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Ruby for Java Programmers ,[object Object],[object Object]
Why learn another language?
Why Ruby?
Timeline: 1993 to 2000 ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Timeline: 2000-2004 ,[object Object],[object Object]
Timeline: 2004-today ,[object Object],[object Object]
What influenced it?
Terminology ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Defining strong/weak typing ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Early/late binding ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Similarities ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Differences ,[object Object],Java string = String.valueOf(1); Ruby string = 1.to_s() Primitive Object
Differences ,[object Object],throw  new IllegalArgumentException( "oops" ); raise "oops" ) Keywords Methods
Differences ,[object Object],[object Object],puts( "foo" ); puts  "foo" Idiomatic (better) style
Differences ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
class  ZebraCage < Cage attr_accessor  :capacity @@allCages  = Array. new def  initialize maximumZebraCount @capacity  = maximumZebraCount @@allCages  << self end private def  clean_cage # do some stuff here end end cage = ZebraCage. new   10 puts cage.capacity
Multiline if if  name. nil ? do_something end
Multiline if if  name. nil ? do_something end Notice the question mark
With an else if  name. nil ? do_something else something_else end
Single line if if  name. nil ? do_something end do_something  if  name. nil ?
Both kinds of unless if  name. nil ? do_something end do_something  if  name. nil ? unless  name. nil ? do_something end do_something  unless  name. nil ?
Dangerous methods name =  &quot;   foo   &quot; name.strip name.strip! Returns a new string. Doesn’t modify name. Modifies name  and returns that. Dangerous!
Philosophy ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Initializing arrays List<String> list =  new  ArrayList<String>(); list.add( &quot;foo&quot; ); list.add( &quot;bar&quot; );
Same only ruby List<String> list =  new  ArrayList<String>(); list.add( &quot;foo&quot; ); list.add( &quot;bar&quot; ); list = list <<  'foo' list <<  'bar'
[] List<String> list =  new  ArrayList<String>(); list.add( &quot;foo&quot; ); list.add( &quot;bar&quot; ); list = list <<  'foo' list <<  'bar' list = [ 'foo' ,  'bar' ]
%w() List<String> list =  new  ArrayList<String>(); list.add( &quot;foo&quot; ); list.add( &quot;bar&quot; ); list = list <<  'foo' list <<  'bar' list = [ 'foo' ,  'bar' ] list =  %w(foo   bar)
In fairness to java... List<String> list =  new  ArrayList<String>(); list.add( &quot;foo&quot; ); list.add( &quot;bar&quot; ); List<String> list = Arrays.asList( &quot;foo&quot; ,  &quot;bar&quot; ); list = list <<  'foo' list <<  'bar' list = [ 'foo' ,  'bar' ] list =  %w(foo   bar)
Same idea with hashes Map<String,String> map    = new HashMap<String,String>(); map.put( &quot;foo&quot; ,  &quot;one&quot; ); map.put( &quot;bar&quot; ,  &quot;two&quot; ); map = { 'foo'  =>  'one' ,  'bar'  =>  'two' }
Special case for Hash hash = { :a  =>  5 ,  :b  =>  3 } do_stuff  30 , hash do_stuff  100 ,  :a  =>  5 ,  :b  =>  3
Regular Expressions Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile( &quot;^s*(.+)s*$&quot; ); Matcher matcher =  pattern .matcher(line); if ( matcher.matches() ) { doSomething(); }
Regular Expressions Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile( &quot;^s*(.+)s*$&quot; ); Matcher matcher =  pattern .matcher(line); if ( matcher.matches() ) { doSomething(); } do_something  if  line =~  /^*(.+)*$/
Nil and Null Java’s null Ruby’s nil Absence of an object An instance of NilClass if( a != null ) {...} unless a.nil? {...} null.toString() -> NPE nil.to_s -> “” null.getUser() -> Exception in thread &quot;main&quot; java.lang.NullPointerException nil.get_user ->  NoMethodError: undefined method ‘get_user’ for nil:NilClass
Implications of late binding ,[object Object],[object Object]
Message != Method
What if there isn’t a method for the specified message?
