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Importance of Emotional
• The beginning of ‘everything’ happening in
business and core of all actions is human
• People need people. Human experience
involves interaction or relationship with other
• Nothing of and consequence happens until
human beings want to act
• Individuals are hired/selected based on their
technical skills but their success on the job is
based on Human Relation Skills
• Emotional Intelligence motivates you to
pursue your unique potential and purpose.
• Emotions are inherently neither positive nor
negative rather emotions are a source of
human energy, authenticity and drive.
• Emotions keep you honest, with yourself,
shapes trusting relationships, provide an
inner compass for your life.
• Teenager – One of the teenager pouring paint over
school desks/ computers/printers.
• Teenagers killing another school friend.
• Increase in the number of violent crime among
• Teenagers murder cases have quadripled from
1965 to 1990.
• Suicide rate for children increased – tripled during
• Studies shown children rejected at the early age
and suffered during the childhood time are 4
time more likely to commit violent crime by
age 18.
• Sexual abuse of children on rise.
• Little Stress
• Most Stress
• Couple who are unset
with their marital
• 27% came down with
cold after exposed to
• 47% get the cold and
evidence that stress
weakens the immune
• They came down with cold
or upper respiratory
Year Marriages ended in Divorce
1890 10%
1920 18%
1950 30%
1970 50%
1990 67%
Divorce Rate in America
Three in ten of newly weds
can cound staying married
Present Trend
The Current trends in marriage & divorce make emotional
intelligence more crucial than ever.
•For two Decades the Ups & Downs of 200
couples was tracked by Goff man.
•In healthy marriage husband and wife feel
free to voice a complaint.
•But too often in heat of anger complaints
are expressed in destructive fashion as
attack on spouse’s character.
•It is important to understand the difference
of complaints and personal criticisms.
• In complaint spouse state what is upsetting her and
criticize the action not the partner.
• But in personal criticism spouse launches the attack
on the partner – you are selfish, uncaring.
• The person at the receiving end feel – ashamed,
disliked and blamed.
• Habitual criticism, contempt or disgust are danger
signs the spouse counterattack in return.
• Pessimistic spouse are prone to emotional hijackings;
- get angry hurt or otherwise distressed.
• Surging tide of aggression among the people.
• Freeway mishaps ending in shooting.
• Disgruntled ex-employees massacring former
fellow workers.
• Violence in the name of religion
• Political murders on the rise.
• Rising rates of depression worldwide.
• Heroin & cocaine usage multiplied manifolds.
• Family life is our first school for emotional learning;
• How we feel about ourselves and how others will
react to our feelings.
• Some parents are gifted emotional teachers, other
When girls play together
• Do so in small, intimate groups.
• Emphasis in minimizing hostility and maximizing,
• When someone get injured during the play – girls
stop the play and help the girl who is crying.
Boys Games
• Play in larger groups
• Emphasis on competition
• When games get disrupted due to someone getting injured
– the injured get out of the way and stop crying and game
go on.
• The boys take pride – in being alone
- tough minded
- independence &
- Autonomy
• Boys are more threatened by anything that challenge
their independence.
• Unable to please either father or mother in tension
and blinks as her eyes fill with tears.
• Parents start bickering, ignoring. Daughter came to
conclusion that neither her parents, nor anyone else
cares about her feelings.
• Parents teaching their daughter – how to play video
game – to the right, to the right – stop stop stop.
Mother – you’re not lined up.
Daughter – Her eyes rolling upward in frustration
yells over the advice, stop! Stop!
Emotional malaise is a universal price of modern life.
Withdrawal or social problems
Preferring to be alone
Sulking a lot
Feeling unhappy
Anxious and depressed
Being lonely, fears and worries, feeling unloved, feeling nervous,
sad or depressed.
Attention or thinking problems
unable to pay attention, sit still day dreaming, action without
thinking, being nervous to concentrate.
Emotional Malaise
Parents – Saving a cherished child.
Mothers sacrificing herself for the child.
Career girls murder Richard a seasoned burglar, habit of heroin
Regret every day on that moment, some twenty five year later.
He said, “I just went bananas. My head just exploded.
