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Comida Latina

¿Es diferente la comida de Latinoamérica?

            Es como preguntar...

¿Es diferente la comida de los   Estados Unidos?
En los Estados Unidos
Hay comida regional   Hay comida étnica también



                        Baked Beans

     Maíz es el

  Tipo de chile:
poblano, serrano,
 ancho, mulato,
 pasilla, guajillo
Frijoles   bayo, negro,
           canario, ayacote,
           meco, catarino

           Metódos de
           borrachos, de
           olla, refritos,
La cosecha de nopal

¡Nopales con papí!

Hay otras maneras de
  hacerlos también

Utensilos de cocinar en
                  Metate y mano
Olla      Comal


La tortilladora

bote tamalera, vaporera para

Juego para limpiar nopales

El pibil

Aguas frescas
Rosa de Jamaica (o flor de Jamaica) y Horchata
(hecho de arroz)

El aguacate - de los aztecas

Annato o Achoite
 Usado tanto por el bien de color y sabor, la pasta de pescado, especias y
                                carne base.
 Usado tanto por el bien de color y sabor, la pasta de pescado, especias y
                                carne base.
Usado tanto por el bien de color y sabor, la pasta de pescado, especias y
carne base.

Mole (del verbo moler)
       Se hace con 52 ingredientes

        El ingrediente principal es chiles,
        con canela, semillas de calabasa,
        cacao, y ajonjolí

      El más famoso es el mole Poblano
      (de Puebla) donde se originó sgún
      la historia

El gusano

Huitlacoche, cuitlacoche

Jicama - como el “turnip”
   se sirve con limón

Maguey o agave - planta de
    pulque y tequilla

Tequilla o mezcal de

Papaya - fantástico para la

Pepitas - una merienda y
 ingrediente deliciosa


Ancho                            Chipotle



Cascabel                                    25
Bogavante - lobster (homard, Hummer)
Aceitunas - olives                                     Bola - tamal de bola
Acelgas - chard                                        Bolita - ball of masa, e.g. in soups-Bolillo - small loaf of
Aceite - oil                                           bread
Achiote - annatto tree seeds                           Borracho - cooked with wine; means drunk
Adobo - red thick chilli paste                         Budin - pie, pudding
Agua - water                                           Bunuelo - puffy, sweet, deep-fried pastry
Agua horchata - rice drink with cinamon                Burrito/Burro - large flour tortilla wrapped around a filling
Agua jamaica - refreshing red drink from the jamaica   Burrita- flour tortilla with ham and cheese
flower                                                 Butifarra - saussage
Aguacate - avocado                                     Cabrito - goat
Ahumado - smoked                                       Cacahuates - peanuts
Ajo - garlic                                           Cafe de olla - coffee flavored with cinnamon and sugar
Albóndigas - meatballs                                 Calabaza - squash, pumpkin
Alfalfa - water cress                                  Caldo - soup, broth
Almendra - almond                                      Caliente - hot to the touch (temperature)
Almibar - sirup                                        Camarón - shrimp
Almuerzo - lunch                                       Camotes - sweet potatoes
Amarillo, mole de - orange mole                        Canela - cinnamon
Anca de rana - frog legs                               Capirotada - spicy bread pudding served during Lent;
Al horno - oven-baked                                  means a little bit of everything
Ancho - a Poblano chile that has been dried and        Carne - meat, specifically beef
turned a black-red color; means wide                   Carne molino - ground meet
Antojito - an hors d'oeuvre or small snack food        Carne de res - beef
Arroz - rice                                           Carnero - lamb
Asar - to roast or broil                               Carnitas - Shredded Pork
Asado - roasted (see above)                            Castanas - chestnut
Ate - quince sweet (birsalmasajt)                      Cebolla - onion
Atún - tuna                                            Cecina - thin steak
Avena - liquid porridge with cinnamon                  Cena - dinner
Aves - poultry                                         Cerdo - pork
Avellana - hazelnut                                    Cerveza - beer
Azteca - sopa azteca                                   Ceviche - salad made of fish "cooked" in lime juice
Azúcar - sugar                                         Chalupa - Our special custard and fruit on a flakey shell
Bacalao - fish (tőkehal, cabillaud, Kabeljau)
Barbacoa - barbecued meat
Berengena - egg-plant
Berros - water cress
Betabeles - beets

