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Università degli Studi dell’Aquila

Alfonso Pierantonio, Davide Di Ruscio
Dipartimento di Informatica
Università degli Studi dell’Aquila (Italy)
    →   Linux distributions are
        among the most complex
        software ecosystems

                                                                 →   More than 29,000
                                                                     interdependent packages
    →   Keynote at SLE11 by Krzysztof
        ca. 10,000 features only in the
    GTTSE 2011 Alfonso Pierantonio – Managing the evolution of F/OSS with Model-
    Driven Techniques

                             explicit dependencies among linux packages

    GTTSE 2011
    Alfonso Pierantonio – Managing the evolution of F/OSS with Model-Driven Techniques
    Free and Open Source Software
        → From tarballs to distributions
        → Package technology

    Problem: upgrade failures
    Abstracting the System
        → Modeling languages for describing the System
        → Maintainer Script Analysis

        → Injectors

    Analyzing the System
        → Upgrade simulator
        → Fault detector

    GTTSE 2011
    Alfonso Pierantonio – Managing the evolution of F/OSS with Model-Driven Techniques

    Alfonso Pierantonio
        → A gentle introduction
        → Models of Complex Systems

    July 6, 2011 – 14:45
    Davide Di Ruscio
        → Concrete Artifacts
        → Demo

    GTTSE 2011
    Alfonso Pierantonio – Managing the evolution of F/OSS with Model-Driven Techniques

    Free and Open Source Software
    FOSS distributions are among the most complex
    software systems known, being made of thousands
    components evolving rapidly without centralized

    Large numbers (components/developers)
        → contains more than 123,736 projects,
          1,342,153 “users”
        → Debian GNU/Linux is distribuited with more than
          29,000 pre-compiled packages

    GTTSE 2011
    Alfonso Pierantonio – Managing the evolution of F/OSS with Model-Driven Techniques

    Free and Open Source Software
    Numbers like that have the potential to radically
    change the way we produce and study software, in
    particular the complex systems of the future

           complexity               dependencies

    In the beginning it was the tarball
    Before the advent of distributions, the peculiar way
    to install free software on client machine was:

                                                         server     client
                                                           side     side

       bazaar            proj 1                                                          user
                                      proj 2                                             installations

                             proj n

    GTTSE 2011
    Alfonso Pierantonio – Managing the evolution of F/OSS with Model-Driven Techniques
    To answer these problems, GNU/Linux distributions have
    born as intermediaries between FOSS projects and their

FOSS      proj 1                                          server   client
bazaar                proj 2                                side   side

             proj n                                                                installations


                                            package repository

     Free and Open Source Software
     FOSS distributions are among the most complex
     software systems known, being made of thousands
     components evolving rapidly without centralized

     FOSS components are provided in packaged form by
     distribution editors
     Packages define the granularity at which components
     are managed using package manager applications

     GTTSE 2011
     Alfonso Pierantonio – Managing the evolution of F/OSS with Model-Driven Techniques

     GNU/Linux distributions
     Central notion in distributions (to abstract over the
     complex underlying infrastructure):
         →   package, together with package management software



                                                   package repository

     GTTSE 2011
     Alfonso Pierantonio – Managing the evolution of F/OSS with Model-Driven Techniques

     GNU/Linux distributions
     Central notion in distributions (to abstract over the
     complex underlying infrastructure):
         →   package, together with package management software



                       And yet, doing things right can be
                                                   package repository

                             extremely difficult!

     GTTSE 2011
     Alfonso Pierantonio – Managing the evolution of F/OSS with Model-Driven Techniques

     Installation intricacies
     In state of the art distributions:
         → knowing if the installation process terminates without errors
           is undecidable (reason: configuration scripts) … today
         → there is no guarantee that distribution repositories contains
           only installable packages
         → a large number of errors faced by users are dependency
           resolution errors
                  ─ more than 29,000 packages (and 10,000 sources) in Debian
                  ─ more than 200.000 inter-package relationships

     GTTSE 2011
     Alfonso Pierantonio – Managing the evolution of F/OSS with Model-Driven Techniques


     → each phase can fail – it actually happens quite often!
     → efforts should be made to identify errors as early as
       possible, if not predict

