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Natural Computing: The Grand Challenges and 
Two Case Studies Leandro Nunes de Castro @lndecastro 
Computing and Informatics Faculty & Graduate Program in Electrical Engineering Natural Computing Laboratory (LCoN) 
•Natural Computing 
–An Overview 
–The Grand Challenges in Natural Computing Research 
•Case Studies 
–Social Media Mining 
–Mining Association Rules for Recommender Systems 
Natural Computing 
An Overview* 
* de Castro, L. N. (2007), “Fundamentals of Natural Computing: An Overview”, Physics of Life Reviews, 4(1), pp. 1-36.
•1940s: Study of automatic computing; 
•1950s: Study of information processing; 
•1960s: Study of phenomena surrounding computers; 
•1970s: Study of what can be automated; 
•1980s: Study of computation; 
•2000s: Study of information processes, both natural and artificial. 
Computing: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow* 
* Denning, P. (2008), “Computing Field: Structure”, In B. Wah (Ed.), Wiley Encyclopedia of Computer Science and Engineering, Wiley Interscience.
From the early days of computer science, by the 1940s, researchers have been interested in tracing parallels and designing computational models and abstractions of natural phenomena.
The GCs aim at defining research questions that tend to be important in the long term, identifying and characterizing potential grand research problems. These may allow the formulation of projects capable of producing major scientific advancements, with practical applications for society and technology. Emphasis is in advancing science, a vision beyond specific projects, a clear and objective success evaluation and a great ambition. 
The Grand Challenges (GCs)
Theoretical Works 
Empirical Works 
Natural Computing 
Mathematical Models 
Computational Synthesis of Natural Phenomena 
Computing with Natural Materials 
Natural Computing: The Old View
Natural Computing: The New Perspective 
Natural Computing 
Computer Modeling of Nature 
Nature- Inspired Computing 
Computer Synthesis of Natural Phenomena 
Computing with New Materials 
Natural computing is a science concerned with the investigation and design of information processing in natural and computational systems.
Natural Computing 
The Grand Challenges* 
* de Castro, L. N.; Xavier, R. S.; Pasti, R.; Maia, R. D.; Szabo, A.; Ferrari, D. G. (2012), "The Grand Challenges in Natural Computing Research: The Quest for a New Science", Int. J. Nat. Comp. Res., 2(4), p. 16.
Natural Computing 
Computer Science 
Natural Computing 
Computer Science 
Natural Computing 
Computer Science 
GC 1: How to transpose Natural Computing into a transdisciplinary context?
“Computer science differs from physics in that it is not actually a science. It does not study natural objects. Neither is it mathematics. It’s like engineering – about getting to do something, rather than dealing with abstractions”.* 
“Biology is today an information science”** 
* Feynman, R. P. (1996), “The Feynman Lectures on Computation”, In A. J. G. Hey and R. W. Allen (Ed.), (Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley). 
** Denning, P. J., (2001) (Ed.), The Invisible Future: The Seamless Integration of Technology in Everyday Life, McGraw- Hill.
GC 2: What is the Natural Computing role in this Informational Natural Sciences Era? 
Overcoming this challenge will bring two important benefits to Computing and Nature: 
• A Rethinking (and probably Redesign) of Computing 
• A New Form of Interacting With and Using Nature
Natural systems are open systems that communicate with the environment presenting a complex and emergent behavior. Complex biological systems must be modeled as self-referential, self- organizing, and auto-generative systems whose computational behavior goes far beyond the TM/VN paradigm. The system restructures itself in a hardware-software non-dissociable interaction: the hardware defines the software, and the software defines the hardware.
Are there standards to design (engineer) natural computing systems?* 
GC 3: To what degree defining standards for the engineering of Natural Computing systems is a limiting factor for the creative development of the field? 
* Brueckner, S. A.; Serugendo, G. D. M.; Karageorgos, A.; Nagpal, R., (2005), Engineering Self-Organizing Systems, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, 3464, Springer. 
* de Castro, L. N. (2001), Immune Engineering: Development and Application of Computational Tools Inspired by Artificial Immune Systems, Ph. D. Thesis presented at the Computer and Electrical Engineering School, Unicamp, Brazil. 
