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Testing database applications with QuickCheck
                                          — Tutorial —

                                        Laura M. Castro

                                    Universidade da Coruña (Spain)

                                Stockholm, 15th November 2010

Erlang User Conference (2010)               Tutorial Workshop        Testing DB apps with QC   1 / 23

1    What is a database application?

2    Why do DB applications require special testing?

3    The theory: how to test a database application with QuickCheck

4    The practise: testing a simple e-shop

5    Summing up

    Erlang User Conference (2010)   Tutorial Workshop   Testing DB apps with QC   2 / 23
What is a database application?

A database or data-intensive application is a software system which:

     makes intensive use of great amounts of data,

     relies on external storage sources for persistence (e.g., a database).

 Erlang User Conference (2010)   Tutorial Workshop       Testing DB apps with QC   3 / 23
What is a database application?

A database or data-intensive application is a software system which:

     makes intensive use of great amounts of data,

     relies on external storage sources for persistence (e.g., a database).


 Erlang User Conference (2010)     Tutorial Workshop     Testing DB apps with QC   3 / 23
What is a database application?

A database or data-intensive application is a software system which:

     makes intensive use of great amounts of data,

     relies on external storage sources for persistence (e.g., a database).


 Erlang User Conference (2010)      Tutorial Workshop    Testing DB apps with QC   3 / 23
What is a database application?

A database or data-intensive application is a software system which:

     makes intensive use of great amounts of data,

     relies on external storage sources for persistence (e.g., a database).


 Erlang User Conference (2010)    Tutorial Workshop      Testing DB apps with QC   3 / 23
Why do DB applications require special testing?

Database or data-intensive applications are software systems which:

     impose complex constraints on the data they handle,

     their correct operation depends on their enforcement.

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Why do DB applications require special testing?

Database or data-intensive applications are software systems which:

     impose complex constraints on the data they handle,

     their correct operation depends on their enforcement.

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Why do DB applications require special testing?

Database or data-intensive applications are software systems which:

     impose complex constraints on the data they handle,

     their correct operation depends on their enforcement.

         These constraints are usually referred to as business rules.

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Business Rules
What are they?

      “Statements that define or constrain some aspect of a business (. . . )
      intended to assert business structure or to control or influence
      (B.R. Group, Defining Business Rules – What are they really?)

      “Definitions of how the business should be carried out and
      constraints on the business” (I. Sommerville, Software Engineering)

      “Software is the realization of business rules”
      (R.S. Pressman, Software Engineering – A practitioner’s approach)

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Business Rules
Where are they?

                                     APPLICATION INTERFACE

                                  APPLICATION BUSINESS LOGIC

                                       STORAGE ACCESS

  Erlang User Conference (2010)           Tutorial Workshop    Testing DB apps with QC   6 / 23
Business Rules
Where are they?

                                     APPLICATION INTERFACE

                                  APPLICATION BUSINESS LOGIC

                  only basic
                  constraints          STORAGE ACCESS

  Erlang User Conference (2010)           Tutorial Workshop    Testing DB apps with QC   6 / 23
Business Rules
Where are they?

                                     APPLICATION INTERFACE

                                                                  at all
                                  APPLICATION BUSINESS LOGIC

                  only basic
                  constraints          STORAGE ACCESS

  Erlang User Conference (2010)           Tutorial Workshop          Testing DB apps with QC   6 / 23
Business Rules
Where are they?

                                     APPLICATION INTERFACE

                                  APPLICATION BUSINESS LOGIC

                                       STORAGE ACCESS

  Erlang User Conference (2010)           Tutorial Workshop    Testing DB apps with QC   6 / 23
Business Rules
When do we test them?

Since business rules are not located in a specific unit or component,

      they are not covered by unit testing.

  Erlang User Conference (2010)   Tutorial Workshop   Testing DB apps with QC   7 / 23
Business Rules
When do we test them?

Since business rules are not located in a specific unit or component,

      they are not covered by unit testing.

Since business rules dictate data-related constraints,

      they are not the scope of integration testing.

  Erlang User Conference (2010)   Tutorial Workshop      Testing DB apps with QC   7 / 23
Business Rules
When do we test them?

