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10 sql tips to speed up your database |

                                               10 sql tips to speed
                                               up your database
                                               On most websites, content is stored in a
                                               database and served to visitors upon
                                               request. Databases are very fast, but there’s
                                               lots of things that you can do to enhance its
                                               speed and make sure you won’t waste any
                                               server resources. In this article, I have
                                               compiled 10 very useful tips to optimize and
                                               speed up your website database.

                                               Design your database
                                               with caution
                                               This first tip may seems obvious, but the fact
                                               is that most database problems come from
                                               badly-designed table structure.
                                               For example, I have seen people storing
                                               information such as client info and payment
                                               info in the same database column. For both
                                               the database system and developers who
                                               will have to work on it, this is not a good
                                               When creating a database, always put
                                               information on various tables, use clear
                                               naming standards and make use of primary
                                               Source:                http://www.simple-

                                               Know what you
                                               should optimize
                                               If you want to optimize a specific query, it is
                                               extremely useful to be able to get an in-
                                               depth look at the result of a query. Using the
                                               EXPLAIN statement, you will get lots of
                                               useful info on the result produced by a
                                               specific query, as shown in the example[08/29/2012 11:38:07 AM]
10 sql tips to speed up your database |


                                                  EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM
                                                  ref_table,other_table WHERE


                                               The fastest query… Is
                                               the one you don’t
                                               Each time you’re sending a query to the
                                               database, you’re using a bit of your server
                                               resources. This is why, on high traffic sites,
                                               the best thing you can do in order to speed
                                               up your database is to cache queries.

                                               There’s lots of solutions to implement a
                                               query cache on your server. Here are a few:

                                                      AdoDB: AdoDB is a database
                                                    abstraction library for PHP. It allows you
                                                    to use the database system of your
                                                    choice (MySQL, PostGreSQL, Interbase,
                                                    and way much more) and it is designed
                                                    for speed. AdoDB provides a simple,
                                                    yet powerful caching system. And last
                                                    but not least, AdoDB is licenced under
                                                    the BSD, which means that you can use
                                                    freely on your projects. A LGPL licence
                                                    is also available for commercial
                                                      Memcached: Memcached is a
                                                    distributed memory caching system
                                                    which is often used to speed up
                                                    dynamic database-driven websites by
                                                    alleviating database load.
                                                      CSQL Cache: CSQL Cache is an
                                                    open-source data caching infrastructure.
                                                    Never tested it personally, but it seems
                                                    to be a great tool.[08/29/2012 11:38:07 AM]
10 sql tips to speed up your database |

                                               Don’t select what you
                                               don’t need
                                               A very common way to get the desired data
                                               is to use the * symbol, which will get all
                                               fields from the desired table:

                                                  SELECT * FROM wp_posts;

                                               Instead, you should definitely select only the
                                               desired fields as shown in the example
                                               below. On a very small site with, let’s say,
                                               one visitor per minute, that wouldn’t make a
                                               difference. But on a site such as Cats Who
                                               Code, it saves a lot of work for the

                                                  SELECT title, excerpt, author FROM

                                               Use LIMIT
                                               It’s very common that you need to get only a
                                               specific number of records from your
                                               database. For example, a blog which is
                                               showing ten entries per page. In that case,
                                               you should definitely use the LIMIT
                                               parameter, which only selects the desired
                                               number of records.
                                               Without LIMIT, if your table has 100,000
                                               different records, you’ll extract them all,
                                               which is unnecessary work for your server.

                                                  SELECT title, excerpt, author FROM
                                                  wp_posts LIMIT 10;

                                               Avoid queries in
                                               When using SQL along with a programming
                                               language such as PHP, it can be tempting to
                                               use SQL queries inside a loop. But doing so[08/29/2012 11:38:07 AM]
10 sql tips to speed up your database |

                                               is like hammering your database with
                                               This example illustrates the whole “queries
                                               in loops” problem:

                                                  foreach ($display_order as $id =>
                                                  $ordinal) {
                                                      $sql = "UPDATE categories SET
                                                  display_order = $ordinal WHERE id
                                                  = $id";

                                               Here is what you should do instead:

                                                  UPDATE categories
                                                      SET display_order = CASE id
                                                          WHEN 1 THEN 3
                                                          WHEN 2 THEN 4
                                                          WHEN 3 THEN 5
                                                  WHERE id IN (1,2,3)


                                               Use join instead of
                                               As a programmer, subqueries are something
                                               that you can be tempted to use and abuse.
                                               Subqueries, as show below, can be very

                                                      (SELECT MAX(created)
                                                      FROM posts
                                                      WHERE author_id =
                                                  AS latest_post FROM authors a

                                               Although subqueries are useful, they often
                                               can be replaced by a join, which is definitely[08/29/2012 11:38:07 AM]
10 sql tips to speed up your database |

                                               faster to execute.

                                                  SELECT, MAX(p.created) AS
                                                  FROM authors a
                                                  INNER JOIN posts p
                                                      ON ( = p.author_id)
                                                  GROUP BY


                                               Be careful when using
                                               Wildcards are very useful because they can
                                               substitute for one or more characters when
                                               searching for data in a database. I’m not
                                               saying that you shouldn’t use them, but
                                               instead, you should use them with caution
                                               and not use the full wildcard when the prefix
                                               or postfix wildcard can do the same job.
                                               In fact, doing a full wildcard search on a
                                               million records will certainly kill your

                                                  #Full wildcard
                                                  SELECT * FROM TABLE WHERE COLUMN
                                                  LIKE '%hello%';
                                                  #Postfix wildcard
                                                  SELECT * FROM TABLE WHERE COLUMN
                                                  LIKE 'hello%';
                                                  #Prefix wildcard
                                                  SELECT * FROM TABLE WHERE COLUMN
                                                  LIKE '%hello';


                                               Use UNION instead of
                                               The following example          use   the   OR
                                               statement to get the result:[08/29/2012 11:38:07 AM]
10 sql tips to speed up your database |

                                                  SELECT * FROM a, b WHERE a.p = b.q
                                                  or a.x = b.y;

                                               The UNION statement allows you to
                                               combine the result sets of 2 or more select
                                               queries. The following example will return
                                               the same result that the above query gets,
                                               but it will be faster:

