonderful. If it's bad, it's experience.”

"Sorry hoe Unlike you I’m not a doorknob where everyone gets a turn. I'm more of a casino . Where
only the lucky ones get the jackpot”  

"No    suenes con cosas imposibles,suena con realidades imposibles a punto de realizarse”

"Como     yo solo hay 1, don’t try to be the copy,make your own movie.. yo no creo en la pirateria”

"You’re   too pretty to be single" I said "no, I'm too pretty to be lied to, cheated on, and played with.”

"No hay peor mediocridad que buscar una explicación que nadie te puede dar.”

“Las    Unicas cosas Necesarias son tus Emociones y tu Sonrisa para querer estar siempre a tu lado”

“Itis time for parents to teach young people early on that in diversity there is beauty and there is

"What doesn't belong, might as well find its way out.”

“Everyone, even unconsciously, has something to teach us. And we are the ones who decide how
receptive we are”

"If   you want a happy ending it depends on where you stop the story."
    “Life is not an spectators sport.”

    “La mejor manera para predicar tu futuro es crearlo.”
   “In life, one day you are happy & the next you can be sad but its just when you need people
    next to you comforting you that you realize what you had”

   "If you fight like a married couple, talk like best friends, flirt like first loves, & protect each
    other like siblings; its meant to be.

    “Life's not about all the steps you've taken, or all the places you have been, it's about the
    footprints you leave behind.”
   “Mas Interes en Expresar una Realidad es cm Conquistar Otros rumbos para Lucir y Ensenar
    q Sigues positiva siempre”

   “Jugar a UNO Es como Ver Entre Signos, cartas, numeros y colores la contestacion de tu

   “Si te piden tiempo, regalale un reloj”

   “Mercadear es como una Adiccion que Recibimos de la pasion, dedicacion y Trabajo que
    invertimos al igual que el Exito y la Seguridad de triunfar”

   Lack of activity destroys the good condition of every human being, while movement and
    methodical physical exercise save it and preserve it.*

   “Everyone, even unconsciously, has something to teach us. And we are the ones who decide
    how receptive we are.”
   “If you obey all the rules, you will miss all the fun”
   "Learn from who you were, appreciate who you've become, carefully invest into who you want
    to be”

   “La mujer que no tiene suerte buscando novio no sabe la suerte que tiene”

   "Love is a willingness to sacrifice”

   “Stop wasting good emotions on the wrong person. Make sure to examine a situation carefully
    before you go along with any plans.”
 “La sociedad es un baile de disfraces en el que cada uno esconde su verdadera personalidad,
revelándola al esconderla”

“Sometimes you'll have people in your life will understand you & sometimes you'll have people in
your life that don't !”

“Life is so fragile... we must remind ourselves everyday how lucky we truly are by spending the
minutes, days, months and years letting them know how much we love them and how special they
are in our lives”

"Some people are like clouds . When they disappear . it's a brighter day"
"There are other fish in the sea, you just need to keep looking. If one hurts you, the other one will
heal you & if that doesn't work you will have me”

If   your relationship has more issues than a magazine, I suggest you cancel that subscription
“Idon't know where I'd go, who I'd be or what I'd do without you Thanks for going the extra mile,
being there, & doing your best”

“A bestfriend isn't someone who always there for you. it's someone who understand you a bit more
even than you understand yourself”

Some     people make your laugh a little louder, your smile a little brighter, and your life a little better.

"A    smile happens in a flash, but its memories can last a lifetime.

"Indecision& uncertainty for future plans can be our worst enemies. Especially when it comes to
doing something you will not want to regret in the future.”

"Followyour heart, do good to people & in the end you will triumph. The world is round and things
happen for a reason even if you make those decisions!

   your relationship has more issues than a magazine, I suggest you cancel that
subscription"FLIRTATIONSHIP: More than a friendship, less than a relationship.

Viernes:Ver    Ideas Emocionantes y Reales Necesarias para Sobrevivir
"Cuando      tu le ocultas un tipo a tu mejor amiga"... he is not really worth it!

“El    pitcher tiro recta mientras el catcher pidio curva”

“Nadie    dijo que las relaciones serian faciles, pero con compromiso todo es posible”

“Labor day= Let's Act Bored Of having Responsibilities and Dedicate A day for Yourself.. relax &
enjoy everyone!”

Life   is not a race, so take it slower. Hear the music, before the song is over.

“Realize    that even the strongest woman feels the need to be taken care of sometimes by someone

“Realize    that If a relationship has to be a secret, you shouldn't be in it.”

     is too short to let someone make you miserable. Remember, someone can only make you
unhappy if you give them the power to do so.”

"Advice     is what we ask for when we already know the answer but wish we didn't.”

"Smart thinking, good communication, timing and determination are the keys to success.”

“ Siempre seras Unica y la Numero uno entre mis hermanitas. Desde que te conozco te Aprecio Y
valoro la amistad. Happy Bday”

“Youalways could make me laugh, you listened to my turned my nights into sunshine,
when my days had often been rain.”

“If   life is a drama, just play the movie”

“Inlove with life. Open your eyes and really see the beauty. You might be missing it between all the
unnecessary caos created by yourself. Today smile at strangers.”

“If a person's presence does not bring any value to your life, then their absence should not make a
Revealing    the truth is like lighting a match, it can bring light or it can set your world on fire”

“Never    regret anything, because at one time it was exactly what you wanted.”

"El    exito no esta en tus manos sino en el poder mental de declarar que lo lograras”

“No    son las horas en la biblioteca sino como te desenvuelves en el real world”

“Itsmy taurus determinism, my contagious laugh, my cute smile and my eager to triumph that will
take me very far in life!”

“She's    the same girl - she just looks different because now she has her smile back after so long.”

 "If you are in a place where nothing goes, look and see... every single thing might end up having its
own unique and interesting flow."If there are things you don't like in the world you grew up in, make
your own life different.”

