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Object oriented programming
            for WordPress plugin

                  Mike Toppa
                WordCamp NYC
                 June 9, 2012                          @mtoppa   @mtoppa
Mike Toppa
●   Director of Development, WebDevStudios
●   17 years of experience in web development,
    project management, and team management
●   Universities: Georgetown, Stanford, Penn
●   Dot coms: E*Trade, Ask Jeeves
●   Start-ups: Finexa, Kai's Candy Co
●   WordPress development for non-profits                                  @mtoppa
●   Nuts and bolts of classes and objects in PHP
●   The single responsibility principle
●   The dependency inversion principle
●   When to prefer OO to procedural programming                                @mtoppa   @mtoppa
Simple example
class Lamp {
   // property declaration
   private $maxSafeWatts = 100;

   // method declaration
   public function getMaxSafeWatts() {
      return $this->maxSafeWatts;

// instantiate and assign
$myLamp = new Lamp();
echo $myLamp->getMaxSafeWatts();
Rule of thumb:
               avoid public properties
class Lamp {
   public $maxSafeWatts = 100;


$myLamp = new Lamp();

// dangerous to allow this!
$myLamp->maxSafeWatts = 'a string to wreck your math';
Prefer private properties
class Lamp {
   private $maxSafeWatts = 100;

    public setMaxSafeWatts($watts) {
      if (!is_numeric($watts) || $watts > 125 || $watts < 1) {
          throw New Exception('invalid value for watts');

        $this->maxSafeWatts = $watts;
        return $this->maxSafeWatts;


$myLamp = new Lamp();

class Lamp {
   private $bulb;

    public function __construct($bulb) {
      $this->bulb = $bulb;


$myLamp = new Lamp('3 way');
Type Hinting
class Lamp {
   private $bulb;

    public function __construct(Bulb $bulb) {
      $this->bulb = $bulb;


$myBulb = new Bulb();
$myLamp = new Lamp($bulb);
Organizing your classes                         @mtoppa
Initializing your OO plugin

// this is the start.php file for a “Lamp” WP plugin...

// require or autoload the “main” class file for your plugin
// and then...

$lamp = new Lamp();

// that's it!
Abstract classes and inheritance


   FloorLamp   DeskLamp   HangingLamp
Abstract classes and methods
abstract class Lamp {
  protected $color;
  protected $maxSafeWatts;

    public function setColor($color) {
      $this->color = $color;
      return $this->color;

    abstract public function setMaxSafeWatts($watts);
Implementing abstract classes
class FloorLamp extends Lamp {
   public function setMaxSafeWatts($watts) {
       /* if numeric and less than 150... */
           $this->maxSafeWatts = $watts;
       return $this->maxSafeWatts;
class DeskLamp extends Lamp {
   public function setMaxSafeWatts($watts) {
       /* if numeric and less than 100... */
           $this->maxSafeWatts = $watts;
       return $this->maxSafeWatts;
Using interfaces: the facade pattern

      A PHP

     WordPress          Drupal         Some other
       facade           facade           facade
   implementation   implementation   implementation
Interface Example

interface FunctionsFacade {
   public function enqueueStylesheet($handle);


class FunctionsFacadeWp implements FunctionsFacade {
   public function enqueueStylesheet($handle) {
     return wp_enqueue_style($handle);

// we'll look at how to actually use the interface in a few minutes...
The SOLID Principles
● Single Responsibility (SRP)
● Open-Closed (OCP)

● Liskov Substitution (LSP)

● Interface Segregation (ISP)

● Dependency Inversion (DIP)                          @mtoppa
The purpose is to reduce the
                  complexity and fragility
                        of a class                                  @mtoppa
But what does it mean to do “one thing”?                               @mtoppa
Cohesion              @mtoppa
Only one reason to change                               @mtoppa
Classes Example



Methods Example
class ShashinInstall {

    public function run() {
      return true;

    // ...
Naïve model of a button and lamp
                                      + turnOn()
                    + poll()
                                      + turnOff()

class Button {
   private $lamp;

    public function __construct(Lamp $lamp) {
       $this->lamp = $lamp;

    public function poll() {
       if (/* some condition */) {
    }                                 Example from “Agile Software Development”
Dependency inversion applied

