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Introducing Collections
        in Scala

    Rishi Khandelwal
    Software Consultant
    Knoldus Software LLP
    Email :

    Easy to use

    e.g. val (minors, adults) = people partition (_.age < 18)
       It partitions a collection of people into minors and adults
       depending on their age.
      Much more concise than the one to three loops required for traditional
      collection processing.
      Writing this code is much easier, once we learn the basic
      collection vocabulary.
      Safer than writing explicit loops.
      The partition operation is quite fast.
Mutable and Immutable collections

Mutable :
    can change, add, or remove elements of a collection
    import scala.collection.mutable

Immutable :
    never change
    updation return a new collection and leave the old collection
    By default collections are immutable

    To use mutable collections, just import
    To use both mutable and immutable versions of collections is
    to import just the package collection.mutable.

e.g. scala> import scala.collection.mutable
     import scala.collection.mutable

     scala> val immutSet=Set(1,2,3)
     immutSet: scala.collection.immutable.Set[Int] = Set(1, 2, 3)

     scala> val mutSet=mutable.Set(1,2,3)
     mutSet: scala.collection.mutable.Set[Int] = Set(2, 1, 3)
Collections consistency

    Quite a bit of commonality shared by all these collections.
    Every kind of collection can be created by the same uniform
    syntax writing collection class name followed by its elements:

e.g. Traversable(1, 2, 3)
     Iterable("x", "y", "z")
     Map("x" -> 24, "y" -> 25, "z" -> 26)
     Set(Color.Red, Color.Green, Color.Blue)

Same principle also applies for specific collection implementations
e.g. List(1, 2, 3)
     HashMap("x" -> 24, "y" -> 25, "z" -> 26)
Collection hierarchy


 scala         scala.collection   scala.collection
  Seq                Set                Map
«trait»            «trait»            «trait»
Trait Traversable

    At the top of the collection hierarchy.
    Only abstract operation is foreach:
    def foreach[U](f: Elem =>U)

    foreach method is meant to traverse all elements of the collection.
    apply the given operation f, to each element.
    Elem => U= the type of the operation.
    Elem = the type of the collection’s elements.
    U = an arbitrary result type.
    It also defines many concrete methods
Trait Iterable
    Next trait from the top.
    All methods are defined in terms of an abstract method, iterator, which
    yields the collection’s elements one by one.
    Implementation of foreach :
    def foreach[U](f: Elem => U): Unit = {
         val it = iterator
         while (it.hasNext) f(
    Two more methods exist in Iterable that return iterators:
    grouped and sliding.
    These iterators do not return single elements but whole subsequences of
    elements of the original collection.
scala> val xs = List(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
xs: List[Int] = List(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)

grouped :
scala> val git = xs grouped 3
git: Iterator[List[Int]] = non-empty iterator
res2: List[Int] = List(1, 2, 3)
res3: List[Int] = List(4, 5)

scala> val sit = xs sliding 3
sit: Iterator[List[Int]] = non-empty iterator
res4: List[Int] = List(1, 2, 3)
res5: List[Int] = List(2, 3, 4)
res6: List[Int] = List(3, 4, 5)
Why have both Traversable and Iterable?
    sealed abstract class Tree
    case class Branch(left: Tree, right: Tree) extends Tree
    case class Node(elem: Int) extends Tree
       Using Traversable
    sealed abstract class Tree extends Traversable[Int] {
    def foreach[U](f: Int => U) = this match {
      case Node(elem) => f(elem)
      case Branch(l, r) => l foreach f; r foreach f
      Traversing a balanced tree takes time proportional to the number of
    elements in the tree.
       A balanced tree with N leaves will have N - 1 interior nodes of
    class branch. So the total number of steps to traverse the tree is N + N - 1.
      Using Iterable :

      sealed abstract class Tree extends Iterable[Int] {
          def iterator: Iterator[Int] = this match {
       case Node(elem) => Iterator.single(elem)
       case Branch(l, r) => l.iterator ++ r.iterator
       There’s an efficiency problem that has to do with the implementation of the
    iterator concatenation method, ++
      The computation needs to follow one indirection to get at the right iterator
      (either l.iterator,or r.iterator).
      Overall, that makes log(N) indirections to get at a leaf of a balanced tree
      with N leaves.
Trait Seq

    Seq trait represents sequences.
    A sequence is a kind of iterable that has a length and whose elements have
    fixed index positions, starting from 0.
    Each Seq trait has two subtraits, LinearSeq and IndexedSeq
    A linear sequence has efficient head and tail operations
    e.g. List, Stream
    An indexed sequence has efficient apply, length, and (if mutable)
    update operations. e.g. Array, ArrayBuffer
    Classes that inherit from trait Seq