"Si no estoy segura o no me acuerdo" I don't know anything then”

“In life things come unexpectedly.... first you see, then you smile, then you kiss, then you realize
you love that best friend so much you just one the very best for him”

“In life things come unexpectedly....your life, your experiences, your problems, the moments and
the friendships. Friends may come in different shapes and sizes but just one will never leave your
side and will drive you nuts forever and make you smile every single time over and over”

"Una necesidad no es necesariamente algo necesario en la vida al igual que las cosas necesarias no
son verdaderamente una necesidad. Es el deseo el que las hace necesarias”

"The    man who can drive himself further once the effort gets painful is the man who will win”

"When somebody tells you something bout you, think that they know you more than you do...So
you take it down another pill to swallow”

"Dance     first. Think later. It’s the natural order."
   “Stop wasting good emotions on the wrong person. Make sure to examine a situation carefully
    before you go along with any plans.”

   “The greatest pleasure in life is doing what people say you cannot do.”

   “Haters don't really hate you, they hate themselves. You are just a reflection of what they wish
    to be..”

   “Everyday you should see your dream to first believe it and then make it a reality”

   "Being admired or praised by someone you look up to is priceless."

   "After happiness, one important thing money cannot buy is: class.”

   "Indecision and uncertainty for future plans can be our worst enemies. Especially when it
    comes to doing something you will not want to regret in the future."

   "Te conocí por una casualidad, te hablé por educación, te besé por atracción, pero nunca
    pensé que hoy en día fueses mi adicción”

   "You are not a man cause you have multiple women, you are a man once you respect them”

   "In life there are so many great things & obstacles. Surpassing them doesn't make u any
    stronger but it makes u a celebrity”

   “Some things in life are quite.unexplainable and unexpected”

   “I love surprises, they make me curious, they make me laugh, they make me mad.... they
    make me wanna change the world”

   “Revenge? Nah I'm too lazy, I'm gonna sit here and let karma fuck you up. “

   "Mano el te vio a ti y dijo ufffff un super upgrade”

   “”Para que hacer a alguien infeliz cuando los podemos hacer todos felices”
“De    mi granja ni un gandul”

“In life if u work with perseverance passion & determination it doesnt matter how stressed u r if u
love it ull always find your inner happiness”

        is not a problem to be solved . But a reality to be experienced”

“Today     I learned that I have 3 good disadvantages: being pretty, being charming and being

"Women worry about the things that men forget . Men worry about the things women remember”

“La vida definitivamente es un regalo, lo que la dana es la mente corrompida e inhumana de gente
que no valoran lo que llevan consigo”

“Desde que existen las excusas todo el mundo INTENTAN quedar bien pero no QUEDAN bien... eso
es como un cirujano plastico que te desfigura”

“Trabajar    como un negro para vivir como un perro”

“The    quality of a leader is reflected in the standards they set for themselves.”

"We shouldn't worry about dying cause is something that will happen to everyone but we should
worry about having a life that matters"

"The    world impossible doesn't exist in my book of life”

"If   you wanna live longer, you need to fall from the right side”

“Una    maldadita al ano hace dano pero una al mes que rico es!”

“Ifsomething is not happening for you it does not mean it's never going to, it just means that
you're not ready for it yet.”

"Superman      is More Than a Hero in Movies, is an Inspiration for Life”

"Things    from now on will be done my way or the highway”
"Crushes are more beautiful than affairs . There's No responsibility . No worry . No commitment .
Just look at your crush and smile like an idiot”

"Is   not what you feel, its how it is"

“Because      the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world . Are the ones that

En la vida cuando uno trabaja con motivacion y entusiasmo nada es imposible. La palabra
imposible no existe ya que son solo cosas que deseamos.

"A wise girl kisses but doesn't love, listens but doesn't believe, and leaves before she is left.”

"You'revery wise. You're wise to know there's always a survivor. You're wise to wait until after the
conference to get sick."

"Justbecause miracles make us unbelievably happy, it doesn't mean simpler things can't make us
happy too.”

  there is delay or negligence after excessive yearning, we often do not appreciate or enjoy what we
had initially asked for.”

“Emotional     intelligence is a quality owned by few. But for those who have it, beware, because it can
easily slip”

"If   you love what you do, you will be happy even when your too busy to do something else.”

"Having the idea isn't always enough, sometimes it's also about having the drive and accomplishing

"We must water the plant every so often... and when the time is right, the flower might bloom.”

   “Para que haya "honeymoon" no se necesita boda”

“Dreams     are free, so free your dreams.”

Look    like a girl. Act like a lady. Think like a man. Work like a boss.
   “Las mujeres son como los espejos, las soplas y se empanan”

   “Dicen que vivir es lo mas peligroso que tiene la vida pero si no pasas peligro no vives ni

   “We find what we expect to find, and we receive what we ask for.”

   "True repentance is saying sorry as many times as it takes, until the other person realizes how
    sorry you are and hopefully forgives you.”

   "que se te hinche el corazon del la emocion"

   “I play many roles: the friend, the sister, the mother, the sinner and .....”

   “La vida esta llena d sorpresas: los q t quieren d verda, los q t quieren pero son cm un boletito
    d loto porque ganas o pierden con ellos porque tienen un package y los q t quieren joder”

   “Es como batman y robin, una vida secreta”

   "If plan A didn't work, the alphabet has 25 more letters! Stay cool ”

   “I give THANKS for the Talks, I give thanks for making me Happy, I give thanks for the
    Amazing times, I give thanks for Never saying NO, I give thanks for the Kisses, I give thanks
    for being Sincere, Simple and so Special to me”

   “When u do something out of love, u feel better about yourself.”

   “Que tu sonrisa cambie el mundo y no el mundo tu sonrisa”

   “ I wouldn’t call being a mistress an issue, but rather an adventure”

   “La mercancia hay que probarla antes a ver si por lo menos vale 5 chavos”

   “Donde hay tres uno sobra”
   "Efforts or blessings that are ignored could become curses.”