      Button                SwitchableDevice

      + poll()                   + turnOn()
                                 + turnOff()


       This is the Abstract Server pattern
SwitchableDevice and Lamp
interface SwitchableDevice {
   public function turnOn();
   public function turnOff();


class Lamp implements SwitchableDevice {
   public function turnOn() {
       // code

    public function turnOff() {
       // code
class Button {
   private $switchableDevice;

  public function __construct(SwitchableDevice
$switchableDevice) {
     $this->switchableDevice = $switchableDevice;

    public function poll() {
      if (/* some condition */) {
Using the Button

// require or autoload the class files, then...

$lamp = new Lamp();
$buttonForLamp = new Button($lamp);

$motor = new Motor();
$buttonForMotor = new Button($motor);
Dependency Chains

          If class A depends on class B,
        and class B depends on class C,
 class A should be blissfully unaware of class C                               @mtoppa
To do this without going insane,
                you need an injection container                                      @mtoppa
A web of collaborating objects
●   The SRP and DIP together drive a
    “composition” approach to OO design
●   From Growing Object Oriented Software,
    Guided by Tests:
    "An object oriented system is a web of
    collaborating objects... The behavior of
    the system is an emergent property of
    the composition of the objects - the
    choice of objects and how they are
    connected... Thinking of a system in
    terms of its dynamic communication
    structure is a significant mental shift from
    the static classification that most of us
    learn when being introduced to objects."
But don't overdo it:
avoid needless complexity
When to prefer OOP to procedural programming                           @mtoppa
Object oriented programming
                     for WordPress plugin

                           Mike Toppa
                         WordCamp NYC
                          June 9, 2012


Skill level

Theory and practice

Won't be an expert

We will be looking at code                          @mtoppa

What I'll cover is not specific to WordPress

When you write a plugin you are writing software

Your software should be organized around its use
 cases, it should not be organized around WordPress'

That is, you should not start with something like a
 “plugin” class. Your classes should be organized
 around the business problem they are trying to
 solved, not around the details of WordPress.
Mike Toppa
●   Director of Development, WebDevStudios
●   17 years of experience in web development,
    project management, and team management
●   Universities: Georgetown, Stanford, Penn
●   Dot coms: E*Trade, Ask Jeeves
●   Start-ups: Finexa, Kai's Candy Co
●   WordPress development for non-profits                                  @mtoppa
●   Nuts and bolts of classes and objects in PHP
●   The single responsibility principle
●   The dependency inversion principle
●   When to prefer OO to procedural programming                                @mtoppa   @mtoppa
Simple example
       class Lamp {
          // property declaration
          private $maxSafeWatts = 100;

          // method declaration
          public function getMaxSafeWatts() {
             return $this->maxSafeWatts;

       // instantiate and assign
       $myLamp = new Lamp();
       echo $myLamp->getMaxSafeWatts();

A class consists of properties, and methods which
  perform actions, by manipulating those properties

Encapsulation of related methods and properties. This
 is what a class really is.

Properties and methods have a visibility (public,
  private, or protected)

An object is created by instantiating a class (calling
 new). Then you typically, assign it to a variable, and
 call its methods as needed
Rule of thumb:
                      avoid public properties
       class Lamp {
          public $maxSafeWatts = 100;


       $myLamp = new Lamp();

       // dangerous to allow this!
       $myLamp->maxSafeWatts = 'a string to wreck your math';

Public properties can be used and abused by external
 code at any time.
Prefer private properties
       class Lamp {
          private $maxSafeWatts = 100;

           public setMaxSafeWatts($watts) {
             if (!is_numeric($watts) || $watts > 125 || $watts < 1) {
                 throw New Exception('invalid value for watts');

               $this->maxSafeWatts = $watts;
               return $this->maxSafeWatts;


       $myLamp = new Lamp();

By requiring them to be set through a method call, you
 can control what types of values are valid, and what
 ranges are valid.

        class Lamp {
           private $bulb;

            public function __construct($bulb) {
              $this->bulb = $bulb;


        $myLamp = new Lamp('3 way');

The constructor is a special method, used for
 initializing a class.

