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That Is Really Useful 
in Oracle Database 12c 
for Application Developers 
Lucas Jellema 
Oracle OpenWorld 2014, San Francisco, CA, USA
Oracle Database 12c = 
• Multitenant Architecture aka Pluggable Database
Oracle Database 12c – = 
• In-Memory Database Option
Oracle Database 12c for 
Database Developers
• Flashback Data Archive in all database editions
• Introduced in 9i 
• Based on UNDO 
• Initially only for recovery 
• As of 11g – Total Recall option with 
Flashback Data Archive 
– Controlled history keeping per table 
select ename 
, job 
, sal 
from emp as of timestamp 
(systimestamp - INTERVAL '1' DAY) yester_emp
• Look back into history 
– Query trends (version history) 
– Difference reporting 
– Restore Test Data Sets [to pre-test situation] 
– Audit trails (Replace journaling tables) 
• Require trick for transaction history: WHO? 
• Also: when is the start of history? What went on before? What to do with 
existing archives? 
• By the way: Flashback Data Archive requires EE & Advanced 
Compression database option
Total Recall 
• Flashback Data Archive Improvements: 
– Complete schema evolution support All table definition, partitioning, 
and space management DDLs are supported on FDA-enabled 
– The metadata information for tracking transactions including the 
user context is now tracked. The addition of user-context tracking 
makes it easier to determine which user made which changes to a 
• This could mean that journaling tables are now officially deprecated 
• Also given that the current contents of journaling tables can even be migrated to 
Flashback Data Archive
Total Recall (2) 
• Import and export of history 
– Support for import and export using Data Pump for FDA-enabled 
tables. Data Pump can now be used to export and import an FDA-enabled 
base table along with its schema-evolution metadata and 
historical row versions. 
• User generated history 
– Support for importing user-generated history has been added. 
Customers who have been maintaining history using other 
mechanisms, such as triggers, can now import that history into Total 
• Database Hardening 
– Register "Application" (a group of tables) and enable/disable 
flashback data archive for the application (also available: lock an 
application – make all tables read only)
Generate History – 
Actions by SYS 
create table oow.emp as select * from scott.emp 
grant execute on dbms_flashback_archive to oow; 
grant execute on dbms_flashback to oow; 
grant flashback archive on one_year to oow; 
exec dbms_flashback_archive.create_temp_history_table('OOW', 'EMP'); 
-- This statement once in a database instance 
--This will extend mappings to the past so that import of old 
history can be done. Goes back to 01-JAN-88. 
-- after some history has been created: 
Generate History – 
Actions by Application 
• Insert records describing each stage of history that has existed 
– Including start and end time of historic state 
insert into temp_history 
,EMPNO, ename, job, hiredate, sal, deptno ) 
values (NULL, timestamp_to_scn(to_date('01-04-2001', 'DD-MM-YYYY')), 
timestamp_to_scn(to_date('01-07-2003', 'DD-MM-YYYY')), NULL, 'I' 
,1567,'SELLERS','CLERK',to_date('01-04-2001','DD-MM-YYYY'),2200, 10); 
insert into temp_history 
,EMPNO, ename, job, hiredate, sal, deptno) 
values (NULL, timestamp_to_scn(to_date('01-07-2003', 'DD-MM-YYYY')), 
timestamp_to_scn(to_date('01-10-2006', 'DD-MM-YYYY')), NULL, 'U' 
,1567,'SELLERS','CLERK',to_date('01-04-2001','DD-MM-YYYY'),2200, 20); 
Query the generated history 
select ename 
, job 
from emp as of timestamp (sysdate - INTERVAL '10' YEAR) 
select ename 
, job 
from emp 
select ename 
, job 
from emp as of timestamp (systimestamp - INTERVAL '3' YEAR) 
select ename 
, job 
from emp
Ensure transaction context is 
recorded (and set) 
exec dbms_flashback_archive.set_context_level(level=> 'ALL'); 
exec dbms_session.set_identifier('The Creepy User from Finance '); 
update oow.emp 
set sal = sal * 1.4 
where ename = 'ALLEN' 
exec dbms_session.set_identifier('Scary Janitor from the Annex'); 
update oow.emp 
set sal = sal * 0.7 
where ename = 'MILLER' 
Audit the generated history 
SELECT versions_xid 
, versions_starttime 
, empno, ename, sal new_sal 
, s.client_identifier 
AND maxvalue 
, sys.sys_fba_context_aud s 
where versions_xid = s.xid
Alternative: retrieve context with 
SELECT versions_xid 
, versions_starttime 
, empno, ename, sal new_sal 
, dbms_flashback_archive.get_sys_context 
(versions_xid,'USERENV','CLIENT_IDENTIFIER') who 
AND maxvalue
JavaScript Object Notation 
Lightweight data-interchange format 
Support in Oracle Database 12c –
Name : Value
Name : Value, 
Name : Value, 
Name : Value
Name : Value, 
Name : Value, 
Name : Value 
Name : Value, 
Name : Value, 
Name : Value 
Name : Value, 
Name : Value, 
, , Name : Value
, "EMPLOYEES" : [ 
{"ENAME" : "KING", 
"SAL" : 5000 
"JOB" : "CLERK", 
"SAL" : 1300 
<department name="ACCOUNTING"> 
• Light Weight, Structured, fairly tied coupled (low bandwidth) interactions 
between application[component]s 
• Very popular in rich client web applications and mobile apps – usually as 
the format used in REST-services 
• Oracle Database 12c is JSON aware 
– Store documents (in a column VARCHAR2, CLOB, NCLOB, BLOB, RAW, BFILE – 
and have them checked for JSON validity 
alter table X 
add CONSTRAINT ensure_json_chk CHECK (column_y IS JSON)) 
– Create Indexes on JSON contents 
– Access JSON content directly from SQL queries 
– Note: similar to but only a subset of XML support in Oracle Database 
(as JSON in terms of functionality is a somewhat pale subset of XML)
JSON in the Oracle Database 
• Why JSON in relational database? 
– Consistency (integrity, transaction ACIDity) for storing JSON documents 
– Quickly interpret data received (and stored?) in JSON format 
– Leverage JSON as a convenient way to handle structured data as a string 
– Easy data transfer over some protocols, including HTTP – especially when database 
engages directly in HTTP interactions
A sample JSON document 
[ {"matchLineUp": "NED-ESP" 
, "score": "5-2" 
, {"matchLineUp": "SWI-FRA" 
, "score": "2-5" 
, {"matchLineUp": "GER-BRA" 
, "score": "1-7" 
Check for a valid JSON 
document and/or path result 
• IS JSON can be used in the WHERE clause to filter on rows that contain a 
valid JSON document 
– It can be used in CHECK Constraints for that same reason 
select * 
from customers 
where doc IS JSON 
• JSON_EXISTS is typically used in the WHERE clause to filter on rows 
whose JSON content satisfies some JSON path condition 
select * 
from customers 
where json_exists(doc, '$.addresses.privateAddress')
JSON_VALUE to retrieve scalar 
value from JSON document 
• JSON_VALUE is a SQL Function used to retrieve a scalar value from a 
JSON document 
– JSON_VALUE can be used like any other SQL Function in queries and DML – in 
various clauses like SELECT, WHERE, GROUP BY, etc. 
select json_value 
( '{"matches": 
[ {"matchLineUp": "NED-ESP" 
, "score": "5-2","matchDate":"13-06-2014"} 
, {"matchLineUp": "SWI-FRA" 
, "score": "2-5","matchDate":"20-06-2014"} 
, {"matchLineUp": "GER-BRA" 
, "score": "1-7","matchDate":"08-07-2014"} 
, '$.matches[1].score') as "2nd_match_score" 
from dual
JSON_QUERY to retrieve JSON-snippets 
from a JSON document 
• JSON_QUERY is a SQL Function used to retrieve a JSON snippet from a 
JSON document - the result is a string that contains valid JSON 
– Use WRAPPER to wrap an Array result in an object to return a valid document 
select json_query 
( '{"matches": 
[ {"matchLineUp": "NED-ESP" 
, "score": "5-2","matchDate":"13-06-2014"} 
, {"matchLineUp": "SWI-FRA" 
, "score": "2-5","matchDate":"20-06-2014"} 
, {"matchLineUp": "GER-BRA" 
, "score": "1-7","matchDate":"08-07-2014"} 
, $.matches[*].score' WITH WRAPPER) as scores 
from dual
JSON_TABLE to expose records 
from a JSON document relationally 
• JSON_TABLE is used in the FROM clause of SQL statements to project 
data from a JSON document as a virtual relation view 
– JSON_TABLE is very similar to XML_TABLE 
with match_results as 
( select '...' json_doc from dual) 
select lineUp, score 
, to_date(matchDate, 'DD-MM-YYYY') matchDate 
from match_results 
, json_table( json_doc, '$.matches[*]' 
( lineUp varchar2(20) PATH '$.matchLineUp' 
, score varchar2(20) PATH '$.score' 
, matchDate varchar2(20) PATH '$.matchDate' 
29 – JSON 
What it does not do? 