                                                  SELECT * FROM a, b WHERE a.p = b.q
                                                  SELECT * FROM a, b WHERE a.x = b.y


                                               Use indexes
                                               Database indexes are similar to those you
                                               can find in libraries: They allow the database
                                               to find the requested information faster, just
                                               like a library index will allow a reader to find
                                               what they’re looking for without loosing time.
                                               An Index can be created on a single column
                                               or a combination of columns in a database
                                               table. A table index is a database structure
                                               that arranges the values of one or more
                                               columns in a database table in specific

                                               The following query will create an index on
                                               the Model column from the Product table.
                                               The index is called idxModel:

                                                  CREATE INDEX idxModel ON Product

                                               Source:               http://www.sql-

                                               More posts about SQL[08/29/2012 11:38:07 AM]
10 sql tips to speed up your database |

                                                  Getting started with CouchDB: a beginner’s gu

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                                               Comments (54) - Leave
                                                              Bart Jacobs said: March 8,
                                                              2010 at 11:49 am
                                                              This article is very useful for
                                                              anyone working with mySQL
                                                              (and    with     databases in
                                                              general). For high traffic
                                                              websites especially, database
                                                              queries can be the bottleneck
                                                              (and often are). Thanks for
                                                              this great post!


                                                              Can Aydoğan said: March
                                                              8, 2010 at 1:27 pm
                                                              Great article. Thanks for

                                                                                                                     Reply[08/29/2012 11:38:07 AM]
10 sql tips to speed up your database |

                                                            Metric Stormtrooper said:
                                                            March 8, 2010 at 3:27
                                                            your table type can also make
                                                            a lot of difference. MyISAM is
                                                            better if you expect a lot of
                                                            reads, InnoDB if you need
                                                            more writes in a table (see
                                                            1470.html ).

                                                            And don’t forget to enable the
                                                            query cache in your my.ini


                                                            Kovica said: March 8, 2010
                                                            at 3:29 pm
                                                            “Use Indexes” should be #1.


                                                                      Jung said:
                                                                      March 9,
                                                                      2010 at
                                                                      4:20 am
                                                                      Tips        are
                                                                      order, but I
                                                                      agree      that
                                                                      indexes are
                                                                      one of the
                                                                      best way to
                                                                      your DB!

                                                                             Reply[08/29/2012 11:38:07 AM]
10 sql tips to speed up your database |[08/29/2012 11:38:07 AM]
10 sql tips to speed up your database |[08/29/2012 11:38:07 AM]
10 sql tips to speed up your database |[08/29/2012 11:38:07 AM]
10 sql tips to speed up your database |

                                                            wxianfeng said: March 8,
                                                            2010 at 8:57 pm
                                                            very helpful~!


                                                            10 sql tips to speed up your
                                                            database | [codepotato]
                                                            said: March 9, 2010 at
                                                            4:00 am
                                                            [...] 10 sql tips to speed up
                                                            your database Posted March
                                                            9th, 2010 in Blog by Gareth
                                                            database [...]


                                                            Anonymous said: March 9,
                                                            2010 at 8:13 am
                                                            One thing anyone thinking
                                                            about optimising their queries
                                                            should bear in mind is not to
                                                            do it straight away. Get your
                                                            code working and then go
                                                            back to it and improve if


                                                            Also, you missed the word[08/29/2012 11:38:07 AM]
10 sql tips to speed up your database |

                                                            ‘may’ when you mentioned
                                                            UNION. Your source states
                                                            “may run faster than”, not “will
                                                            be faster”. I’ve found that OR
                                                            is faster than UNION and a
                                                            quick google on the subject
                                                            confirms this:


                                                            Your                   source,
                                                            apparently last updated in
                                                            1996 and I’d like to think
                                                            MySQL had changed quite a
                                                            bit since then.

                                                            If anyone’s looking into
                                                            speeding up their MySQL
                                                            stuff                    then
                                                            highly recommended, the
                                                            English isn’t always great
                                                            though and the navigation
                                                            sucks but give it a try.

                                                            To expand on what Dirk so
                                                            rightly said, Indexes are great
                                                            for tables where there will be
                                                            a lot of read (SELECT)
                                                            operations. But if you’re often
                                                            writing to a table then the
                                                            Indexes can slow it down
                                                            because of course the index
                                                            must be updated.

                                                            Could you please consider an
                                                            update Jean, which reflects
                                                            what Dirk and I have


                                                                       Jung said:
                                                                       March 9,
                                                                       2010 at
                                                                       8:49 am
                                                                       You’re right[08/29/2012 11:38:07 AM]
10 sql tips to speed up your database |

                                                                      about     the
                                                                      source:      I
                                                                      checked the
                                                                      “last update”
                                                                      date when
                                                                      writing the
                                                                      article, sorry
                                                                      for this.

                                                                      I       rarely
                                                                      posts, but I’ll
                                                                      rewrite some
                                                                      parts     this
                                                                      according to
                                                                      my       busy

                                                                      Thanks a lot
                                                                      for       your


                                                            Timothy said: March 9,
                                                            2010 at 8:47 am
                                                            Also, here are a few more
                                                            details that could help:

                                                            1) Be wise with column types
                                                            (VarChar, Blob, Clob / Long
                                                            Text, etc).     When using
                                                            something like int, varchar,
                                                            etc with a set length the SQL
                                                            server will know what to
                                                            expect     when     conducting
                                                            queries. If you use something
                                                            like Clob / Long Text, which
                                                            does not have a set limit,
                                                            then the server will not know
                                                            what to expect, so the queries
                                                            have to way of being
                                                            optimized. Basically, it means
                                                            that every query that involves
                                                            a column with such a type will
                                                            be slow. Only use these[08/29/2012 11:38:07 AM]
10 sql tips to speed up your database |

                                                            variable types if you need to.

                                                            2) Using trims or other string
                                                            modifiers will greatly slow
                                                            down your queries. The
                                                            server will have to do this on
                                                            each row. Pretty logical when
                                                            you think about it. Any time
                                                            you are modifying a string or
                                                            other variable type within a
                                                            query you are adding a great
                                                            deal of overhead. If you can,
                                                            put these kind of things on
                                                            the server script side (PHP,
                                                            Ruby, etc).