To this day he regrets those few minutes to rage unleashed.
Emotional Malaise
Latika – just playing a joke with her father, jumped
and yelled “Boo” father got scared and shot at her
own daughter and killed her.
Parents gone to a party and came late night, the
daughter who was staying in hotel can & wanted
give a surprise. In the process got killed.
Anita while describing here achievement on becoming
VP (Marketing) of a Multinational weeping and assertive
- My husband left me for another woman but I am
woman of substance now.
Emotional Malaise
Watch Out!!!!
• Persistent disturbances in mood - depression,
anxiety etc.
• Alteration in vegetative functions - sleep patterns,
• Changes in behaviour - irritability, restlessness,
decreased initiative, reduced desire.
• Increasing dependence on alcohol, tobacco,
stimulants or any others drugs of abuse.
• Disturbance in cognition - concentration, memory,
• Persistent physical complaints despite investigations
revealing no abnormality or even after suggested
medical treatment has been completed.
Emotional intelligence is the
ability to sense, understand and
effectively apply the power and
acumen of emotions.
Emotional Intelligence
What is an Emotion ?
• Any agitation or disturbance of mind
• Refers to a feeling and distinctive thoughts,
psychological and biological states.
• There are hundreds of emotions, along with
their blends and variations.
Executive EQ
• With high IQ you get hired; with a high IQ
you get promoted, with high IQ you can
handle daily work routine. With high EQ,
you can thrive during times of change.
• With high IQ, you can be an efficient
professional manager. With high EQ you
become a Great Leader.
It is with the heart that
one sees rightly. What is
essential is invisible to
the eye.
Emotional Intelligence evolves over
a series of transactions and
instances between two or more
The concept of Emotional
Intelligence comes from
understanding others’ feelings and
attitude, thereby developing more
respect for people and accepting
them as individuals
• Emotions are important determinants because
they affect personal and social adjustments.
• Emotions colour the individual’s perception of
himself, environment and affects his behaviour.
• An individual who feel frustrated will be more
hostile and impulsive.
• Emotions colour a person’s interest, attitude,
Emotional Determinants
Emotional Intelligence &
Intelligence Quotient
• IQ offers little to explain the different destines of people
with roughly equal promises, schooling, and
• 95 Harvard students from classes of 1940s were
followed into middle age. It was found that the men
with the highest test scores in college were not
particularly successful compared to their lower-scoring
peers in terms of salary, productivity, or status in their
own field. They also did not have the greatest life
satisfaction nor high levels of happiness with
friendships, family and romantic relationship.
Defining EQDefining Emotional Intelligence
•Knowing one’s emotions
•Managing Oneself
•Motivating oneself
•Recognizing emotions in others
•Handling relationships
Emotions, like
the eyes,
have long
been called a
mirror of the
The problem is not with emotionality but
with the appropriateness of emotions and
its expression.
The challenge is to manage our emotional
life with intelligence.
“To be angry with
the right person, to
the right degree, at
the right time, for
the right purpose,
and in the right way”
Emotional Skills
• Identifying and labelling feelings
• Expressing feelings
• Assessing the intensity of feelings
• Managing feelings
• Delaying gratification
• Controlling impulses
• Reducing stress
• Knowing the difference between
feelings and actions
Emotions - Categorised
• Anger - fury, outrage, resentment, wrath,
exasperation, indignation, vexation,
acrimony, animosity, annoyance,
irritability, and hostility and perhaps at the
extreme, pathological hatred and violence.
• Sadness - grief, sorrow, cheerlessness,
gloom, melancholy, self-pity, loneliness,
dejection, despair and when pathological,
severe depression.
Emotions - Categorised (contd)
• Fear - anxiety, apprehension, nervousness,
concern, consternation, misgiving, wariness,
qualm, edginess, dread, fright, terror; as a
psychopathology, phobia and panic
• Enjoyment: happiness, joy, relief,
contentment, bliss, delight, amusement,
pride, sensual pleasure, thrill, rapture,
gratification, satisfaction, euphoria, whimsy,
ecstasy and at the far end, mania.