method_missing example from ActiveRecord user = Users.find_by_name(name) user = Users.find( :first ,  :conditions  => [  &quot;name = ?&quot; , name])
Creating proxy objects ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Implementing a proxy class  Proxy def  method_missing name, *args, &proc puts name,args end end
Implementing a proxy class  Proxy def  method_missing name, *args, &proc puts name,args end end Proxy. new .foo_bar ‘a’ Proxy. new .to_s Dispatches to  method_missing Doesn’t go to  method_missing
Overriding to_s class  Proxy def  method_missing name, *args, &proc puts name,args end def  to_s method_missing :to_s, [] end end
= • === • =~ • __id__ • _send__ • class • clone • dclone display • dup • enum_for • eql? • equal? • extend   freeze frozen? • hash • id • inspect • instance_eval instance_of? instance_variable_defined • instance_variable_get instance_variable_get • instance_variable_set   instance_variable_set • instance_variables • is_a? kind_of? • method • methods • new • nil? • object_id  p rivate_methods • protected_methods • public_methods remove_instance_variable • respond_to? • send singleton_method_added • singleton_method_removed singleton_method_undefined • singleton_methods • taint tainted? • to_a • to_enum • to_s • to_yaml to_yaml_properties • to_yaml_style • type • untaint
Implementing a proxy class  Proxy instance_methods.each do |method| undef_method method unless method =~ /^__/ end def  method_missing name, *args, &proc puts name,args end end Proxy. new .to_s
Unix was not designed to stop people from doing stupid things, because that would also stop them from doing clever things. — Doug Gwyn
Cultural differences about type ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Types public   void  foo( ArrayList list ) { list.add( &quot;foo&quot; ); } def  foo list list <<  'foo' end What’s the type? What’s the type?
Duck typing def  foo list list <<  'foo' end If list is a String => ‘foo’ If list is an Array => [‘foo’] If list is an IO => string will be written to stream
Duck typing ,[object Object],[object Object]
How does this  change how we think of types? think of types? think of types?
Overflow conditions int  a = Integer. MAX_VALUE ; System. out .println( &quot;  a=&quot; +a); System. out .println( &quot;a+1=&quot; +(a+1)); a=2147483647 a+1= ??
Overflow conditions int  a = Integer. MAX_VALUE ; System. out .println( &quot;  a=&quot; +a); System. out .println( &quot;a+1=&quot; +(a+1)); a=2147483647 a+1=-2147483648 oops
Overflow in ruby? number =  1000 1 .upto( 4 )  do puts  &quot;#{number.class} #{number}&quot; number = number * number end Fixnum 1000 Fixnum 1000000 Bignum 1000000000000 Bignum 1000000000000000000000000
Closures ,[object Object]
Closures ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Closures multiplier = 5 block =  lambda  {|number| puts number * multiplier } A block An instance of Proc lambda() is a  method to convert blocks into Procs
Closures multiplier = 5 block =  lambda  {|number| puts number * multiplier } Parameter to the block
Closures multiplier = 5 block =  lambda  {|number| puts number * multiplier } Able to access variables  from outside the block
Proc’s multiplier = 5 block =  lambda  {|number| puts number * multiplier } 2 block.arity prints 10 returns number of parameters that the block takes.  1 in this case
Blocks as parameters multiplier = 5 1.upto(3) {|number| puts number * multiplier } => 5 => 10 => 15 Same block as before Called once for each time through the loop
Alternate syntax multiplier = 5 1.upto(3) {|number| puts number * multiplier } 1.upto(3) do |number| puts number * multiplier end Equivalent
Why are closures significant? ,[object Object],[object Object]
// Read the lines and split them into columns List<String[]> lines=  new  ArrayList<String[]>(); BufferedReader reader =  null ; try  { reader =  new  BufferedReader( new  FileReader( &quot;people.txt&quot; )); String line = reader.readLine(); while ( line !=  null  ) { lines.add( line.split( &quot;&quot; ) ); } } finally  { if ( reader !=  null  ) { reader.close(); } } // then sort Collections.sort(lines,  new  Comparator<String[]>() { public   int  compare(String[] one, String[] two) { return  one[1].compareTo(two[1]); } }); // then write them back out BufferedWriter writer =  null ; try  { writer =  new  BufferedWriter(  new  FileWriter( &quot;people.txt&quot; ) ); for ( String[] strings : lines ) { StringBuilder builder =  new  StringBuilder(); for (  int  i=0; i<strings. length ; i++ ) { if ( i != 0 ) { builder.append( &quot;&quot; ); } builder.append(strings[i]); } } } finally  { if ( writer !=  null  ) { writer.close(); } } # Load the data lines = Array. new IO.foreach( 'people.txt' )  do  |line| lines << line.split end # Sort and write it back out 'people.txt' ,  'w' )  do  |file| lines.sort {|a,b| a[ 1 ] <=> b[ 1 ]}. each   do  |array| puts array.join( &quot;&quot; ) end end