• Support for variable strings as JSON_PATH in JSON-functions 
• Deal with JSON in PL/SQL 
– JSON_VALUE and JSON_QUERY cannot be used directly from PL/SQL 
• Construct JSON documents 
– Not supported: conversion from ADT (to XMLType) to JSON type and vice versa 
– Not supported: a SQL/JSON syntax similar to SQL/XML for querying together a 
JSON document 
– Not supported: facilities that inject JSON into RESTful Services implemented through 
the PL/SQL Embedded Gateway 
The PL/JSON library 
• This library has been around for several years – and is still pretty much 
• Especially useful 
– For composing JSON documents 
– And for converting back and forth from and to JSON to XMLType and ADT/UDT
Bringing closer together 
In-line PL/SQL Functions and 
procedure increment( operand in out number 
, incsize in number) 
operand:= operand + incsize; 
FUNCTION inc(value number) RETURN number IS 
l_value number(10):= value; 
increment(l_value, 100); 
RETURN l_value; 
SELECT inc(sal) 
from emp 
• Procedures are also allowed in-line 
• In-Line Functions and Procedures can invoke each other
In-line PL/SQL Functions and 
• In-Line Functions and Procedures can invoke each other 
– And themselves (recursively) 
FUNCTION inc(value number) 
RETURN number IS 
if value < 6000 
return inc(value+100); 
return value + 100; 
END if; 
SELECT inc(sal) 
from emp
Dynamic (PL/)SQL is allowed 
inside inline functions 
• EXECUTE IMMEDIATE can be used inside an inline PL/SQL function to 
dynamically construct and execute SQL and PL/SQL 
FUNCTION EMP_ENRICHER(operand varchar2) RETURN varchar2 IS 
sql_stmt varchar2(500); 
job varchar2(500); 
sql_stmt := 'SELECT job FROM emp WHERE ename = :param'; 
EXECUTE IMMEDIATE sql_stmt INTO job USING operand; 
RETURN ' has job '||job; 
SELECT ename || EMP_ENRICHER(ename) 
from emp 
Note: do not try this at home! 
It is a horrible query! 
(looks too much like POST_QUERY for comfort) 
In-Line PL/SQL is not an excuse for lousy SQL
Combining in-line Views and 
PL/SQL Functions & Procedures 
procedure camel(p_string in out varchar2) 
p_string:= initcap(p_string); 
function obfuscate(p_string in varchar2) 
return varchar2 
l_string varchar2(100); 
l_string:= translate(upper(p_string), 'AEUIO','OIEUA'); 
return l_string; 
my_view as ( 
select obfuscate('Goedemorgen') 
from dual 
select * 
from my_view
PL/SQL Functions That Run 
Faster in SQL 
• As of Oracle Database Release 12c, two kinds of PL/SQL functions 
might run faster in SQL: 
– PL/SQL functions that are defined in the WITH clauses of SQL SELECT 
statements, described in Oracle Database SQL Language Reference 
– PL/SQL functions that are defined with the "UDF Pragma" 
• Pragma UDF means: compile in the ‘SQL way’ as to eliminate SQL  
PL/SQL context switch 
FUNCTION inc(string VARCHAR2) 
value number(10):= to_number(string); 
if value < 6000 
return inc(value+100); 
return to_char(value + 100); 
end if; 
• Maximum length for VARCHAR2 is 
now 32KB (up from 4KB) 
• Invisible Columns 
• One unified audit trail 
• PL/SQL DBMS_UTILITY.EXPAND_SQL_TEXT can be used to uncover the real SQL 
executed for a given query 
– Expressed only in the underlying base tables, including VPD policies 
• New PL/SQL Package UTL_CALL_STACK provides API for inspecting the 
PL/SQL Callstack 
– Programmatic interpretation, not pretty like DBMS_ UTILITY.FORMAT_CALL_STACK 
• Export View as Table with Data Pump – fine grained projection of columns and 
rows that will be part of the Dump and subsequent Import 
• Creation of multiple indexes on same set of columns is allowed 
– Although only one can be live at any one time 
• Cross PDB queries
• Default applied (also) when NULL was explicitly specified 
alter table emp 
modify (sal number(10,2) 
• Default based on Sequence 
alter table emp 
modify (empno number(5) NOT NULL 
• Identity Column that is automatically assigned generated sequence 
number value 
• Meta Data Only Defaults 
– Data applies to potentially many records but hard takes up any space – only some 
meta-data are required to declaratively describe the data
The Top-3 Earning Employees 
• What can you say about the result of this query with respect to the 
question: "Who are our top three earning employees?" 
A. Correct Answer 
B. Sometimes correct 
C. Correct if there are never duplicate 
D. Not Correct
In-Line Views
TOP-N Queries in 12c 
• Last part of a query to be evaluated – to fetch only selected rows from 
the result set: 
select * 
from emp 
by sal desc 
– To select the next set of rows: 
select * 
from emp 
by sal desc 
Apply for joining 
• APPLY is used to join with a Collection 
employees_in_department(deptno) staff 
• The function employees_in_department 
returns a collection (TABLE OF 
VARCHAR2 in this case) 
• The function takes the DEPTNO value 
from the DEPT records as input 
• Only when the returned collection is not 
empty will the DEPT record be produced 
by this join 
• Use OUTER APPLY to get a result row 
even for an empty collection 
Data Masking
Data Redaction 
• At runtime, you can optionally have the query results modified to 
reset/scramble/randomize sensitive data 
– Through ‘data redaction’ policies associated with tables and view and applied at 
query time 
engine SQL 
• Because the data is masked in real-time, Data Redaction is well suited to 
environments in which data is constantly changing. 
• You can create the Data Redaction policies in one central location and 
easily manage them from there.
My first Data redaction policy 
• Access to DBMS_REDACT package 
grant execute on dbms_redact to scott; 
• Create Data Redaction Policy for SAL column in EMP table – hide salaries 
from view 
object_schema => 'scott', 
object_name => 'emp', 
column_name => 'sal', 
policy_name => 'hide_salary', 
function_type => DBMS_REDACT.FULL, 
expression => '1=1' ); 
• Find that querying EMP has changed forever… 
– Note: the expression can be used to dynamically decide whether or not to apply the policy
Querying EMP with DATA 
REDACTION in place 
• Note: drop Redaction Policy 
( object_schema => 'scott' 
, object_name => 'emp' 
, policy_name => 'hide_salary' 
Partial Column masking – mask 
Day and month from hiredate 
object_schema => 'scott', 
object_name => 'emp', 
column_name => 'hiredate', 
policy_name => 'partially mask hiredate', 
expression => 'SYS_CONTEXT(''USERENV'',''SESSION_USER'')!= ''GOD''' 
function_type => DBMS_REDACT.PARTIAL, 
function_parameters => 'm1d31YHMS', 
expression => '1=1' 
SQL Statement Preprocessor 
• A mechanism to allow the text of a SQL statement, submitted from a client 
program (e.g. via ODBC or JDBC), to be translated by user-supplied code 
before it is submitted to the Oracle Database SQL compiler. 