   "Vain people, they think so highly of themselves. It becomes impossible for them to appreciate
    or value what others do for them. It never seems enough for what they consider they should

   "Those who cannot find prosperity in today's facts will be stuck with yesterdays misfortunes.”

   "Mientras ame, procure no sobrepasar el limite que cada persona pone en el amor por si

   “Una chupa no cuesta na…. Cuestan $20 pesos”

   "En esta vida hay cierta gente que no se da por vencido ni entienden los limites que hasta
    deciden aportar del conocimiento de ellos a los demas con tal de buscar atencion”

   “Yo rastreo y chequeo tu facebook a lo Scooby-Doo pensando que no te enterarias”

   "Love is not consolation. It is light.”

   "El miedo y los limites son amigos del you are too good for me that I can't believe I can have

   “No matter how much he begs, never feed him after midnight”

   “Life is not a competition, it's a game. It's not about winning or losing, it's about all the fun
    you can have before it ends”

   “Too many people spend money they haven’t earned, to buy things they don’t want, to impress
    people they don’t like.”

   “Where u invest your love you invest ur life”

   “El no solo es un amigo, es como un torbellino, me marea”
   "La vida no es un problema que tiene que ser resuelto, sino una realidad que tiene que ser

   “If you don't like something change it, if you cannot change it change your attitude and stop

   “Nature gives you freedom... man takes it away…”

   “Patience is a virtue... Specially when there no competition”

   “You cannot judge others by your own past. They are living a different life than you.”

   “La vida es como el sexo si no la disfrutas algo estas haciendo mal”

   “Be confident. too many days are wasted comparing ourselves to others and wishing to be
    something we aren't everybody has their own strengths and weaknesses, and it is only when
    you accept everything you are and aren't that you will truly succeed.”

   “Christmas is the Holiday of buying kid’s illusion with gifts”

   "Life is far too important to be taken seriously.”

   “The greatest pleasure in life is doing what people say you cannot do.”

   "A falta de pan, cafe ahora”

   “Whatever tomorrow brings ill be there. With open arms and open eyes.”

   “One person's craziness is another person's reality.”

   “There is the risk you cannot afford to take and there is the risk you cannot afford not to

   “Christmas is a holiday to cook, happiness, reunite, imagine, share the times and memories
    with amazing simple details”

