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Next Generation Embryology
             Jano van Hemert

  has 10% of the UK’s world-leading computer scientists
Project stats
  • Runs 1 April 2009–30 Sept 2010
  • Part of: JISC Information Environment
  • “Repositories: enhancement” (A5)
  • 1 software engineer @ Edinburgh
  • 1 user engagement office @ Newcastle
funded by                     U
                                  NI VER


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Developmental Biology

             source: Richard Baldock, MRC HGU
Developmental Biology

             source: Richard Baldock, MRC HGU
Study development?
• 3% of live-born babies display a major
  congenital abnormality
• Birth defects account for 21% of infant
• Adult diseases often have their origins
  during early development or involve a
  reactivation of developmental mechanisms
Current generation

      source: PhD thesis Marit Boot & EBay
Anatomy is
difficult to learn

     source: Kaufman, Bard, Davidson
How difficult?
first_polar_body            mesothelium                venous_system             cardiac_jelly             myocoele                  vascular_element          glossopharyngeal-         4th_arch                    associated_mesenchym      mantle_layer
one-cell_stage             peritoneal_component       anterior_cardinal_vein    endocardial_tube          sclerotome                gland                     vagus_IX-                 branchial_groove            e                         marginal_layer
second_polar_body          cavity                     primary_head_vein         cardiac_muscle            somite_16                 thyroid_primordium        X_preganglion_complex     ectoderm                    primordial_germ_cells     ventricular_layer
zona_pellucida             mesothelium                umbilical_vein            outflow_tract              dermomyotome              associated_mesenchym      trigeminal_V_preganglio   branchial_membrane          somite                    roof_plate
two-cell_stage             future_midbrain            vitelline_vein            cardiac_jelly             myocoele                  e                         n                         ectoderm                    somite_31                 midbrain

                                                      How difficult?
4-8_cell_stage             floor_plate                 visceral_organ            endocardial_tube          sclerotome                endoderm                  vagus_X_preganglion       endoderm                    dermomyotome              floor_plate
compacted_morula           neural_fold                alimentary_system         mesenchyme                somite_17                 biliary_bud               peripheral_nervous_sys    branchial_pouch             myocoele                  lateral_wall
embryo                     neural_crest               gut                       primitive_ventricle       dermomyotome              extrahepatic_part         tem                       endoderm                    sclerotome                mantle_layer
compacted_morula           future_prosencephalon      foregut_diverticulum      cardiac_jelly             myocoele                  intrahepatic_part         spinal                    ectoderm                    somite_32                 marginal_layer
inner_cell_mass            floor_plate                 associated_mesenchym      endocardial_tube          sclerotome                epithelium                ganglion                  endoderm                    dermomyotome              ventricular_layer
extraembryonic_compo       neural_fold                e                         cardiac_muscle            somite_18                 hepatic_diverticulum      dorsal_root_ganglion      mesenchyme                  myocoele                  mesencephalic_vesicle
nent                       neural_crest               endoderm                  cardinal_vein             dermomyotome              vascular_element          otocyst                   mesenchyme_derived_f        sclerotome                roof_plate
cavities_and_their_linin   future_rhombencephalo      hindgut_diverticulum      anterior                  myocoele                  epithelium                associated_mesenchym      rom_head_mesoderm           somite_33                 acoustic_ganglion_VIII
gs                         n                          associated_mesenchym      common                    sclerotome                vascular_element          e                         mesenchyme_derived_f        dermomyotome              facial_ganglion_VII
blastocoelic_cavity        anterior_pro-              e                         posterior                 somite_19                 epithelium                epithelium                rom_neural_crest            myocoele                  autonomic
second_polar_body          rhombomere                 endoderm                  left                      dermomyotome              vascular_element          lens_placode              pleural_component           sclerotome                sympathetic
trophectoderm              floor_plate                 primordial_germ_cells     right                     myocoele                  gland                     mesenchyme                cavity                      somite_34                 nerve_trunk
mural_trophectoderm        neural_fold                midgut                    gland                     sclerotome                pituitary                 optic_cup                 mesothelium                 dermomyotome              nerve_plexus
polar_trophectoderm        neural_crest               associated_mesenchym      thyroid_primordium        somite_20                 Rathke's_pouch            inner_layer               parietal                    myocoele                  brachial_plexus
zona_pellucida             early_hindbrain_neural_    e                         associated_mesenchym      dermomyotome              rest_of_ectoderm          intraretinal_space        visceral                    sclerotome                nerve
epiblast                   ectoderm                   endoderm                  e                         myocoele                  associated_mesenchym      outer_layer               apical_ectodermal_ridg      somite_35                 segmental_spinal_nerv
primitive_endoderm         floor_plate                 mouth-foregut_junction    foregut-midgut_junction   sclerotome                e                         optic_stalk               e                           dermomyotome              e
endoderm                   neural_fold                buccopharyngeal_mem       associated_mesenchym      nervous_system            nephric_duct              naso-lacrimal_groove      hindlimb_bud                myocoele                  external_ear
parietal_endoderm          neural_crest               brane                     e                         central_nervous_syste     primordial_germ_cells     process                   ectoderm                    sclerotome                1st_branchial_membran
cavities                   posterior_pro-             ectoderm                  mesentery                 m                         pronephros                fronto-nasal_process      mesenchyme                  neural_crest              e
yolk_sac_cavity            rhombomere                 endoderm                  dorsal_mesentery          future_brain              tail_bud                  ectoderm                  ventricular_layer           epithelium                epithelium
intermediate_endoderm      floor_plate                 oral_region               urogenital_system         future_midbrain           branchial_groove          mesenchyme                ventricular_layer           epithelium                endolymphatic_append
Reichert's_membrane        neural_fold                stomatodaeum              nephric_cord              floor_plate                ectoderm                  branchial_arch_artery     ventricular_layer           cervical_sinus            age
visceral_endoderm          neural_crest               mesenchyme                presumptive_nephric_d     lateral_wall              branchial_membrane        1st_arch_artery           ventricular_layer           greater_sac               associated_mesenchym
ectoplacental_cone         pre-otic_sulcus            mesenchyme                uct                       mesencephalic_vesicle     ectoderm                  2nd_arch_artery           ventricular_layer           cavity                    e
cavities_and_their_linin   neural_fold                mesenchyme                cardiovascular_system     neural_crest              endoderm                  3rd_arch_artery           ventricular_layer           mesothelium               epithelium
gs                         neural_crest               mesenchyme                arterial_system           roof_plate                branchial_pouch           atrium                    ventricular_layer           parietal                  other_part
embryonic_component_       neural_tube                blood_island              umbilical_artery          future_rhombencephalo     endoderm                  common_atrial_chambe      ventricular_layer           omental_bursa             associated_mesenchym
of_the_proamniotic_cav     floor_plate                 head_mesenchyme           common                    n                         parietal                  r                         ventricular_layer           mesothelium               e
ity                        lateral_wall               mesenchyme_derived_f      venous_system             4th_ventricle             visceral                  cardiac_jelly             ventricular_layer           parietal                  epithelium
endoderm                   neural_lumen               rom_head_mesoderm         umbilical_vein            rhombomere_01             parietal                  endocardial_lining        ventricular_layer           apical_ectodermal_ridg    middle_ear
primitive_endoderm         roof_plate                 mesenchyme_derived_f      common                    floor_plate                parietal                  cardiac_muscle            ventricular_layer           e                         associated_mesenchym
extraembryonic_compo       mesenchyme_derived_f       rom_neural_crest          left                      lateral_wall              visceral                  bulboventricular_groove   facio-                      body-wall_mesenchyme      e
nent_of_the_proamnioti     rom_neural_crest           2nd_arch                  right                     roof_plate                hindlimb_ridge            endocardial_lining        acoustic_ganglion_com       brain                     tubo-tympanic_recess
c_cavity                   trigeminal_neural_crest    branchial_membrane        vitelline_vein            rhombomere_02             ectoderm                  endocardial_lining        plex_VII-VIII               forebrain                 surface_ectoderm_of_th
ectoderm                   paraxial_mesenchyme        endoderm                  left                      floor_plate                mesenchyme                endocardial_cushion_tis   glossopharyngeal_IX         diencephalon              e_eye
primary_trophoblast_gia    somite                     branchial_pouch           right                     lateral_wall              lateral_migration_pathw   sue                       glossopharyngeal-           gland                     4th_arch_artery
nt_cells                   somite_01                  endoderm                  mandibular_component      roof_plate                ay                        endocardial_lining        vagus_IX-                   pituitary                 6th_arch_artery
cytotrophoblast            somite_02                  ectoderm                  ectoderm                  rhombomere_03             medial_migration_path     left                      X_ganglion_complex          infundibular_recess_of_   ductus_caroticus
syncytiotrophoblast        somite_03                  endoderm                  endoderm                  floor_plate                way                       right                     trigeminal_V                3rd_ventricle             ophthalmic_artery
ectoderm                   somite_04                  mesenchyme                mesenchyme                lateral_wall              mesenchyme_derived_f      oesophageal_region        vagus_X                     3rd_ventricle             pulmonary_artery
definitive_endoderm         trunk_mesenchyme           mesenchyme_derived_f      mesenchyme_derived_f      roof_plate                rom_somatopleure          associated_mesenchym      lens_pit                    diencephalic_part_of_in   valve
mesoderm                   intermediate_mesenchy      rom_head_mesoderm         rom_head_mesoderm         rhombomere_04             mesenchyme_derived_f      e                         olfactory_pit               terventricular_foramen    venous_valve
primitive_streak           me                         mesenchyme_derived_f      mesenchyme_derived_f      floor_plate                rom_splanchnopleure       epithelium                nasal_epithelium            optic_recess              interatrial_septum
neural_ectoderm            lateral_plate_mesenchy     rom_neural_crest          rom_neural_crest          lateral_wall              somite_21                 mesentery                 frontal_process             floor_plate                foramen_primum
non-neural_ectoderm        me                         pericardio-               maxillary_component       roof_plate                dermomyotome              dorsal_meso-              ectoderm                    lamina_terminalis         septum_primum
node                       somatopleure               peritoneal_canal          ectoderm                  rhombomere_05             myocoele                  oesophagus                mesenchyme                  lateral_wall              ascending_aorta
amniotic_fold              splanchnopleure            cavity                    endoderm                  floor_plate                sclerotome                vascular_element          latero-nasal_process        mantle_layer              pulmonary_trunk
ectoderm                   mesenchyme_derived_f       mesothelium               mesenchyme                lateral_wall              somite_22                 pharynx                   ectoderm                    marginal_layer            marginal_vein_of_foreli
mesoderm                   rom_neural_crest           roof_plate                mesenchyme_derived_f      roof_plate                dermomyotome              associated_mesenchym      mesenchyme                  ventricular_layer         mb
amniotic_cavity            paraxial_mesenchyme        hindbrain_posterior_to_   rom_head_mesoderm         rhombomere_06             myocoele                  e                         medial-nasal_process        roof_plate                marginal_vein_of_hindli
ectoplacental_cavity       somite                     rhombomere_05             mesenchyme_derived_f      floor_plate                sclerotome                epithelium                ectoderm                    telencephalon             mb
exocoelomic_cavity         somite_05                  floor_plate                rom_neural_crest          lateral_wall              somite_23                 vascular_element          mesenchyme                  mantle_layer              principal_vein_of_foreli
within_amniotic_fold       somite_06                  neural_fold               maxillary-                roof_plate                dermomyotome              mesentery                 principal_artery_to_forel   marginal_layer            mb
mesoderm                   somite_07                  neural_crest              mandibular_groove         rhombomere_07             myocoele                  dorsal_mesentery          imb                         ventricular_layer         principal_vein_of_hindli
allantois                  somite_08                  rhombomere_01             ectoderm                  floor_plate                sclerotome                ventral_mesentery         principal_artery_to_hind    lateral_ventricle         mb
yolk_sac                   unsegmented_mesench        floor_plate                branchial_groove          lateral_wall              somite_24                 gall_bladder_primordiu    limb                        telencephalic_part_of_i   vitelline_venous_plexus
endoderm                   yme                        neural_fold               ectoderm                  roof_plate                dermomyotome              m                         left_part                   nterventricular_foramen   stomach
mesoderm                   primordial_germ_cells      rhombomere_02             ectoderm                  rhombomere_08             myocoele                  ventral_mesentery         cardiac_jelly               hindbrain                 associated_mesenchym
intraembryonic_coelom      notochord                  floor_plate                3rd_arch                  floor_plate                sclerotome                hindgut                   endocardial_lining          4th_ventricle             e
future_brain               sensory_organ              neural_fold               ectoderm                  lateral_wall              somite_25                 associated_mesenchym      left_auricular_region       rhombomere_01             epithelium
neural_fold                ear                        neural_crest              endoderm                  roof_plate                dermomyotome              e                         endocardial_lining          floor_plate                mesentery
neural_crest               inner_ear                  rhombomere_03             mesenchyme                prosencephalon            myocoele                  epithelium                cardiac_muscle              lateral_wall              dorsal_mesogastrium
future_spinal_cord         otic_placode               floor_plate                mesenchyme_derived_f      floor_plate                sclerotome                mesentery                 cardiac_muscle              mantle_layer              ventral_mesogastrium
neural_fold                associated_mesenchym       neural_fold               rom_head_mesoderm         future_diencephalon       somite_26                 dorsal_mesentery          right_part                  marginal_layer            vascular_element
neural_crest               e                          neural_crest              mesenchyme_derived_f      3rd_ventricle             dermomyotome              vascular_element          cardiac_jelly               ventricular_layer         postanal_component
neural_plate               epithelium                 rhombomere_04             rom_neural_crest          floor_plate                myocoele                  mesentery                 endocardial_lining          roof_plate                associated_mesenchym
surface_ectoderm           eye                        floor_plate                limb                      lateral_wall              sclerotome                dorsal_mesentery          cardiac_muscle              rhombomere_02             e
mesenchyme                 optic_sulcus               neural_fold               forelimb_bud              neural_crest              somite_27                 gland                     right_auricular_region      floor_plate                epithelium
head_mesenchyme            neural_ectoderm            neural_crest              ectoderm                  roof_plate                dermomyotome              pituitary                 endocardial_lining          lateral_wall              vascular_element
mesenchyme_derived_f       arterial_system            rhombomere_05             mesenchyme                lateral_wall              myocoele                  Rathke's_pouch            cardiac_muscle              mantle_layer              preanal_component
rom_head_mesoderm          1st_arch_artery            floor_plate                lateral_mesenchyme_d      prosencephalic_vesicle    sclerotome                rest_of_ectoderm          aortico-                    marginal_layer            associated_mesenchym
mesenchyme_derived_f       2nd_arch_artery            neural_fold               erived_from_mesoderm      roof_plate                somite_28                 respiratory_system        pulmonary_spiral_septu      ventricular_layer         e
rom_neural-crest           dorsal_aorta               neural_crest              mesenchyme_derived_f      rostral_neuropore         dermomyotome              lung                      m                           roof_plate                epithelium
notochordal_plate          left                       neural_crest              rom_somatopleure          neural_crest              myocoele                  left_lung_rudiment        inter-                      rhombomere_03             vascular_element
notochordal_process        right                      neural_luminal_occlusio   mesenchyme_derived_f      future_spinal_cord        sclerotome                associated_mesenchym      subcardinal_venous_an       floor_plate                loop
organ_system               vitelline_artery           n                         rom_splanchnopleure       caudal_neuropore          somite_29                 e                         astomosis                   lateral_wall              associated_mesenchym
cardiovascular_system      early_primitive_heart_tu   facial_neural_crest       mesenchyme_derived_f      neural_plate              dermomyotome              epithelium                subcardinal_vein            mantle_layer              e
heart                      be                         facio-                    rom_neural_crest          neural_fold               myocoele                  vascular_element          supracardinal_vein          marginal_layer            epithelium
cardiogenic_plate          cardiac_jelly              acoustic_neural_crest     dermomyotome              neural_crest              sclerotome                right_lung_rudiment       anal_region                 ventricular_layer         mesentery
allantois                  endocardial_tube           somite_09                 myocoele                  neural_tube               somite_30                 associated_mesenchym      cloacal_membrane            roof_plate                dorsal_mesentery
mesoderm                   cardiac_muscle             somite_10                 sclerotome                floor_plate                dermomyotome              e                         oesophagus                  rhombomere_04             vascular_element
amnion                     mesentery                  somite_11                 dermomyotome              lateral_wall              myocoele                  epithelium                associated_mesenchym        floor_plate                rest_of_midgut
ectoderm                   dorsal_mesocardium         somite_12                 myocoele                  neural_lumen              sclerotome                vascular_element          e                           lateral_wall              associated_mesenchym
mesoderm                   transverse_pericardial_    somite_13                 sclerotome                neural_luminal_occlusio   future_forebrain          respiratory_tract         epithelium                  mantle_layer              e
chorion                    sinus                      septum_transversum        dermomyotome              n                         diencephalon              lower                     mesentery                   marginal_layer            epithelium
ectoderm                   primitive_heart_tube       hepatic_component         myocoele                  roof_plate                3rd_ventricle             laryngo-tracheal_groove   dorsal_meso-                ventricular_layer         mesentery
mesoderm                   bulbus_cordis              non-hepatic_component     sclerotome                otic_pit                  diencephalic_part_of_in   tracheal_diverticulum     oesophagus                  roof_plate                dorsal_mesentery
blood_island               caudal_half                trunk_mesenchyme_fro      dermomyotome              associated_mesenchym      terventricular_foramen    associated_mesenchym      vascular_element            rhombomere_05             vascular_element
primordial_germ_cells      cardiac_jelly              m_neural_crest            myocoele                  e                         optic_recess              e                         oral_epithelium             floor_plate                incomplete_urorectal_s
branchial_arch             endocardial_tube           optic_eminence            sclerotome                epithelium                floor_plate                epithelium                liver_and_biliary_syste     lateral_wall              eptum
1st_arch                   cardiac_muscle             ectoderm                  dermomyotome              surface_ectoderm          gland                     vascular_element          m                           mantle_layer              somite_36
branchial_groove           rostral_half               mesenchyme                myocoele                  optic_vesicle             pituitary                 mesonephros               cystic_duct                 marginal_layer            dermomyotome
ectoderm                   cardiac_jelly              optic_pit                 sclerotome                neural_ectoderm           infundibular_recess_of_   associated_mesenchym      gall_bladder_primordiu      ventricular_layer         myocoele
branchial_membrane         endocardial_tube           neural_ectoderm           dermomyotome              nose                      3rd_ventricle             e                         m                           roof_plate                sclerotome
ectoderm                   cardiac_muscle             common                    myocoele                  olfactory_placode         lamina_terminalis         non-tubular_part          hepatic_duct                rhombomere_06             somite_37
endoderm                   common_atrial_chambe       internal_carotid_artery   sclerotome                left                      lateral_wall              tubule                    extrahepatic_part           floor_plate                dermomyotome
branchial_pouch            r                          left                      dermomyotome              right                     roof_plate                tail                      intrahepatic_part           lateral_wall              myocoele
endoderm                   cardiac_jelly              right                     myocoele                  atrio-ventricular_canal   telencephalon             mesenchyme                liver                       mantle_layer              sclerotome
ectoderm                   endocardial_tube           umbilical_artery          sclerotome                vessels_connecting_int    telencephalic_vesicle     mesenchyme_derived_f      hepatic_primordium          marginal_layer            somite_38
endoderm                   cardiac_muscle             blood                     dermomyotome              ernal_carotid_artery_to   telencephalic_part_of_i   rom_neural_crest          parenchyma                  ventricular_layer         dermomyotome
mesenchyme                 outflow_tract               bulbus_cordis             myocoele                  _primary_head_veins       nterventricular_foramen   paraxial_mesenchyme       main_bronchus               roof_plate                myocoele
mesenchyme_derived_f       cardiac_jelly              caudal_half               sclerotome                foregut                   floor_plate                unsegmented_mesench       associated_mesenchym        rhombomere_07             sclerotome
rom_neural_crest           endocardial_tube           cardiac_jelly             dermomyotome              pharyngeal_region         lateral_wall              yme                       e                           floor_plate                somite_39
mesenchyme_derived_f       mesenchyme                 endocardial_tube          myocoele                  associated_mesenchym      roof_plate                nervous_system            epithelium                  lateral_wall              dermomyotome
rom_head_mesoderm          primitive_ventricle        cardiac_muscle            sclerotome                e                         ganglion                  central_nervous_syste     vascular_element            mantle_layer              myocoele
pericardial_component      cardiac_jelly              rostral_half              somite_14                 epithelium                cranial                   m                         trachea                     marginal_layer            sclerotome
cavity                     endocardial_tube           cardiac_jelly             dermomyotome              vascular_element          facio-acoustic_VII-       future_spinal_cord        associated_mesenchym        ventricular_layer         gland
mesothelium                cardiac_muscle             endocardial_tube          myocoele                  rest_of_foregut           VIII_preganglion_compl    neural_plate              e                           roof_plate                pancreas_primordium
pericardio-                sinus_venosus              cardiac_muscle            sclerotome                associated_mesenchym      ex                        neural_tube               epithelium                  rhombomere_08             dorsal_bud
peritoneal_component       left_horn                  common_atrial_chambe      somite_15                 e                         glossopharyngeal_IX_pr    dorsal                    vascular_element            floor_plate                thyroid
cavity                     right_horn                 r                         dermomyotome              epithelium                eganglion                 ventral                   gonadal_component           lateral_wall              foramen_caecum
first_polar_body            mesothelium                venous_system             cardiac_jelly              myocoele                  vascular_element          glossopharyngeal-         4th_arch                    associated_mesenchym      mantle_layer
one-cell_stage             peritoneal_component       anterior_cardinal_vein    endocardial_tube           sclerotome                gland                     vagus_IX-                 branchial_groove            e                         marginal_layer
second_polar_body          cavity                     primary_head_vein         cardiac_muscle             somite_16                 thyroid_primordium        X_preganglion_complex     ectoderm                    primordial_germ_cells     ventricular_layer
zona_pellucida             mesothelium                umbilical_vein            outflow_tract               dermomyotome              associated_mesenchym      trigeminal_V_preganglio   branchial_membrane          somite                    roof_plate
two-cell_stage             future_midbrain            vitelline_vein            cardiac_jelly              myocoele                  e                         n                         ectoderm                    somite_31                 midbrain

