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The CORFU technique | MTSR 2013

Towards a stepwise method for unifying and reconciling
corporate names in public contracts metadata.
The CORFU technique.
Michalis Vafopoulos (speaker)
{Jose María Álvarez-Rodríguez, Patricia Ordoñez De Pablos and
Jose Emilio Labra-Gayo}
MTSR 2013 | 7th Metadata and Semantics Research Conference
Track on Metadata and Semantics for Open Repositories, Research Information Systems
and Data Infrastructures

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The CORFU technique | MTSR 2013




Related Work


The CORFU technique
Use Case: the Public Spending initiative


Evaluation and Discussion


Conclusions and Future Work


Metadata and Information

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The CORFU technique | MTSR 2013

The Problem...What is the “Big Name”?
“Oracle (Corp) Aust Pty Ltd”
“Oracle Corp (Aust) Pty Ltd”
“Oracle Corp Aust Pty Ltd”
“Oracle Corp. Australia”
“Oracle Corp. Australia Pty.Ltd.”
“Oracle Corpoartion (Aust) Pty Ltd”


“Oracle Corporate Aust Pty Ltd”
“Oracle Corporation”
“Oracle Risk Consultants”
“Oracle University”
“Accenture Aust Holdings”
“Accenture Aust Holdings”
“Accenture Aust Holdings Pty Ltd”
“Accenture Australia Holding P/L”


“Accenture Australia Holdings P/Ltd”
“Accenture Australia Holdings Pty Lt”
“Accenture Australia Limited”

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The CORFU technique | MTSR 2013

...and if you have 400K corporate names

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The CORFU technique | MTSR 2013

Public Procurement

e-Procurement is a strategic sector (17 % of the GDP in Europe).


Action Plans 2004 and 2020.


Projects: E-Certis, Fiscalis 2013, E-Prior, PEPPOL, STORK,etc.


Other actions: TED, RAMON metadata server, CPV, NUTS, etc.


Legal Framework.


Boost participation with special focus on SMEs.s

...but it also requires...

Accomplish with Open Data principles.


Improve transparency of public bodies.


Track where public money goes.


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The CORFU technique | MTSR 2013

Public Procurement

e-Procurement is a strategic sector (17 % of the GDP in Europe).


Action Plans 2004 and 2020.


Projects: E-Certis, Fiscalis 2013, E-Prior, PEPPOL, STORK,etc.


Other actions: TED, RAMON metadata server, CPV, NUTS, etc.


Legal Framework.


Boost participation with special focus on SMEs.s

...but it also requires...

Accomplish with Open Data principles.


Improve transparency of public bodies.


Track where public money goes.


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The CORFU technique | MTSR 2013

The Problem...
How can we track public procurement processes?

Data and information is already out there.
Relevant metadata can be (re)used:
Normalized product scheme classifications such as the CPV 2008
(Common Procurement Vocabulary) [1].
Territorial units (NUTS).



...and “names”?
Both Payer and Payee names are not usually normalized.

Normalized and unified names (“Big Name”)...
...with the aim of tracking both payers and payees.
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The CORFU technique | MTSR 2013

The Problem...
How can we track public procurement processes?

Data and information is already out there.
Relevant metadata can be (re)used:
Normalized product scheme classifications such as the CPV 2008
(Common Procurement Vocabulary) [1].
Territorial units (NUTS).



...and “names”?
Both Payer and Payee names are not usually normalized.

Normalized and unified names (“Big Name”)...
...with the aim of tracking both payers and payees.
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The CORFU technique | MTSR 2013

The Problem...
How can we track public procurement processes?

Data and information is already out there.
Relevant metadata can be (re)used:
Normalized product scheme classifications such as the CPV 2008
(Common Procurement Vocabulary) [1].
Territorial units (NUTS).



...and “names”?
Both Payer and Payee names are not usually normalized.

Normalized and unified names (“Big Name”)...
...with the aim of tracking both payers and payees.
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The CORFU technique | MTSR 2013

The Problem...
Some remarks...

It is not a mere problem of reconciling entities (dealing with)...
Misspelling errors.
Name/acronym mismatches.



...but to create a unique name or link (n string literals → 1
company → 1 URI).
“Oracle” and “Oracle University” could be respectively aligned to the
entities <Oracle_Corporation> and <Oracle_University>
...but the problem of grouping by a unique (Big ) name, identifier or
resource still remains.

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The CORFU technique | MTSR 2013

The Public Spending initiative...

...a joint effort trying to answer...

Who really gets the public money?


For what? From whom?


Can we compare them?


Is public spending effective?



Learn more:

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The CORFU technique | MTSR 2013
Related Work

Natural Language Processing, Computational Linguistics
and Entity Reconciliation.
Existing works and APIs to deal with natural language issues

Misspelling errors [13, 8].


Name/acronym mismatches [17].


APIs such as NLTK for Python, Lingpipe, OpenNLP or Gate for Java and search engines
such as Apache Lucene/Solr.


Extraction of clinical terms [16] for electronic health records.


Creation of bibliometrics [4] or identification of gene names [7, 5].


Entity reconciliation processes [6, 2] using the DBPedia [10] or URI comparison [9].


Tools such as Google Refine, etc.

Preliminary evaluation...
Algorithms to deal with natural language heterogeneities are already available.
Existing works are usually focused in some domain (prototypes cannot be easily
customized to other domain).
...but methodologies and NLP algorithms can be re-applied to new domains.
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The CORFU technique | MTSR 2013
Related Work

Natural Language Processing, Computational Linguistics
and Entity Reconciliation.
Existing works and APIs to deal with natural language issues

Misspelling errors [13, 8].


Name/acronym mismatches [17].


APIs such as NLTK for Python, Lingpipe, OpenNLP or Gate for Java and search engines
such as Apache Lucene/Solr.