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  • 1.
  • 2. “La vida es una así que gózala, la vida es cómica así que ríete, la vida es complicada así que ignóralo, la vida es un descontrol así que evita un papelón. Todo depende con que actitud lo mires pero siempre sueña, mira la vida con buena actitud y déjate llevar” “La vida es muy corta para aguantar tantas cosas negativas y al final del día el mundo conspira para quitártelas del camino y traerte cosas buenas y mejores :)” “La vida te da sorpresas, sorpresas te da la vida”    “Hay ciertos momentos en la vida en los cuales te tratan de ayudar y aconsejar pero no te dejas y echas a un lado a esa gente. Luego de un tiempo te das cuenta cuan valiosos eran en un vida” “La vida es como un bizcocho, hay un layer para cada persona” “El amor es el más importante ingrediente del éxito. Sin amor, la vida esta vacía. Con amor, la vida vibra con significado. Aun en la desgracia, el amor compensa. Por lo tanto, busca el amor, porque si no lo encuentras en realidad no vives, solamente respiras.” “Life takes many turns; you just have to let yourself go” “A cada cerdito le llega su Navidad” “Cuando pierdes, no te fijes en lo que has perdido, sino en lo que te queda por ganar” “Tus ojos parecen dos aceitunas” “Our lives are full of goals, dreams, aspirations and desires. Most of the time we achieve what we wanted but others we don't reach the sky as we wished and other unexpected things come along the way. This is when we feel confused, frustrated, angry and without the energy to keep fighting but this is when more strong and more faith in life we should have.”   "It always seems just as soon as things are going good..just as soon as life takes a turn for the best...everything goes wrong...gets lost, confused and all messed up... and then you crash... and just have to sit there, cause you dont have the strength to get up” "Portate mal, pasala bn, y niegalo todo!” “A la verda que los años le vienen bien a algunos pero otros con los años empeoran.”
  • 3. “Tu vida es tuya..Piensa, siente y se feliz! Toma en consideración lo que los demás te dicen pero siempre termine con lo que te llene. No hay mejor lección que la que se aprende de los errores para poder independizarte poco a poco y mas cuando en el momento solían verse como felicidad” “Pídele que se ponga gafas siempre que salgan para que sean novios” “Where the f*** is Rebeka? “La filosofía del 4x4 te dice que nada es imposible.” “Yo voy a apagarle el fuego malo a la gente y ponerles un poquito de mi sazón!"   "Un día de estos tu sueño se hará realidad” "No se si cuando me hablas es para mí o para otro o si todavía piensas en mí” “Tus ojos son tan bellos como el culito de la abeja” “It’s hard to walk around for something you know might never happen. But it’s even harder to give up when you think its everything you want” “Life is like a mirror, we get the best results when we smile at it.” “Comparo lo que tengo ahora con lo que tenía antes....y me pregunto como dure tanto” “Ella es más cómoda que una craftmatic” “No sonrias porque sucedió, sonríe porque se acabó” “Yo conquisto el mundo one day at a time” “Yo andaba bacilando por la playa... no pensaba en el día ni en los detalles yo solo quería sol playa y arena y barcos perdidos” “No one said it was easy, but great things in life aren’t easy!” “Every day we under come responsibilities and social dilemmas which is what keep us engaged and growing. We start relationships that led us surpass obstacles, make accomplishments and leave the negative things of yesterday behind as the days and month pass. It’s like blending and socially infusing different types of emotions”
  • 4. “Life is a game, if you lose something laugh and keep playing” “The success of your project is based on your own creativity” “The beauty of your dreams is based on how you portray yourself to others” “The angels to the sky, the devils in the earth” “Love is based on being calm, patient and following what your heart say. No one said it was easy but the people in between just make it special” “She drinks water but would prefer tequila” “My life is not an encyclopedia. It is just empty pages that when I filled them and put them together, makes up the encyclopedia of life” “Boys may come and boys may go, when something ends ten more come” “I just fell from heaven”  “You cannot lose something you never had” “Roll a dice, pick a number” “There are some things quite uncertain about this journey to look for a new life, a new me and us. In the meantime lets just enjoy the moment as it comes.” “You made me smile,you made me happy but now other people are replacing you” “Grateful of the things life has given me, even if those are no longer by my side and to the lessons it has taught me so far!” “I laugh and love therefore I live” "Trust your Instincts and Follow Your Fear” “My life is like a boat.... Better Over All Things”
  • 5. "Despierta cada manana y dejate llevar por las cosas buenas que te han pasado y las que  deseas que pasen. Sonrie, riete y piensa en como quieres disfrutar cada segundo y veras que tendras energias” “Si el mundo fuera Disney, te hubiese mandado a desaparecer hace rato!!”  “Te hundes en el problema enganandote de que eres lo mejor y estas buenismo cuando lo que llevas por dentro es un vacio e hipocresia y no valoras lo que tienes de frente y danas la reputacion y las cosas valiosas de los demas.” "Jangueo Unico y a Explorar nos Vamos En 4 Sazonando, solteros hasta q salga el sol” “A woman once said that a man is like a deck of cards... you need: a ♥ heart to love him, a ♦ diamond to marry him, a ♣ club to smash his fucking head in, and a ♠ spade to bury the bastard.” “Life is lighter with friends who quack you up” "There is not such thing as a perfect life, its just how you place things together to solve the puzzle and reach an end” “Lamentarse por lo que no tenemos es desperdiciar aquello que poseemos.” “La vida no es facil, no todo es lo que te gusta y no todo es lo que quieres, sino adaptarse a lo que viene y tienes y make the best out of it. Unless you are out of this world and ambicious como Natasha y pues tienes que do more than you can always” Porquelos boys no pueden ser como los perros, que no hablen, que se dejen cojer, que duerman contigo y te calienten. Eso si, a la que se pongan lambones los metes en la jaula” “Despues de la tormenta siempre viene la calma, despues de ti, despues de ti hay muchoooo”  
  • 6. “LUNES- Libera Un Negativo Estorbo de tu vida Sacandolo de tu vida y que se lo lleve el soplar del viento” “MARTES- “Mucha Activaera Rebota Transportando Efusivamente Sazon” #sazoneo4x4   “Mucho Aguante de Reir y es Tiempo de Explorar y Seguir” “Fuckin chamaquita bruta, déjà el show! Déjà de envidiar lo que tiene mi amiga y acepta que no has pasado de la etapa de Barbie’s”    “Quien pierde el control, pierde la batalla”   “Taste the rainbow, bitch!”   “El cambio chinas ricas con juguito por botellas vacias” “I wish I had Dora The Explorer’s parents. They let that bitch go everywhere”    "El exito esta en el poder y la motivacion de querer lograr nuestras metas” "Life opens up when you do.” “A todos diles que si pero no les digas cuando”   “The animals to the cage, the bitches to the club and the sluts to bed”   “Con la fuerza tu aguantas, con valor te distingues y con libertad lo logras” “La motivacion es uno de los fundamientos esenciales para alcanzar el Exito!”   “Tu eres como el chocolate, una tentacion”   “Sometimes... bad decisions make good stories” “Its not about being second or being short, its all in you getting where you want” “They are not strangers...just future friends”  