                                                            3) If you have two tables, with
                                                            1 to 1 for every (key word
                                                            there) row, then why not use
                                                            just one table? Don’t make
                                                            more tables than you need.
                                                            Just because you’ll have
                                                            more columns doesn’t mean
                                                            you will have to SELECT
                                                            them all.

                                                            4) If you can, avoid putting
                                                            certain things in a table. Like
                                                            images. I often find out that
                                                            people store certain images in
                                                            a table as BLOBs and a
                                                            column      for    the    image
                                                            mimetype. Then they query
                                                            the image and use something
                                                            like PHP to spit it out onto the
                                                            page. The only time I’ve really
                                                            seen this to be necessary is
                                                            with      CAPTCHA       images.
                                                            Where the image is stored as
                                                            a BLOB alongside a hash
                                                            representing the text in the
                                                            image. Though, you could
                                                            probably put the images in a
                                                            folder with random filenames
                                                            and have a table matching
                                                            filenames to hash values. But
                                                            that can open up some
                                                            security risks (like black-hats
                                                            creating their own look-up
                                                            table so that they can produce
                                                            scripts).[08/29/2012 11:38:07 AM]
10 sql tips to speed up your database |


                                                                      Jung said:
                                                                      March 9,
                                                                      2010 at
                                                                      5:29 pm
                                                                      Thanks for


                                                                      Daniel said:
                                                                      March 9, 2010
                                                                      at 6:25 pm
                                                                      in reply to your tip

                                                                      i           disagree.
                                                                      sometimes it can
                                                                      make sense to split
                                                                      up a table into two,
                                                                      because searching
                                                                      in very wide (lots of
                                                                      columns)        tables
                                                                      also      has           a
                                                                      impact. splitting up
                                                                      tables is        pretty
                                                                      useful if you only
                                                                      search on a couple
                                                                      of fields in this
                                                                      table,    and       the
                                                                      majority     of     the
                                                                      other fields is just
                                                                      “additional       info”
                                                                      such                  as
                                                                      user_ip,             file
                                                                      locations etc. you
                                                                      never        consider
                                                                      when looking up
                                                                      this also means
                                                                      that it is easier to
                                                                      keep your “index-[08/29/2012 11:38:07 AM]
10 sql tips to speed up your database |

                                                                      table” free from
                                                                      variable length data
                                                                      types as described
                                                                      in tip 1


                                                            Tomasz Kowalczyk said:
                                                            March 9, 2010 at 1:53
                                                            Very good list, I would also
                                                            add using ORMs such as
                                                            Doctrine / Propel [included in
                                                            frameworks such as symfony]
                                                            that are caching everything –
                                                            no need to remember that


                                                                      Stok said:
                                                                      March 11,
                                                                      2010 at
                                                                      1:45 pm
                                                                      EVER USE
                                                                      That       is
                                                                      killer number

                                                                      There are to
                                                                      many     bad
                                                                      things about
                                                                      * You can’t,
                                                                      you      just
                                                                      optimize the
                                                                      query     (no
                                                                      * Having an
                                                                      oject      for
                                                                      every row is
                                                                      heavy       of[08/29/2012 11:38:07 AM]
10 sql tips to speed up your database |

                                                                      *     I even
                                                                      heard about
                                                                      an option to
                                                                      buffer query
                                                                      execution, to
                                                                      do it in one
                                                                      time. That is
                                                                      not      only
                                                                      stupid. But it
                                                                      is also very
                                                                      dangerous! I
                                                                      allot     and
                                                                      using       an
                                                                      system will
                                                                      break this.

                                                                      Some one I
                                                                      decided on
                                                                      using     an
                                                                      ORM, and is
                                                                      not     very
                                                                      happy with
                                                                      But he can’t
                                                                      switch since
                                                                      that     will
                                                                      break    the

                                                                      else, ORM
                                                                      will    make
                                                                      you     brake
                                                                      with almost
                                                                      very design
                                                                      principle and
                                                                      pattern there

                                                                      Just      use
                                                                      plain      old
                                                                      SQL, it is
                                                                      much better
                                                                      and flexible.[08/29/2012 11:38:07 AM]
10 sql tips to speed up your database |


                                                            mithu said: March 9, 2010
                                                            at 4:35 pm
                                                            Life saving tricks. Thankx.


                                                            CoryMathews said: March
                                                            9, 2010 at 5:07 pm
                                                            “Use join instead of sub

                                                            Depends on if the sub query
                                                            is in the select from or where
                                                            statement. So this advice
                                                            while normally true for selects
                                                            is not always true for the from
                                                            or where statement. Thus is

                                                            “Use UNION instead of OR”

                                                            His benchmark says that but
                                                            every db I have worked with
                                                            says otherwise..


                                                            James Edinburgh said:
                                                            March 9, 2010 at 6:26
                                                            Thanks for this information.

                                                            I’m just getting started in the
                                                            world of SQL and databases
                                                            and this is some solid advice.
                                                            I’ve been playing around with
                                                            WordPress and other PHP
                                                            based CMS systems and I
                                                            really really want to get
                                                            started and build my own
                                                            system, i’ll be sure to put
                                                            these tips to work when I do.

                                                                                     Reply[08/29/2012 11:38:07 AM]
10 sql tips to speed up your database |

                                                            Mes favoris du 8-03-10 au
                                                            10-03-10 » Gilles Toubiana
                                                            said: March 10, 2010 at
                                                            9:03 am
                                                            [...] 10 sql tips to speed up
                                                            your database [...]


                                                            » ce que j’ai vue depuis
                                                            mon retour ! oxynel, blog
                                                            communication - Agence de
                                                            communication Montpellier
                                                            said: March 10, 2010 at
                                                            11:03 am
                                                            [...] Du SQL, du SQL ou l’art
                                                            d’optimiser ses requêtes [...]


                                                            10 Astuces SQL pour
                                                            améliorer vos requêtes |
                                                            KubX said: March 11,
                                                            2010 at 7:51 am
                                                            [...] 10 sql tips to speed up
                                                            your database. Tags:sql [...]