Extraction of clinical terms [16] for electronic health records.


Creation of bibliometrics [4] or identification of gene names [7, 5].


Entity reconciliation processes [6, 2] using the DBPedia [10] or URI comparison [9].


Tools such as Google Refine, etc.

Preliminary evaluation...
Algorithms to deal with natural language heterogeneities are already available.
Existing works are usually focused in some domain (prototypes cannot be easily
customized to other domain).
...but methodologies and NLP algorithms can be re-applied to new domains.
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The CORFU technique | MTSR 2013
Related Work

Corporate Information.
Corporate Databases

Some corporate databases: The Spanish Chambers of Commerce, “” or
“” to name a few (just in Spain).


The DBPedia and the Orgpedia [3].


The CrocTail [12] effort (part of the “Corporate Research Project”).


“The Open Database Of The Corporate World” [14].


Forbes, Google Places, Google Maps, Foursquare, Linkedin Companies or Facebook.


Similar initiatives:, LOD2 project e-Procurement, etc.



Preliminary evaluation...
Corporate information is public but access is restricted or under a fee (valuable
Large databases (“infobesity?”) but...
...the problem of mapping ,(n string literals → 1 company → 1 URI) as a human would
do, still remains.
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The CORFU technique | MTSR 2013
Related Work

Corporate Information.
Corporate Databases

Some corporate databases: The Spanish Chambers of Commerce, “” or
“” to name a few (just in Spain).


The DBPedia and the Orgpedia [3].


The CrocTail [12] effort (part of the “Corporate Research Project”).


“The Open Database Of The Corporate World” [14].


Forbes, Google Places, Google Maps, Foursquare, Linkedin Companies or Facebook.


Similar initiatives:, LOD2 project e-Procurement, etc.



Preliminary evaluation...
Corporate information is public but access is restricted or under a fee (valuable
Large databases (“infobesity?”) but...
...the problem of mapping ,(n string literals → 1 company → 1 URI) as a human would
do, still remains.
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The CORFU technique | MTSR 2013
The CORFU technique

Company, ORganization and Firm name Unifier-CORFU (I)

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The CORFU technique | MTSR 2013
The CORFU technique

Company, ORganization and Firm name Unifier-CORFU (II)

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The CORFU technique | MTSR 2013
The CORFU technique

Example step by step...
Scenario: Australian supplier names (400K).
1st try: use of Google Refine+Open Corporates reconciliation service
(just an 8 % of unified names, see Figure below).
2nd try: design of the CORFU technique using Python NLTK and
other third-party APIs for NLP processing.

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The CORFU technique | MTSR 2013
The CORFU technique

Step 0: Load corporate names

Input: a list of corporate names as raw text (one per line).
Output: a set of names represented as strings.

“Accenture Australia Holding P/L”
“Oracle (Corp) Aust Pty Ltd”

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The CORFU technique | MTSR 2013
The CORFU technique

Step 1: Normalize raw text and remove duplicates
Input: a set of names represented as strings.
Process: this step is comprised of:
1 Remove strange characters and punctuation marks but
keeping those that are part of a word avoiding potential
changes in abbreviations or acronyms;
2 Lowercase raw text (although some semantics can be
lost previous works and empirical tests show that this is
the best approach).
3 Remove duplicates.
4 Lemmatize the corporate name.
Output: a set of normalized corporate names.

“Accenture Australia Holding PL”
“Oracle Corp Aust Pty Ltd”
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The CORFU technique | MTSR 2013
The CORFU technique

Step 2: Filter the basic set of common stopwords in English
Input: a set of normalized corporate names and a set of stopwords.
Process: load a set of stopwords (a minimal set of stopwords from the
Python NLTK API has been used):
Including common English stopwords but...
Avoiding to filter relevant words.
Output: a set of cleaned and normalized corporate names.

“Accenture Australia Holding PL”
“Oracle Corp Aust Pty Ltd”

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The CORFU technique | MTSR 2013
The CORFU technique

Step 3: Dictionary-based expansion of common acronyms
and filtering
Dictionary-based expansion
Input: a set of cleaned and normalized corporate names and a
dictionary of acronyms.
Process: load the dictionary of acronyms and expand.
Output: a set of cleaned, normalized and acronym-expanded corporate

“Accenture Australia Holding Proprietary Company
“Oracle Corporation Aust Proprietary Company Limited”

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The CORFU technique | MTSR 2013
The CORFU technique

Step 4: Filter the expanded set of most common words in
the dataset
Input: a set of cleaned, normalized and acronym-expanded corporate
Process: extract statistics of “most used words” in the input dataset,
expand those words and filter.
Output: a set of cleaned, normalized and acronym-expanded corporate

“Accenture Australia Holding”
“Oracle Aust”

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The CORFU technique | MTSR 2013
The CORFU technique

Step 5: Identification of contextual information and filtering

Context filtering
Input: a set of cleaned, normalized and acronym-expanded corporate
Output: a set of cleaned, normalized and acronym-expanded corporate
names without contextual information.

“Accenture Holding”

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The CORFU technique | MTSR 2013
The CORFU technique

Step 6: Spell checking (optional)

Spell checking
Input: a set of cleaned, normalized and acronym-expanded corporate
names without contextual information.
Output: the previous set without spelling errors.

“Accenture Holding”

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The CORFU technique | MTSR 2013
The CORFU technique

Step 7: Pos-tagging parts of speech according to a grammar
and filtering the non-relevant ones

Input: a set of cleaned, normalized and acronym-expanded corporate
names without contextual information.
Output: a tree according to a pre-defined grammar for corporate
names that only contains nouns.


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The CORFU technique | MTSR 2013
The CORFU technique

Step 8: Cluster corporate names

Input: a set of strings derivate from the aforementioned tree.
Output: a set of clusters for each extracted corporate name.


