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   Keys to uncovering your self
   worth and surviving a love

         Sharon P. Carson

Contact Information
Sharon P. Carson
P.O. Box 28-8482, Chicago, Il. 60628
Phone: 773-568-2274
Fax: 773-568-2275
Copyright 2003

               by Sharon P. Carson

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be
reprinted or reproduced or utilized in any form or
by any electronic, computerized, mechanical or
other means, now known of hereafter invented,
including photocopying and recording, or in any
information storage or retrieval system, without
permission in writing from Sharon P. Carson,


Why do we feel so insecure without a hand
                to hold?
 And then we make our search for one
         our life s entire goal!

Dedicated to

Tracy, Kimberly, Candice, Mellanie, Tiffany,
       Gabrielle, Autumn & Chayce


Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .pgs.. .8-9

        Hope for the Book         10-12

Training Camp .13-15

        A Diamond in the Rough -16

        The Tears of Fear               -16-18

        Don t Take It Personally        18-19

        Your Life Has Purpose           19-20

        Every Experience                 20-21

        Any Man at Any Cost -           21

        Don t Get Desperate              21-22

        Waiting to Be Happy              22-23

        The Man Shortage Myth           23-25

101 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . .25

         I Did Everything                       25

         I Can t Live Without Him               26

           The Time Between                      27

         But I Love Him                          27-28

         Fall in Love with Yourself              28

         He wants me to lose weight              28-29

         Sop the Pot!                            29-30

         Money is Only Good                      30-31

                     Why?                        31-32

         Love Is Indestructible                  32-33

         Don t Try to Kick                       33-34
         Get Out!

         Slow Down                               35

         The Golden Rule                         35-36

There s Enough to Go Around
Why Would a Man Cheat? 37

To Forgive or Not To Forgive?
Don t Become what you Hate
The Brainwasher            39

Make the Right Decision

LOVE LESSONS              40-41

The hard part of love     41

      Know Yourself        41

      Waiting for Revenge 41

      I Can Change Him    41-42

      A Sneak Preview     42

      Stand Tall           42

      Stay on Your Pedestal 42

      Turn up the Heat     42

Flip the Script               43

                   A New Day                     43

Healing A Broken Heart . 43-47

         The Prayer Factor             43-44

         The Broken Heart Eviction Process

The Greatest Love of
All . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

         The Courtship                           48-51

                     A Word to the Wise

Act like a Lady Think like a Man was
inspired by a newspaper article I read about a
woman who found out that her husband was
having an affair. She went to various
extremes in an attempt to save her marriage.
She had plastic surgery and liposuction,
joined a gym, quit her job to concentrate on
her husband and her marriage, cooked his
favorite meals, and had sex with him three
times a day. Yet even in the face of this level
of desperate measures, her long-time husband
still left her for the other woman.

In many similar cases, after a marital or
relational break-up, the man quickly moves
on to another relationship but the woman,
more often than not, continues to suffer for
longer periods of time from emotional scars.
She will sometimes suffer for the rest of her
life from anger, distrust of men, bitterness and
an inability to forgive. The internalization of
these negative emotions will undoubtedly
have a negative effect on her personality, her
health and her happiness.

There are too many bitter women who have
been carrying this emotional garbage around
for too long; now it s time to take out the
garbage. It s time for women to move from
pain to gain.

Act like a Lady Think like a Man is a
collection of short lessons that are intended to
inspire women to practice both self-love and
tough love in relationships. These lessons
have been gleaned from my personal
experiences as well as from the experiences of
the many women who have openly shared
their relationship experiences with me.


One of my hopes for this book is that women,
after reading it, will have more love and
respect for themselves, just the way that they

I want women to understand that they were
not created as a half person who will be
incomplete without a male half. They were
born complete, with everything they need to
have a complete and fulfilling life, even if that
life does not include an ongoing relationship
with a man.

Act Like A Lady
The title of the book, Act like a Lady Think
like a Man, was born out of my belief that a
woman should always act like a lady. I will
not try to provide a blanket definition for
what it means to act like a lady. Every woman
has to decide for herself what it means to act
like a lady.

But for me and the purposes of my book,
acting like a lady has nothing to do with
manicures, pedicures, high-heeled shoes or
weekly hair do s. In the context of my book,
a woman who acts like a lady is one who
exudes self-confidence. She accepts and
appreciates who she is, both inside and out.
She has respects herself and demands respect
from her male counterpart.

Think like a Man
 I believe that by gaining some insight into
how men think (in terms of their relationships
with women,) a woman can help better her
present relationship and be more able either to
recognize the signs of a bad relationship so
that she doesn t fall into one, or to recognize
if she has already fallen into one.

In today s world women s hearts are being
broken over and over again, as easily as eggs
for an omelet and without remorse or second
thought. I believe that by learning how
differently men and women view
relationships a woman can obtain the tools
she needs to repair her relationship problems.

Many women don t have a clue as to how
men think because for the most part, men do
not open themselves up to vulnerabilities by
telling women what they really think. More
often than not, what a woman learns about
how a man thinks comes from a man who
either wants to sleep with her, is in a
relationship with her already or has some
other interest in her. She will never truthfully
learn how he thinks because he usually will
not open up to her for fear of jeopardizing the

There is also another type of woman, who is
close-minded and not open to the truth even if
a man chooses to share it. Women should be
open to an honest dialogue with men.

After all, every good hunter always learns the
habits of its prey.


Women could save themselves a lot of
heartache if they understood that the
difference between a man and a woman
amounts to more than just their sexual organs.

For the most part, men and women do not
think alike. A man cannot validate all of a
woman s feelings or understand all of her
emotions because the two experience the
world differently, are usually brought up
differently from childhood, and have different
expectations placed on them by the world. A
woman should remember that a man cannot
give what he does not have. If a man was not
raised with love and affection, it is hard for
him to give love and affection.

One of the biggest mistakes a woman can
make is to think that because a man wants to
have sex with her, he has some deep feelings
for her as a person, when in many instances
this is not the case. To the average man, sex is
sex and to many women, sex is love. This is
one of the major differences between the
thinking of a man and the thinking of a
woman. The woman who is unable to
differentiate between love and a man s love of
sex will undoubtedly find herself on the
crowded road that leads to Heartbreak Hotel.

You could have married someone from

Minniehollerwaller is an imaginary place, but
it serves to prove a good point. Have you
ever thought about the fact that most couples
meet in their own state, city, or even

It is amazing how most women, who have
been in relationships probably, met who they
consider their perfect mate or partner right in
the same neighborhood, city, school or social
circles that they were already in. Is this a

Let s Get Real about it!

If you lived in Canada, you probably would
have met and married a Canadian; in Texas, a
Texan; in Chicago, a Chicagoan; in Australia,
an Australian; in Brazil, a Brazilian; in Africa,
an African and so on.

In other words, throughout this world you
have many possibilities for a mate. You are
simply more likely to meet one within your
immediate community or social circles. Once
you free yourself from thinking that there is
only one man in the world for you, you will
be free of the fear that he will leave you and
that you will never find anyone to replace him.

Women should know that they have many
possibilities for a mate and they don t have to
worry about the one who s a continent away
or a state away or a city away, because there
is usually one just a zip code away.


Why do women always talk about the need to
find a man as though he is the diamond? You
are the diamond! And you can polish yourself
like a diamond by holding yourself in high

Have you ever noticed that some women, who
in society s view are not considered
traditionally attractive, believe themselves to
be attractive and carry themselves that way,
showing self confidence to everyone around
them? As a young person might say, they
believe that they are all that and a bag of

It does not take long for those around these
self-confident people to start seeing them in
the same way they see themselves.

The bottom line is that others will value you
only to the extent that you value yourself. Act
like a diamond, believe you are a diamond,
demand to be treated like a diamond and stop
allowing men to treat you like cubic


I once met a woman who told me that after
her husband left her, she cried every day for
six years. I asked her what finally made her

stop crying and she replied that she had made
a pact with God - if He would take care of her
and her children, she would move on and stop
crying, and she finally did.

During the course of those six years, she had
purchased a new house and gotten a better job,
and her children were doing great. All around
her good things were happening but
she was so absorbed in the pain of the break
up that she couldn t see that God was
answering her prayer.

So how did she suddenly stop crying after 6
years? One day she just came to herself.

She woke up from her nightmare and made a
decision to allow her mind to regain control
of her emotions, which is something she
could and should have done immediately after
the man left.

There are people who have ended up with a
premature divorce or a jail sentence, ended up
hurting someone else or even hurting
themselves because they could not control
their emotions. Emotions are like unruly
children that need a parent to rein them in.
And the parent of your emotions is a sound
mind or a careful thought process.

Emotions want you to focus on the hurt and
anger. They want you to feel powerless and
fearful and to react negatively to a troubling

situation, thus producing negative results; a
sound mind tells you to think clearly and then
act based on careful thought, so usually you
end up reacting in a positive way with
positive results.
You have the power to control your emotions
but you have to come to yourself, you have to
wake up and make a decision to use the power
within you.