                                                            Harsh Athalye said: March
                                                            11, 2010 at 11:38 am
                                                            Good SQL tips. Optimizing
                                                            queries is such a huge topic
                                                            in itself, that a book can be
                                                            written around it. But basically
                                                            tips mentioned here are good
                                                            enough. I would add some

                                                            1. Choose wise columns
                                                            when       creating   indexes.
                                                            Creating indexes on data
                                                            types of char, varchar or such
                                                            other sizable data types can
                                                            kill the performance
                                                            2. If you have indexes on[08/29/2012 11:38:07 AM]
10 sql tips to speed up your database |

                                                            columns,     try   to     avoid
                                                            wrapping column inside a
                                                            3. Convert IN clause to joins
                                                            4. Set based queries definitely
                                                            beat procedural approach like
                                                            cursors     in    terms       of


                                                            Brian said: March 12, 2010
                                                            at 2:03 am
                                                            Great tips there, I’m suprised
                                                            you’ve not mentioned the
                                                            mysql query cache, qcache.
                                                            This can dramatically speed
                                                            up mysql especially on high
                                                            traffic sites.

                                                            I must admit i’d not given
                                                            much thought to design, I
                                                            lumped all the fields in one
                                                            table which was fine when
                                                            the site had 100 entries but
                                                            now it has over 3000 things
                                                            are really starting to suffer
                                                            and I’m having to strip out the
                                                            database and organise it.

                                                            It goes to show that a little bit
                                                            of haste can really turn into a
                                                            lot of waste later on.


                                                            LISA TORRES said: March
                                                            13, 2010 at 10:18 am
                                                            The server will have to do
                                                            this on each row. Pretty
                                                            logical when you think about
                                                            it. Any time you are modifying
                                                            a string or other variable type
                                                            within a query you are adding
                                                            a great deal of overhead.

                                                                                     Reply[08/29/2012 11:38:07 AM]
10 sql tips to speed up your database |

                                                            quicoto said: March 17,
                                                            2010 at 11:03 am
                                                            Nice I never though how bad
                                                            can be ask for “SELECT *”
                                                            without no LIMIT or without
                                                            asking for certain fields.



                                                            TDAH said: March 19,
                                                            2010 at 1:25 am
                                                            Man, I just tried these on my
                                                            db and they worked great,


                                                            Christian said: March 19,
                                                            2010 at 5:02 am
                                                            Wow, I did not know the
                                                            update query with the nice
                                                            “CASE” syntax until now.
                                                            Very helpful. Thanks.


                                                            Jonathan Good said: March
                                                            20, 2010 at 1:50 pm
                                                            Great article thanks for
                                                            sharing – we can all use
                                                            faster dbs!


                                                            Agnideb Mishra said:
                                                            March 20, 2010 at 10:32
                                                            excellent article! The queries
                                                            are particularly very helpful for
                                                            a newbie like me. Thanks for
                                                            the awesome information.

                                                                                     Reply[08/29/2012 11:38:07 AM]
10 sql tips to speed up your database |

                                                            Jack colt said: March 22,
                                                            2010 at 11:56 pm
                                                            Thanks for the tips. Most of
                                                            my websites are really slow in
                                                            loading. I tried using WP
                                                            super chache without much
                                                            success. It appears now that
                                                            the culprit lies in my design
                                                            and database.


                                                            Shukrit Verman said: March
                                                            27, 2010 at 11:15 pm
                                                            Thanks a bunch for this
                                                            article. I will try to fix my slow
                                                            blog using these tips


                                                            Chimpu Sharma said:
                                                            March 27, 2010 at 11:22
                                                            I have always had to take my
                                                            web host’s help for running
                                                            sql queries. Thanks to this
                                                            article, I guess I would no
                                                            longer have to! Thanks again


                                                            Bob said: March 27, 2010
                                                            at 11:36 pm
                                                            “I tried using WP super cache
                                                            without much success.”

                                                            It is not working for me either.
                                                            Actually, while it is supposed
                                                            to speed up my blog, it is
                                                            actually slowing the blog
                                                            down     I would try using the
                                                            database optimization tips laid
                                                            out in this article.

                                                                                      Reply[08/29/2012 11:38:07 AM]
10 sql tips to speed up your database |

                                                            Vinith Shukla said: March
                                                            27, 2010 at 11:39 pm
                                                            Thank you very much for
                                                            these details; but for them, I
                                                            would not have known how to
                                                            optimize my SQL database!


                                                            Dan - said:
                                                            March 31, 2010 at 8:41
                                                            Very helpful. By the way, I
                                                            think using SELECT * is not
                                                            really that harmful if you
                                                            combine it with the LIMIT


                                                            Blogger said: April 1, 2010
                                                            at 9:10 am
                                                            Hu, i had never thought that
                                                            those changes could speed
                                                            up my DB.
                                                            Thanks for collecting these


                                                            SQLを早くする10個の項目 |
                                                            アイビースター said: April 7,
                                                            2010 at 2:02 am
                                                            [...] 10 sql tips to speed up
                                                            your database [...]


                                                            fireRoxy said: April 13,
                                                            2010 at 4:45 am
                                                            very useful tips. thank you
                                                            very much.

                                                                                   Reply[08/29/2012 11:38:07 AM]
10 sql tips to speed up your database |

                                                            Savita Bisht said: April 22,
                                                            2010 at 11:20 pm
                                                            yeah, it is a nice article,
                                                            worked great for me.


                                                            Mundu said: April 29, 2010
                                                            at 11:06 am
                                                            Thanks so much for this
                                                            informative article. I now know
                                                            how to fix my extremely slow


                                                            8 consigli e trucchi sql per
                                                            ottimizzare e rendere
                                                            performante un Database |
                                                            Pecciola said: April 30,
                                                            2010 at 12:33 am
                                                            [...] Fonte : Catswhocode [...]


                                                            Edward said: May 13, 2010
                                                            at 10:59 am
                                                            This post is very usefull,
                                                            thank you
                                                            I also heard about something
                                                            called stored queries so you
                                                            just call it by its name when
                                                            you do the query for example
                                                            “getnews()”     but    I’m  a
                                                            complete newbie !


                                                            Michael said: May 13, 2010
                                                            at 11:37 am
                                                            Thanks for         sharing this
                                                            information, it is very useful to
                                                            my visual basic programming.