Closure File Example file = File. new (fileName, 'w' ) begin file.puts ‘some content’ rescue file.close end
Closure File Example file = File. new (fileName, 'w' ) begin file.puts ‘some content’ rescue file.close end Only one line of business logic
Closure File Example file = File. new (fileName, 'w' ) begin file.puts ‘some content’ rescue file.close end, 'w' )  do  |file| file.puts ‘some content’ end
Ruby file IO sample # Load the data lines = Array. new IO.foreach( 'people.txt' )  do  |line| lines << line.split end # Sort and write it back out 'people.txt' ,  'w' )  do  |file| lines.sort {|a,b| a[ 1 ] <=> b[ 1 ]}. each   do  |array| puts array.join( &quot;&quot; ) end end
Closure-like things in Java final  String name = getName(); new  Thread(  new  Runnable() { public   void  run() { doSomething(name); } }).start(); Only one line of business logic
Closures for Java? ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],public static void main(String[] args) { int plus2(int x) { return x+2; } int(int) plus2b = plus2; System.out.println(plus2b(2)); }
Inheriting behaviour from multiple places ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
C++ : multiple inheritance
Java : inheritance
Ruby : mixins
Mixins Cannot be instantiated Can be mixed in
Enumerable class  Foo include  Enumerable def  each &block 1 2 3 end end module  Enumerable def  collect array = [] each do |a| array <<  yield (a) end array end end
Enumerable class  Foo include  Enumerable def  each &block 1 2 3 end end module  Enumerable def  collect array = [] each do |a| array <<  yield (a) end array end end
Enumerable ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Reopening classes class  Foo def  one puts  'one' end end
Reopening classes class  Foo def  one puts  'one' end end class  Foo def  two puts  'two' end end Reopening  the same class
Reopening classes class  Foo def  one puts  'one' end end class  Foo def  one puts  '1' end end Replacing, not adding a method
Reopening core classes class  String def  one puts  'one' end end We reopened  a CORE class and modified it
Metaprogramming ,[object Object],[object Object]
What changes can we make at runtime? ,[object Object],[object Object]
attr_accessor class  Foo attr_accessor  :bar end class  Foo def  bar @bar end def  bar=(newBar) @bar  = newBar end end Getter Setter
Possible implementation of attr_accessor class  Foo def  self.attr_accessor name module_eval <<-DONE def  #{name}() @ #{name} end def  #{name}=(newValue) @ #{name} = newValue end DONE end my_attr_accessor  :bar end
Possible implementation of attr_accessor class  Foo def  self.attr_accessor name module_eval <<-DONE def  #{name}() @ #{name} end def  #{name}=(newValue) @ #{name} = newValue end DONE end my_attr_accessor  :bar end “ Here Doc” Evaluates to  String
Possible implementation of attr_accessor class  Foo def  self.attr_accessor name module_eval <<-DONE def  #{name}() @ #{name} end def  #{name}=(newValue) @ #{name} = newValue end DONE end my_attr_accessor  :bar end String substitution
Possible implementation of attr_accessor class  Foo def  self.attr_accessor name module_eval <<-DONE def  #{name}() @ #{name} end def  #{name}=(newValue) @ #{name} = newValue end DONE end my_attr_accessor  :bar end Executes the string in the context of the class
Result class  Foo def  bar @bar end def  bar=(newBar) @bar  = newBar end end
ActiveRecord class  ListItem < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to  :amazon_item acts_as_taggable acts_as_list  :scope  =>  :user end
Date :: once def  once(*ids)  # :nodoc: for  id  in  ids module_eval <<-&quot; end ;&quot;, __FILE__, __LINE__ alias_method  :__ #{id.to_i}__, :#{id.to_s} private  :__ #{id.to_i}__ def   #{id.to_s}(*args, &block) if  defined?  @__ #{id.to_i}__ @__ #{id.to_i}__ elsif  ! self.frozen? @__ #{id.to_i}__ ||= __#{id.to_i}__(*args, &block) else __ #{id.to_i}__(*args, &block) end end end ; end end
ObjectSpace ObjectSpace.each_object do |o|  puts o  end ObjectSpace.each_object(String) do |o|  puts o  end
ObjectSpace ObjectSpace.each_object do |o|  puts o  end ObjectSpace.each_object(String) do |o|  puts o  end All objects Only Strings
Continuations A snapshot of the call stack that the application can revert to at some point in the future
Why continuations? ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Downsides ,[object Object],[object Object]
Implementations ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Implementations ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
JRuby ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Ruby on Rails ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Who’s using rails? ,[object Object]
JRuby on Rails? ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Recap ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Recap ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Contacting me ,[object Object],[object Object]

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Ruby For Java Programmers

  • 1.