                                                      How difficult?
4-8_cell_stage             floor_plate                 visceral_organ            endocardial_tube           sclerotome                endoderm                  vagus_X_preganglion       endoderm                    dermomyotome              floor_plate
compacted_morula           neural_fold                alimentary_system         mesenchyme                 somite_17                 biliary_bud               peripheral_nervous_sys    branchial_pouch             myocoele                  lateral_wall
embryo                     neural_crest               gut                       primitive_ventricle        dermomyotome              extrahepatic_part         tem                       endoderm                    sclerotome                mantle_layer
compacted_morula           future_prosencephalon      foregut_diverticulum      cardiac_jelly              myocoele                  intrahepatic_part         spinal                    ectoderm                    somite_32                 marginal_layer
inner_cell_mass            floor_plate                 associated_mesenchym      endocardial_tube           sclerotome                epithelium                ganglion                  endoderm                    dermomyotome              ventricular_layer
extraembryonic_compo       neural_fold                e                         cardiac_muscle             somite_18                 hepatic_diverticulum      dorsal_root_ganglion      mesenchyme                  myocoele                  mesencephalic_vesicle
nent                       neural_crest               endoderm                  cardinal_vein              dermomyotome              vascular_element          otocyst                   mesenchyme_derived_f        sclerotome                roof_plate
cavities_and_their_linin   future_rhombencephalo      hindgut_diverticulum      anterior                   myocoele                  epithelium                associated_mesenchym      rom_head_mesoderm           somite_33                 acoustic_ganglion_VIII
gs                         n                          associated_mesenchym      common                     sclerotome                vascular_element          e                         mesenchyme_derived_f        dermomyotome              facial_ganglion_VII
blastocoelic_cavity        anterior_pro-              e                         posterior                  somite_19                 epithelium                epithelium                rom_neural_crest            myocoele                  autonomic
second_polar_body          rhombomere                 endoderm                  left                       dermomyotome              vascular_element          lens_placode              pleural_component           sclerotome                sympathetic
trophectoderm              floor_plate                 primordial_germ_cells     right                      myocoele                  gland                     mesenchyme                cavity                      somite_34                 nerve_trunk
mural_trophectoderm        neural_fold                midgut                    gland                      sclerotome                pituitary                 optic_cup                 mesothelium                 dermomyotome              nerve_plexus
polar_trophectoderm        neural_crest               associated_mesenchym      thyroid_primordium         somite_20                 Rathke's_pouch            inner_layer               parietal                    myocoele                  brachial_plexus
zona_pellucida             early_hindbrain_neural_    e                         associated_mesenchym       dermomyotome              rest_of_ectoderm          intraretinal_space        visceral                    sclerotome                nerve
epiblast                   ectoderm                   endoderm                  e                          myocoele                  associated_mesenchym      outer_layer               apical_ectodermal_ridg      somite_35                 segmental_spinal_nerv
primitive_endoderm         floor_plate                 mouth-foregut_junction    foregut-midgut_junction    sclerotome                e                         optic_stalk               e                           dermomyotome              e
endoderm                   neural_fold                buccopharyngeal_mem       associated_mesenchym       nervous_system            nephric_duct              naso-lacrimal_groove      hindlimb_bud                myocoele                  external_ear
parietal_endoderm          neural_crest               brane                     e                          central_nervous_syste     primordial_germ_cells     process                   ectoderm                    sclerotome                1st_branchial_membran
cavities                   posterior_pro-             ectoderm                  mesentery                  m                         pronephros                fronto-nasal_process      mesenchyme                  neural_crest              e
yolk_sac_cavity            rhombomere                 endoderm                  dorsal_mesentery           future_brain              tail_bud                  ectoderm                  ventricular_layer           epithelium                epithelium
intermediate_endoderm      floor_plate                 oral_region               urogenital_system          future_midbrain           branchial_groove          mesenchyme                ventricular_layer           epithelium                endolymphatic_append
Reichert's_membrane        neural_fold                stomatodaeum              nephric_cord               floor_plate                ectoderm                  branchial_arch_artery     ventricular_layer           cervical_sinus            age
visceral_endoderm          neural_crest               mesenchyme                presumptive_nephric_d      lateral_wall              branchial_membrane        1st_arch_artery           ventricular_layer           greater_sac               associated_mesenchym
ectoplacental_cone         pre-otic_sulcus            mesenchyme                uct                        mesencephalic_vesicle     ectoderm                  2nd_arch_artery           ventricular_layer           cavity                    e
cavities_and_their_linin   neural_fold                mesenchyme                cardiovascular_system      neural_crest              endoderm                  3rd_arch_artery           ventricular_layer           mesothelium               epithelium
gs                         neural_crest               mesenchyme                arterial_system            roof_plate                branchial_pouch           atrium                    ventricular_layer           parietal                  other_part
embryonic_component_       neural_tube                blood_island              umbilical_artery           future_rhombencephalo     endoderm                  common_atrial_chambe      ventricular_layer           omental_bursa             associated_mesenchym
of_the_proamniotic_cav     floor_plate                 head_mesenchyme           common                     n                         parietal                  r                         ventricular_layer           mesothelium               e
ity                        lateral_wall               mesenchyme_derived_f      venous_system              4th_ventricle             visceral                  cardiac_jelly             ventricular_layer           parietal                  epithelium
endoderm                   neural_lumen               rom_head_mesoderm         umbilical_vein             rhombomere_01             parietal                  endocardial_lining        ventricular_layer           apical_ectodermal_ridg    middle_ear
primitive_endoderm         roof_plate                 mesenchyme_derived_f      common                     floor_plate                parietal                  cardiac_muscle            ventricular_layer           e                         associated_mesenchym
extraembryonic_compo       mesenchyme_derived_f       rom_neural_crest          left                       lateral_wall              visceral                  bulboventricular_groove   facio-                      body-wall_mesenchyme      e
nent_of_the_proamnioti     rom_neural_crest           2nd_arch                  right                      roof_plate                hindlimb_ridge            endocardial_lining        acoustic_ganglion_com       brain                     tubo-tympanic_recess
c_cavity                   trigeminal_neural_crest    branchial_membrane        vitelline_vein             rhombomere_02             ectoderm                  endocardial_lining        plex_VII-VIII               forebrain                 surface_ectoderm_of_th
ectoderm                   paraxial_mesenchyme        endoderm                  left                       floor_plate                mesenchyme                endocardial_cushion_tis   glossopharyngeal_IX         diencephalon              e_eye
primary_trophoblast_gia    somite                     branchial_pouch           right                      lateral_wall              lateral_migration_pathw   sue                       glossopharyngeal-           gland                     4th_arch_artery
nt_cells                   somite_01                  endoderm                  mandibular_component       roof_plate                ay                        endocardial_lining        vagus_IX-                   pituitary                 6th_arch_artery
cytotrophoblast            somite_02                  ectoderm                  ectoderm                   rhombomere_03             medial_migration_path     left                      X_ganglion_complex          infundibular_recess_of_   ductus_caroticus
syncytiotrophoblast        somite_03                  endoderm                  endoderm                   floor_plate                way                       right                     trigeminal_V                3rd_ventricle             ophthalmic_artery
ectoderm                   somite_04                  mesenchyme                mesenchyme                 lateral_wall              mesenchyme_derived_f      oesophageal_region        vagus_X                     3rd_ventricle             pulmonary_artery
definitive_endoderm         trunk_mesenchyme           mesenchyme_derived_f      mesenchyme_derived_f       roof_plate                rom_somatopleure          associated_mesenchym      lens_pit                    diencephalic_part_of_in   valve
mesoderm                   intermediate_mesenchy      rom_head_mesoderm         rom_head_mesoderm          rhombomere_04             mesenchyme_derived_f      e                         olfactory_pit               terventricular_foramen    venous_valve
primitive_streak           me                         mesenchyme_derived_f      mesenchyme_derived_f       floor_plate                rom_splanchnopleure       epithelium                nasal_epithelium            optic_recess              interatrial_septum
neural_ectoderm            lateral_plate_mesenchy     rom_neural_crest          rom_neural_crest           lateral_wall              somite_21                 mesentery                 frontal_process             floor_plate                foramen_primum
non-neural_ectoderm        me                         pericardio-               maxillary_component        roof_plate                dermomyotome              dorsal_meso-              ectoderm                    lamina_terminalis         septum_primum
node                       somatopleure               peritoneal_canal          ectoderm                   rhombomere_05             myocoele                  oesophagus                mesenchyme                  lateral_wall              ascending_aorta
amniotic_fold              splanchnopleure            cavity                    endoderm                   floor_plate                sclerotome                vascular_element          latero-nasal_process        mantle_layer              pulmonary_trunk
ectoderm                   mesenchyme_derived_f       mesothelium               mesenchyme                 lateral_wall              somite_22                 pharynx                   ectoderm                    marginal_layer            marginal_vein_of_foreli
mesoderm                   rom_neural_crest           roof_plate                mesenchyme_derived_f       roof_plate                dermomyotome              associated_mesenchym      mesenchyme                  ventricular_layer         mb
amniotic_cavity            paraxial_mesenchyme        hindbrain_posterior_to_   rom_head_mesoderm          rhombomere_06             myocoele                  e                         medial-nasal_process        roof_plate                marginal_vein_of_hindli
ectoplacental_cavity       somite                     rhombomere_05             mesenchyme_derived_f       floor_plate                sclerotome                epithelium                ectoderm                    telencephalon             mb
exocoelomic_cavity         somite_05                  floor_plate                rom_neural_crest           lateral_wall              somite_23                 vascular_element          mesenchyme                  mantle_layer              principal_vein_of_foreli
within_amniotic_fold       somite_06                  neural_fold               maxillary-                 roof_plate                dermomyotome              mesentery                 principal_artery_to_forel   marginal_layer            mb
mesoderm                   somite_07                  neural_crest              mandibular_groove          rhombomere_07             myocoele                  dorsal_mesentery          imb                         ventricular_layer         principal_vein_of_hindli
allantois                  somite_08                  rhombomere_01             ectoderm                   floor_plate                sclerotome                ventral_mesentery         principal_artery_to_hind    lateral_ventricle         mb