                                                            Michael[08/29/2012 11:38:07 AM]
10 sql tips to speed up your database |


                                                            Jamie said: May 25, 2010
                                                            at 10:51 am
                                                            This is indeed very helpful. I
                                                            appreciate the fact that you
                                                            are providing screenshots so
                                                            we would know we are on the
                                                            same track while following
                                                            your tutorial. Thanks so much
                                                            for sharing.


                                                            Johnson said: May 31,
                                                            2010 at 7:04 pm
                                                            Great     tips,   i’ve    been
                                                            wondering if i could customise
                                                            my wordpress database, this
                                                            is    too   slow    as posts
                                                            accurelates, anyone have
                                                            interests ?


                                                            Jon said: June 11, 2010
                                                            at 1:05 pm
                                                            I may have to come back to
                                                            this page very shortly…a lot
                                                            of good info here.


                                                            Jennifer R said: June 12,
                                                            2010 at 10:34 am
                                                            Could use DB cache reload
                                                            can increase the performance
                                                            of mySQL database?


                                                            Büyü said: June 18, 2010
                                                            at 10:12 am
                                                            Could use DB cache reload
                                                            can increase the performance[08/29/2012 11:38:07 AM]
10 sql tips to speed up your database |

                                                            of mySQL database?


                                                            Alex Wolf said: June 20,
                                                            2010 at 11:16 am
                                                            Thanks for the limit tip, I
                                                            didn’t know about it.


                                                            Charlie said: August 3,
                                                            2010 at 1:52 pm
                                                            All good tips, particularly on
                                                            the use of UNION over OR.

                                                            As far as I know, in most
                                                            SQL databases, some uses of
                                                            OR prevent the use of an
                                                            index. So for large tables, it is
                                                            faster to scan the indices
                                                            multiple times rather than
                                                            searching the entire table


                                                            Sumanta Sinha said:
                                                            August 20, 2010 at 5:09
                                                            Lately one of my PHP scripts
                                                            is making way too many sql
                                                            queries while it could easily
                                                            do the job by making fewer
                                                            queries. The reason: the
                                                            script developer did not
                                                            bother to optimize the scripts
                                                            so it could use the least
                                                            possible resource. He has
                                                            also stopped supporting the
                                                            project a year ago. Thanks to
                                                            my web host, I would have
                                                            never had known about this. I
                                                            would try your tips and see if
                                                            it helps at all. thanks

                                                                                      Reply[08/29/2012 11:38:07 AM]
10 sql tips to speed up your database |

                                                            Felipe said: November 4,
                                                            2010 at 6:47 pm
                                                            Always refreshing to see
                                                            someone pop open the hood
                                                            and show how it is done in
                                                            the age of “just-use-my-
                                                            a-pinch”. Congrats.


                                                            Shawn said: June 21, 2012
                                                            at 11:49 am
                                                            I know it’s a bit of a late post
                                                            but…..”Avoid       queries    in
                                                            loops,” while i agree with you
                                                            that you shouldn’t keep
                                                            sending SQL to a database
                                                            while looping, i think your
                                                            example is *way* to simple to
                                                            be of use. You are essentially
                                                            hard coding the case values
                                                            which 1. Shouldn’t be hard
                                                            coded       and      2.     only
                                                            manageable for a very small
                                                            set. I believe a better
                                                            alternative is to go ahead and
                                                            use the looping statement and
                                                            GENERATE the SQL needed.
                                                            Ex. Update value 1; Update
                                                            value 2; update value 3,
                                                            update value N. That is, to
                                                            aggregate the SQL into a
                                                            string variable, AND THEN
                                                            send it to the database only
                                                            once and after it is generated.


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10 SQL tips speed database CatsWhoCode