* Fernandez-Marquez, J. L.; Serugendo, G. D. M.; Montagna, S.; Viroli M.; Arcos J. L (2012), “Description and Composition of Bio-Inspired Design Patterns: A Complete Overview”, Natural Computing, Online, DOI 10.1007/s11047-012-9324-y. 
* Nagpal, R.; Mamei, M. (2004), “Engineering Amorphous Computing Systems”, Multiagent Systems, Artificial Societies, and Simulated Organizations, 11, Part V, pp. 303-320.
Case Studies 
Applied Research 
Web Mining 
Social Media 
110 billion minutes spent in social networks 
13 years = 50 million people 
 9 months = 100 million users 
250 million tweets/day 
(Nielsen, 2011) 
(Alé, 2012) 
(Alé, 2012) 
(Datasift, 2012) 
Data and Social Media
Qualitative analysis of tweets. 
Methodology based on text mining, natural language processing and ontologies for Sentiment Analysis (SA). 
Word Sense Disambiguation (WSD). 
Research Focus 
Social Media Analysis Tool 
Text Mining; NLP; Web Semantics 
Social media and Microblog. 
Messages (tweets) with up to 140 characters. 
Stimulates simultaneous activities. 
Informal, allows the creation of new terms, slangs, mix of languages, ironies. 
Twitter Features
Text Mining 
Semi- or unstructured data 
Data Mining 
Structured Data 
Unstructured Data Analysis 
• Tokens 
•Stopwords removal 
• Stemming 
• Representation 
• Term (feature) selection 
• Association 
• Classification 
• Clustering 
• APIs 
• Crawlers 
•Confusion Matrix 
• Accuracy 
• Precision 
• Recall 
• F-measure
Text Analysis 
Vector Space Model
Bruxa do 71 
In Portuguese
Sentiment Analysis: 
Text classification based on the author’s opinion. 
Word Sense Disambiguation: 
Polysemic word: different meanings in different contexts. 
Word Sense Disambiguation: appropriate meaning to a text with polysemic words. 
WSD: words are classified according with a predefined set of meanings. 
Research Focus
Predicted Class 
Correct Class 
Positive Negative 
Positive TP FN 
Negative FP TN 
  
  
   
Pr  
Re  
levant ered 
Re Recov 
levant ered 
Re Recov 
Interest Measures
Context-Based Word Sense Disambiguation (CBWSD): 
Polysemic words: e.g. Chaves, Estrelas, Na Brasa, Agora é tarde. 
Context (semantic graph): OntoGeneral; OntoSpecific. 
Classification based on the semantic graph. 
Sentiment analysis based on Emoticons, Ontologies and Natural Computing: 
Need to train the classifier. 
Emoticon: graphic representation of a facial expression. 
Example: :) :( :| :D 
Ontology: concepts and their relations within a domain. 
Case Study: Social TV
Materials and Methods: CBWDS 
Tweets about “Agora é tarde”: 
Total: 6030 tweets 
Period: 6-7 July 2012 (24 hours). 
Generation of the Semantic Graph. 
Case Study: Social TV
Partial Results 
Without the Neutral Class 
Predicted Class 
Correct Class 
Total: 142766 ms - Per tweet: 36 ms 
Neutral as Positive 
Predicted Class 
Correct Class 
Total: 118310 ms - Per tweet: 30 ms
Mining Association Rules for Recommender Systems 
Artificial Immune Systems 
•Discovery of association relations between items (attributes) in transactional databases. 
Association Rules 
Milk Bread Cereals Butter Milk Biscuit Cereals Chocolate Bread Coffee Eggs Sugar Bread Coffee Yogurt Sweetener
•Given a set of transactions, where each transaction is a set of items, na association rule is a rule X  Y in which X and Y are itemsets. 
–Coverage or support: number of transactions for which the prediction rule is correct. 
–Accuracy or confidence: number of objects that the rule predicts correctly, proportionally to the instances to which it applies. 
support(A  B) = P(A  B) = (Freq. of A and B) / (Total of T). 
confidence(A  B) = P(B|A) = (Freq. of A and B) / (Freq. of A). 
Association Rules
The problem of mining association rules corresponds to finding all the rules that satisfy a minimal support and confidence. 
Evolutionary Design of ARs 
–Pittsburgh: each individual represents the whole set of rules. 
–Michigan: each individual represents a single rule, and the whole population composes the set of rules. 