     Upgrade failures
     Essentially they can fail for the following classes of
         →   Consistency breach due to administrator operations at a
             finer level of granularity than that of packages
                  ─ eg. needed resources are manipulated or removed from the
         → Implicit dependencies are not considered in the
           installation/removal script in the upgraded packages
         → Script erroneous behavior

     GTTSE 2011
     Alfonso Pierantonio – Managing the evolution of F/OSS with Model-Driven Techniques

                              Installing package
     Configuration 1

                       > apt-get install libapache-mod-ssl


     Configuration 2

                                                                       once mod_ssl is
                                                                  installed, it is enabled in

     GTTSE 2011
     Alfonso Pierantonio – Managing the evolution of F/OSS with Model-Driven Techniques

                                removing package
     Configuration n+1

            -            > apt-get remove libapache-mod-ssl

      Configuration n

     GTTSE 2011
     Alfonso Pierantonio – Managing the evolution of F/OSS with Model-Driven Techniques

                                                 It disables mod_ssl in apache.

                                                 What happens if the maintainer
                                                 does not write this statement ?

     GTTSE 2011
     Alfonso Pierantonio – Managing the evolution of F/OSS with Model-Driven Techniques

                                               An “inconsistent” configuration is
                                               reached and it is detected only at

                                               the package dependency
                                               metadata are not enough !

     GTTSE 2011
     Alfonso Pierantonio – Managing the evolution of F/OSS with Model-Driven Techniques

     Problem: Upgrade failures
     Current tools are able to predict a limited set of
     upgrade failures before deployment

     When trying to predict upgrade failures, existing tools
     only consider static package metadata and the
     behaviour of the maintainer scripts is completely
         →   This leaves a wide range of failures unpredicted

     GTTSE 2011
     Alfonso Pierantonio – Managing the evolution of F/OSS with Model-Driven Techniques

     Upgrade failures classification
     Static deploy-time occur when a static requirement is
     violated during the upgrade.
         →   the low-level package manager fails at deploy-time, aborting the
             upgrade process
     Dynamic deploy-time occur when a maintainer script fails
         →   such failures can originate from errors ranging from syntax to
             failures in external tools
         →   they are not addressed by state of the art package managers
     Undetected failures remain undetected through upgrade
         →   the upgrade has been completed successfully, but the obtained
             system configuration contains undetected incoherences

     GTTSE 2011
     Alfonso Pierantonio – Managing the evolution of F/OSS with Model-Driven Techniques


     Extracting relevant information from a linux box
     («snapshot») at a given moment of time
     Analysis and upgrade
     simulation on the



      Linux box

     Ingredients 1
     Modeling languages for describing the several aspects of a
     linux distribution
         →   Packages
                  ─ including maintainer scripts
         →   System Configuration
                  ─ Installed packages
                  ─ Configuration files
                  ─ MIME-type handlers
                  ─ Alternatives
                  ─ etc

     Injectors for harvesting the system and building the models
         →   collection of injectors

     GTTSE 2011
     Alfonso Pierantonio – Managing the evolution of F/OSS with Model-Driven Techniques

     Ingredients 2
     Modeling language for the maintainer scripts
         → scripts are written in POSIX languages whose semantics is far
           from being simple, although
         → maintainer scripts does not harness the full expressivity of
           such languages (template-based “macro-language”)

     Maintainer scripts as
         →   which semantics ?

     GTTSE 2011
     Alfonso Pierantonio – Managing the evolution of F/OSS with Model-Driven Techniques

     Ingredients 3
     Transformational semantics for simulating the
     behavior of the maintainer scripts on the system
         →   M2M transformations obtained by «compiling» the
             maintainer scripts into ATL

     Fault detector, a general mechanism for performing
     queries over the «snapshot» for digging the model and
     search for inconsistencies

     GTTSE 2011
     Alfonso Pierantonio – Managing the evolution of F/OSS with Model-Driven Techniques

       Configuration 1
                                              Configuration 2
                         package injection
     system injection

                         M2M transformation

        «snapshot» 1                           «snapshot» 2

     A model-based approach is introduced to support the
     package upgrades and enhance the failure detection
      → the simulator is used to predict the effect of maintainer
        script executions (deploy-time failures)
      → the fault detector is used to deal with undetected failures