  • 1. 10 sql tips to speed up your database | 10 sql tips to speed up your database On most websites, content is stored in a database and served to visitors upon request. Databases are very fast, but there’s lots of things that you can do to enhance its speed and make sure you won’t waste any server resources. In this article, I have compiled 10 very useful tips to optimize and speed up your website database. Design your database with caution This first tip may seems obvious, but the fact is that most database problems come from badly-designed table structure. For example, I have seen people storing information such as client info and payment info in the same database column. For both the database system and developers who will have to work on it, this is not a good thing. When creating a database, always put information on various tables, use clear naming standards and make use of primary keys. Source: http://www.simple- administration/ten-common- database-design-mistakes/ Know what you should optimize If you want to optimize a specific query, it is extremely useful to be able to get an in- depth look at the result of a query. Using the EXPLAIN statement, you will get lots of useful info on the result produced by a specific query, as shown in the example[08/29/2012 11:38:07 AM]
  • 2. 10 sql tips to speed up your database | below: EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM ref_table,other_table WHERE lumn; Source: explain.html The fastest query… Is the one you don’t send Each time you’re sending a query to the database, you’re using a bit of your server resources. This is why, on high traffic sites, the best thing you can do in order to speed up your database is to cache queries. There’s lots of solutions to implement a query cache on your server. Here are a few: AdoDB: AdoDB is a database abstraction library for PHP. It allows you to use the database system of your choice (MySQL, PostGreSQL, Interbase, and way much more) and it is designed for speed. AdoDB provides a simple, yet powerful caching system. And last but not least, AdoDB is licenced under the BSD, which means that you can use freely on your projects. A LGPL licence is also available for commercial projects. Memcached: Memcached is a distributed memory caching system which is often used to speed up dynamic database-driven websites by alleviating database load. CSQL Cache: CSQL Cache is an open-source data caching infrastructure. Never tested it personally, but it seems to be a great tool.[08/29/2012 11:38:07 AM]
  • 3. 10 sql tips to speed up your database | Don’t select what you don’t need A very common way to get the desired data is to use the * symbol, which will get all fields from the desired table: SELECT * FROM wp_posts; Instead, you should definitely select only the desired fields as shown in the example below. On a very small site with, let’s say, one visitor per minute, that wouldn’t make a difference. But on a site such as Cats Who Code, it saves a lot of work for the database. SELECT title, excerpt, author FROM wp_posts; Use LIMIT It’s very common that you need to get only a specific number of records from your database. For example, a blog which is showing ten entries per page. In that case, you should definitely use the LIMIT parameter, which only selects the desired number of records. Without LIMIT, if your table has 100,000 different records, you’ll extract them all, which is unnecessary work for your server. SELECT title, excerpt, author FROM wp_posts LIMIT 10; Avoid queries in loops When using SQL along with a programming language such as PHP, it can be tempting to use SQL queries inside a loop. But doing so[08/29/2012 11:38:07 AM]
  • 4. 10 sql tips to speed up your database | is like hammering your database with queries. This example illustrates the whole “queries in loops” problem: foreach ($display_order as $id => $ordinal) { $sql = "UPDATE categories SET display_order = $ordinal WHERE id = $id"; mysql_query($sql); } Here is what you should do instead: UPDATE categories SET display_order = CASE id WHEN 1 THEN 3 WHEN 2 THEN 4 WHEN 3 THEN 5 END WHERE id IN (1,2,3) Source: multiple-rows-with-different-values- and-a-single-sql-query/ Use join instead of subqueries As a programmer, subqueries are something that you can be tempted to use and abuse. Subqueries, as show below, can be very useful: SELECT, (SELECT MAX(created) FROM posts WHERE author_id = AS latest_post FROM authors a Although subqueries are useful, they often can be replaced by a join, which is definitely[08/29/2012 11:38:07 AM]
  • 5. 10 sql tips to speed up your database | faster to execute. SELECT, MAX(p.created) AS latest_post FROM authors a INNER JOIN posts p ON ( = p.author_id) GROUP BY Source: tips-for-optimizing-mysql-queries- that-dont-suck/ Be careful when using wildcards Wildcards are very useful because they can substitute for one or more characters when searching for data in a database. I’m not saying that you shouldn’t use them, but instead, you should use them with caution and not use the full wildcard when the prefix or postfix wildcard can do the same job. In fact, doing a full wildcard search on a million records will certainly kill your database. #Full wildcard SELECT * FROM TABLE WHERE COLUMN LIKE '%hello%'; #Postfix wildcard SELECT * FROM TABLE WHERE COLUMN LIKE 'hello%'; #Prefix wildcard SELECT * FROM TABLE WHERE COLUMN LIKE '%hello'; Source: information/ways-optimize-sql- queries/ Use UNION instead of OR The following example use the OR statement to get the result:[08/29/2012 11:38:07 AM]
  • 6. 10 sql tips to speed up your database | SELECT * FROM a, b WHERE a.p = b.q or a.x = b.y; The UNION statement allows you to combine the result sets of 2 or more select queries. The following example will return the same result that the above query gets, but it will be faster: SELECT * FROM a, b WHERE a.p = b.q UNION SELECT * FROM a, b WHERE a.x = b.y Source: Use indexes Database indexes are similar to those you can find in libraries: They allow the database to find the requested information faster, just like a library index will allow a reader to find what they’re looking for without loosing time. An Index can be created on a single column or a combination of columns in a database table. A table index is a database structure that arranges the values of one or more columns in a database table in specific order. The following query will create an index on the Model column from the Product table. The index is called idxModel: CREATE INDEX idxModel ON Product (Model); Source: http://www.sql- More posts about SQL[08/29/2012 11:38:07 AM]
  • 7. 10 sql tips to speed up your database | Getting started with CouchDB: a beginner’s gu Share this article like AVqRj-yi 387 49 20 tweets 1 retweet Like Like Comments (54) - Leave yours Bart Jacobs said: March 8, 2010 at 11:49 am This article is very useful for anyone working with mySQL (and with databases in general). For high traffic websites especially, database queries can be the bottleneck (and often are). Thanks for this great post! Reply Can Aydoğan said: March 8, 2010 at 1:27 pm Great article. Thanks for sharing! Reply[08/29/2012 11:38:07 AM]
  • 8. 10 sql tips to speed up your database | Metric Stormtrooper said: March 8, 2010 at 3:27 pm your table type can also make a lot of difference. MyISAM is better if you expect a lot of reads, InnoDB if you need more writes in a table (see also mysql-storage-engines- 1470.html ). And don’t forget to enable the query cache in your my.ini Reply Kovica said: March 8, 2010 at 3:29 pm “Use Indexes” should be #1. Reply Jean- Baptiste Jung said: March 9, 2010 at 4:20 am Tips are displayed without importance order, but I agree that indexes are definitely one of the best way to optimize your DB! Reply[08/29/2012 11:38:07 AM]