  • 2. Why learn another language?
  • 4.
  • 5.
  • 6.
  • 8.
  • 9.
  • 10.
  • 11.
  • 12.
  • 13.
  • 14.
  • 15.
  • 16. class ZebraCage < Cage attr_accessor :capacity @@allCages = Array. new def initialize maximumZebraCount @capacity = maximumZebraCount @@allCages << self end private def clean_cage # do some stuff here end end cage = ZebraCage. new 10 puts cage.capacity
  • 17. Multiline if if name. nil ? do_something end
  • 18. Multiline if if name. nil ? do_something end Notice the question mark
  • 19. With an else if name. nil ? do_something else something_else end
  • 20. Single line if if name. nil ? do_something end do_something if name. nil ?
  • 21. Both kinds of unless if name. nil ? do_something end do_something if name. nil ? unless name. nil ? do_something end do_something unless name. nil ?
  • 22. Dangerous methods name = &quot; foo &quot; name.strip name.strip! Returns a new string. Doesn’t modify name. Modifies name and returns that. Dangerous!
  • 23.
  • 24. Initializing arrays List<String> list = new ArrayList<String>(); list.add( &quot;foo&quot; ); list.add( &quot;bar&quot; );
  • 25. Same only ruby List<String> list = new ArrayList<String>(); list.add( &quot;foo&quot; ); list.add( &quot;bar&quot; ); list = list << 'foo' list << 'bar'
  • 26. [] List<String> list = new ArrayList<String>(); list.add( &quot;foo&quot; ); list.add( &quot;bar&quot; ); list = list << 'foo' list << 'bar' list = [ 'foo' , 'bar' ]
  • 27. %w() List<String> list = new ArrayList<String>(); list.add( &quot;foo&quot; ); list.add( &quot;bar&quot; ); list = list << 'foo' list << 'bar' list = [ 'foo' , 'bar' ] list = %w(foo bar)
  • 28. In fairness to java... List<String> list = new ArrayList<String>(); list.add( &quot;foo&quot; ); list.add( &quot;bar&quot; ); List<String> list = Arrays.asList( &quot;foo&quot; , &quot;bar&quot; ); list = list << 'foo' list << 'bar' list = [ 'foo' , 'bar' ] list = %w(foo bar)
  • 29. Same idea with hashes Map<String,String> map = new HashMap<String,String>(); map.put( &quot;foo&quot; , &quot;one&quot; ); map.put( &quot;bar&quot; , &quot;two&quot; ); map = { 'foo' => 'one' , 'bar' => 'two' }
  • 30. Special case for Hash hash = { :a => 5 , :b => 3 } do_stuff 30 , hash do_stuff 100 , :a => 5 , :b => 3
  • 31. Regular Expressions Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile( &quot;^s*(.+)s*$&quot; ); Matcher matcher = pattern .matcher(line); if ( matcher.matches() ) { doSomething(); }
  • 32. Regular Expressions Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile( &quot;^s*(.+)s*$&quot; ); Matcher matcher = pattern .matcher(line); if ( matcher.matches() ) { doSomething(); } do_something if line =~ /^*(.+)*$/
  • 33. Nil and Null Java’s null Ruby’s nil Absence of an object An instance of NilClass if( a != null ) {...} unless a.nil? {...} null.toString() -> NPE nil.to_s -> “” null.getUser() -> Exception in thread &quot;main&quot; java.lang.NullPointerException nil.get_user -> NoMethodError: undefined method ‘get_user’ for nil:NilClass
  • 34.
  • 36. What if there isn’t a method for the specified message?
  • 37. method_missing example from ActiveRecord user = Users.find_by_name(name) user = Users.find( :first , :conditions => [ &quot;name = ?&quot; , name])
  • 38.