– Additionally, this feature can satisfy any other use case where it is expedient to 
intervene between the SQL statement that the client submits and what is actually 
– Some associatations: VPD policies, Data Redaction, MV query rewrite, Advanced 
Query Rewrite, Temporal Validity (time slice) 
Pre SQL 
engine SQL
SQL Translation – set up 
grant create sql translation profile to oow; 
grant alter session to oow; 
AS Application Owner: 
-- Create a Translation Profile 
exec dbms_sql_translator.create_profile('HR_PROFILE'); 
profile_name => 'HR_PROFILE', 
sql_text => 'select ename, job, hiredate 
from emp', 
translated_text => 'select initcap(ename) as ename 
, job, hiredate 
from emp where job<>''MANAGER'' ‘ 
SQL Translation – in action 
-- to enable the profile (usually in logon trigger) 
alter session set sql_translation_profile = HR_PROFILE 
-- to pretend we are a foreign application, subject to 
-- SQL Translation 
alter session set events = '10601 trace name context forever, level 
-- execute query that is to be translated 
select ename, job, hiredate 
from emp 
-- results are produced as if the translated text had been submitted 
Pre SQL 
engine SQL
SQL Translation 
• Support for bind parameters 
• Support for rewriting PL/SQL calls 
• Translation of Error Messages (ORA-xxxx to SYB-yyyy or YOURAPP-zzz) 
• Out of the box translators for Sybase, SQL Server and some DB2 
• Optionally: register a custom translator package 
– PROCEDURE TRANSLATE_SQL( sql_text IN CLOB, translated_text OUT CLOB);
SQL Statement Preprocessor 
• The translation code is named and is installed in the database using a 
PL/SQL API. It can be implemented programmatically, or by look-up, or by 
a suitable mixture of these. 
• The mechanism also allows Oracle error codes and American National 
Standards Institute (ANSI) SQLSTATES to be translated by user-supplied 
• The motivating use case is to allow extant client-side application code, 
written for a different vendor's database (and therefore for a SQL dialect 
other than Oracle's), to run unchanged against an Oracle Database by 
emulating the syntax and semantics of the other SQL dialect thereby 
greatly reducing the cost of migration. 
• Additionally, this feature can satisfy any other use case where it is 
expedient to intervene between the SQL statement that the client 
submits and what is actually executed. 
• See: Oracle Database SQL Translation Installation, Configuration, and 
User's Guide for details
Looking into the future… 
select name, price 
from our_products
Looking further into the 
, query_time => TO_TIMESTAMP('01-10-2018', 'DD-MM-YYYY') 
level => 'ASOF' 
select name, price 
from our_products
Current situation … 
level => 'CURRENT' 
select name, price 
from our_products
All data in the table 
(the default setting) 
level => 'ALL' 
select name, price 
from our_products
All data in the table 
(the default setting) 
select name, price, start_date, end_date 
from our_products 
by start_date 
level => 'ALL' 
Make the database aware of the time 
based business validity of records 
• Add timestamp columns indicating start and end of valid time for a record 
• Specify a PERIOD for the table 
create table our_products 
( name varchar2(100) 
, price number(7,2) 
, start_date timestamp 
, end_date timestamp 
, PERIOD FOR offer_time (start_date, end_date) 
• Note: 
– A table can have multiple sets of columns, describing multiple types of validness 
– Beyond many Temporal Validity enhancements are expected: 
• Unique Constraints, Foreign Key references, (auto) Join conditions, gap and overlap checks, aggregation
Valid time aware 
flashback queries 
• Select all product prices on offer at a certain moment in time 
• Perform all queries for records that are valid at a certain point in time – 
past or future 
( 'ASOF' 
, TO_TIMESTAMP('01-05-2016','DD-MM-YYYY') 
• Return all records currently (session time) valid 
• Return all records (default) 
Oracle Database 12c for 
Database Developers 
White List 
• A white list of allowed invokers can be defined for a PL/SQL unit 
– supports the robust implementation of a module, consisting of a main unit and 
helper units, by allowing the helper units to be inaccessible from anywhere 
except the unit they are intended to help.
accessible by clause 
package Helper authid Definer accessible by (Good_Guy, Bad_Guy) 
procedure p; 
end Helper; 
package body Good_Guy is 
procedure p is 
end p; 
end Good_Guy; 
package body Bad_Guy is 
procedure p is 
end p; 
end Bad_Guy; 
PLS-00904: insufficient privilege to access object HELPER
(More) Security related 
• Attach database roles to the program units functions, procedures, 
packages, and types. 
– The role then becomes enabled during execution of the program unit (but not during 
compilation of the program unit). 
• A new built-in namespace, SYS_SESSION_ROLES, allows you to 
determine if a specified role is enabled for the querying user 
• View is either 
– BEQUEATH DEFINER (the default), which behaves like a Definer’s Rights unit 
(functions in the view are executed using the view owner’s rights) 
– or BEQUEATH CURRENT_USER, which behaves somewhat like an invoker’s rights 
unit (functions in the view are executed using the current user’s rights) 
• An Invoker's Rights Function Can Be Result-Cached 
• READ privilege to allow SELECT but no SELECT FOR UPDATE 
• Invoker’s rights procedure calls only can run with the privileges of the 
invoker if the procedure’s owner has the INHERIT PRIVILEGES privilege 
on the invoker (do not stealthily use invoker’s privileges as owner) 
– or if the procedure’s owner has the INHERIT ANY PRIVILEGES privilege
Inherit or not in Invoker rights 
program units 
• When a user runs an invoker's rights procedure (or program unit), it runs 
with the privileges of the invoking user. 
• As the procedure runs, the procedure’s owner temporarily has access to 
the invoking user's privileges. 
• [If the procedure owner has fewer privileges than an invoking user,] the 
procedure owner could use the invoking user’s privileges to perform 
Invoker’s rights 
procedure procedure 
Pattern Matching
Raw Data Refinement 
based on pattern matching 
• Information 
• Conclusion 
• Alert 
• Recommendation 
• Action
Raw, fine grained 
Tennis Results: rally points 
• Derive the match winner and final 
score (per set and for the entire 
match) from this raw data 
Match Id, Player [who scored] 
process data looking for patterns 
• MATCH_RECOGNIZE will analyze, filter, aggregate and reformat the data 
– based on matches patterns between subsequent rows in the source 
with rallypoints as 
( select column_value player , rownum seq 
from table(number_tbl(1,0,0,1,0,0,1,1,1,0,1,1,1,0,0,0,0)) 
SELECT winner, gameNo 
FROM rallypoints 
) MR 
Result Set fed to 
process data looking for patterns 
with rallypoints as 
( select column_value player , rownum seq 
from table(number_tbl(1,0,0,1,0,0,1,1,1,0,1,1,1,0,0,0,0)) 
SELECT winner, gameNo 
FROM rallypoints 
MEASURES C.seq AS seq, C.player as winner 
C as (case C.player 
when 1 then sum(A.player) else (sum(abs((A.player-1)))) 
end >= 3 
case C.player 
when 1 then sum(A.player*2-1) else (sum(1-A.player*2)) 
end >= 1 
) MR 
- The first player to have 
won more than 4 points 
- and have won two or more 
points more than his 
Multi-Level processing 
Rallypoints Won Games Won Sets Won Matches
process data looking for patterns 
with rallypoints as 
( select column_value player , rownum seq 
from table(number_tbl(1,0,0,1,0,0,1,1,1,0,1,1,1,0,0,0,0, …)) 
, gamepoints as 
(SELECT winner, gameNo 
FROM rallypoints 
() MR 
, setpoints as 
(SELECT winner, gameNo 
FROM gamepoints 
() MR 
, matchpoints as 
(SELECT winner, gameNo 
FROM setpoints 
() MR 
select * 
from matchpoints
Who is afraid of Red, Yellow 
and blue 
• Table Events 
– Column Seq number(5) 
– Column Payload varchar2(200)
Solution using Lead 
• With LEAD it is easy to compare a row with its successor(s) 
– As long as the pattern is fixed, LEAD will suffice 
with look_ahead_events as 
( SELECT e.* 
, lead(payload) over (order by seq) next_color 
, lead(payload,2) over (order by seq) second_next_color 
FROM events e 
select seq 
from look_ahead_events 
where payload ='red' 
and next_color ='yellow' 
and second_next_color='blue'
Find the pattern red, yellow and 
• Using the new 12c Match Recognize operator for finding patterns in 
relational data 
FROM events 
MEASURES RED.seq AS redseq 
, MATCH_NUMBER() AS match_num 
RED AS RED.payload ='red', 
YELLOW AS YELLOW.payload ='yellow', 
BLUE AS BLUE.payload ='blue' 
) MR 
BY MR.redseq 
, MR.seq;
Match_recognize for finding 
patterns in relational data 
• The expression MATCH_RECOGNIZE provides native SQL support to 
find patterns in sequences of rows 
and Filter 
Select & 
Order By 
• Match_recognize returns Measures for selected (pattern matched) rows 
– Similar to MODEL clause 
• Match Conditions are expressed in columns from the Table Source, 
aggregate functions and pattern functions FIRST, PREV, NEXT, LAST 
• Patterns are regular expressions using match conditions to express a 
special sequence of rows satisfying the conditions
Did we ever consecutively hire 
three employees in the same job? 