Since business rules are not located in a specific unit or component,

      they are not covered by unit testing.

Since business rules dictate data-related constraints,

      they are not the scope of integration testing.

Since business rules need to be respected at all times,

      they are not considered when testing the GUI.

  Erlang User Conference (2010)   Tutorial Workshop      Testing DB apps with QC   7 / 23
Business Rules
When do we test them?

Since business rules are not located in a specific unit or component,

      they are not covered by unit testing.

Since business rules dictate data-related constraints,

      they are not the scope of integration testing.

Since business rules need to be respected at all times,

      they are not considered when testing the GUI.

            Business rules must be tested as part of system testing.

  Erlang User Conference (2010)    Tutorial Workshop      Testing DB apps with QC   7 / 23
Why do DB applications require special testing?
Because of Business Rules

Therefore, database or data-intensive applications:

      include business rules that put constraints on the data they handle,

      business rules must be enforced by the system at all times,

      location of the business rules is unclear.

  Erlang User Conference (2010)   Tutorial Workshop     Testing DB apps with QC   8 / 23
Why do DB applications require special testing?
Because of Business Rules

Therefore, database or data-intensive applications:

      include business rules that put constraints on the data they handle,

      business rules must be enforced by the system at all times,

      location of the business rules is unclear.

                    In this tutorial, we will present a methodology to

                      test business rules at system testing level.

  Erlang User Conference (2010)        Tutorial Workshop        Testing DB apps with QC   8 / 23
The theory
How to test business rules with QuickCheck

To test that a data-intensive application complies with the data constraints

imposed by its business rules at all times, we use QuickCheck:

       an automatic testing tool,

       generates and runs random sequences of test cases,

       when an error is found, test sequence is shrunk to return a minimal

       test case.

   Erlang User Conference (2010)      Tutorial Workshop   Testing DB apps with QC   9 / 23
The theory
How to test business rules with QuickCheck

To test that a data-intensive application complies with the data constraints

imposed by its business rules at all times, we use QuickCheck:

       an automatic testing tool,

       generates and runs random sequences of test cases,

       when an error is found, test sequence is shrunk to return a minimal

       test case.

                In the rest of the tutorial we assume familiarity with Quviq QuickCheck testing
                tool. We will present the basics of how QuickCheck state machine library
                works, but explaining these concepts is not the purpose of this specific tutorial.

   Erlang User Conference (2010)           Tutorial Workshop             Testing DB apps with QC   9 / 23
The theory
How to test business rules with QuickCheck

                                      APPLICATION INTERFACE

                                   APPLICATION BUSINESS LOGIC

                                        STORAGE ACCESS

   Erlang User Conference (2010)           Tutorial Workshop    Testing DB apps with QC   10 / 23
The theory
How to test business rules with QuickCheck

                                      APPLICATION INTERFACE


                                   APPLICATION BUSINESS LOGIC

                                        STORAGE ACCESS

   Erlang User Conference (2010)           Tutorial Workshop    Testing DB apps with QC   10 / 23
The theory
How to test business rules with QuickCheck

                                      APPLICATION INTERFACE

                                   APPLICATION BUSINESS LOGIC

                                                                  or here
                                        STORAGE ACCESS          data will be

   Erlang User Conference (2010)           Tutorial Workshop           Testing DB apps with QC   10 / 23
The theory
How to test business rules with QuickCheck


                                   APPLICATION BUSINESS LOGIC

                                        STORAGE ACCESS

   Erlang User Conference (2010)           Tutorial Workshop    Testing DB apps with QC   10 / 23
The theory
QuickCheck state machine library

In particular, we use QuickCheck state machine library:

      mechanism to easily implement a testing state machine

      (library callbacks),

      the testing state machine generates and runs test sequences,

      tests are sequences of calls to the functionalities under test.

  Erlang User Conference (2010)    Tutorial Workshop       Testing DB apps with QC   11 / 23
The theory
How are test sequences generated?

                            test sequence
                           length reached?                   YES
                                          select                   SUCCESS

                                                     preconditions hold?