                                                                                                          mesenchyme derived
yolk_sac                   unsegmented_mesench        floor_plate                branchial_groove           lateral_wall              somite_24                 gall_bladder_primordiu    limb                        telencephalic_part_of_i   vitelline_venous_plexus
endoderm                   yme                        neural_fold               ectoderm                   roof_plate                dermomyotome              m                         left_part                   nterventricular_foramen   stomach
mesoderm                   primordial_germ_cells      rhombomere_02             ectoderm                   rhombomere_08             myocoele                  ventral_mesentery         cardiac_jelly               hindbrain                 associated_mesenchym
intraembryonic_coelom      notochord                  floor_plate                3rd_arch                   floor_plate                sclerotome                hindgut                   endocardial_lining          4th_ventricle             e
future_brain               sensory_organ              neural_fold               ectoderm                   lateral_wall              somite_25                 associated_mesenchym      left_auricular_region       rhombomere_01             epithelium
neural_fold                ear                        neural_crest              endoderm                   roof_plate                dermomyotome              e                         endocardial_lining          floor_plate                mesentery
neural_crest               inner_ear                  rhombomere_03             mesenchyme                 prosencephalon            myocoele                  epithelium                cardiac_muscle              lateral_wall              dorsal_mesogastrium
future_spinal_cord         otic_placode               floor_plate                mesenchyme_derived_f       floor_plate                sclerotome                mesentery                 cardiac_muscle              mantle_layer              ventral_mesogastrium
neural_fold                associated_mesenchym       neural_fold               rom_head_mesoderm          future_diencephalon       somite_26                 dorsal_mesentery          right_part                  marginal_layer            vascular_element