     A model-based approach is introduced to support the
     package upgrades and enhance the failure detection
      → the simulator is used to predict the effect of maintainer
        script executions (deploy-time failures)
      → the fault detector is used to deal with undetected failures


     Rigourous maintainer script analysis (1/2)
     Script analysis for Debian and RPM based distributions
     To support the analysis and represent the results a
     database of scripts has been developed
         →   Already known templates have been identified
                  ─ By taking into account annotations in the scripts (when available,
                    eg. in case of Debian scripts)
                  ─ Exact match of existing templates in the scripts
         →   New templates have been identified
                  ─ By using an “exact match” between scripts
                  ─ By analyzing block statements (if, while, case, for, etc.)
                  ─ by using a similarity based approach

     GTTSE 2011
     Alfonso Pierantonio – Managing the evolution of F/OSS with Model-Driven Techniques

     Rigourous maintainer script analysis 2/2



                                            Used to represent in terms of
                                            models packages and system

     GTTSE 2011
     Alfonso Pierantonio – Managing the evolution of F/OSS with Model-Driven Techniques

     Configuration and package injectors

     By means of the model injection, given a linux system a
     corresponding model is obtained
     Injectors inspect software artifacts and inject relevant
     information into corresponding models
     The process is driven by the metamodels
     GTTSE 2011
     Alfonso Pierantonio – Managing the evolution of F/OSS with Model-Driven Techniques

     Configuration injector
                    Debian          Mandriva              Caixa Magica       Ubuntu
                  Model Injector   Model Injector
                                                    …     Model Injector   Model Injector

                                      Model Injection Infrastructure

                                     Mancoosi Model Management

     cfginject [-d <distribName>] [-full]
      →   It creates a system configuration model starting from a real system. It is
          possible :
             ─ to specify the distribution name
             ─ to force the complete regeneration of the model. By default incremental
               changes of the model are performed in order to keep the system and the
               corresponding model synchronized


     Package injector

     pkginject         [--installed]
                       [--package <package file name>]
      →   It creates package models. By default, a model for each installed
          package is created (--installed)
      →   It is possible to inject only one package by specifying the package file
          name (--package)
      →   It is also possible to inject all the packages which are in the cachedir (--


     Upgrade Simulator

                                                                     Used to simulate system
                                                                     configuration upgrades

     GTTSE 2011
     Alfonso Pierantonio – Managing the evolution of F/OSS with Model-Driven Techniques

                    Upgrade plan:                                                             New
               {(p1,u1),(p2,u2)…,(pn,un)}                                                 Configuration
                     Configuration                         Upgrade
                        Model                              Simulator                         Error

                                {p1, p2, …, pn}
                                                                Package Model1
                                      Package                   Package Model2
                                     Injection                            …
                                                                Package Modeln

     GTTSE 2011
     Alfonso Pierantonio – Managing the evolution of F/OSS with Model-Driven Techniques

                 Upgrade plan:                         Model

                                                     For 1≤i ≤ n :                        Package Model1
                                                     retrieve the
                                                      state of pi                         Package Model2
                                               ui       pi state                          Package Modeln

                                           For each pi simulate
                                            upgrade scenario                                  New
                                                                      valid simulation       Model
                                                                       error found
                                            Upgrade Simulator                                Model

     GTTSE 2011
     Alfonso Pierantonio – Managing the evolution of F/OSS with Model-Driven Techniques

                                                           install        Not installed
                          Model                                                                    Package Modeli

                                                             preinst install
                                    “Files are unpacked”    OK                            FAILED

                            postinst configure                                    postrm abort-install

                                          OK                                                  OK

                                                            Upgrade scenario                                     FAILED

                                   New                        Not installed
                                                                                                       Half installed
                               Configuration                                                          “Reinst required”

     GTTSE 2011
     Alfonso Pierantonio – Managing the evolution of F/OSS with Model-Driven Techniques

       Package                                                    Script Simulator
         Script                                              Retrieval of Model
            …                          Repository of
            Stn                           Model                                           Model transformation
                                     transformations                                         orchestration
     Configuration                                                                            generation
            New                                                 transformation

     GTTSE 2011
     Alfonso Pierantonio – Managing the evolution of F/OSS with Model-Driven Techniques


                     st2                    Error                             CM2             of model
                      …                     Model                                         transformations
                     stn                                         …
                 Configuration                                   Tstn