                                                   postconditions hold?
                                  TRUE                   FALSE


  Erlang User Conference (2010)              Tutorial Workshop             Testing DB apps with QC   12 / 23
The theory
How are test sequences generated?

                            test sequence
                           length reached?                   YES
                                          select                   SUCCESS

                                                     preconditions hold?

                                                   postconditions hold?
                                  TRUE                   FALSE


  Erlang User Conference (2010)              Tutorial Workshop             Testing DB apps with QC   12 / 23
The theory
How are test sequences generated?

                            test sequence
                           length reached?                   YES
                                          select                   SUCCESS

                                                     preconditions hold?

                                                   postconditions hold?
                                  TRUE                   FALSE


  Erlang User Conference (2010)              Tutorial Workshop             Testing DB apps with QC   12 / 23
The theory
How are test sequences generated?

                            test sequence
                           length reached?                   YES
                                          select                   SUCCESS

                                                     preconditions hold?

                                                   postconditions hold?
                                  TRUE                   FALSE


  Erlang User Conference (2010)              Tutorial Workshop             Testing DB apps with QC   12 / 23
The theory
How are test sequences generated?

                            test sequence
                           length reached?                   YES
                                          select                   SUCCESS

                                                     preconditions hold?

                                                   postconditions hold?
                                  TRUE                   FALSE


  Erlang User Conference (2010)              Tutorial Workshop             Testing DB apps with QC   12 / 23
The theory
How are test sequences generated?

                            test sequence
                           length reached?                   YES
                                          select                   SUCCESS

                                                     preconditions hold?

                                                   postconditions hold?
                                  TRUE                   FALSE


  Erlang User Conference (2010)              Tutorial Workshop             Testing DB apps with QC   12 / 23
The theory
How are test sequences generated?

                            test sequence
                           length reached?                   YES
                                          select                   SUCCESS

                                                     preconditions hold?

                                                   postconditions hold?
                                  TRUE                   FALSE


  Erlang User Conference (2010)              Tutorial Workshop             Testing DB apps with QC   12 / 23
The theory
QuickCheck statem machine skeleton

               %% Initialize the state
               initial_state() ->
                   #state{useful_info = []}.
               %% Command generator, S is the state
               command(S) ->
                   oneof([ PUBLIC API OPERATIONS ]).
               %% Next state transformation, S is the current state
               next_state(S,_V,{call,_,_,_}) ->
               %% Precondition, checked before command is added to the command sequence
               precondition(_S,{call,_,_,_}) ->
               %% Postcondition, checked after command has been evaluated
               %% OBS: S is the state before next_state(S,_,<command>)
               postcondition(_S,{call,_,_,_},_Res) ->
               prop_statem() ->
                               {H,S,Res} = run_commands(?MODULE,Cmds),
                                  io:format("History: ~p~nState: ~p~nRes: ~p~n",[H,S,Res]),
                                  Res == ok)

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The practise
Testing a simple e-shop

Very simple online shop application:

                                                       Register new customer
                                                       Add new product to shop
                                                       Add product to cart
                                                       Remove product from cart
                                                       Place order
                                                       Cancel order

   Erlang User Conference (2010)   Tutorial Workshop                 Testing DB apps with QC   14 / 23
The practise
UML model: main components

  Erlang User Conference (2010)   Tutorial Workshop   Testing DB apps with QC   15 / 23
The practise
E/R model: basic data constraints

   Erlang User Conference (2010)    Tutorial Workshop   Testing DB apps with QC   16 / 23
The practise
Golden business rule

Example of business rule (complex data constraint).

  Erlang User Conference (2010)   Tutorial Workshop   Testing DB apps with QC   17 / 23
The practise
Golden business rule

Example of business rule (complex data constraint).

                                            Business rule
                                            Only golden customers may
                                            purchase golden products.

  Erlang User Conference (2010)   Tutorial Workshop         Testing DB apps with QC   17 / 23
The practise
Golden business rule

Example of business rule (complex data constraint).

                                            Business rule
                                            Only golden customers may
                                            purchase golden products.

Business rules may be implemented in different ways. . .

  Erlang User Conference (2010)   Tutorial Workshop         Testing DB apps with QC   17 / 23
The practise
Golden business rule

Example of business rule (complex data constraint).