• Love - acceptance, friendliness, trust,
kindness, affinity, devotion, adoration,
infatuation, agape
• Surprise - shock, astonishment,
amazement, wonder
• Disgust - contempt, disdain, scorn,
abhorrence, aversion, distate, resulsion
• Shame - guilt, embarrassment, chagrin,
remorse, humiliation, regret,
Emotions - Categorised (contd)
Impulses to Action
Tendency to act is implicit in every emotion. Each
emotion prepares the body for different kind of
Anger - Blood flows to the hands, making it easier
to grasp a weapon or strike at a foe. Heartbeat
increases. Rush of hormones such as adrenaline
generates a pulse of energy.
Fear - Blood goes to large skeletal muscles such as
legs, making it easier to flee - and making the face
blanch as blood is shunted away from it.
• Happiness - An increased activity in a brain
centre that inhibits negative feelings and fosters
an an increase in available energy.
• Love - Tender feeling and sexual satisfaction. It
is opposite to flight-or-fight mobilisation shared
by anger and fear.
• Surprise - It allows taking of larger visual sweep
and also permits more light to strike the retina.
Impulses to Action
• Disgust - The facial expression of disgust -
the upper lip curled to the side and nose
wrinkles slightly.
• Sadness - To help adjust to a significant
loss, such as death of someone close,
sadness brings drop in energy and
enthusiasm for life’s activities. It may lead
to depression, slows the body metabolism.
Impulses to Action
(Signals translated
to brain signals)
Visual Cortex
(Signals analysed
and assessed)
(Triggers emotional
response via
If you cannot say it, write it.
If you are so upset that you might not be
able to speak coherently, write a letter to
the person who has angered you. You may
wisely decide not to mail the letter, but you
will have emptied your anger.
Anger - The Enemy Within
You cannot experience sweetness
in bitter gourd;
Similarly, you cannot experience
happiness in a fit of anger.
As water remaining in a fridge
becomes ice, similarly,
anger occupying the mind
turns into animosity.
Milk becomes sour, when remains for days.
Similarly anger results into disaster
When accumulated for long time in mind.
Thinking about what had happened in the past,
Will give rise to new animosities.
If you wish to stay away from animosity,
then leave aside old scores and come
to a stage of settlement.
It is the memory which constantly disturbs
our psyche and nourishes ill feelings
towards an individual and ultimately
digs the grave for our happiness.
• Observe a small child getting angry. He might
kick his mother, but his anger does not get
converted into animosity. Within a matter of
minutes, he can be seen in the lap of his mother.
• The reason behind this is that the ego has not
yet developed.
• A child can, therefore, exhibit anger on one
person and also start playing with him, the very
next moment.
You must be knowing that a hockey stick
has only a head, not a brain. Whosoever
holds it, does not think of anything else
except tackling or attacking the ball. The
result :
» Constant Anxiety
» Constant Aggression
» Constant Hurry
» Constant Impatience
•Look at your face when
angry – face becomes
fearsome that you
yourself will fear to see
Love has never done any wrong
And has never been nasty
Whereas anger has never done any good
And has never benefited anyone.
If you feel that the one who attacks
another is the powerful one,
you are mistaken.
It is actually the one who is scared,
who attacks others as his defense.
ABCs of Emotional Intelligence
Self Awareness - in the sense of recognising
feelings, seeing the links between thoughts,
feelings, and reactions and seeing the
consequences of alternate choices.
Self awareness also takes the form of
recognising one’s strengths and weaknesses
and seeing oneself in a positive but realistic
All emotions flow from two basic emotions;
Fear and Love.
One group of emotions makes us feel
restless and uneasy, the other brings about
balance and harmony.
We label the two as positive and negative. It
also encourages us to accept the happy ones
and reject the others.
We grow up with the understanding that while
it is correct to feel happy, joyful, and
grateful, it is in bad form to feel guilty,
irritated, stressed or sad.
These are emotions which make us weak and
we could be pushed into being a loser,
unable to cope.
Not only do we get into the habit of being
unable to acknowledge what we are feeling
worse, gradually, we begin to suppress
those feelings as they arise.
Where do we hide our feelings?
We repress them within - in various parts of
our body.