Lists :
    Always Immutable
     Support fast addition and removal of items to the beginning of
    the list

scala> val colors = List("red", "blue", "green")
colors: List[java.lang.String] = List(red, blue, green)

scala> colors.head
res0: java.lang.String = red

scala> colors.tail
res1: List[java.lang.String] = List(blue, green)
Array :
    Efficiently access an element at an arbitrary position.
    Scala arrays are represented in the same way as Java arrays
    Create an array whose size is known but don’t yet know the
    element values:
    e.g. scala> val fiveInts = new Array[Int](5)
         fiveInts: Array[Int] = Array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
    Initialize an array when we do know the element values:
    e.g. scala> val fiveToOne = Array(5, 4, 3, 2, 1)
          fiveToOne: Array[Int] = Array(5, 4, 3, 2, 1)
    Accessing and updating an array element:
    e.g. scala> fiveInts(0) = fiveToOne(4)
         scala> fiveInts
         res1: Array[Int] = Array(1, 0, 0, 0, 0)

List buffers :
    It is a mutable object which can help you build lists more
    efficiently when you need to append.
    Provides constant time append and prepend operations.
    Append elements with the += operator,and prepend them with
    the +: operator.
    Obtain a List by invoking toList on the ListBuffer.
    To use it, just import scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer
scala> import scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer
import scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer

scala> val buf = new ListBuffer[Int]
buf: scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer[Int] = ListBuffer()

scala> buf += 1
scala> buf += 2
scala> buf
res11: scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer[Int]= ListBuffer(1, 2)

scala> 3 +: buf
res12: scala.collection.mutable.Buffer[Int]= ListBuffer(3, 1, 2)

scala> buf.toList
res13: List[Int] = List(3, 1, 2)

Array buffers :
       It is like an array, except that you can additionally add and remove
    elements from the beginning and end of the sequence.
       To use it just import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer
       e.g. scala> import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer
            import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer
       To create an ArrayBuffer, only specify a type parameter, no need not
       specify a length.
       e.g. scala> val buf = new ArrayBuffer[Int]()
            buf: scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer[Int] =

   Append to an ArrayBuffer using the += method:
e.g. scala> buf += 12
     scala> buf += 15
     scala> buf
     res16: scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer[Int] =
     ArrayBuffer(12, 15).
       All the normal array methods are available
    e.g. scala> buf.length
         res17: Int = 2
         scala> buf(0)
         res18: Int = 12
 Queue :
     first-in-first-out sequence.
     Both mutable and immutable variants of Queue.
     Create an empty immutable queue:
     e.g. scala> import scala.collection.immutable.Queue
          import scala.collection.immutable.Queue
          scala> val empty = Queue[Int]()
          empty: scala.collection.immutable.Queue[Int] = Queue()
     Note :
     scala> val empty=new Queue[Int]
     <console>:8: error: constructor Queue in class Queue cannot be
     accessed in object $iw Access to protected constructor Queue not permitted
     because enclosing class object $iw in object $iw is not a subclass ofclass
     Queue in package immutable where target is defined
                   val empty=new Queue[Int]

    Append an element to an immutable queue with enqueue:
    e.g. scala> val has1 = empty.enqueue(1)
         has1: scala.collection.immutable.Queue[Int] = Queue(1)
    To append multiple elements to a queue, call enqueue with a collection as
    its argument:
    e.g. scala> val has123 = has1.enqueue(List(2, 3))
          has123: scala.collection.immutable.Queue[Int] =
    To remove an element from the head of the queue,use dequeue:
    scala> val (element, has23) = has123.dequeue
    element: Int = 1
    has23: scala.collection.immutable.Queue[Int] = Queue(2,3)
    Use mutable Queue

scala> import scala.collection.mutable.Queue
import scala.collection.mutable.Queue

scala> val queue = new Queue[String]
queue: scala.collection.mutable.Queue[String] = Queue()

scala> queue += "a"
scala> queue ++= List("b", "c")
scala> queue
res21: scala.collection.mutable.Queue[String] = Queue(a, b, c)

scala> queue.dequeue
res22: String = a

scala> queue
res23: scala.collection.mutable.Queue[String] = Queue(b, c)
Stack :
    last-in-first-out sequence.
    Both mutable and immutable variants..
    push an element onto a stack with push,
    pop an element with pop,
    peek at the top of the stack without removing it with top

scala> import scala.collection.mutable.Stack
import scala.collection.mutable.Stack

scala> val stack = new Stack[Int]
stack: scala.collection.mutable.Stack[Int] = Stack()
scala> stack.push(1)
scala> stack
res1: scala.collection.mutable.Stack[Int] = Stack(1)

scala> stack.push(2)
scala> stack
res3: scala.collection.mutable.Stack[Int] = Stack(1, 2)

res8: Int = 2

scala> stack
res9: scala.collection.mutable.Stack[Int] = Stack(1, 2)

scala> stack.pop
res10: Int = 2

scala> stack
res11: scala.collection.mutable.Stack[Int] = Stack(1)

Strings (via StringOps) :
    It implements many sequence methods..
    Predef has an implicit conversion from String to StringOps,we can treat any
    string as a Seq[Char].