•Encoding scheme: 
00: antecedent 
11: consequent 
01 ou 10: not part of the rule
–Binary encoding allos the use of standard operators, such as single-point mutation and crossover. 
Interest Measures and Operators 
C1(R) = log(1 + |C|)/log(1 + |A  C|). 
I(R) = (|A  C|/|A|) * (|A  C|/|C|) * (1(|A  C|/|D|)). 
C2(R) = log(1 + |C|) + log(1 + |A  C|).
Algorithms Evaluated 
procedure [P] = eGA(pc,pm,pe,D) initialize P f := evaluate(P,D); P := select(P,f,pe); while not_stopping_criterion do, P := reproduce(P,f,pc); P := variate(P,pm); f := evaluate(P,D); P := select(P,f,pe); t := t+1; end while end procedure 
procedure [P] = CLONALG1-2(D,max_it,n1,n2) initialize P t := 1; while t >= max_it do, f := evaluate(P); P1 := select(P,n1,f)**; C := clone(P1,f); C := mutate(C,f); f1 := evaluate(C1); P1 := select(C1,n1,f1); P := replace(P,n2); t ← t + 1; end while end procedure Evolutionary 
•SPECT Heart database from UCI. 
Case Study: Recommendation for a Synthetic Dataset 
0.35 ± 0.04 
0.37 ± 0.03 
0.46 ± 0.02 
0.37 ± 0.02 
0.65 ± 0.16 
0.86 ± 0.05 
0.94 ± 0.01 
0.92 ± 0.01 
Compreheensibility 1 
0.54 ± 0.06 
0.50 ± 0.05 
0.50 ± 0.01 
0.46 ± 0.02 
Compreheensibility 2 
0.14 ± 0.03 
0.14 ± 0.01 
0.13 ± 0.00 
0.14 ± 0.01 
0.35 ± 0.08 
0.35 ± 0.08 
0.30 ± 0.00 
0.26 ± 0.03 
Unique Rule 
17 ± 0.00 
1.60 ± 0.60 
1.50 ± 1.50 
6.40 ± 2.30 
Processing Time 
6.5s ± 0.00 
4.5s ± 1.01 
9.3s ± 1.13 
9.3s ± 1.16
Case Study: Recommendation for E-Commerce 
0.009 ± 0.002 (0.006; 0.014) 
0.013 ± 0.002 (0.011; 0.016) 
0.012 ± 0.003 (0.007; 0.016) 
1.000 ± 0.000 (1.000; 1.000) 
1.000 ± 0.000 (1.000; 1.000) 
1.000 ± 0.000 (1.000; 1.000) 
Compreheensibility 1 
0.770 ± 0.028 (0.744; 0.826) 
0.787 ± 0.021 (0.747; 0.822) 
0.811 ± 0.022 (0.774; 0.843) 
Compreheensibility 2 
0.684 ± 0.001 (0.682; 0.685) 
0.087 ± 0.030 (0.035; 0.136) 
0.110 ± 0.024 (0.059; 0.139) 
0.997 ± 0.000 (0.997; 0.997) 
0.982 ± 0.018 (0.941; 0.997) 
0.997 ± 0.000 (0.997; 0.997) 
Processing Time 
639.026 s 
82.281 s 
112,636 s 
99.116 s
Natural Computing: The Past, Present and Future 
•Focus on: 
–Designing novel nature-inspired algorithms. 
–Synthesizing natural phenomena. 
–Using natural materials for computing. 
•Real-world applications are unquestionable, but the field seems to be stuck on the same types of algorithms. 
•Researchers are taking efforts to look at and formalize information processing in natural and computational systems.* 
The Past and Present 
* Zenil, H. (2012) (Ed.), A Computable Universe: Understanding Computation & Exploring Nature as Computation, World Scientific.
•Grand Challenges for the field: 
–Transforming Natural Computing into a Transdisciplinary Discipline. 
–Unveiling and Harnessing Information Processing in Natural Systems. 
–Engineering Natural Computing Systems. 
And the Future?
Thank You! Questions? Comments? 
Leandro Nunes de Castro 

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Mais de Leandro de Castro

2021: An Illustrated Journey into Natural Computing
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2019: LCoN - Centro de Excelência em Inteligência Artificial
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2018: What did I learn about Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Israel
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2017: Tópicos em Educação Financeira
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2017: The Many Faces of Artificial Intelligence: From AI to Big Data - A Hist...