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The CORFU technique | MTSR 2013
The CORFU technique

Step 9: Validate and reconcile the generated corporate name
via an existing reconcile service (optional)

Validate and reconcile
Input: a set of clusters for each extracted corporate name.
Output: (n string literals → 1 company → 1 URI).

(“Accenture”, dbpedia-res:Accenture)
(“Oracle”, dbpedia-res:Oracle_Corporation)

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The CORFU technique | MTSR 2013
The CORFU technique

Representing and querying the corporate information in
:o1 a o r g : O r g anization ;
skos :prefL abel ‘‘ Oracle ’ ’;
skos:altLabel ‘‘ Oracle Corporation ’ ’ , ‘‘ Oracle ( Corp )
s ko s: c lo s eM atch dbpedia - res: Or a cl e _C o rp o ra t io n ;



SELECT str (? label ) ( COUNT (? org ) as ? pCount ) WHERE {
? ppn : rewarded - to ? org .
? org rdf : type org : Organization .
? org skos : prefLabel ? label .
GROUP BY str (? label )
ORDER BY desc (? pCount )


Aust Pty Ltd ’ ’ ,




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The CORFU technique | MTSR 2013
The CORFU technique
Use Case: the Public Spending initiative

Demo and application...

Learn more:
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The CORFU technique | MTSR 2013
Evaluation and Discussion

The case of Australian supplier names...




Load corporate names

430188 full names and 77526 unique names
(period 2004-2012)


Normalize raw text and remove duplicates



Filter the basic set of common stopwords in



Filter the expanded set of most common
words in the dataset

Two stopwords sets: 355 words (manually)
and words with more than n = 50 apparitions (automatically)


Dictionary-based expansion
acronyms and filtering

Set of 50 acronyms variations (manually)


Identification of contextual information and

Use of Geonames REST service


Spell checking (optional)

Train dataset of 128457 words provided by
Peter Norvig’s spell-checker [13].


Pos-tagging parts of speech according to a
grammar and filtering the non-relevant ones



Cluster corporate names



Validate and reconcile the generated corporate name via an existing reconcile service

Python client and Google Refine



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The CORFU technique | MTSR 2013
Evaluation and Discussion

Research Design

Configure and execute the CORFU technique.
Validate (manually) the dump of unified names and calculate:
Precision, see Eq. 1, is “the number of supplier names that have been
correctly unified under the same name”
Recall is, see Eq. 2, “the number of supplier names that have not been
correctly classified under a proper name” and F1 score, see Eq. 3,
. . . tp is “the number of corporate names properly unified”
. . . fp is “the number of corporate names wrongly unified”
. . . tn is “the number of corporate names properly non-unified” and
. . . fn is “the number of corporate names wrongly non-unified”.

Precision =

tp + fp


F1 = 2 ·

Recall =

Precision · Recall
Precision + Recall

tp + fn

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The CORFU technique | MTSR 2013
Evaluation and Discussion

Results of applying the CORFU approach to the Australian
supplier names.
Total number
of companies









F1 score


48 %





100 %




A 48 % (77526 − 40278 = 37248) of supplier names have been unified with a precision of
0,762 and a recall of 0,311 (best values must be close to 1).
The first 100 companies in the Forbes list, actually 68 companies were found in the
dataset with 299 appearances.
Results a , in this second case, show a better performance: precision, 0,926, and recall,

Best values must be close to 1.
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The CORFU technique | MTSR 2013
Evaluation and Discussion

Graphical view after applying the CORFU technique...

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The CORFU technique | MTSR 2013
Evaluation and Discussion

Graphical view after applying the CORFU technique to the
first 100 Forbes companies...

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The CORFU technique | MTSR 2013
Evaluation and Discussion

...the first 100 Forbes companies in bubbles...

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The CORFU technique | MTSR 2013
Evaluation and Discussion


A custom technique for a particular domain.


Unification works pretty nice.


It enables the possibility of comparing companies in public


Execution time ( 20’ for Australian corporate names).


It is necessary to test with other datasets.


It requires the use of more advanced data mining techniques for
machine learning.


It should be applied to other domains (Bibliometrics?).
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The CORFU technique | MTSR 2013
Evaluation and Discussion


A custom technique for a particular domain.


Unification works pretty nice.


It enables the possibility of comparing companies in public


Execution time ( 20’ for Australian corporate names).


It is necessary to test with other datasets.


It requires the use of more advanced data mining techniques for
machine learning.


It should be applied to other domains (Bibliometrics?).
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The CORFU technique | MTSR 2013
Conclusions and Future Work


The public e-Procurement sector is seeking for new methods to:
...improve interoperability
...boost transparency
...or increase participation to name a few.


The PublicSpending initiative is addressing some of the challenges in
the e-Procurement sector.


The CORFU technique is a key enabler to ease the comparison of
countries, payers, payees, etc.


...a technique that helps to take the most of data.


It must be technically improved and extended to cover more datasets
and to be “smarter”.

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The CORFU technique | MTSR 2013
Conclusions and Future Work

Future Work

Application to new public procurement datasets.


Reuse the Opencorporates reconciliation service (it has been updated).


Contribute to the e-Procurement sector and the PublicSpending
initiative [15, 11].


Add more advanced NLP techniques: n − grams.


Add machine learning algorithms to automatically classify new
corporate names.


Improve the execution time (performance).



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End of the presentation...