scala> def hasUpperCase(s: String) = s.exists(_.isUpperCase)
hasUpperCase: (String)Boolean

scala> hasUpperCase("Robert Frost")
res14: Boolean = true

scala> hasUpperCase("e e cummings")
res15: Boolean = false
Trait Set
      Sets are Iterables that contain no duplicate elements
      Both mutable and immutable

    scala.collection.immutable             scala.collection.mutable
                 Set                                  Set
               «trait»                              «trait»

    scala.collection.immutable               Scala.collection.mutable
              HashSet                                HashSet
scala> val text = "See Spot run. Run, Spot. Run!"
text: java.lang.String = See Spot run. Run, Spot. Run!

scala> val wordsArray = text.split("[ !,.]+")
wordsArray: Array[java.lang.String] =
Array(See, Spot, run, Run, Spot, Run)

scala> import scala.collection.mutable
import scala.collection.mutable

scala>val words = mutable.Set.empty[String]
words: scala.collection.mutable.Set[String] = Set()

scala> for (word <- wordsArray)
words += word.toLowerCase

scala> words
res25: scala.collection.mutable.Set[String] = Set(spot, run, see)
    Two Set subtraits are SortedSet and BitSet

SortedSet :
    No matter what order elements were added to the set, the elements are
    traversed in sorted order.
    Default representation of a SortedSet is an ordered binary tree
    Define ordering :
    scala> val myOrdering = Ordering.fromLessThan[String](_ > _)
    myOrdering: scala.math.Ordering[String] = ...
    Create an empty tree set with that ordering, use:
    scala> import scala.collection.immutable.TreeSet
    import scala.collection.immutable.TreeSet

    scala> val mySet=TreeSet.empty(myOrdering)
    mySet: scala.collection.immutable.TreeSet[String] = TreeSet()
    Default ordering Set :
    scala> val set = TreeSet.empty[String]
    set: scala.collection.immutable.TreeSet[String] = TreeSet()
      Creating new sets from a tree set by concatenation
    scala> val numbers = set + ("one", "two", "three", "four")
    numbers: scala.collection.immutable.TreeSet[String] =TreeSet(four, one,
    three, two)

    scala> val myNumbers=mySet + ("one","two","three","four")
    myNumbers: scala.collection.immutable.TreeSet[String] = TreeSet(two,
    three, one, four)
    Sorted sets also support ranges of elements.
    scala> numbers range ("one", "two")
    res13: scala.collection.immutable.TreeSet[String]= TreeSet(one, three)

    scala> numbers from "three"
    res14: scala.collection.immutable.TreeSet[String] = TreeSet(three, two)
Bit Set :
    Bit sets are sets of non-negative integer elements that are implemented in
    one or more words of packed bits.
    The internal representation of a bit set uses an array of Longs.
    The first Long covers elements from 0 to 63, the second from 64 to 127, and
    so on
    For every Long, each of its 64 bits is set to 1 if the corresponding element is
    contained in the set, and is unset otherwise.
    It follows that the size of a bit set depends on the largest integer that’s
    stored in it. If N is that largest integer, then the size of the set is N/64 Long
    words,or N/8 bytes, plus a small number of extra bytes for status
Trait Map
      Maps are Iterables of pairs of keys and values.
      Both mutable and immutable

    scala.collection.immutable             scala.collection.mutable
                Map                                  Map
               «trait»                              «trait»

    scala.collection.immutable               Scala.collection.mutable
             HashMap                                HashMap
scala> import scala.collection.mutable
import scala.collection.mutable

scala> val map = mutable.Map.empty[String, Int]
map: scala.collection.mutable.Map[String,Int] = Map()

scala> map("hello") = 1

scala> map("there") = 2

scala> map
res2: scala.collection.mutable.Map[String,Int] = Map(there -> 2, hello -> 1)

scala> map("hello")
res3: Int = 1
Sorted Map
    Trait SortedMap are implemented by class TreeMap
    Order is determined by Ordered trait on key element type

scala> import scala.collection.immutable.TreeMap
import scala.collection.immutable.TreeMap

scala> var tm = TreeMap(3 -> 'x', 1 -> 'x', 4 -> 'x')
tm: scala.collection.immutable.SortedMap[Int,Char] =
Map(1 -> x, 3 -> x, 4 -> x)

scala> tm += (2 -> 'x')

scala> tm
res38: scala.collection.immutable.SortedMap[Int,Char] =
Map(1 -> x, 2 -> x, 3 -> x, 4 -> x)
Default sets and maps
    scala.collection.mutable.Set() factory returns a
    Similarly, the scala.collection.mutable.Map() factory returns a
    The class returned by the scala.collection.immutable.Set() factory method
    & scala.collection.immutable.Map() depends on how many elements you
    pass to it
    Number of elements                    Implementation
       0                     scala.collection.immutable.EmptySet
       1                     scala.collection.immutable.Set1
       2                     scala.collection.immutable.Set2
       3                     scala.collection.immutable.Set3
       4                     scala.collection.immutable.Set4
    5 or more                scala.collection.immutable.HashSet