     GTTSE 2011
     Alfonso Pierantonio – Managing the evolution of F/OSS with Model-Driven Techniques

     GTTSE 2011
     Alfonso Pierantonio – Managing the evolution of F/OSS with Model-Driven Techniques

     GTTSE 2011
     Alfonso Pierantonio – Managing the evolution of F/OSS with Model-Driven Techniques

     <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>                                    [Not-Installed]
     <selectionStates xmlns:xsi="">
      <selectionState type="install">                                                   install
                       <param name="package" value="swi-prolog"/>
                       <param name="version" value="5.6.58"/>
                       <param name="architecture" value="all"/>
      </selectionState>                                                          [Installed]
      <selectionState type="remove">
                       <param name="package" value="swi-prolog"/>                       remove
                       <param name="version" value="5.6.58"/>
                       <param name="architecture" value="all"/>                 swi-prolog
      </selectionState>                                                           5.6.58
      <selectionState type="install">                                           [ConfigFiles]
                       <param name="package" value="swi-prolog"/>
                       <param name="version" value="5.6.58"/>                           install
                       <param name="architecture" value="all"/>
      </selectionState>                                                         swi-prolog
      <selectionState type="install">                                             5.6.58
                       <param name="package" value="swi-prolog"/>                [Installed]
                       <param name="version" value="5.7.59"/>
                       <param name="architecture" value="all"/>                         upgrade
     </selectionStates>                                                         swi-prolog
                            Sample upgrade plan



                                                Used to check system configurations for faults
                                                that might give place to failures in the real

     GTTSE 2011
     Alfonso Pierantonio – Managing the evolution of F/OSS with Model-Driven Techniques

     Fault detector
     Discovering implicit dependencies among packages: we are
     able to discover dependencies that are not declared into the
     package's meta-information
     Discovering missing configuration files: according to the system
     configuration model, some configuration files are required but
     they are not available in the system
     Discovering Mime-type dangling handlers: according to the
     available information, the considered system should be able to
     manage a mime type, but the corresponding handler is missing
     in the system
     Discovering missing services: the init.d file contains services
     that should start at the system start-up; by querying the
     configuration model, it is possible to detect missing services

     GTTSE 2011
     Alfonso Pierantonio – Managing the evolution of F/OSS with Model-Driven Techniques

     Fault detector architecture
                              MANCOOSI Server

     -Libraries (.jar files) and OCL queries                User machine
     -Catalogue of faults
     -Catalogue of solutions

                                               FD-Server    FD-Client

                                               Web Portal



     Conclusions 1
     The prediction of the package upgrade impact has
     been enhanced: a larger number of cases which lead
     to faulty behaviors can be detected
     The core ingredients have been defined
         → Modeling languages for the different aspects
         → Injectors: system configuration and packages

         → Transformational Script Semantics
                  ─ based on ATL
         →   Fault detection: query-based global knowledge base
                  ─ OCL and JAR queries to detect faults
                  ─ Contribution from the community

     GTTSE 2011
     Alfonso Pierantonio – Managing the evolution of F/OSS with Model-Driven Techniques

     Conclusions 2
     The main difficulty is in building the model injectors
         →   labor intensive, deep platform knowledge required,
             ad-hoc techniques
         →   Interesting (academic) tools available
                  ─ GRA2MOL – grammarware / modelware bridging
                  ─ WIRES* – Model transformation orchestration
     Monolithic real scale metamodels
         →   Maintenance of the developed metamodels has been an issue:
             interdependencies, ripple effects
         →   Difficult stabilization of the support tools
     Model comparison for validating the simulation
         →   EMF Compare

     GTTSE 2011
     Alfonso Pierantonio – Managing the evolution of F/OSS with Model-Driven Techniques

     Conclusions 3
     This work has been done within the

     Industrial partners
         → Mandriva
         → Caixa Magica

         → IBM Ilog

     GTTSE 2011
     Alfonso Pierantonio – Managing the evolution of F/OSS with Model-Driven Techniques


           Università degli Studi dell’Aquila
       Upgrade plan:
     {(p1,u1),…,(pn,un)            Package
                                  Package                        Upgrade
                                  Package            CM1       4.Simulator
              }                     Model