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Metadata and Information

Dr. Michalis Vafopoulos
Leader of the Public Spending initiative.
The Public Spending team:
Marios Meimaris
Giannis Xidias
Giorgos Vafeiadis
Michalis Klonaras
Panagiotis Kranidiotis
Prodromos Tsiavos
Georgia Lioliou

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The CORFU technique | MTSR 2013
Metadata and Information

Dr. Jose María Alvarez-Rodríguez
SEERC (until August, 2013) and Carlos III
University of Madrid, Spain

Prof. Dr. Patricia Ordoñez De Pablos
University of Oviedo, Spain

Prof. Dr. Jose Emilio Labra-Gayo
University of Oviedo, Spain
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The CORFU technique | MTSR 2013

J. M. Alvarez-Rodríguez, J. E. Labra-Gayo, A. Rodríguez-González, and P. O. D. Pablos.
Empowering the access to public procurement opportunities by means of linking controlled vocabularies. A
case study of Product Scheme Classifications in the European e-Procurement sector.
Computers in Human Behavior, (0):–, 2013.
S. Araujo, J. Hidders, D. Schwabe, and A. P. De Vries.
SERIMI – Resource Description Similarity , RDF Instance Matching and Interlinking.
WebDB 2012, 2011.
J. Erickson.
TWC RPI’s OrgPedia Technology Demonstrator, May 2013.
C. Galvez and F. Moya-Anegón.
The unification of institutional addresses applying parametrized finite-state graphs (P-FSG).
Scientometrics, 69(2):323–345, 2006.
C. Galvez and F. Moya-Anegón.
A Dictionary-Based Approach to Normalizing Gene Names in One Domain of Knowledge from the Biomedical
Journal of Documentation, 68(1):5–30, 2012.
R. Isele, A. Jentzsch, and C. Bizer.
Silk Server - Adding missing Links while consuming Linked Data.
In COLD, 2010.
M. Krauthammer and G. Nenadic.
Term identification in the biomedical literature.
J. of Biomedical Informatics, 37(6):512–526, Dec. 2004.
S. N. L. P. Lecture.
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The CORFU technique | MTSR 2013

Spelling Correction and the Noisy Channel. The Spelling Correction Task, Mar. 2013.
F. Maali, R. Cyganiak, and V. Peristeras.
Re-using Cool URIs: Entity Reconciliation Against LOD Hubs.
In C. Bizer, T. Heath, T. Berners-Lee, and M. Hausenblas, editors, LDOW, CEUR Workshop Proceedings., 2011.
P. N. Mendes, M. Jakob, A. García-Silva, and C. Bizer.
DBpedia spotlight: shedding light on the web of documents.
In Proc. of the 7th International Conference on Semantic Systems, I-Semantics ’11, pages 1–8, New York,
NY, USA, 2011. ACM.
M. M. Michail Vafopoulos and G. X. et al.
Publicspending. gr: interconnecting and visualizing Greek public expenditure following Linked Open Data
directives, jul 2012.
G. Michalec and S. Bender-deMoll.
Browser and API for CorpWatch, May 2013.
P. Norvig.
How to Write a Spelling Corrector, Mar. 2013.
C. Taggart and R. McKinnon.
The Open Database Of The Corporate World, May 2013.
M. Vafopoulos.
The Web economy: goods, users, models and policies. Foundations and Trends R in Web Science, volume 1.
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The CORFU technique | MTSR 2013

Now Publishers Inc., 2012.
Y. Wang.
Annotating and recognising named entities in clinical notes.
In Proceedings of the ACL-IJCNLP 2009 Student Research Workshop, ACLstudent ’09, pages 18–26,
Stroudsburg, PA, USA, 2009. Association for Computational Linguistics.
S. Yeates.
Automatic Extraction of Acronyms from Text.
In University of Waikato, pages 117–124, 1999.

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The CORFU technique | MTSR 2013

Towards a stepwise method for unifying and reconciling
corporate names in public contracts metadata.
The CORFU technique.
Michalis Vafopoulos (speaker)
{Jose María Álvarez-Rodríguez, Patricia Ordoñez De Pablos and
Jose Emilio Labra-Gayo}
MTSR 2013 | 7th Metadata and Semantics Research Conference
Track on Metadata and Semantics for Open Repositories, Research Information Systems
and Data Infrastructures

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Destaque (7)

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Semelhante a CORFU-MTSR 2013

Thought Leadership Session: Enterprise Semantics & Ontology, The Power of Und...
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Thought Leadership Session: Enterprise Semantics & Ontology, The Power of Und...Wim Laurier
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Thought Leadership Session: Enterprise Semantics & Ontology, The Power of Und...Wim Laurier
Questions On The And Football
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Sharing Advisory Board newsletter #8
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Sharing Advisory Board newsletter #8Carlo Vaccari
O'Reilly ebook: Machine Learning at Enterprise Scale | Qubole
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Semelhante a CORFU-MTSR 2013 (20)