• Anger hides in our liver- ruining our
digestion and creating acidity;
• Responsibility sits heavy on our shoulders;
• inability to let go of the past, of hurt and
resentment caused constipation;
• Financial insecurity might cause us
discomfort in our lower back.
• Once, we begin emotional management, we
will begin to feel empowered.
• We will live in the present moment free of
past burdens and future worries.
• We will learn the meaning of emotional
Do Not Accuse
• You can explain what makes you angry
without attacking the other person.
• Say. “I feel angry when …. Not “You make
me angry….”.
• Using this approach makes you more
Arrest Anxiety
Another emotion, one usually generated by
inner rather than outer demons is anxiety.
You may be experiencing performance
anxiety. Others include social anxiety
(shyness), information anxiety (the fear of
looking dumb), and panic, which have
come of anxiety’s most intense symptoms.
Learn to manage our emotions
• All negative thoughts are caused by a
disruption in the body`s energy system.
• With awareness, we can lift ourselves out of
irritation, restlessness, anxiety, fear and
• We can equally let go of long term hurts
and bitterness.
Take a brisk walk
Exercise will burn off the
excess adrenaline that
fuels your feelings of
Exercise releases
endorphins, a potent
group of natural
chemicals in the body
that may block anxiety
and depression.
Listen to the wind chime
There is nothing
quite like the
sound of wind on
chimes when stress
gets to a high pitch
Unplug your negative thoughts
One of the keys to
depression is learning
how to control your
low moods and
reversing them.
• Life is “now”
• Time to do what you want to do is now
• Desire to achieve
• Commitment to achieve
• Capacity to get along with others
• Clarity in target/goals.
Key to Success
No Matter What Attitude We Adopt. The Flow of
Life Continues But in the Moment We Do Have
Choice About the Direction In Which We Lean.
When We Resist the Flow, Life Becomes More
“Positive Attitude Means Leaning in the Direction
in Which Life Is Flowing”
• You are what your deep, driving desire is:
As your desire is, so is your will.
As your will is, so is your deed.
As your deed is, so is your destiny.
• The good news is ----
The bad news can be turned into good
news ……… when you change your
• Importance of positive attitude:
- Count your garden by the flower
- Never by the leaves that fall
- Count your days by golden hours
- Don’t remember clouds at all
- Count your night by stars, not
- Count your life with smiles, not
Attitude In Action
• Anticipation
• Expectation
• Hope
• Confidence
• Faith
• Patience
• Humility
• Love
• Belief
• Enthusiastic
• Courageous
• Optimistic
• Cheerful
• Sincere
• Warm
• Relaxed
• Success
• Recognition
• Happiness
• Growth
• Admiration
• Friends
Attitude In Action
•Self Pity
•No Friends
Is a little thing that makes a BIG
Keep your face to the sunshine and
you cannot see the shadows.
Attack every problem with enthusiasm…
as if your survival depended upon it.
Attitudes are contagious…
Is yours worth catching ?
If you are not riding the wave
of change… you will find yourself
beneath it.
A bend in the road is not the end
of the road… unless you
fail to make the turn.
Success is a journey, not a destination.
Some people dream of success ….
While others wake up and work hard at it.
Anyone can hold the
helm when the sea is calm
You cannot discover new oceans unless
you have the courage to lose sight of the shore.
There is an island of opportunity in
the middle of every difficulty.
A little push in the right direction
can make a big difference.

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Emotional Entelligence

  • 1.
  • 2. Importance of Emotional Intelligence • The beginning of ‘everything’ happening in business and core of all actions is human activity • People need people. Human experience involves interaction or relationship with other people. • Nothing of and consequence happens until human beings want to act • Individuals are hired/selected based on their technical skills but their success on the job is based on Human Relation Skills
  • 3. • Emotional Intelligence motivates you to pursue your unique potential and purpose. • Emotions are inherently neither positive nor negative rather emotions are a source of human energy, authenticity and drive. • Emotions keep you honest, with yourself, shapes trusting relationships, provide an inner compass for your life.