Conejo - rabbit
Chayote - a variety of squash, green, avocado size        Cordero - lamb
(prickly pear squash)                                     Crema - cream, sour c., double c., coffee
Chapulines - grasshoppers roasted with garlic , lemon     c., creamy soup, evaporated milk
and lots of salt                                          Crema catalana - a sort of cooked flan
Chepil - wild fresh herbe which grows in rainy season     Crema de espárragos - asparagus cream
Chicharron - fried pork skin or lard                      Crema de ave - chicken cream
Chilaquiles - corn tortilla pieces marinated in chile,    Crema de cangrejos - crab cream
layered with a filling, sauce and cheese, and baked in    Crepas - crepes
a casserole                                               Criolla, á la - creole style
Chile pimiento - bell peppers (poivrons, Pepperoni)       Cuero - pork skin
Chile poblano - big green/dark chiles like bell           Cuerno - French croissant
peppers, not very hot                                     Datte - datil
Chiles en nogada - stuffed chiles with a                  Desayuno - breakfast
walnut/cheese sauce (served in September)                 Dulces - candies
Chiles rellenos - stuffed chiles, e.g. with cheese        Durazno (almibar) - peach (canned
Chiles rellenos de picadillo - stuffed with ground beef   peaches in their juice)
Chili powder - commercially, the product made from        Ejote - String bean
ground red chiles, including a variety of other spices    Elote - corn (friss csemegekukorica)
Chimichanga - deep-fried burro; means "A what             Empanada - turnover
chama call it"                                            Enchilada - a corn tortilla dipped in red
Chorizo - spicy pork and beef sausage                     chile sauce, rolled around just about
Chuleta - chop or cutlet                                  anything, then topped with sauce and
Chuletón - beef chop (côte de boeuf)                      cheese
Churrasco - barbeque (grillade)                           Enmoladas - tortillas dipped in mole negro
Churro - fried dough (long beignet cylindrique)           sauce
Chícharos - peas                                          Enrollado - rolled
Chipotle, sauce - red, spicy sauce, named after a         Ensalada - salad
small black chile                                         Espárragos - asparagus
Cilantro - coriander or Chinese parsley                   Entomatados - tomatoes
Coco - coconut                                            Entremeses - Entrees (Hors Doeuvres)
Col - cabbage (Mexico), repollo (Spain)                   Epazote - herbe with special tast for meet
Comal - heavy, round griddle for baking tortillas         or fish
Comedor - small restaurant                                Escabeche - pickled
Comida - midday meal                                      Espaguetti - spaghetti
Comida corrida - ecconomic plate of the day often         Estufado - meet in red thick sauce
served with soup and rice                                 (Gulasch)
Comino - cumin                                            Farina - wheat flour
                                                          Fideos - vermicelli; thin pasta
                                                          Filet de carne - (often thin) steak
                                                          Filed de lenguado - filed de sole (fish)