  • 9. 10 sql tips to speed up your database |[08/29/2012 11:38:07 AM]
  • 10. 10 sql tips to speed up your database |[08/29/2012 11:38:07 AM]
  • 11. 10 sql tips to speed up your database |[08/29/2012 11:38:07 AM]
  • 12. 10 sql tips to speed up your database | wxianfeng said: March 8, 2010 at 8:57 pm very helpful~! Reply 10 sql tips to speed up your database | [codepotato] said: March 9, 2010 at 4:00 am [...] 10 sql tips to speed up your database Posted March 9th, 2010 in Blog by Gareth sql-tips-to-speed-up-your- database [...] Reply Anonymous said: March 9, 2010 at 8:13 am One thing anyone thinking about optimising their queries should bear in mind is not to do it straight away. Get your code working and then go back to it and improve if necessary. Also, you missed the word[08/29/2012 11:38:07 AM]
  • 13. 10 sql tips to speed up your database | ‘may’ when you mentioned UNION. Your source states “may run faster than”, not “will be faster”. I’ve found that OR is faster than UNION and a quick google on the subject confirms this: vs-union-all-performance/ Your source, was apparently last updated in 1996 and I’d like to think MySQL had changed quite a bit since then. If anyone’s looking into speeding up their MySQL stuff then is highly recommended, the English isn’t always great though and the navigation sucks but give it a try. To expand on what Dirk so rightly said, Indexes are great for tables where there will be a lot of read (SELECT) operations. But if you’re often writing to a table then the Indexes can slow it down because of course the index must be updated. Could you please consider an update Jean, which reflects what Dirk and I have mentioned? Reply Jean- Baptiste Jung said: March 9, 2010 at 8:49 am You’re right[08/29/2012 11:38:07 AM]
  • 14. 10 sql tips to speed up your database | about the bcarter source: I didn’t checked the “last update” date when writing the article, sorry for this. I rarely update posts, but I’ll rewrite some parts this week, according to my busy schedule. Thanks a lot for your interest! Reply Timothy said: March 9, 2010 at 8:47 am Also, here are a few more details that could help: 1) Be wise with column types (VarChar, Blob, Clob / Long Text, etc). When using something like int, varchar, etc with a set length the SQL server will know what to expect when conducting queries. If you use something like Clob / Long Text, which does not have a set limit, then the server will not know what to expect, so the queries have to way of being optimized. Basically, it means that every query that involves a column with such a type will be slow. Only use these[08/29/2012 11:38:07 AM]
  • 15. 10 sql tips to speed up your database | variable types if you need to. 2) Using trims or other string modifiers will greatly slow down your queries. The server will have to do this on each row. Pretty logical when you think about it. Any time you are modifying a string or other variable type within a query you are adding a great deal of overhead. If you can, put these kind of things on the server script side (PHP, Ruby, etc). 3) If you have two tables, with 1 to 1 for every (key word there) row, then why not use just one table? Don’t make more tables than you need. Just because you’ll have more columns doesn’t mean you will have to SELECT them all. 4) If you can, avoid putting certain things in a table. Like images. I often find out that people store certain images in a table as BLOBs and a column for the image mimetype. Then they query the image and use something like PHP to spit it out onto the page. The only time I’ve really seen this to be necessary is with CAPTCHA images. Where the image is stored as a BLOB alongside a hash representing the text in the image. Though, you could probably put the images in a folder with random filenames and have a table matching filenames to hash values. But that can open up some security risks (like black-hats creating their own look-up table so that they can produce scripts).[08/29/2012 11:38:07 AM]
  • 16. 10 sql tips to speed up your database | Reply Jean- Baptiste Jung said: March 9, 2010 at 5:29 pm Thanks for the additional tips! Reply Daniel said: March 9, 2010 at 6:25 pm in reply to your tip 3: i disagree. sometimes it can make sense to split up a table into two, because searching in very wide (lots of columns) tables also has a performance impact. splitting up tables is pretty useful if you only search on a couple of fields in this table, and the majority of the other fields is just “additional info” such as timestamps, user_ip, file locations etc. you never consider when looking up records. this also means that it is easier to keep your “index-[08/29/2012 11:38:07 AM]
  • 17. 10 sql tips to speed up your database | table” free from variable length data types as described in tip 1 Reply Tomasz Kowalczyk said: March 9, 2010 at 1:53 pm Very good list, I would also add using ORMs such as Doctrine / Propel [included in frameworks such as symfony] that are caching everything – no need to remember that things. Reply Sebastiaan Stok said: March 11, 2010 at 1:45 pm NEVER EVER USE ORM!!! That is performance killer number one. There are to many bad things about Object Relation Mapping. * You can’t, you just can’t optimize the query (no realy) * Having an oject for every row is heavy of[08/29/2012 11:38:07 AM]
  • 18. 10 sql tips to speed up your database | memory usage * I even heard about an option to buffer query execution, to do it in one time. That is not only stupid. But it is also very dangerous! I use transactions allot and using an ORM system will break this. Some one I know decided on using an ORM, and is not very happy with it. But he can’t switch since that will break the coding. And something else, ORM will make you brake with almost very design principle and pattern there is. Just use plain old SQL, it is much better and flexible.[08/29/2012 11:38:07 AM]
  • 19. 10 sql tips to speed up your database | Reply mithu said: March 9, 2010 at 4:35 pm Life saving tricks. Thankx. Reply CoryMathews said: March 9, 2010 at 5:07 pm “Use join instead of sub queries” Depends on if the sub query is in the select from or where statement. So this advice while normally true for selects is not always true for the from or where statement. Thus is false. “Use UNION instead of OR” His benchmark says that but every db I have worked with says otherwise.. Reply James Edinburgh said: March 9, 2010 at 6:26 pm Thanks for this information. I’m just getting started in the world of SQL and databases and this is some solid advice. I’ve been playing around with WordPress and other PHP based CMS systems and I really really want to get started and build my own system, i’ll be sure to put these tips to work when I do. Reply[08/29/2012 11:38:07 AM]
  • 20. 10 sql tips to speed up your database | Mes favoris du 8-03-10 au 10-03-10 » Gilles Toubiana said: March 10, 2010 at 9:03 am [...] 10 sql tips to speed up your database [...] Reply » ce que j’ai vue depuis mon retour ! oxynel, blog communication - Agence de communication Montpellier said: March 10, 2010 at 11:03 am [...] Du SQL, du SQL ou l’art d’optimiser ses requêtes [...] Reply 10 Astuces SQL pour améliorer vos requêtes | KubX said: March 11, 2010 at 7:51 am [...] 10 sql tips to speed up your database. Tags:sql [...] Reply Harsh Athalye said: March 11, 2010 at 11:38 am Good SQL tips. Optimizing queries is such a huge topic in itself, that a book can be written around it. But basically tips mentioned here are good enough. I would add some more: 1. Choose wise columns when creating indexes. Creating indexes on data types of char, varchar or such other sizable data types can kill the performance 2. If you have indexes on[08/29/2012 11:38:07 AM]