It's optional – is called when you call “new”

A constructor does not return anything

It should be used for getting a class into a valid initial

A common design mistake is to put a lot of complex
  logic in the constructor, or call it to execute the
  object's functionality.
Type Hinting
class Lamp {
   private $bulb;

    public function __construct(Bulb $bulb) {
      $this->bulb = $bulb;


$myBulb = new Bulb();
$myLamp = new Lamp($bulb);
Organizing your classes


One class per file, and the file name should match the
  class name
Give the class a meaningful name and its methods
  meaningful names
Class names and property names should be nouns or
  noun phrases
Method names should be verbs or verb phrases
Get a real IDE that autocompletes variable names and
  method names
Initializing your OO plugin

// this is the start.php file for a “Lamp” WP plugin...

// require or autoload the “main” class file for your plugin
// and then...

$lamp = new Lamp();

// that's it!
Abstract classes and inheritance


   FloorLamp   DeskLamp   HangingLamp
Abstract classes and methods
       abstract class Lamp {
         protected $color;
         protected $maxSafeWatts;

           public function setColor($color) {
             $this->color = $color;
             return $this->color;

           abstract public function setMaxSafeWatts($watts);

An abstract class cannot be implemented directly

It can also have abstract methods, which must be
   implemented by the child class

Protected methods and properties are essentially
  private, but can be used by child classes
Implementing abstract classes
class FloorLamp extends Lamp {
   public function setMaxSafeWatts($watts) {
       /* if numeric and less than 150... */
           $this->maxSafeWatts = $watts;
       return $this->maxSafeWatts;
class DeskLamp extends Lamp {
   public function setMaxSafeWatts($watts) {
       /* if numeric and less than 100... */
           $this->maxSafeWatts = $watts;
       return $this->maxSafeWatts;

An electrical outlet is a great example of an interface. It
 can power anything designed to plug into it. It doesn't
 need to know or care about exactly what it's
 connected to.

Interfaces define a set of methods a class must
  implement. It's similar to abstract classes in this way,
  but there is no inheritance.
Using interfaces: the facade pattern

               A PHP

              WordPress          Drupal         Some other
                facade           facade           facade
            implementation   implementation   implementation

A different implementation of the facade would allow
  the PHP application to work outside of WordPress,
  without touching the application's code

When you write a class to implement an interface, it
 can interact with other classes that know how to talk
 to that interface, without those other classes having
 to know anything about your particular
 implementation of the interface
Interface Example

interface FunctionsFacade {
   public function enqueueStylesheet($handle);


class FunctionsFacadeWp implements FunctionsFacade {
   public function enqueueStylesheet($handle) {
     return wp_enqueue_style($handle);

// we'll look at how to actually use the interface in a few minutes...
The SOLID Principles
       ● Single Responsibility (SRP)
       ● Open-Closed (OCP)

       ● Liskov Substitution (LSP)

       ● Interface Segregation (ISP)

       ● Dependency Inversion (DIP)


Introduced by Bob Martin in his book “Agile Software

Applied to classes and methods

Do one thing, do it well, do it only

For methods, this typically means changing the value
 of only one variable

If you are passing more than 2 or 3 arguments into a
   method, you are probably doing more than one thing

For classes, it means having a single conceptual
The purpose is to reduce the
                         complexity and fragility
                               of a class


We want code that is flexible and easy to understand,
 not brittle and mind-numbing to read

When a method is manipulating multiple properties and
 invoking lots of other methods, it can be very hard to
 test, debug, and change. This is a common reason
 why developers feel fear when making a change –
 they don't know what might break

When a class has many methods and multiple
 responsibilities, it can be hard to understand and
 difficult to refactor
But what does it mean to do “one thing”?                               @mtoppa
Cohesion              @mtoppa
Only one reason to change


A typical example is when business logic is entangled
  with the user interface. If you want to develop an
  RSS feed for a web page, and can't create the feed
  without tearing apart or copying-and-pasting code
  that's woven into your HTML, then you've got code
  that has more than one reason to change.
Classes Example




You can start to see the power of the OO approach

I can add support for a new photos service by creating
   a new subclass, instead of having to touch code all
   over the place, adding a bunch of “if” statements
Methods Example
class ShashinInstall {

    public function run() {
      return true;

    // ...