Thought Leadership Session: Enterprise Semantics & Ontology, The Power of Und...
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Questions On The And Football
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Questions On The And Football
Sharing Advisory Board newsletter #8
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O'Reilly ebook: Machine Learning at Enterprise Scale | Qubole
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O'Reilly ebook: Machine Learning at Enterprise Scale | Qubole
Enterprise Search White Paper: Beyond the Enterprise Data Warehouse - The Eme...
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Streamline Data Governance with Egeria: The Industry's First Open Metadata St...
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Datajalostamo-seminaari 5.6.2014: Tutkimusdatan avoimuus – globaalit tutkimus...
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  • 1. The CORFU technique | MTSR 2013 Towards a stepwise method for unifying and reconciling corporate names in public contracts metadata. The CORFU technique. Michalis Vafopoulos (speaker) and {Jose María Álvarez-Rodríguez, Patricia Ordoñez De Pablos and Jose Emilio Labra-Gayo} MTSR 2013 | 7th Metadata and Semantics Research Conference Track on Metadata and Semantics for Open Repositories, Research Information Systems and Data Infrastructures 1 / 43
  • 2. The CORFU technique | MTSR 2013 1 Introduction 2 Related Work 3 The CORFU technique Use Case: the Public Spending initiative 4 Evaluation and Discussion 5 Conclusions and Future Work 6 Metadata and Information 2 / 43
  • 3. The CORFU technique | MTSR 2013 Introduction The Problem...What is the “Big Name”? “Oracle (Corp) Aust Pty Ltd” “Oracle Corp (Aust) Pty Ltd” “Oracle Corp Aust Pty Ltd” “Oracle Corp. Australia” “Oracle Corp. Australia Pty.Ltd.” “Oracle Corpoartion (Aust) Pty Ltd” “Oracle” “Oracle Corporate Aust Pty Ltd” “Oracle Corporation” “Oracle Risk Consultants” “ORACLE SYSTEMS (AUSTRALIA) PTY LTD” “Oracle University” ... “Accenture” “Accenture Aust Holdings” “Accenture Aust Holdings” “Accenture Aust Holdings Pty Ltd” “Accenture Australia Holding P/L” “Accenture” “Accenture Australia Holdings P/Ltd” “Accenture Australia Holdings Pty Lt” “Accenture Australia Limited” ... ... ... 3 / 43
  • 4. The CORFU technique | MTSR 2013 Introduction ...and if you have 400K corporate names 4 / 43
  • 5. The CORFU technique | MTSR 2013 Introduction Scope Public Procurement 1 e-Procurement is a strategic sector (17 % of the GDP in Europe). 2 Action Plans 2004 and 2020. 3 Projects: E-Certis, Fiscalis 2013, E-Prior, PEPPOL, STORK,etc. 4 Other actions: TED, RAMON metadata server, CPV, NUTS, etc. 5 Legal Framework. 6 Boost participation with special focus on SMEs.s ...but it also requires... 1 Accomplish with Open Data principles. 2 Improve transparency of public bodies. 3 Track where public money goes. 4 ... 5 / 43
  • 6. The CORFU technique | MTSR 2013 Introduction Scope Public Procurement 1 e-Procurement is a strategic sector (17 % of the GDP in Europe). 2 Action Plans 2004 and 2020. 3 Projects: E-Certis, Fiscalis 2013, E-Prior, PEPPOL, STORK,etc. 4 Other actions: TED, RAMON metadata server, CPV, NUTS, etc. 5 Legal Framework. 6 Boost participation with special focus on SMEs.s ...but it also requires... 1 Accomplish with Open Data principles. 2 Improve transparency of public bodies. 3 Track where public money goes. 4 ... 6 / 43
  • 7. The CORFU technique | MTSR 2013 Introduction The Problem... How can we track public procurement processes? 1 2 Data and information is already out there. Relevant metadata can be (re)used: Normalized product scheme classifications such as the CPV 2008 (Common Procurement Vocabulary) [1]. Territorial units (NUTS). Currency. 3 ... ...and “names”? Both Payer and Payee names are not usually normalized. Normalized and unified names (“Big Name”)... ...with the aim of tracking both payers and payees. 7 / 43
  • 8. The CORFU technique | MTSR 2013 Introduction The Problem... How can we track public procurement processes? 1 2 Data and information is already out there. Relevant metadata can be (re)used: Normalized product scheme classifications such as the CPV 2008 (Common Procurement Vocabulary) [1]. Territorial units (NUTS). Currency. 3 ... ...and “names”? Both Payer and Payee names are not usually normalized. Normalized and unified names (“Big Name”)... ...with the aim of tracking both payers and payees. 8 / 43
  • 9. The CORFU technique | MTSR 2013 Introduction The Problem... How can we track public procurement processes? 1 2 Data and information is already out there. Relevant metadata can be (re)used: Normalized product scheme classifications such as the CPV 2008 (Common Procurement Vocabulary) [1]. Territorial units (NUTS). Currency. 3 ... ...and “names”? Both Payer and Payee names are not usually normalized. Normalized and unified names (“Big Name”)... ...with the aim of tracking both payers and payees. 9 / 43
  • 10. The CORFU technique | MTSR 2013 Introduction The Problem... Some remarks... 1 It is not a mere problem of reconciling entities (dealing with)... Misspelling errors. Name/acronym mismatches. ... 2 3 ...but to create a unique name or link (n string literals → 1 company → 1 URI). E.g. “Oracle” and “Oracle University” could be respectively aligned to the entities <Oracle_Corporation> and <Oracle_University> ...but the problem of grouping by a unique (Big ) name, identifier or resource still remains. 10 / 43
  • 11. The CORFU technique | MTSR 2013 Introduction The Public Spending initiative... ...a joint effort trying to answer... 1 Who really gets the public money? 2 For what? From whom? 3 Can we compare them? 4 Is public spending effective? 5 ... Learn more: 11 / 43