  • 21. 10 sql tips to speed up your database | columns, try to avoid wrapping column inside a function 3. Convert IN clause to joins 4. Set based queries definitely beat procedural approach like cursors in terms of performance Reply Brian said: March 12, 2010 at 2:03 am Great tips there, I’m suprised you’ve not mentioned the mysql query cache, qcache. This can dramatically speed up mysql especially on high traffic sites. I must admit i’d not given much thought to design, I lumped all the fields in one table which was fine when the site had 100 entries but now it has over 3000 things are really starting to suffer and I’m having to strip out the database and organise it. It goes to show that a little bit of haste can really turn into a lot of waste later on. Reply LISA TORRES said: March 13, 2010 at 10:18 am The server will have to do this on each row. Pretty logical when you think about it. Any time you are modifying a string or other variable type within a query you are adding a great deal of overhead. Reply[08/29/2012 11:38:07 AM]
  • 22. 10 sql tips to speed up your database | quicoto said: March 17, 2010 at 11:03 am Nice I never though how bad can be ask for “SELECT *” without no LIMIT or without asking for certain fields. Regards Reply TDAH said: March 19, 2010 at 1:25 am Man, I just tried these on my db and they worked great, thanks Reply Christian said: March 19, 2010 at 5:02 am Wow, I did not know the update query with the nice “CASE” syntax until now. Very helpful. Thanks. Reply Jonathan Good said: March 20, 2010 at 1:50 pm Great article thanks for sharing – we can all use faster dbs! Reply Agnideb Mishra said: March 20, 2010 at 10:32 pm excellent article! The queries are particularly very helpful for a newbie like me. Thanks for the awesome information. Reply[08/29/2012 11:38:07 AM]
  • 23. 10 sql tips to speed up your database | Jack colt said: March 22, 2010 at 11:56 pm Thanks for the tips. Most of my websites are really slow in loading. I tried using WP super chache without much success. It appears now that the culprit lies in my design and database. Reply Shukrit Verman said: March 27, 2010 at 11:15 pm Thanks a bunch for this article. I will try to fix my slow blog using these tips Reply Chimpu Sharma said: March 27, 2010 at 11:22 pm I have always had to take my web host’s help for running sql queries. Thanks to this article, I guess I would no longer have to! Thanks again Reply Bob said: March 27, 2010 at 11:36 pm “I tried using WP super cache without much success.” It is not working for me either. Actually, while it is supposed to speed up my blog, it is actually slowing the blog down I would try using the database optimization tips laid out in this article. Reply[08/29/2012 11:38:07 AM]
  • 24. 10 sql tips to speed up your database | Vinith Shukla said: March 27, 2010 at 11:39 pm Thank you very much for these details; but for them, I would not have known how to optimize my SQL database! Reply Dan - said: March 31, 2010 at 8:41 pm Very helpful. By the way, I think using SELECT * is not really that harmful if you combine it with the LIMIT operator. Reply Blogger said: April 1, 2010 at 9:10 am Hu, i had never thought that those changes could speed up my DB. Thanks for collecting these informations! Reply SQLを早くする10個の項目 | アイビースター said: April 7, 2010 at 2:02 am [...] 10 sql tips to speed up your database [...] Reply fireRoxy said: April 13, 2010 at 4:45 am very useful tips. thank you very much. Reply[08/29/2012 11:38:07 AM]
  • 25. 10 sql tips to speed up your database | Savita Bisht said: April 22, 2010 at 11:20 pm yeah, it is a nice article, worked great for me. Reply Mundu said: April 29, 2010 at 11:06 am Thanks so much for this informative article. I now know how to fix my extremely slow blog Reply 8 consigli e trucchi sql per ottimizzare e rendere performante un Database | Pecciola said: April 30, 2010 at 12:33 am [...] Fonte : Catswhocode [...] Reply Edward said: May 13, 2010 at 10:59 am This post is very usefull, thank you I also heard about something called stored queries so you just call it by its name when you do the query for example “getnews()” but I’m a complete newbie ! Reply Michael said: May 13, 2010 at 11:37 am Thanks for sharing this information, it is very useful to my visual basic programming. Michael[08/29/2012 11:38:07 AM]
  • 26. 10 sql tips to speed up your database | Reply Jamie said: May 25, 2010 at 10:51 am This is indeed very helpful. I appreciate the fact that you are providing screenshots so we would know we are on the same track while following your tutorial. Thanks so much for sharing. Reply Johnson said: May 31, 2010 at 7:04 pm Great tips, i’ve been wondering if i could customise my wordpress database, this is too slow as posts accurelates, anyone have interests ? Reply Jon said: June 11, 2010 at 1:05 pm I may have to come back to this page very shortly…a lot of good info here. Reply Jennifer R said: June 12, 2010 at 10:34 am Could use DB cache reload can increase the performance of mySQL database? Reply Büyü said: June 18, 2010 at 10:12 am Could use DB cache reload can increase the performance[08/29/2012 11:38:07 AM]
  • 27. 10 sql tips to speed up your database | of mySQL database? Reply Alex Wolf said: June 20, 2010 at 11:16 am Thanks for the limit tip, I didn’t know about it. Reply Charlie said: August 3, 2010 at 1:52 pm All good tips, particularly on the use of UNION over OR. As far as I know, in most SQL databases, some uses of OR prevent the use of an index. So for large tables, it is faster to scan the indices multiple times rather than searching the entire table once. Reply Sumanta Sinha said: August 20, 2010 at 5:09 am Lately one of my PHP scripts is making way too many sql queries while it could easily do the job by making fewer queries. The reason: the script developer did not bother to optimize the scripts so it could use the least possible resource. He has also stopped supporting the project a year ago. Thanks to my web host, I would have never had known about this. I would try your tips and see if it helps at all. thanks Reply[08/29/2012 11:38:07 AM]
  • 28. 10 sql tips to speed up your database | Felipe said: November 4, 2010 at 6:47 pm Always refreshing to see someone pop open the hood and show how it is done in the age of “just-use-my- cuttie-pretty-web-2.0- framework-and-it-will-take- care-of-everything-for-you-in- a-pinch”. Congrats. Reply Shawn said: June 21, 2012 at 11:49 am I know it’s a bit of a late post but…..”Avoid queries in loops,” while i agree with you that you shouldn’t keep sending SQL to a database while looping, i think your example is *way* to simple to be of use. You are essentially hard coding the case values which 1. Shouldn’t be hard coded and 2. only manageable for a very small set. I believe a better alternative is to go ahead and use the looping statement and GENERATE the SQL needed. Ex. Update value 1; Update value 2; update value 3, update value N. That is, to aggregate the SQL into a string variable, AND THEN send it to the database only once and after it is generated. Reply Leave a Reply Your email address will not be published. Required fields are marked * Name *[08/29/2012 11:38:07 AM]
  • 29. 10 sql tips to speed up your database | Email * Website Comment Please respect the following rules: No advertising, no spam, no keyword in name field. Thank you! 18600+ 14800 RSS READERS FOLLOWERS[08/29/2012 11:38:07 AM]
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