The best information I can provide you on
this subject comes directly from the Bible:

 For God hath not given us the spirit of fear;
  but of power, and of love, and of a sound
            (2nd Timothy 1:7)

You must allow your sound mind to control
your emotions.


Often a woman feels like something is wrong
with her when a man breaks off their
relationship. In many cases she loses her self-

Since the beginning of time, men have broken
off relationships with some of the most
beautiful, intelligent and talented women in
the world -- Halle Berry, Mariah Carey,
Vanessa Williams and Janet Jackson, just to

name a few. Oftentimes, the woman he
replaces her with doesn t have half as much
going for her as the woman he left.

Can you imagine these women that I have just
mentioned losing their self esteem? Well, it
happens. A well-known actress, who is
considered one of the most beautiful and
talented women in the industry, was
interviewed on the Oprah Winfrey show and
shared with Oprah that after her recent
divorce, she lost all of her self-esteem. The
audience was shocked because they could not
believe that this woman who had everything
going for her could have lost her self-esteem.

She lost it because her self-esteem came from
who she was with rather than from who she
was. When self esteem comes from who you
are with, it will leave with that person too. But
when it comes from who you are, it will be
with you for a lifetime


You were not born by coincidence, but by
divine purpose. There is a purpose for your
life and no matter how large or small your
contribution might seem, or how insignificant
others might think you are, that purpose is
uniquely yours and is just as important as
anyone else s purpose on earth.

People always want to know their purpose.
This train of thought assumes that there is a
singular purpose for your life. But if there was
only one purpose for your life then what good
would you be once you fulfilled that purpose?

Your life is too important for it to have only
one purpose. You have many purposes, most
of which you may never know. But if you
continue to live a loving and unselfish life
every day, you will unknowingly fulfill your
many daily purposes.


Every failure prepares you for success and
every success prepares you for greater success.
If you ground your thinking in this truth, a
failed relationship will not devastate you or
push you over the edge as it has done to far
too many women. You will realize that
success is inevitably in your future through
the lessons you have learned from a failure.

You Will Experience What you Expect

When a woman does not expect to find the
right mate (the all men are dogs syndrome),
she begins to expect that she will end up with
a dog, and hope for a poodle instead of a pit

You will experience what you expect!


In the language of an old blues song, "I can do
bad by myself.

There are some women who don't care how
badly a man treats them, as long as they can
say they have a man. They believe this tells
the world that someone loves them, which
gives them a temporary but false feeling of

If you are one of these women who think any
man is better than no man, do yourself a favor
and volunteer at a battered women s shelter
your thinking will soon change.


It may be unthinkable to many women
(especially younger ones), but there is always
the possibility that you may have to go it

If a woman faces the prospect of not having a
man in her life, she must strive to avoid
desperation, which can lead to bad choices.
So how do you know when you are getting
desperate? When bad men start looking good,
then you know that you re desperate. You can

avoid desperation by not placing your life on
hold while waiting for a man (or anything else)
to make you happy.

Here is a poem I wrote on the subject.


  I can't wait till my kids are grown and on
                    their own
      I can't wait no longer to be happy.

I can t wait till my bills are paid or my hair is
      I can t wait no longer to be happy.

I can't wait till I lose some weight, get a date,
                     find a mate
      I can't wait no longer to be happy.

    I can't wait till someone smiles at me
      or sees the things I wish they'd see
      or till I become what I want to be.

     I can't wait for time and chance
              A new romance
  Someone to ask before I dine and dance.

     I can't wait on a win, a kin, a friend,
          or for my ship to come in.
    I must be happy whatever state I'm in.

       I can't wait for a wrong to right
           Or a reason to forgive.

I can't hold a grudge for life.
           I must move on and live.

        A merry heart is good, I know
         And health to all my bones.
          I can't let my body down
     through tears and fears and moans.

      This is the day the Lord has made
        In it I will rejoice and be glad.
      I refuse to wait for a perfect state
         And spend my life being sad.


Let's dispense with the "Man Shortage Myth."
This myth has been keeping women in a panic
for years some end up searching for a man
like a lost winning mega bucks lottery ticket!
The reason many women don't find the right
man is because they wouldn't know him if
they saw him. They are looking at the wrong
things, and miss the right opportunity when it
presents itself.

You may have to stop looking at all the trees
and look at some bushes. Your guy may be
shorter than you, less educated than you and
yes, he may be a hard worker but not making
as much money as you. These days, age
shouldn t be a barrier to happiness either.

Throw out that antiquated notion that he must
be 2 years older than you. Don't rob the cradle,
but stop eliminating all younger men. It s
more important to judge a man from the
inside out than from the outside in.

Now let s look at the numbers that are being
used to perpetuate the man shortage myth.
Men love to talk about the fact that there are
more available women than men. Many men
want to make sure that a woman keeps this in
the back of her mind, both to exploit this
myth and to feed the desperation and fear that
some women have of never being able to find
a good man.

The outnumbering of women to men I am
sure can be substantiated by census data and
natural mathematics. But I don t believe in
relying solely on natural math.

There is a greater form of mathematics, called
faith math. And it supercedes all natural
mathematics. Here are my calculations based
on faith math:

There may be 200 available women for every
100 available men according to natural math
(this assumes that the men and women are all
quality individuals.) In faith math, only 50 of
the 200 women really believe or have faith
that they will get a good man, thus
eliminating 150 women from the equation.
And because you will experience what you

expect, the final computation via faith math is
50 women per every 100 men.

Remember, you will experience what you

Sometimes a woman will complain that she
did everything to keep her relationship going
while her partner did nothing.

I would ask this woman, Did you feel so
invaluable in the relationship that you didn't
feel worthy of him doing anything for you?

A relationship is predicated upon more than
one central figure. If everything is centered
around the man, then you are not in a
relationship, you are in a slave ship.


Therein lies your problem - you did
everything for him. You should have made
him do more for you. Remember this golden
rule for the next relationship. Whatever you
think he is going to do well for the next
woman, make him do for you right now.


I remember what my aunt Laverne once told
her husband "I used to didn't know you. If
you lived before him, you can live after him.

And some women might say yes but my life
before him was lonely and miserable. It
probably was lonely and miserable because
you were spending too much time waiting for
someone or something to make it not be
lonely and miserable. Your life cannot be
lived waiting on anyone or any event to make
you happy. Happiness is not meant to come in
spurts, restricted to the manifestation of long-
awaited events.

The longest and most important times of your
life are those times between events - like the
time between being single and getting married,
being over-weight to losing weight, being
jobless to having a job, being childless to
having children, or being alone to having a
man in your life - events that you think will
make you happy. It is during these times in
your life that you should find a way to best
utilize the talents, gifts and aspirations that
are uniquely yours.

Here is a poem I wrote on the subject; I hope
you can understand it because it is short but
very profound.


      As we re rushing here and there
  Heading fast towards God knows where
     Let us not forget the time between.
          As we are a healthy soul
      Moving towards our higher goal
    Let us not belittle the time between.
      For life is lived between the wait
   From where we are to a desired state
  So thus, we must enjoy the time between.


Some women stay with men that have abused
them mentally, physically, socially,
economically, and every other way possible.
When asked why they stay, the response is
often, I love him.

How can a person love the taste of feces?
The woman in this scenario does not really
love the taste of feces; rather, she is in love
with the idea of being in love. She is in what
can be called a dysfunctional comfort zone ,
having remained in a bad relationship for so
long that it feels normal.

It is very hard for a woman to leave this type
of relationship. She will only be able to move

out of it when she begins to love herself and
realizes that she deserves to be treated

A man will only treat you as lovingly as you
treat yourself  remember, you will
experience what you expect!


It cannot be stressed enough how important it
is to love yourself.

My mother told me when I was very young
that it doesn't matter what others think of you,
it only matters what you think of yourself.
  You must love yourself, she told me. For
me, this experience was very freeing.
Whether you are overweight wanting to be
skinny or short wanting to be tall, you must
learn to love yourself just the way you are. If
you do, then the way you want to be becomes
less important than the way you are.

You will then have self confidence and self-
esteem in such measure that you can t lose it,
because it is not dependent on anything,
anyone or any goal to sustain it.


If you are overweight, losing weight is a
wonderful idea for many reasons, including
your health. When you embark on a weight-
loss program, however, do it because it is
something you want to do and not just to
please the man in your life. If it makes him
happy in the process, that's great, but he might
think you need to lose 50 pounds and you
would be happy with 5.

The most important thing is for you to be
happy with yourself and to make changes
based on factors that are important to you and
how you want to look and feel.

For some women it is more important to walk,
talk, look, dress and think the way the man in
their life wants them to, rather than to please
themselves. In the end, these women often
become someone they hate in order to please
someone they think they love.