  • 4. • Teenager – One of the teenager pouring paint over school desks/ computers/printers. • Teenagers killing another school friend. • Increase in the number of violent crime among teenagers. • Teenagers murder cases have quadripled from 1965 to 1990. • Suicide rate for children increased – tripled during 1968-1985. TEENAGERS
  • 5. • Studies shown children rejected at the early age and suffered during the childhood time are 4 time more likely to commit violent crime by age 18. • Sexual abuse of children on rise. TEENAGERS
  • 6. STRESS AND COLD VIRUS • Little Stress • Most Stress • Couple who are unset with their marital fights. • 27% came down with cold after exposed to virus. • 47% get the cold and evidence that stress weakens the immune System. • They came down with cold or upper respiratory infection.
  • 7. Year Marriages ended in Divorce 1890 10% 1920 18% 1950 30% 1970 50% 1990 67% Divorce Rate in America Three in ten of newly weds can cound staying married Present Trend INTIMATE ENEMIES The Current trends in marriage & divorce make emotional intelligence more crucial than ever.
  • 8. EMOTIONAL ECOLOGY OF MARRIED PEOPLE FINDING •For two Decades the Ups & Downs of 200 couples was tracked by Goff man. •In healthy marriage husband and wife feel free to voice a complaint. •But too often in heat of anger complaints are expressed in destructive fashion as attack on spouse’s character. •It is important to understand the difference of complaints and personal criticisms.
  • 9. • In complaint spouse state what is upsetting her and criticize the action not the partner. • But in personal criticism spouse launches the attack on the partner – you are selfish, uncaring. • The person at the receiving end feel – ashamed, disliked and blamed. • Habitual criticism, contempt or disgust are danger signs the spouse counterattack in return. • Pessimistic spouse are prone to emotional hijackings; - get angry hurt or otherwise distressed.
  • 10. • Surging tide of aggression among the people. • Freeway mishaps ending in shooting. • Disgruntled ex-employees massacring former fellow workers. • Violence in the name of religion • Political murders on the rise. • Rising rates of depression worldwide. • Heroin & cocaine usage multiplied manifolds. EMOTIONS
  • 11. • Family life is our first school for emotional learning; • How we feel about ourselves and how others will react to our feelings. • Some parents are gifted emotional teachers, other atrocious. When girls play together • Do so in small, intimate groups. • Emphasis in minimizing hostility and maximizing, co-operation. • When someone get injured during the play – girls stop the play and help the girl who is crying. FAMILY CRUCIBLE
  • 12. Boys Games • Play in larger groups • Emphasis on competition • When games get disrupted due to someone getting injured – the injured get out of the way and stop crying and game go on. • The boys take pride – in being alone - tough minded - independence & - Autonomy • Boys are more threatened by anything that challenge their independence. FAMILY CRUCIBLE
  • 13. • Unable to please either father or mother in tension and blinks as her eyes fill with tears. • Parents start bickering, ignoring. Daughter came to conclusion that neither her parents, nor anyone else cares about her feelings. • Parents teaching their daughter – how to play video game – to the right, to the right – stop stop stop. Mother – you’re not lined up. Daughter – Her eyes rolling upward in frustration yells over the advice, stop! Stop! FAMILY CRUCIBLE
  • 14. Emotional malaise is a universal price of modern life. Withdrawal or social problems Preferring to be alone Sulking a lot Feeling unhappy Anxious and depressed Being lonely, fears and worries, feeling unloved, feeling nervous, sad or depressed. Attention or thinking problems unable to pay attention, sit still day dreaming, action without thinking, being nervous to concentrate. Emotional Malaise
  • 15. Example: Parents – Saving a cherished child. Mothers sacrificing herself for the child. Career girls murder Richard a seasoned burglar, habit of heroin Regret every day on that moment, some twenty five year later. He said, “I just went bananas. My head just exploded. To this day he regrets those few minutes to rage unleashed. Emotional Malaise
  • 16. Latika – just playing a joke with her father, jumped and yelled “Boo” father got scared and shot at her own daughter and killed her. Parents gone to a party and came late night, the daughter who was staying in hotel can & wanted give a surprise. In the process got killed. Anita while describing here achievement on becoming VP (Marketing) of a Multinational weeping and assertive - My husband left me for another woman but I am woman of substance now. Emotional Malaise
  • 17. Watch Out!!!! • Persistent disturbances in mood - depression, anxiety etc. • Alteration in vegetative functions - sleep patterns, appetite. • Changes in behaviour - irritability, restlessness, decreased initiative, reduced desire. • Increasing dependence on alcohol, tobacco, stimulants or any others drugs of abuse. • Disturbance in cognition - concentration, memory, attention-span. • Persistent physical complaints despite investigations revealing no abnormality or even after suggested medical treatment has been completed.