     1.Upgrade                   Package           System
         Planner                2. Injector       3.Injector       CM2

                   (p,u)                            Real

          Upgraded Real                System
                                    6. Injector     CM3

     Delta                      Configurations
     Model                 7.     compare

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Managing the evolution of F/OSS with Model Driven Techniques

  • 1. Università degli Studi dell’Aquila Alfonso Pierantonio, Davide Di Ruscio Dipartimento di Informatica Università degli Studi dell’Aquila (Italy)
  • 2. 2 → Linux distributions are among the most complex software ecosystems → More than 29,000 interdependent packages → Keynote at SLE11 by Krzysztof ca. 10,000 features only in the kernel GTTSE 2011 Alfonso Pierantonio – Managing the evolution of F/OSS with Model- Driven Techniques
  • 3. 3 explicit dependencies among linux packages GTTSE 2011 Alfonso Pierantonio – Managing the evolution of F/OSS with Model-Driven Techniques
  • 4. 4 Free and Open Source Software → From tarballs to distributions → Package technology Problem: upgrade failures Abstracting the System → Modeling languages for describing the System → Maintainer Script Analysis → Injectors Analyzing the System → Upgrade simulator → Fault detector Conclusions GTTSE 2011 Alfonso Pierantonio – Managing the evolution of F/OSS with Model-Driven Techniques
  • 5. 5 Today Alfonso Pierantonio → A gentle introduction → Models of Complex Systems July 6, 2011 – 14:45 Davide Di Ruscio → Concrete Artifacts → Demo GTTSE 2011 Alfonso Pierantonio – Managing the evolution of F/OSS with Model-Driven Techniques
  • 6. 6 Free and Open Source Software FOSS distributions are among the most complex software systems known, being made of thousands components evolving rapidly without centralized coordination Large numbers (components/developers) → contains more than 123,736 projects, 1,342,153 “users” → Debian GNU/Linux is distribuited with more than 29,000 pre-compiled packages GTTSE 2011 Alfonso Pierantonio – Managing the evolution of F/OSS with Model-Driven Techniques
  • 7. 7 Free and Open Source Software Numbers like that have the potential to radically change the way we produce and study software, in particular the complex systems of the future complexity dependencies
  • 8. 8 In the beginning it was the tarball Before the advent of distributions, the peculiar way to install free software on client machine was: server client side side bazaar proj 1 user proj 2 installations proj n GTTSE 2011 Alfonso Pierantonio – Managing the evolution of F/OSS with Model-Driven Techniques
  • 9. 9 To answer these problems, GNU/Linux distributions have born as intermediaries between FOSS projects and their users FOSS proj 1 server client bazaar proj 2 side side user proj n installations package management meta- installer distribution editors package repository
  • 10. 10 Free and Open Source Software FOSS distributions are among the most complex software systems known, being made of thousands components evolving rapidly without centralized coordination FOSS components are provided in packaged form by distribution editors Packages define the granularity at which components are managed using package manager applications GTTSE 2011 Alfonso Pierantonio – Managing the evolution of F/OSS with Model-Driven Techniques
  • 11. 11 GNU/Linux distributions Central notion in distributions (to abstract over the complex underlying infrastructure): → package, together with package management software package management distribution editors package repository GTTSE 2011 Alfonso Pierantonio – Managing the evolution of F/OSS with Model-Driven Techniques
  • 12. 12 GNU/Linux distributions Central notion in distributions (to abstract over the complex underlying infrastructure): → package, together with package management software package management distribution editors And yet, doing things right can be package repository extremely difficult! GTTSE 2011 Alfonso Pierantonio – Managing the evolution of F/OSS with Model-Driven Techniques
  • 13. 13 Installation intricacies In state of the art distributions: → knowing if the installation process terminates without errors is undecidable (reason: configuration scripts) … today → there is no guarantee that distribution repositories contains only installable packages → a large number of errors faced by users are dependency resolution errors ─ more than 29,000 packages (and 10,000 sources) in Debian ─ more than 200.000 inter-package relationships GTTSE 2011 Alfonso Pierantonio – Managing the evolution of F/OSS with Model-Driven Techniques