Similarily for Map
    Number of elements               Implementation
       0                 scala.collection.immutable.EmptyMap
       1                 scala.collection.immutable.Map1
       2                 scala.collection.immutable.Map2
       3                 scala.collection.immutable.Map3
       4                 scala.collection.immutable.Map4
    5 or more            scala.collection.immutable.HashMap
Synchronized sets and maps
      For a thread-safe map,mix the SynchronizedMap trait into particular map

 import scala.collection.mutable.{Map,SynchronizedMap, HashMap}
 object MapMaker {
    def makeMap: Map[String, String] = {
         new HashMap[String, String] with SynchronizedMap[String, String] {
         override def default(key: String) =“Why do you want to know?"
      Similarily for sets
    import scala.collection.mutable
    val synchroSet =new mutable.HashSet[Int] with mutable.SynchronizedSet[Int]
scala> val capital = MapMaker.makeMap
capital: scala.collection.mutable.Map[String,String] = Map()

scala> capital ++ List("US" -> "Washington",
"Paris" -> "France", "Japan" -> "Tokyo")
res0: scala.collection.mutable.Map[String,String] =
Map(Paris -> France, US -> Washington, Japan -> Tokyo)

scala> capital("Japan")
res1: String = Tokyo

scala> capital("New Zealand")
res2: String = Why do you want to know?

scala> capital += ("New Zealand" -> "Wellington")

scala> capital("New Zealand")
res3: String = Wellington
Selecting mutable versus immutable
    It is better to start with an immutable collection and change it later if you
    need to.
    Immutable collections can usually be stored more compactly than mutable
    ones if the number of eements stored in the collection is small.
    An empty mutable map in its default representation of HashMap takes up
    about 80 bytes and about 16 more are added for each entry that’s added to
    Scala collections library currently stores immutable maps and sets with up
    to four entries in a single object, which typically takes up between 16 and 40
    bytes, depending on the number of entries stored in the collection.
Initializing collections
    Most common way to create and initialize a collection is to pass the initial
    elements to a factory method on the companion object of collection.

scala> List(1, 2, 3)
res0: List[Int] = List(1, 2, 3)

scala> Set('a', 'b', 'c')
res1: scala.collection.immutable.Set[Char] = Set(a, b, c)

scala> import scala.collection.mutable
import scala.collection.mutable

scala> mutable.Map("hi" -> 2, "there" -> 5)
res2: scala.collection.mutable.Map[java.lang.String,Int] =
Map(hi -> 2, there -> 5)

scala> Array(1.0, 2.0, 3.0)
res3: Array[Double] = Array(1.0, 2.0, 3.0)
Initialize a collection with another collection.
 scala> val colors = List("blue", "yellow", "red", "green")
 colors: List[java.lang.String] = List(blue, yellow, red, green)

    scala> import scala.collection.immutable.TreeSet
    import scala.collection.immutable.TreeSet
    Cannot pass the colors list to the factory method for TreeSet
    scala> val treeSet = TreeSet(colors)
   <console>:9: error: No implicit Ordering defined for List[java.lang.String].
     val treeSet = TreeSet(colors)
    Create an empty TreeSet[String] and add to it the elements of the list with
the TreeSet’s ++ operator:
  scala> val treeSet = TreeSet[String]() ++ colors
  treeSet: scala.collection.immutable.TreeSet[String] = TreeSet(blue, green,
  red, yellow)
      Converting to array or list
    scala> treeSet.toList
    res54: List[String] = List(blue, green, red, yellow)

    scala> treeSet.toArray
    res55: Array[String] = Array(blue, green, red, yellow)
       Converting between mutable and immutable sets and maps
    scala> import scala.collection.mutable
    import scala.collection.mutable
    scala> treeSet
    res5: scala.collection.immutable.SortedSet[String] =Set(blue, green, red,
    scala> val mutaSet = mutable.Set.empty ++ treeSet
    mutaSet: scala.collection.mutable.Set[String] =Set(yellow, blue, red, green)

    scala> val immutaSet = Set.empty ++ mutaSet
    immutaSet: scala.collection.immutable.Set[String] =Set(yellow, blue, red,
    A tuple can hold objects with different types. e.g. (1, "hello", Console)
   Tuples do not inherit from Iterable.
def longestWord(words: Array[String]) = {
     var word = words(0)
     var idx = 0
     for (i <- 1 until words.length)
          if (words(i).length > word.length) {
               word = words(i)
               idx = i
     (word, idx)

scala> val longest =longestWord("The quick brown fox".split(" "))
longest: (String, Int) = (quick,1)
      To access elements of a tuple
    scala> longest._1
    res56: String = quick
    scala> longest._2
    res57: Int = 1
       Assign each element of the tuple to its own variable
    scala> val (word, idx) = longest
    word: String = quick
    idx: Int = 1
    scala> word
    res58: String = quick
       Leave off the parentheses can give a different result:
    scala> val word, idx = longest
    word: (String, Int) = (quick,1)
    idx: (String, Int) = (quick,1)
Scala collection