Flan - baked custard with caramel coating            Huevo - egg; also blanquillo
Flauta - corn tortilla tightly rolled around a       Huevos duro - hard-boild eggs
filling, then deep fried; means flute                Huevos estrelladdos / fritos - fried eggs
Flor de calabaza - squash blossom used in            Huevos tibio - soft-boild eggs
sauces, soups, quesadillas...                        Huevos motulenos - rich breakfast with beens, fried
Fresa - strawberry                                   egg, tomato sauce, peas ... on tortillas
Frijoles - beans, usually pinto                      Huitlacoche - small dark fungus found on corn stalk
Fruta - fruits                                       Jalea de membrilla, membrillo - quince sweet
Galletas - crackers / cookies                        (birsalmapüré)
Gallina - hen                                        Jamón - ham
Garbanzo - chickpea (pois chiches,                   Jícama - a crisp, white, edible root served with lime
Kichererbsen)                                        juice and chili powder
Garnachas - stuffed (eg. beef) and fried mini-       Jitomates - tomatoes
corn tortillas                                       Judias - white beans
Gazpacho - cold, spicy tomato and vegetable          Jugo - juice
soup                                                 Kahlúa - coffee-flavored liqueur made in Mexico
Gorditas - fried, extra thick tortillas with sauce   Leche - milk
and cheese                                           Lechuga - lettuce
Granada - pomegranate                                Lengua - tongue
Grasa - fat                                          Lentejas - lens (Linsen)
Guacamole - mashed avocado salad or dip              Licuados - milk shake
Guajolote - in Mexico, turkey; pavo is turkey in     Lima, sopa de - chicken, rice, tostada and lime
other Spanish-speaking countries                     Limón amarilla - lemon
Guisado - stew                                       Limón - lime (sweet)
Guayaba - guava                                      Mayonesa - mayonaise
Haba - broad (fava) bean (lóbab)                     Maíz - corn
Harina - wheat flour                                 Mano - a piece of volcanic rock used with both hands
Helado - ice cream                                   to grind food against another rock; means hand
Hierba de olor - mix of oregano, thyme, &            Manteca - lard
majoran herbs                                        Mantequilla - butter
Hierbabuena - peppermint (menthe)                    Manzana - apple
Higos - figs                                         Manzanilla - kamilla
Hoja aguacate - avocado leaf, used as seasoning      Mariscos - shellfish; fish is pescado
Hoja platano - banana leaf, used as tamal            Masa - corn dough, usually referring to ground
wrapper                                              hominy, called nixtamal for tortillas
Hominy - large kernel dried corn                     Melón - cantaloupe
Hongo - mushroom                                     Memelitas - Tortillas con grasa de puerco
Huachinango - red snapper
Huaraches - oval corn tortilla with cheese, cream
and meet

Pan dulce - sweet rolls
Menudo - tripe soup; New Year's Day tradition to ease
                                                           Pancita - tripe
                                                           Panela - unrifined sugar used for bunuelos or atole
Miel de abejas - honey
                                                           Panuchos bolillos with frijoles, pollo etc.
Mojarra - good sweet water fish
                                                           Papas - potatoes
Molcajete - volcanic rock shaped like a bowl in which
                                                           Papas a la francesa - french fries
food is ground
                                                           Pastel - cake / pie
Mole - Term used for a thick sauce or paste. The classic
                                                           Pasteles - pastries
mole is made with chiles, unsweetened chocolate, nuts,
                                                           Pastor, al - Kebab style roasted pork meet
bananas and chicken stock
                                                           Pato - duck
Mole adobo - suace with cumin and oranges
                                                           Pavo - turkey (spain)
Mole amarillo - orange mole
                                                           Pay - Pie,tart, e.g. with cream or cheese
Mole oaxaqueno - sweeter mole which contains almonds
                                                           Pechuga - white chicken meat
as well
                                                           Pepino verde - cucumber
Mole pipian - see pipian
                                                           Pepitas - pumkin seeds
Mole poblano - above classic mole
                                                           Pera - pear
Mole verde - green mole
                                                           Pibil - orange, garlic & cumin sauce
Molote - mix of corn, chorizo and potatoe
                                                           Picadillo - meat hash
Molletes - bolillo spread with bean puree and cheese
                                                           Picaditas de pollo - dito garnachas with chicken,
Mondongo - menudo
                                                           cheese etc.
Montada - whipped cream
                                                           Picante - hot to the taste buds
Mostaza - mustard
                                                           Pierna - pork leg
Naranja - orange
                                                           Pierna de cordero - báránycomb
Nata - whipped cream
                                                           Piloncillo - brown sugar formed into a cone for
Nenguijuti Zoque - meet in red, mild sauce with ginger
                                                           Pimienta - black pepper
Nieves - sherbets
                                                           Pina - pineapple
Nixtamal - hominy; raw corn grains, soaked in chalk,
                                                           Pipián - a sauce made of pumpkin seed, chile and
then ground to make a dough (masa) for tortillas,
tamales, chalupas
                                                           Platano - banana
Nopales - cactus pads cooked and used like okra
                                                           Platano macho - bananas which are fried for desserts
Nueces - nuts / pecans
                                                           Plantains - large green banana which has to be
Nuez de castilla - walnut
Olla - clay pot; a utensil in which beans are simmered
                                                           Poblano - a variety of chile
Omlete de huevo - omlette
                                                           Pok chuk - pork in achiote sauce
Ostra - oysters (huitres, Austern)
                                                           Pollo - chicken
Pan - bread
                                                           Postre - dessert
Pan tostado - toast