It's common to see code that hard-wires together all
   the parts, when those connections could be made
   more flexible and extensible
Naïve model of a button and lamp
                                                 + turnOn()
                               + poll()
                                                 + turnOff()

           class Button {
              private $lamp;

               public function __construct(Lamp $lamp) {
                  $this->lamp = $lamp;

               public function poll() {
                  if (/* some condition */) {
               }                                 Example from “Agile Software Development”

This solution violates the DIP

●   Button depends directly on Lamp

●   Button is not reusable
     ● It can't control, for example, a Motor
Dependency inversion applied

                 Button                 SwitchableDevice

                  + poll()                   + turnOn()
                                             + turnOff()


                   This is the Abstract Server pattern

What it means

Neither Button nor Lamp “own” the interface
Buttons can now control any device that implements
Lamps and other SwitchableDevices can now be
  controlled by any object that accepts a
SwitchableDevice and Lamp
interface SwitchableDevice {
   public function turnOn();
   public function turnOff();


class Lamp implements SwitchableDevice {
   public function turnOn() {
       // code

    public function turnOff() {
       // code
class Button {
   private $switchableDevice;

  public function __construct(SwitchableDevice
$switchableDevice) {
     $this->switchableDevice = $switchableDevice;

    public function poll() {
      if (/* some condition */) {
Using the Button

// require or autoload the class files, then...

$lamp = new Lamp();
$buttonForLamp = new Button($lamp);

$motor = new Motor();
$buttonForMotor = new Button($motor);
Dependency Chains

          If class A depends on class B,
        and class B depends on class C,
 class A should be blissfully unaware of class C                               @mtoppa
To do this without going insane,
                you need an injection container                                      @mtoppa
A web of collaborating objects
       ●   The SRP and DIP together drive a
           “composition” approach to OO design
       ●   From Growing Object Oriented Software,
           Guided by Tests:
           "An object oriented system is a web of
           collaborating objects... The behavior of
           the system is an emergent property of
           the composition of the objects - the
           choice of objects and how they are
           connected... Thinking of a system in
           terms of its dynamic communication
           structure is a significant mental shift from
           the static classification that most of us
           learn when being introduced to objects."

Author: Steve Freeman and Nat Pryce
But don't overdo it:
              avoid needless complexity

The complexity of having 44 classes in Shashin is
 justified by its need for flexibility

You can support a new viewer or a new photo service
 simply by creating a new subclass. This is much
 more maintainable and extensible than a single huge
 file with deeply nested conditionals and unclear

But if I knew I would never need that kind of flexibility,
 there would be no justification for creating these
 layers of abstraction – they would just be needless
When to prefer OOP to procedural programming


This can be subjective. For me, it hurts my brain to
 program procedurally, even for small projects.

For a very small project, OO will usually involve more

If you can classify the components of an application
   into objects with properties and methods, and you
   have an idea of what kind of changes will come in
   the future, an OO approach is very powerful.

Also, if you want to do unit testing, you need OO code

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Object Oriented Programming for WordPress Plugin Development