• Find a string of three subsequent hires where each hire has the same job 
• Order by hiredate, pattern is two records that each have the same job as 
their predecessor 
ORDER BY hiredate 
MEASURES SAME_JOB.hiredate AS hireday 
, MATCH_NUMBER() AS match_num 
) MR
Pattern clause is a regular 
• Supported operators for the pattern clause include: 
– * for 0 or more iterations 
– + for 1 or more iterations 
– ? for 0 or 1 iterations 
– { n } for exactly n iterations (n > 0) 
– { n, } for n or more iterations (n >= 0) 
– { n, m } for between n and m (inclusive) iterations (0 <= n <= m, 0 < m) 
– { , m } for between 0 and m (inclusive) iterations (m > 0) 
– reluctant qualifiers - *?, +?, ??, {n}?, {n,}?, { n, m }?, {,m}? 
– | for alternation (OR) 
– grouping using () parentheses 
– exclusion using {- and -} 
– empty pattern using () 
– ^ and $ for start and end of a partition
Find the longest sequence of 
related observations 
• Records are ordered 
• Each record is qualified: assigned 
to a certain category 
• Examples: 
– Voting records 
– Ball possession in football 
– Days with or without rain 
– Passing vehicles (make and model 
or category) 
– DNA records 
• The challenge: find the longest string 
of consecutive observations in 
the same category
Find the longest sequence of 
related observations 
SELECT section_category 
, section_start 
FROM observations 
MEASURES SAME_CATEGORY.category as section_category 
, FIRST(SAME_CATEGORY.seq) as section_start 
PATTERN (SAME_CATEGORY* DIFFERENT_CATEGORY) -- as many times as possible 
) MR 
by rows_in_section desc 
Suppose we allow a single 
interruption of a sequence 
• One record with a different category 
will not end the sequence – it might after 
all be a fluke or an incident 
• Rewrite the pattern match 
to also accept one entry 
with a different category 
-- a next row in the current match may be start of a next string 
Find sequence (with one accepted 
interruption) from all records 
SELECT substr(section_category,1,1) cat 
, section_start 
, seq 
FROM observations 
( ORDER BY seq 
MEASURES SAME_CATEGORY.category as section_category 
, FIRST(SAME_CATEGORY.seq) as section_start 
, seq as seq 
AFTER MATCH SKIP TO NEXT ROW -- a next row in the current match may be 
-- start of a next string 
) MR 
by rows_in_section desc
Suspicious transactions 
• Find occurrences of three or more money transfers 
(> 10k) within 24 hours – not necessarily consecutive 
Account Transfer 
Suspicious transactions 
select * 
from transfers t 
PARTITION BY from_account 
ORDER BY transfer_time 
, sum(amount) as total_amount 
, classifier() as match_role 
and SUSPICIOUS_TRANSFER.transfer_time < 
) MR
No Corner cutting 
No Corner cutting 
• Patterns to look for: 
– Checkpoints passed in the wrong order or checkpoints missed altogether 
– Suspicious accelerations – stretch with > 20% higher average speed than prior or 
later stretches 
• Additional analysis 
– Fastest stretch by anyone 
– Section that is the fastest section for most runners 
• Because of downhill or favorable wind 
– Top 3 runners over any selected section 
Find suspicious speeds… 
• When a runner increases speed by more than 20% - something irregular 
may be going on… 
match_recognize ( 
partition by runner_id 
order by id 
(distance_from_start- PREV(distance_from_start)/ 
( extract ( hour from registration_time) + (extract(minute from 
registration_time)/60) + (extract(second from registration_time)/3600) 
- extract ( hour from PREV(registration_time)) + 
(extract(minute from PREV(registration_time))/60) + (extract(second from 
)) > 1.2 * 
(PREV(distance_from_start)- PREV(distance_from_start,2)/ 
( extract ( hour from PREV(registration_time)) + 
(extract(minute from PREV(registration_time))/60) … 
- extract ( hour from PREV(registration_time,2)) + 
(extract(minute from PREV(registration_time,2))/60) + … 
) MR
Find suspicious speeds… 
(the easier LAG based solution) 
with runner_data as 
( select r.* 
, leg_distance/( extract ( hour from leg_time) 
+ (extract(minute from leg_time)/60) 
+ (extract(second from leg_time)/3600) 
) leg_speed 
from ( select r.*, rp.* 
, rp.distance_from_start - lag(rp.distance_from_start,1,0) over 
(partition by runner_id order by leg_distance 
, r.registration_time – 
lag(r.registration_time,1,INTERVAL '0' MINUTE) 
over (partition by runner_id order by leg_time 
from registrations r join registration_points rp 
on ( = checkpoint_id) 
) r 
, runner_data_now_and_previous as 
( select runner_data.* 
, lag(leg_speed) over ( partition by runner_id 
order by checkpoint_id) previous_speed 
from runner_data 
select * 
from runner_data_now_and_previous 
where leg_speed > 1.2 * previous_speed
Scripts can be downloaded from
Everything That Is Really Useful in Oracle Database 12c for Application Developers (OOW 2014, CON 2394)

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Everything That Is Really Useful in Oracle Database 12c for Application Developers (OOW 2014, CON 2394)

  • 1. Everything That Is Really Useful in Oracle Database 12c for Application Developers Lucas Jellema Oracle OpenWorld 2014, San Francisco, CA, USA
  • 2. 2 Oracle Database 12c = • Multitenant Architecture aka Pluggable Database
  • 3. 3 Oracle Database 12c – = • In-Memory Database Option
  • 4. 4 Oracle Database 12c for Database Developers
  • 5. 5 License • Flashback Data Archive in all database editions
  • 6. Flashback • Introduced in 9i • Based on UNDO • Initially only for recovery • As of 11g – Total Recall option with Flashback Data Archive – Controlled history keeping per table select ename , job , sal from emp as of timestamp (systimestamp - INTERVAL '1' DAY) yester_emp
  • 7. Flashback • Look back into history – Query trends (version history) – Difference reporting – Restore Test Data Sets [to pre-test situation] – Audit trails (Replace journaling tables) • Require trick for transaction history: WHO? • Also: when is the start of history? What went on before? What to do with existing archives? • By the way: Flashback Data Archive requires EE & Advanced Compression database option
  • 8. Total Recall • Flashback Data Archive Improvements: – Complete schema evolution support All table definition, partitioning, and space management DDLs are supported on FDA-enabled tables. – The metadata information for tracking transactions including the user context is now tracked. The addition of user-context tracking makes it easier to determine which user made which changes to a table. • This could mean that journaling tables are now officially deprecated • Also given that the current contents of journaling tables can even be migrated to Flashback Data Archive
  • 9. Total Recall (2) • Import and export of history – Support for import and export using Data Pump for FDA-enabled tables. Data Pump can now be used to export and import an FDA-enabled base table along with its schema-evolution metadata and historical row versions. • User generated history – Support for importing user-generated history has been added. Customers who have been maintaining history using other mechanisms, such as triggers, can now import that history into Total Recall. • Database Hardening – Register "Application" (a group of tables) and enable/disable flashback data archive for the application (also available: lock an application – make all tables read only)
  • 10. 10 Generate History – Actions by SYS create table oow.emp as select * from scott.emp grant execute on dbms_flashback_archive to oow; grant execute on dbms_flashback to oow; CREATE FLASHBACK ARCHIVE DEFAULT one_year TABLESPACE users QUOTA 100M RETENTION 1 YEAR; grant flashback archive on one_year to oow; exec dbms_flashback_archive.create_temp_history_table('OOW', 'EMP'); -- This statement once in a database instance --This will extend mappings to the past so that import of old history can be done. Goes back to 01-JAN-88. EXEC DBMS_FLASHBACK_ARCHIVE.extend_mappings(); --- -- after some history has been created: EXEC DBMS_FLASHBACK_ARCHIVE.IMPORT_HISTORY('oow','EMP');