                                                                                                          from splanchnopleure
neural_crest               e                          neural_crest              mesenchyme_derived_f       3rd_ventricle             dermomyotome              vascular_element          cardiac_jelly               ventricular_layer         postanal_component
neural_plate               epithelium                 rhombomere_04             rom_neural_crest           floor_plate                myocoele                  mesentery                 endocardial_lining          roof_plate                associated_mesenchym
surface_ectoderm           eye                        floor_plate                limb                       lateral_wall              sclerotome                dorsal_mesentery          cardiac_muscle              rhombomere_02             e
mesenchyme                 optic_sulcus               neural_fold               forelimb_bud               neural_crest              somite_27                 gland                     right_auricular_region      floor_plate                epithelium
head_mesenchyme            neural_ectoderm            neural_crest              ectoderm                   roof_plate                dermomyotome              pituitary                 endocardial_lining          lateral_wall              vascular_element
mesenchyme_derived_f       arterial_system            rhombomere_05             mesenchyme                 lateral_wall              myocoele                  Rathke's_pouch            cardiac_muscle              mantle_layer              preanal_component
rom_head_mesoderm          1st_arch_artery            floor_plate                lateral_mesenchyme_d       prosencephalic_vesicle    sclerotome                rest_of_ectoderm          aortico-                    marginal_layer            associated_mesenchym
mesenchyme_derived_f       2nd_arch_artery            neural_fold               erived_from_mesoderm       roof_plate                somite_28                 respiratory_system        pulmonary_spiral_septu      ventricular_layer         e
rom_neural-crest           dorsal_aorta               neural_crest              mesenchyme_derived_f       rostral_neuropore         dermomyotome              lung                      m                           roof_plate                epithelium
notochordal_plate          left                       neural_crest              rom_somatopleure           neural_crest              myocoele                  left_lung_rudiment        inter-                      rhombomere_03             vascular_element
notochordal_process        right                      neural_luminal_occlusio   mesenchyme_derived_f       future_spinal_cord        sclerotome                associated_mesenchym      subcardinal_venous_an       floor_plate                loop
organ_system               vitelline_artery           n                         rom_splanchnopleure        caudal_neuropore          somite_29                 e                         astomosis                   lateral_wall              associated_mesenchym
cardiovascular_system      early_primitive_heart_tu   facial_neural_crest       mesenchyme_derived_f       neural_plate              dermomyotome              epithelium                subcardinal_vein            mantle_layer              e
heart                      be                         facio-                    rom_neural_crest           neural_fold               myocoele                  vascular_element          supracardinal_vein          marginal_layer            epithelium
cardiogenic_plate          cardiac_jelly              acoustic_neural_crest     dermomyotome               neural_crest              sclerotome                right_lung_rudiment       anal_region                 ventricular_layer         mesentery
allantois                  endocardial_tube           somite_09                 myocoele                   neural_tube               somite_30                 associated_mesenchym      cloacal_membrane            roof_plate                dorsal_mesentery
mesoderm                   cardiac_muscle             somite_10                 sclerotome                 floor_plate                dermomyotome              e                         oesophagus                  rhombomere_04             vascular_element
amnion                     mesentery                  somite_11                 dermomyotome               lateral_wall              myocoele                  epithelium                associated_mesenchym        floor_plate                rest_of_midgut
ectoderm                   dorsal_mesocardium         somite_12                 myocoele                   neural_lumen              sclerotome                vascular_element          e                           lateral_wall              associated_mesenchym
mesoderm                   transverse_pericardial_    somite_13                 sclerotome                 neural_luminal_occlusio   future_forebrain          respiratory_tract         epithelium                  mantle_layer              e
chorion                    sinus                      septum_transversum        dermomyotome               n                         diencephalon              lower                     mesentery                   marginal_layer            epithelium
ectoderm                   primitive_heart_tube       hepatic_component         myocoele                   roof_plate                3rd_ventricle             laryngo-tracheal_groove   dorsal_meso-                ventricular_layer         mesentery
mesoderm                   bulbus_cordis              non-hepatic_component     sclerotome                 otic_pit                  diencephalic_part_of_in   tracheal_diverticulum     oesophagus                  roof_plate                dorsal_mesentery
blood_island               caudal_half                trunk_mesenchyme_fro      dermomyotome               associated_mesenchym      terventricular_foramen    associated_mesenchym      vascular_element            rhombomere_05             vascular_element
primordial_germ_cells      cardiac_jelly              m_neural_crest            myocoele                   e                         optic_recess              e                         oral_epithelium             floor_plate                incomplete_urorectal_s
branchial_arch             endocardial_tube           optic_eminence            sclerotome                 epithelium                floor_plate                epithelium                liver_and_biliary_syste     lateral_wall              eptum
1st_arch                   cardiac_muscle             ectoderm                  dermomyotome               surface_ectoderm          gland                     vascular_element          m                           mantle_layer              somite_36
branchial_groove           rostral_half               mesenchyme                myocoele                   optic_vesicle             pituitary                 mesonephros               cystic_duct                 marginal_layer            dermomyotome
ectoderm                   cardiac_jelly              optic_pit                 sclerotome                 neural_ectoderm           infundibular_recess_of_   associated_mesenchym      gall_bladder_primordiu      ventricular_layer         myocoele
branchial_membrane         endocardial_tube           neural_ectoderm           dermomyotome               nose                      3rd_ventricle             e                         m                           roof_plate                sclerotome
ectoderm                   cardiac_muscle             common                    myocoele                   olfactory_placode         lamina_terminalis         non-tubular_part          hepatic_duct                rhombomere_06             somite_37
endoderm                   common_atrial_chambe       internal_carotid_artery   sclerotome                 left                      lateral_wall              tubule                    extrahepatic_part           floor_plate                dermomyotome
branchial_pouch            r                          left                      dermomyotome               right                     roof_plate                tail                      intrahepatic_part           lateral_wall              myocoele
endoderm                   cardiac_jelly              right                     myocoele                   atrio-ventricular_canal   telencephalon             mesenchyme                liver                       mantle_layer              sclerotome
ectoderm                   endocardial_tube           umbilical_artery          sclerotome                 vessels_connecting_int    telencephalic_vesicle     mesenchyme_derived_f      hepatic_primordium          marginal_layer            somite_38
endoderm                   cardiac_muscle             blood                     dermomyotome               ernal_carotid_artery_to   telencephalic_part_of_i   rom_neural_crest          parenchyma                  ventricular_layer         dermomyotome
mesenchyme                 outflow_tract               bulbus_cordis             myocoele                   _primary_head_veins       nterventricular_foramen   paraxial_mesenchyme       main_bronchus               roof_plate                myocoele
mesenchyme_derived_f       cardiac_jelly              caudal_half               sclerotome                 foregut                   floor_plate                unsegmented_mesench       associated_mesenchym        rhombomere_07             sclerotome
rom_neural_crest           endocardial_tube           cardiac_jelly             dermomyotome               pharyngeal_region         lateral_wall              yme                       e                           floor_plate                somite_39
mesenchyme_derived_f       mesenchyme                 endocardial_tube          myocoele                   associated_mesenchym      roof_plate                nervous_system            epithelium                  lateral_wall              dermomyotome
rom_head_mesoderm          primitive_ventricle        cardiac_muscle            sclerotome                 e                         ganglion                  central_nervous_syste     vascular_element            mantle_layer              myocoele
pericardial_component      cardiac_jelly              rostral_half              somite_14                  epithelium                cranial                   m                         trachea                     marginal_layer            sclerotome
cavity                     endocardial_tube           cardiac_jelly             dermomyotome               vascular_element          facio-acoustic_VII-       future_spinal_cord        associated_mesenchym        ventricular_layer         gland
mesothelium                cardiac_muscle             endocardial_tube          myocoele                   rest_of_foregut           VIII_preganglion_compl    neural_plate              e                           roof_plate                pancreas_primordium
pericardio-                sinus_venosus              cardiac_muscle            sclerotome                 associated_mesenchym      ex                        neural_tube               epithelium                  rhombomere_08             dorsal_bud
peritoneal_component       left_horn                  common_atrial_chambe      somite_15                  e                         glossopharyngeal_IX_pr    dorsal                    vascular_element            floor_plate                thyroid
cavity                     right_horn                 r                         dermomyotome               epithelium                eganglion                 ventral                   gonadal_component           lateral_wall              foramen_caecum
Spatial learning
           Space and Anatomy

source: Richard Baldock, MRC HGU
Mapping gene

source: Mark Scott, Newcastle University
Mapping gene

source: Mark Scott, Newcastle University
3D maps

source: Richard Baldock, MRC HGU
3D maps


source: Richard Baldock, MRC HGU
Learning by space

source: Richard Baldock, MRC HGU
Learning by space

source: Richard Baldock, MRC HGU
Learning by space

source: Richard Baldock, MRC HGU
Web 2.0
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Developmental Biology
Team & Acknowledgements
Research Assistants    School of Informatics,
                            University of
                                                Patricia Richardson
                                                                      King’s College London Szegedi
                                                                      Tobias Blanke                  Tudományegyete
        Jos Koetsier        Edinburgh
                       Douglas Armstrong
                                                Carole Morrison
                                                Neil Robertson
                                                                      Mark Hedges                    m
                                                                                               István Juhos
       Liangxiu Han    Dave Robertson
                       Alan Bundy
                                                Sharon Ashbrook       University of
                                                                            Manchester         University of Minnesota
    David Rodriguez    Stuart Aitken
                       Austin Tate
                                              Neil Chue Hong
                                                                      Carole Goble
                                                                      Stian Søiland
                                                                                               Jon Weissman

   Gagarine Yaikhom    EPCC
                                              Simon Hettrick
                                                                                               Technische Universität
 Kostas Karasavvas     Andy Turner
                       Rob Baxter
                                              Human Genetics Unit,
                                                     Medical Research
                                                                                               Günther Raidl
                                                                                               Martin Grüber
     Laura Valkonen    Mark Parsons
                       Radek Ostrowski
                                              Richard Baldock
                                                                      Rémy Bossu               Universität Wien
                       Ally Hume              Jeff Christiansen                                Peter Brezany
                       Amy Krause             Bill Hill               Heriot-Watt University Alexander Wöhrer
      PhD Students     Jon Hill
                       Terry Sloan
                                              Guangjie Feng           Albert Burger            Ivan Janciak
                                                                                               Ibrahim Elsayed
     Thomas French     School of GeoSciences
                                              Institute of Human
                                                                      KNMI, The Netherlands Sabri Pllana
                                                                      Torild van Eck           Ehtesham ul Haq Dar
     Luna De Ferrari   Rachel Walcott                Newcastle
                                                     University       Universidad Politécnica
                                                                                               Fakhri Alam Khan

        Rob Kitchen    Molecular Medicine
                                              Susan Lindsay
                                              Steven Lisgo
                                                                            de Madrid
                                                                      Oscar Corcho
                                                                                               University Tübingen
                                                                                               Sandra Gesing
     Chee-Sun Liew     David Porteous
                       Varrie Ogilvie
                                              Xunxian Wang            Carlos Buil
                                                                      Miguel Esteban Gutierrez Ustav informatiky,
                                              University of Oxford    Asuncion Gomez-Perez           Slovenskej
 Research Students     Division of Psychiatry Adam Barker
                       Stephen Lawrie
                                                                                                     Akadémie Vied
                                                                      Universidad de Málaga Ladislav Hluchý
  Matthew, Tantana,    Dominic Job            Fujitsy Laboratories
                                                                      Carlos Cotta             Ondrej Habala
                                                                                               Branislav Simo
       Mark, Albert,   SFC Brain Imaging      David Snelling
                             Research Centre Sven van den Berghe
                                                                      Université Libre de
                                                                                               Marek Ciglan
                                                                                               Michal Laclavik
  Makrymallis, Ravi,   Joanna Wardlaw
                       Trevor Carpenter
                                              Vivian Li               Tom Lenaerts             Emil Gatial
                                                                                               Viet Tran
               Gary                                                       Jano van Hemert