  • 12. The CORFU technique | MTSR 2013 Related Work Natural Language Processing, Computational Linguistics and Entity Reconciliation. Existing works and APIs to deal with natural language issues 1 Misspelling errors [13, 8]. 2 Name/acronym mismatches [17]. 3 APIs such as NLTK for Python, Lingpipe, OpenNLP or Gate for Java and search engines such as Apache Lucene/Solr. 4 Extraction of clinical terms [16] for electronic health records. 5 Creation of bibliometrics [4] or identification of gene names [7, 5]. 6 Entity reconciliation processes [6, 2] using the DBPedia [10] or URI comparison [9]. 7 Tools such as Google Refine, etc. Preliminary evaluation... Algorithms to deal with natural language heterogeneities are already available. Existing works are usually focused in some domain (prototypes cannot be easily customized to other domain). ...but methodologies and NLP algorithms can be re-applied to new domains. 12 / 43
  • 13. The CORFU technique | MTSR 2013 Related Work Natural Language Processing, Computational Linguistics and Entity Reconciliation. Existing works and APIs to deal with natural language issues 1 Misspelling errors [13, 8]. 2 Name/acronym mismatches [17]. 3 APIs such as NLTK for Python, Lingpipe, OpenNLP or Gate for Java and search engines such as Apache Lucene/Solr. 4 Extraction of clinical terms [16] for electronic health records. 5 Creation of bibliometrics [4] or identification of gene names [7, 5]. 6 Entity reconciliation processes [6, 2] using the DBPedia [10] or URI comparison [9]. 7 Tools such as Google Refine, etc. Preliminary evaluation... Algorithms to deal with natural language heterogeneities are already available. Existing works are usually focused in some domain (prototypes cannot be easily customized to other domain). ...but methodologies and NLP algorithms can be re-applied to new domains. 13 / 43
  • 14. The CORFU technique | MTSR 2013 Related Work Corporate Information. Corporate Databases 1 Some corporate databases: The Spanish Chambers of Commerce, “” or “” to name a few (just in Spain). 2 The DBPedia and the Orgpedia [3]. 3 The CrocTail [12] effort (part of the “Corporate Research Project”). 4 “The Open Database Of The Corporate World” [14]. 5 Forbes, Google Places, Google Maps, Foursquare, Linkedin Companies or Facebook. 6 Similar initiatives:, LOD2 project e-Procurement, etc. 7 ... Preliminary evaluation... Corporate information is public but access is restricted or under a fee (valuable metadata)... Large databases (“infobesity?”) but... ...the problem of mapping ,(n string literals → 1 company → 1 URI) as a human would do, still remains. 14 / 43
  • 15. The CORFU technique | MTSR 2013 Related Work Corporate Information. Corporate Databases 1 Some corporate databases: The Spanish Chambers of Commerce, “” or “” to name a few (just in Spain). 2 The DBPedia and the Orgpedia [3]. 3 The CrocTail [12] effort (part of the “Corporate Research Project”). 4 “The Open Database Of The Corporate World” [14]. 5 Forbes, Google Places, Google Maps, Foursquare, Linkedin Companies or Facebook. 6 Similar initiatives:, LOD2 project e-Procurement, etc. 7 ... Preliminary evaluation... Corporate information is public but access is restricted or under a fee (valuable metadata)... Large databases (“infobesity?”) but... ...the problem of mapping ,(n string literals → 1 company → 1 URI) as a human would do, still remains. 15 / 43
  • 16. The CORFU technique | MTSR 2013 The CORFU technique Company, ORganization and Firm name Unifier-CORFU (I) 16 / 43
  • 17. The CORFU technique | MTSR 2013 The CORFU technique Company, ORganization and Firm name Unifier-CORFU (II) 17 / 43
  • 18. The CORFU technique | MTSR 2013 The CORFU technique Example step by step... Scenario: Australian supplier names (400K). 1st try: use of Google Refine+Open Corporates reconciliation service (just an 8 % of unified names, see Figure below). 2nd try: design of the CORFU technique using Python NLTK and other third-party APIs for NLP processing. 18 / 43
  • 19. The CORFU technique | MTSR 2013 The CORFU technique Step 0: Load corporate names Load Input: a list of corporate names as raw text (one per line). Output: a set of names represented as strings. Example: “Accenture Australia Holding P/L” “Oracle (Corp) Aust Pty Ltd” 19 / 43
  • 20. The CORFU technique | MTSR 2013 The CORFU technique Step 1: Normalize raw text and remove duplicates Normalize Input: a set of names represented as strings. Process: this step is comprised of: 1 Remove strange characters and punctuation marks but keeping those that are part of a word avoiding potential changes in abbreviations or acronyms; 2 Lowercase raw text (although some semantics can be lost previous works and empirical tests show that this is the best approach). 3 Remove duplicates. 4 Lemmatize the corporate name. Output: a set of normalized corporate names. Example: “Accenture Australia Holding PL” “Oracle Corp Aust Pty Ltd” 20 / 43
  • 21. The CORFU technique | MTSR 2013 The CORFU technique Step 2: Filter the basic set of common stopwords in English Filter Input: a set of normalized corporate names and a set of stopwords. Process: load a set of stopwords (a minimal set of stopwords from the Python NLTK API has been used): Including common English stopwords but... Avoiding to filter relevant words. Output: a set of cleaned and normalized corporate names. Example: “Accenture Australia Holding PL” “Oracle Corp Aust Pty Ltd” 21 / 43
  • 22. The CORFU technique | MTSR 2013 The CORFU technique Step 3: Dictionary-based expansion of common acronyms and filtering Dictionary-based expansion Input: a set of cleaned and normalized corporate names and a dictionary of acronyms. Process: load the dictionary of acronyms and expand. Output: a set of cleaned, normalized and acronym-expanded corporate names. Example: “Accenture Australia Holding Proprietary Company Limited” “Oracle Corporation Aust Proprietary Company Limited” 22 / 43