  • 11. 11 Generate History – Actions by Application • Insert records describing each stage of history that has existed – Including start and end time of historic state insert into temp_history (RID , STARTSCN , ENDSCN , XID, OPERATION ,EMPNO, ename, job, hiredate, sal, deptno ) values (NULL, timestamp_to_scn(to_date('01-04-2001', 'DD-MM-YYYY')), timestamp_to_scn(to_date('01-07-2003', 'DD-MM-YYYY')), NULL, 'I' ,1567,'SELLERS','CLERK',to_date('01-04-2001','DD-MM-YYYY'),2200, 10); insert into temp_history (RID , STARTSCN , ENDSCN , XID, OPERATION ,EMPNO, ename, job, hiredate, sal, deptno) values (NULL, timestamp_to_scn(to_date('01-07-2003', 'DD-MM-YYYY')), timestamp_to_scn(to_date('01-10-2006', 'DD-MM-YYYY')), NULL, 'U' ,1567,'SELLERS','CLERK',to_date('01-04-2001','DD-MM-YYYY'),2200, 20); …
  • 12. 12 Query the generated history select ename , job from emp as of timestamp (sysdate - INTERVAL '10' YEAR) minus select ename , job from emp select ename , job from emp as of timestamp (systimestamp - INTERVAL '3' YEAR) minus select ename , job from emp
  • 13. 13 Ensure transaction context is recorded (and set) exec dbms_flashback_archive.set_context_level(level=> 'ALL'); exec dbms_session.set_identifier('The Creepy User from Finance '); update oow.emp set sal = sal * 1.4 where ename = 'ALLEN' / commit; exec dbms_session.set_identifier('Scary Janitor from the Annex'); update oow.emp set sal = sal * 0.7 where ename = 'MILLER' / commit;
  • 14. 14 Audit the generated history SELECT versions_xid , versions_starttime , empno, ename, sal new_sal , s.client_identifier FROM oow.emp VERSIONS BETWEEN TIMESTAMP minvalue AND maxvalue , sys.sys_fba_context_aud s where versions_xid = s.xid
  • 15. 15 Alternative: retrieve context with dbms_flashback_archive.get_sys_context SELECT versions_xid , versions_starttime , empno, ename, sal new_sal , dbms_flashback_archive.get_sys_context (versions_xid,'USERENV','CLIENT_IDENTIFIER') who FROM emp VERSIONS BETWEEN TIMESTAMP minvalue AND maxvalue
  • 16. JavaScript Object Notation Lightweight data-interchange format Support in Oracle Database 12c –
  • 18. Name : Value, Name : Value, Name : Value
  • 19. Name : Value, Name : Value, Name : Value Name : Value, Name : Value, Name : Value Name : Value, Name : Value, , , Name : Value
  • 20. { "NAME" :"ACCOUNTING" , "EMPLOYEES" : [ {"ENAME" : "KING", "JOB" : "PRESIDENT", "SAL" : 5000 }, {"ENAME" : "MILLER", "JOB" : "CLERK", "SAL" : 1300 }] }
  • 21. <department name="ACCOUNTING"> <employees> <employee> <ename>KING</ename> <job>PRESIDENT</job> <sal>5000</sal> </employee> <employee> <ename>MILLER</ename> <job>CLERK</job> <sal>1300</sal> </employee> </employees> </department>
  • 22. 22 JSON • Light Weight, Structured, fairly tied coupled (low bandwidth) interactions between application[component]s • Very popular in rich client web applications and mobile apps – usually as the format used in REST-services • Oracle Database 12c is JSON aware – Store documents (in a column VARCHAR2, CLOB, NCLOB, BLOB, RAW, BFILE – and have them checked for JSON validity alter table X add CONSTRAINT ensure_json_chk CHECK (column_y IS JSON)) – Create Indexes on JSON contents – Access JSON content directly from SQL queries – Note: similar to but only a subset of XML support in Oracle Database (as JSON in terms of functionality is a somewhat pale subset of XML)
  • 23. 23 JSON in the Oracle Database • Why JSON in relational database? – Consistency (integrity, transaction ACIDity) for storing JSON documents – Quickly interpret data received (and stored?) in JSON format – Leverage JSON as a convenient way to handle structured data as a string – Easy data transfer over some protocols, including HTTP – especially when database engages directly in HTTP interactions
  • 24. 24 A sample JSON document {"matches": [ {"matchLineUp": "NED-ESP" , "score": "5-2" ,"matchDate":"13-06-2014" } , {"matchLineUp": "SWI-FRA" , "score": "2-5" ,"matchDate":"20-06-2014" } , {"matchLineUp": "GER-BRA" , "score": "1-7" ,"matchDate":"08-07-2014" } ] }
  • 25. 25 Check for a valid JSON document and/or path result • IS JSON can be used in the WHERE clause to filter on rows that contain a valid JSON document – It can be used in CHECK Constraints for that same reason select * from customers where doc IS JSON • JSON_EXISTS is typically used in the WHERE clause to filter on rows whose JSON content satisfies some JSON path condition select * from customers where json_exists(doc, '$.addresses.privateAddress')
  • 26. 26 JSON_VALUE to retrieve scalar value from JSON document • JSON_VALUE is a SQL Function used to retrieve a scalar value from a JSON document – JSON_VALUE can be used like any other SQL Function in queries and DML – in various clauses like SELECT, WHERE, GROUP BY, etc. select json_value ( '{"matches": [ {"matchLineUp": "NED-ESP" , "score": "5-2","matchDate":"13-06-2014"} , {"matchLineUp": "SWI-FRA" , "score": "2-5","matchDate":"20-06-2014"} , {"matchLineUp": "GER-BRA" , "score": "1-7","matchDate":"08-07-2014"} ] }' , '$.matches[1].score') as "2nd_match_score" from dual
  • 27. 27 JSON_QUERY to retrieve JSON-snippets from a JSON document • JSON_QUERY is a SQL Function used to retrieve a JSON snippet from a JSON document - the result is a string that contains valid JSON – Use WRAPPER to wrap an Array result in an object to return a valid document select json_query ( '{"matches": [ {"matchLineUp": "NED-ESP" , "score": "5-2","matchDate":"13-06-2014"} , {"matchLineUp": "SWI-FRA" , "score": "2-5","matchDate":"20-06-2014"} , {"matchLineUp": "GER-BRA" , "score": "1-7","matchDate":"08-07-2014"} ] }' , $.matches[*].score' WITH WRAPPER) as scores from dual
  • 28. 28 JSON_TABLE to expose records from a JSON document relationally • JSON_TABLE is used in the FROM clause of SQL statements to project data from a JSON document as a virtual relation view – JSON_TABLE is very similar to XML_TABLE with match_results as ( select '...' json_doc from dual) select lineUp, score , to_date(matchDate, 'DD-MM-YYYY') matchDate from match_results , json_table( json_doc, '$.matches[*]' COLUMNS ( lineUp varchar2(20) PATH '$.matchLineUp' , score varchar2(20) PATH '$.score' , matchDate varchar2(20) PATH '$.matchDate' ) )
  • 29. 29 – JSON What it does not do? • Support for variable strings as JSON_PATH in JSON-functions • Deal with JSON in PL/SQL – JSON_VALUE and JSON_QUERY cannot be used directly from PL/SQL • Construct JSON documents – Not supported: conversion from ADT (to XMLType) to JSON type and vice versa – Not supported: a SQL/JSON syntax similar to SQL/XML for querying together a JSON document – Not supported: facilities that inject JSON into RESTful Services implemented through the PL/SQL Embedded Gateway Types OBJECTS, NESTED TABLE XMLType
  • 30. The PL/JSON library • This library has been around for several years – and is still pretty much relevant • Especially useful – For composing JSON documents – And for converting back and forth from and to JSON to XMLType and ADT/UDT
  • 31. 31 Bringing closer together PL/SQL and SQL
  • 32. In-line PL/SQL Functions and procedures WITH procedure increment( operand in out number , incsize in number) is begin operand:= operand + incsize; end; FUNCTION inc(value number) RETURN number IS l_value number(10):= value; BEGIN increment(l_value, 100); RETURN l_value; end; SELECT inc(sal) from emp • Procedures are also allowed in-line • In-Line Functions and Procedures can invoke each other