Any good cook knows that the best flavor in a
stew can be found lying in the bottom of the
pot after most of the stew is gone. They use
whatever is at their disposal spoon, bread or
fingers and reach down into the bottom of
the pot and scoop up what is left. This is
called sopping the pot.

It s time for women to sop the pot of their
souls! The best part of you is not your
outward appearance, as this will inevitably
fade away. The best part of you is within you.
You must reach down into the pot of your
soul and rediscover the rich ingredients that
make you unique the things you like, the
things that make you happy, your desires,
ambitions and goals. Stir up all these
wonderful substances that lie deep in the pot
of your soul and move forward, realizing that
that every day you live is the perfect day to do
anything you want. By sopping the pot of
your soul, you can have a feast for life.


I once had a conversation with a person who
told me that they wished that they could
afford to go on a vacation. I knew that this
person could have afforded to go anywhere in
the world they wanted to go but had gotten so
used to not spending any money and not
going anywhere that it was hard for them to
move out of this condition.

Your money is only good on earth and in your

You shouldn t break the piggy bank, but you
shouldn t seal the bottom so you can t get
anything out either. One thing I have learned
is not to wish for something that is within my

financial capacity to have. We did not bring
anything with us when we came into this
world and surely we will take nothing with us
when we leave. And if we do not enjoy what
we accumulate in between, then, to borrow a
quote from the Bible, we have labored for the

This is a poem I wrote that touches on the


   Why do we save for rainy days, while the
         sun yet shines so bright?

 Why do we put on hold our dreams until our
              life s twilight?

 Why do we say tomorrow, tomorrow, when
        today would do just fine?

And then, when tomorrow s rain comes down,
      we long for yesterday s sunshine.

 Why do we say our joy will come with some
            set circumstance?

  When we know so many things in life are
        given to time and chance?

Why do we save our every penny and then we
              fear to spend?

Caught in a quest for riches, that seems to
                 never end.

 Life was made for living and living as best
                 you can

  If you save and save and never spend, you
            save for another man.

Take stock of all your blessings seek God s
        direction from where you are
 Then step upon life s waters and walk both
                near and far.

You ll find the things you ve dreamed of were
               always very near

But that which kept you from them was fear
             just plain old fear!


I have often heard women say, "I gave him all
my love and he still left me and now I don t
know what to do. To say that you have
given someone all of your love implies that
you don t have any love left for anything or
anybody, not even yourself.

Love is not something that you were born
with in limited supply, to be measured and
distributed as you desire. You were born with
a waterfall of love that keeps cycling itself

over and over again. You were born to love
and you will never lose your ability to love.
Love is like energy: it cannot be destroyed, it
only changes form. That is why people can
fall in love over and over again, and with each
successive person feel like they have never
been more in love. Even the most evil of
persons can love, even if it is evil that they

The woman in this scenario, who feels that
she gave away all her love and has nothing
left, is just a woman who placed all of the
value of the relationship in the man and forgot
to love and appreciate herself and her
contribution to the relationship. If you have
come out of a broken relationship it should
reassure you to know that all of the love you
had is not gone; even though you may think
you gave it all away, you will never lose your
ability to love and there will always be people
for you to love. The challenge, however, is
for you to remember to love yourself as well.


If a man locks you out of his life, shutting the
door on the relationship, and you want to get
back in, you should knock gently, reveal to
him the person at the door and explain why
you want to come back in, but if he doesn t

reopen the door, you should not try to kick the
closed door down.

Remember: you can learn to love someone
who loves you but you cannot teach someone
to love you.
Both parties win when a relationship ends in a
decision and not a knock-out.


Let s equate being in a bad relationship to
stepping in doggy doo. If you step in doggy
doo, as many women have, don't just stay
there! It s not quicksand or concrete. But the
longer you stay, the harder it is to get out
because it becomes like quicksand, pulling
you in deeper, or like concrete, beginning to
harden around you.

Women often have a hard time exiting bad
relationships because of fear. Every woman
has to deal with the individual real or unreal
risks of a situation for herself. It is important
for women to know, however, that there are
many open roads out of bad relationships and
many resources to support you along the way.
Fear should not be the master that keeps you

I have been taught to see my fears as a person
standing across from me on the other side of a
gulf or a deep canyon, yelling and screaming

at me and telling me all the things that they
want to do to me. But I know that they can t
get over to do me any harm because if they
try, they will fall into the canyon.

And I don t just stand there listening; I see
myself walking and enjoying my walk and
the farther I walk away the quieter the voice
of fear becomes.


You don't have to be in a hurry to find a mate.
Life is not a sprint; it s a marathon.

When you are young, you want to race
through life in record time, but as you get
older you'll learn just to enjoy the ride.


One day I was watching a daytime talk show
called, My Man is Cheating on Me. I was
amazed by the beautiful and intelligent
women who would come out and talk about
how badly they were being treated by the
womanizing men in their lives. Sometimes
two women would start fighting on the stage
over which one of them the man was going to
choose to stay in a relationship with.

But even more amazing were the men who
would then come out. They would more often
than not, turn out to be the worst-looking,
meanest and most disrespectful creatures you
could imagine. I don t believe that this
scenario is only being played out on the talk
shows; I believe that it is being played out all
across America and the world because many
women have lost sight of how valuable, how
wonderful, how beautiful, how unique they
really are.

The women in this scenario are fighting for
their life because they don t believe they have
a life or any individual value apart from their
relationship with the man.

The Golden Rule of Relationships as was told
to me by a man is this: If you place your own
value in a relationship below that of the man,
you will never be able to up the price.


People may not love you, but they cannot take
away your ability to love others. If no one
will hug you, then you should hug someone.
If no one tells you I love you then you
should tell someone you love them.

Many times what we think is an
overwhelming desire in us to be loved is
really an overwhelming desire to find

someone to share the abundance of love we
have within us with. There is no shortage of
people to love and if you are a believer, then
you know that God has commanded you to
love everyone.

For far too long, people have confined and
defined the word love in the context of a
romantic relationship. But if everyone sought
to love, rather than to be loved, everyone
would find love.


For the same reason he would cheat on a bad
woman - because he can. It is not about you
or the woman with whom he may be cheating.
It s about him.

Let's use an example:

A man has slept with perhaps 50 different
women, and always moves on to find another
woman. In each scenario, there is only one
common denominator THE SAME MAN.
The sex act, then, was never really about any
of the women. It was always about the man
and his insatiable desire to please himself and
the opportunities that he has to do so.

If he cheats, it s not because you have a
problem. It s because he does.


If a man asks you what you would do if you
caught him cheating, never answer the
question. Always keep him guessing. If he
knows what you would do, he might decide
that the punishment is light enough to make
the crime worth committing.

If a man has been caught cheating and asks
forgiveness, it is usually for one of two

       1. He has made a mistake and is truly
          sorry, or
       2. He is sorry he got caught

The man who is truly sorry may not do it
again, but the man who is sorry he got caught
is destined to repeat the offense.


When someone has hurt you through betrayal,
one reaction might be to stay in the
relationship and stay angry with that person
for days or weeks or even years. Another
reaction might be to turn the tables on them
and hurt them the way they hurt you. But to
repay evil with evil, you must become evil. It

is important for you not to become what you

If you have decided to stay in the relationship,
you will need to forgive and move through it
but if you have decided to stay in the
relationship and remain angry it will be like
taking poison every day and hoping the other
person will die from it.


Sometimes a man will continue to focus on all
of a woman s faults in order to overshadow
his own faults. This is some men s method of
trying to brainwash women into believing that
no one else would want them and that they
should stay in the relationship because he is
the best that she can get.

The women in this scenario should realize
that if this man wants them, then others will
too. One mans trash is another mans treasure,
so don t be brainwashed.


Every day that you wake up, you can be
whatever you decide to be and not be what
you don t want to be.

If you decide to be somebody s doormat, you
can be that. And if you decide to be
somebody s darling, you can be that, too.

Life is about choices and the decisions are


You must accept whatever you don t like
about yourself that is beyond your control.

Learn to be content with who you are, both
the inward and the outward you. When you
really learn to enjoy being yourself and being
with yourself, you will find that you can be
alone without being lonely. Although you
may still desire companionship, that desire
will no longer be a controlling factor in your

Some women have unfaithful companions
that come home every night, but these women
unknowingly are still home alone.

You must choose your associates wisely;
don t let them choose you. It is better to be
alone than in bad company.

The Barbie and Ken Syndrome
Don t make the mistake that some men often
do of picking a Barbie doll just to impress
their friends, without caring if there is any
value inside. Don t pick a man based on how
good he looks. Bragging about his looks is
insignificant if you can t brag about how well
he treats you.

The hard part of love
Falling in love is easy staying in love is
harder because no one is loveable everyday.
It s important to remember this fact.
Relationships would last longer if couples
would realize and accept that they might love
each other everyday, but will have days when
it is difficult to like each other.

