history and ethics of data

chris wiggins Há 4 anos

Design as an Antidote to VUCA

Jorge Arango Há 5 anos

The GaryVee Content Model

Gary Vaynerchuk Há 5 anos

Designing for Community David Colby Reed, Foossa

Service Design Network Há 8 anos

Douglas holt how to build an iconic brand

Superbrands Polska Há 11 anos

Why Content Strategy Isn't Enough

Mackenzie Fogelson Há 8 anos

UI + Frameworks

Barbara Wolff Dick Há 8 anos

Gambiarra Favela Tech - in english

Gabriela Agustini Há 8 anos

Storytelling for change

Shiftbalance Há 8 anos

Cultura digital - aula 2

Gabriela Agustini Há 8 anos

The Shift: UX Designer as Business Consultant (2016)

Erin 'Folletto' Casali Há 8 anos

Insights Into Urban Informal Workers and Their Health

The Rockefeller Foundation Há 8 anos