  • 1. Object oriented programming for WordPress plugin development Mike Toppa WordCamp NYC June 9, 2012 @mtoppa
  • 2. @mtoppa
  • 3. Mike Toppa ● Director of Development, WebDevStudios ● 17 years of experience in web development, project management, and team management ● Universities: Georgetown, Stanford, Penn ● Dot coms: E*Trade, Ask Jeeves ● Start-ups: Finexa, Kai's Candy Co ● WordPress development for non-profits @mtoppa
  • 4. Overview ● Nuts and bolts of classes and objects in PHP ● The single responsibility principle ● The dependency inversion principle ● When to prefer OO to procedural programming @mtoppa
  • 5. @mtoppa
  • 6. Simple example class Lamp { // property declaration private $maxSafeWatts = 100; // method declaration public function getMaxSafeWatts() { return $this->maxSafeWatts; } } --------------------------------------------------------------- // instantiate and assign $myLamp = new Lamp(); echo $myLamp->getMaxSafeWatts();
  • 7. Rule of thumb: avoid public properties class Lamp { public $maxSafeWatts = 100; } --------------------------------------------- $myLamp = new Lamp(); // dangerous to allow this! $myLamp->maxSafeWatts = 'a string to wreck your math';
  • 8. Prefer private properties class Lamp { private $maxSafeWatts = 100; public setMaxSafeWatts($watts) { if (!is_numeric($watts) || $watts > 125 || $watts < 1) { throw New Exception('invalid value for watts'); } $this->maxSafeWatts = $watts; return $this->maxSafeWatts; } } ------------------------------------------------------------------- $myLamp = new Lamp(); $myLamp->setMaxSafeWatts(75);
  • 9. Constructors class Lamp { private $bulb; public function __construct($bulb) { $this->bulb = $bulb; } } --------------------------------------------- $myLamp = new Lamp('3 way');
  • 10. Type Hinting class Lamp { private $bulb; public function __construct(Bulb $bulb) { $this->bulb = $bulb; } } --------------------------------------------- $myBulb = new Bulb(); $myLamp = new Lamp($bulb);
  • 12. Initializing your OO plugin // this is the start.php file for a “Lamp” WP plugin... // require or autoload the “main” class file for your plugin // and then... $lamp = new Lamp(); $lamp->run(); // that's it!
  • 13. Abstract classes and inheritance Lamp FloorLamp DeskLamp HangingLamp
  • 14. Abstract classes and methods abstract class Lamp { protected $color; protected $maxSafeWatts; public function setColor($color) { $this->color = $color; return $this->color; } abstract public function setMaxSafeWatts($watts); }
  • 15. Implementing abstract classes class FloorLamp extends Lamp { public function setMaxSafeWatts($watts) { /* if numeric and less than 150... */ $this->maxSafeWatts = $watts; return $this->maxSafeWatts; } } ------------------------------------------------------------------ class DeskLamp extends Lamp { public function setMaxSafeWatts($watts) { /* if numeric and less than 100... */ $this->maxSafeWatts = $watts; return $this->maxSafeWatts; } }
  • 17. Using interfaces: the facade pattern Functions A PHP facade application interface WordPress Drupal Some other facade facade facade implementation implementation implementation
  • 18. Interface Example interface FunctionsFacade { public function enqueueStylesheet($handle); } ------------------------------------------------------------------------ class FunctionsFacadeWp implements FunctionsFacade { public function enqueueStylesheet($handle) { return wp_enqueue_style($handle); } } // we'll look at how to actually use the interface in a few minutes...
  • 19. The SOLID Principles ● Single Responsibility (SRP) ● Open-Closed (OCP) ● Liskov Substitution (LSP) ● Interface Segregation (ISP) ● Dependency Inversion (DIP) @mtoppa
  • 21. The purpose is to reduce the complexity and fragility of a class @mtoppa
  • 22. But what does it mean to do “one thing”? @mtoppa
  • 24. Only one reason to change @mtoppa
  • 25. Classes Example ShashinDisplayer.php ShashinAlbumDisplayer.php ShashinAlbumDisplayerPicasa.php ShashinAlbumDisplayerTwitpic.php ShashinAlbumDisplayerFlickr.php ShashinPhotoDisplayer.php ShashinPhotoDisplayerPicasa.php ShashinPhotoDisplayerTwitpic.php ShashinPhotoDisplayerFlickr.php
  • 26. Methods Example class ShashinInstall { public function run() { $this->createAlbumTable(); $this->verifyAlbumTable(); $this->createPhotoTable(); $this->verifyPhotoTable(); $this->updateSettings(); return true; } // ... }
  • 28. Naïve model of a button and lamp Lamp Button + turnOn() + poll() + turnOff() class Button { private $lamp; public function __construct(Lamp $lamp) { $this->lamp = $lamp; } public function poll() { if (/* some condition */) { $this->lamp->turnOn(); } } Example from “Agile Software Development” }