Know Yourself
Make sure you know who you are before you
enter into a relationship, or the man will
define you.

Waiting for Revenge
Instead of waiting for something bad to
happen to the person that hurt you, spend your
time making something good happen for

I Can Change Him
You cannot change a man. The man has to
want to change and then make the change
himself. The only thing you can do is refuse
to accept bad behavior from him; if he cares

enough about you and a relationship with you,
he will realize the need to change. Whether or
not he makes the change is entirely up to him.
Most women know what type of man they are
getting involved with, but they make the
mistake of thinking that they can change what
they are getting into what they want.

A Sneak Preview
My aunt Julia gave me some invaluable
advice, one week after I was married. She told
me that however you start out is usually how
you will end up. Many years of marriage
later, I have found that to be very true.

Stand Tall
One of my father s favorite sayings to his
children was stand tall . What he really
meant was: demand to be respected. No one
can ride your back unless you bend down and
the lower you bend, the heavier the weight
and the less likely you are to get up. If you
don t want a man to ride your back just stand

Stay on your pedestal
Value is always related to scarcity and since
you are one of a kind, you are priceless. Hold
yourself in high esteem and stay away from
men who try to belittle you. If you don t mean
much to them, they won t treat you like much.

Turn Up the Heat
Negative men, like negative people in general,
will try to pour water on your dreams. Some
men are afraid of your success. They will
focus on all of your faults to overshadow their
own. Turn up the fire under your dreams so
high that no one can pour on enough water to
put them out.

Flip the Script
Men can t treat women badly without women
allowing it. We treat ourselves badly by
allowing it to continue.

A New Day
Every ending is a new beginning and a new
opportunity to make your life better by using
the lessons learned from past mistakes. The
lessons learned from Mr. Wrong can bring
you success with Mr. Right.


The Prayer Factor

The Bible records Jesus as saying that:

      The Spirit of the Lord is upon me,
  He has sent me to heal the brokenhearted.
                 (Luke 4:18)

As a Christian and as a person who has
experienced both the pain and the healing of a

broken heart, I know that there is no substitute
for prayer when it comes to healing a broken
When something is broken, the manufacturer
is always the best source for repairs.

To pray and ask God for divine healing for
your broken heart and for wisdom and
direction will prove invaluable and
undoubtedly effective for those that believe in
the existence an all-powerful, all-knowing
and all-loving God.

 Casting all your care upon him, for he cares
                   for you.
                 (1 Peter 5:7)

The Broken Heart Eviction Process

Below is a 4-step broken heart eviction
process, analogous to the eviction process in
real estate for someone who has an illegal

Step 1: Acknowledge the pain
The 1st step in the process of evicting a
broken heart is to acknowledge its presence
without allowing it to take up permanent
residency within you. There is no sense in a
woman trying to deny the pain she feels from
a broken heart. She may mask it very well and
deny it to others but to herself she should be
true and acknowledge that her experience is
very painful.

It is uniquely painful because the woman is
usually in a situation where a man has broken
her heart and she is trying abruptly to hate
someone she really loves. It s like trying to
come to a quick stop in your car when it s
going 100 MPH a very hard thing to do
without some consequences!

Step 2: Serve The Eviction Notice
The 2nd step in the process of evicting a
broken heart is to serve it an eviction notice.
The eviction notice is served when a woman
resolves within herself to protect her property
(her body, soul and mind), and will not allow
a broken heart to consume her thoughts,
deplete her energies, control her emotions or
destroy her health.

A neighbor of mine shared with me that he
was going through a divorce because his wife
had become pregnant by another man. He
shared with me the pain of his broken heart.
He shared with me his feeling that his spirit
was broken; he was without joy. His heart
was so broken that he ended up with an actual
physical heart problem for which he was
being treated and he ultimately lost his good
job because of the resulting physical problems.
He shared that his mind was so consumed
with the thoughts and visions of his wife
cheating that he could not think clearly His
broken heart had damaged his body, his spirit
and his mind.

In time, he ended up finding a very good and
faithful wife and told me that he is now a very
happy man. But look at the toll the broken
heart took on him in the mean time or the in
between time.

Step 3: Cut off the utilities
As a continuation to the eviction process, the
3rd step is to cut off the broken heart s power
sources, which are analogous to its utilities
(gas, light, and phone.) Its power sources are
things like anger, thoughts of revenge, an
inability to forgive and self pity. These
negative emotions sustain the residency of a
broken heart and enable it comfortably to stay
longer. Negative emotions must be resisted
and not allowed to control ones thoughts.

Once the negative emotions which were its
power sources have been cut off, there is no
reason for the broken heart to keep fighting
the eviction process and it will begin to move

As quickly as it is moving out of ones spirit
and mind, one should begin to move in
positive thoughts, self-love and renewed
direction, so that there will be no need to
dwell on any hurt or emptiness leftover from
the experience.

Step 4: Get The Keys

The 4th and final step is for a woman to
realize that she has been empowered by the
wisdom gained through the lessons learned
from the bad experience. This newfound
wisdom is representative of a set of personal
keys that she alone possesses. These keys
will provide her the ability to control
personally all of the entrances and exits to the
doors that lead to future relationships.

She should then move on with her life, being
mindful that yesterday was history and
tomorrow is a mystery but today is a new gift
from God and a new opportunity to have a
rewarding, fulfilling and enjoyable life.


The most perfect love of all is God s
unconditional love for all mankind. He knows
our weaknesses and our shortcomings, he
colored our hair and our skin and shaped our
bodies before we were born and said It is
good . What man sees as flawed, God sees as
his perfect creation.

He put in each of us individual purpose and
called us into existence out of the infinite
possibilities contained in our mothers wombs.

Just as God loves us unconditionally,
knowing everything about us, surely as
women we can love ourselves unconditionally

and stay mindful of how wonderful, how
beautiful and how precious we are as we enter
and exit relationships in life.


Most women hope for and expect to be
courted by a good man and to have that
courtship culminate in a good marriage.

What they often lose sight of, however, is that
every day of their lives, they are being
courted by someone who has everything they
need and is everything they want. This
someone wants women to unite with him for
an everlasting and faithful covenant

I call it God s courtship of mankind.

If what you are looking for is:

Someone who will always be there for you

 The Lord will never leave you, nor forsake
              (Hebrews 13:5)

Someone who will be true and faithful to you

  Know therefore that the LORD your God,

he is God, the faithful God,
which keepeth covenant and mercy with them
               that love him
            (Deuteronomy 7:9)

Someone who will always love you and
sacrifice anything for you

  I have loved thee with an everlasting love
               (Jeremiah 31:3)

God so loved the world, that he gave his only
                begotten Son,
 that whosoever believeth in him should not
       perish, but have everlasting life.
                  (John 3:16)

Someone who loves you unconditionally, just
as you are

      The LORD sees not as man sees;
for man looketh on the outward appearance,
     but the LORD looketh on the heart.
              (1 Samuel 16:7)

Someone who knows you inside and out

 Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee
               (Jeremiah 1:5)

Someone who will provide for all of your
needs and has the resources to do so

God shall supply all your needs according to
     his riches in glory by Christ Jesus
            (Philippians 4:18-20)

Someone who has good plans for your life
with whom you are happy in their presence

      He will show you the path of life:
    in his presence is fullness of joy; and
           pleasures for evermore.
                (Psalm 16:11)

Someone who is willing and able to take care
of your problems and take the pressure off of

Cast all your care upon him; for he cares for
                (1 Peter 5:7)

Someone who won t lie to you

     God is not a man, that he should lie;
If he said it he will do it and if he spoke it he
               shall make it good
                (Numbers 23:19)

Someone who is always thinking about you

How precious also are thy thoughts unto me,
   O God! how great is the sum of them!
  If I should count them, they are more in
            number than the sand
               (Psalm 139:18)

As the bridegroom rejoiceth over the bride, so
       shall thy God rejoice over thee.
                 (Isaiah 62:5)

          God is courting you!

Everyday of your life he is asking you to say
yes, to love, honor and obey him. When you
can say yes to God, you will enter into a
covenant relationship with him and can live
happily ever after!

        And this is no fairy tale!

          A WORD TO THE WISE

 The young girl said, I can live with a man
           before he says, I do.
 The old woman said, He ll eat all the meat
       and potatoes out of your stew.

 The young girl said, I know one day he ll
            surely marry me.
The old woman said, Why buy the cow if you
          get the milk for free?

The young girl said, The times have changed;
    there are things you just don t know.
 The old woman said, Child, where you re
     going, I ve been there long before.

The young girl said, I love the man and good
             men are very few.

The old woman said, That s just because of
          women just like you.

You see my child; the nature of a man is the
         same since Adam s time.
  A man has never valued that which is
        plenteous and easy to find.