  • 15. 15 → each phase can fail – it actually happens quite often! → efforts should be made to identify errors as early as possible, if not predict
  • 16. 16 Upgrade failures Essentially they can fail for the following classes of problems → Consistency breach due to administrator operations at a finer level of granularity than that of packages ─ eg. needed resources are manipulated or removed from the command-line → Implicit dependencies are not considered in the installation/removal script in the upgraded packages → Script erroneous behavior GTTSE 2011 Alfonso Pierantonio – Managing the evolution of F/OSS with Model-Driven Techniques
  • 17. 17 Installing package libapache-mod-ssl Configuration 1 > apt-get install libapache-mod-ssl + Configuration 2
  • 18. 18
  • 19. 19
  • 20. 20
  • 21. 21 once mod_ssl is installed, it is enabled in apache GTTSE 2011 Alfonso Pierantonio – Managing the evolution of F/OSS with Model-Driven Techniques
  • 22. 22 removing package libapache-mod-ssl Configuration n+1 - > apt-get remove libapache-mod-ssl Configuration n
  • 23. 23 GTTSE 2011 Alfonso Pierantonio – Managing the evolution of F/OSS with Model-Driven Techniques
  • 24. 24 It disables mod_ssl in apache. What happens if the maintainer does not write this statement ? GTTSE 2011 Alfonso Pierantonio – Managing the evolution of F/OSS with Model-Driven Techniques
  • 25. 25 An “inconsistent” configuration is reached and it is detected only at run-time: the package dependency metadata are not enough ! GTTSE 2011 Alfonso Pierantonio – Managing the evolution of F/OSS with Model-Driven Techniques
  • 26. 26 Problem: Upgrade failures Current tools are able to predict a limited set of upgrade failures before deployment When trying to predict upgrade failures, existing tools only consider static package metadata and the behaviour of the maintainer scripts is completely ignored → This leaves a wide range of failures unpredicted GTTSE 2011 Alfonso Pierantonio – Managing the evolution of F/OSS with Model-Driven Techniques
  • 27. 27 Upgrade failures classification Static deploy-time occur when a static requirement is violated during the upgrade. → the low-level package manager fails at deploy-time, aborting the upgrade process Dynamic deploy-time occur when a maintainer script fails → such failures can originate from errors ranging from syntax to failures in external tools → they are not addressed by state of the art package managers Undetected failures remain undetected through upgrade deployment → the upgrade has been completed successfully, but the obtained system configuration contains undetected incoherences GTTSE 2011 Alfonso Pierantonio – Managing the evolution of F/OSS with Model-Driven Techniques
  • 29. 29 Idea Extracting relevant information from a linux box («snapshot») at a given moment of time Analysis and upgrade simulation on the «snapshot» injectors «snapshot» Linux box
  • 30. 30 Ingredients 1 Modeling languages for describing the several aspects of a linux distribution → Packages ─ including maintainer scripts → System Configuration ─ Installed packages ─ Configuration files ─ MIME-type handlers ─ Alternatives ─ etc Injectors for harvesting the system and building the models → collection of injectors GTTSE 2011 Alfonso Pierantonio – Managing the evolution of F/OSS with Model-Driven Techniques
  • 31. 31 Ingredients 2 Modeling language for the maintainer scripts → scripts are written in POSIX languages whose semantics is far from being simple, although → maintainer scripts does not harness the full expressivity of such languages (template-based “macro-language”) Maintainer scripts as models → which semantics ? GTTSE 2011 Alfonso Pierantonio – Managing the evolution of F/OSS with Model-Driven Techniques
  • 32. 32 Ingredients 3 Transformational semantics for simulating the behavior of the maintainer scripts on the system «snapshot» → M2M transformations obtained by «compiling» the maintainer scripts into ATL Fault detector, a general mechanism for performing queries over the «snapshot» for digging the model and search for inconsistencies GTTSE 2011 Alfonso Pierantonio – Managing the evolution of F/OSS with Model-Driven Techniques
  • 33. 33 Configuration 1 ? Configuration 2 package injection system injection M2M transformation M2M transformation «snapshot» 1 «snapshot» 2