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Scala collection

  • 1. Introducing Collections in Scala Rishi Khandelwal Software Consultant Knoldus Software LLP Email :
  • 2. Features  Easy to use  Concise  Safe  Fast  Universal
  • 3. Continued... e.g. val (minors, adults) = people partition (_.age < 18)  It partitions a collection of people into minors and adults depending on their age.  Much more concise than the one to three loops required for traditional collection processing.  Writing this code is much easier, once we learn the basic collection vocabulary.  Safer than writing explicit loops.  The partition operation is quite fast.
  • 4. Mutable and Immutable collections Mutable :  can change, add, or remove elements of a collection  import scala.collection.mutable Immutable :  never change  updation return a new collection and leave the old collection unchanged.  By default collections are immutable
  • 5. Continued...  To use mutable collections, just import scala.collection.mutable.  To use both mutable and immutable versions of collections is to import just the package collection.mutable. e.g. scala> import scala.collection.mutable import scala.collection.mutable scala> val immutSet=Set(1,2,3) immutSet: scala.collection.immutable.Set[Int] = Set(1, 2, 3) scala> val mutSet=mutable.Set(1,2,3) mutSet: scala.collection.mutable.Set[Int] = Set(2, 1, 3)
  • 6. Collections consistency  Quite a bit of commonality shared by all these collections.  Every kind of collection can be created by the same uniform syntax writing collection class name followed by its elements: e.g. Traversable(1, 2, 3) Iterable("x", "y", "z") Map("x" -> 24, "y" -> 25, "z" -> 26) Set(Color.Red, Color.Green, Color.Blue) Same principle also applies for specific collection implementations e.g. List(1, 2, 3) HashMap("x" -> 24, "y" -> 25, "z" -> 26)
  • 7. Collection hierarchy scala Traversable «trait» scala Iterable «trait» scala scala.collection scala.collection Seq Set Map «trait» «trait» «trait»
  • 8. Trait Traversable  At the top of the collection hierarchy.  Only abstract operation is foreach: def foreach[U](f: Elem =>U) foreach method is meant to traverse all elements of the collection. apply the given operation f, to each element. Elem => U= the type of the operation. Elem = the type of the collection’s elements. U = an arbitrary result type.  It also defines many concrete methods
  • 9. Trait Iterable  Next trait from the top.  All methods are defined in terms of an abstract method, iterator, which yields the collection’s elements one by one.  Implementation of foreach : def foreach[U](f: Elem => U): Unit = { val it = iterator while (it.hasNext) f( }  Two more methods exist in Iterable that return iterators: grouped and sliding.  These iterators do not return single elements but whole subsequences of elements of the original collection.
  • 10. scala> val xs = List(1, 2, 3, 4, 5) xs: List[Int] = List(1, 2, 3, 4, 5) grouped : scala> val git = xs grouped 3 git: Iterator[List[Int]] = non-empty iterator scala> res2: List[Int] = List(1, 2, 3) scala> res3: List[Int] = List(4, 5) sliding: scala> val sit = xs sliding 3 sit: Iterator[List[Int]] = non-empty iterator scala> res4: List[Int] = List(1, 2, 3) scala> res5: List[Int] = List(2, 3, 4) scala> res6: List[Int] = List(3, 4, 5)
  • 11. Why have both Traversable and Iterable? sealed abstract class Tree case class Branch(left: Tree, right: Tree) extends Tree case class Node(elem: Int) extends Tree  Using Traversable sealed abstract class Tree extends Traversable[Int] { def foreach[U](f: Int => U) = this match { case Node(elem) => f(elem) case Branch(l, r) => l foreach f; r foreach f } }  Traversing a balanced tree takes time proportional to the number of elements in the tree.  A balanced tree with N leaves will have N - 1 interior nodes of class branch. So the total number of steps to traverse the tree is N + N - 1.
  • 12. Continued...  Using Iterable : sealed abstract class Tree extends Iterable[Int] { def iterator: Iterator[Int] = this match { case Node(elem) => Iterator.single(elem) case Branch(l, r) => l.iterator ++ r.iterator } }  There’s an efficiency problem that has to do with the implementation of the iterator concatenation method, ++  The computation needs to follow one indirection to get at the right iterator (either l.iterator,or r.iterator).  Overall, that makes log(N) indirections to get at a leaf of a balanced tree with N leaves.
  • 13. Trait Seq  Seq trait represents sequences.  A sequence is a kind of iterable that has a length and whose elements have fixed index positions, starting from 0.  Each Seq trait has two subtraits, LinearSeq and IndexedSeq  A linear sequence has efficient head and tail operations e.g. List, Stream  An indexed sequence has efficient apply, length, and (if mutable) update operations. e.g. Array, ArrayBuffer