  • 23. The CORFU technique | MTSR 2013 The CORFU technique Step 4: Filter the expanded set of most common words in the dataset Filter Input: a set of cleaned, normalized and acronym-expanded corporate names. Process: extract statistics of “most used words” in the input dataset, expand those words and filter. Output: a set of cleaned, normalized and acronym-expanded corporate names. Example: “Accenture Australia Holding” “Oracle Aust” 23 / 43
  • 24. The CORFU technique | MTSR 2013 The CORFU technique Step 5: Identification of contextual information and filtering Context filtering Input: a set of cleaned, normalized and acronym-expanded corporate names. Output: a set of cleaned, normalized and acronym-expanded corporate names without contextual information. Example: “Accenture Holding” “Oracle” 24 / 43
  • 25. The CORFU technique | MTSR 2013 The CORFU technique Step 6: Spell checking (optional) Spell checking Input: a set of cleaned, normalized and acronym-expanded corporate names without contextual information. Output: the previous set without spelling errors. Example: “Accenture Holding” “Oracle” 25 / 43
  • 26. The CORFU technique | MTSR 2013 The CORFU technique Step 7: Pos-tagging parts of speech according to a grammar and filtering the non-relevant ones Pos-tagging Input: a set of cleaned, normalized and acronym-expanded corporate names without contextual information. Output: a tree according to a pre-defined grammar for corporate names that only contains nouns. Example: “Accenture” “Oracle” 26 / 43
  • 27. The CORFU technique | MTSR 2013 The CORFU technique Step 8: Cluster corporate names Clustering Input: a set of strings derivate from the aforementioned tree. Output: a set of clusters for each extracted corporate name. Example: “Accenture” “Oracle” 27 / 43
  • 28. The CORFU technique | MTSR 2013 The CORFU technique Step 9: Validate and reconcile the generated corporate name via an existing reconcile service (optional) Validate and reconcile Input: a set of clusters for each extracted corporate name. Output: (n string literals → 1 company → 1 URI). Example: (“Accenture”, dbpedia-res:Accenture) (“Oracle”, dbpedia-res:Oracle_Corporation) 28 / 43
  • 29. The CORFU technique | MTSR 2013 The CORFU technique Representing and querying the corporate information in RDF... § :o1 a o r g : O r g anization ; skos :prefL abel ‘‘ Oracle ’ ’; skos:altLabel ‘‘ Oracle Corporation ’ ’ , ‘‘ Oracle ( Corp ) s ko s: c lo s eM atch dbpedia - res: Or a cl e _C o rp o ra t io n ; ... . ¦ § SELECT str (? label ) ( COUNT (? org ) as ? pCount ) WHERE { ? ppn : rewarded - to ? org . ? org rdf : type org : Organization . ? org skos : prefLabel ? label . ... } GROUP BY str (? label ) ORDER BY desc (? pCount ) ¦ ¤ Aust Pty Ltd ’ ’ , ...; ¥ ¤ ¥ 29 / 43
  • 30. The CORFU technique | MTSR 2013 The CORFU technique Use Case: the Public Spending initiative Demo and application... Learn more: 30 / 43
  • 31. The CORFU technique | MTSR 2013 Evaluation and Discussion The case of Australian supplier names... Step Name Customization 0 Load corporate names 430188 full names and 77526 unique names (period 2004-2012) 1 Normalize raw text and remove duplicates Default 2 Filter the basic set of common stopwords in English Default 3 Filter the expanded set of most common words in the dataset Two stopwords sets: 355 words (manually) and words with more than n = 50 apparitions (automatically) 4 Dictionary-based expansion acronyms and filtering Set of 50 acronyms variations (manually) 5 Identification of contextual information and filtering Use of Geonames REST service 6 Spell checking (optional) Train dataset of 128457 words provided by Peter Norvig’s spell-checker [13]. 7 Pos-tagging parts of speech according to a grammar and filtering the non-relevant ones Default 8 Cluster corporate names Default 9 Validate and reconcile the generated corporate name via an existing reconcile service (optional) Python client and Google Refine of common 31 / 43
  • 32. The CORFU technique | MTSR 2013 Evaluation and Discussion Research Design 1 2 Configure and execute the CORFU technique. Validate (manually) the dump of unified names and calculate: Precision, see Eq. 1, is “the number of supplier names that have been correctly unified under the same name” Recall is, see Eq. 2, “the number of supplier names that have not been correctly classified under a proper name” and F1 score, see Eq. 3, where... . . . tp is “the number of corporate names properly unified” . . . fp is “the number of corporate names wrongly unified” . . . tn is “the number of corporate names properly non-unified” and . . . fn is “the number of corporate names wrongly non-unified”. Precision = tp tp + fp (1) F1 = 2 · Recall = Precision · Recall Precision + Recall tp tp + fn (2) (3) 32 / 43
  • 33. The CORFU technique | MTSR 2013 Evaluation and Discussion Results of applying the CORFU approach to the Australian supplier names. Total number of companies Unique names 430188 77526 430188 299 77526 CORFU unified names Precision Recall F1 score 40277 in % of unified names 48 % 0,762 0,311 0,441 68 100 % 0,926 0,926 0,926 Comments A 48 % (77526 − 40278 = 37248) of supplier names have been unified with a precision of 0,762 and a recall of 0,311 (best values must be close to 1). The first 100 companies in the Forbes list, actually 68 companies were found in the dataset with 299 appearances. Results a , in this second case, show a better performance: precision, 0,926, and recall, 0,926. a Best values must be close to 1. 33 / 43
  • 34. The CORFU technique | MTSR 2013 Evaluation and Discussion Graphical view after applying the CORFU technique... 34 / 43
  • 35. The CORFU technique | MTSR 2013 Evaluation and Discussion Graphical view after applying the CORFU technique to the first 100 Forbes companies... 35 / 43
  • 36. The CORFU technique | MTSR 2013 Evaluation and Discussion ...the first 100 Forbes companies in bubbles... 36 / 43