  • 18. Emotional intelligence is the ability to sense, understand and effectively apply the power and acumen of emotions. Emotional Intelligence
  • 19. What is an Emotion ? • Any agitation or disturbance of mind • Refers to a feeling and distinctive thoughts, psychological and biological states. • There are hundreds of emotions, along with their blends and variations.
  • 20. Executive EQ • With high IQ you get hired; with a high IQ you get promoted, with high IQ you can handle daily work routine. With high EQ, you can thrive during times of change. • With high IQ, you can be an efficient professional manager. With high EQ you become a Great Leader.
  • 21. It is with the heart that one sees rightly. What is essential is invisible to the eye.
  • 22. Emotional Intelligence evolves over a series of transactions and instances between two or more individuals.
  • 23. The concept of Emotional Intelligence comes from understanding others’ feelings and attitude, thereby developing more respect for people and accepting them as individuals
  • 24. • Emotions are important determinants because they affect personal and social adjustments. • Emotions colour the individual’s perception of himself, environment and affects his behaviour. • An individual who feel frustrated will be more hostile and impulsive. • Emotions colour a person’s interest, attitude, Emotional Determinants
  • 25. Emotional Intelligence & Intelligence Quotient • IQ offers little to explain the different destines of people with roughly equal promises, schooling, and opportunity. • 95 Harvard students from classes of 1940s were followed into middle age. It was found that the men with the highest test scores in college were not particularly successful compared to their lower-scoring peers in terms of salary, productivity, or status in their own field. They also did not have the greatest life satisfaction nor high levels of happiness with friendships, family and romantic relationship.
  • 26. Defining EQDefining Emotional Intelligence •Knowing one’s emotions •Managing Oneself •Motivating oneself •Recognizing emotions in others •Handling relationships
  • 27. Emotions, like the eyes, have long been called a mirror of the soul
  • 28. The problem is not with emotionality but with the appropriateness of emotions and its expression. The challenge is to manage our emotional life with intelligence.
  • 29. “To be angry with the right person, to the right degree, at the right time, for the right purpose, and in the right way” Aristotle
  • 30. Emotional Skills • Identifying and labelling feelings • Expressing feelings • Assessing the intensity of feelings • Managing feelings • Delaying gratification • Controlling impulses • Reducing stress • Knowing the difference between feelings and actions
  • 31. Emotions - Categorised • Anger - fury, outrage, resentment, wrath, exasperation, indignation, vexation, acrimony, animosity, annoyance, irritability, and hostility and perhaps at the extreme, pathological hatred and violence. • Sadness - grief, sorrow, cheerlessness, gloom, melancholy, self-pity, loneliness, dejection, despair and when pathological, severe depression.
  • 32. Emotions - Categorised (contd) • Fear - anxiety, apprehension, nervousness, concern, consternation, misgiving, wariness, qualm, edginess, dread, fright, terror; as a psychopathology, phobia and panic • Enjoyment: happiness, joy, relief, contentment, bliss, delight, amusement, pride, sensual pleasure, thrill, rapture, gratification, satisfaction, euphoria, whimsy, ecstasy and at the far end, mania.