  • 29. Dependency inversion applied <<interface>> Button SwitchableDevice + poll() + turnOn() + turnOff() Lamp This is the Abstract Server pattern
  • 30. SwitchableDevice and Lamp interface SwitchableDevice { public function turnOn(); public function turnOff(); } -------------------------------------------------------------- class Lamp implements SwitchableDevice { public function turnOn() { // code } public function turnOff() { // code } }
  • 31. Button class Button { private $switchableDevice; public function __construct(SwitchableDevice $switchableDevice) { $this->switchableDevice = $switchableDevice; } public function poll() { if (/* some condition */) { $this->switchableDevice->turnOn(); } } }
  • 32. Using the Button // require or autoload the class files, then... $lamp = new Lamp(); $buttonForLamp = new Button($lamp); $buttonforLamp->poll(); $motor = new Motor(); $buttonForMotor = new Button($motor); $buttonForMotor->poll();
  • 33. Dependency Chains If class A depends on class B, and class B depends on class C, class A should be blissfully unaware of class C @mtoppa
  • 34. To do this without going insane, you need an injection container @mtoppa
  • 35. A web of collaborating objects ● The SRP and DIP together drive a “composition” approach to OO design ● From Growing Object Oriented Software, Guided by Tests: "An object oriented system is a web of collaborating objects... The behavior of the system is an emergent property of the composition of the objects - the choice of objects and how they are connected... Thinking of a system in terms of its dynamic communication structure is a significant mental shift from the static classification that most of us learn when being introduced to objects."
  • 36. But don't overdo it: avoid needless complexity
  • 37. When to prefer OOP to procedural programming @mtoppa
  • 38. Object oriented programming for WordPress plugin development Mike Toppa WordCamp NYC June 9, 2012 @mtoppa Skill level Theory and practice Won't be an expert We will be looking at code
  • 39. @mtoppa What I'll cover is not specific to WordPress When you write a plugin you are writing software Your software should be organized around its use cases, it should not be organized around WordPress' architecture That is, you should not start with something like a “plugin” class. Your classes should be organized around the business problem they are trying to solved, not around the details of WordPress.
  • 40. Mike Toppa ● Director of Development, WebDevStudios ● 17 years of experience in web development, project management, and team management ● Universities: Georgetown, Stanford, Penn ● Dot coms: E*Trade, Ask Jeeves ● Start-ups: Finexa, Kai's Candy Co ● WordPress development for non-profits @mtoppa
  • 41. Overview ● Nuts and bolts of classes and objects in PHP ● The single responsibility principle ● The dependency inversion principle ● When to prefer OO to procedural programming @mtoppa
  • 42. @mtoppa
  • 43. Simple example class Lamp { // property declaration private $maxSafeWatts = 100; // method declaration public function getMaxSafeWatts() { return $this->maxSafeWatts; } } --------------------------------------------------------------- // instantiate and assign $myLamp = new Lamp(); echo $myLamp->getMaxSafeWatts(); A class consists of properties, and methods which perform actions, by manipulating those properties Encapsulation of related methods and properties. This is what a class really is. Properties and methods have a visibility (public, private, or protected) An object is created by instantiating a class (calling new). Then you typically, assign it to a variable, and call its methods as needed
  • 44. Rule of thumb: avoid public properties class Lamp { public $maxSafeWatts = 100; } --------------------------------------------- $myLamp = new Lamp(); // dangerous to allow this! $myLamp->maxSafeWatts = 'a string to wreck your math'; Public properties can be used and abused by external code at any time.
  • 45. Prefer private properties class Lamp { private $maxSafeWatts = 100; public setMaxSafeWatts($watts) { if (!is_numeric($watts) || $watts > 125 || $watts < 1) { throw New Exception('invalid value for watts'); } $this->maxSafeWatts = $watts; return $this->maxSafeWatts; } } ------------------------------------------------------------------- $myLamp = new Lamp(); $myLamp->setMaxSafeWatts(75); By requiring them to be set through a method call, you can control what types of values are valid, and what ranges are valid.