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  • 9. first_polar_body mesothelium venous_system cardiac_jelly myocoele vascular_element glossopharyngeal- 4th_arch associated_mesenchym mantle_layer one-cell_stage peritoneal_component anterior_cardinal_vein endocardial_tube sclerotome gland vagus_IX- branchial_groove e marginal_layer second_polar_body cavity primary_head_vein cardiac_muscle somite_16 thyroid_primordium X_preganglion_complex ectoderm primordial_germ_cells ventricular_layer zona_pellucida mesothelium umbilical_vein outflow_tract dermomyotome associated_mesenchym trigeminal_V_preganglio branchial_membrane somite roof_plate two-cell_stage future_midbrain vitelline_vein cardiac_jelly myocoele e n ectoderm somite_31 midbrain How difficult? 4-8_cell_stage floor_plate visceral_organ endocardial_tube sclerotome endoderm vagus_X_preganglion endoderm dermomyotome floor_plate compacted_morula neural_fold alimentary_system mesenchyme somite_17 biliary_bud peripheral_nervous_sys branchial_pouch myocoele lateral_wall embryo neural_crest gut primitive_ventricle dermomyotome extrahepatic_part tem endoderm sclerotome mantle_layer compacted_morula future_prosencephalon foregut_diverticulum cardiac_jelly myocoele intrahepatic_part spinal ectoderm somite_32 marginal_layer inner_cell_mass floor_plate associated_mesenchym endocardial_tube sclerotome epithelium ganglion endoderm dermomyotome ventricular_layer extraembryonic_compo neural_fold e cardiac_muscle somite_18 hepatic_diverticulum dorsal_root_ganglion mesenchyme myocoele mesencephalic_vesicle nent neural_crest endoderm cardinal_vein dermomyotome vascular_element otocyst mesenchyme_derived_f sclerotome roof_plate cavities_and_their_linin future_rhombencephalo hindgut_diverticulum anterior myocoele epithelium associated_mesenchym rom_head_mesoderm somite_33 acoustic_ganglion_VIII gs n associated_mesenchym common sclerotome vascular_element e mesenchyme_derived_f dermomyotome facial_ganglion_VII blastocoelic_cavity anterior_pro- e posterior somite_19 epithelium epithelium rom_neural_crest myocoele autonomic second_polar_body rhombomere endoderm left dermomyotome vascular_element lens_placode pleural_component sclerotome sympathetic trophectoderm floor_plate primordial_germ_cells right myocoele gland mesenchyme cavity somite_34 nerve_trunk mural_trophectoderm neural_fold midgut gland sclerotome pituitary optic_cup mesothelium dermomyotome nerve_plexus polar_trophectoderm neural_crest associated_mesenchym thyroid_primordium somite_20 Rathke's_pouch inner_layer parietal myocoele brachial_plexus zona_pellucida early_hindbrain_neural_ e associated_mesenchym dermomyotome rest_of_ectoderm intraretinal_space visceral sclerotome nerve epiblast ectoderm endoderm e myocoele associated_mesenchym outer_layer apical_ectodermal_ridg somite_35 segmental_spinal_nerv primitive_endoderm floor_plate mouth-foregut_junction foregut-midgut_junction sclerotome e optic_stalk e dermomyotome e endoderm neural_fold buccopharyngeal_mem associated_mesenchym nervous_system nephric_duct naso-lacrimal_groove hindlimb_bud myocoele external_ear parietal_endoderm neural_crest brane e central_nervous_syste primordial_germ_cells process ectoderm sclerotome 1st_branchial_membran cavities posterior_pro- ectoderm mesentery m pronephros fronto-nasal_process mesenchyme neural_crest e yolk_sac_cavity rhombomere endoderm dorsal_mesentery future_brain tail_bud ectoderm ventricular_layer epithelium epithelium intermediate_endoderm floor_plate oral_region urogenital_system future_midbrain branchial_groove mesenchyme ventricular_layer epithelium endolymphatic_append Reichert's_membrane neural_fold stomatodaeum nephric_cord floor_plate ectoderm branchial_arch_artery ventricular_layer cervical_sinus age visceral_endoderm neural_crest mesenchyme presumptive_nephric_d lateral_wall branchial_membrane 1st_arch_artery ventricular_layer greater_sac associated_mesenchym ectoplacental_cone pre-otic_sulcus mesenchyme uct mesencephalic_vesicle ectoderm 2nd_arch_artery ventricular_layer cavity e cavities_and_their_linin neural_fold mesenchyme cardiovascular_system neural_crest endoderm 3rd_arch_artery ventricular_layer mesothelium epithelium gs neural_crest mesenchyme arterial_system roof_plate branchial_pouch atrium ventricular_layer parietal other_part embryonic_component_ neural_tube blood_island umbilical_artery future_rhombencephalo endoderm common_atrial_chambe ventricular_layer omental_bursa associated_mesenchym of_the_proamniotic_cav floor_plate head_mesenchyme common n parietal r ventricular_layer mesothelium e ity lateral_wall mesenchyme_derived_f venous_system 4th_ventricle visceral cardiac_jelly ventricular_layer parietal epithelium endoderm neural_lumen rom_head_mesoderm umbilical_vein rhombomere_01 parietal endocardial_lining ventricular_layer apical_ectodermal_ridg middle_ear primitive_endoderm roof_plate mesenchyme_derived_f common floor_plate parietal cardiac_muscle ventricular_layer e associated_mesenchym extraembryonic_compo mesenchyme_derived_f rom_neural_crest left lateral_wall visceral bulboventricular_groove facio- body-wall_mesenchyme e nent_of_the_proamnioti rom_neural_crest 2nd_arch right roof_plate hindlimb_ridge endocardial_lining acoustic_ganglion_com brain tubo-tympanic_recess c_cavity trigeminal_neural_crest branchial_membrane vitelline_vein rhombomere_02 ectoderm endocardial_lining plex_VII-VIII forebrain surface_ectoderm_of_th ectoderm paraxial_mesenchyme endoderm left floor_plate mesenchyme endocardial_cushion_tis glossopharyngeal_IX diencephalon e_eye primary_trophoblast_gia somite branchial_pouch right lateral_wall lateral_migration_pathw sue glossopharyngeal- gland 4th_arch_artery nt_cells somite_01 endoderm mandibular_component roof_plate ay endocardial_lining vagus_IX- pituitary 6th_arch_artery cytotrophoblast somite_02 ectoderm ectoderm rhombomere_03 medial_migration_path left X_ganglion_complex infundibular_recess_of_ ductus_caroticus syncytiotrophoblast somite_03 endoderm endoderm floor_plate way right trigeminal_V 3rd_ventricle ophthalmic_artery ectoderm somite_04 mesenchyme mesenchyme lateral_wall mesenchyme_derived_f oesophageal_region vagus_X 3rd_ventricle pulmonary_artery definitive_endoderm trunk_mesenchyme mesenchyme_derived_f mesenchyme_derived_f roof_plate rom_somatopleure associated_mesenchym lens_pit diencephalic_part_of_in valve mesoderm intermediate_mesenchy rom_head_mesoderm rom_head_mesoderm rhombomere_04 mesenchyme_derived_f e olfactory_pit terventricular_foramen venous_valve primitive_streak me mesenchyme_derived_f mesenchyme_derived_f floor_plate rom_splanchnopleure epithelium nasal_epithelium optic_recess interatrial_septum neural_ectoderm lateral_plate_mesenchy rom_neural_crest rom_neural_crest lateral_wall somite_21 mesentery frontal_process floor_plate foramen_primum non-neural_ectoderm me pericardio- maxillary_component roof_plate dermomyotome dorsal_meso- ectoderm lamina_terminalis septum_primum node somatopleure peritoneal_canal ectoderm rhombomere_05 myocoele oesophagus mesenchyme lateral_wall ascending_aorta amniotic_fold splanchnopleure cavity endoderm floor_plate sclerotome vascular_element latero-nasal_process mantle_layer pulmonary_trunk ectoderm mesenchyme_derived_f mesothelium mesenchyme lateral_wall somite_22 pharynx ectoderm marginal_layer marginal_vein_of_foreli mesoderm rom_neural_crest roof_plate mesenchyme_derived_f roof_plate dermomyotome associated_mesenchym mesenchyme ventricular_layer mb amniotic_cavity paraxial_mesenchyme hindbrain_posterior_to_ rom_head_mesoderm rhombomere_06 myocoele e medial-nasal_process roof_plate marginal_vein_of_hindli ectoplacental_cavity somite rhombomere_05 mesenchyme_derived_f floor_plate sclerotome epithelium ectoderm telencephalon mb exocoelomic_cavity somite_05 floor_plate rom_neural_crest lateral_wall somite_23 vascular_element mesenchyme mantle_layer principal_vein_of_foreli within_amniotic_fold somite_06 neural_fold maxillary- roof_plate dermomyotome mesentery principal_artery_to_forel marginal_layer mb mesoderm somite_07 neural_crest mandibular_groove rhombomere_07 myocoele dorsal_mesentery imb ventricular_layer principal_vein_of_hindli allantois somite_08 rhombomere_01 ectoderm floor_plate sclerotome ventral_mesentery principal_artery_to_hind lateral_ventricle mb yolk_sac unsegmented_mesench floor_plate branchial_groove lateral_wall somite_24 gall_bladder_primordiu limb telencephalic_part_of_i vitelline_venous_plexus endoderm yme neural_fold ectoderm roof_plate dermomyotome m left_part nterventricular_foramen stomach mesoderm primordial_germ_cells rhombomere_02 ectoderm rhombomere_08 myocoele ventral_mesentery cardiac_jelly hindbrain associated_mesenchym intraembryonic_coelom notochord floor_plate 3rd_arch floor_plate sclerotome hindgut endocardial_lining 4th_ventricle e future_brain sensory_organ neural_fold ectoderm lateral_wall somite_25 associated_mesenchym left_auricular_region rhombomere_01 epithelium neural_fold ear neural_crest endoderm roof_plate dermomyotome e endocardial_lining floor_plate mesentery neural_crest inner_ear rhombomere_03 mesenchyme prosencephalon myocoele epithelium cardiac_muscle lateral_wall dorsal_mesogastrium future_spinal_cord otic_placode floor_plate mesenchyme_derived_f floor_plate sclerotome mesentery cardiac_muscle mantle_layer ventral_mesogastrium neural_fold associated_mesenchym neural_fold rom_head_mesoderm future_diencephalon somite_26 dorsal_mesentery right_part marginal_layer vascular_element neural_crest e neural_crest mesenchyme_derived_f 3rd_ventricle dermomyotome vascular_element cardiac_jelly ventricular_layer postanal_component neural_plate epithelium rhombomere_04 rom_neural_crest floor_plate myocoele mesentery endocardial_lining roof_plate associated_mesenchym surface_ectoderm eye floor_plate limb lateral_wall sclerotome dorsal_mesentery cardiac_muscle rhombomere_02 e mesenchyme optic_sulcus neural_fold forelimb_bud neural_crest somite_27 gland right_auricular_region floor_plate epithelium head_mesenchyme neural_ectoderm neural_crest ectoderm roof_plate dermomyotome pituitary endocardial_lining lateral_wall vascular_element mesenchyme_derived_f arterial_system rhombomere_05 mesenchyme lateral_wall myocoele Rathke's_pouch cardiac_muscle mantle_layer preanal_component rom_head_mesoderm 1st_arch_artery floor_plate lateral_mesenchyme_d prosencephalic_vesicle sclerotome rest_of_ectoderm aortico- marginal_layer associated_mesenchym mesenchyme_derived_f 2nd_arch_artery neural_fold erived_from_mesoderm roof_plate somite_28 respiratory_system pulmonary_spiral_septu ventricular_layer e rom_neural-crest dorsal_aorta neural_crest mesenchyme_derived_f rostral_neuropore dermomyotome lung m roof_plate epithelium notochordal_plate left neural_crest rom_somatopleure neural_crest myocoele left_lung_rudiment inter- rhombomere_03 vascular_element notochordal_process right neural_luminal_occlusio mesenchyme_derived_f future_spinal_cord sclerotome associated_mesenchym subcardinal_venous_an floor_plate loop organ_system vitelline_artery n rom_splanchnopleure caudal_neuropore somite_29 e astomosis lateral_wall associated_mesenchym cardiovascular_system early_primitive_heart_tu facial_neural_crest mesenchyme_derived_f neural_plate dermomyotome epithelium subcardinal_vein mantle_layer e heart be facio- rom_neural_crest neural_fold myocoele vascular_element supracardinal_vein marginal_layer epithelium cardiogenic_plate cardiac_jelly