  • 14. Sequences  Classes that inherit from trait Seq Lists :  Always Immutable  Support fast addition and removal of items to the beginning of the list scala> val colors = List("red", "blue", "green") colors: List[java.lang.String] = List(red, blue, green) scala> colors.head res0: java.lang.String = red scala> colors.tail res1: List[java.lang.String] = List(blue, green)
  • 15. Continued... Array :  Efficiently access an element at an arbitrary position.  Scala arrays are represented in the same way as Java arrays  Create an array whose size is known but don’t yet know the element values: e.g. scala> val fiveInts = new Array[Int](5) fiveInts: Array[Int] = Array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0)  Initialize an array when we do know the element values: e.g. scala> val fiveToOne = Array(5, 4, 3, 2, 1) fiveToOne: Array[Int] = Array(5, 4, 3, 2, 1)  Accessing and updating an array element: e.g. scala> fiveInts(0) = fiveToOne(4) scala> fiveInts res1: Array[Int] = Array(1, 0, 0, 0, 0)
  • 16. Continued... List buffers :  It is a mutable object which can help you build lists more efficiently when you need to append.  Provides constant time append and prepend operations.  Append elements with the += operator,and prepend them with the +: operator.  Obtain a List by invoking toList on the ListBuffer.  To use it, just import scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer
  • 17. Continued... scala> import scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer import scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer scala> val buf = new ListBuffer[Int] buf: scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer[Int] = ListBuffer() scala> buf += 1 scala> buf += 2 scala> buf res11: scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer[Int]= ListBuffer(1, 2) scala> 3 +: buf res12: scala.collection.mutable.Buffer[Int]= ListBuffer(3, 1, 2) scala> buf.toList res13: List[Int] = List(3, 1, 2)
  • 18. Continued... Array buffers :  It is like an array, except that you can additionally add and remove elements from the beginning and end of the sequence.  To use it just import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer e.g. scala> import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer  To create an ArrayBuffer, only specify a type parameter, no need not specify a length. e.g. scala> val buf = new ArrayBuffer[Int]() buf: scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer[Int] = ArrayBuffer()
  • 19. Continued...  Append to an ArrayBuffer using the += method: e.g. scala> buf += 12 scala> buf += 15 scala> buf res16: scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer[Int] = ArrayBuffer(12, 15).  All the normal array methods are available e.g. scala> buf.length res17: Int = 2 scala> buf(0) res18: Int = 12
  • 20. Continued... Queue :  first-in-first-out sequence.  Both mutable and immutable variants of Queue.  Create an empty immutable queue: e.g. scala> import scala.collection.immutable.Queue import scala.collection.immutable.Queue scala> val empty = Queue[Int]() empty: scala.collection.immutable.Queue[Int] = Queue()  Note : scala> val empty=new Queue[Int] <console>:8: error: constructor Queue in class Queue cannot be accessed in object $iw Access to protected constructor Queue not permitted because enclosing class object $iw in object $iw is not a subclass ofclass Queue in package immutable where target is defined val empty=new Queue[Int] ^
  • 21. Continued...  Append an element to an immutable queue with enqueue: e.g. scala> val has1 = empty.enqueue(1) has1: scala.collection.immutable.Queue[Int] = Queue(1)  To append multiple elements to a queue, call enqueue with a collection as its argument: e.g. scala> val has123 = has1.enqueue(List(2, 3)) has123: scala.collection.immutable.Queue[Int] = Queue(1,2,3)  To remove an element from the head of the queue,use dequeue: scala> val (element, has23) = has123.dequeue element: Int = 1 has23: scala.collection.immutable.Queue[Int] = Queue(2,3)
  • 22. Continued...  Use mutable Queue scala> import scala.collection.mutable.Queue import scala.collection.mutable.Queue scala> val queue = new Queue[String] queue: scala.collection.mutable.Queue[String] = Queue() scala> queue += "a" scala> queue ++= List("b", "c") scala> queue res21: scala.collection.mutable.Queue[String] = Queue(a, b, c) scala> queue.dequeue res22: String = a scala> queue res23: scala.collection.mutable.Queue[String] = Queue(b, c)
  • 23. Continued... Stack :  last-in-first-out sequence.  Both mutable and immutable variants..  push an element onto a stack with push,  pop an element with pop,  peek at the top of the stack without removing it with top scala> import scala.collection.mutable.Stack import scala.collection.mutable.Stack scala> val stack = new Stack[Int] stack: scala.collection.mutable.Stack[Int] = Stack()
  • 24. Continued... scala> stack.push(1) scala> stack res1: scala.collection.mutable.Stack[Int] = Stack(1) scala> stack.push(2) scala> stack res3: scala.collection.mutable.Stack[Int] = Stack(1, 2) scala> res8: Int = 2 scala> stack res9: scala.collection.mutable.Stack[Int] = Stack(1, 2) scala> stack.pop res10: Int = 2 scala> stack res11: scala.collection.mutable.Stack[Int] = Stack(1)