  • 46. Constructors class Lamp { private $bulb; public function __construct($bulb) { $this->bulb = $bulb; } } --------------------------------------------- $myLamp = new Lamp('3 way'); The constructor is a special method, used for initializing a class. It's optional – is called when you call “new” A constructor does not return anything It should be used for getting a class into a valid initial state A common design mistake is to put a lot of complex logic in the constructor, or call it to execute the object's functionality.
  • 47. Type Hinting class Lamp { private $bulb; public function __construct(Bulb $bulb) { $this->bulb = $bulb; } } --------------------------------------------- $myBulb = new Bulb(); $myLamp = new Lamp($bulb);
  • 48. Organizing your classes @mtoppa One class per file, and the file name should match the class name Give the class a meaningful name and its methods meaningful names Class names and property names should be nouns or noun phrases Method names should be verbs or verb phrases Get a real IDE that autocompletes variable names and method names
  • 49. Initializing your OO plugin // this is the start.php file for a “Lamp” WP plugin... // require or autoload the “main” class file for your plugin // and then... $lamp = new Lamp(); $lamp->run(); // that's it!
  • 50. Abstract classes and inheritance Lamp FloorLamp DeskLamp HangingLamp
  • 51. Abstract classes and methods abstract class Lamp { protected $color; protected $maxSafeWatts; public function setColor($color) { $this->color = $color; return $this->color; } abstract public function setMaxSafeWatts($watts); } An abstract class cannot be implemented directly It can also have abstract methods, which must be implemented by the child class Protected methods and properties are essentially private, but can be used by child classes
  • 52. Implementing abstract classes class FloorLamp extends Lamp { public function setMaxSafeWatts($watts) { /* if numeric and less than 150... */ $this->maxSafeWatts = $watts; return $this->maxSafeWatts; } } ------------------------------------------------------------------ class DeskLamp extends Lamp { public function setMaxSafeWatts($watts) { /* if numeric and less than 100... */ $this->maxSafeWatts = $watts; return $this->maxSafeWatts; } }
  • 53. Interfaces An electrical outlet is a great example of an interface. It can power anything designed to plug into it. It doesn't need to know or care about exactly what it's connected to. Interfaces define a set of methods a class must implement. It's similar to abstract classes in this way, but there is no inheritance.
  • 54. Using interfaces: the facade pattern Functions A PHP facade application interface WordPress Drupal Some other facade facade facade implementation implementation implementation A different implementation of the facade would allow the PHP application to work outside of WordPress, without touching the application's code When you write a class to implement an interface, it can interact with other classes that know how to talk to that interface, without those other classes having to know anything about your particular implementation of the interface
  • 55. Interface Example interface FunctionsFacade { public function enqueueStylesheet($handle); } ------------------------------------------------------------------------ class FunctionsFacadeWp implements FunctionsFacade { public function enqueueStylesheet($handle) { return wp_enqueue_style($handle); } } // we'll look at how to actually use the interface in a few minutes...
  • 56. The SOLID Principles ● Single Responsibility (SRP) ● Open-Closed (OCP) ● Liskov Substitution (LSP) ● Interface Segregation (ISP) ● Dependency Inversion (DIP) @mtoppa Introduced by Bob Martin in his book “Agile Software Development”
  • 57. From Applied to classes and methods Do one thing, do it well, do it only For methods, this typically means changing the value of only one variable If you are passing more than 2 or 3 arguments into a method, you are probably doing more than one thing For classes, it means having a single conceptual responsibility
  • 58. The purpose is to reduce the complexity and fragility of a class @mtoppa We want code that is flexible and easy to understand, not brittle and mind-numbing to read When a method is manipulating multiple properties and invoking lots of other methods, it can be very hard to test, debug, and change. This is a common reason why developers feel fear when making a change – they don't know what might break When a class has many methods and multiple responsibilities, it can be hard to understand and difficult to refactor
  • 59. But what does it mean to do “one thing”? @mtoppa