acoustic_neural_crest dermomyotome neural_crest sclerotome right_lung_rudiment anal_region ventricular_layer mesentery allantois endocardial_tube somite_09 myocoele neural_tube somite_30 associated_mesenchym cloacal_membrane roof_plate dorsal_mesentery mesoderm cardiac_muscle somite_10 sclerotome floor_plate dermomyotome e oesophagus rhombomere_04 vascular_element amnion mesentery somite_11 dermomyotome lateral_wall myocoele epithelium associated_mesenchym floor_plate rest_of_midgut ectoderm dorsal_mesocardium somite_12 myocoele neural_lumen sclerotome vascular_element e lateral_wall associated_mesenchym mesoderm transverse_pericardial_ somite_13 sclerotome neural_luminal_occlusio future_forebrain respiratory_tract epithelium mantle_layer e chorion sinus septum_transversum dermomyotome n diencephalon lower mesentery marginal_layer epithelium ectoderm primitive_heart_tube hepatic_component myocoele roof_plate 3rd_ventricle laryngo-tracheal_groove dorsal_meso- ventricular_layer mesentery mesoderm bulbus_cordis non-hepatic_component sclerotome otic_pit diencephalic_part_of_in tracheal_diverticulum oesophagus roof_plate dorsal_mesentery blood_island caudal_half trunk_mesenchyme_fro dermomyotome associated_mesenchym terventricular_foramen associated_mesenchym vascular_element rhombomere_05 vascular_element primordial_germ_cells cardiac_jelly m_neural_crest myocoele e optic_recess e oral_epithelium floor_plate incomplete_urorectal_s branchial_arch endocardial_tube optic_eminence sclerotome epithelium floor_plate epithelium liver_and_biliary_syste lateral_wall eptum 1st_arch cardiac_muscle ectoderm dermomyotome surface_ectoderm gland vascular_element m mantle_layer somite_36 branchial_groove rostral_half mesenchyme myocoele optic_vesicle pituitary mesonephros cystic_duct marginal_layer dermomyotome ectoderm cardiac_jelly optic_pit sclerotome neural_ectoderm infundibular_recess_of_ associated_mesenchym gall_bladder_primordiu ventricular_layer myocoele branchial_membrane endocardial_tube neural_ectoderm dermomyotome nose 3rd_ventricle e m roof_plate sclerotome ectoderm cardiac_muscle common myocoele olfactory_placode lamina_terminalis non-tubular_part hepatic_duct rhombomere_06 somite_37 endoderm common_atrial_chambe internal_carotid_artery sclerotome left lateral_wall tubule extrahepatic_part floor_plate dermomyotome branchial_pouch r left dermomyotome right roof_plate tail intrahepatic_part lateral_wall myocoele endoderm cardiac_jelly right myocoele atrio-ventricular_canal telencephalon mesenchyme liver mantle_layer sclerotome ectoderm endocardial_tube umbilical_artery sclerotome vessels_connecting_int telencephalic_vesicle mesenchyme_derived_f hepatic_primordium marginal_layer somite_38 endoderm cardiac_muscle blood dermomyotome ernal_carotid_artery_to telencephalic_part_of_i rom_neural_crest parenchyma ventricular_layer dermomyotome mesenchyme outflow_tract bulbus_cordis myocoele _primary_head_veins nterventricular_foramen paraxial_mesenchyme main_bronchus roof_plate myocoele mesenchyme_derived_f cardiac_jelly caudal_half sclerotome foregut floor_plate unsegmented_mesench associated_mesenchym rhombomere_07 sclerotome rom_neural_crest endocardial_tube cardiac_jelly dermomyotome pharyngeal_region lateral_wall yme e floor_plate somite_39 mesenchyme_derived_f mesenchyme endocardial_tube myocoele associated_mesenchym roof_plate nervous_system epithelium lateral_wall dermomyotome rom_head_mesoderm primitive_ventricle cardiac_muscle sclerotome e ganglion central_nervous_syste vascular_element mantle_layer myocoele pericardial_component cardiac_jelly rostral_half somite_14 epithelium cranial m trachea marginal_layer sclerotome cavity endocardial_tube cardiac_jelly dermomyotome vascular_element facio-acoustic_VII- future_spinal_cord associated_mesenchym ventricular_layer gland mesothelium cardiac_muscle endocardial_tube myocoele rest_of_foregut VIII_preganglion_compl neural_plate e roof_plate pancreas_primordium pericardio- sinus_venosus cardiac_muscle sclerotome associated_mesenchym ex neural_tube epithelium rhombomere_08 dorsal_bud peritoneal_component left_horn common_atrial_chambe somite_15 e glossopharyngeal_IX_pr dorsal vascular_element floor_plate thyroid cavity right_horn r dermomyotome epithelium eganglion ventral gonadal_component lateral_wall foramen_caecum
  • 10. first_polar_body mesothelium venous_system cardiac_jelly myocoele vascular_element glossopharyngeal- 4th_arch associated_mesenchym mantle_layer one-cell_stage peritoneal_component anterior_cardinal_vein endocardial_tube sclerotome gland vagus_IX- branchial_groove e marginal_layer second_polar_body cavity primary_head_vein cardiac_muscle somite_16 thyroid_primordium X_preganglion_complex ectoderm primordial_germ_cells ventricular_layer zona_pellucida mesothelium umbilical_vein outflow_tract dermomyotome associated_mesenchym trigeminal_V_preganglio branchial_membrane somite roof_plate two-cell_stage future_midbrain vitelline_vein cardiac_jelly myocoele e n ectoderm somite_31 midbrain How difficult? 4-8_cell_stage floor_plate visceral_organ endocardial_tube sclerotome endoderm vagus_X_preganglion endoderm dermomyotome floor_plate compacted_morula neural_fold alimentary_system mesenchyme somite_17 biliary_bud peripheral_nervous_sys branchial_pouch myocoele lateral_wall embryo neural_crest gut primitive_ventricle dermomyotome extrahepatic_part tem endoderm sclerotome mantle_layer compacted_morula future_prosencephalon foregut_diverticulum cardiac_jelly myocoele intrahepatic_part spinal ectoderm somite_32 marginal_layer inner_cell_mass floor_plate associated_mesenchym endocardial_tube sclerotome epithelium ganglion endoderm dermomyotome ventricular_layer extraembryonic_compo neural_fold e cardiac_muscle somite_18 hepatic_diverticulum dorsal_root_ganglion mesenchyme myocoele mesencephalic_vesicle nent neural_crest endoderm cardinal_vein dermomyotome vascular_element otocyst mesenchyme_derived_f sclerotome roof_plate cavities_and_their_linin future_rhombencephalo hindgut_diverticulum anterior myocoele epithelium associated_mesenchym rom_head_mesoderm somite_33 acoustic_ganglion_VIII gs n associated_mesenchym common sclerotome vascular_element e mesenchyme_derived_f dermomyotome facial_ganglion_VII blastocoelic_cavity anterior_pro- e posterior somite_19 epithelium epithelium rom_neural_crest myocoele autonomic second_polar_body rhombomere endoderm left dermomyotome vascular_element lens_placode pleural_component sclerotome sympathetic trophectoderm floor_plate primordial_germ_cells right myocoele gland mesenchyme cavity somite_34 nerve_trunk mural_trophectoderm neural_fold midgut gland sclerotome pituitary optic_cup mesothelium dermomyotome nerve_plexus polar_trophectoderm neural_crest associated_mesenchym thyroid_primordium somite_20 Rathke's_pouch inner_layer parietal myocoele brachial_plexus zona_pellucida early_hindbrain_neural_ e associated_mesenchym dermomyotome rest_of_ectoderm intraretinal_space visceral sclerotome nerve epiblast ectoderm endoderm e myocoele associated_mesenchym outer_layer apical_ectodermal_ridg somite_35 segmental_spinal_nerv primitive_endoderm floor_plate mouth-foregut_junction foregut-midgut_junction sclerotome e optic_stalk e dermomyotome e endoderm neural_fold buccopharyngeal_mem associated_mesenchym nervous_system nephric_duct naso-lacrimal_groove hindlimb_bud myocoele external_ear parietal_endoderm neural_crest brane e central_nervous_syste primordial_germ_cells process ectoderm sclerotome 1st_branchial_membran cavities posterior_pro- ectoderm mesentery m pronephros fronto-nasal_process mesenchyme neural_crest e yolk_sac_cavity rhombomere endoderm dorsal_mesentery future_brain tail_bud ectoderm ventricular_layer epithelium epithelium intermediate_endoderm floor_plate oral_region urogenital_system future_midbrain branchial_groove mesenchyme ventricular_layer epithelium endolymphatic_append Reichert's_membrane neural_fold stomatodaeum nephric_cord floor_plate ectoderm branchial_arch_artery ventricular_layer cervical_sinus age visceral_endoderm neural_crest mesenchyme presumptive_nephric_d lateral_wall branchial_membrane 1st_arch_artery ventricular_layer greater_sac associated_mesenchym ectoplacental_cone pre-otic_sulcus mesenchyme uct mesencephalic_vesicle ectoderm 2nd_arch_artery ventricular_layer cavity e cavities_and_their_linin neural_fold mesenchyme cardiovascular_system neural_crest endoderm 3rd_arch_artery ventricular_layer mesothelium epithelium gs neural_crest mesenchyme arterial_system roof_plate branchial_pouch atrium ventricular_layer parietal other_part embryonic_component_ neural_tube blood_island umbilical_artery future_rhombencephalo endoderm common_atrial_chambe ventricular_layer omental_bursa associated_mesenchym of_the_proamniotic_cav floor_plate head_mesenchyme common n parietal r ventricular_layer mesothelium e ity lateral_wall mesenchyme_derived_f venous_system 4th_ventricle visceral cardiac_jelly ventricular_layer parietal epithelium endoderm neural_lumen rom_head_mesoderm umbilical_vein rhombomere_01 parietal endocardial_lining ventricular_layer apical_ectodermal_ridg middle_ear primitive_endoderm roof_plate mesenchyme_derived_f common floor_plate parietal cardiac_muscle ventricular_layer e associated_mesenchym extraembryonic_compo mesenchyme_derived_f rom_neural_crest left lateral_wall visceral bulboventricular_groove facio- body-wall_mesenchyme e nent_of_the_proamnioti rom_neural_crest 2nd_arch right roof_plate hindlimb_ridge endocardial_lining acoustic_ganglion_com brain tubo-tympanic_recess c_cavity trigeminal_neural_crest branchial_membrane vitelline_vein rhombomere_02 ectoderm endocardial_lining plex_VII-VIII forebrain surface_ectoderm_of_th ectoderm paraxial_mesenchyme endoderm left floor_plate mesenchyme endocardial_cushion_tis glossopharyngeal_IX diencephalon e_eye primary_trophoblast_gia somite branchial_pouch right lateral_wall lateral_migration_pathw sue glossopharyngeal- gland 4th_arch_artery nt_cells somite_01 endoderm mandibular_component roof_plate ay endocardial_lining vagus_IX- pituitary 6th_arch_artery cytotrophoblast somite_02 ectoderm ectoderm rhombomere_03 medial_migration_path left X_ganglion_complex infundibular_recess_of_ ductus_caroticus syncytiotrophoblast somite_03 endoderm endoderm floor_plate way right trigeminal_V 3rd_ventricle ophthalmic_artery ectoderm somite_04 mesenchyme mesenchyme lateral_wall mesenchyme_derived_f oesophageal_region vagus_X 3rd_ventricle pulmonary_artery definitive_endoderm trunk_mesenchyme mesenchyme_derived_f mesenchyme_derived_f roof_plate rom_somatopleure associated_mesenchym lens_pit diencephalic_part_of_in valve mesoderm intermediate_mesenchy rom_head_mesoderm rom_head_mesoderm rhombomere_04 mesenchyme_derived_f e olfactory_pit terventricular_foramen venous_valve primitive_streak me mesenchyme_derived_f mesenchyme_derived_f floor_plate rom_splanchnopleure epithelium nasal_epithelium optic_recess interatrial_septum neural_ectoderm lateral_plate_mesenchy rom_neural_crest rom_neural_crest lateral_wall somite_21 mesentery frontal_process floor_plate foramen_primum non-neural_ectoderm me pericardio- maxillary_component roof_plate dermomyotome dorsal_meso- ectoderm lamina_terminalis septum_primum node somatopleure peritoneal_canal ectoderm rhombomere_05 myocoele oesophagus mesenchyme lateral_wall ascending_aorta amniotic_fold splanchnopleure cavity endoderm floor_plate sclerotome vascular_element