                                            Business rule
                                            Only golden customers may
                                            purchase golden products.

Business rules may be implemented in different ways. . .
                                   . . . but we only care they actually are.

  Erlang User Conference (2010)   Tutorial Workshop         Testing DB apps with QC   17 / 23
The practise
Hands-on time!

  1   Explore the simple e-shop implementation given,

  Erlang User Conference (2010)   Tutorial Workshop     Testing DB apps with QC   18 / 23
The practise
Hands-on time!

  1   Explore the simple e-shop implementation given,

  2   inspect the simpleshop_eqc module stub

  Erlang User Conference (2010)   Tutorial Workshop     Testing DB apps with QC   18 / 23
The practise
Hands-on time!

  1   Explore the simple e-shop implementation given,

  2   inspect the simpleshop_eqc module stub

          1   and fill-in the gaps,

  Erlang User Conference (2010)      Tutorial Workshop   Testing DB apps with QC   18 / 23
The practise
Hands-on time!

  1   Explore the simple e-shop implementation given,

  2   inspect the simpleshop_eqc module stub

          1   and fill-in the gaps,

  3   find out if business rule is respected

  Erlang User Conference (2010)      Tutorial Workshop   Testing DB apps with QC   18 / 23
The practise
Hands-on time!

  1   Explore the simple e-shop implementation given,

  2   inspect the simpleshop_eqc module stub

          1   and fill-in the gaps,

  3   find out if business rule is respected (and if not, fix it!).

  Erlang User Conference (2010)      Tutorial Workshop       Testing DB apps with QC   18 / 23
The practise
Outcome: QuickCheck statem machine skeleton for BR testing (I)

               -record(state, {useful_info}).
               initial_state() ->
                   #state{useful_info = []}.
               command(S) ->
                   oneof([ PUBLIC API OPERATIONS (LOCAL WRAPPERS) ]).
               next_state(S,_V,{call,_,_,_}) ->
               precondition(_S,{call,_,_,_}) ->
               postcondition(_S,{call,_,_,_},_Res) ->
               prop_brstatem() ->
                   ?FORALL(Cmds, commands(?MODULE),
                               true = check_data_invariant(),
                               {H, S, Res} = run_commands(?MODULE, Cmds),
                               Invariant = check_data_invariant(),
                               ?WHENFAIL(io:format("H ~p~nS ~p~nRes ~p~n", [H, S, Res]),
                                         conjunction([{test_execution, Res == ok},
                                                      {business_rules, Invariant}]))

  Erlang User Conference (2010)           Tutorial Workshop             Testing DB apps with QC   19 / 23
The practise
Outcome: QuickCheck statem machine skeleton for BR testing (& II)

               <command>_local(Args) ->
                   Expected = expected_result(<command>, Args),
                   Obtained = <command>(Args),
                   match(Expected, Obtained).
               check_data_invariant() ->
               expected_result(<command>, Args) ->
               clean_up(S) ->

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Summing up
Testing of data-intensive applications

When testing database or data-intensive applications,

       special attention must be paid to data-consistency business rules,

       data-consistency constraints cannot always be trusted to the data

       storage and can never be trusted to the user interface,

       business rules implementation may be spread over the system,

       system testing is the most adequate level to test for business rules


   Erlang User Conference (2010)         Tutorial Workshop   Testing DB apps with QC   21 / 23
Summing up
Methodology to test BR using QuickCheck

  1   Use a QuickCheck state machine,

  2   keep state minimum,

  3   add public API operations as commands/transitions,

              use local wrappers to predict the result according to existing data,

              and then match with the result actually obtained

  4   specify pre- and postconditions as true,

  5   formulate business rules (invariants) as queries to data storage,

  6   write property checking invariants after each test sequence.

  Erlang User Conference (2010)        Tutorial Workshop         Testing DB apps with QC   22 / 23
Summing up
I hope this tutorial has been useful!