  • 7. “Yo soy como un chihuahua... Chiquita, juguetona y quepo everywhere”   “La vida no es un cuento de Disney con principes como el de Cinderella. La vida no es lo que queremos siempre and we need to get over it”   “Ella ladra mucho como Chihuahua pero al final del dia se queda jodia,sin lo que quiere y annoyed”   “It’s not that I hate you. Put it this way; if you were on fire and I had water, I’d drink it.” “Boy: Your place or mine? Girl: Both, your going to yours and I’m going to mine”   “One of her many countdowns, que se tire uno pal fin del mundo…. Pal final de mi mundo falta, no se si pal tuyo”  “Sometimes you’re flush and sometimes you’re burst, and when you’re up it’s never as good as it seems, and when you’re down you never think you’ll be up again, but life goes on”   “Descifrar un Sudoku es como gastar tu tiempo buscando Soluciones Unicas Donde Olvidarme y no Kererme pero no Unen para resolver el problema.” Miercoles- “En un Mundo de Imaginacion y Estrellas sin Rencores ni Complejos las Oportunidades de ser Libre se Expanden para sonar”   “Muy Importante Es Revisar y Considerar Oportunidades de Luchar para asi Evitar Sorpresas” Jueves- “Juraste al Universo que Encontraste un Vida Enamorado y con Sentimientos que no eran reales.” “Juntos Unicamente para Explorar la Vida y Encontrar un sin fin de Sorpresas. Es hora de vivir YA”
  • 8. Viernes- “Ver e Imaginar cosas Extrahordinarias es como Reirle a lo Negativo y Ensenar a Ser tu.” Sabado- “Sigue esa Ambicion que Brilla Adentro de ti y Deseas que Otros vean” Domingo- “Desear Olvidar Muchas Incertidumbres Nunca te Gana Oportunidades de crecer” “Vivimos en un mundo lleno de excusas donde echamos a un lado todo lo que nos llena y dejamos lo importante para manana al ser controlados por la envidia y presion de factores externos” “Es hora de ‘pensar solo en mi’, de buscar la melodia y deseos de lograr ser esa persona “perfecta” que anhelo ser” “Es tan facil dejar atras al instante el dano y sufrimiento que causamos envez de arreglar ese error para evitar cometerlo en un futuro” “Es mas facil decir ‘no me pidas algo que no puedo hacer’ que intentar hacerlo por ganarte la sonrisa y aprecio de alguien” “Ser creativo es buscar formas de ver lo negativo con positivo, lo feo como bello, la muerte como un reto y la vida como un regalo” “Princesa= una persona que rie, inspira, nunca calla, siempre ama” “Dora The Explorer= A lifestyle of Dealing with Opportunities by Reaching The Highest Experience Everydayx (times) Placing Life and Laughs Over Reason,Emotions and Reality” “SOLTERO: No es un estado, es una palabra que define a una persona que no depende de nadie para ser feliz” "Yde paso voy a llamar a mi jevo a contarle que estamos saliendo y que estoy tan y tan enamorada que vomito del enamoramiento” ”Tantas Oportunidades de Reir No Importa el Lugar sino la Libertad de evadir Obstaculos que impiden Sonreir” “Teoriadel Flusheo: Facilidad de Liberar y Usar Sentimientos que Hieren para Escapara a Otras dimensiones de aventuras.. es algo asi como maquineo!”  “Smile cause you are special, smile cause with the memories, smile at your imagination, smile cause you love & smile cause you exist”
  • 9. Monday= “Many Opportunities that you Never Dream of Are coming Your way” Tuesday- “Today You Exalt Simple Details that make you seem as Amazing as YOU are” Wednesday- “Where Emotions and Days are Never Enough, Smiling and Dancing is All You need.” Thursday- “Today Hours will fly by U Remembering the Smiles, Details of every Adventure You have liked” Friday-Lets toast for: “Friends you always Remember, Individuals that make your Days And worry about YOU” Saturday- “Simple Adventures Turn out UR way when Dedication is Always Your first choice” Sunday- “Superiority Unifies Numerous Dangerous Adventures that may come Your way by making you stronger to overcome them!” “Los amigos son las personas que te motivan, que te escuchan, que te apoyan, que se rien de ti y contigo. Son esos que te ven como algo extrahordinario y te ensenan a desear navegar hasta llegar al universo” "El juego de la vida es como una obra de arte, todo depende de como se pinte y como se mire, el que la pinta oscura y el que la ve en la oscuridad siempre veran el opuesto y el lado malo de lo que es.” "El alma que persevera siempre triunfa. Nunca te dejes vencer por nada ni nadie . Siempre lucha por lo que tu Corazon dice sin limites ni marcha atras” "Icould be a loyal believer in the obstinacy in life but in the end I persevere to reach my dreams and goals in life to defend my ideals” “Enla vida cuando algo te propones...por más dificil que se vea, todo se puede lograr... nada es imposible” “La vida es como una caja de crayolas, de distintos colores, unas completas y otras a medias. Lo importante es saber que color escoger y tener una buena actitud al pintar tu vida”   “La vida es como una cajita de sorpresas, hay que escoger las cosas como vienen y enfrentarlas de
  • 10. El problema no es callar... sino ocultar lo que verdaderamente piensas y sientes... es como cortarle alas a la logica del amor real” I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel” Aprendi a navegar en aguas profundas, donde el miedo se oculta y el deseo de sobrevivir prevalece para ensenar lo especial que eres” Tengo una adiccion a sonar, a vivir, a ser feliz, a explorar, a crear y a perseguir eso que no se ve a simple vista” “DO NOT DISTURB! is just another excuse for Doing Other things beside the Necessary or Traditional; Dealing with Interesting Situations & Troubles U won't Regret later or Better yet won't forget about.” Emergency! Every Moment you can Ever Recall Getting Excited & Not Caring Y!” Tienes un angel en tu interior que llama la atencion de todos y te hace deslumbrar. Simplemente algo dificil de explicar” I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel” Let's Act Bored Of having Responsibilities and Dedicate A day for Yourself.. relax & enjoy everyone” Muchas cosas se Avecinan y tengo que Responsable y Trabajadora.... Emocionate, Sonrie y toma las cosas un paso a la vez y venceras!”