  • 25. Continued... Strings (via StringOps) :  It implements many sequence methods..  Predef has an implicit conversion from String to StringOps,we can treat any string as a Seq[Char]. scala> def hasUpperCase(s: String) = s.exists(_.isUpperCase) hasUpperCase: (String)Boolean scala> hasUpperCase("Robert Frost") res14: Boolean = true scala> hasUpperCase("e e cummings") res15: Boolean = false
  • 26. Trait Set  Sets are Iterables that contain no duplicate elements  Both mutable and immutable scala.collection Set «trait» scala.collection.immutable scala.collection.mutable Set Set «trait» «trait» scala.collection.immutable Scala.collection.mutable HashSet HashSet
  • 27. Continued... scala> val text = "See Spot run. Run, Spot. Run!" text: java.lang.String = See Spot run. Run, Spot. Run! scala> val wordsArray = text.split("[ !,.]+") wordsArray: Array[java.lang.String] = Array(See, Spot, run, Run, Spot, Run) scala> import scala.collection.mutable import scala.collection.mutable scala>val words = mutable.Set.empty[String] words: scala.collection.mutable.Set[String] = Set() scala> for (word <- wordsArray) words += word.toLowerCase scala> words res25: scala.collection.mutable.Set[String] = Set(spot, run, see)
  • 28. Continued...  Two Set subtraits are SortedSet and BitSet SortedSet :  No matter what order elements were added to the set, the elements are traversed in sorted order.  Default representation of a SortedSet is an ordered binary tree  Define ordering : scala> val myOrdering = Ordering.fromLessThan[String](_ > _) myOrdering: scala.math.Ordering[String] = ...  Create an empty tree set with that ordering, use: scala> import scala.collection.immutable.TreeSet import scala.collection.immutable.TreeSet scala> val mySet=TreeSet.empty(myOrdering) mySet: scala.collection.immutable.TreeSet[String] = TreeSet()
  • 29. Continued...  Default ordering Set : scala> val set = TreeSet.empty[String] set: scala.collection.immutable.TreeSet[String] = TreeSet()  Creating new sets from a tree set by concatenation scala> val numbers = set + ("one", "two", "three", "four") numbers: scala.collection.immutable.TreeSet[String] =TreeSet(four, one, three, two) scala> val myNumbers=mySet + ("one","two","three","four") myNumbers: scala.collection.immutable.TreeSet[String] = TreeSet(two, three, one, four)  Sorted sets also support ranges of elements. scala> numbers range ("one", "two") res13: scala.collection.immutable.TreeSet[String]= TreeSet(one, three) scala> numbers from "three" res14: scala.collection.immutable.TreeSet[String] = TreeSet(three, two)
  • 30. Continued... Bit Set :  Bit sets are sets of non-negative integer elements that are implemented in one or more words of packed bits.  The internal representation of a bit set uses an array of Longs.  The first Long covers elements from 0 to 63, the second from 64 to 127, and so on  For every Long, each of its 64 bits is set to 1 if the corresponding element is contained in the set, and is unset otherwise.  It follows that the size of a bit set depends on the largest integer that’s stored in it. If N is that largest integer, then the size of the set is N/64 Long words,or N/8 bytes, plus a small number of extra bytes for status information.
  • 31. Trait Map  Maps are Iterables of pairs of keys and values.  Both mutable and immutable scala.collection Map «trait» scala.collection.immutable scala.collection.mutable Map Map «trait» «trait» scala.collection.immutable Scala.collection.mutable HashMap HashMap
  • 32. Continued... scala> import scala.collection.mutable import scala.collection.mutable scala> val map = mutable.Map.empty[String, Int] map: scala.collection.mutable.Map[String,Int] = Map() scala> map("hello") = 1 scala> map("there") = 2 scala> map res2: scala.collection.mutable.Map[String,Int] = Map(there -> 2, hello -> 1) scala> map("hello") res3: Int = 1
  • 33. Continued... Sorted Map  Trait SortedMap are implemented by class TreeMap  Order is determined by Ordered trait on key element type scala> import scala.collection.immutable.TreeMap import scala.collection.immutable.TreeMap scala> var tm = TreeMap(3 -> 'x', 1 -> 'x', 4 -> 'x') tm: scala.collection.immutable.SortedMap[Int,Char] = Map(1 -> x, 3 -> x, 4 -> x) scala> tm += (2 -> 'x') scala> tm res38: scala.collection.immutable.SortedMap[Int,Char] = Map(1 -> x, 2 -> x, 3 -> x, 4 -> x)
  • 34. Default sets and maps  scala.collection.mutable.Set() factory returns a scala.collection.mutable.HashSet  Similarly, the scala.collection.mutable.Map() factory returns a scala.collection.mutable.HashMap.  The class returned by the scala.collection.immutable.Set() factory method & scala.collection.immutable.Map() depends on how many elements you pass to it  Number of elements Implementation 0 scala.collection.immutable.EmptySet 1 scala.collection.immutable.Set1 2 scala.collection.immutable.Set2 3 scala.collection.immutable.Set3 4 scala.collection.immutable.Set4 5 or more scala.collection.immutable.HashSet