 When you become that rare young one with
             values all your own
And for the sake of Godliness, prepared to go
                   it alone.

Then God will send that special one into your
                life one day
And for you there won t be any price he s not
              prepared to pay.


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Act like lady think like a man

  • 1. ACT LIKE A LADY - THINK LIKE A MAN Keys to uncovering your self worth and surviving a love knockout Sharon P. Carson Contact Information Sharon P. Carson P.O. Box 28-8482, Chicago, Il. 60628 Phone: 773-568-2274 Fax: 773-568-2275 Email:
  • 2. Copyright 2003 by Sharon P. Carson All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reprinted or reproduced or utilized in any form or by any electronic, computerized, mechanical or other means, now known of hereafter invented, including photocopying and recording, or in any information storage or retrieval system, without permission in writing from Sharon P. Carson, Publisher. ACT LIKE A LADY THINK LIKE A MAN 1
  • 3. Why do we feel so insecure without a hand to hold? And then we make our search for one our life s entire goal! 2
  • 4. Dedicated to Tracy, Kimberly, Candice, Mellanie, Tiffany, Gabrielle, Autumn & Chayce 3
  • 5. TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .pgs.. .8-9 Hope for the Book 10-12 Training Camp .13-15 A Diamond in the Rough -16 The Tears of Fear -16-18 Don t Take It Personally 18-19 Your Life Has Purpose 19-20 Every Experience 20-21 Any Man at Any Cost - 21 Don t Get Desperate 21-22 Waiting to Be Happy 22-23 The Man Shortage Myth 23-25 4
  • 6. Relationship 101 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25 I Did Everything 25 I Can t Live Without Him 26 The Time Between 27 But I Love Him 27-28 Fall in Love with Yourself 28 He wants me to lose weight 28-29 Sop the Pot! 29-30 Money is Only Good 30-31 Why? 31-32 Love Is Indestructible 32-33 Don t Try to Kick 33-34 Get Out! Slow Down 35 The Golden Rule 35-36 5
  • 7. There s Enough to Go Around 36-37 Why Would a Man Cheat? 37 To Forgive or Not To Forgive? 38 Don t Become what you Hate 38-39 The Brainwasher 39 Make the Right Decision 39-40 LOVE LESSONS 40-41 The hard part of love 41 Know Yourself 41 Waiting for Revenge 41 I Can Change Him 41-42 A Sneak Preview 42 Stand Tall 42 Stay on Your Pedestal 42 Turn up the Heat 42 6
  • 8. Flip the Script 43 A New Day 43 Healing A Broken Heart . 43-47 The Prayer Factor 43-44 The Broken Heart Eviction Process 44-47 The Greatest Love of All . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... The Courtship 48-51 A Word to the Wise 51-52 7
  • 9. INTRODUCTION Act like a Lady Think like a Man was inspired by a newspaper article I read about a woman who found out that her husband was having an affair. She went to various extremes in an attempt to save her marriage. She had plastic surgery and liposuction, joined a gym, quit her job to concentrate on her husband and her marriage, cooked his favorite meals, and had sex with him three times a day. Yet even in the face of this level of desperate measures, her long-time husband still left her for the other woman. In many similar cases, after a marital or relational break-up, the man quickly moves on to another relationship but the woman, more often than not, continues to suffer for longer periods of time from emotional scars. She will sometimes suffer for the rest of her life from anger, distrust of men, bitterness and an inability to forgive. The internalization of these negative emotions will undoubtedly have a negative effect on her personality, her health and her happiness. There are too many bitter women who have been carrying this emotional garbage around for too long; now it s time to take out the garbage. It s time for women to move from pain to gain. 8
  • 10. Act like a Lady Think like a Man is a collection of short lessons that are intended to inspire women to practice both self-love and tough love in relationships. These lessons have been gleaned from my personal experiences as well as from the experiences of the many women who have openly shared their relationship experiences with me. 9
  • 11. HOPE FOR THE BOOK One of my hopes for this book is that women, after reading it, will have more love and respect for themselves, just the way that they are. I want women to understand that they were not created as a half person who will be incomplete without a male half. They were born complete, with everything they need to have a complete and fulfilling life, even if that life does not include an ongoing relationship with a man. Act Like A Lady The title of the book, Act like a Lady Think like a Man, was born out of my belief that a woman should always act like a lady. I will not try to provide a blanket definition for what it means to act like a lady. Every woman has to decide for herself what it means to act like a lady. But for me and the purposes of my book, acting like a lady has nothing to do with manicures, pedicures, high-heeled shoes or weekly hair do s. In the context of my book, a woman who acts like a lady is one who exudes self-confidence. She accepts and appreciates who she is, both inside and out. She has respects herself and demands respect from her male counterpart. 10
  • 12. Think like a Man I believe that by gaining some insight into how men think (in terms of their relationships with women,) a woman can help better her present relationship and be more able either to recognize the signs of a bad relationship so that she doesn t fall into one, or to recognize if she has already fallen into one. In today s world women s hearts are being broken over and over again, as easily as eggs for an omelet and without remorse or second thought. I believe that by learning how differently men and women view relationships a woman can obtain the tools she needs to repair her relationship problems. Many women don t have a clue as to how men think because for the most part, men do not open themselves up to vulnerabilities by telling women what they really think. More often than not, what a woman learns about how a man thinks comes from a man who either wants to sleep with her, is in a relationship with her already or has some other interest in her. She will never truthfully learn how he thinks because he usually will not open up to her for fear of jeopardizing the relationship. There is also another type of woman, who is close-minded and not open to the truth even if a man chooses to share it. Women should be open to an honest dialogue with men. 11
  • 13. After all, every good hunter always learns the habits of its prey. 12
  • 14. TRAINING CAMP Women could save themselves a lot of heartache if they understood that the difference between a man and a woman amounts to more than just their sexual organs. For the most part, men and women do not think alike. A man cannot validate all of a woman s feelings or understand all of her emotions because the two experience the world differently, are usually brought up differently from childhood, and have different expectations placed on them by the world. A woman should remember that a man cannot give what he does not have. If a man was not raised with love and affection, it is hard for him to give love and affection. One of the biggest mistakes a woman can make is to think that because a man wants to have sex with her, he has some deep feelings for her as a person, when in many instances this is not the case. To the average man, sex is sex and to many women, sex is love. This is one of the major differences between the thinking of a man and the thinking of a woman. The woman who is unable to differentiate between love and a man s love of sex will undoubtedly find herself on the crowded road that leads to Heartbreak Hotel. 13
  • 15. You could have married someone from Minniehollerwaller Minniehollerwaller is an imaginary place, but it serves to prove a good point. Have you ever thought about the fact that most couples meet in their own state, city, or even neighborhood? It is amazing how most women, who have been in relationships probably, met who they consider their perfect mate or partner right in the same neighborhood, city, school or social circles that they were already in. Is this a coincidence? Let s Get Real about it! If you lived in Canada, you probably would have met and married a Canadian; in Texas, a Texan; in Chicago, a Chicagoan; in Australia, an Australian; in Brazil, a Brazilian; in Africa, an African and so on. In other words, throughout this world you have many possibilities for a mate. You are simply more likely to meet one within your immediate community or social circles. Once you free yourself from thinking that there is only one man in the world for you, you will be free of the fear that he will leave you and that you will never find anyone to replace him. 14
  • 16. Women should know that they have many possibilities for a mate and they don t have to worry about the one who s a continent away or a state away or a city away, because there is usually one just a zip code away. 15
  • 17. A DIAMOND IN THE ROUGH Why do women always talk about the need to find a man as though he is the diamond? You are the diamond! And you can polish yourself like a diamond by holding yourself in high esteem. Have you ever noticed that some women, who in society s view are not considered traditionally attractive, believe themselves to be attractive and carry themselves that way, showing self confidence to everyone around them? As a young person might say, they believe that they are all that and a bag of chips! It does not take long for those around these self-confident people to start seeing them in the same way they see themselves. The bottom line is that others will value you only to the extent that you value yourself. Act like a diamond, believe you are a diamond, demand to be treated like a diamond and stop allowing men to treat you like cubic zirconium! THE TEARS OF FEAR I once met a woman who told me that after her husband left her, she cried every day for six years. I asked her what finally made her 16
  • 18. stop crying and she replied that she had made a pact with God - if He would take care of her and her children, she would move on and stop crying, and she finally did. During the course of those six years, she had purchased a new house and gotten a better job, and her children were doing great. All around her good things were happening but she was so absorbed in the pain of the break up that she couldn t see that God was answering her prayer. So how did she suddenly stop crying after 6 years? One day she just came to herself. She woke up from her nightmare and made a decision to allow her mind to regain control of her emotions, which is something she could and should have done immediately after the man left. There are people who have ended up with a premature divorce or a jail sentence, ended up hurting someone else or even hurting themselves because they could not control their emotions. Emotions are like unruly children that need a parent to rein them in. And the parent of your emotions is a sound mind or a careful thought process. Emotions want you to focus on the hurt and anger. They want you to feel powerless and fearful and to react negatively to a troubling 17