  • 11. “El mundo es perfecto, el problema esta en la manera en el cual vemos las cosas y la actitud con la que las enfrentamos” “Tu eres como un chihuahua. Ladras y ladras pero no muerdes ni pal carajo” “Una persona que ríe a diario no es porque siempre le vaya bien, es porque aprendió que debe sonreír en las buenas y en las malas.” “Life isn't about waiting the storm to pass, but it's about how to dance in the rain.” “Friends are the rare people who ask how you are and then wait to hear the answer” "Las amistades buenas son honestos y te respetan todos los dias no importan los anos o la distancia” “If you dont live for something you will die for nothing” “La mejor palabra es la que no se dice” "Just forget it, you talk it, you let it, I live everything without it” “I don’t reject friend requests on facebook,I just add them and report them as spam” “Everyday is a new quest for a better result” “Simple Adventures Turn out UR way when Dedication is Always Your first choice” “Enamórate de las oportunidades, haz un compromiso con tus sueños y cásate con tus ideales.” “Superiority Unifies Numerous Dangerous Adventures that may come Your way by making you stronger to overcome them” “La vida te echa muchas piedras de distintos tamanos pero esta en cada uno tener el control de saltarlas y sacarselas del camino al que viene detras” “Mylife is like a Margarita: full of Marvelous friends, Amazing stories, Random facts, Great memories, Ambition, Romance, Imagination, Travels & Adventures ♥” "He who never made a mistake never made a discovery."
  • 12. “Success or failure in business is caused more by the mental attitude even than by mental capacities.” “When you do nothing, you feel overwhelmed and powerless. But when you get involved, you feel the sense of hope and accomplishment that comes from knowing you are working to make things better.”   “Your life is like a Smirnoff : Single. Memories. Impossible to copy. Relationships. Natural. Opportunities. Friends. Forever” “El pasado no se puede cambiar, olvidar, editar o borrar, solo nos queda aceptarlo y superar” “Aquel que deja una huella es el que honesto fue , util te vio, expresivo es, libre de mal esta, te llama y te aprecia.”   “Mitad Imaginación y Emoción se unen en la Realidad Cotidiana de Obtar por Luchar y ser Exitoso Siempre.” “Jugar a Unir Exitos es como Vernos Estancados en un mundo Surreal donde las dificultades en el vivir no existe” “Cherish the moment with the company of great friends, plenty of laughs & unforgettable memories” “Life is like a circus: pick your costume and let the show begin” “Hear with your ears but listen with your heart”  “Sonreirle a alguien es regalarle un sin fin de oportunidades para nadar y recordar eventos irremplazables donde reimos y logramos ensenar” "La calidad es competitividad, la competitividad es la eficiencia, eficiencia y efectividad marcan la diferencia” “I just want to have fun with my girlfriends and enjoy life to the fullest discovering new things” “Con lapiz escribi tu nombre, con pluma lo subraye,y al ver que no me querias, con lagrimas lo borre” “The girls before me were mistakes, and the girls after me are just downgrades.” "Freedom and success vanish the day you loose faith in yourself.”
  • 13. “Lamente es unica pero las ocurrencias mas.. todo esta en ese poder de controlar tus pensamientos y las malas experiencias y buscarle el simbolismo positivo para aprender y crear.” Boston= Best Option to Survive, Triumph, Overcome and Never regret. Boston= Buscar Otras Opciones de Sonar, Tener, Optar y Nacer de Nuevo. “Veamos cada Instante como un Elemento Realmente Necesario para Encontrar Sinceridad” “VolemosIndefinidamente Expandiendo Rincones Nunca antes Encontrados para alcanzar ese Sueno añorado” “En la vida hay cosas muy grandes como para poder cambiarlas pero el solo intentarlo es mayor que el obstaculo” “Simplicidad, Amor, Bondad, Amabilidad, Detallista y Oportunista son la major conbinacion que un ser humano puede tener” “Dedicacion y Ofrecimiento son esenciales para la Motivacion. es Importante Nunca Generar decisiones sin ellos y aprovecha la Oportinidad” "Freedom and success vanish the day you loose faith in yourself.”  "Experiences should be lived, understood and learned from. Otherwise they are worthless and we are negligent.” "A problem without a possible solution isn't a problem, rather a circumstance.” Live your moments for what they are; not for what they may become. "Yo nunca he pedido una cama mas que un hombre” "Straight is not enough" "Do it harder, stronger” “A little wait always come in handy”
  • 14. "For the good and the bad, what goes around, comes around. But for the good, it may only come around once.”  “Conocer a una persona no es entender lo que dice cuando habla, sino saber lo que dice cuando calla.”  “Se fuerte para que nadie te haga llorar, duro para que no te hagan sufrir y tan humilde que todos quieran tu Amistad”  “Sometimes we need to stop analyzing the past.Stop planning the future. Stop trying to figure out precisely how we feel. Stop deciding with our mind what we want our heart to feel. Sometimes we just have to go with whatever happens, happens”  "Estaria en Scrub Island con un palito en mano y un hombre a mi lado”  "Sometimes the questions are complicated and the answers are simple.”  "Sazonalos desde hoy y cometelos manana para que tengan acquire taste”  “A little wait always come in handy”  “Yo no soy puta.. Yo aprovecho el momento”  "No es que me gusten muchos, es que me gusta conocer cosas nuevas y cambiar...cause I like shufflin!”  "It takes 2 to party but twice the party is 4 times better”   "People don't change. They just find new ways to lie.”  “Being happy doesn't mean that everything is perfect. It means that you've decided to look beyond the imperfections.”  “People will only offer a modest fee for a reward of infinite expected value.”  “When you meet someone that can make you smile even though you are at your lowest point in life, they are worth for keeping.”  "Que el mundo viva contigo y no tu con el mundo”
  • 15. “La mujer que no tiene suerte buscando novio no sabe la suerte que tiene.” “Mi problema es decidirme por uno porque tengo muchos y ninguno me satisface” “Remember.... The Friends, the memories, the summers, the boyfriends, the best friends, rainy days, crushes and the Laugh-out-Loud moments. Because that's what really matters” "Cada loko con su tema" "cada cojo sabe por la pata que cojea” “Never regret. If it's good, it's wonderful. If it's bad, it's experience.” "Sorry hoe Unlike you I’m not a doorknob where everyone gets a turn. I'm more of a casino . Where  only the lucky ones get the jackpot”   "No suenes con cosas imposibles,suena con realidades imposibles a punto de realizarse” "Como yo solo hay 1, don’t try to be the copy,make your own movie.. yo no creo en la pirateria” "You’re too pretty to be single" I said "no, I'm too pretty to be lied to, cheated on, and played with.” "No hay peor mediocridad que buscar una explicación que nadie te puede dar.”  “Las Unicas cosas Necesarias son tus Emociones y tu Sonrisa para querer estar siempre a tu lado” “Itis time for parents to teach young people early on that in diversity there is beauty and there is strength” "What doesn't belong, might as well find its way out.”  “Everyone, even unconsciously, has something to teach us. And we are the ones who decide how receptive we are” "If you want a happy ending it depends on where you stop the story."