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2016: Fundamentos Matemáticos para Inteligência Artificial
2016: Fundamentos Matemáticos para Inteligência Artificial2016: Fundamentos Matemáticos para Inteligência Artificial
2016: Fundamentos Matemáticos para Inteligência ArtificialLeandro de Castro
2010: Plano de Negócios e Incubação de Empresas de Base Tecnológica
2010: Plano de Negócios e Incubação de Empresas de Base Tecnológica2010: Plano de Negócios e Incubação de Empresas de Base Tecnológica
2010: Plano de Negócios e Incubação de Empresas de Base TecnológicaLeandro de Castro
2002: Comparing Immune and Neural Networks
2002: Comparing Immune and Neural Networks2002: Comparing Immune and Neural Networks
2002: Comparing Immune and Neural NetworksLeandro de Castro
2011: Empreendedorismo Digital - Como Dados Viram Negócios
2011: Empreendedorismo Digital - Como Dados Viram Negócios2011: Empreendedorismo Digital - Como Dados Viram Negócios
2011: Empreendedorismo Digital - Como Dados Viram NegóciosLeandro de Castro

Mais de Leandro de Castro (11)

2021: An Illustrated Journey into Natural Computing
2021: An Illustrated Journey into Natural Computing2021: An Illustrated Journey into Natural Computing
2021: An Illustrated Journey into Natural Computing
2019: Folder do LCoN
2019: Folder do LCoN2019: Folder do LCoN
2019: Folder do LCoN
2019: LCoN - Centro de Excelência em Inteligência Artificial
2019: LCoN - Centro de Excelência em Inteligência Artificial2019: LCoN - Centro de Excelência em Inteligência Artificial
2019: LCoN - Centro de Excelência em Inteligência Artificial
2018: What did I learn about Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Israel
2018: What did I learn about Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Israel2018: What did I learn about Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Israel
2018: What did I learn about Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Israel
2018 Academic Innovation Opportunities in Brazil
2018 Academic Innovation Opportunities in Brazil2018 Academic Innovation Opportunities in Brazil
2018 Academic Innovation Opportunities in Brazil
2017: Tópicos em Educação Financeira
2017: Tópicos em Educação Financeira2017: Tópicos em Educação Financeira
2017: Tópicos em Educação Financeira
2017: The Many Faces of Artificial Intelligence: From AI to Big Data - A Hist...
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2016: Fundamentos Matemáticos para Inteligência Artificial
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2010: Plano de Negócios e Incubação de Empresas de Base Tecnológica
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2002: Comparing Immune and Neural Networks
2002: Comparing Immune and Neural Networks2002: Comparing Immune and Neural Networks
2002: Comparing Immune and Neural Networks
2011: Empreendedorismo Digital - Como Dados Viram Negócios
2011: Empreendedorismo Digital - Como Dados Viram Negócios2011: Empreendedorismo Digital - Como Dados Viram Negócios
2011: Empreendedorismo Digital - Como Dados Viram Negócios


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2012: Natural Computing - The Grand Challenges and Two Case Studies

  • 1. Natural Computing: The Grand Challenges and Two Case Studies Leandro Nunes de Castro @lndecastro Computing and Informatics Faculty & Graduate Program in Electrical Engineering Natural Computing Laboratory (LCoN) 1
  • 2. •Natural Computing –An Overview –The Grand Challenges in Natural Computing Research •Case Studies –Social Media Mining –Mining Association Rules for Recommender Systems •Discussion 2 Summary
  • 3. Natural Computing An Overview* 3 * de Castro, L. N. (2007), “Fundamentals of Natural Computing: An Overview”, Physics of Life Reviews, 4(1), pp. 1-36.
  • 4. •1940s: Study of automatic computing; •1950s: Study of information processing; •1960s: Study of phenomena surrounding computers; •1970s: Study of what can be automated; •1980s: Study of computation; •2000s: Study of information processes, both natural and artificial. 4 Computing: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow* * Denning, P. (2008), “Computing Field: Structure”, In B. Wah (Ed.), Wiley Encyclopedia of Computer Science and Engineering, Wiley Interscience.
  • 5. 5 From the early days of computer science, by the 1940s, researchers have been interested in tracing parallels and designing computational models and abstractions of natural phenomena.