  • 34. 34 A model-based approach is introduced to support the package upgrades and enhance the failure detection possibilities: → the simulator is used to predict the effect of maintainer script executions (deploy-time failures) → the fault detector is used to deal with undetected failures
  • 35. 35 EVOSS A model-based approach is introduced to support the package upgrades and enhance the failure detection possibilities: → the simulator is used to predict the effect of maintainer script executions (deploy-time failures) → the fault detector is used to deal with undetected failures
  • 37. 37 Rigourous maintainer script analysis (1/2) Script analysis for Debian and RPM based distributions To support the analysis and represent the results a database of scripts has been developed → Already known templates have been identified ─ By taking into account annotations in the scripts (when available, eg. in case of Debian scripts) ─ Exact match of existing templates in the scripts → New templates have been identified ─ By using an “exact match” between scripts ─ By analyzing block statements (if, while, case, for, etc.) ─ by using a similarity based approach GTTSE 2011 Alfonso Pierantonio – Managing the evolution of F/OSS with Model-Driven Techniques
  • 38. 38 Rigourous maintainer script analysis 2/2
  • 39. 39 INJECTORS
  • 40. 40 Used to represent in terms of models packages and system configurations GTTSE 2011 Alfonso Pierantonio – Managing the evolution of F/OSS with Model-Driven Techniques
  • 41. 41 Configuration and package injectors By means of the model injection, given a linux system a corresponding model is obtained Injectors inspect software artifacts and inject relevant information into corresponding models The process is driven by the metamodels GTTSE 2011 Alfonso Pierantonio – Managing the evolution of F/OSS with Model-Driven Techniques
  • 42. 42 Configuration injector Debian Mandriva Caixa Magica Ubuntu Model Injector Model Injector … Model Injector Model Injector Mancoosi Model Injection Infrastructure Mancoosi Model Management cfginject [-d <distribName>] [-full] → It creates a system configuration model starting from a real system. It is possible : ─ to specify the distribution name ─ to force the complete regeneration of the model. By default incremental changes of the model are performed in order to keep the system and the corresponding model synchronized DEMO
  • 43. 43 Package injector pkginject [--installed] [--package <package file name>] [--cachedir] → It creates package models. By default, a model for each installed package is created (--installed) → It is possible to inject only one package by specifying the package file name (--package) → It is also possible to inject all the packages which are in the cachedir (-- cachedir) DEMO
  • 45. 45 Upgrade Simulator Used to simulate system configuration upgrades GTTSE 2011 Alfonso Pierantonio – Managing the evolution of F/OSS with Model-Driven Techniques
  • 46. 46 Input Output Upgrade plan: New {(p1,u1),(p2,u2)…,(pn,un)} Configuration Model Configuration Upgrade Model Simulator Error Model {p1, p2, …, pn} Package Model1 Package Package Model2 Injection … Package Modeln GTTSE 2011 Alfonso Pierantonio – Managing the evolution of F/OSS with Model-Driven Techniques
  • 47. 47 Configuration Upgrade plan: Model {(p1,u1),(p2,u2)…,(pn,un) } For 1≤i ≤ n : Package Model1 retrieve the state of pi Package Model2 … ui pi state Package Modeln For each pi simulate upgrade scenario New Configuration valid simulation Model error found Error Upgrade Simulator Model GTTSE 2011 Alfonso Pierantonio – Managing the evolution of F/OSS with Model-Driven Techniques
  • 48. 48 install Not installed Configuration Model Package Modeli preinst install “Files are unpacked” OK FAILED FAILED postinst configure postrm abort-install Half-configured OK OK Upgrade scenario FAILED Installed New Not installed Half installed Configuration “Reinst required” Model Error Model GTTSE 2011 Alfonso Pierantonio – Managing the evolution of F/OSS with Model-Driven Techniques
  • 49. 49 Package Script Simulator Model Script Script Script Retrieval of Model transformations St1 St2 … Repository of Stn Model Model transformation transformations orchestration Configuration generation Model Model New transformation Configuration Model orchestration execution Error Model GTTSE 2011 Alfonso Pierantonio – Managing the evolution of F/OSS with Model-Driven Techniques