  • 16.  “Life is not an spectators sport.”   “La mejor manera para predicar tu futuro es crearlo.”    “In life, one day you are happy & the next you can be sad but its just when you need people next to you comforting you that you realize what you had”  "If you fight like a married couple, talk like best friends, flirt like first loves, & protect each other like siblings; its meant to be.   “Life's not about all the steps you've taken, or all the places you have been, it's about the footprints you leave behind.”    “Mas Interes en Expresar una Realidad es cm Conquistar Otros rumbos para Lucir y Ensenar q Sigues positiva siempre”  “Jugar a UNO Es como Ver Entre Signos, cartas, numeros y colores la contestacion de tu problema”  “Si te piden tiempo, regalale un reloj”  “Mercadear es como una Adiccion que Recibimos de la pasion, dedicacion y Trabajo que invertimos al igual que el Exito y la Seguridad de triunfar”  Lack of activity destroys the good condition of every human being, while movement and methodical physical exercise save it and preserve it.*  “Everyone, even unconsciously, has something to teach us. And we are the ones who decide how receptive we are.”    “If you obey all the rules, you will miss all the fun”    "Learn from who you were, appreciate who you've become, carefully invest into who you want to be”  “La mujer que no tiene suerte buscando novio no sabe la suerte que tiene”  "Love is a willingness to sacrifice”  “Stop wasting good emotions on the wrong person. Make sure to examine a situation carefully before you go along with any plans.”
  • 17.  “La sociedad es un baile de disfraces en el que cada uno esconde su verdadera personalidad, revelándola al esconderla” “Sometimes you'll have people in your life will understand you & sometimes you'll have people in your life that don't !” “Life is so fragile... we must remind ourselves everyday how lucky we truly are by spending the minutes, days, months and years letting them know how much we love them and how special they are in our lives” "Some people are like clouds . When they disappear . it's a brighter day"    "There are other fish in the sea, you just need to keep looking. If one hurts you, the other one will  heal you & if that doesn't work you will have me” If your relationship has more issues than a magazine, I suggest you cancel that subscription   “Idon't know where I'd go, who I'd be or what I'd do without you Thanks for going the extra mile, being there, & doing your best” “A bestfriend isn't someone who always there for you. it's someone who understand you a bit more even than you understand yourself” Some people make your laugh a little louder, your smile a little brighter, and your life a little better. "A smile happens in a flash, but its memories can last a lifetime. "Indecision& uncertainty for future plans can be our worst enemies. Especially when it comes to doing something you will not want to regret in the future.” "Followyour heart, do good to people & in the end you will triumph. The world is round and things happen for a reason even if you make those decisions! "If your relationship has more issues than a magazine, I suggest you cancel that subscription"FLIRTATIONSHIP: More than a friendship, less than a relationship. Viernes:Ver Ideas Emocionantes y Reales Necesarias para Sobrevivir
  • 18. "Cuando tu le ocultas un tipo a tu mejor amiga"... he is not really worth it! “El pitcher tiro recta mientras el catcher pidio curva” “Nadie dijo que las relaciones serian faciles, pero con compromiso todo es posible” “Labor day= Let's Act Bored Of having Responsibilities and Dedicate A day for Yourself.. relax & enjoy everyone!” Life is not a race, so take it slower. Hear the music, before the song is over. “Realize that even the strongest woman feels the need to be taken care of sometimes by someone special..” “Realize that If a relationship has to be a secret, you shouldn't be in it.” “Life is too short to let someone make you miserable. Remember, someone can only make you unhappy if you give them the power to do so.” "Advice is what we ask for when we already know the answer but wish we didn't.” "Smart thinking, good communication, timing and determination are the keys to success.”  “ Siempre seras Unica y la Numero uno entre mis hermanitas. Desde que te conozco te Aprecio Y valoro la amistad. Happy Bday” “Youalways could make me laugh, you listened to my turned my nights into sunshine, when my days had often been rain.” “If life is a drama, just play the movie” “Inlove with life. Open your eyes and really see the beauty. You might be missing it between all the unnecessary caos created by yourself. Today smile at strangers.” “If a person's presence does not bring any value to your life, then their absence should not make a difference”
  • 19. Revealing the truth is like lighting a match, it can bring light or it can set your world on fire” “Never regret anything, because at one time it was exactly what you wanted.” "El exito no esta en tus manos sino en el poder mental de declarar que lo lograras” “No son las horas en la biblioteca sino como te desenvuelves en el real world” “Itsmy taurus determinism, my contagious laugh, my cute smile and my eager to triumph that will take me very far in life!” “She's the same girl - she just looks different because now she has her smile back after so long.”  "If you are in a place where nothing goes, look and see... every single thing might end up having its own unique and interesting flow."If there are things you don't like in the world you grew up in, make your own life different.” "Si no estoy segura o no me acuerdo" I don't know anything then”  “In life things come unexpectedly.... first you see, then you smile, then you kiss, then you realize you love that best friend so much you just one the very best for him” “In life things come unexpectedly....your life, your experiences, your problems, the moments and the friendships. Friends may come in different shapes and sizes but just one will never leave your side and will drive you nuts forever and make you smile every single time over and over” "Una necesidad no es necesariamente algo necesario en la vida al igual que las cosas necesarias no son verdaderamente una necesidad. Es el deseo el que las hace necesarias” "The man who can drive himself further once the effort gets painful is the man who will win” "When somebody tells you something bout you, think that they know you more than you do...So  you take it down another pill to swallow” "Dance first. Think later. It’s the natural order."
  • 20. “Stop wasting good emotions on the wrong person. Make sure to examine a situation carefully before you go along with any plans.”  “The greatest pleasure in life is doing what people say you cannot do.”  “Haters don't really hate you, they hate themselves. You are just a reflection of what they wish to be..”  “Everyday you should see your dream to first believe it and then make it a reality”   "Being admired or praised by someone you look up to is priceless."  "After happiness, one important thing money cannot buy is: class.”   "Indecision and uncertainty for future plans can be our worst enemies. Especially when it comes to doing something you will not want to regret in the future."  "Te conocí por una casualidad, te hablé por educación, te besé por atracción, pero nunca pensé que hoy en día fueses mi adicción”  "You are not a man cause you have multiple women, you are a man once you respect them”  "In life there are so many great things & obstacles. Surpassing them doesn't make u any stronger but it makes u a celebrity”  “Some things in life are quite.unexplainable and unexpected”  “I love surprises, they make me curious, they make me laugh, they make me mad.... they make me wanna change the world”  “Revenge? Nah I'm too lazy, I'm gonna sit here and let karma fuck you up. “  "Mano el te vio a ti y dijo ufffff un super upgrade”  “”Para que hacer a alguien infeliz cuando los podemos hacer todos felices”