  • 33. • Love - acceptance, friendliness, trust, kindness, affinity, devotion, adoration, infatuation, agape • Surprise - shock, astonishment, amazement, wonder • Disgust - contempt, disdain, scorn, abhorrence, aversion, distate, resulsion • Shame - guilt, embarrassment, chagrin, remorse, humiliation, regret, mortification Emotions - Categorised (contd)
  • 34. Impulses to Action Tendency to act is implicit in every emotion. Each emotion prepares the body for different kind of responses: Anger - Blood flows to the hands, making it easier to grasp a weapon or strike at a foe. Heartbeat increases. Rush of hormones such as adrenaline generates a pulse of energy. Fear - Blood goes to large skeletal muscles such as legs, making it easier to flee - and making the face blanch as blood is shunted away from it.
  • 35. • Happiness - An increased activity in a brain centre that inhibits negative feelings and fosters an an increase in available energy. • Love - Tender feeling and sexual satisfaction. It is opposite to flight-or-fight mobilisation shared by anger and fear. • Surprise - It allows taking of larger visual sweep and also permits more light to strike the retina. Impulses to Action contd...
  • 36. • Disgust - The facial expression of disgust - the upper lip curled to the side and nose wrinkles slightly. • Sadness - To help adjust to a significant loss, such as death of someone close, sadness brings drop in energy and enthusiasm for life’s activities. It may lead to depression, slows the body metabolism. Impulses to Action contd...
  • 37. Thalamus THE EMOTIONAL BRAIN (Signals translated to brain signals) Visual Cortex (Signals analysed and assessed) Amygdala (Triggers emotional response via emergency)
  • 38. If you cannot say it, write it. If you are so upset that you might not be able to speak coherently, write a letter to the person who has angered you. You may wisely decide not to mail the letter, but you will have emptied your anger.
  • 39. Anger - The Enemy Within You cannot experience sweetness in bitter gourd; Similarly, you cannot experience happiness in a fit of anger.
  • 40. As water remaining in a fridge becomes ice, similarly, anger occupying the mind turns into animosity.
  • 41. Milk becomes sour, when remains for days. Similarly anger results into disaster When accumulated for long time in mind.
  • 42. Thinking about what had happened in the past, Will give rise to new animosities. If you wish to stay away from animosity, then leave aside old scores and come to a stage of settlement.
  • 43. It is the memory which constantly disturbs our psyche and nourishes ill feelings towards an individual and ultimately digs the grave for our happiness.
  • 44. • Observe a small child getting angry. He might kick his mother, but his anger does not get converted into animosity. Within a matter of minutes, he can be seen in the lap of his mother. • The reason behind this is that the ego has not yet developed. • A child can, therefore, exhibit anger on one person and also start playing with him, the very next moment.
  • 45. You must be knowing that a hockey stick has only a head, not a brain. Whosoever holds it, does not think of anything else except tackling or attacking the ball. The result : » Constant Anxiety » Constant Aggression » Constant Hurry » Constant Impatience
  • 46. •Look at your face when angry – face becomes fearsome that you yourself will fear to see oneself.
  • 47. Love has never done any wrong And has never been nasty Whereas anger has never done any good And has never benefited anyone.
  • 48. If you feel that the one who attacks another is the powerful one, you are mistaken. It is actually the one who is scared, who attacks others as his defense.
  • 49. ABCs of Emotional Intelligence Self Awareness - in the sense of recognising feelings, seeing the links between thoughts, feelings, and reactions and seeing the consequences of alternate choices. Self awareness also takes the form of recognising one’s strengths and weaknesses and seeing oneself in a positive but realistic light.
  • 50. All emotions flow from two basic emotions; Fear and Love. One group of emotions makes us feel restless and uneasy, the other brings about balance and harmony. We label the two as positive and negative. It also encourages us to accept the happy ones and reject the others.
  • 51. We grow up with the understanding that while it is correct to feel happy, joyful, and grateful, it is in bad form to feel guilty, irritated, stressed or sad. These are emotions which make us weak and we could be pushed into being a loser, unable to cope.
  • 52. Not only do we get into the habit of being unable to acknowledge what we are feeling worse, gradually, we begin to suppress those feelings as they arise.
  • 53. Where do we hide our feelings? We repress them within - in various parts of our body. • Anger hides in our liver- ruining our digestion and creating acidity; • Responsibility sits heavy on our shoulders; • inability to let go of the past, of hurt and resentment caused constipation; • Financial insecurity might cause us discomfort in our lower back.