  • 19. situation, thus producing negative results; a sound mind tells you to think clearly and then act based on careful thought, so usually you end up reacting in a positive way with positive results. You have the power to control your emotions but you have to come to yourself, you have to wake up and make a decision to use the power within you. The best information I can provide you on this subject comes directly from the Bible: For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind. (2nd Timothy 1:7) You must allow your sound mind to control your emotions. DO NOT TAKE IT PERSONALLY Often a woman feels like something is wrong with her when a man breaks off their relationship. In many cases she loses her self- esteem. Since the beginning of time, men have broken off relationships with some of the most beautiful, intelligent and talented women in the world -- Halle Berry, Mariah Carey, Vanessa Williams and Janet Jackson, just to 18
  • 20. name a few. Oftentimes, the woman he replaces her with doesn t have half as much going for her as the woman he left. Can you imagine these women that I have just mentioned losing their self esteem? Well, it happens. A well-known actress, who is considered one of the most beautiful and talented women in the industry, was interviewed on the Oprah Winfrey show and shared with Oprah that after her recent divorce, she lost all of her self-esteem. The audience was shocked because they could not believe that this woman who had everything going for her could have lost her self-esteem. She lost it because her self-esteem came from who she was with rather than from who she was. When self esteem comes from who you are with, it will leave with that person too. But when it comes from who you are, it will be with you for a lifetime YOUR LIFE HAS PURPOSE You were not born by coincidence, but by divine purpose. There is a purpose for your life and no matter how large or small your contribution might seem, or how insignificant others might think you are, that purpose is uniquely yours and is just as important as anyone else s purpose on earth. 19
  • 21. People always want to know their purpose. This train of thought assumes that there is a singular purpose for your life. But if there was only one purpose for your life then what good would you be once you fulfilled that purpose? Your life is too important for it to have only one purpose. You have many purposes, most of which you may never know. But if you continue to live a loving and unselfish life every day, you will unknowingly fulfill your many daily purposes. EVERY EXPERIENCE PREPARES YOU FOR A GREATER EXPERIENCE Every failure prepares you for success and every success prepares you for greater success. If you ground your thinking in this truth, a failed relationship will not devastate you or push you over the edge as it has done to far too many women. You will realize that success is inevitably in your future through the lessons you have learned from a failure. You Will Experience What you Expect When a woman does not expect to find the right mate (the all men are dogs syndrome), she begins to expect that she will end up with a dog, and hope for a poodle instead of a pit bull. 20
  • 22. You will experience what you expect! ANY MAN AT ANY COST In the language of an old blues song, "I can do bad by myself. There are some women who don't care how badly a man treats them, as long as they can say they have a man. They believe this tells the world that someone loves them, which gives them a temporary but false feeling of self-worth. If you are one of these women who think any man is better than no man, do yourself a favor and volunteer at a battered women s shelter your thinking will soon change. DON'T GET DESPERATE It may be unthinkable to many women (especially younger ones), but there is always the possibility that you may have to go it alone. If a woman faces the prospect of not having a man in her life, she must strive to avoid desperation, which can lead to bad choices. So how do you know when you are getting desperate? When bad men start looking good, then you know that you re desperate. You can 21
  • 23. avoid desperation by not placing your life on hold while waiting for a man (or anything else) to make you happy. Here is a poem I wrote on the subject. "WAITING TO BE HAPPY" I can't wait till my kids are grown and on their own I can't wait no longer to be happy. I can t wait till my bills are paid or my hair is laid, I can t wait no longer to be happy. I can't wait till I lose some weight, get a date, find a mate I can't wait no longer to be happy. I can't wait till someone smiles at me or sees the things I wish they'd see or till I become what I want to be. I can't wait for time and chance A new romance Someone to ask before I dine and dance. I can't wait on a win, a kin, a friend, or for my ship to come in. I must be happy whatever state I'm in. I can't wait for a wrong to right Or a reason to forgive. 22
  • 24. I can't hold a grudge for life. I must move on and live. A merry heart is good, I know And health to all my bones. I can't let my body down through tears and fears and moans. This is the day the Lord has made In it I will rejoice and be glad. I refuse to wait for a perfect state And spend my life being sad. THE MAN SHORTAGE MYTH Let's dispense with the "Man Shortage Myth." This myth has been keeping women in a panic for years some end up searching for a man like a lost winning mega bucks lottery ticket! The reason many women don't find the right man is because they wouldn't know him if they saw him. They are looking at the wrong things, and miss the right opportunity when it presents itself. You may have to stop looking at all the trees and look at some bushes. Your guy may be shorter than you, less educated than you and yes, he may be a hard worker but not making as much money as you. These days, age shouldn t be a barrier to happiness either. 23
  • 25. Throw out that antiquated notion that he must be 2 years older than you. Don't rob the cradle, but stop eliminating all younger men. It s more important to judge a man from the inside out than from the outside in. Now let s look at the numbers that are being used to perpetuate the man shortage myth. Men love to talk about the fact that there are more available women than men. Many men want to make sure that a woman keeps this in the back of her mind, both to exploit this myth and to feed the desperation and fear that some women have of never being able to find a good man. The outnumbering of women to men I am sure can be substantiated by census data and natural mathematics. But I don t believe in relying solely on natural math. There is a greater form of mathematics, called faith math. And it supercedes all natural mathematics. Here are my calculations based on faith math: There may be 200 available women for every 100 available men according to natural math (this assumes that the men and women are all quality individuals.) In faith math, only 50 of the 200 women really believe or have faith that they will get a good man, thus eliminating 150 women from the equation. And because you will experience what you 24
  • 26. expect, the final computation via faith math is 50 women per every 100 men. Remember, you will experience what you expect! RELATIONSHIP 101 Sometimes a woman will complain that she did everything to keep her relationship going while her partner did nothing. I would ask this woman, Did you feel so invaluable in the relationship that you didn't feel worthy of him doing anything for you? A relationship is predicated upon more than one central figure. If everything is centered around the man, then you are not in a relationship, you are in a slave ship. I DID EVERYTHING FOR HIM AND HE STILL LEFT ME Therein lies your problem - you did everything for him. You should have made him do more for you. Remember this golden rule for the next relationship. Whatever you think he is going to do well for the next woman, make him do for you right now. 25
  • 27. I CAN'T LIVE WITHOUT HIM I remember what my aunt Laverne once told her husband "I used to didn't know you. If you lived before him, you can live after him. And some women might say yes but my life before him was lonely and miserable. It probably was lonely and miserable because you were spending too much time waiting for someone or something to make it not be lonely and miserable. Your life cannot be lived waiting on anyone or any event to make you happy. Happiness is not meant to come in spurts, restricted to the manifestation of long- awaited events. The longest and most important times of your life are those times between events - like the time between being single and getting married, being over-weight to losing weight, being jobless to having a job, being childless to having children, or being alone to having a man in your life - events that you think will make you happy. It is during these times in your life that you should find a way to best utilize the talents, gifts and aspirations that are uniquely yours. Here is a poem I wrote on the subject; I hope you can understand it because it is short but very profound. 26
  • 28. THE TIME BETWEEN As we re rushing here and there Heading fast towards God knows where Let us not forget the time between. As we are a healthy soul Moving towards our higher goal Let us not belittle the time between. For life is lived between the wait From where we are to a desired state So thus, we must enjoy the time between. BUT I LOVE HIM Some women stay with men that have abused them mentally, physically, socially, economically, and every other way possible. When asked why they stay, the response is often, I love him. How can a person love the taste of feces? The woman in this scenario does not really love the taste of feces; rather, she is in love with the idea of being in love. She is in what can be called a dysfunctional comfort zone , having remained in a bad relationship for so long that it feels normal. It is very hard for a woman to leave this type of relationship. She will only be able to move 27
  • 29. out of it when she begins to love herself and realizes that she deserves to be treated lovingly. A man will only treat you as lovingly as you treat yourself remember, you will experience what you expect! FALL IN LOVE WITH YOURSELF It cannot be stressed enough how important it is to love yourself. My mother told me when I was very young that it doesn't matter what others think of you, it only matters what you think of yourself. You must love yourself, she told me. For me, this experience was very freeing. Whether you are overweight wanting to be skinny or short wanting to be tall, you must learn to love yourself just the way you are. If you do, then the way you want to be becomes less important than the way you are. You will then have self confidence and self- esteem in such measure that you can t lose it, because it is not dependent on anything, anyone or any goal to sustain it. HE WANTS ME TO LOSE WEIGHT 28