  • 6. The GCs aim at defining research questions that tend to be important in the long term, identifying and characterizing potential grand research problems. These may allow the formulation of projects capable of producing major scientific advancements, with practical applications for society and technology. Emphasis is in advancing science, a vision beyond specific projects, a clear and objective success evaluation and a great ambition. 6 The Grand Challenges (GCs)
  • 7. Theoretical Works Empirical Works Natural Computing Mathematical Models Bioinspiration Computational Synthesis of Natural Phenomena Computing with Natural Materials Natural Computing: The Old View
  • 8. Natural Computing: The New Perspective Natural Computing Computer Modeling of Nature Nature- Inspired Computing Computer Synthesis of Natural Phenomena Computing with New Materials Natural computing is a science concerned with the investigation and design of information processing in natural and computational systems.
  • 9. Natural Computing The Grand Challenges* 9 * de Castro, L. N.; Xavier, R. S.; Pasti, R.; Maia, R. D.; Szabo, A.; Ferrari, D. G. (2012), "The Grand Challenges in Natural Computing Research: The Quest for a New Science", Int. J. Nat. Comp. Res., 2(4), p. 16.
  • 10. 10 Natural Computing Biology Physics Chemistry Computer Science Natural Computing Biology Physics Chemistry Computer Science Multidisciplinarity Interdisciplinarity
  • 11. 11 Natural Computing Biology Physics Chemistry Computer Science GC 1: How to transpose Natural Computing into a transdisciplinary context?
  • 12. 12 “Computer science differs from physics in that it is not actually a science. It does not study natural objects. Neither is it mathematics. It’s like engineering – about getting to do something, rather than dealing with abstractions”.* “Biology is today an information science”** * Feynman, R. P. (1996), “The Feynman Lectures on Computation”, In A. J. G. Hey and R. W. Allen (Ed.), (Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley). ** Denning, P. J., (2001) (Ed.), The Invisible Future: The Seamless Integration of Technology in Everyday Life, McGraw- Hill.
  • 13. 13 GC 2: What is the Natural Computing role in this Informational Natural Sciences Era? Overcoming this challenge will bring two important benefits to Computing and Nature: • A Rethinking (and probably Redesign) of Computing • A New Form of Interacting With and Using Nature
  • 14. 14 Natural systems are open systems that communicate with the environment presenting a complex and emergent behavior. Complex biological systems must be modeled as self-referential, self- organizing, and auto-generative systems whose computational behavior goes far beyond the TM/VN paradigm. The system restructures itself in a hardware-software non-dissociable interaction: the hardware defines the software, and the software defines the hardware.
  • 15. 15 Are there standards to design (engineer) natural computing systems?* GC 3: To what degree defining standards for the engineering of Natural Computing systems is a limiting factor for the creative development of the field? * Brueckner, S. A.; Serugendo, G. D. M.; Karageorgos, A.; Nagpal, R., (2005), Engineering Self-Organizing Systems, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, 3464, Springer. * de Castro, L. N. (2001), Immune Engineering: Development and Application of Computational Tools Inspired by Artificial Immune Systems, Ph. D. Thesis presented at the Computer and Electrical Engineering School, Unicamp, Brazil. * Fernandez-Marquez, J. L.; Serugendo, G. D. M.; Montagna, S.; Viroli M.; Arcos J. L (2012), “Description and Composition of Bio-Inspired Design Patterns: A Complete Overview”, Natural Computing, Online, DOI 10.1007/s11047-012-9324-y. * Nagpal, R.; Mamei, M. (2004), “Engineering Amorphous Computing Systems”, Multiagent Systems, Artificial Societies, and Simulated Organizations, 11, Part V, pp. 303-320.