  • 33. In-line PL/SQL Functions and procedures • In-Line Functions and Procedures can invoke each other – And themselves (recursively) WITH FUNCTION inc(value number) RETURN number IS BEGIN if value < 6000 then return inc(value+100); else return value + 100; END if; end; SELECT inc(sal) from emp
  • 34. Dynamic (PL/)SQL is allowed inside inline functions • EXECUTE IMMEDIATE can be used inside an inline PL/SQL function to dynamically construct and execute SQL and PL/SQL WITH FUNCTION EMP_ENRICHER(operand varchar2) RETURN varchar2 IS sql_stmt varchar2(500); job varchar2(500); BEGIN sql_stmt := 'SELECT job FROM emp WHERE ename = :param'; EXECUTE IMMEDIATE sql_stmt INTO job USING operand; RETURN ' has job '||job; END; SELECT ename || EMP_ENRICHER(ename) from emp Note: do not try this at home! It is a horrible query! (looks too much like POST_QUERY for comfort) In-Line PL/SQL is not an excuse for lousy SQL
  • 35. Combining in-line Views and PL/SQL Functions & Procedures WITH procedure camel(p_string in out varchar2) is begin p_string:= initcap(p_string); end; function obfuscate(p_string in varchar2) return varchar2 is l_string varchar2(100); begin l_string:= translate(upper(p_string), 'AEUIO','OIEUA'); camel(l_string); return l_string; end; my_view as ( select obfuscate('Goedemorgen') from dual ) select * from my_view
  • 36. PL/SQL Functions That Run Faster in SQL • As of Oracle Database Release 12c, two kinds of PL/SQL functions might run faster in SQL: – PL/SQL functions that are defined in the WITH clauses of SQL SELECT statements, described in Oracle Database SQL Language Reference – PL/SQL functions that are defined with the "UDF Pragma" • Pragma UDF means: compile in the ‘SQL way’ as to eliminate SQL  PL/SQL context switch FUNCTION inc(string VARCHAR2) RETURN VARCHAR2 IS PRAGMA UDF; value number(10):= to_number(string); BEGIN if value < 6000 then return inc(value+100); else return to_char(value + 100); end if; end;
  • 37. 38 • Maximum length for VARCHAR2 is now 32KB (up from 4KB) • Invisible Columns • One unified audit trail • PL/SQL DBMS_UTILITY.EXPAND_SQL_TEXT can be used to uncover the real SQL executed for a given query – Expressed only in the underlying base tables, including VPD policies • New PL/SQL Package UTL_CALL_STACK provides API for inspecting the PL/SQL Callstack – Programmatic interpretation, not pretty like DBMS_ UTILITY.FORMAT_CALL_STACK • Export View as Table with Data Pump – fine grained projection of columns and rows that will be part of the Dump and subsequent Import • Creation of multiple indexes on same set of columns is allowed – Although only one can be live at any one time • Cross PDB queries
  • 38. DEFAULT • Default applied (also) when NULL was explicitly specified alter table emp modify (sal number(10,2) DEFAULT ON NULL 1000 ) • Default based on Sequence alter table emp modify (empno number(5) NOT NULL DEFAULT ON NULL EMPNO_SEQ.NEXTVAL ) • Identity Column that is automatically assigned generated sequence number value • Meta Data Only Defaults – Data applies to potentially many records but hard takes up any space – only some meta-data are required to declaratively describe the data
  • 39. The Top-3 Earning Employees • What can you say about the result of this query with respect to the question: "Who are our top three earning employees?" A. Correct Answer B. Sometimes correct C. Correct if there are never duplicate salaries D. Not Correct
  • 41. TOP-N Queries in 12c • Last part of a query to be evaluated – to fetch only selected rows from the result set: select * from emp order by sal desc FETCH FIRST 3 ROWS ONLY; – To select the next set of rows: select * from emp order by sal desc OFFSET 3 FETCH NEXT 4 ROWS ONLY;
  • 42. Apply for joining • APPLY is used to join with a Collection SELECT * FROM DEPT d CROSS APPLY employees_in_department(deptno) staff • The function employees_in_department returns a collection (TABLE OF VARCHAR2 in this case) • The function takes the DEPTNO value from the DEPT records as input • Only when the returned collection is not empty will the DEPT record be produced by this join • Use OUTER APPLY to get a result row even for an empty collection D D D D
  • 44. Data Redaction • At runtime, you can optionally have the query results modified to reset/scramble/randomize sensitive data – Through ‘data redaction’ policies associated with tables and view and applied at query time POLICY POLICY RESULTS SQL engine SQL • Because the data is masked in real-time, Data Redaction is well suited to environments in which data is constantly changing. • You can create the Data Redaction policies in one central location and easily manage them from there.
  • 45. My first Data redaction policy • Access to DBMS_REDACT package grant execute on dbms_redact to scott; • Create Data Redaction Policy for SAL column in EMP table – hide salaries from view BEGIN DBMS_REDACT.ADD_POLICY( object_schema => 'scott', object_name => 'emp', column_name => 'sal', policy_name => 'hide_salary', function_type => DBMS_REDACT.FULL, expression => '1=1' ); END; • Find that querying EMP has changed forever… – Note: the expression can be used to dynamically decide whether or not to apply the policy
  • 46. Querying EMP with DATA REDACTION in place • Note: drop Redaction Policy DBMS_REDACT.DROP_POLICY ( object_schema => 'scott' , object_name => 'emp' , policy_name => 'hide_salary' );
  • 47. Partial Column masking – mask Day and month from hiredate BEGIN DBMS_REDACT.ADD_POLICY( object_schema => 'scott', object_name => 'emp', column_name => 'hiredate', policy_name => 'partially mask hiredate', expression => 'SYS_CONTEXT(''USERENV'',''SESSION_USER'')!= ''GOD''' function_type => DBMS_REDACT.PARTIAL, function_parameters => 'm1d31YHMS', expression => '1=1' ); END;
  • 48. SQL Statement Preprocessor • A mechanism to allow the text of a SQL statement, submitted from a client program (e.g. via ODBC or JDBC), to be translated by user-supplied code before it is submitted to the Oracle Database SQL compiler. – Additionally, this feature can satisfy any other use case where it is expedient to intervene between the SQL statement that the client submits and what is actually executed – Some associatations: VPD policies, Data Redaction, MV query rewrite, Advanced Query Rewrite, Temporal Validity (time slice) Application Pre SQL proce ssor SQL engine SQL
  • 49. SQL Translation – set up AS SYS: grant create sql translation profile to oow; grant alter session to oow; AS Application Owner: -- Create a Translation Profile exec dbms_sql_translator.create_profile('HR_PROFILE'); BEGIN DBMS_SQL_TRANSLATOR.REGISTER_SQL_TRANSLATION( profile_name => 'HR_PROFILE', sql_text => 'select ename, job, hiredate from emp', translated_text => 'select initcap(ename) as ename , job, hiredate from emp where job<>''MANAGER'' ‘ ); END; select * FROM USER_SQL_TRANSLATION_PROFILES; select * from USER_SQL_TRANSLATIONS;
  • 50. SQL Translation – in action -- to enable the profile (usually in logon trigger) alter session set sql_translation_profile = HR_PROFILE -- to pretend we are a foreign application, subject to -- SQL Translation alter session set events = '10601 trace name context forever, level 32'; -- execute query that is to be translated select ename, job, hiredate from emp -- results are produced as if the translated text had been submitted Pre SQL proce ssor SQL engine SQL
  • 51. 53 SQL Translation • Support for bind parameters • Support for rewriting PL/SQL calls • Translation of Error Messages (ORA-xxxx to SYB-yyyy or YOURAPP-zzz) • Out of the box translators for Sybase, SQL Server and some DB2 • Optionally: register a custom translator package – PROCEDURE TRANSLATE_SQL( sql_text IN CLOB, translated_text OUT CLOB);