                       Attendants ! thanks

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Testing database applications with QuickCheck

  • 1. Testing database applications with QuickCheck — Tutorial — Laura M. Castro Universidade da Coruña (Spain) Stockholm, 15th November 2010 Erlang User Conference (2010) Tutorial Workshop Testing DB apps with QC 1 / 23
  • 2. Outline 1 What is a database application? 2 Why do DB applications require special testing? 3 The theory: how to test a database application with QuickCheck 4 The practise: testing a simple e-shop 5 Summing up Erlang User Conference (2010) Tutorial Workshop Testing DB apps with QC 2 / 23
  • 3. What is a database application? A database or data-intensive application is a software system which: makes intensive use of great amounts of data, relies on external storage sources for persistence (e.g., a database). Erlang User Conference (2010) Tutorial Workshop Testing DB apps with QC 3 / 23
  • 4. What is a database application? A database or data-intensive application is a software system which: makes intensive use of great amounts of data, relies on external storage sources for persistence (e.g., a database). online shop Erlang User Conference (2010) Tutorial Workshop Testing DB apps with QC 3 / 23
  • 5. What is a database application? A database or data-intensive application is a software system which: makes intensive use of great amounts of data, relies on external storage sources for persistence (e.g., a database). online shop task flow Erlang User Conference (2010) Tutorial Workshop Testing DB apps with QC 3 / 23
  • 6. What is a database application? A database or data-intensive application is a software system which: makes intensive use of great amounts of data, relies on external storage sources for persistence (e.g., a database). online bank shop app task flow Erlang User Conference (2010) Tutorial Workshop Testing DB apps with QC 3 / 23
  • 7. Why do DB applications require special testing? Database or data-intensive applications are software systems which: impose complex constraints on the data they handle, their correct operation depends on their enforcement. Erlang User Conference (2010) Tutorial Workshop Testing DB apps with QC 4 / 23
  • 8. Why do DB applications require special testing? Database or data-intensive applications are software systems which: impose complex constraints on the data they handle, their correct operation depends on their enforcement. Erlang User Conference (2010) Tutorial Workshop Testing DB apps with QC 4 / 23
  • 9. Why do DB applications require special testing? Database or data-intensive applications are software systems which: impose complex constraints on the data they handle, their correct operation depends on their enforcement. These constraints are usually referred to as business rules. Erlang User Conference (2010) Tutorial Workshop Testing DB apps with QC 4 / 23
  • 10. Business Rules What are they? “Statements that define or constrain some aspect of a business (. . . ) intended to assert business structure or to control or influence behavior” (B.R. Group, Defining Business Rules – What are they really?) “Definitions of how the business should be carried out and constraints on the business” (I. Sommerville, Software Engineering) “Software is the realization of business rules” (R.S. Pressman, Software Engineering – A practitioner’s approach) Erlang User Conference (2010) Tutorial Workshop Testing DB apps with QC 5 / 23
  • 11. Business Rules Where are they? APPLICATION INTERFACE APPLICATION BUSINESS LOGIC STORAGE ACCESS Erlang User Conference (2010) Tutorial Workshop Testing DB apps with QC 6 / 23
  • 12. Business Rules Where are they? APPLICATION INTERFACE APPLICATION BUSINESS LOGIC only basic constraints STORAGE ACCESS (E/R) Erlang User Conference (2010) Tutorial Workshop Testing DB apps with QC 6 / 23
  • 13. Business Rules Where are they? APPLICATION INTERFACE no constraints at all APPLICATION BUSINESS LOGIC only basic constraints STORAGE ACCESS (E/R) Erlang User Conference (2010) Tutorial Workshop Testing DB apps with QC 6 / 23
  • 14. Business Rules Where are they? APPLICATION INTERFACE APPLICATION BUSINESS LOGIC STORAGE ACCESS Erlang User Conference (2010) Tutorial Workshop Testing DB apps with QC 6 / 23