Sopa Azteca - soup with tortilla chips, avocados and spices
Pozole - mais soup w. pork or chicken                        Sopa de Lima - chicken, rice, tostada and lime
Preparados - aguas de frutas                                 Sultanas - raisins
Puchero - meets, vegies, bananas (pot au feu, Eintopf)       Taco - a corn tortilla folded over a filling
Puerco - pork                                                Tallarrines - noodles
Pulque - fermented juice of agave plant                      Tamal (plural is tamales) - a corn husk stuffed with masa,
Puro de cana - destilled from sugar cane, stronger than      meat or beans
mescal, less taste (=chingre/posh)                           Tamal de bola - tamal with pork and tomatoe sauce
Quesadilla - grilled cheese sandwich made with a tortilla    Tamarindo - a fruit (like a bean?) for juices & dulce
Quesadillas de Elote - fried sweet corn cakte (no cheese!)   Tatemar - verb meaning to roast, peel and seed green
Queso (fundido) - (melded) cheese                            chiles
Rábano - radish                                              Tazcalate - refreshing drink with chocolate, based on corn,
Relleno - stuffed                                            with water or milk
Repollo - cabbage;col in mexico                              Tazajo con pepita - stew in a bread-like sauce of pumpkin
Ricos tacos / tamales - rich, delicious ...                  seeds (Silvestermenu)
Ristra - string of dried red chiles                          Té (castilla, manzanilla, hierbabuena, tila, tisana, ...) con
Róbalo - sea bass                                            limon/con leche - tee (...) with lemon /milk
Romero - rosmarin (romarin)                                  Tejocote - small orange fruit
Romoritos - herbs with special taste                         Telera - small loaf of bread
Rompope - liquor of egg, milk, vanilla, cinnamon & rom       Ternera - veal
Sal - salt                                                   Tequila - distilled liquor made from agave, or century
Salada /-o - salted                                          plant
Salchicha - sausage                                          Tila - hársfavirág
Salchichón - dry sausage                                     Tinga de pollo - chunks of chicken meet
Salmón ahumado - smoked salmon                               Tiras de carne asado - rosted stripes of meet
Salsa - sauce                                                Tisana - (tisana, Eisenkraut)
Sandia - watermelon                                          Tocino - bacon
Sangría - a drink made of red or white wine, sugar,          Topopo - a corn chip like a volcano or pyramid
oranges, lemons and lime                                     Tomatillos - small green husk tomatoes, eg. for green
Seco - dry                                                   salza
Sincronizadas - wheat tortilla sandwiches with ham and       Toronja - grapefruit
cheese                                                       Tortas - sandwiches with meet, salad, sauce and cheese
Solomillo - filet (mignon)                                   Tortilla - a thin, flat bread made from wheat flour or corn
Sopa - soup                                                  masa
                                                             Tortitas - fried potatoe pancakes

Más ejemplos de
Ingredientes de comida M
taro root /
        El Caribe          tapioca


Plátanos - no son bananos

Sofrito y Adobo

mezcla de hierbas,
especias y verduras
Comida que trajeron

Okra                Ackee

Frutas del Caribe

Frutas del Caribe

    Vivero Anones
Guinep - Jamaica
La Comida Altiplano -
Perú, Bolivia, Ecuador

    La comida de Altiplano

Camu camu
Chuno: Papa amarga, crecido entre 3000-4200
metros, se liofilizó sin restricciones, para detener. Después
          de la cosecha, hacia fuera, por 2-3 días
Cochayuyo: algas, las algas marinas, los
 secó con los mercados, comer cocido como pasta