  • 35. Continued... Similarily for Map  Number of elements Implementation 0 scala.collection.immutable.EmptyMap 1 scala.collection.immutable.Map1 2 scala.collection.immutable.Map2 3 scala.collection.immutable.Map3 4 scala.collection.immutable.Map4 5 or more scala.collection.immutable.HashMap
  • 36. Synchronized sets and maps  For a thread-safe map,mix the SynchronizedMap trait into particular map implementation import scala.collection.mutable.{Map,SynchronizedMap, HashMap} object MapMaker { def makeMap: Map[String, String] = { new HashMap[String, String] with SynchronizedMap[String, String] { override def default(key: String) =“Why do you want to know?" } } }  Similarily for sets import scala.collection.mutable val synchroSet =new mutable.HashSet[Int] with mutable.SynchronizedSet[Int]
  • 37. Continued... scala> val capital = MapMaker.makeMap capital: scala.collection.mutable.Map[String,String] = Map() scala> capital ++ List("US" -> "Washington", "Paris" -> "France", "Japan" -> "Tokyo") res0: scala.collection.mutable.Map[String,String] = Map(Paris -> France, US -> Washington, Japan -> Tokyo) scala> capital("Japan") res1: String = Tokyo scala> capital("New Zealand") res2: String = Why do you want to know? scala> capital += ("New Zealand" -> "Wellington") scala> capital("New Zealand") res3: String = Wellington
  • 38. Selecting mutable versus immutable collections  It is better to start with an immutable collection and change it later if you need to.  Immutable collections can usually be stored more compactly than mutable ones if the number of eements stored in the collection is small.  An empty mutable map in its default representation of HashMap takes up about 80 bytes and about 16 more are added for each entry that’s added to it.  Scala collections library currently stores immutable maps and sets with up to four entries in a single object, which typically takes up between 16 and 40 bytes, depending on the number of entries stored in the collection.
  • 39. Initializing collections  Most common way to create and initialize a collection is to pass the initial elements to a factory method on the companion object of collection. scala> List(1, 2, 3) res0: List[Int] = List(1, 2, 3) scala> Set('a', 'b', 'c') res1: scala.collection.immutable.Set[Char] = Set(a, b, c) scala> import scala.collection.mutable import scala.collection.mutable scala> mutable.Map("hi" -> 2, "there" -> 5) res2: scala.collection.mutable.Map[java.lang.String,Int] = Map(hi -> 2, there -> 5) scala> Array(1.0, 2.0, 3.0) res3: Array[Double] = Array(1.0, 2.0, 3.0)
  • 40. Continued... Initialize a collection with another collection. scala> val colors = List("blue", "yellow", "red", "green") colors: List[java.lang.String] = List(blue, yellow, red, green) scala> import scala.collection.immutable.TreeSet import scala.collection.immutable.TreeSet  Cannot pass the colors list to the factory method for TreeSet scala> val treeSet = TreeSet(colors) <console>:9: error: No implicit Ordering defined for List[java.lang.String]. val treeSet = TreeSet(colors) ^  Create an empty TreeSet[String] and add to it the elements of the list with the TreeSet’s ++ operator: scala> val treeSet = TreeSet[String]() ++ colors treeSet: scala.collection.immutable.TreeSet[String] = TreeSet(blue, green, red, yellow)
  • 41. Continued...  Converting to array or list scala> treeSet.toList res54: List[String] = List(blue, green, red, yellow) scala> treeSet.toArray res55: Array[String] = Array(blue, green, red, yellow)  Converting between mutable and immutable sets and maps scala> import scala.collection.mutable import scala.collection.mutable scala> treeSet res5: scala.collection.immutable.SortedSet[String] =Set(blue, green, red, yellow) scala> val mutaSet = mutable.Set.empty ++ treeSet mutaSet: scala.collection.mutable.Set[String] =Set(yellow, blue, red, green) scala> val immutaSet = Set.empty ++ mutaSet immutaSet: scala.collection.immutable.Set[String] =Set(yellow, blue, red, green)
  • 42. Tuples  A tuple can hold objects with different types. e.g. (1, "hello", Console)  Tuples do not inherit from Iterable. e.g. def longestWord(words: Array[String]) = { var word = words(0) var idx = 0 for (i <- 1 until words.length) if (words(i).length > word.length) { word = words(i) idx = i } (word, idx) } scala> val longest =longestWord("The quick brown fox".split(" ")) longest: (String, Int) = (quick,1)
  • 43. Continued...  To access elements of a tuple scala> longest._1 res56: String = quick scala> longest._2 res57: Int = 1  Assign each element of the tuple to its own variable scala> val (word, idx) = longest word: String = quick idx: Int = 1 scala> word res58: String = quick  Leave off the parentheses can give a different result: scala> val word, idx = longest word: (String, Int) = (quick,1) idx: (String, Int) = (quick,1)