  • 15. Business Rules When do we test them? Since business rules are not located in a specific unit or component, they are not covered by unit testing. Erlang User Conference (2010) Tutorial Workshop Testing DB apps with QC 7 / 23
  • 16. Business Rules When do we test them? Since business rules are not located in a specific unit or component, they are not covered by unit testing. Since business rules dictate data-related constraints, they are not the scope of integration testing. Erlang User Conference (2010) Tutorial Workshop Testing DB apps with QC 7 / 23
  • 17. Business Rules When do we test them? Since business rules are not located in a specific unit or component, they are not covered by unit testing. Since business rules dictate data-related constraints, they are not the scope of integration testing. Since business rules need to be respected at all times, they are not considered when testing the GUI. Erlang User Conference (2010) Tutorial Workshop Testing DB apps with QC 7 / 23
  • 18. Business Rules When do we test them? Since business rules are not located in a specific unit or component, they are not covered by unit testing. Since business rules dictate data-related constraints, they are not the scope of integration testing. Since business rules need to be respected at all times, they are not considered when testing the GUI. Business rules must be tested as part of system testing. Erlang User Conference (2010) Tutorial Workshop Testing DB apps with QC 7 / 23
  • 19. Why do DB applications require special testing? Because of Business Rules Therefore, database or data-intensive applications: include business rules that put constraints on the data they handle, business rules must be enforced by the system at all times, location of the business rules is unclear. Erlang User Conference (2010) Tutorial Workshop Testing DB apps with QC 8 / 23
  • 20. Why do DB applications require special testing? Because of Business Rules Therefore, database or data-intensive applications: include business rules that put constraints on the data they handle, business rules must be enforced by the system at all times, location of the business rules is unclear. In this tutorial, we will present a methodology to test business rules at system testing level. Erlang User Conference (2010) Tutorial Workshop Testing DB apps with QC 8 / 23
  • 21. The theory How to test business rules with QuickCheck To test that a data-intensive application complies with the data constraints imposed by its business rules at all times, we use QuickCheck: an automatic testing tool, generates and runs random sequences of test cases, when an error is found, test sequence is shrunk to return a minimal test case. Erlang User Conference (2010) Tutorial Workshop Testing DB apps with QC 9 / 23
  • 22. The theory How to test business rules with QuickCheck To test that a data-intensive application complies with the data constraints imposed by its business rules at all times, we use QuickCheck: an automatic testing tool, generates and runs random sequences of test cases, when an error is found, test sequence is shrunk to return a minimal test case. In the rest of the tutorial we assume familiarity with Quviq QuickCheck testing tool. We will present the basics of how QuickCheck state machine library works, but explaining these concepts is not the purpose of this specific tutorial. Erlang User Conference (2010) Tutorial Workshop Testing DB apps with QC 9 / 23
  • 23. The theory How to test business rules with QuickCheck APPLICATION INTERFACE APPLICATION BUSINESS LOGIC STORAGE ACCESS Erlang User Conference (2010) Tutorial Workshop Testing DB apps with QC 10 / 23
  • 24. The theory How to test business rules with QuickCheck APPLICATION INTERFACE BR enforced here APPLICATION BUSINESS LOGIC STORAGE ACCESS Erlang User Conference (2010) Tutorial Workshop Testing DB apps with QC 10 / 23
  • 25. The theory How to test business rules with QuickCheck APPLICATION INTERFACE APPLICATION BUSINESS LOGIC or here STORAGE ACCESS data will be "corrupted" Erlang User Conference (2010) Tutorial Workshop Testing DB apps with QC 10 / 23
  • 26. The theory How to test business rules with QuickCheck QUICKCHECK APPLICATION BUSINESS LOGIC STORAGE ACCESS Erlang User Conference (2010) Tutorial Workshop Testing DB apps with QC 10 / 23