  • 50. 50 Configuration Tst1 Model CM1 Script Tst2 st1 Orchestration st2 Error CM2 of model … Model transformations stn … CMn-1 New Configuration Tstn Model GTTSE 2011 Alfonso Pierantonio – Managing the evolution of F/OSS with Model-Driven Techniques
  • 51. 51 GTTSE 2011 Alfonso Pierantonio – Managing the evolution of F/OSS with Model-Driven Techniques
  • 52. 52 GTTSE 2011 Alfonso Pierantonio – Managing the evolution of F/OSS with Model-Driven Techniques
  • 53. 53 swi-prolog 5.6.58 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> [Not-Installed] <selectionStates xmlns:xsi=""> <selectionState type="install"> install <param name="package" value="swi-prolog"/> <param name="version" value="5.6.58"/> swi-prolog <param name="architecture" value="all"/> 5.6.58 </selectionState> [Installed] <selectionState type="remove"> <param name="package" value="swi-prolog"/> remove <param name="version" value="5.6.58"/> <param name="architecture" value="all"/> swi-prolog </selectionState> 5.6.58 <selectionState type="install"> [ConfigFiles] <param name="package" value="swi-prolog"/> <param name="version" value="5.6.58"/> install <param name="architecture" value="all"/> </selectionState> swi-prolog <selectionState type="install"> 5.6.58 <param name="package" value="swi-prolog"/> [Installed] <param name="version" value="5.7.59"/> <param name="architecture" value="all"/> upgrade </selectionState> </selectionStates> swi-prolog 5.7.59 [Installed] Sample upgrade plan DEMO
  • 55. 55 Used to check system configurations for faults that might give place to failures in the real system GTTSE 2011 Alfonso Pierantonio – Managing the evolution of F/OSS with Model-Driven Techniques
  • 56. 56 Fault detector Discovering implicit dependencies among packages: we are able to discover dependencies that are not declared into the package's meta-information Discovering missing configuration files: according to the system configuration model, some configuration files are required but they are not available in the system Discovering Mime-type dangling handlers: according to the available information, the considered system should be able to manage a mime type, but the corresponding handler is missing in the system Discovering missing services: the init.d file contains services that should start at the system start-up; by querying the configuration model, it is possible to detect missing services … GTTSE 2011 Alfonso Pierantonio – Managing the evolution of F/OSS with Model-Driven Techniques
  • 57. 57 Fault detector architecture MANCOOSI Server -Libraries (.jar files) and OCL queries User machine -Catalogue of faults -Catalogue of solutions FD-Server FD-Client Web Portal User DEMO
  • 58. 58 Conclusions 1 The prediction of the package upgrade impact has been enhanced: a larger number of cases which lead to faulty behaviors can be detected The core ingredients have been defined → Modeling languages for the different aspects → Injectors: system configuration and packages → Transformational Script Semantics ─ based on ATL → Fault detection: query-based global knowledge base ─ OCL and JAR queries to detect faults ─ Contribution from the community GTTSE 2011 Alfonso Pierantonio – Managing the evolution of F/OSS with Model-Driven Techniques
  • 59. 59 Conclusions 2 The main difficulty is in building the model injectors → labor intensive, deep platform knowledge required, ad-hoc techniques → Interesting (academic) tools available ─ GRA2MOL – grammarware / modelware bridging ─ WIRES* – Model transformation orchestration Monolithic real scale metamodels → Maintenance of the developed metamodels has been an issue: interdependencies, ripple effects → Difficult stabilization of the support tools Model comparison for validating the simulation → EMF Compare GTTSE 2011 Alfonso Pierantonio – Managing the evolution of F/OSS with Model-Driven Techniques
  • 60. 60 Conclusions 3 This work has been done within the → EU FP7 ICT STREP MANCOOSI Industrial partners → Mandriva → Caixa Magica → IBM Ilog GTTSE 2011 Alfonso Pierantonio – Managing the evolution of F/OSS with Model-Driven Techniques
  • 61. 61
  • 62. 62 Questions? Università degli Studi dell’Aquila
  • 63. 63
  • 64. 64 Upgrade plan: {(p1,u1),…,(pn,un) Package Package Upgrade Package CM1 4.Simulator } Model Model Model 1.Upgrade Package System Planner 2. Injector 3.Injector CM2 (p,u) Real System Packages 5.Upgrade Upgraded Real System 6. Injector CM3 System Delta Configurations Model 7. compare
  • 65. 65