  • 21. “De mi granja ni un gandul” “In life if u work with perseverance passion & determination it doesnt matter how stressed u r if u love it ull always find your inner happiness” "Life  is not a problem to be solved . But a reality to be experienced” “Today I learned that I have 3 good disadvantages: being pretty, being charming and being young!” "Women worry about the things that men forget . Men worry about the things women remember”  “La vida definitivamente es un regalo, lo que la dana es la mente corrompida e inhumana de gente que no valoran lo que llevan consigo” “Desde que existen las excusas todo el mundo INTENTAN quedar bien pero no QUEDAN bien... eso es como un cirujano plastico que te desfigura” “Trabajar como un negro para vivir como un perro” “The quality of a leader is reflected in the standards they set for themselves.” "We shouldn't worry about dying cause is something that will happen to everyone but we should worry about having a life that matters" "The world impossible doesn't exist in my book of life” "If you wanna live longer, you need to fall from the right side” “Una maldadita al ano hace dano pero una al mes que rico es!” “Ifsomething is not happening for you it does not mean it's never going to, it just means that you're not ready for it yet.” "Superman is More Than a Hero in Movies, is an Inspiration for Life” "Things from now on will be done my way or the highway”
  • 22. "Crushes are more beautiful than affairs . There's No responsibility . No worry . No commitment .  Just look at your crush and smile like an idiot” "Is not what you feel, its how it is" “Because the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world . Are the ones that do” En la vida cuando uno trabaja con motivacion y entusiasmo nada es imposible. La palabra imposible no existe ya que son solo cosas que deseamos. "A wise girl kisses but doesn't love, listens but doesn't believe, and leaves before she is left.”  "You'revery wise. You're wise to know there's always a survivor. You're wise to wait until after the conference to get sick." "Justbecause miracles make us unbelievably happy, it doesn't mean simpler things can't make us happy too.”  there is delay or negligence after excessive yearning, we often do not appreciate or enjoy what we "If had initially asked for.” “Emotional intelligence is a quality owned by few. But for those who have it, beware, because it can easily slip”  "If you love what you do, you will be happy even when your too busy to do something else.” "Having the idea isn't always enough, sometimes it's also about having the drive and accomplishing  it.” "We must water the plant every so often... and when the time is right, the flower might bloom.”   “Para que haya "honeymoon" no se necesita boda” “Dreams are free, so free your dreams.” Look like a girl. Act like a lady. Think like a man. Work like a boss.
  • 23. “Las mujeres son como los espejos, las soplas y se empanan”  “Dicen que vivir es lo mas peligroso que tiene la vida pero si no pasas peligro no vives ni creces”  “We find what we expect to find, and we receive what we ask for.”   "True repentance is saying sorry as many times as it takes, until the other person realizes how sorry you are and hopefully forgives you.”  "que se te hinche el corazon del la emocion"  “I play many roles: the friend, the sister, the mother, the sinner and .....”  “La vida esta llena d sorpresas: los q t quieren d verda, los q t quieren pero son cm un boletito d loto porque ganas o pierden con ellos porque tienen un package y los q t quieren joder”  “Es como batman y robin, una vida secreta”  "If plan A didn't work, the alphabet has 25 more letters! Stay cool ”  “I give THANKS for the Talks, I give thanks for making me Happy, I give thanks for the Amazing times, I give thanks for Never saying NO, I give thanks for the Kisses, I give thanks for being Sincere, Simple and so Special to me”  “When u do something out of love, u feel better about yourself.”  “Que tu sonrisa cambie el mundo y no el mundo tu sonrisa”  “ I wouldn’t call being a mistress an issue, but rather an adventure”  “La mercancia hay que probarla antes a ver si por lo menos vale 5 chavos”  “Donde hay tres uno sobra”
  • 24. "Efforts or blessings that are ignored could become curses.”  "Vain people, they think so highly of themselves. It becomes impossible for them to appreciate or value what others do for them. It never seems enough for what they consider they should receive."  "Those who cannot find prosperity in today's facts will be stuck with yesterdays misfortunes.”   "Mientras ame, procure no sobrepasar el limite que cada persona pone en el amor por si mismo.  “Una chupa no cuesta na…. Cuestan $20 pesos”  "En esta vida hay cierta gente que no se da por vencido ni entienden los limites que hasta deciden aportar del conocimiento de ellos a los demas con tal de buscar atencion”  “Yo rastreo y chequeo tu facebook a lo Scooby-Doo pensando que no te enterarias”  "Love is not consolation. It is light.”  "El miedo y los limites son amigos del you are too good for me that I can't believe I can have you”  “No matter how much he begs, never feed him after midnight”  “Life is not a competition, it's a game. It's not about winning or losing, it's about all the fun you can have before it ends”  “Too many people spend money they haven’t earned, to buy things they don’t want, to impress people they don’t like.”  “Where u invest your love you invest ur life”  “El no solo es un amigo, es como un torbellino, me marea”
  • 25. "La vida no es un problema que tiene que ser resuelto, sino una realidad que tiene que ser vivida....”  “If you don't like something change it, if you cannot change it change your attitude and stop complaining”  “Nature gives you freedom... man takes it away…”  “Patience is a virtue... Specially when there no competition”  “You cannot judge others by your own past. They are living a different life than you.”  “La vida es como el sexo si no la disfrutas algo estas haciendo mal”  “Be confident. too many days are wasted comparing ourselves to others and wishing to be something we aren't everybody has their own strengths and weaknesses, and it is only when you accept everything you are and aren't that you will truly succeed.”  “Christmas is the Holiday of buying kid’s illusion with gifts”   "Life is far too important to be taken seriously.”  “The greatest pleasure in life is doing what people say you cannot do.”  "A falta de pan, cafe ahora”  “Whatever tomorrow brings ill be there. With open arms and open eyes.”  “One person's craziness is another person's reality.”  “There is the risk you cannot afford to take and there is the risk you cannot afford not to take.”  “Christmas is a holiday to cook, happiness, reunite, imagine, share the times and memories with amazing simple details”