  • 27. The theory QuickCheck state machine library In particular, we use QuickCheck state machine library: mechanism to easily implement a testing state machine (library callbacks), the testing state machine generates and runs test sequences, tests are sequences of calls to the functionalities under test. Erlang User Conference (2010) Tutorial Workshop Testing DB apps with QC 11 / 23
  • 28. The theory How are test sequences generated? test sequence length reached? YES NO select SUCCESS operation preconditions hold? FALSE TRUE execute operation postconditions hold? TRUE FALSE ERROR Erlang User Conference (2010) Tutorial Workshop Testing DB apps with QC 12 / 23
  • 29. The theory How are test sequences generated? test sequence length reached? YES NO select SUCCESS operation preconditions hold? FALSE TRUE execute operation postconditions hold? TRUE FALSE ERROR Erlang User Conference (2010) Tutorial Workshop Testing DB apps with QC 12 / 23
  • 30. The theory How are test sequences generated? test sequence length reached? YES NO select SUCCESS operation preconditions hold? FALSE TRUE execute operation postconditions hold? TRUE FALSE ERROR Erlang User Conference (2010) Tutorial Workshop Testing DB apps with QC 12 / 23
  • 31. The theory How are test sequences generated? test sequence length reached? YES NO select SUCCESS operation preconditions hold? FALSE TRUE execute operation postconditions hold? TRUE FALSE ERROR Erlang User Conference (2010) Tutorial Workshop Testing DB apps with QC 12 / 23
  • 32. The theory How are test sequences generated? test sequence length reached? YES NO select SUCCESS operation preconditions hold? FALSE TRUE execute operation postconditions hold? TRUE FALSE ERROR Erlang User Conference (2010) Tutorial Workshop Testing DB apps with QC 12 / 23
  • 33. The theory How are test sequences generated? test sequence length reached? YES NO select SUCCESS operation preconditions hold? FALSE TRUE execute operation postconditions hold? TRUE FALSE ERROR Erlang User Conference (2010) Tutorial Workshop Testing DB apps with QC 12 / 23
  • 34. The theory How are test sequences generated? test sequence length reached? YES NO select SUCCESS operation preconditions hold? FALSE TRUE execute operation postconditions hold? TRUE FALSE ERROR Erlang User Conference (2010) Tutorial Workshop Testing DB apps with QC 12 / 23
  • 35. The theory QuickCheck statem machine skeleton -module(test_eqc). -include_lib("eqc/include/eqc.hrl"). -include_lib("eqc/include/eqc_statem.hrl"). -compile(export_all). -record(state,{useful_info}). %% Initialize the state initial_state() -> #state{useful_info = []}. %% Command generator, S is the state command(S) -> oneof([ PUBLIC API OPERATIONS ]). %% Next state transformation, S is the current state next_state(S,_V,{call,_,_,_}) -> S. %% Precondition, checked before command is added to the command sequence precondition(_S,{call,_,_,_}) -> true. %% Postcondition, checked after command has been evaluated %% OBS: S is the state before next_state(S,_,<command>) postcondition(_S,{call,_,_,_},_Res) -> true. prop_statem() -> ?FORALL(Cmds,commands(?MODULE), begin {H,S,Res} = run_commands(?MODULE,Cmds), ?WHENFAIL( io:format("History: ~p~nState: ~p~nRes: ~p~n",[H,S,Res]), Res == ok) end). Erlang User Conference (2010) Tutorial Workshop Testing DB apps with QC 13 / 23
  • 36. The practise Testing a simple e-shop Very simple online shop application: Register new customer Add new product to shop Add product to cart Remove product from cart Place order Cancel order Erlang User Conference (2010) Tutorial Workshop Testing DB apps with QC 14 / 23
  • 37. The practise UML model: main components Erlang User Conference (2010) Tutorial Workshop Testing DB apps with QC 15 / 23
  • 38. The practise E/R model: basic data constraints Erlang User Conference (2010) Tutorial Workshop Testing DB apps with QC 16 / 23
  • 39. The practise Golden business rule Example of business rule (complex data constraint). Erlang User Conference (2010) Tutorial Workshop Testing DB apps with QC 17 / 23
  • 40. The practise Golden business rule Example of business rule (complex data constraint). Business rule Only golden customers may purchase golden products. Erlang User Conference (2010) Tutorial Workshop Testing DB apps with QC 17 / 23