Y... mote (maiz grande
      para sopas)
¡¡¡¡¡Y papa!!!!
Quinoa     Yacón

El conejo de   ¡¡¡¡Delicioso!!!!

 las Indias
Argentina, Chile,
Paraguay, Uruguay
Yerba Mate

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Comida Latina

  • 1. Comida Latina ¿Es diferente la comida de Latinoamérica? Es como preguntar... ¿Es diferente la comida de los Estados Unidos?
  • 2. En los Estados Unidos Hay comida regional Hay comida étnica también Grits Jumbalaya Ribs Baked Beans Okra
  • 3. México Maíz es el centro
  • 4. Chiles Tipo de chile: poblano, serrano, ancho, mulato, jalapeño, cascabel,chipotle, pasilla, guajillo
  • 5. Tipos: Frijoles bayo, negro, canario, ayacote, meco, catarino Metódos de preparación: borrachos, de olla, refritos, colados, charros, enchilados, maneados
  • 6. La cosecha de nopal 6
  • 8. Hay otras maneras de hacerlos también 8
  • 9. Utensilos de cocinar en México Metate y mano Olla Comal Cazuela 9
  • 11. bote tamalera, vaporera para tamales 11
  • 12. Juego para limpiar nopales 12
  • 13. El pibil 13
  • 14. Aguas frescas Rosa de Jamaica (o flor de Jamaica) y Horchata (hecho de arroz) 14
  • 15. El aguacate - de los aztecas 15
  • 16. Annato o Achoite Usado tanto por el bien de color y sabor, la pasta de pescado, especias y carne base. Usado tanto por el bien de color y sabor, la pasta de pescado, especias y carne base. Usado tanto por el bien de color y sabor, la pasta de pescado, especias y carne base. 16
  • 17. Mole (del verbo moler) Se hace con 52 ingredientes diferentes El ingrediente principal es chiles, con canela, semillas de calabasa, cacao, y ajonjolí El más famoso es el mole Poblano (de Puebla) donde se originó sgún la historia 17
  • 18. El gusano 18
  • 20. Jicama - como el “turnip” se sirve con limón 20
  • 21. Maguey o agave - planta de pulque y tequilla 21
  • 22. Tequilla o mezcal de maguey/agave 22
  • 23. Papaya - fantástico para la digestión 23
  • 24. Pepitas - una merienda y ingrediente deliciosa 24
  • 25. Poblano Chiles Guajillo Ancho Chipotle Habanero Jalapeño Piquin Cascabel 25
  • 26. Bogavante - lobster (homard, Hummer) Aceitunas - olives Bola - tamal de bola Acelgas - chard Bolita - ball of masa, e.g. in soups-Bolillo - small loaf of Aceite - oil bread Achiote - annatto tree seeds Borracho - cooked with wine; means drunk Adobo - red thick chilli paste Budin - pie, pudding Agua - water Bunuelo - puffy, sweet, deep-fried pastry Agua horchata - rice drink with cinamon Burrito/Burro - large flour tortilla wrapped around a filling Agua jamaica - refreshing red drink from the jamaica Burrita- flour tortilla with ham and cheese flower Butifarra - saussage Aguacate - avocado Cabrito - goat Ahumado - smoked Cacahuates - peanuts Ajo - garlic Cafe de olla - coffee flavored with cinnamon and sugar Albóndigas - meatballs Calabaza - squash, pumpkin Alfalfa - water cress Caldo - soup, broth Almendra - almond Caliente - hot to the touch (temperature) Almibar - sirup Camarón - shrimp Almuerzo - lunch Camotes - sweet potatoes Amarillo, mole de - orange mole Canela - cinnamon Anca de rana - frog legs Capirotada - spicy bread pudding served during Lent; Al horno - oven-baked means a little bit of everything Ancho - a Poblano chile that has been dried and Carne - meat, specifically beef turned a black-red color; means wide Carne molino - ground meet Antojito - an hors d'oeuvre or small snack food Carne de res - beef Arroz - rice Carnero - lamb Asar - to roast or broil Carnitas - Shredded Pork Asado - roasted (see above) Castanas - chestnut Ate - quince sweet (birsalmasajt) Cebolla - onion Atún - tuna Cecina - thin steak Avena - liquid porridge with cinnamon Cena - dinner Aves - poultry Cerdo - pork Avellana - hazelnut Cerveza - beer Azteca - sopa azteca Ceviche - salad made of fish "cooked" in lime juice Azúcar - sugar Chalupa - Our special custard and fruit on a flakey shell Bacalao - fish (tőkehal, cabillaud, Kabeljau) Barbacoa - barbecued meat Berengena - egg-plant Berros - water cress Betabeles - beets 26
