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 Translating Strategy Into Action

                                    Execution Gap
                              Turning Goals into Actions
        PERSPECTIVES                                         DISCIPLINES

      STRATEGY                                             EXECUTION
For more info:
                                              1.    Why strategic planning?
                                              2.    Communicating strategy
                                              3.    The Balanced Scorecard
                                              4.    The 4 Disciplines of
For more info:
Mark Twain

       “If you don’t know where you are
       going, you may not like it when
       you get there.”

For more info:

                                              „ 3
• B

                 • A
For more info:

                                                    „ 4
Why Strategic Planning?

  § To get from A to B in the most effective and
     efficient way possible.
  § Must Win Battles in order to win the War.
  § To remain sustainable and competitive.

For more info:

                                                    „ 5
Levels of Strategic Planning


                           Long-term Strategic
                        Annual Organization wide
                        Goals (Measures, Targets)

                            Department Goals
For more info:
                           Individual Goals/Actions

                                                      „ 6
  by John Godfrey Saxe (1816-1887)

For more info:

                                              „ 7
• You can’t manage
                         something that you can’t

                          • There is no
                          generally accepted
                          way to describe a
                          business strategy
For more info:

                                                    „ 8
For more info:

                                      • without a common language
                                                               „ 9
• 1%                                                                           • 18%
                                                                                           • Strategy
                                                                                                                                  • 300%
       • Text
                                                                                          • Text
                  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Cras in tortor. Sed posuere erat. Maecenas pulvinar nulla eu magna. Vivamus semper,
                   risus ut egestas pulvinar, lectus ante feugiat quam, sit amet congue odio lacus ac ipsum. Aliquam suscipit, est ut volutpat vulputate, nulla felis
                  pulvinar libero, non ornare libero ipsum tristique tortor. Fusce sed lorem vitae justo feugiat malesuada. Donec aliquet. Vivamus semper eros nec
                  diam. Vivamus sem arcu, imperdiet nec, congue ac, scelerisque vel, nulla. Donec et mauris. Integer a nulla vulputate pede consequat euismod.
                    Praesent molestie urna nec leo. Proin eros. Maecenas ac sem nec dui sodales tempus. Maecenas suscipit egestas velit. Suspendisse vel tortor.

   • Text
                     Proin imperdiet, sem nec aliquet ultrices, nunc est egestas eros, non hendrerit magna eros eget augue. Maecenas sed leo vitae leo faucibus
                                                                        vulputate. Proin dignissim eros at augue.

              • Nam luctus nulla non nibh. Nam at lorem ac mauris laoreet viverra. In placerat consequat nunc. Donec rhoncus nunc ac urna. Integer vestibulum
               condimentum orci. Fusce velit turpis, malesuada quis, scelerisque ut, eleifend vitae, ipsum. Vestibulum eu erat. Vestibulum justo nisl, tincidunt et,
            Development plan
              semper vel, tristique quis, eros. Vestibulum tempus, massa vel consectetuer congue, erat magna consequat purus, a facilisis orci nibh vitae purus.
                  Nam tincidunt venenatis ligula. Nunc orci nulla, ornare quis, lobortis viverra, dapibus at, turpis. Suspendisse sit amet nisl at enim tincidunt
            §      Quisque augue felis, commodo a, elementum id, faucibus id, sem. Aenean rutrum enim. Praesent pulvinar dignissim nisl. Cras a nunc. Donec tincidunt odio sit
                    amet lacus. Pellentesque metus tortor, ullamcorper vitae, lobortis vel,vehicula in, mi. Ut laoreet, tellus laoreet blandit mollis, massa purus posuere purus, quis
                    blandit. Curabitur augue est, suscipit sed, egestas sit amet, euismod vitae, tellus. Maecenas nec metus vel nisi interdum pellentesque.
                      molestie ligula massa eu metus. Duis placerat, nulla sit amet ornare interdum, neque nunc mollis leo, vitae porttitor mi orci sit amet neque. Donec at enim. In
                      facilisis tellus gravida ligula. Phasellus ut lorem. Pellentesque ac tortor eget augue suscipit ullamcorper. Aenean eleifend porta orci.