  • 30. If you are overweight, losing weight is a wonderful idea for many reasons, including your health. When you embark on a weight- loss program, however, do it because it is something you want to do and not just to please the man in your life. If it makes him happy in the process, that's great, but he might think you need to lose 50 pounds and you would be happy with 5. The most important thing is for you to be happy with yourself and to make changes based on factors that are important to you and how you want to look and feel. For some women it is more important to walk, talk, look, dress and think the way the man in their life wants them to, rather than to please themselves. In the end, these women often become someone they hate in order to please someone they think they love. SOP THE POT... Any good cook knows that the best flavor in a stew can be found lying in the bottom of the pot after most of the stew is gone. They use whatever is at their disposal spoon, bread or fingers and reach down into the bottom of the pot and scoop up what is left. This is called sopping the pot. 29
  • 31. It s time for women to sop the pot of their souls! The best part of you is not your outward appearance, as this will inevitably fade away. The best part of you is within you. You must reach down into the pot of your soul and rediscover the rich ingredients that make you unique the things you like, the things that make you happy, your desires, ambitions and goals. Stir up all these wonderful substances that lie deep in the pot of your soul and move forward, realizing that that every day you live is the perfect day to do anything you want. By sopping the pot of your soul, you can have a feast for life. MONEY IS ONLY GOOD ON EARTH I once had a conversation with a person who told me that they wished that they could afford to go on a vacation. I knew that this person could have afforded to go anywhere in the world they wanted to go but had gotten so used to not spending any money and not going anywhere that it was hard for them to move out of this condition. Your money is only good on earth and in your lifetime. You shouldn t break the piggy bank, but you shouldn t seal the bottom so you can t get anything out either. One thing I have learned is not to wish for something that is within my 30
  • 32. financial capacity to have. We did not bring anything with us when we came into this world and surely we will take nothing with us when we leave. And if we do not enjoy what we accumulate in between, then, to borrow a quote from the Bible, we have labored for the wind. This is a poem I wrote that touches on the subject. WHY Why do we save for rainy days, while the sun yet shines so bright? Why do we put on hold our dreams until our life s twilight? Why do we say tomorrow, tomorrow, when today would do just fine? And then, when tomorrow s rain comes down, we long for yesterday s sunshine. Why do we say our joy will come with some set circumstance? When we know so many things in life are given to time and chance? Why do we save our every penny and then we fear to spend? 31
  • 33. Caught in a quest for riches, that seems to never end. Life was made for living and living as best you can If you save and save and never spend, you save for another man. Take stock of all your blessings seek God s direction from where you are Then step upon life s waters and walk both near and far. You ll find the things you ve dreamed of were always very near But that which kept you from them was fear just plain old fear! LOVE IS INDESTRUCTIBLE I have often heard women say, "I gave him all my love and he still left me and now I don t know what to do. To say that you have given someone all of your love implies that you don t have any love left for anything or anybody, not even yourself. Love is not something that you were born with in limited supply, to be measured and distributed as you desire. You were born with a waterfall of love that keeps cycling itself 32
  • 34. over and over again. You were born to love and you will never lose your ability to love. Love is like energy: it cannot be destroyed, it only changes form. That is why people can fall in love over and over again, and with each successive person feel like they have never been more in love. Even the most evil of persons can love, even if it is evil that they love. The woman in this scenario, who feels that she gave away all her love and has nothing left, is just a woman who placed all of the value of the relationship in the man and forgot to love and appreciate herself and her contribution to the relationship. If you have come out of a broken relationship it should reassure you to know that all of the love you had is not gone; even though you may think you gave it all away, you will never lose your ability to love and there will always be people for you to love. The challenge, however, is for you to remember to love yourself as well. DON'T TRY TO KICK A CLOSED DOOR DOWN If a man locks you out of his life, shutting the door on the relationship, and you want to get back in, you should knock gently, reveal to him the person at the door and explain why you want to come back in, but if he doesn t 33
  • 35. reopen the door, you should not try to kick the closed door down. Remember: you can learn to love someone who loves you but you cannot teach someone to love you. Both parties win when a relationship ends in a decision and not a knock-out. GET OUT IT IS NOT QUICKSAND Let s equate being in a bad relationship to stepping in doggy doo. If you step in doggy doo, as many women have, don't just stay there! It s not quicksand or concrete. But the longer you stay, the harder it is to get out because it becomes like quicksand, pulling you in deeper, or like concrete, beginning to harden around you. Women often have a hard time exiting bad relationships because of fear. Every woman has to deal with the individual real or unreal risks of a situation for herself. It is important for women to know, however, that there are many open roads out of bad relationships and many resources to support you along the way. Fear should not be the master that keeps you enslaved. I have been taught to see my fears as a person standing across from me on the other side of a gulf or a deep canyon, yelling and screaming 34
  • 36. at me and telling me all the things that they want to do to me. But I know that they can t get over to do me any harm because if they try, they will fall into the canyon. And I don t just stand there listening; I see myself walking and enjoying my walk and the farther I walk away the quieter the voice of fear becomes. SLOW DOWN You don't have to be in a hurry to find a mate. Life is not a sprint; it s a marathon. When you are young, you want to race through life in record time, but as you get older you'll learn just to enjoy the ride. THE GOLDEN RULE OF RELATIONSHIPS One day I was watching a daytime talk show called, My Man is Cheating on Me. I was amazed by the beautiful and intelligent women who would come out and talk about how badly they were being treated by the womanizing men in their lives. Sometimes two women would start fighting on the stage over which one of them the man was going to choose to stay in a relationship with. 35
  • 37. But even more amazing were the men who would then come out. They would more often than not, turn out to be the worst-looking, meanest and most disrespectful creatures you could imagine. I don t believe that this scenario is only being played out on the talk shows; I believe that it is being played out all across America and the world because many women have lost sight of how valuable, how wonderful, how beautiful, how unique they really are. The women in this scenario are fighting for their life because they don t believe they have a life or any individual value apart from their relationship with the man. The Golden Rule of Relationships as was told to me by a man is this: If you place your own value in a relationship below that of the man, you will never be able to up the price. THERE'S ENOUGH TO GO AROUND People may not love you, but they cannot take away your ability to love others. If no one will hug you, then you should hug someone. If no one tells you I love you then you should tell someone you love them. Many times what we think is an overwhelming desire in us to be loved is really an overwhelming desire to find 36
  • 38. someone to share the abundance of love we have within us with. There is no shortage of people to love and if you are a believer, then you know that God has commanded you to love everyone. For far too long, people have confined and defined the word love in the context of a romantic relationship. But if everyone sought to love, rather than to be loved, everyone would find love. WHY WOULD A MAN CHEAT ON A GOOD WOMAN? For the same reason he would cheat on a bad woman - because he can. It is not about you or the woman with whom he may be cheating. It s about him. Let's use an example: A man has slept with perhaps 50 different women, and always moves on to find another woman. In each scenario, there is only one common denominator THE SAME MAN. The sex act, then, was never really about any of the women. It was always about the man and his insatiable desire to please himself and the opportunities that he has to do so. If he cheats, it s not because you have a problem. It s because he does. 37
  • 39. TO FORGIVE OR NOT TO FORGIVE If a man asks you what you would do if you caught him cheating, never answer the question. Always keep him guessing. If he knows what you would do, he might decide that the punishment is light enough to make the crime worth committing. If a man has been caught cheating and asks forgiveness, it is usually for one of two reasons: 1. He has made a mistake and is truly sorry, or 2. He is sorry he got caught The man who is truly sorry may not do it again, but the man who is sorry he got caught is destined to repeat the offense. DON T BECOME WHAT YOU HATE When someone has hurt you through betrayal, one reaction might be to stay in the relationship and stay angry with that person for days or weeks or even years. Another reaction might be to turn the tables on them and hurt them the way they hurt you. But to repay evil with evil, you must become evil. It 38
  • 40. is important for you not to become what you hate. If you have decided to stay in the relationship, you will need to forgive and move through it but if you have decided to stay in the relationship and remain angry it will be like taking poison every day and hoping the other person will die from it. THE BRAIN-WASHER Sometimes a man will continue to focus on all of a woman s faults in order to overshadow his own faults. This is some men s method of trying to brainwash women into believing that no one else would want them and that they should stay in the relationship because he is the best that she can get. The women in this scenario should realize that if this man wants them, then others will too. One mans trash is another mans treasure, so don t be brainwashed. MAKE THE RIGHT DECISION Every day that you wake up, you can be whatever you decide to be and not be what you don t want to be. 39
  • 41. If you decide to be somebody s doormat, you can be that. And if you decide to be somebody s darling, you can be that, too. Life is about choices and the decisions are yours. LOVE LESSONS You must accept whatever you don t like about yourself that is beyond your control. Learn to be content with who you are, both the inward and the outward you. When you really learn to enjoy being yourself and being with yourself, you will find that you can be alone without being lonely. Although you may still desire companionship, that desire will no longer be a controlling factor in your life. Some women have unfaithful companions that come home every night, but these women unknowingly are still home alone. You must choose your associates wisely; don t let them choose you. It is better to be alone than in bad company. 40