  • 27. Conejo - rabbit Chayote - a variety of squash, green, avocado size Cordero - lamb (prickly pear squash) Crema - cream, sour c., double c., coffee Chapulines - grasshoppers roasted with garlic , lemon c., creamy soup, evaporated milk and lots of salt Crema catalana - a sort of cooked flan Chepil - wild fresh herbe which grows in rainy season Crema de espárragos - asparagus cream Chicharron - fried pork skin or lard Crema de ave - chicken cream Chilaquiles - corn tortilla pieces marinated in chile, Crema de cangrejos - crab cream layered with a filling, sauce and cheese, and baked in Crepas - crepes a casserole Criolla, á la - creole style Chile pimiento - bell peppers (poivrons, Pepperoni) Cuero - pork skin Chile poblano - big green/dark chiles like bell Cuerno - French croissant peppers, not very hot Datte - datil Chiles en nogada - stuffed chiles with a Desayuno - breakfast walnut/cheese sauce (served in September) Dulces - candies Chiles rellenos - stuffed chiles, e.g. with cheese Durazno (almibar) - peach (canned Chiles rellenos de picadillo - stuffed with ground beef peaches in their juice) Chili powder - commercially, the product made from Ejote - String bean ground red chiles, including a variety of other spices Elote - corn (friss csemegekukorica) Chimichanga - deep-fried burro; means "A what Empanada - turnover chama call it" Enchilada - a corn tortilla dipped in red Chorizo - spicy pork and beef sausage chile sauce, rolled around just about Chuleta - chop or cutlet anything, then topped with sauce and Chuletón - beef chop (côte de boeuf) cheese Churrasco - barbeque (grillade) Enmoladas - tortillas dipped in mole negro Churro - fried dough (long beignet cylindrique) sauce Chícharos - peas Enrollado - rolled Chipotle, sauce - red, spicy sauce, named after a Ensalada - salad small black chile Espárragos - asparagus Cilantro - coriander or Chinese parsley Entomatados - tomatoes Coco - coconut Entremeses - Entrees (Hors Doeuvres) Col - cabbage (Mexico), repollo (Spain) Epazote - herbe with special tast for meet Comal - heavy, round griddle for baking tortillas or fish Comedor - small restaurant Escabeche - pickled Comida - midday meal Espaguetti - spaghetti Comida corrida - ecconomic plate of the day often Estufado - meet in red thick sauce served with soup and rice (Gulasch) Comino - cumin Farina - wheat flour Fideos - vermicelli; thin pasta Filet de carne - (often thin) steak Filed de lenguado - filed de sole (fish) 27
  • 28. Flan - baked custard with caramel coating Huevo - egg; also blanquillo Flauta - corn tortilla tightly rolled around a Huevos duro - hard-boild eggs filling, then deep fried; means flute Huevos estrelladdos / fritos - fried eggs Flor de calabaza - squash blossom used in Huevos tibio - soft-boild eggs sauces, soups, quesadillas... Huevos motulenos - rich breakfast with beens, fried Fresa - strawberry egg, tomato sauce, peas ... on tortillas Frijoles - beans, usually pinto Huitlacoche - small dark fungus found on corn stalk Fruta - fruits Jalea