latero-nasal_process mantle_layer pulmonary_trunk ectoderm mesenchyme_derived_f mesothelium mesenchyme lateral_wall somite_22 pharynx ectoderm marginal_layer marginal_vein_of_foreli mesoderm rom_neural_crest roof_plate mesenchyme_derived_f roof_plate dermomyotome associated_mesenchym mesenchyme ventricular_layer mb amniotic_cavity paraxial_mesenchyme hindbrain_posterior_to_ rom_head_mesoderm rhombomere_06 myocoele e medial-nasal_process roof_plate marginal_vein_of_hindli ectoplacental_cavity somite rhombomere_05 mesenchyme_derived_f floor_plate sclerotome epithelium ectoderm telencephalon mb exocoelomic_cavity somite_05 floor_plate rom_neural_crest lateral_wall somite_23 vascular_element mesenchyme mantle_layer principal_vein_of_foreli within_amniotic_fold somite_06 neural_fold maxillary- roof_plate dermomyotome mesentery principal_artery_to_forel marginal_layer mb mesoderm somite_07 neural_crest mandibular_groove rhombomere_07 myocoele dorsal_mesentery imb ventricular_layer principal_vein_of_hindli allantois somite_08 rhombomere_01 ectoderm floor_plate sclerotome ventral_mesentery principal_artery_to_hind lateral_ventricle mb mesenchyme derived yolk_sac unsegmented_mesench floor_plate branchial_groove lateral_wall somite_24 gall_bladder_primordiu limb telencephalic_part_of_i vitelline_venous_plexus endoderm yme neural_fold ectoderm roof_plate dermomyotome m left_part nterventricular_foramen stomach mesoderm primordial_germ_cells rhombomere_02 ectoderm rhombomere_08 myocoele ventral_mesentery cardiac_jelly hindbrain associated_mesenchym intraembryonic_coelom notochord floor_plate 3rd_arch floor_plate sclerotome hindgut endocardial_lining 4th_ventricle e future_brain sensory_organ neural_fold ectoderm lateral_wall somite_25 associated_mesenchym left_auricular_region rhombomere_01 epithelium neural_fold ear neural_crest endoderm roof_plate dermomyotome e endocardial_lining floor_plate mesentery neural_crest inner_ear rhombomere_03 mesenchyme prosencephalon myocoele epithelium cardiac_muscle lateral_wall dorsal_mesogastrium future_spinal_cord otic_placode floor_plate mesenchyme_derived_f floor_plate sclerotome mesentery cardiac_muscle mantle_layer ventral_mesogastrium neural_fold associated_mesenchym neural_fold rom_head_mesoderm future_diencephalon somite_26 dorsal_mesentery right_part marginal_layer vascular_element from splanchnopleure neural_crest e neural_crest mesenchyme_derived_f 3rd_ventricle dermomyotome vascular_element cardiac_jelly ventricular_layer postanal_component neural_plate epithelium rhombomere_04 rom_neural_crest floor_plate myocoele mesentery endocardial_lining roof_plate associated_mesenchym surface_ectoderm eye floor_plate limb lateral_wall sclerotome dorsal_mesentery cardiac_muscle rhombomere_02 e mesenchyme optic_sulcus neural_fold forelimb_bud neural_crest somite_27 gland right_auricular_region floor_plate epithelium head_mesenchyme neural_ectoderm neural_crest ectoderm roof_plate dermomyotome pituitary endocardial_lining lateral_wall vascular_element mesenchyme_derived_f arterial_system rhombomere_05 mesenchyme lateral_wall myocoele Rathke's_pouch cardiac_muscle mantle_layer preanal_component rom_head_mesoderm 1st_arch_artery floor_plate lateral_mesenchyme_d prosencephalic_vesicle sclerotome rest_of_ectoderm aortico- marginal_layer associated_mesenchym mesenchyme_derived_f 2nd_arch_artery neural_fold erived_from_mesoderm roof_plate somite_28 respiratory_system pulmonary_spiral_septu ventricular_layer e rom_neural-crest dorsal_aorta neural_crest mesenchyme_derived_f rostral_neuropore dermomyotome lung m roof_plate epithelium notochordal_plate left neural_crest rom_somatopleure neural_crest myocoele left_lung_rudiment inter- rhombomere_03 vascular_element notochordal_process right neural_luminal_occlusio mesenchyme_derived_f future_spinal_cord sclerotome associated_mesenchym subcardinal_venous_an floor_plate loop organ_system vitelline_artery n rom_splanchnopleure caudal_neuropore somite_29 e astomosis lateral_wall associated_mesenchym cardiovascular_system early_primitive_heart_tu facial_neural_crest mesenchyme_derived_f neural_plate dermomyotome epithelium subcardinal_vein mantle_layer e heart be facio- rom_neural_crest neural_fold myocoele vascular_element supracardinal_vein marginal_layer epithelium cardiogenic_plate cardiac_jelly acoustic_neural_crest dermomyotome neural_crest sclerotome right_lung_rudiment anal_region ventricular_layer mesentery allantois endocardial_tube somite_09 myocoele neural_tube somite_30 associated_mesenchym cloacal_membrane roof_plate dorsal_mesentery mesoderm cardiac_muscle somite_10 sclerotome floor_plate dermomyotome e oesophagus rhombomere_04 vascular_element amnion mesentery somite_11 dermomyotome lateral_wall myocoele epithelium associated_mesenchym floor_plate rest_of_midgut ectoderm dorsal_mesocardium somite_12 myocoele neural_lumen sclerotome vascular_element e lateral_wall associated_mesenchym mesoderm transverse_pericardial_ somite_13 sclerotome neural_luminal_occlusio future_forebrain respiratory_tract epithelium mantle_layer e chorion sinus septum_transversum dermomyotome n diencephalon lower mesentery marginal_layer epithelium ectoderm primitive_heart_tube hepatic_component myocoele roof_plate 3rd_ventricle laryngo-tracheal_groove dorsal_meso- ventricular_layer mesentery mesoderm bulbus_cordis non-hepatic_component sclerotome otic_pit diencephalic_part_of_in tracheal_diverticulum oesophagus roof_plate dorsal_mesentery blood_island caudal_half trunk_mesenchyme_fro dermomyotome associated_mesenchym terventricular_foramen associated_mesenchym vascular_element rhombomere_05 vascular_element primordial_germ_cells cardiac_jelly m_neural_crest myocoele e optic_recess e oral_epithelium floor_plate incomplete_urorectal_s branchial_arch endocardial_tube optic_eminence sclerotome epithelium floor_plate epithelium liver_and_biliary_syste lateral_wall eptum 1st_arch cardiac_muscle ectoderm dermomyotome surface_ectoderm gland vascular_element m mantle_layer somite_36 branchial_groove rostral_half mesenchyme myocoele optic_vesicle pituitary mesonephros cystic_duct marginal_layer dermomyotome ectoderm cardiac_jelly optic_pit sclerotome neural_ectoderm infundibular_recess_of_ associated_mesenchym gall_bladder_primordiu ventricular_layer myocoele branchial_membrane endocardial_tube neural_ectoderm dermomyotome nose 3rd_ventricle e m roof_plate sclerotome ectoderm cardiac_muscle common myocoele olfactory_placode lamina_terminalis non-tubular_part hepatic_duct rhombomere_06 somite_37 endoderm common_atrial_chambe internal_carotid_artery sclerotome left lateral_wall tubule extrahepatic_part floor_plate dermomyotome branchial_pouch r left dermomyotome right roof_plate tail intrahepatic_part lateral_wall myocoele endoderm cardiac_jelly right myocoele atrio-ventricular_canal telencephalon mesenchyme liver mantle_layer sclerotome ectoderm endocardial_tube umbilical_artery sclerotome vessels_connecting_int telencephalic_vesicle mesenchyme_derived_f hepatic_primordium marginal_layer somite_38 endoderm cardiac_muscle blood dermomyotome ernal_carotid_artery_to telencephalic_part_of_i rom_neural_crest parenchyma ventricular_layer dermomyotome mesenchyme outflow_tract bulbus_cordis myocoele _primary_head_veins nterventricular_foramen paraxial_mesenchyme main_bronchus roof_plate myocoele mesenchyme_derived_f cardiac_jelly caudal_half sclerotome foregut floor_plate unsegmented_mesench associated_mesenchym rhombomere_07 sclerotome rom_neural_crest endocardial_tube cardiac_jelly dermomyotome pharyngeal_region lateral_wall yme e floor_plate somite_39 mesenchyme_derived_f mesenchyme endocardial_tube myocoele associated_mesenchym roof_plate nervous_system epithelium lateral_wall dermomyotome rom_head_mesoderm primitive_ventricle cardiac_muscle sclerotome e ganglion central_nervous_syste vascular_element mantle_layer myocoele pericardial_component cardiac_jelly rostral_half somite_14 epithelium cranial m trachea marginal_layer sclerotome cavity endocardial_tube cardiac_jelly dermomyotome vascular_element facio-acoustic_VII- future_spinal_cord associated_mesenchym ventricular_layer gland mesothelium cardiac_muscle endocardial_tube myocoele rest_of_foregut VIII_preganglion_compl neural_plate e roof_plate pancreas_primordium pericardio- sinus_venosus cardiac_muscle sclerotome associated_mesenchym ex neural_tube epithelium rhombomere_08 dorsal_bud peritoneal_component left_horn common_atrial_chambe somite_15 e glossopharyngeal_IX_pr dorsal vascular_element floor_plate thyroid cavity right_horn r dermomyotome epithelium eganglion ventral gonadal_component lateral_wall foramen_caecum
  • 11. Spatial learning Space and Anatomy source: Richard Baldock, MRC HGU
  • 12. Mapping gene expression source: Mark Scott, Newcastle University
  • 13. Mapping gene expression source: Mark Scott, Newcastle University
  • 14. 3D maps source: Richard Baldock, MRC HGU
  • 15. 3D maps Annotate source: Richard Baldock, MRC HGU
  • 16. Learning by space source: Richard Baldock, MRC HGU
  • 17. Learning by space source: Richard Baldock, MRC HGU
  • 18. Learning by space source: Richard Baldock, MRC HGU
  • 20. Next generation technology Current Repository Enhanced Repository Query, Navigation & Contribution Query & Contribution Navigation Web & Java clients e-MouseAtlas e-MouseAtlas+ Web clients DSpace + webviewer Knowledge + Maps Knowledge Maps
  • 21.
  • 22. Next Generation Embryology Google Maps for Developmental Biology
  • 23. Team & Acknowledgements Research Assistants School of Informatics, University of EaStCHEM Patricia Richardson King’s College London Szegedi Tobias Blanke Tudományegyete Jos Koetsier Edinburgh Douglas Armstrong Carole Morrison Neil Robertson Mark Hedges m István Juhos Liangxiu Han Dave Robertson Alan Bundy Sharon Ashbrook University of Manchester University of Minnesota David Rodriguez Stuart Aitken Austin Tate OMII-UK Neil Chue Hong Carole Goble Stian Søiland Jon Weissman Gagarine Yaikhom EPCC Simon Hettrick European Technische Universität Wien Kostas Karasavvas Andy Turner Rob Baxter Human Genetics Unit, Medical Research Mediterranean Seismological Günther Raidl Martin Grüber Laura Valkonen Mark Parsons Radek Ostrowski Council Richard Baldock Centre Rémy Bossu Universität Wien Ally Hume Jeff Christiansen Peter Brezany Amy Krause Bill Hill Heriot-Watt University Alexander Wöhrer PhD Students Jon Hill Terry Sloan Guangjie Feng Albert Burger Ivan Janciak Ibrahim Elsayed Thomas French School of GeoSciences Institute of Human Genetics, KNMI, The Netherlands Sabri Pllana Torild van Eck Ehtesham ul Haq Dar Luna De Ferrari Rachel Walcott Newcastle University Universidad Politécnica Fakhri Alam Khan Rob Kitchen Molecular Medicine Centre Susan Lindsay Steven Lisgo de Madrid Oscar Corcho University Tübingen Sandra Gesing Chee-Sun Liew David Porteous Varrie Ogilvie Xunxian Wang Carlos Buil Miguel Esteban Gutierrez Ustav informatiky, University of Oxford Asuncion Gomez-Perez Slovenskej Research Students Division of Psychiatry Adam Barker Stephen Lawrie Akadémie Vied Universidad de Málaga Ladislav Hluchý Matthew, Tantana, Dominic Job Fujitsy Laboratories Europe Carlos Cotta Ondrej Habala Branislav Simo Mark, Albert, SFC Brain Imaging David Snelling Research Centre Sven van den Berghe Université Libre de Bruxelles Marek Ciglan Michal Laclavik Makrymallis, Ravi, Joanna Wardlaw Trevor Carpenter Vivian Li Tom Lenaerts Emil Gatial Viet Tran Gary Jano van Hemert