  • 16. Case Studies Applied Research 16
  • 17. Web Mining Social Media 17
  • 18. 18 110 billion minutes spent in social networks 13 years = 50 million people  9 months = 100 million users 250 million tweets/day (Nielsen, 2011) (Alé, 2012) (Alé, 2012) (Datasift, 2012) Data and Social Media
  • 19. 19 Qualitative analysis of tweets. Methodology based on text mining, natural language processing and ontologies for Sentiment Analysis (SA). Word Sense Disambiguation (WSD). Research Focus Social Media Analysis Tool Text Mining; NLP; Web Semantics Context Twitter
  • 20. 20 Social media and Microblog. Messages (tweets) with up to 140 characters. Stimulates simultaneous activities. Informal, allows the creation of new terms, slangs, mix of languages, ironies. Twitter Features
  • 21. 21 Text Mining Semi- or unstructured data Data Mining Structured Data Unstructured Data Analysis • Tokens •Stopwords removal • Stemming • Representation • Term (feature) selection • Association • Classification • Clustering • APIs • Crawlers •Confusion Matrix • Accuracy • Precision • Recall • F-measure
  • 22. 22 Text Analysis t1 t2 tc d1 w11 w12 ... w1c d2 w21 w22 ... w2c ... ... ... ... ... dN wN1 wN2 ... wNc Vector Space Model
  • 23. 23 Objeto Entrar Trancar Porta Molho Guardar Abrir Pessoa Presidente Ditador Hugo Venezuela Pessoa SBT Madruga Kiko Chiquinha Bruxa do 71 TV Girafales Chaves In Portuguese
  • 24. 24 Sentiment Analysis: Text classification based on the author’s opinion. Word Sense Disambiguation: Polysemic word: different meanings in different contexts. Word Sense Disambiguation: appropriate meaning to a text with polysemic words. WSD: words are classified according with a predefined set of meanings. Research Focus
  • 25. 25 Predicted Class Correct Class Positive Negative Positive TP FN Negative FP TN TP FN TP P TP TPR    FP TN FP N FP FPR    TP FP TN FN TP TN ACC      FP TP TP  Pr  FN TP TP  Re  ered levant ered ecision Recov Re Recov Pr   levant levant ered call Re Re Recov Re   Interest Measures
  • 26. 26 Context-Based Word Sense Disambiguation (CBWSD): Polysemic words: e.g. Chaves, Estrelas, Na Brasa, Agora é tarde. Context (semantic graph): OntoGeneral; OntoSpecific. Classification based on the semantic graph. Sentiment analysis based on Emoticons, Ontologies and Natural Computing: Need to train the classifier. Emoticon: graphic representation of a facial expression. Example: :) :( :| :D Ontology: concepts and their relations within a domain. Case Study: Social TV
  • 27. 27 Materials and Methods: CBWDS Tweets about “Agora é tarde”: Total: 6030 tweets Period: 6-7 July 2012 (24 hours). Generation of the Semantic Graph. Case Study: Social TV
  • 28. •INCLUDE NEW RESULTS 28 Partial Results Without the Neutral Class Predicted Class Measure Result Measure Positive Negative Positivo Negativo ACC 0.9580 Precision 0.9558 0.0544 Correct Class Positive 2877 0 TPR 1 Recall 1 0.5521 Negative 133 164 FPR 0.4478 F-measure 0.9774 0.0991 Total: 142766 ms - Per tweet: 36 ms Neutral as Positive Predicted Class Measure Result Measure Positive Negative Positive Negative ACC 0.9689 Precision 0.9741 0.0318 Correct Class Positive 5015 33 TPR 0.9934 Recall 0.9934 0.5521 Negative 133 164 FPR 0.4478 F-measure 0.9837 0.0602 Total: 118310 ms - Per tweet: 30 ms
  • 29. Mining Association Rules for Recommender Systems Artificial Immune Systems 29
  • 30. •Discovery of association relations between items (attributes) in transactional databases. 30 Association Rules Milk Bread Cereals Butter Milk Biscuit Cereals Chocolate Bread Coffee Eggs Sugar Bread Coffee Yogurt Sweetener
  • 31. •Given a set of transactions, where each transaction is a set of items, na association rule is a rule X  Y in which X and Y are itemsets. •Concepts: –Coverage or support: number of transactions for which the prediction rule is correct. –Accuracy or confidence: number of objects that the rule predicts correctly, proportionally to the instances to which it applies. support(A  B) = P(A  B) = (Freq. of A and B) / (Total of T). confidence(A  B) = P(B|A) = (Freq. of A and B) / (Freq. of A). 31 Association Rules
  • 32. The problem of mining association rules corresponds to finding all the rules that satisfy a minimal support and confidence. 32
  • 33. 33 Evolutionary Design of ARs •Approaches: –Pittsburgh: each individual represents the whole set of rules. –Michigan: each individual represents a single rule, and the whole population composes the set of rules. •Encoding scheme: A B C D E F G H 11 00 01 10 00 11 10 00 00: antecedent 11: consequent 01 ou 10: not part of the rule
  • 34. •Comprehensibility: •Interestingness: •Operators: –Binary encoding allos the use of standard operators, such as single-point mutation and crossover. 34 Interest Measures and Operators C1(R) = log(1 + |C|)/log(1 + |A  C|). I(R) = (|A  C|/|A|) * (|A  C|/|C|) * (1(|A  C|/|D|)). C2(R) = log(1 + |C|) + log(1 + |A  C|).