de membrilla, membrillo - quince sweet Galletas - crackers / cookies (birsalmapüré) Gallina - hen Jamón - ham Garbanzo - chickpea (pois chiches, Jícama - a crisp, white, edible root served with lime Kichererbsen) juice and chili powder Garnachas - stuffed (eg. beef) and fried mini- Jitomates - tomatoes corn tortillas Judias - white beans Gazpacho - cold, spicy tomato and vegetable Jugo - juice soup Kahlúa - coffee-flavored liqueur made in Mexico Gorditas - fried, extra thick tortillas with sauce Leche - milk and cheese Lechuga - lettuce Granada - pomegranate Lengua - tongue Grasa - fat Lentejas - lens (Linsen) Guacamole - mashed avocado salad or dip Licuados - milk shake Guajolote - in Mexico, turkey; pavo is turkey in Lima, sopa de - chicken, rice, tostada and lime other Spanish-speaking countries Limón amarilla - lemon Guisado - stew Limón - lime (sweet) Guayaba - guava Mayonesa - mayonaise Haba - broad (fava) bean (lóbab) Maíz - corn Harina - wheat flour Mano - a piece of volcanic rock used with both hands Helado - ice cream to grind food against another rock; means hand Hierba de olor - mix of oregano, thyme, & Manteca - lard majoran herbs Mantequilla - butter Hierbabuena - peppermint (menthe) Manzana - apple Higos - figs Manzanilla - kamilla Hoja aguacate - avocado leaf, used as seasoning Mariscos - shellfish; fish is pescado Hoja platano - banana leaf, used as tamal Masa - corn dough, usually referring to ground wrapper hominy, called nixtamal for tortillas Hominy - large kernel dried corn Melón - cantaloupe Hongo - mushroom Memelitas - Tortillas con grasa de puerco Huachinango - red snapper Huaraches - oval corn tortilla with cheese, cream and meet 28
  • 29. Pan dulce - sweet rolls Menudo - tripe soup; New Year's Day tradition to ease Pancita - tripe hangovers Panela - unrifined sugar used for bunuelos or atole Miel de abejas - honey Panuchos bolillos with frijoles, pollo etc. Mojarra - good sweet water fish Papas - potatoes Molcajete - volcanic rock shaped like a bowl in which Papas a la francesa - french fries food is ground Pastel - cake / pie Mole - Term used for a thick sauce or paste. The classic Pasteles - pastries mole is made with chiles, unsweetened chocolate, nuts, Pastor, al - Kebab style roasted pork meet bananas and chicken stock Pato - duck Mole adobo - suace with cumin and oranges Pavo - turkey (spain) Mole amarillo - orange mole Pay - Pie,tart, e.g. with cream or cheese Mole oaxaqueno - sweeter mole which contains almonds Pechuga - white chicken meat as well Pepino verde - cucumber Mole pipian - see pipian Pepitas - pumkin seeds Mole poblano - above classic mole Pera - pear Mole verde - green mole Pibil - orange, garlic & cumin sauce Molote - mix of corn, chorizo and potatoe Picadillo - meat hash Molletes - bolillo spread with bean puree and cheese Picaditas de pollo - dito garnachas with chicken, Mondongo - menudo cheese etc. Montada - whipped cream Picante - hot to the taste buds Mostaza - mustard Pierna - pork leg Naranja - orange Pierna de cordero - báránycomb Nata - whipped cream Piloncillo - brown sugar formed into a cone for Nenguijuti Zoque - meet in red, mild sauce with ginger marketing (Chiapas) Pimienta - black pepper Nieves - sherbets Pina - pineapple Nixtamal - hominy; raw corn grains, soaked in chalk, Pipián - a sauce made of pumpkin seed, chile and then ground to make a dough (masa) for tortillas, spices tamales, chalupas Platano - banana Nopales - cactus pads cooked and used like okra Platano macho - bananas which are fried for desserts Nueces - nuts / pecans Plantains - large green banana which has to be Nuez de castilla - walnut cooked Olla - clay pot; a utensil in which beans are simmered Poblano - a variety of chile Omlete de huevo - omlette Pok chuk - pork in achiote sauce Ostra - oysters (huitres, Austern) Pollo - chicken Pan - bread Postre - dessert Pan tostado - toast 29