Notas do Editor

  1. The National e-Science Centre coordinates the e-Science effort for the UK. It has a number of activities, one of which is research. This research is interdisciplinary, where Informatics is applied in the context of solving large and complex scientific problems. Such problem solving requires much computational effort and often involves large amounts of data. In this talk I will show the two major components of our research by providing examples of our research projects: 1. To apply Informatics to solve scientific computational problems and 2. to find better ways of organising and facilitating systems that enable these solutions.
  2. The development at the MRC has been a spatio-temporal database for developmental biology, this is a basic resource, unique to Edinburgh, for basic and translational research in biomedical science. The key idea is to use a 3D plus time model of embryonic development as a framework for capturing and analysing the genetic activity that controls the developmental process. The idea is illustrated here, gene-expression comes in complex patterns through space and time. We need to capture that data and make it available for research. The existing system is based on a design choice made some time ago but is now locked into the system. This leads us to OSAGE. From my perspective this is already a success. I have become locked by a process that required a working database with continuous and all urgent development. The manpower free to re-design and port the underlying database to a new set of standards is zero. eDIKT has made it possible for fresh view of the issues, porting to a future-proofed system based on commercial and emerging Grid/e-Science technlogies. This has already paid off during the analysis phase and the interaction between the eDIKT team and my DB developers. The future will not only benefit the Mouse Atlas but also all the clones and related
  3. The development at the MRC has been a spatio-temporal database for developmental biology, this is a basic resource, unique to Edinburgh, for basic and translational research in biomedical science. The key idea is to use a 3D plus time model of embryonic development as a framework for capturing and analysing the genetic activity that controls the developmental process. The idea is illustrated here, gene-expression comes in complex patterns through space and time. We need to capture that data and make it available for research. The existing system is based on a design choice made some time ago but is now locked into the system. This leads us to OSAGE. From my perspective this is already a success. I have become locked by a process that required a working database with continuous and all urgent development. The manpower free to re-design and port the underlying database to a new set of standards is zero. eDIKT has made it possible for fresh view of the issues, porting to a future-proofed system based on commercial and emerging Grid/e-Science technlogies. This has already paid off during the analysis phase and the interaction between the eDIKT team and my DB developers. The future will not only benefit the Mouse Atlas but also all the clones and related
  4. The development at the MRC has been a spatio-temporal database for developmental biology, this is a basic resource, unique to Edinburgh, for basic and translational research in biomedical science. The key idea is to use a 3D plus time model of embryonic development as a framework for capturing and analysing the genetic activity that controls the developmental process. The idea is illustrated here, gene-expression comes in complex patterns through space and time. We need to capture that data and make it available for research. The existing system is based on a design choice made some time ago but is now locked into the system. This leads us to OSAGE. From my perspective this is already a success. I have become locked by a process that required a working database with continuous and all urgent development. The manpower free to re-design and port the underlying database to a new set of standards is zero. eDIKT has made it possible for fresh view of the issues, porting to a future-proofed system based on commercial and emerging Grid/e-Science technlogies. This has already paid off during the analysis phase and the interaction between the eDIKT team and my DB developers. The future will not only benefit the Mouse Atlas but also all the clones and related
  5. The development at the MRC has been a spatio-temporal database for developmental biology, this is a basic resource, unique to Edinburgh, for basic and translational research in biomedical science. The key idea is to use a 3D plus time model of embryonic development as a framework for capturing and analysing the genetic activity that controls the developmental process. The idea is illustrated here, gene-expression comes in complex patterns through space and time. We need to capture that data and make it available for research. The existing system is based on a design choice made some time ago but is now locked into the system. This leads us to OSAGE. From my perspective this is already a success. I have become locked by a process that required a working database with continuous and all urgent development. The manpower free to re-design and port the underlying database to a new set of standards is zero. eDIKT has made it possible for fresh view of the issues, porting to a future-proofed system based on commercial and emerging Grid/e-Science technlogies. This has already paid off during the analysis phase and the interaction between the eDIKT team and my DB developers. The future will not only benefit the Mouse Atlas but also all the clones and related
  6. The development at the MRC has been a spatio-temporal database for developmental biology, this is a basic resource, unique to Edinburgh, for basic and translational research in biomedical science. The key idea is to use a 3D plus time model of embryonic development as a framework for capturing and analysing the genetic activity that controls the developmental process. The idea is illustrated here, gene-expression comes in complex patterns through space and time. We need to capture that data and make it available for research. The existing system is based on a design choice made some time ago but is now locked into the system. This leads us to OSAGE. From my perspective this is already a success. I have become locked by a process that required a working database with continuous and all urgent development. The manpower free to re-design and port the underlying database to a new set of standards is zero. eDIKT has made it possible for fresh view of the issues, porting to a future-proofed system based on commercial and emerging Grid/e-Science technlogies. This has already paid off during the analysis phase and the interaction between the eDIKT team and my DB developers. The future will not only benefit the Mouse Atlas but also all the clones and related
  7. The development at the MRC has been a spatio-temporal database for developmental biology, this is a basic resource, unique to Edinburgh, for basic and translational research in biomedical science. The key idea is to use a 3D plus time model of embryonic development as a framework for capturing and analysing the genetic activity that controls the developmental process. The idea is illustrated here, gene-expression comes in complex patterns through space and time. We need to capture that data and make it available for research. The existing system is based on a design choice made some time ago but is now locked into the system. This leads us to OSAGE. From my perspective this is already a success. I have become locked by a process that required a working database with continuous and all urgent development. The manpower free to re-design and port the underlying database to a new set of standards is zero. eDIKT has made it possible for fresh view of the issues, porting to a future-proofed system based on commercial and emerging Grid/e-Science technlogies. This has already paid off during the analysis phase and the interaction between the eDIKT team and my DB developers. The future will not only benefit the Mouse Atlas but also all the clones and related
  8. The development at the MRC has been a spatio-temporal database for developmental biology, this is a basic resource, unique to Edinburgh, for basic and translational research in biomedical science. The key idea is to use a 3D plus time model of embryonic development as a framework for capturing and analysing the genetic activity that controls the developmental process. The idea is illustrated here, gene-expression comes in complex patterns through space and time. We need to capture that data and make it available for research. The existing system is based on a design choice made some time ago but is now locked into the system. This leads us to OSAGE. From my perspective this is already a success. I have become locked by a process that required a working database with continuous and all urgent development. The manpower free to re-design and port the underlying database to a new set of standards is zero. eDIKT has made it possible for fresh view of the issues, porting to a future-proofed system based on commercial and emerging Grid/e-Science technlogies. This has already paid off during the analysis phase and the interaction between the eDIKT team and my DB developers. The future will not only benefit the Mouse Atlas but also all the clones and related
  9. The development at the MRC has been a spatio-temporal database for developmental biology, this is a basic resource, unique to Edinburgh, for basic and translational research in biomedical science. The key idea is to use a 3D plus time model of embryonic development as a framework for capturing and analysing the genetic activity that controls the developmental process. The idea is illustrated here, gene-expression comes in complex patterns through space and time. We need to capture that data and make it available for research. The existing system is based on a design choice made some time ago but is now locked into the system. This leads us to OSAGE. From my perspective this is already a success. I have become locked by a process that required a working database with continuous and all urgent development. The manpower free to re-design and port the underlying database to a new set of standards is zero. eDIKT has made it possible for fresh view of the issues, porting to a future-proofed system based on commercial and emerging Grid/e-Science technlogies. This has already paid off during the analysis phase and the interaction between the eDIKT team and my DB developers. The future will not only benefit the Mouse Atlas but also all the clones and related
  10. The development at the MRC has been a spatio-temporal database for developmental biology, this is a basic resource, unique to Edinburgh, for basic and translational research in biomedical science. The key idea is to use a 3D plus time model of embryonic development as a framework for capturing and analysing the genetic activity that controls the developmental process. The idea is illustrated here, gene-expression comes in complex patterns through space and time. We need to capture that data and make it available for research. The existing system is based on a design choice made some time ago but is now locked into the system. This leads us to OSAGE. From my perspective this is already a success. I have become locked by a process that required a working database with continuous and all urgent development. The manpower free to re-design and port the underlying database to a new set of standards is zero. eDIKT has made it possible for fresh view of the issues, porting to a future-proofed system based on commercial and emerging Grid/e-Science technlogies. This has already paid off during the analysis phase and the interaction between the eDIKT team and my DB developers. The future will not only benefit the Mouse Atlas but also all the clones and related
  11. The development at the MRC has been a spatio-temporal database for developmental biology, this is a basic resource, unique to Edinburgh, for basic and translational research in biomedical science. The key idea is to use a 3D plus time model of embryonic development as a framework for capturing and analysing the genetic activity that controls the developmental process. The idea is illustrated here, gene-expression comes in complex patterns through space and time. We need to capture that data and make it available for research. The existing system is based on a design choice made some time ago but is now locked into the system. This leads us to OSAGE. From my perspective this is already a success. I have become locked by a process that required a working database with continuous and all urgent development. The manpower free to re-design and port the underlying database to a new set of standards is zero. eDIKT has made it possible for fresh view of the issues, porting to a future-proofed system based on commercial and emerging Grid/e-Science technlogies. This has already paid off during the analysis phase and the interaction between the eDIKT team and my DB developers. The future will not only benefit the Mouse Atlas but also all the clones and related
  12. The development at the MRC has been a spatio-temporal database for developmental biology, this is a basic resource, unique to Edinburgh, for basic and translational research in biomedical science. The key idea is to use a 3D plus time model of embryonic development as a framework for capturing and analysing the genetic activity that controls the developmental process. The idea is illustrated here, gene-expression comes in complex patterns through space and time. We need to capture that data and make it available for research. The existing system is based on a design choice made some time ago but is now locked into the system. This leads us to OSAGE. From my perspective this is already a success. I have become locked by a process that required a working database with continuous and all urgent development. The manpower free to re-design and port the underlying database to a new set of standards is zero. eDIKT has made it possible for fresh view of the issues, porting to a future-proofed system based on commercial and emerging Grid/e-Science technlogies. This has already paid off during the analysis phase and the interaction between the eDIKT team and my DB developers. The future will not only benefit the Mouse Atlas but also all the clones and related
  13. The development at the MRC has been a spatio-temporal database for developmental biology, this is a basic resource, unique to Edinburgh, for basic and translational research in biomedical science. The key idea is to use a 3D plus time model of embryonic development as a framework for capturing and analysing the genetic activity that controls the developmental process. The idea is illustrated here, gene-expression comes in complex patterns through space and time. We need to capture that data and make it available for research. The existing system is based on a design choice made some time ago but is now locked into the system. This leads us to OSAGE. From my perspective this is already a success. I have become locked by a process that required a working database with continuous and all urgent development. The manpower free to re-design and port the underlying database to a new set of standards is zero. eDIKT has made it possible for fresh view of the issues, porting to a future-proofed system based on commercial and emerging Grid/e-Science technlogies. This has already paid off during the analysis phase and the interaction between the eDIKT team and my DB developers. The future will not only benefit the Mouse Atlas but also all the clones and related
  14. The development at the MRC has been a spatio-temporal database for developmental biology, this is a basic resource, unique to Edinburgh, for basic and translational research in biomedical science. The key idea is to use a 3D plus time model of embryonic development as a framework for capturing and analysing the genetic activity that controls the developmental process. The idea is illustrated here, gene-expression comes in complex patterns through space and time. We need to capture that data and make it available for research. The existing system is based on a design choice made some time ago but is now locked into the system. This leads us to OSAGE. From my perspective this is already a success. I have become locked by a process that required a working database with continuous and all urgent development. The manpower free to re-design and port the underlying database to a new set of standards is zero. eDIKT has made it possible for fresh view of the issues, porting to a future-proofed system based on commercial and emerging Grid/e-Science technlogies. This has already paid off during the analysis phase and the interaction between the eDIKT team and my DB developers. The future will not only benefit the Mouse Atlas but also all the clones and related
  15. The development at the MRC has been a spatio-temporal database for developmental biology, this is a basic resource, unique to Edinburgh, for basic and translational research in biomedical science. The key idea is to use a 3D plus time model of embryonic development as a framework for capturing and analysing the genetic activity that controls the developmental process. The idea is illustrated here, gene-expression comes in complex patterns through space and time. We need to capture that data and make it available for research. The existing system is based on a design choice made some time ago but is now locked into the system. This leads us to OSAGE. From my perspective this is already a success. I have become locked by a process that required a working database with continuous and all urgent development. The manpower free to re-design and port the underlying database to a new set of standards is zero. eDIKT has made it possible for fresh view of the issues, porting to a future-proofed system based on commercial and emerging Grid/e-Science technlogies. This has already paid off during the analysis phase and the interaction between the eDIKT team and my DB developers. The future will not only benefit the Mouse Atlas but also all the clones and related
  16. The development at the MRC has been a spatio-temporal database for developmental biology, this is a basic resource, unique to Edinburgh, for basic and translational research in biomedical science. The key idea is to use a 3D plus time model of embryonic development as a framework for capturing and analysing the genetic activity that controls the developmental process. The idea is illustrated here, gene-expression comes in complex patterns through space and time. We need to capture that data and make it available for research. The existing system is based on a design choice made some time ago but is now locked into the system. This leads us to OSAGE. From my perspective this is already a success. I have become locked by a process that required a working database with continuous and all urgent development. The manpower free to re-design and port the underlying database to a new set of standards is zero. eDIKT has made it possible for fresh view of the issues, porting to a future-proofed system based on commercial and emerging Grid/e-Science technlogies. This has already paid off during the analysis phase and the interaction between the eDIKT team and my DB developers. The future will not only benefit the Mouse Atlas but also all the clones and related
  17. The development at the MRC has been a spatio-temporal database for developmental biology, this is a basic resource, unique to Edinburgh, for basic and translational research in biomedical science. The key idea is to use a 3D plus time model of embryonic development as a framework for capturing and analysing the genetic activity that controls the developmental process. The idea is illustrated here, gene-expression comes in complex patterns through space and time. We need to capture that data and make it available for research. The existing system is based on a design choice made some time ago but is now locked into the system. This leads us to OSAGE. From my perspective this is already a success. I have become locked by a process that required a working database with continuous and all urgent development. The manpower free to re-design and port the underlying database to a new set of standards is zero. eDIKT has made it possible for fresh view of the issues, porting to a future-proofed system based on commercial and emerging Grid/e-Science technlogies. This has already paid off during the analysis phase and the interaction between the eDIKT team and my DB developers. The future will not only benefit the Mouse Atlas but also all the clones and related