  • 37. The CORFU technique | MTSR 2013 Evaluation and Discussion Discussion Advantages 1 A custom technique for a particular domain. 2 Unification works pretty nice. 3 It enables the possibility of comparing companies in public procurement. Drawbacks 1 Execution time ( 20’ for Australian corporate names). 2 It is necessary to test with other datasets. 3 It requires the use of more advanced data mining techniques for machine learning. 4 It should be applied to other domains (Bibliometrics?). 37 / 43
  • 38. The CORFU technique | MTSR 2013 Evaluation and Discussion Discussion Advantages 1 A custom technique for a particular domain. 2 Unification works pretty nice. 3 It enables the possibility of comparing companies in public procurement. Drawbacks 1 Execution time ( 20’ for Australian corporate names). 2 It is necessary to test with other datasets. 3 It requires the use of more advanced data mining techniques for machine learning. 4 It should be applied to other domains (Bibliometrics?). 38 / 43
  • 39. The CORFU technique | MTSR 2013 Conclusions and Future Work Conclusions 1 The public e-Procurement sector is seeking for new methods to: ...improve interoperability ...boost transparency ...or increase participation to name a few. 2 The PublicSpending initiative is addressing some of the challenges in the e-Procurement sector. 3 The CORFU technique is a key enabler to ease the comparison of countries, payers, payees, etc. 4 ...a technique that helps to take the most of data. 5 It must be technically improved and extended to cover more datasets and to be “smarter”. 39 / 43
  • 40. The CORFU technique | MTSR 2013 Conclusions and Future Work Future Work 1 Application to new public procurement datasets. 2 Reuse the Opencorporates reconciliation service (it has been updated). 3 Contribute to the e-Procurement sector and the PublicSpending initiative [15, 11]. 4 Add more advanced NLP techniques: n − grams. 5 Add machine learning algorithms to automatically classify new corporate names. 6 Improve the execution time (performance). 7 ... 40 / 43
  • 41. The CORFU technique | MTSR 2013 End of the presentation... 41 / 43
  • 42. The CORFU technique | MTSR 2013 Metadata and Information Acknowledgements... Dr. Michalis Vafopoulos Leader of the Public Spending initiative. E-mail: WWW: The Public Spending team: Marios Meimaris Giannis Xidias Giorgos Vafeiadis Michalis Klonaras Panagiotis Kranidiotis Prodromos Tsiavos Georgia Lioliou WWW: 42 / 43
  • 43. The CORFU technique | MTSR 2013 Metadata and Information Roster... Dr. Jose María Alvarez-Rodríguez SEERC (until August, 2013) and Carlos III University of Madrid, Spain E-mail: WWW: Prof. Dr. Patricia Ordoñez De Pablos University of Oviedo, Spain E-mail: Prof. Dr. Jose Emilio Labra-Gayo University of Oviedo, Spain E-mail: WWW: 43 / 43
  • 44. The CORFU technique | MTSR 2013 References J. M. Alvarez-Rodríguez, J. E. Labra-Gayo, A. Rodríguez-González, and P. O. D. Pablos. Empowering the access to public procurement opportunities by means of linking controlled vocabularies. A case study of Product Scheme Classifications in the European e-Procurement sector. Computers in Human Behavior, (0):–, 2013. S. Araujo, J. Hidders, D. Schwabe, and A. P. De Vries. SERIMI – Resource Description Similarity , RDF Instance Matching and Interlinking. WebDB 2012, 2011. J. Erickson. TWC RPI’s OrgPedia Technology Demonstrator, May 2013. C. Galvez and F. Moya-Anegón. The unification of institutional addresses applying parametrized finite-state graphs (P-FSG). Scientometrics, 69(2):323–345, 2006. C. Galvez and F. Moya-Anegón. A Dictionary-Based Approach to Normalizing Gene Names in One Domain of Knowledge from the Biomedical Literature. Journal of Documentation, 68(1):5–30, 2012. R. Isele, A. Jentzsch, and C. Bizer. Silk Server - Adding missing Links while consuming Linked Data. In COLD, 2010. M. Krauthammer and G. Nenadic. Term identification in the biomedical literature. J. of Biomedical Informatics, 37(6):512–526, Dec. 2004. S. N. L. P. Lecture. 44 / 43
  • 45. The CORFU technique | MTSR 2013 References Spelling Correction and the Noisy Channel. The Spelling Correction Task, Mar. 2013. F. Maali, R. Cyganiak, and V. Peristeras. Re-using Cool URIs: Entity Reconciliation Against LOD Hubs. In C. Bizer, T. Heath, T. Berners-Lee, and M. Hausenblas, editors, LDOW, CEUR Workshop Proceedings., 2011. P. N. Mendes, M. Jakob, A. García-Silva, and C. Bizer. DBpedia spotlight: shedding light on the web of documents. In Proc. of the 7th International Conference on Semantic Systems, I-Semantics ’11, pages 1–8, New York, NY, USA, 2011. ACM. M. M. Michail Vafopoulos and G. X. et al. Publicspending. gr: interconnecting and visualizing Greek public expenditure following Linked Open Data directives, jul 2012. G. Michalec and S. Bender-deMoll. Browser and API for CorpWatch, May 2013. P. Norvig. How to Write a Spelling Corrector, Mar. 2013. C. Taggart and R. McKinnon. The Open Database Of The Corporate World, May 2013. M. Vafopoulos. The Web economy: goods, users, models and policies. Foundations and Trends R in Web Science, volume 1. 45 / 43
  • 46. The CORFU technique | MTSR 2013 References Now Publishers Inc., 2012. Y. Wang. Annotating and recognising named entities in clinical notes. In Proceedings of the ACL-IJCNLP 2009 Student Research Workshop, ACLstudent ’09, pages 18–26, Stroudsburg, PA, USA, 2009. Association for Computational Linguistics. S. Yeates. Automatic Extraction of Acronyms from Text. In University of Waikato, pages 117–124, 1999. 46 / 43
  • 47. The CORFU technique | MTSR 2013 References Towards a stepwise method for unifying and reconciling corporate names in public contracts metadata. The CORFU technique. Michalis Vafopoulos (speaker) and {Jose María Álvarez-Rodríguez, Patricia Ordoñez De Pablos and Jose Emilio Labra-Gayo} MTSR 2013 | 7th Metadata and Semantics Research Conference Track on Metadata and Semantics for Open Repositories, Research Information Systems and Data Infrastructures 47 / 43