  • 54. • Once, we begin emotional management, we will begin to feel empowered. • We will live in the present moment free of past burdens and future worries. • We will learn the meaning of emotional freedom.
  • 55. Do Not Accuse • You can explain what makes you angry without attacking the other person. • Say. “I feel angry when …. Not “You make me angry….”. • Using this approach makes you more powerful.
  • 56. Arrest Anxiety Another emotion, one usually generated by inner rather than outer demons is anxiety. You may be experiencing performance anxiety. Others include social anxiety (shyness), information anxiety (the fear of looking dumb), and panic, which have come of anxiety’s most intense symptoms.
  • 57. Learn to manage our emotions • All negative thoughts are caused by a disruption in the body`s energy system. • With awareness, we can lift ourselves out of irritation, restlessness, anxiety, fear and more. • We can equally let go of long term hurts and bitterness.
  • 58. Take a brisk walk Exercise will burn off the excess adrenaline that fuels your feelings of anxiety. Exercise releases endorphins, a potent group of natural chemicals in the body that may block anxiety and depression.
  • 59. Listen to the wind chime There is nothing quite like the sound of wind on chimes when stress gets to a high pitch
  • 60. Unplug your negative thoughts One of the keys to overcoming depression is learning how to control your low moods and reversing them.
  • 61.
  • 62. POSITIVE ATTITUDE • Life is “now” • Time to do what you want to do is now • Desire to achieve • Commitment to achieve • Capacity to get along with others • Clarity in target/goals.
  • 63. POSITIVE ATTITUDE Key to Success No Matter What Attitude We Adopt. The Flow of Life Continues But in the Moment We Do Have Choice About the Direction In Which We Lean. When We Resist the Flow, Life Becomes More Difficult. “Positive Attitude Means Leaning in the Direction in Which Life Is Flowing”
  • 64. POSITIVE ATTITUDEPOSITIVE ATTITUDE • You are what your deep, driving desire is: As your desire is, so is your will. As your will is, so is your deed. As your deed is, so is your destiny. • The good news is ---- The bad news can be turned into good news ……… when you change your attitude.
  • 65. POSITIVE ATTITUDEPOSITIVE ATTITUDE • Importance of positive attitude: - Count your garden by the flower - Never by the leaves that fall - Count your days by golden hours - Don’t remember clouds at all - Count your night by stars, not shadows - Count your life with smiles, not tears
  • 66. DYNAMICS OF POSITIVE ATTITUDE Attitude Activator Personality Attitude In Action Result • Anticipation • Expectation • Hope • Confidence • Faith • Patience • Humility • Love • Belief • Enthusiastic • Courageous • Optimistic • Cheerful • Sincere • Warm • Relaxed • Success • Recognition • Happiness • Growth • Admiration • Friends
  • 67. DYNAMICS OF NEGATIVE ATTITUDE Attitude Activator Personality Attitude In Action Result •Fear •Doubt •Envy •Anger •Conceit •Self Pity •Suspicion •Indecision •Criticism •Inconsiderate •Pessimistic •Weak •Cold •Sour •Irritable •Worry •Tension •Frustration •Failure •Sickness •No Friends
  • 69. ATTITUDE Is a little thing that makes a BIG difference.
  • 70. ATTITUDE Keep your face to the sunshine and you cannot see the shadows.
  • 71. ATTITUDE Attack every problem with enthusiasm… as if your survival depended upon it.
  • 72. ATTITUDE Attitudes are contagious… Is yours worth catching ?
  • 73. CHANGE If you are not riding the wave of change… you will find yourself beneath it. CHANGE A bend in the road is not the end of the road… unless you fail to make the turn.
  • 74. SUCCESS Success is a journey, not a destination.
  • 75. SUCCESS Some people dream of success …. While others wake up and work hard at it.
  • 76. CHALLENGES Anyone can hold the helm when the sea is calm
  • 77. RISK You cannot discover new oceans unless you have the courage to lose sight of the shore.
  • 78. OPPORTUNITY There is an island of opportunity in the middle of every difficulty.
  • 79. MOMENTUM A little push in the right direction can make a big difference.