  • 30. Sopa Azteca - soup with tortilla chips, avocados and spices Pozole - mais soup w. pork or chicken Sopa de Lima - chicken, rice, tostada and lime Preparados - aguas de frutas Sultanas - raisins Puchero - meets, vegies, bananas (pot au feu, Eintopf) Taco - a corn tortilla folded over a filling Puerco - pork Tallarrines - noodles Pulque - fermented juice of agave plant Tamal (plural is tamales) - a corn husk stuffed with masa, Puro de cana - destilled from sugar cane, stronger than meat or beans mescal, less taste (=chingre/posh) Tamal de bola - tamal with pork and tomatoe sauce Quesadilla - grilled cheese sandwich made with a tortilla Tamarindo - a fruit (like a bean?) for juices & dulce Quesadillas de Elote - fried sweet corn cakte (no cheese!) Tatemar - verb meaning to roast, peel and seed green Queso (fundido) - (melded) cheese chiles Rábano - radish Tazcalate - refreshing drink with chocolate, based on corn, Relleno - stuffed with water or milk Repollo - cabbage;col in mexico Tazajo con pepita - stew in a bread-like sauce of pumpkin Ricos tacos / tamales - rich, delicious ... seeds (Silvestermenu) Ristra - string of dried red chiles Té (castilla, manzanilla, hierbabuena, tila, tisana, ...) con Róbalo - sea bass limon/con leche - tee (...) with lemon /milk Romero - rosmarin (romarin) Tejocote - small orange fruit Romoritos - herbs with special taste Telera - small loaf of bread Rompope - liquor of egg, milk, vanilla, cinnamon & rom Ternera - veal Sal - salt Tequila - distilled liquor made from agave, or century Salada /-o - salted plant Salchicha - sausage Tila - hársfavirág Salchichón - dry sausage Tinga de pollo - chunks of chicken meet Salmón ahumado - smoked salmon Tiras de carne asado - rosted stripes of meet Salsa - sauce Tisana - (tisana, Eisenkraut) Sandia - watermelon Tocino - bacon Sangría - a drink made of red or white wine, sugar, Topopo - a corn chip like a volcano or pyramid oranges, lemons and lime Tomatillos - small green husk tomatoes, eg. for green Seco - dry salza Sincronizadas - wheat tortilla sandwiches with ham and Toronja - grapefruit cheese Tortas - sandwiches with meet, salad, sauce and cheese Solomillo - filet (mignon) Tortilla - a thin, flat bread made from wheat flour or corn Sopa - soup masa Tortitas - fried potatoe pancakes 30
  • 31. Más ejemplos de México Ingredientes de comida M
  • 32. taro root / El Caribe tapioca yucca/manioc guarapo
  • 33. Plátanos - no son bananos 33
  • 35. Sofrito y Adobo mezcla de hierbas, especias y verduras
  • 36. Comida que trajeron africanos Calaloo Okra Ackee “Conkies”
  • 37. Frutas del Caribe Frutas del Caribe Vivero Anones
  • 39. Lambi
  • 40. La Comida Altiplano - Perú, Bolivia, Ecuador La comida de Altiplano
  • 41. Perú
  • 42. Aji
  • 45. Chuno: Papa amarga, crecido entre 3000-4200 metros, se liofilizó sin restricciones, para detener. Después de la cosecha, hacia fuera, por 2-3 días
  • 46. Cochayuyo: algas, las algas marinas, los secó con los mercados, comer cocido como pasta
  • 47. Maca
  • 48. Maiz Y... mote (maiz grande para sopas)
  • 51. Quinoa Yacón Yucca/Manioc
  • 52. El conejo de ¡¡¡¡Delicioso!!!! las Indias