  • 42. The Barbie and Ken Syndrome Don t make the mistake that some men often do of picking a Barbie doll just to impress their friends, without caring if there is any value inside. Don t pick a man based on how good he looks. Bragging about his looks is insignificant if you can t brag about how well he treats you. The hard part of love Falling in love is easy staying in love is harder because no one is loveable everyday. It s important to remember this fact. Relationships would last longer if couples would realize and accept that they might love each other everyday, but will have days when it is difficult to like each other. Know Yourself Make sure you know who you are before you enter into a relationship, or the man will define you. Waiting for Revenge Instead of waiting for something bad to happen to the person that hurt you, spend your time making something good happen for yourself. I Can Change Him You cannot change a man. The man has to want to change and then make the change himself. The only thing you can do is refuse to accept bad behavior from him; if he cares 41
  • 43. enough about you and a relationship with you, he will realize the need to change. Whether or not he makes the change is entirely up to him. Most women know what type of man they are getting involved with, but they make the mistake of thinking that they can change what they are getting into what they want. A Sneak Preview My aunt Julia gave me some invaluable advice, one week after I was married. She told me that however you start out is usually how you will end up. Many years of marriage later, I have found that to be very true. Stand Tall One of my father s favorite sayings to his children was stand tall . What he really meant was: demand to be respected. No one can ride your back unless you bend down and the lower you bend, the heavier the weight and the less likely you are to get up. If you don t want a man to ride your back just stand tall. Stay on your pedestal Value is always related to scarcity and since you are one of a kind, you are priceless. Hold yourself in high esteem and stay away from men who try to belittle you. If you don t mean much to them, they won t treat you like much. 42
  • 44. Turn Up the Heat Negative men, like negative people in general, will try to pour water on your dreams. Some men are afraid of your success. They will focus on all of your faults to overshadow their own. Turn up the fire under your dreams so high that no one can pour on enough water to put them out. Flip the Script Men can t treat women badly without women allowing it. We treat ourselves badly by allowing it to continue. A New Day Every ending is a new beginning and a new opportunity to make your life better by using the lessons learned from past mistakes. The lessons learned from Mr. Wrong can bring you success with Mr. Right. HEALING FOR A BROKEN HEART The Prayer Factor The Bible records Jesus as saying that: The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, He has sent me to heal the brokenhearted. (Luke 4:18) As a Christian and as a person who has experienced both the pain and the healing of a 43
  • 45. broken heart, I know that there is no substitute for prayer when it comes to healing a broken heart. When something is broken, the manufacturer is always the best source for repairs. To pray and ask God for divine healing for your broken heart and for wisdom and direction will prove invaluable and undoubtedly effective for those that believe in the existence an all-powerful, all-knowing and all-loving God. Casting all your care upon him, for he cares for you. (1 Peter 5:7) The Broken Heart Eviction Process Below is a 4-step broken heart eviction process, analogous to the eviction process in real estate for someone who has an illegal residency. Step 1: Acknowledge the pain The 1st step in the process of evicting a broken heart is to acknowledge its presence without allowing it to take up permanent residency within you. There is no sense in a woman trying to deny the pain she feels from a broken heart. She may mask it very well and deny it to others but to herself she should be true and acknowledge that her experience is very painful. 44
  • 46. It is uniquely painful because the woman is usually in a situation where a man has broken her heart and she is trying abruptly to hate someone she really loves. It s like trying to come to a quick stop in your car when it s going 100 MPH a very hard thing to do without some consequences! Step 2: Serve The Eviction Notice The 2nd step in the process of evicting a broken heart is to serve it an eviction notice. The eviction notice is served when a woman resolves within herself to protect her property (her body, soul and mind), and will not allow a broken heart to consume her thoughts, deplete her energies, control her emotions or destroy her health. A neighbor of mine shared with me that he was going through a divorce because his wife had become pregnant by another man. He shared with me the pain of his broken heart. He shared with me his feeling that his spirit was broken; he was without joy. His heart was so broken that he ended up with an actual physical heart problem for which he was being treated and he ultimately lost his good job because of the resulting physical problems. He shared that his mind was so consumed with the thoughts and visions of his wife cheating that he could not think clearly His broken heart had damaged his body, his spirit and his mind. 45
  • 47. In time, he ended up finding a very good and faithful wife and told me that he is now a very happy man. But look at the toll the broken heart took on him in the mean time or the in between time. Step 3: Cut off the utilities As a continuation to the eviction process, the 3rd step is to cut off the broken heart s power sources, which are analogous to its utilities (gas, light, and phone.) Its power sources are things like anger, thoughts of revenge, an inability to forgive and self pity. These negative emotions sustain the residency of a broken heart and enable it comfortably to stay longer. Negative emotions must be resisted and not allowed to control ones thoughts. Once the negative emotions which were its power sources have been cut off, there is no reason for the broken heart to keep fighting the eviction process and it will begin to move out. As quickly as it is moving out of ones spirit and mind, one should begin to move in positive thoughts, self-love and renewed direction, so that there will be no need to dwell on any hurt or emptiness leftover from the experience. Step 4: Get The Keys 46
  • 48. The 4th and final step is for a woman to realize that she has been empowered by the wisdom gained through the lessons learned from the bad experience. This newfound wisdom is representative of a set of personal keys that she alone possesses. These keys will provide her the ability to control personally all of the entrances and exits to the doors that lead to future relationships. She should then move on with her life, being mindful that yesterday was history and tomorrow is a mystery but today is a new gift from God and a new opportunity to have a rewarding, fulfilling and enjoyable life. THE GREATEST LOVE OF ALL The most perfect love of all is God s unconditional love for all mankind. He knows our weaknesses and our shortcomings, he colored our hair and our skin and shaped our bodies before we were born and said It is good . What man sees as flawed, God sees as his perfect creation. He put in each of us individual purpose and called us into existence out of the infinite possibilities contained in our mothers wombs. Just as God loves us unconditionally, knowing everything about us, surely as women we can love ourselves unconditionally 47
  • 49. and stay mindful of how wonderful, how beautiful and how precious we are as we enter and exit relationships in life. THE COURTSHIP Most women hope for and expect to be courted by a good man and to have that courtship culminate in a good marriage. What they often lose sight of, however, is that every day of their lives, they are being courted by someone who has everything they need and is everything they want. This someone wants women to unite with him for an everlasting and faithful covenant relationship. I call it God s courtship of mankind. If what you are looking for is: Someone who will always be there for you The Lord will never leave you, nor forsake you (Hebrews 13:5) Someone who will be true and faithful to you Know therefore that the LORD your God, 48
  • 50. he is God, the faithful God, which keepeth covenant and mercy with them that love him (Deuteronomy 7:9) Someone who will always love you and sacrifice anything for you I have loved thee with an everlasting love (Jeremiah 31:3) God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. (John 3:16) Someone who loves you unconditionally, just as you are The LORD sees not as man sees; for man looketh on the outward appearance, but the LORD looketh on the heart. (1 Samuel 16:7) Someone who knows you inside and out Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee (Jeremiah 1:5) Someone who will provide for all of your needs and has the resources to do so 49
  • 51. God shall supply all your needs according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus (Philippians 4:18-20) Someone who has good plans for your life with whom you are happy in their presence He will show you the path of life: in his presence is fullness of joy; and pleasures for evermore. (Psalm 16:11) Someone who is willing and able to take care of your problems and take the pressure off of you Cast all your care upon him; for he cares for you. (1 Peter 5:7) Someone who won t lie to you God is not a man, that he should lie; If he said it he will do it and if he spoke it he shall make it good (Numbers 23:19) Someone who is always thinking about you How precious also are thy thoughts unto me, O God! how great is the sum of them! If I should count them, they are more in number than the sand (Psalm 139:18) 50
  • 52. As the bridegroom rejoiceth over the bride, so shall thy God rejoice over thee. (Isaiah 62:5) God is courting you! Everyday of your life he is asking you to say yes, to love, honor and obey him. When you can say yes to God, you will enter into a covenant relationship with him and can live happily ever after! And this is no fairy tale! A WORD TO THE WISE The young girl said, I can live with a man before he says, I do. The old woman said, He ll eat all the meat and potatoes out of your stew. The young girl said, I know one day he ll surely marry me. The old woman said, Why buy the cow if you get the milk for free? The young girl said, The times have changed; there are things you just don t know. The old woman said, Child, where you re going, I ve been there long before. The young girl said, I love the man and good men are very few. 51
  • 53. The old woman said, That s just because of women just like you. You see my child; the nature of a man is the same since Adam s time. A man has never valued that which is plenteous and easy to find. When you become that rare young one with values all your own And for the sake of Godliness, prepared to go it alone. Then God will send that special one into your life one day And for you there won t be any price he s not prepared to pay. 52