  • 41. The practise Golden business rule Example of business rule (complex data constraint). Business rule Only golden customers may purchase golden products. Business rules may be implemented in different ways. . . Erlang User Conference (2010) Tutorial Workshop Testing DB apps with QC 17 / 23
  • 42. The practise Golden business rule Example of business rule (complex data constraint). Business rule Only golden customers may purchase golden products. Business rules may be implemented in different ways. . . . . . but we only care they actually are. Erlang User Conference (2010) Tutorial Workshop Testing DB apps with QC 17 / 23
  • 43. The practise Hands-on time! 1 Explore the simple e-shop implementation given, Erlang User Conference (2010) Tutorial Workshop Testing DB apps with QC 18 / 23
  • 44. The practise Hands-on time! 1 Explore the simple e-shop implementation given, 2 inspect the simpleshop_eqc module stub Erlang User Conference (2010) Tutorial Workshop Testing DB apps with QC 18 / 23
  • 45. The practise Hands-on time! 1 Explore the simple e-shop implementation given, 2 inspect the simpleshop_eqc module stub 1 and fill-in the gaps, Erlang User Conference (2010) Tutorial Workshop Testing DB apps with QC 18 / 23
  • 46. The practise Hands-on time! 1 Explore the simple e-shop implementation given, 2 inspect the simpleshop_eqc module stub 1 and fill-in the gaps, 3 find out if business rule is respected Erlang User Conference (2010) Tutorial Workshop Testing DB apps with QC 18 / 23
  • 47. The practise Hands-on time! 1 Explore the simple e-shop implementation given, 2 inspect the simpleshop_eqc module stub 1 and fill-in the gaps, 3 find out if business rule is respected (and if not, fix it!). Erlang User Conference (2010) Tutorial Workshop Testing DB apps with QC 18 / 23
  • 48. The practise Outcome: QuickCheck statem machine skeleton for BR testing (I) -module(testbr_eqc). -include_lib("eqc/include/eqc.hrl"). -include_lib("eqc/include/eqc_statem.hrl"). -compile(export_all). -record(state, {useful_info}). initial_state() -> #state{useful_info = []}. command(S) -> oneof([ PUBLIC API OPERATIONS (LOCAL WRAPPERS) ]). next_state(S,_V,{call,_,_,_}) -> S. precondition(_S,{call,_,_,_}) -> true. postcondition(_S,{call,_,_,_},_Res) -> true. prop_brstatem() -> ?FORALL(Cmds, commands(?MODULE), begin true = check_data_invariant(), {H, S, Res} = run_commands(?MODULE, Cmds), Invariant = check_data_invariant(), clean_up(S), ?WHENFAIL(io:format("H ~p~nS ~p~nRes ~p~n", [H, S, Res]), conjunction([{test_execution, Res == ok}, {business_rules, Invariant}])) end). Erlang User Conference (2010) Tutorial Workshop Testing DB apps with QC 19 / 23
  • 49. The practise Outcome: QuickCheck statem machine skeleton for BR testing (& II) <command>_local(Args) -> Expected = expected_result(<command>, Args), Obtained = <command>(Args), match(Expected, Obtained). check_data_invariant() -> IMPLEMENTATION OF BUSINESS RULES AS STORAGE QUERIES. expected_result(<command>, Args) -> QUERY STORAGE TO GUESS RESULT. clean_up(S) -> EMPTY STATE BETWEEN TEST SEQUENCES. Erlang User Conference (2010) Tutorial Workshop Testing DB apps with QC 20 / 23
  • 50. Summing up Testing of data-intensive applications When testing database or data-intensive applications, special attention must be paid to data-consistency business rules, data-consistency constraints cannot always be trusted to the data storage and can never be trusted to the user interface, business rules implementation may be spread over the system, system testing is the most adequate level to test for business rules compliance. Erlang User Conference (2010) Tutorial Workshop Testing DB apps with QC 21 / 23
  • 51. Summing up Methodology to test BR using QuickCheck 1 Use a QuickCheck state machine, 2 keep state minimum, 3 add public API operations as commands/transitions, use local wrappers to predict the result according to existing data, and then match with the result actually obtained 4 specify pre- and postconditions as true, 5 formulate business rules (invariants) as queries to data storage, 6 write property checking invariants after each test sequence. Erlang User Conference (2010) Tutorial Workshop Testing DB apps with QC 22 / 23
  • 52. Summing up I hope this tutorial has been useful! Attendants ! thanks Get help subscribing to: Material for images came from:, Erlang User Conference (2010) Tutorial Workshop Testing DB apps with QC 23 / 23