  • 52. SQL Statement Preprocessor • The translation code is named and is installed in the database using a PL/SQL API. It can be implemented programmatically, or by look-up, or by a suitable mixture of these. • The mechanism also allows Oracle error codes and American National Standards Institute (ANSI) SQLSTATES to be translated by user-supplied code. • The motivating use case is to allow extant client-side application code, written for a different vendor's database (and therefore for a SQL dialect other than Oracle's), to run unchanged against an Oracle Database by emulating the syntax and semantics of the other SQL dialect thereby greatly reducing the cost of migration. • Additionally, this feature can satisfy any other use case where it is expedient to intervene between the SQL statement that the client submits and what is actually executed. • See: Oracle Database SQL Translation Installation, Configuration, and User's Guide for details
  • 53. 55 Looking into the future… OUR_PRODUCTS NAME PRICE select name, price from our_products
  • 54. 56 Looking further into the future… DBMS_FLASHBACK_ARCHIVE.ENABLE_AT_VALID_TIME ( , query_time => TO_TIMESTAMP('01-10-2018', 'DD-MM-YYYY') ); OUR_PRODUCTS NAME PRICE begin level => 'ASOF' end; select name, price from our_products
  • 55. 57 Current situation … DBMS_FLASHBACK_ARCHIVE.ENABLE_AT_VALID_TIME ( OUR_PRODUCTS NAME PRICE begin level => 'CURRENT' ); end; select name, price from our_products
  • 56. 58 All data in the table (the default setting) DBMS_FLASHBACK_ARCHIVE.ENABLE_AT_VALID_TIME ( OUR_PRODUCTS NAME PRICE begin level => 'ALL' ); end; select name, price from our_products
  • 57. 59 All data in the table (the default setting) OUR_PRODUCTS select name, price, start_date, end_date from our_products order by start_date NAME PRICE START_DATE END_DATE begin DBMS_FLASHBACK_ARCHIVE.ENABLE_AT_VALID_TIME ( level => 'ALL' ); end;
  • 58. Make the database aware of the time based business validity of records • Add timestamp columns indicating start and end of valid time for a record • Specify a PERIOD for the table create table our_products ( name varchar2(100) , price number(7,2) , start_date timestamp , end_date timestamp , PERIOD FOR offer_time (start_date, end_date) ); • Note: – A table can have multiple sets of columns, describing multiple types of validness – Beyond many Temporal Validity enhancements are expected: • Unique Constraints, Foreign Key references, (auto) Join conditions, gap and overlap checks, aggregation
  • 59. Valid time aware flashback queries • Select all product prices on offer at a certain moment in time SELECT * FROM OUR_PRODUCTS AS OF PERIOD FOR offer_time TO_TIMESTAMP('01-10-2014','DD-MM-YYYY') • Perform all queries for records that are valid at a certain point in time – past or future EXECUTE DBMS_FLASHBACK_ARCHIVE.enable_at_valid_time ( 'ASOF' , TO_TIMESTAMP('01-05-2016','DD-MM-YYYY') ); • Return all records currently (session time) valid EXECUTE DBMS_FLASHBACK_ARCHIVE.enable_at_valid_time('CURRENT'); • Return all records (default) EXECUTE DBMS_FLASHBACK_ARCHIVE.enable_at_valid_time('ALL');
  • 60. 64 Oracle Database 12c for Database Developers Security
  • 61. White List • A white list of allowed invokers can be defined for a PL/SQL unit – supports the robust implementation of a module, consisting of a main unit and helper units, by allowing the helper units to be inaccessible from anywhere except the unit they are intended to help.
  • 62. accessible by clause _______ package Helper authid Definer accessible by (Good_Guy, Bad_Guy) is procedure p; end Helper; package body Good_Guy is procedure p is begin Helper.p(); ... end p; end Good_Guy; package body Bad_Guy is procedure p is begin Helper.p(); ... end p; end Bad_Guy; PLS-00904: insufficient privilege to access object HELPER
  • 63. 67 (More) Security related features • Attach database roles to the program units functions, procedures, packages, and types. – The role then becomes enabled during execution of the program unit (but not during compilation of the program unit). • A new built-in namespace, SYS_SESSION_ROLES, allows you to determine if a specified role is enabled for the querying user • View is either – BEQUEATH DEFINER (the default), which behaves like a Definer’s Rights unit (functions in the view are executed using the view owner’s rights) – or BEQUEATH CURRENT_USER, which behaves somewhat like an invoker’s rights unit (functions in the view are executed using the current user’s rights) • An Invoker's Rights Function Can Be Result-Cached • READ privilege to allow SELECT but no SELECT FOR UPDATE • Invoker’s rights procedure calls only can run with the privileges of the invoker if the procedure’s owner has the INHERIT PRIVILEGES privilege on the invoker (do not stealthily use invoker’s privileges as owner) – or if the procedure’s owner has the INHERIT ANY PRIVILEGES privilege
  • 64. Inherit or not in Invoker rights program units • When a user runs an invoker's rights procedure (or program unit), it runs with the privileges of the invoking user. • As the procedure runs, the procedure’s owner temporarily has access to the invoking user's privileges. • [If the procedure owner has fewer privileges than an invoking user,] the procedure owner could use the invoking user’s privileges to perform operations Invoker’s rights procedure procedure Special_ owner invoker Table Tap_ Table
  • 66. 70 Raw Data Refinement based on pattern matching 14,0 16,1 14,1 16,1 16,0 13,1 14,0 16,0 13,1 13,0 14,1 16,0 14,1 13,0 14,1 16,0 13,1 14,0 Processing • Information • Conclusion • Alert • Recommendation • Action
  • 67. 71 Raw, fine grained Tennis Results: rally points Challenge: • Derive the match winner and final score (per set and for the entire match) from this raw data Match Id, Player [who scored] 14,0 16,1 14,1 16,1 16,0 13,1 14,0
  • 68. 72 Using MATCH_RECOGNIZE to process data looking for patterns • MATCH_RECOGNIZE will analyze, filter, aggregate and reformat the data – based on matches patterns between subsequent rows in the source rows with rallypoints as ( select column_value player , rownum seq from table(number_tbl(1,0,0,1,0,0,1,1,1,0,1,1,1,0,0,0,0)) ) SELECT winner, gameNo FROM rallypoints MATCH_RECOGNIZE ( ... ) MR source row set MATCH_RECOGNIZE Result Set fed to SELECT
  • 69. 73 Using MATCH_RECOGNIZE to process data looking for patterns with rallypoints as ( select column_value player , rownum seq from table(number_tbl(1,0,0,1,0,0,1,1,1,0,1,1,1,0,0,0,0)) ) SELECT winner, gameNo FROM rallypoints MATCH_RECOGNIZE ( ORDER BY seq MEASURES C.seq AS seq, C.player as winner , MATCH_NUMBER() AS gameNo ONE ROW PER MATCH PATTERN (A+? C) DEFINE C as (case C.player when 1 then sum(A.player) else (sum(abs((A.player-1)))) end >= 3 and case C.player when 1 then sum(A.player*2-1) else (sum(1-A.player*2)) end >= 1 ) ) MR - The first player to have won more than 4 points - and have won two or more points more than his opponent
  • 70. 74 Multi-Level processing Rallypoints Won Games Won Sets Won Matches
  • 71. 75 Using MATCH_RECOGNIZE to process data looking for patterns with rallypoints as ( select column_value player , rownum seq from table(number_tbl(1,0,0,1,0,0,1,1,1,0,1,1,1,0,0,0,0, …)) ) , gamepoints as (SELECT winner, gameNo FROM rallypoints MATCH_RECOGNIZE () MR ) , setpoints as (SELECT winner, gameNo FROM gamepoints MATCH_RECOGNIZE () MR ) , matchpoints as (SELECT winner, gameNo FROM setpoints MATCH_RECOGNIZE () MR ) select * from matchpoints
  • 72. Who is afraid of Red, Yellow and blue • Table Events – Column Seq number(5) – Column Payload varchar2(200)