            §        Etiam at arcu. Vestibulum lacinia nunc in eros. Suspendisse potenti. Aliquam erat volutpat. Donec gravida. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing
                      elit. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Maecenas vel enim et metus semper fringilla. Donec ornare arcu.
                      Maecenas faucibus ligula convallis nibh. Mauris dui quam, congue eu, commodo nec, tristique in, enim. Nulla auctor semper urna. Quisque a elit eu purus iaculis
                      vestibulum. Aliquam dictum risus at odio. Fusce at lorem et elit faucibus placerat. Aenean velit. Proin elit odio, blandit et, scelerisque quis, pulvinar a, dui. Nunc
                      magna dolor, bibendum ut, accumsan congue, tincidunt sit amet, neque. Proin consequat tincidunt lacus. In urna dui, congue nec, tincidunt sit amet, facilisis
                      imperdiet, lorem.

For more info:sed nibh. Vivamus vitae dolor. Ut bibendum volutpat mi. Pellentesque quis magna non lectus elementum pretium. Aliquam quis est vitae arcu consequat
      §   Morbi

    • 12%
                      fringilla. Cras magna risus, placerat eget, egestas consectetuer, ornare vel, felis. Nam ornare justo id orci mattis ultricies. Morbi luctus. Ut pretium odio ac libero.
                      Nunc sollicitudin pharetra lorem. Aenean scelerisque, lacus eget ullamcorper scelerisque, ipsum urna viverra mi, eget viverra quam eros eget velit. Ut lacinia
                      feugiat purus. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Etiam nunc nisl, aliquam blandit, luctus id, commodo

                                                                                                                                     • Words
                      laoreet, sem. Phasellus sit amet orci ut sapien vulputate pellentesque. Pellentesque dapibus purus et quam. Nam sit amet magna in neque dignissim sodales.
                      Aenean non justo nec magna lobortis volutpat.

                                                                                              • through inappropriate means
                                                                                                                                                                                                 „ 10
• with outdated methods

For more info:

                                                                   „ 11
Kaplan & Norton

   “The formulation of great strategies is
    an art, and it will always remain so.
        But the description of strategy should
        not be an art. If people can describe
        strategy in a more disciplined way,
        they will increase the likelihood of its
        successful implementation.”
For more info:

                                                   „ 12
What is a Balanced Scorecard?

            • A
                                • A Management
                                                     • A
For more info:

                                                                 „ 13
Components of a Balanced Scorecard

                  • Strategy Map                                                       • Scorecard

                                                                  • Strategic
                  • THEME      • THEME                            Objectives                            • 
                                                                                                • Measures                 • Targets      • Initiatives

                                              • Financial
    • Financial                                              • F1 - Improve Returns               Return on Investment
                                                                                                  Revenue Growth
                                                                                                                             15%
                                                                                                                             +10%
                                                                                                                                          Finance 2000
                                                                                                                                          Global Re-
                                                             • F2 - Broaden Revenue Mix
                                                                                                  Deposit Service Cost                    Engineers
                                                             • F3 - Reduce Cost Structure          Change                    -5%
  • Perspective
                                                                                                  Share of Segment          20%         Sales & marketing
   • Customer                                                C1 - Increase Customer               Customer Retention        95%          Reorganization &

                                                • Customer
                                                             Satisfaction With Our Products                                                Training
                                                             & People
  • Perspective                                              C2 - Increase Satisfaction
                                                             “After the Sale”

                                                                                                    New Product Revenue     10%
    • Internal                                               I1 -Understand Our Customers
                                                             I2 -Create Innovative Products
                                                                                                    Cross-Sell Ratio        9%
                                                                                                                                          QFD Project
                                                                                                    Channel Mix Change                   Customer Database
                                                             I3 -Cross-Sell Products                                         TBD

                                               • Internal
                                                                                                    Service Error Rate                   Global Service
  • Perspective                                              I4 -Shift Customers to Cost-           Request Fulfillment
                                                                                                                             <1%          Training Program
                                                             Effective Channels                                              <2 days
                                                             I5 -Minimize Operational
                                                             I6 -Responsive Service

For • Learning
    more info:                                                • L1 - Develop Strategic Skills     Skills Coverage            100%       HRMS
                                              • Learning

                                                              • L2 - Provide Strategic Info       Employee Satisfaction      80%        Knowledge
  Perspective                                                                                                                              Management                   • L3 - Align Personal Goals         Revenue per Employee                    System

                                                                                                                                                               „ 14
“Balanced”…Reflecting a “Natural Cause
  & Effect Logic” of Performance
                                                                 • And Realize the Vision

                                           • Financial /
                                             Success       • To Drive Financial/Mission Success...

                                   • Customer
                                     Benefits              • Needed to Deliver Unique Sets of
                                                                Benefits to Customers...

                        • Internal                         • To Build the Strategic Capabilities..