  • 35. 35 Algorithms Evaluated procedure [P] = eGA(pc,pm,pe,D) initialize P f := evaluate(P,D); P := select(P,f,pe); while not_stopping_criterion do, P := reproduce(P,f,pc); P := variate(P,pm); f := evaluate(P,D); P := select(P,f,pe); t := t+1; end while end procedure procedure [P] = CLONALG1-2(D,max_it,n1,n2) initialize P t := 1; while t >= max_it do, f := evaluate(P); P1 := select(P,n1,f)**; C := clone(P1,f); C := mutate(C,f); f1 := evaluate(C1); P1 := select(C1,n1,f1); P := replace(P,n2); t ← t + 1; end while end procedure Evolutionary Immune
  • 36. •SPECT Heart database from UCI. 36 Case Study: Recommendation for a Synthetic Dataset Apriori eGA CLONALG1 CLONALG2 Support 0.35 ± 0.04 0.37 ± 0.03 0.46 ± 0.02 0.37 ± 0.02 Confidence 0.65 ± 0.16 0.86 ± 0.05 0.94 ± 0.01 0.92 ± 0.01 Compreheensibility 1 0.54 ± 0.06 0.50 ± 0.05 0.50 ± 0.01 0.46 ± 0.02 Compreheensibility 2 0.14 ± 0.03 0.14 ± 0.01 0.13 ± 0.00 0.14 ± 0.01 Interestingness 0.35 ± 0.08 0.35 ± 0.08 0.30 ± 0.00 0.26 ± 0.03 Unique Rule 17 ± 0.00 1.60 ± 0.60 1.50 ± 1.50 6.40 ± 2.30 Processing Time 6.5s ± 0.00 4.5s ± 1.01 9.3s ± 1.13 9.3s ± 1.16
  • 37. 37 Case Study: Recommendation for E-Commerce Apriori eGA CLONALG1 CLONALG2 Support 0.024 0.009 ± 0.002 (0.006; 0.014) 0.013 ± 0.002 (0.011; 0.016) 0.012 ± 0.003 (0.007; 0.016) Confidence 1.000 1.000 ± 0.000 (1.000; 1.000) 1.000 ± 0.000 (1.000; 1.000) 1.000 ± 0.000 (1.000; 1.000) Compreheensibility 1 0.800 0.770 ± 0.028 (0.744; 0.826) 0.787 ± 0.021 (0.747; 0.822) 0.811 ± 0.022 (0.774; 0.843) Compreheensibility 2 0.030 0.684 ± 0.001 (0.682; 0.685) 0.087 ± 0.030 (0.035; 0.136) 0.110 ± 0.024 (0.059; 0.139) Interestingness 0.994 0.997 ± 0.000 (0.997; 0.997) 0.982 ± 0.018 (0.941; 0.997) 0.997 ± 0.000 (0.997; 0.997) Processing Time 639.026 s 82.281 s 112,636 s 99.116 s
  • 38. Discussion Natural Computing: The Past, Present and Future 38
  • 39. •Focus on: –Designing novel nature-inspired algorithms. –Synthesizing natural phenomena. –Using natural materials for computing. •Real-world applications are unquestionable, but the field seems to be stuck on the same types of algorithms. •Researchers are taking efforts to look at and formalize information processing in natural and computational systems.* 39 The Past and Present * Zenil, H. (2012) (Ed.), A Computable Universe: Understanding Computation & Exploring Nature as Computation, World Scientific.
  • 40. •Grand Challenges for the field: –Transforming Natural Computing into a Transdisciplinary Discipline. –Unveiling and Harnessing Information Processing in Natural Systems. –Engineering Natural Computing Systems. 40 And the Future?
  • 41. Thank You! Questions? Comments? Leandro Nunes de Castro @lndecastro 41