  • 39. Implementing a proxy class Proxy def method_missing name, *args, &proc puts name,args end end
  • 40. Implementing a proxy class Proxy def method_missing name, *args, &proc puts name,args end end Proxy. new .foo_bar ‘a’ Proxy. new .to_s Dispatches to method_missing Doesn’t go to method_missing
  • 41. Overriding to_s class Proxy def method_missing name, *args, &proc puts name,args end def to_s method_missing :to_s, [] end end
  • 42. = • === • =~ • __id__ • _send__ • class • clone • dclone display • dup • enum_for • eql? • equal? • extend freeze frozen? • hash • id • inspect • instance_eval instance_of? instance_variable_defined • instance_variable_get instance_variable_get • instance_variable_set instance_variable_set • instance_variables • is_a? kind_of? • method • methods • new • nil? • object_id p rivate_methods • protected_methods • public_methods remove_instance_variable • respond_to? • send singleton_method_added • singleton_method_removed singleton_method_undefined • singleton_methods • taint tainted? • to_a • to_enum • to_s • to_yaml to_yaml_properties • to_yaml_style • type • untaint
  • 43. Implementing a proxy class Proxy instance_methods.each do |method| undef_method method unless method =~ /^__/ end def method_missing name, *args, &proc puts name,args end end Proxy. new .to_s
  • 44. Unix was not designed to stop people from doing stupid things, because that would also stop them from doing clever things. — Doug Gwyn
  • 45.
  • 46. Types public void foo( ArrayList list ) { list.add( &quot;foo&quot; ); } def foo list list << 'foo' end What’s the type? What’s the type?
  • 47. Duck typing def foo list list << 'foo' end If list is a String => ‘foo’ If list is an Array => [‘foo’] If list is an IO => string will be written to stream
  • 48.
  • 49. How does this change how we think of types? think of types? think of types?
  • 50. Overflow conditions int a = Integer. MAX_VALUE ; System. out .println( &quot; a=&quot; +a); System. out .println( &quot;a+1=&quot; +(a+1)); a=2147483647 a+1= ??
  • 51. Overflow conditions int a = Integer. MAX_VALUE ; System. out .println( &quot; a=&quot; +a); System. out .println( &quot;a+1=&quot; +(a+1)); a=2147483647 a+1=-2147483648 oops
  • 52. Overflow in ruby? number = 1000 1 .upto( 4 ) do puts &quot;#{number.class} #{number}&quot; number = number * number end Fixnum 1000 Fixnum 1000000 Bignum 1000000000000 Bignum 1000000000000000000000000
  • 53.
  • 54.
  • 55. Closures multiplier = 5 block = lambda {|number| puts number * multiplier } A block An instance of Proc lambda() is a method to convert blocks into Procs
  • 56. Closures multiplier = 5 block = lambda {|number| puts number * multiplier } Parameter to the block
  • 57. Closures multiplier = 5 block = lambda {|number| puts number * multiplier } Able to access variables from outside the block
  • 58. Proc’s multiplier = 5 block = lambda {|number| puts number * multiplier } 2 block.arity prints 10 returns number of parameters that the block takes. 1 in this case
  • 59. Blocks as parameters multiplier = 5 1.upto(3) {|number| puts number * multiplier } => 5 => 10 => 15 Same block as before Called once for each time through the loop
  • 60. Alternate syntax multiplier = 5 1.upto(3) {|number| puts number * multiplier } 1.upto(3) do |number| puts number * multiplier end Equivalent
  • 61.
  • 62. // Read the lines and split them into columns List<String[]> lines= new ArrayList<String[]>(); BufferedReader reader = null ; try { reader = new BufferedReader( new FileReader( &quot;people.txt&quot; )); String line = reader.readLine(); while ( line != null ) { lines.add( line.split( &quot;&quot; ) ); } } finally { if ( reader != null ) { reader.close(); } } // then sort Collections.sort(lines, new Comparator<String[]>() { public int compare(String[] one, String[] two) { return one[1].compareTo(two[1]); } }); // then write them back out BufferedWriter writer = null ; try { writer = new BufferedWriter( new FileWriter( &quot;people.txt&quot; ) ); for ( String[] strings : lines ) { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); for ( int i=0; i<strings. length ; i++ ) { if ( i != 0 ) { builder.append( &quot;&quot; ); } builder.append(strings[i]); } } } finally { if ( writer != null ) { writer.close(); } } # Load the data lines = Array. new IO.foreach( 'people.txt' ) do |line| lines << line.split end # Sort and write it back out 'people.txt' , 'w' ) do |file| lines.sort {|a,b| a[ 1 ] <=> b[ 1 ]}. each do |array| puts array.join( &quot;&quot; ) end end
  • 63. Closure File Example file = File. new (fileName, 'w' ) begin file.puts ‘some content’ rescue file.close end
  • 64. Closure File Example file = File. new (fileName, 'w' ) begin file.puts ‘some content’ rescue file.close end Only one line of business logic
  • 65. Closure File Example file = File. new (fileName, 'w' ) begin file.puts ‘some content’ rescue file.close end, 'w' ) do |file| file.puts ‘some content’ end
  • 66. Ruby file IO sample # Load the data lines = Array. new IO.foreach( 'people.txt' ) do |line| lines << line.split end # Sort and write it back out 'people.txt' , 'w' ) do |file| lines.sort {|a,b| a[ 1 ] <=> b[ 1 ]}. each do |array| puts array.join( &quot;&quot; ) end end
  • 67. Closure-like things in Java final String name = getName(); new Thread( new Runnable() { public void run() { doSomething(name); } }).start(); Only one line of business logic
  • 68.