For more info:
         • People: Knowledge, Skills, Systems, and Tools           • Equip our People...

                                                                                                     „ 15
Balanced Scorecard

For more info:

                                              „ 16

       STRATEGY                        X      EXECUTION

For more info:

                                                          „ 17

For more info:
  §  Vision	
  §  Ac-on	
  §  Vision	
                                                                          „ 18
What Leaders Do

                                  Execution Gap
       STRATEGY                    Turning Goals                 EXECUTION
                                    into Actions

                               Ram Charan said:

                  70% of strategic failures
                 are due to poor execution
For more info:
                        of leaders.
                         “Why CEOs Fail” Fortune June 21, 1999

                                                                             „ 19
The Challenge: Ability to Execute

       •  Leadership without the
        discipline of execution is
      incomplete and ineffective.
     Without the ability to execute
          all other attributes of
      leadership become hollow

       •  Larry Bossidy Chairman, Honeywell
For more info:

                                              „ 20
Charan & Bossidy on Execution

       Leaders who execute focus on a very few
      clear priorities that everyone can grasp.
                 —Execution: The Discipline of Getting Things Done

For more info:

                                                               • 21
                                                                      „ 21
General Electric - The Power of Focus

        • 1980      §  45+ business units
                    §  $25.5 billion revenue

                    •  Jack Welch (CEO) announces that GE will
        • 1981         leave any business line where they cannot
                       hold the leadership position or a very
                       close 2nd place

        • 2000      •  12 business units

                    •  $129.8 billion revenue

For more info:      •  40-fold increase in stock price S&P 500 by more than
                      •  Outperformed
                     three times over the two decades

                                                                   „ 22
Create Goals with 1
    • Discipline Line-of-Sight

                        • Organizational Level WIGs

                  • WIG 1          • WIG 2        • WIG 2

         • 3 WIGs                • 2 WIGs                • 3 WIGs

         • Division A           • Division B             • Division C

                 • 3 WIGs        • 3 WIGs       • 2 WIGs
For more info:
                 • Unit 1          • Unit 2       • Unit 3

                                                                        „ 23
Three Types of Measures

  • Lagging       • provide an historical look at past

   • Leading     • provide indicators that are predictive
                 of future results.
                     •  Must drive the lag measures
                     •  Should be sensitive enough to move
                        every week
                     •  Behavioral, not quick lag measures

   • Real-Time   • show where things are right now.
For more info:       • They allow corrective action to be taken
                     immediately to affect the outcome.

                                                                  • 23
                                                                   „ 24

For more info:

                                              „ 25
For more info:

                                              • © 2011 Narejo Human Resources „ 26
Hold Each Other Accountable

       •  Follow-through is the
    cornerstone of execution, and
     every leader who s good at
      executing follows through
    • Following through ensures
      that people are doing the
   things they committed to do.
For more info:
                                  Larry Bossidy,
             Execution: The Discipline of Getting
                                    Things Done

                                                    • 4727

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4x4 Methodology for Startegic Execution: workshop preview