  • 61. Only one reason to change @mtoppa A typical example is when business logic is entangled with the user interface. If you want to develop an RSS feed for a web page, and can't create the feed without tearing apart or copying-and-pasting code that's woven into your HTML, then you've got code that has more than one reason to change.
  • 62. Classes Example ShashinDisplayer.php ShashinAlbumDisplayer.php ShashinAlbumDisplayerPicasa.php ShashinAlbumDisplayerTwitpic.php ShashinAlbumDisplayerFlickr.php ShashinPhotoDisplayer.php ShashinPhotoDisplayerPicasa.php ShashinPhotoDisplayerTwitpic.php ShashinPhotoDisplayerFlickr.php You can start to see the power of the OO approach here I can add support for a new photos service by creating a new subclass, instead of having to touch code all over the place, adding a bunch of “if” statements
  • 63. Methods Example class ShashinInstall { public function run() { $this->createAlbumTable(); $this->verifyAlbumTable(); $this->createPhotoTable(); $this->verifyPhotoTable(); $this->updateSettings(); return true; } // ... }
  • 64. From It's common to see code that hard-wires together all the parts, when those connections could be made more flexible and extensible
  • 65. Naïve model of a button and lamp Lamp Button + turnOn() + poll() + turnOff() class Button { private $lamp; public function __construct(Lamp $lamp) { $this->lamp = $lamp; } public function poll() { if (/* some condition */) { $this->lamp->turnOn(); } } Example from “Agile Software Development” } This solution violates the DIP ● Button depends directly on Lamp ● Button is not reusable ● It can't control, for example, a Motor
  • 66. Dependency inversion applied <<interface>> Button SwitchableDevice + poll() + turnOn() + turnOff() Lamp This is the Abstract Server pattern What it means Neither Button nor Lamp “own” the interface Buttons can now control any device that implements SwitchableDevice Lamps and other SwitchableDevices can now be controlled by any object that accepts a SwitchableDevice
  • 67. SwitchableDevice and Lamp interface SwitchableDevice { public function turnOn(); public function turnOff(); } -------------------------------------------------------------- class Lamp implements SwitchableDevice { public function turnOn() { // code } public function turnOff() { // code } }
  • 68. Button class Button { private $switchableDevice; public function __construct(SwitchableDevice $switchableDevice) { $this->switchableDevice = $switchableDevice; } public function poll() { if (/* some condition */) { $this->switchableDevice->turnOn(); } } }
  • 69. Using the Button // require or autoload the class files, then... $lamp = new Lamp(); $buttonForLamp = new Button($lamp); $buttonforLamp->poll(); $motor = new Motor(); $buttonForMotor = new Button($motor); $buttonForMotor->poll();
  • 70. Dependency Chains If class A depends on class B, and class B depends on class C, class A should be blissfully unaware of class C @mtoppa
  • 71. To do this without going insane, you need an injection container @mtoppa
  • 72. A web of collaborating objects ● The SRP and DIP together drive a “composition” approach to OO design ● From Growing Object Oriented Software, Guided by Tests: "An object oriented system is a web of collaborating objects... The behavior of the system is an emergent property of the composition of the objects - the choice of objects and how they are connected... Thinking of a system in terms of its dynamic communication structure is a significant mental shift from the static classification that most of us learn when being introduced to objects." Author: Steve Freeman and Nat Pryce
  • 73. But don't overdo it: avoid needless complexity The complexity of having 44 classes in Shashin is justified by its need for flexibility You can support a new viewer or a new photo service simply by creating a new subclass. This is much more maintainable and extensible than a single huge file with deeply nested conditionals and unclear dependencies But if I knew I would never need that kind of flexibility, there would be no justification for creating these layers of abstraction – they would just be needless complexity
  • 74. When to prefer OOP to procedural programming @mtoppa This can be subjective. For me, it hurts my brain to program procedurally, even for small projects. For a very small project, OO will usually involve more code If you can classify the components of an application into objects with properties and methods, and you have an idea of what kind of changes will come in the future, an OO approach is very powerful. Also, if you want to do unit testing, you need OO code