  • 69.
  • 70. C++ : multiple inheritance
  • 73. Mixins Cannot be instantiated Can be mixed in
  • 74. Enumerable class Foo include Enumerable def each &block 1 2 3 end end module Enumerable def collect array = [] each do |a| array << yield (a) end array end end
  • 75. Enumerable class Foo include Enumerable def each &block 1 2 3 end end module Enumerable def collect array = [] each do |a| array << yield (a) end array end end
  • 76.
  • 77. Reopening classes class Foo def one puts 'one' end end
  • 78. Reopening classes class Foo def one puts 'one' end end class Foo def two puts 'two' end end Reopening the same class
  • 79. Reopening classes class Foo def one puts 'one' end end class Foo def one puts '1' end end Replacing, not adding a method
  • 80. Reopening core classes class String def one puts 'one' end end We reopened a CORE class and modified it
  • 81.
  • 82.
  • 83. attr_accessor class Foo attr_accessor :bar end class Foo def bar @bar end def bar=(newBar) @bar = newBar end end Getter Setter
  • 84. Possible implementation of attr_accessor class Foo def self.attr_accessor name module_eval <<-DONE def #{name}() @ #{name} end def #{name}=(newValue) @ #{name} = newValue end DONE end my_attr_accessor :bar end
  • 85. Possible implementation of attr_accessor class Foo def self.attr_accessor name module_eval <<-DONE def #{name}() @ #{name} end def #{name}=(newValue) @ #{name} = newValue end DONE end my_attr_accessor :bar end “ Here Doc” Evaluates to String
  • 86. Possible implementation of attr_accessor class Foo def self.attr_accessor name module_eval <<-DONE def #{name}() @ #{name} end def #{name}=(newValue) @ #{name} = newValue end DONE end my_attr_accessor :bar end String substitution
  • 87. Possible implementation of attr_accessor class Foo def self.attr_accessor name module_eval <<-DONE def #{name}() @ #{name} end def #{name}=(newValue) @ #{name} = newValue end DONE end my_attr_accessor :bar end Executes the string in the context of the class
  • 88. Result class Foo def bar @bar end def bar=(newBar) @bar = newBar end end
  • 89. ActiveRecord class ListItem < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :amazon_item acts_as_taggable acts_as_list :scope => :user end
  • 90. Date :: once def once(*ids) # :nodoc: for id in ids module_eval <<-&quot; end ;&quot;, __FILE__, __LINE__ alias_method :__ #{id.to_i}__, :#{id.to_s} private :__ #{id.to_i}__ def #{id.to_s}(*args, &block) if defined? @__ #{id.to_i}__ @__ #{id.to_i}__ elsif ! self.frozen? @__ #{id.to_i}__ ||= __#{id.to_i}__(*args, &block) else __ #{id.to_i}__(*args, &block) end end end ; end end
  • 91. ObjectSpace ObjectSpace.each_object do |o| puts o end ObjectSpace.each_object(String) do |o| puts o end
  • 92. ObjectSpace ObjectSpace.each_object do |o| puts o end ObjectSpace.each_object(String) do |o| puts o end All objects Only Strings
  • 93. Continuations A snapshot of the call stack that the application can revert to at some point in the future
  • 94.
  • 95.
  • 96.
  • 97.
  • 98.
  • 99.
  • 100.
  • 101.
  • 102.
  • 103.
  • 104.