  • 1. THE BALANCED SCORECARD Translating Strategy Into Action Execution Gap Turning Goals into Actions PERSPECTIVES DISCIPLINES STRATEGY EXECUTION For more info:
  • 2. Agenda 1.  Why strategic planning? 2.  Communicating strategy 3.  The Balanced Scorecard 4.  The 4 Disciplines of Execution For more info:
  • 3. Mark Twain “If you don’t know where you are going, you may not like it when you get there.” For more info: „ 3
  • 4. • B • A For more info: „ 4
  • 5. Why Strategic Planning? § To get from A to B in the most effective and efficient way possible. § Must Win Battles in order to win the War. § To remain sustainable and competitive. For more info: „ 5
  • 6. Levels of Strategic Planning Vision Mission, Values Long-term Strategic Objectives Annual Organization wide Goals (Measures, Targets) Department Goals For more info: Individual Goals/Actions „ 6
  • 7. THE BLIND MEN AND THE ELEPHANT by John Godfrey Saxe (1816-1887) For more info: „ 7
  • 8. • You can’t manage something that you can’t describe! • There is no generally accepted way to describe a business strategy For more info: „ 8
  • 9. For more info: • without a common language „ 9
  • 10. • 1% • 18% • Strategy • 300% • Text • Text • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Cras in tortor. Sed posuere erat. Maecenas pulvinar nulla eu magna. Vivamus semper, risus ut egestas pulvinar, lectus ante feugiat quam, sit amet congue odio lacus ac ipsum. Aliquam suscipit, est ut volutpat vulputate, nulla felis pulvinar libero, non ornare libero ipsum tristique tortor. Fusce sed lorem vitae justo feugiat malesuada. Donec aliquet. Vivamus semper eros nec diam. Vivamus sem arcu, imperdiet nec, congue ac, scelerisque vel, nulla. Donec et mauris. Integer a nulla vulputate pede consequat euismod. Praesent molestie urna nec leo. Proin eros. Maecenas ac sem nec dui sodales tempus. Maecenas suscipit egestas velit. Suspendisse vel tortor. • Text Proin imperdiet, sem nec aliquet ultrices, nunc est egestas eros, non hendrerit magna eros eget augue. Maecenas sed leo vitae leo faucibus vulputate. Proin dignissim eros at augue. • Nam luctus nulla non nibh. Nam at lorem ac mauris laoreet viverra. In placerat consequat nunc. Donec rhoncus nunc ac urna. Integer vestibulum condimentum orci. Fusce velit turpis, malesuada quis, scelerisque ut, eleifend vitae, ipsum. Vestibulum eu erat. Vestibulum justo nisl, tincidunt et, Development plan semper vel, tristique quis, eros. Vestibulum tempus, massa vel consectetuer congue, erat magna consequat purus, a facilisis orci nibh vitae purus. Nam tincidunt venenatis ligula. Nunc orci nulla, ornare quis, lobortis viverra, dapibus at, turpis. Suspendisse sit amet nisl at enim tincidunt §  Quisque augue felis, commodo a, elementum id, faucibus id, sem. Aenean rutrum enim. Praesent pulvinar dignissim nisl. Cras a nunc. Donec tincidunt odio sit amet lacus. Pellentesque metus tortor, ullamcorper vitae, lobortis vel,vehicula in, mi. Ut laoreet, tellus laoreet blandit mollis, massa purus posuere purus, quis blandit. Curabitur augue est, suscipit sed, egestas sit amet, euismod vitae, tellus. Maecenas nec metus vel nisi interdum pellentesque. molestie ligula massa eu metus. Duis placerat, nulla sit amet ornare interdum, neque nunc mollis leo, vitae porttitor mi orci sit amet neque. Donec at enim. In facilisis tellus gravida ligula. Phasellus ut lorem. Pellentesque ac tortor eget augue suscipit ullamcorper. Aenean eleifend porta orci. §  Etiam at arcu. Vestibulum lacinia nunc in eros. Suspendisse potenti. Aliquam erat volutpat. Donec gravida. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Maecenas vel enim et metus semper fringilla. Donec ornare arcu. Maecenas faucibus ligula convallis nibh. Mauris dui quam, congue eu, commodo nec, tristique in, enim. Nulla auctor semper urna. Quisque a elit eu purus iaculis vestibulum. Aliquam dictum risus at odio. Fusce at lorem et elit faucibus placerat. Aenean velit. Proin elit odio, blandit et, scelerisque quis, pulvinar a, dui. Nunc magna dolor, bibendum ut, accumsan congue, tincidunt sit amet, neque. Proin consequat tincidunt lacus. In urna dui, congue nec, tincidunt sit amet, facilisis imperdiet, lorem. For more info:sed nibh. Vivamus vitae dolor. Ut bibendum volutpat mi. Pellentesque quis magna non lectus elementum pretium. Aliquam quis est vitae arcu consequat §  Morbi • 12% fringilla. Cras magna risus, placerat eget, egestas consectetuer, ornare vel, felis. Nam ornare justo id orci mattis ultricies. Morbi luctus. Ut pretium odio ac libero. Nunc sollicitudin pharetra lorem. Aenean scelerisque, lacus eget ullamcorper scelerisque, ipsum urna viverra mi, eget viverra quam eros eget velit. Ut lacinia feugiat purus. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Etiam nunc nisl, aliquam blandit, luctus id, commodo • Words laoreet, sem. Phasellus sit amet orci ut sapien vulputate pellentesque. Pellentesque dapibus purus et quam. Nam sit amet magna in neque dignissim sodales. Aenean non justo nec magna lobortis volutpat. • through inappropriate means „ 10