  • 73. Solution using Lead • With LEAD it is easy to compare a row with its successor(s) – As long as the pattern is fixed, LEAD will suffice with look_ahead_events as ( SELECT e.* , lead(payload) over (order by seq) next_color , lead(payload,2) over (order by seq) second_next_color FROM events e ) select seq from look_ahead_events where payload ='red' and next_color ='yellow' and second_next_color='blue'
  • 74. Find the pattern red, yellow and blue • Using the new 12c Match Recognize operator for finding patterns in relational data SELECT * FROM events MATCH_RECOGNIZE ( ORDER BY seq MEASURES RED.seq AS redseq , MATCH_NUMBER() AS match_num ALL ROWS PER MATCH PATTERN (RED YELLOW BLUE) DEFINE RED AS RED.payload ='red', YELLOW AS YELLOW.payload ='yellow', BLUE AS BLUE.payload ='blue' ) MR ORDER BY MR.redseq , MR.seq;
  • 75. Match_recognize for finding patterns in relational data • The expression MATCH_RECOGNIZE provides native SQL support to find patterns in sequences of rows Table Source & Where Match_ Recognize Process and Filter Select & Order By • Match_recognize returns Measures for selected (pattern matched) rows – Similar to MODEL clause • Match Conditions are expressed in columns from the Table Source, aggregate functions and pattern functions FIRST, PREV, NEXT, LAST • Patterns are regular expressions using match conditions to express a special sequence of rows satisfying the conditions
  • 76. Did we ever consecutively hire three employees in the same job? • Find a string of three subsequent hires where each hire has the same job • Order by hiredate, pattern is two records that each have the same job as their predecessor SELECT * FROM EMP MATCH_RECOGNIZE ( ORDER BY hiredate MEASURES SAME_JOB.hiredate AS hireday , MATCH_NUMBER() AS match_num ALL ROWS PER MATCH PATTERN (SAME_JOB{3}) DEFINE SAME_JOB AS SAME_JOB.job = FIRST(SAME_JOB.job) ) MR
  • 77. Pattern clause is a regular expression • Supported operators for the pattern clause include: – * for 0 or more iterations – + for 1 or more iterations – ? for 0 or 1 iterations – { n } for exactly n iterations (n > 0) – { n, } for n or more iterations (n >= 0) – { n, m } for between n and m (inclusive) iterations (0 <= n <= m, 0 < m) – { , m } for between 0 and m (inclusive) iterations (m > 0) – reluctant qualifiers - *?, +?, ??, {n}?, {n,}?, { n, m }?, {,m}? – | for alternation (OR) – grouping using () parentheses – exclusion using {- and -} – empty pattern using () – ^ and $ for start and end of a partition
  • 78. Find the longest sequence of related observations • Records are ordered • Each record is qualified: assigned to a certain category • Examples: – Voting records – Ball possession in football – Days with or without rain – Passing vehicles (make and model or category) – DNA records • The challenge: find the longest string of consecutive observations in the same category
  • 79. Find the longest sequence of related observations SELECT section_category , section_start FROM observations MATCH_RECOGNIZE ( ORDER BY seq MEASURES SAME_CATEGORY.category as section_category , FIRST(SAME_CATEGORY.seq) as section_start ONE ROW PER MATCH PATTERN (SAME_CATEGORY* DIFFERENT_CATEGORY) -- as many times as possible DEFINE SAME_CATEGORY AS SAME_CATEGORY.category = FIRST(SAME_CATEGORY.category) , DIFFERENT_CATEGORY AS DIFFERENT_CATEGORY.category != NEXT(DIFFERENT_CATEGORY.category) ) MR order by rows_in_section desc )
  • 80. Suppose we allow a single interruption of a sequence • One record with a different category will not end the sequence – it might after all be a fluke or an incident • Rewrite the pattern match to also accept one entry with a different category ONE ROW PER MATCH AFTER MATCH SKIP TO NEXT ROW -- a next row in the current match may be start of a next string PATTERN (SAME_CATEGORY* DIFFERENT_CATEGORY{0,1} SAME_CATEGORY* ) DEFINE SAME_CATEGORY AS SAME_CATEGORY.category = FIRST(SAME_CATEGORY.category) , DIFFERENT_CATEGORY AS DIFFERENT_CATEGORY.category != SAME_CATEGORY.category
  • 81. Find sequence (with one accepted interruption) from all records SELECT substr(section_category,1,1) cat , section_start , seq FROM observations MATCH_RECOGNIZE ( ORDER BY seq MEASURES SAME_CATEGORY.category as section_category , FIRST(SAME_CATEGORY.seq) as section_start , seq as seq ONE ROW PER MATCH AFTER MATCH SKIP TO NEXT ROW -- a next row in the current match may be -- start of a next string PATTERN (SAME_CATEGORY* DIFFERENT_CATEGORY{0,1} SAME_CATEGORY* ) DEFINE SAME_CATEGORY AS SAME_CATEGORY.category = FIRST(SAME_CATEGORY.category) , DIFFERENT_CATEGORY AS DIFFERENT_CATEGORY.category != SAME_CATEGORY.category ) MR order by rows_in_section desc
  • 82. Suspicious transactions • Find occurrences of three or more money transfers (> 10k) within 24 hours – not necessarily consecutive Account Transfer Timestamp Amount To_Account Account_Number Holder_Name
  • 83. Suspicious transactions select * from transfers t MATCH_RECOGNIZE ( PARTITION BY from_account ORDER BY transfer_time MEASURES MATCH_NUMBER() AS match_num , sum(amount) as total_amount , classifier() as match_role ALL ROWS PER MATCH PATTERN (SUSPICIOUS_TRANSFER NORMAL_TRANSFER* SUSPICIOUS_TRANSFER NORMAL_TRANSFER* SUSPICIOUS_TRANSFER) DEFINE SUSPICIOUS_TRANSFER as SUSPICIOUS_TRANSFER.amount > 10000 and SUSPICIOUS_TRANSFER.transfer_time < FIRST(SUSPICIOUS_TRANSFER.transfer_time + INTERVAL '24' HOUR) , NORMAL_TRANSFER as NORMAL_TRANSFER.amount <= 10000 ) MR
  • 84. No Corner cutting Registration Registration Point CheckPoint_Label Distance_from_Start Runner_Id Timestamp
  • 85. No Corner cutting • Patterns to look for: – Checkpoints passed in the wrong order or checkpoints missed altogether – Suspicious accelerations – stretch with > 20% higher average speed than prior or later stretches • Additional analysis – Fastest stretch by anyone – Section that is the fastest section for most runners • Because of downhill or favorable wind – Top 3 runners over any selected section Registration Registration Point CheckPoint_Label Distance_from_Start Runner_Id Timestamp
  • 86. Find suspicious speeds… • When a runner increases speed by more than 20% - something irregular may be going on… match_recognize ( partition by runner_id order by id ALL ROWS PER MATCH PATTERN (SUSPICIOUS_SPEED+ ) DEFINE SUSPICIOUS_SPEED as (distance_from_start- PREV(distance_from_start)/ ( extract ( hour from registration_time) + (extract(minute from registration_time)/60) + (extract(second from registration_time)/3600) - extract ( hour from PREV(registration_time)) + (extract(minute from PREV(registration_time))/60) + (extract(second from PREV(registration_time))/3600) )) > 1.2 * (PREV(distance_from_start)- PREV(distance_from_start,2)/ ( extract ( hour from PREV(registration_time)) + (extract(minute from PREV(registration_time))/60) … - extract ( hour from PREV(registration_time,2)) + (extract(minute from PREV(registration_time,2))/60) + … )) ) MR
  • 87. Find suspicious speeds… (the easier LAG based solution) with runner_data as ( select r.* , leg_distance/( extract ( hour from leg_time) + (extract(minute from leg_time)/60) + (extract(second from leg_time)/3600) ) leg_speed from ( select r.*, rp.* , rp.distance_from_start - lag(rp.distance_from_start,1,0) over (partition by runner_id order by leg_distance , r.registration_time – lag(r.registration_time,1,INTERVAL '0' MINUTE) over (partition by runner_id order by leg_time from registrations r join registration_points rp on ( = checkpoint_id) ) r ) , runner_data_now_and_previous as ( select runner_data.* , lag(leg_speed) over ( partition by runner_id order by checkpoint_id) previous_speed from runner_data ) select * from runner_data_now_and_previous where leg_speed > 1.2 * previous_speed
  • 88. 95 Summary Security Scripts can be downloaded from