  • 11. • with outdated methods For more info: „ 11
  • 12. Kaplan & Norton “The formulation of great strategies is an art, and it will always remain so. But the description of strategy should not be an art. If people can describe strategy in a more disciplined way, they will increase the likelihood of its successful implementation.” For more info: „ 12
  • 13. What is a Balanced Scorecard? • A Measurement System? • A Management System? • A Communication For more info: Tool? „ 13
  • 14. Components of a Balanced Scorecard • Strategy Map • Scorecard • Strategic • THEME • THEME Objectives •  • Measures • Targets • Initiatives • Financial • Financial • F1 - Improve Returns   Return on Investment   Revenue Growth   15%   +10%   Finance 2000   Global Re- • F2 - Broaden Revenue Mix   Deposit Service Cost Engineers • F3 - Reduce Cost Structure Change   -5% • Perspective   Share of Segment   20%   Sales & marketing • Customer C1 - Increase Customer   Customer Retention   95% Reorganization & • Customer Satisfaction With Our Products Training & People • Perspective C2 - Increase Satisfaction “After the Sale”   New Product Revenue   10% • Internal I1 -Understand Our Customers I2 -Create Innovative Products   Cross-Sell Ratio   9%   QFD Project   Channel Mix Change   Customer Database I3 -Cross-Sell Products   TBD • Internal   Service Error Rate   Global Service • Perspective I4 -Shift Customers to Cost-   Request Fulfillment Time   <1% Training Program Effective Channels   <2 days I5 -Minimize Operational Problems I6 -Responsive Service For • Learning more info: • L1 - Develop Strategic Skills   Skills Coverage   100%   HRMS • Learning • L2 - Provide Strategic Info   Employee Satisfaction   80%   Knowledge Perspective Management • L3 - Align Personal Goals   Revenue per Employee System „ 14
  • 15. “Balanced”…Reflecting a “Natural Cause & Effect Logic” of Performance • And Realize the Vision • Financial / Mission Success • To Drive Financial/Mission Success... • Customer Benefits • Needed to Deliver Unique Sets of Benefits to Customers... • Internal • To Build the Strategic Capabilities.. Capabilities For more info: • People: Knowledge, Skills, Systems, and Tools • Equip our People... „ 15
  • 16. Balanced Scorecard For more info: „ 16
  • 17. RESULTS = STRATEGY X EXECUTION For more info: „ 17
  • 18. Need  Both     For more info: §  Vision  without  ac-on  is  merely  a  dream. §  Ac-on  without  vision  just  passes  the  -me.   §  Vision  with  ac-on  can  change  the  world.     §   ~  Joel  A.  Barker   „ 18
  • 19. What Leaders Do Execution Gap STRATEGY Turning Goals EXECUTION into Actions Ram Charan said: 70% of strategic failures are due to poor execution For more info: of leaders. “Why CEOs Fail” Fortune June 21, 1999 „ 19
  • 20. The Challenge: Ability to Execute •  Leadership without the discipline of execution is incomplete and ineffective. Without the ability to execute all other attributes of leadership become hollow •  Larry Bossidy Chairman, Honeywell For more info: International „ 20
  • 21. Charan & Bossidy on Execution Leaders who execute focus on a very few clear priorities that everyone can grasp. —Execution: The Discipline of Getting Things Done For more info: • 21 „ 21
  • 22. General Electric - The Power of Focus • 1980 §  45+ business units §  $25.5 billion revenue •  Jack Welch (CEO) announces that GE will • 1981 leave any business line where they cannot hold the leadership position or a very close 2nd place • 2000 •  12 business units •  $129.8 billion revenue For more info: •  40-fold increase in stock price S&P 500 by more than •  Outperformed three times over the two decades „ 22
  • 23. Create Goals with 1 • Discipline Line-of-Sight • Organizational Level WIGs • WIG 1 • WIG 2 • WIG 2 • 3 WIGs • 2 WIGs • 3 WIGs • Division A • Division B • Division C • 3 WIGs • 3 WIGs • 2 WIGs For more info: • Unit 1 • Unit 2 • Unit 3 „ 23
  • 24. Three Types of Measures • Lagging • provide an historical look at past performance. • Leading • provide indicators that are predictive of future results. •  Must drive the lag measures •  Should be sensitive enough to move every week •  Behavioral, not quick lag measures • Real-Time • show where things are right now. For more info: • They allow corrective action to be taken immediately to affect the outcome. • 23 „ 24
  • 26. For more info: • © 2011 Narejo Human Resources „ 26
  • 27. Hold Each Other Accountable •  Follow-through is the cornerstone of execution, and every leader who s good at executing follows through religiously. • Following through ensures that people are doing the things they committed to do. For more info: Larry Bossidy, Execution: The Discipline of Getting Things Done • 4727 „